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KEY WORDS Human Resource, Talent, Turn Over Rate, Retention Plan
本文第一章首先通过对 A 行内 外部环境的介绍及 SWOT 分析 引 出激烈的竞争导致企业对人才的关注 从而提出了本论文的研究课题
后备人才保留计划探究 其次 第二章对 A 行人力资源管理的发展过 程 人力资源管理现状等方面进行介绍 通过对个案的收集调查与分析 提出了 A 行人力资源管理目前存在的不足 第三章分别通过对已经离开 A 行的后备人才的访谈和现有员工的问卷调查进行流失率分析 总结出 A 行后备人才高流失率真正的原因 第四章提出了 A 行后备人才保留计 划 详细阐述了如何建立能够发掘 发展和保留后备人才的招聘体系 培训体系 职业生涯开发体系和激励政策体系 最后对 A 行后备人才的 保留进行了结论与展望 提出通过重视并加强人力资源管理工作 A 行 的核心竞争力会不断提高 从而在激烈的市场竞争中脱引而出
with former A-Bank employees and questionnaires from current employee for retention failure causes, a summary of the root causes for high turnover rate were proposed. In chapter four, a talent retention plan for A-bank was provided, together with a detailed discussion on how to build a system consisted of recruiting, training, to career development and recognition that was aimed at discovering and developing talents. At the end, the author gave conclusion and projections for the A-Bank talent retention prospect. It was suggested that as long as A-Bank put emphasis on and strengthened its human resources management efforts, it would increase its competitiveness and stood out in the intense competition in attracting and retaining the talents.
上海交通大学 硕士学位论文 某股份制商业银行后备人才保留计划探究 姓名:周京昱 申请学位级别:硕士 专业:工商管理(MBA) 指导教师:唐宁玉
摘 要
本论文研究的课题是以笔者所在的某股份制商业银行 以下简称 A 行 为例 通过对该行人力资源现状的调查以及相关案例和数据的统计 对其后备人才高流失率原因进行分析 从而建立一套有针对性的科学有 效的后备人才保留计划 为 A 行提供一些可以借鉴的思路和方法
The first chapter of the thesis gave a brief introduction of A-bank profile, the internal and external environment in banking and SWOT analysis; it was the competitive environment that brought about the focus on banking talents retention. Therefore, the thesis topic, study on talent retention, became important. In the second chapter, a detailed analysis on current status of human resources and its management system at A-bank was presented. Through the investigation and analysis on the case collection, the weakness in the current employee management system was given and possible root causes were discussed. Chapter three presented an analysis on interviews
关键字 人力资源 后备人才 流失率 保留计划
This thesis studies the reasons of high turn over rate in a commercial bank (hereafter referred as “A-Bank”), based on the analysis of the current employee status, available cases and data from human resource department in A-bank. The purpose of this research is to set up an effective talent retention plan and to provide valuable approaches for retaining employees for A-Bank.