大学思辨英语精读Unit 2 Sociological Investigation参考答案

Unit 4 Organization and InstitutionText APreparatory Work(1)a. Institutionalization: refers to the process of embedding some conception (for example a belief, norm, social role, particular value or mode of behavior) within an organization, social system, or society as a whole. The term may also be used to refer to committing a particular individual or group to an institution, such as a mental or welfare institution.b. Solitary confinement: is a form of imprisonment in which an inmate is isolated from any human contact, often with the exception of members of prison staff. It is mostly employed as a form of punishment beyond incarceration for a prisoner, usually for violations of prison regulations. However, it is also used as an additional measure of protection for vulnerable inmates. In the case prisoners at high risk of suicide, it can be used to prevent access to items that could allow the prisoner to self-harm.c. Parole: is the provisional release of a prisoner who agrees to certain conditions prior to the completion of the maximum sentence period. A specific type of parole is medical parole or compassionate release which is the release of prisoners on medical or humanitarian grounds. Conditions of parole often include things such as obeying the law, refraining from drug and alcohol use, av avoidingoiding contact with the parolee’parolee’s s victims, obtaining employment, and maintaining required contacts with a parole officer.d. Rehabilitation: is the re-integration into society of a convicted person and the main objective of modern penal policy, to counter habitual offending, also known as criminal recidivism. Alternatives to imprisonment also exist, such as community service, probation orders, and others entailing guidance and aftercare towards the offender.(2)Main publications: Influencing Attitudes and Changing Behavior (2nd ed.). Reading, MA: Addison Wesley., 1977, Psychology (3rd Edition), Reading, MA: Addison Wesley Publishing Co., 1999, Psychology And Life, 17/e, Allyn & Bacon Publishing, 2005, The Lucifer Effect: Understanding How Good People Turn Evil, Random House, New York, 2007Main research interests: social psychology, particularly prison study, social intensity syndrome study (related to discharged soldiers).(3)Name of experiment Description of theexperiment Relation of the experiment with the textExperiment on obedience A series of socialpsychology experimentsconducted by Y aleUniversity psychologistStanley Milgram. Theymeasured the willingness Closely related with the text since they are all about the effect of assigned roles.of study participants, men from a diverse range of occupations with varying levels of education, to obey an authority figure who instructed them to perform acts conflicting with their personal conscience; the experiment found, unexpectedly, that a very high proportion of people were prepared to obey, albeit unwillingly, even if apparently causing serious injury and distress.Small-world experiment (six degrees of separation) The small-worldexperiment comprisedseveral experimentsconducted by StanleyMilgram and otherresearchers examining theaverage path length forsocial networks of peoplein the United States. Theresearch wasgroundbreaking in that itsuggested that humansociety is asmall-world-type networkcharacterized by shortpath-lengths. Theexperiments are oftenassociated with the phrase“six degrees ofseparation”separation”, , althoughMilgram did not use thisterm himself.Not closely related withthe text since theexperiment is about socialnetworking betweenindividuals in the UnitedStates.Critical ReadingI. Understanding the text1.Part Para(s) Main ideaI. Anecdote and introduction 1-2 A case showing the necessity forprison reformII. Body3-10 (the experiment)The experiment of a mock prison with guards and prisoners were carried out and had to end earlier because of the frightening effect. III. Findings 11-13 (implication) Individual behavior is largelyunder the control of social forcesand environmental contingenciesrather than personality traits,character, willpower, or otherempirically un-validatedconstructs. IV IV. Conclusion . Conclusion14 (effects of prison) The prison situation is guaranteed to generate severe pathologicalreactions in both guards andprisoners as to debase theirhumanity, and make it difficult forthem to be part of a society outside of their prison. 2.(1) Zimbardo uses the specific example of a prisoner’s situation to plea plead for prison d for prisonreform and to justify the experiment he conducted about the bad effect of prison.(2) They conduct an experiment about the effects of prison on both guards andprisoners. (3) They want to understand what it means psychologically to be a prisoner or a prison guard.(4) The 24 participants are selected randomly from volunteer students in Palo Altocity and they were randomly assigned roles of guards and prisoners in a simulated prison. (5) At Stanford University in 1971.(6) The experiment has to be ended earlier than planned.(7) Because the effects of prison (abusing and being abused) on those beingexperimented are frightening.(8) The results show that people underestimate the power and pervasiveness ofsituational controls over behavior.(9) Individual behavior is largely under the control of social forces and environmentalcontingencies rather than personality traits, character, willpower, etc. Many people, perhaps the majority, can be made to do almost anything when put into psychologically compelling situations – regardless of their morals, ethics, values, attitudes, beliefs, or personal convictions.II. Evaluation and exploration(1)Hypothesis:the change of environment (including changed roles) affects one’s behavior (students are put into a mock prison and assigned opposite roles which areall different from their normal environment and role of being a student or citizen) Cause: prison and assigned new roles (changed environment)Effect: rational people with humanity were turned to abusers and victims Independent variable: the participants as human beings (the same human beings) (Stimulus: change of environment/roles)Dependent variable: behaviorThe experiment on the power and influence of roles assigned to ordinary individualsis basically valid and convincing, and similar experiments also prove that most people’s behavior are influenced by the social environment, particularly the new roles they are assigned. Unfortunately, the experiment cannot be confirmed due to the ethical concern (the harm caused by the experiment on the participants). And also, since the participants of a social experiment are humans, the result might not be exactly the same (unlike the natural science experiment which can be repeated with precision and same result).(2)Similarities: the two experiments are all about the effect of assigned roles and social expectations on the behavior of the human beings s.expectations on the behavior of the human beingDifferences: Zimbardo’s experiment focuses on the gradual change of behavior on those who are assigned new roles (prison effect) while Stanley’s experiment focuses on authority’s influence on individuals in normal circumstances (authority effect).(3)Power and its execution are closely related with the role assigned to the power-holder. The more important role he/she is given, the more likely he/she abuses it if there are no checks and balances from other institutions. It is very important to fight against corruption (in campaigns or through legal means), but it’s more important to set up mechanism to balance the role given to power-holders.(4)Zimbardo’s statement or conclusion is based on his only experiment about humans and their environment and cannot be repeated due to ethical reasons. It is reasonable to argue that most people are influenced by the (change of) environment and adapt to it quickly, which means personal “freedom” is conditioned. However, there are exceptions, and this statement cannot explain the behavior of those heroes who stick to their principles under any circumstances and would rather die than surrender to enemy or power.(5)These exceptional examples are mostly heroes in extreme circumstances such as war or condition of life and death (Wen Tianxiang, Liu Hulan, John Brown etc.). They have to choose between life and death very quickly and sometimes they act from instinct. There are other factors that result in these exceptional cases – they all have very strong characters which have been fostered in hardship; they also have a very strong faith and are ready to die for the cause they pursue.(6)Besides the reason Zimbardo mentions (psychological factor of self-image for the donors), there are at least two more reasons. One is religious reason – most people in the West are Christians who believe in the teachings of Jesus Christ and feel a duty to help the poor (in the form of material, money, or time). The other is related to the affluence of the West where the majority of people become well-off enough to give away a fraction of their wealth or money to maintain social stability. (There’re also other reasons such as tax deduction in some countries to encourage donation.)(7)Simply put, the merit of “group think group think”” is that it can mobilize a uniformed collective force to realize some goal that individuals alone cannot hope to accomplish (through teamwork and national solidarity). The demerit of “group think” is that the group leader’s view might be one leader’s view might be one-sided and flawed, and the wrong decision or policy based -sided and flawed, and the wrong decision or policy based on it could easily lead to mistakes or even disaster. Other demerits: this situation may easily result in the circumstance of strong leader/dictator vs. obedient/populist followers; and in many case followers; and in many cases the “truth” i s the “truth” i s the “truth” is not necessary in the hands of the majority. s not necessary in the hands of the majority.(8)Clinical trials are experiments done in clinical research. Such prospective biomedical or behavioral research studies on human participants are designed to answer specific questions about biomedical or behavioral interventions, including new treatments and known interventions that warrant further study and comparison. Clinical trials generate data on safety and efficacy. They are conducted only after they have receivedhealth authority/ethics committee approvalin the country where approval of the therapy is sought. These authorities are responsible for vetting the risk/benefit ratio of the trial - their approval does not mean that the therapy is 'safe' or effective, only that the trial may be conducted. Depending on product type and development stage, investigators initially enroll volunteers and/or patients into small pilot studies, and subsequently conduct progressively larger scale comparative studies. The key point here is: All participants are volunteers who choose clinical trial when other means fail. Worldwide it is estimated that the number of vertebrate animals ranges from the tens of millions to more than 100 million used in animal experiment annually. In the EU, these species represent 93% of animals used in research. If the same was true in the US then the total number of animals used in research is estimated to be between 12 and 25 million. Most animals are euthanized after being used in an experiment. Supporters of the use of animals in experiments, such as the British Royal Society, argue that virtually every medical achievement in the 20th century relied on the use of animals in some way. The Institute for Laboratory Animal Research of the U.S. National Academy of Sciences has argued that animal research cannot be replaced by even sophisticated computer models, which are unable to deal with the extremely complex interactions between molecules, cells, tissues, organs, organisms, and the environment. Animal rights, and some animal welfare, organizations question the need for and legitimacy of animal testing, arguing that it is cruel and poorly regulated, that medical progress is actually held back by misleading animal models that cannot reliably predict effects in humans, that some of the tests are outdated, that the costs outweigh the benefits, or that animals have the intrinsic right not to be used or harmedin experimentation.Language EnhancementI. Words and phrases1.(1)C&F (2)B&C (3)E&F (4)E&F (5)A&D(6)C&E (7)A&F (8)B&F (9)D&E (10)B&C2.(1)拼图、勾画(2)构建(名词)(3)建造(动词)(4)建筑物(5)档案(6)(一列)纵队(7)(用锉刀)锉(9)提出、提交(10)呼吁、要求(11)上诉(12)情绪感染、情感诉求(13)吸引力(14)从…悬吊下来(15)停职(16)暂停(17)悬浮(18)吸引(19)雇佣(20)交战、接触(21)忙于(22)面对、触及3.(1) die away (2) need (3) call for (4) overwhelmed (5) assessed(6) result in (7) function (8) filed (9) prayed (10) predicting4.(1)served as (2)end up with (3)differentiate between (4)dissolved into(5) (5) prevent…from prevent…from(6) trade… for (6) trade… for (7) attribute to (7) attribute to (7) attribute to (8) inflicted… on (8) inflicted… on (8) inflicted… on (9) derived from (10) pass out (9) derived from (10) pass outII. Sentences and discourse1.(1) This powerful appeal for prison reform was sent to me in a secret letter from aprisoner. He cannot reveal his name because of still being rehabilitated.(2) The guards were informed of the potential seriousness and danger of the situationas well as their own weaknesses (during the experiment).(3) In less than a week, the experience of imprisonment dissolved all good things that they’ve learned in a lifetime, including human values and self they’ve learned in a lifetime, including human values and self-concepts while the -concepts while theugliest and most basic sick side of human nature came into the surface.(4) Individual behavior is largely influenced and dominated by social forces andenvironmental factors instead of by personality traits, character, willpower, or other components that cannot be proved by empirical evidences.(5) Thus w Thus we created a false belief in (personal) freedom by emphasizing individuals’ e created a false belief in (personal) freedom by emphasizing individuals’internal control (of themselves and of the environment) that actually does not exists.(6) However, since most participants in these studies do act in irrational orunreasonable ways, it can be concluded that the majority of observers would also yield to the social psychological pressure in the same situation. 2.(1) A good leader does not impose his personal will on his subordinates.(2) When rumors of bribing were out, the company immediately denied it.(3) The official was convicted of life imprisonment because of stealing and sellingstate secrets; he decided not to appeal to the higher court.(4) The purpose of setting up the fund is to rehabilitate the landmine victims.(5) This university is one of the few local higher learning institutions that can conferdoctorate degrees.(6) If you want to know more about the characteristics of the British, you have to further study the dimensions of their history and culture.(7) This company has launched a new round of publicity campaign across the country,to attract those potential customers.(8)No country should interfere in No country should interfere in any other country’s any other country’s any other country’s domestic affairs in the excuse domestic affairs in the excuse of human rights. (9) In real life, only very few people can remain independent, not succumbing to power and authority.(10) S ome people believe that in modern society we should adopt an attitude ofunderstanding and tolerance towards deviant views and behaviors. 3.个人行为在很大程度上受到社会力量和环境变化的控制,而非取决于个人特质、性格、意志力或其他未经实验证实的因素。

Thesis: Among its multiple purposes, language is good at interaction and persuasion but poor at information talking.1.The transfer of information is not the only purpose of using language. In greetings and some pointless chitchat, communicators use language primarily, if not exclusively, for constructing or maintaining certain social relationship. Even when information is the major concern, the speaker and hearer must take into consideration some other factors, such as politeness and aesthetics (cf. Para. 22-22).2. In Paragraph 6, Aitchison divides the question “what is language for”into two sub-questions: “For what purpose did language develop?” and “For what purpose is language used nowadays?” Since there are so many purposes of using language and the original one is difficult to identify, she argues in paragraph 8 that we can find clues by looking at what language is good at and what it finds difficult to express. The rest of the text (paras.9-28) provides discussion about and answers to these two questions.3.According to Aitchison, the list of language functions in paragraph 7 is not exhaustive(complete), and it is not clear which one is the most basic. Aitchison discusses in some detail the following four functions, providing information, expressing feelings, influencing others and social talking, which are roughly organized in the order of importance in the traditional view.4. Aitchison suggests that the early functions of language can be traced in the way we use language today to some extent. The assumption behind is that the origin of language is accountable(responsible) in its early function(s) and that the early function(s) must be reflected in what language is good at today. In other words, if language was created to perform a particular function, it must still be good at it nowadays. Evaluating the text(2) ExemplifyingAn utterance may serve more than one purpose simultaneously. Donking is used metalinguistically(元语言)in example (6), but the whole sentence“Donking isn’t a word” is informative. We can provide information, express our feelings and initiate social talking by asking questions or giving commands.Exploring beyond the text(1) Some scholars believe that language facilitates thinking and that our thinking would be impossible without an inner language. In many cultures,language is also used as a symbol of magic or as something that carries mysterious power (e.g., religious Taoism, couplets for Spring Festival). Different functions of language are not equally important. For example, the functions of communicating and of facilitating thinkingare more fundamental while those of religious use and word play are more derivative(派生的).(2) Generally speaking, there are two different views on the relationship between language and thinking. Some scholars claim that language restricts thinking. According to this view, people perceive the world through the language that they speak. It follows that people speaking different languages experience different worlds, just like people seeing different things with different eyes. Others believe that language and thinking are separate and should not be equated with each other. For example, even if a language does not have the word for chartreuse(查特酒绿), people speaking the language can still perceive this color, think about it and even talk about it, using not a single word but a kind ofparaphrase(意译).(3) Some utterances may basically serve only one function. For example, people greet each other saying “Hi!” or “Morning!” to neighbors to maintain social connections; in church, the priest preaches a sermon to call for piety to the Lord. But more often than not an utterance and its context produce some “side effects” and serve different functions simultaneously. In saying “It’s gonna rain. You’d better take an umbrella.” to a lady, the speaker not only provides information about the weather, but also shows his/her concern toward the addressee and enhances the solidarity.(4) Language changes for different reasons, e.g., language users’ aversion (abomination)to cliché and preference to creativity, language contact, language planning and so on. While some changes may not be directly related to functions of language, others are indeed motivated by certain functions of language. For example, neologisms related to science and technology emerge primarily because there is a need to talk about such new things. In this case the function of providing information requires the creation of some new words.(5) The best-known examples for “phatic communion” in traditional Chinese society are probably greetings such as “吃了吗?(have you had your meal?)” and “去哪儿啊?(where are you going?)”. Neither is considered imposing(气宇昂轩)or offensive because in traditional Chinese society, it is more important to show mutual concern than respectfor privacy. The British follow a different tradition. Brown and Levinson (1987) recognize two sides of face, a positive one and a negative one. Positive face refers to “the desire to be appreciated and approved” and negative face “the freedom of action and freedom from imposition”. For Chinese people (especially in traditional society), negative face is not as important as positive face. The British, on the other hand, value negative face more than positive face.Language enhancementWords and phrases1. Word FormationPart of speechnouns: Taking-off, air-traffic, take-off-point, London-York, two-thirds, real-life, non-reality, self-repetition, other-repetitionAdjectives: non-existentAdverbs: half-wayStructure:Noun-noun: air-traffic, London-York, self-repetition, other-repetition Adjective-noun: real-lifeCardinal-ordinal numeral: two-thirdsPrefix-noun: non-realityGerund-adverb: Taking-offVerb-adverb-noun: take-off-pointunworthy2. Articles and prepositions(1)/ (2)/ (3) a, the, with (4) /, the (5) /, the, the, on, aSolar/lunar CalendarShadow cabinet 影子内阁3.Verbs and phrases(1)conveying, handling (2)convey (3)transferred (4)coincide (5)collide (6)date back to (7)originated fromSentences and discourseTranslation1 . ...the English philosopher John Locke argued in his influential An Essay Concerning Human Understanding (1690) that language is “the great conduit, whereby men convey their discoveries, reasoning, and knowledge to one another.”英国哲学家约翰·洛克在其颇有影响的著作《人类理解论》(1690)中指出,语言是一个伟大的传输渠道,人类通过这一渠道相互传达各自的发现、推理和知识。

大学思辨英语教程精读2Literature and Life 课后答案

大学思辨英语教程精读2Literature and Life 课后答案1、( ) _____ New York _____ London have traffic problems. [单选题] *A. All…andB. Neither….norC. Both…and(正确答案)D. Either…or2、I _______ to the tape yesterday evening. [单选题] *A. lookB. listenC. listened(正确答案)D. hear3、You can borrow my book, _____ you promise to give it back to me by the end of this month. [单选题] *A.even ifB. as long as(正确答案)C. in caseD. even though4、He was proud of what he had done. [单选题] *A. 对…感到自豪(正确答案)B. 对…感到满足C. 对…表示不满D. 对…表示后悔5、He _______ maths. [单选题] *A. does well in(正确答案)B. good atC. is well inD. does well at6、39.__________ he was very tired, he didn’t stop working. [单选题] * A.Although (正确答案)B.WhenC.AfterD.Because7、The soldiers would rather die than give in. [单选题] *A. 呈交B. 放弃C. 泄露D. 投降(正确答案)8、It was _____ that the policy of reform and opening up came into being in China. [单选题] *A. in the 1970s(正确答案)B. in 1970sC. in the 1970s'D. in 1970's9、I _______ the job because I couldn’t stand(忍受) the rules. [单选题] *A. gave inB. gave outC. gave backD. gave up(正确答案)10、46.The pants look cool.You can ________. [单选题] *A.try it onB.try on itC.try them on(正确答案)D.try on them11、They took _____ measures to prevent poisonous gases from escaping. [单选题] *A.efficientB.beneficialC.validD.effective(正确答案)12、This girl is my best friend, Wang Hui. ______ English name is Jane.()[单选题] *A. HeB. HisC. SheD. Her(正确答案)13、I do not have my own room,_____. [单选题] *A. neither does Tom(正确答案)B. neither has TomC. so does TomD. so has Tom14、Lucy _______ at 7:00 every day. [单选题] *A. go to schoolB. goes to school(正确答案)C. to go to schoolD. went?to?school15、( )He killed the enemy guard and made away _________the villagers. [单选题] *A. with the helpB. with helpC. with help ofD. with the help of(正确答案)16、18.Who is staying at home now? ________, all of them are out. [单选题] *A.NoneB.No one(正确答案)C.EveryoneD.Nothing17、They may not be very exciting, but you can expect ______ a lot from them.()[单选题] *A. to learn(正确答案)B. learnC. learningD. learned18、( ) They have_____ useful dictionary. They want to lend it___ us. [单选题] *A. an; forB. a; fromC. an; toD. a; to(正确答案)19、We _____ three major snowstorms so far this winter. [单选题] *A.hadB. haveC. have had(正确答案)D.had had20、59.—Can I talk to the manager?—Please wait ________ minute. [单选题] * A.anB.a(正确答案)C.theD./21、It is important for us _______ English well. [单选题] *A. learnB. learningC. to learn(正确答案)D. learned22、30.It is known that ipad is _________ for the old to use. [单选题] *A.enough easyB.easy enough (正确答案)C.enough easilyD.easily enough23、We got up early this morning and took a long walk after breakfast. We walked _____ the business section of the city. [单选题] *A. amongB. betweenC. through(正确答案)D. upon24、The blue shirt looks _______ better on you than the red one. [单选题] *A. quiteB. moreC. much(正确答案)D. most25、I like the food very much.It is _______. [单选题] *A. terribleB. expensiveC. delicious(正确答案)D. friendly26、Many volunteers _______ food and water to the local people in Japan after tsunami(海啸). [单选题] *A. gave out(正确答案)B. cut outC. put outD. found out27、The commander said that two _____ would be sent to the Iraqi front line the next day. [单选题] *A. women's doctorB. women doctorsC. women's doctorsD. women doctor(正确答案)28、—______?—He can do kung fu.()[单选题] *A. What does Eric likeB. Can Eric do kung fuC. What can Eric do(正确答案)D. Does Eric like kung fu29、Tom’s mother will let him _______ traveling if he comes back?in five days. [单选题] *A. to goB. goesC. wentD. go(正确答案)30、16.We asked ______ engineer we met before to help repair the radio yesterday. [单选题] * A.aB.anC.the(正确答案)D./。

大学思辨英语教程精读2答案孙有中1、We all wondered()Tom broke up with his girlfriend. [单选题] *A. thatB. whatC. whoD. why(正确答案)2、54.—________?—Yes, please. I'd like some beef. [单选题] *A.What do you wantB.May I try it onC.Can I help you(正确答案)D.What else do you want3、Don’t _______ to close the door when you leave the classroom. [单选题] *A. missB. loseC. forget(正确答案)D. remember4、Do not _______ me to help you unless you work harder. [单选题] *A. expect(正确答案)B. hopeC. dependD. think5、_______ your help, I passed the English exam. [单选题] *A. ThanksB. Thanks to(正确答案)C. Thank youD. Thank to6、35.Everyone in China ______ Mid-Autumn Day. [单选题] *A.likes(正确答案)B.likeC.is likingD.are like7、—Where did you get the book?—From my friend. I ______ it three days ago. ()[单选题] *A. lentB. borrowed(正确答案)C. keptD. returned8、_______ win the competition, he practiced a lot. [单选题] *A. BecauseB. In order to(正确答案)C. Thanks toD. In addition to9、The()majority of the members were against the idea. [单选题] *A. substantialB. enormousC. considerable(正确答案)D. overwhelming10、—______ —()[单选题] *A. How long did you stay there?B. How much did you pay for the dress?C. How many flowers did you buy?(正确答案)D. How often did you visit your grandparents?11、26.There’s some fruit in the kitchen. We ________ buy any. [单选题] *A.need toB.needn’t toC.don’t needD.don’t need to(正确答案)12、64.Would you like to drink ________?[单选题] *A.something else(正确答案)B.anything elseC.else somethingD.else anything13、I was astonished when I heard that Louise was getting married. [单选题] *A. 惊讶(正确答案)B. 气愤C. 高兴D. 想念14、You can't rely on Jane as she is _____ changing her mind and you will never know what she isgoing to do next. [单选题] *A. occasionallyB. rarelyC. scarcelyD. constantly(正确答案)15、We need some green paint badly, but there' s _____ at hand. [单选题] *A. notB. nothingC. little(正确答案)D. none16、—Can you play tennis? —______, but I’m good at football.()[单选题] *A. Yes, I can(正确答案)B. Yes, I doC. No, I can’tD. No, I don’t17、Everyone knows that the sun _______ in the east. [单选题] *A. fallsB. rises(正确答案)C. staysD. lives18、The sun disappeared behind the clouds. [单选题] *A. 出现B. 悬挂C. 盛开D. 消失(正确答案)19、Don’t forget _______ those books when you are free. [单选题] *A. to read(正确答案)B. readingC. readD. to reading20、Becky is having a great time ______ her aunt in Shanghai. ()[单选题] *A. to visitB. visitedC. visitsD. visiting(正确答案)21、—Where are you going, Tom? —To Bill's workshop. The engine of my car needs _____. [单选题] *A. repairing(正确答案)B. repairedC. repairD. to repair22、So many people will _______ to their work after the Spring Festival. [单选题] *A. get inB. get onC. get offD. get back(正确答案)23、She is _______, but she looks young. [单选题] *A. in her fifties(正确答案)B. at her fiftyC. in her fiftyD. at her fifties24、--Don’t _______ too late, or you will feel tired in class.--I won’t, Mum. [单选题] *A. call upB. wake upC. stay up(正确答案)D. get up25、No writer will be considered()of the name until he writes a work. [单选题] *A. worthlessB. worthy(正确答案)C. worthwhileD. worth26、41.—________ do you take?—Small, please. [单选题] *A.What size(正确答案)B.What colourC.How manyD.How much27、Jim is a(n) _______. He is very careful and likes to work with numbers. [单选题] *A. secretaryB. tour guideC. accountant(正确答案)D. English teacher28、_______ travelers come to visit our city every year. [单选题] *A. Hundred ofB. Hundreds of(正确答案)C. Five HundredsD. Five hundred?of29、--All of you have passed the test!--_______ pleasant news you have told us! [单选题] *A. HowB. How aC. What(正确答案)D. What a30、Seldom _____ in such a rude way. [单选题] *A.we have been treatedB. we have treatedC. have we been treated(正确答案)D. have treated。


大学思辨英语教材答案Unit 1: Critical Thinking and ArgumentationSection 1: Introduction to Critical ThinkingCritical thinking is a crucial skill that every university student should possess. It involves analyzing and evaluating information, ideas, and arguments in a systematic and logical manner. In this section, we will explore the basics of critical thinking and how it can be applied in various contexts.Section 2: Critical Reading and WritingIn this section, we will delve into the importance of critical reading and writing skills. We will learn how to identify and analyze arguments in texts, as well as how to effectively present our own arguments through writing. Through practice exercises and examples, students will enhance their ability to critically engage with texts and express their thoughts clearly.Section 3: Logical ReasoningLogical reasoning is an essential component of critical thinking. It involves identifying and evaluating the structure of arguments, detecting fallacies, and drawing valid conclusions. In this section, we will explore different types of logical reasoning, such as deductive and inductive reasoning, and how to apply them in real-life situations.Section 4: Analyzing and Evaluating ArgumentsBeing able to analyze and evaluate arguments is a fundamental aspect of critical thinking. In this section, students will learn how to identify the mainclaims, supporting evidence, and underlying assumptions in arguments. They will also develop skills in assessing the credibility and relevance of sources, as well as identifying bias and logical flaws.Unit 2: Persuasive CommunicationSection 1: Introduction to PersuasionEffective persuasion involves the skillful use of language and rhetorical techniques to influence others' opinions or actions. In this section, students will learn about the principles of persuasive communication, such as ethos, pathos, and logos, and how to construct persuasive arguments.Section 2: Understanding AudienceTo effectively persuade others, it is important to understand the needs, values, and beliefs of the target audience. In this section, students will learn how to analyze their audience and tailor their arguments and language accordingly. They will also develop strategies for addressing counterarguments and objections.Section 3: Oral PersuasionOral persuasion plays a significant role in various contexts, such as public speaking and debates. In this section, students will learn how to deliver persuasive speeches, structure arguments effectively, and use rhetorical devices to engage and convince their audience. They will also develop critical listening skills to evaluate and respond to others' persuasive presentations.Section 4: Written PersuasionWritten persuasion is another important aspect of persuasive communication. In this section, students will learn how to craft persuasive essays and opinion pieces. They will explore different organizational patterns and persuasive techniques, such as using evidence and examples, to support their claims. Additionally, students will develop skills in editing and revising their written work for clarity and coherence.Unit 3: Critical Thinking in Everyday LifeSection 1: Critical Thinking in Decision MakingCritical thinking is essential in making informed decisions in our daily lives. In this section, students will learn how to apply critical thinking skills to various decision-making scenarios, such as choosing a major, evaluating job offers, or making ethical choices. They will explore different decision-making models and strategies to enhance their critical thinking ability.Section 2: Media LiteracyIn the era of information overload, media literacy is crucial for effectively navigating and evaluating media messages. In this section, students will learn how to critically assess media content, identify bias and propaganda techniques, and differentiate between reliable and unreliable sources. They will also explore the ethical implications of media consumption and production.Section 3: Problem SolvingCritical thinking is closely linked to problem-solving skills. In this section, students will learn different problem-solving techniques, such as brainstorming, analyzing alternatives, and evaluating potential solutions.They will also develop skills in collaborative problem-solving and decision-making, recognizing the importance of diverse perspectives.Section 4: Ethical ReasoningEthical reasoning requires critical thinking skills to evaluate moral issues and make ethical decisions. In this section, students will explore ethical theories and frameworks, such as utilitarianism and deontology, and apply them to real-life ethical dilemmas. They will develop their ability to critically analyze the consequences and ethical implications of different actions.ConclusionThe university-level critical thinking and argumentation course provides students with the necessary skills to think critically, analyze arguments, and effectively communicate their ideas. By mastering these skills, students will be equipped to succeed not only academically but also in their personal and professional lives.。

大学思辨英语精读2unit3答案1、_____ the plan carefully,he rejected it. [单选题] *A. To have consideredB.To considerC. Having considered(正确答案)D. Considering2、Modern plastics can()very high and very low temperatures. [单选题] *A. stand(正确答案)B. sustainC. carryD. support3、I usually do some ____ on Sundays. [单选题] *A. cleaningsB. cleaning(正确答案)C. cleansD. clean4、Her ideas sound right, but _____ I'm not completely sure. [单选题] *A. somehow(正确答案)B. somewhatC. somewhereD. sometime5、My daughter is neither slim nor fat and she’d like a _______ skirt. [单选题] *A. largeB. medium(正确答案)C. smallD. mini6、Galileo was ____ Italian physicist and astronomer who invented _____ telescope. [单选题] *A. a, aB. the, theC. an, aD. an, the(正确答案)7、How many subjects are you _______ this year? [单选题] *A. takesB. takeC. taking(正确答案)D. took8、I think _______ is nothing wrong with my car. [单选题] *A. thatB. hereC. there(正确答案)D. where9、______ pocket money did you get when you were a child? ()[单选题] *A. WhatB. HowC. How manyD. How much(正确答案)10、--Miss Li, could you please help me _______ math problem?--OK. Let me try. [单选题] *A. look upB. work out(正确答案)C. set upD. put up11、I used to take ____ long way to take the bus that went by ____ tunnel under the water. [单选题] *A. a, aB. a. theC. a, /(正确答案)D. the, a12、Sichuan used to have more people than ______ province in China. [单选题] *A. otherB. any other(正确答案)C. anotherD. any others13、—Is this ______ football, boy? —No, it is not ______.()[单选题] *A. yours; myB. your; mine(正确答案)C. your; meD. yours; mine14、I don't know the man _____ you are talking about. [单选题] *A. who'sB. whose(正确答案)C. whomD. which15、He often comes to work early and he is _______ late for work. [单选题] *A. usuallyB. never(正确答案)C. oftenD. sometimes16、73.()about the man wearing sunglasses during night that he was determined to follow him.[单选题] *A. So curious the detective wasB.So curious was the detective(正确答案)C.How curious was the detectiveD.How curious the detective was17、His picture is on show in London this month. [单选题] *A. 给...看B. 展出(正确答案)C. 出示D. 上演18、My friends will _______ me at the airport when I arrive in London. [单选题] *A. takeB. meet(正确答案)C. receiveD. have19、There are trees on both sides of the broad street. [单选题] *A. 干净的B. 狭窄的C. 宽阔的(正确答案)D. 宁静的20、The Spring Festival is on the way.Many shops have _______ huge posters with the word sales. [单选题] *A. put up(正确答案)B. put onC. put outD. put off21、We had a(an)_____with him about this problem last night. [单选题] *A.explanationB.impressionC.exhibitionD.discussion(正确答案)22、--_______ I borrow these magazines?--Sorry, only the magazines over there can be borrowed. [单选题] *A. MustB. WouldC. May(正确答案)D. Need23、As soon as he _______, he _______ to his family. [单选题] *A. arrived, writesB. arrived, writtenC. arrived, wrote(正确答案)D. arrives, write24、2.I think Game of Thrones is ________ TV series of the year. [单选题] *A.excitingB.more excitingC.most excitingD.the most exciting (正确答案)25、54.—________?—Yes, please. I'd like some beef. [单选题] *A.What do you wantB.May I try it onC.Can I help you(正确答案)D.What else do you want26、—______ —()[单选题] *A. How long did you stay there?B. How much did you pay for the dress?C. How many flowers did you buy?(正确答案)D. How often did you visit your grandparents?27、9.There will be a lot of activities at English Festival nest month. Which one would you like to ________? [单选题] *A.take part in (正确答案)B.joinC.attendD.go28、We need two ______ and two bags of ______ for the banana milk shake.()[单选题]*A. banana; yogurtB. banana; yogurtsC. bananas; yogurt(正确答案)D. bananas; yogurts29、Last year Polly _______ an English club and has improved her English a lot. [单选题] *A. leftB. sawC. joined(正确答案)D. heard30、He usually ________ at 6:30 a.m. [单选题] *A. gets toB. gets up(正确答案)C. gets overD. gets in。

大学思辨英语教程精读2文学与人生unit12答案1、You can ask()is on duty there tonight. [单选题] *A. WhatB. whomC. whoever(正确答案)D. whomever2、A lot of students in our school were born _______ March, 1 [单选题] *A. in(正确答案)B. atC. onD. since3、Jack can speak Japanese, and his brother can _______ speak Japanese. [单选题] *A. tooB. also(正确答案)C. eitherD. as well4、I don’t like snakes, so I ______ read anything about snakes.()[单选题] *A. alwaysB. usuallyC. oftenD. never(正确答案)5、_______ your help, I passed the English exam. [单选题] *A. ThanksB. Thanks to(正确答案)C. Thank youD. Thank to6、16.We asked ______ engineer we met before to help repair the radio yesterday. [单选题] *A.aB.anC.the(正确答案)D./7、______this story, and you will realize that not everything can be bought with money. [单选题] *A. ReadingB. ReadC. To readD.Being read(正确答案)8、--Could you please tell me _______ to get to the nearest supermarket?--Sorry, I am a stranger here. [单选题] *A. whatB. how(正确答案)C. whenD. why9、--It is Sunday tomorrow, I have no idea what to do.--What about _______? [单选题] *A. play computer gamesB. go fishingC. climbing the mountain(正确答案)D. see a film10、_______ songs is my favorite. [单选题] *A. To Singing EnglishB. Singing English(正确答案)C. Singings EnglishD. Sing English11、63.There will be? ? ? ? ??? water on the road after the heavy rain. [单选题] *A.too much(正确答案)B.much tooC.too manyD.many too12、()it is to have a cold drink on a hot day! [单选题] *A. What a great funB. How great funC. What great fun(正确答案)D. How a great fun13、5.Shanghais is known ________ “the Oriental Pearl”, so many foreigners come to visit Shanghai very year. [单选题] *A.forB.as (正确答案)C.withD.about14、You have coughed for several days, Bill. Stop smoking, _______ you’ll get better soon. [单选题] *A. butB. afterC. orD. and(正确答案)15、Can you _______ this form? [单选题] *A. fillB. fill in(正确答案)C. fill toD. fill with16、45.—Let's make a cake ________ our mother ________ Mother's Day.—Good idea. [单选题] *A.with; forB.for; on(正确答案)C.to; onD.for; in17、I arrived _____ the city _____ 9:00 am _______ April [单选题] *A. at, in, atB. to, on, atC. in, or, atD. in, at, on(正确答案)18、76.AC Milan has confirmed that the England star David Beckham ()the team soon. [单选题] *A. has rejoinedB. was going to rejoinC. rejoinedD. is to rejoin(正确答案)19、57.Next week will be Lisa's birthday. I will send her a birthday present ________ post. [单选题] *A.withB.forC.by(正确答案)D.in20、78.According to a report on Daily Mail, it’s on Wednesday()people start feeling really unhappy. [单选题] *A. whenB. whichC. whatD. that(正确答案)21、--Whose _______ are these?? ? ? --I think they are John·s. [单选题] *A. keyB. keyesC. keys(正确答案)D. keies22、Grandpa pointed to the hospital and said, “That’s _______ I was born?”[单选题] *A. whenB. howC. whyD. where(正确答案)23、I took?some _______of the Great Wall?in China last year. [单选题] *A. potatoesB. tomatoesC. photos(正确答案)D. paintings24、Though my best friend Jack doesn’t get()education, he is knowledgeable. [单选题] *A. ManyB. littleC. fewD. much(正确答案)25、I always make my daughter ______ her own room.()[单选题] *A. to cleanB. cleaningC. cleansD. clean(正确答案)26、We need a _______ when we travel around a new place. [单选题] *A. guide(正确答案)B. touristC. painterD. teacher27、50.—The sweater is not the right ________ for me.—Well, shall I get you a bigger one or asmaller one? [单选题] *A.priceB.colorC.size(正确答案)D.material(材料)28、———Must I return the book you lent me to you now? ——No, you( ). You can keep it for another few days. [单选题] *A.can’tB. shouldn'tC. mustn'tD. don, t have to(正确答案)29、Have you done something _______ on the weekends? [单选题] *A. special(正确答案)B. soreC. convenientD. slim30、_______ a busy afternoon! [单选题] *A. HowB. What(正确答案)C. WhichD. Wish。

大学思辨英语精读2unit4课后答案1、The Spring Festival is on the way.Many shops have _______ huge posters with the word sales. [单选题] *A. put up(正确答案)B. put onC. put outD. put off2、—Would you like some milk?—Yes, just _____, please. [单选题] *A. a little(正确答案)B. littleC. a fewD. few3、Mr. Wang is coming to our school. I can’t wait to see _______. [单选题] *A. herB. him(正确答案)C. itD. them4、12.That is a good way ________ him ________ English. [单选题] *A.to help;forB.helps;withC.to help;with(正确答案)D.helping;in5、35.___________ good music the teacher is playing! [单选题] *A.What(正确答案)B.HowC.What aD.What the6、A modern city has sprung up in _____was a waste land ten years ago. [单选题] *A.whichB.what(正确答案)C.thatD.where7、David ______ at home when I called at seven o’clock yesterday evening. ()[单选题] *A. didn’tB. doesn’tC. wasn’t(正确答案)D. isn’t8、61.How is online shopping changing our way? ? ? ? ? ? life? [单选题] * A.of(正确答案)B.inC.onD.for9、( ) My mother told me _____ in bed. [单选题] *A. not readB. not readingC. don’t readD. not to read(正确答案)10、Every means _____ but it's not so effective. [单选题] *A. have been triedB. has been tried(正确答案)C. have triedD. has tried11、I’m sorry there are ______ apples in the fridge. You must go and buy some right now.()[单选题] *A. a littleB. littleC. a fewD. few(正确答案)12、—These shoes look cool. ______ are they?—They are on sale, only $()[单选题] *A. How much(正确答案)B. How longC. How manyD. How soon13、Mr. White likes to live in a _______ place. [单选题] *A. quiteB. quiet(正确答案)C. quickD. quietly14、Don’t ______. He is OK. [单选题] *A. worriedB. worry(正确答案)C. worried aboutD. worry about15、I _______ play the game well. [单选题] *A. mustB. can(正确答案)C. wouldD. will16、31.That's ______ interesting football game. We are all excited. [单选题] * A.aB.an(正确答案)C.theD./17、Ships can carry more goods than _____ means of transport. [单选题] *A. the otherB. anotherC. any other(正确答案)D. any18、Lily is a very_____person and never wastes anything. [单选题] *A.generousB.economical(正确答案)C.economicD.efficient19、People always _____ realize the importance of health _____ they lose it. [单选题] *A. not... untilB. don't... until(正确答案)C. /; untilD. /; not until20、In fact, Beethoven did something brave than dying. [单选题] *A. 勇敢(正确答案)B. 冒险C. 可怕D. 奇妙21、You should _______ fighting with your parents although you may have different ideas from time to time. [单选题] *A. suggestB. enjoyC. avoid(正确答案)D. practice22、The car is _______. It needs washing. [单选题] *A. cleanB. dirty(正确答案)C. oldD. new23、Which animal do you like _______, a cat, a dog or a bird? [单选题] *A. very muchB. best(正确答案)C. betterD. well24、My watch usually _______ good time, but today it is five minutes fast. [单选题] *A. goesB. makesC. keeps(正确答案)D. gains25、Jane and Tom _______ my friends. [单选题] *A. amB. isC. are(正确答案)D. was26、I could ______ control my feelings and cried loudly when I heard the bad news. [单选题] *A. hardly(正确答案)B. ?reallyC. clearlyD. nearly27、She’s _______ with her present _______ job. [单选题] *A. boring; boringB. bored; boredC. boring; boredD. bored; boring(正确答案)28、While they were in discussion, their manager came in by chance. [单选题] *A. 抓住时机B. 不时地C. 碰巧(正确答案)D. 及时29、Miss Smith is a friend of _____. [单选题] *A. Jack’s sister’s(正确答案)B. Jack’s sisterC. Jack sister’sD. Jack sister30、—Is there ______ else I can do for you? —No, thanks. I can manage it myself.()[单选题] *A. everythingB. anything(正确答案)C. nothingD. some things。

Unit 2Part I New Wordsdeclaration n. 宣布,宣告,宣言,声明a declaration of independence 独立宣言The government will issue a formal declaration tomorrow. 政府将于明天发布正式声明。
declare v. 断言,宣称He declared (that) he was right. 他力陈他是对的。
He declared his true feelings to her. 他向她表白了自己的真实感情。
independence n. 独立;自主;自立I've always valued my independence. 我一向很重视自己的独立。
I-Day 美国独立纪念日(7月4日)Young people have more independence these days. 现在的年轻人更加独立自主。
independent a. 自主的;独立的India became independent in 1947. 印度于1947年独立。
I wanted to remain independent in old age. 我希望年老时还能自给自足(独立生活)。
obtain v. 得到,获得;行,得到公认,应用Where can I obtain the book? 我在哪里能买到(得到)这本书?These ideas no longer obtain. 这些见解已经行不通了。
Different laws obtain in different places. 不同的法律适用在不同的地方。
besides prep./ad. 除…以外(还);而且,也He had other people to take care of besides me. 除了我以外, 他还需要照料其他人。
I don't want to go; besides, I'm too tired. 我不想去, 再说我也太累了。

大学思辨英语精读2unit3课后答案1、We should _______ a hotel before we travel. [单选题] *A. book(正确答案)B. liveC. stayD. have2、Last week they _______ in climbing the Yuelu Mountain. [单选题] *A. succeeded(正确答案)B. succeedC. successD. successful3、The firm attributed the accident to()fog, and no casualties have been reported until now. [单选题] *A. minimumB. scarceC. dense(正确答案)D. seldom4、The boy’s mother always _______ him a story before he goes to bed. [单选题] *A. saysB. speaksC. tells(正确答案)D. talks5、He is a student of _______. [单选题] *A. Class SecondB. the Class TwoC. Class Two(正确答案)D. Second Two6、—_____ will the bus arrive? —In four minutes. [单选题] *A. How longB. How oftenC. How soon(正确答案)D. How far7、I can’t hear you _______. Please speak a little louder. [单选题] *A. clearly(正确答案)B. lovelyC. widelyD. carelessly8、_________ we don't stop climate change, many animals and plants in the world will be gone. [单选题] *A.AlthoughB.WhileC.If(正确答案)D.Until9、There ______ a football match and a concert this weekend.()[单选题] *A. isB. haveC. will be(正确答案)D. will have10、Tom will _______ me a gift from Japan. [单选题] *A. takeB. getC. carryD. bring(正确答案)11、Boys and girls, _______ up your hands if you want to take part in the summer camp(夏令营).[单选题] *A. puttingB. to putC. put(正确答案)D. puts12、You should stick to your()and tell him you won' t do the thing. [单选题] *A. principle(正确答案)B. qualityC. contactD. influence13、The boy lost his()and fell down on the ground when he was running after his brother. [单选题] *A. balance(正确答案)B. chanceC. placeD. memory14、Mary _______ a small gift yesterday, but she didn’t _______ it. [单选题] *A. accepted; receiveB. received; accept(正确答案)C. receives; acceptedD. accepts; received15、We are living in an age()many things are done by computer. [单选题] *A. thatB. whichC. whyD. when(正确答案)16、The Titanic is a nice film. I _______ it twice. [单选题] *A. sawB. seeC. have seen(正确答案)D. have saw17、35.Everyone in China ______ Mid-Autumn Day. [单选题] *A.likes(正确答案)B.likeC.is likingD.are like18、Sometimes only()10 out of 500 or more candidates succeed in passing all the tests. [单选题] *A. as many asB. as few as(正确答案)C. as much asD. as little as19、19._______ will the film Country Road last? [单选题] *A.How farB.How oftenC.How soonD.How long(正确答案)20、—Where did you get the book?—From my friend. I ______ it three days ago. ()[单选题] *A. lentB. borrowed(正确答案)C. keptD. returned21、People always _____ realize the importance of health _____ they lose it. [单选题] *A. not... untilB. don't... until(正确答案)C. /; untilD. /; not until22、19.Students will have computers on their desks ________ . [单选题] *A.in the future(正确答案)B.on the futureC.at the momentD.in the past23、—Why do you look so ______?—Our team won the basketball match!()[单选题] *A. angryB. excited(正确答案)C. nervousD. unfair24、The twins _______ us something about their country. [单选题] *A. told(正确答案)B. saidC. talkedD. spoke25、1——May I help you? You seem to be having some problems.——_______ , thanks. Ithink I can manage. [单选题] *A. All rightB. No problemC. It’s all right(正确答案)D. There’s no way26、When Max rushed to the classroom, his classmates _____ exercises attentively. [单选题] *A. didB. have doneC. were doing(正确答案)D. do27、He has made a lot of films, but ____ good ones. [单选题] *A. anyB. someC. few(正确答案)D. many28、My watch usually _______ good time, but today it is five minutes fast. [单选题] *A. goesB. makesC. keeps(正确答案)D. gains29、The teachers don't make us wear a school uniform and we can wear _____ we like. [单选题] *A. anyB. thatC. asD. what(正确答案)30、—Is this ______ football, boy? —No, it is not ______.()[单选题] *A. yours; myB. your; mine(正确答案)C. your; meD. yours; mine。
大学思辨英语精读Unit 2 Sociological Investigation参考答案

Unit 2Sociological InvestigationText APreparatory Work(1)Experiment: variable, hypothesis, stimulus, control groupSurvey Research: sampling, questionnaire, interview, close-ended questions, open-ended questions, code sheet, telephone surveyField Research: observation, participantAnalysis of Existing Data: content analysis, statistics(2)Hawthorne effect: The Hawthorne effect (also referred to as the observer effect) is a type of reactivity in which individuals modify or improve an aspect of their behavior in response to their awareness of being observed. The original research at the Hawthorne Works in Cicero, Illinois, on lighting changes and work structure changes such as working hours and break times were originally interpreted by Elton Mayo and others to mean that paying attention to overall worker needs would improve productivity. This interpretation was dubbed “the Hawthorne effect”.(3) (open)Teaching SuggestionYou can use the data banks of the two international organizations to check out th e world or any particular country’s information in terms of GDP, population, territory area, human development index etc.The United Nations ( : data page: World Bank ( : can also use the website of the Statistical Bureau of China to check out any statistical information about China:ReadingI. Understanding the text1.Thesis: How Sociology Is Done (Research methods/techniques employed in(1)“common sense”:Common sense is a basic ability to perceive,understand, and jud ge things, which is shared by (“common to”) nearly all people and can reasonably be expected of nearly all people without any need for debate. However, many of the common sense beliefs are actually lacking in support from scientific evidences and therefore biased and prejudiced.(2)Ordinary people often define their reality and what they know throughauthoritative opinions, traditional beliefs, personal experience, and mysticism (superstition). The major differences between this kind of “common sense” view knowledge and the results/facts identified through scientific methods are: the former are not based on logical reasoning and hard evidences and therefore tend to be subjective and biased while the latter are just opposite.(3)The three major components of the scientific method are theory,operationalization, and observation. Theory provides the foundation for concepts so that statements about the relationship among variables can be created. Operationalization allows for the measurement of the variables so that they may be empirically examined. And observation involves the actual collection of data to test the hypothesis.forabout cause and effectand Could expose subjects to the possibility of harm Subjects often behave differently under scientific observation Laboratory experiments are often highly artificialII. Evaluation and exploration(1)An authority is a specialist in certain field of knowledge thereforean authority, specialized knowledge from an authority is closer to “truth”, but he is not a knowing-all figure, and he might also be biased in his attitude toward some issues. A tradition is a belief or behavior passed down within a group or society with symbolic meaning or special significance with origins in the past. They are followed by and considered right by certain group of people, but cannot applied to other groups who have their own tradition; and since they are formed and passed down from the past, they might not be applicable to the present world. Religions may contain symbolic stories, which are sometimes said by followers to be true, that have the side purpose of explaining the origin of life, the Universe, and other things.Traditionally, faith, in addition to reason, has been considered a source of religious beliefs. However, religious beliefs mostly lack in empirical or scientific proof. Personal experience is based on one’s real life and reality and therefor e closer to “reality”, butit is based on an individual’s encounter and perspe ctive on reality, and cannot totally represent the common experience shared by a group of people. Mysticism is popularly known as becoming one with God or the Absolute, but may refer to any kind of ecstasy or altered state of consciousness which is given a religious or spiritual meaning. It may also refer to the attainment of insight in ultimate or hidden truths, and to human transformation supported by various practices and experiences. But it is based on religion or superstition, even farther away from being objective and scientific.(2)Since sociologists base their research and conclusion on empiricalstudy with scientific method, it is similar to the disciplines of natural science, but there are two factors that differentiate it from natural sciences. The object of study is human being who can be very complicated and change with time. Also the sociologists are also human beings who can be subjective or even biased in their study. In this sense, sociology is still not equal to natural science in objectivity. (3)The hypothesis of the Stanford prison experiment is that change ofroles or environment causes change of human behavior (effect). The independent variable is the two roles (prisoner and prison guard)assigned to the 24 students who are all randomly selected (sampling) from among the university students, and the dependent variable is their (change of) behavior.(4)First, experiments are often not possible because they would exposesubjects to the possibility of harm. For example, what if a researcher wanted to know whether people who were abused as children are more likely to abuse their children? Second, the subjects often behave differently when they are under scientific observation from the way they would in their normal environment. Third, laboratory experiments are often highly artificial. When researchers try to set up social situations in laboratories, they often must omit many of the factors that would influence the same behavior in a real-life situation, thus affecting the validity of the experiment result.(5)The merits of survey through the Internet are that it’s very quick(in terms of time)and efficient (in terms of cost), but the drawbacks are also obvious: not all citizens use the Internet (and therefore excluded from the sampling), and also not all netizens participate in the survey and therefore further affect the survey result.(6)The term often refers simply to the use of predictive analytics, userbehavior analytics, or certain other advanced data analytics methods that extract value from data, and seldom to a particular size of data set. Accuracy in big data may lead to more confident decision making, and better decisions can result in greater operational efficiency, cost reduction and reduced risk. Relational database management systems and desktop statistics and visualization packages often havedifficulty handling big d ata. The work instead requires “massively parallel software running on tens, hundreds, or even thousands of servers”. Also, those who do not use the Internet are excluded from the analysis therefore affect the analysis and conclusion.(7)(This question is open for discussion and there’s no definite answer)The Internet companies are caught between the two sides: the government side who emphasize gathering monitoring information for public security or national security reason, and the netizens who defend their right of “privacy”. Laws should be made regarding the right and responsibility of each side.(8)(This question is open for discussion) How one feels about thesestatistical figures might be affected by the class, occupation, gender, region and age group (and other factors) an individual belongs to. And also, the official statistics might not be very accurate.(9)(This question is open for discussion) Obviously, mass media(newspapers, radio, TV, the Internet) are the major channel people get most of their information which is supposed to be true and real. But there are some factors that influence the so-called truth: ownership (private or public), editors’ stance, class background of the participants (in the Internet) can all influence the information we get from the mass media.Language EnhancementI. Words and phrases1.(1) C&D (2) A&C (3) C&E (4) B&C (5) B&D(6) D&F (7) B&D (8) C&E (9) A&C (10) C&E2.(1) in; as; of (2) beyond; in (3) by; to (4) into; in; of (5) to; on; of; for(6) of; for; on (7) In; between; with; of (8) to; of; upon (9) In; with (10) like; in; of3.(1) from scratch (2) appealed to (3) applied (4) apply (5) relies on (6) suffering from (7) guard against (8) died off (9) ran out of (10) contribute to4.(1) provide…for (2) appeals for (3) applies…to (4) draw from (5) employed in(6) participate in (7) refers…to(8) received…from(9) passes…from(10) exposes…toII. Sentences and discourse1.(1) The scientific method bases knowledge on direct and systematic observation through logical systems.(2) Operationalization provides conditions to measure the variables which may be checked empirically.(3) Since religion is a system of beliefs and practices based on worshipping the holy, people easily tend to equate faith to facts or facts to faith.(4) The obvious advantage of using available data, be it government statistics or the result of other research studies – is the savings in time and money. Otherwise, you would need a lot of time and money spent on collecting the information from the very start.(5) The savings are tempting, but the potential error and distortion from the second-hand data mean that you might not get the “truth”.2.(1)Basing on his overall investigation of China’s current employmentsituation, this specialist refuted the view that the population profit has been used up.(2)Thanks to the application of valid and objective survey methods,sociology became an independent branch of social sciences in the 19th century, transcending philosophy and ordinary social theories. (3)The head of the Academy of Social Sciences asserted that the cut inresearch funding would have a great impact on its long-term stable development.(4)Due to its limited survey range and invalid unscientific sampling,the poll result of this organization has seriously distorted the reality.(5)The cause of the phenomenon that officials abuse their power is lackof check and balance.(6)He suspects that his rival is bluffing in the negotiation.(7)In conducting social investigation, the researcher may easily useindication to manipulate the respondents to get the desired answer.(8)Through the major internet media, this company has clarified itsstance to stay and develop its business in China.(9)Faced with continual questions from the reporters at the pressconference, the spokesman had to refer to the documents in his hand for answers.(10)It is believed by some people that the lazy and irresponsible post80s and 90s generation was largely associated with the fact that they were mostly the only kid in the family.3.内容分析法可以应用于任何形式的通信交流,是对社会物件的系统分析,其内容包括书籍、杂志、诗歌、报纸、歌曲、绘画、讲演、信函、法律以及与此有关的任何成分或收集物。

Unit 2Sociological InvestigationText APreparatory Work(1)Experiment: variable, hypothesis, stimulus, control groupSurvey Research: sampling, questionnaire, interview, close-ended questions, open-ended questions, code sheet, telephone surveyField Research: observation, participantAnalysis of Existing Data: content analysis, statistics(2)Hawthorne effect: The Hawthorne effect (also referred to as the observer effect) is a type of reactivity in which individuals modify or improve an aspect of their behavior in response to their awareness of being observed. The original research at the Hawthorne Works in Cicero, Illinois, on lighting changes and work structure changes such as working hours and break times were originally interpreted by Elton Mayo and others to mean that paying attention to overall worker needs would improve productivity. This interpretation wa s dubbed “the Hawthorne effect”.(3) (open)Teaching SuggestionYou can use the data banks of the two international organizations to check out the world or any particular country’s information in terms of GDP, population, territory area, human development index etc.The United Nations (/en/) : data page: /The World Bank (/) : /You can also use the website of the Statistical Bureau of China to check out any statistical information about China:/Critical ReadingI. Understanding the text1.Thesis: How Sociology Is Done (Research methods/techniques employed in(1)“common sense”:Common sense is a basic ability to perceive, understand, andjud ge things, which is shared by (“common to”) nearly all people and can reasonably be expected of nearly all people without any need for debate. However, many of the common sense beliefs are actually lacking in support from scientific evidences and therefore biased and prejudiced.(2)Ordinary people often define their reality and what they know throughauthoritative opinions, traditional beliefs, personal experience, and mysticism (superstition). T he major differences between this kind of “common sense” view knowledge and the results/facts identified through scientific methods are: the former are not based on logical reasoning and hard evidences and therefore tend to be subjective and biased while the latter are just opposite.(3)The three major components of the scientific method are theory,operationalization, and observation. Theory provides the foundation for concepts so that statements about the relationship among variables can be created.Operationalization allows for the measurement of the variables so that they may be empirically examined. And observation involves the actual collection of data to test the hypothesis.II. Evaluation and exploration(1)An authority is a specialist in certain field of knowledge therefore an authority,specialized knowledge from an authority is closer to “truth”, but he is not a knowing-all figure, and he might also be biased in his attitude toward some issues.A tradition is a belief or behavior passed down within a group or society withsymbolic meaning or special significance with origins in the past. They are followed by and considered right by certain group of people, but cannot applied to other groups who have their own tradition; and since they are formed and passed down from the past, they might not be applicable to the present world. Religions may contain symbolic stories, which are sometimes said by followers to be true, that have the side purpose of explaining the origin of life, the Universe, and other things. Traditionally, faith, in addition to reason, has been considered a source of religious beliefs. However, religious beliefs mostly lack in empirical or scientific proof. Personal experience is based on one’s real life and reality and therefore closer to “reality”, but it is based on an individual’s encounter and perspective on reality, and cannot totally represent the common experience shared by a group of people. Mysticism is popularly known as becoming one with God or the Absolute, but may refer to any kind of ecstasy or altered state of consciousness which is given a religious or spiritual meaning. It may also refer to the attainment of insight in ultimate or hidden truths, and to human transformation supported by various practices and experiences. But it is based on religion or superstition, even farther away from being objective and scientific.(2)Since sociologists base their research and conclusion on empirical study withscientific method, it is similar to the disciplines of natural science, but there are two factors that differentiate it from natural sciences. The object of study is human being who can be very complicated and change with time. Also the sociologists are also human beings who can be subjective or even biased in their study. In this sense, sociology is still not equal to natural science in objectivity.(3)The hypothesis of the Stanford prison experiment is that change of roles orenvironment causes change of human behavior (effect). The independentvariable is the two roles (prisoner and prison guard)assigned to the 24 students who are all randomly selected (sampling) from among the university students, and the dependent variable is their (change of) behavior.(4)First, experiments are often not possible because they would expose subjects tothe possibility of harm. For example, what if a researcher wanted to know whether people who were abused as children are more likely to abuse their children?Second, the subjects often behave differently when they are under scientific observation from the way they would in their normal environment. Third, laboratory experiments are often highly artificial. When researchers try to set up social situations in laboratories, they often must omit many of the factors that would influence the same behavior in a real-life situation, thus affecting the validity of the experiment result.(5)The merits of survey through the Internet are that it’s very quick (in terms oftime)and efficient (in terms of cost), but the drawbacks are also obvious: not all citizens use the Internet (and therefore excluded from the sampling), and also not all netizens participate in the survey and therefore further affect the survey result.(6)The term often refers simply to the use of predictive analytics, user behavioranalytics, or certain other advanced data analytics methods that extract value from data, and seldom to a particular size of data set. Accuracy in big data may lead to more confident decision making, and better decisions can result in greater operational efficiency, cost reduction and reduced risk. Relational database management systems and desktop statistics and visualization packages often have difficulty handling big d ata. The work instead requires “massively parallel software running on tens, hundred s, or even thousands of servers”. Also, those who do not use the Internet are excluded from the analysis therefore affect the analysis and conclusion.(7)(This question is open for discussion and there’s no definite answer) The Int ernetcompanies are caught between the two sides: the government side who emphasize gathering monitoring information for public security or national security reason, and the netizens who defend their right of “privacy”. Laws should be made regarding the right and responsibility of each side.(8)(This question is open for discussion) How one feels about these statistical figuresmight be affected by the class, occupation, gender, region and age group (and other factors) an individual belongs to. And also, the official statistics might not be very accurate.(9)(This question is open for discussion) Obviously, mass media (newspapers, radio,TV, the Internet) are the major channel people get most of their information which is supposed to be true and real. But there are some factors that influence the so-called truth: ownership (private or public), editors’ stance, class background of the participants (in the Internet) can all influence the information we get from the mass media.Language EnhancementI. Words and phrases1.(1) C&D (2) A&C (3) C&E (4) B&C (5) B&D(6) D&F (7) B&D (8) C&E (9) A&C (10) C&E2.(1) in; as; of (2) beyond; in (3) by; to (4) into; in; of (5) to; on; of; for(6) of; for; on (7) In; between; with; of (8) to; of; upon (9) In; with (10) like; in; of 3.(1) from scratch (2) appealed to (3) applied (4) apply (5) relies on(6) suffering from (7) guard against (8) died off (9) ran out of (10) contribute to4.(1) provide…for(2) appeals for (3) applies…to(4) draw from (5) employed in (6) participate in (7) refers…to(8) received…from (9) passes…from (10) exposes…to II. Sentences and discourse1.(1) The scientific method bases knowledge on direct and systematic observation through logical systems.(2) Operationalization provides conditions to measure the variables which may be checked empirically.(3) Since religion is a system of beliefs and practices based on worshipping the holy, people easily tend to equate faith to facts or facts to faith.(4) The obvious advantage of using available data, be it government statistics or the result of other research studies –is the savings in time and money. Otherwise, you would need a lot of time and money spent on collecting the information from the very start.(5) The savings are tempting, but the potential error and distortion from the second-hand data mean that you might not get the “truth”.2.(1)Basing on his overall investigation of China’s current employment situation, thisspecialist refuted the view that the population profit has been used up.(2)Thanks to the application of valid and objective survey methods, sociologybecame an independent branch of social sciences in the 19th century, transcending philosophy and ordinary social theories.(3)The head of the Academy of Social Sciences asserted that the cut in researchfunding would have a great impact on its long-term stable development.(4)Due to its limited survey range and invalid unscientific sampling, the poll result ofthis organization has seriously distorted the reality.(5)The cause of the phenomenon that officials abuse their power is lack of check andbalance.(6)He suspects that his rival is bluffing in the negotiation.(7)In conducting social investigation, the researcher may easily use indication tomanipulate the respondents to get the desired answer.(8)Through the major internet media, this company has clarified its stance to stay anddevelop its business in China.(9)Faced with continual questions from the reporters at the press conference, thespokesman had to refer to the documents in his hand for answers.(10)I t is believed by some people that the lazy and irresponsible post 80s and 90sgeneration was largely associated with the fact that they were mostly the only kid in the family.3.内容分析法可以应用于任何形式的通信交流,是对社会物件的系统分析,其内容包括书籍、杂志、诗歌、报纸、歌曲、绘画、讲演、信函、法律以及与此有关的任何成分或收集物。

⼤学英语精读⼆册UnitTwoUnit TwoSection A – Learning the Olympic Standard for LoveIntroduction (Lead-in)Text OrganizationInformation in detail – questions to discuss and presentVocabularySummaryText organization:Part I (Para.1-4): Introduction of an ex-Soviet coach and his high expectations.Body 1 (Para.1-2): Introduction to the ex-Soviet coach. Nikolai Petrovich Anikin was not half as intimidating as the writer had imagined, but the writer was nervous in his presence.Paragraph 1-2 – QuestionsQ1 – Who was Nikolai Petrovich Anikin?Q2 – Why did my father send me to meet him?Q3 – How did I imagine him before I met him?Q4 – How did I feel when I met him for the first time?Q5 – How did Anikin treat me for the first time?-Expressions1. (P1)S1’s meaning: I had expected that Nikolai Petrovich Anikin would be a quite frightening person, but actually he was not at all. half adj.(1)⼀半的(2)不完全的e.g. Knowledge without practice makes but half an artist.知识离开实践只能造就不完全的艺术家not half: Not at all:⼀点⼉也不e.g. Go home? Not half likely. 回家?根本不可能(Ex.) by half 过度地e.g. too clever by half过于聪明in half 成为相等的两半2. (P1)S2’s meaning: It was really unbelievable that Nikolai, the ex-Soviet coach my father had sent me a long way to meet, was like this.*Pay attention that "ex-" is sometimes used to form compound word with the meaning of "former and still living". e.g. ex-wife (前妻), ex-president (前总统). e.g. Linda said she met her ex at the dance. 琳达说她在舞会上遇到了前夫/前男友。
大学思辨英语教程 精读4教学课件Unit_2

2. The Meanings of Love: An Introduction to Philosophy of Love
The text is an extract from Robert E. Wagoner’s The Meanings of Love: An Introduction to Philosophy of Love, a popular book that provides a vivid examination of six major ideas of love. Scan one chapter that focuses on one idea of love, and write a 100-word summary of the chapter.
different contexts • Create a love story by applying a particular idea of love
• Intercultural Competence
• Compare and contrast Christian love and Confucian ren • Identify and interpret the universal elements of love
c. Love seems the swiftest, but it is the slowest of all growths. No man or woman really knows what perfect love is until they have been married a quarter of a century.
organize your presentation/essay • Be aware of different styles in communication
大学思辨英语精读Unit 1Thinking Sociologically参考答案

Unit 1 Thinking SociologicallyText APreparatory Work(1)Micro-level sociology: a b eMacro-level sociology: c d(2)Sociology is the study of social behavior or society, including its origins, development, organization, networks, and institutions. Like sociology, psychology, economics, history, demography are all related to the study of society and human activities. In this way they share similarities.The differences lie in the follows:●Psychology is the study of human behavior and mind, embracing all aspects ofconscious and unconscious experience as well as thought of the human beings.●Economics focuses on the behavior and interactions of economic agents andhow economies work, that is the economic activities of the human kind.●History is the study of the past events as well as the memory, discovery,collection, organization, presentation, and interpretation of information about these events, particularly how it relates to humans.●Demography is the statistical study of populations, especially human beings.As a very general science, it can analyze any kind of dynamic living population,i.e., one that changes over time or space.(3) (open)Teaching suggestion:You can refer to the following textbooks:John J. Macionis & Nijole V. Benokraitis ed., Seeing Ourselves 7th ed. (Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall, 2007)James M. Henslin ed., Down to Earth Sociology: Introductory Readings 14th ed. (New York: Free Press, 2007)(4) (open)Teaching suggestion:You can refer to the last two parts of the text: “What Work Do Sociologists Do” and “How is Sociology Useful to Me and to the World” (paragraph 19-26) for positive reasons.Negative reasons vary (why not choose a career related to sociology), for instance, no interest (in social sciences), character reasons (not cut out for dealing with people), and practical reason (no high pay).Critical ReadingI. Understanding the text(1) To emphasize the importance of sociology and arouse readers’ interest in (studying) sociology.(2) The intended audience of the essay are university and college students. The audience is young and curious about everything but needs some guide in choosing their courses in university study.(3) In Para. 7, Cargan and Ballantine try to demonstrate that sociology is based on systematic and objective study of human behavior.(4) They illustrate the difference between individual explanation and group explanation using divorce as an example. Individual explanation considers a divorce as a personal problem caused by conflict between the husband and wife within the family. Sociology can help us move beyond “individual” explanations to consider the social surroundings that influence the situation: economic conditions, disruptions caused by changing sex roles, and pressures on the family to meet the emotional needs of its members.(5) We can see that the first list of skills (sociology trains us in) is broader and more general category, and the second list of skills (employers look for) is the overlapping or subcategory of the former list. So we can simply put the skills of the second list into its respective categories in the first list (actually, some of the skills in the second list can be put into two or more general categories in the first list). Note: this is only one way of reorganize the two lists, and not necessarily the best one.●Ability to view the world more objectively: ability to plan effectively;self-confidence about job responsibilities; ability to listen to others;self-motivation; effective leadership skills●Tools to solve problems by designing studies, collecting data, and analyzingresults: ability to organize thoughts and information; ability to conceptualizeproblems clearly●Ability to understand group dynamics: ability to work with peers;self-motivation; ability to interact effectively in group situations; ability tolisten to others●Ability to understand and evaluate problems: effective problem-solving skills;effective leadership skills;●Ability to understand your personal problems in a broader social context:willingness to adapt to the needs of the organization; ability to handle pressureII. Evaluation and exploration(1) Yes. The title is a question to the key issue of sociology, which is very clear and focused. And the text provides and elaborates the answers to the key question “why study sociology”.(2) The introduction is very effective. It starts with six questions about sociology to arouse the readers’ interest or curiosity in this topic.(3) Subtitles in the text are effective and necessary in dividing the text into different but related parts so that the readers can have a clear structural framework about the organization of the text.(4) The benefits of taking sociology described in Para. 13 are grouped into a general list of five abilities/skills in paragraph 14 and 12 skills in paragraph 15. It is not necessary to use examples to illustrate every benefit mentioned in a long list. However, if the authors added some statistics to support the five categories, the argument would be more convincing.(5) The conclusion or statement that “sociology is the broadest of the social sciences” is reasonable. Cargan and Ballantine described the wide range of areas sociology covers, and other related disciplines that sociology overlaps with, such as social psychology, political socioloty, anthropology, and social history.(6) Sociology not only covers vast areas of social studies, but also provides objective perspective and scientific methods in understanding the society and individuals. It also trains us in necessary life and work ability or skills in correctly dealing with issues and problems. In a word, sociology offers us a platform for critical thinking. (7) Sociologists probe into a social phenomenon/problem with scientific methods (group explanation instead of personal/individual one) that the next unit is to discuss in details (they include experiment, survey, participant observation/field work, and available data analysis).(8) Structural functionalism, or simply functionalism, is a framework for building theory that sees society as a complex system whose parts work together to promote solidarity and stability. This approach looks at society through a macro-level orientation, which is a broad focus on the social structures that shape society as a whole, and believes that society has evolved like organisms. This approach looks at both social structure and social functions. Functionalism addresses society as a whole in terms of the function of its constituent elements, namely norms, customs, traditions, and institutions.●Conflict theories are perspectives in sociology and social psychology thatemphasize the social, political, or material inequality of a social group, that critique the broad socio-political system, or that otherwise detract from structural functionalism and ideological conservatism. Conflict theories draw attention to power differentials, such as class conflict, and generally contrast historically dominant ideologies. It is therefore a macro level analysis of society. Karl Marx isthe father of the social conflict theory, which is a component of the four paradigms of sociology.●Symbolic interactionism is a sociological perspective which developed around themiddle of the twentieth century and that continues to be influential in some areas of the discipline. It is particularly important in microsociology and social psychology. Symbolic interactionism is derived from the American philosophy of pragmatism and particularly from the work of George Herbert Mead who coined the term and put forward an influential summary: people act toward things based on the meaning those things have for them, and these meanings are derived from social interaction and modified through interpretation.●Utilitarianism is a theory in normative ethics holding that the best moral action isthe one that maximizes utility. Utility is defined in various ways, but is usually related to the well-being of sentient entities. Originally, Jeremy Bentham, the founder of Utilitarianism, defined utility as the aggregate pleasure after deducting suffering of all involved in any action. John Stuart Mill expanded this concept of utility to include not only the quantity, but quality of pleasure, while focusing on rules, instead of individual moral actions.Language EnhancementI. Words and phrases1.(1) C&D (2) A&C (3) C&D (4) A&C (5) C&D(6) C&E (7) C&D (8) B&C (9) A&E (10) C&F2.(1)单日,单一天(2)单身汉(3)挑选出(4)独立地(只身)(5)通常的,常见的(6)共同的(7)(英国)平民院(下议院)(8)宣判有……罪(9)罪犯(10)逃跑(11)分解(12)闯入(13)中断、暂停(14)爆发(15)解体3.(1) major in (2) curious about (3) interact with (4) relate to (5) engage with(6) lead to (7) specialize in (8) conform to (9) based on (10) refrain from4(1) break away from (2) convict of (3) bond with (4) engage in (5) embark on (6)profit from (7) involved in (8) focus on (9) depended on (10) encounterII. Sentences and discourse1.(1)As you learn more about sociology, you will gradually find the links between itsindividual and separate parts and see the whole picture of sociology.(2)Sociologists’ interests will immediately aroused by seeing any two or morepeople with close relationships.(3)You can ponder over the phenomenon that some societies allow and expectpremarital sex while others punish it with banishment and death.(4)Through systematic scientific study, sociologists can fully understand humanbehavior in groups, which is impossible through mere common sense.(5)Sociology can help us explain “individual” cases more insightfully by linkingthem with the crucial social conditions behind them.2.(1)He majored in chemistry when enrolled in while studying in university.(2)Terrorism poses a threat to many countries.(3)While studying overseas, you must interact more with the local people/natives.(4)The corruption of some of this country’s officials has sparked public resentmentand protest.(5)Due to his contribution to the company, he negotiated with his boss and renewedhis contract with better conditions.(6)At the age of 16, she published her first poem and embarked on her long journeyto literature.(7)In the process of translating the Chinese classic Journey to the West into German,he encountered many difficult problems.(8)Af ter arriving in Britain, he took a whole month to adapt to the country’s rainyclimate.(9)Your company should engage more actively in the environmental projects of thegovernment.(10)T en years ago, he was convicted of robbery.3.社会学家们的不同兴趣促使他们研究许多不同的领域。

大学思辨英语精读2答案unit31. You'd better ( ) a copy of the whole article for yourself. [单选题] *A. make(正确答案)B. makingC. to makeD. made2. He is very strict. It is no use ( ) yourself to him. [单选题] *A. explainedB. to explainC. explaining(正确答案)D. explain3. All people must pull together ( ) the project can be finished on schedule. [单选题] *A. as thoughB. ifC. even thoughD. in order that(正确答案)4. I wish I ( ) shopping with you yesterday, because I was very bored at home then. [单选题] *A. had gone(正确答案)B. would goC. could have goneD. went5. If ( ) in a warm place, these flowers will bloom in late May. [单选题] *A. to plantB. planted(正确答案)C. plantD. planting6. My father recommended two new books to me, ( ) seemed to be very interesting. [单选题] *A. both of thatB. all of thatC. both of which(正确答案)D. all of which7. Tom will never forget the days ( ) he lived in the remote village with his parents. [单选题] *A. whatB. whichC. when(正确答案)D. why8. Don't expect too much from her. The more you expect, ( ) you will become. [单选题] *A. the disappointedB. more disappointedC. the most disappointedD. the more disappointed(正确答案)9. The weather is quite fine. Let's go swimming, ( )? [单选题] *A. will youB. shall we(正确答案)C. do weD. do you10. There is no doubt that the residents living in this building can have free ( ) to the swimming pool. [单选题] *A. excessB. access(正确答案)C. accelerateD. assess11. If you want to strengthen your friendship with your friends, you should ( ) more time communicating with them. [单选题] *A. spend(正确答案)B. takeC. payD. cost12. Tom has been nervous for three days, since he will have a(n) ( ) for the manager's job. [单选题] *A. reviewB. viewC. chatD. interview(正确答案)13. But for your advice, I ( ) the task arranged by the leader yesterday. [单选题] *A. shall not finishB. could not have finished(正确答案)C. shall finishD. could finish14. The aim of this meeting is ( ) how to solve the serious crisis. [单选题] *A. to discuss(正确答案)B. discussingC. to discussingD. discussed15. This building is named ( ) his name in memory of his great invention. [单选题] *A. upB. after(正确答案)C. atD. in16. ( ) are quite humorous and everyone likes making friends with them. [单选题] *A. The Bushes(正确答案)B. A BushC. BushesD. The Bush17. One way to manage time wisely is to give ( ) to what is the most important. [单选题] *A. principleB. permissionC. priority(正确答案)D. process18. The teachers don't know ( ), because the meeting rooms are being decorated. [单选题] *A. where should the meeting be heldB. which should the meeting be heldC. which the meeting should be heldD. where the meeting should be held(正确答案)19. Due to the outbreak of the epidemic, many outdoor activities have been ( ). [单选题] *A. called forB. called off(正确答案)C. called backD. called in20. According to the report, some experts ( ) the shop with selling cups with insulting ads. [单选题] *A. charge(正确答案)B. accuseC. blameD. condemn21. Some people ( ) it for granted that what they pick up in the street belongs to them. [单选题] *A. makeB. take(正确答案)C. getD. regard22. Because there is enough time, the teacher advises students ( ) their papers again. [单选题] *A. examinedB. to examine(正确答案)C. to examiningD. examine23. Many people suffer from hunger in this country ( ) the decrease of food imports this year. [单选题] *A. instead ofB. regardless ofC. due to(正确答案)D. as to24. I ( ) reading the novel by yesterday, so I buy a new novel today. [单选题] *A. had finished(正确答案)B. finishedC. finishD. would finish25. Most foreign people think ( ) very difficult to learn to write Chinese characters. [单选题] *A. thatB. thisC. it(正确答案)D. one26. Mary heard her name called by someone, whose voice was very familiar ( ) her. [单选题] *A. withB. to(正确答案)C. onD. in27. One ( ) of extra-curricular activities is that the kids involved can gain friendship. [单选题] *A. flexibilityB. benefit(正确答案)C. privilegeD. interest28. I will tell the truth to him if he ( ) the funeral the day after tomorrow. [单选题] *A. would attendB. will have attendedC. attends(正确答案)D. will attend29. His ( ) of the accident conflicted with that of the other witnesses. However, I believed what he said was true. [单选题] *A. expectationB. instructionC. responseD. account(正确答案)30. Every time I run into difficulty, he is always the first ( ) help. [单选题] *A. to be offeredB. to offer(正确答案)C. offerD. offering31. Many women have to resign in order to ( ) their children wholeheartedly. [单选题] *A. bring up(正确答案)B. put upC. break upD. build up32. My good friend Lily told me that she ( ) to New York the next month. [单选题] *A. wentB. goesC. would go(正确答案)D. will have gone33. It is natural that people ( ) feel upset for no reason. It usually won't last too long. [单选题] *A. sometimes(正确答案)B. some timesC. a timeD. some time34. Our company wants to invest in the property market, so we look forward to ( ) with that company. [单选题] *A. cooperateB. cooperating(正确答案)C. cooperatedD. being cooperated35. It is really ( ) to borrow money from your elder sister just to help a selfish stranger pay off his debt. [单选题] *A. ridiculous(正确答案)B. stubbornC. splendidD. popular36. The kids in the kindergarten help each other and never quarrel, thus creating a ( ) atmosphere. [单选题] *A. commonB. lonelyC. peaceful(正确答案)D. steady37. You ( ) to make so many preparations; the job has been assigned to an experienced fellow. [单选题] *A. needn't have bothered(正确答案)B. shouldn't have botheredC. mustn't have botheredD. couldn't have bothered38. ( ) in the park yesterday afternoon, my mother met an old friend. [单选题] *A. To walkB. Walking(正确答案)C. WalkD. Walked39. Mary behaved in a specially confident manner ( ) she had understood the problem completely. [单选题] *A. as if(正确答案)B. whetherC. althoughD. than40. As we all know, success results from hard work; ( ) efforts, nothing can be achieved. [单选题] *A. except forB. without(正确答案)C. despiteD. besides41. His advice is that your father ( ) more exercise outdoors in the morning. [单选题] *A. doneB. will doC. should do(正确答案)D. does42. From this book, you can know ( ) those animals escape from their natural enemies. [单选题] *A. whoB. how(正确答案)C. whereD. it43. Plants are very ( ) to climate change. Therefore, many tree species are faced with extinction because of global warming. [单选题] *A. sensibleB. consciousC. sensitive(正确答案)D. independent44. His two dogs made a mess in his room, ( ) he didn't want to punish them. [单选题] *A. andB. orC. becauseD. but(正确答案)45. Hearing the words, he didn't seem to be offended; ( ), he looked very happy. [单选题] *A. in a wordB. in other wordsC. on the wholeD. on the contrary(正确答案)46. ( ) the salary is rather low, many young people have resigned in recent months. [单选题] *A. Because(正确答案)B. ForC. AfterD. So that47. What the little girl wants ( ) a pen, and what her elder brother wants ( ) two books. [单选题] *A. are; areB. is; isC. is; are(正确答案)D. are; is48. Most universities don't ( ) that every student can graduate with a certificate if they don't study hard. [单选题] *A. guarantee(正确答案)B. provideC. requireD. complete49. The company has recently taken on fifty people ( ) live in the local area. [单选题] *A. whichB. whoseC. thoseD. who(正确答案)50. All the afternoon my colleagues and I ( ) a report in the meeting room. [单选题] *A. prepareB. were to prepareC. have been preparing(正确答案)D. had been preparing5I. It is no use worrying about the future all the time. No one knows what will ( ) next minute. [单选题] *A. take placeB. get onC. disappearD. happen(正确答案)52. Alice, please turn down the music. I ( ) an important phone call at present. [单选题] *A. answerB. answeredC. have answeredD. am answering(正确答案)53. After you use my dictionary and English book, you should place them ( ) they used to be. [单选题] *A. the momentB. where(正确答案)C. whenD. that54. ( ) runs the fastest in the competition will be given an expensive prize. [单选题] *A. Whoever(正确答案)B. WhomeverC. WhomD. Who55. If you want these new employees to work out the answer, two hours and a half ( ) not enough. [单选题] *A. to beB. beingC. areD. is(正确答案)56. Only after they had examined the machine for several hours ( ) the problem. [单选题] *A. they foundB. did they find(正确答案)C. they findD. do they find57. ( ), he doesn't know how to get on with other people. [单选题] *A. Adult as he is(正确答案)B. Adult he is asC. Adult he as isD. An adult as he is58. It was ( ) that they went for a picnic in the park last weekend. [单选题] *A. so nice a weatherB. such nice weather(正确答案)C. nice weather soD. too nice weather59. It is advisable to adjust the measures on the ( ) of short-time predictions. [单选题] *A. basis(正确答案)B. baseC. foundationD. ground60. ( ) slowly he runs! I don't think he may attend the lecture on time. [单选题] *A. WhatB. ItC. How(正确答案)D. Whether。
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Unit 2Sociological InvestigationText APreparatory Work(1)Experiment: variable, hypothesis, stimulus, control groupSurvey Research: sampling, questionnaire, interview, close-ended questions, open-ended questions, code sheet, telephone surveyField Research: observation, participantAnalysis of Existing Data: content analysis, statistics(2)Hawthorne effect: The Hawthorne effect (also referred to as the observer effect) is a type of reactivity in which individuals modify or improve an aspect of their behavior in response to their awareness of being observed. The original research at the Hawthorne Works in Cicero, Illinois, on lighting changes and work structure changes such as working hours and break times were originally interpreted by Elton Mayo and others to mean that paying attention to overall worker needs would improve productivity. This interpretation wa s dubbed ―the Hawthorne effect‖.(3) (open)Teaching SuggestionYou can use the data banks of the two international organizations to check out the world or any particular country’s information in terms of GDP, population, territory area, human development index etc.The United Nations (/en/) : data page: /The World Bank (/) : /You can also use the website of the Statistical Bureau of China to check out any statistical information about China:/Critical ReadingI. Understanding the text1.Thesis: How Sociology Is Done (Research methods/techniques employed in(1)―common sense‖:Common sense is a basic ability to perceive, understand, andjud ge things, which is shared by (―common to‖) nearly all people and can reasonably be expected of nearly all people without any need for debate. However, many of the common sense beliefs are actually lacking in support from scientific evidences and therefore biased and prejudiced.(2)Ordinary people often define their reality and what they know throughauthoritative opinions, traditional beliefs, personal experience, and mysticism (superstition). The major differences between this kind of ―common sense‖ view knowledge and the results/facts identified through scientific methods are: the former are not based on logical reasoning and hard evidences and therefore tend to be subjective and biased while the latter are just opposite.(3)The three major components of the scientific method are theory,operationalization, and observation. Theory provides the foundation for concepts so that statements about the relationship among variables can be created.Operationalization allows for the measurement of the variables so that they may be empirically examined. And observation involves the actual collection of data to test the hypothesis.II. Evaluation and exploration(1)An authority is a specialist in certain field of knowledge therefore an authority,specialized knowledge from an authority is closer to ―truth‖, but he is not a knowing-all figure, and he might also be biased in his attitude toward some issues.A tradition is a belief or behavior passed down within a group or society withsymbolic meaning or special significance with origins in the past. They are followed by and considered right by certain group of people, but cannot applied to other groups who have their own tradition; and since they are formed and passed down from the past, they might not be applicable to the present world. Religions may contain symbolic stories, which are sometimes said by followers to be true, that have the side purpose of explaining the origin of life, the Universe, and other things. Traditionally, faith, in addition to reason, has been considered a source of religious beliefs. However, religious beliefs mostly lack in empirical or scientific proof. Personal experience is based on one’s real life an d reality and therefore closer to ―reality‖, but it is based on an individual’s encounter and perspective on reality, and cannot totally represent the common experience shared by a group of people. Mysticism is popularly known as becoming one with God or the Absolute, but may refer to any kind of ecstasy or altered state of consciousness which is given a religious or spiritual meaning. It may also refer to the attainment of insight in ultimate or hidden truths, and to human transformation supported by various practices and experiences. But it is based on religion or superstition, even farther away from being objective and scientific.(2)Since sociologists base their research and conclusion on empirical study withscientific method, it is similar to the disciplines of natural science, but there are two factors that differentiate it from natural sciences. The object of study is human being who can be very complicated and change with time. Also the sociologists are also human beings who can be subjective or even biased in their study. In this sense, sociology is still not equal to natural science in objectivity.(3)The hypothesis of the Stanford prison experiment is that change of roles orenvironment causes change of human behavior (effect). The independentvariable is the two roles (prisoner and prison guard)assigned to the 24 students who are all randomly selected (sampling) from among the university students, and the dependent variable is their (change of) behavior.(4)First, experiments are often not possible because they would expose subjects tothe possibility of harm. For example, what if a researcher wanted to know whether people who were abused as children are more likely to abuse their children?Second, the subjects often behave differently when they are under scientific observation from the way they would in their normal environment. Third, laboratory experiments are often highly artificial. When researchers try to set up social situations in laboratories, they often must omit many of the factors that would influence the same behavior in a real-life situation, thus affecting the validity of the experiment result.(5)The merits of survey through the Internet are that it’s very quick (in terms oftime)and efficient (in terms of cost), but the drawbacks are also obvious: not all citizens use the Internet (and therefore excluded from the sampling), and also not all netizens participate in the survey and therefore further affect the survey result.(6)The term often refers simply to the use of predictive analytics, user behavioranalytics, or certain other advanced data analytics methods that extract value from data, and seldom to a particular size of data set. Accuracy in big data may lead to more confident decision making, and better decisions can result in greater operational efficiency, cost reduction and reduced risk. Relational database management systems and desktop statistics and visualization packages often have difficulty handling big d ata. The work instead requires ―massively parallel software running on tens, hundred s, or even thousands of servers‖. Also, those who do not use the Internet are excluded from the analysis therefore affect the analysis and conclusion.(7)(This question is open for discussion and there’s no definite answer) The Internetcompanies are caught between the two sides: the government side who emphasize gathering monitoring information for public security or national security reason, and the netizens who defend their right of ―privacy‖. Laws should be made regarding the right and responsibility of each side.(8)(This question is open for discussion) How one feels about these statistical figuresmight be affected by the class, occupation, gender, region and age group (and other factors) an individual belongs to. And also, the official statistics might not be very accurate.(9)(This question is open for discussion) Obviously, mass media (newspapers, radio,TV, the Internet) are the major channel people get most of their information which is supposed to be true and real. But there are some factors that influence the so-called truth: ownership (private or public), editors’ stance, class background of the participants (in the Internet) can all influence the information we get from the mass media.Language EnhancementI. Words and phrases1.(1) C&D (2) A&C (3) C&E (4) B&C (5) B&D(6) D&F (7) B&D (8) C&E (9) A&C (10) C&E2.(1) in; as; of (2) beyond; in (3) by; to (4) into; in; of (5) to; on; of; for(6) of; for; on (7) In; between; with; of (8) to; of; upon (9) In; with (10) like; in; of 3.(1) from scratch (2) appealed to (3) applied (4) apply (5) relies on(6) suffering from (7) guard against (8) died off (9) ran out of (10) contribute to4.(1) provide…for(2) appeals for (3) applies…to(4) draw from (5) employed in (6) participate in (7) refers…to(8) received…from (9) passes…from (10) exposes…to II. Sentences and discourse1.(1) The scientific method bases knowledge on direct and systematic observation through logical systems.(2) Operationalization provides conditions to measure the variables which may be checked empirically.(3) Since religion is a system of beliefs and practices based on worshipping the holy, people easily tend to equate faith to facts or facts to faith.(4) The obvious advantage of using available data, be it government statistics or the result of other research studies –is the savings in time and money. Otherwise, you would need a lot of time and money spent on collecting the information from the very start.(5) The savings are tempting, but the potential error and distortion from the second-hand data mean that you might not get the ―truth‖.2.(1)Basing on his overall investigation of China’s current employment situation, thisspecialist refuted the view that the population profit has been used up.(2)Thanks to the application of valid and objective survey methods, sociologybecame an independent branch of social sciences in the 19th century, transcending philosophy and ordinary social theories.(3)The head of the Academy of Social Sciences asserted that the cut in researchfunding would have a great impact on its long-term stable development.(4)Due to its limited survey range and invalid unscientific sampling, the poll result ofthis organization has seriously distorted the reality.(5)The cause of the phenomenon that officials abuse their power is lack of check andbalance.(6)He suspects that his rival is bluffing in the negotiation.(7)In conducting social investigation, the researcher may easily use indication tomanipulate the respondents to get the desired answer.(8)Through the major internet media, this company has clarified its stance to stay anddevelop its business in China.(9)Faced with continual questions from the reporters at the press conference, thespokesman had to refer to the documents in his hand for answers.(10)I t is believed by some people that the lazy and irresponsible post 80s and 90sgeneration was largely associated with the fact that they were mostly the only kid in the family.3.内容分析法可以应用于任何形式的通信交流,是对社会物件的系统分析,其内容包括书籍、杂志、诗歌、报纸、歌曲、绘画、讲演、信函、法律以及与此有关的任何成分或收集物。