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1.A.going camping B.visiting cousins C.babysittingmy sister 2.A.going fishing B.going sightseeing C.take a vacation

3.A.give B.want C.plan

4.A.go bike riding B.go sightseeing C.go fishing

5.A.Hawaii B.Tokyo C.Sydney


6.A.He is a teacher.B.He is afunny man.C.He is a short man.

7.A.I should never speak to anybody.

B.I have to lie down and rest.

C.I have to go to the dentist.

8.A.Aunt B.Father C.Uncle

9.A.It's difficult.B.It's important.C.It's windy.

10.A.It's a mouth.B.It's a nose.C.They are eyes.


11.Which bus should the man take?

A.No.4 B.No.14 C.No.40

12.W hat does the man usually do on weekends?

A.Go swimming.B.Play football.C.Do nothing.

13.How often does the man go to a movie?

A.Once a year.B.Three times a year.C.Twice a year.

14.What does the man want to drink?

A.A glass of water.B.A glass of juice.C.A cup of tea.

15.How does the man go to work?

A.By car.B.By bus.C.On foot.


16.How often does she exercise?

A.Once a week.B.Twice a week.C.Every day.17.When does she exercise?

A.After school.B.Before he goes to school.C.After lunch l8.Why does she eat junk food only once a week?

A.Because it's not good for her health.

B.Because she doesn't have money to buy more.

C.Because she doesn't like it.

19.How long does she sleep every night?

A.Seven hours.B.Nine hours.C.Eight hours.20.What can help her to study better?

A.Good food and good rest.

B.Good rest and exercise.

C.Good food and exercise.



21.The boy loves his computer.He the Internet every day.A.goes B.reads C.surfs D.comes 22.--I have a cold.

--You lie down and have rest!

A.have B.should C.don't D.are 23.How about a walk after supper?

A.taking B.take C.to take D.takes 24.My mother always cooks for the family on Sunday.A.anything delicious B.something delicious

C.delicious something D.delicious something 25.Mr. Zhang are leaving Shanghai next week.

A.of B.in C.on D.for

26.Good health depends the balanced diet.

A.for B.with C.on D.at.

27.--Can you come to the concert with me?


A.Sure, I'd love.B.Sure, I'd love to.

C.No, I don't want.D.No.


--It's Tuesday, the second.

A.When B.What's C.What time D.Where's

29.His sweater is the same yours.

A.from B.as C.at D.with

30.I have more apples you.

A.as B.from C.than D.like

31.--My mother is ill in hospital.


A.It doesn't matter.B.I'm sorry.

C.I'm sorry to hear that.D.Excuse me.

32.We to the mountains tomorrow.

A.are going B.goes C.go D.going

33.They have a piano lesson Tuesday morning.

A.at B.in C.with D.on

34.This Sunday I have homework to do.

A.much too B.too much C.too many D.many too

35.-- Can you come to my home for dinner this Sunday?

--I'm sorry, I can't.Maybe time.

A.other B.the other C.another D.others


Everyone 36 tired sometimes.When you are tired, you should follow the followingadvice.First, you should go to bed early 37 a few nights.You shouldn't 38 at night or study 39 .Having a good rest 40 good for your health.Second, you should 41 every day.Third,
