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Susceptibility, Specific heat and Upper critical field
Open cycles represent samples of 2 month old
Heat capacity measurements
The normal-state susceptibility follows χ=χ0+C/(T-θ)
Dai Aoki et.al. JPSJ.76.063701
H a l l c o e f f i c i e n t & S e e b e c k e f f ect
Hall effect RH of a NpPd5Al2 single crystal ,with I=5 mA along the [100] direction,
Nuclear spin-lattice relaxation rate divided by T, as a function of T For comparison, NMR of the nonmagnetic metal LuCoGa5 is presented
S.-H. Baek et.al. PhysRevLett.105.217002
Upper critical field estimated to be about 74T
J. L. Sarrao et.al. Nature01212
Quite high Tc as a heavy fermion superconductor
The schematic phase diagram for the alloy system PuMGa5 g represents the generic coupling parameter
P4/mmm space group
Theoretical calculation of the effect of CEF Bnm are CEF parameters
Takashi Hotta, Kazuo Ueda PhysRevB.67.104518
Crystal Effective Field
Calculated band structure and Fermi surface
Energy band structure for PuCoGa5 obtained by the RLAPW method.
Calculated four Fermi surface of the bands across EF :
B=9 T along the [001] direction,
and Hall voltage VH along the [010 ] direction.
Seebeck coefficient S(t), with heat current J along [100]
J.C. Griveau et.al. PhysRevB.77.212502
Calculation of
the three crystal field states with the β
± 7
wΒιβλιοθήκη Baiduth
Rebecca Flint, P. Coleman et.al Nature Physics 4, 643 - 648 (2008)
Photoemission spectrum
PSE data get trough He II (48.4 eV) lines compare with theoretic fits Generalized gradient approximation (GGA) and Mixed-level model (MLM) calculation are considered (Pu metal )f-electron postion centers are represented by solid bars
PES data under different light source
J. J. Joyce et.al. PhysRevLett.91.176401
Nuclear magnetic resonance measurement
59Co NMR spectra at 19 K obtained by sweeping the external field H at a fixed frequency 32.5 MHz
The highest Tc among heavy fermionions
J. D. Thompson et.al. arXiv:cond-mat/0509078v1 Yunkyu Bang et.al. arXiv:cond-mat/0603042v2
Crystal Effective Field
(a) One small hole sheet centered at the Γ point. (b) A large cylindrical hole sheet centered at the Γ
point, while two equivalent small hole sheets are centered at X points. (c) A large cylindrical electron sheet centered at the M point. (d) Another cylindrical electron sheet centered at the M point.
Takahiro Maehira et.al. PhysRevLett.90.207007
Structure and conductivity of NpPd5Al2
Resistive curve of NpPd5Al2 , Tc=4.9K
NpPd5Al2 I4/mmm
Suppression of Tc by applying field