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Listed Companies Duties of Independent Directors Abstract:In recent years, corporate accounting scandals have caused frequent event in different countries, relevant organizations, institutions of great concern to the independent directors, and take corresponding measures. Independent directors and corporate financial results of operations of the correlation between the fields of corporate governance has always been an important issue. Independent Director of Finance clear how effective its implementation, whether the improved performance of the company, not only of great theoretical significance, but also has important practical significance.

First, from the corporate governance structure, responsibilities and orientation angle of the basic concept of an independent director of financial analysis. Then, To 35 samples of listed companies in Shaanxi Province, by means of descriptive statistics, analysis of the representation of financial independence and the performance of their duties, and analysis of independent directors in the company of the financial results of operations and the role of corporate governance. Statistics showed Financial Independent Directors to the company financial position, operating conditions, protect the interests of small investors and the financial situation of the quality of reports to a limited extent.

Finally, analyses of the effectiveness of the financial constraints of independent directors perform their duties factors, proposed the suggestions for improvement of the Financial Independent Directors. Contribute to improving corporate governance structure.

Keywords:Financial Independent Directors;effect performance of their duties;Improve the mechanism


1 绪论 (1)

1.1研究背景 (1)

1.2研究目的和意义 (1)

1.3 研究现状综述 (2)

2财务独立董事制度的职责定位 (2)

2.1完善公司法人治理结构 (2)

2.2 财务独立董事的特殊职责 (3)

2.3董事会专门委员会的财务辅助作用.................... 错误!未定义书签。

2.3.1战略委员会的财务规划 ..................... 错误!未定义书签。

2.3.2 审计委员会的财务监督 ..................... 错误!未定义书签。

2.3.3 薪酬委员会的业绩评价 ..................... 错误!未定义书签。3财务独立董事履职资格和履行效果的统计分析 . (3)

3.1样本选取及说明 (3)

3.2财务独立董事与公司经营业绩的联系 (5)

3.3财务独立董事在公司治理中的作用 (5)

4财务独立董事履职效力的影响因素 (5)

4.1财务独立董事的资质背景 (6)

4.2行为主体的独立性缺失 (6)

4.3报酬机制缺乏激励性................................ 错误!未定义书签。

4.4执业环境的约束.................................... 错误!未定义书签。5对于财务独立董事体系的完善建议 .. (6)

5.1健全财务独立董事的法制建设 (6)

5.2规范财务独立董事的选人和退出机制 (7)

5.3完善财务独立董事的激励和约束机制.................. 错误!未定义书签。6总结 . (7)

参考文献 (7)

致谢 (8)
