unit 1 art using language-The best of Manhattan's art galleries公开课

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②What does the map show?
streets and ________ avenues of It shows the________ Manhattan. And the numbers shows the________ location of the art galleries.
Group work:
Suppose you are a tour guide and you are to introduce one of the five art museums of Manhattan to the visitors. What will you say?
Group Group Group Group Group 1/6: The Frick Collection 2/7: Guggenheim Museum 3/8: Metropolitan Museum of Art 4/9: Museum of Modern Art 5: Whitney Museum of American Art
Metropolitan Museum Whitney Museum of Museum of of Art American Art Modern Art 大都会艺术博物馆 惠特尼美国艺术博物馆 现代艺术博物馆
1. In which museum can we find these art works?
The text is most likely written for______ A. scientists and historians B. students and teachers C. tourists and art gallery lovers The text probably comes from_______ A. an art book B. a tourist guide book C. a newspaper
艺术收藏: ___ _______ 对…偏爱: have a _____________ for (非常)值得一去: be (well) ____ __ _____ 艺术作品: _____ _____ 对某人有吸引力,使某人感兴趣: _____ to sb 感觉好像: feel ___ ___ 在于: _____ in 不仅仅是: ____ ____ (just) 视觉享受/愉悦 : visual _______ 生活方式: ______ of ______ 向…介绍,引见: __________... to .... 被收藏在;贮存于: be________ in 入场费;票价: the _________ price/fee 每两年: every____ years 健在的/活着的艺术家: ______ artists
What can we see in the museum?
paintings This Museum owns5, ___ ____ _____, 000 _____ superb modern sculptures drawings ______ and ________.
Who will be attracted to this museum?
Guggenheim Museum; 5th Ave. & 88th St.
Metropolitan Museum of Art;5th Ave. & 82nd St.
Museum of Modern Art; 53rd St.
Whitney Museum of American Art; 945 Madison Ave.
What does this museum look like? seashell It looks like a fragile, white_______, and inside, no stairs, only a ______path. circular 环形的
A circular path
(53rd St.)
avenue 5 street
Whitney Museum of American Art (945
Madison Ave.)
Careful reading--part 1
The Frick Collection 弗里克收藏馆
read and answer
Why is the gallery called The Frick Collection? What can you see in this gallery?
The best of Manhattan's art galleries
by Chen Ying
Times Square
Wall Street
Fifth Avenue 第五大道
Manhattan, New York
Manhattan is the economical and cultural center of New York.
What is the best way to see the museum? top floor and walk down Start from the ____ bottom to the_______.
part 3/4/5
Read the rest of the passage. Underline the features(特点) of the three museums:
part 2
Guggenheim Museum
read and answer
What can we see in the museum? Who will be attracted to this museum? What does this museum look like? What is the best way to see the museum?
Each group shall write a short passage of about 30 words to introduce your museum.
Find the following expressions in the text
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.
Manhattan is also home to a large number of museums and art galleries.
①What is the title of the text?
The Best of Manhattan’s Art Galleries
艺术作品: _____ _____ art works 5. 对某人有吸引力,使某人感兴趣: appeal _____ to sb 6. 感觉好像: feel ___ as ___ if 7. 在于: _____ lie in 8. 不仅仅是: ____ more____ than(just) 9. 视觉享受/愉悦 : visual _______ delight =a delight to the eyes 10. 生活方式: ______ ways of ______ living 11. 向……介绍,引见: __________... introduce to .... 12. 被收藏在;贮存于: be________ housed in 13. 入场费;票价: the _________ admissionprice/fee 14. 每两年: every____ two years 15. 健在的/活着的艺术家: ______ living artists
Why is the gallery called The Frick Collection?
It is named after (以…命名) _______________, Henry Clay Frick a rich New Yorker, who left his________, _______ and house furniture art collection ___________to the American people after his death.
Metropolitan Museum of Art 2. In which museum can we find the works of Van Gogh, Picasso or Monet?
Museum of Modern Art
3. If you want to know how people lived 5, 000 years ago, you should visit ____. A. Metropolitan Museum of Art B. Museum of Modern Art C. Whitney Museum of American Art
What can you see in this art gallery? We can see… pre-twentieth century western paintings 二十世纪前的西方绘画 We can explore… Frick’s beautiful house and garden
Find the following expressions in the text
1. 2. 3. 4.
艺术收藏: ___ art _______ collection 对…偏爱: have a _____________ for =be (well) worth preference (非常)值得一去: be (well) worth ____ __ _____ visiting a visit
The following sentence patterns may be helpful: Welcome to… This gallery is located in… It’s reputation lies in…/It’s famous for… Here you can enjoy… You shouldn’t miss… …
4. A. B. C.
You can see videos and films in _____. Metropolitan Museum of Art Museum of Modern Art Whitney Museum of American Art
5. If you had no money and you don’t like the place where there are lots of people, you ‘d better not go to_____ A. Metropolitan Museum of Art B. Museum of Modern Art C. Whitney Museum of American Art
The text introduces some best art galleries ___________ and their locations.
How many art galleries are introduced in the passage? Five What and where are they? The Frick Collection; 5th Avenue & E.70th Street
Match the numbers on the map with the museums.
2 Guggenheim Museum
(5th Ave. & 88th St.)
The Frick Collection
(5th Ave. & E.70th St.)
Metropolitan Museum of Art ( 5th Ave. & 82nd St.) Museum of Modern Art
impressionist and People who are interested in___________ post-impressionist ______________paintings will find it worthwhile to visit this museum.