Page 1 of 1 General Training Writing Task 2 Serial DramasGeneral Training Writing Task 2 Serial DramasWRITING TASK 2You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.Write about the following topic:Many serial dramas on TV (e.g. ‘soap operas’ or ‘soaps’) play animportant social role.Do you agree or disagree?Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.Write at least 250 words.Task 2 Serial Dramas Script GPage 1 of 1 Comments on Script GExaminer Comments on General Training WritingTask 2 Serial Dramas Script GBand 7This is a thoughtful and considered response that addresses all parts of the task. Ideas are developed and supported, though some could be more clearly focused on the social role of serial dramas. Nevertheless, the approach is germane to the issue under discussion and the conclusions drawn are clear and relevant. The answer flows well and the progression of the argument is logical throughout. There are lapses in paragraph development and occasional awkwardness in referencing that limit the rating. Cohesion is otherwise handled well. The candidate uses a wide range of vocabulary and skilfully incorporates less common words and phrases. There are occasional errors in word choice and spelling. Overall, grammar is well-controlled and a range of sentence types is used with confidence. Errors in articles, agreement and verb phrases are more than occasional and punctuation is faulty at times.。
Trying to save endangered animal species from extinction is a waste of valuable resources.
—a problem occasionally seen in people who spend too much time at their computer terminal
like MSN Messenger. These incredibly useful and powerful tools of communication facilitate both
the norm. Consequently, an increasing number of children now grow up in a parentless environment.
order to resolve this sense of alienation within families, I believe we must first address its root causes.
or introduction of any animal species disrupts the balance and negatively impacts upon other
and animals by breaking the food chain and altering the habitat in which they live. Such imbalances
Task:Some people think getting old is entirely bad. However, others think that life of the elderly in modern world is much easier than in the past. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.思路解析:2016年雅思收官之战的作文来了一道新题,问当今社会老年人的生活是不是很糟糕?说是新题,因为本题以前从未原题出现过,但关于年龄的话题却不缺少。
本题需要论证的对立观点是:年老很糟糕 vs. 当今社会年老没有那么糟糕。
Sample answer:Getting old is a natural process that nobody really likes. When you reacha certain age, your physical conditions will inevitably deteriorate, andyou may suffer from various kinds of diseases. When you retire, you willfeel isolated because your previous work contacts may be all gone, thenyou may feel useless to the world. Furthermore, when you get too old, you’ll have to rely heavily on the support from others, either physically oremotionally, and your life will become a great pressure to your familyand the whole society as well.For all these bad things about getting old, many people argue that thelife of the elderly today is much easier than in the past. In the firstplace, medical advances nowadays have made it possible for the old peopleto stay sound and healthy for quite a long while even after they retire.Diseases such as diabetes, hypertension and heart attack which might haveinflicted pain on the old people are no longer serious problems for them. Then, with the widespread use of modern communication technology, old people today are no longer isolated from the world. Instead, by using their personal social media, they can always stay in touch with their families and friends, and share with them whatever they find interesting in their life. In this way, they do not really feel lonely or abandoned. Finally, the improved social wealth and pension system have also significantly reduced the pressure the old people pose to their families and communities.So, I do agree that the old people today are enjoying a much more comfortable life than, say, thirty years ago (not to mention 100). That is why, instead of being worried about their retired life, many people even begin to expect their retirement to come, because they see this as a new beginning of their life. I think, as long as the old people have the right attitude, the modern world has indeed much to offer for their happy, enjoyable and rewarding retired life.(338 words)。
More men and women decide to have children later in life. why is it happening ? what influences does it have on society and family life ?cause and consequences It seems to be an increasingly widespread concern that young citizens like to have their babies later in their life. The internet and ken, I think, should be responsible for this phenomenon. Intense rivalryUnlike baby boomers and X generation, who gave birth to their children at an earlier age, the Millennials are inclined to put off having babies.Baby boomers 1946-1965X generation 1965-1975Y generation/Millennials 1980-20003Paradoxically,Appalling =suprisingCompromiseConflictsIn the past, it was not un common to see a couple of young people have their first kid in their early 20s. T his is no longer the case. Nowadays, both men and women have to work to cover increasing costs of living. Moreover, due to globalization and booming population, modern people have to compete with qualified job applications/applicants. So, this intense social rivalry is one of the root causes of why young couples are less likely to have children in their early age.Another important factor contributing to this phenomenon is the advanced technology. For example, smart phones and the internet help people finish their jobs efficiently on one hand, but on the other hand they are totally obsessed with their phones. Too much di stractio ns occupie these young lovers’energy and therefore they are less willing to give brith at their young age.Of course, this issue is bringing some negative effects to both family life and society. Companies who main busiess focused on providing products and services to infants and toddlers will have less revenue and eventually bankcrupt, if this phenomenon/trend continues. Also, it can be seen that one day, the society is lack of workforce, which will influence the development of a country. Even more appalling, this trend will accelerate the development of aging population.。
英语考试作文8日雅思写作真题及7分范文:垃圾处理问题9月8日场的雅思考试已经结束,下面为大家带来本场雅思写作大作文真题回忆及范文,题目为:We have developed a “throw-away”society and are filling the environment with many plastic bags and rubbish that we cannot fully dispose of. What measures should be taken to combat the problem? Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.本周考的是一个环境类的老题目。
我们现在的社会是一个浪费型的社会(a throw-away society),随处可见被扔弃不用的东西。
如果我们再往下想一想,可能就想到,我们乱扔东西,可能还有一个心理层面上的原因:出于方便(out of convenience)。
雅思写作范文Ours is a “throw-away” society strongly influenced by consumerism as we value convenience over environmental protection. We throw away out of convenience, and societal conventions have us move on to the next fad or technology. For example, we are dumping large quantities of thrash, such as plastic bags and diapers, that we cannot fully dispose of. Likewise, we are discarding televisions, cell phones, computers and other used items in exchange of new ones that unsurprisingly will become our future garbage. Under these circumstances, environmental pollution is the cruel price we have to pay for the consumerism culture in the age of mass production. Even though our society as a whole is increasingly aware of the environmental pollution, more has to be done to prevent the problem from worsening.我们的社会是一个受消费主义强烈影响的“浪费型”社会,因为我们更看重方便而不是环境保护。
剑桥雅思真题7-写作(Test 2 附高分范文)
剑桥雅思真题7—写作(Test 2 附高分范文)Writing Task 1You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.Write at least 150 words.参考范文1:The graph illustrates changes in the amount of beef, lamb, chicken and fish consumed in a particular European country between 1979 and 2004.In 1979, beef consumption reached the highest point, with about 225 grams consumed per person per week. Lamb and chicken were consumed in similar quantities about 150 grams. However, fish consumption hit a low of 50 grams.Yet, the consumption of beef and lamb dropped sharply to nearly 100 grams respectively. There had been a stable pattern at 50 grams in the consumption of fish.In contrast, the consumption of chicken showed an upward trend,transcending that of lamb in 1980 and that of beef in 1989. Then this figure rose to a peak of about 250 in 2004.Overall, the line graph clearly showed the consumption of chicken rised rapidly while other foods decreased during this period.参考范文2:The graph illustrates changes in the amounts of beef, lamb, chicken and fish consumed in a particular European country between 1979 and 2004.In 1979 beef was by far the most popular of these foods, with about 225 grams consumed per person per week. Lamb and chicken were eaten in similar quantities (around 150 grams), whilemuch less fish was consumed (just over 50 grams). However, during this 25-year period the consumption of beef and lamb fell dramatically to approximately 100 grams and 55 grams respectively. The consumption of fish also declined, but much less significantly to just below 50 grams, so although it remained the least popular food, consumption levels were the most stable. The consumption of chicken, on the other hand, showed an upward trend, overtaking that of lamb in 1980 and that of beef in 1989. By 2004 it had soared to almost 250 grams per person per week.Overall, the graph shows how the consumption of chicken increased dramatically while the popularity of these other foods decreased over the period.参考范文3:The given line graph compares the fish and meat consumptions by the people of a European country from 1979 to 2004.As is presented in the graph, the consumption of chicken increased over the time while meats of different types were more preferred by people in the given European country than the fishes.According to the graph, more than 200 grams of beef was consumed daily by each person initially in 1979. In this year, each person on an average ate 150 grams of chicken and lambs while the consumption was just over 50 grams in this year. Over time people preferred chicken and the consumption kept on increasing and reached to over 250 grams per day by each person. The consumption of beef, lamb decreased over time and finally in 2004 the average consumption of these two meat types decreased to around 100 grams per person in a day. The amount consumed for fish remained almost same throughout the years and slightly decreased over time.In summary, people started consuming more chicken than beef and lamb and the fish consumption remained almost the same.Writing Task 2You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.Write about the following topic:Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.Write at least 250 words.参考范文(Band 7.5):Fixing punishments for each type of crime has been a debatable issue. There are many arguments supporting both views, those for and those against fixed punishments.On the one hand, fixed punishments will have a deterring effect on society. Individuals knowing that they will be subject to a certain punishment if they are convicted with a given crime, will reconsider committing this act in the first place.This deterring effect also leads to social stability and security, through minimizing the number of crime committed.If people knew they would be able to convince the court or the jury of a reason for having committed the crime they are accused of, penal decisions would be largely arbitrary. This wouldresult into criminals getting away with their crimes and into a high level of injustice caused by the subjective approach of different courts.On the other hand, taking the circumstances of a crime and its motivation into consideration is a prerequisite for establishing and ensuring justice and equity.A person killing in self-defense cannot be compared to a serial killer, moving from one victim to the next. In my opinion, an intermediary position between both solutions is the perfect way to establish and ensure justice and equity.There have to be fixed punishments for all crimes. However, criminal laws have to provide for a minimum and a maximum for the punishment and the laws also have to foresee certain cases of exemptions.An example for setting minimum and maximum penalties is Completion Law where a person being held liable of a crime under this law will be convicted to pay a fine, according to the harm caused by the violation and the profit gained by the violator through committing the crime.As for the exemptions, in some countries the law exempts thiefs stealing food during a period of famine taking into consideration the distress and hunger.Also, a person killing in self-defense will be exempted from punishment.考官评语:This is a thoughtful and well-argued response to the task. The candidate examines the opposing views of the topic and gives a clear opinion that is well developed and supported. To reach the highest band a more clearly-signalled conclusion would be needed. The argument is well organised and linking is well managed throughout. The development of the answer is not helped however, by poor control of paragraphing which sometimes confuses the links across different sections. This is a weak feature of the script which limits the overall rating. In contrast, an excellent range of vocabulary is used with a sophisticated level of control and only rare slips. The range of structures is also wide and most sentences are accurate and precise, but there are some errors and omissions. These, however, are only minor and do not affect communication.。
剑桥雅思真题7-写作(Test 3 附高分范文)
剑桥雅思真题7—写作(Test 3 附高分范文)Writing Task 1You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.Write at least 150 words.参考范文1:The chart gives information about the percentage change in average house prices in five different cities located in five different countries over 12 year period between 1990 and 2002 compared with the average house prices in 1989.According to the chart, during the period from 1990 to 1995 the average prices of houses in three cities decreased significantly by five percent in New York (USA) and about 7.5 percent in both Tokyo (Japan) and London (UK). While the average house prices increased slightly in two cities Madrid(Spain) and Frankfurt(Germany) by about 1.5 percent respectively.As far as the next period (1996-2002) is concerned, it is clear that the average house prices decreased only in Tokyo (Japan) by 5 percent. In contrast the average house prices increased in the rest of cities. In New York it increased consideraply by 5 percent, in Madrid it increased slightly by 4 percent, in Frankfurt it increased by 2 percent.London has the largest increase in the average house price over the 6-year period from 1996-2002 as it increased dramatically by 11 percent.All in all, there are a wide differences in house prices between the five cities which illustrated in this chart. These differences may be a result of the number of population or the number of houses required in a certain city.本文得分6.5。
雅思7分大作文范文批改和解析雅思7分大作范文批改和解析雅思写作提高第一步:结构(5.0 - 5.5)问题:出国留学的优点(the advantages of disadvantages of study abroad)同学:One reason for those who decide to go overseas to get a higher degree is that they believe they can get better education in certain fields. That is to say, different universities in different countries have their specialized courses and rich resources can be provided according to their needs and requirements. Another reason is that they can learn a foreign language in a more efficient way. There is no denying that living in an all-round English environment and being affected by local culture make people quick learners.解析:出国留学和高学历完全是两回事(出去读初中和高中都算出国);出国就是better education,在国内就不是better? 出国留学可不仅仅是上大学,而该同学认为出国留学就是去上大学的(因为她可能就是去上大学的,所以觉得所有人也都如此),偏激。
2018年11月10日雅思大作文写作7分范文:职场社交能力重要性大作文写作题目是:Nowadays, many employers think that social skills are as important as good qualifications for employing people. To what extent do you agree or disagree?雅思大作文解析今天的考题是一个旧题,重复的是2012年1月14日的考题,不过由于过于久远,想必很多同学都没有复习到。
但这个题目的问题,我们多数同学都应该思考过,即到底文凭重要,还是社交能力重要?就这个问题,我们的思考方向依然是三种:A. 双边讨论:认为两者都很重要B. 一边倒讨论:只认为文凭更重要,或社交能力更重要C. 批判思维:对某些工作而言,文凭更重要,而对其他工作而言,社交能力更重要。
It is important for job seekers to highlight both their professional qualifications and social skills. Employers are looking to hire those who have the right mix of professional qualifications as hard skills and social skills as soft skills.(1) 本段开门见山,直接表明观点,即专业资质和社交能力同等重要。
雅思大作文突破7分总结(背景引入-题目改写-撰写观点)(利弊)讨论型1.People nowadays are surrounded by all kinds of advertising. Some people believe that advertising has more negative than positive influences on people’s lives. To what extent do you agree or disagree?2.As global trade increases, many goods, even some daily goods, are exported to another country, which includes long-distance transport during shipping. Do you think its benefits outweigh its drawbacks?观点对比型3.Some people think it is acceptable to use animals for the benefit of humans. Other people think it is wrong to exploit animals for human purposes. Discuss both views and give your own opinion4.Nowdays the trend of fashion changes very rapidly, and gradually people become the slaves of it. Some people think that a person should choose comfortable clothes he or she likes, regardless of fashion.5.Some people think rich countries should help the poor countries by giving money directly. Others believe that there are more effective forms of international aid.原因-结果型、6.The range of technology is increasing the gap between the rich and the poor. To what extent do you agree?7.Today advertising can be seen everywhere in daily life. It has influenced what people think is important, and sometimes has negative effects on our life. To what extent do you agree or disagree ?手段方法型8.Riding a bicycle is the best way than other transportation methods. Do you agree or disagree.9.Some people believe that become successful in adult life, it depends on the way parents bring up their children. Do you agree or disagree.趋势或者现象讨论型10.It is important for all towns and cities to have large public outdoor places like squares and parks. To what extent do you agree?11.Caring for children is probably the most important thing of the society. It is suggested that all mothers and fathers should be required to take the childcare trainning courses.。
雅思c7t1小作文例文英文回答:The given prompt is about the IELTS Academic Writing Task 1 example essay for a band 7 candidate. The task requires writing a response to a given graph or chart in at least 150 words. In this case, I will provide an example response to a bar chart.The bar chart illustrates the percentage of people in three different age groups who use smartphones in a particular country. Overall, it can be observed that the younger the age group, the higher the percentage of smartphone users.According to the chart, among those aged 18-24, approximately 90% of them use smartphones. This percentage drops slightly for the 25-34 age group, with around 85% using smartphones. The lowest percentage of smartphone users is found in the 35-44 age group, with only about 70%using smartphones.中文回答:这个柱状图展示了一个特定国家三个不同年龄组的人使用智能手机的百分比。
(七分范文)Some people believe that study ing atuni versity or college is the best route to a successful career , while others believe that it is better to get a job straight after school.Discuss both views and give your opinion.Whenthey finish school , teenagers face the dilemma that whether to get a job or con ti nue their educati on. While there are some ben efits to gett ing a job straight after school , I would argue that it is better to go to college or uni versity.The option to start work straight after school isattractive for several reasons. Many young people want to start earning mon eyas soon as possible. In this way, they can become independent , and they will be able to afford their own house or start a family. In terms of their career , young people who decide to find work , rather than continue their studies , may progress more quickly. They will have the cha nee to gain real experie nee and lear n practical skills related to their chosen profession. This may lead to promoti ons and a successful career.On the other hand, I believe that it is more ben eficial for students tocontinue their studies. Firstly , academic qualificati ons are required inmany professi ons. For example, it is impossible to become a doctor , teacheror lawyer without hav ing the releva nt degree. As a result , uni versity graduates have access to more and better job opportunities , and they tend to earn higher salaries than those with fewer qualifications.Secondly , the job marketis becoming increasingly competitive , and sometimes there are hun dreds of applica nts for one positi on in a compa ny.Young people who do not have qualifications from a uni versity or college will not be able to compete.For the reas ons men ti oned above , it seems to me that students are more likely to be successful in their careers if they continue their studies beyond school level.以上就是这篇雅思写作7分范文的全部内容,字数足够。
Many young people today know more about international pop and movie stars than about famous people in the history in their country.Why is this? What can be done to increase young people’s interest in famous people in the history of their country?今天许多年轻人对国际流行音乐和电影明星的了解比他们国家历史上的名人还要多。
这是为什么呢?怎样做才能提高年轻人对本国历史上名人的兴趣?范文来自网络:As the globalization of entertainment industry, a great number of foreign celebrities has dashed into our lives, especially for the youth; fascinating super stars is becoming a trend, and even being idolaters has been a lifestyle for many young people. Gradually, more people start to worry about the inheritance of local traditional culture, which is worth considering around the society.随着娱乐产业的全球化,大量的外国名人闯入了我们的生活,尤其是年轻人;吸引人的超级明星正在成为一种趋势,甚至成为偶像已经成为许多年轻人的生活方式。
雅思写作Task1 7分范文
The table below gives information on consumer spending on different items in five different countries in2002.Percentage of national consumer expenditure by category -2002The table shows percentages of consumer expenditure for three categories of products andservices in five countries in 2002.It is clear that the largest proportion of consumer spending in each country went on food, drinks and tobacco.On the other hand,the leisure/education category has the lowest percentages in the table.Out of the five countries,consumer spending on food,drinks and tobacco was noticeably higher in Turkey,at 32.14%,and Ireland,at nearly 29%.The proportion of spending on leisure and educationwas also highest inTurkey, at 4. 35%, while expenditure onclothingand footwear wassignificantly higher in Italy,at 9%,than in any of the other countries.It can be seen that Sweden had the lowest percentages of national consumer expenditure forfood/drinks/tobacco and for clothing/footwear,at nearly 16%and just over 5%respectively.Spain had slightly higher figures for these categories,but the lowest figure for leisure/education,at only 1.98%.The graph and table below give information about water use worldwide and water consumption in two different countries.The charts compare the amount of water used for agriculture,industry and homes around the world,and water use in Brazil and the Democratic Republic of Congo.It is clear that global water needs rose significantly between 1900and 2000, and that agriculture accounted for the largest proportion of water used.We can also see that water consumption was considerably higher in Brazil than in the Congo.In 1900,around 500km³of water was use d by the agriculture sector worldwide.The figures for industrial and domestic water consumption stood at around one fifth of that amount.By 2000,global water use for agriculture had increased to around 3000km³, industrial water use had risento just under half that amount,and domestic consumption had reached approximately 500km³.In the year 2000,the populations of Brazil and the Congo were 176million and 5.2million respectively.Water consumption per person in Brazil,at 359m³,was much higher than that inthe Congo,at only 8m³,and this could be explained by the fact that Brazil had 265times more irrigated land.(184words,band 9)The chart below shows information about changes in average house prices in five different cities between1990and2002compared with the average house prices in1989.The bar chart compares the cost of anaverage house infive major cities over a period of 13years from 1989.We cansee that house prices fell overall between1990 and 1995, but most of the cities sawrisingprices between1996 and 2002. Londonexperienced by far the greatest changes inhouseprices over the 13-year period.Over the 5years after 1989,the cost of average homes in Tokyo and London dropped by around 7%,while New York house prices went down by 5%.By contrast,prices rose by approximately 2%in both Madrid and Frankfurt.Between 1996and 2002,London house prices jumped to around 12%above the 1989average. Homebuyers in New York also had to pay significantly more,with prices risingto 5%above the1989average,but homes in Tokyo remained cheaper than they were in 1989.The cost of an average home in Madrid rose by a further 2%,while prices in Frankfurt remained stable.(165words)The table below shows the proportion of different categories of families living in poverty in Australia in1999.The table gives informationabout poverty rates amongsix types of household inAustralia inthe year 1999.It is noticeable that levels of poverty were higher for single people than for couples,and people with children were more likely to be poor than those without. Poverty rates were considerably lower among elderly people.Overall, 11% of Australians, or 1,837,000 people, were livinginpoverty in1999. Aged peoplewere the least likely to be poor,with poverty levels of 6%and 4%for single aged people and aged couples respectively.Just over one fifth of single parents were living in poverty,whereas only 12%of parents living with a partner were classed as poor. The same pattern can be seen for people with no children:while 19%of single people in this group were living below the poverty line,the figure for couples was muchlower, at only 7%.(150words,band 9)The map below is of the town of Garlsdon.A new supermarket(S)is planned for the town.The map shows two possible sites for the supermarket.The map shows two potential locations (S1 and S2) for a new supermarket in a town calledGarlsdon.The maindifference betweenthe two sites is that S1 is outside the town, whereas S2 is inthetown centre.The sites can also be compared in terms of access by road or rail,and their positions relative to three smaller towns.Looking at the information in more detail,S1is in the countryside to the north west of Garlsdon, but it is close to the residential area of the town. S2 is also close to the housingarea,which surrounds the town centre.There are main roads from Hindon,Bransdon and Cransdon to Garlsdon town centre,but this is a no traffic zone,so there would be no access to S2by car.By contrast,S1lies on the main road to Hindon,but it would be more difficult to reach from Bransdon and Cransdon.Both supermarket/sites are close to the railway that runs through Garlsdon from Hindon to Cransdon.can use "compared to", "compared with" and "in comparison with" in the same way. For example:• Prices in the UK are high compared to / with / in comparisonwith (prices in) Canada andAustralia.• Compared to / with/ incomparisonwith(prices in) Canada and Australia, prices inthe UKare high.When writing about numbers or changes, I find it easier to use "while" or "whereas":•There are 5 million smokers in the UK, while / whereas only 2 million Canadians and 1 millionAustralians smoke.• Between 1990 and 2000, the number of smokers in the UK decreased dramatically, while whereas the figures for Canada and Australia remained the same.The following bar chart has a total of 24 bars. It's impossible to describe 24 pieces of information in only 20 minutes, so you need to select .The bar chart compares consumer spending on six different items in Germany,Italy,France and Britain.It is clear that British people spent significantly more money than people in the other threecountries on all six goods. Of the six items, consumers spentthe most money onphotographicfilm.People in Britain spentjust over £170,000 on photographic film, which is the highest figure shown on the chart.By contrast,Germans were the lowest overall spenders,with roughly the samefigures (just under £150,000)for each o f the six products.The figures for spendingontoys were the same inbothFrance and Italy, at nearly £160,000.However,while French people spent more than Italians on photographic film and CDs,Italians paid out more for personal stereos, tennis racquets and perfumes. The amount spent by Frenchpeople on tennis racquets,around £145,000,is the lowest figure shown on the chart.The diagrams below show some principles of house design for cool and for warm climates.The diagrams show how house designs differ according to climate.The most noticeable difference between houses designed for cool and warm climates is in the shape of the roof.The designs also differ with regard to the windows and the use of insulation.We can see that the cool climate house has a high-angled roof,which allows sunlight to enterthrough the window. By contrast, the roof of the warm climate house has a peak in the middle and roof overhangs to shade the windows. Insulationand thermal buildingmaterials are used incoolclimates to reduce heat loss, whereas insulation and reflective materials are used to keep the heat out in warm climates.Finally, the cool climate house has one window which faces the direction of the sun, while the warmclimate house has windows on two sides which are shaded from the sun. By openingthe two windows at night, the house designed for warm climates can be ventilated.The picture illustrates the way in which water passes from ocean to airnatural process known as the water cycle.Three main stages are shown on the diagram. Ocean water evaporates,eventually runs back into the oceans again.to land during thefalls as rain, andBeginning at the evaporation stage,we can see that 80% of water vapour in the air comes from the oceans. Heat from the sun causes water to evaporate, and water vapour condenses to formclouds. At the second stage, labelled p‘recipitation’onthe diagra m, water falls as rainor snow.At the third stage in the cycle, rainwater may take various paths. Some of it may fall into lakesor return to the oceans via ‘surface runoff’ . Otherwise, rainwater may filter through the ground, reachingthe impervious layer of the earth. Salt water intrusionis shownto take placejust beforegroundwater passes into the oceans to complete the cycle.(156 words, band 9)The first picture shows the layout of an art gallery, and the second shows some proposed changes to the gallery space.It is clear that significant changes will be made in terms of the use of floor space in the gallery. There will be a completely new entrance and more space for exhibitions.At present, visitors enter the gallery through doors which lead into a lobby. However, the planis to move the entrance to the ParkinsonCourt side of the building, and visitors will walk straightinto the exhibition area. In place of the lobby and office areas, which are shown on the existingplan, the new gallery plan shows an education area and a small storage area.The permanent exhibition space in the redeveloped gallery will be about twice as large as it is now because it will occupy the area that is now used for temporary exhibitions.There will also be a new room for special exhibitions. This room is shown in red on the existing plan and is not currently part of the gallery.(178 words, band 9)The table shows data about the underground rail networks in six major cities.The table compares the six networks in terms of their age, size and the number of people who use them each year.It is clear that the three oldest underground systems are larger and serve significantly more passengers than the newer systems.The London underground is the oldest system, havingopened in 1863. It is also the largestsystem, with 394 kilometres of route. The second largest system, in Paris, is only about half the size of the London underground, with 199 kilometres of route. However, it serves more people per year. While only third in terms of size, the Tokyo system is easily the most used, with 1927 million passengers per year.Of the three newer networks, the Washington DC underground is the most extensive, with 126 kilometres of route, compared to only 11 kilometres and 28 kilometres for the Kyoto and Los Angeles systems. The Los Angeles network is the newest, having opened in 2001, while the Kyoto network is the smallest and serves only 45 million passengers per year.(185 words)The pie charts compare the amount of electricity produced using five different sources of fuel in two countries over two separate years.Total electricity production increased dramatically from 1980 to 2000 in both Australia andFrance. While the totals for both countries were similar, there were big differences in the fuel sources used.Coal was used to produce 50 of the total 100 units of electricity inAustralia in1980, risingto130 out of 170 units in 2000. By contrast, nuclear power became the most important fuel source in France in 2000, producing almost 75% of the c ountry’selectricity.Australia depended on hydro power for just under 25% of its electricity in both years, but the amount of electricity produced usingthis type of power fell from5 to only 2 units inFrance. Oil,onthe other hand, remained a relatively important fuel source inFrance, but its use declined inAustralia. Both countries relied on natural gas for electricity production significantly more in 1980 than in 2000.(170 words)Read my full essay for the chart below. How have I organised the information? What languageThe chart gives information about UK immigration, emigration and net migration between 1999 and 2008.Both immigration and emigration rates rose over the period shown, but the figures for immigration were significantly higher. Net migration peaked in 2004 and 2007.In 1999, over 450,000 people came to live in the UK, while the number of people who emigrated stood atjust under 300,000. The figure for net migration was around 160,000, and itremained at a similar level until 2003. From 1999 to 2004, the immigration rate rose by nearly 150,000 people, but there was a much smaller rise in emigration. Net migration peaked at almost 250,000 people in 2004.After 2004, the rate of immigration remained high, but the number of people emigrating fluctuated. Emigration fell suddenly in 2007, before peaking at about 420,000 people in 2008. As a result, the net migration figure rose to around 240,000 in 2007, but fell back to around 160,000 in 2008.The three bar charts show average years of schooling, numbers of scientists and technicians,and research and development spending in developing and developed countries.Figures are given for 1980and 1990.It is clear from the charts that the figures for developed countries are much higher than those for developing nations.Also,the charts show an overall increase in participation in education and science from 1980to 1990.People indevelopingnations attended school for anaverage of around 3years,withonly aslight increase in years of schooling from 1980to 1990. On the other hand, the figure forindustrialised countries rose from nearly 9years of schooling in 1980to nearly 11years in 1990.From 1980to 1990,the number of scientists and technicians in industrialised countries almost doubled to about 70per 1000people.Spending on research and development also saw rapid growth in these countries,reaching $350billion in 1990.By contrast,the number of science workers indevelopingcountries remained below 20 per 1000 people, and researchspendingfellfrom about $50billion to only $25billion.(187words)The diagram below shows how the Australian Bureau of Meteorology collects up-to-the-minute information on the weather in order to produce reliable forecasts.The figure illustrates the process used by the Australian Bureau of Meteorology to forecast the weather.There are four stages inthe process,beginningwiththe collectionof informationabout theweather.This information is then analysed,prepared for presentation,and finally broadcast to the public.Looking at the first and second stages of the process,there are three ways of collecting weather data and three ways of analysing it.Firstly,incoming information can be received by satellite and presented for analysis as a satellite photo.The same data can also be passed to a radar stationand presented ona radar screenor synoptic chart.Secondly,incominginformationmay be collected directly by radar and analysed on a radar screen or synoptic chart.Finally, drifting buoys also receive data which can be shown on a synoptic chart.At the third stage of the process,the weather broadcast is prepared on computers.Finally,it is delivered to the public on television,on the radio,or as a recorded telephone announcement.The line graphcompares the percentage of people inthree countries who used the Internetbetween 1999and 2009.It is clear that the proportion of the population who used the Internet increased in each country over the period shown.Overall, a much larger percentage of Canadians and Americans had access to the Internet in comparison with Mexicans,and Canada experienced the fastest growth in Internet usage.In1999, the proportionof people usingthe Internet inthe USA was about 20%. The figuresfor Canada and Mexico were lower, at about 10% and 5% respectively. In2005, Internet usage inboth the USA and Canada rose to around 70%of the population,while the figure for Mexico reached just over 25%.By 2009, the percentage of Internet users was highest inCanada. Almost 100% of Canadiansused the Internet,compared to about 80%of Americans and only 40%of Mexicans.The graphshows changes inthe number of cars per household inGreat Britainover a periodof 36years.Overall, car ownership inBritainincreased between1971 and 2007. Inparticular, the numberof households with two cars rose,while the number of households without a car fell.In 1971,almost half of all British households did not have regular use of a car.Around 44%of households hadone car, but only about 7% had twocars. It was uncommonfor families toown three or more cars,with around 2%of households falling into this category.Theone-car household was the most common type from the late 1970’s onwards,although there was little change in the figures for this category.The biggest change was seen in the proportion of households without a car,which fell steadily over the 36-year period to around 25% in 2007.In contrast,the proportion of two-car families rose steadily,reaching about 26%in 2007, and the proportion of households with more than two cars rose by around 5%.(180words)。
雅思7分范文(推荐十五篇)5雅思7分范文(篇一)Although we can easily acquire knowledge from modern media like television and internet,I think it is not enough to prove that the teachers will lose their position in the future. Indeed,people can absorb a lot of knowledges from television and example ,some students now can watch many teaching videos on television and internet and they do not need to get these knowledge from modern software can even help students to make a suitable study is obvious that students do not need to listen to the fixed content in the classroom. However,are all students have the chance to get the knowledge that they want from television and internet?Many poor students cannot afford the cost of television or internet and some elders do not know how to use these various of knowledge from teacher is the best way for learning needs time to make the student cannot learn the new course if the courseware has not completed by the teacher. Even if television and internet can meet some needs of students but they cannot completely perform the effects of the fact, children also need to learn the method of communication and how to become a good this aspect,teachers play an important role during the learning computer cannot completely achieve the teaching goal. To sum up, modern technologies can replace some of teachers' job. but considering other important parts in education, I do not believe this development can make teachers useless in the future.雅思7分范文(篇二)You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.Families are not as close as before. Give reasons for this change, and suggest some ways to bring families closer.You should write at least 250 words. You should use your own ideas of knowledge and experience and support your arguments with examples and relevant evidence.In the past, family was a very important concept in people’s minds, and it was the center of many people’s lives. Nowadays, however, the relationship between family members is not as close as before. But as to what factors contribute to this phenomenon, different people have diverse opinions. As far as I am concerned, it results from the following reasons.The first reason is that people spend more time on their study and work. Compared with the past, people face fierce competition and suffer from great pressure. Therefore, they have to devote more time and energy to their careers. Some people are too occupied to spare time for their family. What is more, many jobs require people to work in other cities and many children have to leave their parents at an early age to study or work elsewhere. As time passes, these people become emotionally estranged from their parents.Another reason is that there are more entertainment forms available. Nowadays high technology brings us more interesting things which can easily attract people’s attention, such as watching TV, surfing the Internet or plating video games. As a result, people are indulged in these activities, totally neglecting the feelings of other family members.To bring families closer, people put forward various suggestions. Firstly, never bring your work home and leave it in your office. We should spare more time with family members no matter how occupied we are. Secondly, try to squeeze some time for a regular family dinner because dinner time is a perfect time and opportunity for people to exchange their feelings and ideas. Last but not least, we should teach the children the sense of family when they are still young.Family is the basic unit of a society. It plays a significant role in our lives. In order to enjoy a harmonious family life and maintain a stable society, we should take efforts to create a close family relationship. (342 words)雅思7分范文(篇三)题目:The older generations tend to have very traditional ideas about how people should live, think and behave. However, some people believe that these ideas are not helpful in preparing younger generations for modern life. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this view?范文:It is true that many older people believe in traditional values that often seem incompatible with the needs of younger people. While I agree that some traditional ideas are outdated, I believe that others are still useful and should not be forgotten.On the one hand, many of the ideas that elderly people have aboutlife are becoming less relevant for younger people. In the past, for example, people were advised to learn a profession and find a secure job for life, but today’s workers expect much more variety and diversity from their careers. At the same time, the ‘rules’ around relationships are being eroded as young adults make their own choices about who and when to marry. But perhaps the greatest disparity between the generations can be seen in their attitudes towards gender roles. The traditional roles of men and women, as breadwinners and housewives, are no longer accepted as necessary or appropriate by most younger people.On the other hand, some traditional views and values are certainly applicable to the modern world. For example, older generations attach great importance to working hard, doing one’s best, and taking pride in one’s work, and these behaviours can surely benefit young people as they enter today’s competitive job market. Other characteristics that are perhaps seen as traditional are politeness and good manners. In our globalised world, young adults can expect to come into contact with people from a huge variety of backgrounds, and it is more important than ever to treat others with respect. Finally, I believe that young people would lead happier lives if they had a more ‘old-fashioned’ sense of community and neighbourliness.In conclusion, although the views of older people may sometimes seem unhelpful in today’s world, we should not dismiss all traditional ideas as irrelevant.雅思7分范文(篇四)Nowadays, there are several channels to get news, such as radio, TV, newspaper and internet. I think internet is the best among these. In my essay, I am going to explain why.Since its invention, the Internet has been keeping booming as a prospective industry. Not only because it is a combination of texts, audios and videos, but also due to its convinience. It has threatened the domination of spreading news of the traditional media, and, I would say, is about to take control.We can find everything we want on internet – latest news, books, songs, movies, cartoons… whatever. With radio, we can merely hear. Compared with newspaper, radio and TV can provide the lastest information. For instance, it was immediately availalbe of the breaking news of the Americans’ attacking on Iraq, as we ll as thatthe Twin Towers of New York were destroyed on September 11, 2001. __ However, we just cannot carry TV 24/7.Internet is a convinient way of getting information, as long as your mobile phone is connected or you possess a laptop. When I am on a vehicle, I usually have my cellphone connected to internet, then browse what happend in the past few hours, or log in MSN to begin a conversation with my friends. Reading newspaper is also a good way to kill time, but for me, a youngster, it is not so modern as “surfing online while being transported”.The traditional media will never disappear, though internet has taken a big advantage in the competition. And definitely, there is still a long way for internet to go. Anyway, internet benefits me the most, and I highly appreciate it.雅思7分范文(篇五)题目:Wild animals have no place in the 21st century, so protecting them is a waste of resources. To what extent do you agree or disagree?范文:Some people argue that it is pointless to spend money on theprotection of wild animals because we humans have no need for them. I completely disagree with this point of view.In my opinion, it is absurd to argue that wild animals have no placein the 21st century. I do not believe that planet Earth exists onlyfor the benefit of humans, and there is nothing special about this particular century that means that we suddenly have the right toallow or encourage the extinction of any species. Furthermore, thereis no compelling reason why we should let animals die out. We do not need to exploit or destroy every last square metre of land in orderto feed or accommodate the world’s population. There is plenty of room for us to exist side by side with wild animals, and this should be our aim.I also disagree with the idea that protecting animals is a waste of resources. It is usually the protection of natural habitats that ensures the survival of wild animals, and most scientists agree that these habitats are also crucial for human survival. For example, rainforests produce oxygen, absorb carbon dioxide and stabilise the Earth’s climate. If we destroyed these areas, the costs of managing the resulting changes to our planet would far outweigh the costs ofconservation. By protecting wild animals and their habitats, we maintain the natural balance of all life on Earth.In conclusion, we have no right to decide whether or not wild animals should exist, and I believe that we should do everything we can to protect them.雅思7分范文(篇六)Some people think that a sense of competition in children should be encouraged. Others believe that children who are taught to co-operate rather than compete become more useful adults. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.Nowadays, purpose of education being changed in Korea. There are some people who think that competition in children should be made, also others believe that children who are taught to co-operate as well as become more useful adults. There are advantages and disadvantages for both of the arguments.To begin with, what is good if a sense of competition in children is made? They could develop themselves more and more as they learn and study a lot to win from the competition. To prove this, in Korea, it is popular- even common now- to have a tutor who come to student’s house to teach extra pieces of study with paying a lot of money. They learn faster than what they learn at school. Furthermore, during the vocations, students study abroad to learn English for a month instead of revise school work. If they have experiments such as study abroad, it is one of the greatest plus point to go to the famous well-known high school. Moreover, there are four big school exam and twonational examinations to test students’ level of studies. Generally, only the highest 40% can go to the good quality highschools and colleges children learn as much as they can, to win the competition to obtain good quality schools.On the other hand, as they are busy to enter the schools and study individually with their own tutors, there are problems. They become selfish. They become careless and don’t help others a lot if it is about studies. There will be no co-operations for them. Then, why are there companies for many people to work in? each of them are clever, however, there are weak parts and strong parts for each person. Toco-operate is to improve this part. People talk and listen to what others thinking of and learn. That could also be a great opportunity to learn instead of learning alone with one teacher.In conclusion, I strongly agree with that children should be taught to co-operate rather than compete. Nobody is perfect. People learn together, work together to develop each other. therefore, I want parents and teachers to educate children concentrating on co-operation, not compete and ranking them.雅思7分范文(篇七)现在小伙伴们都知道雅思baba的写作套路了么?那既然已经知道写作有题库,同学们是不是应该对雅思写作真题重视起来市面上的很多资料都是有题目不完整、没范文、没高频词汇的情况,对童鞋们来说其实用处并不大。
雅思 c17 t1的作文范文
雅思 c17 t1的作文范文英文回答:The prompt asked me to discuss the importance of travel and its impact on one's personal growth and worldview. In response, I argued that travel is a transformative experience that broadens our perspectives, fosters empathy, and cultivates resilience.Firstly, travel exposes us to diverse cultures and ways of life. By immersing ourselves in unfamiliar environments, we challenge our preconceptions and learn to appreciate the beauty of difference. This can lead to a profound shift in our worldview, making us more tolerant and understanding of others.Secondly, travel fosters empathy by allowing us to connect with people from all walks of life. Through shared experiences and conversations, we develop a deeper understanding of the challenges and joys faced byindividuals from different backgrounds. This empathy can help us bridge social divides and promote global harmony.Finally, travel cultivates resilience. By stepping outside of our comfort zones and navigating unfamiliar challenges, we develop adaptability and perseverance. These qualities are invaluable in both personal and professional life, as they equip us to face setbacks and embrace new opportunities.In conclusion, travel is an indispensable tool for personal growth and the expansion of our worldview. It broadens our perspectives, fosters empathy, and cultivates resilience, ultimately shaping us into more well-roundedand compassionate individuals.中文回答:题干要求我讨论旅行的重要性及其对个人成长和世界观的产生。
雅思哥写作干货:7分范文篇1Nowadays some people have the anti-social behavior and are lack of respect to others. What are the reasons? What are the solutions?Today there is a large increase in anti-social behavior, such as stealing, robbery and bullying, in almost every country. Also, irresponsibility and disrespect to others are common. The reason for the anti-social behavior are both complicated and varied.One possible reason for people to show anti-social behavior is that they may be dissatisfied with certain policies made by the government, so they choose an extreme way to express their dissatisfaction. For example, a local government does not punish the businesses that cause pollution to the environment just because these companies pay a large sum of tax every year. As a result, some people intentionally hurt employees working for these companies as a warning. Another reason is that some people lack education in learning how to respect and how law works when they were young, so they fail to realize what harm their behavior would cause to others. I think this explains why they appear harmful to the society.To address this problem, the government should listen to public opinions with an open mind, taking the benefit of all parties into consideration before making policy, and make every effort to meet people’s demand in fields like living environment, price index and working benefits. Public media should broadcastnoncommercial advertisements to convey the importance of showing respect to others and obeying the law. Also, schools and parents ought to put emphasis on cultivating law-abiding consciousness and let youngsters know that only respecting others can obtain others’ respect.In sum, any anti-social behavior is regarded as a threat to social order. Mostly , the ones that misbehave lack a good understanding in manners and law. So the government media and education institutions need to join hands to solve this problem.雅思哥写作干货:7分范文篇2In recent years, young people in many countries choose to live by themselves. What are the reasons and is it positive or negative for the development of the society?Traditionally , young people often lived with other people. Now , more young people are choosing to live by themselves. Some people question whether this trend will have a negative or positive impact on the development of society.Some people are choosing to live by themselves for convenience purposes. Maybe they have a lengthy commute back and forth to work and it is no longer reasonable to live such a distance away. They want to live close to where they work and a roommate or someone to live with is not an option. Some people choose to live alone because they dislike the inconveniences of cohabiting with someone who has different living habits. Other people choose to live alone simply because they are introverts and they do not enjoy social contact.Although a person should certainly have the right to determine whether they live alone or not, it is important to note that human contact and social interaction remain important to aperson’s development and well-being. Human beings are social creatures and studies have shown that we can all benefit from social interaction. Many of us think that we can enhance our lives with computer time, television time, or smartphone time, but face-to-face interaction can still be beneficial and enriching.It remains to be seen if there will be any long-term effects from the current trend of people living alone, but there is a possibility that this trend may have a negative impact on people’s ability or interest in social interaction.雅思哥写作干货:7分范文篇3An increasing number of people are changing their careers. What are the reasons? Do you think it is positive or negative?Some people wonder why career changes are becoming more prevalent and whether those more frequent changes are having a positive or a negative effect. Although one can certainly argue about the positive or negative effects, I believe that these changes can be positive, if the person making the career change is doing so for the right reasons.Admittedly, companies come and go in our fast-paced world economy. So it is probably no longer realistic for a person to think that they will be able to start and finish working with the same company. Along the same lines, it should be noted that many companies and employers do not value loyalty as much as their counterparts from previous generations.This trend can be positive if people change jobs for the following purposes. First, they make career changes in an attempt to find more satisfaction or fulfillment with their new career. Second, they made a mistake in the previous career they chose for themselves but it is no late to pursue a more suitable one. Lastly, some people make career changes in search of a moredesirable lifestyle, more career advancement or a higher income.If people choose a different career path so they can be happier or more fulfilled in their career. I support them to do so. Happy and fulfilled employees are more productive and their employers will be benefited. Everyone deserves the chance to have a better career development. If career change is the key to their future success, they should not hesitate to make the change.雅思哥写作干货:7分范文篇4Some people say that governments should focus on reducing environmental pollution and housing problems to help people prevent illness and disease. To what extent do you agree or disagree?Some people maintain that their governments should focus on reducing environmental pollution and housing problems to help prevent illness and disease.It is obvious that environment pollution can create widespread illness. Studies have shown that poor air quality can create illness, including cancer, and those illnesses can reduce our quality of life and our lifespan. The same can be said for water pollution, as many disease and illnesses are a direct result of poor water quality. Unfortunately, in many countries the water and air quality is already poor due to years of abuse or negligence. Government efforts to ensure air and water quality can be quite expensive, as a lot of cleanup is required.In regards to a lack of quality housing, that can result in similar health problems and concerns, as people who are homeless or living in the street are certainly more prone to disease and illness.That being said, a government cannot spend all of its financial resources in curbing pollution or creating affordablehousing. The government has other priorities and problems to consider, including transportation, education, employment and health care. If these priorities are ignored, other problems will arise. Bad roads or bad bridges may impact the economy. Uneducated and unemployed citizens are also sure to have a negative impact on the economy. If a society is unable to care for its sick population, the society will also suffer.With this in mind, it seems that the government is best served in establishing a balance in determining which problems and areas to focus on. Although they may never be able to solve all of those problems at ones, maybe they can make enough progress so that someday those problems will be in the past.雅思哥写作干货:7分范文篇5Some people claim that newspaper is the best way to get the latest information because it has more influence that other forms of media. To what extent do you agree or disagree?Some people claim that the latest information is mostly from newspapers, but I would say television is a better way to get news and other information.立场:不赞成纸媒体不能及时把新闻信息第一时间传播出去纸媒体好处:更多细节,读者可以反复阅读电子类媒体:更新及时,视频的方式报道,让人们更直观的了解到事件的进展On behalf of newspapers, newspaper stories are generally more detailed and more in-depth than other media accounts of the same stories. A television or radio newscast has limited time in which to tell a news story. If the television news is only 30 minutes or 60 minutes in length, the television network can use only a limited amount of time for each story. Newspapers, on the other hand, often have more time and space to offer for a specificstory. Also, newspaper stories are written instead of spoken like television or radio stories. If a person is reading a newspaper story and they are unclear about some of the facts in the story, they can go back and read the story again.On behalf of other forms of media, it is important to point out that printed newspapers are usually printed only once a day. Although some newspapers now have internet sites where they can disseminate news as fast as other forms of electronic media. Electronic media such as television, radio and internet news sources have the ability to deliver news much more quickly than newspapers. As a medium, television and radio offer unlimited video and audio accounts of news stones, but printed newspapers lack these forms of accounts.Although newspapers have traditionally been a main source for information. Other electronic media, especially television, are now challenging newspapers in this role. Television can provide news immediately while it is happening. Besides, television can do so with video and audio presentations that are not available in newspaper.。
雅思写作7分范文雅思写作7分范文第1篇:国家差异消失的优缺点Nowadays we can enjoy the same films, fashions, brands, advertisements and TV channels. The evident difference between countries is disappearing. To what extent do you think the disadvantages overweight the advantages of this?Globalization creates conditions for widening international exchanges, strengthening mutual understanding between nations, expanding cultural, educational, and scientific cooperation between nations and countries, enjoying the cultural achievements of people around the world which encourages the process of modernization and the enrichment of national culture.However, these conditions also create the possible danger of diminishing the national culture with a negative impact on the pre123vation of national identity. Through globalization and an open door policy, erroneous concepts and a lowering of ethical standards, a selfish and individualistic lifestyle and harmful cultural products can easily be imported into the country. At present, modern information technology which in the main is controlled by US is hourly and intensively disseminating US ideology, way of life, culture and films across the world. Even US food is promoted so that some people consider globalization as global Americanization.During the process of economic globalization, inequality between developed and developing countries has been increasing and the gap between the rich and the poor has become wider, most of the result of globalization go to assist developed countries. Globalization does not pose equal interests and risks to all nations. With an overwhelming advantage compared to most of the developing countries in terms of finance and the level of science and technology, developed ca123alist countries control the situation of economic globalization.For these reasons, globalization is a fierce and complicated struggle in both cultural and ideological fields. We take the initiative in international economic integration but also have to take the initiative in fighting to keep our distinct culture resisting pro-foreign and cross-bred phenomena, and overcoming the psychology of preferring money over ethical values.雅思写作7分范文第2篇:说谎有没有必要Telling lie is usually looked upon as an evil, because some people try to get benefit from dishonest means or try to conceal their faults. On the other hand,honesty is widely recognized as the best policy.Parents always try to prove the benefits of being honest when you are a little child. A good story in this regard is .One day the childWashington chop down his farther s favorite cherry tree; although knowing he would deserve to be punished, he told his father the truth. Unexpected, his farther apprised him rather than executing a punishment; moreover, he was encouraged to maintain the good manner all the time. As known to all, the honest boy eventually became one of the greatest presidents in American history.However, telling lie,despite its negative effects, sometimes is essential in our daily life. First, the liar itself will benefit from the lie by escaping from the pressure of unnecessary embarrassment. On the other hand, the listener will feel more comfortable by reasonable excuses. For example, if a little girls farther died in an accident, her mother would comfort her by saying farther has gone to another beautiful land. In such cases, a lie with original goodwill is like a naught angel who might make the cruel nice. Furthermore, To some extent, the skills of telling lie can be regard as a capacity of creation and imagination.Taking all those factors into consideration, we can definitely come to the conclusion that whether telling lie is harmful depends on its original intention and the ultimate result it will bring. If one is honest with oneself, one always learns from mistakes, can correct a concept or a hypothesis and work further, and reach the goal finally.雅思写作7分范文第3篇:环境问题In a world today of immense technology, increasing population and flourishing economic , investigations have shown that the global economy was outgrowing the earths ecosystems. The whole industrial process which makes many of the goods and machines we need and use in daily lives, is bound to create a number of waste products which upset the environmental balance.As mass production is the core principle of industrial economy, mass consumption and mass abandonment become the core principle in industrial age. Many of these waste products can be prevented or disposed of sensibly, but clearly while more and more new goods are produced and made more complex, there will be new wastes to be disposed of. The rise of wastes has led to an unparalleled debate between environmental protection and economic development.However, they often ignore that the real victim of pollutions is not the citizen, because the rubbishes usually be gathered together and moved to an area far from the cities. As a result, in these areas the usable fields will be destructed, the air will be polluted, wild life, including both plants and animals will be put at risk, moreover, many inhabitants will be weaken on account of the waste despoil with poisonous materials from industrial companies.Whatever its underlying effects, there is no doubt that much of the pollution could be controlled if only companies, individuals andgovernments would make more effort.Globally, we can replace the automobile-based, fossil-fuel-centered, throwaway structure with a renewable-energy-based economy that reuses and recycles materials and has a stable population. Individuals, on the other hand, can help to solve by cutting out unnecessary buying,excess consumption and careless disposal of the products are use in our daily lives.雅思写作7分范文第4篇:幸福是什么Without any discussing, the key to happiness, in my opinion, is a harmonious relationship with the people in our lives.It is the people in our lives who bring us the most happiness. Family, friends and co-workers, who are part of our inner circle, share our experiences, hopes and dreams, successes and frustrations, joys and pains. Too often, many of us get on the fast track of life and take each other for granted. As a new millennium approach, more people disregard their passion and interests and choose careers based on job security, pay and professional promotion. As a result, they find themselves isolated and without friends. Loneliness is a common tragedy that destroys lives.Actually we were old enough to remember the old saying Money doesnt buy happiness, yet we strive for the material objects and pay a high price. The essence of happiness is the unconditionallylove we have for the people in our lives and their unconditionally love for us. To live life only for ourselves will bring us nothing but sadness and misery.A self-centered life is an unhappy life. Selfishness is a major block to happiness. Our feelings of insecurity and low self-esteem cause us to be takers rather than givers. Our selfishness is often a mask for fear. If we dont think too much about ourselves, we have a lot of work to do in order to enhance our self-worth. We must live for something greater than ourselves. To be happy, we must get out of ourselves. An unhappy person must turn outward, not inward, to find happiness.I truly believe that the happiest people are those who love many things. They love children, family and friends. They love sunrises and sunsets. They love life. They have even learned to love pain and despair rather than viewing them the opposite of happiness.雅思写作7分范文第5篇:计算机Globally, we have moved from a culture centered on network television, cable, AM and FM radio and telephone into a digital society with mass media,streaming information, intelligent computer. To shift to a digital economy, best demonstrated by the explosive growth of the Internet, is transforming everyday products and practices. Ideas expressed in soft wares, chips, communicationsystems, financial institutions and mass media have enormous leverage worldwide. Beyond emails and online shopping, the Internet promises to change dramatically huge spectrum activities. Its benefits can be well illustrated in the following aspects.In the first place, it contributes to escape us from laborious work, save our time, facilitate our lives. Secondly, with computers extensive reach into every corner of the world, a perspective of human life can be shown only with a single keystroke. No matter where we are, in school, business workshops, operating rooms, labs, banks of halls of government, the Internet appears to reflect a perspective of human life. Furthermore, computer profits us by relaxation and entertainment it provides.But on the other hand, some people debate that it is also inconvenient, waste the time, isolated us from people only with the company of computers, and make our lives more complicated. Some people repair the most sophisticated computer but cant mend a pair of socks. Yet in fact, computer collapse the distances and demolishes all boundaries. Whether computer is a blessing or a curse, depends on different circumstance and the way you use it.As a new millennium approach, we look forward to constructing a new fantasyland by combination with the wealth this new age will bring and the high technology it will provide.雅思写作7分范文第6篇:体罚的坏处Parents usually expect too much while raising their children. As a result, when it comes to discipline, most of them let temper flare out of control by executing physical punishment to their children. They believe bitter pills have wholesome sweet and they always in a panic that down to crime for youngsters is easy without pain tastes. Investigations showed that half of parents use punishment once or more, no matter their ethnicity, age, and socieconomic groups. However, despite the benefits it will bring, physical punishment is a hazard, which affects not only children, but also the parents themselves.On the first place, punishment can exert a bad impact on children by experience of serious reprocessing, with its evident contribution to childrens mental illness. Several studies showed that most frequent physical punishment with maltreatment maybe lead to depression, juvenile crimes and even suicide. Thus, most countries have already passed laws banning disciplinary action that inflicts physical suffering on a child.On the other hand, parents might also affect by their punishment behavior. When they lose them temper with their kids, they might feel irritated, sometimes even worse than children do. Moreover, the physical punishment, regardless its original intentions,has a negative impact on the bond between parents and children, on the account of frustrations, misunderstandings and even tears it will bring.Taking all those factors into consideration, I would argue that law are not the key to a violence-free, psychologically healthy upbringing, communication is. While Parents are establishing a bridge with a child during dialogue and equally exchange, they will both profit from it. Remember, serious punishment add sorrow and pain to our life, on the contrary, communication is the only remedy for better family relationship.。
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雅思7分作文1.The Internet has dramatically altered our lives over the past few decades. Although some of these changes have been negative, the overall effect of this technology has been positive. What are your opinions on this?The Internet has brought significant changes to our lives in recent years. Yet, there remains some disagreement as to whether the overall effect of this technology has been positive or negative. While there are certainly valid arguments to the contrary, I personally believe that the benefits of the Internet far outweigh its drawbacks. These benefits are twofold.First of all, it is an indisputable fact that the Internet has revolutionized the way we communicate. Despite the risk of social isolation—a problem occasionally seen in people who spend too much time at their computer terminal rather than relating to people in the real world--- most of us have benefited greatly from e-mail and internet chat programs like MSN Messenger. These incredibly useful and powerful tools of communication facilitate both contact with loved ones in faraway places and global trade.Equally importantly, though, the Internet has placed the entire world (and all of the information in it) at our fingertips. In earlier times, conducting research entailed long hours searching library shelves. Now, however, the same information can be accessed at the click of a button. Admittedly, not all of the information available on the Internet is reliable or helpful---there is a vast amount of material online that some would consider offensive or dangerous, ranging from pornography to instructions on how to make bombs. Nonetheless, I would contend that this free flow of information has generally been a very positive development.By way of conclusion, I once again reaffirm my position that the Internet has had a positive impact on modern life because of its influence on communication and the flow of information.2.Fast food is now universally available in most countries and is becoming increasingly popular. Some feel that this is a positive trend, while others do not. What are your opinions on this?The past 50 years have seen a dramatic increase in the availability of fast food. Some laud its convenience and relatively low cost; however, in this essay I intend to argue that this kind of food is detrimental both to the individuals that consume it and to society at large. There are two primary reasons for this.First of that, it is an undeniable fact that consuming fast food to excess results in serious health problems. Foods such as fried chicken, hamburgers and chips---which are incredibly high in fat and salt---are responsible for such ailments as high blood pressure, obesity and heart disease. Moreover, although I certainly agree that fast food is both affordable and convenient, the cost and inconvenience of treating the illnesses it causes in later life are significant. In order words, while fast food is beneficial in the short term, its long-term effects are generally negative.Further and even more importantly, though, some fast food chains deliberately attempt to attract children in order to shape their future eating habits. One particularly good example of this is the character Ronald McDonald---the bright clothes and smile of the McDonald clown are a beacon to children. Having grown up eating in McDonald restaurants, people are likely to continue eating there throughout their adult lives. It is also interesting to note that McDonald provides playgrounds and frequently holds children’s birthday parties in order to attract young children and their parents.By way of conclusion, I believe that fast food will continue to become more popular as the pace of life increases. Given the health risks associated with this trend, I believe that public education campaigns warning people about the dangers of fast food would be warranted.3.International tourism is now more common than ever before. Some feel that this is a position trend, while others do not. What are your opinions on this?The past 50 years have seen a considerable increase in global tourism. Despite the undeniable economic prosperity it has brought to many host countries, I would argue that the overall impact of international holidaymaking has in fact been negative. Two of the primary drawbacks associated with this trend are as follows.First of all, global tourism tends to export many negative aspects of western culture. Since it is only the wealthy who can afford to travel abroad, developing countries like Thailand and Indonesia have become the playgrounds of tourists from more affluent ones. In many such nations, this influx of mainly western tourists has brought with it problems such as prostitution as well as alcoholism and drug abuse. Admittedly, international tourism does have the potential to foster greater understanding and tolerance between people of different cultures. However, this is unlikely to occur while it remains such a potent symbol of western cultural domination and moral decadence.Even more disturbing, though, is the environmental degradation that international tourism has caused in many parts of the world. One particularly salient example of this is the Great Barrier Reef in Australia --- the countless boats, divers and snorkelers that have visited the reef over the past few decades have gradually destroyed vast sections of coral. Similarly, world renowned Kuta Beach in Bali has become heavily polluted in recent years. In order to be sustainable, greater regulation of global tourism is required.In conclusion, the challenges presented by the booming international tourist industry are numerous and complex. Although they are by no means insurmountable, it is highly unlikely that they will be resolved in the foreseeable future.4. Nowadays, more people are migrating to other countries than ever before. In order to become integrated into society in their adopted countries, immigrants should abandon their old ways and adapt to local customs and codes of behavior. Do you agree or disagree?These days, it seems that more people are migrating to other countries than ever before. This raises certain questions about the integration of newcomers into society. Although there are valid arguments to the contrary, in this paper I will argue that it is the responsibility of immigrants to adapt to accepted rules of behavior in their adopted country, both written and unwritten. The reasons for this are twofold.Firstly, it is vitally important that newcomers observe the laws of their adopted country for the sake of social order. Imagine the chaos that would ensure if people refused to drive on the same side of the road. It is, therefore, necessary for all immigrants to ensure that they observe the law in their new country regardless of any differences to laws in their home country. Two further instances of practices which are permitted in some countries but prohibited in orders are the possession of firearms and gambling.Secondly and more importantly, though, in order to maintain societal cohesion it is essential that newcomers respect the social norms of their adopted country. Of course, having a mixture of different cultures and traditions gives a country colour and vibrancy; however, I would contend that too much cultural diversity undermines a society by alienating people from each other. It is my belief that similarities unite people, whereas differences have a tendency to divide. A strong society is a homogenous society with shared values and goals.By way of conclusion, I believe that this issue is likely to become even more important in the future as borders between countries become increasingly blurred. It, therefore, demands our further consideration.5. Men and women are difficult in terms of their characteristics and abilities. For this reason, some jobs are better done by men and others by women. Do you agree or disagree?These days, it seems that more women are entering “male occupations” than ever before and vice versa. While some still hold to the conservative view that certain jobs are better performed by men and others by women, it is my personal belief that people of either sex are capable of doing any job effectively. The reasons for my position are as follows.First of all, I believe it is a mistake to base our views on broad generalizations about the characteristics of men and women as such stereotypes are often inaccurate. Although there are certainly traits which are typical of men and others which are typical of women, there are exceptions to every rule. Not all women are physically weak, just as not all men are poor interpersonal communicators; conventional gender roles are not appropriate for everybody. If a man or woman desires to pursue a career which is traditionally reserved for the opposite sex, I believe he/she should be provided the opportunity to prove him/herself capable.Secondly, I would contend that the presence of both males and females in a workplace brings a sense of balance. Men and women frequently, though by no means always, have different methods of doing things. Rather than judging these differences to be weaknesses, I feel that we should view them as opportunities for innovation and the discovery of more effective and efficient work practices. A person’s weaknesses can thus be transformed into strengths.In summary, I once again reaffirm my position that both male and female employees are an asset to any industry and as our stereotypes about men and women are not always appropriate, we must not discourage anyone from choosing an occupation simply because of his/her gender.6. Smoking is a major cause of serious illness and death throughout the world today. In the interest of public health, governments should ban cigarettes and other tobacco products. Do you agree or disagree?There are widely differing views on the issue of whether tobacco should be banned or not. Some people would suggest that it is their right to smoke and that prohibiting cigarettes would be a violation of their civil liberties; however, I personally believe that tobacco should indeed be made illegal. There are two principal reasons for this.One point which I believe to be absolutely pivotal is the fact that tobacco is a drug. The majority of governments around the world take a prohibitionist approach to the problem of substance abu se. If governments wish to be consistent in pursuing their “war on drugs”, therefore, I believe they must ban tobacco as well. This is particularly heroin and marijuana---have legitimate medical applications, while tobacco has none.However, perhaps the strongest argument in favor of banning cigarettes and other tobacco products is that of public health. It is an irrefutable fact that smoking leads to lung cancer and other such potentially fatal diseases. Pro-smoking groups would no doubt argue that each individual has the right to determine what goes into his/her own body. Nevertheless, I would suggest that the interests and rights of society at large must override those of the individual. The medical treatment that smokers require is often incredibly costly, and it is frequently governments and society that cover these costs rather than the individual smoker. Hence, I feel that laws prohibiting smoking would be entirely justified.In reality, of course, the widespread prohibition of smoking is unlikely in the near future. However, given the seriousness of the problems that it causes, I believe that this should be the ultimate goal.7. Trying to save endangered animal species from extinction is a waste of valuable resources. Do you agree or disagree?The issue of whether we should attempt to save endangered species from extinction or not is certainly a contentious one. Despite the arguments of some people that such animals serve no useful purpose and should be allowed to die out just as many others (including the dinosaurs) have in the past, it is my personal belief that they should in fact be preserved. Two of the principal reasons for this are as follows.Firstly, it is vital that we appreciate the importance of endangered species in maintaining the balance of nature. Ecosystems are delicate arrangements where plants and animals all depend on each other for survival. The disappearance or introduction of any animal species disrupts the balance and negatively impacts upon other plants and animals by breaking the food chain and altering the habitat in which they live. Such imbalances frequently return to haunt us in unexpected ways. Just as rabbits that were introduced to Australia soon after European settlement now compete with native species for food and destroy farmers’ crops, the extinction of a predator can cause plagues by allowing its prey to multiply unchecked. Therefore, since ecological change constitutes a potential risk to us and our environment, it is clearly I our own interests to protect endangered species.Yet, perhaps the strongest argument in favor of preserving endangered species is that all life has intrinsic value; even if endangered species are not useful to us in any practical way they should be preserved nevertheless. Further, given that we humans are responsible for destroying the natural habitat of many endangered animals, we should make every possible effort to save them.In conclusion, I once again restate my view that saving endangered species is worthwhile. Not only do they help to maintain the balance of nature, but they also have value in and of themselves.8. With divorce rates and family breakdowns increasing globally, it is generally accepted that families today are not as close as they used to be. Discuss the causes of this problem and offer some possible solutions to it.Divorce and family breakdown were virtually unheard of just 100 years ago. Now, however, almost half of all marriages fail. This phenomenon is symptomatic of the growing distance between family members in modern society. In this essay, I intend to explore the sources of this problem along with some possible solutions to it.Chief among the causes of this problem is the modern lifestyle. Today’s parents have to work harder than those of previous generations to support their families. Traditionally, one parent assumed the role of breadwinner, while the other---typically the mother----acted as the homemaker. Recently, though, double income families have become the norm. Consequently, an increasing number of children now grow up in a parentless environment. Little wonder, then, that they feel alienated. Another contributing factor is the passive and solitary nature of many modern forms of entertainment.In order to resolve this sense of alienation within families, I believe we must first address its root causes. Perhaps the most effective method of doing this would be for governments to offer financial incentives to parents who choose to remain at home and take care of their families. Admittedly, such incentives would probably not full compensate couples for lost income; however, they would at least soften the hardship of living on a single income and provide an alternative for parents who would rather remain at home but are unable to do so because of financial constraints. One further measure would be to promote more interactive leisure activities in the community through public education campaigns.In conclusion, I believe that this is clearly a problem of such complexity that to no solution is likely in the short term. However, I believe that the measures outlined above would constitute a good first step.。