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1.(2016昆明)Each couple in China can have two_____from January 1st,2016( )

2.(2016重庆)It's sports ________ students in Class 1are playing football on

the playground.( ) 's '

3.(2016绥化)Our school has fifty﹣six teachers.( )


4.(2016宜宾)Yibin is one of the most beautiful ____in Sichuan.( )

5.(2016南宁)These _______ in beautiful dresses will have a party this evening.( )

6.(2016绥化) room is big and nice.( ) 's and Jane's 's and Jane

and Jane's

7.(2016x疆)This is 's tidy and nice.( ) 's and Lucy's and

Lucy's 's and Lucy and Lucy

8.(2016安顺)There'll be a ________meeting next week,and my parents will ______come for

it.( ) ';all ';both 's;all 's;both

9.(2016东营)﹣Are you sure this is a photo _______,the famous comedy actress

﹣It surprised you,didn't itBut she was once really

thin.( )

Ling Ling's Jia Ling Jia Ling's

10.(2016黑龙江)The Belt and Road Initiative (一带一路倡

议)will help China improve with

those related countries,especially Pakistan.( )

11.(2016重庆)﹣﹣﹣It's hot some ________,please.

﹣﹣﹣No,'m not thirsty at all.( )

12.(2016绵阳)He was born in Germany,but he has made China his ______.( )

13.(2016重庆)It's cold your______ with you when you go

out.( )

14.(2016福州)﹣Who is the person you admire the most

﹣Qian Xuesen,the Father of China's is the ______ of China.( )

15.(2016达州)﹣﹣﹣Why did Lucy look unhappy

﹣﹣﹣Because she was so careless that she made many spelling____in her

homework.( )

16.(2016江西)Some old people need a _______ because they feel lonely.( )

17.(2016滨州)﹣Do you know about the scientist Tu Youyou

﹣Yes,she won the 2015 Nobel Prize in medicine because of her great.( )

18.(2016青岛)Nancy took her temperature and found she had a ______.( )

19.(2016苏州)Steve Jobs was full of﹣always coming up with new ideas which led to great

changes in society.( )

20.(2016广东)The broken ______may cut into your hand if you touch it,you should be

careful.( )

21.(2016深圳)﹣,could you give me someadviceI have trouble

in learning

English. ﹣,you should be confident and never give ,…( )

22.(2016自贡)﹣﹣﹣How can I get some_____about the 2016 Olympic Games

﹣﹣Why not search the Internet( )

23.(2016温州)When an earthquake happens,I think the most important safety _____ is to

keep calm( )

24.(2016孝感)﹣Mom,I will eat less fast food this year,believe me.

﹣If you make a ________,you must keep it.( )
