

研究生英语综合教程(上)Unit 1课后答案

研究生英语综合教程(上)Unit 1课后答案
Supporting evidence: a. _Q__u_o_ta_t_io_n__fr_o_m__o_n_e_o_f__th_e_c_l_ie_n_t_s_i_n_a__jo_b__d_e_sc_r_ip_t_i_o_n______. b. _W__h_a_t _D_o_n__H_a_u_t_s_a_y_s________________________________. B. _C__o_m_p_a_n_i_es__c_o_n_si_s_te_n_t_ly__lo_o_k__fo_r__c_an_d_i_d_a_te_s__w_h_o__ca_n__b_e_____ __w_r_o_n_g_a_n_d__ad_m__i_t _it_________________________________. Supporting evidence: a. _F_a_i_lu_r_e_i_s_i_m_p_o_r_ta_n_t_b_e_c_a_u_s_e_i_t _s_h_o_w_s_y_o_u__w_e_r_e_n_o_t_a_f_ra_i_d__
_t_o__ta_k_e_c_h_a_n_c_e_s____________. b. What Don Haut says.
Reading Focus – Global Understanding
Trait 4: Strength in interpersonal relationships
Reading Focus – Global Understanding
Trait 3: Risk tolerance
Importance of the trait: A. _B_e_i_n_g_O__K__w_i_th__ri_s_k_i_s_s_o_m_e_t_h_in_g__t_h_at_i_n_d_u_s_tr_y__d_em__a_n_d_s_____.



研究生英语综合教程上课后答案目录Unit 1 Growing Up (1)Unit 2 Friendship (5)Unit 3公众科学观 (7)Unit 4 (10)Unit 5爱情故事 (14)Unit 6 Homework (18)Unit 7 (22)unit8关于懒散少年的寓言故事 (27)Unit 1 Growing Up为自己而写——拉塞尔·贝克从孩提时代,我还住在贝尔维尔时,我的脑子里就断断续续地转着当作家的念头,但直等到我高中三年级,这一想法才有了实现的可能。




















研究生英语综合教程(上)Unit 5课后答案

研究生英语综合教程(上)Unit 5课后答案

3 9
F 4 T 5 T 6 T F 10 T 11 T 12 F
Reading Focus – Vocabulary in Action
Task 1
Choose the sentence in which the underlined word has the closest meaning to the underlined word in the sentence quoted from the passage. (P135)
Reading Focus – Global Understanding
Philosophy behind yoga A. Mind/body connection; B. Physical posture and alignment can influence a person’s mood and self-esteem ____________________________________; shape and heal the body C. Mind can be used to ____________________________.
Reading Focus – Global Understanding
Benefits of practicing yoga A. Increase _______________________________________; general health and stamina B. Reduce stress; strength, flexibility and sense of C. Increase a person’s ___________________________________ well-being _____________.



Unite 1P151.Your job as a future employee is to help the hiring manager mitigate/alleviate(减轻,降低) that risk.作为一个未来的员工,你的工作是帮助招聘经理降低风险。

2.You need help them identify(认定,认同) you as prospective/expected(预期的,未来的) “key player”.你需要帮助他们认定你有潜力成为一名核心员工。

3.Kelly was outstanding and outshone/surpassed(优于,超过) every other player on the field.凯利非常出色,胜过了球场上所有其他球员。

4.Better still,develop a reputation inside your lab and with people your lab collaborates with as a person who fosters and initiates/originates(发动,创建) collaborations.更为有利的是,要在你实验室内部,以及在和你们实验室合作的人之间,培养一个良好的声誉:一个鼓励并发动合作的人。

5.He is a former scientist who transitioned/transferred(转变,改变) to industry many years ago and then on to a senior management position.他之前是一名科学家,许多年前他转向了企业,并一直做到高级经理的职位。

6.The unions mobilized/organized(组织) thousands of workers in a protest(抗议,游行) against the cuts.协合会组织了一场数以千计的工人游行来抗议裁员。



研究生(英语)课后部分翻译答案1. “一年365 天,一周7 天,一天24 小时,生意始终在进行,那意味着一年365 天,一周7 天,一天24 小时,竞争也同样在进行,”豪特说,“公司取胜的方法之一就是要更快地到达‘目的地’!这就是说,你不仅要把所有能支持公司快速运转的功能都调动起来,而且还得知道如何决定‘目的地’是哪里。



“Business happens 24/7/365, which means that competition happens 24/7/365, as well,”says Haut. “One way that companies win is by getting ‘there’faster, which means that you not only have to mobilize all of the functions that support a business to move quickly, but you have to know how to decide where ‘there’is! This creates a requirement not only for people who can act quickly, but for those who can think fast with the courage to act on their convictions. This needs to run throughout an organization and is not exclusive to management.”(第一章P29 第一段)2. 最后,职业地位包含对职业标准的遵守。





Your job as a future employee is to help the hiring manager mitigate that risk.A A. alleviate B。

manage C。

suppress D。


You need to help them identify you as a prospective “key player".CA。

immediate B。

permanent C。

expected D。

prosperous3. Kelly was outstanding and outshone every other player on the field。

BA.polished B。

surpassed C.overlooked D.survived4. Better still,develop a reputation inside your lab and with people your lab collaborates with as a person who fosters and initiates collaborations。

CA.furnishesB.relieves C。

originates D.protects5. He is a former scientist who transitioned to industry many years ago and then on to a senior management position.DA。

transplanted B。

succeeded C。

pursued D.transferred6。

The unions mobilized thousands of workers in a protest against the cuts.DA。

removed B.discarded C。



Starting out
Food Pyramid Listen carefully to an audio about food pyramid and complete the blank-filling exercise.
1. With all these new choices, we must use food pyramid healthy food selection guide to make _____________________. 2. This most important group is made up of all food made from whole grains _________________________. 3. But vegetable group also includes carrots, potatoes and slightly edible plants other_____________________. 4. ___________is rich in protein, vitamins and minerals Dairy food including calcium. 5. _____________________is The tip of the pyramid the smallest part.
Do you think globalization will have an effect on traditional Chinese eating habits? If so, why and how? If not, why not?
Starting out—Task 3
Task 3
Discuss with your partner the following questions. Globalization is everywhere. In the food industry, we see that giants such as KFC and McDonald’s have entered Chinese market and established many franchises in major Chinese cities. (P35)


Unit 6
Sanctuary or Fulfillment
Starting out Reading Focus Reading More Practical Translation Focused Writing Final Project
Paras. 7-8 (Paras. 7-8)
Reading Focus – Global Understanding
New York presents the gift of loneliness and the gift of privacy to everyone who comes to town.
If you love him bring him to New York for it's heaven; if you hate him bring him to New York for it's hell.
Starting out—Task 2
Task 2
With which part of the prologue would you agree? Justify your choice with examples (P161). Useful words and expressions:
Starting out—Task 3
Task 3
The song New York, New York is often heard at many social events in New York area. Many sports teams play this song before or after the game, the New York Yankees is the most prominent example. Listen to the song, and sing along with it.



Starting out—Task 1 out—
5. Those who decide to use leisure as a means of mental development, who love good music, good books, good pictures, good company, good conversation, are the happiest people in the world. And they are not only happy in themselves, they are the cause of happiness in others. —William Lyon Phelps American educator
Starting out
Task 1 Work in groups to interpret and comment on the quotations about leisure on Page 64.
Starting out—Task 1 out—
1. To be able to fill leisure intelligently is the last product of civilization. —Arnold Toynbee
Starting out
Truly Madly Deeply: Because she loves him so much that Alan Rickman comes back to Juliet Stevenson. She’s just one of the great _____________ of all time. One of the things I crying scenes love about this is in pairing these two together is that his ghost friends in fact Alan Rickman and _______________ sit around watching Brief Encounter on television—perfect little connection. It’s just wonderful and in fact she does learn to ____________ move on find a new lovely man and ____________________ in her life who is living.



11. Those who believed their religious lead er’s prophecy that the end of the world would come soon went into a panic.A.announcementB. forecastC. predictionD.d eclaration2. It became obvious when the boy fl ound ered through the recitation in class today that he had not taken the trouble to do his homework.A.meditatedB. falteredC. contemplatedD. staggered3. The teacher told the stud ents that they should avoid using clichés in their composition.A. popular proverbsB. well-known storiesC. famous quotationsD. trite expressions4. After listening to the same old moral lesson all these years, the villagers became almost immune to it.A. insensitive toB. fed up withC. familiar withD. accustomed to5. I can't claim credit for her English proficiency; after all, she only came to my class this semester.A.ask for moneyB. expect paymentC. say that I deserve praiseD. d eclare that I am grateful6. Believe it or not, this popular novel now you see on every shelf was censored only a few years ago.A.officially examined and bannedB. d espised by the generalpublicC. sold out soon after its publicationD. cond emned by the critics7.The party lead er regards the result of the election as a personal triumph.A.victoryB. celebrationC. satisfactionD. propaganda8.The immigration officer scrutinized his passport before he was allowed to leave.A.StampedB. examinedC. returnedD. issued9.He suffered a long period of d epression before his first suicid e attempt.A.InoculationB. hypertensionC. ailmentsD. d ejection10.He was never able to enjoy the metropolitan d elights of cinemas and theatres.A.artisticB. mod ernC. urbanD. various11.He quickly _____ behind the building to avoid being hurt by the stones thrown in his direction.A.elud edB. evad edC. escapedD. d odged12.His dislike of the course may prove to be a _____ barrier he cannot overcome.A.BiologicalB. id eologicalC. spiritualD. psychological13.As the Cup Final was drawing closer, the injury of the best player was a _____ for the whole team.A.misd emeanourB. mistrustC. misfortuneD. mischief14. The best solution to the problem can only be found by a process of trial and _____.A.errorB. mistakeC. successD. experiment15. He thought that he might be able to avoid paying some of his taxes by taking advantage of the ______ in the law.A. circlesB. loopholesC. exceptionsD. misund erstanding16. When he lived in that remote place, radio was the only means he had to keep _____ of current events in the country.A.accountB. traceC. recordD. track17. ______ what is generally believed, the adjustment to this kind of work is quite easy.A.Contrary toB. Contrast withC. Controversial ofD.Contradictory to18. The flashing red light served as a ______ of danger ahead.A.predictorB. cautionC. precautionD. prevention19. Their confid ence in him was greatly ______ by his prolonged hesitation before taking any action.A.appreciatedB. confirmedC. und erminedD. cherished20. Your headache is likely to ______ if its real cause is not id entified and proper treatment administered accordingly.A.cureB. recoverC. recurD. release21. After his father died, Bill took on the management of the factory.A.gotB. und ertookC. organizedD. held2. Those stud ents who have access to his esoteric discussions were impressed by the scope of his thinking.A.known by fewB. known to allC. very livelyD. quitepopular3. The music of the radio distracted me from my reading.A. engrossedB. confusedC. refrainD. diverted4. Abraham Lincoln was quintessential American patriot.A. greatB. famousC. typicalD. revered5. Every now and then, the speaker interjected some witty remark.A. rejectedB. criticizedC. insertedD. jeered6. Why do you get angry over such trivial matters?A. of great worthB. of great benefitC. of little worthD. of little help7. The youngest boy was laughed at for his naive remarks.A.innocentB. wittyC. amusingD. foolish8. The lady rumpled her skirt by sitting on the seat while flying.A. disord eredB. disarrangedC. creasedD. crashed9. Thousands of people are needlessly slaughtered in road accid ents in his country each year.A.wound edB. killedC. injuredD. crushed10. I bought this cloth cheap because there is a small d efect in it.A. spotB. d otC. flawD. point11. Your job is not to make d ecisions but to _____ the d ecisions we make.pleteB. accomplishC. Impl ementD. affect12. Would you _____ him among the world’s great statesmen?A. rankB. callC. nameD. hail13. Und erstanding is one of the most important _____ of a successful marriage.A.ingredientsB. standardsC. keysD. methods14. There are _____ of poison in the d ead man’s blood.A. piecesB. tracesC. slicesD. lots15. He had been ill for months, and we were disturbed by his _____ complexion.A.fairB. sallowC. darkD. white16. A witness in court is _____ to tell the truth.A.temptedB. obligatedC. urgedD. praised17. A _____ swelling or tumour can usually be cured.A.malignantB. benignC. smallD. mild18. It is better to _____ on the side of mercy.A. errB. addC. workD. offer19. He has a very _____ ad dress; he lives in the best part of town.A.wealthyB. comfortableC. prestigiousD. Accessible20. We all listened to the priest _____ the psalm.A.intoningB. utteringC. speakingD. d elivering31. High rate of unempl oyment and violence are d epl ored by many people.A. cond emnedB. convincedC. declaredD. perpetuated2. They are planning to embark on a new business und ertaking.A. go forB. go withC. go intoD. go on3. In the Mid dle Ages, many peopl e in Europe suffered persecution for their religious beliefs.A. treatmentB. punishmentC. disillusionD. execution4. We c ouldn’t induce the old lady to travel by air.A. driveB. convinceC. forceD. suggest5. He went into a coma because of serious loss of blood.A. bad coughB. whitenessC. tremblingD. state of profound insensibility6. The ethics of his d ecision are d oubtful.A. raceB. aestheticsC. moralsD. cause7. The patients tax the d octor's patience by asking him so many silly questions.A. pestB. are a strain onC. injureD. d estroy8. They broke up the alliance.A. brought to an endB. dispersedC. stopped to enter intoD. changed for the worse9. The boys were summoned in turn to see the examiner.A. separatelyB. occasionallyC. allD. in succession10.They traveled all over the country, regardless of expense.A. unkind toB. paying no attention toC. forgettingD. concerned with11.The story was so funny that we were all in __________.A. excitementB. ConvulsionsC. emotionD. fixation12.Gluttony is just as much a __________ as drunkenness.A. viceB. vicinityC. viciousnessD. vicissitud e13.Each room is d ecorated with a lamp ________ from the ceiling.A. droppedB. pulledC. suspendedD. fallen14.My first meeting with her often __________ to my memory.A. fellsB. recallsC. refreshesD. recurs15.He writes like a(n) __________: there are mistakes in every sentence.A. pupilB. illiterateC. teenagerD. school boy16.The goal is not yet ____________.A. to gainB. to sustainC. to restrainD. to attain17.It was reported that during the bombing, many people were killed or wounded by _____________ .A. flowB. blastC. currentD. stream18.She learnt to swim at once - she seemed totally without _________ of the water.A. panicB. fearC. terrorD. terribleness19. We raised a we must pay off it this year ______.A. creditB. good sumC. loanD. mortgage20. Some children complain that their parents at them all day.A. blameB. scoldC. nagD. cry41. She was in anguish until she knew that her husband's life was saved.A. great sufferingB. great regretC. great d espairD. great disappointment2. I have nothing but disdain for such a person.A. respectB. hatredC. dislikeD.contempt3. The grass was interspersed with beds of flowers.A. scatteredB. spreadC. diversifiedD. set here and there4. I am sure disease must propagate in such unsanitary and crowd ed areas.A. releaseB. spreadC. promoteD. generate5. There was a meager attendance at the council meeting.A. smallB. enoughC. ampleD. haughty6. The end of 1921 found the capitalist offensive against the workers in full swing.A. negotiationB. punishmentC. struggleD. attack7. We can't rule out the possibility that he will come after all.A. exclud eB. refuseC. acceptD. take8. John was confined to bed for a week with his cold.A. allowed inB. kept inC. tied toD. shut on9. We three were the sole survivors in the traffic accid ent.A. luckyB. fortunateC. blessedD. only10. I slept through her dull speech.A. dozingB. boringC. fascinatingD. imaginative11. I have been in _________ with him about the matter.A. lettersB. d ealingsC. writingsD. correspond ence12. I could hear only __________ of their conversation.A. piecesB. slipsC. fragmentsD. portions13. The old lady ______ the sweet-smelling flowers into a garland.A. tiedB. intertwinedC. curvedD. twisted14. A ______ man will stop at nothing to get what he wants.A. desperateB. prud entC. shrewdD. rud e15. Most bacteria grow best in a slightly acid ______.A. areaB. placeC. districtD. medium16. Everyone knows that the firefly is a _____ insect.A. firingB. lightingC. luminiferousD. glowing17. Sports, and not learning, seem to ______ in that school.A. appearB. occupyC. d ominateD. lead18. Each chess player will have five minutes to ______ his next move.A. makeB. haveC. takeD. pond er19. This time they really ______ better results.A. hopedB. hoped forC. wishedD. wished to20. ______ came of his success abroad.A. WordB. A wordC. WordsD. The word51. His beautiful writing is akin to drawing.A. asB. fromC. aboveD. like2. His knowl edge on the subject seems to be on a par with my own.A. different fromB. the same asC. related toD. in accordance with3. Tom and Mary were married a week after they met and soon found themselves at od ds about religion.A. in disagreementB. on strikeC. in questionD. on purpose4. The inventor was vilified in yesterday's newspaper.A. abusedB. sland eredC. praisedD. criticized5. The Mississippi fl ood of 1973 was a major catastrophe in which a great many lives were lost.A. casualtyB. disasterC. changeD. threat6. She almost yield ed to an unexpected impulse to dance in the street.A. urgent d esireB. sud d en wishC. good id eaD. fancy thought7. Mr. Green posed as a rich man though he owed more than he owned.A. workedB. lookedC. clothedD. Behaved8. They feared the plague and regard ed it as a deadly scourge.A. punishmentB. IllnessC. troubleD. ailment9. Some people have a bias against foreigners.A. prejudiceB. dislikeC. hatredD. favour10. Your stay abroad will give you ampl e opportunities to learn a new language.A. goodB. suitableC. properD. enough11. The dark clouds suggest a(n) ______ storm.A. impendingB. surprisingC. fastD. unexpected12. Since the club owed $15 and had only $10 in the treasury, there was a ______ of $5.A. sumB. d eficitC. differenceD. surplus13. The oil lamp ______ softly on the table.A. glowedB. lightedC. sizzledD. sound ed14. It ___ with you to decide.A. talksB. refersC. liesD. indicates15. He ______ among the best heavyweight boxers of the past fifty years.A. projectsB. showsC. displaysD. rates16. The constant turmoil(混乱的) in the office proved that he was an ______ administrator.A. ableB. ineptC. experiencedD. active17. The mother tried to ______ her son’s interest in music by taking him to concerts when he was young.A. giveB. showC. fosterD. cause18. No matter how you read it, this sentence d oesn’t make any ______.A. meaningB. soundC. progressD. sense19. I tried to find my keys but I was ______ by my thick gl oves.A. helpedB. hampered(阻碍)C. annoyedD. upset20. To our grief, he became ______ to the drug.A. ad dictedB. interestedC. amusedD. disturbed61. The patient cl enched the arms of the d entist's chair.A. graspedB. touchedC. placed onD. pressed2. The retiring professor was exalted by his colleague.A. criticizedB. honoredC. driven outD. examined3. All the tourists were impressed by the amazing grandeur of Niagara Falls.A. powerB. spl end orC. speedD. height4. We stared in awe at the presid ent himself.A. respectB. concernC. satisfactionD. envy5. The term “paper” is a little misleading when you consid er the strength and endurance of the construction material.A. lasting qualityB. uniqueC. elementD. current status6. When the moon wanes, it changes from the full to the new phase.A. becomes smallerB. transformsC. eclipsesD. vanishes7. Edward Ⅷ relinquished his throne to marry Mrs. Simpson.A. took overB. yield edC. disregard edD. vanished8. The teacher had unusual insight into chil dren’s emotions and knew cl early how to treat them.A. perceptionB. ignoranceC. creationD. comprehension9. Have you seen the new edifice of Elm Street?A. department storeB. buildingC. schoolD. theatre10. Property on which money has been l ent is red eemed when the l oan is paid back.A. recoveredB. repurchasedC. rescuedD. discharged11. She practiced the speech until her d elivery and timing were completely ______.A. faultyB. imperfectC. incorrectD. faultl ess12. He is an honest person. His actions are always ______ his words.A. contradictory toB. contradicted byC. agreed withD.consistent with13. They called for "immediate, absolute, ______ separation from the North" and elected their own presid ent, Jefferson Davis.A.friendlyB. lifelongC. eternalD. lasting14. Charles _____ to the rope his would-be rescuers had thrown to him.A. heldB. graspedC. grippedD. clung15. This revived all my _______ love of scienceA. wondrousB. passionateC. intensiveD. enthusiastic16. He is doing an _______ course in physics.A. intenseB. internalC. instantD. intensive(加强的机密的透彻的)17. I d on't care what you do about your job; it's no ______ of mine.A. importanceB. matterC. concernD. subject18. He was disappointed by his result, but he is now ______ to having to retake the exam.A. composedB. submittedC. reconciledD. supposed19. Americans ______ with but one primitive bathroom on each fl oor revolted in horror.A. facingB. confrontedC. threatenedD. confused20. Giving presents at Christmas is ______ in the West.A. an institutionB. a habitC. a ruleD. a law71. Seld om have I seen food and drink served in such profusion.A. large supplyB. great diversityC. large varietyD. great number2. He exud es confid ence whenever he speaks before the public.A. regainsB. is full ofC. seeks resort toD. pretends to have3. In a reversal of his previous d ecision, he had to stop all activities and gave it careful consid eration.A. throwing awayB. d enialC. rejectionD. complete change4. In his new uniform he looked handsome and dignified.A. appropriate for the occasionB. younger than his ageC. nobleD. respl end ent5. His vulgar manners shocked everyone at the party.A. rud eB. strangeC. unexpectedD. proud6. Tom has got a streamlined racing car. It’s a beauty.A. lavishly decoratedB. smoothly shapedC. produced from an assembly lineD. high-speed7. The despot’s reign over the country lasted many years.A. atrocityB. ruleC. expl oitationD. d ominance8. Her jewels were inexpensive but not meretricious.A. attractive on the surface onlyB. poor in craftsmanshipC. monotonous in colorD. old-fashioned in d esign9. The palace still retains the elegance of the old days.A. collection of valuablesB. extravaganceC. grace and beautyD. fascination10. The acad emic atmosphere in the campus is conducive to cultivating a subtle discrimination.A. act of treating different groups of people in different waysB. state of being treated differently from other peopleC. act of making or perceiving distinctionD. ability to make or perceive distinction11. _______, the success of the product d epends on its good quality.A. ObjectivelyB. UltimatelyC. To the lastD. To the end12. He had either to leave the country immediately or to surrend er himself to the Nazi authorities and had no other _______ .A. alternativeB. hopeC. resourceD. approach13. She was not _______ when she got home.A. all the betterB. better thanC. so much the betterD. better off14. A good sense of rhythm is one of his natural _______as a poet.A. end owmentsB. charactersC. propertiesD. qualities15. This portrait of his _______ him very much.A. likensB. exaggeratesC. displaysD. flatters16. The prime minister thought it appropriate to ____ restraint in dealing with this delicate matter.A. useB. exerciseC. carry outD. perform17. His headache has _______ and he has to go and see a d octor again.A. appearedB. recurredC. broken outD. taken place18. It will be greatly harmful if you drink to _______.A. extremeB. intemperanceC. indulgenceD. excess19. Are we going to see an end to the Arab-Israeli _______?A. disasterB. ControversyC. confrontationD. aggression20. He was _______ into leaving the company by the offer of higher pay elsewhere.A. attractedB. persuadedC. seduced (引诱)D. convinced81. His most important innovation was the introduction of the seminary method of instruction for advanced stud ents.A. changeB. beginningC. themeD. discourse2. The young man acted foolishly in spite of all his father's exhortation.A. remarkB. curseC. praiseD. advice3. Though years have passed, the aband oned child still lives in melancholy.A. surpriseB. povertyC. sadnessD. joy4. I resent his hypocritical posing as a friend for he is interested only in his own advancement.A. selfishB. uglyC. d eceptiveD. frank5. The small grocer was at the mercy of people he owed money to.A. as a result ofB. in the power ofC. in the interest ofD. on account of6. His remarks are always succinct and pointed.A. wittyB. briefC. instructiveD. humorous7. Don't interrupt John. He is grappling with the accounts.A. persisting inB. working atC. insisting onD. looking up8. The multitud e may laugh at his music, but we know better.A. Many peopleB. Young peopleC. Educated peopleD. Ordinary people9. We must make massive efforts to improve things.A. greatB. usefulC. vainD. further10. The children at play among the fl owers made a charming spectacle.A. audienceB. crowdC. sightD. photo11. The manager ______ the cl erk for his mistake.A. rebukedB. rebelledC. referredD. restricted12.How did it ______ that you didn't report this to us in good time?A. come aboutB. come acrossC. come aroundD. come at13. As we know, many ______ influence the result of an election.A. impuritiesB. ImpossibilitiesC. imponderables (不可估量的不确定的) D. impulses14. After the speech the meeting became a __喧闹____.A. massB. BedlamC. chaosD. disord er15. It took some explaining to get the point ______.A. outB. offC. acrossD. forward16. This new machine will ______ us from all the hard work we once had to do.A. emancipateB. removeC. takeD. obtain17. It is a ______ that in such a rich country there should be so many poor peopl e.A. phenomenonB. factC. parad oxD. belief18. The l eaders decided to organize ______ in order to arouse the members of their party.A. a conveyB. an exerciseC. a rallyD. a sensation19. Mr. Green is the manager who ______ the business of the book store.A. operates inB. presid es overC. integrates withD. relieves from20. Though they disagreed on d etails, they were in _______ agreement on the plan.A. substantialB. allC. thoroughD. full91. He was a professor's son and d estined to follow the educational profession when he was grown up.A. fatedB. d eterminedC. descend edD. reluctant2. The d escription of the scene was so pathetic that I wept all through it.A. fascinatingB. affectingC. suspensiveD. passionate3. Can a novelist remain indifferent to the problems of the world in which he lives?A. detached fromB. disobedient toC. disinterested inD. uncertain of4. His pl easant ways beguiled me into thinking that he was my good friend.A. deprivedB. d espisedC. divertedD. deceived5. You must discount what Jack tells you, for he is too fond of a good story.A. disregardB. discloseC. discardD. disclaim6. He d erid ed the id ea that poverty could be eliminated simply by handing out money to the poor.A. ridiculedB. advocatedC. challengedD. rejected7. When required to learn to play the piano by their parents, many children only do this reluctantly.A. voluntarilyB. impatientlyC. imitativelyD. unwillingly8. It was said that John's brother was under indictment for murd er.A. suspicianB. AttackC. tyrannyD. accusation9. The people in the room were shocked by his blasphemous language.A. exaggerativeB. offensiveC. boastfulD. thrilling10. He looks so burly that nobody would believe that he has been ind elicate health for several years.A. robustB. cheerfulC. optimisticD. tolerant11. The part of a newspaper in which jobs are advertised is often called "situations" ______.C. viciousD. vacant12. John d oesn't und erstand true friendship; he never d oes anything for anyone unless he thinks the other person will ______.A. reciprocateB. dissipateC. yieldD. reward13. As I mentioned above, certain traditional teaching exercises promote _______ in communication.A. eloquenceB. feedbackC. cautionD. fluency14. Sociol ogical study says that generally speaking, most people willingly _______ to the customs of society.A. conformB. confineC. confrontD. conduct15. The men were full of ______ because their friend had been just punished.A. encouragementB. IndignationC. enthusiasmD. animation16. That country is disturbed at the d evelopments which seem ______ to its interests.C. contraversialD. disagreeable17. He lost his accustomed vigor and _______ in the tropical climates.A. lashedB. lavishedC. languishedD. launched18. Sally's mother _______ Peking opera and whenever there's a new play, she asks Sally to buy tickets for her.A. ad ornsB. adaptsC. ad optsD. ad ores19. The captain _______ every member of the crew to rigorous physical hardships.A. enduredB. subjectedC. submittedD. experienced20. The young scientists had mad e _______ efforts to accomplish the difficult task.A. formidableB. mightyC. strenuousD. madd ening101.Samsung, with a capitalisation as high as $57bn, has grown asone of the world’s most powerful technology companies in recent years.A. moneyB. wealthC. profitD. turnover2.He just laughed, and dismissed the id ea as unimportant.A. treatedB. judgedC. estimatedD. supposed3.His new book received accolades from the papers.A. criticismB. stressC. und erestimationD. strong praise4. He embraced at once my offer to employ him.A. took willinglyB. refusedC. dismissedD. laughed at5.You should have bought the shares a month ago, and nowyou’ve missed the party.A. been sl owB. lost a good chanceC. failedD. wasted the money6.He is a very versatile performer; he can act, sing, dance and playthe piano.A. goodB. skilfulC. giftedD. emotional7.The high IQ sets him apart from other children as an infantprodigy.A. puts him apartB. places him apartC. brings him apartD. makes him outstanding8.Though he is a famous writer, his new book, we can only say, isprosaic.A. pedestrianB. annoyingC. dullD. not so good9.The stream erod ed a channel in the solid rock.A. brokeB. d estroyedC. corrod edD. corrupted10.T he actor coasted to stard om on his father’s name.A. gotB. roseC. reachedD. attained sth. without any effort11.A medal was ______ to him for his good conduct.A. givenB. award edC. judgedD. empowered12.T he Harry Potter and The Order of The Phoenix has become themost ______ book.A. welcomedB. sought-after high streetC. good-sellingD. best-sold13. In the Asian financial crisis, many companies ______ their expenditures.A saved B. dismissedC. retrenchedD. shunted14.I n some cases, in ord er to temper the children, the parentsshould ______.A. leave themselves to their own d evicesB. give them no adviceC. give them some adviceD. let them exercise themselves15. "Mad e in China", once was regard ed as the nick-name of cheap ______, is now becoming more innovative and d esirable on the world market.A. goodsB. imitationsC. second-hand productsD. low-end goods16. Their small protest ______ a mass d emonstration.A. broughtB. touchedC. triggeredD. raised17. Their salaries were ______ when business became bad.A. increasedB. d ecreasedC. kept steadyD. slashed18. The interest of all the stud ents ______ upon the New Year celebration.A. convergedB. was alikeC. was differentD. was similar19. Loyal friends are a person’s ______ in time of trouble.A. helpB. supportC. mainstayD. base20. A saying goes like this: out of a ______, one can draw the most beautiful paintings.A. drawing boardB. canvasC. painted scrollD. blank canvas。



2024年全国硕士研究生招生考试英语(一)Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text.Choose the best word(s)for each numbered blank and mark A,B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET.(10points)There’s nothing more welcoming than a door opening for you. 1 the need to be touched to open or close,automatic doors are essential in 2 disabled access to buildings and helping provide general 3 to commercial buildings.Self-sliding doors began to emerge as a commercial product in1960after being invented six years 4 by Americans Dee Horton and Lew Hewitt.They 5 as a novelty feature,but as their use has grown,their 6 have extended within our technologically advanced world.Particularly7 in busy locations or during times of emergency,the doors8 crowd management by reducing the obstacles put in people’s way.9 making access both in and out of buildings easier for people,the difference in the way many of these doors open helps reduce the total area10 by them.Automatic doors often open to the side,with the panels sliding across one another.Replacing swing doors,these11 smaller buildings to maximise the usable space inside without having to12 the way for a large,sticking-out door.There are many different types of automatic door,with each13 specific signals to tell them when to open.14 these methods differ,the main15 remain the same.Each automatic door system16 the light,sound,weight or movement in their vicinity as a signal to open.Sensor types are chosen to17 the different environments they are needed in.18 ,a busy street might not19 a motion-sensored door,as it would constantly be opening for passers-by.A pressure-sensitive mat would be more20 to limit the surveyed area.1. A.Through2. A.revealing3. A.experience4. A.previously5. A.held on6. A.relations7. eful8. A.call for9. A.As well as10.A.connected11.A.allow12.A.adopt13.A.adapting to14.A.Once15.A.records16.A.controls17.A.decorate18.A.In conclusion19.A.identify20.A.appropriateB.DespiteB.demandingB.convenienceB.temporarilyB.started outB.volumesB.simpleB.yield toB.In terms ofB.sharedB.expectB.leadB.deriving fromB.SinceB.positionsB.analysespareB.By contrastB.suitB.obviousC.BesidesC.improvingC.guidanceC.successivelyC.settled downC.benefitsC.flexibleC.insist onC.Thanks toC.representedC.requireC.clearC.relying onC.UnlessC.principlesC.producesC.protectC.For exampleC.secureC.impressiveD.WithoutD.tracingD.referenceD.eventuallyD.went byD.sourcesD.stableD.act asD.Rather thanD.occupiedD.directD.changeD.pointing atD.AlthoughD.reasonsD.mixesplementD.Above allD.includeD.delicate Section II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts.Answer the questions below each text by choosing A,B,C or D.Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET.(40points)Text1Nearly2,000years ago,as the Romans began to pull out of Scotland,they left behind a curious treasure:10tons of nails,nearly a million of the things.The nail hoard was discovered in1960in a four-metre-deep pit covered by two metres of gravel.Why had the Romans buried a million nails?The likely explanation is that the withdrawal was rushed,and they didn’t want the local Caledonians getting their hands on10 tons of weapon-grade iron.The Romans buried the nails so deep that they would not be discovered for almost two millennia.Later civilisations would value the skilled blacksmith’s labour in a nail even more than the raw material.As Roma Agrawal explains in her new delightful book Nuts and Bolts, early17th-century Virginians would sometimes burn down their homes if they were planning to relocate.This was an attempt to recover the valuable nails,which could be reused after sifting the ashes.The idea that one might burn down an entire house just to reclaim the nails underlines how scarce,costly and valuable the simple-seeming technology was.The price of nails fell by90%between the late1700s and mid-1900s,as economist Daniel Sichel points out in a research paper.According to Sichel,although the falling price of nails was driven partly by cheaper iron and cheaper energy,most of the credit goes to nail manufacturers who simply found more efficient ways to turn steel into nails.Nails themselves have changed over the years,but Sichel studied them because they haven’t changed much.Roman lamps and Roman chariots are very different from LED strips and sports cars,but Roman nails are still clearly nails.It would be absurd to try to track the changing price of sports cars since1695,but to ask the same question of nails makes perfect sense.I make no apology for being obsessed by a particular feature of these objects:their price.I am an economist,after all.After writing two books about the history of inventions, one thing I’ve learnt is that while it is the enchantingly sophisticated technologies that get all the hype,it’s the cheap technologies that change the world.The Gutenberg printing press transformed civilisation not by changing the nature of writing but by changing its cost—and it would have achieved little without a parallel collapse in the price of surfaces to write on,thanks to an often-overlooked technology called paper.Solar panels had few niche uses until they became cheap;now they are transforming21. The Romans buried the nails probably for the sake of____A.saving them for future use.B.keeping them from rusting.C.letting them grow in value.D.hiding them from the locals.22. The example of early17th-century Virginians is used to____A.highlight the thriftiness of early American colonists.B.illustrate the high status of blacksmiths in that period.C.contrast the attitudes of different civilisations towards nails.D.show the preciousness of nail-making technology at that time.23. What played the major role in lowering the price of nails after the late1700s?A.Increased productivity.B.Wider use of new energies.C.Fiercer market competition.D.Reduced cost of raw materials.24. It can be learned from Paragraph5that nails____A.have undergone many technological improvements.B.have remained basically the same since Roman times.C.are less studied than other everyday products.D.are one of the world’s most significant inventions.25. Which of the following best summarises the last two paragraphs?A.Cheap technologies bring about revolutionary change.B.Technological innovation is integral to economic success.C.Technology defines people’s understanding of the world.D.Sophisticated technologies develop from small inventions.Text2Parenting tips obtained from hunter-gatherers in Africa may be the key to bringing up more contented children,researchers have suggested.The idea is based on studies of communities such as the Kung of Botswana,where each child is cared for by many adults. Kung children as young as four will help to look after younger ones and“baby-wearing”,in which infants are carried in slings,is considered the norm.According to Dr Nikhil Chaudhary,an evolutionary anthropologist at Cambridge University,these practices,known as alloparenting,could lead to less anxiety for children and parents.Dr Annie Swanepoel,a child psychiatrist,believes that there are ways to incorporate them into western life.In Germany,one scheme has paired an old people’s home with a nursery.The residents help to look after the children,an arrangement akin to alloparenting. Another measure could be encouraging friendships between children in different school years,to mirror the unsupervised mixed-age playgroups in hunter-gatherer communities.In a paper published in the Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry,researchers said that the western nuclear family was a recent invention which broke with evolutionary history.This abrupt shift to an“intensive mothering narrative”,which suggests that mothers should manage childcare alone,was likely to have been harmful.“Such narratives can lead to maternal exhaustion and have dangerous consequences,”they wrote.By contrast,in hunter-gatherer societies adults other than the parents can provide almost half of a child’s care.One previous study looked at the Efépeople of the Democratic Republic of Congo.It found that infants had an average of14alloparents a day by the time they were18weeks old,and were passed between caregivers eight times an hour.Chaudhary said that parents now have less childcare support from family and social networks than during most of humans’evolutionary history,but introducing additional caregivers could reduce stress and maternal depression,which could have a“knock-on”benefit to a child’s wellbeing.An infant born to a hunter-gatherer society could have more than ten caregivers—this contrasts starkly to nursery settings in the UK where regulations call for a ratio of one carer to four children aged two to three.While hunter-gatherer children learnt from observation and imitation in mixed-age playgroups,researchers said that western“instructive teaching”,where pupils are asked to sit still,may contribute to conditions such as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.Chaudhary said that Britain should explore the possibility that older siblings helping their parents26. According to the first two paragraphs,alloparenting refers to the practice of____A.sharing childcare among community members.B.assigning babies to specific adult caregivers.C.teaching parenting skills to older children.D.carrying infants around by their parents.27. The scheme in Germany is mentioned to illustrate____A.an attempt to facilitate intergenerational communication.B.an approach to integrating alloparenting into western society.C.the conventional parenting style in western culture.D.the differences between western and African ways of living.28. According to Paragraph4,the“intensive mothering narrative”____A.alleviates parenting pressure.B.consolidates family relationships.C.results in the child-centered family.D.departs from the course of evolution.29. According to Paragraph6,what can we learn about the nurseries in the UK?A.They tend to fall short of official requirements.B.They have difficulty finding enough caregivers.C.They ought to improve their carer-to-child ratio.D.They should try to prevent parental depression.30. Which of the following would be the best title for the text?A.Instructive Teaching:A Dilemma for Anxious ParentsB.For a Happier Family,Learn from the Hunter-gatherersC.Mixed-age Playgroup,a Better Choice for Lonely ChildrenD.Tracing the History of Parenting:from Africa to EuropeText3A Polish digital artist who uses classical painting styles to create dreamy fantasy landscapes,Greg Rutkowski has made illustrations for games such as Dungeons&Dragons and Magic:The Gathering.And he’s become a sudden hit in the new world of text-to-image AI generation.His distinctive style is now one of the most commonly used prompts in the new open-source AI art generator Stable Diffusion.The tool,along with other popular image-generation AI models,allows anyone to create impressive images based on text prompts.For example,type in“Wizard with sword and a glowing orb of magic fire fights a fierce dragon Greg Rutkowski,”and the system will produce something that looks not a million miles away from works in Rutkowski’s style.But these open-source programs are built by scraping images from the internet,often without permission and proper attribution to artists.As a result,they are raising tricky questions about ethics and copyright.And artists like Rutkowski have had enough.According to the website Lexica,which tracks over10million images and prompts generated by Stable Diffusion,Rutkowski’s name has been used as a prompt around93,000 times.Rutkowski was initially surprised but thought it might be a good way to reach new audiences.Then he tried searching for his name to see if a piece he had worked on had been published.The online search brought back work that had his name attached to it but wasn’t his.“It’s been just a month.What about in a year?I probably won’t be able to find my work out there because the internet will be flooded with AI art,”Rutkowski says.“That’s concerning.”Other artists besides Rutkowski have been surprised by the apparent popularity of their work in text-to-image generators—and some are now fighting back.Karla Ortiz,an illustrator based in San Francisco who found her work in Stable Diffusion’s data set,has been raising awareness about the issues around AI art and copyright.Artists say they risk losing income as people start using AI-generated images based on copyrighted material for commercial purposes.But it’s also a lot more personal,Ortiz says, arguing that because art is so closely linked to a person,it could raise data protection and privacy problems.。



Unit 11.词汇(1)subsidize(资助)treatment (2)slippery (滑的)slope (3)as an advocate(提倡、主张) (4)our mandate(颁布批准)(5)champion (支持拥护)necessary(6)how to navigate(驾驶航行导航)(7)embolden(壮胆,增加勇气)consumers (8)have an incentive( 动机) (9)need not be justified (证明有理)(10)has no precedent(先例)2.完形填空smoking ban or smoker-ban? 第一句:we all know now that…..(1)budget (2)explosion (3)premises (4)incentives (5)cessation (6)implications (7)ill (8)a slippery slope (9)screening (10)advocates (11)unemployment (12)disparate (13)substantially (14)impractical (15)spots (16)distraction (17)implementation (18)wellness (19)unleashed (20)innovative3.汉译英1) 中国政府致力于打击各行各业的腐败现象(China’s government is making an effort to crack down on corruption in different walks of life.)2) 研究发现,烟民倾向于集体戒烟…(The study finds smokers tend to quit in groups, which means smoking cessation programs should work best if they focus on groups rather than individuals.)3) 随着ATC协议于2005年….(With the termination of the ATC agreement on January 1st, 2005, trade in textiles and clothing will be fully integrated into the multilateral trading system of WTO.)4) 它还能帮助你更好….(It can also help you feel more in control of your emotions and thoughts and help improve your attitude, health, and sense of well-being).5) 我通常都不会接受迟到的申请…..(I don't usually accept late applications, but since you were so sick I'll make an exception.)6) 这些著名大学并未禁止…(The famous Universities are not trying to turn away all the visitors, but merely adding some restrictions on the number of certain groups of visitors.)7)我的发现为两种说法都提供了一些想法(My findings add a new wrinkle to each scenario.)8) 由于2007年底政府竭力避免…(Bank lending was weak in late 2007 when the government was trying to prevent the economy from overheating, which makes comparisons tricky.)Unit 21.词汇(1)encompass(涉及到) cooperation (2)in full frenzy(暴怒,狂乱) (3)dutifully(尽责的,服从的) arrange (4)intangible(不能触摸的)cultural heritage (5)courtship(求爱)and marriage (6) spend lavishly(过分的慷慨大方)to set a bad (7)discounted(打折)tickets (8)incur (遭遇,获得)the ignominy (9)subscribe(订阅、认购)to the newspaper (10)designate(指出,指示)a member2.完形填空T celebrate valentine’s day in the low-budget eco-friendly way (while many of us were happily…)(1)embracing (2)preoccupied (3)geared (4)money-making (5)comments(6)costly (7)sincere (8)commercial (9)romantic (10)dedicated (11)Impress (12)generous (13)outcome (14)generate (15)eco-friendly(16)designed (17)upload (18)personal (19)discount (20)minimum3.汉译英1)过去五年间,老百姓的实际…Real disposable income has nearly doubled in the past five years and is growing by more than 10% a year.2)我们在此受到了隆重的接待…It gives me great pleasure to express once again to our host my deep appreciation for the grand reception and generous hospitality we enjoy here.3) 然而现在,许多国家正..But now it is being considered quite seriously by many nations, especially since scientists have warned, that the human race will outgrow its fresh water supply faster than it runs out of food.4)然而,政府消减排放量… The demise of cap and trade in Congress, however, does not call a complete halt to the administration's efforts to cut emissions.5) 自那以来,尽管一些楼盘..Since then, it has sold a grand total of one flat, although the list prices on some buildings have slipped 15 per cent.6) 相对于传统产品通胀..Asset bubbles can be more insidious than traditional product inflation, because they seem to be a sign of health: higher values lift the real economy, which in turn can send the bubbles higher.7)参加这样一个伟大的.. The chance to partake in such a great historic movement doesn't come every day.8)不要为了辞职而辞职.. Don't quit for the sake of quitting unless you've thought about how it will impact you financially.Unit31.词汇(1). facilitate (推进)a comprehensive (2) keep our commitment to remove(3.) the aftermath(结果,后果) of Japan's bubble.(4). Collaborative(合作的,协力完成的) deals in an effort(5). as the preeminent 卓越的,杰出的world power(6. )adapt to adversity.逆境(7). need to convene(召开,召集) and collaborate(8.) As the western economies stumble(绊脚、出错)(9 )transparency(透明度,幻灯片) of government pricing.(10) signature and ratification.(批准)2.完形填空(I think one of the clear …)(1)lessons (2)from (3)whether (4)fish (5)creativity (6)amazed (7)communities (8)solve (9)denied (10)worth (11)what (12)belief (13)progress (14)innovate (15)incomes (16)otherwise (17)Building (18)sustainable (19)cultures (20)difference.4.英译汉(several private sector groups….I ruge you to join and to encoruage others to do the same)数家私营公司和团体已承诺通过其全球网络提供辅导人员,它们包括英特尔公司、安永会计师事务所、考夫曼基金会、实业组织、技术瓦迪协会以及青年总裁组织和巴布森学院。



U nit1Reading MoreKey to ExercisesTask11)nonmonetary2)recognizing3)due4)adhere5)considered 6)self-affirmation7)impede8)thirst9)discharging10)rendering 11)serve12)ceremonies13)a part14)commit15)attendVocabulary in ActionTask11.A.observed(v.to see and notice something)B.observed(v.to say or write what you have noticed about a situation)C.observing(v.to do what you are supposed to do according to a law or agreement)bels(n.a piece of paper or other material that is attached to something and givesinformation about it)beled(v.to attach a label onto something or write information on something)beled(v.to use a word or phrase to describe someone or something,but often unfairly orcorrectly)3.A.engage(v.to be doing or to become involved in an activity)B.was engaged(v.to employ someone to do a particular job)C.engaged(v.having agreed to marry)D.engaging(adj.pleasant and attractive)4.A.attributed(v.to believe or say that a situation or event is caused by something)B.attributes(n.a quality or feature,especially one that is considered to be good or useful)C.attributed(v.to believe or say that someone was responsible for saying or writing something,i.e.painting a famous picture,etc.)5.A.Driving(v.to make a car,truck,bus,etc.move along in a desired path)B.drive(n.an effort to achieve something,especially an effort by an organization for aparticular purpose)C.drive(n.determination and energy to succeed)6.A.exercise(n.physical activities that you do in order to stay healthy and become stronger)B.exercises(n.a set of questions in a book that test a student's knowledge or skill)C.exercise(v.to use a power,right,or quality that you have)7.A.term(n.a fixed period of time during which someone does something or somethinghappens)B.term(n.one of the periods of time that the school or university year is divided into)C.termed(v.to give a name to or describe something with a particular expression)8.A.discharged(v.to officially allow someone to leave somewhere,especially the hospitalor the army,navy,etc.,or to tell them that they must leave)B.discharge(v.to do or pay what you have a duty to do or pay)C.discharges(n.something coming from with another type of substance)9.A.minor(adj.small and not very important or serious,especially compared with other things)B.minored/minors(v.to study a second main subject as part of university degree)C.minors(n.someone who is below the age at which they become legally responsible for theiractions)10.A.stage(n.a particular time or state that something reaches as it grows or develops)B.stage(n.the raised area in a theatre which actors or singers stand on when they perform)C.stage(v.to organize a public event)11.A.fostering(v.to take someone else's child into your family for a period of time but withoutbecoming their legal parent)B.fosters(v.to help a skill,feeling,idea,etc.develop over a period of time)C.foster(adj.related by or concerned with fostering)12.A.firm(n.a business or company,especially a small one)B.firm(adj.strongly fixed in position,and not likely to move)C.firm(adj.behaving in a way showing that they are not going to change their mind,or thatthey are the person taking control)Task21.due to you as a bonus2.in recognition of his contributions to psychology3.serves a purpose4.attended to in due course5.takes precedence over all the others6.calls for a celebration7.thirsted for a few new books8.with reference to the job opening in your department9.Mary has a great diversity of interestsmitted themselves to boosting profitsPRACTICAL TRANSLATIONParagraph One“一年365天,一周7天,一天24小时,生意始终在进行,那意味着一年365天,7天,一天24小时,竞争也同样在进行,”豪特说,“公司取胜的方法之一就是要更快地到达‘目的地’!这就是说,你不仅要把所有能支持公司快速运转的功能都调动起来,而且还得知道如何决定‘目的地’是哪里。

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一、选择Unit11,This book(contains)all the information you need. 2,The government(restricts)the number of foreign cars that could be imported.3,As a teacher you should not show(favor)towards any of your students.4,Traffic is(regulated)by police at every intersection. 5,How much do you(charge)for this pair of shoes? 6,We can(leave off)now and return to work in the morning.7,That matter can be left(over)until our next morning.8,I learned that he was(on)sick leave from a government office.9,It was one of the most beautiful sights that I had even set eyes(on).10,Each week he tried to set(aside)a few dollars of his salary.Unit211,All this ceremony is just(for show);it doesn’t mean a thing.12,Bill is afraid to(show his face)since Tom threatens to beat him up.13,She has been behaving foolishly;I hope you will (bring her to senses).14,The classroom is30feet(in length)and20feet in breadth.15,I’m leaving this job because I’m tried of being (pushed around).16,After the rain,the orchard seems to have(burst into)blossom overnight.17,The two men stood(glaring at)each other,while the crowd looked on with amusement.18,When you have any problems in your studies,you can always(look to)John for help.Unit319,Theodore Roosevelt was a(versatile)man;he was successful as a statesman,soldier….20,The small town has(undergone)many changes during last10years.21,The old farmer(survived)his wife,living until 105years of ages.22,Poor eyesight is a(handicap)to many students. 23,The wheat crop will be(decimated)with strong spring rains.24,The various parts of the essays do not adequately (interrelate).25,Hot weather(multiplies)the bacteria in the milk rapidly.26,If something very substantial is not done next month,he cannot(retain)his office.27,We sent him an invitation but he(declined).28,The lifeguard pulled the(inanimate)body out of the pool.Unit529,If you are to be accepted as a member of the club you must(abide)by its rules.30,(Even if)you dislike ancient monuments,Warrick Castle is worth a visit.31,The cites will to be(deflated)and the population distributed in villages.32,He gave a(distorted)account of what has happened.33,His speech(fermented)trouble among the works. 34,The criminal was told he would be(immune)from punishment if he said what……35,If you(strain)the elastic band any more,it will break.36,The Egyptians(inhabit)an area equal to France and Spain combines.37,He is(by no means)considered to be a great explorer.38,It was a long time before scientists could (penetrate)the mystery of the atom.Unit747,The speaker was a long way(off the track).48,The new government tried to(defuse)the growing discontent of the people.49,The(catch)is how to grow rice in a dry area. 50,They were surprised to see the efficiency of the (well-oiled)military machine of……51,He was(upset)to learn that he had been left out of the basketball team.52,It is fortunate when a young man’s career goals (coincide)with what his parents……53,If the body is robbed this way for too long,vital organs(break down).54,If your car(conks out)on a turnpike,wait for assistance.55,My pencil is(worn down)to a stump.56,The waterfall has(worn)a hole in the stone.57,Anna did what she could to keep the marriage from(falling apart).58,His wife becomes more and more(preoccupied) with children.Unit859,Artificial light is not to be(compared with)daylight for general use.60,To(retrieve)some data,one has to consult a computer.61,When the car hit the wall,the(impact)broke the windscreen.62,The problem is closely(involved with)the management of pastures.63,If you travel by jet plane,Tokyo and Shanghai are (virtually)neighbors.64,There is no(tangible)evidence that the diplomatic relations will be restored to……65,After10years’efforts,the farmers have(turned) the waste land(into)paddy fields.66,He traveled with some British doctors who took (short-term)jobs abroad.67,Utter weariness(overtook)me one hour later. 68,Farmers will have a bumper harvest,(assuming) that the weather is favorable.69,Stocks may(boom)today,but droop tomorrow. 70,The mountain peak is(dominant)on the horizon. Unit91、The young couple have always kept a firm grip on(a strict control over)their children.2、The doctor did not reveal(make known)to him his hopeless ccondition.3、Stan believe he would not deal with(cope with)the pressure of his work.4、Stan possessed everything he had ever dreamed of,but he felt very sad and hopeless(desperarte).5、For a whole day,Mary buried herself in(was absorbed in)the new book.6、A ballet star never has the satisfaction of knowing the final score,or of beating(winning0the competition.7、Both Stan Belin and Patrick Bissell had an intense(a strong)desire to beat their addicttion.8、The working poopulation is in decline(decreasing).9、Stan was brought up in a fractured family.one in which his parents fought constantly(repeatedly).10、He would stand by the apartment door for hours witha can of Mace to fend off(keep off)imagined intruders.二、VocabularyUnit11、In the past formerly2、Include embrace3、man-made artificial4、control systematically regulate5、exactly precisely6、undesired unwanted7、irrelevant extraneous8、having intense feeling passionate9、aim toward be targeted to10、not far away at hand 11、be charged for be send forUnit21.His criminal activities were finally uncovered.2.Scienctist from the two countries concurred todevelop the vaccine.3.Lightning usually accompanies thunder.4.The bad weather frustrated our hopes of going out.5.She believes that she is not a good mother becauseshe does not fit the stereotype of a woman whospends all her time with her children.6.He is always switching from one job to an another.7.He just smiled and dismissed the story as mererumor.8.The sudden noise distracted his mind from hispainful memories.9.The story can be adapted for use in schools.10.That is what we assume,but it is not esay to findevidence to prove it.11.She tried to probe into my mind and discover what Iwas thinking.12.She is too ambitious to remain in a subordinateposition for long in the company.Unit31、Containing many detailed parts and thus difficult to understand intricate2、Nearly correct but not exactly approximately3、A sudden shaking of the Earth’s surface earthquake4、Having many different kinds of skills or abilities versatile5、Standing apart,separate as is to be alone isolated6、The opposite in position;the other way aroundreverse7、In addition to;also as well as8、Depending on each other;necessary to each other interdependent9、Increase in number by giving birth to offspring multiply10、Eat something in order to stay alive or subsist live on11、Destroy completely kill off12、Not in its exact or accurate position out of true13、Provide with proper or necessary skills,knowledge etc.quality14、(not)in any way(not)at all15、As a result from a natural impulse or tendency spontaneouslyUnit4A.1、The meeting dragged on2、The party broke up3、We dropped by the club to see if Bill was there4、No matter what we talk about,Jim always drags in politics5、Britain has dropped behind Japan as a producer of cheap cotton fabrics6、Gradually his strength failed and he dropped behind in the race7、Scientists hope to break through8、Several friends dropped in9、A big fire broke out10、If you hadn’t broken in,11、The cold winter dragged on12、Why must you always drag this subject in13、Please drop by14、They dragged out15、The children seem to have been dragged up16、Several painters in the exhibition have broken with17、He tried to cope with the ever-increasing burden of his work,but finally he broke down18、He broke off19、It is difficult to break away20、Well,drop inB.Prime constantly intervals at arm’s length come off get over yield put into operation challenging resort to swarming with take inUnit51、Learn and discover(a fact that was hidden)find out2、A group of people living together by shared interests, religion,munity3、Change into something of different form or properties convert4、Have a clear meaning wake sense5、A state of very strong feeling,esp.of joy and happiness ecstasy6、Take the place of replace7、to some extent;somewhat more or less8、at the lowest estimate or figure at least9、not easily managed;hard to treat,relieve,or cure intractable10、understand;figure out the meaning of make out Unit6A.1,inhale(breathe in)2,scent(fragrance)3,beam(smile happily)4,solid(heavy)5,suspicious(unbelieving)6,steady(regular)7,accomplishment(success)8,impressionable(easily noticeable)B.1.When I was whispering with my friend in class,the tearcher signaled to me keep silent.2.She tried to steer the conversation towards the subject of their last meeting.3.Important ideas should stand out from minor points.4.If you do not stand up for yourself,you will never get what you deserve in this world.5.Many old people still believe that a woman’career is of secondary importance.6.We can not stand by and allow such cruelty to happen.7.He steerted the car skillfully through the narrow street.8.When he saw the old man,he pulled up his car at the curb.9.It was already midnight when the train pulled into the station.10.The trade agreementt between the two countries will expire next year.Unit71、Defeat(sb.)or deal successfully with(w difficulty)get the better of2、Uselessness;useless action or thing futility3、Moving or allowing movement in only one direction one-way4、Take away the courage or power to act unnerve5、Put back into order so as to be understood unscramble6、In a state of complete disorder and confusion; confused chaotic7、A state marked by lack of plan,order,or direction haphazardness8、Any tricky or concealed problem or drawback catch9、Smoke or other gases that pollute,combined with fog in an unhealthy or irritating mixture smog10、A pipelike wooden or metal musical instrument with finger holes flute11、Causing gloominess or a lowering of spirit depressing12、Nothing;zero nil13、Made or done aimlessly,without any plan random14、Cause great suffering of the mind or body distress15、An organization,a habit,custom,etc.,which has been in existence for a long time institution16、(cause to)gather together congregateUnit81、A rapid increase in sales,worth,profits,etc.boom2、The offspring of two animals or plants of different breeds,varieties,or species hybrid3、A person or group having administrative or supervisory authority in an organization or government executive4、Profit or gain,such as from work returns5、Aside from,except for apart from6、Not equal or matched;unique unparalleled7、Accomplish,cause bring about8、Ineffective or useless from the beginning stillborn9、The science of planning and directing military operations strategy10、Occurring after;succeeding subsequent11、Work out;understand by thinking figure out12、Delay doing,considering,etc.,till a later time leave overUnit91.The doctor gave him a check up and found nothingwrong.2.Check off is at midday in this hotel.3.They had an accident on the road and did not checkin at their hotel until after midnight.4.The secretary always check over the letters beforeputting them on thedirector’s desk.5.We are supposed to check in at the airport before8:00.6.When I went to the hotel to see John,he had alreadycheck out.7.He check over the manuscript carefully beforepassing it to his secretary.8.On Friday afternoon,the workers check off half anhour earlier than usual.9.The police check on the man’s past experiencebefore arresting him.10.You can check on your answers with the help of thekey at the back of the textbook.11.Will you run though this essay for me,and tell mewhat you think of it?12.His health run down from working too hard.13.The syudents’patience has ran out.14.Our plan run into unexpected oppossition.15.He usually run over his notes before giving a lecture. Unit10A1.There are some technical problems to be ironed out(smoothed out)before we can fly.2.Is there any chance(prospect)of your returningsoon?3.Having been to their parties many times,we haveto(are obliged to)invite them to ours.4.I’m very grateful to(very much obliged to)you forcoming to see us.5.This year we will stay at the beachside for twoweeks(a fortnight).6.We were caught in the rain on our way to thecamping site.By the time we got there,everybodywas wet through(drenched to the skin).7.We lost our way,because we went the wrong way(went astray)due to a misprint on the map.8.He met(encountered)many interesting people on histravels.9.Now he can fully unsderstand(appreciate)howmuchher work means to him.10.The public is upset(distressed)about the potentialeconomic ompact of the new policy.11.The government has initiated(launched)a newprogram to control air pollution.12.All the prisoners were set free(released)at the end ofthe war.B.1.He seemed cast down as a result of his failure tofind work.2.As the wood is wet,it won’t catch fire.3.Many native tribes live a hand-to-mouth existence on berries,nut,danroots.4.When she passed the store,the dress in the window caught her eye.5.I only caught a glimpse of him at the table,so I can’t remember his face now.6.After the scandal,he was cast out of the best society.7.They cast lots to decide who would speak first at the meeting.8.After a day’s work.we sat down over coffee to catch our breath.9.I caught sight of a foot-path that seemed to lead to the depth of the forest.10.You’d better not tell Mary the secret;she doesn’t know to keep her mouth shut.三、完形Unit1even,as,that,won,annually,by,they,virtual, because,simply,across,still,exactly,concern,response, access,to,led,between,placeUnit2viewed,almost,even,lower,means,reality,become,like,grow,proving,status,afford,faced, necessarily,disciplined,longer,own,schedule,talking, until.Unit3been,raise,spread out,dying of,began,caused, According to,up to,as,unusual,be linked to,of course, however,came into,ranging.Unit4former,among,purpose,for,serves,strengthened, official,majority,heavily,similar,extends,through, limits,adds,familiar,ways,and,ability,as,means.Unit5quantitatively,make up,at least,unlikely,even if, greater than,common-sense,turn out to be,increases,in the direction of,complains,the Theory of Relativity, close to,so far as,not onlyUnit6reading,knowledge,because,to,came,imagine, taken,gazed,with,when,Once,in,and,used,thinking, memory,that,no,truly,humour.Unit7having to,means,without,yet,insists on, believing in,spends,to say,In a sense,while,implies, denies,hard,take up,was urged.Unit8be depicted,marvel at,suffering,beneath,as, when,enjoy,Nearly,from,before,so long,have not respected,used,than,announcing.Unit9so,presence,Furthermore,attend,signs,with,just,though,,a t,green,for,read,raised,sometimes,state,what,expected,refers,whereas,divorced Unit101.D.promptly,2.A.only,3.C.one,4.B.till,5.A.worth,6.C.a mong,7.D.served,8.B.transferred,9.B.inwhich,10.A.pass,11.C.desolate12.A.Becauseof,13.D.survive,14.B.dealtwith,15.C.to,16.B.that,17.A.but,18.C.When,19.B.ended, 20.A.containing四,翻译:Unit11、一种真正的市场型理模式很快成为可能。
