Director MX 2004使用问答
Director MX 2004使用问答Q: 为什么用MX2004打包后会显示标题栏?A:把display template中的titlebat options里的选项都取消就可以了。
Q:如何在DR中打开word文件A:1,在d内打开须使用activex2,在d外打开调用word程序打开即可Q:怎样实现让用户选择不同的背景音乐?A:on mouseUp me,7v@fileobj=new(xtra "fileio")~M+Hhffileobj.setFilterMask("all file, *.*,mp3,*.mp3,wave, *.wav")ifilename=displayOpen(fileobj)^|kHUbif filename="" or filename=void then exitU9closefile(fileobj) jhIsound playFile 2, string(filename)endQ:请问怎么给mpg视频加遮照?A:1,利用open widndow 做视频遮照2,用MPEG advance xtra 插件,在属性窗口中把playback opitions 下的DTS取消了,就可以了,然后就在视频之上的通道里放你遮的图片即可Q:怎么检测本机是否连接到intel网上?A:WinSocket Xtra Ad可以实现,说明:WinSocket Xtra 是一套Sprite Xtra,一共有三个,分别为 TCPServer.X32,TCPClient.X32和UDPSocket.X32。
UDPSocket.X32采用UDP 协议。
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Q:如何让影片循环播放? A:在最后一帧上加入 lingo 在里面就行了 on exitFrame me go to frame 1 end Q: 请问如何从一个电影跳转到另一个电影的指定帧? A:go frame 4 of movie"gh" Q:如何去除 exe 文件界面四周的白边? A:使用创建不规则窗口的办法。用 MIAW.可以用它去掉舞台边上一个像素的边框.建立一个 1x1 全 屏播放的 projector,通过 MIAW 命令用它打开你的主影片,设置主影片的 windowType 为一个 1 bit 的位图,该位图你的主影片的形状.例如: myMiaw = window("myWindow") --创建的 MIAW myMiaw.windowType = member("1 bit bitmap") --1 bit 的主影片的形状的位图 Q:请问怎么才能插入光盘后自动运行光盘? A:使用记事本,文件名最好命名为:Autorun.inf 内容如: [autorun] OPEN=Setup.exe ICON=Setup.ico,0 Q:如何使 GIF 动画只播放一遍? A:动态 GIF 和 F 一样,再属性面板有一个循环选项。 Q:请问如何能用 director 做一个隐藏的导航栏?鼠标放到屏幕边缘就有一个导航栏的那种? A:方法很多!! 最简单,你在要加导航的地方放一个同大小透明的 FIELD, mouseWithIn,mouseEnter,mouseLeave,…… rollover 也可以~~~ 还可以用坐标区域进行判断~ Q:怎样用 lingo 编写帧速度? A:puppetTempo 帧速 Q:如何用 dir,打开一个外部的 exe 文件? A:open"名称.exe" Q:怎么给 dir 文件瘦身啊? A:把文件另存一下,或者在 FILE 菜单里面选 SAVE AND COMPACT Q: 请教:在 Dr 中如何调整 swf 文件的播放速度? A: 选中演员,选属性面板里面的 FLASH 选项的 RATE。
第一页BroadcastSystemMessage将一条系统消息广播给系统中所有的顶级窗口GetMessagePos取得消息队列中上一条消息处理完毕时的鼠标指针屏幕位置GetMessageTime取得消息队列中上一条消息处理完毕时的时间PostMessage将一条消息投递到指定窗口的消息队列PostThreadMessage将一条消息投递给应用程序RegisterWindowMessage获取分配给一个字串标识符的消息编号ReplyMessage答复一个消息SendMessage调用一个窗口的窗口函数,将一条消息发给那个窗口SendMessageCallback 将一条消息发给窗口SendMessageTimeout向窗口发送一条消息SendNotifyMessage向窗口发送一条消息完第一页Windows消息函数,共一页。
秘密 版权所有 © 深圳市海思半导体有限公司
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秘密 版权所有 © 深圳市海思半导体有限公司
Apigee API管理 API产品心态说明书
Field-tested best practicesDeveloper experienceReal-world use casesCreating World-Class Developer Experiences Inside the API Product Mindset1PART 234Table of contentsInside the API product mindset (03)Understanding developers—internal and external—as API customers (05)Field-tested best practices (07)Build an easy-to-use, self-service developer portal to drive adoption (07)Create a community of developers (08)Never stop improving (09)Real-world use cases (10)How AccuWeather reached new audiences with its developer portal (10)Developer experience checklist (11)About Apigee API management (12)Inside the API product mindsetApplication programming interfaces, or APIs, are the de facto mechanism for connecting applications, data, and systems—but they’re also much more.APIs abstract backend complexity behind a consistent interface, which means they not only allow one kind of software to talk to another, even if neither was designed to do so, but also empower developers to leverage data, functions and other digital assets both more efficiently and in new and novel ways.Developers have launched new ridesharing services by combining third-party mapping and navigational APIs with their own first-party data and functionality, for example. Many applications rely on third-party APIs, such as those from Twitter or Google, for authentication. When developers want to add voice commands to an application but lack the time, incentives, resources or expertise to build their own natural language technologies, they can turn to APIs to get the functionality they need.Because they make digital assets easier to reuse and combine, APIs are in the middle of virtually every digital use case, as are the developers who leverage APIs to make those use cases possible . Many enterprises now view developers as one of the most essential actors in their value chains— the people who translate digital assets into digital experiences that move the business needle. As businesses have realized that APIs can be pivotal to their evolution and growth, they have increasingly begun to manage APIs like products , supported by full lifecycles, long-term roadmaps, a customer-centric approach, and constant iteration to meet business needs. In our experience on Google Cloud’s Apigee team, organizations that treat APIs as products —as opposed to one-off technology projects—are more likely to win with developers and realize the potential value of APIs as business accelerators.This eBook takes a deeper look at creating world-class developer experiences and shares best practices Apigee has observed for engaging developers and deploying a developer portal that fuels those experiences.• Design secure and easy-to-use APIs and bring them to market• Deliver a world-class API developer experience• Drive ongoing API improvements with monitoring and analytics• Maximize the business value of APIs through API monetization, ecosystem participation,developer evangelism, etc.The API product team typically carries several critical responsibilities:API PRODUCT MANAGER API ARCHITECT API DEVELOPER API EVANGELIST API CHAMPION As we explored in The API Product Mindset ebook, typical roles within an API product team include an API Product Manager who owns the pro- cesses and cross-functional coordination critical to the API’s success; an API Architect responsible for designing and guiding the creation of APIs; an API Developer who builds APIs from the API Architect’s designs and implements security policies and other protocols; an API Evangelist who serves as the voice of APIconsumers and owns partner and developer outreach; and an API Champion who works closely with internal ex- ecutive sponsors to communicate the value of the API program to the rest ofUnderstanding developers—internal and external— as API customersAPIs may be intended for different users or purposes. Broadly, the three types of API products are:For many enterprise leaders, it may be tempting to apply different management philosophies to different types of APIs and to view developers outside the company as customers while viewing developers inside the company as employees. These types of distinctions can be dangerous.For instance, companies are increasingly mixing their internal-facing APIs with those of publicly- available APIs from third parties. By combining APIs in this way, companies can supplement their proprietary capabilities without having to proportionately invest in research, development, and staffing. These APIs also help businesses to more efficiently leverage valuable assets without bespoke considerations for each project. The end experience that these API combinations facilitate must be seamless to the user, regardless of whether the combinations involve public, partner or private APIs and regardless of whether the end user is inside or outside the organization. If some of the APIs are managed as products while others are managed as middleware, this cohesion may be at risk.Retailers, for example, often combine their internal inventory APIs with external payment processing APIs and external shipping and logistics APIs in order to create seamless mobile e-commerce experiences. These retailer applications sometimes incorporate external third-party location and navigation APIs to offer functionality that lets customers pick up a purchase at a nearby store rather than have it shipped to them. Applications might include machine learning APIs to support voice interactions or create better recommendation engines.• Public: The API is available for anyone to consume, e.g., a branch locator API.Enterprises typically use public APIs to either monetize valuable proprietary services that may be of use to outsiders or to encourage adoption of their services within new developer communities that can help the enterprise reach new digital ecosystems.• Private or partner: The API is available to select partners but not to external developers at large, e.g., an API to find out the availability of a company’s financial advisers or APIs that are specially created for partner needs.• Internal: The API is available only to certain employees within the enterprise, e.g., an HR database API that provides access to employee information.The possible combinations are endless—but the point is, to a retailer’s customers, the overall experience is the product of many interactions from many parties and many APIs, including those owned by the specific retailer and those owned by others. For the end user, the distinction between internal and external APIs is not particularly meaningful—they all need to be managed to provide great experiences for developers so those developers can provide great experiences for users.Similarly, an API used for purely internal pur-poses may prove itself so useful that it becomesa candidate for externalization. But a business’sawareness of the internal API’s value may be it-self largely predicated on the API being managedand monitored like a software product ratherthan a middleware detail. If internal-facing andexternal-facing APIs are approached differently,with the enterprise paying attention to usagepatterns and customer needs only for the latter,the company may never understand which ofits internal services could produce value if madeaccessible outside the company.Finally, even though many businesses invest in great experiences for external developers who pay for monetized APIs or spread an enterprise’s services to new use cases, some of these organizations give internal developers a second-rate experience, saddling them with manual approval processes, missing documentation, and other productivity-killing frustrations and potential security risks. It’s counterproductive to recognize the value of well-supported external developers while neglecting to support internal talent.Many large enterprises are accustomed to working in silos, for example, which means, among other things, that one team creating APIs in one part of the organization might not be aware of APIs being created by other teams throughout the organization. This can lead to work being needlessly duplicated and to APIs that might be simple for one team to use but confusing and prone to security vulnerabilities for another team’s uses. In these organizations, internal developers are too often stymied by cross-team confusion and heavy governance models. Without an API team and a unifying product mindset presiding over all APIs, these internal developers may not achieve the status of “customer,” the APIs they use may not achieve the status of “product”—and an organization’s productivity and innovation could suffer as a result.Build an easy-to-use, self-service developer portal to drive adoptionThe faster a developer can go from accessing an API to creating a new experience or service, the more likely they will be to adopt the API. Creating a branded, self-service developer portal—i.e.,an online API storefront—is one of the most powerful ways to provide this access, regardless of whether the API customer is an internal or external developer. A successful portal experience often starts with an API directory where developers can beginexploring. APIs should be not only accessible but also supported by documentation, sample codeor SDKs, and even sandbox environments that make it easy for developers to start testing and experimenting. Beyond simply issuing API keys to developers, the portal may allow customers to purchase API products and packages tailored for different levels of functionality and traffic overhead. Above all, a developer portal should clearly express the value proposition of a company’s APIs and inspire excitement about how developers can use them. Effective portals eliminate barriers that impede developer productivity.As Thomas Squeo, senior vice president at telecommunications firm West Corp, recently stated , developer portals are “the primary interaction point where [a developer] can go from awareness to activation to acquisition for an API and be able to bring it up to a ‘Hello World’ within maybe 30 minutes.”SECTION SUMMARY Build a store for your APIs.• Enable self-service. Make it easy to get started. Reduce time to “Hello World.”• Go beyond access to APIs. Make the value proposition clear. Include documentation, sample code, and testing environments. Reduce complexity and barriers to entry, as with any product sold online.• Craft developer experiences that provide the same support and care for both internal and external developers.Create a community of developersPeer-to-peer recommendations remain one of the most powerful forces in the software world.A thriving developer community can help an API program grow by creating buzz that encourages new developers to enter the community and by enabling feedback loops that help the API provider improve its program.A developer portal may play a central role in fostering community. By including blogs and forums in its portal, an enterprise can not only help developers to share best practices around the use of its APIs but also create dialogs with its API customers. These community efforts are important to ensuring that a company’s strategies actually serve user needs. Many businesses make the mistake of creating strategies from the inside-out, with internal assumptions leading the way, instead of from the outside-in , with user data and needs guiding development .Additionally, enterprises should invest in establishing a presence where developers already gather— meetups, conferences, online channels, etc. API providers should have a strong presence on social media, both to interact with users and amplify success stories that users share, and should consider digital marketing tactics such as search advertising.Whether they’re sending representatives to a conference, sponsoring hackathons or posting to social media, enterprises should consider marketing tactics that may incentivize participation, from giving away swag to recognizing and promoting the work of top API users. Enterprises should also aspire to earn the respect of their customers via transparency whenever possible, whether sharing roadmap intentions and timelines or speaking candidly in the event of a breach about what caused the vulnerability and what can be done to fix it.Many top businesses have created developer evangelist roles to take their community-building efforts to the next level. Evangelists can work both inside and outside the enterprise to champion adoption of APIs and provide a personal touch to supplement online feedback and marketing efforts. T op API evangelists are generally easy for developers to find on social media and often share their message during not only conference appearances but also webcasts, blog posts, and any other channels that offer an opportunity to interact with API users. Effective evangelists can even establish new business partnerships through their advocacy, giving them a prominent role in growing an enterprise’s digital ecosystem.Never stop improvingThe standard for a great developer experience is not static. What satisfies or empowers developers today may seem substandard tomorrow as new competing resources emerge and expectations among end users continue to evolve. API providers should regularly update their APIs, striving to continually close any gaps between what the API offers and what developers need in order to innovate.An API provider must be able to offer support when developers are stuck. It must be able to maintain the quality of its services and remediate bottlenecks. T o fuel improvements to its API products, the provider must collect not only hard data by actively monitoring API usage but also qualitative feedback from developers themselves. Developers are more likely to feel connected to an API program if they feel heard, and they are more likely to promote the APIs with which they feel most involved.An API provider may also need to rethink the metrics to which it dedicates the most attention. The number of APIs produced, for example, is not a particularly meaningful metric because it provides little or no insight into how or by whom the APIs are being used. APIs that focus on how developers consume APIs—such as which developers are most active or which applications are logging the most API calls—open doors to better insights and better API iterations. SECTION SUMMARY Spread the word.• Embrace a variety of channels. Be where the developers are.• Considering incentivizing participation via swag or recognition.• Task API evangelists with spreading the message. Be honest, transparent, and passionate about user success.SECTION SUMMARY Iterate. Then iterate again..• Always look for ways to make APIs more useful to developers and to make the developer experience easier and rewarding.• Create feedback loops. Provide resources to help developers when they get stuck.• Invest in consumption-oriented metrics that provide insight into how and by whom APIs are being used.How AccuWeather reached new audiences with its developer portal AccuWeather, the world's largest weather data company, has for years been sharing itsindustry-leading weather APIs with global OEM partners such as Fitbit, Ford, LG, HTC, and Sony.But it faced a challenge reaching individual developers, small businesses, and the weather-enthusiast community. This was an important audience for AccuWeather, said the company’s senior technical account manager Mark Iannelli.“A single developer always has the potential to be working on the next big thing and become our next big enterprise partner,” Iannelli explained. “We needed a way to reach them.”By simplifying access to AccuWeather’s unique functionality and APIs via a developer portal, the company has enabled a wide range of developers to build applications using the company’s weather data. The self-service portal acts an an online store for AccuWeather’s API packages and a hub for its external developer community.This “democratization of APIs” and the improved developer experiences facilitated by the portal also open the door for new paying customers, Iannelli said. “As developers scale up successful API-based products, they have the possibility to purchase high-volume packages,” he stated.Within 10 months of launch, the portal had attracted more than 24,000 developers, issued over 11,000 API keys, and generated hundreds of paid package purchases.But the benefits are even broader, Iannelli said. AccuWeather has also enjoyed not only indirectDNow that you’ve finished reading,About Apigee API managementThe Apigee API management platform delivers full lifecycle API management to help businesses unlock the value of data and securely deliver modern applications. Apigee offers a rich set of capabilities to enable enterprises to build customized developer portals, drive ecosystem growththrough API adoption, help deliver world-class developer experiences, and manage APIs as productsto empower developers.Learn more about Apigee’s Integrated Developer Portal.Inside the API Product Mindset - Part 2Maximizing the Business Value of DigitalAssets Through API MonetizationInside the API Product Mindset - Part 3Building and Managing Secure APIsInside the API Product Mindset - Part 4Optimizing API Programs withMonitoring and Analytics9。
游戏数据库 TcaplusDB RESTful API 产品文档说明书
游戏数据库 TcaplusDB使用 TcaplusDB RESTful API产品文档【版权声明】©2013-2023 腾讯云版权所有本文档(含所有文字、数据、图片等内容)完整的著作权归腾讯云计算(北京)有限责任公司单独所有,未经腾讯云事先明确书面许可,任何主体不得以任何形式复制、修改、使用、抄袭、传播本文档全部或部分内容。
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文档目录使用 TcaplusDB RESTful APIRESTful API 接口说明Go RESTful API 接口说明Java RESTful API 接口说明PHP RESTful API 接口说明Python RESTful API 接口说明RESTful API 各语言示例下载使用 TcaplusDB RESTful APIRESTful API 接口说明最近更新时间:2021-11-10 11:16:34本文档为 Tcaplus RESTful API v1.0 用户手册。
概述Tcaplus RESTful API 为开发者提供了一种通过 HTTP 请求与 Tcaplus 数据库远程交互的方式。
authorware常用函数ResizeWindow格式:ResizeWindow(width, height)说明:重新设置展示窗口的大小。
JumpFile格式:JumpFile("filename", ["variable1, variable2,…,"folder"])说明:该函数使Authorware跳转到指定的文件中。
MediaPause格式:MediaPause(IconID@"IconTitle", pause)说明:该函数的作用是暂停或继续播放在指定图标中的数字化电影(音乐),参数pause为TRUE时,暂停播放,参数pause为FALSE时,Authorware将继续播放。
例: if a=0 thenMediaPause(IconID@"音乐", TRUE) --停止音乐a:=1elseMediaPause(IconID@"音乐", FALSE) --继续播放音乐a:=0end ifMediaPlay格式:MediaPlay(IconID@"IconTitle")说明:该函数是使指定图标中的数字化电影(音乐)开始播放。
VideoSound格式:VideoSound(channel, play)说明:该函数控制视频声音的播放。
接口配置命令目录第1章接口配置命令 (1)1.1 接口配置命令 (1)1.1.1 async mode (2)1.1.2 bandwidth (3)1.1.3 cablelength (4)1.1.4 channel-group (4)1.1.5 clock (5)1.1.6 controller E1 (6)1.1.7 controller CPOS (7)1.1.8 au-4 (7)1.1.9 tug-3 (8)1.1.10 tug-2 (8)1.1.11 e1 (9)1.1.12 unframed (9)1.1.13 overhead (9)1.1.14 delay (11)1.1.15 description (11)1.1.16 duplex (12)1.1.17 encapsulation (13)1.1.18 encapsulation dot1q (14)1.1.19 framing (15)1.1.20 interface (16)1.1.21 interface dialer (18)1.1.22 linecode (19)1.1.23 linemode (19)1.1.24 mtu (20)1.1.25 physical-layer mode (21)1.1.26 Physical-layer speed (22)1.1.27 physical-layer speed (22)1.1.28 physical-interface fiber (23)1.1.29 show interface (24)1.1.30 shutdown (E1 controller) (25)1.1.31 shutdown (CPOS controller) (26)1.1.32 shutdown (interface) (26)1.1.33 speed (27)1.1.34 tunnel (28)第1章接口配置命令本文描述用于不同类型接口的基本命令,这些命令对应于手册包括的接口配置任务,有关配置要点,参考下面列出的各项内容。
在运行时,这些信息被装入一段共享内存(一个IPC资源),称为公告牌(Bulletin Board—BB);包含有配置中不同机器的信息,在这些机器上运行的服务的信息,这些服务提供的交易的信息以及其他相关信息。
所以,公告牌是:——供客户端寻找适当的服务运行一个交易请求——包含应用信息:机器,服务,交易,网络等——创建于ubbconfig文件TUXEDO提供一个管理进程,称为BBL(Bulletin Board Liaison),包含了一个公告牌的本地拷贝和本地服务器上应用的状态。
TUXEDO提供的另一个管理进程DBBL(Distinguished Bulletin Board Liaison),用于多服务器配置时。
其内信息包括:²系统范围信息(*RESOURCES节)²机器信息(*MACHINES节)²组信息(*GROUPS节)²服务信息(*SERVERS节)²交易信息(*SERVICES节)²网络组信息(*NETGROUPS节)²网络信息(*NETWORK节)²路由原则信息(*ROUTING节)当完成了ubbconfig文件后,用tmloadcf命令生成tuxconfig ;另一种从ubbconfig生成tuxconfig的方法是使用图形管理界面(GAI—Graphical Administration Interface)。
U8API的使用者可以使用“U8API资源管理器”浏览、查看API 及其接口定义,并可辅助进行代码生成(目前支持C#和VB语言);API的开发者可以通过此工具发布、注册API,所有业务API都必须在“U8API资源管理器”中进行注册。
U8APIBroker 作为一个服务代理中间件,起到了隔离API的提供者与使用者的作用,降低了耦合依赖关系。
ProPublica API客户端说明书
Package‘RPublica’October12,2022Type PackageTitle ProPublica API ClientVersion0.1.3Date2015-12-22Maintainer Thomas J.Leeper<*********************>Imports jsonlite,httr,curlDescriptionClient for accessing data journalism APIs from ProPublica</>. License GPL-2URL https:///rOpenGov/RPublicaBugReports https:///rOpenGov/RPublica/issuesNeedsCompilation noAuthor Thomas J.Leeper[aut,cre],Jeroen Ooms[ctb]Repository CRANDate/Publication2015-12-2214:36:42R topics documented:RPublica-package (2)committee (2)filing (3)forensics (3)market (4)nonprofitexplorer (5)ppQuery (6)station (6)Index712committee RPublica-package ProPublica API ClientDescriptionClient for accessing ProPublica’s data journalism APIs.Author(s)Thomas J.LeeperMaintainer:Thomas J.Leeper<*********************>ReferencesAPIs:Nonprofit ExplorerForensicsFree the Filescommittee Retrieve committees or committeeDescriptionRetrieve available committees,or a specific committeeUsagecommittee(slug=NULL,...)Argumentsslug An optional character string containing a“slug”referring to a political commit-tee....Arguments passed to GET.Author(s)Thomas J.LeeperExamples##Not run:committee( obama-for-america )filing3 filing RetrievefilingDescriptionRetrieve a specificfiling,by IDUsagefiling(id,...)Argumentsid A character string containing afiling identification number....Arguments passed to GET.Author(s)Thomas J.LeeperExamples##Not run:filing(51212)forensics Forensics APIDescriptionRetrieve details about a given state or systemUsagegeos(state=NULL,...)systems(id,...)Argumentsstate An optional character string containing a two-letter state postal code.If NULL, results for all available states are returned.id The identification number for a particular medical examiner or coroner system....Arguments passed to GET.4market Author(s)Thomas J.LeeperReferencesAPI DocumentationExamples##Not run:geos( ny )##Not run:systems(36)market Retrieve market or marketsDescriptionRetrieve available markets,or a specific marketUsagemarket(slug=NULL,...)Argumentsslug An optional character string containing a“slug”referring to a media market....Arguments passed to GET.Author(s)Thomas J.LeeperExamples##Not run:market( new-york )nonprofitexplorer5 nonprofitexplorer Nonprofit ExplorerDescriptionSearch for and retrieve nonprofit dataUsagenp_search(q=NULL,order=NULL,sort=NULL,state=NULL,ntee=NULL,subsection=NULL,...) np_org(ein,...)Argumentsq A character string containing a search query.order A character string containing afield by which to order the results.One of“name”,“city”,“state”,“c_code”,“fiscalyr”,“revenue”,“expenses”,“assets”,“liabilities”,“pct_officer_compt”.The ascending or descending sort by this pa-rameter is controlled by sort.sort One of“asc”or“desc”,controlling the order of the results(according the theordering given in order).state A two-letter state postal abbreviation code for a U.S.state or e“ZZ”for foreign organizations.ntee A numeric value(between1and10)containing a National Taxonomy of ExemptEntities(NTEE)Major Group code.subsection A numeric value(between2and92)referring to a subsection of tax code section501(c).ein An employer identification number(EIN)....Arguments passed to GET.ValueA list containing the API response.Author(s)Thomas J.LeeperReferencesAPI DocumentationExamples##Not run:np_search( propublica )##Not run:np_org(142007220)6station ppQuery API QueryDescriptionExecute an API queryUsageppQuery(op,baseurl,args=NULL,...)Argumentsop A character string containing an API operation,and associated arguments.baseurl The base URL for conducting the API query.args A character string containing additional URL-encoded parameters....Arguments passed to GET.Author(s)Thomas J.Leeperstation Retrieve stationDescriptionRetrieve stationUsagestation(callsign,...)Argumentscallsign A character string containing a station callsign....Arguments passed to GET.Author(s)Thomas J.LeeperExamples##Not run:station( WEWS-TV )Index∗packageRPublica-package,2committee,2filing,3forensics,3geos(forensics),3GET,2–6market,4nonprofitexplorer,5np_org(nonprofitexplorer),5np_search(nonprofitexplorer),5 ppQuery,6RPublica(RPublica-package),2RPublica-package,2station,6systems(forensics),37。
Win32 API即为Microsoft 32位平台的应用程序编程接口(Application Programming Interface)。
使用Win32 API,应用程序可以充分挖掘Windows的32位操作系统的潜力。
使用 Win32 API不但可以开发出在各种平台上都能成功运行的应用程序,而且也可以充分利用每个平台特有的功能和属性。
二、如何使用API?估计这才是大家真正关心的,那么如何使用API呢?在了解API 之前,先打开你的VB书,翻到过程函数这章来,在搞清楚API之前应该先搞懂过程函数是怎么一回事!如果你还不知道过程的工作方式,那么请先不要急着往下看,那样容易走很多弯路。
首先,让我们看看一个简单的API,以下:Private Declare Sub Sleep Lib 'kernel32' Alias 'Sleep' (ByVal dwMilliseconds As Long)以上这个API的呢是起一个延时作用。
泛微法务部提请浏览者保护本文件的知识产权!谢谢您的配合!Weaver e-cology Server API【文档目的】本文档将介绍泛-cology Server所提供的二次扩展功能,包括API接口的说明、二次扩展应用的实现、以及部分扩展功能的示例程序。
通过本文档,您可以了解到如何通过泛-cology Server 所提供的API接口进行一些个性化的功能扩展以及应用集成。
【应用范围】泛-cology Server作为企业管理平台,一方面为企业提供丰富的内部管理的功能模块(人力资源管理、工作流程管理、知识管理、项目管理、客户管理、财务管理、资产管理等),另一方面为企业的其他应用提供了丰富的集成、扩展接口。
基于Server API的扩展,可实现企业应用在ERP系统、财务系统,PDM等方面的集成以及无线应用方面的快速增强。
【开发人员】泛-cology Server SDK 为开发人员提供C、Jave 以及基于COM的API接口,适合于Windows 平台上支持COM标准的任何开发语言和平台(VB、VC++、ASP、JAVA、PB、Delphi、LotusScript 等)。
Weaver Server SDK 同时提供一个轻量HTTP Server,使非Windows平台也能够以HTTP请求的方式调用SDK。
本SDK的示例程序将以Java 为主。
【最后更新】2004年01月一、概述概述】通过这个章节的学习,您在能够在短短的几分钟迅速成为Weaver Server SDK 应用专家。
1. 进入门篇:第一个程序:Hello,world2. 初级篇:HTTP SDK 跨平台调用3. 提高篇:面向对象编程4. 进阶篇:高性能与复杂应用二、开发向导1、应用框架Weaver Server为开发人员提供的API接口主要包括两部分:服务端和代理端,其中服务端安装在Weaver Server所在机器上,代理端安装在调用API的应用服务器上。
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
FontInsatlled 检查字体是否已经安装
CommandArgs 返回启动的应用程序的命令行参数
Previous 检查是否有前一例程在运行,即程序是否已经在运行了
ScreenInfo 得到显示器信息(分辨率等)
MemoryInfo 得到系统内存信息(总共可用物理内存、swap文件信息等)
安装完Xtra后,Buddy API所有的函数就可以马上使用了。所有的函数都是全局函数(Global Functions),即不需要先对他进行声明,不需使用openXlib或者new命令,你只要在s cript窗口里输入他提供的函数即可对其进行调用,当然,你也可以在Message窗口里对其函数进行测试。例如你可以直接在Message窗口里执行“put baVersion(‘‘os‘‘)”(得到*作系统类型)
注意在7和8版本中,要确信Include in project选项被选中。
பைடு நூலகம்止了对16bit版本的开发(我们以后拿到的将都是32bit版本的xtra)
baVersion支持Windows 2000
ReadRegString 读取注册表的字符串类型数据
WriteRegString 往注册表里写入字符串类型数据
ReadRegNumber 在注册表中读取number类型的数据
WriteRegNumber 在注册表中写入number类型的数据
DeleteReg 删除一个注册项
SoundCard 检查是否安装过声卡
六、系统函数(System functions)
DisableDiskErrors 禁止“Drive not ready”错误信息(即禁止“设备尚未准备好”)
DisableKeys 禁止/允许键按下
FileVersion 返回文件版本
FileList 返回一个文件夹下的文件列表
FolderList 返回一个目录下的目录列表
GetFileName 显示一个文件选择对话框
GetFolder 显示一个目录选择对话框
FindFirstFile 查找第一个符合条件的文件
FindNextFile 查找第二个符合条件的文件
Buddy API 译文及实例
Directmedia 译文及实例
FileIO 译文及实例
XtrAgent 译文及实例
标题:BuddyAPI 第一部分(译文)
日期:2001-08-18 14:32
以下我们对BudAPI这个Xtra进行讲述,主要针对Windows部分和Director部分进行翻译,因而Macintosh和uthorware部分将被省略,本文中Buddy API版本为3.4。受奥古启发,回去后加以研究,发现这个Xtra功能非常多,简直就可以说是一个API集合。
早期的Buddy API在发布时需要两个文件:一个Xtra文件和一个DLL文件,但这个版本不再需要DLL文件。针对你的
Project我们有两种方法来发布你的Xtra。你可以把这个Xtra直接就放在你的Xtras目录下,这是我们强烈推荐的方法,特别是你的程序要运行在比较慢的媒质(例如 CD-ROM)上时,这种方法会提供最快的加载速度,因为他不需要在每次程序运行时都被解压。
FindClose 结束由baFindFirstFile开始的查找
EncryptFile 加密/解密一个文件
FindDrive 搜索所有驱动器以查找指定文件
Shell 打开文件或执行程序
OpenFile 通过与之关联的程序打开该文件(与Shell的差别请看实例部分)
OpenURL 通过缺省浏览器打开URL
七、文件函数(File functions)
FileAge 返回文件存在的时间
FileExists 检查文件是否存在
FolderExists 检查目录是否存在
CreateFolder 创建一个新目录
DeletePMGroup 删除程序管理器或者开始菜单程序组
PMGroupList 返回程序管理器或者开始菜单程序组列表
PMSubGroupList 返回开始菜单程序组下的资程序组列表
CreatePMIcon 创建程序管理其或者开始菜单程序组图标
DeletePMIcon 删除程序管理其或者开始菜单程序组图标
DeleteFolder 删除一个空目录
RenameFile 重命名文件
DeleteFile 删除一个文件
DeleteXFiles 通过通配符删除多个文件
XDelete 通过通配符删除多个文件,包括子目录下的文件
FileDate 以指定形式返回文件日期
FileSize 返回文件大小
Gestalt 返回一个完形值(原文:returns a gestalt value)
GestaltExists 检察一个完形是否存在(原文:checks whether a gestalt exists)
五、信息函数(Information functions)
Version 返回版本信息(Windows,NT,DOS,QuickTime,VFW)
SysFolder 返回系统文件夹的位置(Windows,System,temp等等)
CpuInfo 得到处理器信息(类型、速度)
DiskInfo 得到一个磁盘信息(类型、大小、名称、数量)
GetVolume 得到音量值
InstallFont 安装TrueType或Bitmap字体
KeyIsDown 检察是否有一个键被按下
KeyBeenPressed 检查一个键是否曾经被按下过
EjectDisk 卸载和弹出一个磁盘
CreatePMGroup 创建程序管理器或者开始菜单程序组
FileAttributes 返回文件属性
SetFileAttributes 设置文件属性
RecycleFile 把文件放到Windows95/NT的回收站中
CopyFile 复制文件
CopyXFiles 通过通配符复制多个文件
XCopy 通过通配符复制多个文件,包括其下的子文件夹
Windows版本的Buddy API包含以下3个文件:
BudAPI.x32 32bit Xtra
BudAPI.u32 32bit u32
BudAPI.hlp 电子帮助文档
这个版本的xtra支持Director 5,6,7和8,我现在使用的是Director 8.5版本,使用过程中没有出现问题。把以上3个文件放入Director的Xtra目录下即可。重新启动Director,你在Xtra菜单下可以找到Buddy API Help这个菜单项,执行他将打开帮助文件。
PMIconList 返回程序管理器或者开始菜单程序组的图标列表
SystemTime 返回当前系统时间/日期
SetSystemTime 设置系统时间/日期
PrinterInfo 返回已经安装的打印机的信息
SetPrinter 改变默认打印机的设置
RefreshDesktop 刷新桌面图标
DisableMouse 禁止/允许鼠标按下
DisableSwitching 禁止/允许任务切换
DisableScreenSaver 禁止/允许屏幕保护程序
ScreenSaverTime 设置屏幕保护程序运行时间
SetScreenSaver 设置屏幕保护程序
SetWallpaper 设置桌面墙纸
EncryptText 加密一个字符串
DecryptText 解密字符串
PlaceCursor 定位光标
RestrictCursor 限制鼠标在指定的屏幕区域内移动
FreeCursor 允许鼠标在任意位置移动,即取消对他的限制
SetVolume 设置wave、midi和cd的音量
DiskList 得到已经安装的磁盘的列表
FindApp 查找与指定文件类型相关联的应用程序(例如通过.doc找到Word)
ReadIni 读取Windows的ini文件
WriteIni 写入Windows的ini文件
FlushIni 强制Windows在磁盘里生成一个ini文件