中级英语口语对话Lesson 6

Ⅰ Life English Talking about time 1. How are we doing for time? Do we have time for that? How much time do we have left? Are we on schedule? Do we have time? Are we making good time? 2. Times flies by too quickly. Time passes by too swiftly. Time waits for no man. Enjoy life while you’re still young. Don’t miss any opportunity. Don’t pass up any good chances. 3. Time is important. Time is valuable. Time is precious. Do as much as you can every day. Take every opportunity and chance given to you. Don’t waste any time. Ⅱ Presentation Topics Motivating staff WHAT IS IMPORTANT WHEN…? MOTIVATING STAFF l FINANCIAL BENEFITS l CAREER DEVELOPMENT OPPORTUNITIES WHAT IS IMPORTANT WHEN…? INTRODUCING A REWARD SYSTEM FOR STAFF l PURPOSE OF THE REWARD SYSTEM l TYPES OF REWARD OFFERED WHAT IS IMPORTANT WHEN…? AIMING TO REDUCE STAFF TURNOVER l FINANCIAL INCENTIVES l CAREER STRUCTURE Key points: Financial benefits; Career development/structure; reduce staff turnover Financial Benefits: Managers, company owners and supervisors have always been frustrated and bewildered by employees with little or no motivation. Staff always want reward for their contribution to the company and what they are worth. Such factors are just like market forces. The fundamental reason of looking for a job is to get pay. Staff do the job what they are paid for. However, quite often, the staff work overtime under their managers’ demand. If the company fails to give proper financial benefits staff might subsequently feel not being fairly treated, and therefore frustrate their enthusiasm for their work. Staff want some sort of recognition for the job that they do. Correct financial benefits plan will arouse their enthusiasm; otherwise they would feel being ignored. The job that the staff are doing is not always interesting, or the working environment may not be pleasant, or their colleagues might not be very helpful and cooperative. In this kind of situation/under the kind of circumstance, the staff would become stressful and uninterested in their job. Correct financial benefits can normally distract staff from their dissatisfaction with…. Career development/structure: Job-hunting is always a two-way process. On one hand, the employees look for their ideal jobs, on the other hand the employer, at the same time, look for competitive people. An employer has a number of methods to attract the best people into its business. Such as high pay, traveling opportunities, company cars and training/career development opportunities. Good educational background is not the only element that the future employers will take into account when they look for someone in the job market. Postgraduate qualifications and professional trainings are equally or even more important than the higher education degrees. When the HR managers only have 30 seconds to go through each applicant’s CV, the sector that will catch their eyes are normally your qualification and professional training experiences, which show whether you suit their vacant positions. Nowadays, very few people would like to go for that kind of job-for-life posts. They all wish to have their jobs better and better. If an employee is able to get the opportunities to obtain some sort of professional training during the course of employment, this experience will definitely enhance his value in the employment market and therefore benefits his future job-hunting. So in the two-way job-seeking process, while the employer is choosing its favorite people, the wise future employee will consider the training and career development opportunities with his/her future employer and try to make himself/herself more competitive in the employment market. Ⅲ Business Dialogue 1) Negotiating a Job Offer Employer: would you consider an offer of $56,000 per year? Ms. Wilson: What kind of benefits are talking about? Employer: Our standard package includes health insurance, two weeks vacation and a company car. Ms. Wilson: Are these things negotiable? Employer: Uh…not normally. What do you have in mind ? Ms. Wilson: Vacation time is important to me. I would be willing to give up these other items in order to receive more vacation days. Employer: What an interesting idea, Ms. Wilson. Would you also be willing to accept a cut in initial salary? Ms. Wilson: possibly. What do you have in mind ? 2) Employee Pay Raise Boss: You have done an excellent job this year and we are pleased with the results. Employee: I am glad that you have been happy with my performance. Boss: As a result of your performance, we happy to offer you the position of manager. Employee: Does this title come with an increase in salary? Boss: Yes, it does. Employee: Can you give me the specifics? Boss: Your monthly gross salary will increase by $500. Employee: That sounds fair. 3) Asking for a Raise Mr. White: So, tell me: what makes you think we should give you a raise? Miss Small: I’ve got several good reasons. I’ve been here several years, my work has proven to be good, and I’ve noticed that people in comparable jobs get paid more than I do. Mr. White: Salaries are confidential; how do you know how much money these “other people” make? Miss Small: Well, I’ve noticed all the new cars around here, for one thing. Mr. White: Those are company cars provided to the sales staff for their business trips. Also, some employees receive sales commissions. So good salesmen will naturally earn more. Miss Small: That’s understandable. Well, rather than comparing my salary with someone else’s, perhaps we could talk about my job performance. Surely you’ve noticed the extra hours I’ve put in recently? If I were being paid an hourly wage, with the standard time – and – a – half for overtime, I’d be earning much more. Mr. White: I see you point. However, it might be hard to get a raise approved. Profits were down last quarter, and the whole company is tightening its belt, so anything that affects the annual budget is hard to get approved. But I’ll tell you what I’ll do. I’ll give you a one – time bonus for your recent hard work. And I’ll try to arrange some sort of compensation for any future overtime. Miss Small: That would be very good of you, Mr. White. 4) Asking for a Raise Martin: Mr. Smith, I have been doing some industry research and was shocked to learn that the average salary for a position that is similar to mine pays, on average $2,000 more per year than I am currently making. Mr. Smith: What are you basing this information on? Martin: First and secondary research. I hope that you can address this concern immediately as I find it very disturbing. Mr. Smith: Yes, I will. We are very happy with performance and want to continue our good working relationship. Martin: I wish the same. As such, I hope you will seriously consider a pay increase. Mr. Smith: Let me take this up with the Director and get back to you immediately. Ⅳ Conversation Notes 注意: 1. 考试中不要说 “Pardon?” 2. Never say “sorry” in examination! 3. 没听清可⽤以下说法 I don’t quite understand you. Would you explain it a little bit for me? I am not sure what you are getting at. Would you express it in another way?。
中级听力Lesson 6

Lesson 6Reporter: And now, Mrs. Skinner, can you tell us your story? What happened at your farm when the earthquake passed?Mrs. Skinner: Oh, it was terrible. I'll never forget it to my dying day. I hope I never see anything like that again. It was terrible. Well, we always get up, Jack and me, at about quarter to five. He has to milk the cows early, you see, and while he's doing that I make his breakfast. I was in the kitchen when it came. Suddenly the whole house was moving. The coffee pot flew through the window, and I was on my back on the kitchen floor. The noise was terrible. Well, I knew what I had to do. You have to get outside, you know, it's safer there. So I ran through the house and opened the front door. Then I stopped—I couldn't believe it—everything was different, everything had changed, nothing was in the right place any more. You know outside our house there is a path to the gate—there was I should say—well, the path wasn't there any more. In front of the front door was our rose garden, not the path! And next to the rose garden were the eucalyptus trees, and behind them the raspberry patch—just as before, but they had all moved, moved about five metres to the left, to the south that is. On each side of the garden path we had a line of beautiful old cypress trees. Well these had now moved right down to the end of the house, to the left again that is. And the path had completely disappeared.Reporter: But that's incredible, Mrs. Skinner. Do you mean that everything in front of your house had moved—what?—five metres to the left, I mean to the south? The raspberry patch, the eucalyptus trees, the rose-garden, the two lines of cypress trees—all had moved?Mrs. Skinner: Yes, everything had moved into the place of the other!Reporter: But your front path had completely disappeared?Mrs. Skinner: Yes, that's right. Oh it was terrible, terrible.Reporter: And your husband Jack? Was he all right?Mrs. Skinner: Yes—but the cowshed had moved too—it had moved several metres. Jack was all right—I could see him running round after the cows—all the cows had escaped you see. They were running all over the place—it was impossible to catch them.Reporter: So Jack, your husband, was all right.Mrs. Skinner: Well he was a bit shocked like me, but he was all right. Oh, I forgot to tell you about the granary—that had moved south too. Its normal place was behind the house and now it was near the cowshed. Can you believe it?Reporter: Incredible, Mrs. Skinner. And the house itself—what about your house?Mrs. Skinner: Well then we saw what had happened. Everything had moved one way—that is, to the south—except the house. The house—can you believe it?—had moved the other way—the house had moved north. So the house went one way and everything else—the garden, the trees, the granary—went the other way.Reporter: Incredible, Mrs. Skinner, absolutely incredible.A funny thing happened to me last Friday. I'd gone to London to do some shopping. I wanted to get some Christmas presents, and I needed to find some books for my course at college (you see, I'm a student). I caught an early train to London, so by early afternoon I'd bought everything that I wanted. Anyway, I'm not very fond of London, all the noise and traffic, and I'd made some arrangements for that evening. So, I took a taxi to Waterloo station. I can't really afford taxis, but I wanted to get the 3:30 train. Unfortunately the taxi got stuck in a traffic jam, and by the time I gotto Waterloo, the train had just gone. I had to wait an hour for the next one. I bought an evening newspaper, the 'Standard', and wandered over to the station buffet. At that time of day it's nearly empty, so I bought a coffee and a packet of biscuits ... chocolate biscuits. I am very fond of chocolate biscuits. There were plenty of empty tables and I found one near the window. I sat down and began doing the crossword. I always enjoy doing crossword puzzles.After a couple of minutes a man sat down opposite me. There was nothing special about him, except that he was very tall. In fact he looked like a typical city businessman ... you know, dark suit and briefcase. I didn't say anything and I carried on with my crossword. Suddenly he reached across the table, opened my packet of biscuits, took one, dipped it into his coffee and popped it into his mouth. I couldn't believe my eyes! I was too shocked to say anything. Anyway, I didn't want to make a fuss, so I decided to ignore it. I always avoid trouble if I can. I just took a biscuit myself and went back to my crossword.When the man took a second biscuit, I didn't look up and I didn't make a sound. I pretended to be very interested in the puzzle. After a couple of minutes, I casually put out my hand, took the last biscuit and glanced at the man. He was staring at me furiously. I nervously put the biscuit in my mouth, and decided to leave. I was ready to get up and go when the man suddenly pushed back his chair, stood up and hurried out of the buffet. I felt very relieved and decided to wait two or three minutes before going myself. I finished my coffee, folded my newspaper and stood up. And there, on the table, where my newspaper had been, was my packet of biscuits.Inspector: Morning, Sergeant. What have you got for me today?Sergeant: We've got that tape from Gentleman Jim, sir. It was sent to us yesterday. They want to know if it's all right to send it to his wife.Inspector: And is it?Sergeant: I don't know sir. I'm sure there's a message hidden in the tape, but I don't know what it is. It's been examined by half the police force in London, and nothing was found. But there is something very peculiar about that tape.Inspector: Well, what is it?Sergeant: Well, sir, he talks about happy memories and things. And really, Inspector, I don't think Gentleman Jim really feels like that about anything. I don't think he means any of it. I'm sure there is something else on the tape, and it's hidden in what he says. But I can't find it.Inspector: The tape is all right, is it? It wasn't tampered with when Gentleman Jim recorded the message?Sergeant: The tape was carefully examined by three different experts, and they didn't find anything. Whatever it is, it's in the words.Inspector: Well, I think I'd better listen to this tape, and see if I can find this mystery message. Sergeant: Right you are sir, it's waiting for you.Jim: Hello my dear wife. I want you to listen very carefully to this recording. Play it over and over again, and enjoy all the beautiful things I want to remind you about. Don't worry about me, just think about the beautiful things, and I'm sure you will be very happy, and you will find something very comforting in my words. Are you ready? I want to remind you of some really happy memories. Do you remember the day when we first met? You were very beautiful. There was a lot of sunshine that day, do you remember? There aren't many girls who are very beautiful, are there? But you were lovely. And our children. They're very beautiful. Two lovely girls, and a handsome boy, although they're all in prison now. I remember when our son was small, he had lovely blue eyes, and very beautiful gold curly hair. Do you remember the toys he used to play with? I remember his teddy bear, and also some very beautiful bricks, which he used to play with on thebedroom floor. Those were happy days. Do you remember, dear wife, the first dance we went to? You wore a blue dress and you looked very beautiful in the moonlight, and we danced until the morning, and then I took you home on my motorbike. Your mother was waiting for us, and she looked very beautiful. The next day I asked you to marry me. I don't think your mother was very pleased. She wanted us to buy the house next to her, do you remember? But we wanted a bigger house, with a very beautiful garden and we found one. I like our house very much. I remember coming home one day in the winter, and looking at our house. It looked very beautiful under the white snow, and I knew that you were waiting in the kitchen with a cup of hot soup, and my dear friend Ginger. Poor Ginger. He has been in prison too. He says that you are very beautiful. The important thing in prison is to have happy memories. And I've got wonderful memories. Do you remember Ginger's cat? It was a very beautiful big black cat. Ginger liked it very much. He bought it fish to eat, and a very beautiful red ribbon, which he tied around its neck. I always liked Ginger's cat. I'm sorry I did not want to see you when you came. I wanted to send you this message instead. When I come home, I will buy you some expensive perfume, or a very beautiful rose. Play this recording many times, and think carefully about my words. Think about what came after all these beautiful things, and walk into the country, sit down beside the river, under a very beautiful tree, and think about me. Your loving Gentleman Jim.Inspector: Is that all?Sergeant: Yes, that's all.Inspector: You're quite right. There is something very peculiar about that message. Look, I've written some questions for you.Inspector: Well, I think Gentleman Jim has hidden a message in the tape.Sergeant: Yes sir, so do I. He keeps telling his wife to play the message over and over again. Inspector: He tells her that she'll find something comforting. What do you think he means by that? Sergeant: Well sir, perhaps there is money hidden somewhere, and this message tells his wife where to look?Inspector: I wish he'd tell us where to look. Then perhaps we'd find the message.Sergeant: I think he has told us, Inspector.Inspector: What do you mean?Sergeant: Well, did you notice that he keeps saying the same words over again?Inspector: Yes, of course. He says everything is very beautiful.Sergeant: Mm, that's right. And he tells his wife to think about these beautiful things. That must be a clue.Inspector: Well, what does he say? His wife is beautiful, the girls are beautiful, his son is beautiful, the bricks were beautiful ...Sergeant: That's a very funny thing to say.Inspector: Yes, it is. But wife, girls, son, bricks. It doesn't make any sense. 'Very beautiful bricks,' he said. It's nonsense!Sergeant: Just a minute. Do you remember what Gentleman Jim said at the end of the recording?Inspector: What was that?Sergeant: He said, 'Think about what came after all these beautiful things.' I think that's the answer, Inspector. Play it again, and every time he says 'very beautiful' write down the next word. I think we'll find Gentleman Jim's message.Inspector: Right Sergeant. That's very clever of you. Well done!1.When it has been decided what's to be read—a chapter of a book, for example—then it'shelpful to get an overview of the contents before starting to read. This can be done by reading the introduction, usually the opening paragraph, and the conclusion, usually the final paragraph. In addition, (pause) a glance at the headings of sections or subsections will show the order in which the items are introduced.2. Finally, the students should ask themselves a specific question connected with the main partof their reading. They should then endeavour to answer it by making appropriate notes as they read. This will help them to focus on the reading as well as (pause) providing a summary which can be reread later.3. When the student is writing a dissertation or doing a piece of research then he will need toconsult a specialized bibliography. This is a book which lists all the published materials on a particular subject, and in some cases gives a brief summary of each item. Very recent research, however, (pause) may not appear in a bibliography.4. There's the type of error which leads to misunderstanding or, even worse, to a totalbreakdown in communication. The causes of such misunderstandings and breakdowns are numerous, and I'll therefore be able to (pause) do no more than try to cover the most important ones here.5. Very often those students who come from a language background which is Indo-European,misuse English words which have a similar form to those in their native language. Spanish speakers, for example, expect the English word "actually" to mean the same as the Spanish word "actualmente". Unfortunately, (pause) it doesn't.6. Finally, we come to the third type of error. This is the least damaging of the three, though(pause) it's still important.Sign LanguageDeaf people, people who can't hear, are still able to communicate quite well with a special language. It's called sign language. The speaker of sign language uses hand gestures in order to communicate. Basic sign language has been used for a long, long time, but sign language wasn't really developed until about 250 years ago. In the middle of the 1700s a Frenchman named Epee developed sign language. Epee was able to speak and hear, but he worked during most of his life as a teacher of deaf people in France. Epee developed a large number of vocabulary words for sign language. Epee taught these words to his deaf students. Epee's system used mostly picture image signs. We call them picture image signs because the signs create a picture. For example, the sign for sleep is to put both hands together, and then to place the hands flat against the right side of your face, and then to lower your head slightly to the right. This action was meant to show the position of sleep. So we call it a picture image sign.Try to RememberTry to Remember the kind of SeptemberWhen life was slow and also mellowTry to Remember the kind of SeptemberWhen grass was green and grain was yellowTry to Remember the kind of SeptemberWhen you were a tender and callow fellowTry to Remember and if you rememberThen followFollow ...Try to remember when life was so tenderThat no one wept except the willowTry to remember the kind of SeptemberWhen love was an ember about to billowTry to remember, and if you rememberThen followFollow ...Deep in December It's nice to remember Although you know the snow will follow Deep in December It's nice to rememberThe fell of september that makes us mellow Deep in December Our hearts should remember And follow。

英语口语对话(中级)Lesson 1: Yoga英语口语对话(中级)Lesson 2:Bubblegum Mary英语口语对话(中级)Lesson 3: Balcony Gardening英语口语对话(中级)Lesson 4:Crock Wrestling英语口语对话(中级)Lesson 5:Crocodiles in Queensland英语口语对话(中级)Lesson 6: Hip Hop Music英语口语对话(中级)Lesson 7: Jeet Kune Do英语口语对话(中级)Lesson 8: Skateboarding英语口语对话(中级)Lesson 9: The Empire State Building英语口语对话(中级)Lesson10:The History of the Oscars英语口语对话(中级)Lesson 1: YogaSummary:Vanessa and Denise are talking about yoga.Welcome to the Learning English Pod casts produced by the Hellenic American Union.In this broad cast, Vanessa, Denise and Nick are in the mid dle of a live show in a radio studio. Listen to their conversation and answer the question that follows about the main idea.Dialogue:Vanessa: Wel come to the Health Freaks Show. Denise is here with us today to tell us a few things about yoga and its benefits. Nick you might wanna listen carefully if you really wanna get rid of those back pains of yours. Denise?Denise: Hi, everyone. Well, Nick, yoga could be the answer to your problems. Yoga experts claim they can help people with back problems. Nick: Hmm… can they? Cause I’m not fit at all, you know …The bottom line is that my job is quite sed entary and … I guess, you think I’m trying to justify myself but.. OK. I have to be hones t. I can’t really remember the last time I went to the gym to work out.Denise: I get the picture Nick! It’s kinda ironic, though. I mean, you’re the co-presenter of a health show, after all…Nick: Right! Anyway, can peopl e like me take up yoga? Denise: They most certainly can.., and, the sooner the better. You see yoga isn’t just a better treatment for back pain it’s THE treatment!Nick: So yoga can actually lessen the pain?英语口语对话(中级)Lesson 2:Bubbl egum MaryNick: Today our special guest is the famous clown Bubblegum Mary Vanessa: Hi Bubblegum Mary. How did you start clowning? Bubblegum Mary: I am a self-taught clown, but I studied Drama in college.Vanessa: I was wondering, does a clown ever feel blue? Bubblegum Mary: Oh, yes. And when that happens, I hit the shops! Nick: Bubblegum Mary, your unique character is adored by thousands…Vanessa: And we all love your hilarious facial expressions.., your comical voice.., and your truly lively appearance… I guess they’re the reason for your success. What’s your m ost unforgettable clowning experience?Bubblegum Mary:Thank you for your kind words…My most unforgettable experience? Hmm… It was five years ago during a Halloween event I was booked for. That’s when I met my husband, who, by the way, was also dressed up as a clown. Nick:Isn’t that funny! Vanessa: How interesting! Thank you so much Bubblegum Mary for joining us today. We’ll now take a quick break.Now get ready to answer some questions…1. Bubblegum Mary says “I’m a self taught clown.”What does she mean? She’s learned clowning on her own.2. Vanessa asks Bubblegum Mary “I was wondering, does a clownever feel blue?” What does Vanessa mean? She would like to know if clowns ever feel sad. 3. Bubblegum Mary says “When that happens, I hit the shops.” What do es she mean? When she gets sad, she goes shopping in order to get over her sadness.4. Nick says “Isn’t that funny!” What does he mean?GLOSSARY1.Adore (verb): to like or love something very muche.g. Don’t you just adore that dress!2. Blue (adjective): sad or depressede.g. what’s wrong with you? You’ve been looking blue all week.3.Book (verb): to arrange with a hotel, restaurant, theatre to have a room, table, seat etc. on a particular date.e.g. I’d like to book a table for two at 8 o’clock.4.Clown (+ around) (verb): (often disapproving) to behave in a silly way, usually in order to make other people laugh.e.g. Stop clowning around and get to work!ical (adjective): funny or amusing because of being strange or unusual.e.g. I find the whole situation comical. I mean, whoever heard of a dog being bitten by a man!6.Expression (noun): a look on a persons face which shows their thoughts.e.g. There was a worried expression on her face.7.Hilarious (adjective): extremely funnye.g. Sam told me a hil arious joke yesterday. I couldn’t stop laughing.8.Self-taught (adjective): when someone has learnt something without any formal lessonse.g. Elvis was a self taught guitarist. He never had a lesson in his life.9.Unforgettable (adjective): something you cannot forget, usually because it is so beautiful, interesting, enjoyable etc.e.g. an unforgettable experience10.Unique (adjective): the only one of its kinde.g. Houdini had a unique talent for escapologyPractice using the words in the glossary.Choose the most appropriate word from the glossary to complete the following sentences.1. Do you know Pete? He’s __ .2. Everyone’s fingerprints are __.3. His __changed from amusement to surprise.4. Nobody taught me how to type. I’m __.5. She __working with children and animals.6. The music is what makes the movie so _-.7. The people in the carnival all wore__ hats with bells on.8. Try to be a little more serious and stop __about.9. Watching comedy shows always stop me feeling _-.10. You should __your tickets to the circus early to avoid disappointment.英语口语对话(中级)Lesson 3: Balcony GardeningDialogue:Vanessa: Hey Nick, guess where I spend my vacation last summer –in Crete!! Nick: Wow, lucky you, it must have been a blast! Vanessa: It sure was! It was just gorgeous, especially all the flowers on my hotel balcony.Nick: Why? What was so special about it?Vanessa: Oh, it was just … beautiful! There were so many different flowers and plants on it that it looked like… I don’t know how to describe it to you… like the Garden of Eden in miniature maybe? There wer e lots of flowers we don’t have here like jasmine, which smells great.Nick: Wow, sounds wonderful! Balcony gardening is just getting started here in Toronto.Vanessa:Now, here’s Lisa live from Toronto on line one to tell us more about balcony gardening.Vanessa: Hi, Lisa.Nick: Hi there, Lisa.Lisa: Hi. Balcony gardening is one of the latest trends in TO. Tony, here, is going to tell us about how he has turned his balcony into a small lush sanctuary.Tony: Hi all. Well, because of the weather in Canada balcony gardening is probably not as easy as it might be in Greece. For starters my condo is way up on the 24th floor with a balcony facing north –strike one. Strike two is the fact we’re so high up, so there’s less moisture in the atmosphere. But even though my balcony is very small, I’ve still managed to create a pretty impressive garden. All you need is patience and a green thumb.Lisa: You certainly seem to have both Tony. Back to you Vanessa and Nick.Now answer the following question…What are Vanessa, Lisa, Tony and Nick talking about? They’re talking about balcony gardening in Greece and in Toronto.Now listen again to the dialogue in parts. After each part there will be 3 to 4 questions on the details...Part 1Vanessa: Hey Nick, guess where I spend my vacation last summer –in Crete!! Nick: Wow, lucky you, it must have been a blast! Vanessa: It sure was! It was just gorgeous, especially all the flowerson my hotel balcony.Nick: Why? What was so special about it?Vanessa:Oh, it was just … beautifu l! There were so many different flowers and plants on it that it looked like… I don’t know how to describe it to you… like the Garden of Eden in miniature maybe? There were lots of flowers we don’t have here like jasmine, which smells great.Nick: Wow, sounds wonderful! Balcony gardening is just getting started here in Toronto.Vanessa: Now, here’s Lisa live from Toronto on line one to tell us more about balcony gardening.Now answer some questions…1. Nick says: “Wow, lucky you, it must have been a blast!” What does “blast” mean? The word “blast” is used to describe an exciting experience or event.2. What does Nick express when he says: “Wow, sounds wonderful!” He expresses his surprise and pleasure.3. Why does Nick ask Vanessa: “What was so special about it?”Because he wants to find out more about Vanessa’s hotel balcony on Crete. Back at the radio studio again; Vanessa and Nick are talking to Lisa and Tony live from his condo in Toronto…Part 2Vanessa: Hi, Lisa.Nick: Hi there, Lisa.Lisa: Hi. Balcony gardening is one of the latest trends in TO. Tony, here, is going to tell us about how he has turned his balcony into a small lush sanctuary.Tony: Hi all. Well, because of the weather in Canada balcony gardening is probably not as easy as it might be in Greece. For starters my condo is way up on the 24th floor with a balcony facing north –strike one. Strike two is the fact we’re so high up, so there’s less moisture in the atmosphere. But even though my balcony is very small, I’ve still managed to create a pretty impressive garden. All you need is patience and a green thumb. Lisa: You certainly seem to have both Tony. Back to you Vanessa and Nick.Now answer some questions…1. Tony says: “…my condo is way up on the 24th floor…” What does “way up” mean? Way up means high up.2. Tony says: “B ut even though my balcony is very small, I’ve still managed to create a pretty impressive garden.” What do you think “impressive” means? When something is impressive it is so nice or beautiful that you admire it.3. What does Tony mean when he says: “All you need is patienceand a green thumb.”? He means you need nothing else except patience and a talent for gardening.GLOSSARY1.Blast (noun): an exciting or enjoyable experience or event, often a party.e.g. You should have come with us last night, we had a real blast!2.Lush (adjective): (1) (of places, furniture, decoration, etc.) expensive and luxurious. E.g. a lush carpet (2) A lush area has a lot of green, healthy plants, grass and trees. E.g. lush green valleys3.Moisture (noun): water in very small drops. Most plants need moisture in order to grow. E.g. Cactuses do not need a lot of moisture. That is why they are found in dry climates.4.Pretty (adverb): informally pretty is used to mean “quite.”E.g. The house has four bedrooms, so it's pretty big.5.Sanctuary (noun): a safe place, one that offers protection, peace and quiet.E.g. If I want some peace and quiet, I take sanctuary in my study.6.Trend (noun): a change in a situation or in the way people see or do things.E.g. The trend at the moment is towards a more natural and less made-up look. 7.Turn into (verb): to change something into something else.E.g. Peter turned his basement into a pool room.8.Way up (prepositional phrase): high up.e.g. Can you see that plane, way up there?英语口语对话(中级)Lesson 4:Crock WrestlingIn this broadcast, Nick, Vanessa, and Lyn, are in the middle of a live show in a radio studio. Listen to their conversation and answer the question that follows about the main idea.Dialogue:NICK: Our next live report is from Australia, home of the late Steve Irwin the famous Crocodile Hunter.VANESSA: And also home of many adventurers like Patrick who’s a biologist specializing in crocodiles. Lyn, what can you tell us. I believe you have a special guest with you.LYN: Hi guys. Our guest for today is a New Yorker, Patrick Quiney, who has been involved for many years in the study of crocodiles in Australia. Patrick, have you worked as a crocodile trapper? PATRICK: Yeah. I had ants in my pants since I was a child and the first job I got here was to trap crocks and remove them from populated areas where they posed a danger.VANESSA: Patrick, have you ever wrestled with a crock?PATRICK: Yeah. Since coming to Australia croc wrestling has become my favorite way of blowing off steam!Now answer the following question… What is their guest talking about? About his career as a crocodile hunter. Now listen again to the dialogue. Afterwards there will be 3 questions on the details... NICK: Our next live report is from Australia, home of the late Steve Irwin the famous Crocodile Hunter.VANESSA:And also home of many adventurers like Patrick who’s a biologist specializing in crocodiles. Lyn, what can you tell us. I believe you have a special guest with you. . LYN: Hi guys. Our guest for today is a New Yorker, Patrick Quiney, who has been involved for many years in the study of crocodiles in Australia. Patrick, have you worked as a crocodile trapper?PATRICK: Yeah. I had ants in my pants since I was a child and the first job I got here was to trap crocs and remove them from populated areas where they posed a danger.VANESSA: Patrick, have you ever wrestled with a croc? PATRICK: Yeah. Since coming to Australia croc wrestling has become my favorite way of blowing off steam!Now get ready to answer the questions.1. Patrick says “I had ants in my pants since I was a child…” What does he mean? He was extremely restless.2. Patrick says “…they posed a danger.” What does he mean? The crocodiles were dangerous.3. Patrick s ays “…croc wrestling has become my favorite way of blowing off steam!” what does he mean? It is his way to relax. GLOSSARY1.Ants in your pants (old fashioned, humorous idiom): to not be able to keep still because you are very excited or worried about somethingE.g. The little boy was so excited about meeting Santa he had ants in his pants 2.Blow / let off steam: to do or say something that helps you to get rid of strong feelings or energy.E.g. He lifts weights after work to let off steam.3. Involve (verb): to include someone or something in something, or to make them take part in or feel part of it.E.g. The accident involved two cars and a lorry.4. Populate (verb, usually passive): If an area is populated by people or animals, they live in that area.E.g. The river is populated mainly by smaller species of fish.5.Pose a danger/ threat (verb): to cause something, especially a problem or difficulty:E.g. Nuclear weapons pose a threat to everyone.6.Specialize in (verb): to spend most of your time studying oneparticular subject or doing one type of business:E.g. a restaurant that specializes in seafood7.Trap (noun): a device or hole for catching animals or people and preventing their escape.E.g. The fox got its foot caught in a trap.8.Trap (verb): to catch an animal in a trap.E.g. She survived in the forest by eating berries and trapping small animals and birds.9.Trapper (noun): a person who traps wild animals, usually to sell their fur:e.g. a fur trapper Wrestle (verb): (1) to fight with someone (especially as a sport) by holding them and trying to throw them to the ground. E.g. He has wrestled professionally for five years. (2) to try very hard to deal with a problem or to make a difficult decision: e.g. The government is wrestling with difficult economic problems. Practice using the words in the glossary. Choose the most appropriate word or phrase from the glossary to complete the following sentences.1. He went to __the party to after failing the exam.2. I enjoy working in general medicine, but I hope to be able to__ in the future.3. She's been __with animal rights for many years.4. The children had __, so we took them outside for some exercise.5. The inner cities are no longer densely__ .6. The police officer tackled the man and _-him to the ground.7. The surgeon decided that operating__ no special threat to the patients safety.8. The undercover agents went to the rendezvous knowing that it might be a _-.英语口语对话(中级)Lesson 5:Crocodiles in QueenslandIn this broadcast, Vanessa, and Nick are in the middle of a live showin a radio studio interviewing Patrick. Listen to their conversation and answer the question that follows about the main idea. Dialogue:NICK:We’re in the studio with someone everyone has been asking us to talk to again. Patrick the biologist specializing in crocs. VANESSA: And Patrick our viewers have been bombarding us with questions for you.PATRICK: Let’s hear them!VANESSA:What’s the dif ference between a crocodile and an alligator? PATRICK: They are cousins! But there are many differences between the two species. For instance alligators have a larger and rounder snout and they are usually darker skinned.NICK: What do they eat?PATRICK: Crocodiles ambush their dinner. They wait for fish or land animals to come close and then they attack them. They rarely go hunting because they can survive long periods without food. VANESSA: Patrick, do crocodiles cry crocodile tears?PATRICK: Crocodiles do produce tears but they don’t actually cry. The belief that crocodiles weep when they eat a victim is a myth. VANESSA: What dangerous creatures can somebody come across on the Queensland Beaches?PATRICK: Oh, Crocodiles, stingrays and sharks.NICK: With all this talk about dangerous creatures at Queensland Beaches should tourists avoid the coastline?PATRICK: Well they shouldn't because the dangers are minimal if you take the right precautions.VANESSA: I was there some years ago and I can tell you that no visit to Queensland is complete without spending a couple of days at one of the beautiful beaches. But what should campers do if they see a crocodile?PATRICK: Do not feed it. Do not take a photograph. Just walk away. And don’t forget to report crocodile sightings to local authorities.VANESSA: Can you tell us a story of a crocodile attack? PATRICK: Yeah. Some years ago a woman fought off a crocodile with her handbag! She was screaming and hitting the croc repeatedly onits sensitive nose. It soon turned tail and fled! Crocs don’t like resistance and they run away. VANESSA: Patrick, this has been fascinating, but unfortunately that’s all we’ve got time for. Thanks a million for being here.PATRICK: It’s been a pleasure. Now answer the following question… What are the listeners interested in? Crocodiles and the dangers found at Queensland beaches. Now listen again to the dialogue in parts. After each part there will be 3 to 4 questions on the details... Part 1NICK: We’re in the studio with someone everyon e has been asking us to talk to again. Patrick the biologist specializing in crocs. VANESSA: And Patrick our viewers have been bombarding us with questions for you.PATRICK: Let’s hear them!VANESSA:What’s the difference between a crocodile and an alligat or? PATRICK: They are cousins! But there are many differences between the two species. For instance alligators have a larger and rounder snout and they are usually darker skinned.NICK: What do they eat?PATRICK: Crocodiles ambush their dinner. They wait for fish or land animals to come close and then they attack them. They rarely go hunting because they can survive long periods without food. VANESSA: Patrick, do crocodiles cry crocodile tears? PATRICK:Crocodiles do produce tears but they don’t actually cr y. The belief that crocodiles weep when they eat a victim is a myth. VANESSA: What dangerous creatures can somebody come across on the Queensland Beaches?PATRICK: Oh, Crocodiles, stingrays and sharks.Now get ready to answer the questions.1. Vanessa say s”our viewers have been bombarding us with questions?” What does “bombard someone with questions” mean? “Bombard someone with questions” means to ask someone a lot of questions.2. Patrick says “Crocodiles ambush their dinner”. What does “ambush” mean? “Ambush” means to attack someone by surprise. `3. Vanessa says “do crocodiles cry crocodile tears?”What are” crocodile tears”? “Crocodile tears” are false tears, when we cry but we don’t really feel sad.Part 2NICK: With all this talk about dangerous creatures at Queensland Beaches should tourists avoid the coastline?PATRICK: Well they shouldn't because the dangers are minimal if you take the right precautions.VANESSA: I was there some years ago and I can tell you that no visit to Queensland is complete without spending a couple of days at one of the beautiful beaches. But what should campers do if they see a crocodile?PATRICK: Do not feed it. Do not take a photograph. Just walk away. And don’t forget to report crocodile sightings to local authorities. VANESSA: Can you tell us a story of a crocodile attack? PATRICK: Yeah. Some years ago a woman fought off a crocodile attack with her handbag! She was screaming and hitting the croc repeatedly on its sensitive nose. It soon turned tail and fled! Crocs don’t like resistance and they run away. VANESSA: Patrick, this has been fascinating, but unfortunately that’s all we’ve got time for. Thanks a million for being here.PATRICK:It’s been a pleasure.Now get ready to answer some questions…1. Patrick says “The dangers are minimal “. What does he mean? It is not very dangerous.2. Vanessa says “No visit to Queensland is complete without spending a couple of days at one of the beautiful beaches”. What does she mean? Visitors must spend a couple of days on the beach ifthey visit Queensland.3. Patrick says “a woman fought off a crocodile attack with her handbag!”. What does “fight off” mean? “Fight off” means to defend yourself from an attack of an animal or an illness.GLOSSARY1.Ambush (verb): to suddenly attack a person or a group of people after hiding and waiting for them. E.g. Five soldiers died after their bus was ambushed on a country road.2. Authorities (noun): a group of people with official responsibility for a particular area of activity. E.g. the health authority3.Bombard (phrasal verb): to direct so many things at someone, especially to ask them so many questions, that they find it difficult to deal with them. E.g. The children bombarded her with questions.4.Cousin (noun): a member of a group of people with similar origins.E.g. Americans owe a great deal to their European cousins.5.Precaution (noun): an action which is done to prevent something unpleasant or dangerous happening. E.g. Many people have been stockpiling food as a precaution against shortages.6.Resist (verb): to fight against something or someone that is attacking you. E.g. The soldiers resisted (the enemy attacks) for two days.7.Resistance (noun): when something or someone resists. E.g.resistance to disease8.Snout (noun): the nose and mouth which stick out from the face of some animals. E.g. a pig's snout Turn tail: to turn around and run away, usually because you are frightened. E.g. As soon as they saw we had guns, they turned tail and ran away.9.Victim (noun): someone or something which has been hurt, damaged or killed or has suffered, either because of the actions of someone or something else, or because of illness or chance. E.g. to donate money to victims of the fires10.Weep (verb): to cry tears. E.g. People in the street wept with joy when peace was announcedPractice using the words in the glossary. Choose the most appropriate word or phrase from the glossary to complete the following sentences.1. Government troops offered no __to the rebels.2. He was __by gunmen on his way to work.3. She was the innocent__ of an arson attack.4. She __buckets when Paul left.5. She’s my second __. Our grandparents were brother and sister.6. The horse pushed its_- into my hand to eat the apple.7. They failed to take the necessary__ to avoid infection.8. We have been __with letters of complaint9. When they heard the sirens they __and ran away.10. You should report stray dogs to the __.英语口语对话(中级)Lesson 6: Hip Hop MusicSummary: Vanessa, Nick and Alexander talk about the importance of hip hop music. In this broadcast Vanessa and Nick are in a radio station in New York. Alexander is reporting live from Washington DC …Listen to their conversation and answer the question that follows about the main idea.Vanessa: Welcome to Musical Trends Show. Our reporter’s got some great news for Hip Hop fans. Alexander?Alexander: Yes Vanessa, it seems that officials in the U.S. government have accepted hip hop as a significant form of music. Nick: Wow, that’s pretty amazing, but… what do you mean that hip hop is now considered important by the government? How? Alexander:Well, they’ve decided they’re going to fund the Smithsonian to create a hip-hop exhibition.Nick: A Hip- Hop exhibition in the Smithsonian You mean THE Smithsonian in Washington DC?Alexander: One and the same!Vanessa:I never thought I’d live to see that … hip hop going mainstream! Alexander: Exactly! How many of you know that hip hop got its start in the 70s, when DJs started separating the percussion break from disco songs…?Nick: And MCs at concerts started speaking to audiences to this beat. Actually that was right here in N.Y, in the Bronx.Vanessa: So the MCs invented hip-hop!Alexander: You bet they did! Musicians just set it to music. Vanessa:Well, hip hop may be popular today but it’s considered controversial. Nick:Yes, I know…parents especially think some lyrics promote violence and drugs.Alexander: That’s why this announce ment came as a big surprise, to put it mildly, to most Americans…Vanessa:As a shock rather… and when is the exhibition going to open? Alexander: In about five years…I guess organizing an exhibition to showcase hiphop’s history is not easy business!Now a nswer the following question…What is Alexander reporting about? He’s reporting about how officials in the US government have decided to help the Smithsonian museum organize a Hip Hop exhibition.Now listen again to the dialogue in parts. After each part there will be3 to4 questions on the details...Part 1Vanessa:Welcome to Musical Trends Show. Our reporter’s got some great news for Hip Hop fans. Alexander?Alexander: Yes Vanessa, it seems that officials in the U.S. government have accepted hip hop as a significant form of music. Nick: Wow, that’s pretty amazing, but… what do you mean that hip hop is now considered important by the government? How? Alexander: Well, they’ve decided they’re going to fund the Smithsonian to create a hip-hop exhibition.Nick: A Hip- Hop exhibition in the Smithsonian? You mean THE Smithsonian in Washington DC?Alexander: One and the same!Now answer some questions…1. Alexander says: “i t seems that officials in the U.S. government have accepted hip hop as a significant form of music.” What does “accept” mean? “Accept” means “recognize;” so the US government has recognized hip hop as a form of music.2. Alexander says: “..they’ve decided they are going to fund the Smithsonian to create a hip-hop exhibition.” What does “fund” mean? “to fund” means to provide the money. The US Government will provide the money for the creation of the hip-hop exhibition.3. Alexander says: “One and the same!” What does he mean when he says “one and the same”? Alexander wants to emphasize that i t is the same museum and not any other.Now listen to the second part of the dialogue.Part 2Vanessa: I never thought I’d live to see that … hip hop going mainstream! Alexander: Exactly! How many of you know that hip hop got its start in the 70s, when DJs started separating the percussion break from disco songs…?Nick: And MCs at concerts started speaking to audiences to this beat. Actually that was right here in N.Y, in the Bronx.Vanessa: So the MCs invented hip-hop!Alexander: You bet they did! Musicians just set it to music. Vanessa:Well, hip hop may be popular today but it’s considered controversial. Nick: Yes, I know…parents especially think some lyrics promote violence and drugs. Alexander:That’s why this announcement came as a big surprise, to put it mildly, to most Americans…Vanessa:As a shock rather… and when is this exhibition going to open? Alexander:In about five years…I guess organizing an exhibition to showcase hiphop’s history is not easy business!Now answer some questions…。
中职英语Unit6 Is Money so Important

Unit6 Is Money so Important?1.wear famous brand clothes穿名牌服装2.What do you think of…?=How do you like…?你觉得……怎么样?3.letter from来自……的一封信4.earn much money挣很多钱5.be driven to school in a car成私家车去上学6.remind sb of sth使某人想起某事7.a developing country一个发展中国家8.a developed country一个发达国家9.sports shoes运动鞋10.something new or expensive一些新的或贵的东西11.instead of代替……12.enjoy it for oneself自己享受13.like to show off喜欢炫耀14.in society在当今社会里15.one or two members 一两个成员16.be different from与……不同17.focus of attention焦点18.without making any distinction不做任何区别19.not all the people并非所有的人20.at the same time同时21.be well off供应充足的22.work hard努力工作23.hard working努力工作的24.earn one’s living谋生25.one of the greatest truths最伟大的真理之一26.once…一旦……27.not everybody并不是每个人28.can afford能买得起;能付得起29.grew up长的成人30.be known as=be famous as因……而出名31.wear fashionable clothes穿时尚的衣服32.blame sb责怪某人33.be proud of以……感到骄傲34.most important of all最重要的是35.on earth世上到底究竟36.more valuable更有价值37.such complaints如此多的抱怨38.prepare for the math exam为数学考试做准备39.plant tress on the west hill在西山栽树40.in the USA在美国41.have a plan for the coming month为下个月制定个计划。

LESSON 01: Bob’s day at workBob works as a manager in a furniture store. Peter, his boss, is not happy about sales. Bob's new advertising campaign(广告活动)hasn't helped. Peter decides to fire him.Peter: Bob, I hate to break the news(宣布消息), but our sales were down again last month.Bob: Down again, Peter?Peter: Yeah. Thesedays,everybody's shopping at our competition(每个人都在我们竞争对手那购物), Honest Abe's Furniture Store. Bob: But everything in there costs an arm and a leg(非常昂贵)! Peter: That's true. They do charge(费用收费充电)top dollar(高价格).Bob: And their salespeople(推销员)are very strange. They really give me the creeps(毛骨悚然的感觉)!Peter: Well, they must be doing something right over there. (好啦,他们应该做对了什么啦。
)Meanwhile, we're about to go belly-up(破产的).Bob: I'm sorry to hear that. I thought my new advertising campaign would save the day(反败为胜).Peter: Let's face it: your advertising campaign was a real flop(真正的失败).Bob: Well then I'll go back to the drawing board(重新开始重来一次).Peter: It's too late for that. You're fired!Bob: What? You're giving me the ax(解雇削减用斧调整)? Peter: Yes. I've already found a new manager. She's as sharp as a tack(聪明的漂亮的时髦的).Bob: Can't we even talk this over(我们甚至不能谈一下吗)? After all, I've been working here for 10 years!Peter: There's no point in arguing(争论是没有意义的), Bob. I've already made up my mind.Bob: Oh well, at least I won't have to put up with(容忍)your nonsense(胡说废话)anymore! Good-bye to you and good-bye to this dead-end job(无前途的工作).Peter: Please leave before I lose my temper!Lesson 02: Bob returns home with bad newsBob tells his wife Susan that he lost his job. Susan suggests that he start his own business.Susan: What's the matter, dear?Bob: Susan, I got canned(被解雇)today at work.Susan: But Bob, you were Peter's right-hand man(得力助手)! Bob: Yes, and he stabbed me in the back(他在我背后放我暗箭). Susan: Keep your chin up(不要气馁). Maybe he'll change his mind and take you back.Bob: When pigs fly(绝不可能)! Once he makes up his mind, he never changes it. Besides, I told him off(告诉教训数落). Susan: Look on the bright side: you won't have to set eyes on (看到望见)Peter ever again.Bob: Thank goodness for that!Susan: Hang in there(坚持下去). I'm sure you won't be out of (没有离开不再处于)work for longBob: In the meantime, we'll have to live from hand to mouth(勉强糊口).Susan: Don't get too stressed out(紧张的有压力的), Bob. We'll make ends meet(收支相抵量入为出).Bob: I can always get a job at McDonald's as a last resort(万不得已作为最后手段).Susan: I don't think they're hiring right now.Bob: If worse comes to worst, we can sell our home and move into a tent.Susan: Let's think big(野心勃勃好高骛远大胆想)! Maybe you can start your own business.Bob: Easier said than done(说起来容易做起来难)!Lesson 03: Ted's day at schoolTed tells his parents he did poorly on his chemistry test. They tell him he needs to get serious and study more.Susan: How was your day at school today, Ted?Ted: Bad. I had a chemistry test, and I blew it(搞砸了)! Susan: Maybe if you didn't cut class(逃课旷课)so often, you'd do better.Bob: That's right, son. Stop slacking off(放松释放)and start hitting the books(用功学习)!Ted: But I can't stand chemistry class. Besides, it's a lost cause(注定要失败的努力). That class is way over my head(无法承担不懂). Susan: You need to buckle down(倾全力开始认真从事). Ted: When I'm a famous musician, people won't give a hoot(计较)about my knowledge of atoms and molecules.Bob: That's beside the point(离题无关紧要).Susan: We know you have your heart set on(唆使开始攻击)going to New York University.Bob: And you don't stand a chance of(很有可能)getting in (进入)there with such poor grades(低分)!Lesson 04: Nicole's day at schoolNicole tells her mother Susan about her successful presentation(表现描述介绍赠送)at school. Her brother Ted overhears(无意中听见)and interrupts the conversation.Susan: How was your day at school today, Nicole?Nicole: It was great, Mom. I gave a presentation on Hillary Clinton(希拉里克林顿)in government class. Afterwards(后来), my teacher paid me a compliment.Susan: What did she say?Nicole: She said my presentation was head and shoulders above(远远超出)the others.Susan: Way to go(就这么多冤家路窄)!Nicole: She also said I should go into politics(加入政界), just like Hillary.Ted: You're so gung ho(合作同心协力)about school. It drives me crazy.Nicole: Ted, don't butt in(插嘴)! You're just jealous.Ted: Right. You hit the nail on the head(说的中肯一针见血). I'm green with envy(非常嫉妒的).Nicole: Would you just shut up? You're on thin ice(如履薄冰处于危险状态)with me right now.Ted: Oh no! Look at me. I'm shaking in my shoes(吓死我了)!Lesson 05: Ted goes out for the eveningTed leaves to go visit his girlfriend Amber. Ted's mother Susan says she doesn't really like Amber She wishes him a good time(一段好时光)anyway.Ted: See you later, Mom!Susan: Where are you going, Ted?Ted: I told Amber I'd drop by(顺便拜访).Susan: What are you two going to do?Ted: Maybe go to the movies or to a party. Our plans are still up in the air(悬而未决).Susan: Why don't you invite her over here(这里在这边)? Ted: I don't want to hang around(闲荡徘徊)here. Dad is really down in the dumps(垂头丧气的).Susan: Is Amber the girl with the nose ring and the purple(紫色)hair?Ted: Yeah. I'm crazy about her!Susan: Don't take this the wrong way, but she's not exactly my cup of tea(大概不是我喜欢的那种类型).Ted: Take it easy, Mom. We're not about to get married. We just enjoy hanging out together.Susan: I guess there's no accounting(没用没意义)for taste. Have a good time.Ted: Don't worry. We'll have a blast(玩得很开心)!Susan: (under her breath(在心里说)) That's what I'm afraid of!Lesson 06: Susan stays home and bakes cookies Susan decides to cheer up(使高兴)her husband. Bob loves her homemade(自制的国产的)cookies. Nicole suggests she start a cookie business.Susan: Bob, I baked cookies for you.Bob: That was so nice of you, dear. You've got a heart of gold!(道德高尚的人呢菩萨心肠)Susan: Go ahead and pig out(狼吞虎咽的大吃)!Bob: These are delicious!Susan: I thought they might cheer you up. You've been in a bad mood lately(最近近来不久前).Bob: I guess I have been a little on edge(紧张). But these cookies are just what the doctor ordered(正合我意)!Nicole: Do I smell cookies(我闻到饼干了)?Susan: Yes, Nicole. Help yourself.Nicole: Yum-yum(表达吃完美味后的感叹词).These are out of this world. You could go into business(从事商业经商)selling these! Bob: You could call them Susan's Scrumptious(美味的绝妙的)Cookies. You'd make a bundle(赚大钱大赚一笔).Susan: Good thinking(好主意)!Nicole: Don't forget to give me credit for the idea after you're rich and famous!Susan: You know I always give credit where credit is due!* Yum-yum: this is said when something is delicious. You can also say "mmm, mmm" or "mmm-mmm, good."Lesson 07: Susan hires Bob to run her businessSusan stays up(不睡觉熬夜)all night thinking about her cookie business. In the morning, she discusses it with Bob. Bob agrees to work for her.Bob: You're up bright and early(一大早)this morning, Susan. Susan: I didn't sleep a wink(睡一会打个盹). I was awake(醒着的)all night thinking about the new business.Bob: Running your own business is lots of work. Are you prepared to work like a dog(拼命工作)?Susan: No. But I am prepared to hire you to run the business. Bob: You want me to run a cookie business? Fat chance(希望渺茫)! Susan: Why not?Bob: I don't have a clue (一无所知)about making cookies. I don't even know how to turn the oven(烤炉烤箱)on!Susan: I'll give you a crash course(速成班短训班).Bob: Do I have to do the baking?Susan: No. You'll just manage the business side.Bob: Needless to say(不用说), I have mixed feelings (悲喜交集)about working for you.Susan: I'll be nice(友善待人). I promise you'll be a happy camper (快乐派).Bob: Okay. Let's give it a shot(试试), boss!Lesson 08: Ted forms a rock bandTed plans to become a successful musician. First, he needs Susan to loan him money for a new guitar Susan suggests that Ted bake cookies to earn the money.Susan: You're in good spirits (精神抖擞)today, Ted.Ted: I've got great news, Mom.Susan: What is it?Ted: Amber and I are going to start a rock band(摇滚乐团)! Susan: Good for you(对你有好处)!Ted: Mom, I'm not going to beat around the bush(绕圈子拐弯抹角). I need to borrow $1,000 for a new guitar.Susan: Ted, your father and I can't shell out(付款支付)that much. We aren't made of money.Ted: You're not? I thought you were millionaires, like Donald and Ivana Trump!*Susan: Ha ha. This is no time to be a wise guy(自作聪明的人)! Ted: I promise I'll pay you back.Susan: How?Ted: We're going to take the music world by storm and make lots of money.Susan: That sounds like a pipe dream(白日梦). Aren't high school rock bands a dime a dozen(不稀罕多得很)?Ted: Yeah, but we're different. With my guitar playing and Amber'sbeautiful voice, we're sure to make a splash(引起轰动)! Susan: Well, we're going through(熬过)hard times. You're going to have to work for that $1,000.Ted: How?Susan: You can bake cookies.Ted: I bet Mrs. Clapton never made Eric** bake cookies, but I guess those are the breaks(我想这不是最重要的).* Donald Trump is a famous American millionaire who made his money in real estate(房地产不动产). Ivana is his ex-wife.** Eric Clapton is a very popular guitarist.Lesson 09: Nicole For PresidentNicole and Ted discusses her plans to run for student body president(学生会主席). Nicole wants Ted to ask his friends to vote for her. Ted agrees, in exchange(作为。

职场实用英语交际教程中级u6U6: Presentation Skills1. Giving an Introduction- Good morning/afternoon/evening everyone, my name is [your name] and I will be giving a presentation on [topic].- Thank you for having me here today. My name is [your name] and I am delighted to talk to you about [topic].- Hello, everyone. I'm [your name], and I'm excited to share my insights on [topic] with you today.2. Outlining the Presentation- First, I will provide an overview of [topic].- I will begin by discussing the background and importance of [topic].- Then, I will move on to examine the key points and examples related to [topic].- Finally, I will conclude with some recommendations and open the floor for questions.3. Organizing the Content- To structure my presentation, I will use the following points: [point 1], [point 2], and [point 3].- I have divided my content into three main sections: [section 1], [section 2], and [section 3].- My presentation will consist of four parts: [part 1], [part 2], [part 3], and [part 4]. Each part will focus on a different aspect of [topic]. - I will address three key aspects of [topic]: [aspect 1], [aspect 2], and [aspect 3].4. Signaling Transitions- Now, let's move on to the next point.- With that in mind, let's consider the next aspect.- Having discussed [previous point], I would like to turn our attention to [next point].- This brings us to our next topic of discussion.5. Using Visual Aids- As you can see on the slide, [visual aid description].- Here, we have a graph that clearly illustrates [data].- I would like to direct your attention to this chart, which demonstrates [information].- This image portrays [concept], and it helps us understand [topic] better.6. Asking for/Answering Questions- Does anyone have any questions about what I've presented so far? - Would you like me to clarify anything further?- Can you speak up a bit? I didn't catch your question.- Thank you for your question, and here is my response.7. Handling Difficult Questions- That's certainly an interesting point. However, I believe that [counterpoint].- I see where you're coming from, but I have a different perspective. Let me explain...- I understand your concerns, but according to myresearch/findings/experience, [response].- Thank you for raising that question. I think the best approach would be to [suggested solution].8. Closing the Presentation- In conclusion, I have shared with you [summary of main points]. - Finally, I encourage you all to [call to action].- Thank you for your attention and for being such an engaging audience today.- I appreciate the opportunity to speak to you about [topic], and I hope you found the presentation valuable.Note: This is just a sample dialogue and can be modified based on your own presentation style and topic.。
Unit 6情景对话

A:David Copperfield.He is one of the greatestmagicians in the world.
A: No, I don’t. I just want to know how he does his magic.
B:OK. I’ll wait for you athome.
A: Goodbye!
B: Bye!
A. Where do you get the book?
B. What are you doing?
C. I’m also interested in it.
D. Can you go to the shop with me?
B: I’d love to.3
A: You can take your cousin with you. We go there and play together. I think we shall haveagood time.
B: That’s great!4
A: Let’s ride our bikes there.
Unit 6情景对话
A: Good morning, Betty.
B: Good morning, Amy.
B: No, I am not.I’m watching TV.
A: What do you think of the TV show?
A: Well, Mary and I want to go to the zoo this afternoon. Do you want to come with us?

职场实用英语交际教程(中级)——Unit 6
Bill: Linda: Bill:
Linda: Bill: Linda: Bill:
Good morning, Linda.
Morning, Bill.
I need to write an email to the customer to handle her complaint. Could you tell me exactly what the problem is?
职场实用英语交际教程(中级)——Unit 6
Language points
3. She was very upset and wrote a complaint email and insisted that the manager of our department deal with it. insist: /ɪnˈsɪst/ v. to demand that sth happen or that sb agree to do sth 坚持 e.g. They insisted that everyone should come to the party. 他们坚持每个人都应该来参加晚会。
职场实用英语交际教程(中级)——Unit 6
Task 1 Listen to the conversation and put the following facts about Linda in order.
英语疯狂口语365句 Lesson6

英语疯狂口语365句 Lesson6[00:03.10]I owe you one. 我欠你一个人情。
[00:12.85]I really regret it. 我真的非常后悔。
[00:21.85]I suppose so. 我想是这样。
[00:30.27]I thought so, too. 我也这样以为。
[00:38.44]I understand completely. 我完全明白。
[00:47.98]I want to report a theft. 我要报一宗盗窃案。
[00:58.06]I want to reserve a room. 我想预定一个房间。
[01:07.46]I was just about to call you. 我正准备打电话给你。
[01:17.07]I was moved. = I was touched. 我很受感动。
[01:28.95]I wasn't aware of that. 我没有意识到。
[01:38.13]I wasn't born yesterday. 我又不是三岁小孩。
[01:49.00]I wish I could. 但愿我能。
[01:56.92]I wouldn't worry about it, if I were you. 如果我是你,我就不会担心。
[02:08.91]I'd like a refund. 我想要退款。
[02:16.90]I'd like to deposit some money. 我想存点儿钱。
[02:25.80]I'd like to make a reservation. 我想订票。
[02:34.80]I'll be right with you. 我马上就来。
[02:42.36]I'll check it. 我去查一下。
[02:49.70]I'll do my best. 我将会尽我努力。

点 waiter: OK, what would you like?
guest:I would like to reserve/book
a table/room for 2 people.
I would like to reserve
a table for 8 people.
ai wud laik tu: ri5zE:v
(1)跟读 不张嘴?
不记单词! 一切白费! (3)词汇
音不准! 你听不懂别人! 别人听不懂你!
有方法才可 以举一反百
英 I would like to reserve
a table for 8 people.
翻 译
would like
点 I would like to leave now.
I want to leave now.
reserve v. 预定 要 I would like to reserve a single room. 点 I want to reserve a double room. book v. 预定 I would like to book a ticket to China.
reserve v. 约定
reservation n. 预定
点 make a reservation 做一个约定
make a decision 做一个决定
waiter: What can I do for you?

Lesson 6 How It Feels When Parents Divorce Text A Ari, age fourteen When my parents were married, I hardly ever saw my Dad becausc he was always busy working. Now that they're divorced , I've gotten to know him more because I'm with him everu weckend. And I really look forward to the weekends because it's kind of like a break-it's like going to Disncyland because thcre's no set schedule, no “Be home by five-thirty” kind of stuff. It's open. It's free. And my father is always buying me presents. My Mom got remarried and divorced again, so I've gone through two divorces so far. And my father's also gotten remarricd-to someone I don't get along with all that well. It's all rnade me fcel that people shouldn't get married-they should just livc together and make their own agreement. Then, if things get bad , they don't have to get divorced and hire lawyers and sue each other. And. even more important, they don't have to end up hating each other. I'd say that the worst part of the divorce is the money problem. It's been hard on mv Mom because lots of times she can't pay her bills, and it makes her angry when I stay with my fatherand he buys me things. She gets mad and says things like “If he can buy you things like this , then he should be able to pay me. ” And I feel caught in the middle for two reasons; first, I can't really enjoy whatever my Dad does get for me, and second, I don't know who to believe. My Dad's saying, “I don't really owe her any money,” and my Mom's saying he does. Sometimes I fight for my Mom and sometimes I fight for my Dad, but I wish they'd leave me out of it completely. In a lot of ways I wish my Mom would get remarried, because then she wouldn't have to worry so much about finances. But I'm sorry that my Dad got remarried, because I feel left out a lot of times. And one thing I really worry about is that I think they want to have a baby, and I know that if they do, it will be just like a replacement for me. That's because I only see my Dad on weekends, and since he would see the baby more than he'd see me, he'd probably grow to like it more than he likes me. It could be a lot like what happened with my dog Spunkur. I've had him for about six years and I've always said I'll never love any dog as much as I love him. Well, a year ago I picked up a little black Labrador puppy from the pound, and now I find I'm not as friendly with Spunkur as I used to be. And I think Spunkur feels jealous , just like I would if my Dad and my stepmother had a baby. My Dad said it wouldn't be that way, that we'd be a whole family and I'd have a little brother or sister, which would be a lot of fun, but I told him, “Look, by the time the kid is old ehougli to talk, I'll be out of college. I'm not going to have anything to do with a baby. You know that it's just a replacement for me ! ” If I lived'full-time with my Dad, it would probably be easier for me to accept a haby because we'd be on an equal footing, but I'd rather stay with my Mom, where life is normal-where we live like most people live, with breakfast at breakfast time and dinner at d;nner time. I do my homework, play with my friends-it's all the way life should be. If I lived with my Dad, it might be more fun at times, but I would go crazy. I wouldn't want to be brought up that way. Text B Sara, age twelve I guess the main reason I was mad at Daddy was because it all made my mother so unhapp.y, and I ended up feeling sorry for both of them-my mother because she was struggling to make ends meet, and my Dad because he couldn't really do much about it. Even though my parents separated more than three years ago, it's still very vivid in my mind and I doubt if I'll ever forget the way I felt at the time. Yet, as awful as it was, I never hoped they'd get back together. And now I think I'd die if they did, because it would be so awkward for rne. I think they're both much happier now,. and it's obvious to me that they both lead totally different lives. Since the breakup I've been able to see my parents' true colors' especially my mother's. I've seen a side of her that I never saw before. When she was married, she and Daddy were the perfect couple, always quiet, talking about dignified things, and they would never laugh or anything. Nowadays my mother is always happy and ggy. Another way she's changed is that she always used to hide her problems from me but now she's more apt to discuss things. I think she's more relaxed-and so's my Dad. Both of my parents started dating other people right away, and I think they'll both get remarried eventually, which is fine with me. They don't discuss their love lives with me all that much, but of course I'm not blind. For example, one night I had asleep-over at a friend's house and the next morning I came home earlier than I'd planned to. Well, I just stormed into my mother's bedroom, and there was this guy in her bed-she was somewhere else, in another room. I started crying and everything, and my mother tried to convince me she had slept on the couch. Now that I look back, it was pretty hilarious, and of course I don't care-I mean, I understand about those kind of arrangements. In the beginning, when my father had a girlfriend sleep over, he didn't know how to tell me-he just sort of said, “Oh ,you're sleeping on the couch tonight , ” because at that point I didn't have my own room at his house and shared the bedroom. It's still hard for my Dad to level with me about this part of his life, but he's getting better. Anyhow, neither of them should worry about my getting upset, because I'm old enough to understand that grown-ups are allowed to have private lives, which includes other people. But if someone's going to spend the night, I think it's better and less awkward if I know about it beforehand, so I'm not taken by surprise. I still want to get married and have kids , but I have a lot of friends who don't want to. I was discussing marriage with one boy I know, and he said, “I'm never ever getting married. ” He took his parents' divorce really badly because his mother and father weren't friends afterwards-they were enemies, screaming on the phone to each other. I'm glad my parents are good friends, having lunch together and stufi. I think it's so much easier for the child if the parents are friendly. If they aren't, it's really difficuit because there's always a right side and a wrong side and the kids are just caught in the middle. I think I've grown up a little faster because of rny parents' divorce. It's made me realize more about the problems of life and helped me to understand my parents-and appreciate them as individuals. It's just too bad they couldn't have been as happy and productive as a couple as they've been since they've been on their own. And I also wish that the next time my mother has tickets for a Rolling Stonesl8 concert, she takes me instead of her boyfriend, which is what she did the last time! Additional Information Heather, age eleven So we have to switch back and forth, doing it on a weekly basis seems to work the best. I'll try to make one room my real room and have the otherone Iike camping out. I can't buy two of everytlring, so I might as well have one good room that's really mine. Another aspect of josnt custody that's difficult is that my parents have very different rules and philosophies about life. For example, my Dad's attitude is that he lets us learn by our mistakes , and my mother does exactly the opposite-she tells us how to act before we make the mistake. And my Dad says we can watch TV for a while after school , and my Mom says we can'tthat we have to sel'ect our programs verv carefully. At my Dad's house Matthew has to do his homework right away, but he gets to stay up until nine and watch The A I'eam because that's his favorite show. Mom doesn't want him to when we're at her house but she feels she has to give in because Matthew says, “Well, Daddy lets me do that at his house. ” He's learning to play them against each other at a very early age. I don't do that, but I have to admit there are times when I secretly wish I was at whichever house I'm not at. It would be nice if there could be a special house for divorced families. It would be like two houses, side by side, with a place in the middle where the kids could live. Then when parents had arguments they could each go to their own place and get away from each other and think things out by themselves. That way, they could realize how dumb they were behaving and get back together again. I know it's too late for that kind of arrangement with my parents-and as I look back I see that they're both.happier being apart. My father's become a different person, you know, and it's unbelievable. I like the person he is now because he doesn't get angry as fast as he used to. And my mother's much happier because she doesn't have to worry about getting Daddy mad. Another good thing that's happened is that my father's turned into a terrific cook, and it makes me feel proud to be one of the only, people in my class whose father cooks and does things like' taking me to hockey practice and to sewing. And it's great to see how my Mom doesn't have to rely on Daddy to pay the bills and throw out the garbage. She's working now and that's helped her feel important. Neither of them has to rely on the other one in dumb ways, the way they used to, and I thinkthey're both much better off as a result. I know that neither of them will ever be able to forget all the anger, but I think that as time gdes on they'll sort of come to their senses and be pretty good friends. That's what I hope for more than anything in the world!。

1. We have a variety of samples in the showroom. 2.Our products are hand-made and good in quality. 3.When was your factory founded? 4.Ho 5.I’m impressed with the new equipment in your
1. We have a variety of samples in the showroom. 2. Our products are hand-made and good in quality. 3. When was your factory founded? 4. How many employees do you have? 5. I’m impressed with the new equipment in your
Recite the the sentences you dictated.
You can do anything if you have enthusiasm. Enthusiasm is at the bottom of all progress.
With it, there is accomplishment. Without it ,there are only alibis.
Dialogue 2
Visiting the Factory

A Visited to Dalian(Chris Hudson is an American. Now he is having a conversation with a local person named Fu Qin in Dalian.)Chris Hudson: Excuse me. Do you live here?Fu Qin: Yes, I’ve lived here in Dalian all my life. My name is Fu Qin. How do you do? Chris Hudson: Hi, I’m Chris Hudson from America. I’m a mechanical engineer. I am on my way to Qingdao on business.Fu Qin: How long are you staying in Dalian?Chris Hudson: Just a day. What can I see here in twenty-four hours?Fu Qin: Well, most tourists want to visit the Golden Stone Beach.Chris Hudson: What’s the Golden Stone Beach?Fu Qin: Well, the Golden Stone Beach is a beautiful scenic spot in the north of Dalian, where the amazing reef and rare earth formations are said to be the devils’ andgods’ work.Chris Hudson: Then I must go and visit it.Mr. and Mrs. Wright in DalianMr. and Mrs. Wright are visiting Dalian. Now Mrs. Wright is having a conversation with the tour guide.Guide: Here we are. This is the Lantian Hotel.Mrs. Wright: Oh! What a lovely place! How far is it from here to the beach?Guide: Only about a ten-minute walk.Mrs. Wright: Good. It’s quite warm today. How hot is it here in the hottest month of the year?Guide: About 28℃.Mrs. Wright: That would be quite comfortable then.Guide: Look, Mrs. Wright. That is the Xinghai Square.Mrs. Wright: Oh, yes. It looks marvelous!。
中职英语 unit6 can I take your order

11. Read and choose.
Name of the Restaurant
Liyuan Haoyun
delicious more delicious
more expensive expensive
Place (far or near school)
nearest nearer
Which should I choose?
Homework: Fill in the blanks with the words you learn.
Do you want to A: Hi, Sara. _____________ eat out? B: Yes. Do you like Chinese food or Western food? about A: What ____________ some Western food. B: ______________ Yueguang Restaurant? A: Well, I think Meiwei Restaurant is _____. It’s farther away than Yueguang, but the food is _________ delicious. B: OK, let’s go.
Western table manner
• In the West all other guests should be given a menu., the host should wait until the guests finished dish, then replaced dish.They serve the guests dish by dish.

中级英语口语Lesson6Summary: Vanessa, Nick and Alexander talk about the importance of hip hop music. In this broadcast Vanessa and Nick are in a radio station in New York. Alexander is reporting live from Washington DC …Listen to their conversation and answer the question that follows about the main idea.Vanessa:Welcome to Musical Trends Show. Our reporter’s got some great news for Hip Hop fans. Alexander?Alexander: Yes Vanessa, it seems that officials in the U.S. government have accepted hip hop as a significant form of music.Nick:Wow, that’s pretty amazing, but… what do you mean that hip hop is now considered important by the government? How?Alexander:Well, they’ve decided they’re going to fund the Smithsonian to create a hip-hop exhibition.Nick: A Hip- Hop exhibition in the Smithsonian You mean THE Smithsonian in Washington DC?Alexander: One and the same!Vanessa:I never thought I’d live to see that (i)hop going mainstream! Alexander: Exactly! How many of you know that hip hop got its start in the 70s, when DJs started separating the percussion break from disco songs…?Nick: And MCs at concerts started speaking to audiences to this beat. Actually that was right here in N.Y, in the Bronx.Vanessa: So the MCs invented hip-hop!Alexander: You bet they did! Musicians just set it to music.Vanessa:Well, hip hop may be popular today but it’s considered controversial. Nick:Yes, I know…parents especially think some lyrics promote violence and drugs.Alexander:That’s why this announcement came as a big surprise, to put it mildly, to most Americans…Vanessa:As a shock rather… and when is the exhibition going to open? Alexander:In about five years…I guess organizing an exhibition to showc ase hiphop’s history is not easy business!Now answer the following question…What is Alexander reporting about? He’s reporting about how officials in the US government have decided to help the Smithsonian museum organize a Hip Hop exhibition.Now listen again to the dialogue in parts. After each part there will be 3 to 4 questions on the details...Part 1Vanessa:Welcome to Musical Trends Show. Our reporter’s got some great news for Hip Hop fans. Alexander?Alexander: Yes Vanessa, it seems that officials in the U.S. government have accepted hip hop as a significant form of music.Nick:Wow, that’s pretty amazing, but… what do you mean that hip hop is now considered important by the government? How?Alexander:Well, they’ve decided they’r e going to fund the Smithsonian to create a hip-hop exhibition.Nick: A Hip- Hop exhibition in the Smithsonian? You mean THE Smithsonian in Washington DC?Alexander: One and the same!Now answer some questions…1. Alexander says:“it seems that of ficials in the U.S. government have accepted hip hop as a significant form of music.” What does “accept” mean? “Accept” means “recognize;” so the US government has recognized hip hop as a form of music.2. Alexander says:“..they’ve decided they are going to fund the Smithsonian to create a hip-hop exhibition.” What does “fund” mean? “to fund” means to provide the money. The US Government will provide the money for the creation of the hip-hop exhibition.3. Alexander says:“One and the same!” What does he mean when he says “one and the same”? Alexander wants to emphasize that it is the same museum and not any other.Now listen to the second part of the dialogue.Part 2Vanessa: I never thought I’d live to see that (i)hop going mainstream! Alexander: Exactly! How many of you know that hip hop got its start in the 70s, when DJs started separating the percussion break from disco songs…?Nick: And MCs at concerts started speaking to audiences to this beat. Actually that was right here in N.Y, in the Bronx.Vanessa: So the MCs invented hip-hop!Alexander: You bet they did! Musicians just set it to music.Vanessa:Well, hip hop may be popular today but it’s considered controversial. Nick: Yes, I know…parents especially think some lyrics promote violence and drugs. Alexander:That’s why this announcement came as a big surprise, to put it mildly, to most Americans…Vanessa:As a shock rather… and when is this exhibition going to open? Alexander:In about five years…I guess organizing an exhibition to showcase hiphop’s history is not easy business!Now answer some questions…1. Vanessa says:“I never thought I’d live to see that…” What does she mean? She wants to express her surprise as she considered it impossible for anyone to organize a Hip Hop exhibition.2. Alexander says:“That’s why this announcement cameas a big surprise, to put it mildly, to most Americans.”What does “to put it mildly” mean? “To put it mildly” is used to show that what one is saying is less extreme thanwhat the situation actually calls for.3. Alexander says:“I guess organizing an exhibition to showcase hip-hop’s history is not easy business.” What does “isn’t easy business” mean? “Is not easy business” is used to describe something that is difficult to do.GLOSSARY1. Accept (verb): to consider something or someone as satisfactory. E.g. The manuscript was accepted forpublication last week.2. Announcement (noun): something that someone says officially, giving information about something, or when someone announces something. E.g. The President made an unexpected announcement this morning.3. Beat (noun): (1) a regular movement or sound, especially that made by your heart: E.g. I put my head onhis chest but I could feel no heart beat. (2) in music, a regular emphasis, or a place in the music where such an emphasis is expected. E.g. The guitar comes in on the third beat.4. Fund (verb): to provide the money to pay for an event, activity or organization. E.g. The company has agreed to fund my trip to Australia.5. Mainstream (noun): the way of life or set of beliefs accepted by most people. E.g. The new law should allow more disabled people to enter the mainstream of American life.6. Official (noun): a person who has a position of responsibility in an organization. E.g. a government/trade-union/council official7. Percussion (noun): musical instruments that you playby hitting them with your hand or object such as a stick. E.g. Drums, tambourines and cymbals are all percussion instruments.8. Separate (verb): to (cause to) divide into parts. E.g. The north and south of the country are separated by amountain range.9. Showcase (verb): to show the best qualities or partsof something: E.g. The main aim of the exhibition is to showcase British design.10. Significant (adjective): important or noticeable.E.g. There has been a significant increase in the number of women students in recent yearsPractice using the words in the glossary. Choose the most appropriate word from the glossary to complete the following sentences.1. He tapped his foot to the ___of the music.2. His fellow workers refused to__ him.3. His revolutionary views put him outside the of__ European politics4. Jean plays the guitar and her brother is on __.5. Listen carefully sop that you don’t miss the __of you flight.6. Palace__ are refusing to comment on the divorce7 The festival is a way to__ young British musicians8. The new college receives private__ .9. The talks between the USA and the USSR were very __for the relationship between the two countries.10. The top and bottom sections are quite difficult to __.1. beat2. accept3. mainstream4. percussion5. announcement6. officials7. showcase8. funds9. significant 10. separate。
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中级英语口语对话Lesson 6Summary: Vanessa, Nick and Alexander talk about the importance of hip hop music. In this broadcast Vanessa and Nick are in a radio station in New York. Alexander is reporting live from Washington DC …Listen to their conversation and answer the question that follows about the main idea.Vanessa:Welcome to Musical Trends Show. Our reporter’s got some great news for Hip Hop fans. Alexander?Alexander: Yes Vanessa, it seems that officials in the U.S. government have accepted hip hop as a significant form of music.Nick:Wow, that’s pretty amazing, but… what do you mean that hip hop is now considered important by the government? How?Alexander:Well, they’ve decided they’re going to fund the Smithsonian to create a hip-hop exhibition.Nick: A Hip- Hop exhibition in the Smithsonian You mean THE Smithsonian in Washington DC?Alexander: One and the same!Vanessa:I never thought I’d live to see that (i)hop going mainstream! Alexander: Exactly! How many of you know that hip hop got its start in the 70s, when DJs started separating the percussion break from disco songs…?Nick: And MCs at concerts started speaking to audiences to this beat. Actually that was right here in N.Y, in the Bronx.Vanessa: So the MCs invented hip-hop!Alexander: You bet they did! Musicians just set it to music.Vanessa:Well, hip hop may be popular today but it’s considered controversial. Nick:Yes, I know…parents especially think some lyrics promote violence and drugs.Alexander:That’s why this announcement came as a big surprise, to put it mildly, to most Americans…Vanessa:As a shock rather… and when is the exhibition going to open? Alexander:In about five years…I guess organizing an exhibition to showc ase hiphop’s history is not easy business!Now answer the following question…What is Alexander reporting about? He’s reporting about how officials in the US government have decided to help the Smithsonian museum organize a Hip Hop exhibition.Now listen again to the dialogue in parts. After each part there will be 3 to 4 questions on the details...Part 1Vanessa:Welcome to Musical Trends Show. Our reporter’s got some great news for Hip Hop fans. Alexander?Alexander: Yes Vanessa, it seems that officials in the U.S. government have accepted hip hop as a significant form of music.Nick:Wow, that’s pretty amazing, but… what do you mean that hip hop is now considered important by the government? How?Alexander:Well, they’ve decided they’r e going to fund the Smithsonian to create a hip-hop exhibition.Nick: A Hip- Hop exhibition in the Smithsonian? You mean THE Smithsonian in Washington DC?Alexander: One and the same!Now answer some questions…1. Alexander says:“it seems that of ficials in the U.S. government have accepted hip hop as a significant form of music.” What does “accept” mean? “Accept” means “recognize;” so the US government has recognized hip hop as a form of music.2. Alexander says:“..they’ve decided they are going to fund the Smithsonian to create a hip-hop exhibition.” What does “fund” mean? “to fund” means to provide the money. The US Government will provide the money for the creation of the hip-hop exhibition.3. Alexander says:“One and the same!” What does he mean when he says “one and the same”? Alexander wants to emphasize that it is the same museum and not any other.Now listen to the second part of the dialogue.Part 2Vanessa: I never thought I’d live to see that (i)hop going mainstream! Alexander: Exactly! How many of you know that hip hop got its start in the 70s, when DJs started separating the percussion break from disco songs…?Nick: And MCs at concerts started speaking to audiences to this beat. Actually that was right here in N.Y, in the Bronx.Vanessa: So the MCs invented hip-hop!Alexander: You bet they did! Musicians just set it to music.Vanessa:Well, hip hop may be popular today but it’s considered controversial. Nick: Yes, I know…parents especially think some lyrics promote violence and drugs. Alexander:That’s why this announcement came as a big surprise, to put it mildly, to most Americans…Vanessa:As a shock rather… and when is this exhibition going to open? Alexander:In about five years…I guess organizing an exhibition to showcase hiphop’s history is not easy business!Now answer some questions…1. Vanessa says:“I never thought I’d live to see that…” What does she mean? She wants to express her surprise as she considered it impossible for anyone to organize a Hip Hop exhibition.2. Alexander says:“That’s why this announcement cameas a big surprise, to put it mildly, to most Americans.”What does “to put it mildly” mean? “To put it mildly” is used to show that what one is saying is less extreme thanwhat the situation actually calls for.3. Alexander says:“I guess organizing an exhibition to showcase hip-hop’s history is not easy business.” What does “isn’t easy business” mean? “Is not easy business” is used to describe something that is difficult to do.GLOSSARY1. Accept (verb): to consider something or someone as satisfactory. E.g. The manuscript was accepted forpublication last week.2. Announcement (noun): something that someone says officially, giving information about something, or when someone announces something. E.g. The President made an unexpected announcement this morning.3. Beat (noun): (1) a regular movement or sound, especially that made by your heart: E.g. I put my head onhis chest but I could feel no heart beat. (2) in music, a regular emphasis, or a place in the music where such an emphasis is expected. E.g. The guitar comes in on the third beat.4. Fund (verb): to provide the money to pay for an event, activity or organization. E.g. The company has agreed to fund my trip to Australia.5. Mainstream (noun): the way of life or set of beliefs accepted by most people. E.g. The new law should allow more disabled people to enter the mainstream of American life.6. Official (noun): a person who has a position of responsibility in an organization. E.g. a government/trade-union/council official7. Percussion (noun): musical instruments that you playby hitting them with your hand or object such as a stick. E.g. Drums, tambourines and cymbals are all percussion instruments.8. Separate (verb): to (cause to) divide into parts. E.g. The north and south of the country are separated by amountain range.9. Showcase (verb): to show the best qualities or partsof something: E.g. The main aim of the exhibition is to showcase British design.10. Significant (adjective): important or noticeable.E.g. There has been a significant increase in the number of women students in recent yearsPractice using the words in the glossary. Choose the most appropriate word from the glossary to complete the following sentences.1. He tapped his foot to the ___of the music.2. His fellow workers refused to__ him.3. His revolutionary views put him outside the of__ European politics4. Jean plays the guitar and her brother is on __.5. Listen carefully sop that you don’t miss the __of you flight.6. Palace__ are refusing to comment on the divorce7 The festival is a way to__ young British musicians8. The new college receives private__ .9. The talks between the USA and the USSR were very __for the relationship between the two countries.10. The top and bottom sections are quite difficult to __.1. beat2. accept3. mainstream4. percussion5. announcement6. officials7. showcase8. funds9. significant 10. separate。