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Appendix Ⅰ

Commonly Abbreviated Words for Foreign Trade



A.A.R/AAR against all risks 保全险

ABT about 大约,关于

AC. acceptance 承兑

acct. account 账目,账户

ad. advertisement 广告

add. address 地址

A.F./AF advanced freight 运费预付


B./AFB air freight bill 航空提单

agt. agent 代理,代理商

AGRT agreement 协议

A.M. above mentioned 上述的

AMDT amendment 修改书

AMNT/AMT amount 金额,数额

A.N./AN arrival notice 到达通知

APPROX/APPR approximately 大约

A.R. all risks/account receivable 一切险; 应收款

ART article 商品

ARVL arrival 到达

A/S after sight/alongside 见票后; 船边

ASAP as soon as possible 尽速

ASF as follows 如下

ASST assistant 助理,援助

ATL actual total loss 实际全损

ATN/ATTN attention 由…收阅

A.V ad valorem 从价费率

A VG average 平均,海损

A.W.B/AWB airwaybill 航空运单


bal. balance 余额

B/D bank draft 银行汇票

BDL bundle 捆

B/E bill of exchange 汇票

BG bag 袋,包

BK bank 银行

B/L bill of lading 提单

BLK bulk 散装

B/P bill payable 应付票据

B/R bill receivable 应收票据

brl. barrel 桶

btl bottle 瓶

BUS business 业务,商务

bx box 盒,箱

BYR buyer 买方


CAPT captain 船长

cat. catalogue 目录

C.B./CB clean bill 光票

CBL cable 电报

C.C. carbon copy 抄送

C/C chamber of commerce 商会

CCPIT China Council for the Promotion

of International Trade 中国贸促会cert. certificate 证明书

CFR cost and freight 成本加运费

CFS container freight station 集装箱货运站CFT cubic feet 立方英尺

CHQ cheque 支票

C.I. certificate of insurance 保险单

C.I.C./CIC China Insurance Clause 中国保险条款CIF cost, insurance and freight 成本、保险加运费CK check 支票

CL. clause 条款

CM commission 佣金

C/O certificate of origin 原产地证明书Co. company 公司

CONT contract 合同

CONTR/CTNR/CNTR container 集装箱

Corp. corporation 法人,公司COSCO China Ocean Shipping Co. 中国远洋公司

C/P Charter party 租船契约

CR credit 信用证,贷方C.T.L. constructive total loss 推定全损

CY container yard 集装箱堆厂


D/A documents against acceptance 承兑交单

DAF delivered at frontier 边境交货

D/D demand draft 即期汇票

DDP delivered duty paid 完税交货

DDU delivered duty unpaid 未完税交货

DEL delivery 交货

DEM demurrage 滞期费

DEP departure 离港

DEPT department 处,部门

DEQ delivered ex quay 目的港码头交货DES delivered ex ship 目的船上头交货DESP dispatch money 速遣费

DEST destination 目的地

D.F./DF dead freight 空仓费

DIS/DISC discount 折扣,贴现

Doc. document 单证

DOZ dozen 打

DR debit 借方

DV dividends 股息,红利


Enc./Encl. enclosure 附件

Exp. export 出口

EXW ex works 工厂交货


FAQ fair average quality 良好平均品质

FAS free alongside ship 船边交货

FCA free carrier 货交承运人

FCL full container load 整箱货

FI free in 船方不负责装货费FIO free in and out 船方不负责装卸货费FO free out 船方不负责卸货费FOB free on board 装运港船上交货FOC free of charge 免费

FPA free from particular average 平安险

frt. freight 运费

FWD forward 转寄,转交,运送FX foreign exchange 外汇

FYI for your information 供参考

FYG for your guidance 供参考

FYR for your reference 供参考


G/A general average 共同海损

GAL/GALL gallon 加仑

GA TT General Agreement
