



操作终端说明书(触摸屏)武汉四创自动控制技术有限责任公司目录一、系统概述 (2)二、画面简介 (2)1.状态指示画面 (3)2.操作画面 (4)3.主菜单画 (5)4.密码框 (6)5.数值键盘画面 (7)6.参数设置 (8)7.导叶参数设置 (9)8.浆叶参数设置(*双调机组) (11)9.功率参数设置 (13)10.大网参数、小网参数、空载参数、负载频率参数 (14)11.水头参数设置 (15)12.PID优化参数设置 (16)13.过程监视 (17)14.动态过程记录 (18)15.空载频率扰动 (18)16.空载频率摆动 (20)17.甩负荷试验 (20)18.故障查询 (21)19.协联数据(*双调机组) (22)一、系统概述图示操作终端可对调速器的各种状态进行监视,如开机、停机、并网、调相、机械手动/自动、水头手动/自动、跟踪网频/跟踪频给等。












赛米控丹佛斯 功率组件SKS C 240 GDD 69 11-A6A MA B1C数据表

赛米控丹佛斯 功率组件SKS C 240 GDD 69 11-A6A MA B1C数据表

Absolute maximum ratingsSymbol Conditions Unit I IN MAX Maximum permanent input current A RMS I OUT MAX Maximum permanent output current A RMS V IN MAX Maximum input voltage V AC V OUT MAX Maximum output voltage V AC V BUS MAX Maximum DC Bus voltage V DC F IN MAX Inverter input frequency Hz F OUT MAX Inverter output frequency Hz F SW MAX Maximum switching frequency kHzElectrical characteristics TAMBIENT= 40°C unless otherwise specifiedSymbol Conditionsmin typ max UnitI OUT RATED Rated output current 2 400A RMSI OUT OVL Overload output current 2 640A RMSt OVL Overload duration60sT OVL Time between 2 overloads10minV OUT Output voltage620690760V AC SKiiPRACK® - Type 6A P OUT Rated output power 2 870kW 4-Quadrant 3-phase IGBT converter F SW Inverter switching frequency2kHzF OUT Output frequency50HzPF Power factor1-P LOSS INV2)Losses at rated current28 320W Ordering No.08800600η2)Efficiency at rated current99% Description SKS C 240 GDD 69/11 – A6A MA B1C AC phase GeneratorI IN RATED Rated input current 2 400A RMS Features I IN OVL Overload input current 2 640A RMSt OVL Overload duration60sDesigned in regard to EN50178 recommendations T OVL Time between 2 overloads10min Designed for a 1200 x 600 x 2000 mm cabinet V OUT Output voltage620690760V AC Embedded SKiiP® Technology 3P OUT Rated output power 2 870kW SKiiP 2403GB172-4DW, Trench 3 1700V IGBT, CAL3 diode F SW Inverter switching frequency2kHz Integrated current and temperature sensors F OUT Output frequency20100Hz Water cooling PF Power factor-1-P LOSS INV2)Losses at rated current28 320Wη2)Efficiency at rated current99% Typical ApplicationsDC BusWind generators (SG and DFIG)V BUS Rated DC voltage applied to the capacitor bank 1 100V DC High power AC drives V BUS MAX Max DC voltage applied to the caps bank (max 30% of LTE) 1 200V DCτd5%Discharge time of the capacitors (V DC < 60 V)6min Footnotes C DC Capacitor bank capacity27,0mFLTE Calculated LTE of the capacitors with forced air cooling100kh 1) Absolute maximum ratings are values not to beexceeded in any case and do not imply that the stack Stack Insulationcan operate in all these conditions taken together Crd Minimum creepage distance8,7 mm 2) fan consumption and losses in air included Cld Minimum clearance distance7,1 mmVisol Chassis / Power stage AC/DC (insulation test voltage DC, 5 s)-4 200 4 200V DC REMARKSVisol12SKiiP driver only, output 1 / output 2 (AC, rms, 2 s) 1 500Vdv/dt SKiiP driver only, secondary to primary side75kV/µs B6CI + B6CISKiiP stackV BUS = 1 100 V DCT INLET = 45°C, 50% glycolFlowrate = 12 L/min per cellT J < 125°CAir extraction according to thermaldata page 2V BUS = 1 100 V DCT INLET = 45°C, 50% glycolFlowrate = 12 L/min per cellT J < 125°CAir extraction according to thermaldata page 2This technical information specifies semiconductor devices butpromises no characteristics. No warranty or guarantee,expressed or implied is made regarding delivery, performanceor suitability.Before using the converter, please read carefully theSKiiPRACK® user manual.Values2 400760AC phase Grid2 40010010057601 200Environmental conditions T AMBIENT=40°C unless otherwise specified Characteristics Conditions min typ max UnitAmbiant temperature 1)HumidityInstallation altitude without derating 1 000mMax. installation altitudewith derating 4 000mProtection degreeIEC 60529IP00-IEC 60721-3-2, storage & transportation, 1 cell2M1-IEC 60721-3-3, in operation, 1 cell3M3-Pollution degree EN 501782-Cell80kg4-Quadrant converter550kgThermaldataSKiiPRACK® - Type 6A Water flow per cell81224L/min 4-Quadrant 3-phase IGBT converter Water flow per 4Q-converter4872144L/minOrdering No.08800600Description SKS C 240 GDD 69/11 – A6A MA B1C Water pressure Maximum water pressure permissible per cell3barCoolant type Recommended coolant50% Glycol / 50% water-Features T INLET Cooling water inlet temperature-204560°CExternal cooling airflow Snubbers, required airflow direction bottom-top1ms-1 Designed in regard to EN50178 recommendations V SUPPLY[fan]Capacitor DC fan operating voltage182428V DC Designed for a 1200 x 600 x 2000 mm cabinet P FAN per fan Fan power consumption at typical voltage supply3,6W Embedded SKiiP® Technology 3LTE[fan]Capacitor DC fan life time expectancy (L10 method)65kh SKiiP 2403GB172-4DW, Trench 3 1700V IGBT, CAL3 diodeIntegrated current and temperature sensors Gate Driver Characteristics T AMBIENT=25°C unless otherwise specified Water cooling Symbol Conditions min typ max UnitGate Driver / controler dataV S2 supply voltage non stabilized 132430V DC Typical Applications I S2 V S2 = 13V - 30 V, F SW in kHz, I AC in A330 + 55×F SW + 0.00035×I AC2mAViT+input threshold voltage HIGH 12,3V DC Wind generators (SG and DFIG)ViT-input threshold voltage LOW 4,6V DC High power AC drives R IN Input resistance10kΩC IN Input capacitance1nF Footnotes Measurement & protectionHB_I Analogue current signal HB_I245250255 A.V-1 1) the user shall ensure that the ambiant air is sufficiently I TRIPSC over current trip level(Ianalog OUT=10V) 2 450 2 500 2 550A PEAK ventilated to avoid hot spots.min17 + 10,3×CMN_TMP°CCMN_TMP Analogue temperature signal Th < 80°C typ19 + 10,5×CMN_TMP°Cmax20 + 10,5×CMN_TMP°Cmin26 + 8,8×CMN_TMP°C REMARKS CMN_TMP Analogue temperature signal Th > 80°C typ28 + 8,8×CMN_TMP°Cmax30 + 8,9×CMN_TMP°CT trip Over temperature protection110115120°C This technical information specifies semiconductor devices butpromises no characteristics. No warranty or guarantee,expressed or implied is made regarding delivery, performanceor suitability.Before using the converter, please read carefully theSKiiPRACK® user manual.5°C-2055°C∆P WATER150mbarMass∆V/∆t WATERPressure drop per cell with male and femaleconnectors, 50% glycol, 12 L/minPressure drop per 4Q converter with male andfemale connectors, 50% glycol, 72 L/min150 B6CI + B6CIClimaticMechanicalSKiiP stack6085%Vibrations & ShocksIEC 60721-3, class 1K2 & 2K2Storage & transportationIEC 60721-3-3, class 3K3 extendedIn operation-25IEC 60721-3-3, class 3K3no condensation no icingmbarDC+ DC-V1W1L31L21Phase driver connectorsDC BUS detailsDC BUS connection L11U2V2W2L32L22L12HE10-14 male connectorPinDesignation1+24VDC 2+24VDC 3GND 4GNDLEFT SIDE VIEW DC FAN CONNECTION (6 times)This technical information specifies semiconductor devices but promises no characteristics. No warranty or guarantee 12 3 4View XFRONT VIEW REAR VIEWU, V, W are generator side converter phasesL1, L2, L3 are grid side converter phases2 SKiiPs in parallel cannot be on the same SKiiPRACK cellThis technical information specifies semiconductor devices but promises no characteristics. No warranty or guaranteeDetails - View XThis technical information specifies semiconductor devices but promises no characteristics. No warranty or guarantee expressed or implied is made regarding delivery, performance or suitability.6Rev. 0 - 03.06.201300,0020,0040,0060,0080,010,0120,0145101520253035R t h (°C /W )Flowrate per cell (L/min)Stack Rth 50% glycol (°C/W)Stack Rth 10% glycol (°C/W)50010001500200025003000303540455055O u t p u t c u r r e n t (A R M S )Ambient air temperature (°C)Cooling liquid 45°C Cooling liquid 60°CV BUS = 1 100 V DCVac IN/OUT =690 V RMS F IN/OUT = 50 Hz f SW IN/OUT = 2 kHz cos ϕIN/OUT = 1Flowrate = 12 L/min per cell Glycol/water ratio = 50%Altitude <1000 m 0500100015002000250030005001000150020002500300035004000O u t p u t c u r r e n t (A R M S )Altitude (m)Cooling liquid 45°C, ambient 40°C Cooling liquid 60°C, ambient 55°CV BUS = 1 100 V DCFlowrate = 12 L/min per cell Vac IN/OUT =690 V RMS Glycol/water ratio = 50%F IN/OUT = 50 Hz Altitude <1000 mf SW IN/OUT = 2 kHz cos ϕIN/OUT = 1050010001500200025003000200400600800100012001400M a x c u r r e n t s w i t c h e d (A )DC bus voltage (V)0100200300400500600700510152025P r e s s u r e d r o p p e r S K i i P R A C K c e l l (m b a r )Flowrate (L/min)Pressure drop with 50% glycolPressure drop without glycol (mbar)0500100015002000250051015O u t p u t C u r r e n t (A R M S )AC Fundamental Frequency (Hz)V BUS = 1 100 V DCVac IN/OUT =690 V RMS f SW IN/OUT = 2 kHz cos ϕIN/OUT = 1Water temperature = 45°C Flowrate = 12 L/min per cell Glycol/water ratio = 50%Air temperature = 40°C T J = 125°C。










二、产品外观:465604162465604162三、系统功能:1、存储容量达8000条通行记录,1000张用户卡及密码2、每天自由设定八个限制通行时段3、具备读卡开门、读卡加密码开门、读卡或密码开门三种方式4、内置、外接读卡器,可实时区分进入、外出人次数5、采用RS485总线联网通讯方式,布线简易实用,联网可达64台6、19,200Bps高速传输下载数据7、主要输入/输出功能:电锁、开门按钮、报警器、门磁、门铃8、管理软件集门禁、考勤、人事于一体9、管理软件界面人性化,操作简易,使用方便10、系统图示可导入电子地图,自由设定门的名称、位置11、实时显示通过人员的姓名、相片、卡号、编号等资料12、自定义考勤规则及班次设定等13、自动统计迟到、早退、缺勤的次数及时间14、考勤结果可打印成报表或按Excel导出,.四、主要参数:五、安装接线:1.接线示意图:注:不要带电安装接线;不要从控制器直接接锁,电锁直接由电源接出;2.接线说明:A、读卡器到控制器的线,建议用6芯屏蔽多股双绞网线(其中2芯备用),数据线Data1 Data0互为双绞。

JD、JZT、ZLK、ZTK 系列 电磁调速电动机控制装置 说明书

JD、JZT、ZLK、ZTK 系列 电磁调速电动机控制装置 说明书

JD、JZT、ZLK、ZTK系列电磁调速电动机控制装置J D、JZT、ZLK、ZTK系列电磁调速电动机控制器是原机械工业部全国联合(统一)设计产品,用于电磁调速电动机(滑差电机)的调速控制,实现恒转矩无级调速。


1 适用范围3.1 调速范围电源:~220V(±10%),50Hz或60Hz、100r/min~1300r/min3.2 转速变化率(机械特性硬度)≤2.5%;3.3 稳速精度:≤1%;3.4 最大输出:DC90V,8A;3.5 控制电机功率:0.55kW90kW;3.6 测速发电机三相中频电压转速比:≥2V/100r/min。

~JD、JZT、ZLK、ZTK □□-□被控电动机最大功率(W)A:手操普通型 B:手操精密型设计序号(1-指针式 2-数显式 3和4-指针式,容量不同见表3)电磁调速电机控制器5%负载下的转-100%负载下的转速额定转速转速变化率=×100%3 主要参数及技术性能2 型号及含义插头号码1234567连接对应的名称~220V~220V离合器激励绕组F1离合器激励绕组F2测速发电机输出端U测速发电机输出端V测速发电机输出端W222注:F1、F2选用导线(推荐)0.55kW~40kW:1mm铜导线;45kW-90kW:1.5mm铜导线;U、V、W 导线选用 (推荐)0.75mm2或1mm铜导线。

型号电源电压最大输出定额(直流90V)可控制电动机功率(kW)测速发电机转速变化率稳速精度调速范围(r/min)JD A-11~220V(±10%) 50Hz~60Hz3.15A0.55~11三相中频电压转速比为≥2V/100r/min≤2.5%≤1%1300~1003.7 手操普通型12JD A-405A15~401300~100JD A-90*8A45~901300~130表 11212F3.8 手操精密型型号电源电压最大输出定额(直流90V)可控制电动机功率(kW)测速发电机转速变化率调速范围(r/min)JD B-11~220V(±10%) 50Hz~60Hz3.15A0.55~11三相中频电压转速比为≥2V/100r/min≤1%1300~10012JD B-405A15~401300~100JD B-90*8A45~901300~1303.9 JZT、ZLK-1、ZTK-1技术参数型号电源电压最大输出定额(直流90V)可控制电动机功率(kW)测速发电机转速变化率调速范围(r/min)JZT3~220V(±10%) 50Hz60Hz5A0.5540单相或三相中频电压转速比为≥2V/100r/min≤2.5%1300~100~~JZT48A45901300~130~ZLK-15A0.55401300100~~ZTK-18A45~901300~1305A0.55401300100~~表2表3*:大于8A小于12A时,其工作时间不大于30min。

艾默生 Commander SK 2~6型 交流变速驱动器 说明书

艾默生 Commander SK 2~6型 交流变速驱动器 说明书
ጙᒘቶဉී DŽ6 ቯDž ....................................6
1 ‫ڔ‬ཝቧᇦ ..................................................7
1.1 警告、小心及注意 .................................................7 1.2 电气安全 - 一般警告 ............................................7 1.3 系统设计及人身安全 ..............................................7 1.4 环境要求 ................................................................7 1.5 操作 .......................................................................7 1.6 防火保护 ................................................................7 1.7 遵守规定 ................................................................7 1.8 电机 .......................................................................7 1.9 调整参数 ................................................................7 1.10 电气安装 ................................................................7 1.11 机械安装 ................................................................8



JD1A-40JD1A电磁调速电动机控制器1. 简介JD1A-40JD1A电磁调速电动机控制器是一种专用于电动机调速的设备。


2. 特点电磁调速:通过控制电机的电源电压和频率,实现电机的调速控制。





3. 技术参数额定功率:40KW额定电压:380V控制方式:电磁调速控制精度:±2%工作温度:-10℃~+55℃接口:RS485、MODBUS重量:10kg4. 应用领域JD1A-40JD1A电磁调速电动机控制器广泛应用于工业生产线、机械设备、风扇、水泵等需要调速控制的场合。


5. 安装与维护安装:请按照产品说明书中的安装步骤进行安装,确保设备安装牢固。


6. 注意事项在使用过程中,请确保设备连接正确,以免引起电机或其他设备故障。







SSE苏州迅达电梯有限公司215004 苏州/中国Skiip模块说明技术培训中心编制:李志弘2003/05/13 A. 变频功率装置所用大功率晶体管的重要参数比较:双极晶体管MOS IGBT 驱动方式电流电压电压载波频率≤3KHz ≤60 KHz ≤20KHz 电流容量中低中击穿电压中低高短路安全工作区好好不好饱和电压高低中综合特点1.电机啸叫噪音高2.调制精度要求不高3.输出容量小4.截止频率低5.抗短路性能好1.输出容量小2.输出电压、电流小3.调制精度高4.无噪音5.截止频率高1.输出容量大2.输出电压、电流大3.调制精度高4.当载波频率≥10.8KHz时,电机无啸叫声。

5.功率因素可达16.抗短路性能差B.变频器基本工作原理:变频器工作基本原理如下:a. 三相交流电源输入三相桥式整流器整流。

(将AC变为DC)b. 整流后进入直流中间回路滤波。

(对DC进行滤波)c. 滤波后的直流电进入逆变器(由六个IGBT组成)。

(再将DC逆变成频率、电压可变的三相交流电)d. 由驱动控制部分控制逆变器的导通和关断,把直流电压转换成新的频率和电压均可调制的三相交流电源,U2,f2,于是电机就以设定速度n运行。

e. 驱动控制部分能形成闭环控制,同时监控整个系统。

f. 电机处于发电状态时(例如:电梯空载上行或重载下行的减速时)制动斩波器工作,通过制动电阻R使多余能量消耗。


C.变频器主要特性分析:1.变频器在逆变输出期间,其输出端的三相交流电压中包含着nfc(fc为载波频率,n= 1,2…)的高次谐波,而这种频率的谐波电压会使电机产生刺耳的噪音,通常采取的措施是增加载波频率使之大于10.8KHz,使电机共振啸叫噪音超出工频电源的频率,从而保证频率在0~50Hz范围内变化时,电机无噪音。




SK120,SK200,SK350 Series Pure Sine Wave InverterUser’s ManualTable of contents1. Important Safety Information.……………………………………………… 1-1 General Safety Precautions……………………………………………1-2Precautions When Working with Batteries……….…………………..2. Features………………………………………………………………………... 2-1 Electrical Performance………………………………………………… 2-2 Mechanical Drawing of Socket Type(Power Claw PP75)… …..….2-3Mechanical Drawing of Strip Wire Type……………….…………….3. Instructions………………………………………………….………………… 3-1 Front Panel Operation..………………………………………………...3-2Rear Panel Operation..…………………………………………………3-3 Protections Features……..……………………………………………. 3-4 Installation.………………………………………………….…………...3-5Making DC Wiring Connections……...………………………………..3-6 AC Safety Grounding…………………………………………………... 3-7 Inverter Operation……………………………………………………… 4. Troubleshooting guide……………………………………………………… 5. Maintenance……………………………………………………………………6. Warranty………………………………………………………………………..D Copyright :This manual is the copyright of COTEK Electronic lnd. Co., Ltd. Be not allowed to reproduc or copywithout permission of the owner.1. Important Safety Information1-1. General Safety Precautions1-1-1. Do not expose the Inverter to rain, snow, spray, bilge or dust.To reduce risk of hazard, do not cover or obstruct the ventilationopenings. Do not install the Inverter in a zero-clearance compartment.Over heating may result.1-1-2. To avoid a risk of fire and electronic shock. Make sure that existing wiring is in good electrical condition; and that wire size is notundersized.Do not operate the Inverter with damaged or substandard Wiring.1-1-3. This equipment contains components which can produce arcs or sparks. To prevent fire or explosion do not install in compartmentscontaining batteries or Flammable materials or in locations whichrequire ignition protected equipment. This includes any spacecontaining gasoline-powered machinery, fuel tanks, or joints, fittings,or other connection between components of the fuel system.1-2. Precautions When Working with Batteries1-2-1. If battery acid contacts skin or clothing, wash immediately with soap and water. If acid enters eye, immediately flood eye with runningcold water for at least 20 minutes and get medical attentionimmediately.1-2-2. Never smoke or allow a spark or flame in vicinity of battery or engine.1-2-3. Do not drop a metal tool on the battery. The resulting spark orshort-circuit on the battery of other electrical part may cause anexplosion.1-2-4. Remove personal metal items such as rings, bracelets, necklaces, and watches when working with a lead-acid battery,A lead-acid battery produces a short-circuit current high enough toweld a ring or the like to metal, causing a severe burn.2. FeaturesPure sine wave output (THD < 3%)Output frequency:50 / 60Hz switch selectionsInput & output completely isolated designHigh efficiency 84~94%Capable of driving inductive & capacitive loads at the start moment.A LED Indicator with twin color displays all operation status.Loading and temperature controlled cooling fan.Built in advanced microprocessor to make friendly interface with user.Protection:Input low voltage Overload Short circuit Low battery alarm Input over voltage Over temperature2-1. Electrical PerformanceItem SK120-112SK120-124SK120-148SK120-212 SK120-224 SK120-248 Continuous Output Power 120WMaximum Output Power 132WSurge Rating (Max) 240WInput voltage 12Vdc 24Vdc 48Vdc 12Vdc 24Vdc 48Vdc Output Voltage 100 / 110 / 120Vac +/- 5% 220 / 230 / 240Vac +/- 3%Frequency(Switch Selections)50 / 60Hz +/- 0.05%Output Waveform Pure Sine Wave ( THD < 3% ) Efficiency (full load) Max *1 89% 91% 93% 92% 93% 94%Input Voltage Regulation 10.5-15VDC21.0-30VDC42-60VDC10.5-15VDC21.0-30VDC42-60VDCFailure Indicator Red LEDProtectionOverload (Shut down),Short Circuit (Shut down),Reverse Polarity (Fuse), Over / Under Input Voltage (Auto recovery), Over Temperature (Auto recovery).Remote Control Yes (ON / OFF mode controlled by hard wire) See 3-2 Safety Meet UL458 EN60950-1EMC FCC Class A EN55022:1997EN61000-3-2:1998EN61000-3-3:1995EN55024:2001e-marke13 023495Operating Temperature Range 0 - 40 ℃Storage Temperature Range -30℃ to 70℃Cooling convection coolingDimensions 185(L)x147(W)x60(H)mm / 7.3(L)x5.8(W)x2.36(H) Inch Weight 1kgNote: The specifications are subject to change without notice.Item SK200-112SK200-124SK200-148SK200-212 SK200-224 SK200-248 Continuous Output Power 200WMaximum Output Power 220WSurge Rating (Max) 400WInput voltage 12Vdc 24Vdc 48Vdc 12Vdc 24Vdc 48Vdc Output Voltage 100 / 110 / 120Vac +/- 5% 220 / 230 / 240Vac +/- 3%Frequency(Switch Selections)50 / 60Hz +/- 0.05%Output Waveform Pure Sine Wave ( THD < 3% )Efficiency (full load) Max *187% 90% 92% 90% 93% 94%Input Voltage Regulation 10.5-15VDC21.0-30VDC42-60VDC10.5-15VDC21.0-30VDC42-60VDCFailure Indicator Red LEDProtectionOverload (Shut down),Short Circuit (Shut down),Reverse Polarity (Fuse), Over / Under Input Voltage (Auto recovery), Over Temperature (Auto recovery).Remote Control Yes (ON / OFF mode controlled by hard wire) See 3-2 Safety Meet UL458 EN60950-1EMC FCC Class A EN55022:1997EN61000-3-2:1998EN61000-3-3:1995EN55024:2001e-marke13 023496Operating Temperature Range 0 - 40 ℃Storage Temperature Range -30℃ to 70℃Cooling FAN (Controlled by load and temperature)Dimensions 185 (L) x 147 (W) x 60 (H) mm / 7.3 (L) x 5.8 (W) x 2.36 (H) Inch Weight 1.2kgNote: The specifications are subject to change without notice.Item SK350-112SK350-124SK350-148SK350-212 SK350-224 SK350-248 Continuous Output Power 350WMaximum Output Power 385WSurge Rating (Max) 700WInput voltage 12Vdc 24Vdc 48Vdc 12Vdc 24Vdc 48Vdc Output Voltage 100 / 110 / 120Vac +/- 5% 220 / 230 / 240Vac +/- 3%Frequency(Switch Selections)50 / 60Hz +/- 0.05%Output Waveform Pure Sine Wave ( THD < 3% )Efficiency (full load) Max *184% 86% 88% 86% 89% 90%Input Voltage Regulation 10.5-15VDC21.0-30VDC42-60VDC10.5-15VDC21.0-30VDC42-60VDCFailure Indicator Red LEDProtectionOverload (Shut down),Short Circuit (Shut down),Reverse Polarity (Fuse), Over / Under Input Voltage (Auto recovery), Over Temperature (Auto recovery).Remote Control Yes (ON / OFF mode controlled by hard wire) See 3-2 Safety Meet UL458 EN60950-1EMC FCC Class A EN55022:1997EN61000-3-2:1998EN61000-3-3:1995EN55024:2001e-marke13 023497Operating Temperature Range 0 - 40 ℃Storage Temperature Range -30℃ to 70℃Cooling FAN (Controlled by load and temperature)Dimensions 185(L)x147(W)x60(H)mm / 7.3(L)x5.8(W)x2.36(H) Inch Weight 1.4kgNote: The specifications are subject to change without notice.2-2. Mechanical Drawing of Socket (Power Claw PP75)2-3. Mechanical Drawing of Strip Wire Type3. InstructionsThis power inverter series is a the member of the most advanced line of mobile AC power systems available.To get the most out of the power inverter, it must be installed and used properly.Please read the instructions in this manual before installation and operation this model.3-1. Front Panel Operation:3-1-1. Front view:POWERSTATUS50HzFREQ.60HzAC OUTPUTPURE SINE WAVE INVERTERPURE SINEWAVE INVERTERAC OUTPUT60Hz50Hz FREQ.POWERSTATUS3-1-2. AC Frequency:Selected by Dip Switch50 HZ ON60 HZ OFF3-1-3. Status:Display Power & Fault Status3-1-4. AC Output (available Sockets):3-1-5. DC Input (available type):3-2. Rear Panel Operation :3-2-1. ON / OFF / REMOTE Main Switch.3-2-1-1. Before installing the inverter, make sure the main switch mustbe “OFF”. 3-2-1-2. Before using the remote unit, make sure the main switch mustbe “ REMOTE”. 3-2-1-3. Ensure the remote control contact is off.3-2-1-4. Remote Port :Place 0.75mm 2 and Screw type cable betweenthe remote port and the panel.3-2-1-5. Remote port ON/OFF inverter setup statusVCEO > VBATMODE Ⅱ MODE ⅠNOTE: Only one of control mode can be presented. When operating. 3-2-2. DC Input Terminals :Connect to 12V / 24V / 48V battery or the other power sources. 【+】is positive,【-】is negative. Reverse polarity connection will blow internal fuse and may damage inverter permanently.DC Input Voltage MinimumMaximum 12 V 10.5 15.0 24 V 21.0 30.0 48 V42.060.03-2-3. Chassis Ground: using # 8 AWG wire to connect vehicle chassis.MODE ⅢMODE Ⅳ3-3. Protections Features:12 V 16V 13V11.0V <10.5V12.524 V 32V 26V22.0V <21.0V25.055℃ 45℃48V 62V 52V44.0V <42.0V50.0Note: The specifications are subject to change without notice.3-4. Installation:Where to install. The power inverter should be installed in a location thatMeets the following requirements:3-4-1. Dry – Do not allow water to drip or splash on the inverter.3-4-2. Cool – Ambient air temperature should be between 0℃ and 40℃, the cooler the better.3-4-3. Safe – Do not install in a battery compartment or other areas where flammable fumes may exist, such as fuel storage areas or enginecompartments.3-4-4. Ventilated – Allow at least one inch of clearance around the inverter for air flow. Ensure the ventilation openings on the rear and frontof the unit are not obstructed.3-4-5. Dust – Do not install the Inverter in a dusty environmentswhere are dust, wood particles or other filings/shavings are present.These dust can be pulled into the unit when the cooling fan isoperating.3-4-6. Close to batteries – Avoid excessive cable lengths but do not install the Inverter in the same compartment as batteries.Use the recommended wire lengths and sizes (see section 3-5).Also do not mount the Inverter where it will be exposed to thegases produced by the battery.These gases are very corrosive and prolonged exposure also willdamage the Inverter.3-5. Making DC Wiring Connections:Follow this procedure to connect the battery cables to the DC input terminals of the Inverter. Your cables should be as short as possible (Ideally,less than 6 feet / 1.8 meters ) enough to handle the required current inaccordance with the electrical codes or regulations application. Cables are not an adequate gauge (too narrow) or too long will decrease the inverterperformances such as poor surge capability and low input voltage warnings frequently and shutdowns. UVP warning presents due to DC voltage drop across the cables from the inverter to the batteries.The longer or narrower the cables, the greater the voltage drop.Increasing your DC cable size will help improve the situation.Following cable recommendations for the best performance of inverter.(Apply both 120V and 230V versions )3-6. AC Safety Grounding:The AC output ground wire should go to the grounding point for your loads ( for example, a distribution panel ground bus ).3-6-1. Neutral Grounding (GFCI’S):3-6-1-1. 120V models:The neutral conductor of the AC output circuit of the Inverter is automatically connected to the safetyground during inverter operation. In accordance with theNational Electrical Code requirements that separately derivedAC sources (such as inverter and generators) have theirneutral conductors tied to ground in the same way that theneutral conductor from the utility is tied to ground at the ACbreaker panel. For models configured with a transfer relay,while AC utility power is presenting and the Inverter is inbypass mode, this connection (neutral of the Inverter’s ACoutput to input safety ground) is not present so that the utilityneutral is only connected to ground at your breaker panel,as required.3-6-1-2. 230V models:There is no connection made inverter interiorbetween either the line or neutral conductor to the safetyground.Ground Fault Circuit Interrupters (GFCI):Installations in Recreational Vehicles (for North American approvals) willrequire GFCI protection of all branch circuit connected to the AC output ofthe hardwire terminal equipped Inverter. In addition, electrical codesrequire GFCI protection of certain receptacles in residential installations.While the pure sine wave output of the Inverter is equivalent to thewaveform provided by utilities, compliance with UL standards requires us to test and recommend specific GFCI.Cotek has tested the following GFCI – protected 20A receptacles and found that they functioned properly when connected to the output of the Inverter.3-7. Inverter Operation:To operate the power inverter, turn the main switch ON. The power inverter is now ready to deliver AC power to your loads. If there is several loads use, turn them on separately after the inverter has been “ON” in order to prevent the OVP present caused by the surge power.3-7-1. Set the power switch to the “ON” position and the buzzer will send out “Beep” sounds at the moment the inverter will do self-diagnosis,then the Power Status LED indicators will also appear various colors.Finally the buzzer will sound another “Beep” and the Power StatusLED indicators will turn to “Green” color, the inverter starts workingsuccessfully.3-7-2. Set the power switch to the OFF position, the inverter stops and all the lights that are On, go Off.3-7-3. Set power inverter switch to the ON position and turn the test load On. The inverter should supply power to the load. If you plan toaccurately measure the true output r.m.s. voltage of inverter, a metersuch ad FLUKE 45 BECKMAN 4410 or TRIPLETT 4200 must beused.4. Troubleshooting guide:Problems and Symptoms Possible Cause Solutions “No AC Power Output”STATUS illuminates the red LEDa. Blinking fast Over input voltage.( OVP ) Check input voltage. Reduce input voltage.b. Blinking slow. Low input voltage.( UVP ) Recharge battery. Check connections and cable.c. Blinking Intermittently. Thermal shutdown.( OTP ) Improve ventilation. Make sure ventilation openings in inverter are not obstructed. Reduce ambient temperature.d. Solid ON. Short circuit or Wiringerror.Overload.(OLP) Check AC wiring for short circuit. Reduce load.5. Maintenance:Very little maintenance is required to keep your inverter operating properly.You should clean the exterior of the unit periodically with a damp cloth toprevent accumulation of dust and dirt.At the same time, tighten the screws on the DC input terminals.6. Warranty:We warrant this product against defects in materials and workmanship for a period of 24 months from the date of purchase and will repair or replace any defective Power Inverter when directly returned, postage paid, to us.This warranty will be considered void if the unit has suffered any obviousphysical damage or alteration either internally or externally and does notcover damage arising from improper use such as plugging.The unit into an unsuitable power sources attempts to operate products with excessive power consumption requirements, or use in unsuitable environments.This is the only warranty that the company makes.No other warranties express or imply including warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose.Repair and replacement are your sole remedies and the company shall not be liable for damages, whether direct, incidental, special or consequential, even though caused by negligence or other fault.。

赛米控丹佛斯 分立晶闸管 SKT 100 数据表

赛米控丹佛斯 分立晶闸管 SKT 100 数据表

Stud ThyristorLine ThyristorSKT 100Features∙Hermetic metal case with glass insulator∙Threaded stud ISO M12 x 1,75 or ½” - 20 UNF 2A∙Interchangeable withinternational standard case Typical Applications *∙DC motor control(e.g. for machine tools)∙Controlled rectifiers(e.g. for battery charging)∙AC controllers(e.g. for temperature control) ∙Recommended snubbernetwork e.g. for V RMS≤ 400 V: R= 47 Ω/10 W, C = 0,22 µF1) Mounting with grease-like thermal compound or joint contact compound2) M12 x 1,75 is standard, “UNF” shou ld be added in description for ½” - 20 2A thread.e.g.: SKT 100/08 D UNFSKTV RSMVV RRM, V DRMVI TRMS = 175 A (maximum value for continuous operation)I TAV = 100 A (sin. 180; T c = 85 °C)500 400 SKT 100/04 D900 800 SKT 100/08 D1300 1200 SKT 100/12 E1500 1400 SKT 100/14 E1700 1600 SKT 100/16 E1900 1800 SKT 100/18 ESymbol Condition Values Units I TAVI DI RMSsin. 180 ; T C = 100 (85) °C2 x P1/120; T a = 50 °C; B2/B62 x P1/120F; T a = 40 °C; B2/B62 x P1/120; T a = 45 °C; W1C74 (100)125 / 176182 / 250146AAAA I TSM T vj = 25 °C ; 10 ms 2000 AT vj = 130 °C ; 10 ms 1750 A i2t T vj = 25 °C ; 8,3...10 ms 20000 A2s T vj = 130 °C ; 8,3...10 ms 15300 A2s V T T vj = 25 °C, I T = 300 A max. 1,75 V V T(TO)T vj = 130 °C max. 1 V r T T vj = 130 °C max. 2,4 mΩI DD; I RD T vj = 130 °C; V RD = V RRM; V DD = V DRM max. 30 mA t gdt grT vj = 25 °C; I G = 1A; di G/d t = 1 A/µsV D = 0,67 * V DRM12µsµs (d i/d t)cr(d V/d t)crt qI HI LT vj = 130 °CT vj = 130 °C; D (E)T vj = 130 °CT vj = 25 °C; typ. / maxT vj = 25 °C; typ. / maxmax. 50500 (1000)100150 / 250300 / 600A/µsV/µsµsmAmA V GTI GTV GDI GDT vj = 25 °C; d.c.T vj = 25 °C; d.c.T vj = 130 °C; d.c.T vj = 130 °C; d.c.min. 3min. 150max. 0,25max. 10VmAVmA R th(j-c)R th(j-c)R th(j-c)R th(c-s)T vjT stgcont.sin. 180rec. 1200,250,280,310,08-40...+130-55...+150K/WK/WK/WK/W°C°C V isol- V~ M S M12 or ½” - 20 UNF 10 Nm M12 or ½” - 20 UNF (lubricated)1)7,5 Nm a 5 * 9,81 m/s2 m approx. 100 g Case B5Fig. 1L Power dissipation vs. on-state current Fig. 2 Rated on-state current vs. case temperature Fig. 4 Transient thermal impedance vs. time Fig. 1R Power dissipation vs. ambient temperature Fig. 3 Recovered charge vs. current decrease Fig. 5 Thermal resistance vs. conduction angleFig. 6 On-state characteristicsFig. 7 Power dissipation vs. on-state current Fig. 8 Surge overload current vs. timeFig. 9 Gate trigger characteristicsDimensions in mmCase B5 (IEC 60191-2: A12MA, A12U; JEDEC: TO-209 (TO94))*IMPORTANT INFORMATION AND WARNINGSThe specifications of SEMIKRON products may not be considered as guarantee or assurance of product characteristics ("Beschaffenheitsgarantie"). The specifications of SEMIKRON products describe only the usual characteristics of products to be expected in typical applications, which may still vary depending on the specific application. Therefore, products must be tested for the respective application in advance. Application adjustments may be necessary. T he user of SEMIKRON products is responsible for the safety of their applications embedding SEMIKRON products and must take adequate safety measures to prevent the applications from causing a physical injury, fire or other problem if any of SEMIKRON product s become faulty. The user is responsible to make sure that the application design is compliant with all applicable laws, regulations, norms and standards. Except as otherwise explicitly approved by SEMIKRON in a written document signed by authorized representatives of SEMIKRON, SEMIKRON products may not be used in any applications where a failure of the product or any consequences of the use thereof can reasonably be expected to result in personal injury. No representation or warranty is given and no liability is assumed with respect to the accuracy, completeness and/or use of any information herein, including without limitation, warranties of non-infringement of intellectual property rights of any third party. SEMIKRON does not assume any liability arising out of the applications or use of any product; neither does it convey any license under its patent rights, copyrights, trade secrets or other intellectual property rights, nor the rights of others. SEMIKRON makes no representation or warranty of non-infringement or alleged noninfringement of intellectual property rights of any third party which may arise from applications. Due to technical requirements our products may contain dangerous substances. For information on the types in question please contact the nearest SEMIKRON sales office. This document supersedes and replaces all information previously supplied and may be superseded by updates. SEMIKRON reserves the right to make changes.。










二、产品外观:465604162465604162三、系统功能:1、存储容量达8000条通行记录,1000张用户卡及密码2、每天自由设定八个限制通行时段3、具备读卡开门、读卡加密码开门、读卡或密码开门三种方式4、内置、外接读卡器,可实时区分进入、外出人次数5、采用RS485总线联网通讯方式,布线简易实用,联网可达64台6、19,200Bps高速传输下载数据7、主要输入/输出功能:电锁、开门按钮、报警器、门磁、门铃8、管理软件集门禁、考勤、人事于一体9、管理软件界面人性化,操作简易,使用方便10、系统图示可导入电子地图,自由设定门的名称、位置11、实时显示通过人员的姓名、相片、卡号、编号等资料12、自定义考勤规则及班次设定等13、自动统计迟到、早退、缺勤的次数及时间14、考勤结果可打印成报表或按Excel导出,.四、主要参数:五、安装接线:1.接线示意图:注:不要带电安装接线;不要从控制器直接接锁,电锁直接由电源接出;2.接线说明:A、读卡器到控制器的线,建议用6芯屏蔽多股双绞网线(其中2芯备用),数据线Data1 Data0互为双绞。


≤2 5 0Ω
≥5 0 0 KΩ
输入电流 最大限制
≤3 0 m A
输入电压 最大限制
≤6 V
2 4V配电或馈电
≤5 0 0Ω
A C2 2 0V / 0. 5 A(小)
≥2 5 0 KΩ
D C2 4 V/ 0 .5 A (小)
记录仪系列 2. 单色液晶仪表、智能电工仪表系列 3. 差压、压力传感器变送器系列 4 . 各类 温湿度 传感器/变 送器 5. 各类热电阻、热电偶、一体化温度变送器 6. 节流装置、涡街流量计、电磁流量计系列 7. 玻璃转子、金属转子、蒸汽流量计系列 8. 各类气体计量柜、控制柜 9. 配套工控系统软件
(注:需要更高负载 AC220V/3A(大)
能力时须更换模块) DC24V/3A(大)
≤30m A
0 . 2%FS±1字
离 可 达1 5米
备 注 :外 形尺 寸 为XMZ D、XMZ E、XM Z G的 仪 表继 电 器输 出 时允 许负 载 能力 为AC 2 2 0 V/ 0 . 5 A, DC24V/0.5A
三、功能设置 1
1、 仪表的 显示面 板和功 能键
SdiS=4:显示第四报警值 SdiS=5:显示时间

人民电器 JD系列电磁调速电动机控制装置 产品说明书

人民电器 JD系列电磁调速电动机控制装置 产品说明书

□ 海拔:1000□ 周围坏境温度:-5 ℃~40 ℃;□ 湿度:相对湿度不超过90%(20 ℃以下时);□ 振动频率范围为10Hz~150Hz 时,其最大振动加速度不超过0.5g ;□ 电网电压幅值波动≤10%额定值时,保证额定使用;□ 周围介质没有尘埃和能腐蚀金属和破坏绝缘的气体。

海拔不超过米;□ 操作方便,广泛应用于轻工、造纸、食品等领域,技术数据见表、表。

□ JD1B 稳速等功能,JD2B 是在JD1B 的基础上采用数字转速表使转速更加直观和精确, 表3、表4。

□ JD1C 系信号控制精密型调速器,前置放大器采用运算集成电路和专用可控硅控制电路,具 有稳速、抗干扰能力强等优点。

□ ZS1A 系列直流调速装置是采用半控模块和集成元件制造的新型调速装置,它与同类分立元件 制造的调速装置相比,具有结构紧凑、接线简单、体积小、重量轻、性能可靠等优点,可用 于Z2/Z3/Z4功率为0.4~4KW 的直流电动机作恒转矩无级调速。

JD1A JD2A 12系指针式手动调节精密型,采用专用可控硅控制电路和运算放大器,具有调节平稳和技术数据见系普通型指针式手动操作调节,系普通型手动操作调节数字显示,具有显示直观JD1广的节能产品,用于电磁调速电动机的速度控制,实现恒转距无级调速,当负载为风机或泵类时,有明显的节点效果。


产品符合:GB/T 14048.6标准。

系列电磁调速电动机控制装置是机械电子工业部全国联合设计产品,是国家第十批联合推JD1A JD2A JD1B JD2B JD6A YCT 正常工作条件技术数据及性能产品概述选型指南310注:在大于8A 小于12A 时,其工作时间不大于30分钟表4□ JD6A 调速。

SK 系列通用变频器用户手册

SK 系列通用变频器用户手册
第三章 机械安装.............................................................................................. 10 3.1 安装尺寸 ......................................................................................................10 3.2 安装间距 ......................................................................................................13
SK 系列通用变频器

The Emerson logo is a trademark and service mark of Emerson Electric Co.
SK 系列通用变频器 用户手册
资料版本 归档时间 BOM 编码
V1.6 2006-07-25 0472-0077-06
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赛米控丹佛斯SKiiPRACK功率组件SKS C 120 GDD 69 11-A3A WA B1B数

赛米控丹佛斯SKiiPRACK功率组件SKS C 120 GDD 69 11-A3A WA B1B数

Absolute maximum ratings 1)Symbol ConditionsUnit I IN MAX Maximum permanent input current (4Q only)A RMS I OUT MAX Maximum permanent output current A RMS V IN MAX Maximum input voltage (4Q only)V AC V OUT MAX Maximum output voltage V AC V BUS MAX Maximum DC Bus voltageV DC F IN MAX Inverter input frequency (4Q only)Hz F OUT MAX Inverter output frequencyHz F SW MAXMaximum switching frequency kHzElectrical characteristics: application example T AMBIENT=40°C unless otherwise specifiedSymbolConditionsmintypmaxUnitAC phase Grid I OUT RATED Rated output current (4Q) 1 200A RMS I OUT RATED Rated output current (2Q) 2 400A RMS I OUT OVL Overload output current (4Q) 1 320A RMS I OUT OVL Overload output current (2Q) 2 640A RMS t OVL Overload duration 60s SKiiPRACK® - Type 3AT OVL Time between 2 overloads 10min 3-phase IGBT converterV OUT Output voltage 620690760V AC P OUT Rated output power (4Q)1 430kW This stack can be used as a 2Q 3-phase inverter or a P OUT Rated output power (2Q)2 870kW 4Q converter. All values are valid for 2Q and 4Q F SWInverter switching frequency 2kHz configurations unless otherwise specified.F OUTOutput frequency50Hz PF Power factor1-P LOSS INV 2)Losses at rated current 14 160W Ordering No.08769360η2)Efficiency at rated current 99%Description 4Q / SKS C 120 GDD 69/11 – A3A MA B1CAC phase Generator (4Q only)2Q / SKS C 240 GD 69/11 – A3A MA B1CI IN RATED Rated input current 1 200A RMS I IN OVL Overload input current 1 320A RMS Featurest OVL Overload duration60s Designed in regard to EN50178 recommendations T OVL Time between 2 overloads 10min Designed for a 600 x 600 x 2000 mm cabinet V OUT Output voltage620690760V AC Embedded SKiiP® Technology 3P OUT Rated output power1 430kW SKiiP 2403GB172-4DW, Trench 3 1700V IGBT, CAL3 diode F SW Inverter switching frequency 2kHz Integrated current and temperature sensors F OUT Output frequency 20100Hz Water coolingPF Power factor-1-P LOSS INV2)Losses at rated current 14 160W Typical Applicationsη2)Efficiency at rated current99%Wind generators (SG and DFIG) High power AC drives DC Bus V BUSRated DC voltage applied to the capacitor bank1 100V DC FootnotesV BUS MAX Max DC voltage applied to the caps bank (max 30% of LTE) 1 200V DC 1)Absolute maximum ratings are values not to be τd 5%Discharge time of the capacitors (V DC < 60 V)6min exceeded in any case and do not imply that the stack C DC Capacitor bank capacity14,0mF can operate in all these conditions taken togetherLTECalculated LTE of the capacitors with forced air cooling100kh2) fan consumption and losses in air includedStack Insulation REMARKSCrd Minimum creepage distance 8,7 mm Cld Minimum clearance distance7,1 mm Visol Chassis / Power stage AC/DC (insulation test voltage DC, 5 s)-4 2004 200V DC Visol12SKiiP driver only, output 1 / output 2 (AC, rms, 2 s) 1 500V dv/dtSKiiP driver only, secondary to primary side75kV/µsValues 1 20076010052 4001001 200760SKiiP stackV BUS = 1 100 V DC T INLET = 45°C, 50% glycol Flowrate = 12 L/min per cellT J < 125°C Air extraction according to thermal data page 2V BUS = 1 100 V DCT INLET = 45°C, 50% glycol Flowrate = 12 L/min per cell T J < 125°CAir extraction according to thermal data page 2This technical information specifies semiconductor devices but promises no characteristics. No warranty or guarantee,expressed or implied is made regarding delivery, performance or suitability.Before using the converter, please read carefully the SKiiPRACK® user manual.Environmental conditions T AMBIENT=40°C unless otherwise specified Characteristics Conditions min typ max UnitAmbient temperature 1)HumidityInstallation altitude without derating 1 000mMax. installation altitude with derating4 000mProtection degreeIEC 60529IP00-IEC 60721-3-2, Storage & transportation, 1 cell2M1-IEC 60721-3-3, in operation, 1 cell3M3-Pollution degree EN 501782-Cell80kgFull converter275kgThermaldataSKiiPRACK® - Type 3A Water flow per cell81224L/min 3-phase IGBT converter Water flow per converter243672L/minPressure drop per cell, 50% glycol, 12 L/min130mbar This stack can be used as a 2Q 3-phase inverter or a Pressure drop per converter, 50% glycol, 36 L/min130mbar 4Q converter. All values are valid for 2Q and 4Q Water pressure Maximum water pressure permissible per cell3bar configurations unless otherwise specified.Coolant type Recommended coolant50% Glycol / 50% water-T INLET Cooling water inlet temperature-204560°CRequired cooling airflow Snubbers, airflow direction bottom-top1ms-1 Ordering No.08769360V SUPPLY[fan]Capacitor DC fan operating voltage182428V DC Description4Q / SKS C 120 GDD 69/11 – A3A MA B1C P FAN per fan Fan power consumption at typical voltage supply3,6W 2Q / SKS C 240 GD 69/11 – A3A MA B1C LTE[fan]Capacitor DC fan life time expectancy (L10 method)65kh Features Gate Driver Characteristics T AMBIENT=25°C unless otherwise specified Designed in regard to EN50178 recommendations Symbol Conditions min typ max Unit Designed for a 600 x 600 x 2000 mm cabinet Gate Driver / controler dataEmbedded SKiiP® Technology 3V S2 supply voltage non stabilized 132430V DC SKiiP 2403GB172-4DW, Trench 3 1700V IGBT, CAL3 diode I S2 VS2 = 13V - 30 V , F SW in kHz, I AC in A330 + 55×F SW + 0.00035×I AC2mA Integrated current and temperature sensors ViT+input threshold voltage HIGH 12.3V DC Water cooling ViT-input threshold voltage LOW 4.6V DCR IN Input resistance10kΩTypical Applications C IN Input capacitance1nF Wind generators (SG and DFIG)Measurement & protectionHigh power AC drives HB_I Analogue current signal I analog OUT245250255 A.V-1I TRIPSC over current trip level(Ianalog OUT=10V) 2 450 2 500 2 550A PEAK Footnotes min17 + 10,3×CMN_TMP°C 1) the user shall ensure that the ambient air is sufficiently CMN_TMP Analogue temperature signal Th < 80°C typ19 + 10,5×CMN_TMP°C ventilated to avoid hot spots.max20 + 10,5×CMN_TMP°Cmin26 + 8,8×CMN_TMP°CCMN_TMP Analogue temperature signal Th > 80°C typ28 + 8,8×CMN_TMP°Cmax30 + 8,9×CMN_TMP°C REMARKS T trip Over temperature protection110115120°CClimaticMechanicalSKiiP stack6085%IEC 60721-3, class 1K2&2K2Storage & transportationIEC 60721-3-3, class 3K3 extendedIn operation-25IEC 60721-3-3, class 3K3no condensation no icing°CVibrations & Shocks-2055°CThis technical information specifies semiconductor devices butpromises no characteristics. No warranty or guarantee,expressed or implied is made regarding delivery, performanceor suitability.Before using the converter, please read carefully theSKiiPRACK® user manual.∆P WATER5Mass∆V/∆t WATER4QHE10-14 male connectorDC+DC-Phase driver connectorsDC BUS detailsDC BUS connectionV W L3L2L1 2Q V1W1W2V2U2PinDesignation1+24VDC 2+24VDC 3GND 4GNDDC FAN CONNECTION (6 times)This technical information specifies semiconductor devices but promises no characteristics. No warranty or guarantee RIGHT SIDE VIEW FRONT VIEW12 3 4LEFT SIDE VIEWREAR VIEWThis technical information specifies semiconductor devices but promises no characteristics. No warranty or guarantee6200400600800100012001400303540455055O u t p u t c u r r e n t (A R M S )Ambient air temperature (°C)Cooling liquid 45°CCooling liquid 60°CV BUS = 1100 V DCVac IN/OUT =690 V RMS F IN/OUT = 50 Hz f SW IN/OUT = 2 kHz cos ϕIN/OUT = 1Flowrate = 12 L/min per cell Glycol/water ratio = 50%Altitude <1000 m2004006008001000120014005001000150020002500300035004000O u t p u t c u r r e n t (A R M S )Altitude (m)Cooling liquid 45°C, ambient 40°C Cooling liquid 60°C, ambient 55°CV BUS = 1100 V DCFlowrate = 12 L/min per cell Vac IN/OUT =690 V RMS Glycol/water ratio = 50%F IN/OUT = 50 Hz Altitude <1000 mf SW IN/OUT = 2 kHz cos ϕIN/OUT = 10100200300400500600510152025P r e s s u r e d r o p p e r S K i i P R A C K c e l l (m b a r )Flowrate (L/min)Pressure drop with 50% glycol Pressure drop without glycol (mbar)50010001500200025003000303540455055O u t p u t c u r r e n t (A R M S )Ambient air temperature (°C)Cooling liquid 45°C Cooling liquid 60°CV BUS = 1100 V DC Vac =690 V RMS F OUT = 50 Hz f SW = 2 kHz cos ϕ= 1Flowrate = 12 L/min per cell Glycol/water ratio = 50%Altitude <1000 m500100015002000250030005001000150020002500300035004000O u t p u t c u r r e n t (A R M S )Altitude (m)Cooling liquid 45°C, ambient 40°CCooling liquid 60°C, ambient 55°CV BUS = 1100 V DC Vac =690 V RMS F OUT = 50 Hz f SW = 2 kHz cos ϕ= 1Flowrate = 12 L/min per cell Glycol/water ratio = 50%00,0020,0040,0060,0080,010,0120,0145101520253035R t h (°C /W )Flowrate per cell (L/min)Stack Rth 50% glycol (°C/W)Stack Rth 10% glycol (°C/W)720040060080010001200140051015O u t p u t C u r r e n t (A R M S )AC Fundamental Frequency (Hz)Vdc = 1100 V DCVac IN/OUT =690 V RMS f SW IN/OUT = 2 kHz cos ϕIN/OUT = 1Water temperature = 45°C Flowrate = 12 L/min per cell Glycol/water ratio = 50%Air temperature = 40°C T J = 125°C050010001500200025003000200400600800100012001400M a x c u r r e n t s w i t c h e d (A )DC bus voltage (V)500100015002000250051015O u t p u t C u r r e n t (A R M S )AC Fundamental Frequency (Hz)Vdc = 1100 V DC Vac =690 V RMS f SW = 2 kHz cos ϕ= 1Water temperature = 45°C Flowrate = 12 L/min per cell Glycol/water ratio = 50%Air temperature = 40°C T J = 125°C。



INSULATED PACKAGEINSULATED PACKAGEParameterSymbolSupply Voltage Protected bySCSupply Voltage (Surge)Storage Temperature Isolation Voltage ConditionV CC(surge)T stgV iso Ratings V CC(PROT)8001000–40 ~ +1252500Unit V °C V rmsV V D = 13.5 ~ 16.5V, Inverter Part,T j = +125°C StartApplied between : P-N, Surge value60Hz, Sinusoidal, Charged part to Base, AC 1 min.TOTAL SYSTEMUPIGBT 28.3–8.2WPUNVNWNFWDi 28.32.0IGBT 65.0–8.2FWDi 65.02.0IGBT 87.0–8.2FWDi 87.02.0IGBT 39.36.2FWDi 39.3–4.0IGBT 54.06.2FWDi 54.0–4.0IGBT 76.06.2FWDi 76.0–4.0armaxisX Y(Unit : mm)VP2. Saturation Voltage Collector-Emitter Cutoff Current–I C = 75A, V D = 15V, V CIN = 15V (Fig. 2)T j = 25°C T j = 125°CELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (Tj = 25°C, unless otherwise noted)INVERTER PARTParameterSymbol ConditionV CE(sat)I CESV EC t on t rr t c(on)t off t c(off)Limits ———0.5————————T j = 25°C T j = 125°CFWDi Forward VoltageSwitching TimeV D = 15V, V CIN = 0V ↔15V V CC = 600V, I C = 75A T j = 125°C Inductive Load (Fig. 3,4)V CE = V CES , V CIN = 15V(Fig. 5)V D = 15V, I C = 75AV CIN = 0V(Fig. 1)V mAVµsUnit Bottom view* If you use this value, R th(f-a) should be measured just under the chips.(Note-1) T C (under the chip) measurement point is below.0.21*0.30*0.038°C/WR th(j-c)Q R th(j-c)F R th(c-f)Inverter IGBT (per 1 element) (Note-1)Inverter FWDi (per 1 element) (Note-1)Case to fin, (per 1 module)Thermal grease applied(Note-1)Symbol ConditionUnitMin.——————Junction to case Thermal ResistancesTHERMAL RESISTANCESContact Thermal ResistanceParameterLimits Typ.Max.INSULATED PACKAGEV D = 15VDetect T j of IGBT chip –20 ≤ T j ≤ 125°C V D = 15V, V FO = 15V (Note-2)V D = 15V(Note-2)V th(ON)V th(OFF)SC t off(SC)OT OT r UV UV r I FO(H)I FO(L)t FOTrip level Reset level Trip level Reset level–20 ≤ T j ≤ 125°C, V D = 15V (Fig. 3,6)V D = 15V(Fig. 3,6) 3.53.5————Main terminal screw : M5Mounting partscrew : M5—Symbol ParameterMounting torque Mounting torque WeightConditionUnit N • m N • m gLimits Min.Typ.Max.2.52.5—3.03.0380MECHANICAL RATINGS AND CHARACTERISTICSV D = 15V, V CIN = 15VApplied between :U P -V UPC , V P -V VPC , W P -V WPCU N • V N • W N -V NCI D °C V mA ms25101.82.3————12.5—0.0115—mA Circuit CurrentInput ON Threshold Voltage Input OFF Threshold Voltage Short Circuit Trip Level Short Circuit Current Delay TimeOver Temperature Protection Supply Circuit Under-Voltage ProtectionFault Output Current Minimum Fault Output Pulse WidthCONTROL PART——1.21.7150—135—11.5———1.0ParameterSymbol ConditionMax.Min.Typ.Unit Limits 1551.52.0—0.214512512.012.5—101.8(Note-2)Fault output is given only when the internal SC, OT & UV protections schemes of either upper or lower arm device operate toprotect it.V µs V N1-V NC V *P1-V *PCA RECOMMENDED CONDITIONS FOR USERecommended valueUnit ConditionSymbol ParameterV Applied across P-N terminalsApplied between :V UP1-V UPC , V VP1-V VPCV WP1-V WPC , V N1-V NC (Note-3)Applied between :U P -V UPC , V P -V VPC , W P -V WPCU N • V N • W N -V NCUsing Application Circuit of Fig. 8For IPM ’s each input signals(Fig. 7)Supply Voltage Control Supply Voltage Input ON Voltage Input OFF Voltage PWM Input Frequency Arm Shoot-through Blocking Time≤ 80015.0±1.5≤ 0.8≥ 9.0≤ 20≥ 2.5V CC V CIN(ON)V CIN(OFF)f PWM t deadV D V V kHz µs(Note-3)With ripple satisfying the following conditions: dv/dt swing ≤ ±5V/µs, Variation ≤ 2V peak to peakINSULATED PACKAGEINSULATED PACKAGEINSULATED PACKAGEINSULATED PACKAGE。


1. 请确认进线的电源电压与变频器的额定输入电压是否一致。
2. 请按接线图连接制动电阻或制动单元。
3. 最好选用指定力矩的螺丝刀和扳手紧固端子。
4. 请勿将输入电源线接到输出U、V、W端子上。
5. 请勿拆卸前面板外罩,接线时仅需拆卸端子外罩。
第一章 安全注意事项及产品型号
▲ 必须由具有专业资格的人员进行配线作业,否则有触电的危险。确认输入电源处于完全断开的情况下进行配线



同步电机调速器和同步电机调速器直流调速器ZKS-I ZKS-II ZKS-III ZKS-3JZK-1,JZK-2,JZK-3,JZK-4 ZKS-A,ZKS-II,ZKS-1,KSA-1,KSA-II,KSA-2 可控硅直流调速器KZT-3-05,KZD-1,KZD-01,ZD-1000,ZD-500,KZT-03-05直流调速控制器KZT-01,KZT-02,KZT-04,ZKS-3,ZKS-III 直流调速器/SKZ-01,SKZ-02,SKZ-03,SKZ-04,SKZ-06可控硅直流调速装置JSC601,JSC601/3,JSC601/7,JSC601/5 直流电机调速器ZKS-I ZKS-II ZKS-3 力矩控制器YKT-3 TMA-4B YLJ-K-3F YLJ-K-3F-6A TMA-I 力矩电机控制器YLJ-K-3F-12A YLJ-K-3F-22A YLJ-K-3F-32A 调速电机控制器DXK-4A,DXK-4B,DXK-4C,DXK-4D 差离合控制装置ZLK-10(滑差电机控制器)ZLK-11 ZLK-12 ZLK-10 ZKJ-H 同步调速电机控制器CTKT-30/M CTKT-30/B CTKT-90/M CTKT-90/B 同步控制器CTKT-30M CTKT-30B CTKT-90M CTKT-90B 转差离合控制装置控制器ZTK1 ZTK2 ZTK3,ZTK4 ZTK6,ZTK7 ZTK-1 JZT3 ZLK-1 JZT3 SD-04 JD1A-11,JD1A-40, JD1A-90 CTK2-30 JD6A-40 JD2A-40 JD1B-40 JD2A-11 JD2A-90 JDSB-40 JD1C-40 JD1C-19JD2A-90 DK-2 DK-2A DK-2B CTKT-30C交流齿轮减速电机电子调速器:US-52,US590-02,US560-01,US540-02,US590-01 USX540 USX590 SS32-HR DVV1204W,SSR-32 SKJ-1B,SKJ-2B MS32B,FS32B SC-A,SC-B SCA-B 2. 交流电子无极调速器:SC-A,SC-B SCA-B,SKJ-C1,SKJ-C2,SKJ-3, MS32BX MS32B3. 直流电子调速器:DC-51,DL-050 ,DL-100 4. 固态直流调速器:SSR-04 5. 可控硅直流电机调速器:KZT-01, KZT-02,KZT-04,KZT-06,S KZ-01,SKZ-02,SKZ-04,SKZ-06,ZKS-I ZKS-II ZKS-III ZKS-2 ZKS-3 KSA-I KSA-II JSC601/2 JSC-601/7 JSC601 (壁挂式)JSC601/5 KSG611 JSC601/3 JSC611A 6. 数显直流调速器:KZT-06,S KZ-06 7. 电机同操器:TC-1A,TC-2B SD-04 TH1000 8. 操作器:ZC-1A ZC-A 9. 同步调速电机控制器CTKT-30/M CTKT-30/B CTKT-90/M CTKT-90/B 10. 电机调速控制器:JDK-1 KZT KZDKZD-01 11. 电机调速控制器:DXK-4A,DXK-4B,DXK-4C,DXK-4D 12. 电机调速控制器:DK-2,DK-2A DK-1B DK-2B TKZ-2B TC-2B 13. 转差离合控制装置控制器(滑差电机调速装置):ZTK1 ZTK2 ZTK3,ZTK4 ZTK6,ZTK7 ZTK-1 JZT3 JZT4 ZLK-10 ZLK-11 ZLK-12 ZKJ-H JD1A-11,JD1A-40, JD1A-90 JD1A-40S JD2A-11 JD2A-40 JD2A-90 JD1B-11 JD1B-40 JD1B-90 JD1C-11 JD1C-40 JD1C-90 JDSB-40 CTK2-30 JD6A-40S JDIC JD 14. 力矩电制器: YLJK-8A,YLJ-K-8A,YLJ-K-3F-6A,YLJ-K-3F-12A,YLJ-K-3F-22A,YLJ-K-3F-32A,YLJ-K-3F-50A 15. 三相可控硅电压调整器:ZK-1,ZK-3, 16. 给料机控制器(控制箱):GZK-2-5A,GZK-3-20A,GZ-1-5A ,GZ-2-10A,GZ-3-15A,XKZ-5G2-5A,XKZ-20G2-20A 17. GYD气压自动开关:GYD20-16/A, GYD20-16/B, GYD20-16/C, GYD5-6.3/A, GYD5-6.3/B, GYD20-2 18. DJ1-A电流时间转换装置:DJ1-A,DJ1-B 19.台湾三力电机调速器SPEED CONTROL UNIT控制器 US206-01 US205-02 US206-02 US425-02 US540-02 US206-02 DC-51 US-52 US590-02 EUS425-02 US540-02SS-22 US-22 SS-32 SS-22 ES02 EUS425-02 DC-51 US-52US5120-02 US540-02 US560-02 US590-02 US5120-02 US-88E UX-51 UX-52 SS-22SS32 SS-32HR-11 US-88 US-88E US425-02T US6120-02 US6140-02 US6180-02 US61200-02 US-52 US52 US51 US-51 DC-52 US512002 DC-52 US-52 SS-62 SS-61 US-52 SS-32 SS-32HR-11 SS-22 UX-52 UX-52 UX-51 XY-88E US-88 US315-02调速器US206-02 US206-01 US315-02 US315-01 US425-02 US425-01US540-02 US540-01 US-88 SS-22 SS-32-HR SS-32HR SS-32HR-11 US-88EUS560-02E UX-52 US-52 US5120-02 US5120-01 SU540-02 US540-02US560-02 US560-01 US590-02 US6120-01 US6120-02 US6140-01 US6140-02 US6180-01 US6180-02 SS-22 US-88 US-66 SS-88 SS-66 US-51 US-52 SS-11SS31-IN SB32-IN US-88E SS32-HR-11 SS32-HR SS-22 US-52 US-52 US-52 DC-51 DC-52 US590-02 US-52-US-51 US425-02 SPEED CONTROL UNIT XY-81E-110XY-81E-110US590-02 EUS425-02 EUS540-02 EUS560-02 EUS590-02 EUS6140-02 EUS6180-02 XY-88 SS31-HR SS32-HR SS-32 SS-31 SS-32HR SS-31R US11 US-52 SS-22 SS-22 EUS425调速器EUS540US6200-02 US6200-01 SS-61 SS-62 US-51 US-52 US51 US52 US-51 US-52 US52 US51.US-52调速器US-52,US315-02,US540-02,US-52US590-02,US560-01,US540-02,US590-01SS32-HR SS32 SS32-HR SS22 SS22M USX540 USX590 USX560 USX315 US-52 US315-02 US6120-02 US590-01US590-02 电磁调速器 SS22,SS11,US52,US51SS-22,SS-11,US-52,US-51 理SANLY电机台湾SANLY马达SS22,SS11,US52,US51SS-22,SS-11,US-52,US-51 控制器US206-401 US206-402E US206-411 US206-412E US315-401 US315-402E US315-411 US315-412E US425-401 US425-402E US425-411 US425-412EUS540-401 US540-402E US540-411 US540-412E US560-401 US560-402EUS560-411 US560-412E US590-402E US590-401 SS21 SS22 SS31-HR SS32-HR SB31-IN SB32-IN SB32S-IN 5IK40GK 5IK40GN-CF/5GN10K5IK40GN-A(M),5IK40GN-C(M),5RK40GN-A(M),5RK40GN-C(M),5GN3-1800K.5IK60GN-A(M),5IK60GN-C(M),5RK60GN-A(M),5RK60GN-C(M),5GN3-1800K5IK90GN-A(M),5IK90GN-C(M),5RK90GN-A(M),5RK90GN-C齿轮箱变速器变速箱齿轮箱变速器变速箱2IK6GK-C 2RK6GK-C 2RK6A-C 2IK6A-C 2IK6GK-A 2RK6GK-A 2IK6GK-S 2RK6GK-S 2IK6GK-C2 2RK6GK-C2 2IK6GK-S3 2RK6GK-S3 2RK6A-CM 2IK6A-CM 2IK6GK-SM 2RK6GK-SM 2IK6GK-AM 2RK6GK-AM 2RK6A-CM 2IK6A-CM 2IK6RGK-CM2RK6RGK-CM US206-02 US3102 US425-02 US540-02 2US560-02 US590-02US5120-02 US-52 SS-22 US6120-02 US6140-02 US6180-02 US6200-02 DC-512IK6GK-CM 2RK6GK-CM 2IK6RGK-C 2RK6RGK-C 2IK6RGK-C2 2RK6RGK-C2台湾三力马达 SS32-HR SS-32-HR-11 US-88 SS-22 调速器3IK15GK-C 3RK15GK-C 3RK15A-C 3IK15A-C 3IK15GK-A 3RK15GK-A 3IK15GK-S 3RK15GK-S 3IK15GK-C2 3RK15GK-C2 3IK15GK-S3 3RK15GK-S3 3RK15A-CM3IK15A-CM 3IK15GK-SM 3RK15GK-SM 3IK15GK-AM 3RK15GK-AM3IK15GK-CM 3RK15GK-CM 3IK15RGK-C 3RK15RGK-C 3IK15RGK-C2 3RK15RGK-C2 3RK15A-CM 3IK15A-CM 3IK15RGK-CM 3RK15RGK-CM4IK25GK-C 4RK25GK-C 4RK25A-C 4IK25A-C 4IK25GK-A 4RK25GK-A 4IK25GK-S 4RK25GK-S 4IK25GK-C2 4RK25GK-C2 4IK25GK-S3 4RK25GK-S3 4RK25A-CM4IK25A-CM 4IK25GK-SM 4RK25GK-SM 4IK25GK-AM 4RK25GK-AM4IK25GK-CM 4RK25GK-CM 4IK25RGK-C 4RK25RGK-C 4IK25RGK-C2 4RK25RGK-C2 4RK25A-CM 4IK25A-CM 4IK25RGK-CM 4RK25RGK-CM 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