高中英语《Who am I》优质课教案、教学设计

高中英语《Unit3WhoAmI》优质课教案、教学设计Unit 3 Who am I?Teaching Aims:1.To help students know more about Computer.2.To develop students’ skimming and scanning reading skills.3.To encourage students to know how to describe a history of the development ofsomething.Teaching Important & Difficult Points:1.To help students grasp the history of the development of computer.2.To guide students to describe computer’s development.Teaching Focus:1.Train students’ reading methods and skills.2.Develop students’ abilities to catch information, analyze and solve problemsthrough reading activities.Teaching Procedures:※※※Read for main idea※※※Task1: Read the passage quickly and try to find the answers to the following questions.1. In the title, what does “I” stand for?2. What’s the topic sentences of each paragraph?3. What’s the main idea of the passage?※※※Read for details※※※Task2: Read Para1 carefully and fill in the form with information in Para1.●F rom the above form, we can know that the text is written in an order ofTask3: Read Para2 and decide whether the following sentences are true or false and give your reasons.1. My shape didn’t change even though my memory improved.2. The older I am, the larger I have become.3. Over time I have been very easy to forget things becauseI don’t develop enoughmemory.4. I was able to share my knowledge with others through the World Wide Web in theearly 1960s.Task4: Read Para3 and answer the following questions.1. What are the new applications of the computer?2. What role do computers play in the life of human being?※※※Test in class※※※Task5: SummaryIt began as a machine in 1642 in France. In 1822 it was builtas an machine. Then in 1936 Alan Turing wrote a book and built a machine. As time , it was made smaller but its memory grew and. In the 1960s they gave it a family connected by a . Now people call it the Internet. It was used in and since the 1970s. Since its birth it has truly been built to help the .Task6: Discussion: Should high school students play computers?①I think high school students should surf the internet because…②I think high school students should not surf the internet because…Task7: Homework:1. Write down what you were discussing.2. Read and retell the text.。
who am i主题教案

who am i主题教案教案标题:《Who Am I?》主题教案教案目标:1. 帮助学生了解和探索自我身份的重要性。
2. 培养学生的自我认知和自我表达能力。
3. 通过多样化的学习活动,提高学生的阅读、写作和口语技能。
教案步骤与活动:1. 导入活动:- 呈现一个包含多个谜语或描述的幻灯片,让学生猜测幻灯片中的人物身份。
2. 学习活动1:我的身份树- 学生将在一张纸上画出一个大树的形状,树干代表他们的身份,树枝代表他们的兴趣爱好,树叶代表他们的特长和优点。
- 学生可以用图片、文字或符号来填充树干、树枝和树叶,展示他们的个性特点和身份。
3. 学习活动2:自我介绍海报- 学生将制作一张自我介绍海报,包括他们的姓名、年龄、家庭成员、喜欢的事物、梦想等。
- 学生可以使用图片、文字、颜色等来装饰海报,展示他们的个人特点和兴趣。
4. 学习活动3:小组讨论和展示- 将学生分成小组,让他们分享自己的身份树和自我介绍海报。
- 每个小组选择一名代表,向全班介绍小组成员的身份树和海报,并分享他们对自我身份的理解和感受。
5. 学习活动4:阅读与讨论- 提供一篇关于自我认知和身份探索的短文或故事,让学生阅读并回答相关问题。
- 学生可以在小组内讨论他们对文中主人公身份探索的看法,并分享自己的经历和观点。
6. 学习活动5:写作任务- 要求学生写一篇关于自己的短文,描述他们的身份、兴趣爱好、特长和梦想。
- 学生可以在短文中运用适当的描写技巧和句型,展示自己的写作能力和表达能力。
7. 结束活动:- 学生将在班级展示自己的短文,或者选择一段自己喜欢的短文进行朗读。
- 教师和同学们可以给予积极的反馈和鼓励,增强学生的自信心和自我认知。
教案评估:1. 学生参与度:观察学生在活动中的积极参与程度。
2. 学生作品:评估学生的身份树、自我介绍海报和写作任务的完成情况。
3. 学生讨论:评估学生在小组讨论中的表达能力和对主题的理解程度。
人教版英语必修二Unit 3 Reading(Who Am I?)教学设计

Teacher’s activities
Students’ activities
1.Warming-up: (1min)
To introduce the topic
Go over the topic discussed in the last lesson
4. Post-reading
To analyze the writing technique of the passage
Lead Ss toanalyzethe last sentence of the passage &the writing technique of the passage
Give Ss some comprehending tasks and guide them to work them out
Read and work out the comprehending tasks
To teach Ss some skills that can be used to find the topic sentences and summarize the main idea of the paragraphs
Go over the topic
2.Pre-re learn to predict before reading
Show Ss the title of the passage. Guide Ss to predict and help Ss to build up a knowledge net.
Analyze the writing technique of the passage
高中英语《Who am I》优质课教案、教学设计

教 学 方法
教 学 准备
教学内容教ຫໍສະໝຸດ 活动学生活动《Who am I?》教学设计
教 学 资
教 学 重
教 学 难
。 运用手机中的人工智能对话,引发学生对计算机发展的兴趣。
高中英语《Unit3 Who Am I》优质教学课件设计

Should high school students
play computer or surf the
si)1cn?)htI noe
rmn eyt (o上p i网n i ol studen
on ts
/I thi shou
nk ld
h s
igh urf
internet because…
2)In my opinion/I think high
used in _offi_c_e_sandh_omes.
Computers connect people all over the world together as devoted _friend_sand he_lper_s.
Read for details:Para2 True or False
passage? ( 回答一个问题加 5 分)
Read for Main Idea
1. In the title, what does “I” stand for? Computer
思考: which Rhetoric Speech the author used?( 修 辞手法 )
拟人( personification ) Effect: more vivid( 形象生动的) easily understood
T b4.beeeIennwtotalodsld!a.!bl.e to share my knowledge with others through the World Wide Web in the early 1960s. I was given a family connected by a network.
人教版英语必修二Unit 3(Who Am I?)教案

Learning plan for Senior English Book 2Unit 3 ComputersReading Who am I?Designer :Senior Grade One●Teaching goals1. Language targetImportant words :Calculate universal simplify operator logically reality personal tube network application financeexplore revolution artificial intelligence technological2. Ability goals1)Enable the students to grasp the history of computers.2) the relationship between computers and humans.●Teaching important pointsTry to finish the exercises of Comprehending.●Teaching difficult pointsEnable the students to learn how to grasp the structure of the text.●Teaching proceduresStep I:Greetings and leading-in●Activity1:see a short film about robots (2')●Activity2: Guessing games --word puzzle (class work /5') Let’s guess what they are:● made of wooden beads(珠).●An old calculating machine .● in China until now.Who am I?● solve some mathematical problems.● too big. /as large as a room.Who am I?● a new calculating machine.●can solve a large number of mathematical problems.Who am I?●a kind of computer .● can solve all kinds of problems .●be used widely now.Who am I?● a kind of computer.●can be taken conveniently(便利) like a notebook.Who am I?●Step II. Skimming:Activity3:Do a quizRead and answer these questions: (individual work / 3')1.Who am I?2.Who was the first person to invent the earliest computer?3.Who was the next important person to design computers?4.How old is the computer?5.when was the computer the biggest?6.What happened to the computer in the 1960s?●Step III. ScanningTask1: Read the passage again and complete the chart below(Pair work /5’)Task2:Read the passage and finish the timeline below (individual work / 3’)1642: The computer began as a .1822: The analytical machine was made by Charles Babbage.____ : The computer grew both in size andin .1940s : The computer had grown a room.: The first family of computers was connected to each other. 1970s :computers were used in .Now : Computers connect people . together.Task3:Check the sentences are true or false. (individual work / 3')1.Alan Turing built an Analytical Machine to solve any mathematical problems.( )2.People began to realize that the computer got cleverer and quicker with time passing.( )3.The computer began to serve the human race since it was brought into people’s homes.( )4.Since the 1970s, the computer was used by people around the world through the Internet.( )●Step IV.Summary(class work /5')I began as a ________ ________ in 1642 . In 1822 I was built as an ________ _________. In 1936 Alan Turing built a _______ ________. As the years have____ ____, I have been made_____ and smaller, but I got ____ ____ cleverer , quicker ____ _____.In the 1960s they gave me a family________ ___ .I was _____ ____ ____ ______ in the 1970s. Since my birth I have truly been built to serve the human race.Step V.Activity 4: Discussion( group work /5')Discuss with your partners to list some advantages and disadvantages of the Internet.Advantages:___________________________________________ Disadvantages:__________________________________________ ●HomeworkWrite a composition about the relationship between human race and the computer .。
高中英语 Book Unit readingwho am I 新人教必修PPT学习教案

a universal machine, in 1936, Alan Turing a huge computer, as large as a room, in 1940s
an analytical machine, (in 1822), Charles Babbage
Since the 1970s many new applications have been found for me.
Since the 1970s many new applications have been found for me.
communications finance trade robots mobile phones medical operations
Para. 2
technical words
Memory: storage or storage capacity as of a computer, disk, etc.
chip transistor tube
networ k
The World Wide Web
How do we use computers in daily life?
entertainment B
communication A
C informatio n
work and job E
D commerce/ finance online
Who am I 高中英语必修课件

have been told.
large → small ; poor → strong
Task 2: Scanning--read the passage in details
Body Paragraph 3: • strong point (中心句)
• tetails/ examples
Ⅱ.Discourse Analysis Discourse Pattern
Task 1:Skiming--- read the passage as fast as you can
1. what does “I” refer to in the title? A person or a computer? A computer. 2. Find out the topic sentence of each paragraph and underline it.
• 2.culture behaviour
Some teenagers spend too much time on computers and Internet.
• 3.Writing knowledge
structure of 3-paragraphs-essay
1.calculate: to find out something by using numbers 2.simplify: to make things easier 3.solve: to work out the answer to a problem 4.application: a particular use 5.over time: as time goes by 6.as a result: therefore、thus 7.provide sth for sb: to supply sth to sb
高中英语《Who am I》优质教学课件

《 WhoamI? 》
Get ready for class:
1. Find your group members. 2. Be more active in this class.
Learning aims:
1.Knowledge aim: To learn words and expressions on the computer. 2.Ability aim: To use reading strategies( 策 略 ) , such as skimming and scanning. 3.Emotion aim: To learn about the knowledge of computers and artificial intelligence( 人工智能 ) .
small chips
smaller shape
large memory
computer and Internet
Para 3
new applications
• communications
supporting details
• _fi_n_ance
• _t_ra_d_e • _r_obo_ts • _mo_b_il_e_p_h_one_s • _me_d_ic_alope_r_a_ti_o_n_s • _s_p_a_cer_ocke_t_s
How does the computer change our life? What
roles do computers play in the life of human
人教版英语必修二Unit 3(Who Am I?)教案

1) the development timetable 4. para.1
3. students can able to fill the 2) the conclusion of the 1) teacher asks students to read the first paragraph carefully and
the change of the development speed 3) teacher leads students to summarize the writing pattern: topic sentence-supporting details
5. students can summarize the
IV. Teaching Aids Multi-media and Power Point
V. Teaching Procedure
step 1. Lead-in
2 分钟
1. Ss will get the meaning of a 1. Ask Ss to guess riddles.
2. the understanding of the main idea and topic sentences of each paragraph.
3. understanding of the first paragraph:
1. teacher asks students to go through the passage and answer: q: Can you find the topic sentences in each paragraph?

Module2 Unit3 Reading Who Am I ?教学设计(人教版高二英语必修教案教学设计)高二英语组:杨雪琪Module2 Unit3 Reading Who Am I ?教学设计一、教材分析1.教学内容分析Reading 中以别致的标题Who Am I?引起学生的好奇心,使学生迫不及待地阅读这篇文章,并努力猜出“I”是computer,从而对文章的内容印象深刻。
文章以第一人称的形式按时间先后顺序讲述了computer的产生、发展和现在,并用拟人化的口吻表达了computer 乐于为人类服务的精神。
2.教材处理紧扣主题设计了Lead-in, Pre-reading, Fast Reading, Careful Reading, Consolidation & Extension, Discussion and Homework 七个教学步骤,旨在通过这些活动帮助写生掌握阅读策略和阅读技巧,提高学生的阅读理解能力及口语和书面表达能力。

人教版who am i 课程设计一、课程目标知识目标:1. 学生能够理解并运用英语介绍自己的基本信息,如姓名、年龄、爱好等。
2. 学生掌握一般现在时和一般过去时的基本用法,用于描述自己的日常生活和经历。
3. 学生能够掌握并运用本节课所学的词汇和短语,如:name, age, hobby, like, do, did, playing, etc.技能目标:1. 学生通过小组活动,提高口语表达和交流能力,能够流畅地用英语进行自我介绍。
2. 学生通过听力练习,提高英语听力理解能力,能够听懂并获取他人基本信息。
3. 学生通过写作练习,提高英语书写能力,能够书写一篇完整的自我介绍短文。
情感态度价值观目标:1. 学生树立自信心,敢于用英语表达自己,积极参与课堂活动。
2. 学生学会尊重他人,关注同伴,培养良好的人际沟通能力。
3. 学生通过学习英语,增强对中华文化的自豪感,培养国际视野。
二、教学内容本节课以人教版小学英语四年级上册“Who am I”为主题,教学内容主要包括以下几部分:1. 词汇:name, age, hobby, like, do, did, playing, etc.2. 语法:一般现在时和一般过去时的基本用法。
3. 句型:介绍自己的基本信息,如:- My name is...- I am ... years old.- I like/don't like...- I often do...4. 对话:自我介绍和询问他人基本信息的对话。

【 - 高中作文】【篇一】who,am,i,教案人教版必修二第三单元阅读教学设计BOOK2 Unit3 Who am I? 阅读教学设计(第一课时)宁夏育才中学秦芹一.教材分析本课为人教版教材高一第一学期必修二第三单元第一课。
Reading中以别致的标题WHO AM I?引起学生的好奇心,使学生迫不及待地阅读这篇文章,并努力猜出“I”是computer,从而对文章的内容印象深刻。
who am I教案

B2 U3Computers Reading Who Am I ? (教师案)编制:李敏审核:审批:使用说明: 学生在课前已经自主学习并完成了导学案。
Learning aims:1.To skim and scan the text and know some basic information about the development of computers.2.To understand the structures of each paragraph clearly by self-study and cooperation.3.To be interested in computers and high technologies and make good use of them.Part1 Feedback(1)We should pay attention to our handwriting.(2)Some students haven’t found the right topic sentence.(3)Some students made mistakes just because of carelessness.(4)Some answers missed some points.(5)Some answer has no relation to the question.Part2 Problem inquiryTask 1 (黑板展示经典点评)Task 2 (黑板展示经典点评)1.What is the main idea of the passage?(探究点1)学生不一定能概括全面,设计成一个补充精彩度。
The development and applications of computers.2.What has happened since the 1970s?Computers were used in offices and homes,and many new applications have been found for it.(探究点2) 文章两处出现1970s,学生容易漏掉信息。

Who Am I 教学设计教学目标:1.Knowledge aims:1)To get students to notice and learn some useful words and expressions and somecomponent of a computer.2.Ability aims:1)To train students reading skill through fast reading and reading for details.2)To develop students’ ability to use the phrases learnt while reading to write a shortpassage about an object which contains a computer.3)To train students ability to find information in different ways.3.!4. Emotional aims:1)To get students to know about the development of computers.2)To get students to know the importance of computers in our daily life.3)To get make students to get a chance to develop their imagination and design an objectwith a computer inside in their own ways.学情分析:As for students of Senior One, students have mastered a series of basic knowledge and some reading skills. What’s more, for the specific topic of computers, students are interested in this kind of information. So teachers need to give them some useful and background information to help them understand this topic fully.重难点分析:1. To enable students to learn reading skills through fast reading and reading for details.}2. To get students to learn to write a short passage about an object with a computer inside after reading.教学过程:Step1: Warming up:Show a picture of a personal computer.T: What’s this Do you know each part of the computer in EnglishHost computer / monitor / mouse / keyboard / screen / speaker /T: There are many computers in the host computer. Do you know what are they If so , Please raise your hand and tell us.RAM / hard disc / power supply / display card / DVD ROM】T: As we all know, computers are widely used nowadays. For me, I usually do this on my computer. This is one of my pictures. I really want to make it more charming and make myself much more handsome. So I do it on my computer. Look! Do you think I’m more handsome in this picture Then it became the cover of my CD.T: Computers have changed our lives a lot, so what can we do with the help of computersSs: With the help of computers, we can……(1). play computer games(2). chat on line(3). send emails to friends(4). download music and films(5). search for information》(6). do business or work(7). use computer for school work(8). do on-line shopping……There is no doubt that computers are playing an important role (正起着重要的作用)in our daily life.Step2: ReadingFast-reading:T: Read through quickly and answer following two questions:1)、2)Who is the speaker3)Can you find the topic sentence of each paragraph•P aragraph 1.Over time, I have been changed a lot.•P aragraph 2.These changes only became possible as my memory improved.•P aragraph 3.Since the 1970s, many new applications have been found for me."Tip : Each topic sentence may have some key words which are closely related to the details in each paragraph.Reading for details:T: According to the key words, we can find more details in each paragraph. So first, read paragraph 1 and fill in the blanks.I began as a ____________ machine in 1642 in France. Nearly 200 years later, I was built as an___________ machine. Then in 1936, a book about how I could be made to work as a “__________ machine” was written. By the _________, I was as large as a room. As time went by, I was made ________. Since the 1970s, I have been used in offices and homes, first as a ______ and then as a laptop.T: according to paragraph 1, and these pictures, we can know what changedThe shape of the computer changed.The size of the computer first became_larger_ and then__smaller_.T: Read Paragraph 2 and answer following questions:(1) Why did these changes become possible2) How did the memory improve3) How did the computer share its knowledge with othersCheck the answers as a class.T: Read paragraph 3, and fill in the chart.Careful reading:T: Now, look at the timeline,. Let ’s read the passage again and find what happened at each time. 1936(1822)16421940s 1970sbegan as a calculating machine an analytical machine made by Charles Babbage a universal machine , Alan Turinga huge computer , as large as a room,30Careful reading: A timelineNow a personal computer and a laptop , and used in officesand homes since the 1970s …Connect peopleall over the worldtogether .1960s The first family of computers wasconnected to each other.(Check the answers by asking students to say it out one by one.T: After reading the passage, and according to the timeline, I ’m sure you can get the main idea of the passage.The passage is organized in the order of time .And the passage is mainly about the history of the development of the computer.Step 3 : After readingT: As time goes by, we live a better life of high quality with the help of the computer. But do youknow what computers are Are these all computers(show some pictures) Yes, they are in different shapes and sizes, but they are all computers or maybe devices with a computer inside. So , if you are a designer, can you design something useful with a computer inside Please have a pair work and make a wonderful design with you partner. Then I will ask some of you to have a report. I will give a prize for one of you whose design is the best. You are the judges, ok, let’s begin.Step 4: Ending:End the lesson by sharing three designs, and give the prize to the student whose design is the most popular.Step 5:Homework:Write a passage about your design and draw a picture beside it.。
高中英语_WHO AM I教学设计学情分析教材分析课后反思

教学设计Step 1. Learning objectivesBy the end of this period, you will be able to…1) figure out the structure of the text;2) know the development of computers;3) express your ideas on computers in the future;Step2. Warming-upGuessing Game: Who am I? Answer:Steve JobsBackground information: Alan TuringStep 3. Lead-inVideo: an ad. of computersStep 4. Textual Analysis1. general statement: Over time I have been changed quite a lot.Para.1: Computers changed in function and size.supporting details:as a calculating machine, as...as...Para.2: Computers changed in memory.1) What does memory mean?2) What’s the relationship between computers’ memory and shape?Para.3: Computers changed in applications.What are the new applications?2. summaryStep 5. Thread and Transition AnalysisThread: computers Transition: the development of computersStep 6.Critical thinkingWhat would computers be in the future?Step 7. Reflection学情分析现阶段高一学生学习积累了更大数量的词汇、短语和有用表达,阅读课也读了21世纪报,加上有了信息课知识的扩充,大大降低了学生阅读本单元Unit3 Who am I? 计算机发展史的难度。
高中英语教案 Who am I

Who am I?1.Teaching objectives:Knowledge objective:Through comparing the details of the passage, students will get to know the development of computer in these past years.Ability objective:By doing retelling, students’ conclusion ability will be trained. Emotional objective:By doing group work, students will know the importance of cooperating.2.Teaching Key&Difficult points:Teaching Key point:the summary of the development of computer.Teaching difficult point:How to train their independent learning ability.3.Teaching Procedures:(1)Warming-up&Lead-inDo a survey about how often students use computers and they have to fill in the questionnaire and show me.Purpose: help students be familar with the topic today and lay a good foundation for the next step.(2)Pre-readingHave a prediction about the main idea of the passage, they can talk about their ideas first with their partners.Purpose: to train their predicting ability in reading.(3)While-readingFast readingGive them 5 minutes to skim the passage very quickly to find out the main idea of the passage, at the same time, they can check if their prediction is right.Detailed readingStudents can work in groups of four, try to find out how many stages has the development of computer gone through and what they are, then give me the answer and I will summarize the time clue.Purpose:through doing these two tasks, students can practice their reading ability, at the same time, they can totally understand the passage.(4)Post-readingAsk students to have a retelling of the passage using their own words, they can do it according to the time line given on the blackboard. Ten minutes later, they can show their retelling.Purpose:by doing retelling, students can have a clearer view of the clue of this text.(5)Summary&HomeworkSummary:Summarize the development of computer in the past years, it has gone through four stages, and it becomes much smaller and smarter. Homework:Write a short composition, imagine you are a computer, what do you want to say to the users. Students can have a brainstorming, and show their articles next class.Purpose:this homework is quite imaginative, students can practice their thinking ability, at the same time, they can practice their writing skills.(6)Blackboard designComputerReadingMain idea:the development of computer in past years. Time line:1642a calculating machine200 years latera analytical machine and technological revolution 1936a “universal machine”1940 till nowgetting smaller and smaller。
说课稿Unit 3 Who Aim

在师生互动的活动中,激发学生的学习 兴趣,加强教师的亲和力,增进师生之间与 生生之间的了解和沟通,充分发挥情感教学 的优势。学生能在情景中获得丰富的情感体 验,感受写作完成后的成功和喜悦。
课堂教学方法的选择是课堂教学 效率高低的关键。科学的学法指导是 智能发展目标得以实施的重要途径。 在本课教学中,通过 “三段六步式” 教学法突出以阅读为纲,语言运用为 主线,兼顾结构,适当拓展。从以下 几方面体现英语新课程的理念。
Step.5 Fast reading 通过两遍的读课文学生已经对课文有了很深的理解, 第三遍 要求学生通过读课文判断正误以理解课文的细节, 从而提高学生的 阅读能力。 Step6. Discussion: (讨论) 在完成课文的全面了解之后,组织学生进行“任务型”教学活动。 讨论电脑对中学生的利弊,先要求学生两人一组的形式讨论,然后 抽查部分学生回答问题。 Step7 Listening: (听) 让学生第四次回归课本,再次纠正自己课文中的生单词的读音,从而 达到对课文理解的最佳效果。
必修2 Unit 3 Computers 第三课时说课稿 灵台二中 郑广弘
根据新课标英语(必修2)第三 单元Computers的教材内容,我将 Computers中的阅读文章Who am I? 为一节阅读课。下面我就从几个方 面来谈谈本课的教学设想及相关的 理论依据。
(一)、本课的地位及作用 我选的课题为高一新教材Module2 Unit3 Computer-- Who am I?本单元围绕计算机的 发展史这一主题开展听﹑说﹑读﹑写等多种教学 活动。计算机为二十一世纪人们日常生活中的重 要工具,所以这一话题在日常生活中占有重要地 位。同时,学完本单元将会使学生对计算机的了 解更加深刻,今后会渴望了解其相关方面的知识, 从而提高学生学习的兴趣和积极性。
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- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
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教 学 方法
教 学 准备
Байду номын сангаас2.教师搜集相关资料,制作多媒体课件。
。 运用手机中的人工智能对话,引发学生对计算机发展的兴趣。
《Who am I?》教学设计
教 学 资
教 学 重
教 学 难