新概念2Lesson 12资料

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• luck /lʌk/ n. • captain /'kæptən/ n. • sail /seil/ v. • harbour /'ha:bə/n. • proud /praud/ adj. • important /im'pɔ:tənt/ adj.
运气 船长 航行 港口 自豪 重要的
★luck n. 运气, 幸运

★important 重要的
• importance n. 重大 • play an important role • 起到重要作用 • He play an important role in keeping up
the morale(士气) of the soldiers。
• luck /lʌk/ n. • captain /'kæptən/ n. • sail /seil/ v. • harbour /'ha:bə/n. • proud /praud/ adj. • important /im'pɔ:tənt/ adj.
Lesson 12 Goodbye and good luck
• Where is Captain Alison going and how? • What is the name of Captain Alison's boat?
New words and expressions
• set out/set off/begFra Baidu bibliotekn something • plenty of=enough 充足的 • I have plenty of money.
运气 船长 航行 港口 自豪 重要的
• Whom shall we meet at Portsmouth Harbour early tomorrow morning?
• Where will he be? • At what time will he leave? • Shall we say goodbye to him,or shall we travel
Four oceans in the world
Arctic ocean
F earth
Pacific ocean
Indian ocean
The map of the world
Atlantic ocean
Captain Alison will set out at eight o'clock,so we'll have plenty of time.
with him? • What will he take part in?
We'll meet him at the harbour early in the morning.
• early in the morning. 一大早 • late in the afternoon • 傍晚时分 • meet sb+地点
• good luck =break your leg 祝你好运 • bless you 保重(比如在别人打喷嚏时说
的话) • lucky adj. 幸运的 • lucky dog 幸运儿 • lucky day 幸运日 • It’s my lucky day. 今天我真幸运 • luckily adv. 幸运地 • unlucky adj. 不幸的
★ proud
• be proud of 以……为自豪 • 我为你感到自豪
• I am so proud of you. • be proud to do sth.很骄傲地做某事 • 我很骄傲地成为老师。
• I am very proud to be a teacher. • as proud as a peacock.骄傲如孔雀(极骄
• I'll meet you at the station. • see sb off 送某人 • I'll see him off at the airport.
He will be in his small boat,Topsail.Topsail is a famous little boat.
傲) • overproud: • 过分自负、专横
pride n. 骄傲
• take pride in sth. 以……为自豪 • 我们为中国感到自豪。 • We take a lot of pride in China. • pride oneself on sth.为……感到骄傲 • 她为中国感到骄傲。 • she prides herself on China
• small表示形体上的小 • little往往倾注了一定的感情,“可爱”
It has sailed across the Atlantic many times.
• 跟水面相关的用across,across the river • 大西洋 • the Atlantic Ocean • 太平洋 • the Pacific Ocean • 印度洋 • the Indian Ocean • 北冰洋 • the Arctic Ocean
• sail from somewhere to somewhere • 从某地航行出发前往某地 • sail on to success • 一帆风顺
★harbour n.港口
• harbour 指停泊船只、装卸货物的天然或 人工港口.
• port 多指人工港口,还可指有港口的市 • air port 航空港
★captain /'kæptən/ n.
• 船长,机长,连长,领班 陆军上尉,海军上校
• captain+人名,表示“某船长/队长”
★sail v. 航行
• ① vi. (船)航行,扬帆行驶 • The ship is sailing for New York. • ② vi. (人)乘船航行 • I want to sail around the world. • ③ n. 帆,篷 • This boat has white salis. • set sail for some place • 这艘船起航去欧洲 • The ship set sail for Europe