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Unit 5重点短语及句型

Unit 5 Topic 1

1. the same to对…也一样

2. come on 快点儿加油

3.go…on foot=walk 走路步行

4. go to school 去上学

5. on weekdays在工作日

6.do one’s homework做家庭作业

7.watch TV看电视8.at school在学校

9.go to bed睡觉10.play basketball 打篮球

11.go swimming去游泳12. listen to听

13. once a week每周一次14.twice a week 一周两次

15.three times a week一周三次16.have lunch吃午饭

17. in one’s free/spare time 在某人的业余时间18. the Great Wall长城

19. have classes上课20.talk to sb 和某人交谈

21.be different from 与…不同22. by subway坐地铁

23. by plane坐飞机24. by train坐火车

25. come …by bike=ride a bike骑自行车26.go…by bus=take a bus坐公共汽车27.after school放学后28. for a short time 一段短时间

29. how often 多经常

①--- Happy New Year! 新年快乐!

---The same to you. 你也一样。(新年快乐!)

②--How do you usually come to school?你通常怎样来上学的?

--I usually come to school by subway.

③ Oh, it’s time for class. 噢,是时候上课了。

④--How do you usually come to school?你通常怎样来上学的?


--I usually come to school by subway/ by bike/ by bus/ by boat/by ship/ by plane/by car或I usually come to school on foot.

频度副词always,usually, often,sometimes,seldom 和never. 频度副词用于一般现在时,表示动作发生的频度,一般放在be动词后或谓语动词前。如主语为第三人称单数,动词要+s/es。

⑤--What does Han Qing usually do after school?韩青放学后通常做什么?

--He usually plays soccer, but he doesn’t play basketball.


注意:play soccer, play basketball, play+球类中间不能加a或the

⑥---How often do you come to the library?你有多经常来图书馆?

--- Three times a week.一周三次。

⑦--We’d like to know about the school life of American students.


⑧What do they do in their free time?他们在空余时间做什么?

⑨I’m sorry we have no more time. 很抱歉我们没更多的时间了。

⑩Nice talking to you.很高兴与你谈话。

Unit 5 Topic 2

1.make cards 制作卡片

2.dining hall 餐厅

3.swimming pool 游泳池

4.do some cleaning打扫卫生

5. of course 当然

6. look for寻找

7.on the shelf 在架子上8. on time准时按时

9.show sb around 领某人参观10.a few 一些,少量

11.at the back of 在…的背后12.draw pictures 绘画

13. on the playground在操场上14.in the gym在健身房

15. borrow sth from sb 向某人借某物16. look for 寻找

17.have a soccer game 进行一场足球比赛18. one day 有一天

①--What are you doing now?你现在在做什么?

②Are you doing your homework?你现在正在做作业吗?

③ I’m making cards. 我正在制作卡片。

④Excuse me, may I borrow some English workbooks?


borrow sth. from sb.向某人借某物(借入)

lend sth. to sb.借某物给某人(借出)

⑤How long can I keep them?我可以借(这些书)多久呢?

用How long 提问,只能用延续性动词keep回答,keep 在这里也是“借”的意思,Borrow和lend都是短暂性动词,不能与表示持续的时间状语连用。如I want to borrow the book for two day s. ( × )

I want to keep the book for two days. ( √ )

⑥The girl looks for the books on the shelves.那个女孩在书架上找书。

⑦A few students are running around the playground.一些学生正在围绕操场跑步。

A few 表示一些,几个,表示肯定。Few表示“很少,几乎没有”表示否定。

