

3、能够完成match and say练习并能正确在其中运用。
4、能理解Story Time中故事。
教学难点:掌握以下形容词的比较级构词形式heavy---heavier, thin---thinner,big---biggersmall---smaller , strong---stronger.教具学具课件准备有关卡片,磁带等。
第几课时:3探索流程个性添加(教学反思)1、warm-up(热身)(1)日常口语练习(2)复习2、presentation(新课呈现)Let’s learn(1)教师拿出一双大人鞋子一双小孩的鞋子作比较,让一呈现单词bigger和smaller。
practice(练习)Match and say教师先示范和一名同学,鼓励学生说出又创意的句子,如:Mike’s fish is bigger than mine.S1:sarah’s fish is(2)story time学生默读后回答,“Who is an excellent goalkeeper?” Why?让学生说出不理解的句子,一块讨论,扫清阅读障碍。

新湘少版六年级上册英语教案一、教学目标1. 研究掌握本单元的词汇和句型。
2. 培养学生的听、说、读、写能力。
3. 学会听力材料中出现的数字并进行简单运算。
4. 了解不同国家和地区的文化俗。
5. 能够根据所学内容进行简单的对话和交流。
二、教学重点1. 让学生学会听、说、读、写基础词汇和句型。
2. 培养学生的语言表达能力和语感。
3. 借助数字和运算符号培养学生的数学思维能力。
三、教学难点1. 让学生学会听力材料中的数字并能够进行简单运算。
2. 培养学生对不同文化的理解和兴趣。
四、教学方法1. 情景教学法:通过模拟真实场景,让学生自然沉浸在研究中,提高研究兴趣和效果。
2. 合作研究法:通过小组合作、角色扮演等方式,培养学生的合作能力和互相尊重的品质。
3. 复巩固法:通过多种形式的复巩固,如口头答题、课外练等,巩固所学知识。
五、教学过程1. Warm-up(5分钟)利用图片、视频等素材呈现与本单元主题相关的情境,提升学生对所学内容的兴趣。
2. Presentation(20分钟)介绍本单元重点单词和句型,并通过多种方式让学生理解其具体含义。
3. Practice(25分钟)1. 听力练:播放听力材料,并让学生学会听懂数字及其运算。
2. 口语练:让学生根据研究内容进行问答、交流等口语练。
3. 书面练:让学生根据图片、视频等场景进行书面表达练。
4. Production(10分钟)让学生在小组内进行角色扮演,并表达所学内容。
5. Summary(5分钟)总结本节课所学知识,并回顾本单元重点内容。
六、教学评估1. 学生的课堂表现评价。
2. 学生的书面作业评价。
3. 学生在小组合作中展现的个人能力评价。
七、作业布置1. 让学生完成本节课程的书面作业。
2. 让学生准备下次课的角色扮演材料。

新湘少版六年级上册英语教案教案标题:新湘少版六年级上册英语教案教学目标:1. 掌握并运用新词汇和短语,能正确使用them、these、those等指代词。
2. 能正确使用一般过去时的肯定、否定和疑问句形式。
3. 能运用所学句型描述人物特征、个人爱好等。
4. 能正确使用can和can't表述个人能力和不能力。
5. 能正确运用所有的情态动词。
教学重点:1. 学会正确使用them、these、those等指代词。
2. 掌握一般过去时的肯定、否定和疑问句形式。
3. 运用所学句型描述人物特征、个人爱好等。
教学难点:1. 运用所学句型描述人物特征、个人爱好等。
2. 运用所学词汇和短语能正确使用them、these、those等指代词。
教具准备:教材:新湘少版六年级上册英语教材课件:PPT和多媒体设备教学过程:Step 1: Warm-up1. 播放一段英文歌曲,让学生跟着节奏拍打掌声。
2. 出示一些图片,提问学生关于图片内容的问题,以激发学生的兴趣。
Step 2: Presentation1. 通过课件或黑板,介绍并讲解新词汇和短语,如:them、these、those等。
2. 让学生通过练习,学会正确使用这些指代词。
3. 通过图片或幻灯片,引入一般过去时的肯定、否定和疑问句形式,并让学生完成相应的练习。
Step 3: Practice1. 在课堂上,给学生进行口语练习,让他们使用新学的句型描述人物特征、个人爱好等。
2. 教师适当提供一些问题和提示,引导学生进行对话练习。
Step 4: Production1. 设计一些情景对话,让学生在小组中进行表演,展示他们的语言和交流能力。
2. 鼓励学生进行创作,自由运用所学知识进行写作。
3. 教师适时进行点评和总结,让学生意识到自己的进步,并鼓励他们继续努力。
Step 5: Homework布置适当的作业,要求学生进行写作练习,运用所学内容,描述自己的朋友或家人的特征和爱好。

新湘少版六年级上册英语教案教案一:Unit 1 My Day目标:1. 学习日常生活中的常见动作和活动的表达方式。
2. 学会使用一般现在时态描述日常活动。
3. 培养学生的听说能力,能够用英语询问和回答关于日常活动的问题。
教学重点:1. 日常活动的表达方式和用语。
2. 用一般现在时态描述日常活动。
3. 关于日常活动的单词。
教学难点:1. 如何使用一般现在时来描述日常活动。
2. 如何用英语进行简单的对话。
教学准备:1. 教师需要提前准备好与本单元相关的图片和单词卡片。
2. 学生需要准备好笔和纸,用于进行练习和作业。
教学过程:Step 1:导入新课1. 用图片或实物呈现一些日常活动,如吃早饭、刷牙、穿衣服等,让学生猜测这些活动的英文表达方式。
2. 引导学生展示并说出相关动作的单词,然后教师出示单词卡片进行搭配练习,激发学生的学习兴趣。
Step 2:学习新课1. 出示图片,让学生用英语描述所看到的日常活动。
2. 引导学生观察图片,根据图片中的人物和动作进行问答练习。
3. 教师板书一般现在时的句型:“I eat breakfast in the morning.”,并进行解释和讲解。
Step 3:巩固练习1. 学生分组进行对话练习,用英语向同伴介绍自己的日常活动。
2. 教师随堂巩固学生的学习成果,进行适当的纠错和指导。
3. 作业:完成课后练习册上的相关练习。
教案二:Unit 2 My Family目标:1. 学习家庭成员的称呼及其相关的表达方式。
2. 学会用英语描述家庭成员的身份和特征。
3. 培养学生的口语表达能力,能够用英语介绍自己的家庭。
教学重点:1. 家庭成员的称呼及其相关的表达方式。
2. 用英语描述家庭成员的身份和特征。
教学难点:1. 如何正确使用家庭成员的称呼以及相关的表达方式。
2. 如何用英语进行简单的介绍和对话。
教学准备:1. 教师需要准备好与本单元相关的图片和单词卡片。

湘少版六年级上册英语全册教案第一单元:Family课时一:Unit 1 Family教学目标- 学会介绍自己的家庭成员及其职业- 掌握家庭成员的称谓- 学会使用“everyone”来指代家庭成员- 学会运用句子结构:“My {family member} is a {occupation}.”教学准备- 单元教材- 黑板、白板或幻灯片教学步骤1. 导入新课,引起学生对家庭的兴趣,并激发他们谈论家庭成员的愿望。
2. 通过图片和口头描述,向学生介绍家庭成员的称谓和职业。
3. 引导学生使用“everyone”来指代家庭成员的概念,并练使用“everyone”来制造问答句。
4. 呈现句子结构:“My {family member} is a {occupation}.”,并引导学生运用该句型进行练。
5. 进行对话创作活动,让学生互相介绍自己家庭成员的职业。
6. 总结本课内容,鼓励学生用英语描述自己的家庭成员及其职业。
课堂练1. 根据图片提示,用正确的家庭成员称谓补全句子。
- My __________ is a doctor.- I have two __________. They are my younger brothers.- Who is the __________ in your family?- Our __________ works at a school.2. 根据提示回答问题。
- Who is an artist in your family?- How many sisters do you have?- What does your father do?- Is your mother a teacher?课后作业1. 完成课本上有关家庭成员的练题。
2. 家庭成员调查:询问家人的职业,并用英语记录下来。
拓展活动1. 家庭相册制作:学生带来家人照片,制作一个家庭相册,并利用相册进行口语表达练。

你知道如何写一篇优秀的教案吗?下面是我为你准备的新湘少版六年级上册英语教案,快来借鉴一下并自己写一篇与我们分享吧!新湘少版六年级上册英语教案篇1【课题】第六单元Lesson 31【重点】1.围绕本单元重点句式,针对画面进行充分的问答练习。
【过程】1. warm-up / revision:1)日常口语会话。
2)游戏:猜猜数字:一个学生心里想一个数字,其他学生猜测:学生问:Is it …?这个同学根据别的同学的猜测进行判断,并用UP / DOWN 来提示。
教师注意倾听学生-teen和-ty 的读音。
2. Learn to say:1)学生打开书看一分钟,注意观察画面。
2)合上书,回忆你在画面上看到了什么?What did you see in the picture? 锻炼学生记忆力。
Please talk about what you see in the pictures in you groups.4)学生叙述看到的.东西,教师播放与课文配套的影片。
教师引导学生回答:How many … are there in the picture?Where are they?教师提问:What colour is it / are they?回答后,再播放一遍影片。

制定评价标准:明 确评价目标和内容, 制定评价标准和评 分细则
实施评价:根据评价 标准对学生的学习情 况进行评价,包括课 堂表现、作业完成情况、考试成绩等
反馈与改进:将评价 结果反馈给学生,帮 助学生了解自己的学 习情况,并根据评价 结果进行教学改进
总结与反思:对评价过 程进行总结,反思存在 的问题和不足,为今后 的教学提供参考和指导
情景教学:创设真实的语言环境, 让学生在实际情境中运用英语
探究学习:鼓励学生自主探究,培 养他们的创新思维和解决问题的能 力
利用多媒体教学软件,如PowerPoint、Flash等,制作生动有趣的课件 利用网络资源,如英语学习网站、在线英语课程等,丰富教学内容 利用音频、视频资源,如英语歌曲、英语电影等,提高学生听力和口语能力 利用互动教学工具,如互动白板、平板电脑等,增强学生参与度和学习兴趣
形成性评价:通过课堂表现、作业完成情况等对学生进行评价 总结性评价:通过期末考试、期中考试等对学生进行评价 自我评价:让学生对自己的学习情况进行自我评价 他人评价:让学生互相评价,或者让家长、老师对学生进行评价
评价内容:包括听说读写四个方面的能力 评价方式:采用多种形式,如课堂表现、作业完成情况、考试等 评价标准:根据学生的实际表现,制定合理的评价标准 评价反馈:及时向学生和家长反馈评价结果,以便改进教学
播放一段英语歌曲,激发学生的学习兴趣 展示一些与课程内容相关的图片或视频,引导学生进入学习状态 提出一些与课程内容相关的问题,引导学生思考并回答问题 介绍本节课的主要内容和学习目标,让学生了解学习任务和要求
引入新课:通过图片、视频等方式引入新课内容 讲解新词:讲解新单词的发音、含义和用法 讲解语法:讲解新语法点的用法和例句 练习巩固:通过练习题、游戏等方式巩固所学内容

教学目标:《小学英语课程标准》强调指出:“英语教学要重视对学生实际语言运用能力的培养,重视学生的学习方式和任务型的教学途1/ 20径,发展学生的综合语言运用能力。
” 根据以上要求及对学生实际情况的分析,我制定了如下教学目标。
教学策略:(一)教学方式与学习方式[教学方式:“任务型”教学方式学习方式:自主探究、合作交流] 本课的设计中,我运用了“任务型”教学方式,要求学生通过表达、询问、解释、沟通、交涉、协商等多种语言活动形式来完成任务,同时注重英语中听、说、读、写各项基本技能的训练;英语课程标准强调重视学生实际语言运用能力的培养,倡导体验、实践、参与、合作与交流的学习方式。
(二)评价方式[评价方式:多元性评价] 心理学家指出:学生在课堂上有获得表扬的需要,评价的主体应该是多元性的。

湘少版六年级上册英语教案新版Document serial number【NL89WT-NY98YT-NC8CB-NNUUT-NUT108】Unit 1What did you do during the holiday?Period 1Teaching targets.1. The target of knowledge:1) Learn these new words: slide, bench, bark, chain, swing2) Learn these sentences: be doing sth2. The targets of skills:1) Can understand the four –skill words.2) Can understand the sentence structure.3.The targets of emotion:To love the living surrounding.Main points :The new words and sentences.Difficult point: Can describe the other s actions.Teaching method and Learning way: CAITeaching Process:Step 1 Warming upGreetings.Learn to sing a songUse the cards to go over the new dialogueGame—Quick responseRetell the storyStep2 Presentation and drill1.T : Hello,boys and girls ,,nice to meet you again,today is thefirst day of this term.let‘s go to a park and have a look,what will happen in the park! Show a picture of a park ,learn the new wordsA swing2. Show the pictures and put them on the picture (in the park),and learn to say the words.3.Leads reading the words,and requires the pupils to act as a little teacher,leads reading4.Look and say: High and low voiceStep3 Fast reading and listening1) Show the picturesT introduces the situation and requires the pupils to read the dialogue by themselves2)Listen and repeat ,leads reading3)Listen and imitationStep4 Instive doingReading the dialogue carefullyListen and repeat the dialogueRetell the story ,check the resulPeriod 2Teaching targets.1) Consolidate these new words: slide, bench, bark, chain, swing2)Can master these sentences: be doing sth2.The targets of emotion:To love the living surrounding. wMain points :The new words and sentences.Difficult point: Can describe the other s actions.retell the story Teaching Process:Step 1 Warming upGreetings.Learn to sing a songUse the cards to go over the new dialogueGame—Quick responseRetell the storyStep2 Presentation and drill1.T :Let‘s listen and repeat the story togetherShow the new words ,requires the pupils to read ,go over the words. Step3 Practice1) Show the picturesT introduces the situation and requires the pupils to read the dialogue by themselves2)Listen and repeat ,leads reading3)Listen and imitationStep4 Consolidation1)Make a stuation and have a dialogue with their partners, choose some to act it outA: Sports meeting ,the children are watching the athelets.They‘re talking about the sports .2)Estimation3)Homework: Listen and read the dialogue, copy the new words NoPeriod 3Teaching targets.1)Go over these four-skill words2) Learn to sing a songMain points : The new words and sentences, the English song Difficult point: Can describe the other‘s actions; learn to sing the song Teaching Process:Step 1 Warming upGreetings.Go over the four-skill wordsPlay a game – magic eyes3. Use the cards to go over the new dialogue ,and make sentences with the present time ,they are required not to make the same sentences4. Retell the storyStep2 Presentation and drill1.Part E Listen to the tape and requires them to read the words ,and try to say the words2.ow the new words ,leads reading ,and learn to sing the song.3.Listen to tape and follow it ,sing the song togetherStep3 Practice1) Part FExplain the situation for the class (The children want to see a film , requires pupils to find out how the children reach the cinema)2)Requires the pupils to find the answers ,say their answersfirst ,then write down on the book.Step4 Consolidation1)Make a situation and have a dialogue with their partners, choose some to act it out2)EstimationNotes:Unit2 katie always gets up earlyPeriod 1Teaching targets.1. The target of knowledge:Learn these new words: wake up, make the bed, wave, I‘m late2) Learn these sentences: sb do sth at some time(the third time)2. The targets of skills:1) Can understand the four –skill words.2) Can understand the sentence structure.3.The targets of emotion:To form the health living habitMain points :The new words and sentences.Difficult point:sb do (does )sth at some time.Teaching method and Learning way: CAITeaching Process:Step 1 Warming up1.Greetings.2.Learn to sing a song-London Bridge is falling downe the cards to go over the wordsGame—Guess ,guess, guess4.Retell the story—Unit 1Step2 Presentation and drill1.T : You‘re very good.You are all good pupils.And Katie ia a good pupil too. Everyone likes her . She is never late for school.She always gets up early every day . Then she makes bed .after breakfast, she waves her family goodbye.T says the sentences and does the actions to helps pupils to understand the meanings. learn the new wordsLead reading the words and check the results.According to the words ,sk some questions and requires pupils to answer the questions.T: Do you get up early everyday?…2. Game –Patting flies.3.Leads reading the words,and requires the pupils to act as a little teacher,leads reading4.Look and say: High and low voiceStep3 Fast reading and listeningRead the dialogue quickly ,then answer the following question What time does Katie‘s father leave for work?T introduces the situation and requires the pupils to read the dialogue by themselves2)Listen and imitationStep4 Intensive doing1)Reading the dialogue carefully2)Listen and repeat the dialoguePeriod 2Teaching targets.1)Consolidate these new words2)Can master these sentence structure: sb do (does) sth every day 2.The targets of emotion:To love the life.Main points :The new words and sentences.Difficult point: Can use the present time of the third person Teaching Process:Step 1 Warming up1.Greetings.2. sing a songe the cards to go over the wordsGame—Golden fingerSay something about your daily lifeStep2 Presentation and drillShow the new words : always ,often , usually ,never Requires the pupils to read ,go over the words.Teacher explin the grammar for the pupils .Eg. Katie always get up early.Notes: always表示―老是,总是,一直‖与never相对Never表示―永不,决不,从来没有‖Often表示―常常,时常,通常‖Usually表示―惯常地,通常地‖Step3 Practice1) Part D1)ractice in pairs,according to the form to say something about Peter ‘s day.2)Group workStep4 Consolidationalways often usually neverMakes breakfast for familyWashes clothes in the morningCooks dinner for the hildren….1)Make a stuation and have a dialogue with their partners, choose some to act it out2)EstimationPeriod 3Teaching targets.1)Go over these four-skill word, text,grammar2) Can finish Part EMain points : The new words and sentencesDifficult point: Can describe the other‘s actions ,make differences between ―always,never,often,usually‖Teaching Process:Step 1 Warming up1.Greetings.2.Go over the four-skill wordsStep2 Presentation and drill1.Explain the sentences for the class ,then requires the pupils to communicate with others ,according to the information in the form.2.Part E Listen to the tape and requires them to finish Part E,check the answers.3.Listen to tape and follow it4.Requires the pupils to find the answers ,say their answersfirst ,then write down on the book.Step3 Consolidation1)Make a situation and have a dialogue with their partners, choose some to act it out2)EstimationNotes:Unit3 I like my computerPeriod 1Teaching targets.1.The target of knowledge:1)Learn these new words: underwater world , picnic, library,science story2) Learn these sentences: sb do sth at some time(the third time)2.The targets of skills:1) Can understand the four –skill words.2) Can understand the sentence structure: the imperative sentence Can describe person‘s willing with the imperative sentence3.The targets of emotion:Can describe person‘s willing with the imperative sentence Main points :The new words and the imperative sentence. Difficult point: Let‘s do sth .Teaching method and Learning way: CAITeaching Process:Step 1 Warming up1.Greetings.Step2 Presentation and drill1.T : Hello ,boys and girls .I don‘t feel happy today ,can you guess why?Requires the pupils to guess the reasons.Ss: …T :Let me tell you , My new watch missing yesterday(show a watch)I want to go to the library to read the science stories ,but my friend told me it was not open.I want to the park for a pinic,but my friend wanted to go to the shopping center. Say the words and show thecards ,helps pupils to understand the meanings. learn the new words Lead reading the words and check the results.2. Game –Patting flies.3.Leads reading the words,and requires the pupils to act as a little teacher, leads readingStep3 Fast reading and listening1.Read the dialogue quickly ,then answer the following question Where did the go?T introduces the situation and requires the pupils to find the answer .2)Listen and imitationStep4 Intensive doing1)Reading the dialogue carefully,then finish the formpople SuggestionsPeter Go to the Underwater WorldLing ling Go to the park for a picnic/go to the shopping center Mingming Go to the libraryAnne Go to the beachResults Too late to go out 2)Listen and repeat the dialogue3)According to the form,retell the storyFinish patC ,then listen and repeatStep5 ConsolidationRequire the pupils to act it outEstimationsNotes:Period 2Teaching targets.1)Can master these sentence structure: the imperative sentence2) Can retell the story2.The targets of emotion:To love the life.Main points :The new words and sentence structure.Difficult point: Can use the imperative sentenceTeaching Process:Step 1 Warming up1.Greetings.2. sing a songe the cards to go over the wordsGame—Golden fingerLook at the picture and retell the dailogueStep2 Presentation and drill1.T:Ok,you ve done a good job.today is very hot,I feel verythirsty .Are you thirsty now?I want to have some water Hmm,I‘m not thirsty .But I don‘t have breakfast ,I feel hungry…Lead the pupils to say :Let‘s go to the hospital!2.Do and say(Game)Game—Making friendHot thirsty bored hungry happy sickRestaurant swimming pool , cinema park hospital cafe Step3 Practice 1 .Part D1) Finish Pard D2)Group work: Have a competitionPut the cards into a box ,requires pupils to choose one card ,and make a sentenceEg:hotI feel hot ,I want to the swimming poolStep4 ConsolidationMake a stuation and have a dialogue with their partners, choose some to act it outDiscuss where do you want to go ,take a note2)EstimationNotes:Period 3Teaching targets.1)Go over these four-skill word, text,grammar2) Can finish Part E,F Main points : To consolidate the grammarDifficult point: To improve the ability of speakingTeaching Process:Step 1 Warming up1.Greetings.2.Sing an English songGame –Guess,guess,guessChoose a card and do the action, requires pupils to guess Step2 Presentation and drillT: I want to buy some milk ,where can I go?S: You can go to the supermarketT: I wan to see a football game ,where can I go?S: You can go to the stadium…Have a free talk with their partnersGame—Quick responseT says the name of the place ,requires the pupils to say the activity which we can haveEg: S1:CinemaS2:See a film…Step3 Consolidation1)Make a situation and have a dialogue with their partners, choose some to act it out2)EstimationNotes:Unit4 The Mid-Autumn Festive is comingPeriod 1Teaching targets.1.The target of knowledge:Learn these new words: egg yolk , grapes, tea , mooncake2) Learn to tell the story.2.The targets of skills:1) Can understand the four –skill words.2)Can tell the story and understand some traditional festive culture 3.The targets of emotion:Main points :Understand the story and retell it.Difficult point: Retell the story .Teaching method and Learning way: CAITeaching Process:Step 1 Warming up1.Greetings.2.Sing a song.3.Retell or act out the Unit2Step2 Presentation and drill1.Lead in the new dialogue and learn the new words : mooncake , eggyolk ,grapesT: I‘m hungry ,I want to eat this after class.Do you know what it is?Lead the pupils to answer like this: It‘s a mooncakeWrite the word and lead reading : mooncake , the Mid-Autumn Festive , eggyolk , grapesLead reading the words and check the results.2. Game –Magic eyes.3. Game –Brain stornStep3 Fast reading and listening1.Read the dialogue quickly ,then answer the following question How could Chang‘e fly to the moon?2.Listen and imitationStep4 Intensive reading1)Reading the dialogue carefully,then answer the following questions: Why did Chang‘e take the magic medicineWhat did shi bring with herto the moonWas Chang‘e happy on the moon?How did people celebrate Mid—Autumn Festive?2)Listen and repeat the dialogue3) Choose one picture to retell the storyStep5 ConsolidationShow the picture about the story ,and give them the key words ,retell the storyEstimationPeriod 2Teaching targets.1)Can master these words and phrases: shall,except ,each other2) Canact out the story2.The targets of emotion:To understand the festive culture of traditional festiveMain points :The new words and sentence structure.Difficult point: Can act out the storyTeaching Process:Step 1 Warming up1.Greetings.e the cards to go over the wordsStep2 Presentation and drillT put an ornament of Chang‘eT: I want to fly to the moon,I shall take this medicine Help pupils to understand the meaningT: I feel so lonely here .There is no one except the rabbit and me .I miss my husband .We miss each other very much.2.Learn to say the new words3.Require the class to estimate the teacher‘s performance4.Read the story ,then act out the story(three pupils as a group) Step3 Practice1 . Game--Brain stormGame—Little actorStep4 Consolidation1)Make a stuation and have a dialogue with their partners, choose some to act it outDiscuss where do you want to go ,take a note2)EstimationNotes:Period 3Teaching targets.1)Go over these four-skill wordsCan sing the song:Do Re MiTo cultivate the pupils‘ patriotism, to promote their culture knowleageMain points : To consolidate the words and can sing the song :Do Re MiDifficult point: Read and understand the text ,to grasp the divergence of east-west cultureTeaching Process:Step 1 Warming up1.Greetings.2.Sing an English songGame – Make friendsChoose a card put the cards to the stickersStep2 Presentation and drill1.T: I want to buy some milk ,where can I go?S: You can go to the supermarketT: I wan to see a football game ,where can I go?S: You can go to the stadium…2.Have a free talk with their partners3.Game—Quick responseStep3 Consolidation1)Make a situation and have a dialogue with their partners, choose some to act it out2)EstimationUnit5 It will be sunny and cool tomorrowPeriod 1Teaching targets.1.The target of knowledge:1)Learn these new words:living room,phone,loudly,noisly,quietly Learn to tell the story.2.The targets of skills:1) Can understand the four –skill words.2) Can use the adv. skillfully3.The targets of emotion:To filter the education of good-manners ,to help students to form the habit of good behavior wMain points :Understand the story and retell it.Difficult point: Retell the story .Teaching Process:Step 1 Warming up1.Greetings.2.Sing a song.Do Re Mi3.Retell or act out the Unit4Step2 Presentation and drill1.Lead in the neT: Who are theyThey are my friends,Lingling and Dongdong,Do you know where they were yesterdayThey were in my home.T describes the situation vividly, lead the pupils to understand with exaggerational countenance and objects.T:…Write the word and lead reading the new words,explain the words for the students.Lead reading the words and check the results.2. Game –Look and say(Consolidate the adv.)Step3 Fast reading and listening1.Read the dialogue quickly ,then answer the following question What s the weather like today?Why can‘t Mrs.Chen hear herfriend on the phone?2.To help the pupils to understand the word: heavily3.Listen and imitation(Ask the pupils to find the adv. And draw out) Step4 Intensive reading1)Reading the dialogue carefully,then answer the following questions: Who is Mrs.Chen talking to?What are the children doing in the living room?How is Dongdong playing?Who is talking louding?2)Listen and repeat the dialogue3) Choose one picture to retell the storyStep5 ConsolidationRetell the story,finish the following formit Rain heavily outsideLingling and Dongdong Play noisily in the living room Mrs.Chen Talk not clearly on the phoneDongdong Play noisilyLingling Talk loudlyLingling and dongdong Play quietly in the bedroom EstimationsNotes:Period 2Teaching targets.1)Can master and perform the adv.:slowly,quickly,softly2) Can act out the story2.The targets of emotion:To filter their interestings of learning EnglishMain points :The new words and sentence structure.Difficult point: Can act out the storyTeaching Process:Step 1 Warming up1.Greetings.e the cards to go over the words3.Game—Quick response4.Look at the picture and retell the dialogue,have a match Step2 Presentation and drillCountiue the game,lead in the new wordsT walks slowly, guides the pupils to describe the teacher‘s action:The teacher is walking slowlyHelp pupils to understand the meaning,learn to say the words2.Learn to say the other new words:softly,speak;Play a game—Singing different tuneT: Speak slowlySs:Speak quickly……Step3 Practice1 . Part DDevide into groups,requires the groups to describe the pictures orall y.Step4 Consolidation1) Free talk(The teacher introduce herself in English with different speaking speed ,to edify the students to express their willings politely)2)EstimationPeriod 3Teaching targets.1)Go over these four-skill words2)Can advance the ability of performing language comprehensively3)Can enhance the interestings of learning EnglishMain points : To consolidate the wordsDifficult point: Read and understand the text ,to grasp the divergence of east-west cultureTeaching Process:Step 1 Warming up1.Greetings.2.2.Sing a song3.3.Go over the words4.Requires threestudents to play game,one puts up aword(verb),another put up a word(adv.),the others make a sentence with the two words5.4.Free talk and performance6.Step2 Presentation and drill7.PartE8.T points to the Mrs.Zhao9.T: Who is she?10.Ss:She is Mrs.Zhao11.T: What is she doing?12.Answer: She is dancing happilye the same way to learn another words:politely,carefully14.2.Have a free talk with their partners15.Step3 Practice16.Requires the students to express :what is ..doing17.PartF18.T:What are they doing19.3.Listen and sing20.Step4Consolidation21.Make a situation and have a dialogue with their partners, choose so22.me to act it out23.Situation: one morning ,you and your friend go to the park,you see many people are doing morning exercises ,you are talking about it24.2)EstimationUnit6 I will bring a big bottle of orange juicePeriod 1Teaching targets.1.The target of knowledge:Learn these new words: week,worried,scared,measure,weigh, Heavy,light 2)Can understand and retell the text2.The targets of skills:To improve the skills of listening ,speaking ,reading and writing To improve the ability of performing language comprehensively3.The targets of emotion:To filter the physique educationMain points :Understand the story and retell it.Difficult point: Retell the story ,the method of special question Teaching Process:Step 1 Warming up1.Greetings.2.Perform the song :Row your boatUse the cards to go over the wordsGame—Magic eyeGame—What‘s missing4.Retell or act out the Unit4Step2 Presentation and drill1.Lead in the new dialogue and learn the new words : week, worried, scared, measure, weigh, Heavy, lightT show a phote of baby(a student‘s phote).T:Look,he is one of our classmate.He looked very weakWrite the word and lead reading the new word ,explain the words for the students.T: his mother measured him,and he was only 90centimetres,his mot。

新湘少版六年级上册英语教案集团标准化办公室:[VV986T-J682P28-JP266L8-68PNN]Unit 1 What did you do during the holidays?Period 1一、Teaching aims1.Enable the Ss listen, read, say and write the new words: learn words and sentences, , learn writing and price listening.2.Enable the Ss be familiar with the past tense.3.Sentence: What did ...do during the summer holidays二、Teaching emphasis: Enable the Ss listen, read, say and write the new words and talk about the past events.三、Teaching difficulties: Enable the Ss be familiar with the past tense.四、Teaching : Tape, pictures五、Teaching method Oral method六、Teaching steps:Step 1 Warming up1.Greetings and . Simon says: word list-, learn, write, talk, listen, do, have, go, take, read, speak, teach and holidays.2.Make a conversation with the Ss. T: Glad to see you again. Ss:Glad to see you too. T: What did you do during the summer holidays Ss: I went to Haina n…Step 2 Presentation and drill1. Show the picture of “learn words and sentences”. T: This is a picture of Mingming during the summer holidays. What did he doSs: He is learning words and sentences.T: He is not doing it now. He learnt words and sentences during the summer holidays.2.Learn the other words in the same way.3.Read together.4.Little teacher.Step 3 PriceT: He learnt words and sentences. They ed . She learnt writing. He practised listening. (Action) learn words and sentences, play games, learn writing and practice listening…3.The Ss act and say.4. Listen to the tape of Part A and then answer these questions. What Anne do during the summer holidays What did Mingming do during the summer holidays 3. Listen and repeat.5.Act it out.Step 4 Consolidation 1. Evaluation. 2. Do Ex. 3.Homework. Copy the new words. Design of the blackboard:Period 2一、Teaching aims:1. Enable the Ss listen, read and say the dialogue;2.Enable the Ss the sentence pattern: What you do during the holidays3.4.5.Enable the Ss master read the short passages and judge True or False.二、Teaching emphasis: Enable the Ss listen, read and say the dialogue;三、Teaching difficulties: Enable the Ss master the sentence pattern: What did you do during the holidays四、Teaching : Tape, pictures五、Teaching method Oral method六、Teaching steps:Step 1 Warming up1. Greetings.2.Act and say. 1). (Action) learn words and sentences, , learn writing and price listening… 2). Tom: I played games. Ss: Tom played games. …Step 2 Presentation and drill 1. Listen to the tape and learn the Word Bank. What you do during the holidaysI read many books. I visited my grandparents. I played games with my friends.Step 3 Practice1. Listen to the tape and repeat.2. Pair-work.3.Group-work .Step 4 Let’s Read1.Read the short passage and then judge True or Flase.2.Read the passage again and underline the key sentences.3.Check the answers.Step 5 Consolidation1. Evaluation.2.Do Ex3. Homework. Design of the blackboard:Period3一、Teaching aims:1. Enable the Ss talk about their holidays.2. Enable the Ss and write down their holidays.二、Teaching emphasis: Enable the Ss describe their holidays.三、Teaching difficulties: Enable the Ss to talk about and write down their holidays四、Teaching : Tape五、Teaching method Oral method六、Teaching steps:Step 1 Warming up1.Greetings.2.Read Part A together.3.Step 2 Presentation and drill4.5.1. Ask students to talk about their summer holidays and then let them finish Part E: write down your answers2.Check the answer.3. Ask two Ss to talk about their answers.Step 3 Let’s Have Fun1.Class work. Look at the pictures, describe Mingming’s and Anne’s holidays.2. Class work. describe your holidays.Step 4 Consolidation1.Do Ex. Workbook Unit 1.2. Evaluation3. Homework. Revise Unit 1. Design of the blackboard:2、Katie always gets up early.Period 1Teaching aims.1.The aims of knowledge:Learn these new words: wake up; make the bed; wave; latealways; usually; often; never.2. The aims of skills:a. Ss can understand the four –skill words: wake up; makethe bed; wave; lateb. Ss can understand the words: always; usually; often; never.c. Ss can describe the other’s actions.3.Emotion, attitudes and valueTo form the health living habitMain points and difficult point:The students master the words: wake up; make the bed; wave; late; always; usually; often; never.Teaching method and Learning way:TPR; Task-based method; DiscussingTeaching aids :Cards, tape ,record, picturesTeaching Process:Step 1 Warming upa. Greetings.b. sing a song: London Bridge is falling downc. Free talk. Talking about my day.Step 2 Reviewa. Game—Guess ,guess, guessUse the cards to go over the wordsb. I usually at 6.make the bede.g. a. Do she in morning?b. first thing he does after getting up is to .a greeting挥手致意good-bye to sb.挥手告别late.e.g. I’m lateautumn暮秋, 深秋get up 睡懒觉b. Let the students understand frequency Adverbs(频率副词):always often usually never alwaysRead these words several times and try to remember them. At the same time, explain the meanings of different adverbs of frequency.100% alwaysI always stay at home in the evenings.90% usuallyI usually wake up early.80% oftenHe often goes to school on foot.0% neverHe never goes to school late.Step 3. PracticePractice the words.a. Game 1. Loud and low voice.b. Game 2. Quick responseThe teacher brings out some pictures and word cards, the students speak out the words quickly.c. Game 3. Guessing gameWriting on blackboard:2、Katie always gets up early.c a k ew a k e wake upm a k e make the bed.w a v el a t ePeriod 2Teaching aims:A. Knowledge and skillsa. Learn Part A Let’s listen and say. Katie’s Day.b. Grasp the usage of adverbs of frequency.B. Processes and methodsa. With the studying strategies, get the students to work in pairs or groups to talk about their day.b. Let the students practice speaking and writing.C. Emotion, attitudes and valueThe content of this part is close to the students’daily life and the topic deals with the students’ daily activities, so it is helpful for the students to learn about more daily activities. It can help the students to carry on the language practice about the topic and to arouse their great interest in learning English; On the other hand, it provide the students with opportunities to understand one another better.Teaching difficulties and focuses:a. Ss can use the present tense of the third personget-gets make-makes wash-washes run-runs leave-leaves have-hasb. Ss can master sentence structure: sb do sth at some timeTeaching method:Task-based Learning MethodTeaching aids:Cards, recorder and some objectsTeaching Process:Step 1 Warming upa. Greetings.b. sing a songStep 2ReviewGame—Golden fingerUse the cards to go over the wordsStep 3 Presentation and drilla. Listening to the recorderb. T: You’re very good. You are all good pupils. And Katie is a good pupil too. Everyone likes her. She is never late for school. She always gets up early every day . Then she makes bed .after breakfast, she waves her family goodbye.c. Fast reading the text.d. Answer the following questions.Does Katie always gets up early?What time does Katie wash her face?What time does Katie make her bedIs Sally is often late?What time does Katie’s father leave for workc. Retell it , check the resultd. Practice in pairs, according to the form to say something about their day.Step5 Consolidationa. Part C About the story.Put a tick(√)if the sentences correct of a cross(×)if they are wrong.1.Katie always gets up at six o’clock. (√)2.Katie always washes her face at 6:15 am. (×)3.Katie’s family often has breakfast at 6:45 am.(×)4.Sally always goes to the breakfast table on time.(×)5.Katie’s father usually waves then goodbye. (√)b. Homework: Listen and read the dialogue, copy thenew wordsWriting on blackboard:2、Katie always gets up early.get - getsmake - makeswash - washesrun - runsleave - leaveshave - hasPeriod 3Teachingaims.a. Going over words.b. Retell the story.c. Finish Part D, E, F.Main points:b. Homework: Listen and read the dialogue, copy the words ,and try to recite text。

三、教学内容与时数安排Unit 1 My School Day(12课时)Lesson 1: How’s your day? (2课时)Lesson 2: My school day. (2课时)Lesson 3: I have breakfast at 7:00. (2课时)Lesson 4: I have lunch at 12:00. (2课时)Unit 2 Animals(12课时)Lesson 1: What animals do you like? (2课时)Lesson 2: The lion is big. (2课时)Lesson 3: The monkey is funny. (2课时)Lesson 4: The panda is cute. (2课时)Lesson 5: The tiger is dangerous. (2课时)Unit 3 Let’s Move!(16课时)Lesson 1: Walk to school. (2课时)Lesson 2: Jump, jump, jump! (2课时)Lesson 3: Run, run, run! (2课时)Lesson 4: Swim, swim, swim! (2课时)Lesson 5: Skate, skate, skate! (2课时)Unit 4 The Weather(12课时)Lesson 1: What’s the weather like in Beijing? (2课时) Lesson 2: Is it rainy in Guangzhou? (2课时)Lesson 3: It’s hot outside. (2课时)Lesson 4: It’s cool in Shanghai. (2课时)Lesson 5: It’s cold in Harbin. (2课时)......四、教学方法与教学手段本套教材以任务型教学法为主,结合情景教学、合作学习、游戏教学等多种方法,丰富教学内容,提高学生的学习兴趣。

湘少版小学六年级英语上册教案(全册)湘少版小学六年级英语上册教案(全册)Unit 1 The children are playing in the park.Period 1一、教学目标1、能听懂、会说新单词swing,slide,bench,bark,chain,bite,stones;2、能理解课文;能正确运用现在进行时描述人物正在进行活动。
四、教学步骤Step 1 Warming up1.师生问候。
Step 2 Presentation and drill1. T: Hello, boys and girls. Nice to see you again! Today is thefirst day of this new term. I’m very happy. So let’s go to the parktogether!边说边将一张公园大门的图片贴在黑板上,布置成公园的场景。
T: Look! A swing. Do you like it?板书单词swing,带读。
T: What is the dog doing? It is barking.板书单词bark,带读。
T: Don’t throw the stones at the dog. It’ll bite you.板书单词stone和bite,并用动作帮助学生理解其含义。
T;The dog always bites the strangers,so the owers use the chain.板书单词chain,帮助学生理解其含义。

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文档下载后可定制修改,请根据实际需要进行调整和使用,谢谢!并且,本店铺为大家提供各种类型的实用资料,如工作总结、工作报告、文案策划、工作计划、作文大全、教案大全、演讲稿、其他资料等等,想了解不同资料格式和写法,敬请关注!Download tips: This document is carefully compiled by this editor.I hope that after you download it, it can help you solve practical problems. The document can be customized and modified after downloading, please adjust and use it according to actual needs, thank you!Moreover, our store provides various types of practical materials for everyone, such as work summaries, work reports, copywriting planning, work plans, essay summaries, lesson plans, speeches, and other materials. If you want to learn about different data formats and writing methods, please stay tuned!新湘少版六年级上册英语教案教案:Module 1 Unit 1 My Schoollife课时:90分钟教学目标:1.学生能够用英语介绍自己的学校生活。

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新湘少版小学六年级上英语全册教案课题Unit 1 What did you do during the holidays?分课时 1 总课时 3 上课时间月日教学目标1.加强学生对英语学习的认识及上学期期考情况2.进一步明确学习目的和学习任务3.进一步激发学生学习英语的兴趣4. 关于六年级毕业升学考试5.学习新单词:during holiday learn practise speak重点难点1.强调学习方法和学习习惯2.激发学生学习英语的兴趣3.学习目的和学习任务的明确教学准备单词卡片,ABC song,奖罚制度教学程序设计Step 1 Greetings &Warm-up1.GreetingsT:Hello, boys and girls. I am your English teacher. I am Miss Yong.Nice to see you .2.Sing a song.Step 2 Rules1.课堂用语2.学习要求:课前、课中、课后及奖罚制度3.六年级英语学习要求各单元重点单词、短语、句子:过听说关、背诵关、能读写Step 3准备工作(下节课检查)1. 英语书2. 课堂练习本3. 座次表:按组写名单Step 4 Presentation 新课呈现1.Lead-in.通过询问学生的暑假生活导入新课T:How was your summer holidays?引导学生回答★教学再设计Ss:Great!/Wonderful!2.Learn new words,并用游戏结合短语、句子操练新单词。
游戏:“打电话”“警察抓小偷”,丢炸弹“Bomb game”,魔法手指“Magic fingers”,传粉笔传纸片during holiday learn practise speakduring/holiday(during the holidays)learn--learn writing/learn words and sentencespractise--practise listening speak--speak English3.巩固新单词,短语,句子(老师说单词,学生说短语)Step 5 assignment1、抄写新单词,一个一条;2、抄写新短语,一个两遍;3、背记新单词,在组长手中拼背,下节早自习听写。