



sample 假如你是一位校长,你的学校需要招聘一名 数学教师,你要拟一份招 聘广告。招牌条 件如下: 要求:精通数学 工作经验:有两年工作经验 性格:耐心 认真 薪金:每天会得到100元报酬 联系电话:5553839
Would you like to be a math teacher? If your answer is “Yes”, we have a job for you as a teacher. We request you should have a good command of math. Besides, you should be patient and careful. You will get 100RMB per day. Please call 5553839 if you want to get more information about this work. BFZX Oct十四日我校将举办一场运动会 1.There is a piece of news that we will hold a sports meeting on Oct 24 in our school. 2.We will have a sports meeting in our school on Oct24 3.Our school is holding a sports meeting on the playground on Oct 24
WANTED Do you like children? Do you have free time in the afternoons? We need a baby-sitter for our son. He’s six years old. You must love children and be kind and patient. Working hours are 3 pm to 6 pm from Monday to Friday. Sometimes you will work on weekends. You can get 50RMB per hour.



电影英文海报范文In the heart of the city, a flicker of light pierces the darkness. A tale of dreams and destiny unfolds.Actors come to life, their stories woven into the fabric of the screen. Each frame, a snapshot of passion and perseverance.Laughter echoes through the halls, a testament to the comedic genius that lies within. A world where humor heals and hearts connect.Suspense grips the audience, every whisper a clue, every shadow a threat. A journey into the unknown, where the truth is as elusive as the night.Love blooms amidst chaos, a beacon of hope in a world torn apart. A story that reminds us of the power of the human spirit to endure and to love.The director's vision, a tapestry of creativity, each thread a unique voice in a symphony of art. A masterful blend of sight and sound that transcends the ordinary.Cinematography captures the essence of the narrative, transforming the mundane into the magical. A visual feastthat feeds the soul and stirs the imagination.As the credits roll, the audience rises, their hearts full, their minds inspired. A cinematic experience that leaves an indelible mark on the collective memory.。



英语角海报英文宣传语1、Impossible is nothing. Just do it! 一切皆有可能,只管去做吧!2、Happy English, happy childhood. 快乐英语,幸福童年。

3、To do the most, to show the best. 尽力做,秀最佳。

4、Fly my English dream. 放飞我的英语梦想。

5、Do our best, enjoy ourselves. 做最好的自己。

6、More English, more fun. 多些英语,多些快乐。

7、English paradise, our world. 英语乐园,你我的世界。

8、If I can, you must can! 我行,你也行9、Everybody speak English, the world will be nicer. 大家都来说英语,世界将更美好。

10、Don’t be shy, just have a try. 不要胆怯,勇于尝试。

11、The more you speak, the better you'll be! 说得越多,变得更好。

12、If you think you can , you can. 相信自己能行。

13、English is the key to the world. 英语是打开世界之门的钥匙。

14、Happy English, happy life. I believe I can do! 快乐英语,快乐生活。


15、Study English happily. Learn English easily. 开心学习,轻松掌握。

16、Promise little, but do much. 少许愿,多行动。

17、Be the master of study. 做学习的主人。



最后进行海报的编辑和发布,要检查海报 的效果和清晰度,并选择合适的发布媒介。
这款海报以温暖的色彩和简洁的画面,突出了它的 主题——治愈心灵。
英文海报的写法 PPT 课 件
本课程将介绍英文海报的概念、作用、设计原则、内容要点、样例、制作步 骤、注意事项以及更多设计技巧。
1 定义
英文海报是用英文进行设计和创作的,目的是为了宣传和推广一种品牌、活动、事件或 产品。
2 元素
英文海报的标题需要简短、有力、突出主题,让人 们一目了然。
英文海报的图像应该与主题相关,要能够吸引人眼 球,提升海报的创意。
英文海报的文字应该简短有力,易于理解,让人们 对信息有快速的把握。
英文海报的标语通常是一句简洁、有力的语句,能 够准确传达主题并引起人们的共鸣。
1 字体选择
这个海报用图像和标题一起传达了环保的信息,提 示人们要多行动起来,爱护环境。



海 (poster)多是宣广告。




Eg: An Exciting Football Match第三:在第三行空 3 个字母格写上“Good news for you”。


第四:接着在第四行空 3 个字母格写正文,一段。

第五:在正文的右下角上下并列写:布位星期,月日,年2):用一般将来和一般在3)要求:把活的内容、、地点、参加定及主位交代清楚即可4)正文的写法:第一:第一句用将来交代活的内容和Eg: (1) We`ll have a show\football match on July 16th(2)There is a piece of news we`ll hold a⋯+地点+(3) ⋯ is holding +活+地点+(4)We hope raise money to help the poor children※ 也可附在活的后面:The time is from⋯to⋯第二:接着交代活的地点及其他内容Eg: It will be held +地点第三:介活的特点,尽量叙述极向上的和有益的一面Eg: (1) The match will be wonderful(2) All the clothes are low in price but high quality第四:接着介一些个文字材料的其他信息。


Eg: (1) you can buy ticket in⋯,and the price is 2 yuan for each(2) By then, some new clothes are even 50℅off, If you spend more than 100 yuan at one time, you can get a present.(3)Call Lily at or email⋯第五:用一些鼓励性言激者的趣Eg: (1) Please come and cheer for them(2)I hope you don`t miss it(3)Don`t miss it(4)All are warmly welcome(5) Everyone is welcome(6)Catch the chance,or you will regret(7) Sigh up and have a good time(8) Hurry up to⋯POSTERFriendly Basketball MatchAll Are WelcomeOrgnised by held between the Students' UnionMiddle Schoolof our school,team and ours on thea friendly basketballbasketball courtmatch willon Saturday,beJune5, 1993 at 4 .The School Students' Union Tuesday, June 1.下面是一篇英影海的模板范文:This Week's FilmName: Modern Time #片名要斜体Time: 7 . Saturday, April 10Place: The metting hallFare: One yuanTicket office: The school gate houseThe School Students' Union转自 [ 英美者 ]- 英语专业网站:在如今这个商业时代,各路商家都得各出奇招来促进商品销售,销售的海报也是很重要的一环,有吸引力的海报会引来更多消费者。



英文海报格式范文Title: Save the Ocean, Save Our Future。

Introduction:The world's oceans are in crisis. Pollution, overfishing, and climate change are threatening thedelicate balance of marine ecosystems. If we do not take action now, the consequences will be devastating for both the ocean and for humanity. It is time to come together and save the ocean, for the sake of our future.Body:1. The Impact of Pollution。

The ocean is becoming a dumping ground for plastic, chemicals, and other waste. This pollution is not only unsightly, but it also poses a serious threat to marine life. Countless sea creatures are being harmed or killed byingesting or becoming entangled in plastic and other debris. The health of the ocean is directly linked to the health of the planet, and we must take urgent action to reduce and eliminate ocean pollution.2. The Threat of Overfishing。



[1] C.P. Ferri, M. Prince, C. Brayne, H. Brodaty, L. Fratiglioni, M. Ganguli, K. Hall, K. Hasegawa, H. Hendrie, Y. Huang, A. Jorm, C. Mathers, P.R. Menezes, E. Rimmer, M. Scazufca, Global prevalence of dementia: a Delphi consensus study, Lancet 366 (2005) 2112–2117. [2] J. Hardy, D.J. Selkoe, The amyloid hypothesis of Alzheimer’s disease: progress and problems on the road to therapeutics, Science 297 (2002) 353 –356. [3] K. Blennow, M.J. de Leon, H. Zetterberg, Alzheimer’s disease, Lancet 368 (20ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ6) 387–403
Figure 2: Tyrosine fluorescence signal of Aβ42 was quenched in the presence of TiO2 nanoparticles.
Figure 3: Tyrosine fluorescence signal of Aβ42 is slightly quenched in the presence of SiO 2 , ZrO 2 , CeO 2 , C60, and C70 nanoparticles.



交通安全海报英文版Title: Promoting Traffic Safety - Be a Responsible Road User Introduction:Traffic safety is a crucial aspect of our daily lives. As road users, it is our responsibility to follow traffic rules and regulations to ensure the safety of ourselves and others. Through this poster, we aim to promote awareness and highlight key practices for a safe and responsible transportation system.I. Observe Traffic Rules:1. Speed Limit: Adhere to the specified speed limits for each road type to prevent accidents caused by excessive speed. Speeding not only endangers your life but also risks the lives of pedestrians and other drivers.2. Follow Traffic Signals: Obey traffic signals, including traffic lights, pedestrian crossings, and stop signs. Disregarding signals can lead to fatal collisions and accidents.3. Use Indicators: Signaling your intentions while changing lanes or making turns allows other drivers to anticipate your moves, reducing the possibility of accidents.II. Prioritize Pedestrians:1. Zebra Crossings: Always yield to pedestrians waiting at a zebra crossing. Ensure that they have safely crossed before continuing your journey.2. Sidewalk Safety: Pedestrians should walk on the sidewalk whenever available. If there is no sidewalk, walk facing oncoming traffic and stay as far away as possible from the traffic lane.3. Slow Down in School Zones: Exercise caution and reduce yourspeed when driving near schools or residential areas where children may be present.III. Safety for Cyclists and Motorcyclists:1. Wear Safety Gear: Cyclists and motorcyclists should always wear helmets to protect themselves from head injuries in case of accidents.2. Stay Visible: Use reflective gear or attach reflective strips to your bicycle or motorcycle to increase visibility, especially during nighttime.3. Use Bike Paths: Cyclists should utilize designated bike paths whenever available to separate themselves from motor vehicle traffic.IV. Prevent Drunk Driving:1. Designated Driver: If you consume alcohol, assign a designated driver or use public transportation options to avoid driving under the influence.2. Alcohol Limits: Understand and abide by the legal blood alcohol concentration limits, as driving while intoxicated impairs your judgment and reaction time.3. Report Drunk Drivers: If you witness an intoxicated driver, report it to the authorities immediately, potentially preventing a tragedy.V. Avoid Distracted Driving:1. Cell Phone Usage: Refrain from using your cell phone while driving. If necessary, pull over to a safe location before using the phone.2. Distractions within the Vehicle: Keep distractions, such asadjusting the radio or engaging in deep conversations, to a minimum.3. Focus on the Road: Concentrate solely on driving, as multitasking diverts attention and increases the risk of accidents. Conclusion:Remember, each one of us contributes to road safety. By following traffic rules, prioritizing pedestrians, and adopting responsible driving practices, we can create a safer transportation system for everyone. Let's pledge to be responsible road users and promote traffic safety in our communities.。

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1. 时效性:及时有效地向大众传达消息,
2. 简洁性:语言力求简洁,通俗易懂,多
使用祈使句; 3. 图文并茂:有的配以图片以增加吸引力。
1. 标题。海报的标题往往以POSTER为题,置
2. 正文。海报的正文要求写清楚以下一些内容:
点、活动的内容以及参加活动的具体要求等; 最后注意本文的时态应以现在时态为主。
1. 词汇: ①进行一些精彩的表演 give some wonderful performances _______________________________ be welcome to. . . ②欢迎某人去……sb. ____________________
ceremony, but also some teacher and student
delegates will make speeches.
In order to celebrate the coming Teachers’ Day, some performances will be given at 7 o’clock on September 9th, 2011
(Friday evening) in the lecture hall.
All students are welcome to the right
place 10 minutes earlier before the
performances begin.
Our president will give a speech at the ceremony and some teacher and student delegates will make speeches first, and then the performances will start. All are expected to be civilized audience and make sure you don’t leave litter in the hall. Wish you a nice evening! The Students’ Union September 5th
第四,参加的具体方法及一些必要的注意事项 等。
3. 落款。要求署上主办单位的名称及海报的
以上格式是就海报的整体而讲的,在实际使 用中,有些内容可以少写或省略。 三、就本文来说,首先要注意海报的格式: 标题、正文及落款;其次正文内容所包含的
2. 地点:学校报告厅。
3. 活动:为即将到来的教师节举行文艺演出。
a. 要提前10分钟入场;b. 校长讲话,教师和学生代
表(delegate)发言及学生文艺演出;c. 不要乱扔垃圾。
注意:1. 海报要包含以上要点。 2. 词数100左右。 3. 词汇: civilized 文明的
2. 句式:①We will celebrate the coming
Teachers’ Day.
We will give some wonderful performances.
(用in order to合并句子)
In order to celebrate the coming Teachers’
③提前______________ ahead of time
④期望某人 be expected to do. . . / expect sb. to do sth. 做……_____________________________________ ⑤不要扔垃圾__________________ do not leave litter
Day, we will give some wonderful
②All students are welcome to the right place 10 minutes earlier.
The performances will begin. (用before
合并句子) All students are welcome to the right place 10 minutes earlier before the performances begin.
Nothing in the world is difficult for one
who sets his mind to it.
③Our president will give a speech at the
Some teacher and student delegates will make
speeches. (用not only. . . but also. . . 合并句子)
Not only our president will give a speech at the
海报是一种宣传广告,其内容是向广大群众提供 喜闻乐见的消息, 如球讯、电影消息及演出动态等。为 了吸引更多的观众与听众, 常贴在人来人往的热闹的地
方。因此海报的语言力求简洁, 通俗易懂,并且要公布
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
假设你是李华,是你校的学生会主席。请你根 据以下提示信息写一则海报:
1. 时间:2011年9月9日(星期五)晚上7点。