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例MMF Magnetic Motive Force 磁动势












1.The purpose of the is to supply in concise form the

significant in formation about the system.

2.Some of the most common devices are and synchronous


3.The transformer insulation is subjected to and

to .

4.Transmission systems are the between the

and the and lead to other power systems

over .

5.V oltage, current, , and impedance are so related that

selection of base values for any two of them determines the of

the remaining two.


The One-Line Diagram

Since a balanced three-phase system is always solved as a single-phase circuit composed of one of the three lines and a neutral return, it is seldom necessary to show more than one phase and the neutral return when drawing a diagram of the circuit. Often the diagram is simplified further by omitting the complete circuit through the neutral and by indicating the component parts by standard symbols rather than by their equivalent circuits. Circuit parameters are not shown, and the transmission line is represented by a single line between its two ends. Such a simplified diagram of an electric system is called a one-line diagram. It indicates by a single line and standard symbols the transmission lines and associated apparatus of an electric system.

The purpose of the one-line diagram is to supply in concise form the significant information about the system. The importance of the different features of a system varies with the problem under consideration, and the amount of information included on the diagram depends on the purpose for which the diagram is intended. For instance, the location of circuit breaker and relays is unimportant in making a load

study. Breakers and relays are not shown if the primary function of the diagram is to provide information for such a study. On the other hand, determination of the stability of a system under transient conditions resulting from a fault depends on the speed with which relays and circuit breakers operate to isolate the faulted part of the system. Therefore, information about the circuit breakers may be of the extreme importance. Sometimes one-line diagrams include information about the current and potential transformers which connect the relays to the system or which are installed for metering. The information found on a one- line diagram must be expected to vary according to the problem at hand and according to the practice of the particular company preparing the diagram.


1.When the diagram is simplified, it usually the component parts by standard

symbols rather than by their equivalent circuits.()

2.The location of circuit breaker and relays is very important in making a load


3.The purpose of the one-line diagram is to supply the significant information about

the system in concise form.()

4.The importance of the different features of a system varies with the problem

under consideration, and the amount of information included on the diagram depends on the purpose is which the diagram is intended for.()

5.Relays and circuit breakers operate to isolate the faulted part of the system with

the speed.()


1.Should the wave encounter a line insulator, the latter will be briefly subjected to a

violent overvoltage.
