



1.管理与组织导论管理者:(manager)基层管理者:(first-line managers)中层管理者:(middle managers)高层管理者:(top managers)管理:(management)效率:(efficiency)效果:(effectiveness)计划:(planning)组织:(organizing)领导:(leading)控制:(controlling)管理角色:(management roles)人际关系角色:(interpersonal roles)信息传递角色:(informational roles)决策制定角色:(descisional roles)技术技能:(technical skills)人际技能:(human skills)概念技能:(conceptual skills)管理的普遍性:(universality of management)2.管理的历史劳动分工:(division of labor)工作专业化:(job specialization)工业革命:(industrific revolution)科学管理:(scientific management)一般行政管理理论:(general administrative theory) 管理原则:(principles of management)官僚行政组织:(bureaucracy)定量方法:(quantitative approach)组织行为:(organizational behavior)霍桑研究系统:(Hawthorne studies systems)封闭系统:(closed systems)开放系统:(open systems)权变理论:(contingency approach)劳动力多元化:(workforce diversity)电子企业:(e-business)电子商务:(e-commerce)内部网:(intranet)学习型组织:(learning organization)知识管理:(knowledge management)质量管理:(quality management)3.组织文化与环境管理万能论:(omnipotent view of management) 管理象征论:(symbolil view of management)组织文化:(organization culture)强文化:(strong cultures)社会化:(socialization)工作场所精神境界:(workplace spirituality)外部环境:(external environment)具体环境:(specific environment)一般环境:(general environment)环境的不确定性:(environment uncertainty)环境的复杂性:(environment complexity)利益相关群体:(stakholders)4.全球环境中的管理狭隘主义:(parochialism)民族中心论:(ethnocentric attitude)多国中心论:(polycentric attitude)全球中心论:(geocentric attitude)跨国公司:(multinational corporation)多国公司:(multidomestic corporation)全球公司:(global company)跨国或无边界组织:(transnational or boredrless organization) 初始全球化组织:(born globals)全球外购:(global sourcing)出口:(exporting)进口:(importing)许可证经营:(licensing)许可经营:(franchising)战略同盟:(strategic alliance)合资企业:(joint venture)外国子公司:(foreign subsidiary)市场经济:(market economy)计划经济:(command economy)民族文化:(national culture)5.社会责任与管理道德古典观点:(classical view)社会经济学观点:(socioeconomic view)社会义务:(social obligation)社会响应:(social responsiveness)社会责任:(social responsinility)社会屏障筛选:(social screening)管理的绿色化:(gerrning of management)以价值观为基础的管理:(values-based management) 道德:(ethics)自我强度控制点:(ego strength locus of control)道德准则:(code of ethics)社会企业家:(social entrepreneur)社会影响管理:(social impact management)6.制定决策决策:(decisions)决策制定过程:(decision-making process)决策标准问题:(decision criteria problem)理性的:(rational)有限理性:(bounded rationality)满意的承诺升级:(satisfied escalation of commitment) 直觉决策:(intuitive decision making)结构良好问题:(structured problems)程序化决策:(programmed decision)程序:(procedure)规则:(rule)政策:(policy)结构不良问题:(unstructured problems)非程序化决策:(nonprogrammed decisions) 确定性:(certainty)风险性:(risk)命令型风格:(directive style)分析型风格:(analytic style)概念型风格:(conceptual style)行为型风格:(behavioral style)启发法:(heuristics)7.计划的基础陈述目标:(stated goals)真实目标:(real goals)战略计划:(strategic plans)运营计划:(operational plans)长期计划:(long-term plans)短期计划:(short-term plans)具体计划:(specific plans)方向性计划:(directional plans)一次性计划:(single-used plans)持续性计划:(standing plans)传统目标:(traditional goal setting)手段-目标链:(means-ends chain)目标管理:(management by objectives)使命:(mission)承诺概念:(commitment concept)正式计划部门:(formal planning department) 8.战略管理战略管理:(strategic management)组织战略商业模式:(strategies business model ) 战略管理过程:(strategic management process) 机会:(opportunities)威胁:(threats)资源:(resources)能力:(capabilities)核心竞争力:(core competencies)SWOT分析法:(SWOT analysis)公司层战略:(corporate strategy)增长战略:(growth strategy)相关多元化:(related diversification)非相关多元化:(unrelated diversification) 稳定性战略:(stability strategy)更新战略:(renewal strategies)紧缩战略:(retrenchment strategy)扭转战略:(turnaround strategy)BCG矩阵:(BCG matrix)业务层战略:(business strategy)战略业务单元:(strategic business units) 竞争优势:(competitive advantage)成本领先战略:(cost leadership strategy) 遵循差异化战略:(differentiation strategy) 聚焦战略:(focus strategy)徘徊其间:(stuck in the middle)战略灵活性:(strategic flexibility)市场先入者:(first mover)9.计划的工具技术环境扫描:(environment scanning)竞争对手情报:(competitor intelligence) 预测:(forecasts)定量预测:(quantitative forecasting)定性预测:(qualitative forecasting)标杆比较:(benchmarking)资源:(resources)预算:(budget)甘特图:(Gantt chart)负荷图:(load chart)事件:(events)计划评审技术:(the program evaluation and review technique) 活动:(activities)松弛时间:(slack time)关键路径:(critical path)盈亏平衡分析:(breakeven analysis)线性规划:(linear programming)项目管理:(project management)脚本:(scenario)10.组织结构与设计组织结构设计:(organazational structure design)工作专门化:(work specialization)职能部门化:(functional departmentalization)产品部门化:(product departmentalization)地区部门化:(geographical departmentalization) 过程部门化:(process departmentalization)顾客部门化:(customer departmentalization)跨职能团队:(cross-functional teams)指挥链:(chain of command)职权:(authority)职责:(responsibility)统一指挥:(unity of command)管理跨度:(span of control)集权化:(centralization)分权化:(decentralization)员工授权:(employee empowerment)正规化:(formalization)机械式组织:(mechanistic organization)有机式组织:(organic organization)单件生产:(unit production)大批量生产:(mass production)连续生产:(process production)简单结构:(simple structure)职能型结构:(flanctional structure)事业部型结构:(divisional structure)团队结构:(team structure)矩阵型结构:(matrix structure)项目型结构:(project structure)无边界组织:(boundaryless organization) 虚拟组织:(virtual organization)学习型组织:(learning organization)组织结构图:(organizational charts) 11.沟通与信息技术沟通:(communication)人际沟通:(interpersonal communication) 组织沟通:(organizational communication) 信息:(message)编码:(encoding)解码:(decoding)沟通过程:(communication process)噪声:(noise)非语言沟通:(nonverbal communication) 体态语言:(body language)语调:(verbal intonation)过滤:(filtering)信息超载:(information overload)积极倾听:(active listening)正式沟通:(formal communication)非正式沟通:(informal communication)下行沟通:(upward communication)横向沟通:(lateral communication)斜向沟通:(diagonal communication)沟通网络:( communication networks)小道消息:(grape-vine)电子邮件:(e-mail)即时消息:(instant messaging)音频邮件:(voice-mail)电子数据交换:(electrinic data interchange) 电话会议:(teleconferencing)可视会议:(videoconferencing)网络会议:(webconferencing)内部互联网:(intranet)外部互联网:(Extranet)实践社区:(communities practive)12.人力资源管理高绩效工作实务:(high-performance work practices)人力资源管理过程:(human resource management process) 工会(labor union)反优先雇佣行动计划:(affirmative action)人力资源规划:(human resource planning)职务分析:(job analysis)职务说明书:(job description)职务规范:(job specification)招聘:(recruitment)解聘:(decriuitment)甄选:(selection)效度:(validity)信度:(reliability)工作抽样:(work samping)评估中心:(assessment centers)真实工作预览:(relistic job preview)上岗培训:(orientation)绩效管理系统:(performance management system)书面描述法:(written essay)关键事件法:(critical incidents)评分表法:(graphic rating scales)行为定位评分法:(behaviorally anchored rating scales) 多人比较法:(multiperson comparisons)360度反馈法:(360-degree feedback)基于技能薪酬:(skill-based pay)浮动工资:(variable pay)精简机构:(downsizing)性骚扰:(sexual harassment)基于家庭的福利:(family-friendly benefits)13.变革与创新管理组织变革:(organizational change)变革推动者:(change agent)组织发展:(organizational development)压力:(stress)14.行为的基础行为:(behavior)组织行为学:(organizational behavior)员工生产率:(employee productivity)离职率:(turnover)组织公民行为:(organizational citizen behavior)工作满意度:(job satisfaction)工作场所不当行为态度:(workplace misbehavior attitudes) 认知行为:(cognitive component)情感成分:(affective component)行为成分:(behavior component)组织承诺:(organizational commitment)组织支持感:(perceived organizational support)认知失调:(cognitive dissonance)态度调查:(attitude surveys)人格:(personality)马基雅维里主义:(machiavellianism)自尊:(self-esteem)自我控制:(self-monitoring)印象管理:(impression management)情绪:(emotion)情绪智力:(emotional Intelligence)知觉:(perception)归因理论:(attribution theory)基本归因错误:(fundamental attribution error)自我服务偏见:(self-serving bias)假设相似性:(assumed similarity)刻板印象:(stereotyping)晕轮效应:(halo effect)操作性条件反射:(operant conditioning)社会学习理论:(social learning theory)行为塑造:(shaping behavior)15.理解群体与团队群体:(group)形成阶段:(forming)震荡阶段:(storming)规范阶段:(norming)执行阶段:(performing)解体阶段:(adjourning)群体思维:(groupthink)地位:(status)社会惰化:(social loafing)群体内聚力:(group cohesiveness)冲突:(conflict)冲突的传统观点:(traditional view of conflict)冲突的人际关系观点:(human relations view of conflict)冲突的交互作用观点:(interactionist view of conflict) 积极冲突:(functional conflict)消极冲突:(disfunctional conflict)任务冲突:(task conflict)关系冲突:(relationship conflict)过程冲突:(process conflict)工作团队:(workteams)自我管理团队:(self-managed work teams)跨职能团队:(cross-functional team)虚拟团队:(virtual team)社会网络构造:(social network structure)16.激励员工动机:(motivation)需要层次理论:(hierarchy of needs theory)双因素理论:(two-factor theory)保健因素:(hygiene factors)激励因素:(motivators)三种需要理论:(three-needs theory)成就需要:(need for achievement)权力需要:(need for power)归属需要:(need for affiliation)目标设置理论:(goal-setting theory)自我效能感:(self-efficacy)强化理论:(reinforcement theory)强化物:(reinforcer)工作设计:(job design)工作扩大化:(job enlargement)工作丰富化:(job enrichment)工作深度:(job depth)工作特征模型:(job characteristics model) 公平理论:(equity theory)参照对象:(referents)分配公平:(distributive justice)程序公平:(procedural justice)期望理论:(expectancy theory)压缩工作周:(compressed workweek)弹性工作制:(flexible work hours)弹性时间制:(flextime)工作分担:(job sharing)远程办公:(telecommuting)账目公开管理:(open-book management)员工认可方案:(employee recognition programs)绩效工资方案:(pay-for-performance program)股票期权:(stock options)17.领导领导者:(leader)领导:(leadership)行为理论:(behavioral theories)独裁型风格:(authoeratic style)民主型风格:(democratic style)放任型风格:(laissez-faire style)定规维度:(initiating strueture)关怀维度:(consideration)高-高型领导者:(high-high leader)管理方格:(managerial grid)权变模型:(contingency model)最难共事着问卷:(least-preferred co-worker questionnaire) 情境领导理论:(situational leadership theory)成熟度:(readiness)领导者参与模型:(leader participation model)路径-目标理论:(path-goal theory)交易型领导者:(transactional leaders)变革型领导者:(transformational leaders) 领袖魅力型领导者:(charismatic leader) 愿景规划型领导:(visionary leadership) 法定权利:(legitimate power)强制权利:(coercive power)奖赏权力:(reward power)专家权利:(expert power)参照权利:(referent power)信誉:(credibility)信任:(trust)授权:(empowerment)18.控制的基础控制:(controlling)市场控制:(market control)官僚控制:(bureaucratic control)小集团控制:(clan control)控制过程:(control process)偏差范围:(range of variation)直接纠正行动:(immediate corrective)彻底纠正行动:(basic correvtive action)绩效:(performance)组织绩效:(organizational performance)生产率:(productivity)组织有效性:(organizational effectiveness)前馈控制:(feedforward control)同期控制:(concurrent control)走动管理:(management by walking around)反馈控制:(feedback control)经济附加值:(economic value added)市场附加值:(market valueadded)平衡计分卡:(balanced scorecard)管理信息系统:(management information system) 标杆比较:(benchmarking)员工偷窃:(employee theft)服务利润链:(service profit chain)公司治理:(corporate governance)19.运营与价值链管理运营管理:(operations management)制造型组织:(manufacturing organizations)服务型组织:(service organizations)价值链:(value chain)价值链管理:(value chain management) 组织过程:(organizational processes)知识产权:(intellectual processes)质量:(quality)批量定制:(mass customization)。



网络文明作文英文英文:Internet civilization is an important topic that we should all pay attention to. As a frequent user of the internet, I believe that it is our responsibility to maintain a civilized environment online.Firstly, we should always be respectful to others. This means refraining from using offensive language, being mindful of others' feelings, and avoiding personal attacks. Just because we are behind a screen does not mean we can say whatever we want without consequences.Secondly, we should be mindful of the content we share online. This includes not sharing fake news or spreading rumors, as well as avoiding posting inappropriate content. We should also be aware of the impact our words and actions can have on others and refrain from contributing to cyberbullying or harassment.Finally, we should actively promote internetcivilization by setting a good example for others. This means being a positive influence online and encouraging others to do the same. We can also participate in online campaigns and initiatives that promote internet civility.中文:网络文明是一个我们都应该关注的重要话题。



合理利用网络的英文作文English:In today's digital age, the Internet has become an indispensable part of our daily lives. It provides us with endless opportunities for learning, communication, entertainment, and more. To make the most of the Internet, it is important to use it responsibly and wisely. This means being mindful of the information we consume and share online, being aware of our digital footprint, and being cautious of the potential risks such as online scams and identity theft. It is also important to use the Internet as a tool for personal and professional growth, whether through online courses, networking opportunities, or remote work possibilities. By utilizing the Internet effectively and responsibly, we can harness its power to enrich our lives and broaden our horizons.Chinese:在当今数字时代,互联网已成为我们日常生活中不可或缺的一部分。



网环境不好不文明用语英语作文英文回答:Uncivil language and poor network environment are two major problems that have become increasingly prevalent in today's society. These issues have a significant impact on our daily lives and can have severe consequences if not addressed.Uncivil language is characterized by the use of offensive, disrespectful, or abusive words or gestures. It undermines communication, hinders understanding, and creates a hostile environment. Uncivil language can occur in both online and offline interactions and can take various forms, including verbal insults, name-calling, threats, and hate speech.Poor network environment refers to a situation where internet connectivity is unreliable, slow, or inaccessible. This can be caused by various factors, such as networkcongestion, hardware issues, or signal interference. A poor network environment can have a detrimental impact on our ability to access information, communicate with others, and conduct online activities.Both uncivil language and poor network environment can lead to significant consequences. Uncivil language can damage relationships, hinder productivity, and create a negative work or social atmosphere. It can also lead to legal problems, as certain forms of uncivil language may constitute hate speech or defamation. On the other hand, a poor network environment can cause frustration, delays, and missed opportunities. It can also limit our ability to access essential services, such as healthcare or education.Addressing these issues requires a multi-faceted approach. To tackle uncivil language, it is important to promote respect, tolerance, and understanding in our interactions. We should strive to communicate our thoughts and feelings in a civil and respectful manner, even when we disagree with others. It is also crucial to holdindividuals accountable for their language and to provideconsequences for uncivil behavior.To improve network environment, we need to invest in infrastructure, upgrade technology, and optimize network management. We should also explore alternative network solutions, such as satellite or mesh networks, to provide coverage in remote or underserved areas. Additionally, it is essential to raise awareness about the importance of network quality and to promote best practices for network usage.In conclusion, uncivil language and poor network environment are serious problems that require urgent attention. By promoting respect, investing in infrastructure, and raising awareness, we can create a more civil and connected society.中文回答:网络环境差和不文明用语。



构建和谐网络环境英语作文英文回答:Building a harmonious online environment is crucial in today's digital age. As a netizen, I believe that it is our collective responsibility to create a safe and positive space for everyone to interact and communicate.One way to foster a harmonious online environment is by practicing digital etiquette. This means being respectful and considerate of others when posting comments or engaging in discussions. For example, instead of resorting to name-calling or spreading rumors, we should strive to have constructive conversations and express our opinions in a polite and respectful manner.Another important aspect of building a harmonious online environment is to combat cyberbullying. Cyberbullying can have serious consequences on a person's mental health and well-being. As netizens, we should standup against cyberbullying by reporting abusive behavior and offering support to those who are being targeted. By creating a united front against cyberbullying, we can make the online world a safer and more inclusive place for everyone.In addition, promoting digital literacy is essential in ensuring a harmonious online environment. By educating people on how to navigate the digital landscape responsibly and critically evaluate information, we can help prevent the spread of misinformation and fake news. This can ultimately lead to a more informed and empowered online community.Overall, building a harmonious online environment requires a collective effort from all netizens. By practicing digital etiquette, combating cyberbullying, and promoting digital literacy, we can create a positive and respectful online space for everyone to enjoy.中文回答:在当今数字时代,构建和谐的网络环境至关重要。






计算机网络名词英文缩写解释大全AAL ATM适配层ATM Adaptation Layer ABR可用比特率Available Bit Rate ACR 衰减串扰比ACL访问控制列表Access Control List AIPS应用入侵防护系统application intrusion prevention system ADPCM 自适应差分PCM ADSL 非对称数字环路Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line APON无源光纤网络AMI ATM Management Interface ARP地址解析协议Address Resolution Protocol AMPS先进型移动电话系统Advanced Mobile Phone System AS 自制系统Autonomous System ANS高级网络与服务Advanced Networks and Services ARQ自动重发请求Automatic Repeat Request ANSI美国国家标准协会American National Standard InstituteASIC 专用集成电路Application Specific Integrated Circuit(Chip)ASN.1 抽象语法符号一Abstract Syntax Notation One A TD 异步时分复用Asynchronous Time Division ATM 异步传输模式Asynchronous Transfer Mode BBS电子公告板Bulletin Board System BER 误比特率bit error rate BGP 边界网关协议Border Gateway Protocol B-ISDN 宽带综合业务数字网Broadband Integrated Services Digital Network BICMOS 双极型CMOS BMI脑机接口Bus-Memory Interface BPDU网桥协议数据单元Bridge Protocol Data Unit BOOTP 引导协议BOOTstrapping Protocol BRI 单一ISDN基本速率BUS 广播和未知服务器Broadcast/Unknown Server CAC连接接纳控制Connection Admission Control CATV 公用天线电视CAM可编址内容存储器Content-Addressable Memory CBDS 无连接宽带数据服务CBR 连续比特率Continuous Bit Rate CCITT 国际电话电报咨询委员会CDM 码分复用Code Division Multiplexin CDMA码分多址Code Division Multiple Access CDPD蜂窝数字分组数据Cellular Digital Packet Data | CDV信元延时变化Cell Delay Variatio CEC加拿大教育中心Common Equipment CardCERNET 中国教育科研网The China Education and Research NetworkCHAP询问握手认证协议Challenge Handshake Authentication ProtocolCIDR 无类型域间路由Classless InterDomain RoutingCMIP通用管理信息协议Common Management Information ProtocolCMIS/CMIP 通用管理信息服务the Common Management Information Service/ProtocolCMOS 互补型金属氧化物半导体CMOT 基于TCP/IP的公共管理信息服务与协议CMIS/CMIP on TCP/IPCNOM 网络营运与管理专业委员会Committee of Network Operation and ManagementCORBA 公共对象请求代理结构Common Object Request Broker ArchitectureCPAN Perl档案网络综合\Comprehensive Perl archieve NetworkCPE\用户端设备\Customer Premises EquipmentCPCS\公共部分会聚子层\Common Part Convergence SublayerCRC循环冗余码校验Cyclical Redundancy CheckCS 会聚子层Convergence Sublayer CSM客户服务管理Customer Service ManagementCSDN 电路交换数据网CSMA/CD 载波侦听多路访问/冲突检测Carrier Sense Multi-Access/Collision DetectionCVE公共漏洞和暴露Common Vulnerabilities & ExposuresDAC 双重附上选矿厂Dual Attach Concentrator DAS双重附上站Dual Attach StationDCD检测数据载体Data Carrier DetectDCE数据电路端接设备Digital Circuit-terminating EquipmentDES数据加密标准Data Encryption StandardDHCP动态主机控制协议Dynamic Host Configuration ProtocolDIME 直接内存执行Direct Memory ExecuteDME 分布式管理环境Distributed Management EnvironmentDNS 域名系统Domain Name SystemDOS磁盘操作系统Disk Operating SystemDDOS分布式拒绝服务攻击Distributed Denial of serviceDPI 每英寸可打印的点数Dot Per InchDQDB 分布式队列双总线Distributed Queue Dual BusDS-3 数字标准Digital Standard-3DSMA 数字侦听多重访问Digital Sense Multiple AccessDSP 数字信号处理Digital Signal ProcessingDSSS直接序列展频技术Direct Sequence Spread SpectrumDTE 数据终端设备Data Terminal EquipmentDTR 数据终端就绪Data Terminal ReadyDVMRP 距离向量多目路径协议Distance Vector Multicast Routing ProtocolECL 硅双极型Esports Champion LeagueECSRN 华东南地区网EGP 外部网关协议Exterior Gateway ProtocolEIA/TIA 电信/电子工业联盟Electronic Industries Association and the Telecommunication Industries Association EMA 以太网卡Ethernet Media AdapterE-mail 电子邮件Electronic MailEPD 提前舍弃分组数据包FAQ 常见问题解答Frequently Answer QuestionFCS 快速电路交换Fast Circuit SwitchingFDDI 光纤分布式数据接口Fiber Distributed Data InterfaceFDM 频分多路复用Frequency Division MultiplexingFEC 前向差错纠正Forward Error CorrectionFEMA 快速以太网卡Fast Ethernet Media AdapterFEXT 远端串扰Far End Cross-TalkFHSS跳频技术Frequency-Hopping Spread SpectrumFITL 光纤环路FMA FDDI网卡FDDI Media AdapterFOIRL Fiber Optic Inter-repeater LinkFTP 文件传输协议File Transfer ProtocolFTTC 光纤到楼群Fiber To The CurbFTTH 光纤到户Fiber To The HomeGCRA 通用信元速率算法Generic Cell Rate AlgorithmGGP 网关-网关协议Gateway-Gateway ProtocolGSM 移动通信全球系统(全球通) Global Systems for Mobile communicationsHEC 信头错误控制Header Error ControlHCS 头校验序列Header Check SequenceHDLC 高级数据链路控制(协议)High-Level Data Link ControlHDSL高速率数字用户线路High-speed Digital Subscriber LineHDTV 数字高清晰度电视High Definition TeleVisionHFC 混合光纤同轴Hybrid Fiber CoaxHIPPI 高性能并行接口High Performance Parallel InterfaceHIPS基于主机的入侵防御系统Host-based Intrusion Prevention SystemHOL 队头阻塞head-of-lineHTTP 超文本传输协议HyperText Transfer ProtocolHub 集线器IAB 因特网结构委员会Internet Architecture BoardIAP 因特网接入提供商Internet Access ProviderICCB Internet控制与配置委员会Internet Control and Configuration BoardICMP 因特网控制信息协议Internet Control Message ProtocolICP 网络内容服务商Internet Content ProviderICX 部件间交换Inter-Cartridge ExchangeICMP Internet控制报文协议Internet Control Message ProtocolIDP 网间数据报协议Internetwork Datagram ProtocolIDS入侵检测系统Intrusion Detection SystemsIDU 接口数据单元Interface Data UnitIEEE 电子和电气工程师协会Institute of Electrical and Electronics EngineersIETF 因特网工程特别任务组Internet Engineering Task ForceIGMP Internet组管理协议Internet Group Management ProtocolIGP 内部网关协议Interior Gateway ProtocolIISP 间歇交换机信令协议ILMI 过渡性局域管理界面(?)IMP 接口信息处理机Interface Message ProcessorIMAP交互式邮件存取协议Internet Mail Access ProtocolIMTS 改进型移动电话系统Emproved Mobile Telephone SystemIOS互联网操作系统Interntet Operating SystemIP 因特网协议Internet ProtocolIPS入侵预防系统Intrusion Prevention SystemIPCP IP Control Protocol IP控制协议IRC 互联网中继聊天Internet Relay ChatIRTF 因特网研究特别任务组Internet Research Task ForceISDN 综合业务数字网Integrated Services Digital NetworkISO 国际标准化组织International Organization for Standardization(或简称International Standard Organization)ISOC国际互联网协会Internet SocietyISP 因特网服务提供商Internet Service ProvederIT 信息技术Information TechnologyITU 国际电信联盟International Telecommunications UnionJPEG 图像专家联合小组Joint Photographic Experts GroupL2F 第二层转发L2TP 第二层隧道协议LAN 局域网Local Area NetworkLAP 链路访问过程Link Access ProcedureLCP 链路控制协议Link Control ProtocolLE_ARP LAN仿真地址转换协议LEC 局域网仿真客户端LAN Emulation ClientLECS 局域网仿真配置服务LAN Emulation Configure ServiceLED 发光二极管LF 换行Line FeedLI 长度指示LIM 插件板LLC 逻辑链路控制Logical Link ControlMAC 介质访问控制Media Access ControlMAN 城域网Metropolitan Area NetworkMACA 避免冲突的多路访问(协议)(IEEE802.11无线局域网标准的基础) Multiple Access with Access AvoidanceMAU Medium Access UnitMIB 管理信息库Management Information BaseMIC 媒体接口连接器Media interface connectorMII介质无关接口Media Independent InterfaceModem 调制解调器MOTD 当日消息Message Of The DayMPC MPOA客户MPOA ClientMPEG 活动图像专家组Motion Picture Experts GroupMRFCS 多速率快速电路交换Multirate Fast Circuit SwitchingMPOA A TM 上的多协议Multi-Protocol Over A TMMPS MPOA 服务商MPOA ServerMRCS 多速率电路交换Multirate Circuit SwitchingMSC 移动交换中心Mobile Switching CenterMSTP多生成树协议Multiple Spanning Tree ProtocolMTBF 两次故障间的平均时间Media Time Between FaultsMTOR 故障修复所需平均时间Media Time of RepairMTP 邮件传输协议Mail Transfer ProtocolMTSO 移动电话交换站Mobile Telephone Switching OfficeMTTD 故障诊断所需平均时间Media Time to DiagnoseMTU 最大传输单元Maximum Transfer UnitNAP 网络接入点Network Access PointNAT网络地址转换Network Address TranslationNCA 网络计算结构Network Computing ArchitectureNCFC 中国国家计算机网络设施,国内也称中关村网The National Computing and Network Facility of China NCP 网络控制协议Network Control ProtocolNCP 网络核心协议Network Core ProtocolNEXT 近端串扰NFS 网络文件系统Network File SystemNGI下一代因特网Next-Generation InternetNHRP 下一个节点路由协议NHS NHRP ServerNIC 网卡Network Interface CardNIC 网络信息中心Network Information CentreNIM 网络接口模块Network Interface ModuleNIPS网络入侵防御系统NetworkIntrusion Prevention SystemNIPS基于网络的入侵防护系统Network-based Intrusion Prevention SystemNISDN 窄带ISDN Narrowband Integrited Services Digital NetworkNLAM 网络层地址管理NNI 网络-网络接口Network-Network InterfaceNOMS 网络营运与管理专题讨论会Network Operation and Management Symposium NREN (美国)国家研究和教育网National Research and Education Network NSAP 网络服务接入点Network Service Access PointNSF (美国)国会科学基金会NVRAM Non-volatile RAMNVT 网络虚拟终端Network Virtual TerminalOAM 操作与维护Operation And MaintenanceODBC 开放数据库互连Open Database ConnectionORB 对象请求代理Object REquest BrokerOSF 开放软件基金会Open Software FundationOSI 开放系统互联Open System InterconnectionOSPF 开放最短路径优先(协议) Open Shortest Path FirstPBX 用户交换机Private Branch eXchangePCM 脉冲编码调制Pulse Code ModulationPCN 个人通信网络Personal Communications NetworkPCR 峰值信元速率Peak Cell RatePCS 个人通信服务Personal Communications ServicePDH 准同步数字系列PDA 个人数字助理Personal Digital AssistantPDN 公用数据网Public Data NetworkPDS综合布线系统Premises Distributed SystemPDU 协议数据单元Protocol Data UnitPER 分组差错率packet error ratePEM Port Expansion ModulePIR 分组插入率packet insertion ratePI/SO Primary In/Secondary OutPLCP 物理层会聚协议Physical Layer Convergence ProtocolPLR 分组丢失率packet loss ratePMD 物理媒体相关(子层)Physical Medium DependentPOH 通道开销PON 无源光纤网POP 邮局协议Post Office ProtocolPO/SI Primary Out/Secondary InPOTS 普通老式电话业务Plain Old Telephone ServicePPD 部分舍弃分组数据包Partial Packet DiscardPPP 点到点协议Point to Point ProtocolPPTP 点对点隧道协议Point to Point Tunneling ProtocolPRM 每分钟可打印输出的页数Page Per MinutePRM 协议参考模型Protocol Reference ModelPRN 分组无线网Packet Radio NetworkPSN 分组交换节点Packet Switch NodePSDN 分组交换数据网Packet Switched Data NetworkPSTN 公用电话交换网Public Switched Telephone NetworkPVC 永久虚电路(包括PVPC和PVCC)Permanent Virtual CircuitPVPC 永久虚拟线路permanent virtual path connectionPVCC 永久虚拟通道连接permanent virtual channel connectionPVP 永久虚路径Permanent Virtual PathQoS 服务质量Quality of ServiceRADIUS 远端授权拨号上网用户服务Remote Authentication Dial In User Service RAID独立冗余磁盘阵列Redundant Array of Independent DiskRARP 逆向地址解析协议Reverse Address Resolution ProtocolRAS 远程访问服务器Research and Analytical ServicesRFC 请求评注Request for CommentsRFT 要求技术Request for TechnologyRIP 路由信息协议Routing Information ProtocolRMON 远程网络管理Remote Network MonitoringRPC 远程过程调用Remote Procedure CallRSVP 资源重复利用协议RTMP 路由选择表维护协议Routing Table Maintenance Protocol(用于Appletalk) RTP 可靠传输协议Reliable Transport ProtocolRTS 往返样本Round Trip SampleRTS 剩余时间标签RTTC往返时间Round-Trip-TimeSAP 业务接入点Service Access PointSAP 服务公告协议Service Advertising ProtocolSAR 分段和重组(子层) Segmentation and ReassemblySAS附单站Single Attached StationSC Stick and Click connectorSCR 信号串扰比SCR 持续信元速率Sustained Cell RateSCS 交换控制软件SDH 同步数字系列Synchronous Digital HierarchySDLC 同步数据链路控制(协议) Advanced Data Communication Control Procedure SDSL对称数字用户线路Symmetric Digital Subscriber LineSDTV 标准数字电视SDU 业务数据单元Service Data UnitSIPP 增强的简单因特网协议Simple Internet Protocol PlusSLIP 串行线路IP Serial Line Interface ProtocolSMDS 交换式多兆比特数据业务Switched Multimegabit Data ServicesSMF 单模光纤Single-mode FiberSMI 管理信息结构Structure of Management Information(MIB的结构)SMT 站点管理Station ManagementSMTP 简单邮件传输协议Simple Mail Transfer ProtocolSNA 系统网络体系结构System Network ArchitectureSNMP 简单网络管理协议Simple Network Management ProtocolSNR 信噪比Signal-Noise ratioSOH 段开销SONET 同步光纤网络Synchronous Optical NetworkSPE 同步净荷包Synchronous Payload EnvelopeSPP 定序分组协议(XNS中,相当于TCP)Sequential Packet Protocol SRTS 同步剩余时间标签法SSCS 业务特定部分会聚子层SSI 服务器端包含Server Side IncludeST Stick and Turn connectorSTA静态时序分析Static Timing AnalysisSTA生成树算法Spanning Tree AlgorithmSTDM统计时分多路复用Statistical Time Division Multiplexing,STM 同步传输方式Synchronous Transfer ModeSTP 屏蔽双绞线Shielded Twisted PairSTP生成树协议Spanning Tree ProtocolSTS 同步传输信号Synchronous Transport SignalSVC 交换虚电路Switched Virtual CircuitTAC 技术支持中心Technical Assistance CenterTAST 时间分配话音插空技术Time Assignment by Speech Interpolation TC 传输汇集(子层) Transmission ConvergenceTCP 传输控制协议Transmission Control ProtocolTDM 时分多路复用Time Division MultiplexingTFTP 单纯文件传输协议Trivial File Transfer protocolTIP 终端接口处理机Terminal Interface ProcessorTLD 顶级域名Top Level DomainTP 双绞线Twisted PairTSAP 传输层服务访问点Transport Service Access PointTTL 生存时间Time To LiveTTR 定时令牌旋转UBR 未定义比特率Undefined Bit RateUEM 通用以太网模块Universal Ethernet ModuleUDP 用户数据报协议User Datagram ProtocolUI Unix国际UNI 用户-网络接口User-Network InterfaceUPC 使用参数控制Usage Parameter ControlURL 统一资源定位Universal Resource LocatorUSB 通用串行总线Universal Serial BusUTP 非屏蔽双绞线Unshielded Twisted PairUUCP对Unix拷贝Unix程序Unix to Unix Copy ProgramV AN 增值网Value Added NetworkVBR 可变比特率Variable Bit RateVCC 虚信道连接Virtual Channel ConnectionVCI 虚通道标识符virtual channel identifierV-D 向量-距离(算法)又叫Bellman-Ford算法)vector-distance VDSL甚高速数字用户环路Very-high-bit-rate Digital Subscriber loop VLSI 超大规模集成电路Very Large Scale IntegrationVOD 点播图像Video on DemandVPC 虚路径连接Virtual Path ConnectionVPI 虚路径标识virtual path identifierVPN 虚拟专用网络Virtual Private NetworkVRML 虚拟现实造型语言Virtual Reality Modeling LanguageVTP 虚拟隧道协议VLAN Trunking ProtocolVTY虚拟终端Virtual Teletype TerminalWAN 广域网Wide Area NetworkWDM 波分多路复用Wavelength Division MultiplexingWDMA 波分多路访问Wavelength Division Multiple AccessWRB Web请求代理Web Request BrokerWWW 万维网World Wide WebXNS Xerox Network System。




比如:网络计算机Network computer缩写NC;N umerical Control缩写NC,数字控制等。


【NC.exe 监听工具】[编辑本段]【NC的含义】NC的中文翻译NC缩写词abbr.1. =Network Computer网络电脑2. =Network Control 网络控制nc缩写词abbr.1. =nitrocellulose2. =nuclear capability 核能力3. =numerical control【电脑】数字控制4.=(naocan拼音)脑残N.C.缩写词abbr.1. =North Carolina(美国州名)北卡罗来纳[1][编辑本段]【网络计算机】网络计算机(Network computer缩写NC)PC是近几十年来对人类社会影响最大的一项发明,PC使计算机能方便地为个人所用,极大地扩展了计算机的应用。



PC的优势是有强大的处理能力和自由度,但PC也有缺点,在网络环境下,PC 非常容易感染病毒或被黑客入侵,从而危害整个网络的安全。

而且,数据存储在PC 本地的安全性远不如存储在服务器上。







Title: The Importance of a Healthy Online Environment
In today's digital world, a healthy online environment is crucial. It fosters positive interactions, enhances learning, and promotes creativity. A positive online space encourages respectful communication, open-mindedness, and collaboration. Conversely, a toxic environment breeds cyberbullying, misinformation, and divisiveness. Hence, it's our responsibility to create and maintain a safe, inclusive, and informative online space where everyone can grow and learn.






ISDN 综合业务数字网 Integrated Services Digital Network
ISO 国际标准化组织 International Organization for Standardization
(或简称International Standard Organization)
CERNET 中国教育科研网
CIDR 无类型域间路由 Classless InterDomain Routing
CLIP Classical IP
CLP 信元丢失优先级
CMIS/CMIP the Common Management Information Service/Protocol
CPAN Comprehensive Perl archieve Network
CPE Customer Premises Equipment
CPCS 公共部分会聚子层 Common Part Convergence Sublayer
CR Carriage Return
HEC 信头错误控制 Header Error Control
HCS 头校验序列 Header Check Sequence
HDLC 高级数据链路控制(协议) High-Level Data Link Control
HDTV 数字高清晰度电视 High Definition TeleVision
DS-3 Digital Standard-3
DSMA 数字侦听多重访问 Digital Sense Multiple Access
DSP Digital Signal Processing
DTE 数据终端设备 Data Terminal Equipment



有关网络环境的英语作文英文回答:In the ever-evolving landscape of the digital age, the network environment has emerged as a pivotal facet of our lives. It encompasses the interconnected systems, protocols, and technologies that facilitate the seamless flow of information, data, and resources across vast distances. Within this complex ecosystem, a myriad of technologies, standards, and protocols interact to enable communication, collaboration, and information exchange among devices, networks, and users.Network environments encompass a wide spectrum of technologies, including wired and wireless networks,network protocols, routing and switching devices, firewalls, intrusion detection systems, and cloud-based solutions. These technologies work in concert to establish secure and reliable connections, enabling data transmission and access to applications, services, and resources.Wired networks, such as Ethernet and fiber optics, provide high-speed data transmission over physical cables. These networks are often used in enterprise environments, datacenters, and home networks. Wireless networks, such as Wi-Fi and cellular networks, offer mobility and convenience by eliminating the need for physical cables. They are commonly used in personal devices, public spaces, and mobile environments.Network protocols, such as TCP/IP, HTTP, and HTTPS, define the rules and procedures for data transmission and communication. These protocols ensure that data is transmitted in a reliable and consistent manner, regardless of the underlying network infrastructure.Routing and switching devices, such as routers and switches, facilitate the flow of data traffic within and between networks. Routers determine the best path for data to take based on network conditions, while switches forward data to specific devices on a network.Firewalls and intrusion detection systems serve as security measures, protecting networks from unauthorized access and malicious attacks. They monitor network traffic for suspicious activity and block potentially harmful connections.Cloud-based solutions, such as cloud storage, cloud computing, and SaaS (Software as a Service), provide access to applications, services, and data over the Internet. These solutions offer scalability, flexibility, and cost-effectiveness for businesses and individuals.Network environments are essential for enabling communication, collaboration, and information exchange in today's digital world. The combination of technologies, standards, and protocols provides a secure, reliable, and efficient framework for data transmission and resource sharing. As the digital landscape continues to evolve, network environments will continue to play a vital role in connecting people, devices, and organizations across the globe.中文回答:网络环境是我们数字时代生活中至关重要的一部分。



净化网络环境的作文英文回答:Purifying the online environment is a pressing issue that needs to be addressed. The internet has become an integral part of our lives, providing us with endless information and opportunities for communication. However, it has also become a breeding ground for negativity, cyberbullying, and misinformation. In order to create a safer and more positive online environment, we need to take several measures.Firstly, education plays a crucial role in purifying the online environment. We need to educate individuals, especially the younger generation, about the importance of responsible internet usage. Schools should incorporate digital literacy programs into their curriculum, teaching students how to navigate the online world safely and how to distinguish reliable sources from fake news. By equipping individuals with the necessary skills and knowledge, we canempower them to make informed decisions and contribute to a healthier online environment.Secondly, stricter regulations and enforcement are necessary to combat online harassment and cyberbullying. Online platforms should implement stronger measures to prevent and punish cyberbullying, such as stricter content moderation and quicker response to user reports. Additionally, governments should enact laws thatspecifically address online harassment and cyberbullying, with severe penalties for offenders. By holding individuals accountable for their actions and creating a deterrent effect, we can discourage the spread of negativity and harassment online.Furthermore, promoting digital empathy and kindness is essential in purifying the online environment. We need to foster a culture of respect and understanding online, encouraging individuals to treat each other with empathy and kindness. Online campaigns and initiatives can be launched to raise awareness about the impact of our online behavior and to promote positive interactions. For example,the #BeKindOnline movement encourages individuals to spread kindness and support on social media platforms, remindingus that our words and actions online can have real-life consequences.In addition to these measures, technological advancements can also contribute to a cleaner online environment. Artificial intelligence and machine learning algorithms can be utilized to detect and filter out harmful or inappropriate content. Companies can invest indeveloping advanced content moderation systems that can automatically identify and remove offensive or abusive posts. This can help create a safer and more positiveonline space for users.中文回答:净化网络环境是一个迫切需要解决的问题。



构建和谐网络环境英语作文英文回答:To cultivate a harmonious online environment, it is imperative to foster a culture of respect, accountability, and empathy among netizens. By promoting ethical and responsible online behavior, we can create a digital space where individuals feel safe, valued, and connected.First and foremost, it is essential to respect the privacy and boundaries of others. This includes refraining from unauthorized access, unauthorized sharing, or misuse of personal information. It also entails treating fellow netizens with courtesy and consideration, even in the face of disagreement.Furthermore, accountability is paramount in maintaining a harmonious online environment. Holding individuals accountable for their actions and words online discourages harmful behavior such as cyberbullying, hate speech, andmisinformation. This can be achieved through clear guidelines, reporting mechanisms, and appropriate consequences.Empathy is equally crucial in fostering a positive online atmosphere. By actively considering the perspectives and feelings of others, we can cultivate a sense of community and belonging. This includes understanding the impact of our words and actions on others, even if we do not share their views.Promoting digital literacy is also essential. It empowers netizens with the skills and knowledge to navigate the online world safely and ethically. By providing resources on topics such as online safety, responsible social media use, and the identification of fake news, we can help individuals make informed choices and contribute to a healthier online ecosystem.Finally, it is important to foster collaborativeefforts among stakeholders. This includes governments, law enforcement agencies, online platforms, and civil societyorganizations working together to create and enforce policies that promote a positive online experience. By pooling resources and expertise, we can address online harms effectively and collectively.中文回答:为了营造和谐的网络环境,在网民中培养尊重、责任和同理心的文化至关重要。



如何优化网络环境英语作文英文:As we all know, optimizing the network environment is crucial for ensuring smooth and efficient communication and operation in today's digital world. There are several ways to improve the network environment, such as upgrading hardware, enhancing security measures, and implementing network optimization techniques.First and foremost, upgrading hardware is essential for improving the network environment. This includes investing in high-speed routers, switches, and cables to ensure fast and stable connections. For instance, in my previous workplace, we experienced frequent network disruptions due to outdated hardware. After upgrading our equipment, we noticed a significant improvement in network speed and reliability.Secondly, enhancing security measures is paramount inoptimizing the network environment. This involves implementing firewalls, encryption, and regular security updates to protect against cyber threats and unauthorized access. I once encountered a security breach in my company's network, which led to a significant data loss. After reinforcing our security measures, we were able to prevent further breaches and safeguard our sensitive information.Furthermore, implementing network optimization techniques, such as load balancing and traffic shaping, can greatly improve network performance. For example, in my current role, we have implemented load balancing to evenly distribute network traffic across multiple servers, resulting in improved response times and reduced downtime.In conclusion, optimizing the network environment is crucial for achieving seamless communication and efficient operation. By upgrading hardware, enhancing security measures, and implementing network optimization techniques, organizations can ensure a reliable and high-performing network environment.中文:众所周知,优化网络环境对于确保今天数字世界中的顺畅高效的通信和运营至关重要。



维护网络环境英文翻译作文Maintaining a healthy online environment is crucial for our well-being and safety. We need to be mindful of the content we consume and the interactions we have on the internet.It's important to be respectful and considerate when communicating with others online. We should avoid spreading hate speech, misinformation, or engaging in cyberbullying. Instead, we should strive to promote positivity and kindness in our online interactions.We also need to be vigilant about protecting our personal information and privacy online. This means being cautious about the information we share and being mindful of the security measures we have in place to protect our online accounts and data.In addition, it's essential to stay informed about the latest online threats and scams. By educating ourselvesabout potential risks, we can better protect ourselves and others from falling victim to online fraud or malicious activities.Furthermore, we should be proactive in reporting and addressing any harmful or inappropriate content we come across online. By taking action to flag and report such content, we can contribute to creating a safer and more positive online environment for everyone.Ultimately, maintaining a healthy online environment is a collective effort that requires everyone to take responsibility for their actions and contribute to promoting a culture of respect, safety, and positivity on the internet.。



整治网络环境作文素材英文回答:The issue of cleaning up the online environment has become increasingly important in recent years. With the rapid development of the internet, we are faced with various problems such as cyberbullying, online scams, and the spread of fake news. It is crucial that we take measures to address these issues and create a safer and more reliable online space.Firstly, we need to strengthen regulations and laws related to online behavior. For example, there should be stricter penalties for cyberbullying and online harassment. In addition, we should establish a system to verify the authenticity of online information, so that people cantrust the news they read on the internet. By implementing these measures, we can deter individuals from engaging in harmful online activities and promote a more positive online culture.Secondly, education plays a vital role in improving the online environment. We need to educate people, especially the younger generation, about the importance of responsible online behavior. Schools should incorporate digitalliteracy courses into their curriculum to teach students how to navigate the online world safely and ethically. Furthermore, parents should also be involved in educating their children about online etiquette and the potential dangers of the internet. By equipping individuals with the necessary knowledge and skills, we can empower them to make informed decisions and contribute to a healthier online environment.Lastly, collaboration between different stakeholders is essential in tackling the issue of online cleanliness. Governments, internet service providers, and social media platforms should work together to develop and enforce policies that promote online safety. For example, social media platforms can implement algorithms to detect and remove hate speech, while governments can provide funding and resources to support initiatives that combat onlinescams. By fostering collaboration, we can leverage the strengths of each party and create a more harmonious online ecosystem.中文回答:整治网络环境的问题近年来变得越来越重要。



营造网络环境英文作文1. The importance of creating a positive online environment cannot be overstated. With the increasing prevalence of social media, it is more important than everto ensure that our online interactions are respectful, kind, and inclusive.2. One way to promote a positive online environment isto lead by example. When we engage with others online, we should strive to be respectful and considerate, even whenwe disagree with their opinions. By modeling positive behavior, we can encourage others to do the same.3. Another important aspect of creating a positiveonline environment is to actively combat cyberbullying.This can involve reporting abusive behavior to the appropriate authorities and speaking out against harmful comments or actions. By taking a stand against cyberbullying, we can help to create a safer and more welcoming online community.4. In addition to combating negative behavior, we can also take steps to actively promote positive interactions online. This can involve sharing uplifting content, participating in online communities that align with our values, and engaging in meaningful conversations with others.5. Finally, it is important to remember that creating a positive online environment is an ongoing process. We must be vigilant in our efforts to promote kindness, respect, and inclusivity online, and we must be willing to adapt our approach as the online landscape continues to evolve. By working together, we can create a better, more positive online community for all.。



有关网络环境的英语作文英文回答:The network environment has become an essential part of our lives. We rely on it for communication, information,and entertainment. However, the network environment is not always safe. There are a number of threats that can compromise our security and privacy.One of the biggest threats to the network environmentis malware. Malware is software that is designed to damageor disable a computer system. Malware can be spread through email attachments, malicious websites, or infected software. Once malware is installed on a computer, it can steal personal information, damage files, or even take control of the computer.Another threat to the network environment is phishing. Phishing is a scam in which criminals send emails or text messages that appear to be from legitimate organizations.These emails or text messages often contain links to malicious websites that are designed to steal personal information.Hacking is another serious threat to the network environment. Hackers are individuals who use their technical skills to gain unauthorized access to computer systems. Hackers can steal personal information, damage files, or even disrupt the operation of a computer system.In addition to these threats, there are a number of other risks associated with the network environment. These risks include:Identity theft: Identity theft occurs when someone uses your personal information to open new accounts, make purchases, or obtain other benefits in your name.Financial fraud: Financial fraud occurs when someone uses your financial information to make unauthorized purchases or withdraw money from your accounts.Cyberbullying: Cyberbullying is the use of electronic devices to bully or harass someone.Child sexual abuse: Child sexual abuse is the use of electronic devices to exploit children.To protect ourselves from these threats, we need to take steps to secure our network environment. These steps include:Using strong passwords: Strong passwords are at least 12 characters long and contain a mix of uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols.Keeping software up to date: Software updates often include security patches that can protect your computer from malware.Being careful about what you click on: Avoid clicking on links in emails or text messages from unknown senders.Using a firewall: A firewall is a hardware or softwaredevice that can block unauthorized access to your computer system.Backing up your data: Backing up your data can help you protect your information in the event of a malware attack or other disaster.By taking these steps, we can help to protect ourselves from the threats that are present in the network environment.中文回答:网络环境已经成为我们生活中不可或缺的一部分。



社交网络合理利用的英语作文英文回答:Social media has become an integral part of our lives, offering a plethora of opportunities for connection, communication, and information sharing. However, like any powerful tool, social media can also be used for less constructive purposes. To harness its full potential while mitigating its potential pitfalls, it is crucial to understand how to use it judiciously.One of the most important aspects of responsible social media use is privacy management. With the vast amount of personal data shared on these platforms, it is essential to be mindful of what information we make publicly available. Adjust privacy settings, limit sharing sensitive information, and be selective about who can access your content. Remember, once something is posted online, it is virtually impossible to erase it completely.Content consumption is another area that warrants careful consideration. While social media can be a source of entertainment and education, it is important to be discerning about the information we engage with. Be aware of biases, misleading headlines, and sensationalized content. Practice critical thinking and seek out credible sources to avoid falling prey to misinformation.Responsible social media use also extends to how we interact with others. Engage in respectful and constructive conversations, avoiding personal attacks or inflammatory language. Be mindful of the impact of your words and actions, and strive to create a positive and inclusive online environment. Respect differing viewpoints and engage in dialogue with an open mind.Furthermore, it is essential to manage our time spent on social media. Excessive use can lead to decreased productivity, sleep deprivation, and a diminished sense of well-being. Establish clear boundaries, such as limiting screen time or setting aside specific times for social media use. Prioritize activities that contribute to ouroverall well-being, both online and offline.Cyberbullying and online harassment are serious issues that require attention. If you encounter such behavior, do not hesitate to report it to the platform and seek support from trusted individuals or organizations. Remember that cyberbullying is a form of abuse and should not be tolerated.Additionally, it is important to be aware of the potential for addiction to social media. Like other addictive substances or activities, excessive use of social media can lead to withdrawal symptoms, preoccupation, and a loss of control. If you find yourself struggling to manage your social media use, consider seeking professional help.Finally, social media can be a powerful tool for social activism and positive change. Harness its potential to raise awareness about important issues, organize for a cause, and connect with like-minded individuals. Use your platform to amplify marginalized voices and advocate for a more just and equitable society.中文回答:负责任地使用社交媒体。

  1. 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
  2. 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
  3. 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。

RouterA#clear line 11 [confirm] [OK]
Closing a session opened by a remote device
© 2000, Cisco Systems, Inc.

ICND v1.0a—5-12
Using the ping and trace Commands
© 2000, Cisco Systems, Inc.

ICND v1.0a—5-7
Additional CDP Commands
SwitchA RouterA S0 S1 RouterB SwitchB
RouterB#<Ctrl-Shift-6>x RouterA#sh session Conn Host 1 RouterA#resume 1 RouterB#
Byte 0
Idle Conn Name 1
© 2000, Cisco Systems, Inc.
Summary information includes: • Device identifiers
• Address list • Port identifier • Capabilities list • Platform
© 2000, Cisco Systems, Inc.
RouterA#sh cdp traffic CDP counters : Packets output: 56, Input: 38 Hdr syntax: 0, Chksum error: 0, Encaps failed: 3 No memory: 0, Invalid packet: 0, Fragmented: 0
RouterA#sh cdp entry * ------------------------Device ID: RouterB Entry address(es): IP address: Platform: cisco 2522, Capabilities: Router Interface: Serial0, Port ID (outgoing port): Serial1 Holdtime : 168 sec Version : Cisco Internetwork Operating System Software IOS (tm) 2500 Software (C2500-JS-L), Version 12.0(3), RELEASE SOFTWARE (fci) Copyright (c) 1986-1999 by cisco Systems, Inc. Compiled Mon 08-Feb-99 18:18 by phanguye
RouterA#sh session Conn Host 1 * 2
Byte 0 0
Idle Conn Name 1 0
RouterA#sh user Line User * 0 con 0 11 vty 0
• A proprietary utility that gives you a summary of directly connected switches, routers, and other Cisco devices • CDP discovers neighbor devices regardless of which protocol suite they are running • Physical media must support the Subnetwork Access Protocol (SNAP) encapsulation
© 2000, Cisco Systems, Inc.

ICND v1.0a—5-8
Using Telnet to Connect to Remote Devices
SwitchA RouterA S0 S1 RouterB SwitchB
Host(s) idle
Idle Location 3 2 1
© 2000, Cisco Systems, Incuspending a Telnet Session
SwitchA RouterA S0 S1 RouterB SwitchB
SwitchA also provides its Mac address
© 2000, Cisco Systems, Inc.

ICND v1.0a—5-6
Using the show cdp entry Command
SwitchA RouterA S0 S1 RouterB SwitchB
show cdp

ICND v1.0a—5-4
Using CDP
SwitchA RouterA S0 S1 RouterB SwitchB
RouterA#sh cdp ? entry Information for specific neighbor entry interface CDP interface status and configuration neighbors CDP neighbor entries traffic CDP statistics <cr> RouterA(config)#no cdp run RouterA(config)#interface serial0 RouterA(config-if)#no cdp enable
© 2000, Cisco Systems, Inc.

ICND v1.0a—5-9
Viewing Telnet Connections
SwitchA RouterA S0 S1 RouterB SwitchB
• Gather information about neighbor devices • Gather information about remote devices • Create a simple network diagram to document the network • Determine the location from which a configuration and IOS image will be loaded

ICND v1.0a—5-11
Closing a Telnet Session
SwitchA RouterA S0 S1 RouterB SwitchB
Closing the current RouterA#disconnect Closing connection to [confirm] session opened by you
RouterA#sh cdp neighbors Capability Codes: R - Router, T - Trans Bridge, B - Source Route Bridge S - Switch, H - Host, I - IGMP, r - Repeater Device ID Local Intrfce RouterB Ser 0 SwitchA0050BD855780 Eth 0 Holdtme 148 167 Capability R T S Platform 2522 1900 Port ID Ser 1 2
Chapter 5
Managing Your Network Environment
© 2000, Cisco Systems, Inc. 5-1
Upon completion of this chapter, you will be able to perform the following tasks:
© 2000, Cisco Systems, Inc.

ICND v1.0a—5-5
Using the show cdp neighbor Command
SwitchA RouterA S0 S1 RouterB SwitchB
© 2000, Cisco Systems, Inc.

ICND v1.0a—5-3
Discovering Neighbors with CDP
Runs on routers with Cisco IOS 10.3 or later and Cisco switches and hubs
© 2000, Cisco Systems, Inc.

ICND v1.0a—5-2
Cisco Discovery Protocol