



钻井船 11
钻井船是浮船式钻井平台,它通常是在机动 船或驳船上布置钻井设备。平台是靠锚泊或动力定 位系统定位。按其推进能力,分为自航式、非自航 式;按船型分,有端部钻井、舷侧钻井、船中钻井 和双体船钻井;按定位分,有一般锚泊式、中央转 盘锚泊式和动力定位式。浮船式钻井装置船身浮于 海面,易受波浪影口向,但是它可以用现有的船只 进行改装,因而能以最快的速度投入使用。
张力腿式钻井平台(TLP)是利用绷紧状态下的锚索产 生的拉力与平台的剩余浮力相平衡的钻井平台或生产平台。
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其所用锚索绷紧成直线,不是悬垂曲线,钢索的下端与水底 不是相切的,而是几乎垂直的。用的是桩锚(即打入水底的桩 为锚)或重力式锚(重块)等,不是一般容易起放的抓锚。张力 腿式平台的重力小于浮力,所相差的力量可依靠锚索向下的
拉力来补偿,而且此拉力应大于由波浪产生的力,使锚索上 经常有向下的拉力,起着绷紧平台的作用。自1954年提出设 想以来,迄今已有55年的历史。
海洋钻井平台(drilling platform)是主要 用于钻探井的海上结构物。平台上装钻井、动 力、通讯、导航等设备,以及安全救生和人员 生活设施,是海上油气勘探开发不可缺少的手 段。主要分为固定式平台和移动式平台两大类。



1、platform:n.平台;讲台,舞台;讲台上的人(the platform);(火车站的)月台;<英>(公共汽车上供乘客上下车的)踏脚台;发言机会,论坛;契机;(政党的)纲领;厚底鞋;计算机平台;(海上)钻井平台;(供人上下小船的)水上平台;(火箭或导弹的)卫星发射平台。

例句:He mounted the platform and addressed the crowd.他登上讲台对人群发表演说。

2、transform:v. 使改观,使变形,使转化;变换(电流)的电压;(数)变换(数学实体);n.(数,语言学)变换式,转换句;(数,语言学)转换规则。

例句:It was an event that would transform my life.那是能够彻底改变我一生的一件事。


例句:This mark signifies that the products conform to an approved standard.这个标志说明这些产品符合指定的标准。


例句:The material begins to deform.材料开始变形。

5、uniform:n. 制服,校服;<非正式>穿制服的警官;(某一群体的人穿的)典型服装,特有服装;(无线电通讯)字母U 的代码;adj. 全部相同的,始终如一的;制服式的;v. 使一致;使穿制服。

例句:Nurses have to wear a uniform.护士必须穿制服。



海洋钻井术语18.1钻井平台drilling platform18.1.1海上钻井采油平台——offshore oil drilling and production platform为勘探开发海洋石油,在海上建造的钢制或钢筋混凝土制的工作场所,即称为平台。


18.1.2固定式平台——fixed platform由固定于海底的结构物导管架或重力式基座所支持的甲板,作为高出水面的工作场所。


18.1.3自升式钻井平台——self elevating drilling platform具有若干个可自行升降的桩脚的钻井平台,桩脚下部设有沉箱,可插入或坐于海底。

18.1.4坐底式钻井平台——submersible drilling platform具有沉垫的平台,它利用充水排气或排水充气来使沉垫沉浮或上升,当钻井时沉垫坐于海底,完井后沉垫浮起,用拖船拖移至井位。

18.1.5半潜式钻井平台——semi-submersible drilling platform结构与坐底式平台相似,也同样具有沉垫,可以沉降或升起,兼具坐底式平台和钻井浮船的优点。

18.1.6浮式钻井船——floating drilling ship是将普通船的甲板作为海上钻井的工作场所18.2海上钻井设备offshore drilling equipment18.2.1钻井附属船——drilling tender配合小型非自持式固定钻井平台使用的辅助船,上面装有动力设备、钻井泵、水泥车以及住区和仓库。

18.2.2钻井调查船——drilling research vessel用于进行海底工程地质调查的工程船,可以钻井、取心、取样及做各种工程地质需要的调查,为海上建筑物提供地质数据。




英⽂海洋平台技术词汇英⽂海洋平台技术词汇--常⽤缩写词附录6:常⽤缩写词S/L: subsea pipeline 海底管线S/O: subsea oilline 海底输油管线1: ⼀般缩写词S/W: subsea waterline 海底输⽔管线AI: artificial island ⼈⼯岛SA: satellite area 卫星区APP: accommodation/power platform ⽣活动⼒平台SBL: standard symbol list 标准符号表CAL: calculation 计算书SKT: sketch 设计草图CEP: central platform 中⼼平台SLP: storage / loading platform 储罐平台DDS: detailed data sheet 数据表SPC: specification 规格书DPP: drilling/production platform 钻采平台SPM: single point mooring 单点系泊DRP: drilling platform 钻井平台STD: standard drawing 标准图DWG: drawing 图纸SWH: subsea wellhead ⽔下井⼝FI: field 油⽓⽥WHP: wellhead platform 井⼝平台"FPS: floating production and storage unit" 浮式⽣产储油装置WIP: water injection platform 注⽔平台FSU: floating storage unit 浮式储油装置2:结构专业常⽤缩写词GTP: gas treating plant 天然⽓处理⼚approx: approximate ⼤约MEL: material and equipment list 材料及设备清单AFC: approved for construction 批准建造PA: pilot area 试验区C/W: complete with 配有PP: pressurizing platform 增压平台CDL: chart datum level 海图基准⽔位PRP: production platform ⽣产平台CH: checkered plate 花纹钢板PSP: production/storage platform ⽣产储罐平台CL: center line 中⼼线PWP: power platform 动⼒平台COG: center of gravity 重⼼RPT: report 报告DET: detail 详图S/C: subsea cable 海底电缆DIA: diameter 直径S/F: subsea flowline 海底出油管线DO: ditto 同上S/G: subsea gasline 海底输⽓管线DWG: drawing 图纸EHWL: extreme high water level 极端⾼⽔位OPP: opposite 对侧EL: elevation 标⾼PCS: pieces 件ELWL: extreme low water level 极端低⽔位PL: plate 板FB: flat bar 扁钢PSF: pounds per square foot 磅每平⽅英尺FIG: figure 图REF: reference 参考FRMG: framing REQ'D: required 需要FS: far side 背⾯REV: revision 修改GALV: galvanized 镀锌SEC: section 断⾯HAT: highest astronomical tide 最⾼天⽂潮SPEC: specification 规格或规格书HWL: high water level ⾼⽔位SQ: square 平⽅ID: inside diameter 内径STIFF: stiffener 加强筋IR: inside radius 内半径SUP'T: support ⽀架LAT: lowest astronomical tide 最低天⽂潮SWL: safe working load 安全⼯作荷载LG: length 长度THK: thickness 厚度LWL: low water level 低⽔位TOS: top of structure 结构顶⾯MAT'L: material 材料TYP: typical 典型的MAX: maximum 最⼤值U/S: under side 底侧MIN: minimum 最⼩值UNO: unless noted otherwise 除⾮另有说明ML: mud line 泥⾯WP: work point ⼯作点MSL: mean sea level 平均海平⾯WT: wall thickness 壁厚MTO: material take-off 材料估算单NO: number 数量、号码NS: near side 可见侧NTS: note to scale 未按⽐例OD: outside diameter 外径海上平台场所英汉对照Bow 船⾸Stern 船尾Forward (FWD) or fore 船⾸的Aft 船尾的Port 左舷Starboard (STBD) 右舷Upper Deck 上部甲板Main Deck 主甲板Quarters (living quarters, accommodation area) ⽣活区Drill Floor (Rig floor) 钻台Bridge (Pilot house, Steerwheel house) 驾驶室Control Room 控制室Helideck 直升机甲板Cementing Unit Room 固井泵房Air Compressor Room空⽓压缩机房BOP Control Room BOP控制房Radio Room 报房Engine Room 机房Thruster Room 推进器房Warehouse (Store) 材料库房Paint Room (paint locker) 油漆房库Leg 桩腿Jacking House 升降室Column ⽴柱Sack Storage Area 散装材料储存区Mud pit 泥浆池Cellar Deck 圆井甲板Riser Rack Area 隔⽔管排放区Pipe Rack Area 钻杆排放区Pipe Slide 滑道Ramp 坡道Spud Tank 桩脚箱Pontoon 浮箱Moonpool ⽉池/园井甲板Pump Room 泵房Shale Shaker House 振动筛房Coffee Room 咖啡室Rig Office 平台办公室Mess (dining) Room 餐厅Recreation Room 娱乐房TV Room电视房Change Room ⼯⾐房Kitchen 厨房。



石油钻井工程英语词汇第一章:石油钻井工程英语基础词汇第1 节石油钻井工程基础词汇钻井:drill定向斜井:directional drilling欠平衡钻井:under-balance drilling海上钻井:off-shore drilling陆地钻井:on-shore drilling钻头:drill bit刮刀钻头:drag bit牙轮钻头:rock bit (镶齿钻头insert bit, 钢齿钻头steel toothed bit) 金刚石钻头:diamond bit取心钻头:coring bit钻头浮阀:float valve钻头水眼:bit nozzle(or jet)钻头水眼刺:bit nozzle washed out钻头规:bit caliper(bit gauge)钻头泥包:bit is balling钻头钝了,我建议现在起钻:bit is dull. I suggest to POOH now钻铤:DC(drill collar )光钻铤slick drill collar,螺旋钻铤spiral drill collar钻杆:DP(drill pipe )方钻杆:kelly公扣:pin end母扣:box end内平式连接:IF(internal flash)正规式连接:REG(regular)贯眼式连接:FH(full hole)加重钻杆heavy weight drill pipe短钻杆pop joint井下马达:down hole motor涡轮钻具:turbine震击器:drilling jar减震器:absorber下部钻具组合:BHA(bottom hole assembly)钻具扶正器:stabilizer(string stabilizer, near-bit stabilizer)钻机:drill rig钻井泥浆:drilling mud钻井液:drilling fluid钻井设备:drilling equipment油:oil原油:crude oil天然气:nature gas煤层气:coal-bed gas石油:petroleum中国石油(简称):CNPC(China National Petroleum Corporation )长城钻井(简称):GWDC(Great Wall Drilling Company)采油:oil production产油层(目的层):reservoir( or pay zone)钻进:drilling调整钻井参数以得到理想的机械钻速:play the drilling parameters to get fast ROP起钻:POOH(pull out of hole)下钻:RIH(run in hole)下套管:run casing(or RIH with casing)短起下钻:wiper trip循环泥浆:circulate泥浆:reverse circulate中途循环泥浆:break circulation分段下钻:RIH in stages通井:control trip划眼:reaming倒划眼:back reaming接单根:make connection滑、割大绳:slip and cut drilling line by ton-mile保养设备:maintain the equipment修理设备: repair (or fix) the equipment保养顶驱:service TDS保养冲管:lubricate wash pipe待工日费:standby rate今天零日费:there is no day rate today(zero day rate today)我可以为您做,但必须收费,请理解I can do for you and I have to charge(back charge) you. Please give me full understanding.不在我的职责范围之内,我要汇报领导,一有消息会马上告诉你It is out of my power and I have to report to my boss. I will let you know as soon as I get news.大鼠洞:rat hole小鼠洞:mouse hole钻具错扣:the connections are crossed钻具粘扣:thread is galled丝扣坏了:the thread is damaged起钻错扣:alternate the connections新钻具或接头磨扣:break in the new tool joint新钻头磨合:break in the new bitPDC 钻头井底造型:shape the PDC bit跳钻:rough drilling( vibrated drilling, bit is bouncing)蹩钻:rough drilling(drilling torque is abnormally high)缩径:tight hole起钻遇卡:get overpull下钻遇阻:set weight部分漏失:partially lost circulation全部漏失:totally lost circulation盲钻:blind drilling堵水眼:bit jets are blocked掉水眼:bit jets are lost憋压:the pressure is built up卸压:release pressure试压:pressure test功能测试:function test双方独自检查:double check地质:geology地质专业人员:geologist物理:physics地球物理勘探:geo-physical exploration.测井:logging电测井作业:wireline logging operation泥浆测井:mud logging井(副词“好”含意):well拓展记忆:井眼:bore hole油气井:oil&gas well试井:well test井下:down-hole井下作业:down-hole operation第2 节石油钻井方法基础词汇钻井原理:the principles of drilling顿钻钻井:percussion drilling,cable-tool drilling旋转钻井:rotary drilling大位移井:big distance( or extended ) well侧钻井:sidetracking drilling水平井:horizontal well探井:wildcat,wildcat drilling深井:deep well浅井:shallow well老井:maturing well丛式钻井:cluster well drilling煤层气井:coal-bed gas well生产井:production well报废井:abandoned well停产井:none-production well井下情况:downhole condition第3 节石油钻井技术基础词汇技术规范,技术指标,技术性能:specification 拉伸:tension拉伸强度:tensile strength弯曲强度:bending srength最小屈服强度:minimum torsional strength 应力:stress压力:pressure应力点:stress point压力降:pressure drop压力梯度:pressure gradient回压:back pressure大气压:atmosphere压差:pressure difference静液柱压力:static fluid cloumn pressure地层压力:formation pressure坍塌压力:collapse pressure破裂压力:fractured pressure液体:liquid固体:solid气体:gas,air正的:positive负的:negative水平的:horizontal垂直的:vertical第4 节石油钻井参数基础词汇钻压:WOB(weight on bit)转盘转速:RPM(rotation per minute)泵压:SPP(slurry pump pressure)泵冲:SPM(stroke per minute)排量:FR(flow rate)大钩负荷:hook load扭矩:torque反扭矩:reactive torque钻速:ROP(rate of penetration)顶驱:TDS(top drive system)钻井周期:drilling period钻井成本:drilling costs井眼尺寸:hole size垂深:TVD(total vertical depth)井深:MD(measured depth)水平位移:horizontal displacement井斜角:angle( or hole inclination)方位角:azimuth井眼环空:annulus第5 节石油钻井作业现场工作人员名称甲方:oil company(operator)钻井承包商:drilling contractor第三方(分包商)the third party(sub-contractor)钻井经理:drilling manager监督:supervisor钻井监督:DSV(drilling supervisor) or Companyman 地质监督:geologist泥浆工程师:mud engineer固井工程师:cementing engineer泥浆录井工:mud logger钻井队:drilling crew,drilling team钻井1 班:drilling shift one总经理:general manager总工程师:chief engineer项目经理:project manager(country manager)作业经理:operation manager财务经理:financial manger会计:accountant平台经理:rig manager带班队长:tool pusherHSE 监督:HSE officer司钻:driller副司钻:assistant driller井架工:derrick man钻工:roughneck(or floorman)场地工:roustabout泥浆工:mudman发动机工:motorman机械师:mechanic电工:electrician电焊工:welder司机:driver吊车司机:crane operator铲车司机:forklift operator营房经理:camp boss医生:doctor材料员:material man(storekeeper)炊事员:cook翻译:interpreter洗衣工:laundry man厨房服务生:waiter保安:watchman(or security)机械工程师:mechanic engineer第6 节石油作业现场常用工具扳手:wrench螺丝起子:screwdriver多角螺丝起子:Phlilips screwdriver (cross-headed screwdriver)撬杠:bar加长撬杠:cheater bar活动板手:monkey wrench,adjustable wrench钳子:pliers钩子:hook台钳:bench vice钢挫:file榔头:hammer锤击扳手:hammer wrench搬手:spanner内六角扳手:Allen key钢锯:hacksaw砂纸:sandpaper管钳:pipe tongs(pipe wrench)链钳:chain tong千斤顶:jack黄油枪:grease gun吊车:crane牵引绳:tag line电焊条:welding rod拖拉机:tractor推土机:bulldozer硬尺:ruler游标卡尺:Vernier slide油漆:paint铅油:dope油漆刷:paint brush铅油刷:dope brush绝缘胶布:electrical tape电线:wire插头:plug电插座:outlet(receptacle or switchboard)开关:switch螺栓:bolt螺帽:nut垫片:washer钉子:nail手电钻:hand drill钻头:bit工作台:workbench工具箱:toolbox胶水:glue胶棒:glue bar护丝:thread protector手轮:hand wheel脚轰油门:throttle联接法兰:coupling flange(or adaptor flange) 安全带:safety belt安全帽:helmet工作靴:safety boot工衣:coverall棉袄:coat防护眼镜:safety goggle手套:gloves口罩:mouth mask围裙:apron洗眼台:eye washing station灭火机:fire extinguisher消防栓:fire -hydrant水龙头:water tap消防斧:fire fighting axe铲子:shovel手砂轮:emery wheel左转:turn left右转:turn right手势:gesture信号:signal垃圾:waste garbage拖把:mop接头:sub配合接头:X-over ,cross-over提升短节:lifting sub卡瓦:slips放卡瓦:set slips母锥:box tap公锥:taper tap打捞矛:fishing spear安全接头:safety sub柔性短节:flexible joint井口盖子:wellhead cover防喷盒:mud boxBOP 吊装:BOP trolley( BOP hoist)吊卡:elevator吊环:elevator links安全卡瓦:safety clamp(dog collar)钻杆架:pipe rack水龙头提环:swivel bail材料房:warehouse绳卡:bullnose clamp(guy anchor)绳套:sling吊带:soft sling(belt)卸扣:shackle吊装工具:lifting gear维护保养:maintenance内钳:make-up tong外钳:break-out tong液压大钳:power tong液压猫头:E-zy tong兜绳:mule line四通阀:four-way valve三通:Tee软管:hose球阀:ball valve闸板阀:gate valve单流阀:back valve灌注泵:supercharge pump第二章:石油工程常用设备及专业术语第1 节钻井设备部分井架:Derrick(or mast)起(放)井架:erect(lay down) Derrick 底座大梁:sill钢木基础:mat铅锤:plumb水平仪:level架,台:rack立根盒:setback area坡道:V door(or ramp)猫道:catwalk二层台:monkey-board圆井盖:cellar cover天车:crown block防碰天车:crown-o-matic天车梁:crown block beam天车台:water table游动滑车:traveling block钻井大绳:drilling line引绳:guide line穿大绳:string-in drilling line金属线,电线:wire,cable钢丝绳股:strand截断:cutoff滑车,滑轮,皮带轮:pulley(hoist)手拉葫芦:hand pulley吊耳:lifting eye顶驱:top drive大钩:hook大钩弹簧:hook spring大钩销子:hook pin大钩锁紧装置:hook locking device大钩悬挂高度:hook height水龙头:swivel鹅颈管:gooseneck冲管:wash pipe水龙头盘根:swivel packing钻井水龙带: rotary hose( kelly hose)立管:stand pipe立管管汇:stand pipe manifold高压管线:high pressure line由壬:union低压管线:low pressure line传感器:sensor放压管线:relief line转盘:Rotary Table转盘方瓦:master bushing方补心取出装置:bushing handling tool 方补心:kelly drive bushing方孔:square opening小鼠洞:mouse hole大鼠洞:rat hole绞车:Drawworks挂合(摘开)绞车:engage(disengage) drawworks液压绞车:hydraulic winch气动绞车:air tugger(air hoist)滚筒:drum( reel)滚筒高速气离合器:high speed clutch滚筒低速气离合器:low speed clutch锚头:cathead液压猫头:E-zy tong上扣猫头:make up cathead卸扣猫头:make out cathead牙嵌离合器:jaw clutch涡磁刹车:eddy current brake(electromagnetic brake) 猫头轴:cathead shaft猫头绳:cathead line死绳:dead line死绳固定器:dead line anchor间隙:gap死绳固定器膜片:dead line diaphragm上扣:make up上扭矩:torque sth卸扣,卸开:break out上紧,固定:tighten(fasten)松开,松扣:loosen加载:load卸载:unload盘式刹车:disc brake刹车总成:brake assembly刹车轴:brake shaft刹车带:brake band刹车片:brake block液压油箱:hydraulic power unit液动试压泵:hydraulic test pump液压大钳:hydraulic (power)tong倒档齿轮:reverse gear动力扳手:power wrench吊钳钳头:hinged jaw钳牙:die大钳锁销:latch大钳悬臂:suspension bar平衡重:counterbalance weight吊钳钳臂:tong arm第2 节钻井泵类及相关设备泥浆泵:mud pump活塞:piston活塞杆:piston rod活塞皮碗:piston cup缸套:liner凡尔体:valve body凡尔座:valve seat凡尔箱:pump module阀弹簧:valve spring阀杆:valve lever阀面:valve face阀帽:valve bonnet空气包:pulsation damper充氮气:refill with nitrogen泥浆泵安全阀:pop-off valve卸压管线:release line排出阀:discharge valve吸入阀:suction valve上水滤子:screen油尺:oil-level dipstick灌注泵:supercharge pump冷却水泵:cooling pump潜水泵:submersible pump盘根盒:stuffing box叶轮:impeller单向阀:check valve(single-pass valve)安全阀:safety valve手动阀:manual valve液动阀:hydraulic valve拉杆:tie rod,tension bar压力表:pressure gauge冲数:strokes排量:flow rate80 冲(次)/分:eighty strokes per minute 泥浆罐:mud tank倒泥浆:transfer mud循环罐:active tank储备罐:reserve tank起下钻罐:trip tank溢流检查:flow check沉砂罐:satteling tank锥形罐:sand trap震动筛:sahle shaker筛布:screen目数:mash除砂器: desander除泥器: desilter离心机:centrifuge泥浆分配槽:spider box缓冲罐buffer tank第3 节与泵操作有关的实用短语没有压力:No pressure压力过高:The pressure is too high返回太少:Mud return is too few水太少:Water is not adequate.抢修:Rush to repair请看记录:Please check the record没作记录:No record available加化学药品:add chemicals测定比重:measure mud weight(specific gravity) 测定失水:measure water loss泥饼:mud cake测定切力:measure gel strength停泵:stop pump请打手势:Please make a gesture转动一周:turn round a circle垫高一些:put something under it to raise抓紧:firmly grasp抬高:lift it up拿稳:hold firm打一下:hit once往外拉:pull outward站稳:stand firm小端:small end大端:large end光滑:smooth粗糙:coarse,rough平面:flat弯曲:bending放松:loosen绷直:stretch tight,draw tight冷却:cooling润滑:lubricate过载:overload功率不足:power is not enough.第4 节钻台与底座钻台:drilling floor钻井班组记录:drilling tour record司钻监视器:driller's monitor司钻控制台:driller's console指重表:weight indicator底座:substructure井队活动房:trailer钻台上值班房:doghouse梯子:ladder第5 节井控操作与防喷器溢流: kick溢流征兆: kick sign气侵:gas cut井喷:blow-out1 次井控the primary well control2 次井控the secondary well control3 次井控the tertiary well control平衡balance超平衡over-balance欠平衡under balance漏失试验leak-off test破裂压力fracture pressure额定压力rated pressure工作压力working pressure防喷器组BOP stack安装(甩下)防喷器组:nipple up(nipple down) BOP stack 分流器diverter万能防喷器:annular preventer,bag preventer单闸板防喷器:single ram preventer双闸板防喷器:double ram preventer(防喷器)闸板:pipe ram变芯闸板防喷器variable bore ram全封式防喷器:blind ram剪切防喷器:shear ram内防喷器Inside BOP投入式单流阀DIBPV(Drop in blowout preventer valve)分流关线diverter line节流管汇choke manifold节流阀choke valve旁通阀standby valve调压阀: Pressure regulator手动节流阀manual choke远程节流阀remote choke井口四通drilling spool变径法兰:adapter flange液压控制阀HCR(hydraulic controller)远程控制系统:koomey unit蓄能器:accmulator压井管线:kill line入口:inlet出口:outlet简易除气器:poor-boy degasser真空除气器:vaccum degasser泥浆池液面纪录仪Pit volume recorder(totallizer) 泥浆流动传感仪mud flow sensor泥浆增量Pit gains硫化氢侵入H2S influx加重材料Weighted material氮气Nitrogen乙炔:acetylene氧气:oxygen预冲氮气压力Pre-charge nitrogen pressure地脚螺栓连接Studded connection法兰连接Flange connection箍盘连接Hub connection演习:drill急救演习:first aid drill消防演习:fire drill防喷演习:kick drill泄压: bleed off pressure带刻度压力表: calibrated pressure gauge带刻度容(体)积表: calibrated volume gauge 套管鞋: casing shoe上部井眼段top hole section快速钻进地层fast drilling formation压实地层:consolidated formation风化地层:weathered formation钻屑携带能力cuttings carrying capacity浅层气藏shallow gas地层破裂formation to break down压力梯度pressure gradient地层压力formation pressure井口压力wellhead pressure漏失压力leak-off pressure破裂压力fractured pressure井底压力BHP( bottom hole pressure)正常压力normal pressure异常压力abnormal pressure静液压力hydrostatic pressure动态压力dynamic pressure环空压力annular pressure关井钻杆压力SIDPP (shut in drill pipe pressure)关井套管压力SICP( shut in casing pressure)最大关井套管压力maximum allowable surface pressure, MAASP 最初循环压力ICP( Initial circulating pressure)循环结束压力FCP(Final circulating pressure)U 形管原理U-tube principle压井操作killing operation补救措施remedial actions关井后循环circulation under well closed in conditioncl 离子含量chloride contentDc 指数Dc exponent软关井soft shut in硬关井hard shut in第1 次循环first circulation第2 次循环second circulation压井泥浆比重kill mud weight抽吸swab激动surge含气地层gas bearing formation含气页岩gas bearing shale安全增量safety margin记录卡片trip sheet低循环泵速SCR(slow circulation rate)当量泥浆密度EQD(equivalent mud density)当量循环密度ECD(equivalent circulating density)司钻压井法driller’s method等待压井法wait & weight method体(容)积法volumetric method下推压井法bull-heading method不压井下钻:snub in第三章:钻井工程作业部分第1 节钻井事故井喷:blow out井涌:kick井漏:lost circulation坍塌,井壁坍塌:cave in(collapse)出砂:sand production砂桥:sand bridge台阶:ledge键槽:keyseat椭圆井眼:oval shaped hole卡钻:sticking填井:pack-hole封井:packed drilling井下落物:fish大幅度活动钻具试图解卡:work the string and try to free it活动钻具以避免卡钻:move(reciprocate ) the string to avoid being stuck. 打捞:fishing鱼头:top of fish打捞工作:fishing job侧钻:side-tracking侧钻井眼:sidetracking hole水泥窜槽:cement channeling固井失败:cement failure防砂:sand control缓慢开泵并仔细观察返浆情况:slowly start pumping and closely watch the return on the shale shaker第2 节钻头牙轮钻头:rock bit刮刀钻头:drag bit金钢石钻头:diamond bit镶齿钻头:insert bit铣齿钻头:milled tooth bit喷射钻头:jet bit牙轮:cone钻头装卸器:bit breaker钻头直径:bit diameter钻头寿命:bit life钻头磨损:bit wear钻头型号:bit type水眼尺寸:nozzle size水眼效率:nozzle efficiency钻头接头:bit sub第3 节钻具方钻杆:kelly方钻杆旋扣器:kelly spinner方钻杆旋塞:kelly cock钻具:drilling string钻杆:drill pipe油管:tube钻具组合:drilling assembly扶正器:stabilizer扩眼器:reamer(hole opener)钻铤:drill collar无磁钻铤:NMDC(non-magnetic drill collar) 加重钻杆:HWDP(heavy weight drill pipe) 近钻头扶正器:near-bit stabilizer震击器:jar减震器:shock absorber螺旋钻铤:spiral drill collar键槽破坏器:key seat reamer安全接头:safety joint钻杆刮泥器:drill pipe wiper泥浆动力钻具:mud motor钻柱:drill string涡轮:turbine涡轮钻具:turbo-drill stem立根:stand加厚:upset内加厚:IU(internal upset)外加厚:EU(external upset)内外加厚:internal-external upset丝扣:thread打捞颈:fishing neck母扣:box公扣:pin左旋螺纹:left-hand thread右旋螺纹:right-hand thread正规接头:regular joint贯眼接头:full hole joint内平接头:internal flush joint护丝:thread protector快速护丝:easy protector打捞工具:fishing tool打捞作业:fishing operation打捞篮:junk basket卡瓦打捞筒:overshot打捞杯:junk sub牙轮打捞器:cone fisher套管打捞矛:casing spear打捞矛:fishing spear打捞公锥:male tap(fishing nipple)打捞母锥:female tap(fishing socket)倒扣工具:reversing tool(backing-up tool) 铣鞋:milling shoe铣具:milling tool平底铣鞋:flat bottom mill磁力打捞工具:magnetic fishing tool打捞钩:fish hook气动工具:pneumatic tool减摩短节:friction reduction sub下套管漂浮接箍:casing floating coupling轴向加压器:hydraulic axial thruster第4 节钻井工程地面作业实用词汇与短语方入:kelly-in方余:kelly-up开钻:spud in作业指令:instruction钻井设计:drilling program井身结构:well schematic岩性:lithology迟到时间:lag time(bottom up)换钻头:change bit甩钻具:laydown drill pipe发生故障:break down安装(拆卸):rig up(rig down)接头:sub adapter机械手:mechanical arm铁钻工:iron roughneck有故障:It fucked up( something is wrong with it)已修好:it has been fixed马上去:Go there at once请下去:Please go down请上来:Please come up躲开,危险:keep away,danger.请翻译来:Ask interpretor come here,冲洗:wash down井口:well-head一根钻杆(单根):single三根钻杆组合(立根):thribble吊蓝:cage(basket)换班:shift change第5 节钻井工程井口作业实用词汇与短语喇叭口:bell nipple出水管:mud return line(flow line)试压杯:cup tester小心滑倒:wet floor, be careful不要往井眼内掉东西:never fall down anything inside hole我来做:Let me do it带把板手来:Bring a spanner,please带点密封剂:Bring a little sealant(Teflon),please 很快就好了:lt will be finshed right away抬一下:Let's lift it把绳子给我:Give me the rope,please不漏:no leakage电焊:welding气焊:gas welding气割:gas cut栏杆:handrail,gangway rail,railing蒸汽:vapour压缩空气:pressurized (compressed) air注意安全:pay attention to safety别动:Don't move,Don't touch.对准:point out exactly.校正:align裸眼:open hole第四章:钻井液及相关设备第1节钻井液名称泥浆:mud钻井液:drilling fluid完井液:completion fluid修井液:work-over fluid压井液:killing fluid射孔液:perforating fluid隔离液:spacer fluid泥浆处理:mud treatment泥浆处理设备:mud treating equipment饱和盐水泥浆:saturated salt-water mud油基泥浆:oil-base mud高粘度泥浆:heavy viscous mud重泥浆:weighted mud重泥浆压钻杆:slug drill pipe起钻倒返泥浆:we have wet pipeduring POOH重晶石:barite纯碱:soda ash高岭土粉:koaline powder云母片:mica sheet增粘剂:viscosifier稀释剂:diluent (thinner)稳定剂:stabilizer (stabilizing agent)烧碱:caustic soda稀释dilution, thinning水泥凝固cement setting第2 节钻井液设备离心泵:centrifugal pump振动筛跑泥浆:mud overflow shale shaker 筛出:shake out混合泵:mixing pump混合漏斗:mixing hopper搅拌器:mud agitator泥浆抢:mud gun岩屑:cuttings沉淀:settle沉积物:deposit吸入:suction吸入罐:suction pit泥浆天平:mud balance游码:slide weight支点:fulcrum刀口:edge调整,校正:adjust粘度计:viscometer第3 节钻井液处理剂包,袋:sack粘土:clay膨润土,般土:bentonite钠:sodium钙:calcium氯:chloride氯化钙:calcium chloride石棉:asbestos分散:dispersal表面活性剂:surface-active material铁络盐:lignite单宁:tannin羧甲基纤维素:carboxymethyl celluose CMC 木纤维:xylogen石灰:lime二氧化钙:calcium oxide粉末:powder薄片:flake溶解:dissolve延迟,妨碍:retard处理剂,添加剂:additives缓凝剂:retarder支撑剂:proppant乳化剂:emulsifier润湿剂:wetting agent稳定剂:stabilizing agent除钙剂:calcium remover降失水剂:filtration-reducing agentPH 值控制剂:PH control additive润滑剂:lubricant消泡剂:defoamer agent破乳剂:emulsion breaker洗涤剂:detergent防膨胀剂:anti-swelling agent粘土稳定剂:clay stable agent稀释剂:thinner封堵剂:plugging agent抑制剂:inhibition agent暂堵剂:temporary plugging agent解堵剂:plugging removal堵漏剂:LCM (lost circulation material)水敏地层:water-sensitive formation分散:dispersal水泥浆:cement slurry流变性:rheological characteristics稳定性:stability稠化时间:thickening-time低密度水泥浆:low-density slurry油气层保护:reservoir protection高渗透性:high-permeability砾石:gravity悬浮:suspension固化:solidification.防膨胀:anti-swelling高凝高粘度:high condensation and viscosity 无毒的:non-poisonous无荧光:non-fluorescence钻井液性能参数Specificaitons of Drilling Fluid 含水:water content密度:density厚度:thickness粘度:viscosity塑性粘度:plastic viscosity含砂量:sand content屈服:yield屈服点:yield point屈服强度:yield strength剪切速率:shear rate剪切强度:shear strength剪切应力:shear stress稀释:dilute适用温度:safe temperature初始切力:initial gel strength终切力:ten-min gel strength触变性:thixotropy剪切稀释:shear thining液体浓度:concentration泥浆柱:mud column层流:laminar flow涡流:turbulent flow气泡:bubble第五章:钻井相关作业第1节取芯部分岩心:core取心钻头:core bit取心筒:core barrel内岩心筒:inner barrel外岩心筒:outer barrel岩心爪:core catcher取心工具:corehandling tools取心收获率:core recovery rate 取样器:sample blob取样盒:sample box样品筒:sample chamber取样工:sample catcher取样间隔:sample interval井壁取心:side-wall coring井壁取心枪:side-wall coring gun 取芯失败:coring failure第2 节固井部分固井:cementing完井:well completion水泥:cement井口:wellhead井口压力:well head pressure井口回压:back pressure on the well head套压:casing pressure导管:conductor表层套管:surface casing技术套管:protective casing(intermediatecasing) 油层套管:production casing尾管:liner尾管悬挂器:liner hanger通径轨:rabbit封隔器:packer联顶节:landing joint套管柱casing string套管下部结构(含套管鞋、浮箍):casing track(including casing shoe, float collar) 套管扶正器:centralizer止退环:stop collar口袋:pocket( rat hole)环空注水泥作业:top cement job碰压:bump plug隔离液:spacer分级箍:stage collar水泥粘结强度strength of cement bond套管钳:casing tongs套管接箍:casing coupling套管头:casing head散装水泥:bulk-cement水泥浆:cement slurry插管注水泥:stab in cementing插入密封接头:stab in adapter分级注水泥:stage cementing先行水泥浆:lead cement slurry末端水泥浆:tail cement slurry促凝剂:accelerator替浆:displace with mud水泥面:top of cement固井管线:chicksan line(cementing line)灰罐:silo(bulk tank)候凝:WOC(wait-on-cement)挤水泥:squeeze cement水泥塞:plug第3 节固井水泥浆名称和参数超细水泥浆:ultrafine slurry普通水泥浆:normal slurry纤维水泥浆:fiber-reinforced cement slurry膨胀水泥浆:expanding cement slurry低密度水泥浆:low-density slurry水泥体积收缩:cement volume contraction水泥浆水化期间:cement slurry hydrating period水泥胶结质量:cement sheath bonding quantity失水率:the rate of water loss析水:liberate water稠化时间:thickening time凝固强度:cementation strength渗透性:permeability,膨胀率:expansion rate压缩强度:compression strength流动性:mobility第4 节测井部分电测:wireline logging测井解释:logging interpretation随钻测井:LWD(logging while drilling)测井电缆:logging cable测井工具:logging tool自然电位测井:spontaneous potential log感应电测井:induction electrical survey双感应测井:dual induction-laerolog中感应测井:medium induction log数字记录:digital record照相记录:photographic recording放射性测井:radioactivity log声波技术:acoustic wave technology仪器耐温:the temperature resistance of the instrument 仪器耐压:pressure resistance of instrument油气比:GOR (gas oil ratio)第六章:井下作业常用短语修井:work-over修井工具:work-over tool井下操作:down-hole operations.产层污染:pollution of pay zone增产措施:stimulations压裂和酸化:fracturing or acidizing酸化处理:acid treatment人工压裂:artificial fracturing重复压裂过程:repetition presses for fracturing,压裂车:fracturing truck sets压裂后反映:post-fracture response固体和液体添加泵:solid and liquid additive pump泵交联:pumping cross link交联剂:cross-linking agent排量:discharging三维压裂:three-dimension fracturing对压裂参数的监控、分析和解释:real time monitoring,analyzing and interpreting for fracturing operation parameters压裂操作:fracturing operation压裂规模:fracturing scale化学吞吐:chemical disposal乳化降粘:emulsification declining viscosity增注:augmented injection.注水:water-injection裸眼砾石填充完井:bore hole gravel packer completion.开窗铣锥:open-window mill prick,开窗斜向器:open-window inclined implement碳酸盐岩:carbonate reservoir第七章:海上钻井作业¨海上钻井:offshore drilling陆地钻井:on-land drilling海滩:sea beach浅海:shallow sea海底管线:sea-bottom pipe海底电缆铺设:setting cable under sea-bottom平台安装:platform installation钻井平台:drilling platform顺风:tail wind逆风:against the wind摄氏零下…度:below…degree centigrade启锚:weigh anchor抛锚:drop anchor拖航:drag对讲机:intercom,walkie-talkie上吊茏:Please get on the liftbasket救生衣:life jacket晕船:sea sick控制速度:Control the speed货已送抵:The goods has arrived货物验收:Please check and accept the goods在不远处:Not far from here不方便:lt's not convenient有危险:lt's dangerous防污染:prevent pollution没情况:Nothing happened.第八章:定向井部分定向井:directional well造斜点:KOP(kick off point)最大井斜角:maximum hole inclination增斜段:building up section稳斜段:holding section降斜段:drop off section井眼尺寸:hole size长、中、段半径:long,medium and short radius 裸井段:the open hole section水平段:horizontal section固井段:cementing section井斜角测量点:angle point水平位移:horizontal departure(displacement)井眼轨迹:wellbore trajectory优化控制:optimum control筛管:screen pipe长封固段固井:long intervals cementing丛式井:cluster well斜向器:whipstock第九章:石油现场机械传动与机械设备第1 节:动力与传动柴油机:diesel发电机:generator直流(交流)电动机:DC(AC)motor交流电:A.C (alternating current)直流电:D.C (direct current)变压器:transformer传动轴:driving shaft从动轴:driven shaft空调机:air conditioner空气压缩机:air compressor应急发电机组:emergency generator消防水泵:fire pump配电间:distrubution room电动潜水泵:ESP(electrical submersible pump) 锅炉:boiler蒸汽:vapour气压不足:The airpressure is poor操作有问题:Operation is not good电压正常:Voltage is all right绝缘不好:The insulation is bad触电:electric shock温度太高:The tempreture is too high 接地:ground短路:short circuit按红色钮:Please push the red button 打开:open,turn on,switch on关闭:close,turn off,switch off风扇:fan爬上去:climd up跳下来:jump down接住:catch it拿稳:hold tight平方米:square meter立方米:cubic meter加工:process三项交流电:three-phase AC气罐:air tank偶合器,联轴节:coupling链轮:sprocket链条:chain皮带:belt链条驱动:chain drive皮带驱动:belt drive第2 节机械加工与设备对准,使…成一线:align周围的,环境的:ambient模糊,含糊,不明确:ambiguity退火的:annealed淬火:quench回火:temper阳极:anode阴极:cathode含水的,水的:aqueous装配:assembly增大,增加,增益:augment侧向间隙:back-lash电木,(绝缘)胶木:Bakelite批量生产:bulk production轴承:bearing锥齿轮,伞齿轮:bevel gear(刮刀,刃,叶片:blade坯料:blank吹风,爆炸,喷砂机:blast滑轮组:block and tackle浮子,摆锤:bob镗床,镗孔刀具:borer内孔加工,镗孔:boring瓶颈,薄弱环节:bottleneck平衡点,盈亏临界点:breakeven point 型坯:briquette拉床,铰孔机:broacher拉削,扩孔:broaching大齿轮:bull gear碰撞,曲折,拐点:bump缓冲器,减震器:bumper擦亮,光亮:burnish去毛刺:burring凸轮,偏心轮:cam凸轮轴:camshaft铸造:cast触媒,催化剂:catalyst空化作用:cavitation内腔,空穴,(铸造)型腔:cavity陶瓷的,陶器的,陶瓷制品:ceramic铁屑,金属屑:chip凿子,扁铲:chisel钳:clamp障碍(物),阻塞(物):clog离合器:clutch罗盘,指南针:compass凸型的:convex凹型的:concave外形,轮廓;结构,构造:configuration 锥形的,锥状的,锥体:conical传送装置,运输机,传送带:conveyor 波纹;使成波状:corrugation曲柄,曲拐:crank曲轴:crankshaft蠕动,蠕变:creep圆筒,圆柱体;液缸:cylinder仪表盘,控制板:dashboard静载:dead load碎片:debris模具,钢型,冲模:die模锻:die forge压铸的,模铸的:die-cast不导电的,电解质(的):dielectric差动齿轮,差速齿轮:differential gear扩散,弥漫:diffusion修饰,打磨,使表面光洁:dress钻床:drill press染色,着色;染料:dye电解质:electrolyte椭圆,椭圆体:ellipse金刚砂:emery侵蚀,冲蚀:erosion蚀刻:etch排出,排气;废气:exhaust消音器:muffler爆炸物,炸药;爆炸(性)的:explosive挤压(成形);挤出,压出:extrude平面加工:facing测隙规:feeler gauge膜:film精加工:finish柔性的,能变形的,灵活的,适应性强的:flexible软盘:floppy disc硬盘:hard disk车床:lathe流程图:flow chart起伏,波动:fluctuation开槽,切槽:fluting飞轮:flywheel锻造:forge支点,支轴:fulcrum(龙门)起重机:gantry几何学:geometry花岗岩,花岗石:granite石墨:graphite润滑脂:grease磨碎,研磨,磨削加工:grinding槽,沟,企口:groove陀螺仪,回转仪:gyroscope主轴箱:headstock螺旋形的,螺线:helical螺旋齿轮,斜齿轮:helical gear六角形(的):hex万向接头,万向联轴节:hooke (cardan) joint,flexible joint 削弱,损害:impair冲击,脉冲:impulse。



石油钻井工程基础词汇第一篇:石油钻井工程基础词汇采油平台:oil production platform第1节石油钻井工程基础词汇油泵:oil pump 1.钻探,钻井:drill 拓展记忆:钻井:drilling 定向斜井:directional drilling 欠平衡钻井:under-balance 海上钻井:off-shore 陆地钻井:on-land drilling 钻头:drill bit 刮刀钻头:drag bit 牙轮钻头:rock bit 金刚石钻头:diamond bit 喷射钻头:jet bit 钻铤:drill collar 衣领:collar 钻杆:drill pipe钻井队:drilling crew,drilling team 钻机:drill rig 钻井泥浆:drilling mud 钻井液:drilling fluid 钻井设备:drilling equipment 2.油、石油:oil 拓展记忆:原油:crude oil 石油:petroleum 中国石油(简称):Petro-China 采油:oil production采油设备:oil production equipment3.地质:geology 拓展记忆:地质专业人员:geologist 物理:physics地球物理勘探:geo-physical probe,geo-physical exploration 测井:logging测井作业:logging operation 测井记录:logging record 4.油(副词“好”含意):well 拓展记忆:井眼:hole 油井:oil well试井,油井测试:well test 井下:down-hole井下作业:down-hole operation第2节石油钻井方法基础词汇原油:crude oil 天然气:nature gas 煤层气:coal-bed gas 一体化设计:integral design 钻井:drilling钻井原理:the principles of drilling 顿钻钻井:percussiondrilling,cable-tool drilling 旋转钻井:rotary drilling液体冲击:fluid percussion 大位移:big deviation 侧钻井:sidetracking drilling 压力:pressure 应力点:stress point 压力等级:pressure grade technology,lateral drilling 水平井:horizontal well 探井:wildcat,wildcat drilling 深井:deep well 浅井:shallow well 老井:maturing well 欠平衡钻井:under-balance drilling 丛式钻井:cluster drilling technology 煤层气井:coal-bed gas well 生产井:production wells 报废井:abandon wells 停产井:none-production wells 绕障井、三维井:three-dimensional wells.常温井:normal temperature well 注采井:injection and production well 稠油井:heavy oil well 热洗井:hot washing pipe 井况:well condition 第3节石油钻井技术基础词汇技术规范,技术指标,技术性能:specification 拉伸:tension 拉伸强度:tensile strength 应力:stress压力降:pressure drop 压力梯度:pressure gradient 回压:back pressure 大气压:atmosphere 压差:differential pressure 静液柱压力:static fluid column pressure特征:characteristic,feature 定性讨论:qualitative argument 定量使用:quantitative use 液体:liquid 固体:solid 气体:gas,air 正的:positive 负的:negative虚线:dashed line,broken line 实线:full line 递减率:decline rate 正比于:be proportional to 水平的:horizontal 垂直的:vertical油层静压:the formation static pressure第4节石油钻井参数基础词汇负荷:load扭矩:torque 扭转:twist 摩擦:friction 钻压:WOB,weight on bit,weight,动态参数:dynamic data 静态参数:static data 注水参数:parameters of injection 参数、变量:variables drilling weight 钻速:ROP,rate of penetration,driiling rate,the rate of drilling平均机械钻速:average ROP 钻井周期:drilling period 转速:rotary speed地层压力预测:formation pressure prediction technology 地层快速预测:the formation fast prediction 埋藏深度:bury depth 产油层,产油带:pay zone, productive formation温度梯度:temperature gradient 地层压力:formation pressure 坍塌压力:collapse pressure 破裂压力:fracture pressure 平衡压力:equilibrium pressure 钻具(柱)压力:drilling string pressure 钻头振动:vibration of bit 钻井成本:drilling costs 井眼尺寸:hole size,well size 参数计算:parameters calculation 几何参数:geometric parameters 参数分析:parameter analysis 井距:well space垂直深度:vertical depth 水平位移:horizontal deviation 总深度:total depth 垂直深度:vertical depth水平位移:horizontal displacement 最大井斜角:maximum hole inclination井眼环空:annulus space 压力调节器:pressure regulator 恢复(增加)压力:the build-up pressure初始开采:primary recovery 含水地层:water bearing formation 套管漏失:casing leak 摩擦损失:friction losses 气举阀:gas-lift valve 石蜡族:paraffin series 含气液柱:gas-laden column 增产措施:stimulation treatment 流动能力:flowing capacity 生产速率:production rate 水驱:water drive 气驱:gas drive 网状系统:grid system水侵:water influx 五点法:five-spot pattern 油井产量:well productivity 径向流:radial system 富气:enriched gas 贫气:lean gas 气顶:gas cap 气驱:gas drive(or gas flooding)水驱:water drive(or water flooding)地层伤害:formation damage 波及系数:sweep efficiency 泄油半径:drainage radius 基岩处理:matrix treatment 单级脱气:single stage separation 泄油面积:drainagearea 表面张力:surface tension 束缚水:connate water(or interstitial water)第5节石油钻井作业现场工作人员名称1.钻井队:drilling crew,drilling team 队,组:crew , team2.技术员:technician 钻井技术员:drilling technician 泥浆技术员:mud technician3.监督:supervisor钻井监督:drilling supervisor 副监督:assistant supervisor地质监督:geology supervisor 4.工程师:engineer 泥浆工程师:mud engineer 泥浆工:mudman机械工程师:mechanic engineer 引擎,发动机:engine 工程:engineering钻井工程:drilling engineering 采油工程:production engineering 石油工程:petroleum engineering试油工程:oil test engineering拓展记忆:工程项目:project 希望工程:The Hope Project 三峡工程:The Three-Gorge Project 项目经理:project manager 工程管理:project management 钻工:roughneck,floorman 司钻:driller副司钻:assistant driller 钻井队长:drilling foreman 钻井领班:tool pusher 井架工:derrick man 发动机工,机工:motorman 钻台工:floor man机械师:technicians,mechanic 电焊工:welder 电工:electrician 医生:doctor材料员:material man,staff man 炊事员:cook 翻译:interpreter,translator 洗衣工:laundry man电线:wire 插头:plug 电插座:outlet 开关:switch 螺栓:bolt第6节石油作业现场常用工具螺帽:nut 1.石油作业现场普通工具板手:wrench 螺丝起子:screwdriver 多角螺丝起子:Phlilips screwdriver 活动板手:monkey wrench,adjustable wrench 钳子:pliers 手斧:hatchet 钩子:hook 台钳:bench vice 榔头:hammer 木锤:mallet 搬手:spanner 锯子:saw 电动手锯:jigsaw 电锯:power saw 钢锯:hacksaw 硬尺:rule 软尺:tape measure 砂纸:sandpaper 油漆:paint 油漆刷:paintbrush 绝缘胶布:electrical tape钉子:nail 电钻:electric drill 钻头:bit工作台:workbench 工具箱:toolbox胶水:glue 胶棒:glue bar管钳:pipe tongs,pipe spanner,wrench链钳:chain tongs,chain spanner, chain wrench护丝:thread protector,screw protector 手轮:hand wheel阀门搬手:valve wrench,valve spanner联接法兰:coupling flange 安全带:safety belt:安全帽:safety cap:工作靴:working boots:千斤顶:jack 吊车:crane 拖拉机:tractor推土机:bulldozer刮刀:scraper2.石油作业现场专用工具接头:sub配合接头:X-over,cross-over 提升短接:lifting sub, lifting nipple 换配件:fittings change 灌注泵:charge pump第二章石油工程常用设备elevator 卡瓦:slip 母锥:box bell 公锥:taper tap 短节:joint 柔性短节:flex joint 井口:wellhead 螺旋钻铤:spiral collar 方钻杆:kelly 钻杆架:pipe rack 材料房:warehouse 绳卡:guy anchor 润滑器:lubricator 维护保养:maintenance 内钳:lead tong外钳:back-up tong 液压大钳:hydraulic tong 兜绳:mule line四通阀:four-way valve 软管:hose球伐:ball valve,globe valve 闸板阀:ram valve,gate valve 增压泵:booster pump 及专业术语第1节钻井设备部分1.井架:Derrick 塔形井架:derrickA形井架:cantilever mast,mast-A 桅杆:mast 底座大梁:sill 架,台:rack架工操作台:monkey-board 2.游动系统:Traveling System 天车:crown block 天车梁:crown block beam 游动滑车:traveling block 钻井大绳:drilling line,wire line 金属线,电线:wire,line 钢丝绳,测井电缆:wire line 钢丝绳股:strand 截断:cutoff 滑车,滑轮,皮带轮:pulley 吊耳:eye plate3.大钩与水龙头:Hook and Swivel 顶驱:top drive 大钩:hook大钩弹簧:hook spring 大钩销子:hook pin 大钩环:hook ring 大钩锁紧装置:hook locking device 大钩悬挂高度:hook height 水龙头:swivel 鹅颈管:gooseneck 冲管:wash pipe 水龙头盘根:swivel packing 钻井水龙带:drilling hose,rotary hose,kelly hose 立管:stand pipe 高压管线:high pressure line 低压管线:low pressure line 放压管线:relief line 储气筒:gas holder,air holder 4.转盘:Rotary Table 转盘方瓦:master bushing 方补心:kelly drive bushing 方孔:square opening 小鼠洞:mouse hole 大鼠洞:rat hole(井架大门处)坡板:ramp 5.绞车:Drawworks,Hoist 液压绞车:hydraulically-powered winch 气动绞车:air operated hoist 绞车:hoist,windlass,drawworks滚筒,线轴,卷轴:reel,pool,drum 滚筒高速气离合器:drum high air clutch滚筒低速气离合器:drum low air clutch 锚头:cathead液压猫头:hydraulic catwork 上扣猫头:make up cathead 卸扣猫头:make out cathead 牙嵌离合器:jaw clutch应急牙嵌离合器:emergency jaw clutch涡磁刹车:eddy current brake 猫头轴:cathead shaft 猫头绳:cathead line 猫头绳爪:cat line grip 死绳:dead line死绳固定器:dead line anchor 死绳固定器膜片:dead linediaphragm 上扣:spin up,screw on卸扣,卸开:break out,screw off 上紧,固定:tighten 松开,松扣:loosen 加载:load 卸载:unload 拧紧:screw 拧松:unscrew 刹车:brake刹车总成:brake assembly 刹车轴:brake axle,brake shaft 刹车带:brake band 刹车片:brake band lining 刹车杆:brake bar 闸瓦:brake block 刹把:brake crank,brake bar 刹车鼓:brake drum 离合器:clutch 液压油箱:hydraulic reservoir 液动试压泵:hydraulic test pump 液压大钳:hydraulic tong 倒档齿轮:reverse gear 第2节钻井泵类及相关设备泥浆泵:mud pump,drilling pump,slush pump 活塞:piston 活塞杆:piston rod 活塞皮碗:piston cup 缸套:liner,pump liner 凡尔体:valve body 凡尔座:valve cup 阀弹簧:valve spring 阀杆:valve lever 阀面:valve face 阀帽:valve bonnet 泥浆泵安全阀:mud relief valve 排出阀:discharge valve 吸入阀:suction valve潜水泵:submersible pump 阀门:valve 阀盖:valve cap 阀座:valve seat回压阀:back pressure valve 单向阀:check valve,single-pass valve 安全阀:safety valve 手动阀:manual valve 液动阀:hydraulic valve 冷缸:cold cylinder 拉杆:tie rod,tension bar 上水头:intake,suction end 排出口:discharge spout高压管:high pressure pipe 压力表:pressure gauge 冲数:strokes排量:displacement,discharge capacity,flow rate80冲(次):80(eighty)strokes第二篇:石油钻井工程思考题《油气田生产安全技术》思考题绪论思考题★1.什么是安全?什么是危险?什么是事故?什么是风险?★2.试述事故致因理论?3.试述《油气田生产安全技术》研究的内容?★4.衡量石油及其产品易燃性的三个基本条件是什么?★5.什么是原油的沸溢性?★6.试述燃烧极限的概念。



Rig position 钻井平台岗位assistant driller assistant supervisor 副钻副监督casing crew 套管队cementer 固井人员cementing engineer chief supervisor 固井工程师总监chief electrician 电气师chief engineer 轮机长chief mechanic chief repairman 机械师检修长chief roustabout / boatswain 水手长cleaning man 清洁工company man completion supervisor 甲方人员完井监督cook 厨师cooking crew 炊事班crane operator 吊车司机day/night supervisor deck manderrick man directional engineer directional operator 白班/夜班监督甲板工架工定向井工程师定向井技师driller 司钻drilling crew 钻井班drilling engineer 钻井工程师drilling supervisor 钻井监督electrician floorman geology supervisor geoservices man 电工钻工地质监督气测人员head cookhydraulic pressure man 厨师长液压工lathe man 车工laundry man 洗衣工logger 测井人员logging engineer material engineer material man 测井工程师材料师材料员mechanic 机械工mess boy 厨工motor man 机工mud manmud supervisor person on duty 泥浆工泥浆监督值班人员radio operator repairman 电报员大班rig manager 平台经理roustabout 水手senior tool pusher service provider 高级队长服务人员tool pusher trainee 队长实习人员welder 电焊工Unit & Conversion 单位及换算1.length light-year (km) 长度光年kilometer (km) meter (m) 千米米decimeter (dm) 分米centimeter (cm) millimeter (mm) 厘米毫米yard (yd) 码foot (ft) 英尺inch (in.) 英寸mile 英里nautical mile (n mile) 海里1 m = 3.281ft = 1.094 yd1 ft = 12 in. = 0.305 m1 in. = 25.4 mm1 mile = 1609.344 m1 n mile = 1852 mbit diameter 钻头直径bit footage 钻头进尺bit position 钻头位置casing size 套管尺寸hole size 井眼尺寸hook position 大钩位置kelly - down/in depth 方入深度kelly - up 方余mean sea level 平均海平面mean tide level 平均潮面nozzle size 水眼尺寸2.area 面积square meter (m2) foot (ft2) 平方米平方英尺1 m2= 10.764 ft23.volume 容积cubic meter(m3) foot (ft3) 立方米立方英尺liter (l) 升barrel (bbl) (美)桶gallon (gal) (美)加仑pint (pt) (美)品脱quart (qt) (美)夸脱1 m3= 6.290 bbl1 L = 0.264 gal1 bbl = 158.988 L = 42.02 gal1 gal = 4 qt = 8 pt1 qt = 0.946 LHow much mud is there in mud pit 3? 3号池有多少泥浆?There is 400 bbl of mud in pit 3. 400 桶。

钻井平台主要设备 英语词汇翻译

钻井平台主要设备 英语词汇翻译

钻井平台主要设备英语词汇翻译钻井平台主要设备一. 钻井设备 (Drilling Equipment):Drawworks 钻井绞车Rotary Table 转盘Bushing 补心Top Drive System (TDS) 顶驱Swivel 水龙头Crown Block 天车Traveling Block 游车Hook 大钩Derrick 井架Pipe Spinning Wrench 钻杆气动扳手Ezy-Torq 液压猫头Elmagco Brake 涡磁刹车Pipe handling Equipment 钻杆移动设备Iron roughneck 铁钻工Pipe Racking System 钻杆排放系统Drill String 钻柱Drilling Sub 钻井短节Fishing Tool 打捞工具Power Tong 动力大钳Air Winch (air tugger) 气动绞车Crown-O-Matic (Crown Saver) 防碰天车二. 泥浆系统 (Mud System)Mud Pump 泥浆泵Shale shaker 振动筛Mud Cleaner 泥浆清洁器Desilter 除泥器Desander 除砂器Degasser 除气器Centrifuge 离心机Mud Agitator 泥浆搅拌器Mud Mixing System 泥浆混合系统Centrifugal Pump 离心泵Standpipe Manifold 立管管汇Rotary Hose 水龙带Bulk Air System and Tank 吹灰系统和灰罐三. 井控设备 (Well Control Equipment):Ram Type Preventor 闸板防喷器Annular Type Preventor 万能防喷器BOP Stack 防喷器组Gate Valve 闸阀Choke and Kill Manifold 阻流压井管汇Remotely Operated Panel 远程控制面板Choke Control Panel 阻流控制面板BOP Handling Equipment 防喷器搬运设备Diverter 转喷器四. 海事系统 (Marine System)Ballast System 压载系统Bilge System 污水系统Vent 通风口, 通气口Air Supply Fan 供气扇Mooring System 锚泊系统Communication Equipment 通讯系统Jacking System 升降系统Skidding System 井架滑移系统Windlass 锚机Anchor 锚Pendant 短索Buoy 浮标Lifting and Handling Equipment 起吊和搬运设备五. 机房 (Engine Room)Diesel Engine 柴油机Emergency Generator 应急发电机Water Maker (desalinization unit) 造淡机Air Compressor 空气压缩机Boiler 锅炉Air-conditioning System 空调系统Sea Water Service Pump 海水供给系统Piping System 管汇系统Generator 发电机Transformer 变压器DC Motor 直流马达AC Motor 交流马达六. 安全设备 (Safety Equipment)Fire Control System 消防控制系统Fire Detection System 火情探测系统CO2 System 二氧化碳系统Fixed Fire Extinguishing System 固定消防系统Portable Extinguisher 移动灭火器Fire-Fight Equipment 消防设备Foam System 泡沫系统Lifeboat 救生艇(Inflatable) Life Raft (气涨式)救生筏Davit 吊艇架Escape Routes 逃生路线Breathing Apparatus 呼吸器Life Buoy 救生圈Gas Detection System 气体探测系统Helicopter Facility 直升机设施Sick-Bay (Hospital) 医务室Pollution Control 防污控制七. 其他 ( Others)Cementing Unit 固井装置Well Testing Equipment 试油设备Mud Logging Unit 泥浆录井房Wire Logging Unit 电测装置ROV 潜水器Meter 米Foot 英尺Inch 英寸Supply Boat (supply vessel) 供应船Standby boat 值班船Day (night) Shift 白(夜)班Crew Change 倒班Crew 船员, 队员, 井队Position 岗位Draft (draught) 吃水Air Gap 空气间隙, 气隙Penetration (桩腿插桩)入泥Evacuation 撤离Rig (Drilling rig) 钻机, 钻井船。



海上石油平台是什么---------------------------------------------------------------------- 海上石油平台,或称钻油平台(英语:oil platform、offshore platform、oil rig),是一个位于海上的大型的结构设施,用于钻井提取石油和天然气,并暂时储存,直到石油被运送到陆地上的炼油厂去裂解原油成为产品。






















海洋钻井术语18.1钻井平台drilling platform18.1.1海上钻井采油平台——offshore oil drilling and production platform为勘探开发海洋石油,在海上建造的钢制或钢筋混凝土制的工作场所,即称为平台。


18.1.2固定式平台——fixed platform由固定于海底的结构物导管架或重力式基座所支持的甲板,作为高出水面的工作场所。


18.1.3自升式钻井平台——self elevating drilling platform具有若干个可自行升降的桩脚的钻井平台,桩脚下部设有沉箱,可插入或坐于海底。

18.1.4坐底式钻井平台——submersible drilling platform具有沉垫的平台,它利用充水排气或排水充气来使沉垫沉浮或上升,当钻井时沉垫坐于海底,完井后沉垫浮起,用拖船拖移至井位。

18.1.5半潜式钻井平台——semi-submersible drilling platform结构与坐底式平台相似,也同样具有沉垫,可以沉降或升起,兼具坐底式平台和钻井浮船的优点。

18.1.6浮式钻井船——floating drilling ship是将普通船的甲板作为海上钻井的工作场所18.2海上钻井设备offshore drilling equipment18.2.1钻井附属船——drilling tender配合小型非自持式固定钻井平台使用的辅助船,上面装有动力设备、钻井泵、水泥车以及住区和仓库。

18.2.2钻井调查船——drilling research vessel用于进行海底工程地质调查的工程船,可以钻井、取心、取样及做各种工程地质需要的调查,为海上建筑物提供地质数据。




附录6:常用缩写词S/L:subsea pipeline 海底管线S/O:subsea oilline 海底输油管线1:一般缩写词S/W:subsea waterline 海底输水管线AI:artificial island 人工岛SA:satellite area 卫星区APP:SBL:standard symbol list 标准符号表CAL:calculation 计算书SKT:sketch 设计草图CEP:central platform 中心平台SLP:storage / loading platform 储罐平台DDS:detailed data sheet 数据表SPC:specification 规格书DPP:drilling/production platform 钻采平台SPM:single point mooring 单点系泊DRP:drilling platform 钻井平台STD:standard drawing 标准图DWG:drawing 图纸SWH:subsea wellhead 水下井口FI:field 油气田WHP:wellhead platform 井口平台"FPS:floating productionand storage unit"浮式生产储油装置WIP:water injection platform 注水平台FSU:floating storage unit 浮式储油装置2:结构专业常用缩写词GTP:gas treating plant 天然气处理厂approx:approximate 大约MEL:material and equipment list 材料及设备清单AFC:approved for construction 批准建造PA:pilot area 试验区C/W:PP:pressurizing platform 增压平台CDL:chart datum level 海图基准水位PRP:production platform 生产平台CH:checkered plate 花纹钢板PSP:production/storage platform 生产储罐平台CL:center line 中心线PWP:power platform 动力平台COG:center of gravity 重心RPT:report 报告DET:detail 详图S/C:subsea cable 海底电缆DIA:diameter 直径S/F:subsea flowline 海底出油管线DO:ditto 同上S/G:subsea gasline 海底输气管线DWG:drawing 图纸EHWL:extreme high water level 极端高水位OPP:opposite 对侧EL:elevation 标高PCS:pieces 件ELWL:extreme low water level 极端低水位PL:plate 板FB:flat bar 扁钢PSF:pounds per square foot 磅每平方英尺FIG:figure 图REF:reference 参考FRMG:framingREQ'D:required 需要FS:far side 背面REV:revision 修改GALV:galvanized 镀锌SEC:section 断面HAT:highest astronomical tide 最高天文潮SPEC:specification 规格或规格书HWL:high water level 高水位SQ:square 平方ID:inside diameter 内径STIFF:stiffener xxIR:inside radius 内半径SUP'T:support 支架LAT:lowest astronomical tide 最低天文潮SWL:safe working load 安全工作荷载LG:length xxTHK:thickness 厚度LWL:low water level 低水位TOS:top of structure 结构顶面MAT'L:material 材料TYP:typical 典型的MAX:maximum 最大值U/S:under side 底侧MIN:minimum 最小值UNO:unless noted otherwise 除非另有说明ML:mud line 泥面WP:work point 工作点MSL:mean sea level 平均海平面WT:wall thickness 壁厚MTO:material take-off 材料估算单NO:number 数量、号码NS:near side 可见侧NTS:note to scale 未按比例OD:outside diameter 外径spring bow 弹簧弓spring bracket 弹簧托架spring brake 弹簧闸spring buckle 弹簧扣spring buffer 弹簧缓冲器spring buoy 弹力浮筒spring callipers 弹簧卡钳spring cap 弹簧帽spring capacity 弹簧容量spring carrier 弹簧托架spring charged hydrostatic valve 静压弹簧阀spring clamp 弹簧夹spring clip 弹簧夹spring clutch 弹簧离合器spring coil 弹簧圈spring collar 弹簧挡圈spring collet 弹簧夹头spring constant 弹簧常数spring constellations 春季星座spring contact 弹簧触点spring contactor 弹簧接触器spring control 弹簧控制spring cotter 弹簧销spring cotter 弹性制销spring coupling 弹簧联轴器spring damper 弹簧减震器spring detent 弹簧擒纵器spring die 弹簧板牙spring drive 弹簧传动spring equilizing device 弹簧平衡装置spring equinox 春分;春分点spring expander 弹簧扩张器spring fastener 弹簧扣spring finger 弹簧夹spring fit hole 装配弹簧孔spring for fuel injector 喷油器调压弹簧spring for pressure limiting valve 限压阀弹簧spring for rocker shaft 摇臂轴弹簧spring for valve 气阀弹簧spring fuse 弹簧保险丝spring governor 弹簧调速器spring guide 弹簧导盘spring hanger 弹簧挂钩spring high water 大潮高潮spring high water 大潮高潮spring holder 弹簧定位销spring holder 弹簧座spring ice 蜂巢冰spring in seabed 海底喷泉spring jack 弹簧xxspring key 弹簧键spring lay rope (钢丝spring layer 锐变层spring leaf 簧片spring line 倒缆spring load 用弹簧加载spring loaded brake 弹簧闸spring loaded governor 弹簧调速器spring loaded overflow valve 弹簧溢流阀spring loaded pressure valve 弹簧压力阀spring loaded relief valve 弹簧安全阀spring loaded safety valve 弹簧安全阀spring loaded sparking plug 弹簧火花塞spring loaded valve 弹簧阀spring loaded 弹簧式spring loaded 用弹簧加载的spring lock washer 弹簧锁紧垫圈spring low water 大潮低潮spring low water 大潮低潮大潮平均低潮spring material 弹簧材料spring mattress 弹簧床垫spring mounted engine 弹簧减震发动机spring of cylinder lubricator plunger 气缸注油器柱塞弹簧spring operated band brake 弹簧带式闸spring operated brake 弹簧闸spring opposed bellows 弹簧压制膜盒spring pad 弹簧垫spring pin 弹性销spring pivot 弹簧支枢spring plate for valve 气阀弹簧座spring plate 弹簧板spring plunger 弹簧柱塞spring pressure gauge 弹簧压力表spring quadrant steer 弹簧舵扇舵机spring quadrant 弹簧舵柄弧spring quadrant 弹簧舵扇spring range of tide 平均大潮差spring range 大潮潮差spring rate 大潮流速spring resonance 弹簧共振spring retainer 弹簧承座spring return switch 弹簧开关spring ring 弹簧圈spring rise 大潮升spring rod 弹簧导杆spring saddle 弹簧鞍座spring safety valve 弹簧安全阀spring scales 弹簧秤spring seat 弹簧座spring shackle 弹簧卸扣spring sheet holder 金属片弹簧夹spring shock absorber 弹簧减震器spring sludge 蜂巢冰spring sludge 蜂巢冰spring stay 桅间横牵索spring steel band 弹簧钢带spring steel wire 弹簧钢丝spring steel 弹簧钢spring style 草图设计spring support 弹簧座spring surge 弹簧颤动spring suspended 弹簧悬吊spring switch 弹簧开关spring tension 弹簧xxspring tensioner 弹簧的调压螺钉spring tester 弹簧检验器spring tidal current 大潮潮流spring tide 大潮spring tide 大潮朔望潮spring tides 大潮spring tiller 弹簧舵柄弧spring tiller 弹簧减振舵扇spring time 大潮时间spring tool 弹簧刀spring towing hook 弹簧拖钩spring tube 弹簧管spring valve 弹簧阀spring velocity 大潮流速spring water stopper 弹簧止水夹spring winch 倒缆机spring wire 弹簧钢丝spring 弹簧春季spring 弹簧的spring 弹簧发条春季xxspring 弹簧斜缆spring 弹性spring 倒缆;大潮;弹簧;春;泉水spring 牵spring 朔望大潮spring-restrained accelerometer 弹簧限制式加速度计spring 波激振动spring 弹动spring 弹动弹簧装置sprinkle 酒sprinkle 喷淋sprinkle 微阵雨sprinkler fire-extinguishing system 喷洒灭火系统sprinkler head 喷水器;洒水头sprinkler head 喷水头sprinkler installation 喷水器装置sprinkler installation 自动洒水灭火装置sprinkler pump 洒水式消防系统泵sprinkler system of life boat 救生艇洒水系统sprinkler system 喷洒系统sprinkler system 洒水装置sprinkler valve 喷淋器阀sprinkler 喷水器sprinkler 洒水器sprinkler 洒水器;甲板洒水装置sprinkling machine 喷水器sprinkling system 喷洒系统sprinkling system 喷水系统sprinkling zone 喷水区域sprinkling 洒水sprit 斜杠帆spritsail 斜杠帆sprocket chain 链轮上的链条sprocket gear 链轮sprocket wheel 持链轮sprocket wheel 链轮sprocket winch 链轮绞车sprocket bitsprocket 持链轮sprocket 链轮sprocket 链轮铣刀sproket wheel 锚机)持链轮sproket 锚机)持链轮spruce 针xxsprue 流道sprung out 冒水sprung planking 人字形甲板铺板sprung planking 弯曲木甲板sprung planking 弯曲木甲板sprung 裂开或弯曲spud can 桩脚箱spud carriage 定位桩拖架spud leg 桩腿spud 定位桩spud 短而粗的xxspuds 大桩spun line 细绳spun yarn packing 麻丝填料spun yarn 细索spun yarn 细索油麻绳spunyarn packing 麻丝填料spunyarn xxspunyarn 麻丝绞绳spur beam 明轮xxspur bevel gear 正齿伞齿轮spur dyke xxspur gear 正齿轮spur geared winch 正齿轮绞车spur geared 正齿轮传动的spur gearing 正齿轮传动装置spur grommet 带齿铜环spur grommet 帆布眼)带齿铜环spur line 货物支线spur pinion 正小齿轮spur shore 边撑柱spur shore 码头撑柱spur shore 码头撑柱;边撑柱spur teeth grommet 带齿铜环spur teeth grommet 帆布眼)带齿铜环spur teeth 正齿spur type 正齿式spur wheel 正齿轮spur 齿spur 突出部分;助抓突角;丁坝;短木支撑;小型系缆柱;齿spur 突岩spurious AM rejection 寄生调幅抑制spurious capacitance 寄生电容spurious disk 虚圆面spurious echoes 假回波spurious emission 杂散发射spurious frequency 寄生频率spurious image 散杂影像spurious modulation 寄生调制spurious noise 寄生噪声spurious oscillation 寄生振荡spurious phase modulation 寄生调相spurious response 假信号spurious signal 寄生信号spurious 假的spurious 假的;伪造的spurious 伪的spurling gate 甲板锚链孔spurling gate 锚链管spurling pipe 锚链管spurling pipe 锚链管spurn gear 正齿轮spurn water board 挡浪板spurn water washsrake 液舱内制水板spurn water 防浪板spurn water 防浪板;舷侧导水板spurn water 舷侧导水板spurn water)wash strake 舷墙spurn wheel 正齿轮spurt 物价的暂时上涨sputter 飞溅出来的东西劈啪声vi.飞溅sputter 劈啪声sputtered film disc 溅射薄膜磁盘sputtering 溅射sputum 痰spy boat 间谍船spy glass 小xxspy hole 探视xxspy satellite 间谍卫星squadron 小舰队;中队squall cloud 飑云squall line 飑线squall 暴风squall 暴风飑squall 飑squally weather 风暴天气squally weather 狂风多的squally 狂风多的squally 狂风多的;xx气候squally 起风暴的多风波的square account 结帐square array 方阵列square bar 方杆square bar 方形钢square bend 直角弯头square boat spike 大方钉square boat spike 大方钉square body frames 船中部肋骨square body 船中平行体square body 平行中部船体square bolt 方螺栓square box socket wrench 方套筒扳手square box spanner 方套筒扳手square box wrench 方套筒扳手square brackets 方括号square butt joint 平头对接square butt welding 平头对接焊square butt 平头对接square centimeter 平方厘米square centimetres 平方厘米square coarse file 粗方锉square corner 方角square cotter 方销square cut stern 方形船尾方形尾船square cut stern 方形尾船square deal 公平交易square die 方板牙square edge 直角边square elbow 直角弯头square emergency wood 方木square error pattern 方形差错模型square figure knot 方花结square file 方锉square foot 平方英尺square frame 船平行中体处肋骨square front lamp 方形灯square groove 方槽square groove 方槽;I形灯square groove 无坡口接缝square grooved welding 无坡口焊接square head bolt 方头螺栓square head screw 方头螺钉square hole 方孔square hysteresis-loop characteristic 方形磁滞回线特性square inch 平方英寸square iron 方铁square key 方键square kilometres 平方公里square knot 平结square loop antenna 矩形天线square manhole jointing 方形炉门垫圈square matrix 方阵square meter 平方米square mil 方密xxsquare mile 平方英里square millimeter 方颈螺栓square millimeter 平方毫米square n.正方形平方直角尺a.平方的square nose shovel 方头铲square nut 方螺母square of Pegasus 飞马座四方形square of the hatch 舱口盖下空间square of the hatch 舱口下空间square pin 方销square port 方形舷窗square pulse 矩形脉冲square reef knot 平结square rig 横帆式square rigger 横帆船square ring spanner 方套筒扳手square rod 方棒square root xxsquare rubber strip 方橡胶条square sail 横帆square screw thread 方螺纹square search 海上)展开方形搜索square search 展开方形搜索square shank ratchet drill 方头钢钻square smooth file 细方锉square socket wrench with pin handle T 形销柄方套筒扳手。



一、天车crownblockcrownblock ,crown pulley天车crown’s nest, crown platform天车台crown sheaves , crown pulley天车滑轮cluster sheaves天车滑轮组crownblock beam天车梁crownblock protector ,crownblock saver防碰天车crown safety platform天车安全台二游动滑车—大钩Traveling block-----hooktraveling block,traveling sheave游动滑车hook大钩hook load大钩负荷hook load rating大钩额定负荷hook speed大钩提升速度hook weight大钩悬重hooklet小钩子hook up(on) 钩上,吊上hook height大钩悬挂高度过hook off卸钩二、钻盘与水龙头Table and Swivelrotary table, turntable, rotary转盘rotary speed, rotational velocity, revolution rate转速rotating turret转盘台rotary torque indicator转盘扭矩表ratio of revolution转数比revolution counter, tachometer转数表rotation direction转动方向torque constant转矩常数master bushing转盘大方瓦rotary speeds转盘排档rotary slips转盘卡瓦rotary support frame转盘大梁rotary transmission转盘变速器rotary drive guard转盘链护罩rotary speed indicator转盘转速指示器rotary base转盘底座rotay chain转盘传动链条rotary drive bushing方补心rotary moment转矩rotary motion转动swivel水龙头swivel bail水龙头吊环swivel body水龙头外壳swivel bumper水龙头吊环防碰器swivel gooseneck鹅颈管washpipe冲管swivel joint(sub)水龙头接头swivel stem 水龙头中心管wash pipe swivel冲管旋转接头三、钻机drawworksdrilling rig(machine),drawwork钻机driller’s console, driller control cabinet 司钻操作台brake lever(crank, handle bar)刹把brake strap刹带brake valve刹车凡尔brake rim (drum)刹车鼓brake block 刹车片brake fluid 刹车液brake axle 刹车轴brake power 刹车功率brake cylinder刹车气缸brake pedal刹车踏板brake assembly刹车总成brake band刹带钢圈brake equalizer刹带平衡器hydraulic brake水刹车cat head猫头cat(head) line猫头绳cat hook猫头绳小钩cat line sheave猫头绳滑车cat shaft猫头轴drawworks绞车drawworks horsepower绞车功率drawworks sensor绞车上的进尺传感器四、传动箱(变速箱)tran smission gear boxgear box (case) 齿轮箱gear change 换挡gear down 换抵挡gear drive 齿轮传动gear grease 齿轮润滑油gear increaser 齿轮增速器gear input shaft 齿轮输入轴gear motor 齿轮传动马达gear oil 齿轮油gear output shaft 齿轮输出轴gear pump 齿轮泵gear rack 齿条gear ratio 传动比gear reduction unit 齿轮减速器gear shaft齿轮轴gear shifting 换挡gear teeth 齿轮牙gear up 增速gear wheel 大齿轮accelerator 加速器六、柴油机Enginesdiesel engine 柴油机diesel engine fuel ,diesel oil 柴油diesel-oil plug 柴油塞diesel consumption 柴油消耗量diesel index 柴油指数diesel knock 柴油机暴震diesel fuel additives , diesel-dope 柴油添加剂diesel electric set 柴油发电机组engine 引擎engine bed 柴油机底座engine body 柴油机本体engine and pump assembly柴油机泵组engine capacity 柴油机功率engine cylinder 柴油机气缸engine drive 柴油机驱动engine-antifreeze 柴油机防冻液engine failure柴油机故障engine fuel 发动机燃料engine house(shed) 发动机房engine piston 柴油机活塞engine primer 柴油机引擎engine pulley 柴油机皮带轮engine solar oil 粗柴油engine speed reducer 柴油机减速器engine support 柴油机支架engine compound 柴油机并车speed regulator ,governor 调速器thermosistor 调温器pressure-regulating valve 调压阀regulating slide valve 调节滑动阀adjusting nut 调节罗母adjusting bolt 调节罗栓adjusting(regulating) screw调节螺丝regulating solution调节液adjustment factor 调节系数leveling system 调平系统leveling cylinder 调平液缸governor lever调速杆adjusting range 调节范围trim cooler 调温冷却器bolwing fan, fan 风扇fan belt 风扇皮带hold-down screw ,retaining screw 固定螺丝fixed tube-sheet exchanger固定管板式换热器valve气门chamber气室head gasket 气缸垫cylinder head 气缸盖cylinder liner 气缸套cylinder block 气缸体carburetor 汽化器high-pressure pump高压泵high-quality gasoline 高级汽油high-speed engine 高速柴油机high-speed machine oil 高速机械油air filter 空气滤子diesel oil filter 柴油滤子lubricating oil filter 机油滤子lubricate cup ,oil bowl(cup) 油杯lubricating gun 黄油枪lubricating nipple 黄油嘴lubrication hole 加油孔lubricator 加油器oil pump 油泵dipstick 油尺oil blanket ,oil seal 油封oilcan ,oiler ,oilpot 油壶oil ring ,scraper ring ,oil rim油环oil pan 油底壳oil motor 油马达air bleeding valve ,exhaust valve 排气阀air vent hole 排气孔exhaust stroke 排气冲程blow cock 排气旋塞blast pipe ,exhaust pipe排气管七、泥浆泵mud pumpmud end of the pump泥浆泵液力短mud hog泥浆泵(口语)mud hose 泥浆软管mud house 泵房mud line 泥浆管线mud pump hose 泥浆泵软管mud pump mixer 泥浆泵配浆装置mud pump pulse 泥浆泵压力波动mud pump shock pressure 泥浆泵震动压力mud pump trailer 泥浆泵拖车mud pump valve 泥浆泵凡尔mud relief valve泥浆泵安全凡尔mud suction hose 泥浆泵上水管mud pump rod 泥浆泵拉杆mud pump power end 泥浆泵动力端discharge end of pump 泥浆泵排出端suction end of pump 泥浆泵吸入端mud discharge hose 泥浆泵排水管线packing ring 泥浆泵拉杆盘根packing box 泥浆泵拉杆盘根盒valve seat 凡尔座valve body 凡尔体pump cylinder(liner) 缸套pistion 活塞rubber seal(ring) 密封圈cylinder cover(head,lid) 缸盖air chamber 空气包air balloon 空气包气囊pump body 泵体pump box 泵箱pump case 泵外壳pump check valve 泵动切力单流阀pump discharge (displacement)泵排量pump efficiency 泵效率pump foundation泵基础pump head 泵头pump lift (suction head) 泵吸入高度pump load泵负荷pump main 泵排出管线pump off 泵抽空pump strainer 泵过滤器pump stroke 泵冲程suction valve 上水凡尔suction seat puller 凡尔座取出器八、钻井液drilling fluidmud ,drilling fluid 泥浆mud baffle 泥浆挡板mud balance 泥浆比重秤mud bin 泥浆储存箱mud body 泥浆结构mud bridges 泥饼桥mud cake 泥饼mud cake correction 泥饼校正mud effect 泥饼效应mud cake resistivity 泥饼电阻率mud circulation gallons per minute每分钟泥浆流量加仑数mud column 泥浆柱mud conditioner泥浆处理剂mud conductivity 泥浆电导率mud control泥浆性能控制mud cup 泥浆杯mud density 泥浆密度mud desander 除砂器mud ditch (flume) 泥浆槽mud fiber 泥浆防漏纤维mud filtrate 泥浆滤液mud flow 泥浆流mud gun 泥浆枪mud launder 泥浆净化槽mud line 泥浆管线mud lining 结泥饼mud log 泥浆录井图mud logging 泥浆录井mud loss泥浆漏失mud-loss instrument 井漏探测仪表mud making formation 造浆岩层mud mixer 泥浆搅拌器mud off 泥封mud pit 泥浆池mud plant 泥浆站mud pressure indicator 泥浆压力计mud program 泥浆设计mud reclamation 泥浆回收mud record 泥浆记录mud ring 泥饼圈mud sample 泥浆试样mud scale 泥浆比重计mud screen 泥浆筛mud separator 泥浆分离器mud settling sump 沉砂池mud shaker 振动筛mud socket 捞砂筒mud stability 泥浆稳定性mud stream 泥浆流mud tank 泥浆缸mud thickeners泥浆增稠剂mud thinner 泥浆减稠剂mud weight 泥浆比重mud weight balance 泥浆比重天平mud weight indicator 泥浆比重指示计mud viscosity 泥浆粘度water-base mud 水基泥浆water-base oil emulsion mud 水基混油泥浆water-in-oil emulsion 油包水乳化剂water loss 失水量water mud 淡水泥浆gel initial 初切力gel of mud(gel strength)静切力PH-value pH值PH-recorder PH值记录仪PH-meter pH值测定仪Salt content 含盐量Salt bearing 含盐的Water bearing 含水的Sand content 含砂量Salt mud 盐水泥浆Salt(y) water盐水Salt water base mud 盐水基泥浆Salty mud 含盐泥浆Salting-out 盐析Water-base drilling fluids水基钻井液Fresh-water drilling fluids淡水钻井液Low solids fluids低固相钻井液Low solids non-dispersed polymer drilling fluids低固相不分散钻井液Inhibitive drilling flouids抑制性钻井液Salt-water drilling fiuids 盐水钻井液Saturated salt-water drilling filuids饱和盐水钻井液Calcium treated drilling fluids 钙处理钻井液Po tassium drilling fluids钾盐钻井液Oil-emulsion drilling fluids混油钻井液Biodegrability drilling fluids生物钻井液Oil base drilling fluids油基钻井液Invert-emulsion drilling fluids反相乳化钻井液Balance activity drilling fluids平衡活度钻井液Foam drilling fluids泡沫钻井液Sealing fluids密闭液Completion fluids完井液Packer fluids封隔液Stuck freeing spotting fluids解卡液Properties of drilling fluids钻井液性能API filtrationAPI失水High temperature and high pressure filterationHTHP失水Dynamic filteration动失水Filter cake泥饼Sand content含砂量Solids content in drilling fluids固相含量Methylene blue test亚甲兰实验Lime cotent estimation石灰含量Alkalinity碱度Emuls on-breaking voltage破乳电压Drilling fluids rheologe钻井液流变性Funnal viscosity漏斗粘度Thixotropic behavior触变性Gel strength静切Initial gel strength初切10-minute gel strength终切shear-thinning behavior剪切稀释特性contamination of drilling fluids钻井液受污染clat(salt,saltwater,calcium,sand,water,gas)c ontanination粘土侵filtrate of reduction agents降失水剂thickening agent增粘剂thinning agents稀释剂weighting agents加重剂agents of increasing bentoniet坂土增效剂lost circulation materials堵漏材料water-sensitive shale水敏性地层pre-hydrated bentonite坂土预水化colloidal solids胶体颗粒九、循环与固控系统circulating and solids control system mud pump 泥浆泵manifold valve 组装闸门high pressure line 高压管线stand pipe valve立管闸门stand pipe 立管stand pipe gooseneck 立管鹅颈管gooseneck of the swivel 水龙头鹅径管swivel 水龙头Kelly 方钻杆Drill pipe 钻杆Drill collar 钻铤Drill bit 钻头Annular 环空Well head 井口Flow line 架空槽Gas buster 泥浆-气体分离器Shale shaker 振动筛Desander 除砂器Desilter 除泥器Degasser除气器Mud cleaner 清洁器Centrifuge 离心机Agitator 搅拌机Sand pump 砂泵Peanut 旋流漏斗嘴子十、固井well cementingcement 水泥cement accelerator 水泥促凝剂cement additive 水泥添加剂cementation factor (exponent) 胶结指数cement basket 水泥伞cement blender truck 水泥混合车cement blender 水泥搅拌器cement bond 水泥胶结cement bond log 水泥胶结测井cement brand 水泥牌号cement cap 悬空水泥塞cement casing head 水泥头cement casing shoe 套管鞋cement channeling 水泥窜槽cement clinker 水泥熟料cement column 水泥浆柱cement concrete 水泥混凝土cement consistency 水泥浆稠度cement contamination 水泥侵cement curing time 水泥候凝时间cement cut 泥浆水泥侵cement dehydration 水泥浆脱水cement displacement 水泥顶替cement dump井底倒浆筒cemented 注水泥的cemented casing 封固的套管cemented up 注完水泥cement equipment 固井设备cement evaluation log 水泥评价测井cement failure 固井不合格cement factor 水泥系数cement filtrate 水泥滤液cement float collar 可钻回压凡尔cement float shoe 可钻引鞋cement flow水泥浆液流cement-formation interface 水泥-地层胶结面cement hardener 水泥速凝剂cement(ing) head 水泥头cement-hydrate 水泥水化物cementing agent ,cementer粘结剂cementing contractor 固井承包商cementing formulation 注水泥配方cementing jobs(operation) 固井作业cementing method 固井方法cementing outfit 注水泥设备cementing plug 注水泥用塞cementing point 封固段cementing practice 固井施工cementing pump 固井泵cementing pump skid 撬装注水泥泵组cementing reaction 胶结反应cementing strength 水泥强度cementing tank 水泥罐cementing through 全井封固cementing tool 固井工具cementing trailer 水泥拖车cementing unit 固井设备cement injection 注水泥浆cement mantle 水泥环cement mark 水泥标号cement milk(paste )水泥浆cement mill 水泥厂cement mixer 水泥搅拌器cement needle 凝固强度检测针cement packer 水泥封隔器cement paste 水泥浆cement pit 水泥池cement plaster 水泥浆灰cement plug 水泥塞cement retainer 水泥承留器cement retarder 缓凝剂cement scale 水泥垢cement setting 水泥凝固cement sheath 水泥壳cement silo 水泥库cement slurry 水泥浆cement slurry volume 水泥浆用量cement spacer 水泥隔层cement squeeze work 挤水泥作业cement stinger 注水泥插入管cement thickness 水泥环厚度cement top 水泥顶界cement top locator 水泥顶界定位器cement type guide shoe 水泥引鞋cement valve 回压凡尔cement-water ratio 水灰比十一、套管casingcasing accessories套管附件cased borehole 下套管的井cased hole completion 下套管完井cased through well 全部下套管的井case in 下套管casing adapter 套管异径接头casing anchor 套管猫casing annulus 套管环空casing appliances 下套管工具casing-bearing formation 下套管的地层casing bowl 套管打捞筒casing bridge plug 套管桥塞casing buckling 套管弯曲casing centralizer 扶正器casing check valve 回压凡尔casing clamps 套管卡子casing collapse 套管挤坏casing collar 套管接箍casing collar location 套管接箍测定器casing collar log 测套管接箍casing connection 套管连接casing corrosion monitoring 套管腐蚀检测casing coupling 套管联接器casing cutter 套管割刀casing cutter jar套管割刀震击器casing cutter sinker 套管割刀加力器casing damage 套管损伤casing deformation 套管变形casing depth 套管深度casing dog 套管打捞猫casing drift swage 套管整形器casing drive head 砸套管护帽casing drive shoe 砸击套管鞋casing elevator 套管吊卡casing failure 套管损坏casing fitting 套管配件casing float(collar) 回压凡尔casing float shoe 套管鞋casing gauge 套管丝扣规casing grade 套管钢级casing guide shoe 引鞋casing hanger 套管悬挂器casing hardware 套管附件casinghead 套管头casinghead bowl 套管头内卡瓦casinghead pressure 套管头压力cassinghead spool 套管头四通casinghead squeeze 套管头挤水泥casing-hole annulus 套管与井壁环空casing hook 套管大钩casing imperfection套管缺陷casing inspection 套管探伤casing inspection log检查套管测井casing installation(casing running) 下套管作业casing jack 套管千斤顶casing job 下套管作业casing joint 一节套管casing knife 套管割刀casing landing 联顶节casing leak 套管漏casingless completion 裸眼完井casing mandrel 胀管器casing mill 套管铣鞋casing milling tool 套管磨铣工具casing nipple 套管短接casing packer 套管封隔器casing patch 套管修补casing patch tool 套管补孔器casing perforator 套管射孔器casing point 套管鞋深度casing pole 套管紧扣杆casing pressure 套压casing pressure test 套管试压casing programme 套管程序casing protector 套管护箍casing scraper 刮管器casing screw head 套管母扣护丝casing screw protector 套管公扣护丝casing seal 套管密封件casing section mill 套管割刀casing setting depth 套管下入深度casing severing 割套管casing side tracking 套管侧钻casing size 套管尺寸casing slip 套管卡瓦casing spear 套管捞矛casing spider 套管卡盘式吊卡casing split 套管裂纹casing splitter 套管割刀casing starter 入井第一节套管casing sticking 套管粘卡casing string 套管柱casing string design 套管柱设计casing sub 套管异径接头casing suspender 套管悬挂器casing swage 胀管器casing swivel 套管旋转头casing tap 捞套管公锥casing tester 套管测试器casing threads 套管螺文casing-to-hole annulus 套管井壁环空casing volume 套管容积casing wall 管壁casing wear 套管磨损casing whipstock 套管造斜器casing withdrawal 拔套管casing wt(weight)套管重量十二、钻头bitsbit (rock bit) 钻头bit adapter 钻头配合接头bit balling 钻头泥包bit bouncing 蹩钻bit breakage 钻头损坏bit breaker 钻头装卸器bit break-in procedure 磨合钻头bit burnt out 干烧钻头bit change 换钻头bit clearance 井壁与钻头的间隙bit cone 钻头牙轮bit constant 钻头常数bit consumption 钻头消耗量bit contour 钻头外型bit cost 钻头成本bit course 钻头轨迹bit crown 金刚石取心钻头冠部bit cutting angle 钻头切削角bit deflection 钻头偏斜bit die 金刚石钻头制造压模bit dresser 钻头修整器bit dressing 修整钻头bit drive shaft 钻头驱动轴bit edge 钻头刃bit face 钻头与井底接触端面bit factor 钻头因素bit feed 送钻bit footage 钻头进尺数bit frame 钻头体bit freezing 卡钻bit gauge 钻头规bit grading 钻头磨损等级bit guide 钻头导向器bit HHP钻头水马力bit holder 钻头打捞钩bit hustler 废钻头收集者bit hydraulic calculator 钻头水力计算器bit hydraulic horsepower钻头水马力bit hydraulics 钻头水力参数bit inclination钻头倾斜bit inclination force 钻头偏向力bit jumping 跳钻bit leg钻头巴掌bit life 钻头寿命bit load 钻压bit matrix 金刚石钻头基体bit nozzle 钻头喷嘴bit offset 钻头移轴量bit penetration 钻头进尺速度bit performance 钻头工作情况bit pressure 钻头压力bit pressure drop 钻头压力降bit program 钻头设计方案bit prong 钻头牙轮齿bit protector 钻头保护器bit puller 钻头拧卸器bit rams 钻头整形锤bit reaction force 钻头反作用力bit records 钻头记录bit recovering tap 打捞钻头的公锥bit ring 钻头规bit run 钻头行程bit shank 钻头丝扣部分bit side force 钻头侧向力bit size 钻头尺寸bit skew 钻头牙轮动切力偏转量bit speed 钻进速度bit sub 钻头短接bit teeth 钻头齿bit thrust 钻压bit tilt 钻头倾斜bit-tooth dullness 钻头牙齿磨钝程度bit track (trajectory)钻头轨迹bit trajectory behavior 钻头轨迹特性bit tirps 为换钻头起下钻bit type selection 钻头选型十三、取心coringcore 取心core analysis 岩心分析core-analysis data岩心分析数据core axis 岩心轴core bag 岩心袋core barrel 岩心筒core barrel catcher 岩心抓取器core barrel head 取心筒上盖core barrel ring 取心筒垫圈core barrel with rubber container 橡胶套岩心筒core basket 岩心爪core-bit tap 打捞金刚石取心钻头的公锥core box 取心盒core boring 取心钻进core breaker 岩心割断器core breaking 割断岩心core breaking by hydraulic pressure 投球液压割心core breaking by mechanical 机械加压割心core catcher 岩心爪core-catcher case 岩心爪外套core chamber 岩心室core cone bit 牙轮取心钻头core container 内岩心筒core cross section 岩心横截面core cutter 岩心切片机core data 岩心分析数据core-description graph 岩心描述图core footage 取心进尺core diameter 岩心直径cored intervals 取心井段core distillation apparatus 岩心蒸馏仪core drill 取心钻具core drilling 取心钻进core drilling bit 取心钻头core drilling rig 取心钻机core-drying oven 岩心烘箱cored-up mould 岩心造型core factor 取心系数cored well 取过岩心的井core fisher 井底岩心打捞器core gamma 岩心自然伽码core grabber 岩心打捞器core graph 岩心图core grinding 岩心磨削core gripper 岩心爪core-gripper case 岩心爪外套core-gripper with slip 卡箍式岩心爪core gripper with slipspring 卡簧式岩心爪core grouting 岩心被卡coregun 井壁取心器core hole 取心井core house 岩心储存室core interpreting device 岩心方向鉴定器corelab 岩心分析实验室core library (repository)岩心库core log 岩心记录core oil saturation 岩心含油饱和度core orientation 岩心定向core inlet face 岩心进口面core outlet face 岩心出口面core permeability 岩心渗透率core picker 洛井岩心打捞器core plug 岩心栓core plunger 岩心推取杆core porosity 岩心孔隙度core pusher 岩心推取塞core recovery 取心收获率core run 取心进尺core sample 岩样core sampler岩心取样器core sample taker 井壁取心器core section 岩心截面core shack(shanty)岩心储存室core shell 金刚石取心钻具岩心筒core shoe 压力式取心筒鞋core size 岩心尺寸core slicer 岩心切断器core snatcher 岩心爪子core splitter 岩心切断器core spring 岩心卡簧core storage 岩心库core test 取心探井core testing pump岩心试验泵core tray 岩心盒core wafer 岩心薄片core wash 岩心冲蚀率corgun 冲击式井壁取心器core bit 取心钻头coring crown 金刚石取心钻头coring depth 取心深度coring equipment 取心设备coring footage 取心进尺coring formation 取心地层coring gun 取岩心枪coring operation 取心作业coring type turbodrill 取心涡轮钻具coring weight 取心钻压十四、钻柱drilling stringcross-over sub 配合接头bumpers (shock absorber) 减震器drilling junk basket 随钻打捞杯monel drill collar 无磁钻铤drill collar 钻铤stabilizer 稳定器spiral drill collar 螺旋钻铤drilling jar 随钻震击器flex joint 柔性短接heavy wall drill pipe (HWDP) 加重钻杆drill pipe 钻杆back pressure valve 回压凡尔Kelly sub(saver sub) 方保接头Kelly 方钻杆Kelly-in(Kelly-down) 方入Kelly-up 方余Right hand thread 正扣Left hand thread 反扣Tool joint box 母接头Tool joint pin 公接头Single 单根Double 双根Stand(thrible) 立柱十五、井口工具well head toolsKelly bushings 方补心Elevator bushings 垫叉Roller type Kelly buahings 滚子方补心Slip 卡瓦Safety slips 安全卡瓦Elevator 吊卡Tongs 吊钳Hydraulic tong 液压大钳Spinner 旋扣器Spinner 旋绳器Spinning chain 旋链Spinning rope(line) 旋绳Chain tongs (wrench) 链钳Pipe tongs(spanner) 管钳Bushing(tool) hook 方瓦钩子Drill pipe hooklet 钻杆钩子十六、手工具hand tools combination pliers 手钳wrench ,(spanner) 扳手screwdriver 螺丝刀file 锉刀flat chisel 扁铲hacksaw 钢锯club hammer(sledge hammer) 鎯头scraper 刮刀hatchets 手斧box spanner 套筒扳手twist drill 麻花钻gimlet 手木钻glass cutter 玻璃刀ball-peen hammer 圆顶锤claw hammer 羊角锤Phillips screwdriver 十字螺丝刀Pick 丁子镐Ring spanner 套环(梅花)扳手Scissors 剪刀Electrical screwdrivers 试电笔螺丝刀Open-ended spanner 开口扳手Torque wrench 扭矩扳手十七、规具与量具gauge and measuring tool screw calipers 螺旋卡尺internal callipers内卡尺(钳)external callipers 外卡尺(钳)internal £external callipers 内外两用卡尺compass 圆规dividers分规depth gauge 测深规feeler gauge 测隙规(塞尺)dial gauge 千分表micrometer screw gauge 千分卡尺proportional dividers 比例规protractor 量角器folding rule 折尺(木工尺)screw pitch gauge 螺距规set square 三角板vacuum gauge 真空计vernier caliper gauge 游标卡尺steel rule 钢板尺template 仿形板drawing board 绘图板十八、打捞工具fishing tools overshot(bell socket) 卡瓦打捞筒reverse circulating basket 反循环打捞蓝drilling junk basket随钻打捞杯fishing tap 公锥box tap 母锥(milling)taper 铣鞋mill(milling) shoe(rotary shoe) 铣锥trip spear (bulldog) 打捞猫drill pipe cutter 钻杆外割刀casing cutter 套管内割刀safety sub(joint) 安全接头impression block 铅印mill shoe 磨鞋catchall (junk catcher) 一把抓fishing magnet 强磁打捞猫scraper 刮管器keyseat wiper 键槽清除器sticking point instrument 测卡仪wall hook 壁钩guide shoe 引鞋wireline spear 电缆捞猫washover pipe 套铣筒bent sub 弯接头hydraulically-operating bent sub液压弯接头keyseat reamer 键槽扩大器washover shoe 套铣鞋bend drill pipe 弯钻杆bibcock 弯嘴旋塞stabbing guide 对扣引鞋十九、复杂情况与事故trouble and accidentsrough drilling (bouncing of drilling tool ) 跳钻bit bouncing 蹩钻drilling string not well braked 溜钻percussion drill 顿钻reverse rotation(running) 打倒车hole deviation(inclination) 井斜correct drift 纠斜plug-back 填井cementing plug 打水泥塞sidetracking侧钻lost circulation 井漏slough(cave-in) 井塌kick 井涌blowout 井喷stuck(sticking) 卡钻differential sticking(wall sticking) 粘卡key-seating sticking 键桥卡钻sand bridge sticking 砂桥卡钻sand settling sticking 沉砂卡钻touchdown(touching resistance) 遇阻touch sticking 遇卡make-up(stab) 对扣thread making 造扣back-off 倒扣pulling a piston 拔活塞fishing 打捞releasing stuck agent ,pipe lax ,black magic 解卡剂to soak with black magic 泡解卡剂breakouting pack of dynamite 爆破松扣chemical cutter 化学切割器bit balling (balling up of a bit) 钻头泥包free point 卡点to twist-off 扭断squeeze cementing 挤水泥unfreezing 解卡二十、钻井人员drilling personnel president 总裁general manager总经理drilling supervisor 钻井监理drilling engineer 钻井工程师mud engineer 泥浆工程师directional engineer 定向井工程师electric engineer 电器工程师mechanical engineer 机械工程师toolpusher 钻井队长drilling technician 钻井技术员foreman 工长principal engineman 司机长driller 司钻engine(motor) man 司机assistant motorman 司组generator keeper 发电工derrickman 井架工floorman(roughneck) 内外钳工roustabout 场地工mudman(mudboy) 泥浆工geo-sampler(geo-supervisor) 地质工cook 炊事员attendant 服务员vice president 副总裁deputy manager副经理assistant driller 副司钻driver 汽车司机storekeeper 库房保管员security official安全员cost accountant 成本会计员materialman 材料员accountant 会计员operator 话务员interpreter 翻译chief engineer总工程师principal engineer 主任工程师general accountant 总会计师chief geologist 总地质师chief designer 总设计师chairman 主席二十二、定向井directional well directional accuracy 方向性精确度directional angle 方位角directional bit 定向钻头directional bit side force component钻头变方位侧向分力directional characteristic 方向特性directional clinograph 方位测斜仪directional control 方位控制directional counter 方向记数器directional coupler 定向偶合器directional data 方位数据directional depth migration定向深度偏移directional derivative 方向倒数directional diagram 方位图directional drilling 定向钻井directional dirlling contractor定向井承包商directional drilling crossing method 定向钻穿越法directional drill tool 定向钻井工具directional effect 方位效应directional elements 定向要素directional filter 定向滤波器directional frequency diagram定向频率图directional gain 方向性增益directional gyro 陀螺方向仪directional gyroscope reference方向陀螺基准directional hole 定向井directionality 方向性directional light 方位灯directional line 方向线directional MWD(magament wail drilling) 定向随钻测量directional orientation tool 定向工具directional presentation 方位显示directional pressure 定向压力directional radio 定向无线电directional ray 方位线directional reading 方位角读数directional reception 定向接收directional scanning 定向扫描directional selectivity 定向选择性directional shooting 定向爆炸directional sub 定向接头directional structure 定向结构directional surveillance 方位监测directional survey 定向测量directional tool(=steering tool)定向测量工具directional-survey tool 定向测量工具directional tendency 方向趋势directional turbodrill 定向涡轮钻具directional-type tricone bit 定向三牙轮钻头directional well 定向井directional change 方向变化direction coefficient 方向系数direction component 方向分量direction cosine 方向余弦direction finder 测向仪direction-finding chart 测向图direction-finding system 测向系统direction instrument 方向仪direction of deflection 井斜方位direction of magnetization 磁北方向direction of strata 地层走向direction of tilt 倾斜方向direction parameter 方向参数direction-range measurement system 测向-测距系统direction sensor 方向传感器directivity curve 方向曲线directivity factor 方向因数directivity graph 方向特性图pendulums(plumb bob) 测锤magnetic compass 磁罗盘inclinometer 测斜仪continuous inclinometer 连续测斜仪single shot inclinometer 单点测斜仪siphon inclinometer虹吸测斜仪gyroscope 陀螺仪gyroscope multiple shot directional well survey 多点陀螺测斜deflecting tool 造斜工具point of tangency 切点whipstock 变向器angle build up 增斜angle drop off 降斜azimuth 方向角二十三、井场设备equipments on wellsite crown 天车mast (derrick) 井架catline boom 井架摇臂racking platform (monkey-board) 二层台drilling line 大绳traveling block 游车hook 大钩swivel 水龙头rotary hose 水龙带standpipe 立管drawworks 绞车driller’console 司钻操作台pipe slacking block 钻杆盒drillfloor 钻台rotary table 转盘substructure 井架底座blowout preventer stack 封井器总成dog house 钻台偏房choke manifold 节流管汇gas flare 放喷管线点火头mud gas separator 泥气分离器shale shaker 振动筛degasser 除气器desander 除砂器mud cleaner 清洁器centrifuge 离心机mud guns(bottom type) 潜底式泥浆枪mud agitators 泥浆搅拌器mud tanks 泥浆缸mud sack storage泥浆药品储备罐mud mixing hopper 泥浆混合漏斗mud mixing pumps 配浆泵mud pumps 泥浆泵pulsation dampeners 空气包shock hoses泥浆泵排水软管(短水龙头)mud discharge lines 高压管线brake water tank 刹车水管trip tank 起钻灌泥浆小罐mud lab 泥浆实验室mud return line 架空管(槽)drilling water tank 钻井水罐可控硅房Cable tray电缆排Cable elevator 电缆架Engines and generators 柴油机与发电机Engines and air compressors柴油机与压风机Parts storage 配件房封井器控制台Work shop 钳工房Pump parts storage 泵配件房Fuel tank 燃料罐Personnel elevator 乘人电梯Wire line stand 大绳架Catwalks 大门前跑道Pipe racks 钻杆架二十四、常用钻井词汇useful words of drillingdrill(make hole) 钻井drillability 可钻性drillable 可钻碎的drillable liner可钻式尾管悬挂器drillable packer 可钻式封隔器drillable permanent packer可钻式永久封隔器drill ahead 继续钻井drill assembly钻柱组合drill bit 钻头drill bit run 钻头行程drill cable 钻井钢丝绳drill collar 钻铤drill collar annulus 钻铤环空drill collar bore 钻铤水眼drill collar curvature 钻铤弯曲率drill collar groove 钻铤应力减轻槽drill collar lifting nipple 钻铤提升短节drill collar stabilizer 钻铤扶正器drill collar stiffness 钻铤刚度drill core sample hole 取心井drill(ing) crew钻井队drill cuttings(solids)岩屑drilled area 已钻区drilled cement 水泥碎屑drilled dry 干钻drilled footage 已钻进尺drill edge 钻头切削刀drilled in 已钻通的drilled pile 钻入桩脚drilled reserves 钻探储量drilled show 钻进显示drilled well 完钻井driller 司钻driller-month 钻机台月driller’s console 司钻控制台driller’s control cabinet 司钻小型控制台driller’s method司钻压井法driller’s log司钻记录driller’s monitor 司钻监视器driller station 司钻台driller’s tour report 钻井班报表drill extractor 钻头打捞器drill floor 钻台drill fluid 钻井液drill footage 钻井进尺drill free 钻头离开井底空转drill gauge 钻头规drill hole 井眼drill-hole returns 井口返出泥浆drill-hole spacing 井距drill-hole survey 测井距drill-in 打开生产层drilling ahead 下套管后再钻井drilling analytica l work 钻井分析drilling bit 钻头drilling block 钻探井租地drilling break 钻进中放空drilling capacity 钻机能力drilling centralizer 钻井扶正器drilling clay 钻井用粘土completion operation 完井作业completion program 完井方案drilling condition 钻井条件drilling contract 钻井合同drilling cost 钻井成本drilling coupling 钻杆接箍drilling crew 钻井队drilling cuttings 岩屑drilling cycle 钻井周期drilling damage zone 钻井污染区drilling data base 钻井数据库drilling effort 钻井工作量drilling engineer 钻井工程师drilling engineering 钻井工程(学) drilling engineering data logging unit 钻井工程录井仪drilling equipment 钻井设备drilling expenditure 钻井开支drilling experience 钻井经验drilling expert 钻井专家circulating system 循环系统cleaning system 净化系统drilling footage 进尺drilling foreman 钻井队长drilling hose 水龙带drilling implementer 钻井人员drilling-in-balance 压力平衡钻进drilling instrument 钻井仪表drilling interval 钻进井段drilling invasion zone 钻井漏层drilling jar 随钻震击器drilling journey 钻井记录表drilling line 钻井大绳drilling liner 尾管drilling liner cementing 尾管固井drilling line reel 大绳滚筒drilling liner hanger 尾管悬挂器drilling load 钻压drilling log 钻进录井drilling mast 双腿井架drilling model 钻速方程drilling monitor system 钻井监控系统drilling mud 泥浆drilling operator 钻井经营者drilling optimization 优化钻井drilling out 钻水泥塞drilling outfit 钻井设备drilling parameter 钻井参数drilling parameter optimization钻井优选参数drilling pattern 井位布置drilling people 钻井人员drilling permit 钻井许可权drilling phase 钻井阶段drilling platform 钻井平台drilling practice 钻井实践(作业) drilling prediction 钻井预报drilling pressure 钻井泵压drilling program 钻井程序drilling progress 钻井进度drilling R and D 钻井研究开发部drilling rate 钻速drilling rate logger 钻速记录仪drilling rate model 钻速方程drilling rate of a trip 行程速度drilling rate recorder 钻速记录仪drilling record 钻井记录drilling ship 钻井船drilling simulator钻井模拟器drilling site 井场drilling specialist 钻井专家drilling speed 钻速drilling spool 防喷器下的四通drilling stem (string)钻柱drilling string stabilizer 钻柱稳定器drilling supervisor 钻井监督drilling technique (tech) 钻井技术drilling technician 钻井技术员drilling technology钻井工艺drilling tender 钻井供应船drilling time 钻井时间drilling time log 钻时记录drilling time recorder 钻时记录仪drilling to completion 钻到设计井深drilling tool 钻具drilling tool substitute 钻具接头drilling turbine 钻井涡轮drilling unit 钻机组drilling up 钻碎drilling vessel 钻井船drilling weight 钻压drillingman 司钻drillmill 铣鞋drill monitor 钻井参数监测仪。



钻井设备中英文对照Drilling rigs are essential in the oil and gas industry for extracting hydrocarbons from the earth. Here is a list of common drilling equipment with their English and Chinese counterparts:1. Drilling Rig - 钻井平台- The main structure that supports the drilling operations.2. Drill String - 钻杆- A series of connected drill pipes that transmit the torque and weight from the surface to the drill bit.3. Drill Bit - 钻头- The cutting tool at the end of the drill string that breaks the rock formations.4. Mud Pump - 泥浆泵- A pump that circulates drilling mud to cool and lubricate the drill bit and to carry cuttings back to the surface.5. Rotary Table - 转盘- A rotating device that connects the drill string to the surface equipment and allows the drill pipe to rotate.6. Kelly - 钻杆接头- A long, square or hexagonal pipe that connects the rotary table to the drill string.7. Crown Block - 天车- The top sheave block of the drilling rig's drawworks, which supports the drill string.8. Drawworks - 绞车- The machinery that controls the raising and lowering of the drill string.9. Mud Hopper - 泥浆斗- A container for holding drilling mud, which is added to the active mud system.10. Shaker - 振动筛- A piece of equipment that separates cuttings fromthe drilling mud.11. Casing - 套管- Large diameter pipe that is cemented into place to provide structural support to the wellbore.12. Blowout Preventer (BOP) - 防喷器- A large, powerful device used to seal off the wellbore in the event of a kick or blowout.13. Rig Floor - 钻台- The working area of the drilling rig where most of the drilling operations are conducted.14. Mud Tanks - 泥浆罐- Large storage tanks for the drilling mud.15. Derrick - 钻塔- The main structure of the drilling rig, which supports the crown block and the drawworks.This list is by no means exhaustive but provides a basic understanding of the key components found in a drilling rig setup. Each piece of equipment plays a critical role in the safe and efficient drilling of oil and gas wells.。



一、钻井作业1.钻台构造,设备,器材类:drilling equipmentmast, derrickfree standing mastdrill floorv-doormonkey boardsubstructuremouse hole, rat holegin polesetbackcrown blocktravelling blockhookswivelpower swiveldrawworksrotary tablekellykelly cockdrum shaftcat headcat linedeadline anchorsand line钻井装置,钻机 井架 无绷绳轻便井架 钻台 坡板,井架大门 二层台 井架底座 鼠洞 人字架 立根盒 天车 游动滑车 大钩 水龙头 动力水龙头 绞车 转盘 方钻杆 方钻杆 滚动轴 猫头 猫头绳 死绳固定装置 捞绳器 tong power tong kelly drive safety clamp elevator center latch elevator link chain block air hoist bushing master bushing inside BOP pipe wrench lifting sub kelly spinner geolograph cable jacket finger board slip rotary slip power slip 大钳动力大钳方钻杆滚子补心 安全卡子 吊卡中开门吊卡 吊环 倒链气动绞车 补心转盘大补心 回压凡尔 管子扳手 提升短节 方钻杆旋转器 气测引绳 导管架 指梁 卡瓦转盘卡瓦 动力卡瓦2.钻头 3.Bit cone bit tri-cone bit bit nozzle insert bit milled teeth bit diamond bit cone bit breaker hole openner bit bearing bit diameter 钻头 牙轮钻头 三牙轮钻头 钻头水眼 镶式钻头 铣齿钻头 金刚石钻头 牙轮 钻头装卸器 扩眼器 钻头轴承 drilling assembly drill stringsdrill stem bit sub stabilizer wing stabilizer reamer drill pipe(drill collar) heavy weight drill pipe crossover sub shock sub jars(rotary jars) 钻具组合 钻杆柱 钻柱钻头接头 扶正器 翼状扶正器 辊轮扶正器 钻杆(钻铤) 加重钻杆 配合接头 减震器bit life bit gauge bit teeth (type) bit wear noggle size noggle efficiency bit cost(time) midco bit 钻头寿命 钻头规 钻头齿 钻头磨损 水眼尺寸 水眼效率 钻头成本 刮刀钻头 bumper sub pup jointjoint(stant) casing scraper wall scraper taper milling friction joint casing centralizer 缓冲器短节,短管 单根(立柱) 套管清刮器 井壁刮刀 锥形铣刀 耐磨短节 套管扶正器4.泥浆循环A .循环系统mud pump duplex slush pump triplex slush .. piston(cylinder) l iner(piston rod) air chamber rotary hose mud return line standpipe elbow(tee) cross suction line shale shaker mud gun desander desilter degasser centrifugal pump mud agitator goose neck mud line hopper mud tank suction tank reserve pit sludge tank chemical tank mud ditch flow line 泥浆泵 双缸泥浆泵 三缸泥浆泵 活塞(气缸) 缸套(活塞杆) 空气包 泥浆水龙带 泥浆返出管 立管 弯接头(三通) 十字接头,十字管 上水(吸水)管线 泥浆振动筛 泥浆枪 除砂器 除泥器 脱气器 离心泵 泥浆搅拌器 鹅颈管 泥浆管线 漏斗 泥浆池 吸入缸 储存池 加重泥浆池 化学药剂缸 泥浆槽 泥浆出口管 circulation normal circulationreverse circulation filling up mud circulation rate annulus annular velocity annular return velocity circulating pressure hydrostatic pressure mud column pressure of mud column pressure loss surge pressure swab pressure pressure gradient pressure equilibrium slip velocity critical velocity coefficient of friction bottom hole pressure pressure loss in pipe pressure loss in annulus volume inside pipe volume of annulus mud volume return mud pit level discharge of pump 循环 正循环 反循环 灌泥浆 循环速度 环形空间 环隙流速 泥浆返回速度 循环压力 静水压力 泥浆柱 泥浆柱压力 压力损失 压力冲击 抽吸压力 压力梯度 压力平衡 沉降速度 临界速度 摩擦系数 井底压力 管内压力损失 环空压力损失 管内容量 环形空间容量 泥浆量 返出泥浆 泥浆液面 尖排量possum velly tank pump stroke counter mud flow meter mud weight indicator fill linemixing pump supercharge pump lag time 计量缸泥浆补给缸泥浆泵冲数计量计泥浆流量计泥浆重量指示器灌泥浆管线混合泵灌注泥浆泵迟到时间pumping speedpump efficiencyflow rateshear ratelaminar flowturbulent flowplug flowpump count泵压泵冲数泵效率流量剪切速度层流涡流塞流泵冲数累计C.泥浆mud conventionallime mudgypsum mud saturated salt-water seawater mud mud oil-base mud heavy viscous mud heavy mud weighted mudlight-weight mud lignate mudgel-mudD.泥浆处理剂additive chemicals chemical treatment weight material viscosifier dispersing agent emulsifierwetting agent stabiliging agent calcium remover filtration-reducing PH control addirive lubricant defoamer emulsion breaker 泥浆普通泥浆石灰泥浆石膏泥浆饱和盐水泥浆海水泥浆油基泥浆高粘度泥浆重泥浆加重泥浆轻泥浆铁铬盐胶质泥浆泥浆处理剂处理剂,添加剂化学剂化学处理加重剂增加剂分散剂,稀释剂乳化剂湿润剂稳定剂除钙剂降失水剂PH控制剂润滑剂消泡剂破乳剂surface-active materiallignateCMCbentonitebaritemicalimesodium bichromatepotassium chlorateasbestosE.泥浆性质及其它cuttingsbottom upfilter cakedehydrationWL. water lossformationGEL. gel strengthGELO initial gel strengthGELIO ten-minutes gelmud conditioningphenolphthaleinviscosityPV plastic viscosityA V apparent viscosityYP yield pointContamination of mudSolid contentSand content表面活性剂铁铬盐钠-羧基纤维素土粉,膨润土重晶石云母石灰重铬酸钠氯化钾石棉岩屑携带岩屑泥饼失水失水量破坏地层切力初切力终切力处理泥浆,配泥浆酚酞粘度塑性粘度视粘度(表观粘度)屈服点泥浆污染固体含量含砂量LCM 洗涤剂堵漏剂Clay contamination 气侵粘土侵5.丝扣类tool jointthreadbox (pin) couplingREG reagularFll full holeIF internal flush upsetIU internal upsec EU external upsec Internal-external upsec Flash welded tool joint thread protecter tightetloosenmake upbreak outthread dope 钻杆接头丝扣母扣(公扣)联接器正规扣贯眼扣内平扣加厚内加厚外加厚内—外加厚闪光焊接接头护丝上紧放松上扣卸扣丝扣油mud weightalkalinityaciditycolloidgelpolymermud densitymud testingfiltration test apparatufilter papermud balanceV-G meterfunnel viscometermud retortsand content settest paperwhipstockcasing perforatorream泥浆比重,泥浆重量碱性酸性胶体凝胶聚合物泥浆密度泥浆测试失水量测定器滤纸泥浆比重计直接指示粘度计漏斗粘度计泥浆蒸馏器砂量测定器试纸造斜器套管射孔器划眼6.作业A.一般作业drillingworking instruction POH.pull out of the hole RIH.run in the hole tripshort trip oppenning reamingdeviation survey completion multiple complation perforationleak off testlay down 钻进作业命令起钻下钻起下钻短起下钻扩眼划眼测斜完井多层完井射孔漏失试验甩,放倒B.取心corecoringcore bitcore barreliner barrelouter barrelcore catchercore handling toolscore recoveryC.打捞fishingfishing jobfishing toolsjunk basket岩心取心工作取心钻头取心筒内取心筒外取心筒岩心爪取心工具取心收获率打捞打捞作业打捞工具打捞蓝pulling slip latching elevator unlatching elevator cut off workline standbywait on weather wait on material change bithole straightening wiper tripwork the pipe up&down nipple up well head rig up (down) 起卡瓦挂上(门上)吊卡打开吊卡切断大绳待机等候气象等候器材换钻头纠正井眼,纠斜通井上下活动钻杆安装井口安装(拆卸)钻机fishing bumper subback offdie collarovershotsafety jointmetal petal basketcasing bowlmilling tooljunk basketretrieve core打捞用缓冲器倒扣打捞卡瓦,打捞杯打捞筒安全接头花篮套管打捞筒铣具打捞蓝岩心出筒7.钻井事故和现象钻井参数类,仪器类drilling troublelost circulationzone of lost circulation to stop lost circulation kickkick controlblow outpit drillinside BOP drill killing a wellstuckfree pointfreepipecalulating free piont differential pressuresticking key seatkey-seating sticking bottom fillsand bridgeover pullingdragball upcane-intwist off 井下事故井漏漏失层堵漏井涌控制井涌井喷防喷演习安装回压凡尔演习压井卡钻,被卡自由点未卡部分钻柱卡点深度计算压差卡钻粘附卡钻键槽键槽卡钻沉砂砂桥遇卡遇阻泥包坍塌扭断,脱扣weight indicatorhook loadhook posi t ionhook load off bottomweight in airweight in mudbuoyancy coefficienton bottomoff bottomdepthtable heightkelly downkelly upkelly down depthvertical depthweight on bitbit positionrotary speedtorquetale torque metertong torque meterbit torquerevolutionrate of penetration drillingworking pressure ratio指重表大钩负荷大钩位置钻柱不接触井底的大气中的重量泥浆中的重量浮力系数接触井底离开井底井深转盘高度方入方余方入井深垂直深度钻压钻头位置转盘转数扭矩转盘扭矩表大钳扭矩表钻头扭矩转数钻速工作压力drilling break residual oil saturated 刺坏钻进突变进尺突然加快残油饱和烃drilling costmake up torquepressure gagedrilling recorder吨—里钻头成本上扣扭矩压力表钻井记录仪9.气测,录井参数仪器mud logginggas chromatography gas showingoil showinggas cutgas analysistotal gas connection fluorescencegas in mudC1.methaneC2.ethaneC3.propaneC4.butaneiC4.iso-butanenC4.normal-butane C5.pentaneiC5.iso-pentane degasser effici e ncy shale densitybulk densitygrain density computer hardware softwareinput(output) sensor densimeter 气测、泥浆录井气体色谱仪气显示油显示气侵气体分析气体全量接单根气荧光反应泥浆中气量甲烷乙烷丙烷丁烷异丁烷正丁烷戊烷异戊烷脱气器效率页岩密度计算密度颗粒密度电子计算机硬件软件输入(输出)传感器密度仪drier.dring ovenfloatlimit switchproximity switchcable.wirelineconnecterterminallag timesampling depthsampling intervaltripping timemud weightmud temperaturemud resistivitymud conductivitygeothermal gradientcasing burst pressureshut in drill pipe pressureshut in casing pressurepit volume increasedrift angledog leg ratiodeclinationpit level meterqualitative analysisquantitative a n alysis干燥器浮筒极限开关非接触式开关电缆联结器接线柱、线端迟到时间取样深度取样间距起下钻时间泥浆密度泥浆温度泥浆电阻率泥浆导电率温度梯度套管破坏压力关井钻杆压力关井套管压力泥浆增加量倾角狗腿率倾斜,偏差泥浆液面计定性分析定量分析10.钻井其它用语open hole, bore hole straight well directional well 裸眼直井眼定向井、斜井total depthhole sizebore hole wall总深度井眼尺寸井壁baffle plate brake brake lining inertia brake running tool tie back tool clutch transmission machine oil grease turbo-drill bearing shallow gas MSL mean sea level formation slow pump thrristor 挡盘,承托环 刹车 刹车片 惯性刹车 下入工具 回接工具 离合器 传动装置,变速器 机器油 黄油 涡轮钻具 轴承 浅层气 平均海平面 地层 低速泵 可控硅 bottom hole tour(游).shift(移动,更换)morning tour night tour drilling log choke manifold choke line kill manifold kill line valve back pressure valve check valve safety valve gate valve batterfly valve dump valve 井底 班 早班 夜班钻井记录 阻流管汇 阻流管线 压井管汇 压井管线 阀,阀门回压阀,单向阀 单流凡尔(阀) 安全阀 闸阀 蝶阀 放泄阀二、下套管casing run casing casing program grade buttress extrem line casing monkey boad casing tong casing elevator slip-type elevator side door elevator single casing sub centraliger collapse drifting drift mandrel conductor pipe drive pipe riser pile hammer 套管 下套管 套管程序 级,等级 梯形扣 螺纹联结的箍 套管平台 套管大钳 套管吊卡 卡瓦式吊卡 侧开式吊卡 卡盘 套管接头 套管扶正器 压坏,破坏 通径 通径规 导管 击入管 隔水管 打桩机 cementing cementcement slurry inner string cementing stage cementing plugging back cementing cement flush squee z e cementing portland cement gel-cement ahead water behind water cement slurry for lead cement slurry for tail spacer mixing water additive retarder acceleretor econolite silica flour 固井 水泥 水泥浆 内管注水泥 分级注水泥 回堵注水泥 水泥冲洗 挤水泥硅酸盐水泥(普通水) 胶质水泥 先行水 末端水 先行水泥浆 末端水泥浆 隔离液 溶解水 处理水 缓凝水 促凝水 水玻璃 硅粉bucklingmud line nanger linerliner hanger offshore hammer 锤击接头压曲泥线悬挂器尾管尾管挂器海洋打桩机WOC.wait on cementline testline cleaningcementing pumptop of the cement替候凝管线试压清洗管线固井泵水泥面excessreturnback pressurestab in adapter cementing line surge tankfloat collarfloat shoeguide shoecasing shoeDv collarplugplug containerfree fall plugshut off plug openning bomb closing plugby-pass plugshut off baffle cement basket circulation headjet mixerfloat valve四.井口作业well headwell head assembly bell nippleBOP.blow out prevent accumlatorbay type BOP 附加量返出水泥浆回压插入密封接头固井管线缓冲缸浮箍浮鞋引鞋套管鞋分级注水泥短节水泥塞水泥头自由下落胶塞封闭胶塞开孔胶塞关闭胶塞旁通封闭承托板水泥汆循环接头水泥混合漏斗浮阀井口井口装置井口喇叭管防喷器储能器万能防喷器single ramdouble rampipe rambind ramshear ramBOP stackflangelocking flangetie-domn flangeadapter flangebolt (nut)packingplastic packingring gasketclampwear bushingcasing headspool.drilling spoolcasing spooltubing spooltubing headreducerplug testercup testerfunction testsealleaktubing hangerpressure test单阀梅式防喷器双阀梅式防喷器闸梅式防喷器全封闭式防喷器全封枚式防喷器装好的井口防喷装置法兰盘锁紧法兰盘系紧法兰盘异径法兰盘螺丝(螺母)密封垫塑料密封圈钢圈,垫圈夹子保护套,法兰保护套管头四通套管四通油管四通油管头大小头注塞式试验器杯式试验器功能试压密封,封堵漏,泄漏油管挂试压五.电测electric logging 电测BHTV.borehole televiewer 井下电视logging tool spontaneous potent--ial log IES.induction-- Electrical survey DLL.dual induction-laterolog ILM.medium induction-log IDL.deep invetiga---tion induction log formation conductivities geometric factor invated zoneinvation diameterded responsborehole response micro log microlaterolog proximity log laterologsonic logamplitude logCBL.cement bond log VDL.variable density log BHC.borehole compen s atedsonic log depth scalecontact device 测井仪器自然电位测井感应测井双感应测井中感应测井深感应测井地层电导率几何因子侵入带侵入直径地层响应井眼响应微电极测井微侧向测井临近侧向测井侧向测井声波测井声幅测井检验固井质量测井变密度测井井眼补偿声波测井深度比例尺贴井壁仪器radioactivity loggamma rayneutrongamma ray logside wall neutron loghydrogen indexdensity loggamma-gamma logdensity toolneutron lifetime logdiplogdipmetercaliper logstick plotagimuth frequency plotdifferential temperature--logborehole fluid samplerradiactive tracer loganalog recordphotographic recordingsurface calibrationdomnhole calibrationwell site calibrationlogging cablesingle conductorseven conductor cablecable drumeccentering armwell shooting放射性测井伽玛射线中子射线自然伽玛测井井壁中子测井含氧指数密度测井伽玛—伽玛测井密度测井仪中子寿命测井地层倾角测井地层倾角仪井径测井短棒图方们频度图微差井温测井井下流体取样器放射性示踪测井模拟记录照相记录地面刻度井下刻度井场刻度测井电缆单芯七芯电缆电缆液筒偏心臂,推靠器地震测井Temperature log CST.chrondogical-sample taler RFT.repeat pormationtester explosiveblasting capgun of perforation core gun 温度测井井壁取心电缆式地层测试炸药雷管射孔枪取心器landing nippleperforated nippleseal nippleno-go nipplelocatorentry guidenuckle jointstuffing boxchiksan joint联顶短节带孔短节密封短节终端短节定位器进入导向铰链接头,快速双联防喷盒,盘根盒活动弯头tubing puncher bridge plug 六.试油1.试油仪器tubing christmas tree packerchoke adjustadle choke master valve choke manifold flow line separater burnerblower wireline unit lubricator sliding side door downhole tool shifting tool needle valve flow meter level meter 滑轮油管射孔器桥塞油管采油树封隔器油嘴可调油嘴总闸门试油树,油阻管汇出油管,输油管分离器燃烧器鼓风机试井绞车试井绞车防喷盒滑套循环接头下井工具变位工具针形阀流量计液位器pump-out reversingslip joint subshear pinamerada gagebottom-hole semplerequalzing valveproduction platfrom2.试油的一般词汇collect dataflow testflowflow rateflowing pressurewell-head pressurebottom-hole pressurewell-head flowing pressurebottom-hole flowing pressuretubing pressurecasing pressurepressure declineshut-inshut-in pressurepressure gradient液压弹簧测验仪反循环接头伸缩联接安全销井底压力计井底取样器平衡阀采油平台取数据流量试验放喷流量流动压力井口压力井底压力井口流压井底流压油管压力套管压力压力降关井关井压力压力梯度reservoir pressure hydrostatic pressure bottom-hole temperature temperature gradient geothermal gradient thermal expansion pour pointstatic pressurebuild-upbuild-up curve GOR gas oil ratio draw downdraw-down test fkowing life natural flow 油层压力静水压力井底温度温度梯度地温梯度热膨胀流动点静压压力恢复压力恢复曲线油气比压力差稳定排液法自喷期自喷gas reservoircondensatewell cleaningformation damagefracturesand troubleswabbingbubblebreak downdry holeair bathassociated gasflare stackcarbonic acid gasspent acid气层凝析油洗井生产层损坏压裂砂堵抽吸气泡破裂干井气浴伴生气火舌管二氧化碳废酸gas gravityolifice platechartcalibration conversion chart functionscanningproduction test injection testDST drill stem test acidifingkill the wellproduction(daily production) oil reservoir 英寸水柱天然气比重测气孔板卡片,卡板刻度换算图表函数,功能扫描试油注入试验中途测试, 地层测试酸化处理压井产量(口产量)油层emulsifying agentemulsion breakerwater cushionstripper welldecline of production七.废井,拖航1.废井abondoned wellmarine cutterreleasing spear2.拖航towingmain tug boat油垣乳化剂破乳剂水垫低产井产量下降报废井水力割刀套管打捞矛拖航主拖轮tow line marker buoy slowing buoy location buoy mooring rope locationon location anchor winch mileknot headingjack upjack down jacking system 拖缆,拖绳指点浮标抛标井位浮标系泊绳,龙须缆井位定位锚机英里节,海里航向,船首的方向升船降船升降系统semisubmersible drilling unitcranesubmerged pumpdesolinatorboilergeneratorplunger pumpfuel oil tankwaist oil tankbilge tankhulldeckhelicopter portpipe rack半潜式钻井船吊车潜水泵造水机锅炉发电机柱塞泵燃料缸污油缸船底水舱船身甲板飞机平台管架legair gap jetingpre-load test ebb tide high tide strandmatmud 桩腿气隙冲沉垫压载平潮涨潮搁浅沉垫浮泥游泥center rackpipe yardstarboadthe port sideliving quarterengine roomofficejack housecontrol room中间管架管子站右航左航居住区机舱办公室升降室控制室currenttide八.钻井船1.设备,空间drilling bargejack-up type drilling unit 海流潮流钻井船自升式钻井船hatchdog houseturbineturbine generatorturbo-jet engine升降口值班室涡轮涡轮发电机涡轮喷气式发电机2.工具,器材hammer wrenchpincerswirenailhoselineflexible joint shacklepaintanglestainless steel fresh waterdrill water portable water gasolinediesel oil lubricating oil grease machine oil aviation fuel antifreefes welding electrode bench clamp scissors tweezers adhesive tape tape measure refrigerant 锤扳钳子钢丝钉子软管管线挠性接头猫卸扣,联接环油漆角钢不锈钢淡水钻井水饮料水汽油柴油润滑油黄油机油航油不冻液焊条台钳剪子,剪刀镊子胶布,橡皮膏卷尺,皮尺制冷剂3.机械部分partso-ringgasketpackingwasherlockwasherboltnutpinroll pinslip ringretaineradaptersubrodconnectorunionpulleygearclampmandrelshaftspringscrewscrewdriverholdersupportcoversocketspare parts零件密封圈密封衬垫衬垫,填密垫圈锁紧垫圈螺栓螺母销子滚销滑环挡环接头短节杆联接器联管节滑轮,(滑轮)槽齿轮夹子心轴轴弹簧螺钉螺丝刀,改锥支承支架外壳插座备件4.人员superviser 监督mm millimeter 毫米interpreter drilling crew drilling foreman tool pushertour tool pusher drillerasistant driller derrick manfloor man drilling engineer drilling technician mud engineer mechanic roustabout weldercrane operator electriciandivercookdoctormaterial man barge engineer radio operator 5.单位M.meterKm.kilometer Cm.centimeter 翻译钻井队员钻井队长钻井技师领班司钻副司钻井架工钻台工钻井工程师钻井技术员泥浆工程师机械工,机工装卸工,水手电焊工吊车工电工潜水员炊事员大夫材料员平台工程师电报员米千米,公里厘米in inchft feetmilel literkilolitertong gramkg kilogramgal gallonbbl barrellengthareaibs poundvolumemesurmentweight6.行为hitpushpull.drawtie knotunfasten, loosentake offput, laylift, raiseget down英寸英尺英里升,公升千斤吨克千克,公斤加仑桶长度面积磅体积容积重量打推拉系上解开拆卸放起,举,升下,降brush, polishput in order measurethrow awaythrowcut offweldingspot weldingtake place, shiftput dope on, grease up maintenance overhaul preservation 擦整理量,测量扔掉扔,投割断,切断电焊点焊交替抹油保养维修大修supply boatloadingunloadinghelicopterbeaconV.II.FFdrop anchorpick up anchor. pull anchorwelky talkyvariable loadcontractorpalletsafety belt供应船装船卸船直升飞机导航仪高频电话抛锚起锚对讲机可变载荷承包者货架安全带install, rig up, settake off, rig down operate, runtearing down, disassemb lying cleaningrepair7.现象be broken, be damaged out of order, trouble wearnormalabnormal8.其他spud-inrig uprig down 安全安装拆卸开,操作拆下清洗,清扫修理破坏,出毛病故障磨损正常异常开钻安装钻机拆卸钻机helmetflash lightlife boatlife raftlife jacketdraftalarmmooringsounding gaugefan ductair ventanchorguide railhandrailby-passstormsafety factor安全帽手电筒救生艇救生筏救生衣吃警报系留,系泊测深管通风导管通气锚导轨栏杆,扶手旁通风暴安全系数typhoonstresserrorsewage suspended well wild cat exploratory well appraisal well contract exploration sludge stratigraphic test stand-by time nitrogendockswitch 台风应力误差污水暂停初探井,野猫井详探井详探井合同勘探污泥基准井等候时间氮船*开关boringpollutionballast controlstrainhydraulicradioweather forecastswelldrilling reportstepsaboardrustlathestand-by boatpanelrecorderpower source钻孔污染调整压载变形液压无线电气象预报涌钻井报表扶梯靠船锈车床值班船面板记录仪电源九.地质1.岩石,形状sedimentary rocks Igneous rocks 沉积岩火成岩carbonate rocklimestone碳酸盐岩石灰岩matamorphic rocks sandsandstonesiltsiltstonequartjite calcareous sandstone tuffaceous sandstone clayshalemudstone Dolomite MaristoneCoalEvaporites GrpsumAnhydriteDioriteGabbroPeridotite Porphyrybasaltslatmarbleschistserpentinegneissmicatuffaitecoquina glauconite hornffelsbiotitefine sand medium sand coarse sand 变质岩砂砂岩粉砂粉砂岩石英岩钙质砂岩凝灰质砂岩粘土页岩泥岩白云岩泥灰岩煤蒸发盐岩石膏硬石膏闪长岩辉长岩橄榄岩斑岩玄武岩枚岩大理岩片岩蛇纹岩片麻岩云母层凝灰岩贝壳灰岩海绿岩角页岩黑云母细粒砂中粒砂粗粒砂sand limestonehalitecherttuffgranitedaciterhypliteandesitedoleritehornblendegreen tufffeldsparorthoclseagglomeratepumisescoriapyritemagnetitecaloitezeolitegyain sizegranulepebbleboulderconglomeratebricciahardsoftcompastlooseporousangularroundlignitebentonitekaolinitekaolin砂质石灰岩盐岩燧石凝灰岩花岗岩英安岩流纹岩安山岩粒玄岩角闪石绿色凝灰岩长石正长石集块岩浮石火山渣黄铁矿磁铁矿方解石沸石粒度细砾中砾巨砾砾石角砾石硬软细致,致密疏松多孔的有棱角圆的褐煤膨润土,膨润岩高岭石高岭土carbon disculfide plate tectonics 二硫化碳板块构造Stratifiedcross beding层状的交错层syncline geanticline geosycline synclinorium anticlinoriumnose structure inelined anticline recumbent anticline overturned anticline asymmetrical anticline fractureactive faultreverse faultlateral migration vertical migration stratificationfalse bedingbeding plane 向斜地背斜地向斜复向斜复背斜鼻状构造倾斜背斜伏卧背斜倒转背斜不对称背斜断裂活断层逆断层横向运移垂直运移层理假层理层理面cross spreadlenticular sand trappermeability trapstratigraphic trapstructural trapreef trappinch out trapstrikeepeirogenetic movementorogeniccementationdiagenesissedimentary basinmarine depositsstructual lowsubsurface structural mapseismic section交叉排列透镜状圈闭渗透状圈闭地层圈闭构造圈闭礁块圈闭尖灭圈闭走向造陆运动造山运动胶结作用成岩作用沉积盆地海相沉积构造凹陷地下构造图地震剖面图2.地史3.测井解释geologic ageeraperiodepochagesystemseriesstagestraigraphic succession Ar. archaeozoic era Pt. proterozoic era Pz. paleozoic era∈. cambrian period O. ordovician period S. silurian periodD. devonian period C. carboniferous period P. permian period Mz. Mesozoic eraT. triassic periodJ. jorassic period 地质年代代纪世期系统阶地层层序太古代元古代古生代寒武纪奥陶纪志留纪泥盆纪石炭纪二叠纪中生代三叠纪log interpretationcompacted sandsoft formationtight formationintervalp ermable formationrock matrixformation water resistivitytrur formation resistivitysalinity of formation waterporositygross porosityfracture porositysecondary porosityeffective porositywater saturationresidual oil saturationmoveable hydrocarbonresidual hydrocarbonboffom hole teamperaturelogarithmic scale测井解释压实的砂岩软地层致密的地层井段渗透层岩石骨架地层水电阻率地层电阻率地层水的矿化度孔隙度总孔隙度裂缝孔隙度次生孔隙度有效孔隙度含水饱和度残余油饱和度可动油气残余油气井底温度K. cretaceous period Kz. Cenozoic era E. paleogene period N. neogene period R. trtiary period Q. quaternary period 侏罗纪白垩纪新生代早第三纪晚第三纪第三纪第四纪hybrid scalehybrid linear-exponential scalemovable oil curveresitivity-porpsitycrossplottinglitho-porosity crossplotepilog对数比例尺混合比例尺线性—指数混合比例尺可动油曲线电阻率—孔隙度交绘图法岩性—孔隙度交绘图最终成果测井解释图4.其它trapcap rockgas cap basement rocks closurefolddomal structure faultfa u lt trap antiline antiline strata unconformity 油捕,圈闭盖层气顶基岩闭合构造褶皱圆顶,穹隆断层断层圈闭背斜,背斜构造背斜层不整合upliftancient lifepollenfossilcrystallizationweatheringresistivitypermenbilitywater-bearing bedporeporositycontinentalgeochemistryground waterchlorine隆起古生物花粉化石结晶风化作用电阻率渗透率含水层孔隙孔隙率大陆架地球化学地下水氯。



Rig position 钻井平台岗位assistant driller assistant supervisor 副钻副监督casing crew 套管队cementer 固井人员cementing engineer chief supervisor 固井工程师总监chief electrician 电气师chief engineer 轮机长chief mechanic chief repairman 机械师检修长chief roustabout / boatswain 水手长cleaning man 清洁工company man completion supervisor 甲方人员完井监督cook 厨师cooking crew 炊事班crane operator 吊车司机day/night supervisor deck manderrick man directional engineer directional operator 白班/夜班监督甲板工架工定向井工程师定向井技师driller 司钻drilling crew 钻井班drilling engineer 钻井工程师drilling supervisor 钻井监督electrician floorman geology supervisor geoservices man 电工钻工地质监督气测人员head cookhydraulic pressure man 厨师长液压工lathe man 车工laundry man 洗衣工logger 测井人员logging engineer material engineer material man 测井工程师材料师材料员mechanic 机械工mess boy 厨工motor man 机工mud manmud supervisor person on duty 泥浆工泥浆监督值班人员radio operator repairman 电报员大班rig manager 平台经理roustabout 水手senior tool pusher service provider 高级队长服务人员tool pusher trainee 队长实习人员welder 电焊工Unit & Conversion 单位及换算1.length light-year (km) 长度光年kilometer (km) meter (m) 千米米decimeter (dm) 分米centimeter (cm) millimeter (mm) 厘米毫米yard (yd) 码foot (ft) 英尺inch (in.) 英寸mile 英里nautical mile (n mile) 海里1 m = 3.281ft = 1.094 yd1 ft = 12 in. = 0.305 m1 in. = 25.4 mm1 mile = 1609.344 m1 n mile = 1852 mbit diameter 钻头直径bit footage 钻头进尺bit position 钻头位置casing size 套管尺寸hole size 井眼尺寸hook position 大钩位置kelly - down/in depth 方入深度kelly - up 方余mean sea level 平均海平面mean tide level 平均潮面nozzle size 水眼尺寸2.area 面积square meter (m2) foot (ft2) 平方米平方英尺1 m2= 10.764 ft23.volume 容积cubic meter(m3) foot (ft3) 立方米立方英尺liter (l) 升barrel (bbl) (美)桶gallon (gal) (美)加仑pint (pt) (美)品脱quart (qt) (美)夸脱1 m3= 6.290 bbl1 L = 0.264 gal1 bbl = 158.988 L = 42.02 gal1 gal = 4 qt = 8 pt1 qt = 0.946 LHow much mud is there in mud pit 3? 3号池有多少泥浆?There is 400 bbl of mud in pit 3. 400 桶。



钻井平台英语钻井常用英语词汇1 焊条残头rod stub2 半潜平台semisubmersible rig3 甲板上/上层建筑topside /upper structure4 平焊/仰焊flat position / downhandwelding5 (搬运〕小车carrier6 (保温用的)岩棉管rock wool shell7 (单点系泊的)油克yoke8 (导管架装船的)固定seafastening / tie-downof jackets9 (对接)错皮wall offset10 (方形无压)罐tank11 (非方形有压)罐试比较 vessel12 (非方形有压)罐vessel13 (杆件的)单件图member drawing14 (杆件之间的)相碰、打架interference15 (钢板的)轧制方向rolling direction16 (管件的)段can17 (管件的)加厚段barrel18 (焊接)工艺孔access hole (for welding)= cope hole19 (焊接)工艺孔cope hole20 (焊接的)长肉(to be ) buttered21 (检验的)停点hold point22 (角焊缝)焊角高度leg of a fillet weld23 (截面较小的)圆钢方钢六角钢等bar24 (卷管的)压头edge crimping25 (抛丸用的)钢丝丸steel wire shot26 (喷砂用的)磨料abrasive27 (统计用)S曲线S-curve28 (统计用)直方图histogram29 (文件的)发放release = issue = distribution30 (污水)含油浓度oil concentration31 (验收)标准criteria32 (阳极的)电流密度current density33 (阳极的)电流容量current capacity34 (阳极的)极化电位polarization potential35 (油漆的)固化时间curing time36 (油漆的)混合期效pot life37 A-60级防火门A-60 fire door 38 API 适用规范applicable API specification39 API规定的要求API specified requirements40 CO2灭火器CO2 extinguisher41 CO2气瓶组CO2 cylinder unit42 H型钢H-shape43 J形管J-tube44 K 形坡口double bevel groove45NRL 落锤试验NRL (Naval ResearchLaboratory) drop weight test46 T 型钢 "T" steel47 T、K、Y型节点T,K and Y joints48 UT用的耦合剂couplant49 U形螺栓U-bolt50 Y型三通Y-type tee51 Z向特性Z direction property52 安全阀safety valve53 安全工作荷载safe working load (SWL)54 安全帽hard hat55 安全帽safety cap56 安全帽、焊接面罩helmet57 安全区safety zone58 安全系数safety factor59 安装erection60 安装现场installation site61 按A的意愿at the option of A62按照according to = in accordancewith = in line with = as per =in the light of63 按照as per64 按照in accordance with65 按照in line with66 按照in the light of67 拔桩pile extracting68 百分表dial gauge69 百年一遇a-hundred-year return period70 扳手spanner71 板尺steel ruler72 板梁plate girder73 板式换热器plate type heat exchanger74 板桩sheet piling75半成品semifinished /intermediateproduct76 半潜式钻井装置semisub drilling unit77 半镇静钢capped steel78 半自动焊semi-automatic welding79 伴热管线heat traced pipeline80 伴生气associated gas81 绑带buckle fastener82 包括但不限于include but not limited to83 饱和潜水saturation diving84 保护滤器guard filter85 保温insulation86 保温thermal insulation87 保温钉stud pin88 保温加伴热insulation (heat traced)89 报警蜂鸣器alarm buzzer90 报警喇叭alarm horn91 爆炸下限low explosion limit (LEL)92 备用电站stand-by power station93 背压式调节阀(自力式)backpressure regulator (self contained)94 被交管intersected pipe95 被交位置foot print96 苯二甲酸涂料phthalic paint97 必须(强制性的)shall98 闭/开路closed / open circuit99 闭式排放泵closed drain pump100 闭式排放罐close drain tank101 闭式排放罐closed drain tank102 壁厚wall thickness (WT) 103 避雷器spark arrester104 边界条件boundary condition105 编制和保存文件compile and maintain adocument106 编制文件develop / establish a document 107 扁钢flat bar 108 扁阳极flat plate anode109 变径头swage nipple110 标高、立面图elevation (EL)111 标准试块standard test block112 表面处理surface preparation113 表面弯曲试验face bend test114 表明说话人的意志,一般为业主行为,而非承包商行为will115 驳船强度及稳性barge strength and stability 116 补焊、返修焊缝repair welding117 补强用环板ring stiffener 118 捕集器slag catcher119 不等边角钢unequal angle120不间断电源uninterrupted power supply(UPS)121 不可燃物质non-combustible122 不利条件adverse condition123 不一致事项non-conformance124 布风器diffuser125 布氏硬度Ball hardness126 材料标识material identification127 材料表material list128 材料储存material storage129 材料代用material substitution130材料的接受和储存receipt and storage ofmaterials131 材料跟踪material traceability132 材料估算单material take-off133 材料交货delivery of materials134 材质、材料material135 采购purchase136采暖、通风、空调系统heating, ventilation and airconditioning system (HAV) 137 采油树Christmas tree 138 残余应力residual stress139 舱底污水-消防两用泵bilge/ fire pump140 槽钢channel steel141 槽焊slot welding142 侧弯试验side bend test143 侧向荷载lateral load144 层间温度interpass temperature145 层状撕裂lamellar tearing146 插焊法兰socket weld flange147 插焊管座sockolet148 插焊式socket type149 插尖stabbing cone150 插尖stubbing cone151差压控制阀differential pressurecontrol valve152差压流量计pressure differential flowmeter153 拆除disassembling154 柴油泵diesel pump155 柴油储罐diesel storage tank156 柴油储罐(带加热器)diesel storage tank withheater157 柴油发电机组diesel generator set 158 柴油罐diesel tank 159 柴油过滤净化装置diesel filter coalescer160 柴油日用罐diesel daily tank161 柴油日用罐(带加热器)diesel oil daily tankwith heater162 柴油输送泵diesel transfer pump163 产品标识和跟踪product identification andtraceability164 产品使用说明manufacturer's instruction 165 铲车、叉车fork lift166 常开/常闭阀normally open / close valve167 常压潜水系统atmospheric diving system= unpressurized diving system168 厂家的材质证书mill certificate169 超声波测厚仪ultrasonic thickness meter 170 超声波发射程距beam path distance171 超声波检验ultrasonic examination172 超声波探伤ultrasonic technique (UT) 173 超声波探伤ultrasonic technique (UT) 174 超声波斜射探伤angle probe method175 超重excess of weight176 潮差段tidal zone177 潮汐变化、潮差tidal variations178 车间底漆shop primer179 车间加工图shop drawing180 车间加工图shop drawing181 沉垫自升式钻井船mat support jack-up rig 182 沉箱caisson183 沉箱式平台caisson-type platform184 衬垫焊welding with backing185 撑杆spreader bar186 成品finished product187 承包商contractor188 吃水标尺draught gauge189 尺寸检验dimensional checks190 冲剪应力punching shear191 冲眼punch marks192 冲桩pile washing out193 冲子center punch194 抽检check randomly195 抽检spot check 196 除非另外说明unless otherwise specified 197 除非另外说明UNO (unless noted otherwise) 198 除砂罐desander199 除锈remove rust200 储存场地storage area201储罐-外输关系关断盘tank and loading shutdownpanel (TLSDP)202储油、装油与输油设备oil storage, loading andtransportation equipment203 储油轮oil storage barge204 储油平台storage platform205 穿梭油轮shuttle tanker206传热介质油heating medium oil, thermaloil207 传真收发两用机facsimile transceiver208 船艏bow209 船艉stern210 船艉绞车aft winch211 串靠系泊tandem mooring212 串靠装油系统tandem loading system213 吹扫/引燃器橇块purge/pilot gas package214 捶击peening215 锤子hammer216 瓷砖ceramic tiles217磁粉和悬剂magnetic particle andsuspension218磁粉探伤magnetic particle technique(MT)219磁粉探伤magnetic particle technique(MT)220磁轮式气割机gas cutting machine withmagnetic wheels221 次要/主要拉筋secondary/primary brace222 丛式井口clustered well heads223 脆性brittleness224 淬火加回火钢quenched and tempered steel 225 锉刀file 226 错皮high-low227 错皮mismatch = high-low228 搭接焊lap welding229 搭接节点overlapping joint230 打底焊道backing weld231 打磨grind232 打磨(名词)grinding233 打桩(to)drive piles234 打桩piling235 打桩船pilling barge236 打桩的锤击数blow count237 打桩记录pile driving records238 大水量灭火系统fire water deluge system 239 大小口、锥体cone240 大小头、变径头reducer241 带扶手的半软椅chair with arm-rests242 带手轮的控制阀control valve (accessorieshandwheel)243 带有丝堵的管座boss with plug244 待定hold245 单点系泊single buoy mooring (SBM) 246 单点系泊single point mooring (SPM) 247 单件图cutting sheet248 单锚腿系泊single anchor leg mooring(SALM)249 单面 V 形坡口single V groove250 单面坡口single groove251 单片起吊lifting up of panel structure 252 单十字带缆柱cruciform bollard253 单线图one-line diagram254 弹簧垫片spring washer255 淡水泵fresh water pump256 淡水罐(带加热器)fresh water tank withelectric heater257 淡水压力罐fresh water pressure vessel 258 档水扁钢coaming259 导电连接electrical connection260 导管架jacket261 导管架的下水和直立launching and uprighting of ajacket262 导管架的现场定位platform positioning on thesite263 导管架的运输船transport vessel for jackets 264 导管架吊耳jacket lifting eye265 导管架调平jacket leveling266 导管架定位jacket positioning267 导管架扶正jacket handling268 导管架改造jacket modification269 导管架固定jacket securing270 导管架帽jacket cap271 导管架片jacket panel 272 导管架片组对jacket panel assembly273 导管架腿柱jacket leg274 导管架下水驳船jacket launching barge275 导管架下水及竖立jacket launching and upending 276 导管架型平台template type platform277 导航灯navigational light278 导向结构guide structure279 导向喇叭口guide funnel280 倒链chain block281 到货检验receiving inspection282 登船平台boat landing283 等边角钢equal angle284 等离子弧焊接plasma arc welding (PAW)285 等离子弧切割plasma arc cutting (PAC)286 低氢型焊条low hydrogen type electrode 287 低热量输入low heat input288 低碳钢mild steel289 低压气净化器low pressure scrubber290低应力圆头钢印low stress round nosed diestamp291 底阀foot valve292 底甲板cellar deck293 底面回声bottom echo294 底漆first coat295 地基承载力bearing strength of the ground 296 地脚螺栓anchor bolt297 地锚块anchor block298 地面安全阀surface safety valve (SSV) 299 地下水缓冲罐underground water surge tank 300 地线earth lead301 第三方检验机构certifying authority302 点焊tack welding303 点焊工tacker304 点火器ignitor305 电磁阀solenoid valve306 电动阀motor operated valve307 电动钢丝刷power wire brush308 电焊把线welding cable309 电焊条electrode310 电焊条rod electrode311 电弧切割arc cutting312 电化学特性electrochemical property313 电加热器electric heater314 电解质electrolyte315 电缆托架cable rack /tray316 电潜泵electric submersible pump 317 电脱水供给泵dehydrator feed pump 318 电脱水器electric dehydrator 319 电脱盐器electric desalter320 电-液操作阀electric-hydraulic valve 321 电渣焊接electro-slag welding322 电阻焊ERW (electric resistancewelding)323 垫板、包板doubler plate 324 垫墩cup support 325 垫墩saddle326 垫片washer327 垫圈gasket328 吊臂倾斜角boom angle329 吊点lifting lug 330 吊点lifting padeye 331 吊点padeye 332 吊耳lug333 吊机扒杆boom334 吊机支撑crane support335 吊上及吊下驳船的导管架jacket lifted on and off thebarge336 吊索sling337 吊艇机lifting gear338 吊艇架life boat davit , davit339 吊装计算lift calculation340 调试commissioning341 调直straightening342 蝶阀butterfly valve343 丁字尺T-square344 顶/中/下/底甲板top/middle/lower/cellar deck 345 订货合同号purchase order number346 定期检验periodical survey347 定位positioning348 定位器positioner349 动力舱、机舱engine room350 动力定位钻井船dynamic-positioning rig351 短粗管stub352 断裂韧性fracture toughness353 断续焊intermittent welding354 锻钢forged steel (FS) 355 对焊管座weldolet356 对接焊缝butt-welded seam357 对丝nipple358 钝边高度thickness of root face359 钝化敏感度susceptibility to passivation 360 多层焊multipass welding361多浮筒系泊系统multi-point mooring , spreadmooring362 多井基盘系统multi-well template system 363 多台吊车联合起吊multiple lift364 多头计量泵multihead metering pump365 多用途环氧漆multi-purpose epoxy366 惰性气体发生器撬inlet gas generator package 367 二遍漆second coating368 二级气体洗涤器second gas scrubber369 二级水力旋流器second stage hydrocyclone 370 二面角dihedral angle371 二氧化碳气瓶carbon dioxide cylinder372二氧化碳气体保护电弧焊carbon-dioxide(CO2) arcwelding373 翻身垫墩roll-up support374 反冲洗罐backwash surge tank375 反冲洗回流泵backwash return pump376 反冲洗水罐backwash tank377 反面气刨back gouging378 返工rework379 返修率extent of repair380 返修率repair rate381 方钢square bar382 防爆设备explosion proof equipment 383 防沉板mud mat 384防毒面具breathing apparatus ,respirator385 防风墙wind shield386 防腐corrosion protection387 防寒救生衣immersion suit388 防滑陶瓷马赛克nonskid ceramic mosaic389 防火风闸fire damper390 防火距离exposure distance391防火门fire door closer, fire proofdoor392 防火墙fire proof wall , fire wall 393 防火墙fire protection wall394 防火塑料地板fire protected plastic tiles395 防火陶棉ceramic fibres396 防静电地板anti-electrostatic floor397 防喷器紧急回收系统emergency BOP recovery system398 防喷器系统blowout preventer system(BOP system)399 防喷器组blowout preventer stack400 防酸水泥acid proof cement401 防污染措施antipollution measures402 防锈漆anticorrosive paint403 仿形切割shape cutting404 放空管atmospheric vent405 放空管vent pipe406 放样mold lofting407 飞边毛刺burr and flashing408 飞溅区splash zone409 废热回收装置waste heat recovery unit 410 废水处理井waste water disposal well 411 废油罐waste oil tank412 沸腾钢rimmed steel413 分贝Decibel (dB)414 分离 / 缓冲器separator / urge vessel 415 分离器separator416 酚醛树脂涂料phenolic paint417 粉线、墨斗线spring line418 风铲chisel419 风带air-hose420 封隔器packer421 敷缆船cable layer422 扶桩间隙块pile spacer423 浮球控制阀floater controlled valve 424 浮式储油装置floating oil storage unit425 浮式生产储油外输轮floating production, storageandoff-loading tanker426 浮式生产储油装置floating oil production andstorage unit (FPSU)427 浮式生产平台floating production platform 428 浮式输油软管floating cargo hose429 浮式装油软管floating loading hose430 浮式钻井船drillship ,drilling ship431 浮筒转塔式系泊buoyant turret mooring432 浮心center of buoyancy433 符合(动词) comply with 434 符合(名词) compliance with 435符合、遵守conform to = stick to = adhereto436 腐蚀挂片corrosion coupon437 腐蚀余量corrosion allowance438 附件attachments439附件appurtenance =attachment=accessory=auxiliary440 附件miscellaneous items441 复合岩棉板composite rockwool panel442 复合岩棉天花板composite rockwool ceiling 443 复涂间隔over coating intervals444 复杂节点complex joint445 腹板web446 概念设计conceptual design447 概念图纸conceptual drawing448 干粉灭火器dry chemical extinguisher 449 干膜厚度DFT(dry film thickness)450 干扰回声parasitic echo451 干式采油树dry-type tree452 甘油glycerin453 杆件member454 杆件号member number455 钢板网metal lash456 钢板桩sheet pile457 钢材出厂时的表面氧化皮mill scale458 钢厂mill459 钢卷尺、盘尺steel tape460 钢印die stamp461高-低压开关high / low pressure switch(PSHL)462 高浓度可燃气报警high concentration gas alarm 463 高强度钢high strength steel464高压分离器high pressure separator (HPseparator)465 高压火炬high pressure flare466 高压凝析油罐high pressure condensate tank 467高压潜水系统hyperbaric diving system= pressurized diving system 468 割除、割除物cut off469 格栅grating470 隔板diaphragm471 隔板,舱壁bulk head472 隔膜阀diaphragm valve 473 隔水套管conductor474 根部焊道root run475 工程船舶engineering vessel476 工程地质船engineering geotechnicalvessel477 工具箱tool box478 工序process479 工序间的检验in-process inspection 480 工艺模块process module481 工艺排放process drain482 工作点working point483 工作中自检quality check in process 484 公差tolerance 485 公称直径nominal diameter486 公式equation487 公用空气接受器utility air receiver 488 公用设施模块utility module489 公用设施排放utility drain490 供方。

钻井平台英语english for drill

钻井平台英语english for drill

钻井平台英语W h a t i s o u r p o s i t i o n n o w?我们现在的船位的哪里?W h a t's t h e m o v i n g s p e e d n o w?拖航速度是多少?T h e s p e e d i s a b o u t4k n o t s.船速是4节左右。

W h i c h o n e i s t h e m a i n t u g?主拖是哪条船?T h e m a i n t u g i s N a n h a i205?主拖是南海205。

W h i c h o n e i s t h e c h a s e b o a t?护航船是哪条?H o w m u c h i s t h e h o r s e p o w e r?有多大马力?S h e h a s6000h o r s e p o w e r.有6000马力。

M o v e t h e r i g o ff l o c a t i o n50f e e t.将平台移开50英尺。

We a r e r e a d y t o d r o p t h e a n c h o r s.我们已经做好抛锚准备了。

S e c u r e a l l t h e m o v a b l e e q u i p m e n t.固定各种活动设备。

P r e l o a d.(自升式)压载。

B a l l a s t.(半潜式)压载。

P u t t h e p r e l o a d w a t e r i n t o t h e t a n k.向压载舱里灌压载水。

We n e e d5500t o n s o f p r e l o a d w a t e r.需要5500吨压载水。

S h a l l w e p r e l o a d r i g h t n o w?马上开始压载吗?D r a i n t h e w a t e r o ff.放水。



五:其它 Words or Expressions Used Frequently in Rig
Hale Waihona Puke 与动物有关 Related to Animals
1)Cat Catwalk 猫道 Cathead 猫头 Cathode 阴极 (anode 阳极) 2)Chicken Chicksan 活动弯接头 3)Dog Dog house 钻工值班房 Dog collar 安全卡瓦
Dog leg 狗腿度 4)Monkey Monkey Board 二层台 Monkey Wrench 活动扳手 5) Rabbit Rabbit 通径规 6)Ox Ox head elevator 牛头吊卡 7) Rat Rat hole (mouse hole) 鼠洞

2. 与字面不同或相差甚远 Different or Far from the looking

Water table 水台(天车台) Drain valve 通海阀 Anchor 顶丝 Poor boy 除气器 Whipstock 开窗工具 Man ridding winch 载人绞车 Man(life) basket 载人吊笼 Chemical room 药品房 (drug)
座底式钻井平台 Drilling Barge,Submersible Barge,Swamp Rig ●自升式钻井平台 Jack up,Self-elevating Drilling Platform ●半潜式钻井船 Semisubmersible ●模块 Module ● Platform 泛指各种平台

Top jets 顶部冲桩 Cantilever or slot 悬臂梁或槽口型 Skid-off 全部伸出 Cantilever envelope 悬臂梁移动范围 Max. cantilever load 悬臂梁最大负载 (combined hood+rotary+setback) 组合载荷 大钩+转盘+立根载荷
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海洋石油钻井常用英语手册 附录海洋石油钻井常用英语手册 附录附录一: 平台人员岗位名称一. 承包商人员 ( Contractor’s Personnel )Rig Manager 平台经理Equipment Supervisor 设备总监Materials Supervisor 材料总监Senior Toolpusher 高级队长Junior Toolpusher 值班队长Driller 司钻Sub Sea Engineer (SSE) 水下工程师Assistant Driller (AD) 副司钻Derrick Man 井架工Floor Man (roughneck) 钻工Barge Master (captain) 船长First Mate (Barge engineer) 大副Control Room Operator (CRO) 压载工Ballast Control Operator (BCO) 压载工Chief Engineer 轮机长Head of Routabout 甲板班长Crane Operator 吊车工Routabout 甲板工Mechanic 机械师Electrician 电气师Repairman 修理工Motorman 轮机员Welder 焊工Radio Operator 电报员Warehouse Man (stock Keeper) 材料员Medic 医生Safety Supervisor 安全监督Interpreter (translator) 翻译Chief Steward 管事Cook 厨师Steward 厨工Laundry Man 洗衣工二. 作业者及服务公司人员 ( Operator’s Personnel and Service Company Personnel) Drilling Superintendent 钻井监督Company Man (Operator’s Representative) 公司代表Geologist 地质师Mud Logging Engineer (Mud logger) 泥浆录井工程师Sample Catcher 捞砂工Mud Engineer 泥浆工程师ROV Engineer 潜水工程师Cementer 固井工Cement Engineer 固井工程师Testing Engineer 试油工程师Coring Engineer 取芯工程师Wireline Logging Engineer电测工程师附录二: 平台主要设备一. 钻井设备 (Drilling Equipment):Drawworks 钻井绞车Rotary Table 转盘Bushing 补心Top Drive System (TDS) 顶驱Swivel 水龙头Crown Block 天车Traveling Block 游车Hook 大钩Derrick 井架Pipe Spinning Wrench 钻杆气动扳手Ezy-Torq 液压猫头Elmagco Brake 涡磁刹车Pipe handling Equipment 钻杆移动设备Iron roughneck 铁钻工Pipe Racking System 钻杆排放系统Drill String 钻柱Drilling Sub 钻井短节Fishing Tool 打捞工具Power Tong 动力大钳Air Winch (air tugger) 气动绞车Crown-O-Matic (Crown Saver) 防碰天车二. 泥浆系统 (Mud System)Mud Pump 泥浆泵Shale shaker 振动筛Mud Cleaner 泥浆清洁器Desilter 除泥器Desander 除砂器Degasser 除气器Centrifuge 离心机Mud Agitator 泥浆搅拌器Mud Mixing System 泥浆混合系统Centrifugal Pump 离心泵Standpipe Manifold 立管管汇Rotary Hose 水龙带Bulk Air System and Tank 吹灰系统和灰罐三. 井控设备 (Well Control Equipment):Ram Type Preventor 闸板防喷器Annular Type Preventor 万能防喷器BOP Stack 防喷器组Gate Valve 闸阀Choke and Kill Manifold 阻流压井管汇Remotely Operated Panel 远程控制面板Choke Control Panel 阻流控制面板BOP Handling Equipment 防喷器搬运设备Diverter 转喷器四. 海事系统 (Marine System)Ballast System 压载系统Bilge System 污水系统Vent 通风口, 通气口Air Supply Fan 供气扇Mooring System 锚泊系统Communication Equipment 通讯系统Jacking System 升降系统Skidding System 井架滑移系统Windlass 锚机Anchor 锚Pendant 短索Buoy 浮标Lifting and Handling Equipment 起吊和搬运设备五. 机房 (Engine Room)Diesel Engine 柴油机Emergency Generator 应急发电机Water Maker (desalinization unit) 造淡机Air Compressor 空气压缩机Boiler 锅炉Air-conditioning System 空调系统Sea Water Service Pump 海水供给系统Piping System 管汇系统Generator 发电机Transformer 变压器DC Motor 直流马达AC Motor 交流马达六. 安全设备 (Safety Equipment)Fire Control System 消防控制系统Fire Detection System 火情探测系统CO2 System 二氧化碳系统Fixed Fire Extinguishing System 固定消防系统Portable Extinguisher 移动灭火器Fire-Fight Equipment 消防设备Foam System 泡沫系统Lifeboat 救生艇(Inflatable) Life Raft (气涨式)救生筏Davit 吊艇架Escape Routes 逃生路线Breathing Apparatus 呼吸器Life Buoy 救生圈Gas Detection System 气体探测系统Helicopter Facility 直升机设施Sick-Bay (Hospital) 医务室Pollution Control 防污控制七. 其他 ( Others)Cementing Unit 固井装置Well Testing Equipment 试油设备Mud Logging Unit 泥浆录井房Wire Logging Unit 电测装置ROV 潜水器Meter 米Foot 英尺Inch 英寸Supply Boat (supply vessel) 供应船Standby boat 值班船Day (night) Shift 白(夜)班Crew Change 倒班Crew 船员, 队员, 井队Position 岗位Draft (draught) 吃水Air Gap 空气间隙, 气隙Penetration (桩腿插桩)入泥Evacuation 撤离Rig (Drilling rig) 钻机, 钻井船附录三. 平台场所Bow 船首Stern 船尾Forward (FWD) or fore 船首的Aft 船尾的Port 左舷Starboard (STBD) 右舷Upper Deck 上部甲板Main Deck 主甲板Quarters (living quarters, accommodation area) 生活区Drill Floor (Rig floor) 钻台Bridge (Pilot house, Steerwheel house) 驾驶室Control Room 控制室Helideck 直升机甲板Cementing Unit Room 固井泵房Air Compressor Room 空气压缩机房BOP Control Room BOP控制房Radio Room 报房Engine Room 机房Thruster Room 推进器房Warehouse (Store) 材料库房Paint Room (paint locker) 油漆房库Leg 桩腿Jacking House 升降室Column 立柱Sack Storage Area 散装材料储存区Mud pit 泥浆池Cellar Deck 圆井甲板Riser Rack Area 隔水管排放区Pipe Rack Area 钻杆排放区Pipe Slide 滑道Ramp 坡道Spud Tank 桩脚箱Pontoon 浮箱Moonpool 月池/园井甲板Pump Room 泵房Shale Shaker House 振动筛房Coffee Room 咖啡室Rig Office 平台办公室Mess (dining) Room 餐厅Recreation Room 娱乐房TV RoomChange Room 工衣房Kitchen 厨房附录四. 钻具,井口工具,打捞工具Drill Pipe 钻杆Drill Collar 钻铤Heavy Weight Drill Pipe 加重钻杆Elevator 吊卡Tong 大钳Make-up Tong 上扣大钳Break-out Tong 卸扣大钳Mud Box 泥浆防喷盒Casing Stabbing Board 套管扶正器Slips 卡瓦Spider 卡盘Mouse Hole 小鼠洞 (接单根用) Kelly Spinner 方钻杆旋转器Kelly Cock 方钻杆阀Chain Tong 链钳Casing 套管Tubing 油管Drill String 钻柱Jar (drilling jar) 震击器Right Hand Thread 正扣Left Hand Thread 反扣Stabilizer 扶正器Rabit 通管器Liner 尾管Conductor 导管Thread Protector 护丝Stand (钻杆) 立柱Single (钻杆) 单根Joint (钻具) 根Bend 弯头Sub 短节Pup Joint 短钻杆, 短节Connector 接头Bit 钻头Bit Breaker 钻头盒Box 母扣Pin 公扣Hole Opener 开眼钻头Reamer 扩眼钻头Overshot 打捞筒Junk Basket 打捞篮Junk Mill 平头磨鞋Spear 打捞矛Fishing Tap 打捞公锥Cross Over Sub (XO Sub) 转换接头Bottom Hole Assembly (BHA) 下部钻具组合 附录五. 材料和工具Steel 钢Iron 铁Wood 木Chemicals 化学品Cement 水泥Barite 重晶石Potable Water 淡水Drilling Water 钻井水Sea Water 海水Fuel 柴油Helifuel 飞机燃油Lubricant (Lube/Lube oil) 润滑油Grease 黄油Thread Dope 丝扣油Ballast Water 压载水Bilge Water 舱底水Gasoline 汽油Mud 泥浆Bentonite 般土Additive 添加剂Caustic Soda 烧碱Weight Material 加重材料Thinner 稀释剂Oxygen 氧气Nitrogen 痰气Hydrogen Sulphide 二氧化硫Acetylene 乙炔Compressed Air 压缩空气Hydraulic Fluid 液压油Spanner 扳手Hammer 铁锤Screw Driver 螺丝刀Multimeter 万用表Welding Machine 焊机Bar 撬杠Shackle 卸扣Sling (钢丝) 绳套Container 集装箱附录六. 常用缩写形式BHA: bottom hole assembly 下部钻具组合DP: drill pipe 钻杆DC: drill collar 钻铤HWDP: heavy weight drill pipe 加重钻杆BOP: blowout preventer 防喷器TD: total depth 总深TVD: true vertical depth (定向井的)垂直深度SCR: silicon controlled rectifier 可控硅OD: outside diameter 外径ID: inside diameter 内径BBL: barrel 桶LB: (拉丁语) Libra=pound (重量单位)PSI: pound per square inch 磅/英寸2GAL: gallon 加仑POOH: pull out of hole 起钻RIH: run in hole 下钻WOW: wait on weather 等候天气WOC: wait on cement 候凝JU: Jackup 自升式 (钻井船)SEMI: semi submersible 半潜式 (钻井船)RPM: revolution per minute 转速/分钟LPM: liter per minute 升/分钟KN: knot 节 (海里/小时)SWL: safe working load 安全工作负荷API: American Petroleum Institute 美国石油协会IADC: international association of drilling contractors 国际钻井承包商协会MPI: magnetic particle inspection 磁粉探伤。
