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⏹Would you do me a favor?

⏹Would it be possible to have a talk with you?

⏹I wonder if you could tell me…?

⏹Please give me a few more days.

⏹Would you mind if I…?

⏹If it is not too troublesome, could/would you...?

⏹I hope this request will not trouble you too much.

⏹邀请、约会便条(Invitation & Appointment)


⏹We should be very much pleased if you…

⏹I was wondering if you could…

⏹We sincerely hope you can come…

⏹We’d like to invite you…

⏹We should be very glad if you could join us.



⏹I’m sorry I couldn’t…

⏹I’m writing to show my apology for…

⏹I would like to express my apologies for not being able to…

⏹I had a minor accident.

⏹I promise it will never happen again.

⏹I am sure I can make up the loss by…

⏹Many apologies.

⏹Do please forgive me.



⏹I am writing to show you how grateful I am…

⏹Thanks ever so much for …

⏹Thank you, it was very kind of you to…

⏹Thanks for the trouble you have taken to help me.

⏹It was most kind of you to share your experience. Please accept our

warmest thanks.

⏹Thank you so much for your assistance / for the information you

gave me.

⏹I hope I have the chance to reciprocate (回报)your kindness.

⏹A thousand thanks for your help and encouragement.

⏹Thank you for everything you have done for me.



Please accept my warmest congratulations.

⏹Congratulations for your success.

⏹I am writing to express my heartiest congratulations on…

⏹I am so glad to hear of your winning the prize.

⏹I am very delighted to hear that…

⏹You really deserve it because…

⏹I have been appreciating your excellent performance in study and

ability in your work.

⏹More success to you in the future.


⏹I am happy to inform you that…

⏹I am writing to ask you that…

⏹I just want to tell you…

⏹If you would like to…, please…

⏹Would you do me a favor by…

⏹Here are some …for you.


⏹In need of money for an emergent affair, I would like to sell my


⏹I have a computer for sell.

⏹Before I leave this college, I’d like to sell my computer.

⏹In need of money, I want to sell my lovely bag at a low price.

⏹The bike is still in good condition.

⏹I just bought it last month, and it can work perfectly well.

⏹I can pay it for at most 50 Y uan.

⏹I will charge only 200 Yuan for it.


⏹There will be a…

To enrich our school life, a ball will be held by…

It is advocated and sponsored by the Student’s Union that students donate their used books to poverty-stricken areas.

It is to announce that all Communist Party members attend the meeting at the meeting hall this Thursday afternoon from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m.

⏹This is to announce/declare that…

⏹A …is organized by… to…

⏹Those who are interested in …

⏹Those who are… welcome to take part in…

⏹Come and enjoy ourselves.


⏹I am (extremely) sorry to hear that …
