商业伦理案例-麦道夫骗局 (20140612)

2008年12月11日,美国华尔街传奇人物、纳斯达克股票市场公司前董事会主席伯纳德·麦道夫(Bernard Madoff)因涉嫌证券欺诈遭警方逮捕。

• 骗术:一句“内幕消息”掩盖一切 • 从不说明投资方法,不论市场好坏每年都支付 10%以上的投资回报利润。 • 业内也有人向美国证券交易委员会投诉,要求 调查,但是没有得到重视 • 直至金融危机爆发,资金赎回压力越来越大, 一个维持了20年,涉案650亿美元的骗局才被 揭穿。
简单的骗局,维持了 年 简单的骗局,维持了20年!
——麦道夫欺诈案 麦道夫欺诈案
◆亦称金字塔骗局 ◆非法传销多借用这招敛财 ◆“发明者”——查尔斯·庞齐Charles
◆万里大造林 ◆非法集资——吴英 ◆传销 ◆ 07蚁力神事件
• 监管不到位是有责任的,但是不能把自己的利 益保护交给监管。 • 对社会评估机构要有一个客观认识,不要认为 对方完全按照规则办事 • 投资者贪婪的心态,导致带有光环的机构和个 人寻机下骗局,如此之多的成熟的投资者和银 行家放心的将自己的钱交给了麦道夫基金,仅 因为一个诱人的数字---即使时势艰难,一年仍 有10%~15%的增长。
投资者的心理&骗子的伎俩 投资者的心理 骗子的伎俩
视频: 视频:深度解析麦道夫骗局
法学07 法学07பைடு நூலகம்袁帅 王琳
资金周转顺畅 市场信心的稳定 金融市场的繁荣
制度永远有漏洞,监管永远有缺陷 直到退潮时,你才知道谁在裸泳—巴菲特
美国金融监 管不力,金 融体系法规 改革势在必 行(中国差 的更远)
英文Bernard Madoff Fraud 麦道夫诈骗

Who is Bernard Madoff?◆Bernard Madoff was born in a Jewish(犹太) family, April 29 1938(Everybodyknows that Jewish are famous for their high IQ. 138 out of 680 people who won the Nobel Prize are Jewish) .In 1956 he attended the University of Alabama for one year, and then transferred to and graduated from Hofstra College in 1960 with a degree in political science.◆After he became a stockbroker from a plumber(水管工), his career kept goingup. Besides a former stock broker, he was also a financial adviser, and the former chairman of the NASDAQ. He founded the market-making firm “Bernard L. Madoff Investment Securities LLC” in 1960. By the year 2009, Madoff and his wife were worth up to $126 million, while the value of his business interest in his investment company adds up to $700 million.◆But in the end, when the famous Madoff Fraud was known to the world, hewas arrested on December 11, 2008, for running an alleged Ponzi scheme.He was sentenced to stay in the Federal Prison for 150 years and a forfeiture(财产没收) of $170.179 billion.What is the Madoff Fraud(麦氏骗局)◆Basically, the Madoff Fraud is a typical “Ponzi Scheme”(庞兹骗局). In a Ponzischeme, the fraudster promises high returns to attract new investors to give money to him, and he use these money to set up a fund, from where he makes payments to those earlier investors. So without a steady cash flow, the “Ponzi Scheme” collapses easily.◆In many Ponzi schemes, the fraudsters focus on attracting new money tomake promised payments to earlier investors, instead of engaging(致力于) in any legitimate(合法的) investment activity. In Madoff Fraud, even hisinvestment activity of hedge fund lost about $50 billion, he can still kept it secret by paying out earlier investors with money from new investors.How did he make it?As I just mentioned, the “Ponzi Scheme” collapse easily once there were no more new investors, but the Madoff Fraud deceived(欺骗) the whole world for more than 20 years. You must be wondering, “how could he make it so long?”Here are 4 main reasons.◆ A wide connection with rich peopleAs the former chairman of NASDAQ, he already had a wide connection of people from upper-class society. What’s more, he often showed up in some Golf Clubs or Cocktail Parties to know more rich people and made them his prospective investors.◆High reputationA wide connection of rich people is not enough, Madoff knew it. So he madegreat efforts to reach a high reputation. According to the “Wall Street Journal”, Madoff get more than 1000 millions just in one Golf Club in Minnesota(明尼苏达州). It was said that “when you are playing golf or having lunch in the Golf Club, you can hear everyone talking about Madoff making money for them…everyone wants to be part of his investment program”.Ironically(具有讽刺意味的是), a dying father even told his son to trust Madoff forever.◆Pyramid structure of clients(金字塔型客户结构)Madoff used his earlier investors to help him develop more new investors. Of course those earlier investors benefit from this. For example, a stock analyst named Sipulin invested $11 million in Madoff’s company, and he also developed 10 more clients for Madoff including an ordinary teacher who invested $50 thousand and a successful business man who invested millions.◆Reasonable investment returnsIt was reported, the monthly reports that Madoff issued to his clients showed that he was very aggressive in his investment activities, and his clients were free to cash out(赎回) a few days after their investments. Unlike other “P onzi Scheme”, Madoff promised a reasonable investment return of about 12%-13% instead of an unreasonable high one, which made his clients never doubt. Anyway, Madoff never worried about more new investors.Why did Madoff finally get caught?◆In the year of 2008, the Subprime Mortgage Crisis(次贷危机) happened inAmerica that, so many investors asked to cash out in a short time. It was reported that more than $7000 million were cashed out in the first week of December 2008. With the deadly break of cash flow, Madoff showed his true features.◆What’s interesting, Madoff was finally reported(告发) to the Federal by histwo sons who had also been cheated for many years.What’s the consequence?◆Many institutions and individuals suffered great loss➢Institutions include:✓Charitable organizations (Robert Lapin Charity Foundation)✓Fund companies (Fairfield Greenwich)✓Banks of many countries (HSBC, Swiss Bank, Santander) ➢Individuals include:✓Merkin-chairman of the General Motors Financial Service Company✓Elie Wiesel-Nobel Peace Prize winner✓Spielberg-great director◆Making the Financial Crisis WorseAs many international banks suffered from great losses, the asset of these banks shrinked rapidly, which in turn made the 2008 global financial crisis worse.◆Caused trust crisisMadoff betrayed his investors, and this betrayal(背叛) is a heavy blow(沉重打击) to investors' trust in Wall Street and their financial advisers. ”Boththose who have been betrayed and those who hear of such betrayal might become overly cautious with their investments and others might not invest at all, causing a rippling effect(连锁效应) through the financial markets”,said Brad Klontz, a financial psychologist.What can we learn from it?◆Reflection(反思) of American Supervisory System(监管体系)The perfection(使完善) of American supervisory system always come afterthe crisis, which causes the speed of supervisory system’s reaction for the change of financial market become slower and slower. So, a revolution of financial regulatory regime is necessary.◆Government’s responsibility of financial market’s safetyWith the development of economy, government is playing a more and more role in the supervision of financial market. Due to the information asymmetry(信息不对称),government supervision can’t be perfect, and withthe happening of Madoff Fraud, the defects(缺陷) of governmentsupervision has been exposed more clearly.◆Improving the Information Disclosing System is vitalThe investors have the rights to KNOW! In the financial market, information means everything. As we can learn from the Madoff Fraud, to perfect the information disclosure system is the key to avoid financial legerdemain(金融欺诈).◆Revelations of Madoff Fraud for Chinese financial marketAs a matter of fact, American’s supervision system mainly focuses on the banks and insurance companies, while letting those hedge funds(对冲基金) or private equity portfolios(私人股权基金) slide. So in the development of Chinese financial market, we should put more attention on the regulatory(使规范) of financial derivative market(金融衍生品市场).。

年 终红利 。麦道 夫 的两 个儿 子 因此产 的主 管,现在 是 纽约 阿斯 科特 合伙 人 理分支机构 , 利用广泛人脉 பைடு நூலகம் 骗取投资。 生 了疑 问 ,如 果 没 有 钱 支 付 给 客 户 , 证 券公 司 的资金 管理 人。 这 家公司 投 麦 道 夫 在 美 国 达 拉 斯 、 芝 加 哥 、 波 士
日 本 众 多 投 资 者 ,其 中 国 际 投 资 大 行 瑞 士 日内 瓦 的 贝 内迪 克 特 ・亨 奇 银 行 道夫 利 用朋 友、家 人和 生意 伙伴 发展 如 法 国 巴 黎 银 行 、 日本 野 村 证 券 、 瑞 因麦 氏基 金 亏 损 4 5 7 0万 美 元 。西 班 牙 “ 线 ” 下 ,有 的 人 因 成 功 “ 资 ” 而 获 引
市 篇_ 场
公 司 已 无 钱 可 用 。 但 随 后 ,他 告 诉 另 投 资技巧 高超 。J・ 兹拉 ・ 尔金原 他 1 6 埃 梅 9 0年成 立证券投 资公 司, 多年来 ,
个儿 子 ,他将 提 早给 工作 人 员发放 为 通 用 汽 车 公 司 旗 下 金 融 机 构 GMA 麦 氏通 过这 家公 司下 属的 秘密 资本 管 C
“ 得 不 切 实 际 ” 的 投 高
而 很 多年来 ,他 也确 实给 了他 们 这么 资 回报 。但 波 士顿 办 多好 处,因此 为 自己打造 出一个 稳赚 公 室 对 此 投 诉 不 了 了 不赔 的金字 招牌 ,多 少富豪 和机 构都 之 。 亨 尼 西 集 团 创 始 在他 身 上倾 注 了大量 资金 ,指望从 此 人 之一 格拉 丹 特也 曾 以后财 源滚 滚。但 麦道 夫并 非来 者不 指 出 ,一 家 证券 投 资 0 拒 ,要 想和他 做 生意 ,首 先 必须 非常 公 司 不 可 能 在 长 达 1 5年 的时间里只 有 钱 ,投 资 底 限 是 1 0万 美 元 , 其 次 年或 1 0 还 必须得到 内部人 士的 “ 邀请 ” 。这些 有 三 四个 月 亏损。 但 苛 刻 的条件 并没 有 吓退投 资者 ,反而 他 的意 见 也没 有 引起 让他们更加疯狂地把钱塞过来 。 ( )投 资策略 神秘 ,业 绩惊人 , 二


Your company slogan in here
投资者一定要相信些什么,不妨回到最朴实的原则上。这就是,天 下没有免费的午餐,要确定你对风险的关注,等于甚至多过对收益 的关注。千万不要相信人能够战胜市场。 应该对对冲基金推广采用分级监管模式。应该看到不同的对冲基金 其风险程度是不同的,真正对经济有威胁的是少数大型对冲基金或 者跨国对冲基金。 建立适合本国国情的对冲基金监管理论。国际对冲基金已运作多年 ,已经成为国际金融市场的主要投资力量,但其投机之冲击力也给 各国尤其是发展中国家的金融市场带来了巨大的风险。我国作为世 界上最大的发展中国家,在经济转型时期存在许多制度性缺陷,新 兴的资本市场和金融体系防范风险的能力较弱,在这种情况下,我 国金融市场很容易成为对冲基金攻击的目标,我们应该吸取商业银 行股份制改革时让外资廉价获得股份的教训,加强对对冲基金监管 的理论研究,力争从制度和机制上找出防范对冲基金投机的办法。
Your company slogan in here
Your company slogan in here
二、(1)伯纳德 麦道夫简介
伯纳德.麦道夫(Bernard Madoff) 出生年月:1938年2月24日 籍贯:犹太人家庭 职位:麦道夫证券投资公司CEO 经历: * 创立伯纳德· 麦道夫证券投资公 L· 司(1960年) * 麦道夫成为了NASDAQ的主席 (1990年) * 公司拥有3亿美元左右的资产 (2000年) * 麦道夫的对冲基金到SEC注册 (2006年9月)
Your company slogan in here
4.善于营造神秘氛围 麦道夫非常善于为自己营造神秘的氛围。想成为 麦道夫的客户有点类似于加入一个门槛很高的俱 乐部,光有钱没有人介绍是不能进的,在很多人 看来,把钱投给麦道夫已经成为一种身份的象征 。麦道夫从不解释他的投资策略,而如果你问得 太多,他会把你踢出局。麦道夫的客户包括富豪 、对冲基金、大型机构投资者甚至欧洲的一些银 行。 面对长期稳定得不可思议的盈利和自己信任的 已经赚到钱的其他投资者,这些久经沙场的老手 们还是最终被骗。
避免可能的利益冲突 从麦道夫骗局中吸取教训


它最早由美国金融家庞蒂(Charles Ponzi)在20世纪20年代发明和实施,因而得名。
最著名的庞氏骗局案例之一是由伯纳·马多夫(Bernie Madoff)实施的麦道夫投资公司骗局。



确 实给 了他们这 么多好处 。要想和
他 做 生 意 ,首 先必 须 非 常有 钱 ,投
资底限是 1¨ 0 C 万美 元 :其次 还必须 得 到内部人士 的 “ 邀请 ”。 在 金 融 危机 的影 响 下 ,越 来 越 多的客 户要 求赎 回资 金 ,而 新 加 入 的 投 资者 却越 来 越 少 ,这 让 麦 道 夫捉 襟 见 肘 ,这 个 惊世 骗 局
二.麦道夫事件的演化成因分析 生 意 伙 伴 发 展 — ”, 的人 线 有
伯 纳 德 ・ 道夫 诈骗 案 就是 麦
金 字塔 式投 资 骗 案并 不鲜 见 因成 功 “ 资 ”而获 取 佣金 。一 现代 版 的 “ 氏骗 局 ” ,它和历 引 庞
( 图 )。 从 2 0 年 安 然 公 司 附 0 1
随 时在数 日内赎 回投 资 。而 且与 是 它 们吸 引投 资者 的法 宝 ( )利用 奢 华场 所 建 立人 一
终 于被 戳 破 。
安 盛 保 险
F ifed G e n ihG o p ar il re w c ru
12 { 美 元 .3L
7{ 美 元 5L
富 通 集 团荷 兰银 行 部 门 B n ast& Ce e bsa i
苏 格 兰 室家 银 行
l 亿 欧 元 O 1 亿 瑞 郎 l
3 亿 美 元 O 1 亿 美 元 8 3 亿 美 元 5 3 亿 美 元 1 1 亿 美 元 4 l 亿 美 元 0 85 .亿美 元 46 { 美 元 .8L 4L 元 {美 3O 亿 美 元 . 2 28Z 元 .f美 " l 3 万 美 元 30
日本青 空银 行
瑞 士R ih u h ̄ ec m t¥ 行 北 欧 银 行 瑞 银 旗 下基 金 国际 奥 委 会 叶 希 瓦 大学 康 涅 狄 格 'faril镇 养 老基 金 / ifed IF 、

麦道夫诈骗案麦道夫和他的公司当伯纳德·麦道夫(Bernard L. Madoff)因涉嫌史上最大庞氏骗局被美国司法机关指控的消息铺天盖地地传来时,华尔街上的很多人都感到错愕不已。
纳斯达克交易所前主席、备受尊敬的华尔街明星经纪商、被人称道的慈善家目录伯纳德.麦道夫(Bernard Madoff)简介麦道夫诈骗案始末麦道夫个人发展经过欺骗手法麦道夫其人真相大白之后伯纳德.麦道夫(Bernard Madoff)简介出生年月:1938年2月24日伯纳德.麦道夫籍贯:犹太人家庭伯纳德·L·麦道夫证券投资公司职位:麦道夫证券投资公司CEO经历* 创立伯纳德·L·麦道夫证券投资公司(1960年) * 麦道夫成为了NASDAQ的主席(1990年) * 公司拥有3亿美元左右的资产(2000年) * 麦道夫的对冲基金到SEC注册(2006年9月) 2008年,美国华尔街传奇人物、纳斯达克股票市场公司前董事会主席伯纳德·麦道夫(Bernard Madoff)12月11日因涉嫌证券欺诈遭警方逮捕。
惊天大骗局-Bernie Madoff

惊天大骗局——伯纳德·麦道夫的对冲基金Don't Ask, Don't TellBernie Madoff is so secretive, he even asks investors to keep mumBy ERIN E. ARVEDLUNDBernie Madoff might as well hang that sign on his secretive hedge-fund empire. Even adoring investors can't explain his enviably steady gains.Two years ago, at a hedge-fund conference in New York, attendees were asked to name some of their favorite and most-respected hedge-fund managers. Neither George Soros nor Julian Robertson merited a single mention. But one manager received lavish praise: Bernard Madoff.Folks on Wall Street know Bernie Madoff well. His brokerage firm, Madoff Securities, helped kick-start the Nasdaq Stock Market in the early 1970s and is now one of the top three market makers in Nasdaq stocks. Madoff Securities is also the third-largest firm matching buyers and sellers of New York Stock Exchange-listed securities. Charles Schwab, Fidelity Investments and a slew of discount brokerages all send trades through Madoff.billion for wealthy individuals. That's enough to rank Madoff's operation among the world's three largest hedge funds, according to a May 2001 report in MAR Hedge, a trade publication.What's more, these private accounts, have produced compound average annual returns of 15% for more than a decade. Remarkably, some of the larger, billion-dollar Madoff-run funds have never had a down year.When Barron's asked Madoff Friday how he accomplishes this, he said, "It's a proprietary strategy. I can't go into it in great detail."Nor were the firms that market Madoff's funds forthcoming when contacted earlier. "It's a private fund. And so our inclination has been not to discuss its returns," says Jeffrey Tucker, partner and co-founder of Fairfield Greenwich, a New YorkCity-based hedge-fund marketer. "Why Barron's would have any interest in this fund I don't know." One of Fairfield Greenwich's most sought-after funds is Fairfield Sentry Limited. Managed by Bernie Madoff, Fairfield Sentry has assets of $3.3 billion.A Madoff hedge-fund offering memorandums describes his strategy this way: "Typically, a position will consist of the ownership of 30-35 S&P 100 stocks, most correlated to that index, the sale of out-of-the-money calls on the index and the purchase of out-of-the-money puts on the index. The sale of the calls is designed to increase the rate of return, while allowing upward movement of the stock portfolio to the strike price of the calls. The puts, funded in large part by the sale of the calls, limit the portfolio's downside."Among options traders, that's known as the "split-strike conversion" strategy. In layman's terms, it means Madoff invests primarily in the largest stocks in the S&P 100 index -- names like General Electric, Intel and Coca-Cola. At the same time, he buys and sells options against those stocks. For example, Madoff might purchase shares of GE and sell a call option on a comparable number of shares -- that is, an option to buy the shares at a fixed price at a future date. At the same time, he would buy a put option on the stock, which gives him the right to sell shares at a fixed price at a future date.The strategy, in effect, creates a boundary on a stock, limiting its upside while at the same time protecting against a sharp decline in the share price. When done correctly, this so-called market-neutral strategy produces positive returns no matter which way the market goes.Using this split-strike conversion strategy, Fairfield Sentry Limited has had only four down months since inception in 1989. In 1990, Fairfield Sentry was up 27%. In the ensuing decade, it returned no less than 11% in any year, and sometimes as high as 18%. Last year, Fairfield Sentry returned 11.55% and so far in 2001, the fund is up 3.52%.Those returns have been so consistent that some on the Street have begun speculating that Madoff's market-making operation subsidizes and smooths his hedge-fund returns. How might Madoff Securities do this? Access to such a huge capital base could allow Madoff to make much larger bets -- with very little risk -- than it could otherwise. It would work like this: Madoff Securities stands in the middle of a tremendous river oforders, which means that its traders have advance knowledge, if only by a few seconds, of what big customers are buying and selling. By hopping on the bandwagon, the market maker could effectively lock in profits. In such a case, throwing a little cash back to the hedge funds would be no big deal.When Barron's ran that scenario by Madoff, he dismissed it as "ridiculous."Still, some on Wall Street remain skeptical about how Madoff achieves such stunning double-digit returns using options alone. The recent MAR Hedge report, for example, cited more than a dozen hedge fund professionals, including current and former Madoff traders, who questioned why no one had been able to duplicate Madoff's returns using this strategy. Likewise, three option strategists at major investment banks told Barron's they couldn't understand how Madoff churns out such numbers. Adds a former Madoff investor: "Anybody who's a seasoned hedge- fund investor knows the split-strike conversion is not the whole story. To take it at face value is abit naïve."Madoff dismisses such skepticism. "Whoever tried to reverse-engineer \, he didn't do a good job. If he did, these numbers would not be unusual." Curiously, he charges no fees for his money-management services. Nor does he take a cut of the 1.5% fees marketers like Fairfield Greenwich charge investors each year. Why not? "We're perfectly happy to just earn commissions on the trades," he says.Perhaps so. But consider the sheer scope of the money Madoff would appear to be leaving on the table. A typical hedge fund charges 1% of assets annually, plus 20% of profits. On a $6 billion fund generating 15% annual returns, that adds up to $240 million a year.The lessons of Long-Term Capital Management's collapse are that investors need, or should want, transparency in their money manager's investment strategy. ButMadoff's investors rave about his performance -- even though they don't understand how he does it. "Even knowledgeable people can't really tell you what he's doing," one very satisfied investor told Barron's. "People who have all the trade confirmations and statements still can't define it very well. The only thing I know is that he's often in cash" when volatility levels get extreme. This investor declined to be quoted by name. Why? Because Madoff politely requests that his investors not reveal that he runs their money."What Madoff told us was, 'If you invest with me, you must never tell anyone that you're invested with me. It's no one's business what goes on here,'" says an investment manager who took over a pool of assets that included an investment in a Madoff fund. "When he couldn't explain \ how they were up or down in a particular month," he added, "I pulled the money out."For investors who aren't put off by such secrecy, it should be noted that Fairfield and Kingate Management both market funds managed by Madoff, as does Tremont Advisers, a publicly traded hedge-fund advisory firm.。

(二) 麦道夫诈骗手段
利用奢华场所建立人 脉网 树立“投资必赚” 树立“投资必赚”口 碑 “麦式骗局”用光鲜 麦式骗局” 夺目的外壳包裹 发展“金字塔型下线” 发展“金字塔型下线” 合理回报率骗倒所有 人
造成不少著名金融机 构投资者损失总计达 500亿美元。 英国金融时报引述有 心人士说,汇丰控股 由于麦道夫诈骗案潜 在风险可能负责15亿 美元。
2009年3月,麦道夫表示对包括证券欺诈、 洗钱等在内的11项刑事指控认罪,欺诈 金额累加起来达到650亿美元。 2009年6月29日,纽约联邦法院判处麦道 夫150年有期徒刑,这意味着麦道夫将在 监狱中度过余生;法院同时判决没收麦 道夫约1700亿美元财产,麦道夫的妻子 也将上交名下8000多万美元资产 。
Don’t ask,don’t tell. 不要问我怎么赚的钱,不要说你在我这投 了资 ——麦道夫 Trust Bernie 相信伯尼 Trust Him But Verify 信任他但须核实
伯纳德·麦道夫出生在纽约一个 伯纳德 麦道夫出生在纽约一个 犹太人家庭, 犹太人家庭,1960年,从纽约赫福 年 斯特拉私立大学法学院毕业后的他靠 利用暑假打工当救生员和安装花园喷 水装置赚来的5000美元,创立了伯 美元, 水装置赚来的 美元 纳德·麦道夫投资证券公司 麦道夫投资证券公司, 纳德 麦道夫投资证券公司,从事证 券经纪业务。 券经纪业务。
20世纪80年代初,麦道夫在华尔街积极推动场外电子交易, 20世纪80年代初,麦道夫在华尔街积极推动场外电子交易, 世纪80年代初 将股票交易从电话转移到电脑上进行。 将股票交易从电话转移到电脑上进行。 1983年 麦道夫公司在伦敦开设了办事处, 1983年,麦道夫公司在伦敦开设了办事处,并成为第一批在 伦敦证券交易所进行交易的美国公司。 伦敦证券交易所进行交易的美国公司。 1991年 伯纳德·麦道夫成为纳斯达克董事会主席。 1991年,伯纳德·麦道夫成为纳斯达克董事会主席。在其带 领下,纳斯达克成为足以和纽交所分庭抗礼的证券交易所, 领下,纳斯达克成为足以和纽交所分庭抗礼的证券交易所, 为苹果、思科、Google等公司日后到纳斯达克上市做出了巨 为苹果、思科、Google等公司日后到纳斯达克上市做出了巨 大贡献。 大贡献。 2000年 伯纳德·麦道夫公司已拥有约3亿美元资产。 到2000年,伯纳德·麦道夫公司已拥有约3亿美元资产。 2001年 2001年,麦道夫公司被称为纳斯达克股票市场的三大提供上 市咨询的经纪公司之一,纽交所第三大经纪公司。 市咨询的经纪公司之一,纽交所第三大经纪公司。

2010年12月11日,正在服刑的美国亿万金融诈骗案主角、前纳斯达克交易所主席伯纳德•麦道夫(Bernard Madoff)的儿子,被发现在纽约住宅内上吊身亡,终年46岁。

关于被骗的英文作文英文:I was once scammed by a fraudulent seller online. Itwas a painful experience that taught me a valuable lesson about being cautious when making purchases online. I had been searching for a particular item and came across aseller who claimed to have exactly what I was looking forat a great price. I was thrilled and quickly made the purchase, only to realize later that the seller had disappeared and I had been scammed.The seller had used a fake profile and had no intention of delivering the item. I had lost my money and had no wayof getting it back. It was a hard lesson to learn, but Inow know to always be cautious when making purchases online.I make sure to research the seller and read reviews before making any purchases. I also use secure payment methods to protect myself from fraud.中文:我曾经被一个骗子卖家在网上骗过。

被骗后的感悟英文作文英文回答:Being deceived is a painful experience that can leave a lasting impact on a person's life. It not only damagesone's trust in others, but also challenges their ability to make sound judgments. Personally, I have been a victim of deception, and it has taught me some valuable lessons.First and foremost, being deceived has made me more cautious and skeptical. I have learned to question things that seem too good to be true and to verify information before making any decisions. For instance, a few years ago, I fell for an online scam where I was promised a luxurious vacation package at an unbelievably low price. I was so excited about the offer that I didn't bother to check the credibility of the website. As a result, I lost a significant amount of money and learned the hard way to always research and verify before trusting.Secondly, being deceived has made me more empathetic towards others who have gone through similar experiences. I understand the emotions of betrayal, embarrassment, and anger that come with being deceived. This understanding has made me more compassionate and supportive towards those who have been deceived. For instance, when a friend of mine recently fell for a financial scam, I was there to offer emotional support and help her navigate through the aftermath. I could relate to her feelings of frustration and disappointment, and my own experience allowed me to provide her with practical advice on how to recover from the situation.Furthermore, being deceived has taught me the importance of self-reflection and personal growth. It made me question my own gullibility and vulnerability, and forced me to evaluate my decision-making process. Irealized that I needed to improve my critical thinking skills and become more discerning when it comes to trusting others. For example, I started reading books on psychology and persuasion techniques to better understand how people can manipulate others. This knowledge has empowered me tomake more informed decisions and protect myself from potential deception.In conclusion, being deceived has been a painful but valuable experience for me. It has made me more cautious and skeptical, more empathetic towards others, and has prompted personal growth and self-reflection. While the scars of deception may never fully heal, I have learned to use these experiences as stepping stones towards a wiser and more resilient version of myself.中文回答:被骗是一种痛苦的经历,会给一个人的生活留下深远的影响。

【摘要】6月29日,美国历史上涉案金额最大的“庞氏骗局”主角——纳斯达克股票市场公司前董事会主席伯纳德·麦道夫(Bernard Madoff),被纽约地方法官判处150年监禁。
1.由麦道夫骗局谈证券市场监管问题 [J], 董博;张彪
2.关于麦道夫骗局的思考及其启示 [J], 吴健毓
3.从麦道夫的庞氏骗局探研会计舞弊的形成与防范 [J], 赵文佳
4.由麦道夫骗局引发的对我国证券市场会计监管的思考 [J], 周麟
5.麦道夫:世纪金融骗局的导演 [J], 刘坤
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Knowledge makes humble, ignorance makes proud. 博学使人谦逊,无知使人骄傲 。
1. Reflection(反思)of American Supervisory System(监管体系)
The perfection of American supervisory system always come after the crisis, which causes the speed of supervisory system’s reaction for the change of financial market become slower and slower. So, a revolution of financial regulatory regime is necessary.
3. Improving the Information Disclosing System is vital
The investors have the rights to KNOW! In the financial market, information means everything. As we can learn from the Madoff Fraud, to perfect the information disclosure system is the key to avoid financial legerdemain(金ponsibility of financial market’s safety
With the development of economy, government is playing a more and more role in the supervision of financial market. Due to the information asymmetry (信息不对 称),government supervision can’t be perfect, and with the happening of Madoff Fraud, the defects (缺陷) of government supervision has been exposed more clearly.
4. Reflection of Madoff Fraud for Chinese Financial Market
As a matter of fact, American’s supervision system mainly focuses on the banks and Revelations(启示)of Madoff Fraud for insurance companies, Chinese financial market those while letting hedge funds(对冲基金) or private equity portfolios(私人股权基金) slide. So in the development of Chinese financial market, we should put more attention on the regulatory( 使规范) of financial derivative market(金融衍生 品市场).