写作教程Unit 10(完整版)

Promote sales
Competition Exaggeration Lies
Informative Persuasive
Celebrities Visual and sound effect on screen
Advertising contains at least a minimum of information about products and services available. ①By providing such information, advertisers hope to fill in people’s cognitive maps. ②Advertisers also try to create favorable attitudes toward their products and specific brands and to link such products to existing needs. ③Lastly, advertisers hope to stimulate actual purchase behaviors. Thus, media advertising can have cognitive, affective and behavioral effects on consumers.
SAMБайду номын сангаасLE 1 (PAGE99)
Americans have even seen murder LIVE on their home screens. ① Tens of millions watched Lee Harvey Oswald being transferred to a jail to await trial for the assassination of President Kennedy when Oswald was suddenly shot to death before their eyes. ② Americans have watched heads of state take office, and be buried. The John Kennedy assassination and funeral were seen by 96 percent of all TV homes, each watching an average of 31 and a half hours. ③ Nine out of ten American families followed the moon flight of Apollo 11, watching an average of 15 hours. Television, in shout, over and above providing entertainment, can make America pay attention as can no other medium and informs the people in a way that the nation has never before been informed.
写作教程第二册chapter 10 punctuation 共24页PPT资料

• Comma (, )
– (1)joins short and closely related parallel sentences;
– (2)joins sentences with a coordinator like and, but, or, nor, for, yet, and so;
Apostrophe ’ Dashes — Hyphen Brackets/Parentheses () [] Elliptical periods … Slash /solidus / Italic Capitalization Abbreviation WTO
10.1 Punctuation
1. Functions of punctuation 1)warm-up activities: p 156-file1-2 2) Summary of Functions of punctuation : (1)Punctuation marks are symbols that indicate the structure
– Period (. ) used to end a statement
• I have finished my breakfast .
– Question mark (?) - used to end a direct question
• Do you know when the train for Liverpool leaves?
10.1 Punctuation
• In written English, punctuation is vital to disambiguate(消除…的歧义) the meaning of sentences.
– (1)joins short and closely related parallel sentences;
– (2)joins sentences with a coordinator like and, but, or, nor, for, yet, and so;
Apostrophe ’ Dashes — Hyphen Brackets/Parentheses () [] Elliptical periods … Slash /solidus / Italic Capitalization Abbreviation WTO
10.1 Punctuation
1. Functions of punctuation 1)warm-up activities: p 156-file1-2 2) Summary of Functions of punctuation : (1)Punctuation marks are symbols that indicate the structure
– Period (. ) used to end a statement
• I have finished my breakfast .
– Question mark (?) - used to end a direct question
• Do you know when the train for Liverpool leaves?
10.1 Punctuation
• In written English, punctuation is vital to disambiguate(消除…的歧义) the meaning of sentences.

有一次和外校比赛,他投中了一个“三分球”。 从此,我们都叫他“大三”,他听了感到很自豪。
今天,我们来为别人画一张像,可 以画同学、老师、家长,还可以画想象 中的人。画好了再写一写,除了写外貌, 还可以写写他的性格、爱好。
也许是我们都叫“建设”的缘故吧,从一年级 起,我们就成了形影不离的好朋友。
武建设比我胖,比我高,在班里他是最高的。 他喜欢留小平头。眼睛不大,一笑起来几乎看不见 眼珠,但视力很好。他饭量大,力气也大,连走路 都带风。他是学校篮球队的主力队员,最喜欢穿一 身蓝色球衣。
今天,我们来为别人画一张像,可 以画同学、老师、家长,还可以画想象 中的人。画好了再写一写,除了写外貌, 还可以写写他的性格、爱好。
也许是我们都叫“建设”的缘故吧,从一年级 起,我们就成了形影不离的好朋友。
武建设比我胖,比我高,在班里他是最高的。 他喜欢留小平头。眼睛不大,一笑起来几乎看不见 眼珠,但视力很好。他饭量大,力气也大,连走路 都带风。他是学校篮球队的主力队员,最喜欢穿一 身蓝色球衣。
写作教程第二册chapter 10 punctuation(课堂PPT)

– Exclamation mark (! ) used to end an emphatic or strongly worded statement
• What a man!
• You're lying!
2) Follow-up activities: the Classroom Activities 2 on p158
• Writing: write a conclusion for a short composition
Teaching focus
• the functions of punctuation • how to end a sentence, how to join
sentences and how to punctuate a sentence • Writing: a conclusion for a short composition
Apostrophe ’ Dashes — Hyphen Brackets/Parentheses () [] Elliptical periods … Slash /solidus / Italic Capitalization Abbreviation WTO
10.1 Punctuation
10.1 Punctuation
• In written English, punctuation is vital to disambiguate(消除…的歧义) the meaning of sentences.
e.g. ① woman without her man is nothing "woman, without her man, is nothing.” "woman: without her, man is nothing.“ ② eats shoots and leaves "eats shoots and leaves" "eats, shoots and leaves."
写作教程 第二册答案ppt课件

6. Topic sentence:
5, 7, 4, 1, 6, 9, 8, 3, 2
1) First of all 2) Secondly 3) By and by 4) In addition 5) In short
Several techniques have been used to achieve coherence:
Unit 1
Follow-up exercises
Write a focused topic sentence for thБайду номын сангаас following subject
Looking for jobs A person can look for a job in several ways. Penguins Penguins resemble human beings in many respects.
balls on the branches near the base of the tree. Meanwhile, the two older children were placing ornaments on the higher branches. Finally, our parents completed the decorating by placing a beautiful goldenhaired angel at the very top of the tree. After we finished the tree, we hurriedly dressed and walked down the street to Midnight Mass. As we listened to the service, we remembered the reason we celebrated Christmas. Then we returned home where we ate some of Mother's Christmas goodies. We always ended our Christmas Eve ritual around 2 a.m. by gathering around the tree and singing "Silent Night."

写作教程第二册答案课件演示 文稿
(优选)写作教程第二册答案 课件
Write a focused topic sentence for the following subject
Looking for jobs A person can look for a job in several ways. Penguins Penguins resemble human beings in many respects.
3 . Then while resting 3. When the show was
and drinking Cokes, we over, we decided to
decided to visit Main spend the rest of our
short visit touring the
3. When I was a child, we never varied our Christmas
Eve ritual. We always began our private celebration promptly at 6 p.m. on December 24 when the whole family assembled in our small kitchen. We watched as Mother and my older sister prepared a light supper. As soon as we finished the meal, we rushed into the living room to decorate the tree. The younger children started the decorating by putting tinsel and colorful
(优选)写作教程第二册答案 课件
Write a focused topic sentence for the following subject
Looking for jobs A person can look for a job in several ways. Penguins Penguins resemble human beings in many respects.
3 . Then while resting 3. When the show was
and drinking Cokes, we over, we decided to
decided to visit Main spend the rest of our
short visit touring the
3. When I was a child, we never varied our Christmas
Eve ritual. We always began our private celebration promptly at 6 p.m. on December 24 when the whole family assembled in our small kitchen. We watched as Mother and my older sister prepared a light supper. As soon as we finished the meal, we rushed into the living room to decorate the tree. The younger children started the decorating by putting tinsel and colorful
写作教程 第二册 答案PPT课件

Personality One's personality plays an important role in foreign language learning. Weather Living in a place where the weather is always warm has many advantages.
l) Repetition of key words: junk food, students (as are underlined)
2) Use of transitional signals: For one reason, Also, As a result, however (as are italicized)
Unit 1
Follow-up exercises
Write a focused topic sentence for the following subject
Looking for jobs A person can look for a job in several ways. Penguins Penguins resemble human beings in many respects.
Paragraph 3 Nutritional deficiency is a major problem of the elderly.
5. Paragraph 1
The world has enjoyed many benefits from the invention of telephone. Paragraph 2 I had a terrible morning today.
写作教程第2版 ppt课件

chocolate chip cookies.
• Complete the table according to the steps in Sample 1:
• Step 1 Get ready flour, water, sugar, salt, eggs, and chocolate.
• The purpose of process description is usually to inform, teach, or give ideas to the reader about how something new (or interesting or conventional) happens or in what way it can be completed.
• Step 2 Mix flour and baking soda together with water.
• Step 3 Add salt and put butter and sugar together in a separate bowl.
• Step 4 Add two eggs to this mixture.
• Summarize the pattern of process description in the paragraph.
• We have observed that the sample paragraph explains or describes the successive steps of making some cookies for afternoon tea in Britain. This pattern of organization is called process writing. In this pattern, you may illustrate the process of doing something in detail from beginning to end. And the description of these details has to follow the order of the actual steps.
• Complete the table according to the steps in Sample 1:
• Step 1 Get ready flour, water, sugar, salt, eggs, and chocolate.
• The purpose of process description is usually to inform, teach, or give ideas to the reader about how something new (or interesting or conventional) happens or in what way it can be completed.
• Step 2 Mix flour and baking soda together with water.
• Step 3 Add salt and put butter and sugar together in a separate bowl.
• Step 4 Add two eggs to this mixture.
• Summarize the pattern of process description in the paragraph.
• We have observed that the sample paragraph explains or describes the successive steps of making some cookies for afternoon tea in Britain. This pattern of organization is called process writing. In this pattern, you may illustrate the process of doing something in detail from beginning to end. And the description of these details has to follow the order of the actual steps.
写作教程第版u ppt课件

problem of “the lack of parking” complained about by US city residents.
• 2. What are the organizational characteristics of the paragraph?
• The paragraph is organized on a pattern of single effect and multiple causes. After the problem is clearly presented at the beginning, the rest of the paragraph is devoted to the exploration of its causes. Altogether three major causes are discussed, from the obvious fact of the abandoned cars taking up parking spaces to the underlying financial headaches. In this way, the writing shows a logical cause-and-effect pattern, which might consequently attract more concern or efforts in the problem’s solution.
• In this pattern, you may state the issue, i.e. the effect, right at the beginning, and then guide the reader to track down some important evidence for the causes. The causes can be traced from the most superficial to the deepest, from the most direct to the most indirect, etc. In the end, it is advisable to suggest some solution to the problem, so that the whole writing has some significance.
• 2. What are the organizational characteristics of the paragraph?
• The paragraph is organized on a pattern of single effect and multiple causes. After the problem is clearly presented at the beginning, the rest of the paragraph is devoted to the exploration of its causes. Altogether three major causes are discussed, from the obvious fact of the abandoned cars taking up parking spaces to the underlying financial headaches. In this way, the writing shows a logical cause-and-effect pattern, which might consequently attract more concern or efforts in the problem’s solution.
• In this pattern, you may state the issue, i.e. the effect, right at the beginning, and then guide the reader to track down some important evidence for the causes. The causes can be traced from the most superficial to the deepest, from the most direct to the most indirect, etc. In the end, it is advisable to suggest some solution to the problem, so that the whole writing has some significance.
应用写作教程(第二版)ppt 第10章 应用文的写作技巧

(一)正文夹注 正文夹注也称文内注。一般用括号括起来,
页末注也称脚注、呼应注。一般在正文要 加注之处的右上角标数码①、②……注文 排在本页末,注文与正文中间画一段横线, 这段横线一般称注线,长度约占版面宽度 的四分之一到二分之一。
引用文件、经典著作、资料文句或某些必 要的注释,排在文末时,称文末注。
▪ (一)简称的构成 ▪ (二)使用简称应注意的事项
第四节 应用文中常见的语法错误
汉语的词分为名词、动词、形容词、代词、 数词、量词、副词、介词、连词、助词、 感叹词。这11类词都有不同的语法特点, 如果我们在用词造句时混淆了这些特点, 就会犯误用词的错误。
在特定的语言环境下,句子是可以省略某 些成分的。省略,一定要使读者从上下文 中看出来是省略了什么,没有歧义。如果 不是这样,随便丢掉句子中的某个或几个 成分,就会造成句子成分残缺,影响意思 的表达。
风格是作家在长期创作实践中形成的独特 的反映生活的方式,它表现并取决于作家 的才气、习性、阅历、学识等,并不是所 有写文章的人都具有的;而文风则是每个 写文章的人必然存在的。
作为一种社会现象,文风是时代、社会的 产物;反过来,文风又给时代、社会以很 大影响。
第三,翻译的人名、地名、国外机构等名称,应采用国 内通用的有关译名手册及资料,译法不一致时,应以现 行规定或“权威性”资料为准。
应用文中使用机关名称必须准确。一般应 使用依照法律、章则确定的机关名称。
运用中外人员及职衔、职称时要注意场合 并注意排列次序。书写中国人名时必须注 意用字准确。
页末注也称脚注、呼应注。一般在正文要 加注之处的右上角标数码①、②……注文 排在本页末,注文与正文中间画一段横线, 这段横线一般称注线,长度约占版面宽度 的四分之一到二分之一。
引用文件、经典著作、资料文句或某些必 要的注释,排在文末时,称文末注。
▪ (一)简称的构成 ▪ (二)使用简称应注意的事项
第四节 应用文中常见的语法错误
汉语的词分为名词、动词、形容词、代词、 数词、量词、副词、介词、连词、助词、 感叹词。这11类词都有不同的语法特点, 如果我们在用词造句时混淆了这些特点, 就会犯误用词的错误。
在特定的语言环境下,句子是可以省略某 些成分的。省略,一定要使读者从上下文 中看出来是省略了什么,没有歧义。如果 不是这样,随便丢掉句子中的某个或几个 成分,就会造成句子成分残缺,影响意思 的表达。
风格是作家在长期创作实践中形成的独特 的反映生活的方式,它表现并取决于作家 的才气、习性、阅历、学识等,并不是所 有写文章的人都具有的;而文风则是每个 写文章的人必然存在的。
作为一种社会现象,文风是时代、社会的 产物;反过来,文风又给时代、社会以很 大影响。
第三,翻译的人名、地名、国外机构等名称,应采用国 内通用的有关译名手册及资料,译法不一致时,应以现 行规定或“权威性”资料为准。
应用文中使用机关名称必须准确。一般应 使用依照法律、章则确定的机关名称。
运用中外人员及职衔、职称时要注意场合 并注意排列次序。书写中国人名时必须注 意用字准确。

urriculum 核心英语教程
2 写 作
Cause and effect analysis
Key Terms
Organizations of cause and effect essays
causal chain pattern 链式因果式 many-causes-single-effect pattern 多因一果式
single-cause-many-effects pattern 一因多果式
single-cause-single-effect pattern 一因一果式
Key Terms
Types of causes
contributory cause 辅助原因,辅助条件 immediate cause 直接原因 necessary cause 必要原因,必要条件
SSttrraatteeggiieess ffoorr uussiinngg ccaauussee aanndd eeffffeecctt aannaallyyssiiss
Strategies for using cause and effect analysis
You can use cause and effect analysis as the dominant or supportive pattern of essay development.
Choose safe topics to write about
1. The causes and effects of many things can be safely explained.
The novel The Adventures of Tom Sawyer is really popular because it tells many interesting stories in a humorous tone.
urriculum 核心英语教程
2 写 作
Cause and effect analysis
Key Terms
Organizations of cause and effect essays
causal chain pattern 链式因果式 many-causes-single-effect pattern 多因一果式
single-cause-many-effects pattern 一因多果式
single-cause-single-effect pattern 一因一果式
Key Terms
Types of causes
contributory cause 辅助原因,辅助条件 immediate cause 直接原因 necessary cause 必要原因,必要条件
SSttrraatteeggiieess ffoorr uussiinngg ccaauussee aanndd eeffffeecctt aannaallyyssiiss
Strategies for using cause and effect analysis
You can use cause and effect analysis as the dominant or supportive pattern of essay development.
Choose safe topics to write about
1. The causes and effects of many things can be safely explained.
The novel The Adventures of Tom Sawyer is really popular because it tells many interesting stories in a humorous tone.
写作教程第二册chapter 10 punctuation-24页文档资料

10.1 Punctuation
3.How to join sentences of equal weight
10.1 Punctuation
1) warm-up activities:p159 classroom activities 2) Summary of knowledge points:
10.1 Punctuation
Introduction: Punctuation Marks
Full stop /period . Question mark ? Exclamation mark ! Comma , Colon : Semicolon ; Quotation marks “” ‘’
10.1 Punctuation
2. How to end a sentence 1) Reference for the Classroom Activities 1 on p158 Three kinds of punctuation marks can be at the end of
Teaching focus
• the functions of punctuation • how to end a sentence, how to join sentences
and how to punctuate a sentence • Writing: a conclusion for a short composition
and organization of written language, ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱs well as intonation and pauses to be observed when reading aloud.

我心目中的“歌唱奖章”获得者 梅吕婕,我们的副班长,一个爱扎两根麻花辫的秀丽女孩儿。她的脸上总是荡漾 着快乐的笑容,一双眨呀眨的大眼睛对一切充满了好奇和友善。然而,这并不是我今 天推荐她的理由,只有当她亮出那一副“金嗓子”之后,你才会明白我为什么要申请 把“歌唱奖章”颁给她。 梅吕婕是学校合唱队里的“资深队员”。无论是在学校或街头的露天演出中, 还是在剧院绚烂的大舞台上,总能看到她俏丽的身影,总能听到她美妙的歌声。她像 一颗小水滴,融在合唱队的溪流中,与同伴们一起谱写着叮叮咚咚的音符。 我原以为梅吕婕这“金嗓子”是天生的,看她练声才知道不容易啊。每天一大早, 她就和队友们在老师的带领下,眼望远方,两手轻按小腹,一遍又一遍地“咪嘛—— 咪呀——”地发音,脖子上的青筋都看得清清楚楚。回家后她还继续练,日复一日, 年复一年地坚持,多么需要恒心和毅力啊。逢上演出排练,她就更投入了。她总是去 得最早,学得最认真,常常受老师的表扬。她还乐意当“小老师”呢。当其他队友有 特殊情况掉队了,或是音调不够准确,她总是一遍遍地示范,那百灵鸟般的歌声回荡 在空中,婉转圆润,谁听了都陶醉啊。 正式登台演出啦!梅吕婕穿着鲜艳的红裙子,和队友们挺直胸脯站在璀璨的大舞 台上。我一眼就找出了她,因为一只落地话筒就放她的面前!他们动情地唱着《爱心 接力》:“多少心灵呼唤,牵动你我情怀;多少目光渴望,期盼人间厚爱……”我听 到了梅吕婕的声音,她的声音与同伴们的融在一起,显得那么和谐,她的声音却又在 那和谐中清晰可辨,别有韵味。 我敢保证,要是你听了“金嗓子”梅吕婕的歌,一定也会像我一样,为她申请 这枚“歌唱奖章”的!
爱心章 友爱章 安全章
环保章 文明章
巧手使” “雏鹰争章”活动的各位评委老师,今天我在这里郑重推荐我们班的舞台 “小天使”——许之涵同学,我相信这枚“表演奖章”非她莫属。 许之涵皮肤白皙xī ,身材娇小玲珑,眼睛大而明亮,脸上总是露着快乐的笑 容。学校大大小小的演出中,少不了她活跃的身影。去年“六一”儿童节,她和 我们班其他几名同学在大剧院演出的舞蹈《不怕不怕》,至今我都忘不了。“夜 晚再黑我就当看不见,勇气当棉被,我不怕不怕了……” 优美的歌声中,许之 涵和小伙伴出场了!瞧,她穿着碧绿色的小背心和短裙,舒展着四肢,扭动着腰 身,多像从天外飞来的小精灵!观众们看得如痴如醉,这不,等到跳完时我都忘 记鼓掌了! 我真羡慕许之涵啊,原以为她天生就是“跳舞的料子”,直到那个星期天 我去她家玩,看到她刻苦练功的一幕,才知道她在舞台下面付出的努力。那回我 看见她贴在墙上,头朝下脚向上!“天哪,你在干什么?”我大叫道。“我在练 倒立呢,时间还没到,不能陪你玩了!”说完这句她就不再理我了。直到我坐都 坐累了,她才站起来,小脸蛋涨得通红。何止倒立,原来她每天还得练劈叉、下 腰……从四岁上舞蹈班开始,坚持到现在多不容易啊。我心底更加佩服她了。 “宝剑锋从磨砺出,梅花香自苦寒来。”这么多年许之涵获得了不少荣誉呢。 幼儿园时参加江苏教育电视台《非常周末》“无敌小宝贝”比赛就拿了第一名, 后来在南通地区“紫琅杯”少儿舞蹈大赛中得了冠军。最近在刚刚结束的全市 “三独”比赛中又喜获一等奖!她床头的红色证书,书橱上的水晶奖杯正是她不 懈努力的见证! 各位评委老师,听了我的推荐词,你们是否同意给“舞台小精灵”许之涵 的“荣誉档案”里再添上一枚“表演奖章”呢?

• work in groups and underline the time-indicators in the paragraph • First • At dawn of April, 1775 • Shortly afterwards • Several months before • Second • After
• How to write paragraphs in time order.
Organizational Structure
• Questions • 1. What is the topic sentence shared by the two
paragraphs? • Jack should not have taken the gymnastics
• 1) The British soldiers captured New York in the fall of 1776, and a year later they occupied Philadelphia.
• 2) Meanwhile the Americans were able to seize New Jersey and Saratoga.
• 3. The fighting moved to the west and south during the last phase.
• 1) In 1778 and 1779 several battles occurred in Kentucky and Tennessee.
• 2) Then two years later, the final battle of the war was fought at Yorktown, Virginia.
• work in groups and underline the time-indicators in the paragraph • First • At dawn of April, 1775 • Shortly afterwards • Several months before • Second • After
• How to write paragraphs in time order.
Organizational Structure
• Questions • 1. What is the topic sentence shared by the two
paragraphs? • Jack should not have taken the gymnastics
• 1) The British soldiers captured New York in the fall of 1776, and a year later they occupied Philadelphia.
• 2) Meanwhile the Americans were able to seize New Jersey and Saratoga.
• 3. The fighting moved to the west and south during the last phase.
• 1) In 1778 and 1779 several battles occurred in Kentucky and Tennessee.
• 2) Then two years later, the final battle of the war was fought at Yorktown, Virginia.
写作教程第二册chapter 10 punctuation共24页

10.1 Punctuation
• As a writer, we should keep in mind that our primary goal of using punctuation is for clarity. A smooth, uncluttered sentence containing just the necessary punctuation is what every writer should strive for.
Teaching focus
• the functions of punctuation • how to end a sentence, how to join sentences
and how to punctuate a sentence • Writing: a conclusion for a short composition
• Comma (, )
– (1)joins short and closely related parallel sentences;
– (2)joins sentences with a coordinator like and, but, or, nor, for, yet, and so;
10.1 Punctuation
3.How to join sentences of equal weight
10.1 Punctuation
1) warm-up activities:p159 classroom activities 2) Summary of knowledge points:
10.1 Punctuation
• In written English, punctuation is vital to disambiguate(消除…的歧义) the meaning of sentences.
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• Level of generality
• A paragraph usually contains statements at varying levels of generality. One statement is more general than another if it refers to a larger number of specific cases or if it attempts to cover a wider range; similarly, if a statement carries a smaller portion of the total message, it tends to be more specific.
• Sentence 2. The particular instances are inadequate to support the general conclusion, so this statement has a problem of hasty generalization.
• Please make a conclusion from the two sentences.
• Thus we can say that the level of generality depends on the context.
• 3. Rearrange these sentences to make a welldeveloped passage ending with the most general statement. Use linking words where necessary.
• Look at the following groups of sentences. In each group one sentence is a generalization and the other three are supporting examples. Please find out the generalization.
• Besides, the sentence “Television has bad effects on people” is an example in Group 1 and a generalization in Group 2. Similarly, the sentence “Television commercials distort the truth about products” is an example in Group 2 and a generalization in Group 3.
• On many an occasion, paragraphs develop by beginning with specific instances and drawing from them a general truth or ending with a topic sentence that clearly states the main point of the paragraph. The way of arriving at conclusions is the process of induction which consists in forming generalizations from a sufficient number of observed instances.
• Both are faulty generalizations. • Sentence 1. The sentence moves from some
Americans to a conclusion drawn on all Americans. This is a problem of overgeneralization.
English Writing
Unit 10 Generalization
• Paragraph development by generalization is very much like paragraph development by examples. Both make use of developers. One difference is that the general idea is stated as a conclusion based on several examples, given as facts or opinions, which lead the reader to make the same conclusion.
• Faulty generalization is one of the commonest logical fallacies, sometimes called the hasty or unqualified generalization. It can frequently be traced to the unqualified use of such absolute words as all, always, anyone, best, every, everyone, everything, greatest, least, most, never, no, none, nothing and worst.
• The broader the generalization, the more likely it is in error.
• Linking Devices
• According to the two samples, please answer the questions.
• Which paragraph do you find easier to read? Why?
• Reference answer:
• What’s the effect of the mass media? Toothpaste does not make teeth white; the safety of electrical goods is exaggerated; many widely-advertised pain-killers are not effective. In fact, television commercials often distort the truth about products. Besides, crime films on
• In many cases, eliminating the unqualified word solves the problem. It is very difficult to make a generalization that is airtight, especially regarding a controversial topic. So we should be aware of this fact and try to make our generalizations as limited as possible.
• 2.On TV, I saw George Bush signing documents with his left hand. I saw Ronald Reagan signing documents with his left hand. I saw Bill Clinton signing documents with his left hand during his recent trip to China. Clearly, all American presidents are left-handed.
• television encourage violence and television documentaries stop people from thinking independently, which shows that television has bad effects on people. Furthermore, the fact that newspapers only give sensational news and radio programs are usually superficial proves that mass media are often badly used.
• Now, work in groups and find out those words or phrases that indicate relationships between specific details and general information.
• Questions
• 1. Underline the generalization in each group.
• Group 1: The mass media are often badly used.
• Group 2: Television has bad effects on people.
• Paragraph B is easier to understand and smoother to read, because it has the sentences linked together by sentence connectors, which make the writing more coherent.
• Faulty Generalization
• Read the following sentences, and decide whether they are good generalization. If not, give your reason(s).