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8B Unit 3 online tours

Welcome to the unit短语:

1.look like a TV 看上去像电视

2.change the channel 换频道

3.remote control 遥控器

4.learn about places of interest 了解到名胜古迹

5.with the help of the Internet or libraries 在英特网和图书馆的帮助下

6.write an introduction to a country写一次对国家的介绍

7.learn about different parts of a computer 了解电脑的不同部分

8.send and receive emails 发和收电子邮件

9.do word processing 做文字处理

10.search for information 寻找信息

11.watch videos 看视频

12. Have y ou used this before ? 你以前用过这个吗?

13. this programme began an hour ago . 这个节目一个小时前开始

14.What do y ou usually use y our computer for ? 你为什么经常用电脑?


1.Around the world in Eight Hours 8小时之内环游世界

2.look at a website called …看一个叫…的网站

3.at the top / bottom of the page 在这页的顶端和底端

4.click on it 双击它

5.the big apple ---New York .,the biggest city in the USA

6.the world- famous trade center 世界著名的贸易中心

7.at the southern end of Manhattan Island 在曼哈顿的南端

8.many big companies and international banks here 很多大的公司和国际银行都在这

9.further on is Times Square 再往前是时代广场

10.thousands of people gather here on New Year’s Eve 成千的人们在新年前聚集这里

11.don’t miss Broadway 不要错过百老汇

12.be famous for its theatres 因为剧院而出名

13.since the early twentieth century 自从20世纪初期

e from the famous Broadway musical Cats 来自著名的百老汇的音乐剧

15.so much for New work 纽约介绍到此结束

16. a play filled with many songs 有很多歌曲的一个剧本

17.help him fill in the blanks below 帮助他填写下面的空白

18. a website called “ Around the World in Eight Hours ”一个叫“8小时环游世界”的网站

19 。 y ou can visit Asia ,African , Europe , America and more in only eight hours

20 . It is exciting to see the huge glass ball falling through the darkness .


21 . In the central of the island is Central Park 岛的中心是中央公园

22 . It is a good place to relax after a hard day’s w ork . 一个好的地方放松自己当一天的努力工作后。Grammar短语:

1. visit the Palace Museum with my grandparents 和祖父母拜访博物馆

2. climb Mount Huang 爬黄山

3. try the famous Tianjin Baozi 品尝著名的天津包子

4.write an email to my friend 写一封电子邮件给我的朋友

5.has never been to Nanjing 从来没有去过南京

6. eat lots of local food 吃很多当地的食物

7.dream of traveling around the w orld without a passport 梦想没有护照环游时间

8. realize y our dream by taking an online tour 实现你们的梦想通过参加一次网络旅游

9 . I hope I can visit the USA some day我希望我能有一天拜访美国

Integrated skills 短语:

1.plan a n online tour of Sy dney计划一次悉尼的网络旅游

2.take y ou to many different places around the world 带你去世界很多不同的地方

3.find other information about the city找到其他信息关于这个城市

4.on the north-east coast of Australia 在澳大利亚的东北海岸

5.the Sy dney Opera House looks like a ship with many sail 悉尼歌剧院看上去像有很多帆的船

6.on the w ebsite ,we saw lots of pictures of Sy dney在网站上,我看到很多图片关于悉尼

7.Australian seasons are the opposite of ours . 澳大利亚的季节和我们的季节是相反的。

8.My pleasure = y ou are welcome 不用谢

9.Would y ou mind showing me how to start this online tour你介意想我展示怎么样开始在线旅游

10.thanks for y our help 谢谢你的帮助

Study skills & Main task短语:

1.an online course 一个在线的课程

2.order meals 订餐

3.book tickets and hotels 定票和饭店

e English in daily communication 在日常交际中用英语

5.introduce the UK to her friends 介绍英国给她的朋友

6.collect information on the Internet and make a chart 在网上收集信息和做一个图表

7.the UK has a long history ,K ings and queens w ere once rulers


9.It is made up of England ,Scotland , Wales and Northern Ireland .


11.see swans and other wild birds on the lakes 看到天鹅和其他的野生鸟在湖上

12.the weather changes often there . 天气经常改变那里

13.The best time to visit the UK is from May to September . 最好的拜访英国的时间是从5月份到9月份
