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八英下Unit1 Past and present


1.I've just eaten it.我刚刚把它吃了。(eat-ate-eaten)

just adv. 意为“刚刚”,常与现在完成时连用。

e.g. They have just arrived. 他们刚刚到达。

注意:just now 意为“刚才”,相当于“a moment ago”通常与一般过去时连用。

e.g.I went to the library just now. 我刚才去了图书馆。

2.①used to do sth. 意为“过去常常做某事/以前经常做某事/曾经做某事”,表示过去的习惯。本身已是过去时态,没有人称和数的变化,暗含现在已不再如此。

e.g. His parents used to live in the countryside. 他的父母过去住在乡下。

Tom used to get up early, didn't he?/ usedn't he? Tom过去常常早起,不是吗?

②be/get used to doing sth.习惯于/适应于做某事

e.g. My father is used to reading newspapers after dinner. 我父亲习惯于晚餐后看报纸。

③be used to do 被用来做...

e.g. A pen is used to write with. 笔是用来书写的。

3.turn...into... 把...变成... 相当于change...into...

Heat turns water into vapor . 热使水变成蒸气。

It's one's turn to do sth.轮到某人做某事

turn on打开turn off关上turn up调高turn down调低turn around转身

by turns轮流地in turn依次turn in 上交

4.in some ways 在某种程度上

in this way以这种方式on the way (to )在...的路上

by the way 顺便说下no way 没门in any way 无论如何

5.It has become impossible for us to see each other as often as before.对我们来说,像以前一样相互见面已经变得不可能了。

e.g. It is necessary for us to study English hard. 对我们来说,努力学习英语是必要的。It is kind of you to help us.帮助我们,你真好。

①如果形容词是描述行为者的性格.品质的,如kind,good,nice,clever,careless,polite,foolish等,用It is +adj.of sb to do sth.这个句型。

②如果形容词仅仅是描述事物的特点的,如difficult,easy,hard,important,dangerous,(im)possible等,用It is +adj. for sb to do sth.这个句型。

6. feel a bit lonely from time to time 有时感到有点孤独

feel a bit lonely 感到有点孤独from time to time=at times=sometimes有时

a bit和a little “稍微”.“有点” ,修饰形容词.副词。在肯定句中可以互换。

a little 直接修饰不可数名词;而a bit修饰不可数名词时,其后须加上of,构成“a bit of+n.”结构。

e.g.He knows a bit of French. 他懂一点儿法语。

a bit和a little的否定式意义正好相反。not a bit=not at all,意为“毫不”;而not a little=very much,意为“非常”,“很”。e.g. He is not a bit tired.他一点不累。He is not a little tired.他很累。

a few/few用在复数可数名词之前,little/a little用在不可数名词之前。

e.g.He took a few biscuits.(肯定) He took few biscuits(否定)

He took a little butter.((肯定) He took little butter.(否定)

7.because of being alone 因为独自一人.

lonely, alone的区别:



e.g.He is alone, but he never feels lonely.他独自一个人,但是他从不感觉孤独。


in a way 在某种程度上;稍稍 e.g. In a way, you're right. 从某一点上看你是对的。

in some ways:在某种程度上;在某些方面e.g. In some ways I agree with you.在某种程度上我同意你的观点

in the way挡道

on the way.... = on one's way...在去...的路上She is on her way out the door. 她往户外走的路上。

on the way home 在回家路上(home 是副词,所以省to)

on the way to school 在上学路上

e.g.Winter is on the way. 冬天就要来到了

the way to... the key to.....

the way to the post office 去邮局的路by the way 顺便说一下

9. the changes to Sunshine Town阳光镇的变化→the changes to... ...的变化

change n.变化,常用复数changes。e.g. Great changes have taken place since 2015.自从2015年以来,发生很大的变化。

10. We lived till 1965, when I got married. →get married结婚→get/be married to sb与某人结婚

⑴marry sb与某人结婚,e.g. She married a football player.她嫁给了一位足球运动员。

⑴marry sb to sb把某人嫁给某人,e.g. He married his daughter to an actor. 他把女儿嫁给了一位演员。⑴get/be married to sb和某人结婚,e.g. Peter got married to Lily on 8 August, 2018. 2018年八月八号,Peter和Lily结婚了。⑴表示“已经结婚”用have/has got married;但是表示“已经结婚多久”用have/has been married for+时间段或since+时间点。e.g. ⑴They have got married. 他们已经结婚了。⑴They have been married for 10 years.他们已经结婚十年了。11.The changes to Moonlight Town have brought advantages, but they have also caused many problems for people.

⑴bring advantages to ...给...带来好处,advantage优点;有利条件→disadvantage缺点;不利条件⑴cause problems for...给...带来麻烦


1. in the past few years 在过去的几年中

2. at present 目前

3. in the future未来;将来

4. an hour ago 一小时前

5. in the bowl在碗里

6. share sth. with sb.和某人分享...

7. be kind to sb.对某人友好8. wait for the next one 等下一...

9. know...very well 非常了解... 10. since I was born自我出生以来

11. move house 搬家12. get/be married to sb.= marry sb.和某人结婚13.marry sb. to sb.把某人嫁给某人14. since then 从那以后

15. move two blocks away 搬到两个街区以外16. change a lot改变许多17. over the years 在这些年期间(用于现在完成时)

18. in the town center= in the center of the town在镇中心

19. a steel factory 一家钢铁厂

20. water pollution水污染air pollution空气污染noise pollution噪音污染

21. put the waste into the river把废料扔进河

put away 收好put on 穿上put off 推迟/延期

22.realize the problem意识到问题

23.take action to improve the situation采取行动改善情况

24.much cleaner 干净得多

25.have a beautiful modern town 拥有一个美丽现代化的城镇

26.most of my old friends我的大多数老朋友27. move away 搬走

28.play cards and Chinese chess 打牌,下中国象棋

29. the amazing changes 令人惊奇的改变

30.a group of buildings with streets on all sides街道两边全是高楼

31.all one's life 某人的一生32. repair over ten bicycles 修十多辆自行车

33.the changes in Beijing北京的变化34. over the past century上个世纪期间35.learn more about更多了解关于... 36. plan to do sth.计划做某事

37. hear about/of 听说hear from sb. 收到某人的来信

38. clean and fresh air干净新鲜的空气39.living condition居住环境

40. railway station火车站41. travel to and from the town by bus乘公交进出城镇

42. another big change 另一个大变化

43. move into new flats搬进新的公寓move out of...搬出...

44. return from the USA 从美国回来return sth. to sb. 把某物归还给某人

45. go abroad 出国,去国外at home or abroad在国内外

46. at primary school 在小学47.keep in touch with each other互相保持联络

municate by email 通过电子邮件交流

49.make communication much easier使沟通更容易
