



员工考勤制度Work Attendance Regulation修改说明Modification Description:第一章 总 则 Chapter 1 General Provision第一条为规范员工管理,切实保障公司及员工利益,根据有关法律法规,结合公司实际情况,特制定本制度。

The rule is made based on the company situation in compliance with relevant laws in purpose of standardizing administration of management and safeguarding the interests of both company and staffs.第二条第二章 细 则Chapter 2 Implementing Provision第一节 考勤打卡规范/Norm of attendance 第三条所有员工上下班必须按规定打卡,包括中途请假、停产、出差、培训等(应于中途下班时刷卡)。

Staff must punch card when on and off duty. In the halfway during working time, if staff ask leave (include leaving, going out for business, training, production shutdown), they must punch when leave the company. 第四条 第五条委托他人代打卡的或打卡后实际未到岗的,视其情节酌情惩处;代打卡者并同惩处。

Consigning others to punch card or not coming for workafter punching card shall be fined upon the circumstances; those help others punch card shall be fined as well. 第六条除外部驻厂员工外,工作时间内出公司大门的,需填写《出门单》交部门主管及人力资源部审批。




In order to improve and perfect the management system and ensure the orderly operation and management of the company, this system has been specifically defined and applicable to all employees.一、工时制度I.System of Working Hours公司根据员工的工作岗位、级别、工作内容、工作时间要求等因素,实行定时工时制和不定时工时制。

The company implements the regulated working hour system and the irregular working hour system according to the employee's job level, work content, work time requirements and other factors.1.定时工时制Regulated Working Hour Systema)工作时间定为每周40小时,每周工作五天,周六周日休息(遇节假日详见实时通知)。

There are 40 hours, 5 working days each week and two days forweekends (For other holidays, a real-time notice will be given).b)公司员工执行上下班钉钉考勤,指纹记录或做面部识别记录考勤制度。

The employees of the company shall follow the attendance system ofDing Talk, fingerprint or facial recognition records.c)工作时间Working Schedules公司实行定时工时制,上班时间不迟于10:00;下班时间不早于17:00,每天工作时间不低于8小时。



#### PurposeThe Employee Attendance Management System (EAMS) is designed to ensure the efficient management of employee time and attendance. This system aims to promote punctuality, accountability, and fairness within the organization. It also facilitates accurate record-keeping and reporting, which are essential for payroll processing, performance evaluation, and compliance with legal requirements.#### ScopeThis system applies to all full-time, part-time, and temporary employees of the organization. It does not apply to contractors or consultants unless specifically agreed upon in writing.#### Definitions- Punctuality: Arriving at work on time and being ready to start work at the scheduled start time.- Absence: Any period of time when an employee is not at work, including leave, sick leave, bereavement leave, and other types of leave.- Tardiness: Being late for work or not starting work at the scheduled start time.- Overtime: Any work performed by an employee outside of their normal working hours, as agreed upon in their employment contract.#### Attendance Policy1. Timekeeping: Employees are required to record their time of arrival and departure using the designated timekeeping system. Failure to do so may result in disciplinary action.2. Punctuality: Employees must strive to be punctual. Tardiness exceeding 15 minutes will be considered unexcused and may be subject to disciplinary action.3. Absence: Employees must inform their immediate supervisor of any anticipated absences at least 24 hours in advance, unless the absence is due to unforeseen circumstances.4. Leave: Leave requests must be submitted in writing to the supervisor at least two weeks in advance, except for urgent or unforeseen circumstances.5. Overtime: Overtime must be approved by the supervisor in advance. Employees are compensated for overtime as per the organization’s pay policy.#### Attendance Record-Keeping1. Electronic Records: All attendance records will be maintained in an electronic format for easy access and reporting.2. Monthly Reporting: Supervisors will review and approve attendance records on a monthly basis and ensure that they are accurate and up-to-date.3. Discrepancies: Any discrepancies in attendance records must be reported to the Human Resources department immediately for investigation and resolution.#### Disciplinary Actions1. First Offense: The employee will receive a verbal warning from the supervisor, and the incident will be documented in the employee’s file.2. Second Offense: The employee will receive a written warning, and the incident will be documented in the employee’s file.3. Subsequent Offenses: Further disciplinary action, including suspension or termination, may be taken depending on the severity and frequency of the infractions.#### ComplianceThe organization will comply with all applicable laws and regulations regarding employee attendance and will ensure that the EAMS is fair and non-discriminatory.---### 员工考勤管理制度#### 目的员工考勤管理制度(EAMS)旨在确保组织内部员工时间与考勤的高效管理。



考勤规章制度加英文缩写模版1. Purpose:The purpose of these attendance regulations is to establish guidelines for ensuring punctuality and regular attendance of employees in the workplace. It is important for the smooth functioning of the organization and for achieving its goals.2. Scope:These regulations apply to all employees of the organization, regardless of their position or level within the company. All employees are expected to comply with these regulations and adhere to the attendance policies set forth herein.3. Definitions:- Absenteeism: The act of being absent from work without proper authorization or valid reason.- Tardiness: The act of arriving late to work or a scheduled shift.- Punctuality: The act of arriving on time for work or a scheduled shift.- Workday: Any day in which an employee is scheduled to work, including weekends and holidays.- Authorized Absence: Absence from work that is approved by management in advance and with a valid reason.4. Attendance Expectations:All employees are expected to report to work on time and as scheduled. Punctuality is a key aspect of professionalism and reliability in the workplace. Employees should make every effort to arrive at work on time and be ready to start their shift at the designated time.5. Work Schedule:Employees are expected to adhere to their assigned work schedule as communicated by their supervisor or manager. Any changes to the work schedule must be approved in advance by management. Any deviations from the work schedule must be communicated to the appropriate personnel.6. Absenteeism:Employees are expected to notify their supervisor or manager in advance if they are unable to report to work for any reason. Absences must be reported as soon as possible and should be accompanied by a valid reason. Excessive absenteeism may result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment.7. Tardiness:Employees who are unable to arrive at work on time should notify their supervisor or manager as soon as possible. Tardiness should be avoided whenever possible, as it disrupts the workflow of the organization. Persistent tardiness may result in disciplinary action.8. Authorized Absences:Employees may request authorized absences for reasons such as illness, family emergencies, or personal leave. All requests for authorized absences must be submitted in advance and approved by management. Failure to request and receive authorization for an absence may result in disciplinary action.9. Record Keeping:The organization will maintain accurate records of employee attendance, including absences, tardiness, and authorized leaves. Employees are responsible for keeping track of their own attendance and reporting any discrepancies to their supervisor or manager.10. Compliance:All employees are expected to comply with these attendance regulations. Failure to do so may result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment. Employees are encouraged to seek clarification or assistance if they have any questions or concerns regarding these regulations.In conclusion, these attendance regulations are designed to promote a culture of punctuality and professionalism in the workplace. By adhering to these guidelines, employees can contribute to the success of the organization and maintain a positive work environment for all.。



员工考勤管理制度中英文版本Employee Attendance Management Policy1. IntroductionThe purpose of this policy is to establish guidelines for employee attendance management at our organization. This policy outlines the expectations for attendance and punctuality, procedures for recording and reporting absences, and consequences for excessive absenteeism or tardiness. The policy ensures consistent treatment of all employees while balancing the needs of the organization with the needs of the employees.2. Attendance and Punctuality ExpectationsEmployees are expected to report to work on time and be available for their scheduled work hours. Employees are expected to notify their supervisor or manager as soon as possible if they are going to be absent or tardy for any reason.3. Recording and Reporting AbsencesEmployees are required to report all absences to their supervisor or manager as soon as possible. Absences should be reported by phone, email or in person. If the employee is unable to report the absence themselves, they should have someone else report it on their behalf. Employees must provide a reason for the absence and the expected duration of the absence.4. Consequences for Excessive Absenteeism or TardinessExcessive absenteeism or tardiness will not be tolerated. Excessive absenteeism is defined as missing more than three full days or five half-days of work in a consecutive 30-day period. Excessive tardiness is defined as being late to work more than three times in a consecutive 30-day period.If an employee has excessive absenteeism or tardiness, the following actions may be taken:1. Verbal warning: The employee may receive a verbal warning from their supervisor or manager.2. Written warning: If the employee continues to have excessive absenteeism or tardiness, they may receive a written warning from their supervisor or manager.3. Suspension: If the employee continues to have excessive absenteeism or tardiness, they may be suspended for a period of time.4. Termination: If the employee continues to have excessive absenteeism or tardiness, they may be terminated from their position.5. Exceptions to the PolicyExceptions to this policy may be granted on a case-by-case basis. Such exceptions require the approval of the employee’s supervisor or manager.6. ConclusionThis attendance management policy is essential to ensure that employees understand what is expected of them and the consequences of excessive absenteeism or tardiness. This policy allows for consistent treatment of all employees and promotes a productive and efficient work environment.员工考勤管理制度1. 简介本制度旨在建立公司的员工考勤管理指导方针。



员工考勤管理制度(中英文版本)1. 背景员工考勤管理是一项重要的组织管理工作,对于企业的正常运营和效率提升具有重要意义。


2. 目的本考勤管理制度的目的是:•确保员工按时上下班,减少迟到和早退的现象;•提供准确的工作时间记录,用于工资计算和绩效评估;•统一管理员工请假、加班和调休等考勤事务,确保公平公正;•加强对员工考勤情况的监督和管理,提高工作效率。

3. 考勤规定3.1 上班时间和签到•上班时间为早上8:30,员工需在此之前到达办公地点并进行签到;•员工应使用公司提供的考勤系统或电子签到系统进行签到;•迟到超过15分钟的员工需向直属主管请假并记录迟到原因。

3.2 下班时间和签退•下班时间为下午5:30,员工需在此之后离开办公地点并进行签退;•员工应使用公司提供的考勤系统或电子签退系统进行签退;•早退超过15分钟的员工需向直属主管请假并记录早退原因。

3.3 休息时间和午餐时间•上午休息时间为10:00-10:15,下午休息时间为15:00-15:15;•午餐时间为12:00-13:00,员工需在规定时间内休息并离开工作区域;•离开工作区域超过规定时间的员工需向直属主管请假并记录离岗原因。

3.4 请假和调休•员工如需请假,需提前向直属主管请假并填写请假申请表;•请假申请需提前至少1天提交,除非出现紧急情况;•请假时间超过3天的员工需向人力资源部门提交请假申请。

3.5 加班和补休•员工如需加班,需提前向直属主管申请并记录加班原因和预计加班时间;•加班时间超过晚上9:00的,需得到直属主管和人力资源部门的批准;•加班补休需提前向人力资源部门提交申请。

4. 考勤记录和统计4.1 考勤记录•公司将使用电子考勤系统记录员工的签到和签退时间;•员工需确保准确签到和签退,如有错误需及时向人力资源部门申请修改;•员工请假和加班记录也将被记录在考勤系统中。



Introduction:The Employee Attendance Management System (EAMS) is designed to ensure efficient and effective management of employee attendance within the organization. This system is formulated to promote punctuality, fairness, and transparency in the recording and reporting of employee time and attendance. The following guidelines outline the policies and procedures for employee attendance management.1. Attendance Policy:All employees are required to report to work on time as per their designated work schedule. The standard working hours are from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM, with a one-hour lunch break from 12:00 PM to 1:00 PM. Employees are expected to be punctual and maintain regular attendance.2. Clock-In and Clock-Out Procedures:Employees must clock in and out using the designated timekeeping system. Failure to do so may result in disciplinary action. The timekeeping system will record the exact time of each employee's arrival and departure.3. Late Arrival and Early Departure:Employees who arrive late or leave early without prior approval will be subject to the following penalties:- 15 minutes late or early: No penalty.- 15-30 minutes late or early: One-hour deduction from the employee's total working hours.- More than 30 minutes late or early: Half-day deduction from the employee's total working hours.- Excessive lateness or early departure: Disciplinary action may be taken, up to and including termination.4. Absence Policy:Employees are required to inform their immediate supervisor of any anticipated absences in advance, whenever possible. The following types of absences are recognized:- Authorized Leave: This includes annual leave, sick leave, bereavement leave, and compassionate leave.- Unpaid Leave: This includes personal leave, without pay, for unforeseen circumstances.5. Timekeeping System Accuracy:The timekeeping system must be maintained accurately. Any discrepancies or errors should be reported to the HR department immediately for correction.6. Monitoring and Reporting:The HR department will monitor employee attendance regularly and provide monthly reports to the management team. Any patterns of excessive lateness, absences, or early departures will be addressed promptly.7. Disciplinary Actions:Employees who consistently fail to adhere to the attendance policy may face disciplinary actions, which may include verbal warnings, written warnings, suspension, or termination, depending on the severity and frequency of the violations.8. Appeal Process:Employees who believe they have been unfairly disciplined or penalized for attendance issues may file an appeal with the HR department. The appeal will be reviewed, and a decision will be made based on the evidence provided.Conclusion:The Employee Attendance Management System is essential for maintaining a productive and harmonious work environment. Employees are encouraged to familiarize themselves with this policy and to adhere to the guidelinesoutlined herein. Compliance with this system will contribute to the overall success of the organization.---员工考勤管理制度一、引言:员工考勤管理制度(EAMS)旨在确保组织内部员工考勤的效率和有效性。

考勤和休假制度中英文Work Attendance Regulation

考勤和休假制度中英文Work Attendance Regulation

员工考勤和休假制度Work Attendance Regulation1.0目的Purpose为确保公司进行有秩序的经营管理而制定Protecting the interests of the Company and its employees2.0适用范围Scope适用于公司员工All employees3.0 责任Responsible各部门主管、经理Department heads and managers4.0 程序内容Program details4.1 出勤:以考勤表为准,由人力资源部登记。

Attendance standard: the attendance table工作时间: 6天工作制,上班时间为:周一到周五10:00-18:30;周六10:00-16:00 Working time: 6 working days every week, working hours: Monday to Friday 10:00-18:30;Saturday 10:00-16:00.上下班必须按时打卡。



Clock in and out in time are required every day. If you forget it, will be deducted 100 rupees from your salary or commission every time, at the same time, you should to explain the reasons to the department head. If you did not deal it in time, it is will be considered late arrival or early leave.迟到、早退和旷工的奖惩制度:Late arrival, early leave and absent4·1.1. 迟到: 每月迟到不超过3次、累计时间不超过90分钟者,不计迟到次数,需要在当天补回迟到时间。



Attendance System Policy1. IntroductionThe Attendance System Policy is established to ensure the orderly and efficient administration of attendance for all employees. This policy aims to promote punctuality, regularity, and discipline among employees, while also taking into account the welfare and work-life balance of our staff.2. ScopeThis policy applies to all employees of the company, including full-time, part-time, and contract workers.3. Attendance Records3.1 Every employee is required to clock in and clock out using the designated attendance system upon arrival and departure from work. The attendance system may include biometric devices, smart cards, or other similar technologies.3.2 Employees must ensure that their attendance records are accurate and up-to-date. Any discrepancies or errors in the attendance records mustbe reported to the HR department immediately for correction.3.3 The company reserves the right to randomly audit attendance records to ensure compliance with this policy.4. Punctuality4.1 Employees are expected to report to work on time and be punctual for all scheduled meetings, appointments, and other work-related activities.4.2 Latecomers will be recorded and may be subject to disciplinary action, depending on the frequency and severity of the lateness.5. Leave of Absence5.1 Employees who require time off from work must apply for leave in accordance with the company's Leave of Absence Policy.5.2 Employees on leave or approved absence from work should not clock in or out during the period of leave.6. Unauthorized Absence6.1 Employees who are absent from work without prior approval may be subject to disciplinary action, including termination of employment, depending on the circumstances and frequency of the unauthorized absence.7. Overtime Work7.1 Employees who are required to work beyond their scheduled working hours must clock in for overtime work using the designated attendance system.7.2 Overtime work must be approved in advance by the immediate supervisor. Unauthorized overtime work will not be compensated.8. Breaks and Rest Periods8.1 Employees are entitled to designated breaks and rest periods as specified in the company's policies.8.2 Employees must clock in and clock out for breaks and rest periods as required by the company.9. Record Retention9.1 The company will retain attendance records for a minimum of three years from the date of termination or the last date of attendance, whichever is later.10. Amendments10.1 This policy may be amended or revised from time to time by the company. Employees will be notified of any amendments or revisions to this policy.11. Enforcement11.1 The HR department is responsible for the enforcement of this policy and the resolution of any disputes or issues related to attendance records.11.2 Violations of this policy may result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment.12. ConclusionThe Attendance System Policy is essential for maintaining discipline, efficiency, and fairness in the workplace. All employees are expected to comply with this policy and contribute to a positive work environment.中文翻译:考勤制度政策1. 引言考勤制度政策旨在确保公司所有员工的考勤管理有序、高效。




Theruleismadebasedonthecompanysituationincompliancewithre levantlaw sinpurposeofstandardizingadministrationofmanagementandsafe guardingth einterestsofbothcompanyandstaffs.第二条第二章细则chapter2implementingProvision第一节考勤打卡规范/normofattendance第三条所有员工上下班必须按规定打卡,包括中途请假、停产、出差、培训等(应于中途下班时刷卡)。

Staffmustpunchcardwhenonandoffduty.inthehalfwayduringwork ingtime,ifstaffaskleave(includeleaving,goingoutforbusiness,training,pr oductionshut down),theymustpunchwhenleavethecompany.第四条第五条委托他人代打卡的或打卡后实际未到岗的,视其情节酌情惩处;代打卡者并同惩处。

consigningotherstopunchcardornotcomingforworkafterpunchingcardshallbefineduponthecircumstances;thosehelpotherspunchcardshallb efinedaswe ll.第六条除外部驻厂员工外,工作时间内出公司大门的,需填写《出门单》交部门主管及人力资源部审批。



Introduction:The purpose of this Attendance Management System is to establish a standardized and fair method of managing employee attendance within the company. This system aims to promote punctuality, efficiency, and professionalism among employees while ensuring compliance with relevant labor laws and regulations.1. Scope of Application:This system applies to all employees of the company, including full-time, part-time, and temporary workers.2. Attendance Policy:2.1 Punctuality:Employees are expected to arrive at work on time and be prepared fortheir work duties. Tardiness is defined as arriving more than 15 minutes late for a shift or meeting.2.2 Absence:Employees are required to inform their immediate supervisor or the HR department in advance if they will be absent from work. The company will handle absence cases according to the following guidelines:- Unauthorized absence: Employees who fail to notify their supervisor or HR department in advance will be considered absent without leave (AWOL) and subject to disciplinary actions.- Authorized absence: Employees who have obtained prior approval for absence will be granted leave according to the company's leave policy.2.3 Leave Policy:The company provides various types of leave, including annual leave,sick leave, maternity/paternity leave, and bereavement leave. Employees are required to follow the company's leave policy when applying for leave.3. Attendance Record and Verification:3.1 Timekeeping:Employees are required to clock in and out using the company's timekeeping system. The system will record the time of arrival, departure, and breaks.3.2 Verification:The HR department will periodically verify the accuracy of the timekeeping records and address any discrepancies promptly.3.3 Absence Verification:For authorized absences, employees are required to provide appropriate documentation, such as medical certificates, to support their absence claims.4. Disciplinary Actions:4.1 Tardiness:Employees with excessive tardiness may be subject to disciplinary actions, including verbal warnings, written warnings, or even termination of employment.4.2 Unauthorized Absence:Employees who are absent without leave will be subject to disciplinary actions, such as fines, demotion, or termination of employment, depending on the severity and frequency of the offense.4.3 Unauthorized Leave:Employees who take unauthorized leave may be subject to disciplinary actions, including fines, demotion, or termination of employment.5. Employee Responsibilities:5.1 Employees are responsible for adhering to the company's attendance policy and ensuring their punctuality.5.2 Employees are responsible for notifying their supervisor or HR department in advance if they will be absent from work.5.3 Employees are responsible for providing appropriate documentation to support their absence claims.6. Review and Modification:The company reserves the right to review and modify this Attendance Management System at any time to ensure its effectiveness and compliance with relevant laws and regulations.Conclusion:This Attendance Management System is designed to promote a disciplined and efficient work environment within the company. By following this system, employees can contribute to the company's success while enjoying the benefits of a fair and transparent attendance policy.。



公司考勤管理制度翻译英语Chapter I General ProvisionsArticle 1 In order to regulate the attendance management of employees, improve work efficiency, and promote the healthy development of the company, these regulations are formulated in accordance with relevant laws and regulations and in combination with the actual situation of the company.Article 2 These regulations apply to all employees of the company.Chapter II Attendance RulesArticle 3 Employees must adhere to the working hours stipulated by the company. Working hours are as follows:1. Monday to Friday: 9:00-12:00, 13:00-18:002. Employees who need to work overtime should apply for approval in advance.Article 4 Employees should record their attendance using the designated attendance system. Latecomers, early leavers, and absences should be explained and approved by the department supervisor and recorded in the attendance system.Article 5 Employees who need to take leave for personal reasons should apply for leave in advance and receive approval from the department supervisor. Failure to obtain approval for leave will be considered absent without leave.Article 6 Employees who need to take sick leave should provide a medical certificate issued by a qualified medical institution, and the sick leave should be approved by the department supervisor.Article 7 Employees who need to take long-term leave (more than 3 days) should submit a leave application to the human resources department and obtain approval from the department supervisor.Article 8 Employees should not be absent from work without proper reasons, and unauthorized absence will be considered a violation of company regulations.Article 9 Employees who are unable to attend work due to force majeure or other special reasons should inform their department supervisor as soon as possible and provide relevant proof when returning to work.Chapter III Attendance Reward and PunishmentArticle 10 The company will reward employees with excellent attendance records and punish those who have poor attendance records.Article 11 The company will provide attendance bonuses to employees who have outstanding attendance records for each quarter, and outstanding employees will be commended publicly.Article 12 Employees who have three instances of being late or leaving early in a month will be given a warning, and frequent offenders will have their bonuses canceled.Article 13 Employees who have three instances of unauthorized absence in a month will be given a warning, and further offenses will result in salary deductions or suspension.Article 14 In cases of serious violations of attendance regulations, the company has the right to terminate the employee's labor contract and dismiss the employee.Chapter IV Supervision and ExaminationArticle 15 The human resources department is responsible for the supervision and management of employee attendance records and is authorized to conduct random inspections of attendance records.Article 16 During the inspection, if any employee is found to have violated attendance regulations, the human resources department will report to the relevant department and recommend appropriate disciplinary measures.Article 17 Employees have the right to appeal to the human resources department if they believe that the attendance records are inaccurate or if they have been unfairly punished. Chapter V MiscellaneousArticle 18 Employees are prohibited from engaging in fraudulent activities related to attendance and are required to report any such behavior if discovered.Article 19 These regulations shall be effective from the date of promulgation and employees are required to comply with them.Article 20 The interpretation of these regulations belongs to the human resources department.Article 21 These regulations are subject to adjustment with the approval of the company's management.The above regulations are hereby promulgated and implemented from the date of signature.Company Name: ___________________________Date: ________________________________Signature: _____________________________(Seal)。



职工考勤休假制度工作时间及地点WORKING HOURS AND WORKING PLACES1.1. 工作时间旳开始及结束Commencement and Cessation of Working Hours工作时间Working Hours:根据《中华人民共和国劳动法》规定,员工每周工作时间为40小时(不包括用餐时间)。


In accordance with the Labor Law of PRC, the working hours shall be forty (40) hours (excluding meal hours) per week. Two rest days per week will be offered to the employees.详细工作时间: 周一至周五: 9:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.Work Time: Mondays to Fridays: 9:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.企业有权根据业务需要对作息时间进行调整。

Due to the nature of work and business needs, the working hours may be different or changed from the standard work hours.1.2. 工作时间旳控制Control of Working Time为保证业务活动顺利有效地开展,所有员工必须准时报到工作,准时履行职责,未经员工所在部门主管同意,员工不得缺勤、迟到或早退。

Every employee must go to work on time and fulfill his obligations and absence, late-coming or earlyoff-duty is not accepted if there is no prior approval of the supervisor.1.2.1 每个员工在每天上下班时,必须刷考勤卡以备企业考核。



员工考勤管理制度(中英文版本)Work XXXn n: n V2.1Chapter 1: General nTo standardize employee management and protect the interests of both the company and employees。

this n is formulated based on the company'XXX.Chapter 2: Implementing nn 1: Norm of AttendanceXXX their card according to the ns。

including when taking leave。

during n shutdowns。

business trips。

and training (they should punch out when leaving during working hours).Consigning XXX the card or not reporting to work after punching the card will result in punishment according to the circumstances。

those who help others punch their card will also be fined.XXX their attendance records before the 3rd of each month。

These records will be XXX any n is found。

they will be XXX.XXX to this rule apply to QC of outsourcing factories and those who need to leave the company during working hours。




Theruleismadebasedonthecompanysituationincompliancewithrelevantlaw sinpurposeofstandardizingadministrationofmanagementandsafeguardingth einterestsofbothcompanyandstaffs.第二条第二章细则chapter2implementingProvision第一节考勤打卡规范/normofattendance第三条所有员工上下班必须按规定打卡,包括中途请假、停产、出差、培训等(应于中途下班时刷卡)。

Staffmustpunchcardwhenonandoffduty.inthehalfwayduringworkingtime,if staffaskleave(includeleaving,goingoutforbusiness,training,productionshutdown),theymustpunchwhenleavethecompany.第四条第五条委托他人代打卡的或打卡后实际未到岗的,视其情节酌情惩处;代打卡者并同惩处。

consigningotherstopunchcardornotcomingforworkafterpunchingcardshall befineduponthecircumstances;thosehelpotherspunchcardshallbefinedaswe ll.第六条除外部驻厂员工外,工作时间内出公司大门的,需填写《出门单》交部门主管及人力资源部审批。



中英⽂版考勤及休假管理制度Rule of Attendance and Leave Management考勤及休假管理制度1.Working hours and shifts⼯作时间和班次Every employee shall work for 48 hours/week. Working days can be varied for various departments which may fall into weekends.每周48⼩时排班⼯作制,不同部门⼯作⽇不同,⼯作⽇也会在周末。

There are 01 rest day per week. Weekly rest day are vary for different departments which may not fall into weekend. This shall be set for individual employees每周休息1天,每个部门休假⽇期不同,休假不⼀定在周末,每个员⼯的休假⽇期不同。

Table 1: Shift code and meal breaks2.Shift arrangement requirements2.1.After the shift arrangement of each department is completed, it needs to be signed and confirmed by the Leader of the Department.排班完成后需部门负责⼈签字确认2.2.Vacation and annual leave should be showed in the shift schedule, indicating the type of leave and attaching anapplication form.休假和年假要在排班表上标注2.3.Principle of rest: the rest will be completed in the same month. In case of any special situation, the overtime form and compensatory leave form will be filled in (signed by the Leader of the Department).休假原则:当⽉休息应当⽉休完,特殊情况的,提交加班单和调休单后补休2.4.Before the 17nd of each month, the Admin &HR department shall send the general shift schedule of the next month to each department. Each department shall arrange the department shift arrangement of the next month according to the total shift schedule, and submit the monthly shift arrangement to Admin &HR department before 17:00 on the 23rd of each month. If it is not submited on time, the Department will be fined 25,000kip for each day delay, and so on.每⽉17⽇⾏政⼈事部下发总排班表,各部门每⽉19⽇下午5点前提交部门排班表,未按时提交处罚部门25000KIP3.Press fingerprint system打指纹卡3.1.Employees must wear Employee Card when press fingerprint system(Penalty of 25,000kip for not wearing the Employee Card)必须佩戴员⼯⼯卡打指纹卡,未佩戴的罚款25000KIP3.2.Employees shall punch attendance on Machine 04 times per day.每天打卡4次3.3.In case that the fingerprint cannot be punched due to technical issue, it is necessary to sign in manually with the Property Engineering Department and report to the Admin &HR Department;因打卡机故障请在⼯程物业部登记并报告⾏政⼈事部3.4. Employees must fill in the application form by Dingtalk when going out, and punch in after arriving at the destination. Employees who leave the company without an application approval shall be fined 25,000 kip each time.外出⼈员钉钉申请,未申请每次罚款25000kip3.5 Penalty standard for missing fingerprint record monthly:缺卡处罚标准Table 2 Penalty Standard3.6. If an employee miss the record, shall write reason of the situation, which shall be signed by the Leader of department for confirmation, and then submit to the Admin &HR department for punishment according to the standard. If employee don’t submit a statement of the situation, shall be punished as absence.员⼯缺卡应写说明原因,部门负责⼈签字后交⾏政⼈事部,并按标准处罚,缺卡未补卡按旷⼯处理4. Penalty for late arrival, early leave and absence4.1 Penalty for late arrival, early leave迟到早退处罚In one month, if an Employee comes late or leaves early, the salary shall be deducted. The following schedule is to deduct the salary of an Employee who comes late/leave early: Less or equal to 15 minutes - deduct LAK8.000;15分钟内处罚8000KIPFrom 16 minutes to 30 minutes - deduct LAK16.000; 16-30分钟处罚16000KIPFrom 31 minutes to 60 minutes – deduct LAK24.000; 31-60分钟处罚24000KIPFrom 61 minutes to 90 minutes - deduct LAK32.000; 61-90分钟处罚32000KIPFrom 91 minutes to 120 minutes - deduct LAK40.000; 91-120分钟处罚40000KIPIn one month, where an Employee comes late or leaves early of 05 times, a warning letter shall be given and one day salary is deducted. In case Employee continues coming late without sufficient reasons over than 10 times in a month, a warning letter will be given and the Company has the right to lower the salary or deduct future bonus.⼀个⽉迟到或早退5次,发警告信并扣1天⼯资,超过10次,发警告信公司有权降薪或扣除奖⾦If the Duty Manager is late or leave early,the penalty shall be doubled according to this article.值班经理迟到或早退双倍处罚4.2 Penalty for absence旷⼯处罚Employees who are absent for more than half an hour without any reason or one of the following conditions shall be punished as absence:⽆故缺勤⼤于半天或下列情况按旷⼯处理a.Those who don’t apply the leave in accordance with the procedures or who have theapplication but have not been approved.没有按流程请假b.Disobedience to transfer, and not arriving at the post.不服从调动,不到岗的c.Those who are arbitrarily departed from work or engaged in activities that are not relatedto work. 擅离职守或做与⼯作⽆关的事d.Those who fail to arrive at the post without any reason or without approval for therenewal of leave.假满未续假且不到岗的e.There is no proof or invalidation for various holidays.不能提供休假证据的f.The missing proof of holiday is not reissued or proof of holiday is failed to be submit.假单丢失未补或未提交的g.If the resignation is not approved, the employee who leaves the post early will bepunished as absence.辞职未审批提前离开岗位的h.Other absence behaviors.其他Deduct three days' salary for each day of absence.旷⼯⼀天按三天⼯资处罚The company has the right to terminate the employment contract without paying any economic compensation for those whoare absense from work for 4 consecutive days.连续旷⼯4天,公司解除合同不予经济赔偿5.Attendance document management考勤资料管理a.Shift adjustment of personal behavior is limited to twice a month.每⽉因个⼈原因调班不能超过2次b.Leave application form, compensatory leave form and shift adjustment form shall besigned and confirmed by the Leader of department one day in advance and submit to the Admin &HR department.所有单据部门负责⼈签字提交⾏政c.Before the shift adjustment, the department shift shall be coordinated to ensure thenormal operation of the Department.调班需要保证部门的正常⼯作d.Documents handed over to the Admin&HR Department after 17:00 on the 19th of eachmonth will no longer be processed.每⽉19⽇下午5点后的考勤⽂件不再处理e.Fake and change of various holiday certificates, the company has the right to terminatethe employment contract and not pay any financial compensation.私⾃伪造修改考勤资料,公司有权解除合同不赔偿f.Leave is calculated on a daily basis. Calculated in half a day (4 hours) for less than half aday.休假按天计算,不⾜半天按半天6.Holidays and Leave6.1.Official Holidays and Customary Holidays: 法定和传统节假⽇Where an official holiday or customary holiday falls on a weekly rest day, the following working day will be considered as a holiday in substitution thereof.法定节假⽇与周末重复,后⾯的⼯作⽇作为法定假⽇Employees have the right to rest on official holidays as stated below and receive their ordinary salary/wage:International New Year’s Day (1st January):1dayInternational Women’s Day (8th March) :1 dayLao New Year Festival (varying dates in April) :3daysInternational Labor Day (1st May) :1 dayBeginning of Buddhist Lent (varying date) :1dayEnd of Buddhist Lent (varying date) :1dayLao National Day (2nd December) :1dayNational Day of foreign employees (varying date) :1dayEstablishment of Lao Women’s Union Day (20 July) :1 day (Based on Annual Notification)6.2.Leave Entitlements apart from the official holidays 其他休假An employee must submit a written leave request according to the form specified by the Company for any leave of absence and based on the following rules: 任何休假须书⾯申请6.2.1 The leave request shall be submitted in advance according to the rules and regulations specified in the category of leave of absence stated below, and an employee shall only be entitled to take such leave after receiving an approval from the Company. 所有休假需提前请假,审批后离开6.2.2 The leave request application shall be deemed complete only when approved by the department manager or equivalent level or a person authorized to approve the leave of absence, except for sudden sickness, where the submission of leave notice must be made on the first (1st) day of resuming work. 部门负责⼈审批的假单视为同意休假离开,紧急病假的,上班第⼀天提交病假⼿续销假A leave of absence taken not in compliance with these rules shall be treated as an unauthorized absence from work or abandonment of duty, and no salary/wage shall be paid for the particular days of absence as well as being subject to such other appropriate disciplinary actions. 不符合本规定的请假应视为未经审批同意的缺勤,不得⽀付⼯资。



Introduction:The employee attendance management system is an essential part of the company's management system. It aims to regulate the attendance behavior of employees, ensure the smooth operation of the company's work, and provide accurate data for wage calculation and welfare subsidies. This system is formulated to promote the implementation of scientific and efficient attendance management and create a good corporate culture.Scope of Application:This system applies to all employees in the company, including full-time, part-time, and temporary workers.Management Responsibilities:1. Human Resources Department:- Responsible for the daily management and statistics of employee attendance.- Establish and implement the attendance rules and regulations.- Conduct regular training and communication to ensure that employees understand and comply with the system.- Investigate and handle attendance-related issues promptly.2. Departments and Workshops:- Responsible for the implementation and management of attendance within their respective departments or workshops.- Ensure that employees comply with the attendance regulations and report any violations to the Human Resources Department.3. Employees:- Observe the attendance regulations and report any changes in their work schedule to their supervisor or department in advance.- Attend work on time and leave on time, adhering to the company's working hours.Attendance Management Rules:1. Working Hours:- The company adopts a five-day workweek.- The working hours are from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. and from 1:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.- Departments with special working hours may be subject to individual arrangements.2. Attendance打卡:- Employees must attend and leave the workplace through the designated card system.- Failure to follow the打卡 procedures will be deemed as a violation of the attendance regulations.3. Leave Management:- Employees must submit a leave application to their supervisor or department in advance, stating the reason and duration of the leave.- The approval authority and wage treatment for various types of leave will be in accordance with the company's leave regulations.4. Late and Early Departure:- Late arrival within 30 minutes will be subject to a fine of 10 yuan.- Late arrival exceeding 30 minutes will be considered as half-day absence.- Early departure within 3 minutes will be subject to a fine of 10 yuan.- Early departure exceeding 30 minutes will be considered as half-day absence.5. Absenteeism:- Employees who fail to attend work without prior approval or proper leave application will be considered absentees.- Absenteeism for half a day will be deducted from the employee's salary.6. Unexcused Leave:- Employees who fail to attend work without prior approval or proper leave application will be subject to disciplinary measures, including fines and demotion.7. Attendance Record:- The attendance records will be kept for at least one year.- The Human Resources Department will conduct regular audits of the attendance records to ensure accuracy and compliance with the regulations.Conclusion:The employee attendance management system is an important tool for maintaining order and discipline in the workplace. By adhering to the regulations and rules of the system, employees can create a positive work environment and contribute to the company's success.。

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员工考勤制度Work Attendance Regulation修改说明Modification Description:第一章总则Chapter 1 General Provision第一条为规范员工管理,切实保障公司及员工利益,根据有关法律法规,结合公司实际情况,特制定本制度。

The rule is made based on the company situation in compliance with relevant laws in purpose of standardizing administration of management and safeguarding the interests of both company and staffs.第二条此制度适用于非工厂编制员工。

The rule applies to non factory staff.第二章细则Chapter 2 Implementing Provision第一节考勤打卡规范/Norm of attendance第三条所有员工上下班必须按规定打卡,包括中途请假、停产、出差、培训等(应于中途下班时刷卡)。

Staff must punch card when on and off duty. In the halfway during working time, if staff ask leave (include leaving, going out for business, training, production shutdown), they must punch when leave the company.第四条公司员工出勤均应本人亲自打卡,自觉遵守,相互监督。

Staff must punch the card on h is/her own.第五条委托他人代打卡的或打卡后实际未到岗的,视其情节酌情惩处;代打卡者并同惩处。

Consigning others to punch card or not coming for work after punching card shall be fined upon the circumstances; those help others punch card shall be fined as well.第六条除外部驻厂员工外,工作时间内出公司大门的,需填写《出门单》交部门主管及人力资源部审批。

Except for QC of outsourcing fac, those going out during the working hours shall submit [Gate Pass] to the dept manager and HR for approval.第七条正常出勤无刷卡记录,补办考勤证明的审批规定:The approval of attendance certification:员工正常出勤的,如发生漏刷卡、其他无刷卡记录的合理原因导致考勤记录不全,应填写《考勤证明表》证明出勤情况。

Where there is no attendance record due to reasonable reason while the staff is on duty, he/she shall submit [Attendance Certification] for approval.1) 《考勤证明表》须在员工未正常刷卡发生后三个工作日内,经部门主管审批,提报人力资源部。

[Attendance Certification] shall be submitted within 3 working days after the occurrence, and shall be approved by dept manager and HR.第八条在外驻厂上班的员工,需在每月3 日前提交其考勤记录,由其上级主管及部门经理审核后交由人力资源部考勤人员。


QC working in outsourcing factory shall submit the attendance sheet to HR before third of each month with the signature of direct leader and dept manager. The direct leader and dept manager shall be liable for the truthfulness and accuracy of the said sheet, and they shall bear responsibility as leader for the untruthfulness.第二节迟到、早退/Lateness and tardy凡公司员工在工作时间开始后打卡者为迟到;Punching card after the stipulated working time is deemed as lateness;凡公司员工在工作时间终了前打卡者为早退。

Punching card before the stipulated working time is deemed as tardy.第九条迟到、早退/ Lateness and tardy1)迟到、早退月累计超过三十分钟,不足一小时,扣除当月全勤奖奖金,并按0.5 天事假处理;Cumulative time exceeds 20 minutes but less than 1 hour, apart from the deduction of full attendance bonus, deduct salary of 0.5 day personal affair leave;2) 迟到、早退月累计一小时及以上,不足四小时,扣除当月全勤奖奖金,并按旷工0.5 天处理;Cumulative time exceeds 1 hour but less than 4 hours, apart from the deduction of full attendance bonus, deduct salary of 0.5 day absenteeism;3) 迟到、早退月累计四小时及以上,不足八小时,扣除当月全勤奖奖金,按旷工1 天处理。


Cumulative time exceeds 4 hour but less than 8 hours, apart from the deduction of full attendance bonus, deduct salary of 1 day absenteeism; the time exceeding 8 hours shall be cumulated as actual.第三节旷工/Absenteeism第十条公司员工如有下列情形之一,均以旷工处理:Any of circumstances hereunder is deemed as absenteeism:1)未请假或请假未批准,不到公司上班;No leave application or leave application is not approved, while not come on duty;2)用不正当手段骗取、涂改、伪造休假证明;Offer untrue evidence to apply for leave;3)在工作上不服从上级领导的合理安排,煽动其他员工举行怠工、罢工;Do not obey Superior’s reasonable assignment, incite others to slack i n work, make strike;4)被公安部门拘留,或因打架斗殴、违纪致伤造成休息;Being detained by the Police, or take rest due to fighting which is not allowed;5)工作时间内未经批准,擅自离开工作岗位或公司;离岗半小时以内的,按一小时事假处理;离岗半小时(含)至一小时的,按旷工半天处理;离岗超过一小时(含)的,按旷工一天处理。

Leave one’s post or the company wit hout the approval during the working time, if less than half hour, it will be treated as one hour private affair leave; if more than half hour but less than one hour, it will be treated as half day absenteeism; if more than one hour, it will be treated as one day absenteeism.6)本制度第二节规定的情形。

Author Auditor Approver Situations in article 2 of this rule.第十一条旷工期间按照工资双倍减发原则;因旷工引起的其它行政处分,详见[员工手册]。

The salary of absenteeism is deducted in double. The penalty of absenteeism refers to [Employee Handbook].第十二条连续旷工3 天或年累计旷工7 天及以上者,公司可不经预告,视作员工自动解除劳动关系。



Successive absenteeism of 3 days or cumulative absenteeism of 7 days and above, it is deemed as staff terminate labor contract on his/her own will. Salary payable after deduction of absenteeism shall be postponed unless the staff finishes the handover procedure.第四节排班管理/Shift management第十三条为保证考勤管理的有序性,各部门根据实际需要,每周或根据实际班次情况定期提前上报〈员工排班表>,经上级主管审核汇总后,交由人力资源部考勤人员。
