一、问答题1,货币的职能T h e F u n c t i o n s o f M o n e y1.M e d i u m o f E x c h a n g e o r M e a n s o f E x c h a n g e (交易媒介和交易手段)2.U n i t o f A c c o u n t o r S t a n d a r d o f V a l u e(计量单位和价值尺度)3.S t o r e o f V a l u e(价值储备)2,货币的定义T h e M e a n i n g o f M o n e yMarx defines money as a special commodity that permanently serves as a general equivalent.Western economists define money (or, equivalently, the money supply) as anything that is generally accepted in payment for goods or services or in the repayment of debts3,T y p e s o f M o n e y(货币的种类)Since the primitive economy, money changed from commodity money to metallic money, from metallic money to representative money, from representative money to credit money and finally electronic money. In economic life, the need for money is so strong that almost every society, except the most primitive one, invents it.(1)C o m m o d i t y m o n e y o r m o n e y i n k i n d(商品货币或事物货币)(2)R e p r e s e n t a t i v e m o n e y(银行券代用货币)(3)C r e d i t m o n e y(信用货币)(4)E l e c t r o n i c M o n e y(电子货币)3.T h e e x t e n s i o n o f m o d e r n m o n e y(现代货币信用的扩展)T h e g e n e r a l m e a s u r e o f m o n e y s u p p l y (货币供给的一般度量)M0i s t h e c u r r e n c y o r c a s h i n c i r c u l a t i o n i n c l u d i n g b a n k n o t e s a n d c o i n s.M0i s a l s o c a l l e d b a s e m o n e y t h a t m e a s u r e s t h e q u a n t i t y o f c u r r e n c y i s s u e d b y t h e c e n t r a l B a n k.M1=M0+D dM1c o m p r i s e s t h o s e a s s e t s w h i c h a r et h e m s e l v e s a c c e p t a b l e i n e x c h a n g e a n dn o r m a l l y h e l d w i t h t h e i n t e n t i o n o f s p e n d i n g t h e m i n t h e i m m e d i a t e f u t u r e.M1i n c l u d e s M0,p l u s D d—c h e c k a b l e o r d e m a n d d e p o s i t s a t b a n k s.T h e b r o a d e r m e a s u r e o f m o n e y s u p p l y:M2 a n d M3M2=M1+D s+D tM2i s a b r o a d e r m e a s u r e o f p u r c h a s i n gp o w e r t h a n M1.I t i n c l u d e s a l l o f M1p l u s s a v i n g s d e p o s i t s a n d t i m e d e p o s i t s a tb a n k s.M3=M2+s h o r t-t e r m g o v e r n m e n t s e c u r i t i e s +c o m m e r c i a l p a p e r+l i f e I n s u r a n c e p o l i c i e sQ u a s i-m o n e y(准货币)4.T h e D e v e l o p m e n t o f M o n e t a r y S y s t e m sa n d T h e i r T y p e s(货币制度的发展和种类)(1)T h e s i l v e r s t a n d a r d(16t h c e n t u r y)银本位(2)T h e b i m e t a l l i c s t a n d a r d(16t h—18t hc e n t u r y)金银复本位(3)T h e g o l d s t a n d a r d(1813—1914t h eb e g i n n i n g o f W o r l d W a r I I)金本位(4)I n c o n v e r t i b l e c r e d i t m o n e y s t a n d a r d(不可兑换的信用货币本位)每一部分特征:(1)T h e s i l v e r s t a n d a r d(16t h c e n t u r y)银本位Under the silver system, the standard money was minted with silver. Silver coins had unlimited power of legal tender, and could be minted, exported and imported freely(2)T h e b i m e t a l l i c s t a n d a r d(16t h—18t hc e n t u r y)金银复本位Under this system, both gold and silver were recognized by law as monetary metal. Both gold and silver coins were in circulation and could be minted freely and had unlimited power of legal tender.(3)T h e g o l d s t a n d a r d(1813—1914t h eb e g i n n i n g o f W o r l d W a r I I)金本位The basic features of the gold coin standard were:a. Gold coins circulated freely and had unlimited power of legal tender. Gold coins could be minted and melted freely;b. Gold and gold coins could be imported or exported freely(this guaranteed the stable ratio of gold coins to foreign currencies);c. Bank notes could be converted into gold or gold coins freely(4)I n c o n v e r t i b l e c r e d i t m o n e y s t a n d a r d (不可兑换的信用货币本位)Inconvertible credit money system is a system that has no metal standard money. . Bank notes do not have the provision of gold content are the legal tender and cannot be converted into gold. Under this system, bank notes are put into circulation through credit process.If a government puts more money into circulation than needed, inflation will surely occurs. Almost every western country has once suffered sustained inflation since adoption of theinconvertible credit money system.5.信用的内容Credit has four elements:1) Credit relationship---.lender and borrower .The two parties form a relationship of debt and credit by directly or indirectly financing.2) The object of credit. In a credit relationship, there is a trading object. The object to be transacted is a lender’s asset, which takes the form of either funds or commodities. The former is typical of bank credit while the latter is typical of commercial credit.3) Credit carrier. In the relationship of credit, the right and the obligation of the two parties of credit are embodied in credit carrier, -----credit instruments or financiali n s t r u m e n t s.4 ) Credit conditions. Credit conditions refer to terms and interest rates. The term is the time interval from the time when the relationship of credit starts to the time when the relationship of credit ends. In credit, the ownership of funds or commodity and the right to use them are separated temporarily. The time interval when funds or commodities are used should be decided. So terms are the condition of credit behavior. For creditors, interests are the compensation after giving away the right to use fundsor commodities. For debtors, interests are the costs of using these commodities or funds.6.信用的特征(1)T e m p o r i z a t i o n(期限性)(2)R e p a y m e n t(偿还性)(3)P r o f i t a b i l i t y(收益性)(4)R i s k(风险性)7.信用的功能The relationship of credit solves the difficulties of matching owners of surpluses and deficits of money and overcomes the disequilibrium in time and space of monetary income among different types of economic entities that have revenue and Expenditure.So the basic function of credit is to reallocate funds or it is a reallocation of funds in the form of borrowing and lendingWhat’s more, credit also plays the role in providing and creating means of exchange and means of payment.8.信用的形式1.C o m m e r c i a l C r e d i t(商业信用)2.B a n k C r e d i t(银行信用)3.P u b l i c C r e d i t(公共信用)4. C o n s u m e r C r e d i t(消费信用)5.P r i v a t e C r e d i t(民间信用)各自的特点:(1)C o m m e r c i a l C r e d i t(商业信用)The traits of commercial credit are as follows:(1) Commercial credit is closely linked to a certain commodity transaction.(2) The creditor and the debtor in commercial credit are either producers or managers of certain commodities;(3) The supply of and demand for commercial credit is in line with economic Activities.1.商业信用是以商品形态提供的信用2.商业信用的债权人和债务人都是企业3.商业信用的盛衰和经济周期的变化相一致(2)B a n k C r e d i t(银行信用)Compared with commercial credit, bank credit has its own features:(1) Bank credit is granted in the form of money,the capital provided by banks is not the capital on any stage of cycling of industrial capital, but it is monetary income saved by all walks of life or monetary income drafting from cycling of industrial capital.(2) Bank credit is an intermediate credit, as banks and other financial institutions are intermediaries between the owners and users of monetary capital in credit activities.(3) The trends of bank credit is different from those of the industrial capital in most stages of capital cycling except for prosperity when the increase of bankers’credit and the enlargement of the industrial capital are roughly simultaneous(同步的).(4) Bank credit has the function of money creation. Any entity can grant credit only after it had acquired monetary capital or commodity capital and the size of such commercial credit is confined to its existing capital. Only banks can overcome such limitations. Banks can not only place funds according to fund resources, but also create fund recourses through their use of funds, i. e. creating money through granting loans.∙银行能把社会上各种闲置资金集中起来,形成巨额银行资本,因此,银行信用不受个别资本的数量和周转的限制。
Answer the questions1、What are the ways by which the money flows from individual surplus unitsto deficit units?financial markets facilitate the flow of funds from surplus units to deficit units. Those financial markets that facilitate the flow of short-term funds (with maturities of less than one year) are known as money markets.Those that facilitate the flow of long-term funds are known as capital markets. Debt bond stock fund deritives2、How does the level of tax, do you think, affect the demand of household forloanable funds? (please explain by pictures)if tax rates on household income are expected to significantly decrease in the future, households might believe that they can more easily afford future loan repayment and thus be willing to borrow more funds. For any interest rate, the quantity of loanable funds demanded by households would be greater as a result of tax law adjustment. This represents an outward shift in the demand schedule.tax rates on household income (income tax decreases →the line of household demand moves right)3、What is the relationship between the government demand for loanable fundsand interest rate? (explain by pictures)Whenever a government’s planed expenditures cannot be completely covered by its incoming revenues from taxes and other sources, it demands loanable funds.The way to obtain fund: Municipal (state and local) governments issue municipal bonds to obtain funds, while the federal government and its agencies issue Treasury securities and federal agency securitiesInterest-inelastic (insensitive to interest rates): federal government expenditure and tax policies are generally thought to be independent ofinterest rate. Thus the federal government demand for funds is said to beInterest-inelastic, or insensitive to interest rates. In contrast, municipalgovernments sometimes postpone proposed expenditures if the cost offinancing is too high, implying that their demand for loanable funds issomewhat sensitive to interest rates.•Like the household and business demand, the government demand for loanable funds can shift in response to various events.Deficit increases →move rightExhibit 2.3 impact of increased government budget deficit on the government demand for loanable fundsThe federal government demand-for-loanable-funds schedule is Dg1, if newbills are passed that cause a net increase in the deficit of USD20 billion, thefederal government demand for loanable funds will increaseby that amount.The new demand schedule is Dg2.4、What are the economic factors that affect interest rates?1)Impact of Economic Growth on Interest Rates2)Impact of Inflation on Interest Rates3)Impact of the Money Supply on Interest Rates4)Impact of the Budget Deficit on Interest Rates5)Impact of foreign Flows of Funds on Interest Rates6)Summary of Forces that Affect Interest Rates5、Explain “crowding-out effect” please.The deficit might not necessarily place upward pressure on interest rates.Given a certain amount of loanable funds supplied to the market( through saving), excessive government dem and for these funds tends to “crowd out” the private demand (by consumer and corporation) for funds. The federal government may be willing to pay whatever is necessary to borrow these funds, but the private sector may not. This impact is known as the crowding-out effect.6、What are the monetary policy tools?Open market operationsAdjustments in the discount rateAdjustments in the reserve requirement ratio7、What are the ways by which the money flows from individual surplus unitsto deficit units?8、How does the Fed use the monetary policy tools to adjust the money supply?(答案待定)1.Open Market OperationsThe buying and selling of government securities (through the Trading Desk) is referred to as open market operations.✓When the Fed issues securities, the commercial banks purchase those that are most attractive. The total funds decrease and the money supply falls.✓When the Fed purchase securities, the total funds increase, which representsa loosening of money supply growth.✓Adjusting the Discount RateThe interest rate that an eligible(有资格的) depository institution is charged to borrow short-term funds directly from a Federal Reserve Bank.To increase the money supply, the Fed can authorized a reduction in thediscount rate; to decrease the money supply, the Fed can increase thediscount rate.3.Adjusting the Reserve Requirement RatioReserve Requirement Ratio is the proportion of their deposit accounts thatmust be held as reserves.The lower the reserve requirement ratio, the greater the lending capacity ofdepository institutions, so a larger money supply.When the fed manipulates the money supply to influence economic variables, it must decide what form of money to manipulate. The optimal form of money should (1)be controllable by the fed and (2)have a predictable(可预测的) impact on economic variables when adjusted by the fed. The most narrow form of money, known as M1, includes currency held by the public and checking deposits(such as demand deposits, NOW accounts, and automatic transfer balances) at depository institutions.9、What are the differences between the general obligation bonds and revenuebonds both of which belong to municipal bonds?Like the federal government, state and local government frenquently spend more than the revenues they receive. To finance the difference, they issue municipal bonds, most of which can be classified as either General obligation bonds or revenue bonds. payments on General obligation bonds are supported by the municipal government’s ability to tax, whereas payments on revenue bond s must be generated by revenues of the project( tollway, toll bridge, state college dormitory, etc) for which the bonds were issued.Material: municipal bond10、What are the characteristics of corporate bonds?The bond indenture, trusteeCorporate bonds can be described according to a variety of characteristics. The bond indenture(契约) is a legal document specifying the rights and obligations of both the issuing firm and the bondholders. It is very comprehensive( normally several hundred pages) and is designed to address all matters related to the bond issue ( collateral, payment dates, default provision, call provisions, etc)Sinking-Fund Provision(偿债基金准备)Bond indentures frequently include a sinking-fund provision, or a reqirement that the firm retire a certain amount of bond issue each year. This provision is considered to be an advantage to the remaining bondholders because it reduces the payments necessary at maturity.Protective Covenants(保护条款)Bond indentures normally place restrictions on the issuing firm that are designed to protest the bondholders from being exposed to increasing risk during the investment period. Those so called Protective Covenants frequently limit the amount of dividends and corporate officers’ salaries the firm can pay and also r estrict theamount of additional debt the firm can issue. Other financial policies may be restricted as well.10、What are the main differences between common stock and preferredstock?●The ownership of common stock entitles shareholders to a number of rights notavailable to other individuals. Normally, only the owner of common stock are permitted to vote on certain key matters concerning the firm,such as theelection of the board of directors, authorization to issue new shares of common stock, approval of amendments to the corporate charter, and adoption ofbylaws(附例).●Usually not allow for significant voting rights,The preferred stockholders have the priority to earn dividends compared with common stockholders .But a firm is not legally required to pay preferred stock dividends.11、What are the similarities and differences between forward contract andfuture contract?Futures and forward contracts are similar in the following ways: Both are derivative securities for future delivery. The parties agree today on price and quantity for settlement in the future.Both are used to hedge currency risk, interest rate risk or commodity price risk.They differ in these ways:Forward contracts are private, customized定制contracts between a bank and its clients depending on the client’s needs (OTC). There is no secondarymarket for forward contracts since they are private contractual agreements.Forward contracts are settled at expiration. Futures contracts are continually settled (mark to market)12、What are the risks of trading futures contracts?Market riskBasis riskLiquidity riskCredit riskPrepayment riskOperational risk13、What are the determinants of call option premiums?Market price of the underlying instrumentInfluence of the market price: the higher the existing market price of the underlying financial instrument relative to the exercise price, the higher the call option premium, other things being equal.Volatility of the underlying instrumentInfluence of the stock’s volatility: the greater the volatility of t he underlying stock, the higher the call option premium, other things being equal.Time to maturity of the call optionInfluence of the call option’s time to maturity: the longer the call option’s time to maturity, the higher the call option premium, other things being equal14、What are the reasons that the Eurodollar market is attractive for bothdepositors and borrowers?the spread between the rate banks pay and the rate they charge is relativelysmall✓Only governments and large corporations participate in this market—lower risk✓Investors in the market avoid some costs (no deposit insurance, lower taxes, no government-mandated credit allocations)✓Eurodollar CDs are not subject to reserve requirements✓Less regulations and restrictions✓✓【本文档内容可以自由复制内容或自由编辑修改内容期待你的好评和关注,我们将会做得更好】✓✓。
一、名词解释1、Financial system金融体系: 指一个经济体中资金流动的基本框架,它是资金流动的工具(金融资产)、市场参与者(中介机构)和交易方式(市场)等各金融要素构成的综合体。
P42、Treasury bill国库券:a short-term obligation that is not interest-bearingP243、fiat money不可兑现货币:指由政府发行的不能兑换成黄金或白银的货币,其购买力完全来自政府的权威和信誉 money that the government declares tobe legal tender although it cannot be converted into standard specie.P23 4、Monetary policy货币政策: the process by which the government,central bank,or monetary authority of a country controls the supply of money,availability of money, and interest rate ,in order to keep growth and stability of the economy. P375、discount loan贴息贷款:A loan on which the interest and financing charges are deducted from the face amount when the loan is issued P376、Chinese Banking Regulatory Commission:the watchdog for banks in china,responsible for making the rules and regulations for the financial and banking institutions it supervises. P507、consolidation合并:the merger or acquisition of many smaller companies into much larger ones P508、P/B ratio市净率:a ratio used to compare a stock's market value to its book value. P669、H-shares:shares of companies in china's mainland that are listed on Hong Kong Stock Exchange. P6610、Risk management:the process of identification,analysis and either acceptance or mitigation of uncertainty in investment decision-making.11、trust fund:property,especially money and securities,held or settledin trust. P7812、Quota配额:in international trade,a government-imposed limit on the quantity of goods and services that may be exported over a specified periodof time.(不确定P90)13、Balance of payments:14、Eurodollar欧洲美元:the dollar-denominated deposit in foreign banks outside the United States banks. P10515、Time deposit定期存款:the fixed-maturity account that cannot be withdrawn without advance notice. P10516、Floating exchange rate浮动汇率:a type of exchange rate regime whereina currency's value is allowed to fluctuate according to the foreign exchange market. P11417、Draft汇票:a written order from one person (the payer)to another,signed by the person giving it,requiring the person to whom itis addressed to pay on demand or at some fixed future date ,a certain sum of money,to either the person identified as payee or to any person presenting the bill. P14018、Secondary market: a financial market in which securities that have been previously issued can be resold. P15219、Security证券,抵押品:an investment instrument issued by a corporation,government,or other organization which offers evidence of debt or equity. P15220、common stock普通股:a share of ownership in a corporation carrying voting rights that can be exercised in corporate decisions. P163 21、Futures期货:a standardized contract,traded on a futures exchange,to buy or sell a certain underlying instrument at a certain date in the future,at a specified price.22、Option期权:a privilege sold by one party to another that offers the buyer the right,but not the obligation,to buy or sell a security at an agreed-upon price during a certain period of time or on a specific date.二、课后翻译题:1、共同基金是向大众出售股票的机构,并用由此所得的收益选择购买各种类型的股票或者债券,或者投资组合,或者同时购买股票和债券的投资组合。
专业英语汇总1. How to define the aggregate price level? 如何衡量价格指数?Three measures of the aggregate price level are commonly encountered in economic data.(1)The first is the GDP deflator (GDP平减指数), which is defined as nominal GDP divided by real GDP.(2)Another popular measure of the aggregate price level is the Producer Price Index (生产者价格指数) which is a measure of the cost of a basket of goods and services bought by firms.(3)The measure of the aggregate price level that is most frequently reported in the press is the Consumer Price Index (消费者价格指数), which is measured by pricing a basket of goods and services bought by a typical urban household.2. What’s the disadvantage and advantage of holding equity rather than debt? 持有股权的优劣?(1)The main disadvantage of own ing a corporation’s equities rather than its debt is that an equity holder is a residual claimant (剩余求偿权), that is, the corporation must pay all its debt holders before it pays its equity holders .(2)The main advantage of holding equities is that equity holders benefit directly from any increases in the corporation’s profitability or asset value because equities confer ownership rights on the equity holders. Debt holders do not share in this benefit, because their payments are fixed.3. What’s the difference between primary and secondary market? 一级市场与二级市场的区别?(1)A primary market is a financial market in which new issues of a security, such as a bond or a stock, are sold to initial buyers by the corporation or government agency borrowing the funds.(2)A secondary market is a financial market in which securities that have been previously issued can be resold.4. What’s the difference between foreign bond and Eurobond? 外国债券和欧洲债券的区别?(1)Foreign bonds are sold in a foreign country and are denominated in that c ountry’s currency. For example, a bond issued by a Chinese company denominated in U.S. dollars sold in New York.(2)Eurobond is a bond denominated in a currency other than that of the country in which it is sold. For example, a bond denominated in U.S. dollars sold in China.5. What’s asset transformation and diversification?资产转换和分散化(1)Financial intermediaries create and sell assets with risk characteristics that people are comfortable with, and the intermediaries then use the funds they acquire by selling these assets to purchase other assets that may have far more risk. This process of risk sharing is referred as asset transformation, because in a sense, risky assets are turned into safer assets for investors.(2)Diversification entails investing in a portfolio of assets whose returns do not always move together with the result that overall risk is lower than for individual assets. It also refers to “You shouldn't put all your eggs in one basket”. Diversification can eliminate firm-specific risk—the uncertainty associated with the specific companies. But diversification cannot eliminate market risk—the uncertainty associated with the entire economy, which affects all companies traded on the stock market. For example, when the economy goes into a recession, most companies experience falling sales, profit and low stock returns. Diversification reduces the risk of holding stocks, but it does not eliminate it.6. Explain the following concepts: asymmetric information, adverse selection and moral hazard.(1)A symmetric information (信息不对称) refers to that one party often does not know enough about the other party to make accurate decisions. For example, a borrower who takes out a loan usually has better information about the potential returns and risk associated with the investment projects for which the funds are invested than the lender does.(2)Adverse selection(逆向选择) is the problem created by asymmetric information before the transaction occurs. Adverse selection in financial markets occurs when the potential borrowers who are the most likely to default are the ones who most actively seek out a loan and are thus most likely to be selected.(3)Moral hazard (道德风险) is the problem created by asymmetric information after the transaction occurs. Moral hazard in financial markets is the risk that the borrower might engage in activities that are undesirable from the lenders point of view, because they make it less likely that the loan will be paid back.7. What’s the function of money? 货币的职能?Money has three primary functions in any economy: as a medium of exchange, as a unit of account, and as a store of value.(1)When money is used to pay for goods and services, it plays the role of a medium of exchange (流通手段). The use of money as a medium of exchange promotes economic efficiency by minimizing the time spent in exchanging goods and services.(2)The second role of money is to provide a unit of account (价值尺度), that is, it is used to measure value of goods and services in the economy.(3)Money also functions as a store of value (储藏手段). A store of value is used to save purchasing power from the time income is received until the time it is spent. This function of money is useful, because most of us do not want to spend our income immediately upon receiving it, but rather prefer to wait until we have the time or the desire to shop.8. What’s the Fisher equation and Fisher effect? 费雪等式与费雪效应?(1)The Fisher equation states that the nominal interest rate equals the real interest rate plus the expected rate of inflation. The equat ion tells us that all else equal, a rise in a country’s expected inflation rate will eventually cause an equal rise in the nominal interest rate. Similarly, a fall in the expected inflation rate will eventually cause a fall in the nominal interest rate.(2)This long-run relationship between inflation and interest rates is called the Fisher effect. The Fisher effect implies, for example, that if U.S. inflation were to rise permanently from a constant level of 5 percent per year to a constant level of 10 percent per year, dollar interest rates would eventually catch up with the higher inflation, rising by 5 percentage points per year from their initial level. These changes would leave the real rate of return on dollar assets unchanged. The Fisher effect is therefore another example of the general idea that in the long run, purely monetary developments should have no effect on an economy’s real variables.9. How to explain the negative relation between the quantity of money demanded and the interest rate? We can explain that the quantity of money demanded and the interest rate should be negatively related by using the concept of opportunity cost (机会成本), the amount of revenue sacrificed by taking one course of action rather than another. As the interest rate on bonds rises, the opportunity cost of holding money rises, thus money is less desirable and the quantity of money demanded must fall.10. Risk Premium 风险溢价The spread between the interest rates on bonds with default risk and default-free bonds, both of the same maturity, called the risk premium, indicates how much additional interest people must earn to be willing to hold that risky bond.11. Briefly introduce expectations theory, segmented markets theory and liquidity premium theory. (1)The expectations theory (预期假说) of the term structure states the following proposition: the interest rate on a long-term bond will equal an average of the short-term interest rates that people expect to occur over the life of the long-term bond.(2)The segmented markets theory (市场分割假说) of the term structure sees markets for different-maturitybonds as completely separate and segmented. The interest rate for each bond with a different maturity is then determined by the supply of and demand for that bond, with no effects from expected returns on other bonds with other maturities.(3)The liquidity premium theory(流动性溢价假说) of the term structure states that the interest rate on a long-term bond will equal an average of short-term interest rates expected to occur over the life of the long-term bond plus a liquidity premium. It is also called preferred habitat theory (偏好停留假说).12. What’s the difference between adaptive expectation and rational expectation?(1)Adaptive expectation (适应性预期) states that expectations form from past experience only and changes in expectations will occur slowly over time as past data change. For example, expectations of inflation is typically viewed as being an average of past inflation rates. So if inflation had formerly been steady at a 5% rate, expectations of future inflation would also be 5% .(2)Rational expectation(理性预期) can be stated as follows: expectations will be identical to optimal forecasts (the best guess of the future) using all available information.13. Efficient Market Hypothesis 有效市场假说In finance, the efficient-market hypothesis (EMH) asserts that financial markets are "informationally efficient". In consequence of this, one cannot consistently achieve returns in excess of average market returns on a risk-adjusted basis, given the information available at the time the investment is made.There are three major versions of the hypothesis: "weak", "semi-strong", and "strong". The weak-form EMH claims that prices on traded assets (e.g., stocks, bonds, or property) already reflect all past publicly available information. The semi-strong-form EMH claims both that prices reflect all publicly available information and that prices instantly change to reflect new public information. The strong-form EMH additionally claims that prices instantly reflect even hidden or "insider" information. Critics have blamed the belief in rational markets for much of the late-2000s financial crisis.[1][2][3] In response, proponents of the hypothesis have stated that market efficiency does not mean having no uncertainty about the future, that market efficiency is a simplification of the world which may not always hold true, and that the market is practically efficient for investment purposes for most individuals.[4]14. “Lemons Problem”次品问题A particular aspect of the way the adverse selection problem interferes with the efficient functioning of a market is called “lemons problem”.We can use the used-car market to illustrate this concept. Potential buyers of used cars are frequently unable to assess the quality of the car, that is, they can’t tell whether a particular used car is a good car or a lemon (次品). The price that a buyer pays must therefore reflect the average quality of the cars in the market, somewhere between the low value of a lemon and the high value of a good car. The owner of a used car, by contrast, is more likely to know whether the car is a good car or a lemon. If the car is a lemon, the owner is more than happy to sell it at the price the buyer is willing to pay, which, being somewhere between the value of a lemon and a good car, is greater than the lemons value. However, if the car is a good car, the owner knows that the car is undervalued at the price the buyer is willing to pay, and so the owner may not want to sell it. As a result of this adverse selection, few good used cars will come to the market. Because the average quality of a used car available in the market will be low and because few people want to buy a lemon, there will be few sales. The used-car market will function poorly or even disappear.15. Principal-agent Problem 委托-代理问题Principal-agent problem refers to that the managers in control (the agents) may act in their own interest rather than in the interest of the stockholder (the principals) because the managers have less incentive to maximize profits than the stockholder do. The principal-agent problem, which is an example of moral hazard, arises onlybecause a manager has more information about his activities than the stockholder does. So, there is asymmetric information.16. What’s “irrational exuberance” proposed by Alan Greenspan? 非理性繁荣Irrational exuberance refers to a phenomenon that asset prices, in the stock market and real estate, are driven well above their fundamental economic values by investor psychology. The result is an asset-price bubble (资产价格泡沫), such as the tech stock market bubble of the late 1990s or the recent housing price bubble in subprime crisis.17. How to solve asymmetric information problems? 如何解决信息不对称的问题?18. Securitization and Subprime mortgage 资产证券化与次级抵押贷款(1)Subprime mortgages are mortgages for borrowers with less-than-stellar credit records.(2)Securitization is the process of transforming otherwise illiquid financial assets (such as residential mortgages, auto loans, and credit card receivables), which have typically been the main business of banking institutions, into marketable capital market securities.19. What’s time-inconsistency problem? 时间不一致问题The time -inconsistency problem is some thing we deal with continually in everyday life. We often have a plan that we know will produce a good outcome in the long run, but when tomorrow comes, we just can't help ourselves and we deny our plan because doing so has short-run gains. In other words, we find ourselves unable to consistently follow a good plan over time, and the good plan is said to be time-inconsistent and will soon be abandoned .20. Political Business Cycle 政治经济周期Political business cycle is a process that can be illustrated in the following example. Just before an election, expansionary policies are pursued to lower unemployment and interest rates. After the election, the bad effects of these policies, that is high inflation and high interest rates, come home to roost, requiring contractionary policies that politicians hope the public will forget before the next election.21. What’s money multiplier and what are the factors that affect it? 货币乘数及其影响因素?(1)The money multiplier, denoted by m, tells us how much the money supply changes for a given change in the monetary base. The relationship between the money supply, the money multiplier and the monetary base isdescribed by the following equation: M = m ×MB(2)The money multiplier is a function of the currency ratio set by depositor c, the excess reserves ratio set by banks e, and the required reserve ratio set by the Fed r. The money multiplier m is thus22. What are the tools of monetary policy? 货币政策工具There are three tools of monetary policy that can be conducted by the central bank, such as open market operations, discount lending and reserve requirements.(1)Open market operations (公开市场操作) are the most important monetary policy tool, because they are the primary determinants of changes in interest rates and the monetary base, the main source of fluctuations in the money supply. Open market purchases expand reserves and the monetary base, thereby increasing the money supply and lowering short-term interest rates. Open market sales shrink reserves and the monetary base, decreasing the money supply and raising short-term interest rates.Open market operations have four advantages over the other tools of monetary policy: ①Open market operations occur at the initiative of the Fed, which has complete control over their volume. ②Open market operations are flexible and precise, and they can be used to any extent. ③Open market operations are easily reversed.④Open market operations can be implemented quickly, since they involve no administrative delays. (2)The facility at which banks can borrow reserves from the Fed is called the discount window (贴现窗口). The facility is intended to be a backup source of liquidity for banks during financial crisis.The most important advantage of discount policy is that the Fed can use it to perform its role of lender of last resort (最后贷款人). The disadvantage of discount policy is that the decisions to take out discount loans are made by banks and are therefore not completely controlled by the Fed.(3)Changes in reserve requirements (法定存款准备金) affect the money supply by causing the money supply multiplier to change. A rise in reserve requirements reduces the amount of deposits that can be supported by a given level of the monetary base and will lead to a contraction of the money supply. A rise in reserve requirements also increases the demand for reserves and raises the federal funds rate. Conversely, a decline in reserve requirements leads to an expansion of the money supply and a fall in the federal funds rate.Reserve requirements have at least three disadvantages: ①Owing to financial innovation, reserve requirements are no longer binding for most banks, so this tool is much less effective than it once was. ②Raising the requirements can cause immediate liquidity problems for banks where reserve requirements are binding. ③Continually fluctuating reserve requirements would also create more uncertainty for banks and make their liquidity management more difficult.23. Law of One Price and Theory of Purchasing Power Parity一价定理与购买力评价理论(1)The law of one price states that if two countries produce an identical good, and transportation costs and trade barriers are very low, the price of the good should be the same throughout the world no matter which country produces it.(2)T he theory of purchasing power parity (PPP) states that exchange rates between any two currencies will adjust to reflect changes in the price levels of the two countries. The theory of PPP is simply an application of the law of one price to national price levels rather than to individual prices. The statement that exchange rates equal relative price levels is sometimes referred to as absolute PPP (绝对购买力平价). Relative PPP (相对购买力平价) states that the percentage change in the exchange rate between two currencies over any period equals the difference between the percentage changes in national price levels.24. Real Exchange Rate 实际汇率The real exchange rate refers to the rate at which domestic goods can be exchanged for foreign goods. In effect, it is the price of domestic goods relative to the price of foreign goods denominated in the domesticcurrency. For example, if a basket of goods in New York costs $50, while the cost of the same basket of goods in Tokyo costs $75 because it costs 7500 yen while the exchange rate is at 100 yen per dollar, then the real exchange rate is 0.66 (=$50/$75). The real exchange rate is below l, indicating that it is cheaper to buy the basket of goods in the United States than in Japan.25. Why the theory of purchasing power parity cannot fully explain exchange rates? 购买力平价的缺陷(1)Contrary to the assumption of the law of one price, transport costs and restrictions on trade certainly do exist. These trade barriers may be high enough to prevent some goods from being traded between countries.(2)Monopolistic practices in goods markets may interact with transport costs and other trade barriers to weaken further the link between the prices of similar goods sold in different countries.(3)Because the inflation data reported in different countries are based on different commodity baskets, there is no reason for exchange rate changes to offset official measures of inflation differences, even when there are no barriers to trade and all products are tradable.26. Monetary Neutrality 货币中性Monetary neutrality states that in the long run, a one-time percentage rise in the money supply is matched by the same one-time percentage rise in the price level, leaving unchanged the real money supply and all other real variables such as real interest rates.27. Exchange Rate Overshooting 汇率超调The phenomenon that the exchange rate falls by more in the short run than it does in the long run when the money supply increases is called exchange rate overshooting. It can help explain why exchange rates exhibit so much volatility.Exchange rate overshooting is a direct consequence of the short-run rigidity of the price level. In a hypothetical world where the price level could adjust immediately to its new, long-run level after a money supply increase, the interest rate would not fall because prices would adjust immediately and prevent the real money supply from rising. Thus, the exchange rate would maintain equilibrium simply by jumping to its new, long-run level right away.28. Interest Parity Condition 利率平价条件(1)The uncovered interest parity condition(非抛补利率平价) states that the domestic interest rate equals the foreign interest rate minus the expected appreciation of the domestic currency, or equivalently, the domestic interest rate equals the foreign interest rate plus the expected appreciation of the foreign currency. If the domestic interest rate is higher than the foreign interest rate, there is a positive expected appreciation of the foreign currency, which compensates for the lower foreign interest rate. This condition can be rewritten as(2)The covered interest parity condition(抛补利率平价) states that the rates of return on dollar deposits and “covered” foreign deposits must be the same. Suppose you want to buy a euro deposit with dollars but would like to be certain about the number of dollars it will be worth at the end of a year. You can avoid exchange rate risk by buying a euro deposit and, at the same time, selling the proceeds of your investment forward. We say you have “covered” yourself, that is, avoided the possibility of an unexpected depreciation of the euro.29. Unsterilized Foreign Exchange Intervention and Sterilized Foreign Exchange Intervention(1)A foreign exchange intervention in which a central bank allows the purchase or sale of domestic currency to have an effect on the monetary base, is called an unsterilized foreign exchange intervention (非冲销式干预). An unsterilized intervention in which domestic currency is sold to purchase foreign assets leads to a gain in international reserves, an increase in the money supply, and a depreciation of the domestic currency. Anunsterilized intervention in which domestic currency is purchased by selling foreign assets leads to a drop in international reserves, a decrease in the money supply, and an appreciation of the domestic currency.(2)A foreign exchange intervention with an offsetting open market operation that leaves the monetary base unchanged is called a sterilized foreign exchange intervention (冲销式干预). A sterilized intervention leaves the money supply unchanged and so has no direct way of affecting interest rates or the expected future exchange rate.30. Fixed Exchange Rate Regime, Floating Exchange Rate Regime and Managed Float Regime(1)In a fixed exchange rate regime (固定汇率制), the value of a currency is pegged relative to the value of one other currency, which is called the anchor currency (锚货币), so that the exchange rate is fixed in terms of the anchor currency.(2)In a floating exchange rate regime (浮动汇率制), the value of a currency is allowed to fluctuate against all other currencies.(3)When countries intervene in foreign exchange markets in an attempt to influence their exchange rates by buying and selling foreign assets, the regime is referred to as a managed floating regime (管理浮动汇率制)ora dirty floating (肮脏浮动).31. What are the advantages and disadvantages of Gold Standard? 金本位的利与弊?(1)Before World War I, the world economy operated under the gold standard, a fixed exchange rate regime in which the currency of most countries was convertible directly into gold at fixed rates, so exchange rates between currencies were also fixed.(2)The fixed exchange rates under the gold standard had the important advantage of encouraging world trade by eliminating the uncertainty that occurs when exchange rates fluctuate.(3)There are disadvantages of gold standard as follows: ①Adherence to the gold standard meant that a country had no control over its monetary policy, because its money supply was determined by gold flows between countries. ②Monetary policy throughout the world was greatly influenced by the production of gold and gold discoveries.32. Currency Board and Dollarization 货币局制度与美元化(1)Currency board (货币局制度) means that the domestic currency is backed 100% by a foreign currency and in which the note-issuing authority, whether the central bank or the government, establishes a fixed exchange rate to this foreign currency and stands ready to exchange domestic currency for the foreign currency at this rate whenever the public requests it. A currency board is just a variant of a fixed exchange-rate target in which the commitment to the fixed exchange rate is especially strong because the conduct of monetary policy is in effect put on autopilot, and taken completely out of the hands of the central bank and the government.(2)Dollarization (美元化) means the adoption of a sound currency, like the U.S. dollar, as a country’s money. Indeed, dollarization is just another variant of a fixed exchange-rate target with an even stronger commitment mechanism than a currency board provides. The common disadvantage of both regimes is that a country that ties its exchange rate to an anchor currency of a larger country loses control of its monetary policy.33. Quantity Theory of Money 货币数量论The quantity theory of money states that nominal income is determined solely by movements in the quantity of money. We can derive the conclusion from the equation of exchange (交易方程式): MV=PY.Since the institutional and technological features of the economy would affect velocity of money (货币流通速度) only slowly over time, so velocity V would normally be reasonably constant in the short run.Because the classical economists thought that wages and prices were completely flexible, they believed that the level of aggregate output Y produced in the economy during normal times would remain at the full-employment level, so Y in the equation of exchange could also be treated as reasonably constant in the short run.So, for the classical economists, the quantity theory of money provided an explanation of movements in the price level: movements in the price level result solely from changes in the quantity of money.34. Liquidity Preference Theory 流动性偏好理论The liquidity preference theory of John Maynard Keynes pointed out that there are three motives behind the demand for money: the transactions motive, the precautionary motive, and the speculative motive. The demand of money for transaction and precautionary motives is proportional to income, while the demand of money for speculative motive is negatively related to the level of interest rate. So the demand for real money balances is a function of interest rate and income as follow35. Friedman’s Modern Quantity Theory of Money 弗里德曼的现代货币数量论Friedman stated that the demand for money should be a function of the resources available to individuals (their wealth) and the expected returns on other assets relative to the expected return on money. From this reasoning, Friedman expressed his formulation of the demand for money as follows:Unlike Keynes’s theory, which indicates that interest rates are an important determinant of the demand for money, Friedman's theory suggests that changes in interest rates should have little effect on the demand for money.36. Crowding Out Effect of Fiscal Policy 财政政策的挤出效应Expansionary fiscal policy will crowd out investment and net exports, which decrease because of the rise in the interest rate. This situation is called crowding out (挤出效应).When the demand for money is unaffected by the interest rate, the LM curve is vertical. An expansionary fiscal policy does not lead to a rise in output but a sharp in interest rate, which means the increased government spending have completely crowed out investment and net exports. This situation is called complete crowding out (完全挤出).37. Transmission Mechanisms of Monetary Policy 货币政策传导机制(1)Traditional Interest-Rate Channel 利率机制An expansionary monetary policy leads to a fall in real interest rates, which in turn lowers the cost of capital, causing a rise in investment spending, thereby leading to an increase in aggregate demand and a rise in output.(2)Exchange Rate Channel 汇率机制An expansionary monetary policy leads to a fall in real interest rates, which in turn the currency depreciates, causing a rise in net exports, thereby leading to an increase in aggregate demand and a rise in output.(3)Tobin’s q Theory 托宾q理论。
Chapter One Functions of Financial Markets 一.Translate the following sentences into Chinese.1.China’s banking industry is now supervised by the PBC and CBRC. In addition, the MOFis in charge of financial accounting and taxation part of banking regulation and management.目前中国银行业主要由中国人民银行和银监会进行监管。
2.Currently Chinese fund management companies are engaged in the following business:securities investment fund, entrusted asset management, investment consultancy, management of national social security funds, enterprise pension funds and QDII businesses.目前中国的基金管理公司主要从事以下业务:证券投资基金业务、受托资产管理业务、投资咨询业务、社保基金管理业务、企业年金管理业务和合格境内机构投资者业务等。
3.China's economy had 10% growth rate in the years before the world financial crisisof 2008. That economic expansion resulted from big trade surpluses and full investment.Now China is seeking to move away from that growth model. The country is working to balance exports with demand at home.在2008年世界经济危机之前的那些年,中国经济增长速度曾达到10%。
金融行业英语面试常见问题1. 请谈谈你对金融行业的了解和兴趣。
2. 你能谈谈金融行业的风险管理吗?金融行业的风险管理是确保金融机构能够在面临各种风险时保持稳定和可持续性的关键过程。
3. 对你来说,金融分析的重要性是什么?金融分析是评估和解释公司或个人的财务状况和业绩的过程。
4. 你能解释一下什么是货币政策吗?货币政策是由中央银行制定和执行的政策,旨在控制货币供应和利率,以影响经济的发展和稳定。
5. 请谈谈你对金融市场的了解。
Part One1. What are the main roles of banks?答:Although banks share many common features with other profit-seeking business,they play a unique role in the economy through mobilizing savings,allocating capital funds to fiance productive investment,transmitting monetary policy,providinga payment system and transforming risks.3. According to the revised edition of the Law of the People's Republic of China on the People's Bank of China ,what functions does the PBC perform?答:The PBC 's key functions are to conduct monetary policy, prevent and dissolve financial risks, and maintain financial stability under the leadership of the State Council.4. Can you give some examples of indirect instruments for implementing monetary policy?答:Indirect instruments as required reserve ratio, interest rate adjustment and open market operations.9. What is your definition of share and bond?答:Shares are certificates or book entries representing ownership in a corporation or similar entity.Bonds are written evidences of debts.13. What is your definition of “securities”?答:Securities are paper certificates (definitive securities) or electronic records (book-entry securities) evidencing ownership of equity (stock) or debt obligations (bonds).Part Two2. What are the objectives of banking supervision?First, the key objective of supervision is to maintain stability and public confidence in financial system.The second goal of bank supervisions to ensure that bank operate in a safe and sound manner and that they hold capital and reserve sufficient to cover the risks that may arise in their business.Third, a related goal is to protect depositors’ funds and , if any bank should fail, to minimize the losses to be absorbed by the deposit insurance fund.The fourth goal of bank supervision is to foster an efficient and competition banking system that is responsive to the public need for high quality financial services at reasonable cost.The fifth and final goal of bank supervision is to ensure compliance with banking laws and regulations.3. What risks might the commercial banks have to face?(1)credit risk (2)market risk (3)liquidity risk (4)operational risk (5)legal risk (6)reputation risk4. What are the implication of credit risk, market risk, liquidity risk and operational risk?Credit risk: A major type of risk that banks face is credit risk or the failure of a counterpart to perform according to a contractual arrangement.Market risk: Two specific elements of market risk are foreign exchange risk and interest risk. Banks face a risk of losses in on- and off-balance sheet positions arising from movement in exchange rates. Interest rate risk prefers to the exposure of a bank’s financial condition to adverse movements in interest rates.Liquidity risk: Liquidity risk arises from the inability of a bank to accommodate decreases in liabilities or to fund increases in assets.Operational risk: The most important types of operational risk involve breakdowns in internal controls and corporate governance..5.At what levels does the Basel Accord set the minimum capital ratio requirements for internationally active banks?The Accord sets minimum capital ratio requirements for internationally active banks of 4% tier one capita and 8% total capital (tier one plus tier two) in relation to risk-weighted assets.Part Three1. What does foreign exchange include ?答:Foreign exchange includes the following means of payments and assets denominated in a foreign currency that can be used for international settlement:●Foreign currencies, including banknotes and coins;●Payment vouchers denominated in foreign currency, including negotiableinstruments, bank certificates of deposit and certificates of postal savings;●Securities denominated in foreign currency, including government bonds,corporate bonds and stocks;●Super-national currencies such as Special Drawing Rights and the Euro; and●Other assets denominated in foreign currency.3. What are the requirements for domestic institutions for opening foreign exchange accounts abroad?答:Domestic entities which meet one of the following requirements may apply for opening a foreign exchange account abroad:●Expecting small amount income during a certain period of time abroad;●Expecting small amount ex penditure during a certain period of time abroad;●Undertaking overseas construction projects;and issuing securities denominated in foreign currency abroad.6. Give the definition of foreign exchange?答:Foreign exchange , or forex , is foreign money. All foreign currency, consisting of founds held with banks abroad, or bills or cheques, again in foreign currency and payable abroad , are termed foreign exchange.9. Give the definition of spot and forward transaction?答:Spot transactions involve today’s p rices of currency and delivery of the currency within two business days, except for Canadian dollar (CAD), which must be delivered in one day.10. Tell the difference between forward and futures transactions?答:(1) Forward transactions involve today’s pr ices of currency and delivery on a stipulated future date.(2) Futures transactions are always traded on exchanges. In order to be marketable on exchanges, futures contracts are standardized in terms of quantity, settlement datesand quotation.Part Four14. How could a bank earn interest income?答:The principal source of income for the majority of banks is still the interest received on the funds that the institution has at its disposal and is able to lend out in some form.Whenever a bank lends out money it will generally charge interest to the customer.21. Why should a bank keep sufficient liquid assets?答:It is important for a bank to hold sufficient liquid assets to meet the demands of depositors who may seek to withdraw their funds. However,maintenance of too high a level of liquid assets could be expensive. Cash balances in particular yield no income,yet will cost the same as any other asset to fund.25. What are the three major activities included in a bank's Statement of Cash Flows?答:The statement of cash flows reports cash flows relating to operating,investing and financing activities of a bank.Part five4. What are negotiable instruments? list some examples.答:From a functional perspective, negotiable instruments are documents used in commerce to secure the payment of money. Paying large sums of money in cash is both inconvenient and, unfortunately, risky. In all cases, negotiable instruments represent a right to payment. A right is, by definition, a promise and not a tangible piece of property. So, negotiable instruments are classified as choses in action. The three main types of them are the following: Bills of Exchange, Cheques, Promissory Notes.7. What’s the difference between capital lease and operating lease?答:1: Whether the ownership of property is to be transferred by the end of lease term.2: Whether the lease has an operation to purchase the leased property at a bargain price.3: The lease term is long to or short in according to the estimated economic life of the leased property.4: Whether the lease is a cancelable lease.5: Whether the lease is full-payout lease.9. What’s the meaning of Account Receivable Financing?答:Accounts Receivable represents a promise from customers to pay for a goods sold or services rendered. Account Receivable Financing is a form of collateralized lending in which accounts receivables are the collateral.12. What are basic characteristics of money mark securities?答:Money-mark securities, which are discussed in details later in this chapter, have three basic characteristics in common:They are usually sold in large denominations.They have low default risk.They mature in one year or less from their original issue date. Most money marker instruments mature in less than 120 days.Why teasury bills are attractive to investors?答:Teasury bills are attractive to investors because they are backed by the government and therefore are virtually free of default risk .Even if the government ran out of money, it could simply print more to pay them off when they mature.The risk of unexpected changes in inflation is also low because of their short-termmaturity. 15. What are the features of inter-bank markets?答:Inter-bank markets are money markets in which short-term funds transferred (lent or borrowed) between financial institutions, usually for one day, that is , they are usually overnight investment . The interest rate for borrowing these funds is close to ,but always slightly higher than ,the rate that is available from the central bank. 17.How have NCDs become the second most popular money market instruments?答:Negotiable CDs are in large denominations .Although NCDs denominations are too large for individual investors , they are sometimes purchased by money market funds that have pooled individua l investor’s funds. Thus , the existence of money market funds allows individuals to be indirect investors in NCDs ,marking a more active NCD market.19.What products does the on-line banking provide?答:basic products and services, intermediate products and services ,advanced products and services.Part Six1,What categories can the loan be divided according to their risk?答:The five-category system classifies bank loans according to their inherent risks as pass(normal),special-mention,substandard,doubtful and loss.What are the commonly used methods of credit analysis?答:Tranditionally,key risk factors have been classified according to the five CS of credit:character,capital,capacity,conditions,and collateral. Golden and Walker identify the five CS of bad credit,representing things to guard against to help prevent problems.These include complacency,carelessness,communication breakdown,contingencies,and competition.A useful framework for sorting out the facts and opinions in credit analysis is the 5Ps approach:people,purpose,payment,protection,and perspective.How can a bank take security for an advance?答:A bank has different kinds of security as cover for advance to his customers.There are several ways in which a bank may take security for an advance by lien,pledge,mortgage and hypothecation.。
金融英语试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. Which of the following is not a type of financial instrument?A. StockB. BondC. DerivativeD. Commodity2. The term "leverage" in finance refers to:A. The use of borrowed funds to increase the potential return of an investment.B. The amount of money invested in a project.C. The process of buying and selling securities.D. The risk associated with a particular investment.3. What does the acronym "IPO" stand for?A. International Public OfferingB. Initial Public OfferingC. Internal Private OfferingD. International Private Offering4. The primary market is where:A. Securities are issued for the first time to the public.B. Securities are traded after they have been issued.C. Companies buy back their own securities.D. Investors sell their securities to other investors.5. A bear market is characterized by:A. A prolonged period of falling prices.B. A period of economic growth.C. A period of high inflation.D. A period of low unemployment.6. The term "risk management" in finance involves:A. Predicting future market trends.B. Identifying potential risks and taking steps tomitigate them.C. Maximizing returns on investments.D. Managing the day-to-day operations of a financial institution.7. A "blue chip" stock refers to:A. A stock that is considered to be of high quality and carries a lower risk.B. A stock that is traded on a blue-colored chip.C. A stock that is considered to be very risky.D. A stock that is traded on a major stock exchange.8. The process of "short selling" involves:A. Borrowing securities and selling them in the hope of buying them back at a lower price.B. Selling securities that the investor does not own.C. Buying securities with the expectation that their price will increase.D. Holding securities for a long period of time.9. What is the role of a "broker" in finance?A. To provide financial advice to clients.B. To facilitate the buying and selling of securities between investors.C. To manage a company's financial transactions.D. To underwrite securities for companies.10. The "efficient market hypothesis" suggests that:A. Stock prices fully reflect all available information.B. It is possible to consistently beat the market by picking individual stocks.C. Investors are irrational and make poor decisions.D. The market is always undervalued.二、填空题(每题1分,共10分)11. The _______ is the process by which a company raisescapital by issuing shares to the public for the first time. 12. A _______ is a financial contract that obligates thebuyer to purchase an asset or the seller to sell an asset ata predetermined future date and price.13. The _______ is the market where existing securities are bought and sold.14. The _______ is a measure of the risk of an investment compared to the return it is expected to generate.15. When the stock market is experiencing a significant and sustained increase in prices, it is known as a _______ market.16. A _______ is a financial institution that acceptsdeposits and provides various types of loans to customers. 17. The _______ is a measure of the ability of a company to pay its current debts with its current assets.18. A _______ is a financial statement that shows a company's financial performance over a period of time.19. The _______ is a type of investment strategy that focuseson long-term growth potential.20. An _______ is a financial instrument that derives its value from an underlying asset.三、简答题(每题5分,共30分)21. Explain the difference between a "mutual fund" and a "hedge fund".22. Describe the concept of "diversification" in investment.23. What is "inflation" and how does it affect the value of money?24. Discuss the role of "central banks" in the economy.四、论述题(每题20分,共20分)25. Discuss the impact of globalization on the financial markets and provide examples to support your argument.五、案例分析题(每题20分,共20分)26. Analyze a recent financial crisis and discuss the factors that contributed to it, the impact it had on the global economy, and the lessons that can be learned from it.答案:一、选择题1-5 D A B A A6-10 B A A B A二、填空题11. Initial Public Offering (IPO)。
1.Only what happens if the supply is less than demand?(actual price is higher than the equilibrium price)2.When the Consumer income and established conditions for commodity prices is still, consumers can buy the two commodities to the greatest number of combinations.What did the Line call?(consumption may Line)3.Opportunity cost:(Measures the cost of doing “x” in terms of what else might be done)4.The normal downward slope of demand curves is necessarily explained by:(Limited spending power)5.For a closed two-good economy, the output of the two goods should be at the point where:(The highest indifference curve touches the production possibility curve).The “J-curve” shows that following depreciation:(The cost of imports rises immediately from the price effect, worsening the current account bal-ance, but later quantities of imports and exports respond and the current account balance im-proves)7.Which of the following statements about standby letters of credit is true? :(They can serve as a guarantee to a buyer against a seller defaulting)8.What information would you find in a statement of cash flows that you would not be able to get from the other two primary financial statements?(Total liabilities due to creditors at the end of the period)*8&16.Which of the following is not a characteristic of a competitive industry?(There is a fierce price war among rivals.)9.Which of these best describesthe U.S.Federal Reserve?(Responsible for monetary policy/money supply)10.What is the basic purpose of profits in our market economy?(Lead businesses to produce what consumers want)11.Which of the following will NOT cause a shift in the demand for baseballs?(An increase in the price of baseballs)12.Decreasing returns to scale may arise from(Inefficiencies in management)13.If the marginal rate of technological substitution(MRTS)is more than the price ratio of labor over capital(w/r), then to minimize cost the firm should Decrease the input of capital and increase the input of labor.14.The price of a good changes, both the substitution effect and the income effect reinforce each other, then the good is a(n)(Normal good)15.What market is the Most in need of the advertising?(Competitive monopoly market)16.American economist Modigliani’s life-cycle hypothesis is that:(Work time after retirement savings for the consumer finance)17.According to the rules of debit and credit for balance sheet accounts:(Decreases in asset and liability accounts are recorded by credits)18.Individuals will accept the medium of exchange in return for goods and services only if they are confident that:(They can exchange it for gold)19.The prices of meat products in a competitive market are determined by:(Supply and demand)20.Which one of the following is most likely to improve the wages of American workers?(An increase in productivity)二、阅读题(一共5题,每题4分,共20分)Reading A:Laura James is the head portfolio manager for national Fund 1.Assume an industry exhibits tendencies of “regression toward the mean.”This could mean all of thefollowing EXCEPT:(Profits increase as firms enter the industry)2.In a recessionary environment, an automaker such as Ford would be expected to:(Produce lower end vehicles)3.Assume domestic automakers are growing at a rate of –2%.Ford expects to increase its market share by 0.5%.What is Ford’s growth rate?(–1.51%)(1 + growth of firm sales)=(1 + growth of industry sales)x(1 + fractional change of market share)= 0.98 x 1.005= 0.9849Growth of firm sales = –1.51%4.Suppose instead that Ford’s growth of firm sales is expected to be –3% and the growth of industry sales is 1%.What is Ford’s expected change in market share?(-4%)0.97 = 1.01 x(1 + x)0.9604 = 1 + x–3.96% = x5.Which of the following scenarios would be most likely to have a positive impact on Ford’s market share?(An increase in its marketing budget)Reading B:Liquidity is a measure of how quickly an item may be converted to cash.1.Long-term assets are all assets other than current assets.(Doesn’t say)2.Supplies are less liquid than accounts receivable, and furniture and buildings are even less so.(Right)3.People are interested in liabilities on the balance sheet because it is relatively liquid.(Wrong)Reading C:Whereas the money markets provide very short-term loans, the capital market takes account of medium and long-term loans.4.An industrial corporate can meet its financial needs by seeking funds from the capital markets.(Right)5.Nowadays a private business usually obtains its workingcapital through a commercial bank.(Wrong)6.In the UK commercial banks often raise funds by issuing bands and stocks.(Doesn’t say)三、简答题(一共8题,每题5分,共40分)需要先把题目翻译成中文,用英语回答内容。
金融 常见英文问题
![金融 常见英文问题](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/ddb5e8c8a1116c175f0e7cd184254b35eefd1ae5.png)
金融常见英文问题一、金融市场基础知识1. What is the difference between a primary and secondary market?2. What are the main types of financial markets?3. What is the role of market makers in the financial market?4. What is the meaning of market efficiency?二、投资策略与风险管理1. What is the difference between active and passive investment strategies?2. What is diversification and how does it help in risk management?3. What is the role of risk management in investment decision-making?4. What are the common measures used to manage investment risk?三、金融产品与服务1. What are the main types of financial products?2. What is the difference between a deposit and a loan?3. What is the role of insurance in financial planning?4. What are the common types of financial services provided by banks?四、金融监管与政策1. What is the purpose of financial regulation?2. What are the main types of financial regulations?3. What is the role of central banks in financial regulation?4. How do fiscal and monetary policies interact with each other?五、金融科技与数字化金融1. What is the difference between fintech and traditional finance?2. What are the main types of fintech applications?3. How does blockchain technology affect the financial industry?4. How has digitalization changed the financial industry?六、国际金融与汇率1. What is the difference between domestic and international finance?2. What is the role of exchange rates in international trade?3. How does inflation affect exchange rates?4. What are the main institutions involved in international finance?。
Chapter 11. What are the five parts of the financial system and their functions?The five parts of the financial system are money, financial instruments, financial markets, financial institutions, and central banks. We use money to pay for our purchases and to store wealth. We use financial instruments to transfer resources from savers to investors and to transfer risk to those who are best equipped to bear it. Financial markets allow us to buy and sell financial instruments quickly and cheaply. Financial institutions provide a number of services, including access to the financial markets and collection of information about prospective borrowers to ensure they are creditworthy. Central banks monitor and stabilize the economy.2. What does the international financial system include?The international financial system includes the international money and capital markets and the foreign exchange market. The international money market trades short-term claims with an original maturity of one year or less while the international capital market trades capital market instruments with an original maturity greater than one year. A crucial part of the international financial system is the foreign exchange market, where foreign currencies are bought and sold in the course of trading goods, services, and financial claims among countries.Chapter 21. What is the difference between money and currency?Economists define money(also referred to as the money supply) as anything that is generally accepted in payment for goods or services or in the repayment of debts. Currency, consisting of dollar bills and coins, clearly fits this definition and is one type of money.2.Please summarize the measures of the monetary aggregates as defined by the Federal Reserve of the United States.M1=currency+Demand deposits+Other checkable depositsM2=M1+Small-denomination time deposits+ Savings deposits and money market deposit accounts+ Money market mutual fund shares( non-institutional)M3=M2+Large-denomination time deposits+ Money market mutual fund shares( institutional)+Repurchase agreements+Eurodollars.Chapter 31. What are commercial banks?A commercial bank is an institution that accepts deposits and uses the proceeds to make consumer, commercial, and mortgage loans. Originally established to meet the needs of businesses, many of these banks now serve individual customers as well. Today, commercial banks tend to specialize as community, regional and super-regional, or money center banks.2.How are saving banks different from savings and loan institutions?Saving banks respond more flexibly to the changing economic and financial circumstances than S&Ls. A higher proportion of savings banks have remained mutual than has been the case with S&Ls.Chapter 41. What is the difference between the financial intermediation process of finance companies and that of banking institutions?The financial intermediation process of finance companies can be described by saying that they borrow in large amounts but often lend in small amounts▬ a process quite different from that of banking institutions, which collect deposits in small amounts and then often make large loans.2.Please compare the function of securities brokers and dealers.Brokers are pure intermediaries who act as agents for investors in the purchase or sale of securities. Their function is to match buyers with sellers, a function for which they are paid brokerage commissions. In contrast to brokers, dealers link buyers and sellers by standing ready to buy and sell securities at given prices. Therefore dealers hold inventories of securities and make their living by selling these securities for a slightly higher price than they paid for them.Chapter 51.What is the difference between the nominal interest and the real interest?The interest that makes no allowance of inflation is referred to as the nominal interest rate, which is distinguish it from the real rate, the interest that is adjusted for expected changes in the price level so that it more accurately reflects the true cost of borrowing.2.Why is the concept of the present value extremely useful?The concept of the present value is extremely useful because it allows us to figure out today’s value of credit market instrument at a given sample of interest rate I by just adding up the individual present values of all the future payments received. The concept allows us to obtain an equivalent measure of the interest rate on all types of credit market instruments.Chapter 61. What are the characteristics of money market securities?●They are usually sold in large denominations.●They have low default risk.●The mature in one year or less from their original issue date. Most money market instrumentsmature in less than 120 days.2. Please name at least three kinds of money market instruments.●Treasury bills●Negotiable certificates of the deposit●Commercial paper●Banker’s acceptance●Repurchase agreementsChapter 71.What are the day-to-day jobs of central banks?Provide loans during times of financial stressManage the payments systemOversee the commercial banks and the financial system2.What are the differences between central banks and national banks?Any central bank’s main responsibility is the management of the monetary policy to ensure a stable currency. This is distinct from the goal of a national bank which to ensure a stable domestic economy. Unlike the national bank, a central bank usually quite narrowly aims to manage inflation as well as deflation, and intervenes primarily through open market operations in which it achieves its monetary tasks by massive buying or selling, rather than by regulations. A national bank will have more mechanisms to deal with asset inflation, regional development, and to require that sustainable development, and industrial policy, or domestic-focused industries are favored. A national bank is rarely separate from its government.Chapter 81.What are the advantages of open market operations over the other tools of monetarypolicy?●Central banks have complete control over open market operations over their volume.●Open market operations are flexible and precise; they can be used to any extent.●Open market operations are easily reversed.●Open market operations can be implemented quickly; they involve no administrative delays.2.What are the goals of monetary policy?●high employment●economic growth●price stability●interest-rate stability●stability of financial marketsChapter 91.What are the primary market and secondary market?Capital market trading occurs in either the primary market or the secondary markets. The primary market is where new issues of stocks and bonds are introduced. A secondary market is where the sale of previously issued securities takes place. There are two types of exchanges in the secondary market for capital securities: organized exchanges and over-the-counter (OTC) exchanges.2.What is a down payment?To obtain a mortgage loan, the lender-usually requires the borrower to make a down payment on the property, that is, to pay a portion of the purchase price. Down payments are intended to make the borrower less likely to default on the loan and reduce moral hazard for the borrower. Chapter 101.How do futures contract differ from forwards contract?Forward contracts are negotiated between t wo parties and, therefore, can have unique specifications that depend on the demands of those parties. Because they are customized, forward contracts are very difficult to resell to someone else. Forward contracts, on the other hand, tend to be used when the credit rating of the contracting parties is high and easy to verify.By contrast, futures contracts are standardized contracts that are traded on exchanges.The exchange specifies the exact commodity, the contract size, and where and when delivery will be made. It is, therefore, easy for parties to a futures contract to t erminate their positions before the specified delivery date. Because of t heir careful procedures to protect against the risk of contract default by requiring the posting of margin,furthers markets are used by individuals and firms whose credit rating may be costly to check.2.What are the three stages does currency swap have?●an initial exchange of principal: the two counterparties exchange principal amounts at anagreed exchange rate. This can be a notional exchange since its purpose is to establish the principal amounts as a reference point for the calculation of interest payments and the re-exchange of the principal amounts.●exchange of interest payments on agreed dates based on outstanding principal amounts andagreed fixed interest rates.●re-exchange of the principal amounts at a predetermined exchange rate so the parties end upwith their original currencies.Chapter111.What is the different between a spot transaction and an outright forward transaction?The only difference is that spot is settled, or delivered, on a value date no later than two business days after the deal date, while outright forward is settled on any pre-agreed date three or more business days after the deal date.2. How are option different from a forward contract and future contract?Options are unique in that the right to execute will be exercised only if it is in the holder’s interest to do so.That differs from a forward contract, in which the parties are obligated to execute the transaction on the maturity date, and it differs from a futures contract, in which the parties are obligated, in principle to transact at maturity, but that obligation easily can be—and normally is—bought out and liquidated before the maturity or delivery date.Chapter121.What are the four basic categories within the current account?The four basic categories within the current account are:The goods category includes imports and exports of tangible goodsThe services category includes flows of payment in exchange for services countries provide to each otherThe income category measures cross-border compensation of employees. It also includes interest and dividend payments to foreign residents and governments who hold domestic financial assets, as well as payments received by domestic residents and governments who hold financial assets abroad.Transfer payments include unilateral gifts or payments from private citizens and government of a country to people living abroad or vice versa.2.How do you understand a balance-of-payment deficit, surplus, and equilibrium?A balance-of-payments deficit refers to a situation in which the official settlements balance is positive. Ignoring a statistical discrepancy, if the sum of the credits and debits in the current account and the capital and financial account is negative, private payments made to foreigners exceed private payments received from foreigners. In this case, the official settlements balance must be positive. This is called a balance-of-payments deficit. A situation where the sum of the debits and credits in the current and the capital and financial account is positive means that private payments received from foreigners exceed private payments made to foreigners. In this case, the official settlements balance is negative, and there is a balance-of-payments surplus. A balance-of-payments equilibrium refers to a situation where the sum of the debits and credits in the current account and capital and financial account is zero, and thus the official settlements balance is zero. Chapter131.Why are many commercial banks establishing branches around the world? International business allows companies to diversify among various economies so that their performance is less dependent on economic conditions of any single country.Furthermore, the establishment of branches allows a bank to do business face to face with subsidiaries of multinational corporations. The global expertise of some of the larger banks distinguishes them from the small and medium banks and enables them to dominate business by attracting the large corporations.2.What are the most common types of risk to which multinational banks are exposed?The most common types of risk to which multinational banks are exposed are:credit risk, exchange rate risk, settlement risk, interest rate risk as well as country risk.。
Chapter 11. What are the five parts of the financial system and their functions?The five parts of the financial system are money, financial instruments, financial markets, financial institutions, and central banks. We use money to pay for our purchases and to store wealth. We use financial instruments to transfer resources from savers to investors and to transfer risk to those who are best equipped to bear it. Financial markets allow us to buy and sell financial instruments quickly and cheaply. Financial institutions provide a number of services, including access to the financial markets and collection of information about prospective borrowers to ensure they are creditworthy. Central banks monitor and stabilize the economy.2. What does the international financial system include?The international financial system includes the international money and capital markets and the foreign exchange market. The international money market trades short-term claims with an original maturity of one year or less while the international capital market trades capital market instruments with an original maturity greater than one year. A crucial part of the international financial system is the foreign exchange market, where foreign currencies are bought and sold in the course of trading goods, services, and financial claims among countries.Chapter 21. What is the difference between money and currency?Economists define money(also referred to as the money supply) as anything that is generally accepted in payment for goods or services or in the repayment of debts. Currency, consisting of dollar bills and coins, clearly fits this definition and is one type of money.2.Please summarize the measures of the monetary aggregates as defined by the Federal Reserve of the United States.M1=currency+Demand deposits+Other checkable depositsM2=M1+Small-denomination time deposits+ Savings deposits and money market deposit accounts+ Money market mutual fund shares( non-institutional)M3=M2+Large-denomination time deposits+ Money market mutual fund shares( institutional)+Repurchase agreements+Eurodollars.Chapter 31. What are commercial banks?A commercial bank is an institution that accepts deposits and uses the proceeds to make consumer, commercial, and mortgage loans. Originally established to meet the needs of businesses, many of these banks now serve individual customers as well. Today, commercial banks tend to specialize as community, regional and super-regional, or money center banks.2.How are saving banks different from savings and loan institutions?Saving banks respond more flexibly to the changing economic and financial circumstances than S&Ls. A higher proportion of savings banks have remained mutual than has been the case with S&Ls.Chapter 41. What is the difference between the financial intermediation process of finance companies and that of banking institutions?The financial intermediation process of finance companies can be described by saying that they borrow in large amounts but often lend in small amounts▬ a process quite different from that of banking institutions, which collect deposits in small amounts and then often make large loans.2.Please compare the function of securities brokers and dealers.Brokers are pure intermediaries who act as agents for investors in the purchase or sale of securities. Their function is to match buyers with sellers, a function for which they are paid brokerage commissions. In contrast to brokers, dealers link buyers and sellers by standing ready to buy and sell securities at given prices. Therefore dealers hold inventories of securities and make their living by selling these securities for a slightly higher price than they paid for them.Chapter 51.What is the difference between the nominal interest and the real interest?The interest that makes no allowance of inflation is referred to as the nominal interest rate, which is distinguish it from the real rate, the interest that is adjusted for expected changes in the price level so that it more accurately reflects the true cost of borrowing.2.Why is the concept of the present value extremely useful?The concept of the present value is extremely useful because it allows us to figure out today’s value of credit market instrument at a given sample of interest rate I by just adding up the individual present values of all the future payments received. The concept allows us to obtain an equivalent measure of the interest rate on all types of credit market instruments.Chapter 61. What are the characteristics of money market securities?●They are usually sold in large denominations.●They have low default risk.●The mature in one year or less from their original issue date. Most money market instrumentsmature in less than 120 days.2. Please name at least three kinds of money market instruments.●Treasury bills●Negotiable certificates of the deposit●Commercial paper●Banker’s acceptance●Repurchase agreementsChapter 71.What are the day-to-day jobs of central banks?Provide loans during times of financial stressManage the payments systemOversee the commercial banks and the financial system2.What are the differences between central banks and national banks?Any central bank’s main responsibility is the management of the monetary policy to ensure a stable currency. This is distinct from the goal of a national bank which to ensure a stable domestic economy. Unlike the national bank, a central bank usually quite narrowly aims to manage inflation as well as deflation, and intervenes primarily through open market operations in which it achieves its monetary tasks by massive buying or selling, rather than by regulations. A national bank will have more mechanisms to deal with asset inflation, regional development, and to require that sustainable development, and industrial policy, or domestic-focused industries are favored. A national bank is rarely separate from its government.Chapter 81.What are the advantages of open market operations over the other tools of monetarypolicy?●Central banks have complete control over open market operations over their volume.●Open market operations are flexible and precise; they can be used to any extent.●Open market operations are easily reversed.●Open market operations can be implemented quickly; they involve no administrative delays.2.What are the goals of monetary policy?●high employment●economic growth●price stability●interest-rate stability●stability of financial marketsChapter 91.What are the primary market and secondary market?Capital market trading occurs in either the primary market or the secondary markets. The primary market is where new issues of stocks and bonds are introduced. A secondary market is where the sale of previously issued securities takes place. There are two types of exchanges in the secondary market for capital securities: organized exchanges and over-the-counter (OTC) exchanges.2.What is a down payment?To obtain a mortgage loan, the lender-usually requires the borrower to make a down payment on the property, that is, to pay a portion of the purchase price. Down payments are intended to make the borrower less likely to default on the loan and reduce moral hazard for the borrower. Chapter 101.How do futures contract differ from forwards contract?Forward contracts are negotiated between t wo parties and, therefore, can have unique specifications that depend on the demands of those parties. Because they are customized, forward contracts are very difficult to resell to someone else. Forward contracts, on the other hand, tend to be used when the credit rating of the contracting parties is high and easy to verify.By contrast, futures contracts are standardized contracts that are traded on exchanges.The exchange specifies the exact commodity, the contract size, and where and when delivery will be made. It is, therefore, easy for parties to a futures contract to t erminate their positions before the specified delivery date. Because of t heir careful procedures to protect against the risk of contract default by requiring the posting of margin,furthers markets are used by individuals and firms whose credit rating may be costly to check.2.What are the three stages does currency swap have?●an initial exchange of principal: the two counterparties exchange principal amounts at anagreed exchange rate. This can be a notional exchange since its purpose is to establish the principal amounts as a reference point for the calculation of interest payments and the re-exchange of the principal amounts.●exchange of interest payments on agreed dates based on outstanding principal amounts andagreed fixed interest rates.●re-exchange of the principal amounts at a predetermined exchange rate so the parties end upwith their original currencies.Chapter111.What is the different between a spot transaction and an outright forward transaction? The only difference is that spot is settled, or delivered, on a value date no later than two business days after the deal date, while outright forward is settled on any pre-agreed date three or more business days after the deal date.2. How are option different from a forward contract and future contract?Options are unique in that the right to execute will be exercised only if it is in the holder’s interest to do so.That differs from a forward contract, in which the parties are obligated to execute the transaction on the maturity date, and it differs from a futures contract, in which the parties are obligated, in principle to transact at maturity, but that obligation easily can be—and normally is—bought out and liquidated before the maturity or delivery date.Chapter121.What are the four basic categories within the current account?The four basic categories within the current account are:The goods category includes imports and exports of tangible goodsThe services category includes flows of payment in exchange for services countries provide to each otherThe income category measures cross-border compensation of employees. It also includes interest and dividend payments to foreign residents and governments who hold domestic financial assets, as well as payments received by domestic residents and governments who hold financial assets abroad.Transfer payments include unilateral gifts or payments from private citizens and government of a country to people living abroad or vice versa.2.How do you understand a balance-of-payment deficit, surplus, and equilibrium?A balance-of-payments deficit refers to a situation in which the official settlements balance is positive. Ignoring a statistical discrepancy, if the sum of the credits and debits in the current account and the capital and financial account is negative, private payments made to foreigners exceed private payments received from foreigners. In this case, the official settlements balance must be positive. This is called a balance-of-payments deficit. A situation where the sum of the debits and credits in the current and the capital and financial account is positive means that private payments received from foreigners exceed private payments made to foreigners. In this case, the official settlements balance is negative, and there is a balance-of-payments surplus. A balance-of-payments equilibrium refers to a situation where the sum of the debits and credits in the current account and capital and financial account is zero, and thus the official settlements balance is zero.Chapter131.Why are many commercial banks establishing branches around the world? International business allows companies to diversify among various economies so that their performance is less dependent on economic conditions of any single country.Furthermore, the establishment of branches allows a bank to do business face to face with subsidiaries of multinational corporations. The global expertise of some of the larger banks distinguishes them from the small and medium banks and enables them to dominate business by attracting the large corporations.2.What are the most common types of risk to which multinational banks are exposed?The most common types of risk to which multinational banks are exposed are:credit risk, exchange rate risk, settlement risk, interest rate risk as well as country risk.。
银行金融英语试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. Which of the following is not a type of investment?A. StocksB. BondsC. Savings AccountD. Insurance答案:D2. The term "leverage" in finance refers to:A. The use of borrowed money to increase the potential return of an investment.B. The process of selling a security that the investor does not own.C. The ability to purchase more of an asset than one can afford.D. A financial instrument that provides a guarantee of payment.答案:A3. What does "NPV" stand for in financial analysis?A. Net Present ValueB. Net Profit ValueC. Net Product ValueD. None of the above答案:A4. A "bear market" is characterized by:A. A long period of falling prices.B. A period of economic growth.C. A market where only bears are traded.D. A market with high volatility.答案:A5. The process of evaluating a company's financial health is known as:A. Financial AnalysisB. Market AnalysisC. Risk AnalysisD. Portfolio Management答案:A6. Which of the following is a measure of a company's profitability?A. EBITDAB. ROIC. P/E RatioD. All of the above答案:D7. In banking, "LIBOR" stands for:A. London Interbank Borrowed RateB. London International Banking OrganizationC. London International Business OrganizationD. London Interbank Business Rate答案:A8. A "derivative" in finance is:A. A product that derives its value from the value of another underlying asset.B. A type of savings account.C. A type of insurance policy.D. A type of investment fund.答案:A9. What is the primary function of a central bank?A. To manage the country's monetary policy.B. To provide financial advice to individuals.C. To offer personal loans to consumers.D. To manage the country's foreign exchange reserves.答案:A10. The term "forex" refers to:A. Foreign exchange market.B. Forward exchange rate.C. Financial exchange rate.D. Future exchange rate.答案:A二、填空题(每题1分,共10分)11. The current account balance is a record of a country's transactions with the rest of the world, excluding ______.答案:capital flows12. A ______ is a financial contract that obligates the buyer to purchase an asset or the seller to sell an asset, such as a physical commodity or a financial instrument, at a predetermined future date and price.答案:futures contract13. The ______ ratio is used to measure how efficiently a company is using its assets to generate profit.答案:asset turnover14. An increase in interest rates will generally lead to a______ in bond prices.答案:decrease15. The term "short selling" refers to the practice ofselling securities that the seller does not own, with the hope of buying them back later at a ______ price.答案:lower16. The ______ is the difference between the total assets and the total liabilities of a company.答案:equity17. A ______ is a type of investment account that allows individual investors to pool their money with other investors to invest in a portfolio of stocks, bonds, or other securities.答案:mutual fund18. The ______ is the process of determining the value of a business or financial security.答案:valuation19. A ______ is a financial statement that shows the changes in a company's financial position over a specified period of time.答案:cash flow statement20. The ______ is the rate at which banks lend money to each other overnight.答案:federal funds rate三、简答题(每题5分,共30分)21. Explain the difference between a "fixed deposit" and a "demand deposit" in a bank.答案:A fixed deposit is a type of savings account where money is deposited for a fixed term at a predetermined interest rate. The depositor cannot withdraw the money before the end of the term without incurring a penalty. A demand deposit, on the other hand, is a type of bank account that allows the depositor to withdraw funds at any time without penalty. It typically earns a lower interest rate compared to a fixed deposit.22. What is a "call option" and how does it differ from a "put。
Answer the questions1、What are the ways by which the money flows from individual surplus unitsto deficit units?financial markets facilitate the flow of funds from surplus units to deficit units. Those financial markets that facilitate the flow of short-term funds (with maturities of lessthan one year) are known as money markets.Those that facilitate the flow of long-term funds are known as capital markets.Debt bond stock fund deritives2、How does the level of tax, do you think, affect the demand of household forloanable funds? (please explain by pictures)if tax rates on household income are expected to significantly decrease in the future, households might believe that they can more easily afford future loan repaymentand thus be willing to borrow more funds. For any interest rate, the quantity ofloanable funds demanded by households would be greater as a result of tax law adjustment. This represents an outward shift in the demand schedule.tax rates on household income (income tax decreases →the line of household demand moves right)3、What is the relationship between the government demand for loanable fundsand interest rate? (explain by pictures)Whenever a government’s planed expenditures cannot be completely covered by its incoming revenues from taxes and other sources, it demands loanable funds.The way to obtain fund: Municipal (state and local) governments issue municipalbonds to obtain funds, while the federal government and its agencies issue Treasury securities and federal agency securitiesInterest-inelastic (insensitive to interest rates): federal governmentexpenditure and tax policies are generally thought to be independent ofinterest rate. Thus the federal government demand for funds is said to beInterest-inelastic, or insensitive to interest rates. In contrast, municipalgovernments sometimes postpone proposed expenditures if the cost offinancing is too high, implying that their demand for loanable funds issomewhat sensitive to interest rates.?Like the household and business demand, the government demand for loanable funds can shift in response to various events.Deficit increases →move rightExhibit 2.3 impact of increased government budget deficit on the governmentdemand for loanable fundsThe federal government demand-for-loanable-funds schedule is Dg1, if newbills are passed that cause a net increase in the deficit of USD20 billion, thefederal government demand for loanable funds will increaseby that amount.The new demand schedule is Dg2.4、What are the economic factors that affect interest rates?1)Impact of Economic Growth on Interest Rates2)Impact of Inflation on Interest Rates3)Impact of the Money Supply on Interest Rates4)Impact of the Budget Deficit on Interest Rates5)Impact of foreign Flows of Funds on Interest Rates6)Summary of Forces that Affect Interest Rates-out effect” please.5、Explain “crowdingThe deficit might not necessarily place upward pressure on interest rates.Given a certain amount of loanable funds supplied to the market( through saving), excessive government dem and for these funds tends to “crowd out” the private demand (by consumer and corporation) for funds. The federal government may bewilling to pay whatever is necessary to borrow these funds, but the private sectormay not. This impact is known as the crowding-out effect.6、What are the monetary policy tools?Open market operationsAdjustments in the discount rateAdjustments in the reserve requirement ratio7、What are the ways by which the money flows from individual surplus unitsto deficit units?8、How does the Fed use the monetary policy tools to adjust the money supply?(答案待定)1.Open Market OperationsThe buying and selling of government securities (through the Trading Desk) isreferred to as open market operations.When the Fed issues securities, the commercial banks purchase those thatare most attractive. The total funds decrease and the money supply falls.When the Fed purchase securities, the total funds increase, which representsa loosening of money supply growth.Adjusting the Discount RateThe interest rate that an eligible(有资格的) depository institution is chargedto borrow short-term funds directly from a Federal Reserve Bank.To increase the money supply, the Fed can authorized a reduction in thediscount rate; to decrease the money supply, the Fed can increase thediscount rate.3.Adjusting the Reserve Requirement RatioReserve Requirement Ratio is the proportion of their deposit accounts thatmust be held as reserves.The lower the reserve requirement ratio, the greater the lending capacity ofdepository institutions, so a larger money supply.When the fed manipulates the money supply to influence economic variables, itmust decide what form of money to manipulate. The optimal form of money should (1)be controllable by the fed and (2)have a predictable(可预测的) impact on economic variables when adjusted by the fed. The most narrow form of money, known as M1, includes currency held by the public and checking deposits(such as demand deposits, NOW accounts, and automatic transfer balances) at depository institutions.9、What are the differences between the general obligation bonds and revenuebonds both of which belong to municipal bonds?Like the federal government, state and local government frenquently spend more than the revenues they receive. To finance the difference, they issue municipal bonds, most of which can be classified as either General obligation bonds or revenue bonds. payments on General obligation bonds are supported by the municipals must be generated government’s ability to tax, whereas payments on revenue bondby revenues of the project( tollway, toll bridge, state college dormitory, etc) forwhich the bonds were issued.Material: municipal bond10、What are the characteristics of corporate bonds?The bond indenture, trusteeCorporate bonds can be described according to a variety of characteristics. The bond indenture(契约) is a legal document specifying the rights and obligations of both the issuing firm and the bondholders. It is very comprehensive( normally several hundred pages) and is designed to address all matters related to the bond issue( collateral, payment dates, default provision, call provisions, etc)Sinking-Fund Provision(偿债基金准备)Bond indentures frequently include a sinking-fund provision, or a reqirement thatthe firm retire a certain amount of bond issue each year. This provision is considered to be an advantage to the remaining bondholders because it reduces the payments necessary at maturity.Protective Covenants(保护条款)Bond indentures normally place restrictions on the issuing firm that are designed to protest the bondholders from being exposed to increasing risk during the investment period. Those so called Protective Covenants frequently limit the amount ofestrict the dividends and corporate officers’ salaries the firm can pay and also ramount of additional debt the firm can issue. Other financial policies may berestricted as well.10、What are the main differences between common stock and preferredstock?The ownership of common stock entitles shareholders to a number of rights notavailable to other individuals. Normally, only the owner of common stock arepermitted to vote on certain key matters concerning the firm,such as theelection of the board of directors, authorization to issue new shares of commonstock, approval of amendments to the corporate charter, and adoption ofbylaws(附例).Usually not allow for significant voting rights,The preferred stockholders have the priority to earn dividends compared withcommon stockholders .But a firm is not legally required to pay preferred stock dividends.11、What are the similarities and differences between forward contract andfuture contract?Futures and forward contracts are similar in the following ways:Both are derivative securities for future delivery. The parties agree today onprice and quantity for settlement in the future.Both are used to hedge currency risk, interest rate risk or commodity pricerisk.They differ in these ways:Forward contracts are private, customized定制contracts between a bankand its clients depending on the client’s needs (OTC). There is no secondary market for forward contracts since they are private contractual agreements.Forward contracts are settled at expiration. Futures contracts are continuallysettled (mark to market)12、What are the risks of trading futures contracts?Market riskBasis riskLiquidity riskCredit riskPrepayment riskOperational risk13、What are the determinants of call option premiums?Market price of the underlying instrumentInfluence of the market price: the higher the existing market price of the underlyingfinancial instrument relative to the exercise price, the higher the call option premium,other things being equal.Volatility of the underlying instrumenthe underlying stock,Influence of the stock’s volatility: the greater the volatility of tthe higher the call option premium, other things being equal.Time to maturity of the call optionInfluence of the call option’s time to maturity: the longer the call option’s t maturity, the higher the call option premium, other things being equal14、What are the reasons that the Eurodollar market is attractive for bothdepositors and borrowers?the spread between the rate banks pay and the rate they charge is relativelysmallOnly governments and large corporations participate in this market—lowerriskInvestors in the market avoid some costs (no deposit insurance, lower taxes,no government-mandated credit allocations)Eurodollar CDs are not subject to reserve requirementsLess regulations and restrictions【本文档内容可以自由复制内容或自由编辑修改内容期待你的好评和关注,我们将会做得更好】。
Chapter 11. What are the five parts of the financial system and their functions?The five parts of the financial system are money, financial instruments, financial markets, financial institutions, and central banks. We use money to pay for our purchases and to store wealth. We use financial instruments to transfer resources from savers to investors and to transfer risk to those who are best equipped to bear it. Financial markets allow us to buy and sell financial instruments quickly and cheaply. Financial institutions provide a number of services, including access to the financial markets and collection of information about prospective borrowers to ensure they are creditworthy. Central banks monitor and stabilize the economy.2. What does the international financial system include?The international financial system includes the international money and capital markets and the foreign exchange market. The international money market trades short-term claims with an original maturity of one year or less while the international capital market trades capital market instruments with an original maturity greater than one year. A crucial part of the international financial system is the foreign exchange market, where foreign currencies are bought and sold in the course of trading goods, services, and financial claims among countries.Chapter 21. What is the difference between money and currency?Economists define money(also referred to as the money supply) as anything that is generally accepted in payment for goods or services or in the repayment of debts. Currency, consisting of dollar bills and coins, clearly fits this definition and is one type of money.2.Please summarize the measures of the monetary aggregates as defined by the Federal Reserve of the United States.M1=currency+Demand deposits+Other checkable depositsM2=M1+Small-denomination time deposits+ Savings deposits and money market deposit accounts+ Money market mutual fund shares( non-institutional)M3=M2+Large-denomination time deposits+ Money market mutual fund shares( institutional)+Repurchase agreements+Eurodollars.Chapter 31. What are commercial banks?A commercial bank is an institution that accepts deposits and uses the proceeds to make consumer, commercial, and mortgage loans. Originally established to meet the needs of businesses, many of these banks now serve individual customers as well. Today, commercial banks tend to specialize as community, regional and super-regional, or money center banks.2.How are saving banks different from savings and loan institutions?Saving banks respond more flexibly to the changing economic and financial circumstances than S&Ls. A higher proportion of savings banks have remained mutual than has been the case with S&Ls.Chapter 41. What is the difference between the financial intermediation process of finance companies and that of banking institutions?The financial intermediation process of finance companies can be described by saying that they borrow in large amounts but often lend in small amounts▬ a process quite different from that of banking institutions, which collect deposits in small amounts and then often make large loans.2.Please compare the function of securities brokers and dealers.Brokers are pure intermediaries who act as agents for investors in the purchase or sale of securities. Their function is to match buyers with sellers, a function for which they are paid brokerage commissions. In contrast to brokers, dealers link buyers and sellers by standing ready to buy and sell securities at given prices. Therefore dealers hold inventories of securities and make their living by selling these securities for a slightly higher price than they paid for them.Chapter 51.What is the difference between the nominal interest and the real interest?The interest that makes no allowance of inflation is referred to as the nominal interest rate, which is distinguish it from the real rate, the interest that is adjusted for expected changes in the price level so that it more accurately reflects the true cost of borrowing.2.Why is the concept of the present value extremely useful?The concept of the present value is extremely useful because it allows us to figure out today’s value of credit market instrument at a given sample of interest rate I by just adding up the individual present values of all the future payments received. The concept allows us to obtain an equivalent measure of the interest rate on all types of credit market instruments.Chapter 61. What are the characteristics of money market securities?●They are usually sold in large denominations.●They have low default risk.●The mature in one year or less from their original issue date. Most money market instrumentsmature in less than 120 days.2. Please name at least three kinds of money market instruments.●Treasury bills●Negotiable certificates of the deposit●Commercial paper●Banker’s acceptance●Repurchase agreementsChapter 71.What are the day-to-day jobs of central banks?Provide loans during times of financial stressManage the payments systemOversee the commercial banks and the financial system2.What are the differences between central banks and national banks?Any central bank’s main responsibility is the management of the monetary policy to ensure a stable currency. This is distinct from the goal of a national bank which to ensure a stable domestic economy. Unlike the national bank, a central bank usually quite narrowly aims to manage inflation as well as deflation, and intervenes primarily through open market operations in which it achieves its monetary tasks by massive buying or selling, rather than by regulations. A national bank will have more mechanisms to deal with asset inflation, regional development, and to require that sustainable development, and industrial policy, or domestic-focused industries are favored. A national bank is rarely separate from its government.Chapter 81.What are the advantages of open market operations over the other tools of monetarypolicy?●Central banks have complete control over open market operations over their volume.●Open market operations are flexible and precise; they can be used to any extent.●Open market operations are easily reversed.●Open market operations can be implemented quickly; they involve no administrative delays.2.What are the goals of monetary policy?●high employment●economic growth●price stability●interest-rate stability●stability of financial marketsChapter 91.What are the primary market and secondary market?Capital market trading occurs in either the primary market or the secondary markets. The primary market is where new issues of stocks and bonds are introduced. A secondary market is where the sale of previously issued securities takes place. There are two types of exchanges in the secondary market for capital securities: organized exchanges and over-the-counter (OTC) exchanges.2.What is a down payment?To obtain a mortgage loan, the lender-usually requires the borrower to make a down payment on the property, that is, to pay a portion of the purchase price. Down payments are intended to make the borrower less likely to default on the loan and reduce moral hazard for the borrower. Chapter 101.How do futures contract differ from forwards contract?Forward contracts are negotiated between t wo parties and, therefore, can have unique specifications that depend on the demands of those parties. Because they are customized, forward contracts are very difficult to resell to someone else. Forward contracts, on the other hand, tend to be used when the credit rating of the contracting parties is high and easy to verify.By contrast, futures contracts are standardized contracts that are traded on exchanges.The exchange specifies the exact commodity, the contract size, and where and when delivery will be made. It is, therefore, easy for parties to a futures contract to t erminate their positions before the specified delivery date. Because of t heir careful procedures to protect against the risk of contract default by requiring the posting of margin,furthers markets are used by individuals and firms whose credit rating may be costly to check.2.What are the three stages does currency swap have?●an initial exchange of principal: the two counterparties exchange principal amounts at anagreed exchange rate. This can be a notional exchange since its purpose is to establish the principal amounts as a reference point for the calculation of interest payments and the re-exchange of the principal amounts.●exchange of interest payments on agreed dates based on outstanding principal amounts andagreed fixed interest rates.●re-exchange of the principal amounts at a predetermined exchange rate so the parties end upwith their original currencies.Chapter111.What is the different between a spot transaction and an outright forward transaction? The only difference is that spot is settled, or delivered, on a value date no later than two business days after the deal date, while outright forward is settled on any pre-agreed date three or more business days after the deal date.2. How are option different from a forward contract and future contract?Options are unique in that the right to execute will be exercised only if it is in the holder’s interest to do so.That differs from a forward contract, in which the parties are obligated to execute the transaction on the maturity date, and it differs from a futures contract, in which the parties are obligated, in principle to transact at maturity, but that obligation easily can be—and normally is—bought out and liquidated before the maturity or delivery date.Chapter121.What are the four basic categories within the current account?The four basic categories within the current account are:The goods category includes imports and exports of tangible goodsThe services category includes flows of payment in exchange for services countries provide to each otherThe income category measures cross-border compensation of employees. It also includes interest and dividend payments to foreign residents and governments who hold domestic financial assets, as well as payments received by domestic residents and governments who hold financial assets abroad.Transfer payments include unilateral gifts or payments from private citizens and government of a country to people living abroad or vice versa.2.How do you understand a balance-of-payment deficit, surplus, and equilibrium?A balance-of-payments deficit refers to a situation in which the official settlements balance is positive. Ignoring a statistical discrepancy, if the sum of the credits and debits in the current account and the capital and financial account is negative, private payments made to foreigners exceed private payments received from foreigners. In this case, the official settlements balance must be positive. This is called a balance-of-payments deficit. A situation where the sum of the debits and credits in the current and the capital and financial account is positive means that private payments received from foreigners exceed private payments made to foreigners. In this case, the official settlements balance is negative, and there is a balance-of-payments surplus. A balance-of-payments equilibrium refers to a situation where the sum of the debits and credits in the current account and capital and financial account is zero, and thus the official settlements balance is zero.Chapter131.Why are many commercial banks establishing branches around the world? International business allows companies to diversify among various economies so that their performance is less dependent on economic conditions of any single country.Furthermore, the establishment of branches allows a bank to do business face to face with subsidiaries of multinational corporations. The global expertise of some of the larger banks distinguishes them from the small and medium banks and enables them to dominate business by attracting the large corporations.2.What are the most common types of risk to which multinational banks are exposed?The most common types of risk to which multinational banks are exposed are:credit risk, exchange rate risk, settlement risk, interest rate risk as well as country risk.。
金融专业英语词汇全解Cover: 补回、冲销在金融市场的交易中,作一个原先交易动作相反的买卖,称之为补回。
Credit Risk: 信用风险在交易完成后,交易对手因故不能履行合约而可能发生缺失的风险。
Cross Hedge: 交叉避险指利用某一交易工具的买卖,以达到规避另一交易工具风险的操作。
Easy Money: 廉价货币由于宽松的资金状况,使资金借贷者能够用比较低的利率借得所需之资金。
亦有人称之为Cheap Money。
Effective interest Rate: 有效利率以年利率表示借贷时所实现收付的利率。
European Style Option: 欧式选择权选择权买方于到期日之前,不得要求选择权卖方履约,仅能于到期日要求选择权卖方履约。
Expiry Date: 选择权合约到期日选择权买方有权向选择权卖方要求履约的最后一日。
Face Value: 面值乃股票、债券、票据或者其它支付工具上所记载的名目价格,它既是计算利息、股息的基础;也是在到期时,持有人据以请求支付的金额。
亦有人称之为:Par value。
Far Date: 远期在换汇交易或者资金拆放市场中,就是指第二个交割日,亦即距交易日比较远的交割日。
Financial Futures: 金融期货在期货交易市场中,以金融产品如利率、货币、债券等为交易标的物的期货交易。
Firm Market: 行情挺升的市场乃指在金融市场中,市场行情持续看涨的状况,因其下跌的机率比较小因而称之为“Firm Market”。
《金融专业英语》习题答案第一篇:《金融专业英语》习题答案《金融专业英语》习题答案Chapter OneFunctions of Financial Markets 一. Translate the following sentences into Chinese.1.China’s banking industry is now supervised by the PBC and CBRC.In addition, the MOF is in charge of financial accounting and taxation part of banking regulation and management.目前中国银行业主要由中国人民银行和银监会进行监管。
2.Currently Chinese fund management companies are engaged in the following business: securities investment fund, entrusted asset management, investment consultancy, management of national social security funds, enterprise pension funds and QDII businesses.目前中国的基金管理公司主要从事以下业务:证券投资基金业务、受托资产管理业务、投资咨询业务、社保基金管理业务、企业年金管理业务和合格境内机构投资者业务等。
3.China's economy had 10% growth rate in the years before the world financial crisis of 2008.That economic expansion resulted from big trade surpluses and full investment.Now China is seeking to move away from that growth model.The country is working to balance exports with demand at home.在2008年世界经济危机之前的那些年,中国经济增长速度曾达到10%。
一、选择题1. What is the meaning of IPO?a) Initial Public Offeringb) International Purchase Orderc) Investment Portfolio Optimizationd) International Partnership Organization答案:a) Initial Public Offering2. What does the term "capital market" refer to?a) The market for physical capitalb) The market for financial assets with a maturity of less than a yearc) The market for financial assets with a maturity of more than a yeard) The market for real estate properties答案:c) The market for financial assets with a maturity of more than a year3. Which of the following is an example of a derivative?a) Stockb) Bondc) Optiond) Certificate of Deposit答案:c) Option4. What is the opposite of a deficit?a) Surplusb) Debtc) Liabilityd) Equity答案:a) Surplus5. What is the term for a loan that is secured by collateral?a) Unsecured loanb) Subordinated loanc) Secured loand) Revolving loan答案:c) Secured loan二、填空题1. The study of how individuals and institutions make financial decisions and how these decisions affect the allocation of resources is known as__________.答案:finance2. When a company issues shares for the first time and offers them to the public, it is called an ____________.答案:IPO (Initial Public Offering)3. The interest rate that a commercial bank charges its most creditworthy customers is known as the _________.答案:prime rate4. A financial instrument that represents ownership in a corporation is called a ___________.答案:stock5. The basic economic problem of having seemingly unlimited human wants in a world of limited resources is known as ________.答案:scarcity三、解答题1. Explain the concept of time value of money.答案:The time value of money refers to the idea that a dollar today is worth more than a dollar in the future. This is because money can be invested and earn interest over time. Therefore, receiving a dollar today ismore desirable than receiving the same amount in the future. The time value of money is an important concept in finance and is used to calculate the present value of future cash flows.2. What are the main functions of a central bank?答案:The main functions of a central bank include:- Monetary policy: Central banks are responsible for formulating and implementing monetary policy to control the money supply and interest rates in an economy. This is done to achieve specific macroeconomic objectives, such as price stability and economic growth.- Banker to the government: Central banks act as the government's bank and provide services such as managing the government's accounts, issuing government securities, and acting as a lender of last resort.- Banker to commercial banks: Central banks also provide banking services to commercial banks, including maintaining accounts, providing short-term loans, and overseeing the stability of the banking system.- Currency issuance: Central banks are responsible for issuing and circulating the national currency.- Financial stability: Central banks play a crucial role in maintaining financial stability and monitoring risks in the banking system.总结:本文为大家提供了一些常见的金融英语考试试题及答案。
Chapter 11. What are the five parts of the financial system and their functions?The five parts of the financial system are money, financial instruments, financial markets, financial institutions, and central banks. We use money to pay for our purchases and to store wealth. We use financial instruments to transfer resources from savers to investors and to transfer risk to those who are best equipped to bear it. Financial markets allow us to buy and sell financial instruments quickly and cheaply. Financial institutions provide a number of services, including access to the financial markets and collection of information about prospective borrowers to ensure they are creditworthy. Central banks monitor and stabilize the economy.2. What does the international financial system include?The international financial system includes the international money and capital markets and the foreign exchange market. The international money market trades short-term claims with an original maturity of one year or less while the international capital market trades capital market instruments with an original maturity greater than one year. A crucial part of the international financial system is the foreign exchange market, where foreign currencies are bought and sold in the course of trading goods, services, and financial claims among countries.Chapter 21. What is the difference between money and currency?Economists define money(also referred to as the money supply) as anything that is generally accepted in payment for goods or services or in the repayment of debts. Currency, consisting of dollar bills and coins, clearly fits this definition and is one type of money.2.Please summarize the measures of the monetary aggregates as defined by the Federal Reserve of the United States.M1=currency+Demand deposits+Other checkable depositsM2=M1+Small-denomination time deposits+ Savings deposits and money market deposit accounts+ Money market mutual fund shares( non-institutional)M3=M2+Large-denomination time deposits+ Money market mutual fund shares( institutional)+Repurchase agreements+Eurodollars.Chapter 31. What are commercial banks?A commercial bank is an institution that accepts deposits and uses the proceeds to make consumer, commercial, and mortgage loans. Originally established to meet the needs of businesses, many of these banks now serve individual customers as well. Today, commercial banks tend to specialize as community, regional and super-regional, or money center banks.2.How are saving banks different from savings and loan institutions?Saving banks respond more flexibly to the changing economic and financial circumstances than S&Ls. A higher proportion of savings banks have remained mutual than has been the case with S&Ls.Chapter 41. What is the difference between the financial intermediation process of finance companies and that of banking institutions?The financial intermediation process of finance companies can be described by saying that they borrow in large amounts but often lend in small amounts▬ a process quite different from that of banking institutions, which collect deposits in small amounts and then often make large loans.2.Please compare the function of securities brokers and dealers.Brokers are pure intermediaries who act as agents for investors in the purchase or sale of securities. Their function is to match buyers with sellers, a function for which they are paid brokerage commissions. In contrast to brokers, dealers link buyers and sellers by standing ready to buy and sell securities at given prices. Therefore dealers hold inventories of securities and make their living by selling these securities for a slightly higher price than they paid for them.Chapter 51.What is the difference between the nominal interest and the real interest?The interest that makes no allowance of inflation is referred to as the nominal interest rate, which is distinguish it from the real rate, the interest that is adjusted for expected changes in the price level so that it more accurately reflects the true cost of borrowing.2.Why is the concept of the present value extremely useful?The concept of the present value is extremely useful because it allows us to figure out today’s value of credit market instrument at a given sample of interest rate I by just adding up the individual present values of all the future payments received. The concept allows us to obtain an equivalent measure of the interest rate on all types of credit market instruments.Chapter 61. What are the characteristics of money market securities?●They are usually sold in large denominations.●They have low default risk.●The mature in one year or less from their original issue date. Most money market instrumentsmature in less than 120 days.2. Please name at least three kinds of money market instruments.●Treasury bills●Negotiable certificates of the deposit●Commercial paper●Banker’s acceptance●Repurchase agreementsChapter 71.What are the day-to-day jobs of central banks?Provide loans during times of financial stressManage the payments systemOversee the commercial banks and the financial system2.What are the differences between central banks and national banks?Any central bank’s main responsibility is the management of the monetary policy to ensure a stable currency. This is distinct from the goal of a national bank which to ensure a stable domestic economy. Unlike the national bank, a central bank usually quite narrowly aims to manage inflation as well as deflation, and intervenes primarily through open market operations in which it achieves its monetary tasks by massive buying or selling, rather than by regulations. A national bank will have more mechanisms to deal with asset inflation, regional development, and to require that sustainable development, and industrial policy, or domestic-focused industries are favored. A national bank is rarely separate from its government.Chapter 81.What are the advantages of open market operations over the other tools of monetarypolicy?●Central banks have complete control over open market operations over their volume.●Open market operations are flexible and precise; they can be used to any extent.●Open market operations are easily reversed.●Open market operations can be implemented quickly; they involve no administrative delays.2.What are the goals of monetary policy?●high employment●economic growth●price stability●interest-rate stability●stability of financial marketsChapter 91.What are the primary market and secondary market?Capital market trading occurs in either the primary market or the secondary markets. The primary market is where new issues of stocks and bonds are introduced. A secondary market is where the sale of previously issued securities takes place. There are two types of exchanges in the secondary market for capital securities: organized exchanges and over-the-counter (OTC) exchanges.2.What is a down payment?To obtain a mortgage loan, the lender-usually requires the borrower to make a down payment on the property, that is, to pay a portion of the purchase price. Down payments are intended to make the borrower less likely to default on the loan and reduce moral hazard for the borrower. Chapter 101.How do futures contract differ from forwards contract?Forward contracts are negotiated between t wo parties and, therefore, can have unique specifications that depend on the demands of those parties. Because they are customized, forward contracts are very difficult to resell to someone else. Forward contracts, on the other hand, tend to be used when the credit rating of the contracting parties is high and easy to verify.By contrast, futures contracts are standardized contracts that are traded on exchanges.The exchange specifies the exact commodity, the contract size, and where and when delivery will be made. It is, therefore, easy for parties to a futures contract to t erminate their positions before the specified delivery date. Because of t heir careful procedures to protect against the risk of contract default by requiring the posting of margin,furthers markets are used by individuals and firms whose credit rating may be costly to check.2.What are the three stages does currency swap have?●an initial exchange of principal: the two counterparties exchange principal amounts at anagreed exchange rate. This can be a notional exchange since its purpose is to establish the principal amounts as a reference point for the calculation of interest payments and the re-exchange of the principal amounts.●exchange of interest payments on agreed dates based on outstanding principal amounts andagreed fixed interest rates.●re-exchange of the principal amounts at a predetermined exchange rate so the parties end upwith their original currencies.Chapter111.What is the different between a spot transaction and an outright forward transaction?The only difference is that spot is settled, or delivered, on a value date no later than two business days after the deal date, while outright forward is settled on any pre-agreed date three or more business days after the deal date.2. How are option different from a forward contract and future contract?Options are unique in that the right to execute will be exercised only if it is in the holder’s interest to do so.That differs from a forward contract, in which the parties are obligated to execute the transaction on the maturity date, and it differs from a futures contract, in which the parties are obligated, in principle to transact at maturity, but that obligation easily can be—and normally is—bought out and liquidated before the maturity or delivery date.Chapter121.What are the four basic categories within the current account?The four basic categories within the current account are:The goods category includes imports and exports of tangible goodsThe services category includes flows of payment in exchange for services countries provide to each otherThe income category measures cross-border compensation of employees. It also includes interest and dividend payments to foreign residents and governments who hold domestic financial assets, as well as payments received by domestic residents and governments who hold financial assets abroad.Transfer payments include unilateral gifts or payments from private citizens and government of a country to people living abroad or vice versa.2.How do you understand a balance-of-payment deficit, surplus, and equilibrium?A balance-of-payments deficit refers to a situation in which the official settlements balance is positive. Ignoring a statistical discrepancy, if the sum of the credits and debits in the current account and the capital and financial account is negative, private payments made to foreigners exceed private payments received from foreigners. In this case, the official settlements balance must be positive. This is called a balance-of-payments deficit. A situation where the sum of the debits and credits in the current and the capital and financial account is positive means that private payments received from foreigners exceed private payments made to foreigners. In this case, the official settlements balance is negative, and there is a balance-of-payments surplus. A balance-of-payments equilibrium refers to a situation where the sum of the debits and credits in the current account and capital and financial account is zero, and thus the official settlements balance is zero. Chapter131.Why are many commercial banks establishing branches around the world? International business allows companies to diversify among various economies so that their performance is less dependent on economic conditions of any single country.Furthermore, the establishment of branches allows a bank to do business face to face with subsidiaries of multinational corporations. The global expertise of some of the larger banks distinguishes them from the small and medium banks and enables them to dominate business by attracting the large corporations.2.What are the most common types of risk to which multinational banks are exposed?The most common types of risk to which multinational banks are exposed are:credit risk, exchange rate risk, settlement risk, interest rate risk as well as country risk.。
金融学专业专业英语一.专业词汇(150个)1. active securities热头股票2. corporate bonds公司债券3.retained earnings 未分配盈利4.time horizon投资期5.currency swap 货币掉期6.additional insurance 附加保险7.amount in words大写金额8.beneficiary payee受款人9.trade deficit 贸易逆差10. maximum limit of overdraft 透支额度11.bonds 债券,债票12.bonus share 红股13.discount rate 折扣率;贴现率mercial loan 商业贷款15.default fine 违约罚金16.across the board 全盘的17.bubble economy 泡沫经济18.bull market 牛市19.dividend 股息;分红20.active capital 活动资本21.savings accounts 储蓄存款帐户22.credit balance 贷方余额23.loan amount 贷款额24.cheque drawer 支票出票人25.credit cards 信用卡26.credit agreement 信贷协定27.reserve ratio 存款准备金比率28.issue bank 发行银行29.savings deposit 储蓄存款30.fixed deposit (=time deposit) 定期存款31.demand-deposit or checking-accounts 活期存款32. cash register 现金登记机,现金收入记录机,收银机33. dual trading 双重交易34. dumping 抛售35. financial world 金融界36. financial transaction 金融业务37.financial statement analysis 财务报表分析38. financial risk 金融风险39. financial lease 金融租赁40. electronic debts 电子借贷41.fundamental insurance 基本险42. future 期货43.futures commission merchants 期货经纪公司44.futures contract 期货合约45.futures delivery 期货交割46.futures margin 期货保证金47.futures market 期货市场48.futures price 期货价格49.futures transaction 期货交易50. cash receipts (CR) 现金收入51. cash receipts journal 现金收入日记帐52.cash records 现金记录53.cash ratio 现金比率54. draw 提款55. draw cheque 签发票据56. easy credit 放松信贷57.online-finance 在线金融58.online client (银行的)网上客户59.paper profit 帐面收益60.physical assets 有形资产61.project fund system 项目资本金制度62.share(stock) option 期权,股票认购权63. money-market 短期资本市场64. switch trade 转手贸易65. virtual bank 虚拟银行66. pension fund 养老基金67. venture-capital 风险资本ernment bond 政府债券69. shareholder 股东70. cook the book 做假帐71.regulatory system 监管体系72. audit 审计73. accounting firm 会计事务所74.Great Depression 大萧条75. recapitalize 资产重组76. automatic transfers between accounts 自动转帐77. balance 结余,差额,平衡78.bank balance 存款余额79.insurance contract 保險契約,保險合同80.insurance salesman 保險外勤81.insurance services 保險業務82.insure against fire 保火險83.appointed bank 外汇指定银行84.appreciation of exchange rate 汇率升值85.arbitrage 套利86.arbitrage of exchange 套汇87.arbitrage opportunity 套价机会88.arbitrage risks 套汇风险89.aftermarket 次级市场90.Interbank market 银行同业市场91.interest rate futures contract 利率期货合约92.interest rate policy 利率政策93.interest rate position 利率头寸94.interest rate risk 利率风险95.interest restriction 利息限制96.interest subsidy 利息补贴97.Industry and Commercial Bank 工商银行98.Swiss Bank Corporation 瑞士银行99.Standard Chartered bank 渣打银行100.Agricultural Bank of China 农业银行101.National City Bank of New York 花旗银行102.Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corp 汇丰银行103.foreign exchange crisis 外汇危机104.foreign exchange cushion 外汇缓冲105.foreign exchange dumping 外汇倾销106.foreign exchange earnings 外汇收入107.foreign exchange liabilities 外汇负债108.foreign exchange loans 外汇贷款109.foreign exchange parity 外汇平价110.foreign exchange quotations 外汇行情111.foreign exchange regulations 外汇条例112.foreign exchange reserves 外汇储备113.foreign exchange restrictions 外汇限制114.income in kind 实物所得115.income tax liabilities 所得稅債務116.income taxes 所得稅117.indemnity 賠償,補償118.indirect arbitrage 間接套匯119.insurance broker 保險經紀人120.insured 被保險人121.reserve 储备122.note 票据123.discount贴现124.circulate流通125.central bank 中央银行126.credit union 信用合作社127.paper currency 纸币128.credit creation 信用创造129.branch banking 银行分行制130.out of circulation 退出流通131.capital stock股本132.the gold standard金本位133.deficit 亏损134.default不履约135.auction拍卖136.collateralize担保137.markup价格的涨幅138.dealer交易员139.broker经纪人140.face amount面值141.floating-rate 浮动比率142.premium升水143.discount贴水144.deficit赤字145. funds statement 资金表146.capital movements资本流动147.foreign exchange dealings外汇交易148.balance of payment国际收支149.forward rate远期汇率150.cross rate交叉汇率二、专业英语句子翻译(20句):1.The more profitable the company is, the easier to raise funds for the buyout.公司越有投资价值,越容易筹款收购。
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Answer the questions1、What are the ways by which the money flows from individual surplus unitsto deficit units?financial markets facilitate the flow of funds from surplus units to deficit units. Those financial markets that facilitate the flow of short-term funds (with maturities of less than one year) are known as money markets.Those that facilitate the flow of long-term funds are known as capital markets. Debt bond stock fund deritives2、How does the level of tax, do you think, affect the demand of household forloanable funds? (please explain by pictures)if tax rates on household income are expected to significantly decrease in the future, households might believe that they can more easily afford future loan repayment and thus be willing to borrow more funds. For any interest rate, the quantity of loanable funds demanded by households would be greater as a result of tax law adjustment. This represents an outward shift in the demand schedule.tax rates on household income (income tax decreases →the line of household demand moves right)3、What is the relationship between the government demand for loanable fundsand interest rate? (explain by pictures)Whenever a government’s planed expenditures cannot be completely covered by its incoming revenues from taxes and other sources, it demands loanable funds.The way to obtain fund: Municipal (state and local) governments issue municipal bonds to obtain funds, while the federal government and its agencies issue Treasury securities and federal agency securitiesInterest-inelastic (insensitive to interest rates): federal government expenditure and tax policies are generally thought to be independent ofinterest rate. Thus the federal government demand for funds is said to beInterest-inelastic, or insensitive to interest rates. In contrast, municipalgovernments sometimes postpone proposed expenditures if the cost offinancing is too high, implying that their demand for loanable funds issomewhat sensitive to interest rates.•Like the household and business demand, the government demand for loanable funds can shift in response to various events.Deficit increases →move rightExhibit 2.3 impact of increased government budget deficit on the government demand for loanable fundsThe federal government demand-for-loanable-funds schedule is Dg1, if newbills are passed that cause a net increase in the deficit of USD20 billion, thefederal government demand for loanable funds will increaseby that amount.The new demand schedule is Dg2.4、What are the economic factors that affect interest rates?1)Impact of Economic Growth on Interest Rates2)Impact of Inflation on Interest Rates3)Impact of the Money Supply on Interest Rates4)Impact of the Budget Deficit on Interest Rates5)Impact of foreign Flows of Funds on Interest Rates6)Summary of Forces that Affect Interest Rates5、Explain “crowding-out effect” please.The deficit might not necessarily place upward pressure on interest rates.Given a certain amount of loanable funds supplied to the market( through saving), excessive government demand for these funds tends to “crowd out” the private demand (by consumer and corporation) for funds. The federal government may be willing to pay whatever is necessary to borrow these funds, but the private sector may not. This impact is known as the crowding-out effect.6、What are the monetary policy tools?Open market operationsAdjustments in the discount rateAdjustments in the reserve requirement ratio7、What are the ways by which the money flows from individual surplus unitsto deficit units?8、How does the Fed use the monetary policy tools to adjust the money supply?(答案待定)1.Open Market OperationsThe buying and selling of government securities (through the Trading Desk) is referred to as open market operations.✓When the Fed issues securities, the commercial banks purchase those that are most attractive. The total funds decrease and the money supply falls.✓When the Fed purchase securities, the total funds increase, which representsa loosening of money supply growth.✓Adjusting the Discount RateThe interest rate that an eligible(有资格的) depository institution is charged to borrow short-term funds directly from a Federal Reserve Bank.To increase the money supply, the Fed can authorized a reduction in thediscount rate; to decrease the money supply, the Fed can increase thediscount rate.3.Adjusting the Reserve Requirement RatioReserve Requirement Ratio is the proportion of their deposit accounts thatmust be held as reserves.The lower the reserve requirement ratio, the greater the lending capacity ofdepository institutions, so a larger money supply.When the fed manipulates the money supply to influence economic variables, it must decide what form of money to manipulate. The optimal form of money should (1)be controllable by the fed and (2)have a predictable(可预测的) impact on economic variables when adjusted by the fed. The most narrow form of money, known as M1, includes currency held by the public and checking deposits(such as demand deposits, NOW accounts, and automatic transfer balances) at depository institutions.9、What are the differences between the general obligation bonds and revenuebonds both of which belong to municipal bonds?Like the federal government, state and local government frenquently spend more than the revenues they receive. To finance the difference, they issue municipal bonds, most of which can be classified as either General obligation bonds or revenue bonds. payments on General obligation bonds are supported by the municipal government’s ability to tax, whereas payments on revenue bond s must be generated by revenues of the project( tollway, toll bridge, state college dormitory, etc) for which the bonds were issued.Material: municipal bond10、What are the characteristics of corporate bonds?The bond indenture, trusteeCorporate bonds can be described according to a variety of characteristics. The bond indenture(契约) is a legal document specifying the rights and obligations of both the issuing firm and the bondholders. It is very comprehensive( normally several hundred pages) and is designed to address all matters related to the bond issue ( collateral, payment dates, default provision, call provisions, etc)Sinking-Fund Provision(偿债基金准备)Bond indentures frequently include a sinking-fund provision, or a reqirement that the firm retire a certain amount of bond issue each year. This provision is considered to be an advantage to the remaining bondholders because it reduces the payments necessary at maturity.Protective Covenants(保护条款)Bond indentures normally place restrictions on the issuing firm that are designed to protest the bondholders from being exposed to increasing risk during the investment period. Those so called Protective Covenants frequently limit the amount of dividends and corporate officers’ salaries the firm can pay and also r estrict theamount of additional debt the firm can issue. Other financial policies may be restricted as well.10、What are the main differences between common stock and preferredstock?●The ownership of common stock entitles shareholders to a number of rights notavailable to other individuals. Normally, only the owner of common stock are permitted to vote on certain key matters concerning the firm,such as theelection of the board of directors, authorization to issue new shares of common stock, approval of amendments to the corporate charter, and adoption ofbylaws(附例).●Usually not allow for significant voting rights,The preferred stockholders have the priority to earn dividends compared with common stockholders .But a firm is not legally required to pay preferred stock dividends.11、What are the similarities and differences between forward contract andfuture contract?Futures and forward contracts are similar in the following ways: Both are derivative securities for future delivery. The parties agree today on price and quantity for settlement in the future.Both are used to hedge currency risk, interest rate risk or commodity price risk.They differ in these ways:Forward contracts are private, customized定制contracts between a bank and its clients depending on the client’s needs (OTC). There is no secondarymarket for forward contracts since they are private contractual agreements.Forward contracts are settled at expiration. Futures contracts are continually settled (mark to market)12、What are the risks of trading futures contracts?Market riskBasis riskLiquidity riskCredit riskPrepayment riskOperational risk13、What are the determinants of call option premiums?Market price of the underlying instrumentInfluence of the market price: the higher the existing market price of the underlying financial instrument relative to the exercise price, the higher the call option premium, other things being equal.Volatility of the underlying instrumentInfluence of t he stock’s volatility: the greater the volatility of the underlying stock, the higher the call option premium, other things being equal.Time to maturity of the call optionInfluence of the call option’s time to maturity: the longer the call option’s time to maturity, the higher the call option premium, other things being equal14、What are the reasons that the Eurodollar market is attractive for bothdepositors and borrowers?the spread between the rate banks pay and the rate they charge is relativelysmall✓Only governments and large corporations participate in this market—lower risk✓Investors in the market avoid some costs (no deposit insurance, lower taxes, no government-mandated credit allocations)✓Eurodollar CDs are not subject to reserve requirements✓Less regulations and restrictions。