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Get up time起床时间: 6:15am (working dayand school day) (工作日)

7:15am(weekend/PH and school holiday)(休息日/学校假期)

Break time午休时间: 2:30pm-3:00pm (not for going out day)(外出日除外)

Sleep time睡觉时间: 9:30pm

Monthly Housework 每月工作

- Clean the fans 清理电扇

- Clean exterior and interior of all drawers, cabinets andwardrobes 清理所有抽屉、柜子、衣橱的内外部

- Clean all doors and window frames 清理所有门窗和窗框

- Clean the sofa with baby oil 沙发打油

Weekly Housework 每周工作

- Clean the kitchen wall tiles. 清理厨房瓷砖

- Clean exhaust fans and smoke hoods 清理油烟机

- Clean the exteriorand interior of the oven, microwave and garbage bin. 清理烤箱,微波炉和垃圾桶内外部

- Clean the exteriorand interior of kitchen cabinets 清理橱柜内外部

- Clean the fridge andwashing machine 清理冰箱和洗衣机

- Wash the floor mats 清洗脚垫

- Wipe clean TV, stereomix 电视机除尘

- Change bed sheets,pillow cases, quilt covers 换床单,枕头套,被套

- Vacuum beds 除螨

- Clean the dressingtable and mirror 清理梳妆台,穿衣镜

- Clean the exterior oftoy boxes 清理玩具箱

- Wash plastic shoesand school shoes on Friday evening 刷鞋

- Polish leather shoes(only for Sir on every Saturday morning) 给皮鞋打油

- Iron the clothes 熨烫衣服

Daily Housework 每日工作

- Sweep and mop the floorwith detergent 扫地擦地

- Clean the tea tableand dining table 擦茶几和餐桌

- Clean the stove, sink,rice cooker, pan, pot after cooking 煮饭后清洗所有厨具及炉灶

- Clean and dry updishes, keep inside the cabinet at the end of day 洗净擦干所有餐具,放回橱柜

- Clean the kettle andwater bottle when necessary 清理烧水壶和凉水杯

- Clean the toilet bowldaily with detergent and dettol 清洗马桶

- Clean the whole bath room (mirror, cabinet, rack, sink, glass door,floor and all) every 3 days, no need everyday 每隔三天清洗整个卫生间

- Clean all bookshelf,computer table 清理书架电脑桌

- Make up beds everymorning 整理床铺

- Clean all furnitureand decorations 清理家具及摆设

- Check if there is enoughwater in the hot pot and glass bottle 确保热水和凉水壶有足够的水

- Wash clothes by hand 手洗衣服

- Pick up gege and DONOT CHAT with other maids outside school 接哥哥,不许和学校外的其他女佣聊天

- Pick up didi and lookafter them when they are at playground 接弟弟,看着他们玩

- Shower for children 给孩子冲凉

- Dispose all thegarbage and clean the sink in the kitchen before go to bed 睡前清理所有垃圾及水槽

- Keep the living room,dining room, study room and bedrooms clean and tidy at all times 时刻保持家里干净整洁

- Put back children’s toys and belongings in their places 整理孩子的玩具及物品

- Use different clothfor different purpose, furniture, cleaning dining table, dry updishes, washing basin and washing toilets etc. 分类使用抹布

- The cloth must be washand sunshine after use 抹布用过后要洗净晒干

Look After Children 照顾孩子

- Always look after children and make sure they are cleanand safe all the time at home and go outside. 保证时刻照顾好孩子

- DO NOT shout and beat children 不许打骂孩子

- Ask Mdm before give any candy or soft drink to children 给孩子吃糖或饮料前要问过雇主

- Play with children when they need 在孩子需要时陪他们玩

- DO NOT leave the children at home alone as it is very dangerous and illegal, you will be dismissed at once if it occurs.不要让孩子单独呆在家里,一旦发现,立即解雇
