



Module 1 Using my five sensesUnit 1 What can you see ?教学内容:认知内容: 能听懂会说white/ purple/pink/orange/ brown/black掌握句型I see ...(colour)It is … (colour)能力要求:会用英语与他人交流所见事物的颜色情感态度:我们生活在一个五彩缤纷的世界里,让孩子用色彩来表达对事物直观的感受the second period教学内容:认知内容: 1. 能听懂会说句型What colour is it /are they?It is /They are …能力要求: 1. 能在日常生活中用以上的句型进行对话情感态度:鼓励孩子用所学的句型在公共场合与他人进行交流Module 1 Using my five sensesUnit 2 Touch and feelTeaching aims:Knowledge:1.Learning new words: watch, bag, soft, hard, rough, smooth2.Learning sentence patterns: Is it…? Yes, it. /No. it‟s …Skills:1.Understanding the key words in context.ing the new words and sentence patterns to communicate withothers.Feelings:学生在游戏和表演中学习新的知识, 并能通过有趣的儿歌来巩固新学的词汇及句型。

the second periodTeaching aims:Knowledge:1. Learning the sentence pattern: Is it…? Yes, it. /No. it‟s …2. Using the sentence pattern to express.3. Learning the sounds of the letters: p, b.Language skills:1. Identifying the key words by listening to the pronunciation.2. Understanding the key patterns.3. Identifying the sounds by listening to the pronunciation.Feelings:学生在游戏和表演中学习新的知识, 并通过游戏和表演来巩固新知识,创设良好的活动氛围, 让学生带着愉快的心情去迎接新挑战.Module 1 Using my five sensesUnit 3 Can you hear a train?教学内容:The first period教学内容:认知内容: 1.单词:train, bus, car, van, bicycle, ship。






一、教案特点上海版牛津英语2B教案具有以下几个特点:1. 综合性:教案内容涵盖了语音、词汇、语法、听力、口语、阅读和写作等方面,全面培养学生的英语能力。

2. 渐进性:教案按照难易程度逐步推进,帮助学生逐步掌握英语基础知识,提高英语水平。

3. 互动性:教案设计了丰富多样的活动,鼓励学生积极参与,培养他们的合作意识和团队精神。

4. 实用性:教案注重培养学生实际运用英语的能力,通过真实场景和情境,让学生学以致用。

二、教案优势上海版牛津英语2B教案有以下几个优势:1. 多媒体辅助教学:教案配套多媒体资源,包括音频、视频和动画等,丰富了教学内容,提高了学生的学习兴趣。

2. 紧密结合实际:教案中的课文和活动紧密结合学生的实际生活,帮助学生建立起英语与现实生活的联系。

3. 强调交际能力:教案注重培养学生的交际能力,通过角色扮演、小组讨论等活动,提高学生的口语表达能力。

4. 注重综合能力:教案通过听、说、读、写等多种方式培养学生的综合能力,帮助他们全面提高英语水平。

三、教学实践为了更好地利用上海版牛津英语2B教案进行教学,教师可以采取以下措施:1. 提前准备:教师应提前熟悉教案内容,了解每个单元的教学目标和重点,为课堂教学做好充分准备。

2. 创设情境:教师可以通过图片、视频等多媒体资源,创设真实的情境,激发学生的学习兴趣,提高他们的学习效果。

3. 多样化教学方法:教师可以灵活运用多种教学方法,如游戏、小组合作等,让学生在轻松愉快的氛围中学习英语。

4. 鼓励自主学习:教师应鼓励学生主动参与课堂活动,培养他们的自主学习能力,提高他们的学习主动性。




The Allocation for Grade 2B2B Unit 1 Farm animals【单元分析(UNIT ANALYSIS)】一.教材地位(UNIT POSITION)1.从第一、二单元“动物”的主题来看,本单元教材内容是着重围绕“农场上的动物”这个课题展开。

2.在一年级,学生已会用口语表达I’ve got…以及I see a …句型,在此基础上,本单元巩固了这些句型,并通过有关动物词汇的累积和问答句的使用丰富了句子表述的语意。


4.本单元学生将学习农场上常见的六种动物:hen, chick, duck, cow, sheep, pig及其相关表述。


二.学习目标(LEARNING OBJECTIVES)1.本单元学习Oo 、Nn两个字母,字母的教学可与单词教学相结合,要求学生不仅能按字母表顺序背诵字母,能正确认读大小写字母之外,还能正确掌握所学字母大小写的书写。

2.学生应该能够用正确的语音语调表达hen, chick, duck, cow, sheep, pig等动物名称,掌握这些词汇的认读、拼读、简单运用等口语表达;能够正确书写这些单词。


3.培养学生的视听观察能力,能根据实际情况运用What do you see/hear I see/hear…进行简单的信息交换,表达个人的见闻。

教学资源(TEACHING RESOUCES)1、现代技术支撑(. support)录音机电脑实物投影机多媒体软件2、视听材料辅助(Audio-visual aids)图片实物3、学习材料(Materials)学生用书配套练习册四.课时划分(PERIOD DIVISION)PERIOD TITLE CONTENTS 1st period Let’slearnhen , chick, duck, cow, pig2nd period Let’slearn Let’s talk sheep---What do you see ---I see …3rd period Let’s talk---What do you hear---I hear …4th period LettersLet’s play Nn(nose) Oo(orange) --- I hear a …5th period Let’senjoyStory6th period Let’s act Draw the cow on the paper. Draw the duck on theground.2B Unit 1 Farm animals【单元分析(UNIT ANALYSIS)】三.教材地位(UNIT POSITION)1.从第一、二单元“动物”的主题来看,本单元教材内容是着重围绕“农场上的动物”这个课题展开。



牛津英语上海版2B教案教案点拨载体《牛津英语上海版2B》是针对中学生的英语学习教材,本教案重点针对Unit 1-6进行教学设计,总字数不足1200字。

一、教材分析1.教材内容:Unit 1: Sports DayUnit 2: The ZooUnit 3: The WeatherUnit 4: At the Department StoreUnit 5: On the FarmUnit 6: At the Pet Show2.学生年级:中学二年级3.学习目标:掌握与体育活动、动物、天气、购物、农场、宠物展有关的词汇和表达方式。


二、教学设计Unit 1: Sports Day1. Warm-up Activity: Have a class discussion about favorite sports, ask students to share their opinions and reasons.2. Vocabulary: Introduce new vocabulary related to sports, such as running, jumping, swimming, etc. Use flashcards and real objects to help students understand and memorize the words.3. Listening: Play a recording of a sports event, ask students to listen and answer questions about the participants and their performance. Have a class discussion about the sports event.4. Speaking: Organize a mini sports day in the classroom. Divide the class into groups and assign different sports to each group. Students will take turns performing their chosen sports and describing their actions in English.6. Writing: Ask students to write a paragraph about their favorite sports and why they like it. Provide sentence starters and vocabulary to support their writing.Unit 2: The Zoo1. Warm-up Activity: Show students pictures of different animals, ask them to identify the animals and describe their characteristics.2. Vocabulary: Introduce new vocabulary related to animals, such as lion, elephant, giraffe, etc. Use flashcards and real pictures to help students understand and remember the words.3. Listening: Play a recording about a visit to the zoo, ask students to listen and answer questions about the animals seenat the zoo. Discuss the experience as a class.4. Speaking: Organize a group presentation about different animals. Each group will research and present information about an assigned animal, including its physical characteristics, habitat, and behavior.6. Writing: Ask students to write a paragraph about their favorite animal and describe its appearance and characteristics. Provide sentence starters and vocabulary to support their writing.Unit 3: The Weather1. Warm-up Activity: Review previous knowledge about different types of weather. Ask students to share their favorite weather and reasons.2. Vocabulary: Introduce new vocabulary related to weather, such as sunny, rainy, windy, etc. Use flashcards and pictures to help students understand and remember the words.3. Listening: Play a weather report recording, ask students to listen and identify the weather conditions mentioned. Discuss the weather conditions and their impact on activities.4. Speaking: Organize a weather forecast presentation. Each group will research and present a weather forecast for a chosencity, including the current weather conditions and predictionsfor the next few days.6. Writing: Ask students to write a short weather report fora chosen city. Provide sentence starters and vocabulary to support their writing.Unit 4: At the Department Store2. Vocabulary: Introduce new vocabulary related to department store items, such as clothes, shoes, bags, etc. Use flashcards and real objects to help students understand and remember the words.3. Listening: Play a conversation between a customer and a shop assistant in a department store, ask students to listen and answer questions about the customer's needs and the shopassistant's suggestions. Discuss the conversation as a class.4. Speaking: Organize a role play activity where studentsact as customers and shop assistants. They will take turns practicing conversations in a department store setting, focusing on making inquiries and providing suggestions.6. Writing: Ask students to write a short letter to a friend, describing a shopping experience in a department store. Provide sentence starters and vocabulary to support their writing.Unit 5: On the Farm1. Warm-up Activity: Show pictures of different farm animals, ask students to identify the animals and describe their appearances and behaviors.2. Vocabulary: Introduce new vocabulary related to farm animals, such as cow, sheep, chicken, etc. Use flashcards, videos, and real objects to help students understand and remember the words.3. Listening: Play an audio recording about life on a farm, ask students to listen and answer questions about the daily activities and responsibilities of farmers. Discuss therecording as a class.4. Speaking: Organize a class discussion about farming andits importance. Ask students to share their thoughts on why farming is important and the challenges faced by farmers.6. Writing: Ask students to write a diary entry about avisit to a farm. Provide sentence starters and vocabulary to support their writing.Unit 6: At the Pet Show1. Warm-up Activity: Show pictures of different pets, ask students to identify the pets and share their experiences with pets.2. Vocabulary: Introduce new vocabulary related to pets,such as cat, dog, rabbit, etc. Use flashcards and real picturesto help students understand and remember the words.3. Listening: Play a conversation between pet owners at apet show, ask students to listen and answer questions about the pets being shown and their unique features. Discuss the conversation as a class.4. Speaking: Organize a pet show in the classroom. Each student will bring a toy pet and present it to the class, describing its special features and characteristics.6. Writing: Ask students to write a short paragraph about their ideal pet and why they would choose it. Provide sentence starters and vocabulary to support their writing.以上是《牛津英语上海版2B》教学设计的主要内容,根据课程特点和教学目标,选择了适合学生的各种教学活动和评估手段。



沪教牛津英语2b教案【篇一:小学牛津英语2b全册教案】unit1 do you like winter?第一课时教学目标:1、能听懂一般疑问句do you like??引导尝试用yes,i do.和no,i don`t.回答。


3、初步学习歌曲season`s song。

教学重点难点:1、能听懂一般疑问句do you like??引导尝试用yes,i do.和no,i don`t.回答。


教具准备及辅助活动:录音机、词语卡片、挂图教学过程:a. free talk:1、播放歌曲happy new year,给学生创造新年新气象的愉悦氛围。

2、播放season`s song给学生欣赏,让学生初步了解本歌曲的曲调和节奏。

b、learn to say1、由学生的衣服和颜色引出单词:t: happy new year!(指着某个学生的衣服表示赞美)you look so beautiful! 引导学生用thank you 回答。

t: your blue coat is nice. do you like blue?(根据学生衣服的实际情况引导学生回答)yes,i do./no, i don`t.2、让学生猜猜教师喜欢的颜色,引出单词winter。

t:what do i like?学生说颜色的单词,引导学生尝试用do you like ??的句型来问。

t:i like white. today i`d like to show you a picture of a white winter.教师出示冬天的图片,引出winter,组织学生听单词录音,朗读单词。


2B Unit1 period 1(上海版牛津英语教案)

2B Unit1 period 1(上海版牛津英语教案)

2B Unit1 period 1(上海版牛津英语教案)2B Unit1 period 12B Unit1 period 1(上海版牛津英语教案)前言:小泰温馨提醒,英语作为在许多国际组织或者会议上都是必需语言,几乎所有学校选择英语作为其主要或唯一的外语必修课。




lesson planschool: penglai no.2 primary schoolname: zhang yingyingbook: oxford english (shanghai edition)2b unit 1topic: farm animalaims: 1.structures: draw the cow on the paper.2.word: cow3.function: using "draw … on the paper".language focus: using imperatives to give simple instructions.aids: pictures, realiaprocedures contentsmethodspurpose i.pre-taskpreparation1. warming-up ps: sing a song about animals.1.通过歌曲,让学生对动物有初步的印象。



2. questions and answers which animal do you like best? why?which animal do you have as a pet?do you like …?t: ask pupils to answer the : answer.pa: ask questions.pb: answer.3. quick response tigers, sheep, elephants, crocodiles, ducks, cows (show the pictures)ps: farm animals.ps: wildanimals.ii.while-taskprocedure content 1: cow1.introduction:t: elicit ‘cow’ from the previous game. what’s this?2.imitation: cow1) t: ask pupils to follow.t-ps2) t: spell the word.pa-pb-pn通过机械性的仿说及拼读,使学生对所学单词基本掌握。



Teaching Plan of Oxford English 2BModule1 Unit1 What can you see?[单元分析]一、教材地位在过去的英语学习中,学生已经能听说并运用What colour is it? It’s … What can you see? I can see a/an…, What do you hear? I hear … / What do you see? I see …进行简单问答,也已学了一些表示颜色的单词:red, yellow, blue, green, bag, van, bicycle等,学生能听说white, black, orange, purple, brown等词。

在本单元里,将学习以下主要内容:单词:white, purple, pink, orange, brown, black,句型:What colour are they? They are…What can you see? I can see…通过本单元学习,学生能用4--5句话介绍自己看到的二者以上的东西,并说说它们的颜色。

二、学习目标:1. 能听、说、认读“white, purple, pink, orange, brown, black”。

2.能运用句型“What colour are …?”提问,并能根据实际情况回答问题,认读句型。

3.能认读句型“They are…”,描述事物并认读句型。

4. 能有节奏,有感情地表演儿歌,做出相应的动作。


四.教时分配Period 1: 整合Look and learn与Listen and enjoy,,复习red, blue, yellow, green, 学习并运用What can you see? I can see…和What colour is it? It’s …来问答,学习词汇purple, white, black, pink, brown.Period 2:整合Look and say与Say and act,以学习What colour are they? They are…为主,进行对话训练. 补充What colour are the …? They’re …的句型。



Period 5 Let’s enjoy.Contents: story: I’ve got a cow. It goes ‘moo, moo’.Aims: ⒈Using formulaic expressions to indicate possessions. e.g. I’ve got a cow.⒉Using formulaic expressions to indicate what noise animalsmake. e.g. It goes ‘moo, moo’.Main points: Using formulaic expressions to indicate possessions and what noise animals make.Difficulties: Pronounce correctly words in connected speech by linking together and using appropriate stress.Aids: Student’s Book, tape, a toy animal2B Unit 1 Farm AnimalsPeriod 1 Let’s learnContents: 1.Word: hen, chick, duck, cow, pig2.Letter: N n nose, O o orangeAim: ing nouns to identify common farm animals.e.g. hen, chick2.Learn the above names and sounds of the letters ‘N n, O o’.3.Knowning about the farm animals and say something aboutthe animals you like.Main points: Using nouns to identify common farm animals. Difficulties: Pronounce words properly.Aids: 1.T: picture cards, words cards, tape, Student’s Book and Wordbook.P: picture cards (students prepared beforehand )Period 2 Let’s talkContents: What do you see? I see┄What do you hear? I hear┄Aims: 1. Asking ‘wh’questions to find out specific information about a farm.e.g. What do you see /hear?2.Using the simple present tense. e.g. I see/hear a duck.Main Points: Asking and answering the ‘wh’questions. Difficulties: Using the models to communicate with other learners. Aids: the wallchart for page 3, six picture cards and six word cards ,tape , Student’s Book and WorkbookProcedures:ⅠPre-task preparation⒈Show six toy farm animals or pictures of them.Ask students to name in English.⒉Show sixword cards. Ask students to read them.Period 3 Let’s actContents: Draw the cow on the paper. Draw the duck on the ground. Aims: ⒈Using imperatives to give simple instructions. e.g. Draw the cow on the paper.⒉Locating specific information in response to simple instructions.⒊Using modeled phrases to communicate with other learners. Main points: Using imperatives to give simple instructions. Difficulties: Using modeled phrases to communicate with other learners. Aids: plain sheets of paper, toy animals, animal picture cards, tape, Workbook, Student’s BookPeriod 4. Let’s play.Contents: Listen, tick and say: I hear a…Aims: ⒈Using the simple present tense to indicate what you hear. e.g. I hear a sheep.2. Using nouns to refer to farm animals. e.g. cowMain points: Using the simple present tense to indicate what you hear. Difficulties: Recognizing key words of the animals.Aids: Student’s Book and Workbook, tape, word and picture cards2B Unit2 In the circus Period1 Let’s act Teaching aims:1)Locate specific information in response to simple instructions.2)Use imperatives to give simple instructions.3)Learn the sentences: Come here. Go there. Come back . Education aims:Foster the thought of loving animals.Difficult points:Using imperatives to give simple instructions.Materials:Cassette 2B and cassette player.Animal masksTeaching essay2B Unit2 In the circus Period2 Let’s learn Teaching aims:1)Learn the words: horse, bear, elephant, tiger, monkey, panda.2) Pronounce words properly.Education aims:Foster the thought of loving animals.Difficult points:Using nouns to identify animals.e. g. bear, elephantMaterials:Cassette 2B and a cassette player.Wookbook 2B page 6.Animal masks.Teaching essay2B Unit2 In the circus Period3 Let’s talk Teaching aims:1)Learn the sentences: Look at the…It’s…and…2) Use imperatives to draw attention to something.3 ) Use adjectives to describe animals.Education aims:Foster the thought of loving animals.Difficult points:Use imperatives to draw attention to the animals and describe them.Materials:Cassette 2B and a cassette playerWord and picture cards (animals)Wallchart 2BAnimalsTeaching essay2B Unit 2 Period 4 In the circus Letters Basic aim: ing nouns to identify things.. .. e.g. pencil, quilt.2. Learning the letters: Pp , Qq.Difficult point: Writing the lettersTeaching essay2B Unit 2 Period 5 Let’s play Guess Who’s my friend? Basic aim:ing connectives to link two adjectives.e.g. She is little and white.2.Asking “Wh-’’questions to find out specific information abouta person.e.g. Who is she?Developing aims:1.Learn other words. e.g. tail,short.2.Make a riddle.Materials: cassette,player,toys,masks.Teaching procedure:Teaching essayUnit 2 Let’s enjoyPeriod 6 Song Basic aim:ing imperatives to draw attention to somethinge. g. Look at the bear.ing adjectives to describe animalse. g. It’s big and brown.Developing aims:1.Rhyme2.Like animals, like nature.Materials:Cassette, player, pictures, masks.Teaching procedure:Teaching essayUNIT 3 Let’s learnPeriod 1Teaching aims:1.Basic aims: a. To learn the letters: Rr Ss.b. To learn the words: rubber, sweet.c. Add a new word: chocolate.2.Developing aims: using the words to make some sentences, make some dialogues or some rhymes.Main points: To learn the letters and the words.Difficult points: The pronunciation of ‘Rr’.Materials: letter cards, picture cards, cassette.Teaching essayUNIT 3 Let’s learnPeriod 2Teaching aims:1.Basic aims:To learn the seven words: window, door, bed, room, sofa, table, lamp.2.Developing aims: Using the words to describe a room.Main points: To learn the words.Difficult points: Using some English to describe the words. Materials: cassette, picture cards, a big picture of a room.Teaching essayUNIT 3 Let’s actPeriod 3Te aching aims:1.Basic aims: Using imperative to give simple instructions: Close the window, please.2. Developing aims: Using imperative in the correct situation. Main points and difficult points:Use modelled phrases to communicate with other learners. Materials: cassette, picture cards, the picture of ‘my room’Teaching essay2B UNIT 3 Let’s talkPeriod 4Teaching aims:1.Basic aims:(1)Using the simple present tense to indicate facts. E.g. This is myroom.(2)Using introductory ‘There’to express facts. E.g. There is / are…in my room.2. Developing aims: T o describe one place using ‘There is/are…’. Education aims: Let the students to love their homes.Main points and difficult points:Using ‘This is …’‘There is/are …’to express facts. Materials: cassette, the tape of listening( 2parts),the tape of the sounds(the admire and bewail sounds),some pictures, cards. etc.。



Unit 1 Where I LiveTeaching aids:A. Words : letters Aa --Bb , bin , park , road , building , ShanghaiB. Structures : I live in …. I love …. I see …. That’s …C. Functions : Give simple instructions; Refer to specific classroom objects.Material:1. Student's Book 2A page 2--62. Cassette 1A and a cassette player3. Wallcharts4. Photograph page 15. Alphabet CardsTeaching times:5 timesLearning targets:A. Basic aims:1. Be able to identify the letters Aa -- Bb2. Be able to give simple instructions3. Be able to use the simple present tense to indicate facts4. Be able to "point to your home"5. Read the rhymeB. Further aims:1.2.Practise saying a new rhyme substituting 'Shanghai' with another places Language focus:1. Using the definite article to refer to specific classroom objects2. Using the simple present tense to express interests and preferences3. Learning the words: bin , park , road , building , ShanghaiPeriod 1Teaching focus:Using imperatives to give simple instructionsUsing the definite article to refer to specific classroom objectsPeriod 2Teaching focus:Using the simple present tense to indicate factsUsing the simple present tense to express interests and preferencesPeriod 3Teaching focus:Using nouns to identify objectUsing proper nouns to refer to placesPeriod 4Teaching focus:Asking ' Wh-' questions to find out various kinds of specific information about a person Using the simple persent tense to express truthUsing the simple persent tense to express interests and preferencesPeriod 5Teaching focus:Using the simple persent tense to express interests and preferencesUnit 4 Going aboutTeaching designing:Teaching aids:A.Words: letters Gg—Hh, plane, ferry, train, taxi, car, bus, van.B.Structures: Get ……How do you go to……C.Functions: Give simple instructions; Using connectives to add information Material:1.Student’s Book 2A page 17-212.Cassette 1A and a cassette player3.Wall charts4.Photograph page 145.Alphabet CardsTeaching times:5 timesLearning targets:A.B asic aims:1.Be able to identify the letters Gg--Hh2.Be able to give simple instructions3.Be able to introduce oneself using I’m.4.Be able to write the sentence Hello, I’m <name>.5.Sing a song.B.Further aims:ing more information to introduce oneself2.The sorts of the alphabetLanguage focus:ing imperatives to give simple instructions2.Asking How questions to find out means and Using prepositions to indicate meas3.Learning the words: plane……Period 1Teaching focus:Using imperative to give simple instructionsTeaching steps:Period 2Teaching focus:Asking How questions to find out mean Using prepositions to indicate means Using formulaic expressions to take leave Teaching steps:Period 3Teaching focus:Using nouns to identify forms of transport. Teaching steps:Period 4Teaching focus:Using formulaic expressions to indicate how people travel Teaching steps:Period 5Teaching focus:Using nouns to identify different forms of transport Teaching steps:Unit 5 Crossing the roadTeaching designing:Teaching aids:D.Words: letters—Ii Jj, stop, light, go, fast, slow.E.Structures: Look at the light. It’s…, Go! / Stop! / Wait! /F.Functions: Using imperatives to give simple instructions; To give simpleinstructions.Material:6.Student’s Book 2A page 22-267.Cassette 1A and a cassette player8.Wall charts9.Photograph page 1410.Alphabet CardsTeaching times:5 timesLearning targets:C.Basic aims:6.Be able to identify the letters Ii--Jj7.Be able to give simple instructions8.Be able to introduce oneself using I’m.9.Be able to write the sentence Hello, I’m <name>.10.Sing a song.D.F urther aims:ing more information to introduce oneself4.The sorts of the alphabetLanguage focus:ing imperatives to give simple instructionsing adjectives to describe objects6.Learning the words: stop……Period 1Teaching focus:Using imperative to give simple instructionsTeaching steps:Period 2Teaching focus:Using imperative to give simple instructions Using adjectives to describe objectsTeaching steps:Period 3Teaching focus:Using imperatives to give simple instructions Using nouns to identify thingsUsing adjectives to describe objects Teaching steps:Period 4Teaching focus:Using imperative to give instructions Using adjectives to describe coloursTeaching steps:Period 5Teaching focus:Using imperatives to give simple instructions Using adjectives to describe objectsTeaching steps:。

2B Unit1 period 2(上海版牛津英语教案)

2B Unit1 period 2(上海版牛津英语教案)

2B Unit1 period 2(上海版牛津英语教案)lesson planschool: penglai no.2 primary schoolname: zhang yingyingbook: oxford english (shanghai edition)2b unit 1topic: farm animalaims: 1. structures: draw the duck on the ground.2.words: duck, chick3. function: using "draw ?on the ?.language focus: using imperatives to give simple instructions.aids: computer, radio, picturesprocedurescontentsmethodspurposei. pre-taskpreparation1. warming-upps: say a chant about animals.1. 通过同学宠爱的节奏小诗,调动同学学习的乐观性,并对多种动物进行复习。

2.让同学通过记忆来描述他们所看到的动物, 以起到巩固复习作用,同时,也能起到培育同学的观看力量的作用。

2. questions and answerswhat do you see?(computer)t: show some animals and ask students to remember what they see.pn: i see a cow. (etc.)3. quick responset: put the animals on the paper.pn: draw the ?on the paper.ii. while-task procedurecontent 1: ground1. introduction:t: put the cat on the ground. draw the cat on the ground.1. 同学通过机械的朗读及拼读,对所学单词基本把握。





一、教学目标:1. 语言目标:a. 能够听懂、理解并正确朗读教材中的单词、句子和短文。

b. 能够用正确的语音、语调和语法进行简单的对话和表达。

c. 能够通过听、说、读、写的综合训练,掌握教材中的语言知识和表达方式。

2. 情感目标:a. 培养学生对英语学习的兴趣和自信心。

b. 培养学生团队合作意识和积极参与课堂活动的能力。

二、教学重点:1. 学习教材中的单词、句子和短文。

2. 培养学生的听、说、读、写的综合能力。

三、教学内容:本教案包括以下几个单元的教学内容:1. Unit 1: My School Life2. Unit 2: My Family3. Unit 3: My Daily Routine4. Unit 4: My Hobbies5. Unit 5: My Body四、教学步骤:1. 导入(5分钟):利用图片、视频或实物等引起学生对课题的兴趣,激发学生的学习欲望。

2. 新课呈现(10分钟):通过教师的示范和板书等方式,向学生介绍本课的新词汇、句子和语法。

3. 听力训练(15分钟):利用录音机或多媒体设备播放教材中的听力材料,让学生听懂并理解内容,完成相应的听力练习。

4. 口语练习(15分钟):利用教材中的对话和问题,让学生进行口语练习,培养学生的听、说能力。

5. 阅读训练(15分钟):让学生阅读教材中的短文或文章,理解并回答相关问题。

6. 写作训练(15分钟):让学生根据教材中的写作要求,进行写作练习,培养学生的写作能力。

7. 小组活动(15分钟):将学生分成小组,进行小组活动,如角色扮演、讨论等,培养学生的团队合作意识和口语表达能力。

8. 温故知新(10分钟):复习本节课所学的知识点,巩固学生的学习成果。


3.Learn the new word:
hard, rough
Is it...? No, it’s ...
4.Learn the new word:
1.T actsthe magician and says: Hello, I’ma magician. My name is Tom.
Let the students touch the porcelain rabbit.
Hard, hard, it’shard.
H-a-r-d,the rabbit is hard.
Rough, rough, it’srough.
R-o-u-g-h,the rabbit is rough.
While-task procedure
1.Learn thenew word:
2.Learn the words:
soft, smooth
... is soft.
... is smooth.
Touch ...
Is it ...? Yes, it is.
Teaching plan
Period 1
Look and learn Look and say
Language aims:
1.To help the students master the names of the life goods.
watch bag
2. To help the students master theadjectives of describing how objects feel



Period 5 Let’s enjoy.Contents: story: I’ve got a cow. It goes ‘moo, moo’.Aims: ⒈Using formulaic expressions to indicate possessions. e.g. I’ve got a cow.⒉Using formulaic expressions to indicate what noise animals make. e.g. Itgoes ‘moo, moo’.Main points: Using formulaic expressions to indicate possessions and what noise animals make.Difficulties: Pronounce correctly words in connected speech by linking together and using appropriate stress.2B Unit 1 Farm AnimalsPeriod 1 Let’s learnContents: 1.Word: hen, chick, duck, cow, pig2.Letter: N n nose, O o orangeAim: ing nouns to identify common farm animals.e.g. hen, chick2.Learn the above names and sounds of the letters ‘N n, O o’.3.Knowning about the farm animals and say something about the animalsyou like.Main points: Using nouns to identify common farm animals.Difficulties: Pronounce words properly.Aids: 1.T: picture cards, words cards, tape, Student’s Book and Wordbook.P: picture cards (students prepared beforehand )Period 2 Let’s talkContents: What do you see? I see┄What do you hear? I hear┄Aims: 1. Asking ‘wh’ questions to find out specific information about a farm.e.g. What do you see /hear?2.Using the simple present tense. e.g. I see/hear a duck.Main Points: Asking and answering the ‘wh’ questions.Difficulties: Using the models to communicate with other learners.Aids: the wallchart for page 3, six picture cards and six word cards ,tape , Student’s Procedures:ⅠPre-task preparation⒈Show six toy farm animals or pictures of them. Askstudents to name in English.⒉Show six word cards.Ask students to read them.⒊Match the words to the pictures on the board.⒋Ask: ①What comes from a hen?/ Where does an eggcome from?②Where does milk/a chick /a hen come from?Ⅱ. While-task procedure⒈While putting your hands on your eyes like a telescope,say ‘What do you see?’Then putting your hand on yourear like listening, say ‘What do you see?’ Getthe students to do the actions like you while repeating thequestions after you.⒉Put up the wallchart for page 3 tell a story something likethis:T: Look at the picture of a farm. This boy is Sam andthis girl is May. They’re brother and sister. This old manis their grandfather. Sam and May sometimes go to thecountry to visit their grandfather. Their grandfather is afarmer. Sam and May like to go to his farm to see theanimals. There are a lot of animals on the farm: a pig,sheep, cows, a duck and even a hen with baby chicks.How many of them do you see in the picture? S: I see…⒊Play the sounds of the animals on the recording andanswer the questions ‘What do you hear?’bysaying ‘I hear…’⒋Listen to the story again. Then answer the questionsand such as the following:①Who is the boy/girl/old man? (Sam, May, grandfather)②Wh at is Sam and May’s grandfather? (He is a farmer.)③Are there many animals on his farm? (Yes, there are.)④What animals has grandfather got on his farm? (He hasgot a pig, sheep, cows, a duck, a hen and chicks.)⑤What do you see in the picture? (I see…)⑥What do you hear on the tape? (I hear…)⒌Open their books. Listen to the let students hear thePeriod 3 Let’s actContents: Draw the cow on the paper. Draw the duck on the ground.Aims: ⒈Using imperatives to give simple instructions. e.g. Draw the cow on the paper.⒉Locating specific information in response to simple instructions.⒊Usingmodeled phrases to communicate with other learners.Main points: Using imperatives to give simple instructions.Difficulties: Using modeled phrases to communicate with other learners.Aids: plain sheets of paper, toy animals, animal picture cards, tape, Workbook,Period 4. Let’s play.Contents: Listen, tick and say: I hear a…Aims: ⒈Using the simple present tense to indicate what you hear. e.g. I hear a sheep.2. Using nouns to refer to farm animals. e.g. cowMain points: Using the simple present tense to indicate what you hear. Difficulties: Recognizing key words of the animals.Aids: Student’s Book and Workbook, tape, word and picture cards2B Unit2 In the circus Period1 Let’s act Teaching aims:1)Locate specific information in response to simple instructions.2)Use imperatives to give simple instructions.3)Learn the sentences: Come here. Go there. Come back . Education aims:Foster the thought of loving animals.Difficult points:Using imperatives to give simple instructions.Materials:Cassette 2B and cassette player.2B Unit2 In the circus Period2 Let’s learn Teaching aims:1)Learn the words: horse, bear, elephant, tiger, monkey, panda.2) Pronounce words properly.Education aims:Foster the thought of loving animals.Difficult points:Using nouns to identify animals.e. g. bear, elephantMaterials:Cassette 2B and a cassette player.Wookbook 2B page 6.Teaching essay2B Unit2 In the circus Period3 Let’s talk Teaching aims:1)Learn the sentences: Look at the…It’s… and…2) Use imperatives to draw attention to something.3 ) Use adjectives to describe animals.Education aims:Foster the thought of loving animals.Difficult points:Use imperatives to draw attention to the animals and describe them. Materials:Cassette 2B and a cassette playerWord and picture cards (animals)Wallchart 2BTeaching essay2B Unit 2 Period 4 In the circus LettersBasic aim: ing nouns to identify things.. .. e.g. pencil, quilt.2. Learning the letters: Pp , Qq.Difficult point: Writing the letters2B Unit 2 Period 5 Let’s play Guess Who’s my friend?Basic aim:ing connectives to link two adjectives.e.g. She is little and white.2.Asking “Wh-’’questions to find out specific information about a person.e.g. Who is she?Developing aims:1.Learn other words. e.g. tail,short.2.Make a riddle.Materials: cassette,player,toys,masks. Teaching procedure:Unit 2 Let’s enjoy Period 6 SongBasic aim:ing imperatives to draw attention to somethinge. g. Look at the bear.ing adjectives to describe animalse. g. It’s big and bro wn.Developing aims:1.Rhyme2.Like animals, like nature.Materials:Cassette, player, pictures, masks.UNIT 3 Let’s learnPeriod 1 Teaching aims:1.Basic aims: a. To learn the letters: Rr Ss.b. To learn the words: rubber, sweet.c. Add a new word: chocolate.2.Developing aims: using the words to make some sentences, make some dialogues or some rhymes.Main points: To learn the letters and the words.Difficult points: The pronunciation of ‘Rr’.UNIT 3 Let’s learn Period 2Teaching aims:1.Basic aims:To learn the seven words: window, door, bed, room, sofa, table, lamp.2.Developing aims: Using the words to describe a room.Main points: To learn the words.Difficult points: Using some English to describe the words. Materials: cassette, picture cards, a big picture of a room.UNIT 3 Let’s actPeriod 3Te aching aims:1.Basic aims: Using imperative to give simple instructions:Close the window, please.2. Developing aims: Using imperative in the correct situation.Main points and difficult points:Use modelled phrases to communicate with other learners.2B U NIT 3 Let’s talkPeriod 4Teaching aims:1.Basic aims:(1)Using the simple present tense to indicate facts. E.g. This is my room.(2)Using introductory ‘There’ to express facts. E.g. There is / are… in my room.2. Developing aims: To describe one place using ‘There is/are…’.Education aims: Let the students to love their homes.Main points and difficult points:Using ‘This is …’ ‘There is/are …’ to express facts.Materials: cassette, the tape of listening( 2parts),the tape of the sounds(the admire and2B UNIT 3 Let’s playPeriod 5Teaching aims:1.Basic aims: Using prepositions to indicate positions. E.g. There is a lamp onthe table.2. Developing aims: To describe the story fluently.Education aims: Let the children be interested with the story.Main points: Repeat the story.Difficult points: The using of the prepositions: on, under, in.2B UNIT 3 Let’s enjoyPeriod 6Teaching aims:1. Basic aims: To learn the story and repeat it.2. Developing aims: To say the rhyme using appropriate stress. Education aims: Let the children fell interesting with the English. Main points: To say the rhyme correctly.Difficult points: To say the rhyme using appropriate stress.2B Unit 4 In the parkThe first period Let’s learnTeaching Aims:Basic aims:Using verbs to identify momentary actions:e.g. walk, climb, skip, swing, fly, ride Difficult points: Using the verbs to say sentences Education Aims: To love sports and deep a good health Materials: Picture and word cards2B Unit 4 In the parkThe second period Let’s actTeaching Aims :Basic aims: Using imperatives to express prohibitione.g. Don’t walk on the grass.Difficult points : Using imperatives to express prohibition Education Aims : To protect the surroundingMaterials : Picture2B Uint 4 In the parkThe third periodLet’s talkTeaching Aims:Basic aims : 1. Using the modal verb “can” to express abilitiese.g. I can climb.2.Asking “Wh-“ questions to find out particular information abouta persone.g. What can you do?Difficult points : Using verbs to indicate momentary actionse.g. I can skip.Education Aims : To love sportsMaterials : PicturesUnit4 In the park LettersThe fourth period Teaching aims:1)Using nouns to identify things. e.g. tree umbrella2)Learning the letters: T t, U uDifficult points:Writing the letters correctly.Materials:Unit4 In the park Let’s playThe fifth period Teaching aims:ing modal ve rb ‘can’ to express abilities.e.g. Spotty can climb.ing verbs to indicate momentary actions.e.g. Spotty can skip.Difficult points:Using modal verb ‘can’ to express abilities.e.g. Spotty can climb.Materials:Cassette, picture, dice, countersUnit 4 In the park RhymeThe sixth period Teaching aims:ing verbs to describe movements.e.g. Walk like a cat.2. Using prepositional phrases to describe locations.e.g. On the floor.Difficult point:Using modeled phrases to communicate with other learners. Education aims:To love sports and the animals.Materials:Cassette, cassette player, pictures。

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最大最全最精的教育资源网Unit1 Farm animalsThe First PeriodLanguage focus:Using imperatives to give simple instructionse.g. Draw the cow on the paper.Language skills:Listening and speakingMaterials:Book, cassette, plain sheets of paper, toy animals, workbookPre-task preparation1.Show a picture of a cow. Ask‘ What animal is this?’2.Draw an outline of a cow on the blackboard. Ask the students what you are doing?Ask them what you are drawing on the blackboard.3.Ask Can you draw a cow? Give the students a few pieces of paper each. SayToday we’ll learn to draw some animals.While-task procedure1.Teach the students to draw a cow on the paper. Make sure they understand themeaning of drawing a cow on the paper.2.Show toy animals and say‘ Draw the…on the paper.’ e.g. bird.3.Tell a story like this:One day, a boy went out to play. When he came to the river, he saw a duck swimming. How beautiful! He picked up a stick and began to draw the duck on the ground.4.Ask What did the boy draw? Where did he draw the duck?5.Say‘ Draw the duck on the group.’ The students repeat and point to the correctpicture.6.Play the cassette tape. Let the students listen to the instructions. Ask the studentsto repeat and mime the actions.7.Invite individual students to act out the scene.Post-task activity1.Divide students into pairs. Have one students give the instruction and the othermime the action. Then let them change roles.2.Invite pairs of students to act out the dialogue to the class. Students vote for thebest pairs.3.Ask some students to draw a pig on the blackboard. The rest of the studentschoose which drawing they like best.ConsolidationWorkbook page 2: Listen and draw.P2最大最全最精的教育资源网The Second PeriodLanguage focus:Review: Let’s act e.g. Draw the…on the…Language skills:Listening , speaking and writingMaterials:Book, cassette, cards, pictures…Pre-task preparation1.Read the words and phrases: e.g. cow, duck, cat, on the ground, on the floor…2.Guess some words.3.Guess some phrases.4.Dictation.While-task procedure1.Look at the pictures and speak.(1)one by one(2)work in groups(3)act out2.Listen to the tape , think about and answer the questions.3.Write the sentences.4.Play a game.Post-task activities1. Copy the words and sentences.e.g. Draw the cow on the paper.Draw the duck on the ground.Draw the face on the paper…2. Make some sentences.ConsolidationExercise paperP2The Third PeriodLanguage focus:Asking‘ wh-’questi ons to find out specific information about a farme.g. What do you see?Using the simple present tensee.g. I see a duck.Language skills:Listening and speakingMaterials:Book, cassette, pieces of paper…Pre-task preparation1.Show some toy farm animals or pictures of farm animals. Ask students if they canname them in Chinese.2.Show the class the wallchart for page3. Point at the animals and say their Englishnames for students to listen to. Then repeat for them to follow.3.Ask What comes from a hen? Wha t can we make from sheep’s wool?While-task procedure1.While pointing to your eyes say,‘ What do you see?’ Then pointing to your earssay,‘ What do you hear?’Get the students to point to their own eyes and ears while repeating the questions after you2.Put u p the wallchart for page3. Tell a story …3.Ask questions such as the following:●What is Sam and May’s grandfather?( He is a farmer.)●What animals has grandfather got on his farm?( He has got a pig, sheep,cows, a duck, a hen and chicks.)●What do you see in the picture?( I see…)●What do you hear on the tape?( I hear…)4.Play the cassette tape to let students hear the correct pronunciation of thesentences . The students listen and repeat. Then ask individual students to say‘ What do you see/hear?’ and ‘ I see/hear…’5.Let the students look at the pictures in their Student’s Book and in pairs practicethe language. Monitor their pronunciation.Post-task activities1. Ask the students some more questions about the picture:What colour…?Do you like…?2. Ask students to make the correct noise for each animal in the picture.4.Make fuzzy paper sheep.C onsolidationWorkbook page 2: Look, listen and answer the questions.P3The Fourth PeriodLanguage focus:Review the sentences: e. g .What do you see? I see..What do you hear? I hear…Language skills:Listening, speaking, reading and writingMaterials:Book, cassette, word cards, pictures, paper..Pre-task preparation1.Read the sentences.2.Make some sentences.3.Dictation.While-task procedure1.Look at the pictures and speak.(1)one by one(2)work in groups(3)act out2.Listen to the tape , think about and answer the questions.3.Write the sentences.4.Play a game.Post-task activities1.Copy the words and sentences.2.Listen and write.3.Act out.4.Ask and answer.ConsolidationExercise paper.P3The Fifth PeriodLanguage focus:Using nouns to identify common farm animalse.g. a cowLanguage skills:SpeakingPronounce words properlyLearn the names and sounds of the letters ‘N n, O o’MaterialsBook, cassette, cards, pictures…Pre-task preparation1.Hold up the picture card for each of the farm animals and ask the students to makethe appropriate noise.2.Point to the animals and have students call out the names to check if they canidentify the animal’s correctly.While-task procedure1.Hold the picture card for each farm animals and ask the students to say theanimals name.2.Show the words cards and read the words for students to follow.3.Ask individual students to come up and choose a word card to put next to theappropriate animal on the wallchart.4.Play the cassette for students to listen to native speakers saying the vocabularywhile they look at the pictures in their own books.5.Ask: Which animal are you? What do you hear?6.Learn: nose, orange, Nn, Oo.7.Learn the sound /n/ /o/ Play the cassette.Pos-task activityDraw a large outline of a barn and explain what it is. Tell students that if they can read the names of the farm animals that you write next to the barn, you will write their names on the barn.ConsolidationWorkbook page3,4.The Six PeriodLanguage focus:Using the simple present tense to indicate what you heare.g. I hear a sheep.Using nouns to refer to farm animalse.g. cowLanguage skills:Listening : Identify key words by recognizing animal noisesSpeaking: Use modeled phrases to communicate with other learnersMaterials:Book, cassette, word and picture cards, workbook.Pre-task preparation1.Imitate some animals sound and ask students to guess what animals they are.2.Randomly put the picture and word cards on the board. Get students to put thecorrect words and pictures together. Revise the names of the animals by reading the word cards together. See who can read all of the words by themselves. While-task procedure1.Look at page5. Ask them to read out the names of the animals on the right.2.Play the recording. Put one hand to your ear and ask‘ What do you hear’ to elicit‘ Ihear a sheep.’3.Tick the correct answer in the box.4.Repeat step2 and 3 for the rest of the choices.5.Go around the class to check students’ answers.Post-task activities1.Play a guessing game in pairs. They can take turns to make an animal sound andto guess what the animal is by saying, ‘ I hear a…’2.Play a game called‘ duck, duck, Hen’.ConsolidationWorkbook page 4: Listen and trace the letters.P5The Seventh PeriodLanguage focus:Using formulaic expressions to indicate possessionse.g. I’ve got a cow.Using formulaic expressions to indicate what noises animals makee.g. It goes‘ moo, moo’.Language skills:Listening and speakingMaterials:Book, cassette, a toy animal, cards.Pre-task preparation1.Flash the picture cards and word cards for‘ cow’,‘ duck’,‘ pig’,‘ hen’ to check thatstudents remember the words.2.Ask various students to point to each picture and say‘ I see a…’.3.Ask students to imitate the sounds and actions the animals make.4.Hold up a toy animal and say,‘ I’ve got a… It goes…’5.Say Today we will learn to tell a story about animals on a farm.While-task procedure1.Get the students to open their Studen t’s Books to page 6. Ask the students to callout the names and sounds of the animals in the four pictures2.Read the story solely to the class. Ask‘ Who has got a…? What goes…? Whohas got four eggs?’3.Read the story again line by line so that the students can repeat after you.4.Play the cassette for the story. Students listen and follow in their books.5.Play the cassette again and ask students to listen and repeat.6.Divide the students into groups of four and ask them to act out the story. Oncethey have had time to practice, invite some to act in front of the class.Post-task activitiesa. Divide the class into pairs and encourage them to compose another verse by substituting the farm animals in the story with any other animals that they know the sounds of, e.g. dog, cat, sheep. Help the less able students while you walk around the classroom.b. Invite some students to act out their new story.ConsolidationExercise paperP6Unit 2 In the circusLanguage focus:Using imperatives to give simple instructionse.g. Come here, Spotty.Language skills:Listening and speakingMaterials:Book., cassette and a cassette playerPre-task preparation1.Revise the classroom instruction language.2.Say‘ Come here.’ and do a motioning hand action. Students copy you.3.Say‘ Come here,…(student’s name).’Invite some students to stand with you. Youcan give them a hint to make sure they understand the meaning and do the correct action.4.Say‘ That’s the door. Go there.’ Make sure students understand by pointing to thedoor. Say‘ go there…( student’s name).’ Then say‘ Come back,…( student’s name)’.5.Invite some students to do the action to the various commands.While-task procedure1.Have the class listen and move t heir hands according to your instruction,‘ Comehere. Go there. Come back.’ Repeat several times.2.Open the Student’s Book to page 7. Play the cassette. Ask students to listen andrepeat.3.Divide the class into pairs to practise acting out the instructions. In each group,one students gives instructions and the other does the actions. Then let them change roles.Post-task activities1.Play a game: Who is the quickest to respond? Divide the class into eight groups.Ask all the students to act according to your instructions. The group with the most students to act the quickest, wins a point.2.Play‘ Simon says…’using the instruction taught in this lesson in addition to themore familiar ones.P7 Language focus:Using imperatives to draw attention to somethinge.g. Look at the bear.Using nouns to identify zoo animalse.g. elephant, monkey, tigerUsing adjectives to describe animalse.g. It’s big and brown.Language skills:Listening and speakingMaterials:Book, cassette, word and picture cards, etc.Pre-task preparation1.Show a picture of a circus. Ask students if they have ever been to one or have seenone on television. Discuss what you can see at a circus.2.Show the cards: bear, panda, elephant, horse, monkey, tiger. Point to the picturesand tell students the names for the animals in English. Repeat for students to follow.While-task procedure1.Put up the wallchart for page 8. Tell a story something like this:Guess where father took May to celebrate her birthday? To the circus! May had never been to one before, but she had seen one on television. She was surprised to see so many animals. Do you know what animals she saw?2.Invite students to say aloud the animals in the picture.3.Say‘ Look at the bear.’ Then ask students to answer some questions about the beare.g. Is it big? What colour is it? Is it big and brown?4.Repeat step 3 with the other animals( elephant, horse, monkey, tiger and panda)5.Play the cassette tape for students to listen to native speakers saying the lineswhile they look at their own books. Students listen and repeat.6.Divide the class into pairs.Post-task activityTeach the students the following fun rhyme. Get five students to stand at the front. Ask the rest of the class to repeat after you:Five little elephants stand in a row,Five little elephants say‘ hello’.‘Oh’, say one elephant,‘I must go!’( Get the first students in the row to look at his/her watch, say the line and walk back to his/her seat. Then continue the rhyme.)Four little elephants stand in a row.Four little elephants say ‘ hello’.…Keep changing the animal to give the next five students a turn if time permits. ConsolidationWorkbook page 5最大最全最精的教育资源网P8 Language focus:Using nouns to identify animalse.g. bear, elephant, monkeyLanguage skills:Speaking: Pronounce words properly; Learn the names and sounds of the letters‘ Pp, Qq’Materials:Book, cassette, masks, etc.Pre-task preparationPut on the blackboard some pictures of animals found on a farm and at a circus. Ask students to come up and circle the animals they would find at a circus.While-task procedure1.Guess the animals and review the animal’s name.2.Students listen and repeat the words.3.Point to the panda and ask‘ What is it? What colour is it? Is it big? Is it fat?4.Repeat the steps with the other five words, i.e.‘ elephant’, ‘bear’, ‘ tiger’,‘ monkey’, ‘ horse’.5.Play the cassette tape for students to listen to the correct pronunciation. Askstudents to point to the relevant pictures and repeat the words.6.Put up the picture and word cards on the board in random order. Ask individualstudents to come up and rearrange them by putting the word cards below their corresponding pic ture cards, as show in their Student’s Books.7.Show students the picture card for‘ pencil, quilt’ and say Pencil, quilt begins withthe sound‘ p ’‘ q ’. Learn the letters: Pp, Qq.Post-task activities1.Play a game.2.Write the six animal names on the board in pairs.ConsolidationWorkbook page 6P9 Language focus:Using connectives to link two adjectivese.g. She is little and white.Asking‘ Wh-’ questions to find out specif ic information about a persone.g. Who is she?Language skills:Listening and speakingMaterials:Book, cassette, cassette player, workbook.Pre-task preparation1.Put up the word cards for this unit on the left hand side of the board and theircorresponding picture cards on the right hand side but in a random order. Put a word card next to the corresponding picture card and ask‘ Is this right’2.Encourage students to come up and put the rest of the word cards next to thecorrect picture cards. Repeat until all the words have been reviewed. You may need to remind students of the word‘ rabbit’.3.Say‘ Guess the animal. It is big and brown. What is it?’4.Say Today we’ll guess an animal riddle.While-task procedure1.Get students to open their Student’s Books to page 10. Play the cassette tape forstudents to listen and follow.Encourage students to repeat after the tape.2.Ask‘ Who is she?’ to elicit‘ She is a rabbit.’3.Practise reading the riddle once or twice with the students. They should point toeach line as you say it. Walk around to see if they are able to follow the sequence correctly.Post-task activitya.Divide students into groups of three. Ask each group to choose one animalsfrom the four pictures, i.e. horse, elephant, panda, tiger, and compose another riddle.b.Invite the group to read their riddles to the class. The rest of the class guesswhat the animal is.ConsolidationWorkbook page 7.P10Language focus:Using imperatives to draw attention to somethinge.g. Look at the bear.Using adjectives to describe animalse.g. It’s big and brown.Language skills:Listening and speakingMaterials:Book, cassette, a cassette player.Pre-task preparation1.Put up the picture cards of all the animals in this unit. Revise the vocabulary withthe class.2.P oint to one of the animals and say‘ Look at the… It’s…and…’.Let students tell you which animal they like and then discuss this animal.3.Say It would be more fun to sing about the animals we can find at the circus. Let’ssing.While-task procedure1.Point to the pictures and ask the students to name the animals.2.Read the words of the song slowly as you point at the pictures. Repeat two lines ata time, stopping for the students to repeat after you.3.Play the cassette tape for students to listen and follow.Repeat until the students are familiar with the words and the tune.4.Say The circus is fun and so is singing! Let’s sing our new song again. This timeboys sing it through and then the girls.You could also alternate verses between boys and girls.Post-task activitySing the song again. First, divide the class into three groups. Give each group a picture card of an animal, i.e. bear, horse or elephant. Say that they can all sing the song, but when it comes to an animal word, only the group with that animal’s pi cture card can sing. For example, all the students sing‘ Look at the’, but only the bear groupcan sing the word‘ bear’. They should hold up the picture card when they sing the word.ConsolidationExercise paperP11Unit 3 My roomLanguage focus:Using imperatives to give simple instructionse.g. Close the window, please.Language skills:Listening and speakingMaterials:Book, cassette 2B and a cassette playerPre-task preparation1.Point to or use hand gestures to illustrate‘ door ’,‘ window ’ and ‘ room ’. Say thewords.2.Point to an open window and say the command ‘ Close the window, please.’ Ask astudent to close the window, following your instruction.3.Point to a closed door and say‘ Open the door, please.’ Again, get a student tofollow your instruction.4.Show a picture of an untidy room. Point to the picture and say‘ Clean the room.’Ask individual students if they still remember the meaning of‘ clean’.While-task procedure1.Open Student’s Book to page12. Look at the pictures with the students and explai nthe scene for each picture. Make sure students understand the possessive adjective‘ your’.2.Play the cassette tape. Let the students listen to the instructions‘ Close the window,please.’, ‘ Open the door, please.’ and‘ Clean your room, please.’ Ask stude nts to repeat and mime the actions.Post-task activities1.Divide students into pairs. Have one student give the commands and the othermime the actions. Then let them change roles.2.Invite pairs of students to act out the dialogue to the class. Students vote for thebest pairs.3.Let the students draw a picture of their bedroom at home. Display the bestdrawing.P12Language focus:Using the simple present tense to indicate factse.g. This is my room.Using possessive adjectives to express possessione.g. This is my room.Using introductory‘ There’ to express factse.g There is/are… in my room.Language skill: SpeakingMaterials:Book, cassette, cards and so on.Pre-task preparation1.Draw an outline of a room on the blackboard, with a door, a window and a bed.2.Point to the room and say‘ This is my room. There is a door in my room. There isa window in my room. There is a bed in my room.’ Repeat for students to getfamiliar with the expression‘ There is…’While-task procedure1.Put up the wallchart for page13. Tell a story something.2.Ask questions such as the following:*Where are Ann and May? * What are they doing? * What is/are there in Ann’s room?3.Ask: What is this? Is it…(colour)? How many…? Et c.4.Play the cassette tape to let students hear the correct pronunciation of theexpressions. Then ask individual students to say‘ This is my room. There is/are…in my room.’Post –task activities1.Ask students what they have in their room.2.Give each students a sheet of white paper. Ask the students to draw and colour thething they can find in their room.3.Ask students to say something about their pictures by using the expressions‘ thisis my room. There is/are… in my room.’ConsolidationWorkbook page 8P13Language focus:Using nouns to identify things around the housee.g. window, door, bed. RoomLanguage skills: S peaking(pronounce words, Rr,Ss)Material: Book, cassette, cards and so on.Pre-task preparation1.Revise: window, door, bed, room. Repeat with the other vocabulary items.2.Introduce: sofa, table, lamp. Students say and repeat.While-task procedure1.Stick the picture cards for‘ window, door, bed, room, sofa, table, lamp’ on theblackboard. Ask What do you have in your room? Do a survery and see which item are the most common.2.Place the word cards under the correct pictures. Then remove the pictures and readthe words with the whole class.3.Play the cassette tape. Listen-ask-repeat.4.Learn: sound‘ r , s’, Rr, Ss, rubber, sweet.Pos-task activityWork pairsConsolidationWorkbook page9P14Language focus:Using preposition to indicate positionse.g. There is a lamp on the table.Language skills: SpeakingMaterials:Book, cassette, a cassette playerPre-task preparation1.Review the words and ask‘ What is this?’ It is…2.Revise prepositions‘ in, on, under’ with the students. Ask: Where is the pencil?Repeat with the pe ncil under the desk and in a bag to elicit‘ in, under’.While-task procedure1.Say We are going to tell a story.2.Say the sentences for the first three pictures. Ask students to guess what is goingto happen.3.Uncover pictures4 to 6 one by one and tell the students what is happening in eachpicture.4.Play the cassette tape for students to listen to native speakers saying the lineswhile they look at the pictures in their own books.5.Play the cassette tape again and ask students to repeat the story after each line. Seeif hey can follow the lines as they read.6.Get the students to read the story aloud together.Post-task activityDivide students into groups of six. Ask them to tell the story together, each member of the group reading one line. Have group tell the story to the rest of the class. ConsolidationWorkbook page10: Listen and colour.P15Language focus:Using prepositions to identify locatione.g. In my room there is a bed.Language skills:Speaking and listeningMaterials: Book, cassette and a cassette playerPre-task preparation1.Say‘ In my room there is…’ and point at a student to say something that is in theirown room. Write on the board what each student says until there is list of things found in a bedroom on the board.2.Point to some of the words on the board and ask students to tell the class somethings about the item, e.g. colour, size, etc.3.Tell the students they are going to learn a rhyme.While-task procedure1.Get students t o open their Student’s Book to page16. Ask them‘ What colour is thebed?’ and‘ What is on the bed?’2.Ask them to tell you the names of the animals in the bottom picture. Try to elicitthe word‘ zoo’.3.Read the rhyme slowly line by line. Practise saying both verses.4.Repeat the poem a bit faster and point out to the students that it rhymes.5.Play the cassette for the rhyme. Students follow and read the hyme.6.Invite pairs of students to act out the rhyme to the class.Post-task activitySay the rhyme again, with boys saying one verse and girls the next. ConsolidationUnit3 presents further grammar and vocabulary exercises as well as listening, reading and writing skills development tasks.P16Unit 4 In the parkLanguage focus:Using imperatives to express prohibitione.g. Don’t walk on the grass.Language skills:ListeningLocate specific information in response to simple instructionsSpeakingUse modeled phrases to communicate with other learnersMaterials:●Student’s Book 2B page17●Cassette 2B and a cassette playerPre-task preparation1.Show pictures of someone walking on the grass, someone riding a bicycle in theplayground and someone climbing a tree. Ask what is happening in each picture.2.Stick the pictures on the blackboard. Draw a big cross through or next to eachpicture. Say‘ Don’t walk on the grass. Don’t ride a bicycle here.’ And ‘Don’t climb the tree.’ Ask the students if they have ever seen these signs and if so, where.3.Point at the various pictures to elicit the verbs. Then point at the cross to elicit theprohibition.While-task procedure1.Say‘ I am in a park.’ Draw some grass on the board and put a cross through it.Point to it and then to your feet as you walk and shake your head. See if any of the students can say‘ Don’t walk on the grass.’2.Repeat step 1 but pretend to ride a bicycle and then pretend to climb a tree.3.Play the cassette tape. Listen and ask students to repeat and mime the actions.4.In pairs, let the students take turns to act and say the appropriate prohibitions.5.Invite some students to come to the front. Let some students give the commandsand others do the actions. Repeat with several groups of students.Post-task activityHave some students take turns to act out one of the actions they have just learn. Let them choose which one to act. The rest of the class call out the correct prohibition.P17 Language focus:Using t he model verb‘ can ’ to express abilitiese.g. I can climb.Using verbs to indicate momentary actionse.g. I can skip.Asking‘ Wh- ’ questions to find out particular information about a persone.g. What can you do?Language skills:Speaking: Use modeled phrases to open and maintain an interaction by providing information in response to factual questions open an interaction by elicitinga responseListening: Locate specific information in response to questionsMaterials:Book, cassette, pictu res…Pre-task preparation1.Hold up the pictures showing various activities. Say the verbs for students tobecome familiar with.2.Act out an action and say‘ I can…(action)’. Students repeat..3.Select a student and ask‘ What can you do?’ Prompt the student to r espond bydoing an action‘ I can…(action).’ The rest of the class repeat what the student says.While-task procedure1.Put up the wallchart for page18. Ask Do you like going to the playground? Whatdo you like to do at the playground? How often do you go to the playground.2.Tell a story something.3.Ask questions such as the following:●Where were Sam and May playing with Tom and Ann?●What can Sam( May, Ann, Tom) do?●What can Spotty do?4.Play the cassette and work in pairs.Post-task activities1. Give each student a sheet of white drawing paper. Ask them to draw a picture of themselves doing their favourite activity.2.Speak some sentences.ConsolidationWorkbook page 11: Look, listen and repeat the correct sentence.P18 Language focus;Using verbs to identify momentary actionse.g. walk, climb, skip, swing, fly, rideLanguage skills:Speaking: Pronounce words properlyLearn the names and sound of the letters‘ Tt, Uu’Materials:Book, cassette, a cassette play, pictures, words..Pre-task preparation1.Put up the wallchart for page 18. Revise: walk, run, skip, climb .2.introduce‘ swing, fly, ride ’ to students. Hold up the picture card for‘ swing’ andsay‘ swing ’slowly. Ask students to repeat. Do the same with‘ fly’ and‘ ride’. While-task procedure1.Do a survey and see which activity is the most popular.2.Place the word cards under the correct pictures. Then remove the pictures and readthe words with the whole class.3.Play the cassette tape.4.Put up the picture and word cards on the board in random order. Ask individualstudents to come up and rearrange them by putting the word cards below their corresponding picture cards, as shown in their Student’s Books.5.Show students the picture card for‘ tree’ and say Tree begins with the sound‘ t ’.Show the word card for‘ tree ’ and say‘ t…tree’. Repeat. Show alphabet cards‘ Tt’.Have students compare the capital letter‘ T’ with the small‘ t’. Do the same with‘ Uu…umbrella’. Play the tape for students to follow in their books.Post-task activityAsk a student to come up to the front. Show him/her one of the word cards for this unit without letting the rest of the class see it. He/she does the action and the class guesses what it is. Then write the word on the board but leave out one letter, See of。



让小朋友在看一 看、 选一选、 读一 读、 演一演中加强 对本课的巩固。
1. Read the text and recite it. 2. Greet your parents or friends.
板 书 设 计
M1U1 Greetings How are you, ...? I‘m fine. Thank you. I‘m fine. Thank you. And you? I‘m fine, too.
1. Ss: No. 2. Choose the answer. 3. Play a guessing game. 4. Role-play in the evening show (animals‘ masks)
通过这一练习, 使学生初步感 知单词 evening 的词形。
5. Work in pairs.
too. ① Greet Miss Fang.
达到在生活中的 运用。
T-P ② Learn: I‘m fine. Thank you. And you? ③ Learn: I‘m fine, too. T-P ④Work in pairs. 联系生活, 让学生 正确使用所学知 识在生活加以实 践。
1. Look and choose. 2. Look and say. 3. Act out the dialogue.
通过歌曲, 活跃 课堂气氛的同 时巩固单词。 Post-task activity 1. Follow the teacher, then read 2. What is missing? 3. Clap or repeat 4. Look and say 5. Look and choose e.g. Good ____. (picture) 1. afternoon 2. morning 1. Say after the teacher 2. Do more exercises

2B Unit1 period 2(上海版牛津英语教案)

2B Unit1 period 2(上海版牛津英语教案)

2B Unit1 Period 2(上海版牛津英语教案)课程概述本节课是上海版牛津英语2B第一单元第二课时的教案。



教学目标1.学习家庭成员的英文表达:father, mother, brother, sister, grandfather, grandmother。






教学过程1. Warm-up(热身)首先,教师可以通过PPT或实物,向学生介绍一些家庭成员的图片,并鼓励他们用中文说出这些家庭成员的名字。

2. Presentation(呈现)教师出示所准备的家庭成员的图片,让学生逐个认读,并跟着教师大声朗读其英文单词,如father, mother, brother, sister, grandfather, grandmother。

3. Listening(听力练习)让学生听一段描述家庭成员的对话,并要求他们根据听到的内容回答问题。




4. Practice(练习)在练习环节,教师可以设计一些情境让学生进行交流。



教师可以提供一些问题来引导学生进行对话,如:•Does your father have any brothers or sisters?•How many sisters do you have?5. Group work(小组合作)教师组织学生进行小组活动,让他们在小组内讨论并合作完成练习册第一单元的相关练习。


Hale Waihona Puke Sing a song“Hello,hello,hello”
Sing and act
While-task procedure
-- Happy Birthday!
-- Thank you.
2. The face is smooth. The faceissoft.The face isand.
3. The pig is big. The pigissoft.Thepig isand.
4. The apple is hard . The appleissmooth.The apple isand.
e.g. softsmoothhardrough
Difficult points
Pronouncing the key words correctly.e.g. smooth, rough
Understanding the key words.e.g. softsmooth
Teaching aids
3.T pats the bag and say: I have another rabbitinit.Guess:Howis it?
Let the studentstouchthe porcelain rabbit. Read:
Hard,hard,it’shard.H-a-r-d,the rabbit is hard.
Teaching plan
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2BUnit1period2(上海版牛津英语教案)lesson plan
school: penglai no.2 primary school
name: zhang yingying
book: oxford english (shanghai edition)2b unit 1
topic: farm animal
aims: 1. structures: draw the duck on the ground.
2.words: duck, chick
3. function: using "draw ?on the ?.
language focus: using imperatives to give simple instructions.
aids: computer, radio, pictures
procedurescontentsmethodspurposei. pre-taskpreparation1. warming-upps: say a chant about animals.1. 通过学生喜爱的节奏小诗,调动学生学习的积极性,并对多种动物进行复习。

2.让学生通过记忆来描述他们所看到的动物, 以起到巩固复习作用,同时,也能起到培养学生的观察能力的作用。

2. questions and answerswhat do you see?(computer)t: show some animals and ask students to remember
what they see.pn: i see a cow. (etc.)3. quick responset: put the animals on the paper.pn: draw the ?on the paper.ii. while-task procedurecontent 1: ground1. introduction:t: put the cat on the ground. draw the cat on the ground.1. 学生通过机械的朗读及拼读,对所学单词基本掌握。

2. 通过ground 与playground的区别及联系,以拓展学生的知识面。

2. imitation: ground playground1) t: ask pupils to follow.t-ps1) t: spell the word.pa-pb-pn3. activity: making sentences.t: ask pupils to say what they can do on the ground?pa-pb-pn4. rhyme:draw, draw, draw on the ground. play, play, play on the ground. clean, clean, clean the ground, we are on the ground.(from the previous exercise)t: say a rhyme about what we can do on the ground.ps-pa-pbt: make a new rhyme like the first one.pg:the pupils make a new rhyme in groups .pn: say the rhymes. 在能熟练运用句型的基础上,让学生拓展思维,考虑在地面上还能做些什么,并以此编成小诗,以加深学生的记忆。

content 2: duck1. introduction:(radio)t: let the pupils listen to the sound. what抯it?2. imitation: duck1) t: ask pupils to follow. t-ps2) t: change their voices to mime the sound of ducks.pn: duck, duck, quack, quack.3) t: spell the word. pa-pb-pn学生通过机械性的朗读及拼读,对所学单词基本掌握。

3. activity: show the growth of the duck. (computer)t: draw the egg.ps: draw the egg and say about it.t: draw the duckling.ps: draw the duckling and say about it.ps: the pupils work in pairs to say the growth of the duck and draw them.让学生初步认识鸭子的成长,将自然课的知识与英语课结合起来,来拓展学生的知识面,并对句型进行进一步的巩固。

共2页,当前第1页12content 3: chick1. introduction:(computer)t: show the body of the animal. is it a duck?利用多媒体,让学生猜猜是什么动物,增加教学的趣味性。

2. imitation: chick1) t: ask pupils to follow. t-ps2) t: spell the word.3. activity: show the family of chicks.chick, hen, cockpg: the pupils work in groups. choose the characters and act out the family of chicks. tell the class what they can do.让学生来扮演小鸡的一家,为他们的自主学习提供空间,并对他们的口头表达提出一定的要求。

iii. post-task activity:1.quick response.t: have the students make sentences in succession.ps: write abc on the book, etc.1. 培养学生自己组织句型的能力。

2. 通过学生之间合作的方式,美化图片,既能复习句型,又能将新知进行活用,同时也能注意培养学生的审美观。

2. decorate sam抯picture. ( hand out different pictures)group work.t: ask pupils to add something on sam抯picture.ps: draw some pictures and describe
it.pa-pb: make a report.iv. assignmentcopy the words.
2b unit1 period 2(上海版牛津英语教案)来自。

