
1. What is the full name of the U.K.?----United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland2. Why do tourists from all over the world like to go to Scotland?----They like to enjoy the beautiful Scottish scenery, to drink Scotch whisky and to see Scotsmen wearing kilts and playing bagpipes.3. How many periods can the development of the English language be divided into and what are they?----The development of the English language can be divided into three periods: Old English, Middle English and Modern English.4. Why did English become more important after Black Death?----The laboring and merchant classes grew in economic and social importance after the Black Death, so English also grew in importance compared to French.1. Who are the British People?----The first known inhabitants in Britain were Celts who are the ancestors of the Welsh, Scottish and Irish people. Then came the Anglos, the Saxons and the Jutes who brought with them the English language. Many people from other European countries came later, and in modern times there are a lot of immigrants from many former Commonwealth countries from every part of the world. Britain is a country of mixed cultures, and the Britain people are also composed of people from different ethic and culture backgrounds.2. What is Standard English?----Standard English is based on the speech of the upper class of southeastern England. It is widely used in media and taught at schools. It is preferred by the educated, middle-class people. It has developed and has been promoted as a model for correct Britain English. It is also the norm carried overseas. Today, Standard English is codified to the extent that the grammar and vocabulary are much the same everywhere in the world where English is taught and used.1. What are the two components of the British Parliament?----the House of Commons and the House of Lords.2. What were some of Queen Victoria's major achievement?---- Queen Victoria made tremendous achievements in almost every aspect. She promoted further industrial revolution, the building of railways and the growing of trade and commerce. By the end of her reign, Britain had developed to an empire including a quarter of the global population and nearly a quarter of the world's landmass.3. What were the two camps in Europe in World War 1?----The Central Powers which included Germany, Austria-Hungary, the Ottoman Empire and Bulgaria and the Allied Powers which were mainly comprised of France, the Russia Empire, the Britain Empire, Italy and the United States.4. Why did Britain cooperate closely with the United States after World War 2?----Because they were allied during the war and shared the same worries about the former Soviet Union.1. What were the results of the Industrial Revolution in Britain?----The Industrial Revolution changed Britain in many ways. First, industrial country increased dramatically. Britain became the most advanced industrial country and also the financial center in the world. Second, urbanization took place. Many new cities sprang up. Third, it caused great changes in the class structure. The old social classes declined, and new ones emerged and developed.2. The Rise and Fall of the British Empire?----Colonization of Newfoundland, the first British colony overseas, in 1583 marked the beginning of the British Empire. By 1837, British had long been an empire which included the colonies in Canada, Australia, New Zealand, India and many small states in the West Indies. By the end of 19th century, the British Empire included a quarter of the global population and nearly a quarter of the world's landmass. During the mid-19th century, the British government consolidated the existing colonies by bringing them under the direct control of the government. Before World War 1, Britain had the largest colonial empire in the world. However, Britain suffered great loss to its manpower in the two World Wars and exhausted its reserves of gold, dollars and overseas investment. Most of Britain's colonies gained independence since the 1940s, which inevitably led to the fall the Empire.1. What are the three functions of the House of Commons?----to draft laws, to scrutinize, criticize and restrain the activities of the government, and to influence future government policy.2. Why is the Conservative Party sometimes called the "Right"?----Because the Conservative Party is supported by landowners and businessmen, who are often from the middle and upper-middle class.3. What kind of public image does Liberal Democrats have in Britain?----The Liberal Democrats is perceived as "middle" between the Conservative and the Labor Party. It is comparatively flexible and pragmatic in its balance of the individual and the social. It emphasizes the need for a change in Britain's constitutional arrangements to make the government more democratic and accountable.4. Why are independent candidates unlikely to win in the general election?----Because even if they were elected, they would be powerless in Parliament. Therefore, it is not possible for many people to vote for independent candidates.1. What do British electoral campaigns usually involve during the process of a general election?----The electoral campaigns usually involve advertising in newspapers, door-to-door campaigning and leaflets. The main parties are given short periods of time on national television to present their policies to the public. Apart from the parties' own publicity, newspapers and TV programs spend a lot of time discussing the campaign, interviewing politicians, and predicting the results.2. What is the Commonwealth of Nations?----The Commonwealth of Nations is a voluntary association of independent sovereign states, all of which acknowledge the British monarch as the head. The Commonwealth is not a political union of any sort, and its member states have full autonomy to manage their internal and external affairs. It is primarily an organization in which countries with diverse economic backgrounds have an opportunity for close and equal interaction after gaining independence. The major activities of the Commonwealth are designed to advocate democracy, human rights, and to promote economic cooperation and growth within its members.1. What was the negative aspect of Thatcher's reform in the early 1980s?----Its negative aspect was a rapid increase in unemployment. In 1982, the unemployment rate reached the level of the Great Depression years, with three million people out of work.2. What are the characteristics of Britain's agriculture?----British's agriculture is characterized by a small portion of the population engaged in agricultural activities with a high degree of mechanization. Although it employs a mere 1% of the country's labor force, it meets around 60% of the national demands.3. What happened to Britain's beef industry in the mid-1990s?----British's beef industry was hit badly by BSE, resulting in a ban on beef exports in 1996.4. What are some of the popular tourist attraction in Britain?----The popular tourist attractions in English include: the Dorset and the East Devon Coast, the Lake District, Stonehenge, Windsor Castle, university towns of Oxford and Cambridge, Tower of London, St. Paul's Cathedral and so on.1. What were the major causes of Britain's relative economic decline in the postwar period?----British's economy experienced a relative decline in the postwar period for severalreasons. First, British suffered a great losses in the two World Wars and had gone heavily into debt to finance the war. Second, the era of the British Empire was over. India and other British colonies, which provided raw material and large market for British goods, gained their independence. Third, British was forced to maintain an expensive military presence in many overseas locations until the end of 1960s. Fourth, British had to make substantial financial contributions to NATO and UN Security Council. Finally, British failed to invest in industry after World War 2 whereas its competitors like Germany and Japan caught up with British buy investing in the most modern equipment and means of production.2. Why do developed nations like Britain encourage the development of the service industry?----The service industry has played an increasingly important role in economy in the development countries. On the other hand ,it requires a large group of people working in it so that abundant employment opportunities are provided. On the other hand, the service industry causes little pollution.1. What used to be the major functions of grammar schools and vocational schools in Britain?----The major functions of grammar schools were to train the most academically capable students and prepare them for university, whereas the major functions of vocational schools were to help less successful students to learn a trade.2. What kind of subjects do Britain comprehensive schools provide?----British comprehensive schools provide a general education, offering both academic subjects like literature and science, and practical subjects like cooking and carpentry.3. In what ways do Britain universities enjoy complete academic freedom?----British universities enjoy complete academic freedom because they can appoint their own staff, decide which students to admit, provide their own courses and award their own degrees.4. How do students in the Open University receive their education?----The students follow university courses through textbooks, TV and radio broadcasts, correspondence, video, and a network of study centers.5. What role does the media play in Britain leisure culture?----The media plays an essential role in British leisure culture since it helps to shape the public's opinion, determine people's moral and political orientation and consolidate or undermine the rule of a government.1. What are the general feature of Britain's independent schools?----British's independent schools require fees from students. Although the National Curriculum is optional in the independent system, most independent schools teach what the curriculum demands. Independent schools get their funding through tuition fees as well as government assistance. Since they are generally better-funded than most state schools, they can recruit the best teachers and provide superior facilities. However, high tuition fees have become an obstacle for many students to enroll.2. The "quality press" and the "tabloids" in Britain?----Among the 10 daily published national newspapers in British, about half of them are regarded as the "quality press" since they carry in-depth articles of particular political and social importance, and reviews and feature articles about "high culture", and they are generally read by well-educated people. The Times, The Guardian and The Daily Telegraph are good cases in point of the quality press. The "tabloids", with color photos and striking headlines, usually cover scandals and gossip about celebrities in politics, sports and entertainment. A typical example is The News of the World.Chapter 81. How is the American population distributed?The distribution of the American population is rather uneven the most densely populated region is the northeastern part of the country. The great plains have a comparatively small population .the south also has a population of almost 57.5million. the west is not densely populated ,except for some metropolitan centers like los Angeles and san Francisco . it has about 20% of the nation’s population.2. Why was the immigration act of 1942 instituted ?The new immigrants in the united states , being poor and accustomed to poverty , were willing to work for very low wages .this made other workers afraid that the immigrants would ls and take jobs away from them . this opposition led to the immigration act of 1942.1.Why is the United States regarded as a”melting pot” and a ”salad bowl” ?The United States is not merely a nation, but a nation of nations. The immigrants came in waves, including the Europeans, the Africans and the Asians. Therefore, America is described as a "melting pot" where various racial and ethnic groups are assimilate into American culture. Recently, America has been called a "salad bowl" in that people of difference races and ethnic groups mix harmoniously, but at the same time keep their distinct culture and customs.2.What do you think is the best way to help assimilation in a multicultural society?The best possible way to help assimilation in a multicultural society is to be open and tolerant toward different cultures. People from different racial and ethnic backgrounds should respect each other. Society should create opportunities to help immigrants become assimilated. At the same time the immigrants should keep their own language, customs and religion, contributing to the diversity of a multicultural society.Chapter 91. Why did American change its policy and enter world war II?Because of the formation of the axis , the American government feared that the axis countries were wining the war and it might threaten America’s security and interests . it began to provide war equipment to the foreign nations resisting the aggression of the axis power . the Japanese air raid on pearl harbor became the direct cause for America’s entrance into the war.2. What were Nixon’s well-known contributions during his presidency?a) brought the Vietnam war to a closeb)reestablishing U.S. relations with chinac) negotiating the firststrategic arms limitation treaty with the former soviet union .3. What were the contents of Reagan’s economic program?Reagan’s economic program called for reductions in income taxes and business taxes in order to encourage investment , and it also requested that many government regulations be eliminated so as to reduce the federal government’s role in the day-to-day operation of business.1. What was the cause of the American Civil War?The Southern planters of America needed a large number of black African slaves to manage their plantations and they regarded the slaves as their property. In the North, with the development of industry, there was a growing demand for free labor. What’s more,the Northerners demanded a law to protect tariffs and asked the government to finance the building of railways and roads. But the Southerners were against it and advocated free trade so as to purchase cheaper goods from foreign countries. The accumulating conflicts led to the division of the North and the South and finally the American Civil War.2. What made the United States a powerful country by the end of World War II?During the two World Wars, America remained neutral in the early stage. However, Americans continued their profitable trade with the warring countries. Therefore, they not only retained their military forces, but also accumulated great wealth. When America entered the wars, it was almost at the end of the wars. By sharing the fruit of victory with other allies, America greatly strengthened its power and became a powerful country by the end of World War II.Chapter 101. What are the two characteristics of the U.S. constitution?One is “checks and balances”, the other is that the power of the central government and the powers of state governments are specified.2. What are the qualifications for a senator and a representative respectively?A senator must be over 30 years old , a U.S. citizen for at least nine years, and a resident in the state which they represent . a representative should be at least 25 years old and a U.S. citizen for no less than seven years.3. What are the major powers of the supreme court?a) to interpret lawsb) to hear appeals from any federal court cases;c) to hear appeals from state court cases that involve the constitution or national laws d) may declare a law unconstitutionale) may declare a presidential act unconstitutional4. What is the difference between the democrats and the republicans in terms of political opinions?The democrats want the government to play an important role in the economy and emphasize full employment as a matter of national concern they favor civil rights laws , a strong social security system which gives enterprises a greater freedom and demand that the government control inflation. They stress the need for law and order, and oppose complete government social programs and free choice of abortion they also favor a strong military posture and assertive stand in international relations.1. How is the American President voted into office? What are your ideas about the American election?Each party holds its national convention every four years to choose a candidate for presidency. To win a presidential election, a candidate has to spend millions of dollars, travel all over the country to make speeches and debate on television with the rival. The general election is technically divided into two stages. During the first stage, presidential electors for each state will be chosen. In the second stage the electors meet and vote a President. Since the second stage is only a kind of formality, everyone knows who will be the next President an soon as the first stage is over.I think the candidates spend too much money on the electoral campaigns. And, the election cannot solve the social and economic problems of the U.S. as some candidates do not keep their word after they become President.2. What was President Eisenhowers foreign policy and what were the consequences ?President Eisenhower made vigorous efforts to wage the Cold War. He placed new emphasis on developing nuclear strength to prevent the outbreak of war. He also frequently authorized the CIA to undertake secret interventions to overthrow unfriendly governments or protect reliable anti-communist leaders whose power was threatened. The CIA helped topple the governments of Iran and Guatemala, but it suffered an embarrassing failure in Indonesia. In addition, Eisenhower used U.S. power and prestige to help create a non-communist government in South Vietnam, which brought disastrous long-term consequences to the United States.Chapter 111. What industry developments took place during the colonial period of America? During the colonial period ,the secondary industries developed as the colonies grew .a variety of specialized sawmills and gristmills appeared. Colonists established shipyards to build fishing fleets and trading vessels . they also built small iron forges . by the 18th century , regional patterns of development in America had become clear.2. How did the civil war affect the American economy?After the civil war , the large southern cotton plantations became much less profitable . northern industries , which had expanded rapidly because of the demands of the war ,surged ahead.3. Why does America try to reduce trade barriers?Because the united states has increasingly realized that open bilateral trade will not only advance its own economic interests, but also enhance domestic stability and its peaceful relationship with other nations.1. How did the U.S constitution lay the groundwork for American’s economic development ?The U.S. Constitution, as an economic charter, established that the entire nation was a unified or "common" market. There were no tariffs or taxes on interstate commerce. It provided that the federal government could regulate commerce with foreign nations and among the states, establish uniform bankruptcy laws, create money and regulate its value, fix standards of weights and measures, establish post office and roads, and fix rules governing patents and copyrights. The last-mentioned clause was an early recognition of the importance of "intellectual property", a matter that began assuming great importance in trade negotiations since the late 20thcentury.2. Cite examples to illustrate the role of government intervention in America's economic development.The government has always played an active and important role in America’s economic development. In the early 1930s,thr United States suffered the worst economic depression in American history. President Roosevelt introduced the New Deal to tackle the financial crisis. Besides, he set up the New York State Emergency Relief Commission to help those in desperate need and tried to relieve the serious problems of the jobless. At the end of 1970s, the American economy again suffered a recession. The Reagan administration combated inflation by controlling government spending deficit, cutting taxes and raising interest rates. Both policies men tioned above helped to set the country’s economic development on its right course, In all, the intervention of the government has ensured that economic opportunities are fair and accessible to the people. It has prevented flagrant abuses of the system, dampened the effects of inflation and stimulated economic growth. Chapter 121. How does an American university choose its applicants?a)their high school records;b) recommendations from their high school teachers;c) the impression they make during interviews at the university;d) their scores on the SAT.2. What functions do American higher education institutions perform?Higher education institutions in the united states have three functions: teaching , research and public service , and each has its own emphasis with regard to its function .3. What similarities do four famous university share?They all have a long history , they all have an excellent faculty , a large number of students and have made extensive academic achievements. Some of their graduates are very successful or influential in some areas such as politics, arts and business.4. What are the origins of thanksgiving day?Thanksgiving is associated with the time when Europeans first came to the new world , in 1620,the mayflower arrived and brought about 150 pilgrims. Life at the beginning was very hard and there was not enough food , so many of them died. During the following summer the native America helped them and then they had a bountiful harvest. So they held a big celebration to thank god and the native Americans.1. What are the ideals that guide the American educational system?The first ideal is that as many people as possible should receive as much education as possible .The second ideal is that of ptoducing a society that is totally literate and of local control . The third ideal is that scholars and students should work to discover new information or conceive new ways to understand what is already known .2. How does America carry out multicultural education?American schools routinely teach the experiences and values of many ethnic cultures. Current textbooks incorporate a variety of ethnic individuals who have achieved success. Struggle for equality are vividly depicted, and past racism is bluntly acknowledged. Cultural pluralism is now generally recognized as the organizing principle of education.Schools at all levels offer students opportunities to learn about different cultures.。

1. 英国的首都是哪里?答案:伦敦。
2. 美国的首都是哪里?答案:华盛顿特区。
3. 英国的国旗是什么颜色?答案:红色、白色和蓝色。
4. 美国的国旗有多少颗星星?答案:50颗。
5. 英国的国歌是什么?答案:《上帝保佑女王》。
6. 美国的国歌是什么?答案:《星条旗永不落》。
7. 英国的国家动物是什么?答案:狮子。
8. 美国的国家动物是什么?答案:白头海雕。
9. 英国的货币单位是什么?答案:英镑。
10. 美国的货币单位是什么?答案:美元。
11. 英国的国教是什么?答案:英国国教(圣公会)。
12. 美国的国教是什么?答案:美国没有国教,宪法保障宗教自由。
13. 英国的国会叫什么?答案:英国议会。
14. 美国的国会叫什么?答案:美国国会。
15. 英国的最高法院是什么?答案:英国最高法院。
16. 美国的最高法院是什么?答案:美国最高法院。
17. 英国有几个地区?答案:四个地区,分别是英格兰、苏格兰、威尔士和北爱尔兰。
18. 美国有几个州?答案:50个州。
19. 英国的最长河流是什么?答案:塔普河(Thames River)。
20. 美国的最长河流是什么?答案:密西西比河(Mississippi River)。

英美概况习题集英美概况考试题⽬⼤全Chaper1 Philosophy of western civilization1. The ancient Greeks believed that a unity underlies the diversity of people, animals, plants and inanimate objects. The philosophy of that time relied on __human reason not on mythology or divine beings, different from the previous philosophy.2. Not all Greek philosophers agreed with the Rationalists. One major group who doubted that human reason could understand Nature was called _skeptics_.3. Some of Aristotle’s ideas held western thinking back for a very long time: such as the belief that women were “incomplete”men and that _the earth was the center of the universe4. The French word “renaissance” means “_rebirth_” in English.5. Descartes (1596-1650) was the modern father of Rationalism and he claimed that reason was the only path to knowledge.“I think; therefore, I am6. The_18th_century is sometimes called the Age of Enlightenment or the Age of Reason.7. Friedrich Nietzsche (1844-1900), a German, believed that moral action should come from a strong _superhero after God was “dead”.8. _Jean-Paul Sartre declined the Nobel Prize for Literature on the grounds that it would make his writings too influential9. Charles Peirce (1839-1940) developed four methods people use to hold onto their beliefs: _tenacity; authority; speculation; scientific method10. John Dewey (1859-1952) implemented his version of Pragmatism in the education systemChaper2 Geography of the United Kingdom1. The two large islands that make up the British Isles are Great Britain and Ireland.2. There are three political divisions on the island of Great Britain: England, _Scotland and Wales.3. UK is separated from the rest of Europe by the English Channel between England and France in the south and _the North Sea in the east.4. The north and west of Britain are mainly highlands.5. The second largest and most important river in UK is the Thames River_.6. The _North Atlantic Drift_, which is a warm current, passes the western coast of the British Isles and warms them.7. Ben Nevis, the highest mountain in Britain is located in _Scotland_.8. The largest lake in the British Isles is _Laugh Neagh.9. Many Scottish names begin with Mc or Mac, which means “_Son of_”in Gaelic, the old Celtic language of the Scots. 10. The longest river in UK is the Severn, which rises in northeast Wales and flows east through England and south into the Bristol Channel.Chaper3 History of the United Kingdom1. The first known inhabitants in the British Isles are collectively known as the Iberians, although they themselves consisted of different peoples.2. Two of the early invading cultures underlie much of modern British history and culture: The Celts and the Anglo-Saxon_.3. British recorded history begins with the Roman invasion_. In 55BC and 54BC, Julius Caesar, a Roman general, invaded Britain twice. In4.the Emperor Claudius invaded Britain successfully.5. For nearly 400_years, Britain was under the Roman occupation, though it was never a total occupation.6. The Roman built many towns, road, baths, temples and buildings. They also brought the new religion, Christianity, to Britain.7. The Anglo-Saxons brought their own Teutonic religion to Britain. Christianity soon disappeared, except among the Celts of Cornwall, Wales, Scotland and Ireland. But in 597, St. Augustine converted the heathen English to Christianity.8. The early Anglo-Saxons created the Witan to advise the king, the basis of the Privy Council which still exists today.9. King Alfred_, also titled as “Alfred the Great”, founded astrong fleet and is known as “the father of the British navy”.10. In October 1066, during the important battle of Hastings_,William defeated Harold and killed him. Then William was crowned king of England.11. After Norman Conquest, people in Britain spoke three majorlanguages: Latin, French, and “Old English.1. The _B_ was established soon after Henry II succeeded to thethrone.a. House of Yorkb. House of Plantagenetc. House of Normandyd.House of Tudor2. The founder of the English legal system and the common lawwas _B_.a. Henry Ib. Henry IIc. Stephend. Matilda3. The parliament became a regular agency of the governmentunder A_.A. Henry III b. Simon de Montfort c. Edward I c. EdwardII4. Wales was conquered by _A_.a. Edward Ib. Edward IIc. Henry IIId. Richard I5. The Great Charter includes all the following points except that__D__.a. No tax should be made without the approval of the councilb. No freemen should be arrested except by the law of landc. If the king attempted to free himself from law the vassals hadthe right to force the king to obeyd. The vassals had the sole power to levy a tax on people6. The War of Roses started between two most influential rivals,the family of Lancaster and the Duke of York. Their ultimate goal was for the possession of _B_.A. power b. the Crown c. wealth D. territory7. The Wars of the Roses ended in 1485 with the accession of _A_,the first king of the House of Tudor.A. Henry VI b. Henry VIII c. John of Gaunt d.Edward IV8. It is said that _guns and gunpowder were first used in theHundred Year’s War. This greatly reduced the effectiveness of the English cavalry.9. Which of the following was NOT a result of the HundredYears’War? DA. It spurred the development of woolen textile industryB. It cut down the strength of the feudal lordsC. the Normans began to regard England as their homeD.England ceded some colonies to France10. The Middle Ages in England ended with _B_.a. The Norman Conquestb. the beginning of the TudorMonarchy c. the beginning of Parliament d. the Peasant Uprising11.In _1558_, Elizabeth I’s navy defeated the Spanish Armada.12. The direct cause of Religious Reformation in England was that_C_.A. the Pope wanted more revenue from EnglandB. the Pope wanted England to make up with France after theHundred Years’WarC. Henry VIII decided to divorce his wife Catharine and the Poperejected itD.The Pope refused to appoint Henry VIII as head of the Churchof England.13. England first became a sea power in the time of __D_.a. Anneb. Victoriac. Georged. Elizabeth14. James I clung to the theory of the _B_.A. trial by ordeal b. Divine Right of Kings C. rule by law D.separation of powers15. Guy Fawkes Day is one of the most regularly observednational holidays in England on _A_.a. November 5thb. October 5thc. November 8thd. October 8th16. In religion, Cromwell was an earnest __C_.a. Catholicb. Presbyterianc. Puritand. Muslin17. In 1620, about 100 Puritans started for America in ship named“May flower”.18. The Industrial Revolution started in __D_.A.Canada b. the US c. Australia d. the Great Britain19. The People’s Charter passed during the Chartist Movement was mainly concerned with __B_.A.improving the working condition of industrial workersB.political reforms, especially with regard to the election systemC.further industrial developmentD.condemnation of British imperialism20. Britain declared war on Germany in August, 1914 when Germany invaded _C_.A. France b. Poland c. Belgium d. Serbia21. When Ireland (with the exception of its six northern countries) achieved independence in 1922, the United Kingdom was renamed the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.22. during the 1919 Versailles Peace Treaty, American president Woodrow Wilson wanted to establish an international political organization, _ the League of Nations_, to ensure that a global war would never happen again.23. In Britain, the voting rights was expanded to all men over 21 and all women over 30 in _1918_; the voting rights was expanded to all women over 21 in _1928__.24. The first Prime Minister of the United Kingdom is _Robert Walpole_; the present Prime Minister is David Cameron.25. From _the Hanoverian Kings_ onwards, English history is dominated by prime ministers instead of kings or queens. Thisroyal family changed its name to current, more British-sounding name _the House of Windsor_ during the War I.Chaper7 Geography of the United States1. the most important and largest river in the United States of America is _D_.A. the Ohio RiverB. the Colorado RiverC. The MissouriD. the Mississippi River2. To the west of mainland America lays the _B_.A. Atlantic OceanB. Pacific OceanC. Indian OceanD. Arctic Ocean3. The US produces more than 40% of the world’s _B_.A. Wheat and riceB. soybeans and cornC. Tobacco and vegetable oilD. cotton4. Indians emigrated from Asia and they were the earliest settlers in American continent.5. The Five Great Lakes are an excellent example of the direct effects of_glaciations_within this region. These lakes contain nearly _95%_of the fresh surface water in the US and about _18%_ of the world’s fresh water. They are all located between Canada and the Us except Lake__Michigan_.6. The_Appalachian_Mountains were uplifted by multiple collisions of both small and large crustal plates mainly about 300 million years ago; theRocky__Mountains and the Pacific Coast were formed by the interaction of the westward-moving North American tectonic plate and the eastward-moving portions of the Pacific tectonic plate.7. The Mount Rushmore is located within the state of South Dakota_.8. The biggest car-making center, also called the City of Cars is __c_A. New YorkB. ChicagoC. DetroitD. Houston9. The largest center of oil industry, also called the City of Oil in the world is _D_.10. The City of Films, the location of Hollywood, is Los Angeles_.11. The largest state in area is_Alaska_and the smallest one is Rhode Island_. But on the mainland Texas is the largest state of the country.Chapter 8 History of the United States1.The term “Puritan” was applied to those settlers who originally were devout members of the Church of England.2. The motto of the American colonies was “No taxation without representation”.3. during the American Civil War, the first South state to withdraw from the US was South Carolina.4. The war of 1812is sometimes called the “Second War for Independence”.5. at the beginning of the First World War, the United States pursued a policy of neutrality.6.The United States did not join the Second World War directly until Pearl Harbor incident in December, 1941.7. In September, 1783, the Treaty of Paris was signed and Britain recognized the independence of the US.8. Martin Luther King delivered his most famous speeches on August 28, 1863 in Washington, D.C.9. Franklin Roosevelt’s program for the depression was called New Deal.10. The US president is elected by an Electoral College.1. Which of the following was NOT a New England colony? DA. ConnecticutB. New HampshireC. MassachusettsD. Maryland2. The French and Indian War was a war fought between ___C____.A. the French and IndiansB. the English and IndiansC. the French and EnglishD. the English and the Spanish3. The Second Continental Congress was held in ____C___.A New York City B. Boston C. Philadelphia D. Valley Forge5. by ___C_, the United States had finished its territorial expansion in the Continent.A. the late 18th centuryB. the early 19th centuryC. the middle 19th centuryD. the late 19th century6. Richard Nixon resigned in 1974 because of __C___.A. the Great DepressionB. the Black Power MovementC. the Watergate ScandalD. his Isolation Policy7. The American soldiers who returned after World War II resulted in A.A. baby-boomB. family break-upsC. unemploymentD. the Cold War8. The capital of United States is named after __C___.A. George WashingtonB. Christopher ColumbusC. Bothe A and BD. Neither A nor B9. The first British Colony established on America in 1607 is __A___A. JamestownB. Boston HarborC. PhiladelphiaD. Lexington10. In 1783,the United States and the United Kingdom was held signed ___B__ to end the War of Independence.A. Monroe DoctrineB. Treaty of PairsC. Treaty of LondonD. None of the above11. __B_ marks the turning point of American Civil War.A. The Homestead ActB. Battle of GettysburgC. Saratoga VictoryD. The Battle of Lexington12. The decision of establishing the United Nations was made at _B_A. the Tehran ConferenceB. the Yalta ConferenceC. the Postman ConferenceD. none of the above13. China and United States established diplomatic relations in _C__A. Feb.1972B. Dec.1978C. Jan.1979D. Aug.1982Chaper1 Philosophy of western civilization Rationalism----Rationalism refers to the idea that reason was the only path to knowledge. The world is rational and man can resort to human reason to understand Nature.The Middle Ages----After the Greco-Roman Age, Christianity dominated western philosophy. The Christian dominated era in Western Europe is called “the Middle Ages” (ca 476A.D.-ca 1400A.D.), or the Medieval Period, a thousand-year-feudal era which occurred between Antiquity and the Modern Age. Throughout the middle Ages, most thinking was devoted to religious interpretation, or the study of theology.The Renaissance----The French word “renaissance”means “rebirth”in English. It refers to the rebirth of knowledge in Europe,particularly the rediscovery of the Greco-Roman texts. This era was characterized by changes in all areas of human endeavor, based on a new humanism which focused on Man. Gradually observation and systematic experimentation expressed in mathematical terms replaced medieval scholasticism and religious faithWhat are the contrasts between eastern and western philosophical traditions?Three characteristics can be identified. In the East, philosophy has had a longer history; it was founded on the oral tradition; and it contained principles to live by. In the West, philosophy is “younger”; it was recorded in written form; and it made claims supported by logical or empirical argumentsChaper2 Geography of the United KingdomThe Thames River: The Thames River is the second largest and most important river in Britain. It is 336 kilometers long, rising in Southwest England and flowing through England and out into the North Sea. It flows rather slowly, which is very favorable for water transportationThe Chunnel: In 1985 the Britain government and French govern decided to build a channel tunnel, which is called “Chunnel”, under The Straits of Dover so that England and French could be joined together by road. The Chunnel was open to traffic in May 1994.Does Britain have a favorable climate? Why?Although it seems that people are always complaining about the weather in Britain because it is rainy and changeable and unpredictable, the climate in Britain is in General a favorable one. It has a favorable maritime type of climate—winters are mild, not too cold and summers are cool, not too hot, and it has a steady reliable rainfall throughout the whole year. It has a small range of temperature. The average temperature in winter in the north is 4~6 ℃and in summer in the south is12~17℃.So even in winter one can still see stretches of green grass on the open country, in the parks and around the houses.Chaper3 History of the United KingdomHeptarch----during the Anglo-Saxon’s time, Britain was divided into many kingdoms, among which there were seven principal kingdoms: Kent, Essex, Sussex, Wessel, East Anglia, Mercia and North UmbriaThe Norman Conquest ----The Norman Conquest of 1066 is perhaps the best-known event in English history. William the Conqueror confiscated almost all the land and gave it to his Norman followers. He replaced the weak Saxon rule with a strong Norman government. So the feudal system was completely established in England.Contents and the significance of the Great Charter.Great Charter was signed by King John in 1215 under the press of the barons. It consists of sixty-three clauses.Its important provisions are as follows: (1) no tax should be made without the approval of the Grand Council; (2) no freemen should be arrested, imprisoned or deprived of their property; (3) the Church should possess all its rights, together with freedom of elections; (4) London and other towns should retain their traditional rights and privileges, and (5) there should be the same weights and measures throughout the country. Although The Great Charter has long been popularly regarded as the foundation of English liberties, it was a statement of the feudal and legal relationships between the Crown and the barons, a guarantee of the freedom of the Church and a limitation of the powers of the king. The spirit of the Great Charter was the limitation of the powers of the king, keeping them within the bounds of the feudal law of the land.The Hundred Years' War and its consequencesThe Hundred Years’War refers to the war between England and France that lasted intermittently from 1337 to 1453. The causes of the war were partly territorial and partly economic. The economic causes were connected with cloth manufacturing towns in Flanders, which were the importer of English wool, but they were loyal to the French king politically. Besides, England's desire to stop France from giving aid to Scots and a growing sense of nationalism were the other causes.The Engli sh’s is being driven out of France is regarded as a blessing for both countries. If the English had remained in France, the superior size and wealth of France would have hindered the development of a separate English national identity, while France was hindered so long as a foreign power occupied so much French territory.Distinctive features of the English Renaissance1) English culture was revitalized not so much directly by the classics as by contemporary Europeans under the influence of the classics;2) England as an insular country followed a course of social and political history which was to a great extent independent of the course of history elsewhere in Europe;3) Owing to the great genius of the 14th century poet Chaucer, the native literature was sufficiently vigorous and experienced in assimilating for foreign influences without being subjected by them;4) English Renaissance coincided with the Reformation in England.The Glorious Revolution of 1688In 1685 Charles II died and was succeeded by his brother James II. James was brought up in exile in Europe, was a Catholic. He hoped to rule without giving up his personal religious belief. But England was no more tolerant of a Catholic king in 1688 than 40 years ago. So the English politicians rejected James II, and appealed to a Protestant king, William of Orange, to invade and take the English throne. William landed in England in 1688. The takeover was relatively smooth, with no bloodshed, nor any execution of the king. This was known as the Glorious Revolution. Whigs and ToriesThese two party names originated with the Glorious Revolution (1688)The Whig was those who opposed absolute monarchy and supported the right to religious freedom for Nonconformists. The Whig were to form a coalition with dissident Tories in the mid-19th century and become the Liberal PartyThe Tories were those who supported hereditary monarchy and were reluctant to remove kings. The Tories were the forerunners of the Conservative Party. .A People’s CharterThere was widespread dissatisfaction with the Reform Act of 1832 and the New Poor Law. In 1836, a group of skilled workers and small shopkeepers formed the London Working Men’s Association. They drew up a charter of political demands(a People’s Charter) in 1838, with the intention of presenting it to Parliament. It had six points: (1)the vote for all adult males;(2)voting by secret ballot; (3)equal electoral districts; (4)abolition of property qualifications for members of Parliament;(5)payment of members of Parliament; (6)annual Parliaments, with a General Election every June.Chaper7 Geography of the United States12. How many types of climate can be found in the United States? Six types of climate can be found in the United States. They are 1) the humid continental climate in the north-eastern part of the country, 2) the humid subtropical climate in the south-eastern part, 3) the continental steppe (⼤草原)climate of the Great Plains, 4) the continental desert climate of the intermountain region, 5) the maritime climate in the north-western part of Pacific coast and 6) the Mediterranean climate in the southern Pacific coast.Chapter 8 History of the United States1. Checks and balances -------Each of the three branches of the government ——the legislative, the executive and the judicial ——has part of the powers but not all the power. Each branch can check, or block, the actions of the other branches. The three branches are thus in balance. This is called “checks and balances”.2. Emancipation Proclamation -----On September 22, 1862 during American Civil War, Lincoln issued the famous document Emancipation Proclamation which would become effective onJanuary 1, 1863. it provided that all the black slaves in the rebelling states were freed and they were welcome to join the armed forces of the Union.3. the New Deal------ it was put forward by American President Roosevelt who wanted to do something to deal with the Great Depression at that time. It passed a lot of New Deal laws and set up some efficient social security systems. The New Deal helped to "save American democracy" and to overcome the most serious economic crisis of the capitalist system up to that time.4. The Puritans----- (1)The Puritans were wealthy , well-educated gentlemen . They wanted to purify the Church of England .(2) Dissatisfied with the political corruption in England and threatened with religious persecution , the Puritan Leaders saw the New World as a refuge provided by God for those He meant to save . So in March,1630 , the great Puritan migration began . (3) The Puritans did not allow religious dissent. They went to America to establish what they considered the one true church. / Puritan tradition also involved a respect for learning which led to the establishment of schools and the spread of literacy.Tell briefly the history of the two - party system in the United States. What are the characteristics of the two major parties inthe United States today?There nave been four periods in the history of the two party system in the United States. (1)During the Ratification period,the first two major parties appeared. They were the Federalists and the Anti - Federalists. After the adoption of the Bill of Rights,the Anti - Federalists began to call themselves Democratic - Republicans. The Federalists gradually disintegrated. (2)After the 1828 election of Andrew Jackson,the Democratic - Republican Party split. The party led by Jackson was called Democratic Party and the party agaist Jackson was called the Whig Party which formed in 1834. As the struggle over slavery intensified,the majority of the Whig Party,part of the democrats,and other anti - slavery elements formed the Republican Party in 1854. (3)From 1860s to 1920s,the Republican Party dominated the political scene.(4)From the time of President Franklin Roosevelt to the 1980s,the Democratic Party was dominant,with short interruptions.Traditionally,the Democrats support government intervention in the economy and a strong social security system. While the Republicans stress the role of the market more and oppose large government social security programs. But the two parties are not really very different. They both believe in individualism,defend capitalism and uphold private ownership of means of production. Their organizations are both very loose. But they are both very significant in political life.2. In US, some people are called the religious right or the Christian right. What are their characteristics?They assert that the US is a Christian country; they argue that the Bible takes precedence over scientific findings, and so want to prevent the teaching evolution in schools and are skeptical about global warming. They are ready to adopt a “holy”war against Muslims. Some racists feel the Bible justifies white dominance and oppose abortion and any teaching about sexuality or family planning in schools. They are very troubled by the increasing recognition of homosexual partnerships.。

新版英美概况复习习题_新版英美概况习题英国部分:一、名词解释1.The City of London2.King Harold3.The Vikings4.King Arthur5.King Alfred6.The Anglo-Saxons7.General election8.Prime minister9.Divine right of the king10.Oxbridge11.The Bill of Rights of 168912.The function of the parliament13.Different classes of Great Britain14.Elizabethan Drama15.Wuthering Heights16.Grammar schools17.tertiary industries18.The open university19.Christmas20.Football hooligans21.The invasion of the Romans22.The Great Charter/Magna Carta23.The Glorious Revolution24.the Battle of Hastings二、简答题1.The Canterbury T ales2.William Shakespeare3.relative decline of the UK economy4.Robert Burns5.Wimbledon International Tennis Championship6.Soccer7.the Easter Rising8.Robert the Bruce9.Boxing Day10.Halloween11.Robin Hood12.Union Jack13.Hereditary peers14.Easter uprisings15.The full name of the UK and the capital of each part16.The Romantic poets17.The Industrial Revolution18.Public schools19.One Hundred Years’ War20.General election21.the “Three Circles” foreign policy三、论述题1.The relation between the Queen and the government2.The establishment of the colonies of the UK3.The classes of the UK4.The relative decline of Great Britain美国部分:一、名词解释1.Puritans2.The Declaration of Independence3.George Washington4.Benjamin Franklin5.California Gold Rush6.The Bill of Rights7.Eli Whitney8.Wall Street9.an indentured servant/doc/d316531671.html,pulsory education of the USA11.Segregation Law12.Melting pot13.Michael Jordan14.The purchase of Alaska二、简答题1.The establishment of Virginia2.The Articles of Confederation3.The three branches of the American government4.The American Industrial Revolution5.James Fenimore Cooper6.Mark Twain7.American Civil War8.The New Deal9.The Lost Generation10.Ernest Hemingway11.Different kinds of American schools12.The Servicemen’s Readjustment Act13.The American Dream14.The purchase of Louisiana三、论述题1.Why the USA is called a nation of immigrants?2.The democratic system of the USA3.The American Civil War4.Why do the Americans consider sports very important in their life?5.The success of Franklin Roosevelt’s New DealMultiple Choice:1. Which of the following CANNOT be found in London?A. TeahousesB. GalleriesC. MuseumsD. Theatres2. The Tower of London, a historical sight, was built by _____.A. King HaroldB. Robin HoodC. Oliver CromwellD. William the Conqueror3. Who were the ancestors of the English and the founders of England?A. The Anglo-SaxonsB. the NormansC. the VikingsD. the Romans4. The United Kingdom is made up of _____ parts.A. twoB. threeC. fourD. five5. The capital of the Scotland is _____.A. LondonB. BelfastC. EdinburghD. Cardiff6. The first inhabitants in England are the _____.A. CeltsB. RomansC. NormansD. Danes7. The first invaders to England in 43AD were the _____.A. NormansB. VikingsC. GermansD. Romans8. King Arthur is a well-known king from the legends of the _____.A. JutesB. Anglo-SaxonsC. DanesD. Normans9. “William the Conqueror” defeated and killed the English king in the Battle of _____.A. LondonB. CalaisC. HastingsD. Canterbury10. The king who was executed in the 17th century was _____.A. William IB. Henry IC. Charles ID. George I11. The Scottish king _____ defeated the English army in theBattle of Bannockburn, leading to300 years of full independence for Scotland.A. William WallaceB. Robert the BruceC. James ID. Canute12. The leader of the republican “roundheads” was _____ who killed the king in the 17th century.A. Oliver CromwellB. Robert BurnsC. Winston ChurchillD. Robin Hood13. By whom is a “vote of no confidence” decided?A. The House of CommonsB. The House of LordsC. The Prime MinisterD. The two big parties14. Which of the following books is written by Geoffrey Chaucer?A. BeowulfB. The Canterbury TalesC. Treasure IslandD. Ivanhoe15. which of the following tragedy written by Shakespeare?A. Dr. FaustusB. FrankensteinC. HamletD. Sense and Sensibility16. In Britain, the greatest majority of parents send their children to _____.A. private schoolsB. public schoolsC. state schoolsD. grammar schools17. Which of the following is NOT considered a characteristic of London?A. The cultural centre.B. The business centre.C. The financial centreD. The sports centre.18. Under whose reign was the Bill of Rights passed?A. James IIB. William of OrangeC. Oliver CromwellD. George I19. Which of the following DID NOT belong to Romanticism?A. KeatsB. ShellyC. WordsworthD. Defoe20. Which of the following is a privately funded university in Britain?A. The University of CambridgeB. The University of OxfordC. The University of EdinburghD. The University of Buckingham21. Which of the following is NOT one of the three forces that led to the modern development ofEurope?A. The growth of capitalismB. The RenaissanceC. The Religious ReformationD. The spiritual leadership of the Roman Catholic Church22. The following are the founding fathers of the United States except _____.A. George WashingtonB. Thomas JeffersonC. William PennD. Benjamin Franklin23. “No taxation without representation” was the rallying cry of _____.A. the settlers of VirginiaB. the people of PennsylvaniaC. the colonists in New EnglandD. the people of the 13 colonies on the eve of the American Revolution24. The following are the writers of the Declaration of Independence except _____.A. Thomas JeffersonB. George WashingtonC. John AdamsD. Benjamin Franklin25. The man who named the American primitive people “Indians” is _____.A. Amerigo VespucciB. Christopher ColumbusC. Henry HudsonD. John Cabot26. The Seven Year’s War was fought between Britain and _____.A. SpainB. HollandC. FranceD. Portugal27. Which of the following states refused to participate in the Constitutional Convention?A. VirginiaB. Rhode IslandC. New YorkD. Maryland28. Which of the following is the only branch that can make federal laws and levy federal taxes?A. The executiveB. The legislativeC. The judicialD. The president29. Which of the following is NOT guaranteed in the Bill of Rights?A. The freedom of religionB. The freedom of searching a person’s home by policeC. The freedom of speech and of the pressD. The right of owning weapon if one wishes30. The New Deal was started by _____.A. Franklin RooseveltB. J. F. KennedyC. George WashingtonD. Thomas Jefferson31. The “American system” of mass production was first used in _____.A. car industryB. textile industryC. firearms industryD. agriculture32. Which of the following is NOT considered as part of the service industry?A. bankingB. management consultationC. airlineD. steelmaking33. The United States was rated the _____ in the world in terms of land area and the size ofpopulation.A. secondB. thirdC. fourthD. fifth34. In which year was the USA rated NO. 1 in terms of production capacity in the world?A. 1920B. 1950C. 1945D. 196035. The USA produces as much as half of the world’s _____.A. wheat and riceB. cottonC. tobacco and vegetable oilD. soybeans and corn36. The latest technology that the American farmers have adopted is _____.A. artificial fertilizersB. pesticideC. tractorsD. computers37. Which of the following was a writer of the post-Revolutionary period?A. Edgar Allan PoeB. Natty BumppoC. Washington IrvingD. Rip Van Winkle38. Which of the following was written by James Fenimore Cooper?A. The Last of the MohicansB. The Legend of the Sleepy HollowC. The Masque of the Red DeathD. Moby Dick39. Which of the following subjects are NOT offered to elementary school students?A. mathematics and languagesB. politics and business educationC. science and social studiesD. music and physical education40. The expenditure in American public schools is guided or decided by _____.A. teachersB. studentsC. headmastersD. boards of education41. Both public and private universities depend on the following sources of income except _____.A. investmentB. student tuitionC. endowmentsD. government funding42. Who was the author of the popular play The Melting Pot?A. Mark TwainB. Stephen CraneC. Henry JamesD. Israel Zangwill43. Which of the following was President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s main concern?A. health careB. personal freedomC. material wealthD. social justice44. Which of the following institutions is responsible for the making of the Internet?A. the US militaryB. the US entertainment industryC. the US film industryD. the US education sector45. Niagara Falls is located in the State of _____.A. New YorkB. VirginiaC. North CarolinaD. South California46. If you visit Alaska, you can see the following except _____.A. northern Polar LightB. glaciersC. surfersD. caribou47. The Everglades, du bbed with the name of “the River of Grass”, is _____ containing a largecollection of wildlife.A. a green riverB. a deep valleyC. a subtropical wetlandsD. a small island48. Michael Jordan is a famous player of _____.A. footballB. basketballC. baseballD. tennis49. Ronald Reagan used to be a _____.A. basketball playerB. sports radio announcerC. conservative political columnistD. sports writer50. Which of the following remarks is NOT true about Hawaii?A. Hawaii is made up of a large group of big and small islandsB. There are numerous active volcanoes in HawaiiC. More than 40 percent of the local residents in Hawaii are American AsiansD. The Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941Fill in the blanks:1.The United Kingdom consists of __________, __________, __________, and _____________.2.The English language has three stages in its history. They are _______________,_______________, _______________.3.The novel Robinson Crusoe was written by____________________.4.The doctrine of the “divine right of kings” held that the sovereign derived his authority from_______, not from _________.5.The party which wins the majority seats in parliament forms ______ and its party leaderbecomes_______.6.Normally a government of the United Kingdom can be in power for____years, and then it hasto resign and hold a general election.7.The “Jewel in the Crown”of the British Empire____, which provided _______ and a bigmarket for British goods, gained independence in 1947.8.Since 1945, the UK has experienced ______ decline rather than _____ decline./doc/d316531671.html, two of the tragedies written by William Shakespeare:___________________, _____________________.10.Charlotte Bronte and Emily Bronte are noted for their respective novel __________________and ____________________ which are largely the love stories ofa woman for a man.11.The author of Ivanhoe was _______________, Charles Dickens novel ___________________tells the story of an orphan child drawn into crime in the London underworld.12.The two oldest universities in Britain are _________________ and _____________________.13.American Indians had developed three brilliant civilizations before the Europeans arrived.They were______, _______, and _______./doc/d316531671.html, two of the taxes imposed on North American colonies by the British Parliament on theeve of the American Revolution: ___________________ and ___________________.15.After the War of Independence was won, the national government was called______, and theagreement that guided the government was________.16.A federal system is one in which power is shared between______ and______with some rightsreserved to each.17.Two major political parties in the USA are_______ and _______.18.The best-known stock exchange is________ located in________ area of New York City.19._______ and ___________ are the two major writers of the post-revolutionary period./doc/d316531671.html, two of Ernest Hemingway’s famous novels: ____________________________, and ___________________________________________.21.About 90% of the American students go to ___________ schools and 10% attend_______________ schools.22.In the Declaration of Independence (1776), Thomas Jefferson wrote the classic words whichwere widely acclaimed as the traditional values by all Americans, they are: “_____, _____, _________”.23.By the 1960s, the Foreign Service began to recruit its members through a highly competitivetest open to all, regardless of______, ______, and________.。


大一英美概况试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. The United States of America is commonly referred to as:A. UKB. USAC. USD. America答案:C2. The United Kingdom is located in:A. North AmericaB. South AmericaC. EuropeD. Asia答案:C3. The official language of the United States is:A. SpanishB. FrenchC. EnglishD. German答案:C4. The capital of the United Kingdom is:A. LondonB. ManchesterC. EdinburghD. Glasgow答案:A5. The currency used in the United States is:A. Pound SterlingB. EuroC. DollarD. Yen答案:C6. The population of the United States is approximately:A. 50 millionB. 150 millionC. 300 millionD. 500 million答案:C7. The United Kingdom is a member of the European Union (EU):A. TrueB. False答案:B8. The United States is a federal republic consisting of:A. 50 statesB. 48 statesC. 52 statesD. 46 states答案:A9. The United Kingdom's system of government is:A. MonarchyB. RepublicC. CommunistD. Dictatorship答案:A10. The United States was founded on:A. July 4, 1776B. July 4, 1777C. July 4, 1775D. July 4, 1783答案:A二、填空题(每题2分,共20分)1. The largest city in the United States is ________.答案:New York City2. The United Kingdom is made up of four countries: England, Scotland, Wales, and ________.答案:Northern Ireland3. The national anthem of the United States is called________.答案:The Star-Spangled Banner4. The United Kingdom's national anthem is ________.答案:God Save the Queen5. The United States is bordered by ________ to the north and Mexico to the south.答案:Canada6. The United Kingdom's national flag is known as the________.答案:Union Jack7. The President of the United States is elected for a term of ________ years.答案:four8. The Prime Minister of the United Kingdom is the head of the ________.答案:government9. The United States is divided into three main regions: the Northeast, the South, and the ________.答案:West10. The United Kingdom is part of the ________ continent.答案:European三、简答题(每题10分,共30分)1. Describe the political system of the United States.答案:The United States has a federal system of government with three branches: the legislative (Congress), the executive (President), and the judicial (Supreme Court). The President serves as both the head of state and the head of government.2. Explain the role of the Queen in the United Kingdom.答案:The Queen is the constitutional monarch of the United Kingdom and serves as the symbol of national unity. Her role is largely ceremonial, and she does not have direct political power.3. What are the main cultural influences in the United States? 答案:The United States has a diverse cultural landscape influenced by its indigenous peoples, European settlers, African slaves, and immigrants from all over the world. The main cultural influences include Native American traditions, European heritage, African American culture, and the melting pot of immigrant cultures.四、论述题(30分)Discuss the historical significance of the AmericanRevolution and its impact on the development of the United States.答案:The American Revolution was a pivotal event in world history that led to the birth of the United States as an independent nation. It marked the end of British colonialrule and the beginning of a new era of self-governance. The Revolution was significant because it was the firstsuccessful colonial revolt against a major European power. It also set a precedent for other colonies seeking independence and inspired movements for democracy and self-determination around the world. The impact of the American Revolution isstill felt today in the form of the democratic principles and values enshrined in the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights, which continue to shape the nation's political and social landscape.。

ExercisesExercise 1一、是非题Read the following statements carefully and decide if each of them is True or False:()1. The Articles of Confederation is the oldest written constitution in the world.()2. America is a name given by Columbus.()3. The United Kingdom is a federal,not a unitary state.()4. The Anglo-Saxon Conquest was important in English history because it laid the foundation on which the English nation was to be formed.()5. To the west of Great Britain is the second largest island known as Scotland.()6. The checks and balance system in America was based on division of power.()7. London,the capital of the UK,is situated on the Severn River near its mouth.()8. The Great Charter was signed in 1215 by King John.()9. James I was the king who was executed during the English Bourgeois Revolution.()10. The Chartist Movement finally succeeded and it constituted a glorious page in the history of the workers’ struggle for liberation.()11. Grammar schools emphasize academic studies and teach a wide range of subjects.()12. Members of Parliament (MPs)are those who inherit the noble titles.()13. British people chose Franklin Roosevelt as Prime Minister in 1940 when the W.W. II broke out.()14. Henry VII was responsible for the founding the Church of England.()15. The destruction of the Spanish Armada not only established the position of England as a major sea power but also paved the way for its foreign expansion.()16. It was the Angles who gave their name to England and the English people.()17. The first successful English colony in North America was planted in Virginia in 1620.()18. The Wars of the Roses affected the ordinary people very much.()19. The Queen formally appoints all government office holders except the Prime Minister.()20. The Hundred Year’s War refers to the intermittent war between France and England that lasted from 1337 to 1453.二、名词解释Explain the following terms in English:1. The Great Depression2. Industrial Revolution3. Melting Pot4. Black Death5. American Constitution三、简答题Give a one-sentence answer to each of the following questions.1. When was the Second War with England in American history?2. What are the two major political parties in Britain?3. What is the general climate in Britain?4. Which American president was involved in Watergate Affair?5. What is the most important river in Britain?四、论述题Write between 100-150 words on the following topic:Norman Conquest and its influence?参考答案一、1~5 FFFTF 6~10 TFTFF 11~15 TFFFT 16~20TFFFT二、1.On October 24,1929,the American stock market crashed. Billions of dollars of paper profits were wiped out within a few hours. This led to a long economic depression.2. The Industrial Revolution refers to the mechanization of industry and the consequences in social and economic organization in Britain in the late 18th and early 19th centuries. Britain was the first country to industrialize. The Industrial Revolution in Britain first began in the textile industry.3. Since the United States is a nation of many ethnic groups,it is also known as a ―melting pot,‖ meaning immigrants from different nations all over the world have mixed to make up the American nation.4. Black Death was the modern name given to the deadly bubonic plague,an epidemic disease spread by rat fleas. It spread through Europe in the 14th century. It swept through England in the summer of 1348 without warning. It killed many people. As a result of the plague,much land was left untended and there was a terrible shortage of labor.5. The Constitution of the United States is the basic instrument of American government and the supreme law of the land. It is the oldest written constitution in the world. It was drawn up in 1787 and went into effect in 1789. It founded federalism and introduced checks and balances into government for the first time in history.三、1. The Second War between America and England was during 1812~1814.2. The two major political parties in Britain are Conservative Party and Labor Party.3. Britain enjoys maritime climate.4. Richard Nixon was involved in Watergate Scandal.5. The most important river in Britain is Thames River.四In 1066 the army of William,Duke of Normandy,defeated King Harold’s troops. He was crowned King of England. He then built a string of defense castle ensure his military control of the whole country. This is the Norman Conquest in British history. After the Norman Conquest,William the Conqueror confiscated almost all the land and gave it to his Norman followers. He replaced the weak Saxon rule with a strong Norman government. So the feudal system was completely established,England. Relations with the Continent were opened. The civilization and commerce were extended. Norman-French culture,language,manners,and architecture ere introduced.一、是非题Read the following statements carefully and decide if each of them is True or False:()1. The Bill of Rights is the term for the first twelve amendments to the Constitution.()2. The stock market crash in 1929 was the beginning of a long economic depression in the U. S. ()3. George Washington was the first president of the United States.()4. The system of the parliamentary government of the U.K. is based on a written constitution. ()5. Benjamin Franklin alone drafted the Declaration of Independence,and on July 4,1776,the Congress adopted the declaration.()6. Britain was the first country to start the Industrial Revolution which contributed to the establishment of the British Empire.()7. The word English means ―the language that belongs to the Angles.‖()8. The Pennines are known as the ―Backbone of England‖.()9. The largest lake in Britain is the Lough Neagh Lake in Wales which covers an area of 397 square kilometers.()10. Both the First Continental Congress and the Second Continental Congress were held in Boston.()11. The American Constitution founded feudalism and introduced checks and balances.()12. The national church in Scotland is also the Church of England.()13.Of all the English university Oxford and Cambridge are the most prestigious()14. The House of Lords is now made up of two kinds of Lords:the Lords Spiritual and the Lords Temporal.()15. William,Duke of Normandy,founded a strong fleet which first beat the Danes at sea and he became known as ―Father of the British Navy.‖()16. Anglo-Saxons in Britain are believed to be ancestors of the Highland Scots,the Irish and the Welsh people.()17. After Margaret Thatcher was elected Britain’s first ever woman prime minister in 1979,she adopted a new program to cure the ―British disease‖.()18. America Vespucci proved that the land discovered by Columbus was not Indian,but a new continent. As a result,the new continent was named after him and became known as America.()19. Declaration of Independence was formally adopted by the Continental Congress on July 14,1776,a day which has been celebrated each year as Independence Day of the United States.()20. When the news of American victory at Yorktown reached London,the Parliament voted to end the War and peace negotiation began in 1782.二、名词解释Explain the following terms in English:1. The New Deal2. counterculture movement3. checks and balances4. Constitutional monarchy5. Emancipation ProclamationGive a one-sentence answer to each of the following questions.1. What is the longest river in Britain?2. How long did the Wars of the Roses go on?3. When did American Civil War break out?4. What were the mainstream Americans called?5. What does American Congress consist of?四、论述题Write between 100-150 words on the following topic:Cold War参考答案一、1~5 FTTFF 6~10 TTTFF 11~15 FFTTT 16~20 FTTFT二、1. It refers to a series of measures taken by Franklin Roosevelt in 1932 to prevent the possible collapse of the American economic and political system.2. It was a movement of revolt in the 1960s against the moral values,the aesthetic standards,the personal behavior, and the social relations of conventional society.3. Each of the three branches of the government——the legislative,the executive and the judicial——has part of the powers but not all the power. Each branch can check,or block,the actions of the other branches. The three branches are thus in balance. This is called ―checks and balances‖.4. A constitutional monarchy is a county in which head of the state is a king or a queen. In practice,the Sovereign reigns,but does not rule. In English history,constitutional monarchy was established after Glorious Revolution in 1688.5. On September 22,1862 during American Civil War,Lincoln issued the famous document Emancipation Proclamation which would become effective on January 1,1863. it provided that all the black slaves in the rebelling states were freed and they were welcome to join the armed forces of the Union.三、1. The longest river in Britain is Severn river.2. The War of the Roses went on for 30 years.3. American Civil War began in 1861.4. The mainstream Americans are called WASPs.5. American Congress consists of Senate and House of Representatives.四、Some historians say that the world entered Cold War immediately after the Second World War ended. The conflicts arose basically from the separate concepts of postwar world order. The United States,relying on its large economic and military strength,tried to play the role of world police under the pretext of fighting against the Soviet expansion. The Soviet Union put forward the theory that there could be no long-term peaceful coexistence between socialism and capitalism and the Soviet Union should rapidly build up its strength for the final struggle against capitalism,represented by the United States and Britain. Cold War was characterized by international tension and conflicts withoutbloody ―hot war‖ between the Soviet Union and the United States. Cold War did not end until after the collapse of Berlin Wall in 1989.Exercise 3I. Direction:Read the following unfinished statements of questions carefully. For each unfinished statement of question four suggested answers A;B,C and D are given. Choose the one you think best completes the statement or answers the question. Write the letter of the answer you have chosen in the corresponding space on your answer sheet1. There are ______ political divisions on the island of Great Britain.A. oneB. twoC. threeD. four2. Magna Carta had altogether 63 clauses of which the most important matters could be seen in three of the following except _______.A. no tax should be made without the approval of the Grand Council;B. no serf should be arrested,imprisoned or deprived of his property except by the law of the landC. London and other towns should retain their ancient rights and privilegesD. There should be the same weights and measures through - out the country.3. The first steam engine was devised by Thomas Newcomer at the end of the 17th century,and the Scottish inventor ________ modified and improved the design in 1765.A. Abraham DarbyB. James WattC. John KayD. Richard Arkwright4. In some areas factory farming methods are used,particularly for ________.A. growing cropB. producing milkC. catching fishD. rearing poultry5. By tradition,the leader of the majority party is appointed ______ by the Sovereign in the United Kingdom.A. Prime MinisterB. Member of ParliamentC. Lord of AppealD. Speaker of the House6. Under the Anglo - Irish Treaty,Britain established _______ with dominion status in Ireland in 1921.A. the Anglican Church of IrelandB. the Irish Free StateC. the Irish Republican ArmyD. the Anglo - Irish Intergovernmental Council7. Irish broadcasting began in ______ in a small studio called Dublin Broadcasting Station.A. 1906B. 1916C. 1926D. 19368. _______ realized that he could win support for the Union at home and abroad by making the war a just war against slavery.A. Frederick DouglassB. George WashingtonC. John AdamsD. Abraham Lincoln9. But even after the abolition of slavery,organized or individual discrimination was practiced against ______.A. Chinese – AmericansB. American IndiansC. Japanese – AmericansD. black Americans10. From 1948 to 1966 average yearly growth in real spendable earnings was ______ percent in the United States.A. 1.1B. 2.1C. 3.1D. 4.111. After a period of prosperity (1920 ~ 1929),government involvement in the economy increased _________.A. during the Great DepressionB. after the WW IC. after the WW IID. during the Cold War12. The United States grows nearly _____ of the world's grain and supplies a half of all the exports of grain in the world.A. one thirdB. one fourthC. one sixthD. one seventh13. Through the Department of _____,the President is responsible for the protection of Americans abroad and of foreign nationals in the United States.A. StateB. JusticeC. LaborD. Defense14. The community college embodies ________ belief that an education should be practical as well as liberal.A. George Washington'sB. Thomas Jefferson'sC. Abraham Lincoln'sD. Franklin Roosevelt's15. The exploratory voyage made by ______ brought to a close to an era of European discovery of Australia that had lasted nearly two hundred years.A. Arthur PhilipB. Mathew FlindersC. Port JacksonD. Peter Lalor16. After the outbreak of the First World War,Australia followed Britain's lead and declared war on ________.A. JapanB. TurkeyC. ItalyD. Germany17. The European discovery of Canada can be traced back to the end of the ______ century.A. 14thB. 15thC. 16thD. 17th18. Northern provinces and territories tale up _____ of Canada.A. halfB. two thirdsC. one thirdD. four fifths19. In New Zealand,hydroelectricity from rivers and dams supplies ________ of total energy.A. 15%B. 16%C. 17%D. 18%20. In the United States,Halloween is night - time ______ holiday.A. children'sB. men'sC. women'sD. old men's21. Australia is generally divided into the following three topographical regions except _____.A. the Great Western PlateauB. the OutbackC. the Eastern HighlandsD. the Central Eastern Lowlands22. In Britain the succession order of the Crown can be altered only by common consent of _____.A. all members of the royal familyB. the House of Lords and the House of CommonsC. cabinet and ministryD. the countries of the Commonwealth23. New Zealand is the world's largest exporters of ________.A. lambB. expertiseC. honeyD. potatoes24. Today _____ is Ireland's most influential daily.A. the Irish PressB. the Irish IndependenceC. the Irish TimesD. the Irish Daily25. In the United States,_____ is a leading commercial crop in the South.A. cottonB. tobaccoC. peanutD. appleII. Directions Read each of the following statements carefully and see if it is true of false. Put T if you think it is true of F if you think it is false in the corresponding space on you answer sheet.1. ______ William Walworth launched the Peasant Revolt of 1381 in England.2. ______ In the English Civil War,the Puritans were not the King's opponents.3. ______ The Chartists could be roughly divided into two groups:the Moral Force Chartists and the Physical Force Chartists.4. ______ In Britain,changes of Government do not involve changes in departmental staff,who continue to carry out their duties whichever party is in power.5. ______ The British criminal law presumes the innocence of the accused until he has been proven guilty beyond reasonable doubt.6. ______ As committed to the goal of a united Ireland,Dublin refuses to negotiate a settlement of the problem of Northern Ireland with London.7. ______ After the abolition of slavery,organized or individual discrimination was never practiced against black Americans.8. ______ When the Korean War broke out in June,1950,Truman sent the 7th Fleet to the Taiwan Straits to prevent the PLA from liberating Taiwan.9. ______ Canada possesses rich and vast natural resources which are significant in the Canadian10. ______ The rich green mountains and valleys make New Brunswick Nova Scotia,Prince Edward island,and Newfoundland the most beautiful in Canada.11. ______ The minerals and energy industry is supplementary to the Australian economy.12. ______ Captain Matthew Flinder's exploratory voyage to Australia between 1802 and 1803 brought a close to an era of European discovery.13. ______ In 1995,about 14% of the US population lived under the poverty line.14. ______ In 1948,Ireland voted itself out of the British Common wealth.15. ______ Formal education in the United States consists of elementary,secondary and higher education.III. Directions:For each of the following blanks,only one word is suitable. Write the word in the corresponding space on your answer sheet.1. The England Civil War not only overthrew _____ in England,but also undermined the feudal rule in Europe.2. Two of the most important literary writers of the late 17th Century England were _____ and _____. Both were Puritans.3. During the WW II,the leaders of the United States,the Soviet Union and Britain met at ______,_______ and _______ conferences.4. The American War of Independence show that a ______ nation can defeat a _______ one.5. Canada's early economic development was founded on a number of resource - based ______:fishing,forestry,_______ and mining.6. Britain is a welfare state which is funded out of ______ and ______.7. The government education departments _____ education policies and are also responsible for the ________ and training of teachers.8. The South's lending industries are those that make use of the _______ supply of natural resources and _____ materials.9. The Senate serves a term of _____ years,and every two years,_______ of the Senators stands for re - election.10. Fianna Fail continues to demand that the British be withdrawn from ______ but it opposes the use of violence to achieve this goal.11. Australia's two territories are Australian Capital Territory and ________.12. Australia's rural children can learn their lessons through a radio educational system called _____.13. According to the Treaty of Waitangi,if Maori owners wanted to sell _______,only the Crown had the right to ______.14. Mrs. Thatcher's government used both _____ and _______ policies to improve the efficiency of the British economy in the 1980's.15. In 1885 ________ was completed and the country was linked from coast to coast.16. Ireland is a ______ republic and a unitary state under the 1937 Constitution.17. The highest peak of Britain is ______. It is about ________ meters high,located in the Highlands of Scotland.18. ________ is the largest and most populous of the three political divisions on the island of Great19. In the 1770s _______ visited New Zealand and claimed it for England.20. The New York Stock Market crash of 1929 marked the beginning of ________.21. By 1918 car _______ had reached 2.5 million,which showed the United States was on the way to becoming a nation on ______.22. The Paris Conference ending the First World War was dominated by the Big Four:the United States,_______,France,and _______.23. Many of Canada's earliest settlements were founded by fur traders and _______.24. Besides the Great Lakes,Canada is also endowed with three "inland seas",known as _______,Lake Winnipeg and ________.25. In the UK,the party which wins the second largest number of seats in the House becomes _______,with is one leader,and forms a ________.26. The Governor - General of a Commonwealth state is appointed by the Queen on the advice of ______ of the country concerned and completely independent of the British Government.27. In 1453 England was at last defeated in the ______ Years War. At that time power in England was in the hands of a number of rich and ______ nobles.28. During the First Civil War of the England Bourgeois Revolution,those who stood on the side of the king were called ________ and those who supported the Parliament were called ______ because of their short haircuts.29. The legislative body in the province of Quebec is called the "National Assembly" while in Newfoundland it is called ________.30. Canadian law has its source in ______ and judicial _____,and also in British "common law".31. During World War II,Australian women took over the _______ left vacant by men who were engaged in the _______ effort.IV. Directions:Explain the following terms in English. Write your answer in the corresponding space on your answer sheet.1. Thatcherism2. diversity of American education3. the Canadian Shield4. Australia's service industries5. the New DealV. Directions:Give a brief answer to each of the following questions. Write your answer in the corresponding space on your answer sheet.1. Look at a physical map of the United States and find out and name the main monition ranges,rivers and lakes in the United States.2. How many constituencies are there in Britain today?How many members are there in the House of Commons?3. What were the effects of European settlement on the Aborigines?4. Sinn FeinVI. Directions:Write between 100 ~ 150 words on the following topic in the corresponding space onyour answer sheet.Tell briefly the history of the two - party system in the United States. What are the characteristics of the two major parties in the United States today?参考答案I. 1-5. CBBDA 6-10. BCDDB 11-15. ABABB 16-20. DBDCA 21-25. BDACAII. 1-5. FFTTT 6-10. FFTTT 11-15. FTTFTIII.1. the feudal system2. John Bunyon,John Milton3. Teheran;Yalta;Potsdam4. strong5. industry;agriculture6. contributions national insurance,taxation7. formulate;supply8. abundant;raw9. one,one third 10. Northern Ireland 11. Northern Territory 12. School of the air 13. land;buy 14. macroeconomic,microeconomic 15. the Canadian Pacific Railway 16. Parliamentary 17. Ben Nevis;1,3000 18. England 19. Captain James Cook 20. the Great Depression 21. registration;wheels 22. Britain;Italy 23. trappers 24. Great Bear Lake;Great Slave Lake 25. the Opposition,Shadow cabinet 26. the ministers 27. Hundred,ambitious 28. Cavaliers,Roundheads 29. House of Assembly 30. Acts;decisions 31. jobs,warsIV.1. ThatcherismThe election of 1979 returned the Conservative Party to power and Margaret Thatcher became the first woman prime minister in Britain. Her policies are popularly referred to as Thatcherism. It included the return to private ownership of state - owned industries,the use of monetarist policies to control inflation,the weakening of trade unions,the strengthening of the role of market forces in the economy,and an emphasis on law and order.2. diversity of American educationDiversity is considered to be an outstanding characteristic of American education. This can be seen not only in type,size and control of the institutions,but educational policies and practices. As is stated by the Tenth Amendment to the United States Constitution,education is a function of the state,not the federal government. As each state has the freedom to develop its own school system and delegates its power over education to local districts,many variations can be found in the education system of the 50 states.3. the Canadian ShieldThe Canadian Shield is a semicircular band of rocky highlands and plateaus around Hudson Bay from the northern shores of Quebec to the Arctic shores of the Northwest Territories. It is a region of rounded hills,and tens of thousands of lakes and swamps.4. Australia's service industriesService industries are also called "tertiary industry". This sector now includes an additional "quaternary" level,which covers the research,processing and storage of information. Australia's service sector is the fastest growing one. It has been growing in importance,due to higher living standards and greater demand for more and better transport and housing,and the expansion by government of educational,health and welfare services.5. the New DealIn order to deal with the Depression,President Franklin Roosevelt put forward the New Dealprogram. It passed a lot of New Deal laws and set up many efficient social security systems. The New Deal helped to save American democracy and the development of American economy.V.1. Look at a physical map of the United States and find out and name the main monition ranges,rivers and lakes in the United States.There are two main mountain ranges in the United States. They are the Appalachian Mountains and the Rocky Mountains. There are many important rivers in the United States. The Mississippi River and its two branches,the Missouri River and the Ohio River,flow south to the Gulf of Mexico. On the Pacific side there are two great rivers:the Colorado River and the Columbia River. The Rio Grande River forms a natural boundary between Mexico and the United States. Other well known rivers include the Hudson River which meets the Atlantic Ocean at New Yurk and the Potomac boarding the national capital of Washington. The most important lakes in the United States are the Great Lakes. They are Lake Superior,Lake Michigan,Lake Huron,Lake Erie and Lake Ontario. They are all located between Canada and the United States except Lade Michigan.2. How many constituencies are there in Britain today?How many members are there in the House of Commons?To hold general elections,Britain is divided into 651 constituencies,each of which returns one member to the House of Commons. There are 651 members in the House of Commons.3. What were the effects of European settlement on the Aborigines?White settlement in 1788 proved disastrous for the Aborigines. (1)Aboriginal culture and society were totally disrupted because of a total conflict of cultures. (2)The loss o land to white people led to the breakdown of their tribal life because Aboriginal culture was based on the land. (3)After losing their land,Aborigines became dependent on white handouts. They copied the European habit of drinking alcohol,which destroyed large numbers of Aborigines. (4)The whites also brought many diseases which the Aborigines had no resistance to. (5)All these,combined with the violence between Europeans and Aborigines resulted in the drastically reduction in Aboriginal population. The Aborigines have always been in unfavorable position ever since 1788. The Aborigines still face legal,political,economic and social discrimination today.4. Sinn FeinSinn Fein was the Irish guerrilla movement that wrested independence from the British in 1921. It spit in 1921 over the Anglo - Irish Treaty and became two parties,Fianna Fail and Fine Gael,which remains to be the two major political parties in Ireland today.VI.Tell briefly the history of the two - party system in the United States. What are the characteristics of the two major parties in the United States today?There nave been four periods in the history of the two - party system in the United States.(1)During the Ratification period,the first two major parties appeared. They were the Federalists and the Anti - Federalists. After the adoption of the Bill of Rights,the Anti - Federalists began to call themselves Democratic - Republicans. The Federalists gradually disintegrated. (2)After the 1828 election of Andrew Jackson,the Democratic - Republican Party split. The main faction led by Jackson was called the Whig Party which formed in 1834. As the struggle over slavery intensified,the majority。

大学英美概况试题及答案# 大学英语英美概况试题及答案一、选择题1. 英国的首都是哪里?A. 伦敦B. 爱丁堡C. 曼彻斯特D. 利物浦答案:A2. 美国的独立日是什么时候?A. 7月4日B. 7月14日C. 8月15日D. 9月11日答案:A3. 以下哪个不是英国的传统节日?A. 圣诞节B. 复活节C. 感恩节D. 圣乔治日答案:C4. 美国的官方语言是什么?A. 英语B. 西班牙语C. 法语D. 德语答案:A5. 英国的货币单位是什么?A. 欧元B. 英镑C. 美元D. 日元答案:B二、填空题6. 英国由四个构成国组成,分别是_________、苏格兰、威尔士和北爱尔兰。
答案:英格兰7. 美国的首都是_________。
答案:华盛顿哥伦比亚特区8. 英国的国花是_________。
答案:玫瑰9. 美国的人口最多的州是_________。
答案:加利福尼亚州10. 英国的国歌是_________。
答案:《天佑女王》或《天佑国王》三、简答题11. 简述英国的地理位置。
12. 描述美国的地理特征。
13. 英国和美国在文化上有哪些主要差异?答案:英国和美国虽然共享许多文化元素,但也存在显著差异。
四、论述题14. 论述英美两国在教育体系上的主要差异。

英国概况III. Explain the following terms.1. the Hardian's Wall:It was one of the two great walls built by the Romans to keep the Picts out of the area they had conquered.2. Alfred the GreatAlfred was a strong king of the wisemen. It was created by the Anglo-Saxons to advise the king. It's the basis of the Privy Council which still exists today.3. William the ConquerorWilliam was Duke of Normandy. He landed his army in Oct, 1066 and defeated King Harold. Then he was crowned king of England on Christmas Day the same year. He established a strong Norman government and the feudal system in England.4. the battle of HastinasIn 1066, King Edward died with no heir, the Witan chose Harold as king. William, Duke of Normandy, invaded England. On October 14, the two armies met near Hasting. After a day's battle, Harold was killed and his army completely defeated. So this battle was very important on the way of the Roman conquest.5. Domesdav BookUnder William, the feudal system was established. William sent officials to compile a property record known as Domesday Book, which completed in 1086. It was the result of a general survey of England made in 1085. It stated the extent, value, the population, state of cultivation, and ownership of the land. It seemed to the English like the Book of doom on Judgment Day.6. the Great CharterKing John's reign caused much discontent among the barons. In 1215, he was forced to sign a document, known as Mangna Cara, or the Great Charter. It has 63 clauses. Though it has long been regarded as the foundation of English liberties, its spirit was the limitation of the king's powers, keeping them within the bounds of the feudal law of the land.7. the Hundred Years' WarIt referred to the intermittent war between France and England that last from 1337 to 1453. The causes were partly territorial and partly economic. When Edward III claimed the French Crown but the French refused to recognize, the war broke out. At first the English were successful, but in the end, they were defeated and lostalmost all their possessions in France. The expelling of the English was a blessing for both countries.8. Joan of ArcShe was a national heroine of France during the Hundred 'Yfears' War. She successfully led the French to drive the English out of France.9. the Black DeathIt was the deadly bubonic plague who spread through Europe in the 14th century. It swept through England without warning and any cure, and sparing no victims. It killed between half and one-third of the population of England. Thus, much land was left untended and labour was short. It caused far-reaching economic consequences.10. the Wars of RosesThey referred to the battles between the House of Lancaster and the House of York between 1455 and 1485. The former was symbolized by the red rose, and the latter by the white one. After the wars, feudalism received its death blow and the king's power became supreme. Tudor monarchs ruled England and Wales for over two hundred years.11. Bloodv MarvHenry VIH's daughter and a devout Catholic. When she became Queen, she persecuted and burnt many Protestants. So she was given the nickname "Bloody Mary". Mary is also remembered as the monarch who lost the French port of Calais.12. Elizabeth IOne of the greatest monarchs in British history. She reigned England, Wales and Ireland for 45 years and remained single. Her reign was a time of confident English nationalism and of great achievements in literature and other arts, in exploration and in battle.13. Oliver CromwellThe leader during the Civil War who led the New Model Army to defeat the king and condemned him to death. Then he declared England a Commonwealth and made himself Lord of Protector. He ruled England till the restoration of Charles II in 1660.14. the Bill of RiahtsIn 1689, William and Mary accepted the Bill of Rights to be crowned jointly. The bill excluded any Roman Catholic from the succession, confirmed the principle of parliamentary supremacy and guaranteed free speech within both the two Houses. Thus the age of constitutional monarchy began.15. Whias and ToriesIt referred to the two party names which originated with the Glorious Revolution of 1688. The Whigs were those who opposed absolute monarchy and supported the right to religious freedom for Nonconformists. The Tbries were those who supported hereditary monarchy and were reluctant to remove kings. The Whigs formed a coalition with dissident Tbries and became the Liberal Party. The Tbries were the forerunners of the Conservative Party.16. James WattThe Scottish inventor who produced an efficient steam engine with rotary motion that could be applied to textile and other machinery.17. Winston ChurchillPrime Minister of Britain during the Second World War. He took over Chamberlain in 1940 and received massive popular support. He led his country to final victory in 1945. He was defeated in the general election of 1945, but returned to power in 1951.18. AaribusinessIt refers to the new farming in Britain, because it's equipped and managed like an industrial business with a set of inputs into the farm of processes which occur on the farm, and outputs or products which leave the farm. The emphasis is upon intensive farming, designs to give the maximum output of crops and animals.19. the British ConstitutionThere is no written constitution in the United Kingdom. The British Constitution is not set out in any single document, but made up of statute law, common law and conventions. The Judiciary determines common law and interprets statues.20. Queen Elizabeth IIThe present Sovereign, born in 1926, came to the throne in 1952 and was crowned in 1953. The Queen is the symbol of the whole nation, the center of many national ceremonies and the leader of society.21. the ODDOsitionIn the General Election, the party which wins the second largest number of seats becomes the official Opposition, with its own leader and "shadow cabinet". The aims of the Opposition are to contribute to the formulation of policy and legislation, to oppose government proposals, to seek amendments to government bills, and to put forward its own policies in order to win the next general election.22. the Privy CouncilFormerly the chief source of executive power. It gave the Sovereign private ("privy”) advice on the governmentof the country. Today its role is mainly formal, advising the Sovereign to approve certain government decrees and issuing royal proclamation. Its membership is about 400.23. Common lawA written law gathered from numerous decisions of the courts and other sources.24. the iuryA legal system established in England since king Henry II. The jury consists of ordinary, independent citizens summoned by the court: 12 persons in England, Wales and Northern Ireland, and 15 persons in Scotland. In criminal trials by jury, the judge passes sentence but the jury decide the issue of guilt or innocence.25. the NHSThe National Health Service was established in the UK in 1948 and based first on Acts of Parliament. This Service provides for every resident a full range of medical services. It is based upon the principle that there should be full range of publicly provided services designed to help the individual stay healthy. It is now a largely free service.26. comprehensive schoolsState secondary schools which take uuuils without reference to abilitv and provide a wide-ranaina secondary education for all or most of the children in a district. About 90 per cent of the state secondary school uouulation in GB attend comprehensive school.27. public schoolsFee-paying secondary schools which are long-established and have gained a reputation for their high academic standards, as well as their exclusiveness and snobbery. The boys' public schools include such well-known schools as Eton and Harrow, and girls' famous schools include Roedean. Most of the members of the British Establishment were educated at a public school.1. What do you know about the Roman invasion of Britain? ------- I n 55 BC and 54 BC, Julius Caesar, a Roman general, invaded Britain twice. In AD 43, the Emperor Claudius invaded Britain successfully. For nearly 400 years Britain was under the Roman occupation, though it was never a total occupation. British recorded history begins with the Roman invasion.2. Why did the William the Conqueror invade England after Edward's death? ------- It was said that king Edward had promised the English throne to William but the Witan chose Harold as king. So William led his army to invade England. In October 1066, during the important battle of Hastings, William defeated Harold and killed him. On Christmas Day, William was crowned king of England, thus beginning the Norman Conquest of England.3. What were the consequences of the Norman Conquest? ------- The Norman Conquest of 1066 is one of the best known events in English history. It brought about many consequences. William confiscated almost all the land and gave it to his Norman followers. He replaced the weak Saxon rule with a strong Norman government. So the feudal system was completely established in England. Relations with the Continent were opened, and civilization and commerce were extended. Norman-French culture, language, manners, and architecture were been introduced. The church was brought into closer connection with Rome, and the church courts were separated from the civil courts.4. What were the contents and the significance of the Great Charter? ---------- T he Great Charter, or the Magna Carta, was document signed in 1215 between the barons and king John. It had altogether 63 clauses, of which the most important contents were these: (1) no tax should be made without the approval of the Grand Council; (2) no freeman should be arrested, imprisoned, or deprived of his property except by the law of the land;(3) the church should possess all its rights and privileges; (4) London and other towns should retain their ancient rights and privileges; (5) there should be the same weights and measures throughout the country. The Great Charter was a statement of the feudal and legal relationship between the Crown and the barons, a guarantee of the freedom of the Church and a limitation of the powers of the king. The spirit of the Great Charter was the limitation of the powers of the king, but it has long been regarded as the foundation of English liberties.5. What do you know about the English Renaissance? ---------- Renaissance was the revival of classical literature and artistic styles in European history. It began in Italy in the early 14th century and spread to England in the late 15th century. The English Renaissance had 5 characteristics: (1) English culture was revitalized not so much directly by the classics as by contemporary Europeans under the influence of the classics; (2) England as an insular country followed a course of social and political history which was to a great extent independent of the course of history else where in Europe; (3) Owning to the great genius of the 14th century poet chaucer, the native literature was vigorous enough and experienced in assimilating foreign influences without being subjected by them; (4) English Renaissance literature is chiefly artistic, rather than philosophical and scholarly; (5) the Renaissance coincided with the Reformation in England. The English Renaissance was largely literary, and achieved its finest expression in the so-called Elizabethan drama. Its finest exponents were Christopher Marlowe, Ben Jonson, and William Shakespeare.6. Why did the Restoration take place?------- When Oliver Cormwell died in 1658 and was succeeded byhis son, Richard, the regime began to collapse. One of Cromwell's generals occupied London and arranged for new parliamentary elections. The Parliament thus was elected in 1660, and to resolve the crisis, it asked the late king's son to return from his exile in France as king Charles II. It was called the Restoration.7. How did the "Glorious Revolution" break out? What was the significance of it? ------ In 1685 CharlesII died and was succeeded by his brother James II. James, who was brought up in exile in Europe, was a Catholic, He hoped to rule without giving up his personal religious views. But England was no more tolerant of a Catholic king in 1688 than 40 years. So the English politicians rejected James II, and appealed to a Protestant king, William of Orange, to invade and take the English throne. William landed in England in 1688. The takeover was relatively smooth, with no bloodshed, no any execution of the king. This was known as the Glorious Revolution. William and his wife Mary were both Protestants and became co-monarchs. They accepted the Bill of Rights. It's the beginning of the age of constitutional monarchy.8. What is your comment on land enclosures in England? ----- Agricultural enclosure became frequent in the late 18th and early 19th centuries. It has good as well as bad results: (1) Farms became bigger and bigger units as the great bought up the small; (2) more vegetables, more milk and more dairy produce were consumed, and diet became more varied; (3) enclosure was a disaster for the tenants evicted from their lands by the enclosures. They were forced to look for work in towns, which rapidly became hopelessly over crowded. It also lead to mass emigration, particularly to the New World; (4) a new class hostility was introduced into rural relationships. Concentration of land in fewer hands increased the price of land and dashed the labourers' hopes of even owning his own land. Many became wage labourers, earning low rates in spite of agriculture's new prosperity.9. How did the English Industrial Revolution proceed? ----------- The Industrial Revolution began with the textile industry. It's characterized by a series of inventions and improvements of machines, such as John Ray's flying shuttle, James Hargreaves' spinning Jenny, Richard Arkwright's water frame and Samuel Cropton's mule. The Scottish inventor James Watt produced a very efficient steam engine in 1765, which could be applied to textile and other machinery. The most important element in speeding industrialization was the breakthrough in smelting iron with coke instead of charcoal in 1709. Similar developments occurred in the forging side of the iron industry which enabled iron to replace wool and stone in many sectors of the economy. Improved transportation ran parallel with production. As a result of the industrial revolution, Britain was by 1830 the "workshop of the world"; no other country could compete with her in industrial production.10. What do you know about the Chartist Movement and the People's Charter? What's your comment on them? ------ The Chartist Movement was an industrial working class movement that happened in Englandfrom 1836 to 1848. In 1836 a group of skilled workers and small shopkeepers formed the London Working Men's Association. They drew up a charter of political demands (known as the People's Charter) in 1838, which had six points: (1) the vote for all adult males, (2) voting by secret ballot, (3) equal electoral districts, (4) abolition of property qualifications for members of Parliament, (5) payment of members of Parliament, and (6) annual Parliament, with a General Election every June. Support for these six demands was loudly voiced all over the country. Other working men formed Chartist groups throughout the country to press Parliament to accept the 6 points. But Parliament rejected them for three times. In the end, the Chartist Movement failed. It failed because of its weak and divided leadership, and its lack of coordination with trade-unionism. The working class was still immature. The Chartist Movement, however, the first nation wide working class movement and drew attention to serious problems. The 6 points were achieved very gradually over the period of 1858-1918, although the sixth has never been practical.11. How did the Labour Party come into being? ------ As the new working class became established in the industrial towns in the late 18th century, they became aware of the power which they could possess if they acted together instead of separately. So various working class organizations were formed which brought about the formation of the Labour Party. The Labour Party had its origins in the Independent Labour Party, which was formed in January, 1893 and Led by Keir Hardie, a Scottish miner. The foundation of an effective party for labour depended on the trade unions. In 1900, representatives of trade unions, the ILP, and a number of small societies set up the Labour Representation Committee (LRC). The LRC changed its name to be Labour Party in time for the general election which was called for 1906. The Labour Party remains one of the two major parties in Britain until today.12. What is a constitutional monarchy? When did it begin in Britain? ------ A constitutional monarchy is a governmental system in which the head of State is a king or a queen who reigns but does not rule. The country is namely reigned by the Sovereign, but virtually by His or Her Majesty's Government ------------------- a body of Ministers who are the leading members of whichever political party the electorate has voted into office, and who are responsible to Parliament. The Constitutional Monarchy in Britain began in 1689, when king William and Queen Mary jointly accepted the Bill of Rights, which guaranteed free speech within both the House of Lords and the House of Commons and constitutional monarchy, of a monarchy with power limited by Parliament began.13. What is the role of the Monarchy in the British government? ------ T he sovereign is the symbol of thewhole nation. In law, he/she is head of the executive, an integral part of the legislature, head of the judiciary, the commander-in-chief of all the armed forces of the crown and the "supreme governor" of the established church of England.14. What are the main functions of Parliament? ---------The main functions of Parliament are: (1) to pass laws; (2) to provide the means of carrying on the work of government by voting for taxation; (3) to examine government policy and administration, including proposals for expenditure; (4) to debate the major issues of the day.15. Why do the criminal convicts like to be tried first before the magistrates' courts?----- A Magistrates' court tries summary offences and "either way" offences. It is open to the public and the media and usually consists of three unpaid "lay” magistrates. A magistrates' court sits without a jury. The criminal law presumes the innocence of the accused until he has been proved guilty beyond reasonable doubt; every possible step is taken to deny to the prosecution any advantage over the defense. No accused person has to answer the questions of the police before trials; he is not compelled to give evidence or to submit to cross-examination in court.16. What does the civil courts system do? ------- The civil courts system does the following jurisdiction: (1) actions founded upon contract and tort; (2) trust and mortgages cases; (3) actions for the recovery of land; (4) cases involving disputes between landlords and tenants; (5) admiralty cases and patent cases; and (7) divorce cases and other family matters.17. What is meant by the term 1'welfare state" in Britain? -------------- The welfare state is a system of government by which the state provides the economic and social security of its citizens through its organization of health services, pensions and other facilities. The system is funded out of national insurance contributions and taxation. In Britain the term applies mainly to National Health Service (NHS), national insurance and social security.18. What is the most important established Church in Britain? How is it related to the Crown andlinked with the State? ------ The most important established Church in Britain is the Church of England. It is uniquely related to the Crown in that the Sovereign must be a member of that church and, as "Defender of the Faith", must promise on his or her accession to uphold it. Church of England archbishops, bishops and deans of cathedrals are appointed by the Monarch on the advice of the Prime Minister. The Church is also linked with the State through the House of Lords, in which the two archbishops (of Canterbury and \fc)rk), the bishops of London,Durham and Winchester, and 21 other senior bishops of London, Durham and Winchester, and 21 other senior bishops have seats19. What distinguishes the Open University from all other British Universities? --------------- The Open University is non-residential university which is "open" to all to become students. It offers degree and other courses for adult students of all ages in Britain and other member countries of the EU. It was founded in 1969 and began its first courses in 1970. It was a combination of specially produced printed texts, correspondence tuition, television and radio broadcasts and audio/video cassettes. For some courses, there are residential schools. There is a network of study centers for contact with part-time tutors and counselors, and with fellow students.30. What are some of the characteristics of American education? ------- (1) Formal education in the United States consists of elementary, secondary and higher education. (2) Public educations is free and compulsory.(3) Diversity is considered to be an outstanding characteristic of American education. (4)Education is a function of the states, not the federal government.What are geographic features of Britain?Britain is an island country surrounded by the sea. It lies in the North Atlantic Ocean off the north coast of Europe. It's separated from the rest of Europe by the English Channel in the south and North Sea in the east. The north and west of Britain are mainly highlands, and the east and south east are mostly lowlands.What are the features of British climate?Britain has a maritime climate. Winters are not too cold and summers are not too hot. It has a steady reliable rainfall throughout the whole year. The temperature varies within a small range.The climate in Britain is mainly influenced by three features.1. The surrounding waters tend to balance the seasonal differences by heating up the land in winter and coolingoff relatively and slowly they bring warm air in winter and cool air in summer.2. The prevailing winds blow over the country all the year round, bringing warm and wet air in winter and keepingthe temperature moderate.3. The North Atlantic Ocean Drift, which is a warm drift, passes the western coast of the British Isles and warmsthem.What measures did Henry II take to centralize power?1. He forced foreign mercenaries to leave England.2. He abolished the annual land tax.3. He took steps to reform the law courts and divided the country into six circuits to increase the power of the King's Court.4. He also planned to reform the church courts, which had the exclusive right of justice over the whole body of the educated men throughout the country.What contributions did Elizabeth I do to Britain?1. Religion compromise. She carried out the religious reform and broke religious ties.2. She successfully played off against each other the two great Catholic powers.3. She granted charters to English merchants.4. In her reign, the Spanish Armada was destroyed.5. She carried out a foreign policy to prevent England from involving in major European conflicts. It was to this period of time that the English Empire owed its foundation.The Gunpowder Plot of 1605The Gunpowder Plot of 1605 was the most famous of the Catholic conspiracies. On November 5, 1605, a few fanatical Catholics attempted to blow King James and his ministers up in the Houses of Parliament where Guy Fawkes had planted barrels of gunpowder in the cellars.The results of the Gunpowder Plot of 1605:The immediate result was the execution of Fawkes and his fellow-conspirators and the imposition of severe anti-Catholic laws. The long-term result has been an annual celebration on November 5, when a bonfire is lit to burn a guy and a firework display is arranged.How did the Civil War break out?It was very reluctantly that the Parliament concluded that the only way it could impress its views on such a king would be to defeat him in a battle, and then impose legal conditions upon him before allowing him to reign again. This idea was important until 1645. On August 22,1642 in a field near Nottingham King Charles raised his standard beneath a glowering sky, and bade all his supporters to join him. Thus the First Civil War began. TheCivil War (also called Revolutionary War or the English Bourgeois Revolution, or the Puritan Revolution) broke out in 1642. The Left Wing of Parliament was composed of free farmers, tradesmen, and artisans of the country towns. They made up the most revolutionary section and were generally known as Roundheads because their hair was cut close to the skin. The English Bourgeois Revolution in its upsurge was also called the Puritan Revolution. The king's support mainly came from the West and the North of England. The king's supporters were generally known as the Cavaliers or Royalists.Cromwell was a country gentleman and Member of the Parliament. He organized a compact army of well disciplined soldiers which became known as the New Model Army. These soldiers were mostly devout Protestants.★King Charles ----Cromwell★The King's men were called Cavaliers, and the supporters of Parliament were called Roundheads because of their short haircuts.The English Civil War is also called the Puritan Revolution, because the King's opponents were mainly Puritan, and his supporters chiefly Episcopalian and Catholic.Consequences of The Civil WarsBecause of the absolute rule of Charles, the confrontation between Charles I and the parliament developed into the civil war. The war began in 1642 and ended in 1651. Charles I was condemned to death.The English Civil War is also called the Puritan Revolution. It has been seen as a conflict between the parliament and the King, and a conflict between economic interests of the Crown. The economic interests of the urban middle classed coincided with their religious (Puritan) ideology while the Crown's traditional economic interests correspondingly allied with Anglican religious belief. The English Civil War not only overthrew feudal system in England but also shook the foundation of the feudal rule in Europe. It is generally regarded as the beginning of modern world history.The RestorationWhen Oliver Cromwell died in 1658 and was succeeded by his son, Richard, the regime began to collapse. One of Cromwell's generals occupied London and arranged for new parliamentary elections. The Parliament thus was elected in 1660 resolved the crisis by asking the late King's son to return from his exile in France as King Charles II. It was called the Restoration.The Glorious Revolution of 1688In 1685 Charles II died and was succeeded by his brother James II. James was brought up in exile in Europe, was a Catholic. He hoped to rule without giving up his personal religious vies. But England was no more tolerant of a Catholic king in 1688 than 40 years ago. So the English politicians rejected James II, and appealed to a Protestant king, William of Orange, to invade and take the English throne. William landed in England in 1688. The takeover was relatively smooth, with no bloodshed, nor any execution of the king. This was known as the Glorious Revolution.How did the "Glorious Revolution" break out? What was the significance of it?——When Charles II died in 1685, he was succeeded by his brother, James II. James II was a Catholic and hoped to be able to rule without giving up his personal religious views. But English in 1688 could not tolerate a Catholic as King. The English politicians appealed to a Protestant king, William of Orange, James' Dutch nephew and the husband of Mary, James' daughter, to invade and take the English throne. William landed in November 1688. On their acceptance of the Bill of Rights (1689), William and Mary were crowned jointly in Westminster Abbey. Thus the age of constitutional monarchy, of a monarchy with powers limited by Parliament, began.Whigs and ToriesThese two party names originated with the Glorious Revolution (1688).The Whigs were those who opposed absolute monarchy and supported the right to religious freedom for Nonconformists. The Whigs were to form a coalition with dissident Tbries in the mid-19th century and become the Liberal Party.The Tbries were those who supported hereditary monarchy and were reluctant to remove kings. The Tbries were the forerunners of the Conservative Party.The Industrial Revolution (1780-1830)Britain was the first country to industrialize because of the following factors:(1) Favorable geographical location. Britain was well placed geographically to participate in European and world trade;(2) Political stability. Britain had a peaceful society, which, after the 17th century, was increasingly interested in overseas trade and colonies. International trade brought wealth to merchants and city bankers. They and those。

英美概况试题及答案考研一、选择题1. 英国的首都是哪里?A. 伦敦B. 纽约C. 巴黎D. 柏林答案:A2. 美国的官方语言是什么?A. 英语B. 西班牙语C. 法语D. 德语答案:A3. 英国的货币单位是什么?A. 欧元B. 美元C. 英镑D. 人民币答案:C4. 美国的独立日是哪一天?A. 7月4日B. 7月14日C. 4月16日D. 11月11日答案:A二、填空题1. 英国的全称是________。
答案:大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国2. 美国的总统任期为________年。
答案:43. 英国的国花是________。
答案:玫瑰4. 美国的国花是________。
答案:玫瑰三、简答题1. 简述英国的地理位置。
2. 描述美国的政治体制。
四、论述题1. 分析英国和美国文化的主要差异。
2. 讨论英美两国在国际事务中的作用。

英美概况》I. Multiple Choices: Choose one right answer from the four choices:A. ScafellB. Ben NevisC. the CotswoldsD. the Forth1. The highest mountain in Britain isA. the ClydeB. the MerseyC. the SevernD. the Thames2. The longest river in Britain is3. The largest lake in Britain isA. the Lough NeageB. Windermere WaterC. Coniston WaterD. the Lake District4. Which part of Britain is always fighting?A. EnglandB. ScotlandC. WalesD. Northem Ireland5. The immigrants coming to Britain are mainly fromA. EuropeB. the UnitedC. AfricaD. the West IndiesStates6. The first inhabitants in Britain wereA. the NormansB. the CeltsC. the IberiansD. the Anglo-Saxons7. British Recorded history began withA. Roman invasionB. the Norman ConquestC. the Viking and Danish invasionD. the Anglo-Saxons invasion8. In 829, ___actually became the overlord of all the English.A. JohnB. James IC. EgbertD. Henry I9. Christmas Day __, Duke William was crowned in Westminster Abbey.A. 1056B. 1066C. 1006D. 106010. Henry II was the first king of the dynasty.A. WindsorB. TudorC. MalcolmD. Plantagenet11. In 1265 __summoned the Great Council, which has been seen as the earliest parliament.12. The Hundred Years ' war srttaed in __________ and ended in ________ , in which the English had lost all the territories of France except the French port of .A. 1337, 1453, FlandersB. 1337, 1453, CalaisC. 1346, 1453, ArgencourtD. 1346, 1453, Brest13. The Wars of Roses lasted for _ years and king _________ was replaced by king __ .A. 30, Richard III, Henry TudorB. 50, Richard III, Henry TudorB. C. 30, Richard I, Henry Tudor D. 50, Richard I, Henry Tudor14. The Renaissance began in __ in the early _ century.A. England, 14B. England, 15C. Italy, 14D. Italy, 1515. The English Civil War is also called .A. the Glorious RevolutionB. the Bloody RevolutionC. the Catholic RevolutionD. the Puritan Revolution16. In ___, a small group of Puritans sailed from i n the Mayflower to be the first settlers in the North America.A. 1620, LondonB. 1620, PlymouthC. 1720, LondonD. 1720, Plymouth17. In the 18th century, there appeared in England, which owed a great deal to the invention of machines.A. the Industrial RevolutionB. the Bourgeois RevolutionC. the Wars of the RosesD. the Religious Reformation18. English colonial expansion began with the colonization of in 1583.A. CanadaB. AustraliaC. IndiaD. Newfoundland19. ___ was famous for his abdication because of his marriage with a divorced American:A. Edward VIIIB. Edward VIIC. George VID. George VII20. In January __ Britain became a member of the European Economic Community.A. 1957B. 1967C. 1973D. 197921. soon after __ , Britain not only gave up its econmic hegemony but also suffered a deep loss of its position of industrial leadership.22. In the 1970s among the developed countries, Britain maintained the lowest rate and the highest _____ rate.A. inflation, growthB. growth, inflationC. growth, divorceD. growth, birth23. The following are all reasons of British decline of coal industry except .A. the exhaustion of old minesB. costly extractionB. C. little money being invested D. the labour shortage24. Britain ' s foreign trade is mainly with _ .A. developing countriesB. other Commonwealth countriesC. other developed countriesD. EC25. The House of Lords is presided over by .A. the Lord ChancellorB. the QueenC. the Archbishop of CanterburyD. the Prime Minister26. A General Election is held every years and there are __ members of Parliaments are elected.A. five, 600B. five, 650C. five, 651D. four, 65127. The Prime Minister is appointed by and he or she always sits in .A. the Archbishop of Canterbury, the House of CommonsB. the Archbishop of Canterbury, the House of LordsC. the Queen, the House of CommonsD. the Queen, the House of Lords28. The ultimate authority for law-making resides in .A. the QueenB. the CabinetC. the House of LordsD. the House of Commons29. The sources of British law include .A. statutes, common law, equity law and European Community lawB. statutes, common law and equity lawC. statutes, common law and European Community lawD. a complete code and statutes30. In criminal trials by jury, _______________________________ passes sentenced and decide the issue of guilt or innocence.A. the judge, the juryB. the judge, the judgeC. the jury, the juryD. the Lord Chancellor, the jury31. __ tries the most serious offences such as murder and robbery.A. Magistrates ' courtsB. Youth courtsC. district courtsD. The Crown Court32. London ' s Metropolitan Police Force is under the control of .A. the England secretariesB. the Scottish SecretariesC. Northern Ireland SecretariesD. the Home Secretary33. The National Health Service was established in the UK in ______________________________ and based at first on ____________________________________________________ .A. 1948, Acts of ParliamentB. 1958, Acts of ParliamentC. 1948, the Bill of RightsD. 1958, the Bill of Rights34. The non-contributory social security benefits include the following except .A. war pensionB. child benefitC. family creditD. unemployment benefit35. Except that __ may not be a Roman Catholic, public offices are open without distinction to members of all churchs or of none.A. the lord ChancellorB. the Prime MinisterC. the SpeakerD. the ministers of all departments36. About 90 per cent of the state secondary school population in the UK attend .A. independent schoolsB. junior schoolsC. independent schoolsD. primary schools37. There are some __ universities, including the Open University.A. 900B. 290C. 90D. 5038. In Britain, children from the age of 5 to 16 can by law.A. receive completely free educationB. receive parly free educationC. receive no free education if their families are richD. receive no free education at all39. With regard to its size, the USA is the country in the world.A. largestB. second largestC. third largestD. fourth largest40. In the following rivers, has been called the American Ruhr.A. the MississippiB. the MissouriC. the HudsonD. the Ohio41. Among the following rivers, forms a natural boundary between Mexico and the U.S.A. the PotomacB. the ColumbiaC. the Rio Grande RiverD. the Colorado42. All the following universities and colleges are located in New England, except .A. YaleB. HarvardC. OxfordD. Massachusetts Institute of Technology43. The nation ' s capital city Washington D.C. and New York ar e located in ___________________A. the American WestB. the Great PlainsC. the MidwestD. the Middle Atlantic States44. The Midwest in America ' s most important __________ area.A. agriculturalB. industrialC. manufacturingD. mining in dustry45. In the case of Brown versus Board of Education, the Supreme Court ruled that .A. separate educational facilities had been illegalB. educational facilities had been separate but equalC. educational facilities had been equalD. separate educational facilities were inherently unequal46. The Chinese Exclusion Act was passed in _ .A. 1882B. 1883C. 1900D. 192447. The first immigrants in American history came from _______________ and .A. Ireland/FranceB. England/ChinaC. Scotland/EnglandD. England/Netherland48. Uncle Tom ' s Cabin and Roots are two novels which give a vivid description of the miserable life of the A. early settlers B. Puritans C. native Indians D. black slaves。

1. What is the full name of the U.K.?----United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland2. Why do tourists from all over the world like to go to Scotland?----They like to enjoy the beautiful Scottish scenery, to drink Scotch whisky and to see Scotsmen wearing kilts and playing bagpipes.3. How many periods can the development of the English language be divided into and what are they?----The development of the English language can be divided into three periods: Old English, Middle English and Modern English.4. Why did English become more important after Black Death?----The laboring and merchant classes grew in economic and social importance after the Black Death, so English also grew in importance compared to French.1. Who are the British People?----The first known inhabitants in Britain were Celts who are the ancestors of the Welsh, Scottish and Irish people. Then came the Anglos, the Saxons and the Jutes who brought with them the English language. Many people from other European countries came later, and in modern times there are a lot of immigrants from many former Commonwealth countries from every part of the world. Britain is a country of mixed cultures, and the Britain people are also composed of people from different ethic and culture backgrounds.2. What is Standard English?----Standard English is based on the speech of the upper class of southeastern England. It is widely used in media and taught at schools. It is preferred by the educated, middle-class people. It has developed and has been promoted as a model for correct Britain English. It is also the norm carried overseas. Today, Standard English is codified to the extent that the grammar and vocabulary are much the same everywhere in the world where English is taught and used.1. What are the two components of the British Parliament?----the House of Commons and the House of Lords.2. What were some of Queen Victoria's major achievement?---- Queen Victoria made tremendous achievements in almost every aspect. She promoted further industrial revolution, the building of railways and the growing of trade and commerce. By the end of her reign, Britain had developed to an empire including a quarter of the global population and nearly a quarter of the world's landmass.3. What were the two camps in Europe in World War 1?----The Central Powers which included Germany, Austria-Hungary, the Ottoman Empire and Bulgaria and the Allied Powers which were mainly comprised of France, the Russia Empire, the Britain Empire, Italy and the United States.4. Why did Britain cooperate closely with the United States after World War 2?----Because they were allied during the war and shared the same worries about the former Soviet Union.1. What were the results of the Industrial Revolution in Britain?----The Industrial Revolution changed Britain in many ways. First, industrial country increased dramatically. Britain became the most advanced industrial country and also the financial center in the world. Second, urbanization took place. Many new cities sprang up. Third, it caused great changes in the class structure. The old social classes declined, and new ones emerged and developed.2. The Rise and Fall of the British Empire?----Colonization of Newfoundland, the first British colony overseas, in 1583 marked the beginning of the British Empire. By 1837, British had long been an empire which included the colonies in Canada, Australia, New Zealand, India and many small states in the West Indies. By the end of 19th century, the British Empire included a quarter of the global population and nearly a quarter of the world's landmass. During the mid-19th century, the British government consolidated the existing colonies by bringing them under the direct control of the government. Before World War 1, Britain had the largest colonial empire in the world. However, Britain suffered great loss to its manpower in the two World Wars and exhausted its reserves of gold, dollars and overseas investment. Most of Britain's colonies gained independence since the 1940s, which inevitably led to the fall the Empire.1. What are the three functions of the House of Commons?----to draft laws, to scrutinize, criticize and restrain the activities of the government, and to influence future government policy.2. Why is the Conservative Party sometimes called the "Right"?----Because the Conservative Party is supported by landowners and businessmen, who are often from the middle and upper-middle class.3. What kind of public image does Liberal Democrats have in Britain?----The Liberal Democrats is perceived as "middle" between the Conservative and the Labor Party. It is comparatively flexible and pragmatic in its balance of the individual and the social. It emphasizes the need for a change in Britain's constitutional arrangements to make the government more democratic and accountable.4. Why are independent candidates unlikely to win in the general election?----Because even if they were elected, they would be powerless in Parliament. Therefore, it is not possible for many people to vote for independent candidates.1. What do British electoral campaigns usually involve during the process of a general election?----The electoral campaigns usually involve advertising in newspapers, door-to-door campaigning and leaflets. The main parties are given short periods of time on national television to present their policies to the public. Apart from the parties' own publicity, newspapers and TV programs spend a lot of time discussing the campaign, interviewing politicians, and predicting the results.2. What is the Commonwealth of Nations?----The Commonwealth of Nations is a voluntary association of independent sovereign states, all of which acknowledge the British monarch as the head. The Commonwealth is not a political union of any sort, and its member states have full autonomy to manage their internal and external affairs. It is primarily an organization in which countries with diverse economic backgrounds have an opportunity for close and equal interaction after gaining independence. The major activities of the Commonwealth are designed to advocate democracy, human rights, and to promote economic cooperation and growth within its members.1. What was the negative aspect of Thatcher's reform in the early 1980s?----Its negative aspect was a rapid increase in unemployment. In 1982, the unemployment rate reached the level of the Great Depression years, with three million people out of work.2. What are the characteristics of Britain's agriculture?----British's agriculture is characterized by a small portion of the population engaged in agricultural activities with a high degree of mechanization. Although it employs a mere 1% of the country's labor force, it meets around 60% of the national demands.3. What happened to Britain's beef industry in the mid-1990s?----British's beef industry was hit badly by BSE, resulting in a ban on beef exports in 1996.4. What are some of the popular tourist attraction in Britain?----The popular tourist attractions in English include: the Dorset and the East Devon Coast, the Lake District, Stonehenge, Windsor Castle, university towns of Oxford and Cambridge, Tower of London, St. Paul's Cathedral and so on.1. What were the major causes of Britain's relative economic decline in the postwar period?----British's economy experienced a relative decline in the postwar period for severalreasons. First, British suffered a great losses in the two World Wars and had gone heavily into debt to finance the war. Second, the era of the British Empire was over. India and other British colonies, which provided raw material and large market for British goods, gained their independence. Third, British was forced to maintain an expensive military presence in many overseas locations until the end of 1960s. Fourth, British had to make substantial financial contributions to NATO and UN Security Council. Finally, British failed to invest in industry after World War 2 whereas its competitors like Germany and Japan caught up with British buy investing in the most modern equipment and means of production.2. Why do developed nations like Britain encourage the development of the service industry?----The service industry has played an increasingly important role in economy in the development countries. On the other hand ,it requires a large group of people working in it so that abundant employment opportunities are provided. On the other hand, the service industry causes little pollution.1. What used to be the major functions of grammar schools and vocational schools in Britain?----The major functions of grammar schools were to train the most academically capable students and prepare them for university, whereas the major functions of vocational schools were to help less successful students to learn a trade.2. What kind of subjects do Britain comprehensive schools provide?----British comprehensive schools provide a general education, offering both academic subjects like literature and science, and practical subjects like cooking and carpentry.3. In what ways do Britain universities enjoy complete academic freedom?----British universities enjoy complete academic freedom because they can appoint their own staff, decide which students to admit, provide their own courses and award their own degrees.4. How do students in the Open University receive their education?----The students follow university courses through textbooks, TV and radio broadcasts, correspondence, video, and a network of study centers.5. What role does the media play in Britain leisure culture?----The media plays an essential role in British leisure culture since it helps to shape the public's opinion, determine people's moral and political orientation and consolidate or undermine the rule of a government.1. What are the general feature of Britain's independent schools?----British's independent schools require fees from students. Although the National Curriculum is optional in the independent system, most independent schools teach what the curriculum demands. Independent schools get their funding through tuition fees as well as government assistance. Since they are generally better-funded than most state schools, they can recruit the best teachers and provide superior facilities. However, high tuition fees have become an obstacle for many students to enroll.2. The "quality press" and the "tabloids" in Britain?----Among the 10 daily published national newspapers in British, about half of them are regarded as the "quality press" since they carry in-depth articles of particular political and social importance, and reviews and feature articles about "high culture", and they are generally read by well-educated people. The Times, The Guardian and The Daily Telegraph are good cases in point of the quality press. The "tabloids", with color photos and striking headlines, usually cover scandals and gossip about celebrities in politics, sports and entertainment. A typical example is The News of the World.Chapter 81. How is the American population distributed?The distribution of the American population is rather uneven the most densely populated region is the northeastern part of the country. The great plains have a comparatively small population .the south also has a population of almost 57.5million. the west is not densely populated ,except for some metropolitan centers like los Angele s and san Francisco . it has about 20% of the nation’s population.2. Why was the immigration act of 1942 instituted ?The new immigrants in the united states , being poor and accustomed to poverty , were willing to work for very low wages .this made other workers afraid that the immigrants would ls and take jobs away from them . this opposition led to the immigration act of 1942.1.Why is the United States regarded as a”melting pot” and a ”salad bowl” ?The United States is not merely a nation, but a nation of nations. The immigrants came in waves, including the Europeans, the Africans and the Asians. Therefore, America is described as a "melting pot" where various racial and ethnic groups are assimilate into American culture. Recently, America has been called a "salad bowl" in that people of difference races and ethnic groups mix harmoniously, but at the same time keep their distinct culture and customs.2.What do you think is the best way to help assimilation in a multicultural society?The best possible way to help assimilation in a multicultural society is to be open and tolerant toward different cultures. People from different racial and ethnic backgrounds should respect each other. Society should create opportunities to help immigrants become assimilated. At the same time the immigrants should keep their own language, customs and religion, contributing to the diversity of a multicultural society.Chapter 91. Why did American change its policy and enter world war II?Because of the formation of the axis , the American government feared that the axis countries were wining the war and it might threaten America’s security and interests . it began to provide war equipment to the foreign nations resisting the aggression of the axis power . the Japanese air raid on pearl harbor became the direct cause for America’s entrance into the war.2. What were Nixon’s well-known contributions during his presidency?a) brought the Vietnam war to a closeb)reestablishing U.S. relations with chinac) negotiating the firststrategic arms limitation treaty with the former soviet union .3. What were the contents of Reagan’s economic program?Reagan’s economic program called for reductions in income taxes and business taxes in order to encourage investment , and it also requested that many government regulations be eliminated so as to reduce the federal government’s role in the day-to-day operation of business.1. What was the cause of the American Civil War?The Southern planters of America needed a large number of black African slaves to manage their plantations and they regarded the slaves as their property. In the North, with the development of industry, there was a growing demand for free labor. What’s more,the Northerners demanded a law to protect tariffs and asked the government to finance the building of railways and roads. But the Southerners were against it and advocated free trade so as to purchase cheaper goods from foreign countries. The accumulating conflicts led to the division of the North and the South and finally the American Civil War.2. What made the United States a powerful country by the end of World War II?During the two World Wars, America remained neutral in the early stage. However, Americans continued their profitable trade with the warring countries. Therefore, they not only retained their military forces, but also accumulated great wealth. When America entered the wars, it was almost at the end of the wars. By sharing the fruit of victory with other allies, America greatly strengthened its power and became a powerful country by the end of World War II.Chapter 101. What are the two characteristics of the U.S. constitution?One is “checks and balances”, the other is that the power of the central government and the powers of state governments are specified.2. What are the qualifications for a senator and a representative respectively?A senator must be over 30 years old , a U.S. citizen for at least nine years, and a resident in the state which they represent . a representative should be at least 25 years old and a U.S. citizen for no less than seven years.3. What are the major powers of the supreme court?a) to interpret lawsb) to hear appeals from any federal court cases;c) to hear appeals from state court cases that involve the constitution or national laws d) may declare a law unconstitutionale) may declare a presidential act unconstitutional4. What is the difference between the democrats and the republicans in terms of political opinions?The democrats want the government to play an important role in the economy and emphasize full employment as a matter of national concern they favor civil rights laws , a strong social security system which gives enterprises a greater freedom and demand that the government control inflation. They stress the need for law and order, and oppose complete government social programs and free choice of abortion they also favor a strong military posture and assertive stand in international relations.1. How is the American President voted into office? What are your ideas about the American election?Each party holds its national convention every four years to choose a candidate for presidency. To win a presidential election, a candidate has to spend millions of dollars, travel all over the country to make speeches and debate on television with the rival. The general election is technically divided into two stages. During the first stage, presidential electors for each state will be chosen. In the second stage the electors meet and vote a President. Since the second stage is only a kind of formality, everyone knows who will be the next President an soon as the first stage is over.I think the candidates spend too much money on the electoral campaigns. And, the election cannot solve the social and economic problems of the U.S. as some candidates do not keep their word after they become President.2. What was President Eisenhowers foreign policy and what were the consequences ?President Eisenhower made vigorous efforts to wage the Cold War. He placed new emphasis on developing nuclear strength to prevent the outbreak of war. He also frequently authorized the CIA to undertake secret interventions to overthrow unfriendly governments or protect reliable anti-communist leaders whose power was threatened. The CIA helped topple the governments of Iran and Guatemala, but it suffered an embarrassing failure in Indonesia. In addition, Eisenhower used U.S. power and prestige to help create a non-communist government in South Vietnam, which brought disastrous long-term consequences to the United States.Chapter 111. What industry developments took place during the colonial period of America? During the colonial period ,the secondary industries developed as the colonies grew .a variety of specialized sawmills and gristmills appeared. Colonists established shipyards to build fishing fleets and trading vessels . they also built small iron forges . by the 18th century , regional patterns of development in America had become clear.2. How did the civil war affect the American economy?After the civil war , the large southern cotton plantations became much less profitable . northern industries , which had expanded rapidly because of the demands of the war ,surged ahead.3. Why does America try to reduce trade barriers?Because the united states has increasingly realized that open bilateral trade will not only advance its own economic interests, but also enhance domestic stability and its peaceful relationship with other nations.1. How did the U.S constitution lay the groundwork for American’s economic development ?The U.S. Constitution, as an economic charter, established that the entire nation was a unified or "common" market. There were no tariffs or taxes on interstate commerce. It provided that the federal government could regulate commerce with foreign nations and among the states, establish uniform bankruptcy laws, create money and regulate its value, fix standards of weights and measures, establish post office and roads, and fix rules governing patents and copyrights. The last-mentioned clause was an early recognition of the importance of "intellectual property", a matter that began assuming great importance in trade negotiations since the late 20thcentury.2. Cite examples to illustrate the role of government intervention in America's economic development.The government has always played an active and important role in America’s economic development. In the early 1930s,thr United States suffered the worst economic depression in American history. President Roosevelt introduced the New Deal to tackle the financial crisis. Besides, he set up the New York State Emergency Relief Commission to help those in desperate need and tried to relieve the serious problems of the jobless. At the end of 1970s, the American economy again suffered a recession. The Reagan administration combated inflation by controlling government spending deficit, cutting taxes and raising interest rates. Both policies mentioned above helped to set the country’s economic development on its right course, In all, the intervention of the government has ensured that economic opportunities are fair and accessible to the people. It has prevented flagrant abuses of the system, dampened the effects of inflation and stimulated economic growth. Chapter 121. How does an American university choose its applicants?a)their high school records;b) recommendations from their high school teachers;c) the impression they make during interviews at the university;d) their scores on the SAT.2. What functions do American higher education institutions perform?Higher education institutions in the united states have three functions: teaching , research and public service , and each has its own emphasis with regard to its function .3. What similarities do four famous university share?They all have a long history , they all have an excellent faculty , a large number of students and have made extensive academic achievements. Some of their graduates are very successful or influential in some areas such as politics, arts and business.4. What are the origins of thanksgiving day?Thanksgiving is associated with the time when Europeans first came to the new world , in 1620,the mayflower arrived and brought about 150 pilgrims. Life at the beginning was very hard and there was not enough food , so many of them died. During the following summer the native America helped them and then they had a bountiful harvest. So they held a big celebration to thank god and the native Americans.1. What are the ideals that guide the American educational system?The first ideal is that as many people as possible should receive as much education as possible .The second ideal is that of ptoducing a society that is totally literate and of local control . The third ideal is that scholars and students should work to discover new information or conceive new ways to understand what is already known .2. How does America carry out multicultural education?American schools routinely teach the experiences and values of many ethnic cultures. Current textbooks incorporate a variety of ethnic individuals who have achieved success. Struggle for equality are vividly depicted, and past racism is bluntly acknowledged. Cultural pluralism is now generally recognized as the organizing principle of education.Schools at all levels offer students opportunities to learn about different cultures.。

英美概况选择题(含答案)1. What does the term United Kingdom include?A. England, Scotland, Wales and Northern IrelandB. England, Scotland and WalesC. England, Scotland and Northern IrelandD. Scotland, Wales and England2. What does the term Great Britain include?A. England, Scotland, Wales and Northern IrelandB. England, Scotland and WalesC. England, Scotland and Northern IrelandD. Scotland, Wales and England3. The name England comes fromA. the Roman settlers who lived thereB. a tribe that invaded England after the Romans had leftC. the Celts who lived there before the Romans arrivedD. the French word for ‘enemy’4. The Angles were people who came fromA. RomB. FranceC. GermanyD. Scandinavia5. The Vikings then came fromA. RomB. FranceC. ScandinaviaD. Germany 6. The Normans came to England fromA. FranceB. GermanyC. ItalyD. Scandinavia7. The Norman Conquest began inA. 461B. 1066C. 1055D. 14678. The Norman Conquest has changed the … forever.A. English literatureB. English landscapeC. English foodD. English language9. The English language has been influenced byA. Latin, Greek, Spanish and FrenchB. German, Latin, Greek, Danish and FrenchC. German, Latin, Danish and FrenchD. Spanish, Latin, Greek, Danish and French10. Henry VIII is famous because heA. established the Church of EnglandB. built the Tower of LondonC. was the first Monarch of the UKD. had a famous daughter11. Stonehenge is the most famous … in BritainA. remains of a Roman observatoryB. ruin of a Celtic place of worshipC. prehistoric monumentD. ancient burial ground12. William Shakespeare wrote many of his plays under …A. Henry II.B. Henry VIII.C. Elizabeth I.D. Elizabeth II.13. Under the reign of Queen VictoryA. Britain became the most powerful and richest country in the worldB. The Church of Britain was establishedC. Theatres were closesD. Poverty spread over the country and people died of famine14. The traditional English breakfast consists ofA. toast, hard boiled eggs and some hamB. sandwiches and some sweet cakeC. roast meet and potatoesD. eggs, bacon, sausages, fried bread, baked beans and mushrooms15. What’s a 'packed lunch'?A. It’s a lunch in crowded fish and chips plac eB. It consists of a sandwich, a packet of crisps, a piece of fruit and a drinkC. It’s a meal you can heat up easily in the microwave ovenD. It consists of a sandwich, some cheese, a piece of fruit anda beer16. Afternoon Tea is the name for aA. typical British drinkB. tea the British drink in the afternoonC. small mealD. a certain type of cake served in the afternoon17. The river running through London is calledA. LondinumB. ThamesC. TowerD. Westminster18. How many different languages are spoken in London every day ?A. 500B. 800C. 300D. 15019. People from minority ethnic groups were more likely to live inA. the rest of the United Kingdom than in EnglandB. Scotland than in the rest of the United KingdomC. England than in the rest of the United KingdomD. Wales than in the rest of the United Kingdom20. Great Britain is … populated compared with many other countriesA. normallyB. heavilyC. overD. hardly21. Full-time education is compulsory for all children aged between … across EnglandA. 5 and 16B. 5and 18C. 6 and 16D. 6 and 1822. All government-run schoolsA. can decide on what to choose from National CurriculumB. have total liberty regarding their CurriculumC. can choose according to their county what to include in their CurriculumD. follow the same National Curriculum23. … of all pupils in the UK attend independent fee paying schools or homeschoolingA. 4%B. 6 %C. 12%D. 16%24. The UK is the … largest economy in the worldA. secondB. thirdC. fourthD. fifth25. Am ong Britain’s main industries today areA. food processing and delicaciesB. banking and financeC. clothing and perfumeD. aircraft and electronics26. The UK’s most important export partner isA. The USAB. ChinaC. GermanyD. France 27. The UK’s most important import partner isA. The USAB. ChinaC. GermanyD. France28. The British currency is theA. EuroB. Pound EuroC. Pound sterlingD. UK Dollar29. The average family size in Britain is … in other European countries.A. bigger thanB. remarkable bigger thanC. about the same asD. smaller than30. The most popular type of home in England is:A. Detached (a house not joined to another house)B. Semi-detached (two houses joined together)C. Terrace (several houses joined together)D. Flats (apartments)31. Only about … of co habiting couples will eventually get married.A. 60%B. 40%C. 55%D. 50%32. A broadsheet newspaper is a …A. sensational newspaperB. high quality newspaperC. down-market or low quality newspapersD. newspaper addressing a broad readership33. A t abloid newspaper is a …A. high-quality newspaperB. down-market or low quality newspaperC. serious and politicalD. newspaper addressing only a specific readership34. What is Britain’s national sport?A. soccerB. tennisC. cricketD. horse-back riding35. … is the official Head of StateA. The ParliamentB. The House of LordsC. The Prime MinisterD. The Queen36. Britain has … monarchyA. an old-fashionedB. a constitutionalC. a gloriousD. a democratic37. The Queen rulesA. symbolicallyB. constitutionallyC. ordinarilyD. customarily 38. The House of Lords is made up of people whoA. were extremely successful in school and went to prestigious universitiesB. have inherited titles or were appointed because of their good workC. have been elected by other Lords to represent themD. got a promotion from the House of Commons39. The main job of the House of Lords isA. to discuss urgent financial matters and make the according lawsB. to advice the Queen on important decisionsC. to control the House of CommonsD. to 'double check' new laws to make sure they are fair and will work.40. The members of the House of Commons are calledA. Members of Parliament (MP)B. Common People (CP)C. Common Housers (CH)D. Members of Commons (MC)41. The House of Commons is the most important place forA. discussing policies and making lawsB. drafting laws for taxationC. discussing foreign policy and currency matterD. drafting laws for rural areas42. Who can become a Member of Parliament?A. People who studied political sciences at prestigious universitiesB. People who have been nominated by the QueenC. People who passed a pre-election campaignD. Any one over 21 who has been nominated as candidates to become an MP43. How does an MP get a seat in Parliament?A. When s/he gets the most votes for his constituency (local area)B. When s/he gets appointed by the Prime MinisterC. When s/he gets the approval of his/her partyD. When s/he gets appointed by other MPs44. A Parliament has a ma ximu m duration of … yearsA. threeB. fourC. fiveD. six45. How is the Prime Minister chosen?A. S/he is voted for directly by the peopleB. S/he is voted for within their partyC. S/he is voted for by the House of Lords and the House of Commons togetherD. S/he is appointed by the King/Queen46. Who is the present British Prime Minister?A. Tony BlairB. Margaret ThatcherC. Gordon BrownD. David Cameron 47. The Secretaries of State areA. people doing paperwork for the governmentB. the most important ministers who form the cabinetC. the secretaries of important ministersD. the people working for the Queen48. There are three major political partiesA. Labour , Conservative and Liberal DemocratsB. Labour, Democrats and RepublicansC. Labour, Conservative and RepublicansD. Labour, Liberal Democrats and Conservative Republicans49. The Metropolitan Police headquarters isA. New Scotland WardB. New Scotland YardC. New Scotland WatchD. New Scotland Guard50. A nickname for British police officers isA. PollyB. BibbyC. BoffyD. Bobby51. The Queen lives inA. Westminster PalaceB. the Tower of LondonC. Buckingham PalaceD. House Windsor52. What are British people most likely to do in their spare time?A. socializeB. watch TVC. playing sportsD. gardening53. The fifty stars on the flag representA. the fifty most important American citiesB. fifty natural wondersC. the fifty American statesD. fifty American senators54. The thirteen stripes on the flag representA. the original thirteen coloniesB. the original thirteen ships of the pilgrim fathersC. the thirteen most influential presidentsD. the first thirteen amendments55. The name of America’s national anthem isA. The Stars and StripesB. The Star-Spangled BannerC. The Star-Sprinkled BannerD. Old Glory56. What’s the capital of the USA?A. New YorkB. San FranciscoC. Washington, DCD. New Orleans 57. Which of the following is not a major topographical regions Continental United States:A. EasternB. CentralC. OceanicD. Mountain58. Which of the following states are not connected to the other 48 states?A. New York and PennsylvaniaB. Georgia and FloridaC. Hawaii and AlaskaD. California and Washington59. The massive Rocky Mountains take up much of the … of the USAA. western halfB. western thirdC. northern halfD. northern third60. The term “Megalopolis” refers toA. the large mountains in the Rocky MountainsB. the 500-mile stretch of urban areas from Washington, DC to BostonC. New York because of its enormous sizeD. different large cities in the US61. Gospel music has its roots in the …A. MidwestB. Pacific coastC. SouthD. Mountain regions62. The term “redneck” refers toA. urban southernersB. rural southernersC. rural black peopleD. rural white people63. People called “hillbillies” areA. uneducated, rather primitive white peopleB. uneducated, rather primitive black peopleC. educated, snobbish black peopleD. educated, snobbish white people64. Texas is known as theA. “Lonely State”B. “Lonely Star State”C. “Lone State”D. “Lone Star State”65. The largest American state in area isA. AlaskaB. CaliforniaC. TexasD. Hawaii66. The largest American state in population isA. AlaskaB. CaliforniaC. TexasD. Hawaii67. The Pilgrim Fathers arrived in the” New World” inA. 1420B. 1520C. 1620D. 1720 68. The famous ship that transported the Pilgrims from England to the “New World” was calledA. the April FlowerB. the MayflowerC. the SunflowerD. the Golden Flower69. What happened on July 4, 1776?A. The “New World” wa s discoveredB. The first Thanksgiving celebration was heldC. The declaration of independence was signedD. British troops landed in Boston70. Most of the writing of the declaration of independence was done byA. Abraham LincolnB. Thomas JeffersonC. Benjamin FranklinD. Roger Sherman71. Which of the below is not true about the “Bill of Rights”?A. It is set of 10 changes later added to the constitutionB. It limits the government's powerC. It guarantees certain rights to the citizensD. It has never been written down in it’s original form72. The "Union" was a name forA. The American Soldiers who fought in the Civil warB. British soldiers who fought in the Civil warC. The primarily northern states who fought in the Civil warD. The seceding southern states who fought the northern states73. The "Confederacy" was a name forA. The American Soldiers who fought in the Civil warB. British soldiers who fought in the Civil warC. The primarily northern states who fought in the Civil warD. The seceding southern states who fought the northern states74. The civil war was won by theA. The UnionB. British troopsC. The French troopsD. The Confederacy75. As a result of this victoryA. Women were allowed to voteB. The slaves were all freedC. The Americans no longer paid taxes to the British crownD. Black people were granted equal rights 76. The bulk of the early settlers to the United States came fromA. England, Northern, Ireland, and eastern European countriesB. England, Northern Ireland, and Scandinavian countriesC. England, Northern Ireland, and IndiaD. England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales77. In the last decades of the nineteenth century and the first decades of the twentieth, great numbers of immigrants fromA. ChinaB. IndiaC. northern EuropeD. eastern and southern Europe78. The term “minority group” does not refer toA. native Americans peopleB. non-white peopleC. rich peopleD. Hispanic people79. The “American Dream” is the idea that a personA. can become rich without working hardB. can go from rags to richesC. can do whatever they want without facing serious punishmentD. can carry a gun at any time80. Which of the below statements is not true?The First Amendment guaranteesA. freedom of religionB. freedom of speechC. freedom of the pressD. freedom to carry a gun81. Which of the below statements is true? The Second Amendment guaranteesA. the right of free speechB. the right to practice religion freelyC. the right to keep and bear armsD. the right of free press82. The statue of liberty symbolizesA. The American DreamB. The American way of lifeC. American superiorityD. America’s influence on world history83. Most American movies involveA. crime and drugsB. extreme violenceC. low moral standardsD. a moral insight84. When Americans go to see a movie, they expectA. nothing but entertainmentB. to get a new insightC. to learn important factsD. to learn new facts 85. The American law is based onA. the constitutionB. the book of rightsC. the book of lawsD. the book of amendments86. The federal government has …distinct branchesA. twoB. threeC. forty-eightD. fifty87. The cabinetA. are all other officers of the executive branchB. are not chosen by the presidentC. prints and coins moneyD. can declare war88. The Congress is made ofA. the House of Lords and the House of CommonsB. the Senate and the House of RepresentativesC. the House of Cabinet and the House of RepresentativesD. the President and the Cabinet89. The head of the Executive branch isA. the Queen of BritainB. the Prime MinisterC. the Vice PresidentD. the President90. The function of the Supreme Court isA. create lower federal lawsB. to veto lawsC. to propose lawsD. to interpret the constitution91. The United States has had … major political parties since the 1860'sA. twoB. threeC. fourD. five92. The 50 States haveA. exclusive power over many areas of lawB. no power in deciding their own lawsC. the right to reject the government’s lawsD. no interest in creating their own laws93. Bi-lingual education in English and common immigrant languagesA. is desperately needed in the USB. is available in many communitiesC. is available on requestD. is available in some special private schools94. Australia became a commonwealth of the British Empire inA. 1601B. 1701C. 1801D. 1901 95. The population in Australia con sist of … % of Asians.A. 5B. 7C. 10D. 1596. The sovereign of Australia (chief of state) is the …A. British MonarchB. The GovernorC. The Prime MinisterD. The Australian President97. As a country, Canada came into being inA. 1667B. 1767C. 1867D. 196798. The capital of Canada is … .A. OttawaB. TorontoC. VancouverD. Montreal99. Canada has about … million people.A. 20B. 22C. 30D. 32。

大专英美概况试题及答案1. 英国的首都是哪个城市?A. 纽约B. 伦敦C. 悉尼D. 巴黎答案:B2. 美国的独立日是哪一天?A. 7月4日B. 7月14日C. 7月1日D. 7月7日答案:A3. 英国的官方语言是什么?A. 法语B. 德语C. 英语D. 西班牙语答案:C4. 美国的总统任期是多久?A. 4年B. 5年C. 6年D. 8年答案:A5. 英国的货币单位是什么?A. 美元B. 欧元C. 英镑D. 日元答案:C6. 美国的国旗被称为什么?A. 星条旗B. 红白蓝旗C. 联合杰克D. 红白旗答案:A7. 英国的哪个城市是世界著名的金融中心?A. 纽约B. 伦敦C. 巴黎D. 法兰克福答案:B8. 美国的国土面积在世界上排名第几?A. 第一B. 第二C. 第三D. 第四答案:C9. 英国的哪个地区是著名的工业革命发源地?A. 伦敦B. 曼彻斯特C. 利物浦D. 伯明翰答案:B10. 美国的哪个州是美国人口最多的州?A. 加利福尼亚州B. 德克萨斯州C. 纽约州D. 佛罗里达州答案:A11. 英国的哪个大学是世界上最古老的大学之一?A. 牛津大学B. 剑桥大学C. 哈佛大学D. 耶鲁大学答案:A12. 美国的哪个城市被誉为“天使之城”?A. 洛杉矶B. 纽约C. 芝加哥D. 旧金山答案:A13. 英国的哪个历史事件标志着现代议会制度的诞生?A. 光荣革命B. 工业革命C. 玫瑰战争D. 诺曼征服答案:A14. 美国的哪个总统被认为是最伟大的总统之一?A. 乔治·华盛顿B. 亚伯拉罕·林肯C. 富兰克林·德拉诺·罗斯福D. 约翰·肯尼迪答案:B15. 英国的哪个历史时期是文艺复兴时期?A. 都铎时期B. 维多利亚时期C. 罗马时期D. 诺曼时期答案:A。

【优质】英美概况习题精选revised含答案Understanding the United KingdomPart 1 Geography and History of UKSection 1 The LandI. Choose the correct answer and circle the letter before it.1. The highest mountain peak(高峰) in Britain is in _____.A. EnglandB. Scotland(苏格兰)C. WalesD. Northern Ireland2. The longest river in Britain is the _____ River.A. Severn (塞文)B. ThamesC. MerseyD. Humber3. The largest lake in Britain is located(位于) in _____.A. EnglandB. ScotlandC. WalesD. Northern Ireland4. The highest mountain peak in Britain is called _____.A. Ben NevisB. Cross FellC. SnowdoniaD. Scafell5. The Lake District(区)is well-known for _____.A. its wild and beautiful sceneryB. its varied lakesC. the lake Poets (诗人)D. all of the above three6. Which of the following is NOT the feature(特点)of British climate (气候)?A. coldnessB. more rainy daysC. changeabilityD. more fogs Keys: 1. B 2. A 3. D 4. A 5. D 6. AII. Translate the following into Chinese1.The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国2.The strait of Dover 多佛海峡3. the English Channel 英吉利海峡4.Greenwich 格林尼治5..The Britain Isles 大不列颠岛6.The Thames River 泰晤士河7.The Severn River 塞汶河/doc/de1463432.html,ke Neigh 讷湖9. Lake District 湖区10.Edinburgh 爱丁堡11.Glasgow 格拉斯哥12.C ardiff 加的夫13. Stonehenge史前时期巨大石柱14. the British Isles不列颠群岛15.the English Channel 英吉利海峡16. maritime climate海洋性气候;海岸气候17. loanwords外来语,外来词18.. Old English古英语(略作OE)19. Roman Catholic church罗马天主教会;罗马公教20. .Middle English中世纪英语;中古英语(约1150-约1475年间的英语)III. Select the letter of the answer that best matches eachterm on the left.___ 1. Northern Ireland a. church leader of a diocese___ 2. Charlotte Bronte b. Ulster___ 3. archbishop c. Middle Valley___ 4. Ben Nevis d. church leader of a province___ 5. bilingual education双语教育 e. Britain’s highest mountain___ 6. Central lowland f. author of Jane Eyre 简爱的作者___ 7. bishop g. teaching in two languages(Key: 1.b 2.f 3.a 4.e 5.g 6.c 7.d)Section 2 The PeopleI. Choose the correct answer and circle the letter before it.1. The English people are descendants后裔of .A. CeltsB. RomansC. Anglo-SaxonsD. Danes2. Middle English took shape about a century after the Conquest 征服.A. RomanB. Anglo-SaxonC. NormanD. Danish3. The established church国教of Britain is .A. The Church of EnglandB. Free churchC. The United Reformed ChurchD. The Church of Scotland4. Easter is kept, commemorating纪念the of Jesus Christ.A. ComingB. BirthC. DeathD. Resurrection复活Keys: 1. C 2. C 3. A 4. DII.Match the names of the cities with the descriptions.Column A Column B__f__1. Liverpool a. the steel manufacturing center of Britain __c__2. Hulls b. the former center of textile industry of Britain __a__3. Sheffield c. the fishing port in Humberside__b__4. Manchester d. the largest city in Britain__g__5. Glasgow e. the second largest city in Britain __d__6. London f. the district of Merseyside__e__7. Birmingham g. the largest city in Scotland__i__8. Belfast h. the capital of Wales__j__9. Edinburgh i. the capital of Northern Ireland__h__10.Cardiff j. the capital of ScotlandIII. Translate the following into Chinese1.Modern English 现代英语2.The Church of England 英格兰圣公会3.Christmas 圣诞节4.Easter 复活节5.Westminster Abbey 西敏寺大教堂6.City of London 伦敦城7.Outer London 外伦敦8.Poets' Corner 诗人角9. Birmingham 伯明翰IV. True or False1.England is smaller than the combined territory of Scotland and Wales.2.The first Christian church was established at Canterbury,England, in597.3.The Scottish language is derived from Old English.4.What kind of language to speak is not important in Great Britain.5.The present-day English people have inherited the physicalcharacteristics of the Germanic people and the Celts.(Key: 1. F (still larger) 2.T 3. F (Old Celtic language) 4. F (extremely important) 5. TSection 3 Early Man and the Feudal SocietyI. Choose the correct answer and circle the letter before it.1. The earliest settlers 定居on the British Isles were the ___________.A. CeltsB. GaelsC. IberiansD. Brythons2. In 43 A.D., Roman under _______ conquered Britain.A. Julius CaesarB. ClaudiusC. AugustineD. the Pope3. Roman Britain lasted until the year of ______ when all Roman troops军队went back to the continent大陆.A.400 A.D.B. 410 A.D.C.445 A.D. D.449 A.D.4. Which of the following was NOT a thing of value leftbehind by Roman?A.Welsh ChristianityB. the Roman RoadsC. citiesD.enormous wealth巨大的财富5. The Great Charter宪章was made in the interest of _______.A. the KingB. the feudal lordsC. the townsmenD. the merchantsKeys: 1. C 2. B 3. B 4. D 5. BII. Rearrange the following historical events in the order in which they took place.1. __d____ a. Norman Conquest2. __b____ b. Anglo-Saxon Conquest3. __e____ c. the birth of Parliament4. __a____ d. Roman Conquest5. __c____ e. Danish ConquestIII. Translate the following into Chinese1. Roman Conquest 罗马征服 2 . Anglo-Saxon settlement 盎格鲁撒克逊人的定居3. Edward, the Confessor 信教者爱德华4. Battle at Hastings 哈斯丁斯战役5. the Great Charter 大宪章6. Model Parliament 模范会议7. Stonehenge巨石阵8. King Arthur 亚瑟王9. Vikings 维京人/北欧海盗10. the Canterbury Tales坎特伯雷故事集11. Danelaw丹麦法律施行区12. Picts皮克特人13. Julius Caesar尤里乌斯凯撒/ 凯撒大帝19. Hadrian’s Wall哈德良长城20. Robin Hood罗宾汉IV. Select the letter of the answer that best matches each term on the left.1. King Alfred a. itinerant justices2. knights b. the Father of British Navy3. Prince of Wales c. heir to the English throne4. circuit judges d. sworn men5. Witan e. wise men(1-b 2-d 3-c 4-a 5-e )V. True or False1. The Celts laid the foundations of the English state.2. Old English originated in Normandy.3. The Norman Conquest strengthened the cultural connection between the Anglo-Saxons and their relatives in north Europe.4. The Norman cavalry defeated the Anglo-Saxon troop at Hastings.5. The bi-linguistic period in English history drew to an end by the late 18th century.(1.F 2.F 3.F 4.T 5.F)Section 4 Decline of Feudalism and the Bourgeois RevolutionI. Choose the correct answer and circle the letter before it.1. ____c___ launched 发动the Hundred Years’ War.A. Edward ⅠB. Edward ⅡC. Edward ⅢD. Henry Ⅲ2. War of Roses were fought ___d__ between the Lacastrians and theYorkists from 1455 to 1485.A. constantlyB. irregularlyC. continuouslyD. intermittently间接性3. The House of Tudor was founded in ___d____.A. 1455B. 1465C. 1475D. 14854. The British Bourgeois Revolution took place in the ___c___ century.A. 15thB. 16thC. 17thD. 18th5. Which of the following statements声明about the Renaissance文艺复兴is NOT true?A. the Renaissance was a revival of interest in many things that the early Middle Ages had cared about.B. the Renaissance was a cultural movement by humanists.C. the Renaissance spread into England under the Tudor.D. During the Renaissance, the theatre attained great popularity underElizabeth.6. The “glorious revolution” of 1688 put __d__ on the throne宝座.A. Charles ⅠB. Charles ⅡC. James ⅡD. William of OrangeKeys: 1.C 2.D 3.D 4. C 5.A 6. DII. Translate the following into Chinese1. Puritan 清教徒2. The Hundred Years’ War 百年大战3. Short Parliament 短期议会4. Long Parliament 长期议会5. Black Death 黑死病6. Restoration of the Stuart 斯图亚特王朝复辟7. “Glorious R evolution” 光荣革命8. the Wars of Roses 玫瑰战争9. humanism 人文主义10. Renaissance文艺复兴IV. Select the letter of the answer that best matches each term on the left.1.Armada a. flower of the feudalism2.knights b. peasant leader3.Watt Tyler c. state church4.Tudor Monarchy d. New Monarchy5.Protestantism e. Invincible Fleet6.Established religion f. Protestant ideology(1-e 2-a 3-b 4-d 5-f 6-c)V. True or False1.Feudalism was established in England soon after the Anglo-Saxonconquest.2.The Hundred Year’s War continued without interruption for more than100 years.3.The ending of the Wars of the roses marked the beginning of theMiddle Ages.4.The Tudor Monarchy was the transitional stage from feudalism tocapitalism in English history.5.Elizabethan drama rejected humanism and regarded life asa tragedy.(1.F 2.F 3.F 4.T 5.F)Section 5 The Industrial Revolution and the Chartist Movement Ⅰ. Choose the best answer and circle the letter before it.1. The British Industrial Revolution first began in the industry.A. iron and steelB. textileC. coal-miningD. ship-building2. inven ted the “spinning Jenny.”珍妮纺纱A. James HargreavesB. Richard ArkwrightC. Edmund CartwrightD. James Watt3. The author of Wealth of Nations国富is .A. Adam SmithB. David RichardoC. Thomas MalthusD. Robert OwenKeys: 1.B 2.A 3.AII Match the inventions in Column B with the inventors in Column A.Column A Column B1. c James Hargreaves a. spinning machine run by waterpower2. a Richard Arkwright b. the steam engine3. d Edmund Cartwright c. the “Spinning Jenny”4. b James Watt d. the power loomIII. Key Terms:1. gunpowder plot 火药阴谋(1605年英国天主教徒在国会地下室放置炸药企图炸死国王)2. natural selection 自然选择;物竞天择说3. Origin of Species 物种起源IV. Select the letter of the answer that best matches each term on the left.1. Oliver Cromwell A. Glorious Revolution2. Darwin B. Lord Protector3. Cavaliers C. author of Origin of Species4. White Revolution D. Author of Jane Eyre5. Charlotte Bronte E. Royalists(1. B 2. C 3. E 4. A 5. D)Section 6 The British Empire and British ImperialismWhat wars of aggression were waged by Britain against China in the 19th century?A: In 1840, the British colonists(殖民者) launched an aggression(侵略) war against China and forced the corrupt(堕落的,腐败的) Qing government to conclude the Treaty of Nanking in 1842, whereby(靠那个,凭那个) Hong Kong was ceded to Britain as colony and five ports (Shanghai, Fuchow, Amoy(厦门), Ningpou and Canton(广东,旧称)) were opened as a trade ports, and the colonists were granted special privileges for travel and missionary in China.From 1856 to 1860, Britain and France jointly waged a war of aggression against China and occupied such major cities asCanton, Tientsin(天津) and Peking(北京,旧称). They plundered(掠夺) and burned down the Yuan Ming Yuan Palace and forced the Qing government to conclude the Treaty of Tientsin and the Treaty of Peking. In 1900, Britain allied(有联系的,同盟的) with seven imperialist(帝国主义) powers, invaded China in an attempt to further dominate over China. Ⅰ.Choose the correct answer and circle the letter before it.1. The first British colony was .A. New EnglandB. NewfoundlandC. West IndiesD. India2. The British colonists forced the Qing government to conclude the Treaty of in 1842.A. PekingB. NankingC. TientsinD. Canton3. Which of the following is NOT the feature of imperialism ?A. foreign territorial expansionB. export of capitalC. free competitionD. monopoly4. Which is NOT the member country of the Triple Alliance三国同盟?A. GermanyB. FranceC. Austria-HungaryD. Italy5. Which was NOT the member country of the Triple Entente三国协约?A. BritainB. FranceC. RussiaD. Italy6. Which of the following is NOT true of the depression in1930s ?A. Factories closedB. Banks failedC. Foreign trade shriveledD. Unemployment rate was low7. In which year did Japan attack Pearl Harbor珍珠港?A. 1939B. 1940C. 1941D.19428. Mrs. Thatcher failed to win the general election in1990 mainly because of .A. the slow development of the British economyB. the high inflationC. the high rate of unemploymentD. the high rate of taxes9. China and Britain established the diplomatic relations at theambassadorial rank in the year of .A. 1950B. 1954C. 1972D. 1997Keys: 1.B 2.B 3.C 4.B 5.D 6.D 7.C 8.C 9.CII.Translate the following into Chinese1. the Treaty of Nanking 南京条约2. the British Commonwealthof Nations 英联邦3. tobacco plantations 烟草种植园4. Opium War 鸦片战争5. BBC 英国广播公司6. carefree lifestyle无忧无虑的生活方式III.True or False1. During the Second World War more than 4.5 million people were sent to fight overseas.2.Under the leadership of Tony Blair, the Labor Party promised to turnBritain into a socialist state.3.After the loss of Egypt and the Suez Canal, people no longer regardedBritain as a great power.4.The Second World War turned Britain into a creditor nation.5.The British voters deserted Churchill because they wanted to put the war behind them.(1.T 2. F(He abandoned the idea) 3. T 4. F(a debtor nation) 5. T)Part 2 Political System and Economy of UKSection 1 Parliament and GovernmentI.What power does the Queen have theoretically? Why is it said she has no real power at all in reality?The queen has all the power: she is the head of the executive branch of government and gives effect to all laws; she may pardon criminal offenses and cancel punishments; she is thecommander-in-chief of the armed forces and the temporal head of the church of England; she also confers all titles of rank and appoints judges, officers of the armed forces, governors, bishops and diplomats. It is the monarch who has the power to conclude treaties, to declare war upon and make peace with other nations. II. Choose the correct answers.1. Which of the following is NOT true of British political system?A. Britain has no codified constitution.B. Britain is a federal state.C. Britain still keeps an old-fashioned government.D. British government is established on the basis of constitutional monarchy.2. In Britain, government cannot spend any money without the permission of________.A. the QueenB. the Prime MinisterC. the House of CommonsD. the House of Lords3. The British government ministers are responsible to _____ for thework of their department.A. A. the House of LordsB. ParliamentC. the CabinetD. the Privy Council4. All the government ministers of Britain must be members of ________.A. the House of LordsB. the House of CommonsC. the Privy CouncilD. Parliament5. Civil servants who are concerned with administration are forbidden ________.A. to be voters at electionsB. to be candidates for parliamentC. to continue their work when government changesD. to compete with others for a higher rankKeys: 1.B 2.C 3.B 4.D 5.BIII. Translate the following into Chinese1. the House of Lords 贵族院, 英国上议院2. the House of Commons 平民院亦称下院3. the Lord Chancellor 大法官4. the Foreign and Commonwealth Office 外交及联邦事务部5. the Home Office 内政部6. Mr. speaker 下院议长7. the Cabinet 内阁8. life peers (英)终身贵族(子孙不能承袭的)9.lord temporal [复数]Lords Temporal(英国)上议院的世俗议员(指上议院中非宗教界的议员即非主教或大主教的贵族议员)10.constitutional monarchy 君主立宪制度11. law lords英国上议院高级法官12. Buckingham Palace白金汉宫(英国皇宫)13. head of the state国家元首14.lords spiritual (英)上议院神职议员IV. Matching___ 1. the crown a. lower-upper class___ 2. motions b. symbol of supreme executive power___ 3. monarch c. king or queen___ 4. gentry d. proposals of legislation ___ 5.Lord of Chancellor e. the opposition___ 6. minority party f. important person(1. b 2. d 3. c 4.a 5.f 6.e)V. True or False1.Most proposals for legislation are put forward by the opposition party2.The British prime minister can select any British citizen for the officeof foreign secretary.3.The British supreme court of appeals is the Upper House4.The British House of Lords is composed of three types of peers.5.The queen appoints the leader of the minority party as prime minister.6.The British queen is free to dissolve Parliament.7.British Members of Parliament are selected for a term of five years. Keys:(1. F (by the cabinet) 2. F (select one cabinet member) 3. T4. F (three types of lords)5. F (the leader of majority party)6. F (The queen’s dissolving the Parliament is normally done at the request of PM)7. T)Section 2 Party politics and judiciary1. The Conservative and the Labour parties have been in power by turns ever since the end of __________.A. the 19th centuryB. the end of the First World WarC. the Second World WarD. 1960s2. The general election in Britain is held every ___ years.A. 3B. 4C. 5D.63. The party that has the majority of seats in ____ will form the government in Britain.A. the House of CommonsB. the House of LordsC. the Privy CouncilD. the CabinetKeys;1.C 2.C 3.AII: Key Terms:1 the Conservative Party 保守党2 the Labour Party 工党3. major parties主要政党4. general election 大选5. silence right沉默权6. hung jury 悬而不决的陪审团7. circuit judges巡回法官8. independent candidate独立候选人III. Select the letter of the answer that best matches each term on the left.1.constable a. accused2. summary offence b. state-owned3. constituency c. freedom of belief4. defendant d. between the left and the right5. religious freedom e. soliciting votes6. magistrate f. senior lawyer7. nationalized g. electoral district8. political center h. petty offence9. barrister i. police officer10. canvassing j. Justice of the Peace。

《英美概况》I. Multiple Choices: Choose one right answer from the four choices:1. The highest mountain in Britain is ____.A. ScafellB. Ben NevisC. the CotswoldsD. the Forth2. The longest river in Britain is _____.A. the ClydeB. the MerseyC. the SevernD. the Thames3. The largest lake in Britain is _____.A. the Lough NeageB. Windermere WaterC. Coniston WaterD. the Lake District4. Which part of Britain is always fighting?A. EnglandB. ScotlandC. WalesD. Northem Ireland5. The immigrants coming to Britain are mainly from _____.A. EuropeB. the United StatesC. AfricaD. the West Indies,6. The first inhabitants in Britain were _____.A. the NormansB. the CeltsC. the IberiansD. the Anglo-Saxons7. British Recorded history began with _____.A.Roman invasionB. the Norman ConquestC. the Viking and Danish invasionD. the Anglo-Saxons invasion8. In 829, _____ actually became the overlord of all the English.A. JohnB. James IC. EgbertD. Henry I9. Christmas Day ____, Duke William was crowned in Westminster Abbey.A. 1056B. 1066C. 1006D. 106010. Henry II was the first king of the _____ dynasty.A. WindsorB. TudorC. MalcolmD. Plantagenet11. In 1265 ____ summoned the Great Council, which has been seen as the earliest parliament.A. Henry IIIB. the PopeC. BaronsD. Simon de Montfort12. The Hundred Years’ war started in ____ and ended in ____, in which the English had lost all the territories of France except the French port of ____.A. 1337, 1453, FlandersB. 1337, 1453, CalaisC. 1346, 1453, ArgencourtD. 1346, 1453, Brest13. The Wars of Roses lasted for _____ years and king _____ was replaced by king _____.A.30, Richard III, Henry TudorB. 50, Richard III, HenryTudorB.C. 30, Richard I, Henry Tudor D. 50, Richard I, HenryTudor14. The Renaissance began in ____ in the early ____ century.A. England, 14B. England, 15C. Italy, 14D. Italy, 1515. The English Civil War is also called _____.A. the Glorious RevolutionB. the Bloody RevolutionC. the Catholic RevolutionD. the Puritan Revolution16. In _____, a small group of Puritans sailed from _____ in the Mayflower to be the first settlers in the North America.A. 1620, LondonB. 1620, PlymouthC. 1720, LondonD. 1720, Plymouth17. In the 18th century, there appeared ____ in England, which owed a great deal to the invention of machines.A. the Industrial RevolutionB. the Bourgeois RevolutionC. the Wars of the RosesD. the Religious Reformation18. English colonial expansion began with the colonization of _____ in 1583.A. CanadaB. AustraliaC. IndiaD. Newfoundland19. _____ was famous for his abdication because of his marriage with a divorced American:A. Edward VIIIB. Edward VIIC. George VID. George VII20. In January _____ Britain became a member of the European Economic Community.A. 1957B. 1967C. 1973D. 197921. soon after _____, Britain not only gave up its econmic hegemony but also suffered a deep loss of its position of industrial leadership.A. 1900B. the First World WarC. the Second World WarD. 196022. In the 1970s among the developed countries, Britain maintained the lowest _____ rate and the highest _____ rate.A. inflation, growthB. growth, inflationC. growth, divorceD. growth, birth23. The following are all reasons of British decline of coal industry except _____.A.the exhaustion of old minesB. costly extractionB.C. little money being invested D. the labour shortage24. Britain’s foreign trade is mainly with _____.A. developing countriesB. other Commonwealth countriesC. other developed countriesD. EC25. The House of Lords is presided over by _____.A. the Lord ChancellorB. the QueenC. the Archbishop of CanterburyD. the Prime Minister26. A General Election is held every _____ years and there are _____ members of Parliaments are elected.A. five, 600B. five, 650C. five, 651D. four, 65127. The Prime Minister is appointed by _____ and he or she always sits in _____.A. the Archbishop of Canterbury, the House of CommonsB. the Archbishop of Canterbury, the House of LordsC. the Queen, the House of CommonsD. the Queen, the House of Lords28. The ultimate authority for law-making resides in _____.A. the QueenB. the CabinetC. the House of LordsD. the House of Commons29. The sources of British law include _____.A. statutes, common law, equity law and European Community lawB. statutes, common law and equity lawC. statutes, common law and European Community lawD. a complete code and statutes30. In criminal trials by jury, _____ passes sentenced and _____ decide the issue of guilt or innocence.A. the judge, the juryB. the judge, the judgeC. the jury, the juryD. the Lord Chancellor, the jury31. ____ tries the most serious offences such as murder and robbery.A. Mag istrates’ courtsB. Youth courtsC. district courtsD. The Crown Court32. London’s Metropolitan Police Force is under the control of _____.A. the England secretariesB. the Scottish SecretariesC. Northern Ireland SecretariesD. the Home Secretary33. The National Health Service was established in the UK in _____ and based at first on _____.A. 1948, Acts of ParliamentB. 1958, Acts of ParliamentC. 1948, the Bill of RightsD. 1958, the Bill of Rights34. The non-contributory social security benefits include the following except _____.A. war pensionB. child benefitC. family creditD. unemployment benefit35. Except that _____ may not be a Roman Catholic, public offices are open without distinction to members of all churchs or of none.A. the lord ChancellorB. the Prime MinisterC. the SpeakerD. the ministers of all departments36. About 90 per cent of the state secondary school population in the UK attend _____.A. independent schoolsB. junior schoolsC. independent schoolsD. primary schools37. There are some ____ universities, including the Open University.A. 900B. 290C. 90D. 5038. In Britain, children from the age of 5 to 16 can _____ by law.A. receive completely free educationB. receive parly free educationC. receive no free education if their families are richD. receive no free education at all39. With regard to its size, the USA is the _____ country in the world.A. largestB. second largestC. third largestD. fourth largest40. In the following rivers, _____ has been called the American Ruhr.A. the MississippiB. the MissouriC. the HudsonD. the Ohio41. Among the following rivers, _____ forms a natural boundary between Mexico and the U.S.A. the PotomacB. the ColumbiaC. the Rio Grande RiverD. the Colorado42. All the following universities and colleges are located in New England, except _____.A. YaleB. HarvardC. OxfordD. Massachusetts Institute of Technology43. The nation’s capital city Washington D.C. and New York are located in _____.A. the American WestB. the Great PlainsC. the MidwestD. the Middle Atlantic States44. The Midwest in America’s most important _____ area.A. agriculturalB. industrialC. manufacturingD. mining in dustry45. In the case of Brown versus Board of Education, the Supreme Court ruled that _____.A. separate educational facilities had been illegalB. educational facilities had been separate but equalC. educational facilities had been equalD. separate educational facilities were inherently unequal46. The Chinese Exclusion Act was passed in _____.A. 1882B. 1883C. 1900D. 192447. The first immigrants in American history came from ____ and ____.A. Ireland/FranceB. England/ChinaC. Scotland/EnglandD. England/Netherland48. Uncle Tom’s Cabin and Roots are two novels which givea vivid description of the miserable life of the _____.A. early settlersB. PuritansC. native IndiansD. black slaves49. According to American historians and specialists in demography, there are _____ great population movement in the history of the United States.A. twoB. threeC. fourD. five50. Many early Chinese immigrants worked in the mining industry, especially in the _____.A. gold minesB. silver minesC. coal minesD. copper mines51. The Declaration of Independence was drafted by _____.A. James MadisonB. Thomes JeffersonC. Alexander HamiltonD. George Washington52. On July 4, 1776, _____ adopted the Declaration of Independerce.A. the First Continental CongressB. the Second Continental CongressC. the Third Continental CongressD. the Constitutional Convention53. The victory of _____ was the turning point of the War of Independence.A. SaratogaB. GettysburgC. TrentonD. Yorktown54. Ten amendments introduced by James Madison in 1789 were added to the Constitution. They are knows as _____. A. the Articles of Confederation B. the Bill of RightC. the Civil RightsD. Federalist Papers55. President Jefferson bought _____ from France and doubled the country’s territory.A. New MexicoB. the Louisiana TerritoryC. KansasD. Ohio56. The Declaration of Independence came from the theory of British philosopher _____.A. Paul RevereB. John LockeC. CornwallisD. Frederick Douglass57. During the WWII, the Axis powers were mainly made up by __.A. Germany, France and JapanB. France, Japan and BritainC. Germany, Italy and BritainD. German, Italy and Japan58. The Progressive Movement is a movement demanding government regulation of the _____ and _____ conditions. A. economy/political B. social/political C. economy/socialD. political/cultural59. As a result of WWI, _____ was not one of the defeated nations.A. GermanyB. Austro-HungaryC. OttomanD. Russia60. The aim of President Roosevelt’s New Deal was to “save American _____.”A. economyB. politicsC. societyD. democracy答案I. Multiple Choices: Choose one right answer from the four choices.1. B2. C3. A4. D5. D6. C7. A8. C9. B 10. D11. D 12. B 13. A 14. C 15. D16. B 17. A 18. D 19. A 20. C21. C 22. B 23. D 24. C 25. A 26. C 27. C 28. D 29. A 30. A 31. D 32. D 33. A 34. D 35. A 36. D 37. C 38. A 39. D 40. D41.C 42. C 43. D 44. A 45. D 46. A 47. D 48. D 49. C 50. A 51.B 52. B 53. A 54. B 55. B 56. B 57. D 58.C 59.D 60. D 61. C62. B 63. D 64. C 65. D 66. D 67. B 68. C 69. C 70. D 71. B 72.B 73. B 74. D 75. DII. Fill in the blanks:1. Ceographically speaking, the north and west of Britain are highlands_______, while the east and south-east are mostly___lowlands___.2. Welsh is located in the west______ of Great Britain.3. The ancestors of the English __Anglo-Saxons____, while the Scots, Welsh and Irish the __Celts____.4. In the mid-5th century, three Teuronic tribes _Jutes_____, _Saxons____, and __Angles___ invaded Britain. Among them, the __Angles___ gave their name to English people.5. The battle of _Hastings______ witnessed the death of Harold in October, 1066.6. Under William, the __feudal____ system in England was completely established.7. The property record in William’s time is known as ____Domesday Book__, which was compiled in __1086___. 8. _Thomas Becket____’s grave became a place of pilgrimage in and beyond chaucer’s time after he was murdered.9. Black Death______ was the deadly bubonic plague, which reduced England’s population from fou r million to _two_____ million by the end of the 14th century.10. One of the consequences of the Uprising of 1381 was the emergence of a new class of _yeomen_____ farmers.11. James I and his son Charles I both believed firmly in _the Divine Right of Kings_____.12. During the Civil War, the Cavaliers supported __the king______, while the Roundheads supported _the Parliament______.13. After the Civil War, Oliver Cromwell declared England a _Commonwealth_____, later, he became __Lord Protector_______.14. In 1707, the Act of _Union______ united England and _Scotland_____.15. The two parties originated with the Glorious Revolution were _Whigs____ and _Tories______. The former were the forerunners of the _Liberal_____ Party, the latter were of the _Conservative_____ party.16. In 1765, the Scottish inventor _James Watt____ produceda very efficient _steam engine____ that could be applied to textile and other machinery.17. After the Industrial Revolution, Britain became the “_workship_____” of the wor ld.18. During the Second World War _Winston Churchill_______ led Britain to final victory in 1945.19. In 1974 and 1977, the two __oil____ shock caused inflation to rise dramatically.20. Natural gas was discovered in 1965 and oil in 1970 under _the North Sea______.21. _Scotland ______ has Europe’s largest collection of foreign owned chip factories.22. New industries in Britain include_microprocessors and computer_____, ___biotechnology___ and other high-tech industries.23. The party which wins the second largest number of seats becomes the official _Opposition_____, with its own leader and “__shadow____ cabinet”.24. The Prime Minister is appointed by t he Queen______, and his/her official residence is _No. 10 Downing____.25. There are two tiers of local government throughout England and Wales:country councils_____ and __district councils____.26. The criminal law in Britain presumes the innocence _____ of the accused until he has been proved guilty beyond reasonable doubt.27. The jury usually consists of _12______ persons in England, Wales and Northern Ireland, and 15persons in Scotland. 28. The ultimate court of appeal in civil cases throughout the UK is _the House of Lords______.29. In Britain the welfare state applies mainly to _the National Health Service____, national insurance and _social security_____.30. The two established churches in Britain are the Church of England and the Church of Scotland_____.31. Education in the UK is compulsory for all between the ages of (__5____ in Northen Ireland) and __4___.32. In the past children in Britain were allocated to different secondary schools on the basis of selection tests known as _eleven-plus______, which was replaced by _comprehensive schools _____.33. Education after 16 in the UK is divided into _further education____ and ___high education___.34. The most-known universities in Britain are _Oxford____ and _Cambridge____ which date from the 12th and 13th centuries.35. In _1959___, Alaska and Havaii became the 49th and 50th states.36. In the Great Lakes, only _Lake Michigan____ belongs to U.S. completely while the other four are shared with Ganada.37. __Alaska_____ is separated from the main land by Canada.38. The Rockies, the backbone of the North American Continent, is also known as __the Continental Divide___. 39. Texas_____ is the largest continental state in area in the U.S.40. The West can be divided into three parts: the Great Plains, the Rocky Mountains and _the Intermountain Basin and Plateau____.41. The South is the headquarters of a large segment of the rocket and _missile_______ industry.42. New England is sometimes called the __birthplace____ of America.43. Mobility is considered to be one of the characteristics of the American people since one in five moves to a new home every year.44. The first blacks were brought to north America as slaves in 161945. The largest group of Asian-Americans are the _Chinese-Americans_____.II. Fill in the blanks:1. highlands, lowlands2. west3. Anglo-Saxons, Celts4. Jutes, Saxons, Angles, Angles5. Hastings6. feudal7. Domesday Book, 10868. Thomas Becket9. Black Death, two 10. yeomen 11. the Divine Right of Kings 12. the king, the Parliament 13. Commonwealth, Lord Protector 14. Union, Scotland 15. Whigs Tories Liberal Conservative 16. James Watt steam engine 17. workship 18. Winston Churchill19. oil 20. the North Sea 21. Scotland 22. microprocessors and computer, biotechnology 23. Opposition, shadow 24. the Queen, No. 10 Downing 25. country councils, district councils 26. innocence 27. 12, 15 28. the House of Lords 29. the National Health Service, social security 30. the Church of England, the Church of Scotland 31. 5, 4, 16 32. eleven-plus, comprehensive schools 33. further education, high education34. Oxford, Cambridge, 12th, 13th 35. 1959 36. Lake Michigan 37. Alaska 38. the Continental Divide 39. Texas 40. the Intermountain Basin and Plateau 41. rocket/missile 42. birthplace 43. Mobility 44. 1619 45. Chinese-AmericansIII. Explain the following terms.1. the Ha rdian’s Wall: It was one of the two great walls built by the Romans to keep the Picts out of the area they had conquered.2. Alfred the Great Alfred was a strong king of the wisemen. It was created by the Anglo-Saxons to advise the king. It’s the basis of the Privy Council which still exists today.3. William the Conqueror William was Duke of Normandy. He landed his army in Oct, 1066 and defeated king Harold. Then he was crowned king of England on Christams Day the same year. He established a strong Norman government and the feudal system in England.4. the battle of Hastings In 1066, King Edward died with no heir, the Witan chose Harold as king. William, Duke of Normandy, invaded England. On October 14, the two armies met near Hasting. After a day’s battle, Harold was killed and his army completely defeated. So this battle was very important on the way of the Roman conquest.5. Domesday Book Under William, the feudal system was established. William sent officials to compile a property record known as Domesday Book, which completed in 1086. It was the result of a general survey of England made in 1085. It stated the extent, value, the population, state of cultivation, and ownership of the land. It seemed to the English like the Book of doom on Judgement Day.6. the Great Charter King John’s reign caused much discontent among the barons. In 1215, he was forced to sign a document, known as Mangna Cara, or the Great Charter. Ithas 63 clauses. Though it has long been regarded as the foundation of English liberities, its spirit was the limitation of the king’s powers, keeping them within the bounds of the feudal law of the land.7. the Hundred Years’ War It referred to the intermittent war between France and England that last from 1337 to 1453. The causes were partly territorial and partly economic. When Edward III claimed the French Crown but the French refused to recognize, the war broke out. At first the English were successful, but in the end, they were defeated and lost almost all their possessions in France. The expelling of the English was a blessing for both countries.8. Joan of Arc She was a national heroine of France during the Hundred Years’ War. She successfully led the French to drive the English out of France.9. the Black Death It was the deadly bubonic plague who spread through Europe in the 14th century. It swept through England without warning and any cure, and sparing no victims. It killed between half and one-third of the population of England. Thus, much land was left untended and labour was short. It caused far-reaching economic consequences.10. the Wars of Roses They referred to the battles between the House of Lancaster and the House of York between 1455 and 1485. The former was symbolized by the red rose, and the latter by the white one. After the wars, feudalism received its death blow and the king’s power became supreme. Thdor monarchs ruled England and Wales for over two hundred years.11. Bloody Mary Henry VIII’s daughter and a devout Catholic. When she became Queen, she persecuted and burnt many Protestants. So she was given the nickname “Bloody Mary”. Mary is also remembered as the monarch who lost the French port of Calais.12. Elizabeth I One of the greatest monarchs in British history. She reigned England, Wales and Ireland for 45 years and remained single. Her reign was a time of confident English nationalism and of great achievements in literature and other arts, in exploration and in battle.13. Oliver Cromwell The leader during the Civil War who led the New Model Army to defeat the king and condemned him to death. Then he declared England a Commonwealth andmade himself Lord of Protector. He ruled England till the restoration of charles II in 1660.14. the Bill of Rights In 1689, William and Mary accepted the Bill of Rights to be crowned jointly. The bill excluded any Roman Catholic from the succession, confirmed the principle of parliamentary supremacy and guaranteed free speech within both the two Houses. Thus the age of constitutional monarchy began.15. Whigs and Tories It referred to the two party names which originated with the Glorious Revolution of 1688. The Whigs were those who opposed absolute monarchy and supported the right to religious freedom for Noncomformists. The Tories were those who supported hereditary monarchy and were reluctant to remove kings. The Whigs formed a coalition with dissident Tories and became the Liberal Party. The Tories were the forerunners of the Conservative Party.16. James Watt The Scottish inventor who produced an efficient steam engine with rotary motion that could be applied to textile and other machinery.17. Winston Churchill Prime Minister of Britain during the Second World War. He took over Chamberlain in 1940 and received massive popular support. He led his country to final victory in 1945. He was defeated in the general election of 1945, but returned to power in 1951.18. Agribusiness It refers to the new farming in Britain, because it’s equipped and managed like an industrial business with a set of inputs into the farm of processes which occur on the farm, and outputs or products which leave the farm. The emphasis is upon intensive farming, designes to give the maximum output of crops and animals.19. the British Constitution There is no written constitution in the United Kingdom. The British Constitution is not set out in any single document, but made up of statute law, common law and conventions. The Judiciary determines common law and interpret statues.20. Queen Elizabeth II The present Sovereign, born in 1926, came to the throne in 1952 and was crowned in 1953. The Queen is the symbol of the whole nation, the center of many national ceremonies and the leader of society.21. the Opposition In the General Election, the party which wins the second largest number of seats becomes the offcial Opposition, with its own leader and “shadow cabinet”. The aims of the Opposition are to contribute to the formulation of policy and legislation, to oppose government proposals, to seek amendments to government bills, and to put forward its own policies in order to win the next general election.22. the Privy Council Formerly the chief source of executive power. It gave the Sovereign private (“privy”) advice on the government of the country. Today its role is mainly formal, advising the Sovereign to approve certain government decrees and issuing royal proclamation. Its membership is about 400.23. common law A written law gathered from numerous decisions of the courts and other sources.24. the jury A legal system established in England since king Henry II. The jury consists of ordinary, independent citizens summoned by the court: 12 persons in England, Wales and Northern Ireland, and 15 persons in Scotland. In criminal trials by jury, the judge passes sentence but the jury decide the issue of guilt or innocence.25. the NHS The National Health Service was established in the UK in 1948 and based first on Acts of Parliament. This Service provides for every resident a full range of medical services. It is based upon the principle that there should be full range of publicly provided services designed to help the individual stay healthy. It is now a largely free service.26. comprehensive schools State secondary schools which take pupils without reference to ability and provide a wide-ranging secondary education for all or most of the children in a district. About 90 per cent of the state secondary school population in GB attend comprehensive school.27. public schools Fee-paying secondary schools which are longestablished and have gained a reputation for their high academic standards, as well as their exclusiveness and snobbery. The boys’ public schools include such well-known schools as Eton and Harrow, and girls’ famous schools include Roedean. Most of the members of the British Establishment were educated at a public school.28. the Great Lakes The Great Lakes are the most important lakes in the United States. They are Lake Superior, which isthe largest fresh water lake in the world, Lake Michigan ——the only one entirely in the U.S. —— Lake Huron, Lake Erie and Lake Ontario. They are all located between Canada and the United States except Lake Michigan.29. New England New England is made up of six states of the North-East. They are Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and Connecticut. It is sometimes called the birthplace of America.30. baby boom “baby boom” refers to the great increase of birth rate between 1946 and 1964. People born in this period are called baby bammers.31. the Chinese Exclusion Act It was passed by the U.S. Congress in may, 1882. It stopped Chinese immigration for ten years.32. the Bill of Rights In 1789, James Madison introduced in the House of Representations a series of amendments which later were drafted into twelve proposed amendments and sent to the states for ratification. Ten of them were ratified in 1791 and became the first ten amendments to the Constitution —— the Bill of Rights.33. the Emancipation Proclamation During the Civil war, Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation to get more support for the Union at home and abroad. It granted freedom to all slaves.34. the Constitutional Convention In 1787, a conference was held in Philadelphia to consider what should be done to make the Articles of Confederation adequate. All the delegates agreed to revise the Articles of Confederation and draw up a new plan of government. After struggle, the Constitution was ratified at last. This conference is called the Constitutional Convertion.35. the Progressive Movement The Progressive Movement is a movement demanding government regulation of the economy and social conditions. It spread quickly with the support of large numbers of people across the country. It was not an organized campaign with clearly defined goals.36. the Peace Conference The Peace Conference or the Paris Conference, began on January 18, 1919. The conference was actually a conference of division of colonies of Germany, Austro-Hungary and the Ottoman Empire and the grabbing of as much as possible from the defeated nations. It wasdominated by the Big Four (the United States, Britain. France, and Italy)37. the Truman Doctrine: On March 12, 1949, President Truman put forward the Truman Doctrine in a speech to the joint session of Congress. The Truman Doctrine meant to say that the U.S. government would support any country which said it was fighting against Communism.38. the Marshall Plan On June 5, 1947, the Secretary of State George Marshall announced the Marshall Plan, which meant that in order to protect Western Europe from possible Soviet expansion, the United States decided to offer Western European countries economic aid.39. the New Frontier It was the President Kennedy’s program which promised civil rights for blacks, federal aid to farmers and to education, medical care for all and the abolition of poverty.40. checks and balances:The government is divided into three branches, the legislative, the executive and the judicial, each has part of the powers but not all the power. And each branch of government can check, or block, the actions of the other branches. The three。

英美概况考试题目及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 英国的首都是哪里?A. 巴黎B. 伦敦C. 纽约D. 华盛顿特区答案:B2. 美国的独立日是哪一天?A. 7月4日B. 4月17日C. 12月25日D. 11月11日答案:A3. 英国的官方语言是什么?A. 法语B. 德语C. 英语D. 西班牙语答案:C4. 美国最大的城市是哪个?A. 洛杉矶B. 纽约C. 芝加哥D. 休斯顿答案:B5. 英国的货币单位是什么?A. 欧元B. 美元C. 英镑D. 日元答案:C6. 美国的国土面积在世界上排名第几?A. 第一B. 第二C. 第三D. 第四答案:B7. 英国的哪个城市是著名的文化和艺术中心?A. 爱丁堡B. 曼彻斯特C. 利物浦D. 格拉斯哥答案:A8. 美国的哪个州被誉为“黄金之州”?A. 德克萨斯州B. 加利福尼亚州C. 佛罗里达州D. 纽约州答案:B9. 英国的哪位君主在位时间最长?A. 伊丽莎白一世B. 维多利亚女王C. 乔治三世D. 伊丽莎白二世答案:D10. 美国的哪个国家公园以其壮观的峡谷景观而闻名?A. 黄石国家公园B. 大峡谷国家公园C. 优胜美地国家公园D. 阿卡迪亚国家公园答案:B二、填空题(每题2分,共20分)11. 英国是由______、苏格兰、威尔士和北爱尔兰组成的联合王国。
答案:英格兰12. 美国的首都华盛顿特区是为了纪念美国的第一位总统______而命名的。
答案:乔治·华盛顿13. 英国的国花是______。
答案:玫瑰14. 美国的宪法规定了______个分支的政府。
答案:三15. 英国的______是英国君主的正式住所,也是英国王室的行政总部。
答案:白金汉宫16. 美国的______是该国最大的河流系统,流经美国的中部大平原。
答案:密西西比河17. 英国的______是该国最大的政党之一,传统上与劳动阶级联系在一起。
答案:工党18. 美国的______是该国最高法院的所在地,也是司法部门的象征。
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Chapter 1 HistoryTell whether each of the following statements is true or false.1._________ In 43 A.D. Roman Emperor Julius Caesar invaded England.答案:F2.________ The month “July”, in fact, is named after Julius Caesar himself.答案:T3.________The best-known English legend, King Arthur, derives from the Anglo-Saxons’ time.答案:T4.________ Robin Hood is a story about the Viking invasion of England.答案:F5.________ In the early stage of the Hundred Years’War, the English won great victories.答案:T6.________The ruling Normans regarded England as their home after the Hundred Years’ War.答案:T7.________ Henry VII ended the Wars of the Roses and founded the Tudor Monarchy.答案:F8.________ English drama flourished during Elizabeth I era.答案:T9.________ Oliver Cromwell believed in the old theory “Divine right of Kings”.答案:F10.________After World War II, the British economy became the 2nd largest power in the world.答案:F11. ________ American Indians came from India 25,000 years ago.答案:F12. ________ American Indians developed the brilliant culture of the Aztecs, the Incas and the Mayas.答案:T13. ________ Columbus was the first European to set foot in what was to be called America.答案:T14.________ America was named after the great discoverer Amerigo Vespucci.答案:T15. ________ The first permanent English colony was founded in 1607 in Boston.答案:F16. ________ Thanksgiving Day came from Britain.答案:F17. ________ By the early 1760s, the English settlers had established 13 colonies along the Atlantic coast.答案:T18. ________The Declaration of Independence officially announced the independence of 13 North American colonies.答案:T19.________ Benjamin Franklin became the first American President.答案:F20. ________ The United States did not enter World War I.答案:FFill in the blanks with the correct information.1. The golden-haired ________ are the natives of Britain, who were later called the Briton.答案: Celts2. In 55 and 43 A.D. Britain was invaded twice by the ________.答案: Romans3. The Anglo-Saxons began to settle in Britain in the ________ century.答案: 5th4. In the late 8th century they experienced _______ invasion from Denmark and in _________ they suffered Norman Conquest.答案: Viking; 10665. Joan of Arc is a famous national heroine of French in the ___________________. 答案: Hundred Years’ War6. The Wars of the Roses were fought between the House of __________ and the House of Lancaster.答案: York7. The direct cause of King Henry VIII’s Religious Reformation was to _____ his wife.答案: divorce8. Charles I ruled the country without Parliament for _______ years.答案: 119. ______________ was also known as the “Virgin Queen” and____________ had the longest rule in English history.答案: Elizabeth I; Queen Victoria10. After World War I, Britain was overtaken by__________.答案: America11. Columbus discovered the New World in the year of________.答案: 149212. The first permanent English settlement in North America was established in ________ in the year of ________.答案: Virginia; 160713. _________________ is a purely American holiday.答案: Thanksgiving Day14. By the 1760s, the English settlers had established _________ colonies along theAtlantic coast.答案: 1315. ___________________ declared the birth of America.答案: Declaration of Independence16. Independence Day is celebrated on _________________.答案: 4th of July17. The book _____________________ aroused a great discontent over slavery.答案:Uncle Tom’s Cabin18. The American Civil War officially ended in the year of __________.答案: 186519. After __________ the U.S. had changed from a debtor country to a creditor country.答案: World War I20. After __________ the U.S. became the strongest power in the world.答案: World War IIChoose the correct answer on the basis of what is stated in the text.1. Which of the following is a famous prehistoric monument(a) Stonehenge(b) Hadrian’s Wall(c) Westminster Abby(d) Tower of London答案: (a)2. ________ were the ancestors of the English and the founders of England.(a) The Romans(b) The Anglo-Saxons(c) The Vikings(d) The Normans答案: (b)3. Which of the following is NOT part of Britain’s civilization brought by Roman invasion(a) The names of English month came from Roman gods and rulers.(b) They built towns, temples and roads.(c) They bui lt the Hardin’s Wall.(d) They built Westminster Abby.答案: (d)4. Westminster Abbey was built at the time of ___________.(a) Roman invasion(b) Anglo-Saxons invasion(c) Viking invasion(d) Norman Conquest答案: (c)5. The Tower of London, located in the centre of London, was built by___________.(a) King Harold(b) Robin Hood(c) Oliver Cromwell(d) William the Conqueror答案: (d)6. The end of the Wars of the Roses led to the rule of ___________.(a) the House of York(b) the House of Lancaster(c) the House of Tudor(d) the House of Stuart答案: (c)7. The English Civil War broke out in 1642 between ____________.(a) Nobles and peasants(b) Roundheads and the Cavaliers(c) Charles I and the Cavaliers(d) House of York and House of Lancaster答案: (b)8. Which of the following is NOT a consequence of the British Civil War(a) Charles I was executed.(b) Charles II was exiled.(c) The Commonwealth of England was formed.(d) The Stuart kingdom was restored.答案: (d)9. Which of the following is NOT an achievement under the rule of Elizabeth I(a) Railways were built.(b) The first settlers were sent to America.(c) English drama and poetry thrived.(d) The English navy defeated the Spanish Armada.答案: (a)10. Which of the following is NOT an achievement under the rule of Queen Victoria(a) Railways were built.(b) Most people lived in villages and worked on the land.(c) Factories and machines were built to meet people’s demand.(d) Britain became the richest country in the world.答案: (b)11. Which of the following is NOT true about American Indians(a) They are descendants of Mongoloid.(b) They crossed the Bering Strait to Alaska.(c) They grew corn only.(d) They developed brilliant civilizations.答案: (c)12. _______________ confirmed that a new continent rather than India was found.(a) Christopher Columbus(b) Amerigo Vespucci(c) King James I(d) Queen Elizabeth答案: (b)13. The Mayflower was a ship taken by _______________.(a) Christopher Columbus(b) Amerigo Vespucci(c) a group of people who wanted to get hold of treasures(d) a group of people who desired free religious practice答案: (d)14. Which of the following was a direct cause of Boston Tea Party in 1773(a) Quartering Act(b) Stamp Act(c) Tea Act(d) Taxation on sugar and coffee答案: (c)15. Which of the following took the function of a national government in the War of Independence(a) The First Continental Congress(b) The Second Continental Congress(c) The Confederate States(d) The Union States答案: (b)16. "No taxation without representation" was the slogan of ___________.(a) the settlers of Virginia(b) the slaves of America(c) the Indians of America(d) the people of the 13 colonial Americans答案: (d)17. ___________ was the first president of the United States of America.(a) Benjamin Franklin(b) Thomas Jefferson(c) George Washington(d) Abraham Lincoln答案: (c)18. Which of the following was NOT a cause of American Civil War(a) Religious oppression(b) Economic interests of the South and North(c) Political conflict between the South and North(d) Slavery答案: (a)19. ___________ granted freedom to all slaves in the U.S.(a) The Quartering Act(b) The Stamp Act(c) The Declaration of Independence(d) Emancipation Proclamation答案: (d)20. The Bombing of Pearl Harbor led to America’s involvement in ___________.(a) the War of Independence(b) the Civil War(c) World War I(d) World War II答案: (d)Explain the following terms.1. The Anglo-SaxonsIn the 5th century, the tribes called the Angles and Saxons invaded Britain, coming from northern Europe. By the end of the 5th century, the Anglo-Saxons ruled most of Britain. Their language was called Old English. From them comes the name of “England” and “English”; England came from “Angle-land” meaning the land of the Anglo-Saxons.2. Norman ConquestAfter King Edward died, Duke William of Normandy, from northern France, declared that Edward had promised to let him become the king. On October 14, 1066, William and his army invaded England and defeated the English army. He was made king and crowned in Westminster Abby on Christmas Day, 1066. William is often referred to as William the Conqueror in English history.3. Robin HoodEngland's best-loved legend of Robin Hood is an outlawed Saxon nobleman oppressed by the Normans. He hid in the forest near Sherwood with his band of followers, called “merry men”. From this secret wood, they went out to rob from the rich to give to the poor with their longbows. Robin Hood has been a popular subject of numerous films, television series, books, comics andplays.4. The Hundred Years’ WarAt the beginning of the 14th century, England developed into a stronger state in Europe. Consequently, the rich wanted to control more markets and the nobles wanted to regain their lost land. When King Edward III of England declared that he should become the French king, the French rejected his claim so he declared war on France in 1337. The war lasted intermittently for 116 years, hence being known as the Hundred Years’ War.5. The Civil WarIn January 1642 the Civil War broke out between the Roundheads (supporters of Parliament) and the Cavaliers (supporters of the King). The Civil War ended with the Parliamentary victory and it led to the execution of Charles I, and his son Charles II was driven out of the country in 1649. In addition to that, Oliver Cromwell, the leader of the Roundheads,formed republican England, known as the Commonwealth of England and the English monarchy was abolished.6. American IndiansThe American Indians were the descendants of the Mongoloid. The name “Indians” was given by Columbus when he mistook them for the people of India. It is believed that about 25,000 years ago the Indians crossed the Bering Strait land bridge to Alaska. The American Indians developed the brilliant civilizations of the Aztecs, the Incas and the Mayas.7. Columbus’“discovery ” of AmericaIn 1492, Columbus persuaded the king and queen of Spain to finance his voyage. He believed that by sailing west from Europe, he could reach India. Columbus failed to reach India but landed at one of the Caribbean islands instead. He mistook these islands for part of India and called the local people Indians.8. The MayflowerThe Mayflower has a famous position in American history as a symbol of early European colonization. With their religion oppressed by the Church of England, in the autumn of 1620, 102 people sailed to the New World in a ship named the “Mayflower”. Late in December, the Mayflower finally landed in what is now Plymouth, Massachusetts.9. Declaration of IndependenceOn July 2, 1776, the Congress finally determined that these United Colonies ought to be free and independent states. Thomas Jefferson, assisted by Benjamin Franklin, drafted the Declaration of Independence, which the Congress adopted on July 4, 1776. It announced the independence of 13 North American colonies and the birth of a new nation.10. Abraham LincolnIn March 1861 Abraham Lincoln took the office of president. He realized that by making the war a battle against slavery, he could win support for the Union at home and abroad. On January 1, 1863, he issued the Emancipation Proclamation, which granted freedom to all slaves.Chapter 2 GeographyTell whether each of the following statements is true or false.1. ________ Britain is situated in Western Europe.答案:T2. ________The island of Great Britain occupies more than 90% of the territory of the U.K.答案:TPeople of Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland do not like to be called English people.答案:TEdinburgh is the largest city in Scotland.答案:FBritain has a cold maritime climate.答案:F6. ________ The cheapest way to get around London is no doubt London's underground network.答案:F7. ________ Heathrow Airport is the busiest airport in the world.答案:T8. ________ Only the Old Town district of Edinburgh was listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1995.答案:F9.________ The Lake District is closely related with English literature in the 19th century.答案:T10.________ The Lake District National Park is one of fourteen national parks in the United Kingdom.答案:T11. ________ The whole country of the U.S. is situated in the central part of North America.答案:F12. ________ Alaska is the largest state in the U.S.答案:T13. ________ The longest river in North America is the Missouri River.答案:FWashington, D.C., as the capital of the United States, is governed directly by the District of Columbia.答案:F15. ________ Washington is often called "The City that Never Sleeps".答案:FNew York was founded as a commercial trading post by the Dutch East IndiaCompany.答案:T17. ________ The headquarters of the United Nations is located in the city of Washington.答案:F18. ________ The city of San Francisco is the most populous city in the U.S.答案:F19. ________ Hollywood is governed by its honorary mayor.答案:FOnly Lake Michigan is entirely within the U.S.答案:TFill in the blanks with the correct information.1. Britain is separated from the European continent by__________, the Strait of Dover and _____________.答案: the North Sea; the English Channel2. Britain is made up of many islands collectively known as the British Isles, of which ___________ and __________ are the two main islands.答案: Great Britain; Ireland3. Geographically, the island of Great Britain can be divided into two major regions —____________ and _____________.答案: the highland zone; the lowland zone4. The northern part of the island of Ireland is part of the United Kingdom, while _____________________, which occupies the southern part of the island, is an independent country.答案: the Republic of Ireland5. __________ is the capital of both England and the United Kingdom.答案: London6. __________ is the Queen's official and main royal London home.答案: Buckingham Palace7. When the Queen is at home, you can see her royal flag, referred to as _______________, flying from the flagpole on top of Buckingham Palace.答案: the Royal Standard8. Edinburgh is well known for the annual _______________, the world’s largest arts festival.答案: Edinburgh Festival9. Ben Nevis is the highest mountain in _____________.答案: the British Isles10. _______________ is a natural product made only from cereals, water and yeast.答案: Scotch Whisky11. The United States is the ________ largest country in the world.答案: 4th12. The U.S. is bordered by ______ on the north and by ______ and the Gulf ofMexico on the south.答案: Canada; Mexico13. Hawaii is situated in the central __________.答案: Pacific Ocean14. The central part of the United States is composed of vast plains between_____________ and _______________.答案: the Appalachian Mountains; the Rocky Mountains15. It is extremely _______ in northern Alaska but quite _______ and humid insouthern Florida and Hawaii.答案: cold; mild16. The District of Columbia was named after ______________ while the city ofWashington was named after ______________.答案: Christopher Columbus; George Washington17. The famous New York Stock Exchange is just on _____________ of Manhattan.答案: Wall Street18. The Chinatown in _____________ is the oldest Chinatown in North America.答案: San Francisco19. The Kodak Theatre, which opened in 2001 on Hollywood Boulevard at HighlandAvenue, has become the new home of ___________.答案: the Oscars20. The _______________ is nearly a three-and-a-half-mile round-trip walk.答案: Walk of FameChoose the correct answer on the basis of what is stated in the text.1. Why was Britain known as “an empire on which the sun never sets”(a) Because it used to be the largest country in the world.(b) Because it was once one of the oldest and strongest colonial powers in theworld.(c) Because it had bought a lot of islands around the world.(d) Because it used to be the greatest industrialized country in the world.答案: (b)2. The island of Great Britain is divided into three parts:________.(a)Ireland, Scotland, and Wales(b)England, Scotland, and Ireland(c)England, Scotland, and Northern Ireland(d)England, Scotland, and Wales答案: (d)3. The capital of Northern Ireland is________.(a)London(b)Belfast(c)Cardiff(d)Edinburgh答案: (b)4. Britain has a _______ climate.(a) temperate(b) maritime(c) stable(d) both a and b答案: (d)5. Britain is often ______ in winter.(a)warm(b)very cold(c)foggy(d)sunny答案: (c)6. The capital of Britain is in _______.(a)England(b)Scotland(c)Wales(d)Northern Ireland答案: (a)7. ________ flows through the city of London.(a)The Forth River(b)The Clyde River(c)The Tay River(d)The River Thames答案: (d)8. Which of the following is NOT a World Heritage Site(a) The Tower of London(b) The historic settlement of Greenwich(c) The Big Ben(d) The Palace of Westminster, Westminster Abbey and St. Margaret's Church答案: (c)9. _______________over the River Thames has also become one of the symbols of the city.(a)The Tower Bridge of London(b)St. Paul’s Cathedral(c)The British Museum(d)The Bridge of London答案: (a)10. Windermere is the largest natural _______ in England.(a) lake(b)river(c)mountain(d)valley答案: (a)11. Alaska was bought by the USA from ___________ in 1867.(a) Russia(b) the former USSR(c) China(d) Canada答案: (a)12. _________ is the fiftieth state of the U.S.(a) Alaska(b) Hawaii(c) Kentucky(d) California答案: (b)13. _______________ is known as the “father of waters” to American Indians.(a) The River Thames(b) The Missouri River(c) The Tay River(d) The Mississippi River答案: (d)14. The White House has been the executive residence of every . President since ______________.(a) Christopher Columbus(b) John Adams(c) Abraham Lincoln(d) George Washington答案: (b)15. In the East Wing of the White House you can find ______________.(a)the Oval Office(b)the executive offices of the President(c)the executive offices of the Vice President(d)the office of the First Lady答案: (a)16. The city of New York consists of some boroughs EXCEPT ___________.(a)The Bronx(b)Brooklyn(c)Queensland(d)Queens答案: (c)17. New York has been home to several of the tallest buildings in the world such as ___________ .(a) the Statue of Liberty(b) New York Stock Exchange(c) the Empire State Building(d) the headquarters of the United Nations答案: (c)18. __________________, which spans the waterway connecting San Francisco Bay with the Pacific, is well known all over the world.(a) The Niagara Falls(b) The Golden Gate Bridge(c) The Statue of Liberty(d) The English Channel答案: (b)19. San Francisco's Chinatown is the largest Chinese community outside of ___________.(a) Asia(b) Mainland China(c) China(d) South-East Asia答案: (a)20. Hollywood is a district in the state of ________.(a) Florida(b) California(c) Ohio(d) Kentucky答案: (b)Explain the following terms.1.The British IslesThe British Isles is the name of some islands in Western Europe, separated from the European continent by the North Sea, the Strait of Dover and the English Channel. Among the islands, Great Britain and Ireland are the two main ones. The country of the U.K. mainly consists of these two islands.2.LondonLondon is the capital of both England and the United Kingdom, an d the world’s ninth largest city. As one of the world's most important business, financial and cultural centers, it carries a lot of influence in aspect of politics, education, entertainment, media, fashion and the arts. The city is also a major tourist destination for both domestic and overseas visitors.3.Edinburgh FestivalEdinburgh is well known for the annual Edinburgh Festival, the world’s largest arts festival. Established in 1947, it takes place in the city during three weeks every August alongside several other arts and cultural festivals, collectively known as the Edinburgh Festival.4. New York CityThe city of New York, the largest city in the United States, is known for its status as a financial, cultural, transportation, and manufacturing center. The city consists of five boroughs: The Bronx, Brooklyn, Manhattan, Queens, and Staten Island. Among American cities, New York is unique for its 24-hour mass transit, so the city is sometimes referred to as "The City that Never Sleeps". New York City is the most populous city in the United States, and it is unique for the density and diversity of its population.5. White HouseThe White House is the official residence and principal workplace of the President of the United States. It was built between 1792 and 1800 in the late Georgian style and has been the executive residence of every U.S. President since John Adams, the 2nd president of the U.S.6.HollywoodHollywood is a district in Los Angeles, California. Because it is well known as the historical center of movie studios and stars, the word "Hollywood" is often used as a symbol for the American film and television industry. Many historic Hollywood theaters are used as venues to premiere major theatrical releases and host the Academy Awards. Hollywood is a popular destination for nightlife and tourism and home to the Walk of Fame.Chapter 3 PoliticsTell whether each of the following statements is true or false.1.________ It is no doubt that U.K. is the oldest representative democracy in the world.答案:F2. ________The real importance of the monarch is largely traditional and symbolic.答案:T3. ________ The British Parliament consists of the Queen, the House of Lords and the House of Commons.答案:T4. ________ Life peers are elected by the British people.答案:FThe center of power of the U.K. has shifted from the monarch to the House ofLords.答案:F6. ________ The U.K., like Israel, has a written constitution of the sort which most countries have.答案:FCommon laws are laws which have been established through common practice in the courts.答案:T8. ________ There are two major national parties in the U.K. according to the text.答案:T9. ________ From 1979 to 1997, the Conservative Party won 4 elections under the leadership of Margret Thatcher and John Major.答案:T10.________ The Liberal Democratic Party is the newest of the major national parties.答案:F11. ________ The . Constitution set up a federal system.答案:T12. ________ The "Bill of Rights" was added to the Constitution in 1791.答案:T13. ________ Checks and balances is a system for limiting the powers of the House ofRepresentatives.答案:FThe main duty of the Congress is to make laws.答案:T15. ________ Most heavily populated districts have more senators than the small states.答案:F16. ________ The president can appoint any federal judges as he wishes.答案:F17. ________ The representatives of the House must be at least 35 years old.答案:FThe judicial branch consists of the Supreme Court, the Courts of Appeals and the district courts.答案:T19. ________ The United States has two major political parties: the Democratic Party and the Conservative Party.答案:F20. ________ The Democratic Party is considered to be a more liberal party.答案:TFill in the blanks with the correct information.1. The Parliament is composed of three parts: the queen, the House of ______, and the House of _________.答案: Lords; Commons2. Life peers should be nominated by _________, and appointed by____________.答案: the Prime Minister; the Sovereign/Queen3. In the U.K., the official head of state is_____________ while the real centre ofpolitical life is in____________.答案: the Queen; the House of Commons4. There are three major parties in the U.K.: the ____________, the ____________and the Liberal Party.答案: Conservative Party; Labour Party5. From 1979 to 1997, the ____________ Party won 4 consecutive elections and was in power for quite a long time.答案: Conservative6. The governmental power shared between the central government and the state government is called ________.答案: a federal system7. The U.S. federal government consists of the following three branches: the legislative branch, the ________ branch, and the ________ branch.答案: executive; judicial8. The Supreme Court is composed of________ chief justice and _______ associate justices.答案: one; eight9. The Congress is divided into___________ and the House of __________. The Senators serve six-year terms, and the Representatives serve ________-year terms.答案: Senate; Representatives; two10. The two major political parties are ________, which is thought to be more liberal, and ________, which is believed to be more conservative.答案: the Democratic Party; the Republican PartyChoose the correct answer on the basis of what is stated in the text.1. Which of the following is NOT the function of the Queen of the U.K.(a) She is the head of the government.(b) She is the head of the armed forces.(c) She governs the government.(d) Her role is ceremonial and formal.答案: (c)2. Which of the following about the Parliament is NOT true(a) The Queen is part of the Parliament.(b) It has the power of passing laws.(c) It has the power to check the government.(d) It consists of two parts.答案: (d)3. Which of the following about the House of Commons is NOT true(a) Members of Parliament elect the Cabinet.(b) MPs can be elected for limitless times.(c) MPs are expected to represent the interests of the public.(d) Most MPs belong to the major political parties.答案: (a)4. How many constituencies are there in the U.K.(a) 651(b) 326(c) 626(d) 351答案: (a)5. How many years does a parliament usually stand for(a) 3 years(b) 4 years(c) 5 years(d) 6 years答案: (c)6. Which British party supports a "free market"(a) The Conservative Party(b) The Liberal Democrats(c) The Party of Wales(d) The Labour Party答案: (a)7. Which group of people tends to support the Conservative Party(a) The middle class(b) The upper middle class(c) The working class(d) B oth a and b答案: (d)8. Which British party believes that the government is to act as a “redistributive” agent(a) The Conservative Party(b) The Liberal Democrats(c) The Party of Wales(d) The Labour Party答案: (d)9. Which of the following is a Conservative Party leader(a) Margret Thatcher。