PCB 工程部专业英文词汇词汇1.板料: material2.最低限度: minimum 或者min.3.最大限度: maximum 或者max.4.基准点(零点) datum point5.周期Date code6.V-cut余厚V-cut remain thickness7.抢电铜皮(假铜)dummy copper8.实物板actual board9.外形及尺寸错误dimension error10.异常情形error data file11.焊锡面与零件面对位偏差misregistration12.孔塞plug hole13.要求requirement14.缺少miss15.偏公差uneven tolerance16.补偿compensation17.表面处理surface treatment18.无铅喷锡Lead free HAL19.金手指斜边bevel of G/F20.制程能力process capability21.建议,暗示suggest22.确保ensure23.满足,达到meet24.为了in order to25.交货期delivery date26.绿油桥solder mask bridge 或者solder mask dam27.根据according to28.单边3mil per side 3 mil29.直径diameter30.半径radius 31.小于3mil less than 3mil32.高于3mil more than 3 mil33.压合结构stacking structure 或者stack_up34.附件:attached file35.样品:sample36.文档:Document37.答复:answer; reply38.规格:spec39.与...同样的:the same as40.前版本:previous version(old version)41.生产:production42.确认:confirm43.再次确认:confirm again44.工程问题:engineering query(EQ)45.尽快:as soon as possible46.生产文件:production Gerber47.联系某人:contact somebody48.提交样板:submit sample49.交货期:delivery date50.电测成本:ET(electrical test)cost51.通断测试:Open and short testing52.参考:refer to53.IPC标准:IPC standard54.IPC二级:IPC class 255.可接受的:acceptable56.允许:permit57.制造:manufacture 或者fabricate58.修改:revision59.公差:tolerance60.忽略:ignore61.工具孔:tooling hole62.安装孔:mounting hole63.元件孔:component hole64.槽孔:slot hole65.邮票孔:snap off hole 或者stamp hole66.导通孔:via hole67.盲孔:blind via hole68.埋孔:buried via hole69.金属化孔:PTH(plated through hole)70.非金属化孔:NPTH( no plated through hole)71.孔位:hole location72.避免:avoid73.原设计:original design74.修改:modify75.按原设计:follow up original design76.附边:waste tab, waste area 或者breakaway tab77.铜条:copper strip78.拼板:panel drawing79.板厚:board thickness80.删除:remove(delete)81.削铜:shave the copper82.露铜:copper exposure 或者exposed copper83.光标点: fiducial mark84.不同:be different from(differ from)85.内弧:inside radius86.焊环:annular ring87.单板尺寸:single size88.拼板尺寸:panel size89.铣,锣:routing90.铣刀:router 或者Routing bit91.楔形掏槽V-cut 或者V scoring92.哑光:matt93.光亮的:glossy94.锡珠:solder ball(solder plugs)95.阻焊:solder mask(solder resist)96.阻焊开窗:solder mask opening 97.单面开窗:single side mask opening98.补油:touch up solder mask99.补线:track welds100.毛刺:burrs101.去毛刺:deburr102.镀层厚度:plating thickness103.清洁度:cleanliness104.离子污染:ionic contamination105.阻燃性等级:flammability retardant rating 106.黑化:black oxidation107.棕化:brown oxidation108.红化:red oxidation109.可焊性不良:poor solderability110.焊料:solder111.包装:packaging112.角标:corner mark113.特性阻抗:characteristic impedance 114.正像:positive115.负片:negative116.镜像:mirror117.线宽:line width 或者trace width118.线距:line spacing 或者trace spacing 119.做样:build sample120.按照:according to121.成品:finished122.做变更:make the change123.相类似:similar to124.规格:specification125.下移:shift down126.垂直地:vertically127.水平的:horizontally128.增大:increase129.缩小:decrease130.表面处理:Surface Finishing131.波峰焊:wave solder132.钻孔数据:drilling data133.标记:Logo134.Ul 标记:UL logo,或者Ul Marking135.蚀刻标记:etched marking136.周期:date code137.翘曲:bow and twist138.外层:outer layer 或者external layer139.内层:inner layer 或者internal layer140.顶层:top layer141.底层:bottom layer142.元件面:component side143.焊接面:solder side144.阻焊层:solder mask layer145.字符层:legend layer (silkscreen layer or over layer) 146.兰胶层:peelable SM layer147.贴片层:paste mask layer148.碳油层:carbon layer149.外形层:outline layer(profile layer)150.白油:white ink151.绿油:green ink152.喷锡:hot air leveling (HAL)153.电金,水金:flash gold154.插头镀金:plated gold edge-board contacts155.金手指:Gold-finger156.防氧化:Entek (OSP)157.沉金:Immersion gold (chem. Gold)158.沉锡:Immersion Tin(chem.Tin)159.沉银:Immersion Silver (chem. silver)160.单面板:single sided board161.双面板:double sided board162.多层板:multilayer board 163.刚性板:rigid board164.挠性板:flexible board165.刚挠板:flex-rigid board166.铣:CNC (mill , routing)167.冲:punching168.倒角:beveling169.斜面:chamfer170.倒圆角:fillet171.尺寸:dimension172.材料:material173.介电常数:Dielectric constant 174.菲林:film175.成像:Imaging176.板镀:Panel Plating177.图镀:Pattern Plating178.后清洗:Final Cleaning179.叠层:stacking structure (stack-up) 180.污染焊盘:contaminate pad181.分孔图:drill chart 或者drill map 182.度数:degree183.被…覆盖:be covered with184.负公差:minus tolerance185.标靶盘:target pad186.外形公差:routing tolerance 187.芯板:core188.半固化片Prepreg189.阻抗线:impedance trace190.评估estimate191.玻纤显露Fiber Exposure192.底铜base copper193.工作搞working Gerber194.原稿original art work195.放宽relax196.挖空blanking 或者cut-out197.一般性阻焊油墨general resist ink198.孔位错误mis hole location199.压合周期press cycle200.毛边serrated edges201.跳印skip printing202.气泡blistering203.隔离焊盘isolated pad204.泪滴tear drops205.箭头arrows206.加大Enlarge207.压合周期press cycle208.毛边serrated edges209.跳印,漏印skip printing210.宽度与厚度的比值width-to-thickness ratio 211.调整adjust212.铜箔基板copper claded laminates213.线路露铜copper exposure214.孔内异物dirty hole215.椭圆形elliptical set216.纤维突出fiber protrusion217.填充料filler218.互相连通interconnection219.改善方案implementation220.板料使用率material use factor221.回路,网络network222.缺口nick223.氧化oxidation224.剥离(剥落) peeling off225.补线不良poor touch-up226.品质等级quality classification227.对位孔registration228.拒收rejectable 229.树脂含量resin content230.排列电阻resistor network231.锣刀(铣刀)routing bit232.孔内沾文字S/L on hole233.孔内绿漆S/M on hole234.线路沾锡solder on trace235.金手指沾锡solder on G/F236.废框scrap237.封孔处理sealing238.间距不足spacing non-enough 239.靶位孔target hole240.测试线路test circuit241.热应力试验thermal stress242.厚度分布thickness distribution 243.薄基板,内层板thin core244.线路缺口及针孔track nick & pin hole 245.裁切线trim line246.真平整true leveling247.真正位置的孔true position248.万用型universal249.气化室vaporizer250.仓库warehouse251.契尖角wedge angle252.线细width reduce253.良率yield254.渗铜,渗入,灯芯效应wicking255.允收acceptable256.试样点coupon location257.经核准的,被认可的approved258.超越胜过,超过其他exceed259.牛皮纸kraft paper260.孔壁破铜Hole void261.孔位破出Hole breakoutPCB生产—经典流程—英文培训教程A. 开料( Cut Lamination)a-1 裁板( Sheets Cutting)a-2 原物料发料(Panel)(Shear material to Size)B. 钻孔(Drilling)b-1 内钻(Inner Layer Drilling )b-2 一次孔(Outer Layer Drilling )b-3 二次孔(2nd Drilling)b-4 雷射钻孔(Laser Drilling )(Laser Ablation )b-5 盲(埋)孔钻孔(Blind & Buried Hole Drilling)C. 干膜制程( Photo Process(D/F))c-1 前处理(Pretreatment)c-2 压膜(Dry Film Lamination)c-3 曝光(Exposure)c-4 显影(Developing)c-5 蚀铜(Etching)c-6 去膜(Stripping)c-7 初检( Touch-up)c-8 化学前处理,化学研磨( Chemical Milling )c-9 选择性浸金压膜(Selective Gold Dry Film Lamination) c-10 显影(Developing )c-11 去膜(Stripping )Developing , Etching & Stripping ( DES )D. 压合Laminationd-1 黑化(Black Oxide Treatment)d-2 微蚀(Microetching)d-3 铆钉组合(eyelet )d-4 叠板(Lay up)d-5 压合(Lamination)d-6 后处理(Post Treatment)d-7 黑氧化( Black Oxide Removal ) d-8 铣靶(spot face)d-9 去溢胶(resin flush removal)E. 减铜(Copper Reduction)e-1 薄化铜(Copper Reduction)F. 电镀(Horizontal Electrolytic Plating)f-1 水平电镀(Horizontal Electro-Plating) (Panel Plating) f-2 锡铅电镀( Tin-Lead Plating ) (Pattern Plating)f-3 低于1 mil ( Less than 1 mil Thickness )f-4 高于1 mil ( More than 1 mil Thickness)f-5 砂带研磨(Belt Sanding)f-6 剥锡铅( Tin-Lead Stripping)f-7 微切片( Microsection)G. 塞孔(Plug Hole)g-1 印刷( Ink Print )g-2 预烤(Precure)g-3 表面刷磨(Scrub)g-4 后烘烤(Postcure)H. 防焊(绿漆/绿油): (Solder Mask)h-1 C面印刷(Printing Top Side)h-2 S面印刷(Printing Bottom Side)h-3 静电喷涂(Spray Coating)h-4 前处理(Pretreatment)h-5 预烤(Precure)h-6 曝光(Exposure)h-7 显影(Develop)h-8 后烘烤(Postcure)h-9 UV烘烤(UV Cure)h-10 文字印刷( Printing of Legend )h-11 喷砂( Pumice)(Wet Blasting)h-12 印可剥离防焊(Peelable Solder Mask)I . 镀金Gold platingi-1 金手指镀镍金( Gold Finger )i-2 电镀软金(Soft Ni/Au Plating)i-3 浸镍金( Immersion Ni/Au) (Electroless Ni/Au)J. 喷锡(Hot Air Solder Leveling)j-1 水平喷锡(Horizontal Hot Air Solder Leveling)j-2 垂直喷锡( Vertical Hot Air Solder Leveling)j-3 超级焊锡(Super Solder )j-4. 印焊锡突点(Solder Bump)K. 成型(Profile)(Form)k-1 捞型(N/C Routing ) (Milling)k-2 模具冲(Punch)k-3 板面清洗烘烤(Cleaning & Backing)k-4 V型槽( V-Cut)(V-Scoring)k-5 金手指斜边( Beveling of G/F)L. 开短路测试(Electrical Testing) (Continuity & Insulation Testing) l-1 AOI 光学检查( AOI Inspection)l-2 VRS 目检(Verified & Repaired)l-3 泛用型治具测试(Universal Tester)l-4 专用治具测试(Dedicated Tester)l-5 飞针测试(Flying Probe)M. 终检( Final Visual Inspection)m-1 压板翘( Warpage Remove)m-2 X-OUT 印刷(X-Out Marking)m-3 包装及出货(Packing & shipping)m-4 目检( Visual Inspection)m-5 清洗及烘烤( Final Clean & Baking)m-6 护铜剂(ENTEK Cu-106A)(OSP)m-7 离子残余量测试(Ionic Contamination Test )(Cleanliness Test)m-8 冷热冲击试验(Thermal cycling Testing)m-9 焊锡性试验( Solderability Testing )N. 雷射钻孔(Laser Ablation)N-1 雷射钻Tooling孔(Laser ablation Tooling Hole)N-2 雷射曝光对位孔(Laser Ablation Registration Hole)N-3 雷射Mask制作(Laser Mask)N-4 雷射钻孔(Laser Ablation) N-5 AOI 检查及VRS ( AOI Inspection & Verified & Repaired) N-6 Blaser AOI (after Desmear and Microetching)N-7 除胶渣(Desmear)N-8 微蚀(Microetching )。
冶金专业英语词汇(G)gadolinite 硅铍钇矿钕gadolinium 钆gage 尺度;计gage pressure 计示压力gage reduction 厚度压减gage rod 探尺gagging 矫正gahnite 锌尖晶石galactite 乳石galena 方铅矿galenite 方铅矿galling 磨损gallium 镓gallon 加仑galvanic coating 电镀galvanic corrosion 电化腐蚀galvanization 电镀galvanized prestressed steel 预应力镀锌钢galvanized sheet 镀锌薄板galvanized tube 镀锌管galvanized wire 镀锌丝galvanizing 镀锌galvanizing line 镀锌线galvanizing pot 镀锌槽galvanoplastics 电铸galvanoplasty 电铸galvanostegy 电镀gamma iron 铁gamma ray test 射线探伤gamma rays 射线gamma solid solution 固溶体gamma thickness gage 射线测厚仪gangue 脉石ganister 致密硅石gantry crane 龙门式起重机gap adjustment 轧辊间隙蝶garnierite 硅镁镍矿garret reel 加勒特式线材卷取机gas 气体gas absorption 气体吸收gas analyser 气体分析器gas analysis 气体分析gas analysis apparatus 气体分析装置gas atmosphere 气氛gas atomization 气体雾化gas black 气黑gas blower 煤气鼓风机gas boriding 气体渗硼gas brazing 焰炬加热断焊gas bubble 气泡gas burner 煤气燃烧器gas calorimeter 煤气量热器gas carbonitriding 气体碳氮共渗gas carburizing 气体渗碳gas cavity 气孔gas chromatographic analysis 气相色谱分析gas chromatography 气体色谱法gas cleaner 净气器gas cleaning 煤气净化gas coal 气煤gas coke 气化焦炭gas compressor 煤气压缩机gas conduit 煤气导管gas constant 气体常数gas cooler 气体冷却器gas corrosion 气体腐蚀gas curtain 气体帘幕gas cutter 气割器gas cutting 氧气切断gas cutting machine 火焰切割机gas cylinder 气瓶gas distribution 气体分布gas down take 煤气降下管gas dynamics 气体动力学gas environment 气氛gas evolution 气体析出gas expelling 脱气gas fired furnace 煤气燃烧炉gas flue 煤气通道gas furnace 煤气炉gas gate valve 煤气闸阀gas generator 煤气发生炉gas gouging 火焰刨槽gas heating 煤气加热gas impermeability 不透气性gas injection 吹气gas line 煤气管线gas line pipe 煤气管线用管gas mixture 气体混合物gas nitriding 气体氮化gas nitrocarburizing 气体共渗氮碳gas permeability 透气性gas pickling 气体浸蚀gas pipe 气管gas pocket 气阱gas porosity 气孔性gas port 煤气喷口gas pressure 煤气压力gas pressure welding 气体压力焊接gas producer 煤气发生炉gas purification 煤气净化gas purifier 净气器gas quenching 气体零火gas reforming 煤气变换gas release 气体放出gas removal 脱气gas scrubbing 煤气洗涤gas seal 气封gas separation 气体分离gas separator 气体分离器gas shielded arc welding 气体保护弧焊gas siliconizing 气体渗硅gas stirring 气体搅拌gas supply 煤气供应gas thermometer 气体温度计gas up take 煤气上升管gas valve 煤气阀gas washer 洗气器gas washing 煤气洗涤gas welder 气焊工gas welding 气焊gas welding equipment 气焊装置gaseous carburization 气体渗碳gaseous corrosion 气体腐蚀gaseous fuel 气体燃料gaseous phase 气相gasholder 储煤气柜gasification 气化gasket 密封垫gasket cement 填密料gassing 放气gate 闭锁器gate stick 浇口棒gated pattern 带浇口的铸模gathering table 收集辊道gating system 浇铸系统gauss 高斯gear 齿轮gear box 齿轮箱gear case 齿轮箱gear drive 齿轮传动gel 凝胶gelatin 煤general corrosion 全面腐蚀general waviness 总波纹generator 发电机generator furnace 煤气发生炉generator gas 发生炉煤气gentleman 软焊料用旋转机germ 核german silver 锌白铜germanite 锗石germanium 锗gersdorffite 辉砷镍矿getter 吸气剂ghost lines 鬼线gibbs free energy 自由焓gibbs thermodynamic potential 等压等温位gibbsite 水铝矿gilding 镀金gilsonite 硬沥青gilt 镀金girder 梁girder mill 钢梁轧机girth welding 环缝焊接glance coal 亮煤glass extrusion 玻璃润滑热挤压glass wool 玻璃棉glassy feldspar 透长石glauber's salt 芒硝glauberite 钙芒硝glaucodot 铁硫砷钴矿glauconite 海绿石glazed pig 高硅生铁glazing 抛光glazy pig 高硅生铁glide 滑移glide dislocation 滑移位错glide plane 滑移面glissile dislocation 滑动位错globular cementite 粒状渗碳体globular inclusion 球状夹杂物globular perlite 球状珠光体globular structure 球状结构globule 小球;珠滴globulites 球雏晶globurizing 球状化glow discharge 辉光放电glow discharge boriding 辉光放电渗硼glow discharge carbonitriding 辉光放电碳氮化glow discharge nitriding 辉光放电氮化glut weld v 形焊缝gneiss 片麻岩goethite 针铁矿gold 金gold amalgam 金汞膏gold beating 金箔制造gold bronze 金青铜gold bullion 金块gold chloride 氯化金gold cyanide 氰化金gold dust 金粉gold foil 金箔gold leaf 金箔gold ore 金矿石gold plating 镀金gold point 金点gold telluride 二碲化金goldschmidt's process 高氏铝热还原法goldsmithing 金饰工术goniometer 测角仪gooseneck 鹅颈管goslarite 皓矾goss texture 高斯织构gothic groove 弧边菱形孔型gothic pass 弧边菱形孔型gouging 开槽governor valve 第阀grab crane 抓斗起重机grade of steel 钢种gradient 梯度grading 分级grading analysis 粒度分析graduation 刻度grain 粒grain boundary 晶界grain boundary attack 晶界腐蚀grain boundary corrosion 晶界腐蚀grain boundary diffusion 晶界扩散grain boundary dislocation 晶界位错grain boundary migration 晶界移动grain boundary porosity 晶界气孔grain boundary precipitates 晶界沉淀物grain boundary segregation 晶界偏析grain boundary slip 晶界滑动grain composition 粒度组成grain fineness 细晶粒度grain growth 晶粒长大grain growth annealing 晶粒长大退火grain orientation 晶粒取向grain refining 细晶化grain segregation 晶内偏析grain size 粒度grain size analysis 粒度分析grain size number 粒度号数grain structure 晶粒结构graining 粒化granular cementite 粒状渗碳体granular powder 粒状粉granular structure 粒状组织granularity 粒度granulated copper 粒状铜granulated iron 粒化生铁granulated metal 粒状金属granulated powder 粒状粉granulated slag 水碎炉渣granulating 成粒granulating basin 水渣池granulating machine 制粒机granulating pit 水渣池granulation 成粒granule 细粒granulometric composition 粒度组成granulometric curve 粒度曲线graph 曲线图graphite 黑铅状碳素graphite brick 石墨砖graphite bronze 石墨青铜graphite carbon 石墨碳graphite crucible 石墨坩埚graphite electrode 石墨电极graphite eutectic 石墨共晶graphite metal 铅基轴承合金graphitic carbon 黑铅状碳素graphitic cast iron 灰铸铁graphitic corrosion 石墨腐蚀graphitic embrittlement 石墨脆性graphitic nitralloy 石墨氮化graphitic pig iron 灰口铁graphitic steel 石墨钢graphitizable steel 可石墨化钢graphitization 石墨化graphitizator 石墨化剂graphitized steel 石墨钢graphitizer 石墨化剂graphitizing 石墨化graphitizing annealing 石墨化退火grate 格子grate bar 炉篚grate stoker 链笥煤机grate surface 炉箧grating 炉篦gravimetric analysis 重量分析gravimetric method 重量法gravity casting 重力浇注gravity concentration 重力选矿gravity segregation 重力偏析gravity separation 重力选矿gray body 灰体gray forge pig 可锻灰生铁gray iron 灰铸铁;灰生铁gray slag 灰色矿渣gray tin 灰锡grease marks 油痕green anode 生阳极green brick 不烧砖green compact 生坯压坯green core 湿砂型芯green density 生跑度green gold 绿金green molding 湿砂造型green pellets 生球团green permeability 生砂通气度green sand 湿型砂green sand mold 湿砂型green sludge 绿色淤渣green strength 生趴度green vitriol 绿矾green volume 生佩积greenawalt pan 格林纳瓦尔特盘式烧结机greenockite 硫镉矿grena 原矿grid method 网络法griffith's crack 格里菲思脆性裂纹grindability 粉碎能力grinder 磨床grinding 粉碎grinding machine 磨床grinding paste 研磨膏grinding wheel 研磨砂轮gripper 夹钳gripping 咬入gripping angle 咬入角grit 碎石grit blasting 喷丸清理grizzly 栅筛grog 熟料groove 凹槽;孔型groove angle 坡口角度groove cutting 切槽groove face 坡口面groove rolling 孔型轧制grooved roll 有槽轧辊grooving 孔型设计gross calorific value 总热值gross heating value 总热值group drive 集体传动group teeming car 成盘浇注车growth front 生长阵面guard 导板guard plate 保护板guard valve 安全阀guide 导向装置guide bar 导杆guide box 导板箱guide fittings 轧辊导卫装置guide marks 导卫划痕guide mill 带围板的轧机guide pin 导销guide pulley 导轮guide roll 导辊guide scratch 导卫划痕guillotine shears 铡刀式剪切机guinier preston zone 纪尼埃普雷斯顿区gummite 脂铅铀矿gun 焊枪gun bronze 炮铜gun iron 钢性铸铁gun metal 炮铜gunning mix 喷补混合物gutter 鳞gypsum 石膏gypsum molding 石膏造型gypsum pattern 石膏模型gyratory breaker 旋回破碎机gyratory crusher 旋回破碎机。
ABS塑料电镀plastic plating processpH计pH meter 测定溶液pH值的仪器。
螯合剂chelating agent 能与金属离子形成螯合物的物质。
半光亮镍电镀semi-bright nickel plating solution表面活性剂surface active agent(surfactant) 能显著降低界面张力的物质,常用作洗涤剂、乳化剂、润湿剂、分散剂、起泡剂等。
不连续水膜water break 制件表面因污染所引起的不均匀润湿性而使其水膜不连续的现象,这是一种检查清洗程度的方法。
超声波清洗ultrasonic cleaning 用超声波作用于清洗溶液,以更有效地除去制件表面油污及其他杂质的方法。
冲击镀strik plating 在特定的溶液中以高的电流密度,短时间电沉积出金属薄层,以改善随后沉积镀层与基体间结合力的方法。
除氢removal of hydrogen(de-embrittlement) 金属制件在一定温度下加热或采用其他处理方法以驱除金属内部吸收氢的过程。
粗化roughening 用机械法或化学法除去金属制件表面得到微观粗糙,使之由憎液性变为亲液性,以提高镀层与制件表面之间的结合力的一种非导电材料化学镀前处理工艺。
大气暴露试验atmospheric corrosion rest 在不同气候区的暴晒场按规定方法进行的一种检验镀层耐大气腐蚀性能的试验。
电镀electroplating 利用电解在制件表面形成均匀、致密、结合良好的金属或合金沉积层的过程。
电镀用阳极anodes for plating电解浸蚀electrolytic pickling 金属制件作为阳极或阴极在电解质溶液中进行电解以清除制件表面氧化物和锈蚀物的过程。
电抛光electropolishing 金属制件在合适的溶液中进行阳极极化处理以使表面平滑、光亮的过程。
电铸electroforming 通过电解使金属沉积在铸模上制造或复制金属制品(能将铸模和金属沉积物分开)的过程。
镀前处理 镀后处理 化学抛光 化学除油 机械抛光 电 抛 光 光亮浸蚀 电解除油 电解浸蚀 乳化除油 喷射清洗 弱浸蚀 强浸蚀 preplating postplating chemical polishing alkaline degreasing mechanical polishing electropolishing bright pickling electrolytic degreasing electrolytic pickling emulsion degreasing spray rinsing acid dipping pickling 粗化 敏化 浸亮 刷光 除氢 退火 热熔 着色 脱色 喷丸 喷砂 滚光 磨光 roughening sensitization bright dipping brushing removal of hydrogen (de-embrittlement ) annealing hot melting colouring decolorization shot blasting sand blasting barrel burnishing grinding 渗氢 磷化 乳化 钝化 退镀 汞齐化 热扩散 着色能力 逆流漂洗 超声波清洗 有机溶剂除油 缎面加工 seepage hydrogen phosphating emulsification passivation stripping amalgamation (blue dip) thermal diffusion dyeing power countercurrent rinsing ultrasonic cleaning solvent degreasing satin finish
塑料电镀 高速电镀 多层电镀 钢铁发蓝 转 化 膜 化学钝化 化学氧化 阳极氧化 金属电沉积 周期转向电镀 化学气相沉积 复合电镀(弥散电镀) 化学镀(自催化镀)
电镀专业术语英汉翻译镀(Plating)电镀(Electroplating)自催化镀(Auto-catalytic Plating)化学镀(Chemical Plating)无电镀(Electroless Plating)浸渍镀(Immersion Plating)阳极氧化(Anodizing)化学转化层(Chemical Conversion Coating)钢铁发蓝(Blackening),俗称”发黑“钢铁磷化(Phosphating)铬酸盐处理(Chromating)金属染色(Metal Colouring)涂装(Paint Finishing),包括各种涂装如手工涂装、静电涂装、电泳涂装等热浸镀(Hot dip)热浸镀锌(Galvanizing),俗称"铅水"热浸镀锡(Tinning)PVD 物理气相沈积法(Physical Vapor Deposition)真空镀(Vacuum Plating)离子镀(Ion Plating)CVD 化学气相沈积法(Chemical Vapor Deposition)1 大气暴露试验atmospheric corrosion test2 中性盐雾试验(NSS试验) neutral salt spray test(NSS-test)3 不连续水膜water break4 pH计pH meter5 孔隙率porosity6 内应力internal stress7 电导仪conductivity gauge8 库仑计(电量计) coulomb meter9 旋转圆盘电极rotating disk electrode10 旋转环盘电极rotating ring disk electrode11 针孔pores12 铜加速盐雾试验(CASS试验) copper accelerated salt spray (CASS test ).13 参比电极reference electrode14 甘汞电极calomel electrode15 可焊性solder ability16 硬度hardness17 金属变色tarnish18 点滴腐蚀试验dropping corrosion test19 玻璃电极glass electode20 结合力adhesion21 哈林槽Haring cell22 恒电势法potentiostatic method23 恒电流法galvanostatic method24 交流电流法a.c method25 树枝状结晶trees26 脆性brittleness27 起皮peeling28 起泡blister29 剥离spalling30 桔皮orange peel。
电镀术语及英文翻译ABS塑料电镀plastic plating processpH计pH meter 测定溶液pH值的仪器。
螯合剂chelating agent 能与金属离子形成螯合物的物质。
半光亮镍电镀semi-bright nickel plating solution表面活性剂surface active agent(surfactant) 能显著降低界面张力的物质,常用作洗涤剂、乳化剂、润湿剂、分散剂、起泡剂等。
不连续水膜water break 制件表面因污染所引起的不均匀润湿性而使其水膜不连续的现象,这是一种检查清洗程度的方法。
超声波清洗ultrasonic cleaning 用超声波作用于清洗溶液,以更有效地除去制件表面油污及其他杂质的方法。
冲击镀strik plating 在特定的溶液中以高的电流密度,短时间电沉积出金属薄层,以改善随后沉积镀层与基体间结合力的方法。
除氢removal of hydrogen(de-embrittlement) 金属制件在一定温度下加热或采用其他处理方法以驱除金属内部吸收氢的过程。
粗化roughening 用机械法或化学法除去金属制件表面得到微观粗糙,使之由憎液性变为亲液性,以提高镀层与制件表面之间的结合力的一种非导电材料化学镀前处理工艺。
大气暴露试验atmospheric corrosion rest 在不同气候区的暴晒场按规定方法进行的一种检验镀层耐大气腐蚀性能的试验。
电镀electroplating 利用电解在制件表面形成均匀、致密、结合良好的金属或合金沉积层的过程。
电镀用阳极anodes for plating电解浸蚀electrolytic pickling 金属制件作为阳极或阴极在电解质溶液中进行电解以清除制件表面氧化物和锈蚀物的过程。
电抛光electropolishing 金属制件在合适的溶液中进行阳极极化处理以使表面平滑、光亮的过程。
电镀专业术语中英文对照1 大气暴露试验atmospheric corrosion test2 中性盐雾试验(NSS试验) neutral salt spray test(NSS-test)3 不连续水膜water break4 pH计pH meter5 孔隙率porosity6 内应力internal stress7 电导仪conductivity gauge8 库仑计(电量计)coulomb meter9 旋转圆盘电极rotating disk electrode10 旋转环盘电极rotating ring disk electrode11 针孔pores12 铜加速盐雾试验(CASS试验)copper accelerated salt spray (CASS test ).13 参比电极reference electrode14 甘汞电极calomel electrode15 可焊性solder ability16 硬度hardness17 金属变色tarnish18 点滴腐蚀试验dropping corrosion test19 玻璃电极glass electode20 结合力adhesion21 哈林槽Haring cell22 恒电势法potentiostatic method23 恒电流法galvanostatic method24 交流电流法a.c method25 树枝状结晶trees26 脆性brittleness27 起皮peeling28 起泡blister29 剥离力试验机spalling30 桔皮orange peel简单的电镀术语—中英对照镀(Plating)电镀(Electroplating)自催化镀(Auto-catalytic Plating)化学镀(Chemical Plating)无电镀(Electroless Plating)浸渍镀(Immersion Plating)阳极氧化(Anodizing)化学转化层(Chemical Conversion Coating)钢铁发蓝(Blackening),俗称”发黑“钢铁磷化(Phosphating)铬酸盐处理(Chromating)金属染色(Metal Colouring)涂装(Paint Finishing),包括各种涂装如手工涂装、静电涂装、电泳涂装等热浸镀(Hot dip)热浸镀锌(Galvanizing),俗称"铅水”热浸镀锡(Tinning)PVD 物理气相沈积法(Physical Vapor Deposition)真空镀(Vacuum Plating)离子镀(Ion Plating)CVD 化学气相沈积法(Chemical Vapor Deposition)电镀术语解释及英文名称ABS塑料电镀plastic plating processpH计pH meter 测定溶液pH值的仪器。
1. Electroplating: 电镀
2. Gold plating: 镀金
3. Silver plating: 镀银
4. Copper plating: 镀铜
5. Cadmium plating: 镀镉
6. Zinc plating: 镀锌
7. Nickel plating: 镀镍
8. Chrome plating: 镀铬
9. Anodizing: 阳极氧化
10. Galvanization: 电镀锌
11. Electroless plating: 化学镀
12. Thickness: 厚度
13. Adhesion: 粘附力
14. Corrosion resistance: 耐腐蚀性
15. Surface finish: 表面光洁度
16. Plating solution: 镀液
17. Plating bath: 镀液槽
18. Cathode: 阴极
19. Anode: 阳极
20. Current density: 电流密度
21. Plating ti 镀时间
22. Plating temperature: 镀液温度
23. Brightness: 亮度
24. Satin finish: 缎面效果
25. Matte finish: 雾面效果
电镀专业英语Brass plating 黄(青)铜电镀post-treatment process 后处理Cyanide copper plating 氰化物镀铜cyanic 含氰的Degrease 除油vt alkaline (chemical) degreasing 化学除油Electrolytic degreasing 电解除油Wetting agent 表面润湿剂acid dipping 酸浸蚀Flash plating 闪镀brush plating 刷镀Positive ion 阳离子(cation) negative ion 阴离子(anion)The positive pole阳极anode the negative pole 阴极cathodeAdditive添加剂stripping 退镀Plastic plating 塑料电镀printed circuit boards plating 线路板电镀Passivating treatment 钝化处理chrome铬chromic 三价铬的chromate 铬酸盐Anode bag 阳极袋swept cathode 移动阴极sweep 扫,挥动n/vPearl bright nickel plating 镀珍珠镍rectifier 整流器Levelling agent 平整剂neutral salt spray test 中性盐雾实验Coloring 着色alloy 合金pH meter pH计chelate agent螯合剂semi-bright nickel plating 半光亮镀镍surface active agent 表面活性剂Ultrasonic cleaning 超声波清洗strike nickel plating 冲击镍strike 打,击,罢工n/v Removal of hydrogen 除氢atmosphere corrosion test 大气暴露实验Preplating 镀前处理Electropolishing 电抛光chemical polishing 化学抛光Sealing 封闭seal 封条,封铅,V封Composite(complex)plating 复合电镀rack plating 挂镀rack 挂架n,折磨使紧张Plating rack 挂具brightening agent 光亮剂brighten 使明亮,使愉快Content 含量buffer 缓冲剂起缓冲作用的物(人)V缓冲Insulation layer 绝缘层insulate pulse plating 脉冲电镀Internal stress 内应力surface activity 表面活性Surface active agent表面Semi-bright nickel plating 半光亮镍Barrel plating 滚镀metal electric deposition 金属电沉积Porosity 孔隙率electroplating chemical cleaner 电镀化学清洗剂。
实用文档PCB 工程部专业英文词汇词汇1.板料: material2.最低限度: minimum 或者min.3.最大限度: maximum 或者max.4.基准点(零点) datum point5.周期Date code6.V-cut余厚V-cut remain thickness7.抢电铜皮〔假铜〕dummy copper8.实物板actual board9.外形及尺寸错误dimension error10.异常情形error data file11.焊锡面与零件面对位偏差misregistration12.孔塞plug hole13.要求requirement14.缺少miss15.偏公差uneven tolerance16.补偿compensation17.外表处理surface treatment18.无铅喷锡Lead free HAL19.金手指斜边bevel of G/F20.制程能力process capability21.建议,暗示suggest22.确保ensure23.满足,到达meet24.为了in order to25.交货期delivery date26.绿油桥solder mask bridge 或者solder mask dam27.根据according to 28.单边3mil per side 3 mil29.直径diameter30.半径radius31.小于3mil less than 3mil32.高于3mil more than 3 mil33.压合结构stacking structure 或者stack_up34.附件:attached file35.样品:sample36.文档:Document37.答复:answer; reply38.规格:spec39.与...同样的:the same as40.前版本:previous version(old version)41.生产:production42.确认:confirm43.再次确认:confirm again44.工程问题:engineering query〔EQ〕45.尽快:as soon as possible46.生产文件:production Gerber47.联系某人:contact somebody48.提交样板:submit sample49.交货期:delivery date50.电测本钱:ET〔electrical test〕cost51.通断测试:Open and short testing52.参考:refer to53.IPC标准:IPC standard54.IPC二级:IPC class 255.可接受的:acceptable56.允许:permit57.制造:manufacture 或者fabricate实用文档58.修改:revision59.公差:tolerance60.忽略:ignore61.工具孔:tooling hole62.安装孔:mounting hole63.元件孔:component hole64.槽孔:slot hole65.邮票孔:snap off hole 或者stamp hole66.导通孔:via hole67.盲孔:blind via hole68.埋孔:buried via hole69.金属化孔:PTH(plated through hole)70.非金属化孔:NPTH( no plated through hole)71.孔位:hole location72.防止:avoid73.原设计:original design74.修改:modify75.按原设计:follow up original design76.附边:waste tab, waste area 或者breakaway tab77.铜条:copper strip78.拼板:panel drawing79.板厚:board thickness80.删除:remove(delete)81.削铜:shave the copper82.露铜:copper exposure 或者exposed copper83.光标点: fiducial mark84.不同:be different from(differ from)85.内弧:inside radius86.焊环:annular ring87.单板尺寸:single size 88.拼板尺寸:panel size89.铣,锣:routing90.铣刀:router 或者Routing bit91.楔形掏槽V-cut 或者V scoring92.哑光:matt93.光亮的:glossy94.锡珠:solder ball(solder plugs)95.阻焊:solder mask(solder resist)96.阻焊开窗:solder mask opening97.单面开窗:single side mask opening98.补油:touch up solder mask99.补线:track welds100.毛刺:burrs101.去毛刺:deburr102.镀层厚度:plating thickness103.清洁度:cleanliness104.离子污染:ionic contamination105.阻燃性等级:flammability retardant rating 106.黑化:black oxidation107.棕化:brown oxidation108.红化:red oxidation109.可焊性不良:poor solderability110.焊料:solder111.包装:packaging112.角标:corner mark113.特性阻抗:characteristic impedance 114.正像:positive115.负片:negative116.镜像:mirror117.线宽:line width 或者trace width实用文档118.线距:line spacing 或者trace spacing119.做样:build sample120.按照:according to121.成品:finished122.做变更:make the change123.相类似:similar to124.规格:specification125.下移:shift down126.垂直地:vertically127.水平的:horizontally128.增大:increase129.缩小:decrease130.外表处理:Surface Finishing131.波峰焊:wave solder132.钻孔数据:drilling data133.标记:Logo134.Ul 标记:UL logo,或者Ul Marking135.蚀刻标记:etched marking136.周期:date code137.翘曲:bow and twist138.外层:outer layer 或者external layer139.内层:inner layer 或者internal layer140.顶层:top layer141.底层:bottom layer142.元件面:component side143.焊接面:solder side144.阻焊层:solder mask layer145.字符层:legend layer (silkscreen layer or over layer) 146.兰胶层:peelable SM layer147.贴片层:paste mask layer 148.碳油层:carbon layer149.外形层:outline layer(profile layer)150.白油:white ink151.绿油:green ink152.喷锡:hot air leveling (HAL)153.电金,水金:flash gold154.插头镀金:plated gold edge-board contacts 155.金手指:Gold-finger156.防氧化:Entek (OSP)157.沉金:Immersion gold (chem. Gold)158.沉锡:Immersion Tin(chem.Tin)159.沉银:Immersion Silver (chem. silver) 160.单面板:single sided board161.双面板:double sided board162.多层板:multilayer board163.刚性板:rigid board164.挠性板:flexible board165.刚挠板:flex-rigid board166.铣:CNC (mill , routing)167.冲:punching168.倒角:beveling169.斜面:chamfer170.倒圆角:fillet171.尺寸:dimension172.材料:material173.介电常数:Dielectric constant174.菲林:film175.成像:Imaging176.板镀:Panel Plating177.图镀:Pattern Plating实用文档178.后清洗:Final Cleaning179.叠层:stacking structure (stack-up) 180.污染焊盘:contaminate pad181.分孔图:drill chart 或者drill map 182.度数:degree183.被…覆盖:be covered with184.负公差:minus tolerance185.标靶盘:target pad186.外形公差:routing tolerance 187.芯板:core188.半固化片Prepreg189.阻抗线:impedance trace190.评估estimate191.玻纤显露Fiber Exposure192.底铜base copper193.工作搞working Gerber194.原稿original art work195.放宽relax196.挖空blanking 或者cut-out 197.一般性阻焊油墨general resist ink 198.孔位错误mis hole location 199.压合周期press cycle200.毛边serrated edges201.跳印skip printing202.气泡blistering203.隔离焊盘isolated pad204.泪滴tear drops205.箭头arrows206.加大Enlarge207.压合周期press cycle 208.毛边serrated edges209.跳印,漏印skip printing210.宽度与厚度的比值width-to-thickness ratio 211.调整adjust212.铜箔基板copper claded laminates213.线路露铜copper exposure214.孔内异物dirty hole215.椭圆形elliptical set216.纤维突出fiber protrusion217.填充料filler218.互相连通interconnection219.改善方案implementation220.板料使用率material use factor221.回路,网络network222.缺口nick223.氧化oxidation224.剥离(剥落) peeling off225.补线不良poor touch-up226.品质等级quality classification227.对位孔registration228.拒收rejectable229.树脂含量resin content230.排列电阻resistor network231.锣刀〔铣刀〕routing bit232.孔内沾文字S/L on hole233.孔内绿漆S/M on hole234.线路沾锡solder on trace235.金手指沾锡solder on G/F236.废框scrap237.封孔处理sealing实用文档238.间距缺乏spacing non-enough239.靶位孔target hole240.测试线路test circuit241.热应力试验thermal stress242.厚度分布thickness distribution243.薄基板,内层板thin core244.线路缺口及针孔track nick & pin hole245.裁切线trim line246.真平整true leveling247.真正位置的孔true position248.万用型universal249.气化室vaporizer250.仓库warehouse251.契尖角wedge angle252.线细width reduce253.良率yield254.渗铜,渗入,灯芯效应wicking255.允收acceptable256.试样点coupon location257.经核准的,被认可的approved258.超越胜过,超过其他exceed259.牛皮纸kraft paper260.孔壁破铜Hole void261.孔位破出Hole breakoutPCB生产—经典流程—英文培训教程A. 开料( Cut Lamination)a-1 裁板( Sheets Cutting)a-2 原物料发料(Panel)(Shear material to Size) B. 钻孔(Drilling)b-1 内钻(Inner Layer Drilling )b-2 一次孔(Outer Layer Drilling )b-3 二次孔(2nd Drilling)b-4 雷射钻孔(Laser Drilling )(Laser Ablation )b-5 盲(埋)孔钻孔(Blind & Buried Hole Drilling)C. 干膜制程( Photo Process(D/F))c-1 前处理(Pretreatment)c-2 压膜(Dry Film Lamination)c-3 曝光(Exposure)c-4 显影(Developing)c-5 蚀铜(Etching)c-6 去膜(Stripping)c-7 初检( Touch-up)c-8 化学前处理,化学研磨( Chemical Milling )c-9 选择性浸金压膜(Selective Gold Dry Film Lamination) c-10 显影(Developing )c-11 去膜(Stripping )Developing , Etching & Stripping ( DES )D. 压合Laminationd-1 黑化(Black Oxide Treatment)d-2 微蚀(Microetching)d-3 铆钉组合(eyelet )d-4 叠板(Lay up)d-5 压合(Lamination)d-6 后处理(Post Treatment)d-7 黑氧化( Black Oxide Removal )d-8 铣靶(spot face)d-9 去溢胶(resin flush removal)E. 减铜(Copper Reduction)实用文档e-1 薄化铜(Copper Reduction)F. 电镀(Horizontal Electrolytic Plating)f-1 水平电镀(Horizontal Electro-Plating) (Panel Plating) f-2 锡铅电镀( Tin-Lead Plating ) (Pattern Plating)f-3 低于1 mil ( Less than 1 mil Thickness )f-4 高于1 mil ( More than 1 mil Thickness)f-5 砂带研磨(Belt Sanding)f-6 剥锡铅( Tin-Lead Stripping)f-7 微切片( Microsection)G. 塞孔(Plug Hole)g-1 印刷( Ink Print )g-2 预烤(Precure)g-3 外表刷磨(Scrub)g-4 后烘烤(Postcure)H. 防焊(绿漆/绿油): (Solder Mask)h-1 C面印刷(Printing Top Side)h-2 S面印刷(Printing Bottom Side)h-3 静电喷涂(Spray Coating)h-4 前处理(Pretreatment)h-5 预烤(Precure)h-6 曝光(Exposure)h-7 显影(Develop)h-8 后烘烤(Postcure)h-9 UV烘烤(UV Cure)h-10 文字印刷( Printing of Legend )h-11 喷砂( Pumice)(Wet Blasting)h-12 印可剥离防焊(Peelable Solder Mask)I . 镀金Gold platingi-1 金手指镀镍金( Gold Finger )i-2 电镀软金(Soft Ni/Au Plating) i-3 浸镍金( Immersion Ni/Au) (Electroless Ni/Au)J. 喷锡(Hot Air Solder Leveling)j-1 水平喷锡(Horizontal Hot Air Solder Leveling)j-2 垂直喷锡( Vertical Hot Air Solder Leveling)j-3 超级焊锡(Super Solder )j-4. 印焊锡突点(Solder Bump)K. 成型(Profile)(Form)k-1 捞型(N/C Routing ) (Milling)k-2 模具冲(Punch)k-3 板面清洗烘烤(Cleaning & Backing)k-4 V型槽( V-Cut)(V-Scoring)k-5 金手指斜边( Beveling of G/F)L. 开短路测试(Electrical Testing) (Continuity & Insulation Testing) l-1 AOI 光学检查( AOI Inspection)l-2 VRS 目检(Verified & Repaired)l-3 泛用型治具测试(Universal Tester)l-4 专用治具测试(Dedicated Tester)l-5 飞针测试(Flying Probe)M. 终检( Final Visual Inspection)m-1 压板翘( Warpage Remove)m-2 X-OUT 印刷(X-Out Marking)m-3 包装及出货(Packing & shipping)m-4 目检( Visual Inspection)m-5 清洗及烘烤( Final Clean & Baking)m-6 护铜剂(ENTEK Cu-106A)(OSP)m-7 离子剩余量测试(Ionic Contamination Test )(Cleanliness Test)m-8 冷热冲击试验(Thermal cycling Testing)m-9 焊锡性试验( Solderability Testing )N. 雷射钻孔(Laser Ablation)N-1 雷射钻Tooling孔(Laser ablation Tooling Hole)实用文档N-2 雷射曝光对位孔(Laser Ablation Registration Hole)N-3 雷射Mask制作(Laser Mask)N-4 雷射钻孔(Laser Ablation)N-5 AOI 检查及VRS ( AOI Inspection & Verified & Repaired)N-6 Blaser AOI (after Desmear and Microetching)N-7 除胶渣(Desmear)N-8 微蚀(Microetching )。
自催化镀(Auto-catalytic Plating),一般称为"化学镀(Chemical Plating)"、"无电镀(Electroless Plating)"等浸渍镀(Immersion Plating)氧化又是另一种表面处理效果,主要用于铝件阳极氧化(Anodizing)化学转化层(Chemical Conversion Coating))钢铁发蓝(Blackening),俗称"煲黑钢铁磷化(Phosphating)铬酸盐处理(Chromating)金属染色(Metal Colouring)涂装(Paint Finishing),包括各种涂装如手工涂装、静电涂装、电泳涂装等热浸镀(Hot dip)热浸镀锌(Galvanizing),俗称"铅水热浸镀锡(Tinning)乾式镀法物理气相沈积法(Physical Vapor Deposition)真空镀(Vacuum Plating).离子镀(Ion Plating) , P)化学气相沈积法(Chemical Vapor Deposition)1、水电镀: Galvanic plating2、主要工艺是将需电镀的产品放入化学电镀液中进行电镀。
2、真空离子镀,又称真空镀膜:Ion plating3.一般适用范围较广,如ABS料、ABS+PC料、PC料的产品。
以下資料來源世贸人才网电镀electroplating 利用电解在制件表面形成均匀、致密、结合良好的金属或合金沉积层的过程。
1.Crystal:晶体;2.Transistor:晶体管;三极管3.Resistor:电阻4.可变电阻:Thyrecotor; Sillster;Varistor5.Capacitor:电容6.Capacitor Array:电阻排7.Assay:分析;化验;含量测定;试验;8.Array:数组;阵列9.Assy:组件;装配10.Assess:评价;估价;评定11.Tray:托盘;货盘12.Diode:二极管13.变压器:Transformer;14.Inductor:电感15.Conductor:导体;指挥16.Vibration:振动17.Deliberation:考虑;熟思18.Oscillator:振荡器19.Oscilloscope;示波器y:铺设;放置yer:层;图层;层次yering:分层;压条;成层23.Stratify:分层;使分层24.截面:Section25.Delay:延时;延迟26.Delayer:延时器;延迟器27.Relay:继电器;转播;接替28.Bead:珠子;焊珠29.Filter:过滤器30.Fiber:纤维;光纤31.Cable:电缆;32.Wire电线;导线33.Flat Cable:排线34.Buzzer:蜂鸣器35.Speaker:扬声器;喇叭36.Socket:插座37.Slot:插槽38.电烙铁:Solder Iron39.Magnifying Glass:放大镜40.游标卡尺:Caliper41.Driver:驱动;驾驶;起子42.Oven:烤箱43.Floppy:软驱;软盘44.Spec;规格45.机箱:Case; Crate46.Create:创造47.Chassis:底盘;底架48.盖子:Lid ;Cover; Cap49.面板:Panel仪表板50.栈板:Pallet托盘;货盘51.支架:Bracket52.三脚架:Tripod53.Switch:交换机54.手册;Manual ;Guide指南55.Router:路由器56.Sponge:海绵57.Foam:泡沫58.气泡:Bubble59.Blister:水泡;气泡60.条码:Bar Code61.螺丝;Screw62.螺栓:Bolt63.Gasket:垫片;垫圈64.Rubber:橡胶;橡皮65.Robber:强盗;抢劫者66.Sleeve:袖子;衣袖;套筒67.Config:配置;布局;规划68.Firmware:固体;烧录69.Diagram:图表;图形70.Diameter:直径71.半径Radius72.Dimension:尺寸73.兼容性:Compatibilitypat:兼容;patible:兼容的76.再现性;重复性Repeatability ;Reproducibility77.Auditor:审核员78.Version:版本79.ICT:线路测试In Circuit Test80.Model:,模型;型号81.Mould:模具;模子82.Mold:模具;成型83.Module:模块;组件84.Modulation:调制;调变85.Concession:让步;特许权86.Waive:丢弃;放弃87.因果图(鱼骨图):Cause And Effect Matrix88.Correlation Method:相关分析法89.Cross Tabulation Tables:交叉表90.散布图:Scatter Diagram91.Random:随机的;任意的92.Scrap报废;93.Scatter;分散;散布94.Validation;确认;批准;生效95.Validity:有效性;有效期96.Verification:确认;验证;核实97.Deviation:偏差;误差98.Dimension:尺寸;尺码99.Deputy:副职;代理人100.Supervisor:课长;主管101.Stamp:邮票;印章102.Stamping:冲压;压模103.Front Plate:前板104.Rear Plate:后板105.Rear:后面;背面106.电镀:Plate107.Patent:专利;专利权;108.Broom:扫把109.Mop:拖把110.Garbage:垃圾111.Liaison:联络112.Beacon:警示灯113.Coolant:冷却剂114.Forklift:铲车;叉车115.隔板:Baffle;Barricade 116.Pierce穿刺;冲孔117.Shear;剪切;修剪118.Rivet;铆钉119.Riveting:铆接120.Burr:毛边;毛刺121.Deburring;去毛刺;倒角122.Punch:冲压机;穿孔;冲头123.Trim:修剪;修整ler:铣床;铣工125.Driller:钻床;钻工;铣床126.Weld;焊接;接合127.Piston:活塞128.Embed:嵌入;129.Quench:淬火;冷浸;熄灭130.Temper:回火;脾气;性情131.Anneal:退火;132.Alloy:合金133.绝缘的:Insulating134.粘度:Viscosity135.溶剂:Solvent136.挥发性:Volatile137.水洗:Rinse138.Derust :除锈;去绣139.锈:Rust; Rust Removal:除锈140.Concave:凹面;凹形的141.Convex:凸面;凸状142.Groove:压线;凹槽143.Cavity:凹处;腔;洞144.Emboss:凸点;145.Dome:凸圆146.Deformation:变形147.磨损:Abrade;Abrasion 148.Speck:灰尘;斑点;瑕疵149.Speckled:有斑点的;斑点150.瑕疵:Flaw;Blemish151.Prohibit禁止。
常用电气英语词汇以下是常用电气英语词汇:1. Alternating Current (AC) - 交流电2. Direct Current (DC) - 直流电3. Electrical - 电气的4. Electromagnetic - 电磁的5. Fuse - 熔断器6. Generator - 发电机7. Hertz (Hz) - 赫兹,频率单位8. Insulation - 绝缘9. Kilowatt (kW) - 千瓦,功率单位10. Kilovolt (kV) - 千伏,电压单位11. Meter - 电表12. Ohm (Ω) - 欧姆,电阻单位13. Power - 功率14. Resistor - 电阻器15. V oltage - 电压16. Watt (W) - 瓦特,功率单位17. Wire - 电线18. V oltage drop - 电压降19. Circuit breaker - 断路器20. Transformer - 变压器21. Capacitor - 电容器22. Inductor - 电感器23. Rectifier - 整流器24. V oltmeter - 伏特计25. Ammeter - 安培计26. Ampere - 安培,电流单位27. Frequency - 频率28. Waveform - 波形29. V oltage waveform - 电压波形30. Electric current - 电流31. Electrical energy - 电能32. Electrical resistance - 电阻33. Electrode - 电极34. Electrolyte - 电解质35. Electromagnet - 电磁铁36. Electroplating - 电镀37. Electrostatic discharge - 静电放电38. Electrotherapy - 电疗39. Electrolysis - 电解40. Electrophoresis - 电泳41. Electroencephalogram (EEG) - 脑电图42. Electromyogram (EMG) - 肌电图43. Electrocardiogram (ECG) - 心电图44. Electroluminescence - 电致发光45. Electric field - 电场46. Electric potential - 电位47. Electromagnetic radiation - 电磁辐射48. Electromagnetic wave - 电磁波49. Electrical conductivity - 电导率50. Electrical resistance temperature coefficient - 电阻温度系数51. Electrical impedance - 阻抗52. Electrical energy conversion - 能量转换53. Electrical energy storage - 能量储存54. Electrical energy transmission - 能量传输55. Electrical power - 电能56. Electrical wiring - 电线57. Electrical installation - 电气安装58. Electrical safety - 电气安全59. Electrical equipment - 电气设备60. Electrical component - 电气元件61. Electrical system - 电气系统62. Electrical network - 电气网络63. Electrical load - 负载64. Electrical power system - 电力系统65. Electrical distribution system - 配电系统66. Electrical load calculation - 负载计算67. Electricity meter - 电表68. Electrical installation design - 电气安装设计69. Electrical maintenance - 电气维护70. Electrical testing - 电气测试71. Electrical inspection - 电气检查72. Electrical code - 电气规范73. Electrical regulation - 电气规范74. Electrical safety standard - 电气安全标准75. Electrical product - 电气产品76. Electrical industry - 电气工业77. Electrical engineering - 电气工程78. Electrical technology - 电气技术79. Electrical design - 电气设计80. Electrical installation plan - 电气安装平面图81. Electrical circuit diagram - 电路图82. Electrical control panel - 控制面板83. Electrical panel - 电柜84. Electrical wiring diagram - 电线接线图85. Electrical installation instructions - 电气安装说明书86. Electrical installation layout - 电气安装布局87. Electrical installation layout drawing - 电气安装布局图88. Electrical installation specification - 电气安装规范89. Electrical installation standards - 电气安装标准90. Electrical installation project - 电气安装项目91. Electrical installation process - 电气安装过程92. Electrical installation method - 电气安装方法93. Electrical installation quality control - 电气安装质量控制94. Electrical installation quality assurance - 电气安装质量保证95. Electrical installation safety - 电气安装安全96. Electrical installation safety standard - 电气安装安全规范97. Electrical installation testing standard - 电气安装检测标准98. Electrical installation test plan - 电气安装检测计划99. Electrical installation test report - 电气安装检测报告100. Electrical installation maintenance standard - 电气安装维护标准护计划102. Electrical installation maintenance record - 电气安装维护记录103. Electrical installation maintenance inspection - 电气安装维护检查104. Electrical installation maintenance report - 电气安装维护报告105. Electrical installation maintenance training - 电气安装维护培训106. Electrical installation maintenance checklist - 电气安装维护检查清单107. Electrical installation maintenance manual - 电气安装维护手册108. Electrical installation maintenance schedule - 电气安装维护计划表109. Electrical installation maintenance tools - 电气安装维护工具110. Electrical installation maintenance equipment - 电气安装维护设备111. Electrical installation maintenance service - 电气安装维护服务装维护合同113. Electrical installation maintenance cost - 电气安装维护成本114. Electrical installation maintenance frequency - 电气安装维护频率115. Electrical installation maintenance interval - 电气安装维护间隔116. Electrical installation maintenance period - 电气安装维护周期117. Electrical installation maintenance periodicity - 电气安装维护周期性118. Electrical installation maintenance periodization - 电气安装维护分期119. Electrical installation maintenance interval time - 电气安装维护时间间隔120. Electrical installation maintenance interval period - 电气安装维护时间间隔期121. Electrical installation maintenance interval interval - 电气安装维护时间间隔间隔期122. Electrical installation maintenance maintenance - 电气安装维护保养。
电 镀 常 用 英 语
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四. 電鍍藍圖英語
REMARK N=1: GOLD FLASH (1µ " AVG.) N=6: 10µ " N=7: 15µ " N=2: 20µ " N=3: 30µ " N=C:30µ "Pd
N=1: 金閃鍍1µ " N=6: 金鍍10µ " N=7:金鍍 15µ " N=2:金鍍20µ " N=C:鈀鍍30µ "
三. 電鍍設備英語
存放、幹燥、冷卻易潮解之藥品或需防潮之器 皿 ( 如:坩堝 ) Keeping、drying、and refrigerating deliquescent materiamedica and dampproof pans ( e.g. Crucibles )
乾燥器 Desiccator
二. 電鍍葯品英語
工站 / 廠商 脫脂 / 勵樂 (LEARONAL) 酸洗 / 武進衛星 藥品中文名 藥品英文名
脫脂劑 CP-100
硫酸(50%) 氨基磺酸鎳 氨基磺酸
Sulfuric acid Nickel sulfamate Sulfamic acid Nickel chloride Boric acid Nickel additive MP-200
鍍鈀鎳 / 安格凱 隆 ENGELHARD
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ 二. 電鍍葯品英語
氯化氨鈀 鈀鎳開缸劑 Palladium dichlortetrammine
Pallnic base solution Nickel repl. Pallnic Brt No(1) Pallnic Additive Conducting salt Ammonium hydroxide
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TECHNICAL TERMS(技术术语)—PLATING TO ELECTROPLATINGAbrasive blasting(磨料喷射)—a process for cleaning by means of an abrasive directed at high velocity against the work piece.Activation(活化)—elimination(去除) of a passive condition on a surface.Activity(ion)(活度)—the ion concentration(浓度) corrected for deviations(背离) from ideal behavior, concentration multiplied(乘) by activity coefficient(活度系数).Addition agent—a material added in small quantities to a solution to modify its characteristics. It is usually added to a plating solution of the purpose of modifying the character of a deposit.Adhesion(结合力)—the attractive force that exists between an electro-deposit and its substrate that can be measured as the force required to separate an electro-deposit on its substrate.Amorphous(无定形结构)—non-crystalline(非晶体), or devoid of regular structure.Ampere—the current that will deposit silver at the rate of 0.001118g/s. current flowing at the rate of 1C/s.Angstrom unit(A)—10-10m.Anode—the electrode in electrolysis(电解), at which negative ions(负离子) are discharged (放电)positive ions(正离子)are formed or other oxidizing reactions occur(发生).Anode efficiency—current efficiency of a specified anodic process.Anode film—(1)the layer of solution in contact with the anode that different in composition from that of the bulk(主体,大小) of the solution.(2)the outer layer of the anode itself consisting of oxidation or reaction product of the anode metal.Anode polarization—see polarization.Anodic coating—a protective, decorative, or functional coating, formed by conversion of the surface of a metal in an electrolytic oxidation process.Anodizing—an electrolytic oxidation process in which the surface of a metal,when anodic, is converted to a coating having desirable protective, decorative, or functional properties.Anolyte(阳极液)—the portion of electrolyte of the anode, in a divided cell, the portion of electrolyte on the anode side of the diaphragm(横隔膜,振动膜).Anti-pitting agent—an addition agent for the specific purpose of preventing gas pits in a deposit.Automatic machine (or conveyor)(自动机,传输机)—a machine for mechanically processive parts through treatment cycles, such as cleaning, anodizing, or plating.Automatic plating—(1)plating in which the cathodes are automatically conveyed through successive cleaning and plating tanks.(2)semi-plating in which the cathodes only conveyde automatical through only one plating tank.Ball burnishing—see barrel burnishing.Barrel burnishing—the smothing of surfaces by means of tumbling the work in rotating barrels in the presence of metallic or ceramic shot, and in the absence of abrasive. In ball burnishing, the shot consists of hardened steel balls.Barrel plating (or cleaning)—plating or cleaning in which the work is processed in bulk in a rotating container(容器).Base metal(贱金属)—a metal that readily oxidizes or dissolves(溶解) to form ions. The opposite of noble metal.Basis metal (or material)—material upon which coatings are deposited.Dipolar electrode—an electrode that is not directly connected to the power supply but is so placed in the solution between the anode and the cathode that the part nearest the anode becomes cathodic and the part nearest the cathode becomes anode.Black oxide—a finish on metal produced by immersing a metal in not oxidizing salts or salt solutions.Blasting—see sand blasting; grit blasting; wet blasting.Blister—a dome-shaped(圆顶形) imperfection(不完整) or defect(缺点), resulting from loss of adhesion between a metallic deposit and the substrate.Bloom—a visible exudation or efflorescence on a surface.Bluing—the formation of a thin oxide film on steel, either by heating in air, or by immersion in oxidizing solutions.Blue dip—a solution, once widely used, containing a mercury compound used to deposit mercury upon a metal by immersion, usually prior to silver plating.Bright dip(non-electrolytic)—a solution used to produce a bright surface on a metal.Bright plating—a process that produces an electrodeposit having a high degree of specular reflectance in the as-placed condition.Bright deposit range—the range of current densities within which a given plating solution produces a bright platingBright-throwing power—measure of the ability of a plating solution or a specified set of plating conditions to deposit uniformly bright electroplate upon an irregularly shaped cathode.Brightener(光亮剂)—an addition agent that leads to the formation of s bright plate, or that improve the brightness of the deposit.Bronzing(镀青铜,烫金)—the application of a chemical finish to copper or copper alloy surfaces to alter(改变) the color.Brush polishing(electrolytic)—a method(方法) of electrolytic polishing (q.v.) in which the electrolyte is applied with a pad or brush in contact with the part to be polished.Buffer—a compound or mixture that, when contained in solution, causes the solution to resist change in pH. Each buffer had a characteristic limited range of pH over which it is effective.Buffing—the smoothing of a surface by means of a rotating flexible wheel to the surface of which fine, abrasive particles are applied in liquid suspension, paste, or grease stick form.Building up—electroplating for the purpose of increasing the dimensions of an article.Burn off—the unintentional(无意的) removal of an autocatalytic(自身催化) deposit from a nonconducting(不传导的) substrate, during subsequent(后来的)electroplating operations, owing to(由于) the application of excess current or a poor contact areas.Burnishing—the smoothing of surfaces by rubbing, accomplished(完成的) chiefly(主要的) by the movement rather than the removal the surface layer.Burnt deposit(烧焦的镀层)—a rough non-adherent(没有结合力的) or otherwise unsatisfactory(令人不满意的)deposit produced by the application of an excessive current density and usually containing oxides or other inclusions(杂质).Bus(bus bar)—a rigid(钢性的) conducting section for carrying current to the anode and cathode bars.Butler finish(闪光精饰)—a finish composed of fine, uniformly distributed parallel lines, having a characteristic luster usually produced with rotating wire brushes or cloth wheels with applied abrasives.Calomel half cell(甘汞半电池) (calomel electrode)—a half cell containing a mercury(水银) electrode in contact with a solution of potassium chloride(氯化钾) of specified concentration(集中的) that is saturated(饱和的) with mercurous(汞) chloride(氯化物)( (calomel).CASS test (copper accelerated salt spray)(铜盐加速盐雾试验)—an accelerated corrosion test for some electrodeposits and for anodic coatings on aluminum(see method B 3682).Cataphoresis(电泳)—see electrophoresis.Cathode—the electrode in electrolysis at which positive ions are discharged negative ions are formed, or other reducing actions occur.Cathode efficiency—the current efficiency of a specified cathodic process.Cathode film—the layer solution in contact with the cathode that differ in composition from that of the bulk of the solution.Cathode—the portion of electrolyte in the vicinity(接近) of the cathode; a divided cell the portion of the cathodes of the diaphragm.Cation(阳离子)—a positively charged ion.Chelate compound—a compound in which the metal is contained as an integral part of a ring-structure and is mot readily ionized.Chelating agen t—a compound capable of forming a chelate compound with ametal ion. See chelate compound.Chemical polishing—the improvement in surface smoothness of a metal by simple immersion in a suitable solution. see Bright dip(non-electrolytic).Chromiting—the process for producing a conversion coating (q.v.)containing chromium compounds.Cleaning—the removal of grease or other foreign material from a surface.Alkaline cleaning—cleaning by means of alkaline solutions.Anodic or reverse cleaning—electrolytic cleaning in which the work is the anode.Cathodic or direct cleaning—electrolytic cleaning in which the work is the cathode.Diphase cleaning—cleaning by means of solution that contain a solvent layer and an aqueous layer. Cleaning is effected both by solution and emulsifying action.Direct current cleaning—see cathodic or direct cleaning.Electrolytic cleaning—alkaline cleaning in which a current is passed through the solution,the work being one of the electrodes.Emulsion cleaning—cleaning by means of solution containing organic solvent, water, and emulsifying agents.Immersion—see soak cleaning.Reverse current cleaning—see anodic or reverse cleaning.Soak cleaning—cleaning by immersion without the use of current, usually in alkaline solution.Solvent cleaning—cleaning by means of organic solvents.Spray cleaning—cleaning by means of spraying.Ultrasonic cleaning—cleaning by any chemical means aided by ultrasonic energy.Cleaning-emulsification solvent—two stage cleaning systen where in a concentrate containing organic solvents and surface active agents is applied to asurface, subsequently emulsified , and removed along with the soil by water rinsing.Colloidal particle—an electrically charged particle, generally smaller in size than 200μ, dispersed in a second continuous phase.Coloring(着色)—(1)the production of desired colors on metal surfaces by appropriate(适当的) chemical or electrochemical action.(2)light buffing of metal surfaces for the purpose of producing a high luster(光彩,光泽). Called color buffing(着金黄色).Complex ion(络合离子)—an ion composed(组成) of two or more ions or radicals(根本的), both of which are capable of independent(不受约束的) existence, for example [Cu(NO)3]-.Complex agent(络合剂)—a compound that will combing with metallic ions to form complex ions.Composite plate(复合镀层) –an electrodeposit consisting of two or more layers of metal deposited successively.Concentration polarization(浓差极化)—that part of the total polarization that is caused by changes in the activity of the potential determining(决定) components(成份) of the electrolyte(电解液).Conductance(电导)—the capacity of a medium, usually expressed in mhos, for transmitting electric current, the reciprocal of resistance.Conducting salt(导电盐)—a salt added to the solution in order to increase its conductivity.Conductivity(specific conductance)(电导率)—the current transferred across unit area per unit potential gradient. In the metric system. Amperes per square cm divided by volts per cm. The reciprocal(相映的,倒数的) of resistivity(电阻系数).Contact plating—deposition of a metal by the use of an internal source of current by immersion of the work in solution in contact with another metal.Contact potential(接触电位)—the potential difference at the junction(连接) of two dissimilar(不同的) substances(物质,基体).Conversion coating—a coating produced by chemical or electro-chemical treatment of a metallic surface that gives a superficial layer containing a compound of the metal, for example, chromate coatings on zinc and cadmium, chromate coatings on zinc and cadmium, oxide coating on steel.Corrodkote test—an accelerated corrosion test for electrode-posits(see method B 380).corrosion—(1)gradualsolution or oxidation of a metal.(2)solution of anode metal by the electrochemical action in the plating cell.coulomb—the quantity of electricity that is transmitted through an electric circuit in 1s when the current in the circuit is 1A. The quantity of electricity that will deposit 0.001118g of silver.coulometer—an electrolytic cell arranged to measure the quantity of electricity by the chemical action produced in accordance with faradays law.Covering power—the ability of a plating solution under a specified set of plating conditions to deposit metal on the surfaces of recesses or deep holes(to be distinguished from throwing power).Critical current density—a current density above which a new and sometimes undesirable reaction occurs.Current density—current per unit area.Current efficiency—the proportion, usually expressed as a percentage of the current that is effective in carrying out a specified process in accordance with faradays law.Cutting down—polishing or buffing for the purpose of removing roughness or irregularities.Deburring—the removal of burrs,shapp adges,or fins by mechanical,chemical,or electrochemical means.Decomposition potential—the minimum potential,exclusive of Irdrop,at which an electrochemical process can take place at an appreciable rate.Degreasing(脱脂)—the removal of grease (脂)and oils(油)from a surface.Solvent degreasing(溶剂脱脂)—degreasing by immersion in liquid organic solvent.Vapor degreasing—degreasing by solvent vapors condensing on the parts being cleaned.Deionization(去离子)—the removal of ions from a solution by ion exchange.Depolarization(去极化)—a decrease in the polarizatio of an electrode at a specified current density.Depolarizer(去极化剂)—a substance or a means that produces depolarization.Detergant(洗涤剂)—a surface-active agent that posseess the ability to clean soild surfaces.Anionic(阴离子)detergent(洗涤剂)—a detergent that produces aggregates of negatively-charged ions with colloidal properties(性质).Cationic detergent— a detergent that produces aggregates of positively-cahraged ions with colloidal properties.Nonionioc detergent(非离子洗涤剂)—a detergent that produce aggretates of electrically-neutral molecules with colloidal properties.Diaphragm(隔膜)—a porous(多孔的)or permeable(可修造的)membrane (膜)separating(分开)anode and cathode compartments of an electrolytic cell (电解槽池)from each other or from an intermediate(中间)comparyment.Diffusion coating —an alloy coating produced by applying heat to one or more coating deposited on a basis metal.。