The Legend Of 1900 ppt
灵魂,天籁之音 可曾捕获那骄傲而孤独的乐音? 茫茫无际,在思念里飘舞 属于钢琴的呼唤,渴望,思念 在水上,挥之不去 直至,那感伤的路的尽头 演绎着百年前的传奇 一个永远也弹不到结尾的世界 上
关于配乐 影片的配乐出自大师颜尼 欧· 莫里克奈之手,他以深情 飘逸的典雅曲风,又一次虏 获观众与乐迷的心。《海上 钢琴师》被誉为是1999年最 不容错过的电影原声带之一, 并众望所归地荣获了金球奖 最佳电egend Of 1900 海上钢琴师
男主角1900(人名)的整个人生都已 经是一场悲剧了。他是一个被人遗弃 在蒸气船上的孤儿,被船上一位好心 的烧炉工收养,然而好人不得好报, 烧炉工在一次意外中死亡,只有几岁 大的1900又再度成为了孤儿。过人的 天赋使他无师自通成了一名钢琴大师, 但宿命也令他天然地对红尘俗世深怀 戒意,他从不敢离船上岸去,只因纽 约无际的高楼和川流不息的人群令他 迷失自我。纵使后来遇上了一位一见 钟情的少女,他思量再三后,还是放 弃了上岸寻找初恋情人的冲动。他永 远地留在船上了,直到唯一的好朋友 警告他废船将要被炸毁,他也不愿离 开,于是从出生开始就没有离开过维 吉尼亚号的1900殉船于海底。 1900,这个既没有出生纪录,也 没有身份证明的人,没有留下一点痕 迹就在人间蒸发,就如流逝了的音符 一样,渺无踪影了。
一个漂泊的灵魂,一首美得心 碎的琴曲
1900这个角色,因为孤寂落寞的经历,使其更能敏锐的看透人心,并藉此弹奏、 创作出感动人心的乐曲。但一生面对海洋、面对钢琴,陆地上的一切,对他 来说有着太多的不确定性,使他一直对陆地踯躇不前。正如他所说:“我看 不到陆地的尽头”,或许对1900而言,海天一色的景致看得到地平线,往返 多地的邮轮也有靠港停泊的时候,88个琴键是有限的,他可以据以创作无限 的乐章,然而陆地上绵延不绝的大城市,是他所看不清也无法掌握的。
The legend of 19001900,an abandoned baby which is taken care by one of the crews in the ship,virginia.1900 was the year which the crew discovered the baby,thus,the boy was named 1900.the crew dies several years later and at that time,1900 is entirely isolated.he is a genius and he knows how to play the piano without being taught.he gets his own style and wins the applause of passengers。
however he isnt happy at all。
what he is searching for is love and care,yet he cannot find them.On the shipboard,a young pure beautiful girl has caught his attention。
he loves the girl and wants to send her a gift。
he doesn't know how to initiate the conversation.1900 practice again and again in the cabinet。
he is too timid to send the girl his record。
his personality makes him miss the chance。
1900 is very unhappy and breaks the record,again he just keeps his mouth shut and never shares with the others。
• 1900: I can never get off this ship. At best, I can step off my life. After all, I don't exist for anyone. You're exception, Max. You're the only one who knows I'm here. You're a minority, and you'd better get used to it. Forgive me, my friend, but I'm not getting off.
• 我不能舍弃这艘船,但至少可以舍弃自己的生命。反正世 间没有人记得我。除了你,只有你知道我在这里。你属于 少数,你最好习惯一下。朋友,原谅我,我不下船了。
• Only a man like him can dance with the piano
in a terrifying storm. Only a man like him...
生。 1900年,Virginian号豪华邮
动。爵士 乐鼻祖杰尼听说了1900
• Fame, fortune, girl can’t make him tread on land. 1900 chooses to die on the ship rather than getting off. The marvelous life of 1900 makes him become the legend.
Only a man like him can have such a beautiful story to tell...
独白部分:It is a really good film, and you can't miss it!
====The end====
He is Jelly, people called piano master.
A piano duel
1900 played so well that all people have been shocked, including the “master”
He had once wanted to get off the ship. To meet the girl he loved and to hear the voice of the sea, as he always wanted to. He hugged friends, said goodbye and waved,then went down. But his pace became slower and slower,then he stopped…and finally he went back to the ship.
When the ship was told that it was too old to be exploded, his best friend came to persuade him to think twice, but 1900 still stayed there and did not
• 在1900八岁时,Danny 意外死亡。 1900于生离 死别前迷茫时,突然听见远处传来美妙动人的声 音,他回过头,身边一个亚洲女人告诉他,这是 音乐。
• 年幼的1900 无师自通,爱上钢琴。
• 成人的1900成了维珍尼亚号乐队的钢琴师,虽然 他从未下过船,但是却能在钢琴上幻想世间的一 切,
• Max十分欣赏他的音乐才华,但也同时对他固执 的不肯下船登上陆地感到困惑。他希望1900能向 世人展示自己的才华,得到世人的承认,名利双 收,过上好的生活。但这根本不具备诱惑力。
• 一个不良的关系容易被婴儿内射为 人生固定的经验,一旦基本定型后 就直接影响整个人格。形成相对稳 定的基本人格结构,并将形成生活 人际关系的基本模式。
• 人的安全感来自于安全 稳定的客体关系。
• 安全感有助于建立安全 的依恋关系。
• 当客体引起婴儿的恐惧和焦虑时, 为了防止报复或被毁灭,而想控 制客体甚至毁灭客体。他会采取 例如投射,内射,分裂,理想化 与贬抑,投射认同的心理机制来 控制他们的欲求和需要,逐渐能 把同一客体的各种不同特征整合 在一起,逐步形成完整的客体表 象,并建立客体关系。
持久的依恋关系。 • 安全的需要
• 那么,为什么儿童会因为和他们的 依恋对象分离而感到焦虑呢?
• 在人类的进化过程中,这些环境如 此频繁的与危险联系在一起,使得 人类对于它们的恐惧成为一种具有 生物基础的自发反应。
• 我可以在有限的钢琴键中创造出无限的旋 律,但我无法在无限的城市中,无尽的街 道间找到属于我的空间。
• 客体关系理论(object-
relations theory)是心理动力取向
的人格发展理论,主张人类行为 的动力源自寻求客体。
• 外在客体是指真正的人物,地方和东西;
* All 1900’s life was accompanied by the ship, Байду номын сангаасhe sea and the piano.
*What did the ship,the sea and the piano mean to him?
The film story: *An abandoned baby
*A piano genius
*Lived on ship all his life and never treaded on land *Loved a girl but failed to tell her
* About 1900’s love: He was not brave in expressing love.
He is too shy when facing the girl.
*He was not brave when facing the girl. *Because he was afraid of being hurt. *Loneliness adversely affected his personality.
THE LEGEND OF 1900 意大利电影新闻记者协会奖(Silver Ribbon) 1999 Best Producer (Migliore Produttore) Best Production Design (Migliore Scenografia) Francesco Frigeri Guild of German Art House Cinemas 2000 Foreign Film (Ausländischer Film) 朱塞佩·托纳多雷 David di Donatello Awards(Scholars Jury David) 1999
The legend of 19001900,an abandoned baby which is taken care by one of the crews in the ship,virginia.1900 was the year which the crew discovered the baby,thus,the boy was named 1900.the crew dies several years later and at that time,1900 is entirely isolated.he is a genius and he knows how to play the piano without being taught.he gets his own style and wins the applause of passengers。
however he isnt happy at all。
what he is searching for is love and care,yet he cannot find them.On the shipboard,a young pure beautiful girl has caught his attention。
he loves the girl and wants to send her a gift。
he doesn't know how to initiate the conversation.1900 practice again and again in the cabinet。
he is too timid to send the girl his record。
his personality makes him miss the chance。
1900 is very unhappy and breaks the record,again he just keeps his mouth shut and never shares with the others。
• 1900: I was born on this ship, and the world passed me by, but two thousand people at a time. And there were wishes here, but never more than fit between prow and stern. You played out your happiness but on a piano that was not infinite. I learned to live that way. Land? Land is a ship too big for me, it's a woman too beautiful, it's a voyage too long, perfume too strong. It's music I don't know how to make. I can never get off this ship. At best, I can step off my life. After all, I don't exist for anyone. You're exception, Max. You're the only one who knows I'm here. You're a minority, and you'd better get used to it. Forgive me, my friend, but I'm not getting off.
It is a story about spiritual freedom and pure soul.A man called 1900 was born on the ship,then he grew on the ship and died on the ship.The ship called Virginian bears his whole life.In 1900;s time,only once he made a decision to leave the ship and see the world.but at last he turned back.Because he can;t face the infinite city life.这是一篇关于精神自由和纯洁灵魂的故事。
It's a story about a pianist called 1900.He showed his talent for music since he was very young.Because he didn’t have an identity, he h ad to stay on board and never had a chance to get on the land.So in the end,he ended up alone.英文影评He's a man so brave, that he can play the imaginary piano when exploded with the ship he was born, lived and died in. Yet he's a man so scared, that he cannot face the infinite city life we are living everyday. He's a man so intelligent, that he can play the piano as if he has four arms (or I'd rather say, he hasGod's arms). Yet he's a man so stupid, that he chose to gone with the wind while he's other choice could be marrying a beautiful woman and having a child. He's a man so perceptive, that he could use his music language to describe exactly others' feelings. Yet he's a man so insensitive that he'd rather disappear after a gentle kiss on his beloved while she's asleep than unburden himself and tell her "ILU".But one thing is for sure: this man is a real artist--pianist. Only a man like him can dance with the piano in a terrifying storm. Only a man like him can give up the first two bouts of a duel, and beat the competitor entirely, convincingly, potently in the last bout. Only a man like him... can have such a beautiful story to tell...This man is Danny Boodmann T.D. Lemon Nineteen Hundred, who is also known as simply "1900". A man never existed. He has never set foot on land in his entire life. No ID. No passport. No Visa. No parents. No birthday. Nothing in the world belongs to him except his music.So he played. For the first class guests. For the third class members. For the girl at the window. For the darkness of the night. For the heartbeat of his own. For the sea-- his eternal home.He had once wanted to get off the ship. To meet his girl and to hear the voice of the sea, as he always wanted to. He hugged friends goodbye and waved and went down. But his pace became slower and slower, and finally stopped. As he described at the end of the movie:"Nineteen Hundred: All that city. You just couldn't see the end to it. The end? Please? You please just show me where it ends? It was all very fi ne on that gangway. And I was grand too, in my overcoat. I cut quite a figure. And I was getting off. Guaranteed. There was no problem. It wasn't what I saw that stopped me, Max. It was what I didn't see. You understand that? What I didn't see. In all that sprawling city there was everything except an end. There was no end. What I did not see was where the whole thing came to an end. The end of the world... Take a piano. The keys begin, the keys end. You know there are eighty-eight of them, nobody can tell you any different. They are not infinite. You are infinite. And on these keys the music that you can make is infinite. I like that. That I can live by. You get me up on that gangway andyou're rolling out in front of me a keyboard of millions of keys, millions and billions of keys that never end, and that's the truth, Max. That they never end. That keyboard is infinite. And if that keyboard is infinite, then on that keyboard there is no music you can play. You're sitting on the wrong bench. That's God's piano. Christ! Did, did you see the streets? Just the streets?There were thousands of them! And how do you do it down there? How do you choose just one? One woman, one house, one piece of land to call your own, one landscape to look at, one way to die... All that world is weighing down on me, you don't even know where it comes to an end, and aren't you ever just scared of breaking apart at the thought of it? The enormity of living it? I was born on this ship, and the world passed me by, but two thousand people at a time. And there were wishes here, but never more than fit between prow and stern. You played out your happiness, but on a piano that was not infinite. I learned to live that way. Land? Land is a ship too big for me. It's a woman too beautiful; it's a voyage too long, a perfume too strong. It's a music I don't know how to make. I could never get off this ship. At best, I can step off my life. After all, I don't exist for anyone. You're an exception, Max, you're the only one who knows I'm here. You're a minority, and you better get used to it. Forgive me, my friend, but I'm not getting off."He didn't get off. That's what he said and he did. As I mentioned above, he died with the ship, in the explosion. I believe at this point of the movie, no body can hold their tears back.By the way, this movie is Directed by Giuseppe Tornatore, who is also the director of Nuovo cinema Paradiso and Malèna. Some people say the legend of 1900 is the director's compromise to Hollywood-style-commercial movie. Well, I know nothing about this kind... It's a excellent movie. Much I could say.《The Legend of the Pianist on the Ocean》电影英文简介:1900, an abandoned baby which is taken care by one of the crews in the ship, Virginia. 1900 was the year which the crew discovered the baby, thus, the boy was named 1900. The crew dies several years later and at that time, 1900 is entirely isolated. He is a genius and he knows how to play the piano without being taught. He gets his own style and wins the applause of passengers. However, he isn’t happy at all. What he is searching for is love and care, yet he cannot find them. In this essay, I will examine how 1900 suffers from loneliness and how he is afraid of changes.The only companion of 1900 is the piano; he gets used to expressing his feeling via music. Yet, can the piano share with him? Can the music be the tonic for his loneliness? The poor guy has no choices; he was born to be lonely. Maybe it’s his fate. 1900 always wants to attract people by his absorbing performance. Though there is, in fact, nearly no conversation between them, they even don’t know one another. He still wants to be surrounded by the crowd. 1900 doesn’t want to be alone; he enjoys the time being accompanied by people. This can explain why he feels so disappointed, frustrated and he stops playing the piano when the crowd leaves as the destination is reached. 1900 has to become solitary again!One of the passengers admires his talents very much and tries to talk to him. The farmer shares with him about his misfortune and loneliness. 1900 knows the feeling better than anybody does as he has been suffering for 27 years! He hasn’t disclosed his feeling to others; he just says that he gets a friend sharing the similar situation. It’s a paradox that on the one hand, he wants to speak out his own feeling, which has buried in his heart for a long time, and shares with people; on the other hand, he can’t pluck up his courage to mention his situation in front of people. Maybe it is of no use to tell others or 1900 doesn’t want anyone to sympathize him.Loneliness makes him afraid of contacting strangers, lack of confidence and shy while communicating with strangers. When there’re two strangers coming to inform him the competition, he runs away and hides himself. Poor 1900 is afraid of being hurt. With no doubt, loneliness adversely affects hispersonality. On the shipboard, a young, pure, beautiful girl has caught his attention. He loves the girl and wants to send her a gift. He doesn’t know how to initiate the conversation. 1900 practices again and again in the cabinet. He is too timid to send the girl his record. His personality makes him miss a chance. 1900 is very unhappy and breaks the record. Again, he just keeps his mouth shut and never shares with the others. It is obvious that he no longer wants to share, he is too tired to find opportunities to air his feeling.Changes make 1900 scared, he wants his everyday life remains the same. For 27 years, he stays on board and never treads on land. Although his crews always persuade him to get off, he is reluctant to try. Several months after the girl had left, 1900 suddenly wants to tread on land. His reason is that he wants to listen to the voice of the sea as he can only hear it clearly on land. However, it’s true that he wants to find the girl and expresses love to her. 1900 hides his feeling again. Yet, when he is on the halfway of the ladder that leads to the land, he stops. He stands there to look at the city in front of him. 1900 gives up treading on land and returns to the ship.1900 can live safely on the ship as he can see the ends of the ship. Many years later, as the ship is too old and it needs to be exploded to pieces. One of the crew knows that he will be still on the ship. He tries to find him. Before his death, 1900 tells the reasons for not treading on land when he’s walking down the ladder. “ I’m not afraid of what I can see, I’m afraid of what I can’t see”, 1900 is frightened as he can’t see the end of the city. “ Where is the end of the world?” Moreover, there’re only two thousand passengers on broad at a time. It’s a fixed number and it will not change. It can explain why 1900 prefers staying on board.He takes the piano as an example, “ There are finite keys on the piano”, and he can make “infinite music” out of it. However, the world is a piano th at is too big for him. There are infinite keys in the world, how can he make music out of it? It implies that there are so many changes in the world; he can hardly face the challenges. “There are thousands of streets in the city…which one should I choose t o die?” It shows that 1900 is scared by the ever-changing world and he is too tired to choose. He thinks that he can’t adapt to the changes as “ the world has passed me (him) by”. In addition, fame, fortune, girl can’t make him tread on land. 1900 chooses to die on the ship rather than getting off. It can be seen that how deeply he is afraid of changes. The marvelous life of 1900 makes him become the legend.Light music is a generic term applied to a mainly British musical style of "light" orchestral music, which originated in the 19th century and had its heyday during the early to mid part of the 20th century, although arguably it lasts to the present day.The style is a less "serious" form of Western classical music, featuring through-composed, usually shorter orchestral pieces and suites designed to appeal to a wider audience than more serious compositions. The form was especially popular during the formative years of radio broadcasting, with stations such as the BBC Light Programme featuring a playlist largely consisting of light compositions.Occasionally known as mood music or concert music, light music is often grouped with the easy listening genre, although this designation is misleading.Although mainly a British phenomenon, light music was also popular in the U.S. and Europe, and many compositions in the genre are still familiar through their use as film, radio and television themes.This article is about the song by Britney Spears."Hold It Against Me" is three minutes and forty-nine seconds long.It is adance-pop song that blends pulsating industrial and trance beats with elements of grime.Musically, "Hold It Against Me" features industrial beats, a dubstep-influenced breakdown and a final chorus with elements of rave.Initially, the single was going to be released in the United Kingdom on February 20, 2011, but the date was moved up to January 17, 2011, due to overwhelming demand."Hold It Against Me" has received positive reviews from most critics.Britney steps into new territory and pushes the boundaries of dance pop once more.The once picture-perfect pop star has returned and is offering fans the new, worn-and-torn and yes, stronger than yesterday BritneyI introduce one song,its name is "Shining friends",song by 2R.It is very orphean,I like it very much.And it is about the friendship.It tell us that When we are in difficulty,the friends can give us a nice smile,we also can get the help from our friends.Besides,the rhythm of this song is very melodious and sweety,it give me a good mood while I listen to it.All right,try it,I am sure that you will like it,especially the girls,that is my gift for all of you!At last ,What I want to say is,my dear teacher and claamates,you are all of my friends,let us help each other whenever we had need it!I love listening to the music.It makes me relaed. As lots of songs,i like "Rainy Day" by Philip Lau best. This song describes the relationship between the little girl and boy. The melodies are graceful.I love to sing it when i am in a bad mood.That's best song i have heard, what about you?。
男主角1900(人名)的整个人生都已经是一场悲剧了。 他是一个被人遗弃在蒸汽船上的孤儿,被船上一位好心 的烧炉工收养,然而烧炉工在男主角8岁的时候在意外 中死亡。过人的天赋使他无师自通成了一名钢琴大师, 但宿命也令他天然地对红尘俗世深怀戒意。纵使后来遇 上了一位一见钟情的少女,他思量再三后,还是放弃了 上岸寻找初恋情人的冲动。他永远地留在船上了,即使 到了最后,唯一的好朋友马克斯警告他废船将要被炸毁, 他也不愿离开,于是从出生开始就没有离开过维吉尼亚 号的1900直至与船葬于海底。
Only a man like him can dance with the piano in a terrifying storm. Only a man like him can give up the first two bouts of a duel, and beat the competitor entirely, convincingly, potently in the last bout. Only a man like him... can have such a beautiful story to tell...
He’s a man so brave, that he can play the imaginary piano when exploded with the ship he was born, lived and died in. Yet he’s a man so scared, that he cannot face the infinite city life we are living everyday. He’s a man so intelligent, that he can play the piano as if he has four arms. Yet he’s a man so stupid, that he chose to gone with the wind while he’s other choice could be marrying a beautiful woman and having a child. He’s a man so perceptive, that he could use his music language to describe exactly others’ feelings. Yet he’s a man so insensitive that he’d rather disappear after a gentle kiss on his beloved while she’s asleep than unburden himself and tell her “I Love U”.
Sound and narrate<The Legend of 1900> for example<The Legend of 1900> is one of the masterpieces of the famous movie director Giuseppe T ornatore. He is a typical Italian new realism director, he thinks that movies must reflect the real life, so that can help audience realize the meanings of life, and give them the enlightenment of mind and enjoyment of art. This movie has continued the consistent style of Tornatore----pure and fresh keynote, beautiful and moving music, real and vivid characters, these all has created a perfect movie, and a perfect 1900.<The Legend of 1900> narrates the life of 1900 by memories of his best friend Max. 1900 has a legend life----he was born at sea, and he grew up at sea, finally he died at sea. He has never left Virginia, the ship which he spends all his life to company with. The value of his life is in the vast ocean , in the narrow cabin, in the 88 black and white keys of piano. He is a talent, the chasteness of his heart create the beauty of his music, the beauty of his music create the legend of his life.The movie is standout. Except the fantastic story, another important element is the perfect use of sound. Tornatore use the background music and the voice-overs to consist the plot. In 1900’s whole life, he never left his music away, he has ever said ”I won’t let my music go anywhere without me”. His talent and gift is unlimited, just like the sea, and his beautiful music is always floating on the sea with his life. At 22:55 of the movie, 1900 played his first music in his life, this tune names <A Mozart reincarnated>, Tornatore chooses this tune, except its style is really like Mozart’s, another reason is that, this tune suggests 1900 is a talent just like Mozart. And the voice-over is very important, too. While the captain saw little 1900 playing piano, he said 1900 was against the regulations, but 1900 said ”fuck the regulations”, and then the voice-over of laughter of Max break the picture, pulling the story from memory to reality. So we can see, a successful movie needs not only a good story, but also other things, just like sound.Maybe we’ll ask, why did’t 1900 get of the ship? He is the subject of this movie, but he died at last. So what does Tornatore want to tell us through this movie? 1900 has ever said:“ I was born on the ship, and the world passed me by”. He also said:” I could never get off this ship. At best, I can step off my life. After all, I don't exist for anyone. You're an exception, Max, you're the only one who knows I'm here. You're a minority, and you'd better get used to it. Forgive me, my friend, but I'm not getting off ”. It’s true that he has never touch anything except that on the ship, so the world is unfamiliar to him, he can only share his life with music, with piano, with ship, with ocean. At last, he decided not to get off the ship, and his body and soul were integrated into the sea. We can see a firm and stubborn 1900, that is he, that is his choice, that is his life, and, that is what Tornatore wants to tell us.。
《海上钢琴师》的英文版介绍电影《海上钢琴师》英语介绍The legend of 19001900,an abandoned baby which is taken care by one of the crews in the ship,virginia.1900 was the year which the crew discovered the baby,thus,the boy was named 1900.the crew dies several years later and at that time,1900 is entirely isolated.he is a genius and he knows how to play the piano without being taught.he gets his own style and wins the applause of passengers.however he isnt happy at all.what he is searching for is love and care,yet he cannot find them.On the shipboard,a young pure beautiful girl has caught his attention.he loves the girl and wants to send her a gift.he doesn’t know how to initiate the conversation.1900 practice again and again in the cabinet.he is too timid to send the girl his record.his personality makes him miss the chance.1900 is very unhappy and breaks the record,again he just keeps his mouth shut and never shares with the others. It is obvious that he no longer wants to share.he is too tired to find opportunities to air his feeling.He takes the piano as an example,“there are finite keys on the piano,”and he can make “finite music”out of it?It implies that there are so many changes in the world.he can hardly face the challenges.there are thousands of streets in the city...which one should i choose to die?Fame, fortune,the girl cant make him tread on land.1900 chooses to die on the ship rather than getting off.the marvelous life of 1900 makes him become the legend.He is a man so brave,that he can play the imaginary pianowhen exploded with the ship he was born,lived and died in.yet he is a man so scared,that he cannot face the infinite city life we are living everyday.he is a man so intelligent,that he can play the piano as he has four arms.yet he is a man so stupid that he chose to go with the wind while he has other choice.he could be marring a beautiful woman and having a child.he is a man so perceptive,that he could use his music language to describe exactl y others’feelings.yet he is a man so insensitive that he would rather disappear after a gentle kiss on his beloved while she is asleep than unburden himself and tell her“i love u”.Only a man like him can dance with the piano in a terrifying storm.only a man like him can give up the first two bouts of a duel,and beat the competitor entirely,convincingly,potently in the last bout.only a man like him....can have such a beautiful story to tell...This man is danny boodmann TD lemon nineteen hundred,who is also known as simply “1900”.A man never existed.he has never set foot on land in his entire life.no ID.no passport.no visa.no parents.no birthday. Nothing in the world belongs to him except his music.so he played.for the first class guests,for the third class members.for the girl at the window.for the darkness at the night.For the heartbeat of his own.for the sea——his eternal home.。
• 生于船,长于船,死于船, • 这是一个虚幻的奇迹,一个伤感的故事,也是一个关于他的传奇。 • 大海,轮船,钢琴,陆地,孤独,友情与天才交织的故事。 • 孤独,自从他被抛弃在维珍妮亚号就开始注定了他一生的悲剧。 • 乐者,自从他在丹尼的海葬听到音乐时就注定与音乐一生的纠缠。 • 传奇,自从他无师自通流出的第一首曲就注定了他一生的传奇。
昔日好友马克斯·托尼 劝说1900下船未果,1900选 择与船一起沉寂
“我宁可舍弃自 己的生命,也不 愿意在一个找不 到尽头的世界生 活,我之所以走 到一半停下来, 不是因为我所能 见,而是我所不 见……”。
“那个世界好重, 压在我身上。你甚 至不知道它在哪里 结束,你难道从来 不为自己生活在无 穷选择里而害怕得 快崩溃掉吗?”
原片名: La Leggenda del pianista sull ' oceano(意大利 文)。
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Unfortunately, when 1900 was 8 years old, Danny died in an accident. In his funeral, little 1900 heard the most important thing in his life –music.
And then he got his great gift on that day –the piano. he played it with magic.
it occurred in 1900,on a ship called Virginian.
A baby was deserted by his physical parents and adopted by a coal stoker on the ship called Danny. Because he was found at the first month of the first year of the 20th century the warm-hearted man gave him a strange name — 1900.And after that he grew intorned into an excellent pianist. He plays piano with no guide. His music is special and free. But he is lonely.
he had never left the ship together with the people on board.It wasn’t the same with his fame. Max tried to persuade him to get off the ship and found his fortune. But he failed. 1900 thought that people on land spend too much time asking why. It isn’t the life he wanted.
The story of 1900 is told by a gentle man called Max at the beginning of the film…
The legend refer to a talented pianist called 1900. He was born on the ship, grew up on the ship and died with the ship. You know ,he never left there.
[bəuku:] [bʌks]
You are pulling my leg. 你在耍我 It’s get the blood going. 想到都兴奋 You go right back to the beginning. 一切重头开始 You are sitting on the wrong bench. 没有立足之地 Winter comes and you can’t wait for summer. Summer comes and you live in dread of winter. 有花堪折直须折
1900 said good bye to his only friend. With an explosion, 1900 ended his life with the
ship. the story stopped there.
Words and phrases
duo [dju:əu] 二重奏 disqualify 取消…的资格 You won’t meet one again. 可遇而不可求 Treat yourself to a decent meal. 好好地大吃一顿 I don’t like secrets. 别吊胃口 You can make beaucoup bucks. 你能赚一大笔钱
“All that city” he said, “you just couldn’t see an end to it. In all that sprawling city there was everything except an end. Take piano . If that keyboard is infinite ,there is no music you can play .”
But things seemed changed. one day, a girl broke in his peaceful life. And he changed his mind. He decided to get off the ship to find his love.
But when 1900 stepped out of the ship ,he took a glimpse of the city, busy and crowded . Without hesitation, he turned back……
Now, let's learn some wonderful sentences!
You played put your happiness, but on a piano that was not infinite! I learned to live that way.After all, I don’t exist for anyone!
Many years later, his friend Max come back to scrapped Virginian, after a long time of searching, Max finally found him. But when Max asked 1900 to get off the ship, he rejected again.