钳工四级理论知识考试模拟题(附参考答案)一、单选题(共67题,每题1分,共67分)1.带在轮上的包角不能太小,( )包角不能小于120°,才保证不打滑。
A、三角带B、齿形带C、窄V形带D、平带正确答案:A2.( )按照内燃机的工作顺序,定时地找开或关闭进气门或排气门,使空气或可燃混合气进入气缸或从气缸中排出废气。
A、曲柄连杆机构B、滑块机构C、配气机构D、凸轮机构正确答案:C3.套丝时为保证可靠夹紧一般要用( )作衬垫。
A、木块或铁片B、V形平铁或厚钢衬C、厚铁板D、木块或V形夹块正确答案:B4.凸缘式联轴器的装配技术要求要保证各连接件( )。
A、联接可靠B、受力均匀C、不允许有自动松脱现象D、其它选项说法全对正确答案:D5.在研磨过程中,研磨剂中微小颗粒对工件产生微量的切削作用,这一作用即是( )作用。
A、化学B、科学C、物理D、机械正确答案:C6.轴承合金不能( )作轴瓦,通常将它们浇铸到青铜、铸铁、钢材等基体上使用。
A、间接B、用于C、单独D、直接正确答案:C7.对于拆卸后还要重复使用的滚动轴承,不能将拆卸的作用力加在( )上。
A、内圈B、外圈C、滚动体D、保持架正确答案:C8.蜗杆传动齿侧间隙的检查对于要求较高的用( )方法测量。
A、游标卡尺B、塞尺C、压铅D、百分表正确答案:D9.夏季应当采用粘度( )的油液。
A、较低B、不作规定C、中等D、较高正确答案:D10.局部剖视图用波浪线作为剖与未剖部分的分界线,波浪线的粗细是粗实线粗细的( )。
A、2/3B、1/2C、1/3D、相同正确答案:C11.零部件在径向位置上有偏重但由此产生的惯性力合力通过旋转件重心,这种不平衡称( )。
A、静不平衡B、动平衡C、静平衡D、动不平衡正确答案:A12.制定装配工艺规程的依据是( )。
A、提高装配效率B、划分装配工序C、保证产品装配质量D、进行技术准备正确答案:C13.链传动中,链的( )以2%L为宜。
【点此下载音频文件】1. 他想买一台洗衣机。
A. 正确B. 错误2. 他和妻子下午要去医院。
A. 正确B. 错误3. 他以前没有学过电脑。
A. 正确B. 错误4. 宾馆内的咖啡不收钱。
A. 正确B. 错误5. 他经常写信给朋友。
A. 正确B. 错误【点此下载音频文件】6. 他住在公园旁边。
A. 正确B. 错误7. 在中国,骑自行车去上班很方便。
A. 正确B. 错误8. 小张很马虎。
A. 正确B. 错误9. 他在加油站给汽车加油。
A. 正确B. 错误10. 他去公司要迟到了。
A. 正确B. 错误第二部分请选出正确答案。
【点此下载音频文件】1. A.参观长城 B.报名考试 C.办身份证 D.作个调查2. A.现在很忙 B.可以帮忙 C.行李箱太重 D.办公室太远3. A.走路回家 B.自己开车 C.坐出租车 D.坐公共汽车4. A.上班 B.休息 C.购物 D.旅游5. A.吃饭 B.点菜 C.请客 D.买家具【点此下载音频文件】6. A.工作很努力B.自己开公司C.进公司很久了D.男的不认识他7. A.要卖车 B.钱丢了 C.车买贵了 D.要买新车8. A.小张车坏了B.小张想借车C.小张迟到了 D.路上正堵车9. A.生病了 B.电脑坏了 C.忘了密码 D.改了密码10. A.工作很忙 B.准备找工作C.想要去旅游 D.天气不太好【点此下载音频文件】11. A.找人 B.考试 C.复习 D.借书12. A.照相 B.邀请客人 C.访问男的 D.介绍妹妹13. A.帮妈妈买票B.早点儿去上班C.给妈妈过生日D.和男的看电影14. A.机场 B.车站 C.公司 D.地铁站15. A.忘记借书了B.没有借到书C.没去图书馆 D.买了一本书第三部分请选出正确答案。
【点此下载音频文件】1. A.地图 B.书包 C.护照 D.行李箱2. A.上班 B.看电影 C.买家具 D.打电话3. A.买手机 B.换手机 C.修手机 D.借手机4. A.服务态度好B.菜的价格便宜C.使用信用卡方便D.饭店的菜很好吃5. A.车上 B.家里 C.公司里 D.商店里【点此下载音频文件】6. A.找工作 B.看新闻 C.看报纸 D.招聘工人7. A.还在上大学B.现在是记者C.不喜欢足球 D.不会写文章8. A.小说 B.音乐 C.电视 D.电影9. A.只要10元钱B.样子很漂亮C.需要洗一下 D.最后没卖出去10. A.坐车去 B.早点儿去 C.买漂亮衣服 D.穿得正式点儿【点此下载音频文件】11. A.发通知 B.去旅游 C.开运动会 D.举行考试12. A.有些失望 B.有些后悔 C.非常担心 D.很有信心【点此下载音频文件】13. A.手机 B.电脑 C.手表 D.照相机14. A.电脑的价格便宜了 B.商店的生意更好了 C.手机的作用更大了 D.春节的礼物改变了【点此下载音频文件】15. A.在车站买火车票 B.上火车前买食品 C.在火车上喝饮料 D.坐火车出去旅行16. A.不干净 B.质量差 C.数量少 D.价格高【点此下载音频文件】17. A.吃饭与锻炼的顺序 B.怎样锻炼身体最好 C.早饭该吃什么东西 D.饼干与面包怎么做18. A.应该马上休息B.不能马上洗澡C.不能喝太多水D.应该少吃东西【点此下载音频文件】19. A.散步 B.游泳 C.爬山 D.骑车20. A.工作计划 B.减轻压力 C.周末安排 D.自然风景二、阅读第一部分选词填空。
2023年四级企业人力资源管理师考试《理论知识》模拟卷二1. 【单选题】(江南博哥)()是指调查者自己或派遣他人直接到现场对被调查者的行为、言论、反应、感受等进行观察和记录,采集相关信息的方法。
A. 直接观察法B. 行为记录法C. 邮寄调查法D. 会议调查法正确答案:A参考解析:直接观察法是指调查者自己或派遣他人直接到现场对被调查者的行为、言论、反应、感受等进行观察和记录,采集相关信息的方法。
2. 【单选题】从规划的期限上看,()年称为中期计划。
A. 3~5B. 1~5C. 1~3D. 2~5正确答案:B参考解析:从规划的期限上看,人力资源规划可区分为长期规划(五年及以上的计划)和短期计划(一年及以内的计划),介于两者之间的为中期计划。
3. 【单选题】企业组织信息的()是指企业组织信息在企业内部流动,以及企业与其外部环境的信息交流。
A. 不规则性B. 社会性C. 流动性D. 连续性正确答案:C参考解析:企业组织信息的流动性是指企业组织信息在企业内部流动,以及企业与其外部环境的信息交流。
4. 【单选题】()是指对企业信息要进行科学的分类、整理、加工,做到系统化,保证和调查主题相关信息的完整性,以避免企业做出片面的决策。
A. 针对性原则B. 系统性原则C. 针对性原则D. 适用性原则正确答案:B参考解析:系统性原则是指对企业信息要进行科学的分类、整理、加工,做到系统化,保证和调查主题相关信息的完整性,以避免企业做出片面的决策。
5. 【单选题】狭义的企业人力资源规划是指()。
A. 企业人力资源战略规划B. 企业人力资源开发计划C. 企业人力资源供需预测D. 企业人力资源制度规划正确答案:C参考解析:狭义的企业人力资源规划是指为了实现企业总体发展战略和生产经营的总目标,根据企业内、外环境和条件的变化,运用科学的方法,对人力资源的需求和供给进行预测,并制定、选择正确的人力资源政策和策略,采取相应的措施,使企业人力资源供求达到平衡,从而实现人力资源有效配置的过程。
姓名:___________考号:___________一、单选题(共70题)1.工作日利用率的计算公式为( )。
A.制度内实际工作时间÷制度工作工时×100%B.出勤率×出勤时间利用率C.制度工作日实际长度÷制度工作日长度×100%D.制度工作月实际长度÷制度工作月规定长度X 100%2.下列关于劳动法的监督检查制度的说法,不正确的是( )。
A.它规定了劳动合同关系的调整规则B.它是实施劳动监督检查的职权划分和行为规则C.它规定了以何种手段实现和保证各项劳动法律制度的实施D.各项劳动法律制度的范围与劳动监督检查制度的范围是一致的3.以下有关岗位技能工资制的说法错误的是( )A.建立在岗位评价的基础上B.由岗位工资和技能工资组成C.有利于提高员工的业务水平D.岗位工资和技能工资的比例很容易确定4.( )是指组织为使获得的人力资源达到符合具体工作岗位要求的业务水平和提高其工作技能而支付的费用。
A.招聘成本B.选拔成本C.录用和安置成本D.开发成本5.( )是岗位调查、岗位分析、岗位评价与岗位分类分级等项活动的总称。
A.岗位研究B.工作研究C.工作分析D.定岗定员6.不属于工作岗位调查方式的是( )。
A.德尔菲法B.面谈C.现场观测D.书面调查7.SWOT分析法是对企业组织信息进行( )最常用的方法。
A.财务报表分析B.可靠性分析C.综合比较分析D.数理统计分折8.( )是雇员与雇主在实现现实的劳动过程中所发生的权利义务关系。
姓名:___________考号:___________一、单选题(共70题)1.在入职教育中,由新员工的直属上司执行( )的指导。
A.技术性B.共同性C.基础性D.特定性2.制定典型定额标准是( )的需要。
A.经验估工法B.统计分析法C.类推比较法D.技术定额法3.( )通常指以工时或完成产品件数计算员工的劳动报酬。
A.薪金B.薪资C.奖金D.工资4.企业采用三阶段岗前培训方法的前提是( )。
A.3B.4C.5D.66.分析企业培训成本收益的方法不包括( )。
A.精确计算培训成本,衡量其是否符合收支平衡略有盈余的原则B.在企业大规模投入资源之前,通过实验性培训,评价一部分受训者所获得的收益C.可以运用专业技术的研究成果、生产实践活动的变化证实培训计划所取得的收益D.通过对成功的工作者的观察,可帮助企业确定成功与不成功的工作者的绩效差别7.( )是必须具备特定的形式或履行一定手续方具有法律效力的合同。
A.专项协议B.劳动合同C.要式合同D.集体合同8.( )是指让受训者在预定时期内变换工作岗位,使其获得不同岗位的工作经验的培训方法。
A.工作指导法B.特别任务法C.工作轮换法D.现场培训法9.( )是对企业人工成本和人力资源管理费用的整体规划。
A.人员规划B.成本规划C.费用计划D.战略规划10.招聘申请表的设计的依据是( )。
钳工四级理论知识模拟习题(含答案)一、单选题(共70题,每题1分,共70分)1、镗床是进行( )加工的。
A、平面B、外圆C、内孔D、螺纹正确答案:C2、通过改变轴承盖与壳体端面间垫片厚度Δ来调整轴承的轴向游隙S 的方法叫( )法。
A、螺钉调整B、调整游隙C、调整垫片D、调整螺钉正确答案:C3、过盈连接是依靠孔、轴配合后的( )来达到坚固连接的。
A、压力B、拉力C、过盈值D、摩擦力正确答案:C4、在斜面上钻孔时,应( )然后再钻孔。
A、使钻头轴心偏上B、使斜面垂直于钻头C、对准斜面上的中心冲眼D、在斜面上铣出一个平面正确答案:D5、对于拆卸后还要重复使用的滚动轴承,不能将拆卸的作用力加在( )上。
A、滚动体B、保持架C、内圈D、外圈正确答案:A6、分度头的主轴轴心线能相对于工作台平面向上( )和向下10°。
A、120°B、45°C、90°D、10°正确答案:C7、錾子的前刀面与后刀面之间夹角称( )。
A、副后角B、前角C、楔角D、后角正确答案:C8、国标规定螺纹的牙顶用( )。
A、虚线B、细实线C、点划线D、粗实线正确答案:D9、直径大的棒料或轴类多件常采用( )矫直。
A、台虎钳B、压力机C、手锤D、活络板手正确答案:B10、危险品仓库应设( )。
A、纸筒B、专人看管C、避雷设备D、办公室正确答案:C11、液压传动中常用的液压油是( )。
A、矿物油B、柴油C、植物油D、汽油正确答案:A12、转速高的( )装在轴上后应作平衡检查,以免工作时产生过大振动。
A、小齿轮B、齿轮C、圆柱齿轮D、大齿轮正确答案:D13、感应加热表面淬火淬硬层深度与( )有关。
A、加热时间B、钢的含碳量C、电压D、电流频率正确答案:D14、销连接在机械中除起到( )外,还起定位和保险作用。
A、保护作用B、连接作用C、传动作用D、固定作用正确答案:B15、孔的最小极限尺寸与轴的最大极限尺寸之代数差为正值叫( )。
2020年四级人力资源管理师考试《理论知识》真题及解析汇编1. 【单选题】(江南博哥)()是指调查者通过信函寄送的方式,把事先设计好的调查表发送给被调查者展开调查的方法。
A. 问卷调查询问法B. 会议调查询问法C. 函件调查询问法D. 当面调查询问法2. 【单选题】劳动定额管理制度是企业员工在定额工作方面的行动准则和()。
A. 活动规范B. 行为规范C. 行为准则D. 活动准则正确答案:A参考解析:劳动定额管理制度是企业员工在定额工作方面的行动准则和活动规范。
3. 【单选题】培训费用是()。
A. 工资项目B. 人力资源管理费用C. 劳动争议处理费用D. 人工成本正确答案:B参考解析:人力资源管理费用包括三个方面的内容:①招聘费用;②培训费用;③劳动争议处理费用。
4. 【单选题】外部招聘的局限有()。
A. 将不符合条件的人员提拔到他所不能胜任的岗位上工作B. 可能会在组织中造成一些矛盾,产生不利影响C. 容易造成“近亲繁殖”D. 影响内部员工的积极性正确答案:D参考解析:外部招聘的局限有:①筛选难度大,时间长;②进入角色慢;③招聘成本高;④决策风险大;⑤影响内部员工的积极性。
5. 【单选题】()属于竞聘上岗的理论基础。
A. 适才适所原理B. 人得其位原理C. 能级匹配原理D. 能岗匹配原理正确答案:D参考解析:竞聘上岗的理论基础是能岗匹配原理。
6. 【单选题】()是以法律共同体的长期实践为前提,以法律共同体的普遍的法律确信为基础。
A. 地方性劳动法规B. 习惯法C. 判例法D. 劳动规章正确答案:B参考解析:习惯法是以法律共同体的长期实践(习惯)为前提,以法律共同体的普遍的法律确信为基础。
7. 【单选题】社会劳动力是指在一定年龄之内,具有劳动能力与就业要求,从事或能够从事某种职业劳动的()人口。
A. 50%B. 70%C. 85%D. 100%正确答案:D参考解析:现代劳动经济学所要研究的劳动力是指在一定年龄之内,具有劳动能力与就业要求,从事或能够从事某种职业劳动的全部人口,包括就业者和失业者,即社会劳动力。
姓名:___________考号:___________一、单选题(共70题)1.( )是指在个人具备国家及所在企业规定的条件时可以享受的福利。
A.补充福利B.集体福利C.经济性福利D.个人福利2.在绩效管理中,一般以( )的考评为主。
A.上级主管B.同事C.考评者的下属D.外部人员3.SWOT分析法是对企业组织信息进行( )最常用的方法。
A.财务报表分析B.可靠性分析C.综合比较分析D.数理统计分折4.下列各项不属于观察法缺点的是( )。
A.调查者往往只能观察到被调查者的表面行为,难以把握其心理变化B.为取得理想的结果,需要长时间观察C.有时被调查者会觉察,引起误解D.被调查者易受他人影响5.( )能够给员工提供发展的机会,强化工作动机,增强员工对组织的责任感。
A.竞争上岗B.外部招募C.公开选拔D.内部招募6.( )是进行培训的物质基础。
A.18周岁B.16周岁C.15周岁D.20周岁8.在内部招聘中最容易造成( )。
A.相互拆台B.无强烈竞聘上岗C.部门相互挖人D.近亲繁殖9.( )在国家的法律体系中具有最高法律效力。
A.劳动法B.宪法C.国务院劳动行政法规D.劳动规章10.( )是指组织为使获得的人力资源达到符合具体工作岗位要求的业务水平和提高其工作技能而支付的费用。
A.招聘成本B.选拔成本C.录用和安置成本D.开发成本11.对伪造、涂改、冒用、转让、买卖就业证和许可证书的外国人和用人单位,由劳动行政部门收缴就业证和许可证书,没收其非法所得,并处以( )罚款。
姓名:___________考号:___________一、单选题(共70题)1.以下不属于观察法缺点的是( )。
A.调查者往往只能观察到被调查者的表面行为,难以把握其心理变化B.为取得理想的结果,需要长时间观察C.有时被调查者会觉察,引起误解D.被调查者易受他人影响2.( )的目的是要解决一些共同的问题,让新员工尽快了解企业的基本情况。
A.文化课学习B.上岗前的集中训练C.专业课学习D.上岗后的分散训练3.岗前培训企业文化介绍不包括( )培训提纲。
A.企业基础B.公司使命C.核心价值观D.企业精神4.企业薪酬制度的设计与完善是企业薪酬管理的一项重要任务,不包括( )。
A.工资结构设计与完善B.调整不同员工薪酬项目的构成C.薪酬等级标准设计D.薪酬支付形式设计5.( )不受企业所有制性质、经济效益和支付能力的影响。
A.福利待遇B.补充保险C.法定福利D.个人福利6.( )是指对假设的调研主题展开调查,发现新问题,淘汰旧问题,探求真正的问题所在。
A.非正式调研B.情景模拟调研C.电话调查D.直接观察法7.职业分类的基本原则是( )A.行业性质的一致性B.劳动密集水平程度C.地区经济发展水平D.工作性质的同一性8.关于培训方法,以下说法正确的是( )。
A.网上教学的缺点是课程内容很难根据学习者的具体情况改变,不够灵活B.自学会影响工作C.个别指导法中,指导者不良的工作习惯不会影响新员工D.工作轮换法适用于职能管理人员9.( )是必须具备特定的形式或履行一定手续方具有法律效力的合同。
A.专项协议B.劳动合同C.要式合同D.集体合同10.绩效管理制度作为绩效管理活动的指导性文件,在拟定起草时,一定要从企业( )出发。
专四模拟试题附参考答案(2020年整理).doc专四模拟试题附参考答案(1)Part III Decide which of the choices given below would best complete the passage if inserted in the corresponding blanks. Mark the best choice for each blank on your answer sheet.The “standard of living” of any country means the average pe rson's share of the goods and services the country produces. A country's standard of living, ____31_______, depends first and 32 on its capacity to produce wealth. “Wealth” in this sense is not money, for we do not live on money 33 on things that money can buy: “goods” such as food and clothing, and “services”such as transport and “__34 __ ” .A country's capacity to produce wealth depends upon many factors, most of 35 have an effect on one another. Wealth depends 36 a great extent upon a country's natural resources. Some regions of the world are well supplied with coal and minerals, and have a fertile soil and a 37 climate; other regions possess none of them.Next to natural resources 38 the ability to turn them to use. China is perhaps as well 39 as the USA in natural resources, but suffered for many years from civiland 40 wars, and 41 this and other reasons was 42 to develop herresources. 43 and stable political conditions,and 44 _____ from foreign invasion, enable a country to develop its natural resources peacefully and steadily, and to produce more wealth than another country equallywell 45 by nature but less well ordered.A country's standard of living does not only depend upon the wealth that is produced and consumed 46 it own borders, but also upon what is indirectly produced through internationaltrade. 47 Britain's wealth in foodstuffs and other agricultural products would be much less if she had to depend onlyon 48 _ grown at home. Trade makes it possible for her surplus manufactured goods to be traded abroad for the agricultural products that would 49 be lacking. A country’s wealth is, therefore, much influenced by its manufacturingcapacity, 50 that other countries can be found ready to accept its manufactures.31. A. however B. therefore C. nevertheless D. furthermore32. A. primary B. principal C. foremost D. uniquely33. A. or B. nor C. but D. except34. A. recreation B. enlightenment C. refreshment D. entertainment35. A. if B. them C.which D. that36. A. with B. for C.to D. on37. A. neutral B. favorable C.virtuous D. marine38. A. comes B. come C.coming D. came39. A. off B. known C.done D. furnished40. A. military B. external C.contemporary D. domestic41. A. for B. because C. because of D. due to42. A. Impossible B. Incapable C. unable D. proficient43. A. Strong B. Sturdy C. Sound D. Robust44. A. liberty B. freedom C.prevention D. liberation45. A .assisted B. avenged C.rescued D. served46. A. with B. within C. near D.without47. A. In short B. For example C. firstly D.On one hand48. A. those B. what C. that D. it49. A. likely B. likewise C. certainly D.otherwise50. A. provided B. depended C. given D.supposedPART IV GRAMMAR & VOCABULARY [15 MIN]There are thirty sentences in this section. Beneath each sentence thereare four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Choose one word or phrase that best completes the sentence.Mark your answers on your answer sheet.51. We often advise him not to drink more wine __________is good for his health.A. asB. thanC.that D. but52. It is necessary that an efficient worker __________his work on time.A. accomplishesB. can accomplishC. accomplishD. has accomplished53. My father will be here tomorrow, but at first I thought that he__________ today.A. was comingB. is comingC. will comeD. come54. Without facts, we cannot form a worthwhile opinion for we need to havefactual knowledge __________ our thinking.A which to be based on B. which to be base uponC. upon which to baseD. to which to be based55. I didn't call to make my airline reservation, but I __________.A. should haveB. may haveC. must haveD. shall have56. It’s the first time that she has been to the United States,__________?A. isn't sheB. hasn't sheC. isn't itD. hasn't it57. I think that the labor bill will pass; it's ____________that it will.A. almost surelyB. very likelyC. near positiveD. quite certainly58. An increase in a nation's money supply, without an accompanying increase in economic activity, __________result in higher prices.A. tendsB. tends theC. tending toD. will tend to59. X-rays are able to pass through objects and thus make__________details that are otherwise impossible to observe.A. it visibleB. visiblyD. they are visible60. Prices for bikes at that store run__________250 dollars.A. as high asB. as high toC. so high toD. so high as61. He will not be __________ to vote in this year's election.A. enough oldB. as old enoughC. old enoughD. enough old as62. Thomas Jefferson's achievements as an architect rival his contributions __________a politician.A. suchB. moreC. asD. than63. According to the conditions of my scholarship, after finishing my degree__________.A. my education will be employed by the universityB. employment will be given to me by the universityC. the university will employ meD. I will be employed by the university64. If Bob's wife won't agree to sign the papers, ____________.A. neither he willB. neither will heC. neither won't heD. he won't neither65. _____ is generally accepted, economic growth is determined by the smooth development of production.A. WhatB. ThatC. ItD. As66. A violent revolution having broken out, all the ports of that country were laid under a(n) ______.A. boycottB. embargoD. ban67. Since_________ can't work in the United States without a permit, so it is of great importance for them to present their credentials to the government.A. emigrantsB. expatriatesC.migrants D. immigrants68. Most investors are taught at the very beginning that there is no place for __________in investment markets.A. feelingB. emotionC. passionD. sentiment69. I__________ my ordinary income by doing some part-time work.A. complimentB. ComplementC. supplementD. implement70. Before the statue could be __________to the United States, a site had to be found for it and a pedestal had to be built.A. transformedB.transportedC. transferredD. transmitted71. The final document was, of course, supposed to mend the damage__________upon the world by the war,A. imposedB. impressedC.compelled D. compressed72. Roger, who __________in courage, is highly respected by all his peers in the villages.A. boundsB. possessesC.declares D. abounds73. The tourists are told that the remotest village in this area is only_________ by a river.B. availableC.obtainable D. achievable74. He__________ interrupted me by asking irrelevant questions.A. continuallyB. continuouslyC.consistently D. constantly75. Being a man of _________ and public spirit. Mr. Russell labored zealously to advance the interest of the community and was much interested in bringing new manufacturing interests to Waterloo.A. firmB. enterpriseC. companyD. corporation76. When people do things wrong we should try hard to forgive them, as the idiom goes, “To ______ is human.”A. referB. conferC. deferD. err77. Although gaining a job as a real __________agent or broker may be relatively easy, beginning agents and brokers may face competition from well-established, more experienced ones.A. propertyB. estateC. houseD. assets78. The constitution of the State required that property should be__________for taxation at its market value.A. estimatedB. appraisedC.evaluated D. valued79. On June 15, 1909, after Scott finished his rushed plans for his________ to the South Pole, he departed from England.A. tourB. voyageC. expedition80. The government authority had to __________oil and other products so that it would not run out during war.A. shareB. fareC.provide D. rationPART V READINGCOMPREHENSION[25 MIN]In this section there are four passages followed by questions or unfinished statements, each with four suggested answers marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that you think is the best answer.Mark your answers on your answer sheet.TEXT AAll Sir William Jones wanted to do was to learn Sanskrit. While he was studying, however, he made a surprising discovery. This ancient language of India was amazingly similar to Latin and Greek. The Sanskrit word for "mother"—matar—was almost identical to the Latin word, mater. “Father” was pitar in Sanskrit, pater in Latin and Greek. The more he studied, the more similarities he found.How could this be? Thousands of miles and many natural barriers separated India and Europe. Still, Jones concluded, the similarities were too strong to be accidental. In 1786, he announced “No one could examine them all three, without believing them to have sprung from some common source.”Since then, scholars have traced many languages to this “common source.” Today, these languages are called the Indo-European family. But where did this source originate? Language and geography provide the clues. European languages have similar words for the animals and trees of northern Europe, such as oak, willow, bear, and wolf. There are no common words for the animals and trees of southern Europe.To scholars, this suggests that the Indo-European languages began in north central Europe. In time, some northern Europeans set out toward the east, settling in Iran, India, and Pakistan. Others migrated westward toward southern and western Europe. The root language developed into dozens of different languages, but the family resemblances remain. The word for “three” is drei in German, tres in Spanish, tre in Albanian, and tri in Russian.Almost every language in Europe is part of the Indo-European family, but there are exceptions. Hungarian and Finnish cling to other language families. High in the Pyrenees, the Basque people speak a language that has no known relatives. Perhaps the Basques were the original inhabitants of the region. Isolated by mountains, they may have been bypassed by the spread of Indo-European culture.81. What did Sir William Jones discover when he was learning Sanskrit?A. Sanskrit was very similar to some European languages.B. Sanskrit was an ancient language.C. The Sanskrit word for mother is the same as that in Latin.D. Latin and Greek were very similar.82. Which of the following statements is true about "the common source"?A. Jones found out the common source.B. All languages sprang from the common source.C. Only three languages sprang from the common source.D. Since 1786, scholars have traced many languages to the common source.83. Where did the common source originate?A. In southernEurope.B. In north-central Europe.C. InIndia.D. in Pakistan.84. What can be concluded from the passage?A. Jones first discovered the root language.B. The languages with the common source are called the Indo-European family.C. The root language developed into different languages as people migrated.D. Every language in Europe is part of the Indo-European family. TEXT BYour first culture shock came after you left your home country and you needed to adjust to the United States, It is now important to learn cultural information about your company, so that you will fit in and perform successfully. The people who make up this environment have their own customs, habits and expectations of each new employee. Gathering information that is formal (policy) and informal (traditions) will help you learn the professional norms and become fully accepted. Policies are corporate documents describing procedures, rules, and standards that guide decision making and conduct. They are similar to official laws that govern a country. Some sources of such written company information include the annual report, product or service brochures, technical and procedural manual, employee directory and the company newsletter. Organizational traditions are usually unwritten hut common practices that have evolved over time. They set the tone and philosophy of the particular corporation, just as the customs of a country do. The best way to learn such information is to observe and talk with others such as your supervisor and co-workers.You can supplement ideas from formal introductory materials given you earlier. Explore with fellow employees those behaviors that may be tolerated but frowned upon. Ask your supervisor for feedback to avoidtypical traps that could cause your co-workers to reject you as a professional. Keep this guide nearby, and refer to it often in private. Reviewing formal company procedures, handouts, written notes, ideas, comments from bosses and colleagues, together with materials in this handbook, will help you make a more healthy cultural adjustment.85. What is the purpose to learn cultural information?A. To know the U. S. A. better.B. To work better in the new environment.C. To make more money.D. To improve one's English.86. According to the passage, ___________ is not the policy's function.A. describing procedures, rules and standardsB. governing a countryC. helping to guide decision making and conductD. writing down the company's information87. ____________ is the best way to learn the organizational traditions.A. To read the policiesB. To study the philosophyC. To study a country's customsD. To observe and communicate with the colleagues and boss.88. How to make a more healthy cultural adjustment?A. Read this passage often.B. Discuss the organizational culture with your colleagues.C. Gather and review the formal and informal information in the corporation.D. Ask your boss for help.89. The passage is written to ___________.A. help readers to understand the organization's cultureB. explain the culture shockC. analyze the policies and traditionsD. help readers to work better with their supervisor and co-workersTEXT C“White hostility toward African Americans, and the resulting discrimination, have been fueled by a sense of threat. During slavery, many working-class whites, encouraged by slaveholders, feared the release of large numbers of blacks into the labor market and society in general. When northern industries used African Americans as strikebreakers in the first decades of this century, white workers feared the loss of their jobs. Today, many white Americans fear “black violence”. Moreover, specific fears about the “costs” of welfare as well as the "taking" of jobs through affirmative action have added to the fear of black violence.These fears have translated into negative stereotypes of African Americans as a people who are prone to crime and violence, unwilling to work, and a drain on the white taxpayer through their welfare dependency. In turn, these stereotypes have been used to justify informal discrimination, to prevent the help to the urban poor, to be negligent in enforcing laws or policies prohibiting discriminatory practices against black workers, and most important, to hesitate in making a serious effort at job creation for African Americans. The result is that African Americans’ share of valued resources has not increased much over the last two decades, even as formal discrimination has been greatly lessened. This fact is used to further the negative belief that African Americans have "not taken advantage of their equal opportunities."90. According to the passage, how did the northern industries make use of African Americans in 1900s?A. Sent them to ask the strikers to go back to work.B. Made them work very hard.C. Employed them to threaten the white strikers.D. Released them into the labor market.91. What is the ill influence of these negative stereotypes?A. Giving help to the poor black.B. Justifying informal discrimination.C. Enforcing laws prohibiting discriminatory practices against black workers.D. Creating opportunities of employment for the black.92. What can be inferred from "a drain on the white taxpayer" about the African Americans?A. They are unwilling to work.B. They never pay tax.C. They lack security.D. Their welfare depends on the white's tax.93. The author wrote the passage to tell us__________.A. African Americans pose a threat to the whites in employmentB. African Americans are dependent on the tax paid by the whitesC. African Americans are discriminated against because they are often on strikeD. the sense of threat intensifies the white's hospitality and discrimination against the African AmericansTEXT D“People thought of themselves as having rights from companies,” said Hoshua Freeman, a labor historian at Columbia University. That sense of entitlement grew even stronger in the early decades after World War II and collective bargaining became the arena for arguing out wages, pensions, health insurance, vacations, hours and job security.That system is disappearing today. Career-long attachments to one employer, a notion born in the 1920's, are no longer the .norm. The newclass-consciousness makes less distinction between workers and managers. Rights are relative, at best. An increasingly conservative electorate has reduced government's role in regulating the economy. Unions have lost influence and membership.What people do is try to cope, by themselves, said Ms. Skelly, of DYG. Self-employment is one solution, DYG's polls show, and that is a rising trend. "They try, on the job, to hide any weakness in their performance," she said. “They work longer hours and take work home, without letting the boss know, to give the impression that they can do difficult tasks quickly. There is nothing like, ‘we are all in this together.’ There is too much competition. People talk of their weakness to friends and spouses, but not to coworkers.”And many Americans feel in their hearts that the unemployment might be justified. “There is a sense among people that we are inefficient and bloated,” Ms. Skelly said. “And until they feel that is no longer true, they are reluctant to criticize the forces that are cutting out the fat and the inefficiencies.”94. It can be inferred from the second paragraph that ___________.A. people do not enjoy their rights nowadaysB. people are more likely to change their jobs than they were in the 1920'sC. workers and managers share the same rights todayD. nowadays, people refuse to take part in the Union95. According to Ms Skelly, which of the following is true?A. People like to work overtime.B. People want to work at home.C. People want to impress the boss with their capability and efficiency.D. People need help from their families, for they cannot cope with difficult problems themselves.96. People hide their weakness from___________.A. their parentsB. their wives or husbandsC. their friendsD. their colleagues97. The main idea of the passage is___________.A. people thought of themselves as having rights from companiesB. people's sense of entitlement is not as strong as it used to beC. people work at homeD. people regard unemployment as usualTEXT EYou may not have thought of it just this way, but the letter you write is part of you, and expression of your personality. Therefore to write letters that are mere patterns of form is to present a colorless personality.Letters, by their very nature, are too individual to be standardized. A letter may be absolutely perfect according to the standards of good taste and good form; but unless it also expresses something of the writer's personality, it is not a good letter.In other words, don't be satisfied to write letters that are just correct and nothing more. Try to write letters that are correct for you... letters that are warm and alive with reflections of your own personality.And if this sounds like a platitude (陈词滥调), stop for a moment and think back over your recent correspondence. What was the most interesting letter you received? Was it a letter anyone could have written? Or was it a letter that instantly “came alive” as you read it—that brought the personality of the sender right into the room with you. as though you were face to face, listening instead of reading?The fault with too many letters, today as in the past—the reason so many letters are dull and lifeless, and often fail to accomplish the purpose for which they are written is simply this: They sound exactly like the letters everyone else writes. They are neither exciting to receive nor stimulating to read.98. What does the author mean by saying “the letter you write is part of you”?A. Writing letters plays an important part in your life.B. When you write letters, you should be careful about what to write.C. People can see your personality from the letters you write.D. You should write good letters.99. What does the author want to explain in the fourth paragraph?A. A good letter presents one's personality.B. His opinion is a platitude.C. Letter-writing is interesting.D. Talking face to face is a better way to communicate than writing letters.100. The best title for the passage is___________.A. Letter WritingB. Personality in Letter WritingC. To Write Interesting LettersD. To Write Correct Letters PARTVI WRITING[45 MIN]SECTIONA COMPOSITION[35 MIN]We all know that men and women play different roles in modern society, and that they differ in many ways, such as how to perceive the world, how to tackle problems and how to approach people. Think about the issue and discuss the differentways in which men and women behave in terms of interpersonal relationships, expressing affection, friendship and views on beauty.Write on ANSWER SHEET TWO a composition of about 200 words on the following topic:The Different Approaches or Perceptions of Men and WomenYou are to write in three parts.In the first part, state your view on this issue.In the second part, support your view with details or examples.In the last part, bring what, you have written to a natural conclusion or a summary.Marks will be rewarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriacy. Failure to follow the instructions may result in a loss of marks.SECTIONB NOTE-WRITING[10 MIN]Write on ANSWER SHEET TWO a note of about 50-60 words based on the following situation:You are William or Aileen. You are invited this weekend to a farewell party hosted by your friend, Sandy, who is going abroad for his PhD. Study. However, you are unable to see him off. Write him a note politely declining his invitation and expressing your good wishes to him.Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriateness.参考答案Part III31-35BCCDC 36-40CBAAB 41-45ACCBD 46-50BBADAPart IV51-55BCACA 56-60CBDCA 61-65CCDBD 66-70BDDCB 71-75ADAAB 76-80DBBCDPart V81-84ADBC 85-89BBDCB 90-93CBDD 94-97BCDB 98-100CAB。
钳工四级理论知识考试模拟题(含答案)一、单选题(共67题,每题1分,共67分)1.轴向间隙是直接影响( )的传动精度。
A、齿轮传动B、液化传动C、丝杠螺母副D、蜗杆副传动正确答案:C2.链传动中,链的下垂度( )为宜。
A、0.2LB、1.6/500LC、1.6/100LD、2%L正确答案:D3.用于宝石,玛瑙等高硬度材料的精研磨加工的磨料是( )。
A、金刚石磨料B、氧化铬磨料C、碳化物磨料D、氧化物磨料正确答案:A4.显示剂的种类有红丹粉和( )。
A、蓝油B、矿物油C、铅油D、机油正确答案:A5.起套结束进入正常套丝时( )。
A、可随意加压B、要加大压力C、适当加压D、不要加压正确答案:D6.一般手锯的往复长度不应小于锯条长度的( )。
A、1/3C、3/4D、1/2正确答案:B7.装配工艺( )的内容包括装配技术要求及检验方法。
A、方法B、过程C、规程D、原则正确答案:C8.刀具材料的硬度、耐磨性越高,韧性( )。
A、越差B、不变C、消失D、越好正确答案:A9.涂布显示剂的厚度,是随着刮削面质量的渐渐提高而逐渐减薄,其涂层厚度以不大于( )为宜。
A、0.03mmB、0.003mmC、0.3mmD、3mm正确答案:B10.用( )校正丝杠螺母副同轴度时,为消除检验棒在各支承孔中的安装误差,可将检验棒转过后再测量一次,取其平均值。
A、卡规B、卷尺C、检验棒D、百分表180°正确答案:C11.当磨损限度相同时,刀具寿命愈长,表示刀具磨损发生( )。
A、很快B、愈快C、愈慢正确答案:C12.对离合器的要求是( ),工作平稳和能传递足够的扭矩。
A、能改变运动方向B、分合灵敏C、能使两轴同步运转D、传递力矩正确答案:B13.过盈连接的配合面多为圆柱面,也有圆锥面或( )。
A、正方形B、矩形C、正方体形D、其他形式正确答案:D14.用螺钉调整法调整轴承游隙时,先松开( ),然后转动调整螺钉调整轴承间隙到规定值。
A、售后关怀B、店铺海报C、页面设计D、品类规划正确答案:A6、将访问量的增加转化为企业最终实现收益的提高,是搜索引擎营销的A、重要目标B、基本前提C、最终目标D、基本目标正确答案:C7、下列关于电子商务的说法正确的是().A、电子商务就是建网站B、电子商务是泡沫C、电子商务的本质是技术D、电子商务本质是商务正确答案:D8、要用图表直观呈现受教育程度的比例关系,应该选用的图表类型是()A、折线图B、条形图C、柱形图D、饼图正确答案:D9、计算机系统软件中最重要的是( )A、诊断程序B、操作系统C、语言处理系统D、数据库管理系统正确答案:D10、有关搜索引擎的工作原理,下列说法错误的是( )。
A、红利C、私利D、便利正确答案:C12、网络上说的意见领袖是什么意思( )。
范文2020年大学英语四级词汇和语法全真模拟试题及1/ 5答案(共九套)2020 年大学英语四级词汇和语法全真模拟试题及答案(共九套) 2020 年大学英语四级词汇和语法全真模拟试题及答案(一)41. My brother has decided to become a policeman,____what may.A. cameB. comeC. comingD. having come 42. My friend and adviser____ to lend me his money. A. have agreed B. has agreed C. agreed D. are agreed 43. A series of robberies ____recently. A. has been reported B. has reported C. have been reported D. have reported 44. “Which coat did your husband buy?” “The black one, but I____ the green one.” A. would rather have bought B. would rather buy C. would have rather bought D. rather had bought 45. I was to have a trip abroad if____. A. I had not been fired B. I was not fired C. my boss won’t have fired meD. I were not fired 46. Not until three years ago____ to work outside. A. he began B. he begins C. began he D. did he begin47.____ that it was going to rain, he took a raincoat with himA. SeeingB. SawC. SeenD. To see 48. If you____hard, you____in the exam. A. worked/ wouldn’t have failed B. had worked/ wouldn’t fail C. had worked/ wouldn’t have failed D. worked/ wouldn’t fail 49. When we drove to the country, we saw many ____. A. herds of cattles B. herds of cattle C. herd of cattle D. herd of cattles 50. Don’t go there this afternoon, I’d rather you____ tomorrow. A. went B. go C. will go D. would go 51. They saw a new movie at the theatre,____they had dinner at a Chinese restaurant. A. then which B. which after C. after which D. after that 52. In my country, the____ are all distributed free.3/ 5A. letters boxB. letters boxesC. letter’s boxD. letter boxes 53. I wish to go home with you,____? A. may I B. shall I C. would I D. can I 54. Our country is trying to____ the serious problems created by the environment pollution. A. comply with B. cope with C. cope to D. comply to 55. The thieves____the possibility of the alarm system sounding A. overtook B. overcame C. overlooked D. overworked 56. Although the main characters in the fiction are so true to life, they are certainly____. A. imagining B. imaginative C. imaginable D. imaginary 57. She stumbled and____ the coffee.A. spoiledB. spilledC. pouredD. splashed 58. A sheet of metal was shaken to____the sound of thunder. A. stimulate B. simulate C. reproduce D. duplicate 59. In today’s newspaper, it____ that there will be a new election tomorrow. A. tells B. states C. writes D. records 60. When he bent down to tie his shoelace, the belt of5/ 5。
姓名:___________考号:___________一、单选题(共70题)1.全面了解被调查对象在一个工作日内工作活动的情况,掌握其具体的工作内容、程序、步骤和方法的是( )的基本功能。
A.岗位写实B.岗位分析C.岗位观察D.作业测时2.( )原则要求管理者对员工给予充分的信任与尊重。
A.以人为本B.任人唯贤C.用人不疑D.严爱相济3.下列对以改善绩效为目的的培训说法不正确的是( )。
A.对员工进行的绩效评价应该每年进行一次B.制订好的绩效改进计划可以针对多个项目C.应该在指导者的指导下严格按照绩效改进计划进行D.在评估面谈中,考核双方应就绩效改进的方向达成一致4.如果用人单位安排劳动者延长工作时间,需支付员工不低于本人日工资( )的报酬。
A.100%B.150%C.200%D.250%5.在新员工对企业及员工不熟悉的情况下,( )是新员工获取企业信息的基本来源。
A.企业简介B.企业宣讲C.员工手册D.电视广告6.在管理人员的培训中,四级培训的目的是( )A.塑造领导能力B.开发参与者的企业家潜能C.让参与者准备好参加初级管理者工作D.提高参与者的自我管理能力和团队建设能力7.劳动者通过求职信、求职登记等形式向用人单位提出工作申请,此种情形可以说劳动者是( )。
A.3B.4C.5D.69.一般情况,凡产量取决于个人努力程度的适宜采用( )A.计时工资制B.计件工资制C.技能工资制D.岗位工资制10.( )是指在个人具备国家及所在企业规定的条件时可以享受的福利。
全国大学英语四级考试全国统一模拟冲刺试卷COLLEGE ENGLISH TEST— Band Four —试题册……………………………………………………………………………………………注意事项一、将自己的校名、姓名准考证号写在答题卡1和答题卡2上。
选定答案后,用HB-2B 浓度的铅笔在相应字母的中部划一条横线。
正确方法是:[A] [B] [C] [D]。
Part I Writing ( 30 minutes ) Directions:For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay. You should start your essay with a brief description of the picture and then express your views on the lonely life of aged people. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.注意:此部分试题在答题卡1上。
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A.技师合格证书制度和特殊岗位资格证书制度B.职业资格证书制度和特殊岗位资格证书制度C.技术等级证书制度和特殊岗位资格证书制度D.岗位合格证书制度和特殊岗位资格证书制度2.从系统论的角度,一个系统所具有的基本特征不包括( )A.整体性B.动态性C.相关性D.目的性3.( )不属于人力资源管理不当所导致的间接成本。
A.员工缺乏工作主动性B.较高的离职率C.员工不愿意和管理人员交流D.工作上互相抵触4.( )的目的是要解决一些共同的问题,让新员工尽快了解企业的基本情况。
A.文化课学习B.上岗前的集中训练C.专业课学习D.上岗后的分散训练5.岗前培训企业文化介绍不包括( )培训提纲。
A.企业基础B.公司使命C.核心价值观D.企业精神6.若企业规模较大,岗位设置繁杂,进行岗位调查时应采用( )。
A.现场观测法B.面谈法C.书面调查法D.综合采用上述方法7.( )具有保证劳动法体系全面实施的功能。
A.劳动法律法规制度B.企业内部劳动规则C.劳动争议处理制度D.劳动监督检查制度8.下列对绩效考评的认识正确的是( )A.绩效考评是孤立的事件B.绩效考评是一个简单的行为C.绩效考评具有层次性D.绩效考评没有时限性9.在( )的情况下,比较不合适采用杂志刊登招聘广告。
A.流失率较高的行业或企业B.空缺岗位的地区分布较广C.空缺岗位并非迫切需要补充D.候选人相对集中在某个专业领域内10.( )是通过对生产技术条件的分析,在挖掘生产潜力以及操作合理化的基础上,采用分析计算或实地测定来制定定额的方法。
A.经验估工法B.统计分析法C.类推比较法D.技术定额法11.( )的工种不适合采用技术等级工资制。
A.18周岁B.16周岁C.15周岁D.20周岁13.下列各项不属于观察法缺点的是( )。
A.调查者往往只能观察到被调查者的表面行为,难以把握其心理变化B.为取得理想的结果,需要长时间观察C.有时被调查者会觉察,引起误解D.被调查者易受他人影响14.以下关于岗前培训计划的说法错误的是( )A.对公司及部门层次、工作层次主题的划分B.需要规划岗前培训中的技术类和社会类课程C.岗前培训中的全部内容都是固定不变的D.培训计划是由文字和表格两部分内容所组成15.根据绩效( )的不同,绩效考评方法可以分为上级考评、同级考评、下级考评、自我考评和外人考评。
A.考评方向B.考评内容C.考评时间D.考评主体16.应聘申请表设计时,要符合当地有关( )和政策的要求。
A.法律B.上级主管部门C.业务部门主管D.人事行政总监17.非经济性福利中的工作环境保护项目不包括( )。
A.实行弹性工作时间B.缩短工作时间C.员工参与民主化管理D.实行轮班制度18.下列对以改善绩效为目的的培训说法不正确的是( )。
A.对员工进行的绩效评价应该每年进行一次B.制订好的绩效改进计划可以针对多个项目C.应该在指导者的指导下严格按照绩效改进计划进行D.在评估面谈中,考核双方应就绩效改进的方向达成一致19.不属于工作岗位调查方式的是( )。
A.德尔菲法B.面谈C.现场观测D.书面调查20.( )通常指以工时或完成产品件数计算员工的劳动报酬。
A.薪金B.薪资C.奖金D.工资21.我国《劳动法》规定,用人单位依法在法定休假节日时安排员工加班的,应支付不低于劳动者本人日或小时工资的( )支付劳动者工资。
A.100%B.150%C.200%D.300%22.关于背景调查应遵循的原则,下列说法错误的是( )。
A.只调查与工作相关的情况B.要评估调查材料的可靠程度C.重视客观内容的调查核实D.重视应聘者性格方面的主观评价内容23.企业从外部聘请的高等学校教师主要进行( )。
A.专业培训B.技能培训C.理论培训D.业务培训24.关于薪酬及薪酬管理,以下说法不正确的是( )。
A.员工薪酬实质上是一种交换或交易B.薪酬是员工提供劳动而得到的各种货币与实物报酬的总和C.企业薪酬管理与其他类型企业的内部薪酬管理无关D.薪酬管理的目标是减少企业人工成本25.岗前培训的优点不包括( )A.规范性强B.物质条件好C.适合技术性强的岗位D.有时间保障26.某一新成立的销售公司需要招聘一名具有一定经验的销售总监,那么,其最适合的招募来源是( )。
A.学校招聘B.竞争对手与其他单位C.下岗失业者D.退伍军人27.以下不属于观察法缺点的是( )。
A.调查者往往只能观察到被调查者的表面行为,难以把握其心理变化B.为取得理想的结果,需要长时间观察C.有时被调查者会觉察,引起误解D.被调查者易受他人影响28.下列社会关系中,属于劳动法调整的劳动关系是( )。
A.某公司向职工集资而发生的关系B.劳动者甲与劳动者乙发生借款关系C.两企业之间签订劳务输出的合同关系D.某民工被个体餐馆录用为服务员产生的关系29.以下关于雇主的说法中错误的是( )A.与雇员相对的一方B.企业财产的人格化代表C.一个孤立的自然人D.生产经营与管理的载体30.劳动法律关系的主体是指( )。
A.工会代表与用人单位B.工会与用人单位C.职工代表与用人单位D.劳动者与用人单位31.企业在( )阶段的工作要帮助新员工建立与同事和工作团队的关系,形成符合实际的期望和积极的态度。
A.转岗培训B.晋升培训C.工作期间培训D.员工入职培训32.制定典型定额标准是( )的需要。
A.经验估工法B.统计分析法C.类推比较法D.技术定额法33.( )是将对企业内外部条件各方面内容进行综合和概括,进而分析组织的优劣势、面临的机会和威胁的一种方法。
A.数理统计分析B.SWOT分析C.财务报表分析D.市场预测分析34.对伪造、涂改、冒用、转让、买卖就业证和许可证书的外国人和用人单位,由劳动行政部门收缴就业证和许可证书,没收其非法所得,并处以( )罚款。
A.5000元以下B.5000元以上1万元以下C.1万元以上10万元以下D.10万元以上35.员工信息管理的作用不包括( )。
A.是人力资源管理活动中必不可少的工具B.为单位处理员工的有关问题提供依据和凭证C.为企业制定人力资源管理等政策提供原始资料D.对试用员工进行考核和鉴定36.在招聘广告中不出现招聘企业名称的广告称为( )。
A.隐瞒广告B.秘密广告C.遮蔽广告D.不公开广告37.( )能够给员工提供发展的机会,强化工作动机,增强员工对组织的责任感。
A.竞争上岗C.公开选拔D.内部招募38.绩效低下的原因可分为( )。
A.总体原因和个体原因B.总体原因和组织或系统原因C.个体原因和组织或系统原因D.主观原因和客观原因39.下列陈述中,符合绩效考核指标设置要求的是( )。
A.让顾客完全满意B.熟悉设备的使用和维护C.尽量节约时间D.每月废品率不超过1%40.员工直接薪酬不包括( )。
A.基本工资B.员工福利C.奖金D.补贴41.下列对岗位评价的理解有误的是( )。
A.岗位评价的中心是现有的人员B.岗位评价是对企事业单位各类岗位的相对价值进行衡量的过程C.岗位评价是对同类不同层级岗位的相对价值衡量评比的过程D.岗位评价为岗位的分类、分级提供了前提42.从理论上讲,( )是人员录用效果最佳的方法。
A.因事择人C.双向选择D.领导指派43.关于劳动合同的续订与变更,说法错误的是( )。
A.提出劳动合同续订要求的一方应在合同到期之前15日书面通知对方B.劳动者在同一用人单位工作满10年,双方同样续签劳动合同,劳动者有权提出订立无固定期限的劳动合同C.订立劳动合同所依据的法规发生变化应变更相应的内容D.提出劳动合同变更的一方应书面通知对方44.按国家最新规定,国家建立城镇职工基本医疗保险制度,基本医疗保险费由用人单位和职工共同缴纳,其中职工缴纳费率一般为本人工资收入的( )。
A.2%B.4%C.5%D.6%45.关于培训计划的层次和类型,下列说法正确的是( )。
A.企业培训计划是单一的B.从培训计划的横向结构来看,有长期培训计划、中期培训计划和短期培训计划C.从培训计划的纵向结构来看,有整体培训发展计划、培训管理计划和部门培训计划D.一般长期培训计划的期限为3~5年46.组织信息调研的具体要求不包括( )。
A.准确性B.系统性C.开发性D.经济性47.企业若要进行全员培训,应采用( )。
A.岗前培训B.脱产培训C.在岗培训D.轮岗培训48.下列各项不能体现企业投入经费进行培训带来的效益的是( )A.任职者提高完成本职工作的质量B.为企业中长期的人才需求做好储备C.提高了企业整体任职人员的工作素质D.培训费增加,提高企业知名度49.绩效管理制度的基本内容不包括( )。
A.绩效管理的目标B.员工申诉的管理办法C.职位晋升的标准D.考评结果应用原则及配套措施50.下列有关月平均人数的公式最精确的是( )A.月平均人数=(月初人数+月末人数)/2B.月平均人数=月内实际每天工作人数/30C.月平均人数=月内实际每天工作人数/31D.月平均人数=月内每天实际工作人数之和/月内的日历日数51.应聘申请表的特点不包括( )A.节省时间B.能够准确了解应聘者C.提供后续选择的参考D.申请表的内容和形式固定不变52.可根据( )对用人需求进行分类,如经理、经理助理、一般员工岗位。
A.部门B.权限C.能力D.岗位53.关于培训方法,以下说法正确的是( )。
A.网上教学的缺点是课程内容很难根据学习者的具体情况改变,不够灵活B.自学会影响工作C.个别指导法中,指导者不良的工作习惯不会影响新员工D.工作轮换法适用于职能管理人员54.在确定培训项目个人收费标准时,考虑到送培单位及学员的承受能力,一般将管理费用系数控制在( ) 。
A.1%~2%B.3%~5%C.8%~10%D.10%~20%55.人员配置应遵循的原则不包括( )。
A.岗得其人B.人得其位C.人尽其才D.适才适所56.以下不属于员工信息内容的是( )。
A.参加党团组织的材料B.兴趣、特长、爱好等信息C.奖励和模范先进事迹材料D.劳动合同57.转岗培训是在岗培训的主要类型之一,造成转岗的原因不包括( )。