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1.You should improve the a_________ in listening.

2. After graduation, he went a________ for further study.

3. Please take care of my house during my a____________.

4. I've received a gift from him, but I'm not going to a_________ it.

5. I met Tom by a__________ in the cinema.

6. Too many a________ take up too much of our precious time for study.

7. In a___________ to hard work, he attributed his success to good opportunities.

8. At last she was a____________ into the famous university.

9. The foreign ministers handle the international a___________(事务).

10. The company could not a__________ to pay such large salaries.

11. The headmaster's opinion doesn’t a________ with mine.

12. Early in the 6th century B. C., farmers in China developed the science of a____________.

13. Jack finished his task two hours a_________ of time.

14. The film had a_________ finished when I got to the cinema. It was too late.

15. The teacher was a _________ at his rapid progress in English.

16. He a_________ himself quickly to the heat of the county.

17. You are my teacher, so you have the a____________ over me in experience.

18. You won’t get well unless you follow your doctor’s a_________.

19. Han Mei was reading a_________ when the teacher came into the classroom.

20. My teacher was very a___________ with me for coming late again.

21. It was a_____________ that celebration would be held on Sunday.

22. I think he’s just going to deal with this problem a_________ day.

23. My mother always gets a bit a_____________ if we don’t arrive when we

say we will.

24. I a______________ to him for stepping on his foot.

25. It’s no use a_________ with him about the matter. He won’t listen to you.

26. On his a_____________ at the station, he saw his friend waiting for him.

27. He was a______________ when he heard the unexpected news.

28. I passed the drive test at my first a_____________.

29. A__________ to your description, he is a person who is easy to get on


30. It was a remarkable (显著的) a__________ for such a young player.

31. They aren’t American, a__________, they are Canadian.

32. I will give you my a________ and telephone number if you want to know.

33. We’d like as many people as possible to a_________ the party.

34. An article in today’s newspaper caught my a_____________.

35. If you want to get a good mark, you’d better change you’re a_________

towards study.

36. The 8th month of the year is A__________.

37. 400 people a year die of this kind of disease on a_________.

38. Everyone should be a__________ of the importance to protect the


39. If you want to a____________ more customers, try advertising in the

local paper.

40. Egypt is an A_____________ country.


There is a big tree in the b__________ of the picture.

