英语语音 unit 3 English Back Vowels

英语语音发音部位及方法第一章发音部位一、发音器官二、唇形(口型)1)双唇紧闭2)自然开口3)扁唇:微笑4)大圆唇:尽量张大口5)小圆唇:口型渐渐变小第二章元音(Vowel)发音方法一、单元音(XXX)1.前元音(4 Front Vowels)1)/i:/——舌尖抵下齿龈,但不要抵得太紧。
(Open your mouth just a little for the sound。
Spread your XXX。
It’s a long sound。
Move your tongue up a little asyou say it.)2) /I/(/i/)——先发/i:/,在此基础上,嘴角稍微收小一点,开口略大一点,舌尖靠近,但不要紧贴下齿龈,发音时间相对较短。
(Open your mouth just a little morefor this sound。
Don’t spread your lips into a smile。
The sound is shorter。
XXX /i:/.)3)/e/(ε)——舌尖抵下齿龈,不要抵得太紧。
(Practice the sound /I/。
then open yourmouth a little more for this sound。
It is a short and relaxed sound.)4)/æ/——舌尖抵下齿龈,双唇尽可能向双方伸开,嘴角肌肉感触严重。
(Practice the sound / e /。
then open yourmouth a little more for this sound.)2.后元音(5 Back Vowels)1)/a:/——松弛自然,口张到最大,不要撅嘴,舌尖离开下齿龈,长元音。
simple vowels大学英语语音材料

close (high)
/ i: /, / I / (/ i /)
/e/ / 3: / (/ @: /) , / @ / /V/
/ u: /, / U / (/ u /)
/ O: /
open (low)
Hale Waihona Puke /{// Q / (/ O /), / A: /
simple vowels / pure vowels (单元音)
(according to the length) :
long vowels / short vowels
simple vowels / pure vowels (单元音)
tongue positions of simple vowels
For all the vowels, the tip of the tongue is placed against the back of the lower teeth. The tongue tip touches the base of the lower teeth or the teeth ridge.
simple vowels / pure vowels (单元音)
classification of simple vowels: according to the part of the tongue which is raised/moved/activated:
front vowels / central vowels / back vowels
according to the tongue height:
close/high vowels / open/low vowels / mid vowels

3) –cia-, cie-,-cio-,—social sufficient conscious
Revision Incomplete explosion
black tea
what time
a red pencil
help me good news
a big broom an old friend quite new good night at least a hard life
Please do the exercises
Spellings of /f/ and /v/
1. Spellings of /f/ 1) f, ff ---fat left stiff offer affair 2) ph ----physical photo sphere
3) gh---- laugh cough rough tough enough
3) t (in ‘tion’ and after s) — question suggestion
2. Spellings of /dʒ/: j — just joke jeep jacket g(before i, e and y) — gentle age giant gym dg(e) — ridge edge judge bridge
2.Spellings of /z/
s (between 2 vowels) — desire music design resolve s (between a vowel and a silent e) — choose these nose z, zz — zeal zoo dizzy zone x/gz/ (before a stressed syllable) —exact exam exhaust


英语语音训练智慧树知到期末考试答案章节题库2024年浙江越秀外国语学院1.Pure vowels can be classified into front vowels, central vowels and backvowels. ()答案:对2.When we join two nouns to form a compound word, we usually stress thesecond noun more than the first. ()答案:错3.The back vowel /۸/ is more like a central vowel than a back vowel.()答案:对4.There are 22 vowels, among which 12 are pure vowels.()答案:错5.The stop consonants are made by completely stopping the airflow at somepoint in the mouth()答案:对6.The start point for /ɪə/ is a little closer than /ɪ/.()答案:对7./f/ & /v/ are labio-dental sounds. ()答案:对8.If you're linking the same sound, you should simply hold the sound a littlelonger. ()答案:对9.[w]&[j] are two voiceless sounds. ()答案:错10.Speakers of English join words together by blending the last sound of a wordwith the initial sound of the following word. ()答案:对11.There are 8 fricative consonants, forming the largest set of consonants inEnglish.()答案:错12.Which words don’t contain a rounded back vowel?()答案:park###nut13.Which words don’t contain schwa?()答案:progress###refer14.Which words are unstressed function words in the sentence “I was thinkingof you all the time”?()答案:was###the###you15.The English pure vowels can be classified according to ()答案:The position of the lips###The part of the tongue raised###Theheight of the raised part of the tongue16.Which words contain a same back vowel?()答案:calm###dark17.What does an intonation unit consist of()答案:Nucleus###Tail###Head###Pre-head18.The same sentence can be said in different intonations to express ()答案:Anger###Happiness###Gratitude###Boredom19.Which phrase or sentence doesn’t contain a linking point between twovowels by adding a slight /w/ ? ()答案:Mix sand and water.20.选择所给单词正确的读音——Microsoft()答案:/ˈmaɪkrəsɒft /21.What’s the tail in the sentence “ Do you speak French and English”? ()答案:English22.Which sound is also called schwa?()答案:/ə/23.Which word should not be stressed in the phrase “Who taught him English”?()答案:him24.Which syllable in the compound noun "United States" should be stressed?()答案:states25.Any vowel can be reduced to schwa.()答案:错26.Nasals are made by closing the vocal tract at some point in the mouth.()答案:对27./tʃ/&/dʒ/ are affricate sounds produced by blocking off the breath-streambetween the tongue and gum ridge, for a stop and a fricative. ()答案:对28./tʃ/&/dʒ/ are two English affricates and they differ primarily in terms ofvoicing. ()答案:对29.In the rhythmic pattern of an English sentence, the unstressed syllable followeach other at equal intervals of time. ()答案:错30.The back vowel /u/ occurs only in the middle position of a word.()答案:对31./eɪ/ begins with the vowel sound /e/ in get. ()答案:对32.Th e more predictable a word’s occurrence in a given context, the higher itsinformation content is. ()答案:错33.There are 5 syllables in the sentence- Drive him away. ()答案:错34. A nucleus can’t be on any word or phrase in the unit. ()答案:错35.Both /u:/ and /u/ have quite strong lip rounding.()答案:错36.In the sentence “How many had he had”, the first “had” should bepronounced in its strong form /hæd/ .()答案:错37.Linking does not change the pronunciation of some final and initialconsonants of words. ()答案:错38.The intonation used in question-tags can have a rising tone or a falling tone.()答案:对39./ɪ/ is the short sound of /i:/. ()答案:错40.The falling-rising intonation is said to be associated with uncertainty.()答案:错41.Stessed syllables are strong syllable while unstressed syllables are weaksyllables. ()答案:对42.Linking is natural in English speech. ()答案:对43.In order to get more effective communication, we need to master the rhythmof English. ()答案:对44.[w]&[j] never occur in the word final position in English. ()答案:对45. A nucleus is still present even if the unit consists of a single syllable. ()答案:对46.Native speakers of English often use schwa vowels in unstressed syllable andreductions, especially in informal conversation. ()答案:对47.Which words contain a same diphthong?()答案:boy###coin48.Which sounds are closing diphthongs ?()答案:/aɪ/###/ɔɪ/###/əʊ/49.Which phrases have the same stress pattern?()答案:Long Island###Good Friday###New Jersey50.If a Chinese EFL learner fails to follow the rules of English rhythm, Englishspeakers may ()答案:not understand what he says###think that he is impolite or angry 51.Which words should be stressed in the sentence “You got your teachingposition ”?()答案:got###position52.Which part of the tongue is used for /t/ and /d/?()答案:The front of the tongue.###The upper gum ridge.53.Which ones aren’t the weak forms of “than”?()答案:/ðæn/###/n/54.Which sounds are also called the semivowel?()答案:/w/###/j/55.The central vowels are ()答案:/ə/###/ɜ:/56.Which sounds require lip-rounding?()答案:/ʃ/###/ʒ/57.Which stops make a nasal release in the following expressions?()答案:Stop him.###button58.The three degrees of stress are_____ ()答案:zero stress###primary stress###secondary stress59.Which word doesn’t contain the diphthong /ɪə/?()答案:isle60.Which phrase does not contain a linking point between a consonant and avowel? ()答案:Too slowly.61.Which word contains a dentalized sound before a labiodental sound?()答案:invite62.Which vowel is not a back vowel?()答案:/ə/63.How to pronounce the sound /t/ in the word "sport"? ()答案:unaspirated release64.Which sound is the most frequently used vowel in English?()答案:/ə/65.Which of the words doesn’t have secondary stress?()答案:reference66.Which word doesn’t contain the diphthong /eɪ/?()答案:bat67.Which word doesn’t contain the diphthong /əʊ/?()答案:now68.Which phrase can not illustrate the linking between two vowels by adding aslight /j/? ()答案:Say it.69.Which statement is wrong about back vowels?()答案:The front and back vowels are completely different.70.Which one isn’t the weak form of “has”?()答案:/hæz/71.Which phrase contains a linking point between two vowels by adding a slight/j/ ? ()答案:We often.72.Which word should not be stressed in the sentence “The number of fishmenis growing ”?()答案:is73.Which sound is a voiceless stop?()答案:/k/74.How to pronounce the sound /t/ in the phrase "sad Dave"? ()答案:Lengthened75.选择所给单词正确的读音——understand ()答案:/,ʌndəˈstænd/76.Which sounds are alveolar sounds?()答案:/s/ & /z/77.Which phrase can not illustrate the same linking rule? ()答案:After all.78.Which phrase illustrates the linking by making an incomplete plosive? ()答案:Look sad.79.Which one isn’t the weak form of “her”?()答案:/hз:/80.If the placement of the tone-unit boundary lies in “sold” in the sentence“ Those who sold quickly made a profit”, it means ()答案:A profit was made by those who sold quickly.81.Stressed words convey most of the information.()答案:对82.Fallling tone is usually used in Wh-questions.()答案:对83.If the speaker is not certain about the information, a falling tone is used onthe question tag. ()答案:错84.In the following dialogue, which part should be stressed in the question?()a: Is there milk in the refrigerator?b: No, on the table.答案:refrigerator85.Rising tone is usually used in complete and definite statement.()答案:错86.What are the functions of English intonation? ()答案:the attitudinal function###the grammatical function###thediscourse function###the accentual function87. A rising tone is often used to sound polite, especially when beginning aconversaiton. ()答案:对88.Which part of the sentence “she bought some books, pens, rulers and stamps”should be said with a falling tone? ()答案:stamps89.Falling-rising tone is usually used on the incorrect information, and thenfalling tone is used on the correct information.()答案:对90.In the following dialogue, which part should be stressed in the question?()a: I heard that you bought a big TV.b: No, it was a small one.答案:big91. A nucleus refers to the syllable in an intonation unit which carries maximalprominence. ()答案:对92.The part of an intonation unit that extends from the first stressed syllable upto the nucleus is called the “pre-head” of the intonation unit. ()答案:错93.What are any syllable or syllables that may follow the nucleus in anintonation unit called ? ()答案:tail94.I f there is no head of the intonation in a sentence, it’s no pre-head in thissentence. ()答案:错95.The last stressed syllable is seldom a marker of the highest importance andhasn’t the focus stress. ()答案:错96.What’s the pre-head in the sentence “I am WRIting a LETter to him”? ()答案:I am97.What’s the tail in the sentence”I am WRIting a LETter to him”? ()答案:LET98. A nucleus can be on any word or phrase in the unit. ()答案:对99.An intonation unit usually corresponds to a sense group or word group. ()答案:对100.The nucleus is the essential part of the intonation unit. ()答案:对101.Intonation isn’t an important element of spoken English.()答案:错102.The question “Who is giving us a talk” has ().答案:falling intonation103.The statement “It was nine o’clock” has ().答案:falling intonation104.In the sentence “Why are you leaving in a hurry”, the voice starts to go down before ().答案:hurry105.Which sentence has falling intonation?()答案:What’s your name?106.Which sentence has falling-rising intonation?()答案:-Do you know French? -I can read it.107.In the sentence “Are you taking a vacation in the summer”, the voice starts to go up before ().答案:summer108.Which sentence has rising intonation?()答案:Did you do it on the computer?109.The question “Do you believe me” has().答案:rising intonation110.English has two basic intonation patterns: rising and falling.()答案:对111.Variation of words or syllables that have strong stress with those that have weaker or reduced stress is typical and contributes to the rhythm of English.()答案:对112.In a Chinese EFL learner fails to follow the rules and says all English words ina sentences in a strong way, English speakers may not understand what hesays or think that he is impolite or angry.()答案:对113.When English speakers are speaking, they usually make some words stronger and clearer than other words. ()答案:对114.English and Chinese share similar rhythmic patterns.()答案:错115.Every language in the world has its own rhythmic pattern. ()答案:对116.The rhythm pattern of the sentence “Keep the dogs and the cats and the snakes.”is()答案:— ·— · ·— · ·—117.The rhythm pattern of the sentence ”Get bread, cream and jam.”is ()答案:———·—118.The rhythm pattern of the sentence ”Grow some beans, and some dates and some rice”is()答案:—·— ··— ··—119.Which statement is not true about the sentences “Get a purse.”and “Get us her purse”?()答案:The number of syllables are the same in the two sentences. 120.Which one is not a proper way of achieving “similar length of time”?()答案:stressing every word121.Which phrase illustrates the "intrusive-r" linking? ()答案:Formula122.Which phrase or sentence contains a linking point between two vowels by adding a slight /w/ ? ()答案:Two others.123.Which phrase illustrates the linking between the consonant and the vowel?()答案:Put it off.124.Which one contains a different type of linking ? ()答案:Stop talking.125.Which phrase contains a r-linking point? ()答案:Our own.126.Which phrase illustrates the linking by making an imcomplete plosive? ()答案:Last night.127.Strong forms are used when they are being contrasted()答案:对128.Elision of vowels and consonants is a feature of weak forms, like the weak form of "him". ()答案:对129.Reduction of the length of sounds is a feature of weak forms, like the weak form of "us". ()答案:错130.Obscuration of vowels towards the schwa is a feature of weak forms, like the weak form of "your". ()答案:对131.Which one is of not the weak form of "and"? ()答案:/ænd/132.Which one is of not the weak form of "of"? ()答案:/ɒv/133.Strong forms are used when they are used for emphasis. ()答案:对134.Strong froms are used when they are at the beginning of a sentence. ()答案:错135.Which one is not the weak form of "had"? ()答案:/hæd/136.Many function words in English have two pronunciations: a strong form anda weak form. ()答案:对137.Whether the statement is true or false? Stressed syllables are long, have a pitch change and have full vowel sounds. ()答案:对138.Which word should not be stressed in the following sentence? "The problem of overfishing in spreading. " ()答案:of139.Which word should not be stressed in the phrase "finish all my work"? ()答案:my140.Which word should not be stressed in a sentence? ()答案:Articles141.Whether the statement is true or false? In an English sentence, pronouns are usually stressed. ()答案:错142.Whether the statement is true or false? In English, every word of two or more syllables, when said alone, has a stress on one of its syllables. This is calledsentence stress. ()答案:错143.Which word should not be stressed in the phrase "teach people to fish"? ()答案:to144.What to stress in a sentence? ()答案:Information words145.Which word should have the strong stress in the following sentence? "I'm going to the library." ()答案:Library146.Which word should not be stressed in the phrase "a very old saying"? ()答案:a147.Which syllable in the word "teenager" should be stressed? ()答案:tee148.Which syllable in the word "technological" should be stressed? ()答案:lo149.Which syllable in the word "photography" should be stressed? ()答案:to150.Which syllable in the word "interesting" should be stressed? ()答案:in151.Which syllable in the word "economist" should be stressed?? ()答案:co152.Which syllable in the word "photograph" should be stressed? ()答案:pho153.Which syllable in the word "infamous" should be stressed? ()答案:in154.Which syllable in the word "contribution" should be stressed? ()答案:bu155.Which syllable in the word "essence" should be stressed? ()答案:e156.Which syllable in the word "industry" should be stressed? ()答案:in157.Which sound is not a closing diphthong?()答案:/eə/158.The starting point of /aɪ/ is similar to the sound /ʌ/. ()答案:对159.Which one is not the spelling rule of the sound /əʊ/?()答案:oi160.Which sound is not a centring diphthong? ()答案:/ei/161.Which word contains a different diphthong?()答案:says162.Which word does not contain a diphthong?()答案:cool163.The starting point of /ɔɪ/ is less open than /ɔː/.()答案:错164.Which statement is not correct? ()答案:The second part of a diphthong is much longer and stronger than the first part.165.Which one is not the spelling rule of the sound /ɪə/?()答案:are166.Which sound is made by lowering and flattening the tongue?()答案:/ɑ:/167.Which word contains a different back vowel?()答案:cook168.Which statement is wrong about the sounds /u:/ and /u/?()答案:/u/ has quite strong lip rounding.169.Which one is not the spelling rule of the sound /ɑ:/?()答案:ou170.The sound /u/ occurs only in the middle position of a word, like "foot".()答案:对171.Which sound has quite lip rounding?()答案:/ɔ:/172.Which back vowel is not a rounded vowel? ()答案:/ɑ:/173.The mouth is more open for /ɒ/ than /ɔ:/.()答案:对174.Which one is not the spelling rule of the sound /ɒ/?()答案:augh175.Which sound is called a schwa and is the most frequently used vowel in English?()答案:/ə/176.Which sound occurs only in stressed syllables?()答案:/з:/177.Which statement is wrong about the sounds /i:/ and /ɪ/?()答案:The difference in length is the only difference between them. 178.For which vowel the tongue is closer to the hard palate?()答案:/i:/179.Which sound is the lowest of the front vowel?()答案:/æ/180.Which sound is not a front vowel?()答案:/ə/181.Which statement about English vowels is right?答案:There is no obstruction to the flow of air.182.Which word contains a different vowel?()答案:knit183.Which one is not the spelling rule of the sound /i:/?()答案:ey184.To pronounce a correct /ɪ/,you need to make a lax sound instead of a tense sound like /i:/.()答案:对185.Which sound requires a placement of the tongue-tip being pressed against the upper gum ridge?()答案:/n/186.For the sound /r/, the tip of the tongue should never contact with the roof of the mouth.()答案:对187.Which sound is produced with the air flow around the sides of the tongue?()答案:/l/188.Which sound requires a lip-rounding?()答案:/r/189.Which sound is called a semivowel?()答案:/j/190.Which statement about /r/ is wrong?()答案:The tongue is pressed against the upper gum ridge.191.which word contains a dark /l/? ()答案:sail192.Which sound requires a placement of the back of the tongue being close to the soft palate?()答案:/ŋ/193.Which word contains a clear /l/? ()答案:line194.Which one is not a spelling rule of the sound /m/?()答案:ng195.Which word contains the sound /ʒ/?()答案:smooth196.What's the pronunciation of "es" in the word "badges"?()答案:/iz/197.Which sound requires lip-rounding?()答案:/ʃ/198.Which one is not a spelling rule of /ʃ/? ()答案:ge199.Which sound is a blend consisting a stop and a fricative?()答案:/tʃ/200.Which sounds are interdental sounds?()答案:/θ/& /ð/201.Which sound is produced with a strong air stream passing through the open glottis?()答案:/h/202.Which one is not the spelling rule of the sound /s/?()答案:z203.Which word can describe the pronunciation feature of /f/ and /v/?()答案:labio-dental204.Which one is not a spelling rule of /k/? ()答案:gu205.Which part of the tongue is used for /k/ and /g/?()答案:D. The back of the tongue.206.Which one is not a spelling rule of /g/? ()答案:qu207.How to pronounce the sound /t/ in the word "stir"? ()答案:Unaspirated release.208.Which word contains a bilabial stop?()答案:rob209.Which sound is not a voiced stop?()答案:/t/210.How to pronounce the sound /p/ in the phrase "keep quiet"? ()答案:Unreleased in word final position.211.How to pronounce the sound /g/ in the phrase "big gap"? ()答案:lengthened212.The stop consonants are made by partially stopping the airflow at some point in the mouth and then releasing it into the sound that follows. ()答案:错213.Which one does not contain an incomplete plosive?()答案:top one214.选择所给单词正确的读音—— interesting()答案:/ˈɪntrɪstɪŋ/215.A language consists of speech sounds, vocabulary and grammar. And vocabulary is the material form of the other two components. ()答案:错216.The timing pattern of English is stress-timing pattern. ()答案:对217.In English, every syllable is given about the same length.()答案:错218.How many syllables are there in the word "competition"?()答案:4219.选择所给单词正确的读音——Italian()答案:/ɪˈtæljən/220.Stressed syllables often have full vowel sounds. ()答案:对221.选择所给单词正确的读音——industry ()答案:/ˈɪndəstrɪ/222.A syllable is a word part and the basic unit of English rhythm. ()答案:对223.Which one is not a characteristic of stressed syllables? ()答案:have a reduced vowel sound。
英语原音分类练习English Vowels

/ eə / air pair wear tear care share there / Wherever there's oppression,there's resistance.
Three Central Vowels
/ ʌ / up cup some dose come double couple /just for fun /blood for blood
/ ɜ:/ sir bird nurse church her term search / It's the early bird that catches the worm.
/ aʊ/ now cow power out mouth south / about flowers / a thousand mountains
/ ɔɪ / boy toy joy voice noise loyal royal /join the boys / the voice of joy
/ əʊ/ oh go show low boat coat old cold / so cold / no hope / a hole in the coat
/ aɪ / tie die ride life fly try neither either / my eyes / Great minds think alike.
English Vowels
Four Front Vowels
/ i: / be me he see deed breeze eat neat please / a team leader / a piece of lean meat
英语发音简单讲解English Vowels

1.English VowelsEnglish Monophthongs English Diphthongs/i:/as in see ,be,me,we,est /ei/as in day,pay,way,game/I/as in him,it,sit,fit,big /əʊ/as in boat,go,so,low/e/as in let,get,yet,wet /ai/as in fine,eye,tie,buy,lie/æ/as in back,cap,map,back /aʊ/as in now,bow,now,town/a:/as in far,hard,fast,last /ɔi/as in boy,toy,joy/ɒ/as in box,top,hot, shop /iə/as in here,ear,dear,near/ɔ:/as in horse ,saw,law /eə/as in pair,air,bear/ʊ/ as in good ,put,look /ʊə/as in poor,sure,tour/u:/as in soon,too,who.you/ʌ/as in cut,up,cup,fun/ɜ:/as in first,her,bird/ə/as in again/doctor,ago,again,2.English Consonants/P/as in pen,pork,poor /s/as in say ,sit,side /ts/as in cats,lets,sets,gets /b/as in back,bit,but /z/as in zero,zoo /dz/as in beds,reads,lets /t/as in time,tea,top,turn /ʃ/as in show,shine,short, /m/as in mouth,meet,mix /d/ as in do,dog, dark /ʒ/as in pleasure /n/as in name,need,next /k/as in come,key,cat, /r/as in run,read,red /ŋ/as in song,sing,ring, /g/as in get,gas,girl /h/as in he,had,hand /l/as in like/tell,leave,let /f/as in fat,fit,fond /tʃ/as in chair,cheap,change /w/as in we,week,want/v/as in voice,vest /dʒ/as in job,join,joke /j/as yes,yard,year, /θ/as in think,thin,third /tr/as in try,treat,train/ð/as in that,the,that /dr/as in dry ,drink,dream。

英语音标大全English nal ic AlphabetVowels20)12 Monophthongs4 Front Vowelsi] as in "feet"ɛ] as in "met"æ] as in "cat"ʌ] as in "cut"3 Central Vowelsə] as in "about"ʌ] as in "but"ɜ] as in "bird"5 Back Vowelsu] as in "boot"ʊ] as in "put"ɔ] as in "thought"ɑ] as in "father"ɒ] as in "lot"8 Diphthongs5 Closing Diphthongseɪ] as in "day"aɪ] as in "my"ɔɪ] as in "boy"oʊ] as in "go"aʊ] as in "now"3 Centering Diphthongs ɪə] as in "here"ʊə] as in "tour"eə] as in "air"Consonants28)11 Voiceless Consonants p] as in "pat"t] as in "top"k] as in "kite"f] as in "fish"θ] as in "thin"s] as in "sit"ʃ] as in "ship"h] as in "hat"tʃ] as in "chat"tr] as in "tree"ts] as in "cats"17 Voiced Consonantsb] as in "bat"d] as in "dog"g] as in "go"v] as in "van"ð] as in "then"z] as in "zip"ʒ] as in "pleasure"dʒ] as in "judge"dr] as in "drive"dz] as in "adze"m] as in "man"n] as in "no"ŋ] as in "sing"r] as in "run"l] as in "leg"j] as in "yes"w] as in "we"Rewritten:The English nal ic Alphabet consists of 20 vowels and 28 consonants。
3.back vowels

The sound is made with open jaws and slight open lip-rounding, the back of the tongue is kept very low and far back. 上下唇齿全部张开,嘴形成圆形,音从口 腔内自然发出。 舌尖离开下齿,舌后向软腭微微抬起。 唇形:双唇稍用力,使嘴唇成圆形,不突 出。
/ ɔ:/
This sound has a low, mid-back tongue position; the tongue is tense; the lips are rounded and pushed forward a little. 上下唇齿全部张开,嘴形成圆形,音从口腔 内自然发出。 舌尖抵住下齿,舌后部向软腭抬起,舌后身 肌肉稍紧张些。 唇形:圆形且突出
should 应该
A Brief Summary of the English Back Vowels
The English back vowels have the following features in common: The tongue is retracted, the back part is raised to various levels in the direction of the soft palate. The tip of the tongue is slightly drawn away from the lower teeth. For/ ɒ / ,/ ɔ:/ , / ʊ /,/ u:/ the lips are rounded, but for /ɑ:/ the lips are not.
Vowels-English Pronunciation and Intonation for Communication英语语音练习

/i:/1)Come to tea!Come to tea with me!Come to tea with me by the sea!If you’re free, come to tea with me!Do you agree, if you’re free, to come to tea with me by the sea?2) A short poemBlue is the sea,Green is the grass.White are the clouds,Black are the crows.Brown are the trees,Red are the sails.Of a ship in the breeze.3) A songOh how lovely is the evening, is the evening.When the bells are sweetly pealing, sweetly pealing.Ding dong. Ding dong. Ding dong./ I /1)He’s swimming in the river.He’s swimming in the river with Tim.Come in, he’s swimming in the river with Tim.Will you come in, he’s swimming in the river with Tim.2) A poem“Tick” the clock says, “tick, tick, tick!”What you have to do, do quick;Time is gliding fast away.For motherland let us do our bit.3) A song1 little,2 little,3 little Indians,4 little,5 little,6 little Indians,7 little, 8 little, 9 little Indians,10 little Indian children.10 little, 9 little, 8 little Indians,7 little, 6 little, 5 little Indians,4 little, 3 little, 2 little Indians,1 little Indian child./e/He sells eggs.He sells hen’s eggs.He sells the best hen’s eggs.He sells the best hen’s eggs every Wednesday.He sells the best hen’s eggs every Wednesday in the market.1) A poemGood, better, best,Never let it rest:Till good is better,And better best.2) A songThe more we get together, together, together.The more we get together, the happier we’ll be.For your friends are my friends,And my friends are your friends.The more we get together, the happier we’ll be./æ/1)He attacked the man.He attacked the man in the van.He attacked the man in the van with a hammer.He attacked the man in the van with a hammer which he held with both hands.2) A poemI met a little boy JackWho came from another land.I couldn’t speak his language,But I took him by the hand.3) A song…This land is my land.This land is your land.This land belongs to you and me./ɑ:/1)I shan’t.I shan’t sing.I shan’t sing at the garden party.I shan’t sing at the garden party at my aunt’s farm.I shan’t sing at the garden party at my aunt’s farm tomorrow afternoon.2) A poemPast barges and carts,Past harbors and farms,The cars go darting by;Till after dark their sparkling lightsStartle the starry sky.3) A songDonna DonnaOn a wagon bound for market,There’s a calf with a mournful eye.High above him there’s a swallow,Winging swiftly through the sky.Chorus:How the wings are laughing!They laugh with all their might.Laugh and laugh the whole day throughAnd half the summer’s night.Donna, donna, donna, donna, …/ɒ /Where’s the watch?Where’s the watch I put in my pocket?Where’s the watch I put in my pocket to take to the shop?Where’s the watch I put in my pocket to take to the shop because it had stopped?1) A poemFroggy-boggy sat on a rock;Froggy-boggy had a great shock!Froggy-boggy fell off the top;Into the pond he fell with a plop.2) A songYesterday Once MoreWhen I was young I listened to the radio,Waiting for my favorite songs.When they played I’d sing along,It makes me smile.Those were such happy times and not so long ago.How I wondered where they’d gone?But they’re back again just like a long lost friend.All the songs I love so well.Every sha la la la, every wo wu wo wu, still shines.Every shingle lingle ling that they started to sing, so fine.When they get to the part, where he’s breaking her heart.It can really make me cry just like before.It’s yesterday once more./ɔ:/1)Paul called.Paul called from the hall.Paul called from the hall that he’d slipped on the floor.Paul called from the hall that he’d slipped on the floor and couldn’t get to the door.2) A poemGood Morning to AllGood morning to all who walk,Good morning to all who crawl,Good morning to all who soar,Or swim, good morning I call,To broad and to small, to short and to tall,Good morning, good morning to all.3) A songLondon BridgeLondon Bridge’s falling down,Falling down, falling downLondon Bridge’s falling downMy fair lady./u/1)Have a look at this good book.Have a look at this good book which I found near a brook.Have a look at this good book which I found near a brook and gave to our cook.2) A poemWe should love if we could go to the woodAnd look for the crooked may,Where the cuckoo took the wood-lark’s nest,And pushed her eggs away.3) A songI’d rather be a sparrow than a snail.Yes I would, if I could, I surely would.I’d rather be a hammer than a nail.Yes I would, if I only could, I surely would./u:/I’d choose blue.I’d choose blue shoes.I’d choose blue shoes to take to school.I’d choose blue shoes to take to school to wear.1) A poemAt noon in June when the flowers droop,And the roofing sky is blue;When the doves croon through the gloom of the trees, What do we choose to do?Why, to troop to the pool where the water coolSeems far too good to be true./ʌ /1)You must come.You must come to supper.You must come to supper with us.You must come to supper with us and join in the fun.2) A poemThere’s a mutter and grumble in the groundWhen thundering comes the train;Then into the tunnel it rumbles onAnd another comes thundering again.3) A songOne Day When We Were YoungOne day when we were young,One wonderful morning in May,You told me, you loved me,When we were young one day.You told me, you loved meAnd held me close to your heart.We laughed then, we cried then,Then came the time to part.Remember you loved me,When we were young one day./з:/1)He searched and searched.He searched and searched for the bird.He searched and searched for the bird he heard.He searched and searched for the bird he heard in the church.2) A poemWorms squirm in the earthWhen first is heardThe murmur and chirpOf the early bird./ə/1)normal [ə]ago again among above agree about ahead admire abroad approve attempt asleep amuse affirm assist attach advance attend 2)lowered [ə]after fever doctor worker soldier daughter father mothercolor other never paper order danger sugar picture3)The girl at the counter.The girl at the counter is the doctor’s daughter.The girl at the counter is the doctor’s daughter, who is showing an old worker some sugar.The girl at the counter is the doctor’s daughter, who is showing an old worker some sugar and butter.4) A poemButter and sugar and eggs and flour,Beat them again for half an hour,Bake the cake for an hour or more,But you never must open the oven door.…A songTo everything, turn, turn, turn,There is a season turn, turn, turnAnd a time for every purpose under heaven.A time to be born, a time to dieA time to thank, a time to reapA time to be killed, a time to healA time to laugh, a time to weep.To everything, turn, turn, turn,There is a season turn, turn, turnAnd a time for every purpose under heaven./ei/1)No pains, no gains.(不劳无获)Call a spade a spade.(实事求是)A penny saved is a penny gained.(省一文是一文)Haste makes waste.(欲速则不达)2) A poemTo the RainRain, rain, go away.Come again another day.Little Johnny wants to play.Rain, rain, go to Spain.Never show your face again.Rain on the green grass.And rain on the tree.Rain on the house topBut not on me.3) A songRain, rain, go away, go away.Rain, rain, go away.Please come another day.Please come another day.Little Johnny wants to play.Wants to play, wants to play./əu/1)Little strokes fell great oaks.(滴水穿石)A rolling stone gathers no moss.(滚石不生苔,转行不聚财)As you sow you shall mow.(种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆)Roll my log and I’ll roll yours.(你捧我来我捧你,花花轿子人抬人)Home, home, sweet home, there is no place like home.2) A poemShow me where those roses grow,Closed and cold as frozen snow,Or slowly opening wide, and showingHow their golden hearts are glowing.3) A songRow, row, row your boat.Gently down the stream.Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrilyLife is interesting./ai/1)Strike while the iron is hot.(趁热打铁)Let bygones be bygones.(既往不咎)Great minds think alike.(英雄所见略同)Diamonds cut diamonds.(棋逢对手,将遇良才)Lightning never strikes twice in the same place.(事不过二。

《英语语音》课程教学教案Unit 1 Phoneme and TranscriptionUnit 2 The Pure VowelsUnit 3 The DiphthongsUnit 4 Rules of Reading of English Vowel Letters Unit 5 The ConsonantsUnit 6 Connected Speech (1)Unit 7 Connected Speech (2)Unit8 Connected Speech (3)Unit 1 Phoneme and TranscriptionPurpose:The students will learn some basic concepts in English pronunciation. We are going to learn something about syllables, stress and rhythm in English. At the same time, they will learn to say greetings and farewell with appropriate pronunciation and intonation in English.Objectives: Students will be able to :and “stressed1.Define - in their own words a definition for “syllable”then a definition for “rhythm” and “rhythmic pattern”;syllable”,pare – based on the understanding of the basic concept, compare thedegrees of stress and different rhythmic patterns;3.Practice –imitate the typical stress patterns and rhythmic patterns inEnglish.Activities and Procedures:1.Begin by asking the class to find out how much the students know about stresspatterns and rhythmic patters in English, make sure that it serves the purpose of stimulating the students to think about the issue and have the desire to find out the answers themselves.2.Display examples by playing the recording of the native speakers showing thetypical stress patters and rhythmic patterns in English.3.Ask the students to listen to the tapes to mark out the stressed syllables in words.4.Ask the students to listen to the tapes to mark out the stressed words in sentences.5.Have the students imitate the stress patterns and rhythmic patterns to experiencethe rhythm in speech.6.Have the students share what they have learned by reading out the practicematerials in pairs.7.Have the students listen to the conversations recorded by native speakers ofEnglish and try to get the rhythmic patterns in their speech.8.Have the students practice the guided conversation. Ask them to pay specialattention to the stress the rhythm in speech.9.Highlight the language function in the conversation in the practice.10.Have several pairs of the students present their conversation in the class.ment on the students’performance by highlighting the achievement of thestudents and the efforts they need for the improvement.12.Ask the students to do more practice after class and get ready for presentation during the nextsession.Basic Concepts: Syllables, Stress & RhythmIn this unit, we are going to learn some basic concepts in English pronunciation. We are going to learn something about syllables, stress and rhythm in English. At thesame time, we are going to learn to say greetings and farewell with appropriate pronunciation and intonation in English.First of all, let’s look at the syllable in English.Please listen to the following word: driveway.Now, tell me, how many syllables there are in this word? Right. There are two.Please listen to the following sentence: Drive him away.Tell me, how many syllables there are in this sentence? Right. There are four.IntroductionSo. What is a syllable?A syllable is a word part and the basic unit of English rhythm. English words canthere are two have one, two, three or even more syllables. In the word ‘driveway’,syllables. In the sentence ‘Drive him away’, there are four.What is a stressed syllable?In English words with more than one syllable, one of them will receive more stress than the others. Stressed syllables are those that are marked in the dictionary asa stressed syllable stressed. For example, in the word ‘driveway’, the first syllable iswhile the second syllable is not.Stressed syllables in English are usually longer, louder, and higher in pitch.Listen to the following example:ba NAAAA naSyllable 1 Syllable 2 Syllable 3(short) (long) (short)The word "banana" has 3 syllables. Syllable 1 is not stressed a nd so is short. Syllable 2 is stressed and so is long with a clear vowel sound /:/. Syllable 3 is not stressed and so is also short.Here is a short summary about the stressed and unstressed syllables:Stressed syllables are strong syllables. Unstressed syllables are weak syllables.Stressed syllables:-are long-have a pitch change-have full vowel sounds.Unstressed syllables:-are short-often have a reduced vowel sound.hythm in English.Now let’s look at the rWe all know that correct pronunciation of the individual English sounds is important in communication. The way the sounds are organized, however, is often more crucial for understanding. The rhythm of English, for example, is one of the two major organizing structures that native speakers rely on to process speech.What is rhythm?Rhythm can be found everywhere in life: the sound of a clock, the beating of the heart, the strokes of a swimmer, and of course in poetry and music. But rhythm in language is less familiar because it is less obvious. The rhythm of a language is characterized by the timing pattern of successive syllables. In some languages, every syllable is given about the same length, while in others, syllables vary in length. In English, strong beats are called stress -- the heart of the rhythmic pattern.音节、重音与节奏本单元将向大家介绍英语语音语调的基本概念, 主要介绍英语语音的音节、重音和节奏规律。

Please try to read:
rock stock what
raw stork walk
wood could pull
u: /
wooed cooled pool
ck come
a: /
u, o, oo, ou, put wolf foot could
/ɔ:/ or, aw, ou, au, a, ore, oor,
oar, our horse jaw bought before door board
fault talk court
o, a, ou, ow, au on was cough knowledge because
/a:/ ar, al, a
car calm after staff past path
u, o, ou, oo, oe
sun son enough blood does
Pronunciation of oo:
k,d 之前都发短, Foot, food 恰相反, 血与水灾特殊看,(blood, flood) 屋子后面寻短见,(room) 面条太长扯不断,(noodle) 其他长音最常见.
lark calm
Please do the exercises
I soon took off my shoe
And put my foot in the pool. Oh! How cool! How cool!
《少儿英语语音》Lesson 2Pure Vowels

Sandy: Thank you!
Miss Wang: You’re welcome!
5. back vowels
舌后尽量抬高,双唇收圆、缩小、向前突出, 扩大口腔空间形成共鸣腔,口
腔肌肉紧张,牙床几乎全合,气流通过口腔 无摩擦,声音有延续,是长元音。
shoe zoo moon cool blue soup food moon You’re so cool! Who’s the winner?
Everybody, cheese!
3. front vowels
舌尖抵下齿背,舌端稍稍抬高(比发/e/音时要 低),双唇向两边伸张,略扁,牙床几乎全开,
口腔肌肉紧张,气流通过口腔无摩擦,短音(通 常比/I/ /e/音稍长)。
bag cat tap hat clap hand pack hack Clap your hands! Don’t let the cat out of the bag!
perform the dialogue
Miss Wang: Hello, Sandy!
Hello, Miss Wang!
Miss Wang: What’s this?
Sandy: It’s an apple!
Miss Wang: The apple is yummy. Here you are!
5. back vowels
舌后尽量抬高,双唇收圆、缩小(比/u:/稍大)、向 前突出,扩大口腔空间形成共鸣腔,口腔肌肉紧 张,牙床半开,气流通过口腔无摩擦,声音有延 续,是长元音。
English Phonetics-1-2-3

LOGO English PhoneticsEDITED BY Lou Baochuni i eu uei i i u ui u p b t d k gf v lm nw jtr dr ts dz英语音标英语音标元音单元音前元音中元音后元音双元音辅音爆破音摩擦音破擦音鼻音舌边音半元音辅音连缀英语音标practice Front vowels:/i / /i / /e/ / /Plosives:/p/ /b/ /t / /d/ /k/ /g/ peace beat seat deed keep geese pig big sit did kick giftpet bet set dead kept getpat bat sat dad catch gapI’m going to leave/ live with my brother.The peach/ pitch was bad.You have been using my pen/pan.He heard the kettle/ cattle from a long way away.-Have you got any cream cheese?-Yes, how much cheese do you need?-250 grams, please. I’m going to make a cheese cake.Eat more fish, less meat.There’s a bee on the leaf of that peach tree. You needn’t heat it before you eat.These trees have been beaten by the breeze.Better late than never.I shall never forget the lesson.I went shopping and lost my bag.I am a bit upset at his leaving early.Have you got a pet/ bet?I had a sharp stab of pain in the leg.The peach/ beach was dirty.She tied/ dyed the scarf.Their cart/ card was missing.What a beautiful curl/ girl!-Good afternoon. I’ve just joined the library. How many books can I take out? -you can take two books, and keep them for ten days.Tongue twisterBob bought a big bag of buns to bait the bears' babies.Double bubble gum bubbles double.Give papa a cup of proper coffee in a copper coffee cup. The great Greek grape growers grow great Greek grapes. Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers.Did Peter Piper pick a peck of pickled peppers?If Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers,where's the peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked?第二章英语语音backUnit 2uu摩擦辅音后元音f vs zh rBack vowels: / // / / //u //u/Fricatives: /f/ / / / / / //v/ / / / / / /card; star; hard; past; maskcourt; law; horse; form; brought god; soft; top; what; coughcool; moon; loose; move; stoolcook; wool; foot; put; hookfeel;fan; fail; leaf; refuseveal; van; veil; carve; reviewsthieves; thanks; wreath; tooth; nothing these; than; breathe; smooth; leathersink; loose; place; nicer; buszinc; lose; plays; zone; buzzprecious; vacation; desertion; commotion treasure; occasion; decision; explosionHis father drove him to the hospital emergency department.The artist is a person working on art.They couldn‟t find the fox/forks.The cock/ cork has been stolen.The troops air their boots and shoes on the roof.I am looking for a book about woodwork.Frances covered her face with a veil.Victor is a very efficient man.His father and mother went through thick and thin.Those clothes aren‟t worth anything.Sally always suffers from sea-sickness when she is at sea.That shop sells the latest fashion of shirts and shorts.Tongue twisterSam's shop stocks short spotted socks.A good cook could cook as much cookies as a good cook who could cook cookies.He knew that he could, and thought that he should, but he wasn't sure that he ever would.Who washed Washington's white woolen underwear when Washington's washer woman went west?I thought a thought. But the thought I thought wasn't the thought I thought I thought.Freshly fried fresh flesh.Franc's father is frying French fries for his five fire-fighter friends after they finished a fire-fighting in a factory.Nothing is worth thousands of deaths.Miss Smith's fish-sauce shop seldom sells shellfish.Six silly sisters sell silk to six sickly senior citizens.We surely shall see the sun shine soon.I wish to wish the wish you wish to wish, but if you wish the wish the witch wishes, I won't wish the wish you wish to wish.A flea and a fly were trapped in a flue, and they tried to flee for their life. The flea said to the fly “Let…s flee!” and the fly said to the flea “Let‟s fly!” Finally both the flea and fly managed to flee through a flaw in the flue。
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B. they spoke softly and lovingly
Back vowels & their description
/ :/ /ɒ/ low, back, unrounded vowel low, back rounded vowel
/ ɔ:/
1. 2. 3. 4. I'm going to __________. A. cook it Well, to tell you the truth, ___________. A. Susan is the only one that I know
B. wash it B. I know nothing about his stuff
mid-low, back, rounded vowel
lower high, back, rounded vowel
/ u:/
high, back, rounded vowel
lower mid, central, unrounded vowel
Well, to tell you the truth, ___________. A. Susan is the only one that I know B. I know nothing about his stuff The speaker was talking about the woman losing her __________. A. hut B. heart Neither have I. ______________ A. Did you make it yourself?B. When did you build it?
11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20.
heart guard carp lark barn dark march calm cart harm
hot god cop lock bun duck much come cut hum
Listening Exercise –
6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
Oh, was it because of __________? A. the colour of its scales
B. the hat he is wearing
The speaker is going to get rid of the ______. A. cot B. cart The speaker is looking for the _____. A. forks B. fox
11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20.
heart guard carp lark barn dark march calm cart harm
hot god cop lock bun duck much come cut hum
Listening Exercise – Sounds for information
B. cook with a wok
B. they spoke softly and lovingly
Listening Exercise – Sounds for information
1. 2. 3. 4. I'm going to __________. A. cook it
B. wash it
Sound discrimination
1. fool 2. cooed 3. pool 4. Luke 5. wooed 6. kooky 7. caught 8. hawk 9. dawn 10. taught
full could pull look would cookie cot hock don tot
He told the speaker that the man ________. A. was dead B. was not tall The speaker is going to ________. A. have a walk Yes, they told me that __________. A. they were able to
Listening Exercise –
Sound discrimination
1. fool 2. cooed 3. pool 4. Luke 5. wooed 6. kooky 7. caught 8. hawk 9. dawn 10. taught
full could pull look would cookie cot hock don tot
/u:/ and / ʊ /
/u:/ and / ʊ / are both high, back, rounded vowels. The /u:/ marks the highest boundary for the back vowels in English, as /i:/ does for the front vowels. Therefore, the tongue is retracted from its rest position and raised toward the soft palate. This vowel is quite common in the languages of the world and appears without problem in most Chinese learners. Along with /u:/, / ʊ / completes the vowels in the high back space on the vowels chart. Its corresponding front vowel is /ı /. When making the sound, the tongue is retracted as for /u:/ but not elevated to the same extent. In addition, the / ʊ / vowel is not made with as much tension in the root of the tongue as /u:/.
/ α:/ and / Λ /
/ α:/ is made by lowering and flattening the tongue in the oral cavity. It is a low vowel, but not as back as other back vowels in English. / Λ / is quite different from other vowels in this group in that it is more like a central vowel than a back vowel (see the vowel chart). / Λ / is made with the tongue in the approximate middle of the mouth, perhaps shifted back slightly. It is lower than the other central vowels /з:/ and /ə/ . The lip position is neutral.
He told the speaker that the man ________. A. was dead B. was not tall The speaker is going to ________. A. have a walk Yes, they told me that __________. A. they were able to
English Back Vowels
There are six back vowels in English.
The back vowels are produced by shifting the body of the tongue back from its central position. The tip of the tongue remains at the level of the lower teeth. Unlike the front vowels that are made with a fairly neutral lip posture, four of the back vowels are rounded. The back vowels may also be subdivided into those that are high like /u:/ and /ʊ /, those that are mid like / ɔ:/ and / Λ /, and those that are low like /α:/ and / ɒ /.
6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
Oh, was it because of __________? A. the colour of its scales
The speaker is going to get rid of the ______. A. cot B. cart The speaker is looking for the _____. A. forks B. fox
The speaker was talking about the woman losing her __________. A. hut B. heart Neither have I. ______________ A. Did you make it yourself? B. When did you build it? B. the hat he is wearing