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Module 3

Unit1 Point to the door.

Part 1

Teaching aims:

Point to …

Stand up…

Sit down…


the,door,window,blackboard,bird,please,point to,stand up,sit down, Tweet

Teaching time:

Forty minutes

Teaching procedures:

A. Warmer:

a. Greeting

Ss:Hello,Miss Wang.

T: Good moring,boys and girls.

Ss: Good moring,Miss Wang.

T: How are you ?

Ss: I’m fine.And how are you?

T:I’m fine,too.Thank you.

Good,sit down,please.

b. Review

1.Sing a song: Good morning,Sam.

2.Point and say. The teacher points to the objects and the Ss. say the


c. Demonstrate the meaning of ‘point to’, ‘stand up’and ‘sit

down’. Do the actions as you say the words. Say the words in English. Write the words on the board.

d. Say, ‘Point to the door.’Point to any door in the room and

have the Ss. do the same. Do a lot of examples.

e. Say to the class. ‘Stand up’, and then ‘Sit down.’Do the

actions and have the Ss. do them too.

B. New lesson:

1.Listen and point.

a. Get the Ss. to look at the book.Ask them questions in Chinese

about the pictures,e.g. Who are the characters? What is happening?

What is Lingling doing in Picture 4? Which animal comes into the classroom?

b. After the Ss. have listened to the tape and pointed to the

pictures, play the tape again. This time they have to follow Ms Smart’s instructions,i.e. they have to sit down, stand up, point to the door, point to the window and then point to the blackboard. They should point to the objects in the textbook, but if they are capable, you can play the tape again and they can point to the objects in their classroom.

c. Play the tape several times. Try to get the students to follow

the instructions without looking at their books.

2.Listen and say.

a. Play the tape again, pause it after each utterance and get the

Ss. to repeat the sentences.

b. Explain that you will give instructions and that the Ss. have

to listen and point to the correct pictures.

3.Say and do.

a. If you want to extend this game, add the words ‘boys’and

‘girls’ to the instructions.


T: Boys, stand up.

Ss(boys stand up)

b. You can use the word ‘class’, so all of the Ss. should follow

your instructions.

C. Homework:

1. 小组完成:画一画自己的教室或房间,然后与同伴交换,并进行


2. 个别完成:复习本单元内容,预习下一单元内容;从课堂上所做


Writing board:

Unit 1 Point to the door.

A:Point to…B:Stand up…C:Sit down…

