实时定量PCR引物和探针设计操作步骤Primer Express软件
realtimePCRTaqman探针设计、实时多重PCR探针的选择、引物的设计及评价real time PCRTaqman探针设计、实时多重PCR探针的选择、引物的设计及评价一、实时荧光Taqman 探针设计总原则:探针选择要保守,引物选择要保守,因此必须找一段100-200bp相对要保守的片段来设计引物与探针。
即real-time PCR 的扩增片段是50bp----150bp。
若在原序列中找不到合适的探针与引物(1主要是探针和上游引物的距离太远,而离下游引物的距离却较近时;2突变位点要求在探针的5’ 端也能检测到荧光信号,但却是在3’端),可在互补的序列中设计引物与探针。
另real-time PCR中的探针和引物的Tm值,均要高于平常PCR 的引物和杂交的探针的Tm值。
2.探针长度Taqman探针的长度最好在25-32bp之间,且Tm值在68-72℃之间,最好为70℃,确保探针的Tm 值要比引物的Tm值高出10℃,这样可保证探针在煺火时先于引物与目的片段结合。
Real-Time PCR操作手册 0904
7 合成引物: 送往 Sangon 合成引物,大约需三个工作日。
8 引物稀释: 原液 100 μM 工作液 5 μM mixture Forwad primer Reverse primer ddH2O
5 μl 5 μl 90 μl
三) 推荐反应体系
试剂 2 × SYBR Green PCR Master mix cDNA (1-100 ng RNA 反转录所得 cDNA) H2O 5 μM Primer mix 终体积
此时可以设计 Real-time PCR 反应程序,点击兰色行的加号添加反应循环步骤,点击白色行加号添加每 一个循环内的步骤。 上图为 real-time PCR 的默认程序, ① 将第二个循环中第一步 95℃的时间调整为 15 秒,第二步改为 60℃(这些条件都需要根据所用的试 剂不同做出相应的调整), ② 另外我们需要添加熔解曲线步骤,点击红圈标出的加号,添加第三个循环,并把 dwell time 改为 1, setpoint 列改为 95℃, ③ 再点击加号添加第四个循环,并把 dwell time 改为 1,setpoint 列改为 55℃,
5 选择引物序列: 打开 Map 标签页,查看找到的引物序列,此时引物有红蓝两色显示,在 optimal primer pairs only 前
打勾,则只显示红色并基本上按得分高低排列引物,此时尽可能选择靠近 3’端的引物;再打开 Result 标签页,复制 Forwad primer 和 Reverse primer 序列到 Word 文档中,比对引物查看其是否跨越至少 1 个 外显子,再打开 Primer 标签页查看选中的序列的罚分值,若引物正好跨越外显子,且得分比较低(红 色基本可用)则可用。
Real-Time PCR 操作手册
另外,这项技术还可以用来检测基因表达差异或不必构建cDNA 文库克隆cDNA。
在两步法RT-PCR 中,每一步都在最佳条件下进行。
实验步骤:Trizol法RNA提取步骤1、提取总RNA2、逆转录反应3、PCR反应以下实验步骤仅供参考:1 样品RNA的抽提①取冻存已裂解的细胞,室温放置5分钟使其完全溶解。
水相上层的体积大约是匀浆时加入的TRIZOL 试剂的60%。
加等体积异丙醇混合以沉淀其中的RNA,混匀后15到30℃孵育10分钟后,于4℃下12000rpm 离心10分钟。
real-time-PCRTaqman探针设计、实时多重PCR探针的选择、引物的设计及评价————————————————————————————————作者:————————————————————————————————日期:real time PCRTaqman探针设计、实时多重PCR探针的选择、引物的设计及评价一、实时荧光Taqman 探针设计总原则:探针选择要保守,引物选择要保守,因此必须找一段100-200bp相对要保守的片段来设计引物与探针。
即real-time PCR的扩增片段是50bp----150bp。
若在原序列中找不到合适的探针与引物(1主要是探针和上游引物的距离太远,而离下游引物的距离却较近时;2突变位点要求在探针的5’ 端也能检测到荧光信号,但却是在3’端),可在互补的序列中设计引物与探针。
另real-time PCR中的探针和引物的Tm值,均要高于平常PCR的引物和杂交的探针的Tm值。
2.探针长度Taqman探针的长度最好在25-32bp之间,且Tm值在68-72℃之间,最好为70℃,确保探针的Tm 值要比引物的Tm值高出10℃,这样可保证探针在煺火时先于引物与目的片段结合。
用Primer Express软件来设计比较方便
用Primer Express软件来设计比较方便、简单。
good luck。
Design GuidelinesEnsure the following guidelines are met:× Amplicon length – 50 to 150 bases for optimum PCR efficiency.× Probe Length – 13 to 30 bases. Do not overlap primer and probe sequences.× Tm – 68 to 70 °C.× % GC – 30 to 80 %.× 5' end – Cannot be a G residue. A G residue adjacent to the reporter dye will quench the reporterfluorescence somewhat, even after cleavage.Avoid the following motifs:× Repeating oligonucleotides – Avoid runs of identical nucleotides. If repeats are present, there must befewer than four consecutive G residues.× Consecutive A residues –Avoid six consecutive A residues anywhere in the probe. Consecutive Aresidues can cause a high No Template Control (NTC) signal.× CC dinucleotides –Avoid two or more CC dinucleotides in the middle of the probe, which can sometimesreduce signal. Select a different probe or design the probe using the anti-sense (complementary) strand.×FAM™ dye-labeled probes – If you will order a FAM dye-labeled probe, avoid a G in the second position on the 5' end (VIC® dye-labeled probes are not affected ). A G in the second position on the 5' end in FAM dye-labeled probes can reduce fluorescent normalized reporter signal (Rn).× Hairpin Loops, self-dimerization, and cross-dimerization.Design Considerations When Selecting Candidate Probes:× Select probes with more C residues than G residues to minimize reporter fluorescencequenching.× Select probes with Tm 10 °C or more higher than the primer Tm.定量PCR Taqman探针设计要领自90年代Taqman探针诞生以来,虽然荧光探针(引物)不断有新的技术出现,但是作为一种经典的定量PCR技术,Taqman探针技术仍然是许多实验研究人员进行定量检测的首选,这主要是因为相对于SYBR荧光染料,Taqman探针具有序列特异性,只结合到互补区,而且荧光信号与扩增的拷贝数具有一一对应的关系,因此特异性强灵敏度高,而且条件优化容易;而相对于杂交探针,Taqman探针只要设计一条探针,因此探针设计较便宜方便,而且也能完成基本的定量PCR要求。
实时荧光定量PCR操作步骤以下实验步骤仅供参考:1 样品RNA的抽提①取冻存已裂解的细胞,室温放臵5分钟使其完全溶解。
加等体积异丙醇混合以沉淀其中的RNA,混匀后15到30℃孵育10分钟后,于4℃下12000rpm 离心10分钟。
2 RNA质量检测1)紫外吸收法测定先用稀释用的TE溶液将分光光度计调零。
①浓度测定A260下读值为1表示40 µg RNA/ml。
样品RNA浓度(µg/ml)计算公式为:A260 ×稀释倍数× 40 µg/ml。
具体计算如下:RNA溶于40 µl DEPC水中,取5ul,1:100稀释至495µl的TE中,测得A260 = 0.21RNA 浓度= 0.21 ×100 ×40 µg/ml = 840 µg/ml 或 0.84 µg/µl取5ul用来测量以后,剩余样品RNA为35 µl,剩余RNA总量为:35 µl × 0.84 µg/µl = 29.4 µg②纯度检测RNA溶液的A260/A280的比值即为RNA纯度,比值范围1.8到2.1。
Primer5.0中文使用说明key 5685Primer Premier5.0是由加拿大的Premier公司开发的专业用于PCR或测序引物以及杂交探针的设计,评估的软件,和Plasmid Premier2.02一起是该公司推出的最新的软件产品。
其主要界面同样也是分为序列编辑窗口(Genetank),引物设计窗口(Primer Design),酶切分析窗口(Restriction Sites)和纹基分析窗口(Motif)。
这里我们主要介绍其引物设计功能,其他功能的介绍请参看Plasmid Premier2.02。
打开程序首先进入的是序列编辑参看,与Plasmid Premier相比,其多了一个语音校正的功能,即在输入序列的时候,程序自动将碱基读出,以便用户进行校正,保证输入的正确和快速。
实时定量PCR引物和探针设计操作步骤Primer Express软件
实时定量PCR引物和探针设计操作步骤Primer Express软件Primer Express 是实时定量PCR引物和探针设计的专用软件。
遵守以下三个原则有助于快速建立定量PCR反应体系:1.所有扩增按照同样的原则设计 (Primer Express);2.所有PCR反应在ABI PRISM ?7000/7900上使用同样的热循环条件;3.所有反应使用相同的PCR试剂。
它们中有的已经在Primer Expre软件中设置成缺省值,有的则需要在选择引物和探针时由设计者加以运用。
如果是设计SYBRGreen 引物,也要选择TaqMan Primer and Probe design并遵守这些规则,但是只需要合成引物就可以了。
TaqMan 探针:1. 保持G-C含量在30-80%之间。
2. 避免同一碱基重复过多。
3. 5' end不能是G。
4. 尽量使探针中的Cs多于Gs。
5. 对于单探针反应,用Primer Express?软件计算出来的Tm值应当在68-70 °C 之间。
引物:1. 在探针确定以后再选择引物。
2. 引物要尽可能地接近探针,但是不要重叠。
3. 保持G-C含量在30-80%之间。
4. 避免同一碱基重复过多。
5. 用Primer Express?软件计算出来的Tm值应当在58-60 °C之间。
6. 3' end 的5个碱基中G and/or C碱基的总数不能超过2个。
实时TaqMan 引物和探针设计Begin by opening Primer Express and selecting "File", "New", and "TaqMan? Primer & Probe Design". The following screen will appear. You can close the TaqMan? Primer & Probe Data box as shown.输入或插入序列Import or paste a sequence into the window (Import shown). To paste a sequence from a Word or text file, first copy it to the clipboard. Be sure to only select the sequence (including numbers or annotations is OK); do not include extraneous information such as accession numbers etc. Next, select "Edit" and "Paste". The sequence will appear in the Sequence screen of Primer Express. Or, to Import a Sequence, click the "Import DNA File" button as shown. The software will then ask you to locate the sequence file. Select it from a folder, hard drive, disk, or desktop. Again, no annotations should be present in this sequence.A file is then imported after selecting the file location.保存输入的序列Select "File" and "Save" to give the sequence a name. This will be displayed in the File Name Box and will save the sequence in the Archive Folder.引物和探针设计参数Click the "Parameters" tab. This displays the Universal default parameters used to search for suitable TaqMan? primer & probe sets for real-time assays. It is strongly recommended that you do not adjust any of the parameters.引物和探针的排序及选择Primer Express is now ready to find Primers and Probes. Click the "Primers" tab, select "Options" and "Find Primers/Probes Now". The software will display the progress in the small window below the sequence.** Please disregard the "Optimal Primer Pairs Only" checkbox and the "Penalty" heading. By checking the Optimal Primer Pairs Only box, you will be severely limiting the range of your search, since the parameters it employs are not based on TaqMan? design guidelines. The Penalty score assigned to your Primer & Probe set is based on factors such as amplicon length. Since the default TaqMan? design parameters keep amplicons under 150 bp, this can be disregarded as well.Primer/probe sets will be listed when the search is complete. Scroll to the right to view the Probes. Click on the "Start" heading under probes to sort probes by sequence. This will group similar probes, simplifying the search.探针的选择Select a probe that is less than 30 bp in length and contains more C's than G's. The probes displayed are on the sense strand only. If the probes displayed do not have more C's than G's, then you will need to use the complement probe (as illustrated in this example). If you need to use the complement, make sure that the probe selected here does not have a C at the 3' end of the probe (otherwise, the complement will have a G at the 5' end ? whichis not allowed).The probe selected meets the first criteria above, but not the second (9 G's, 5 C's). Highlight this probe.Return to the sequence by clicking the "Sequence" tab.Lock in the probe sequence by clicking the Probe Button on the Tool Bar and highlight the probe sequence. The probe will turn green and be displayed in lower case when it is locked.引物选择Find compatible primers by returning to the "Primers" tab, selecting "Options" and "Find Primers & Probes Now". This will find new primer sets that will work with the probe you have selected. You can click on "Start" under Forward Primer to sort the displayed sequences.Search for a primer from the list displayed the meets the following criteria:1.No more than 2 G's and/or C's within the last 5 bases on the 3' end of the primer; and2.No runs of identical nucleotides, especially 4 or more G's.From the list of forward primers displayed, select a primer that has no more than 2 G's and/or C's within the last 5 bases on the 3' end of the primer. Highlight one of the primers that matches this criteria. If no forward primer matches this criteria then select a primer with 3 G's and/or C's. The example shown below matches the criteria and will serve as a suitable forward primer. Once you have selected the appropriate primer click on the "Sequence" tab to return to the Sequence window.Lock the forward primer by clicking the "Forward Primer" button on the toolbar, then highlighting the forward primer sequence. A blue arrow will be displayed under the forward primer showing that it is locked.Click on the "Primers" tab and perform a new search. Scroll to the Reverse Primers displayed and select a reverse primer following the same criteria for forward primer selection (G/C rule on the 3' end of primer).Return to the Sequence page and lock in on the Reverse Primer using the Reverse Primer Tool.This now displays the primers and probe you have selected. Return to the Primers tab and perform one final search to display your results.保存搜索结果Click on "Save List" at the bottom of the screen to save your selection in a tab delimitedformat. Click "Order" to generate an editable/printable text file of your sequences:互补探针的选择In the example above, you must use the complementary probe so as to insure that the probe has more C's than G's. Remember, the probe you use cannot have a G at the 5' end, thus the sense probe used for this search cannot have a C at the 3' end.In order to generate the probe complement, return to the Sequence screen. Highlight the probe sequence, select "Edit", and "Copy Complement". You will not see the complementary sequence at this point; it is copied to the clipboard:Return to the Order window and "Paste" the complement in this window, overwriting the probe displayed. You have the option of editing the primer/probe names, and adding the reporter/quencher dyes to the probe sequence.This document can now be saved and put into a Word document or attached to an e-mail message.在Results Archive中保存搜索结果Your search can also be saved in the Results Archive Folder. Click on the "Results" tab. The forward and reverse primers are displayed in their respective boxes, and the probe sequence is displayed in the "Cycle Params" box The probe sequence displayed is the original strand. To view/save the complementary strand, highlight the probe from the Sequence and select "Copy Complement". "Paste" the complement probe into the "Cycle Params". The complementary probe strand is now displayed. It is important to note that if you leave the Results page, the probe sequence will default back to the original. Each time you returnto the Results page you will need to re-paste the complementary probe strand. Note: The information displayed below the selected primer and probe sequences should be ignored when performing TaqMan Assays. The Universal TaqMan? Guidelines do not require you to perform optimizations, thus, the cycling/concentration, etc. information displayed here can be ignored. Save the Results by selecting "Save Results". A message will display showing the results were saved.打印结果 To print the Results, select "Open Results" from the "File" menu. The last (newest) results file will be the last one in the list (at the bottom of the list): Highlight and click "Open".This is the relevant information needed to order your primer/probe set. To print, click and drag, highlighting the information you want and selecting "Copy" from the "Edit" menu, placing it on the clipboard. This should be everything from the Sequence name through the TaqMan? probe annealing information.This is the relevant information needed to order your primer/probe set. To print, click and drag, highlighting the information you want and selecting "Copy" from the "Edit" menu, placing it on the clipboard. This should be everything from the Sequence name through the TaqMan? probe annealing information.You can then paste your sequence information in to a Word document; from here you can print a copy for your records.订购信息Be sure to include information on your needed synthesis scale and the corresponding part number, your reporter dye(s), your quencher (TAMRA), and your personal information (name, institution, address, phone fax etc.).。
主要包括以下几点:1. 引物长度:一般控制在18-27bp之间,过短可能导致特异性降低,过长则可能增加实验难度。
2. 引物序列:应选择与模板序列高度互补的序列,以增加PCR的特异性。
3. 退火温度:应选择合适的退火温度,以保证PCR反应的稳定性和重复性。
4. 避免二级结构:引物设计时应尽量避免形成二级结构,以减少非特异性扩增的可能性。
四、利用PrimerPremier5.0进行PCR引物设计的步骤1. 打开PrimerPremier5.0软件,导入待设计的DNA序列。
2. 设置引物设计的参数,包括引物长度、GC含量、退火温度等。
3. 进行引物设计。
4. 查看和分析引物结果。
5. 导出引物信息。
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引物分析著名软件 荧光定量PCR分子信标及TaqMan探针设计软件 PCR结合梯度凝胶电泳实验引物设计软件 快速筛选二聚体引物软件 用于定点突变的引物设计软件 实时RT-PCR反应中估算初始扩增子浓度软件
引物中四种碱基最好随机分布,避免嘌呤、嘧啶堆积现象 避免引物3’端出现3个以上的连续碱基,如GGG或CCC
与目的位点必须完全同源 与非目的位点避免连续5-6bp的同源
上下游引物的Tm值尽可能一致,Tm差异不应超过5°C 根据Tm值,确定退火温度
GenBank DNA序列数据库拥有来自 47,000个物种的30亿个碱基
在“Search”搜索框 中选择“Nucleotide”
检索结果中有很多无关菌,为查 找Ecoli.的rfbE基因带来麻烦
限制检索范围,将结果 锁定于待查目标
查找基因序列 序列分析
引物、探针设计 特异性验证
Primer Premier 5.0 TM Utility v1.3 mfold
例:根据大肠杆菌rfbE基因序列, 设计引物和探针
National Center for Biotechnology Information 美国国立生物技术信息中心
有名的在线引物设计程序 在线引物设计程序 快速设计真核表达实时定量PCR引物在线软件
Primer Express v3.0 Primers and Probe Design For Real-Time PCRPrimers/Probes Design GuidelineTaqMan Probe Primer Probe Primer 離 , PCR 50-150 bpG/C % 30-80 %列 4 G Tm : 68-70 (Quantification assay)65-67 (Allelic Discrimination assay)Tm : 58-60Probe 度:13~25 bases (TaqMan MGB probe) 13~30 bases (TaqMan probe)Primer 度: 20 bases (Optimal)連 6 A 列5’ 列不 G( FAM-dye 5’ 列 不 G)C G strand probe b3’ 4 列裡 3 G(GGG-MGB-3’ or GGAG-MGB-3’) aprobe 2 CC di-nucleotides a3’ 列裡不 2 C+Ga: TaqMan MGB probeb: 參數Primers & Probes for QuantificationAutomatically DesignPrimer Express 3.0File→ New→ “TaqMan MGB Quantification TaqMan Quantification”→ OKTools → “Add DNA File” 列 ”Add” 列 ”Sequence” Tab Copy & Paste 列* Primer Express Software .dan, .txt, .ab1, .abi , 列” Double Strand “, double stranded DNA sequenceTools1. Exclude:不 列 利 ”Exclude Selected Bases” 列- 不 列 “Exclude” 見2. Junction: 列 junction 利 ”Junction”- juction ( 2 bases) “Junction” 見來3. ”Parameters” Tab Primer/Probe Tm Primers/Probe”Sequence” Tab Tools → Find Primers/Probes Primers/Probe pairsPrimer Express Candidate Primers & Probe pairs search 50 列 ”Primers / Probes” Tab ”Location”說 primers & probes 列 數”Sequence” Tab ”Primers / Probes” Tab Primers/Probe: Probe 藍 Forward Primer Reverse Primer (* 不 )”Primers / Probes” Tab Primers/Probe 列 來 2 primer/ probe design guideline MGB Probe ”Parameters” Tab ”C ” ” G ” 列 參數primer/ probe set 行 File → Save As primer/ probe set 利 Export → Order Info… 50 Primers/Probes Export →Primers/Probes List… 兩 都 .txt ExcelManually DesignPrimer/Probe Primer/Probe Quantification Document 列 (參 3 )1. Probe :”Sequence” Tab Probe 列highlight 來( 25 bases 度 度 列 ) 利 Edit Copy (Ctrl+C) 列 Tools→ Primer Probe Test Tool document type ( “TaqMan MGB Quantification TaqMan Quantification”) Parameter ”Default” 利 Paste (Ctrl+V) 列 Probe 1欄 列 Tm, %GC 度: probe 列不 G 列裡 C 數 G若Tm (68 to 70 ) Probe 1欄 不 列 Tm, %GC 度 Probe ( 參 primer/ probe design guideline) 若 ”Trim” 列 留 Probe 列Probe 列 ”Sequence” Tab Probe 列highlight 來 利 Edit →Annotate → ” Probe” probe 列 來 probe 綠利 Tools → Find Primers/Probes Probe Forward / Reverse Primers 若 Primers 行Forward / Reverse Primers2. Forward Primer :”Sequence” Tab Primer 列highlight 來( 25 bases 度 切 Probe 列 ) 利 Edit Copy (Ctrl+C) 列 Tools → Primer Probe Test Tool 利 Paste (Ctrl+V) 列 Fwd Primer欄 列 Tm, %GC 度Forward Primer Tm 58-60 Tm 不 Fwd Primer 不 列 Tm, %GC 度 Primer ( 參 primer/ probe design guideline) 若 ”Trim” 列 留 列Fwd Primer 列 ”Sequence” Tab 列highlight 來 利 ” Forward Primer” 來 Fwd Primer 藍3. Reverse Primer”Sequence” Tab Reverse 列highlight 來( 25 bases 度 切 Probe 列 ) 利 Edit →” Copy Complement ” 列 Tools → Primer Probe Test Tool Rev Primer欄Reverse Primer Tm 58-60 Tm 不 Rev Primer 不 列 Tm, %GC 度 Primer ( 參 primer/ probe design guideline) 若 ”Trim” 列 留 列Rev Primer 列 ”Sequence” Tab 列highlight 來 利 ” Reverse Primer” 來 Rev Primerprimer/ probe set 利 Copy & Paste text save 來 來參 料 document 行 File → Save AsSYBR Green I Primer for QuantificationAutomatically DesignPrimer Express 3.0File→ New→ “TaqMan MGB Quantification TaqMan Quantification”→ OKTools → “Add DNA File” 列 ”Add” 列 ”Sequence” Tab Copy & Paste 列* Primer Express Software .dan, .txt, .ab1, .abi , 列” Double Strand “, double stranded DNA sequenceTools1. Exclude:不 列 利 ”Exclude Selected Bases” 列- 不 列 “Exclude” 見列 junction 利 ”Junction”2. Junction:- juction ( 2 bases) “Junction” 見來3. ”Parameters” Tab Primer Tm Primers”Sequence” Tab Tools → Find Primers/Probes Primers/Probe pairsPrimer Express Candidate Primers & Probe pairs search 50 列 ”Primers / Probes” Tab 若 行SYBR Green primer 不 probe 列 參 primer 列 ”Location”說 primers & probes 列 數”Sequence” Tab ”Primers / Probes” Tab Primers/Probe: Probe 藍 Forward Primer Reverse Primer (* 不 )”Primers / Probes” Tab Primers/Probe 列 來 2 primer/ probe design guideline* SYBR Green primer primer dimer- ”Primers / Probes” Tab primer set 來 Primer Secondary Structure Hairpin, Self Dimers Cross Dimers 數 GC 例primers set 行 File → Save Asprimers set 利 Export → Order Info (50)Primers/Probes Export →Primers/Probes List… 兩 都 .txt ExcelManually DesignPrimer PrimerQuantification Document 列 (參 13 )1. Forward Primer :”Sequence” Tab Primer 列highlight 來( 25 bases 度 度 列 ) 利 Edit Copy (Ctrl+C) 列 Tools → Primer Probe Test Tool document type ( “TaqMan MGB Quantification TaqMan Quantification”) Parameter ”Default” 利 Paste (Ctrl+V) 列 Fwd Primer欄 列 Tm, %GC 度Forward Primer Tm 58-60 Tm 不 Fwd Primer 不 列 Tm, %GC 度 Primer ( 參 primer/ probe design guideline) 若 ”Trim” 列 留 列2. Reverse Primer :”Sequence” Tab Reverse 列highlight 來( 25 bases 度 度 列 ) 利 Edit →” Copy Complement ” 列 Tools → Primer Probe Test Tool Rev Primer欄Reverse Primer Tm 58-60 Tm 不 Rev Primer 不 列 Tm, %GC 度 Primer ( 參 primer/ probe design guideline) 若 ”Trim” 列 留 列3. SYBR Green primer primer dimer- Primer Probe Test Tool primer set ”Show Secondary Stucture” 來 Primers Hairpin, Self Dimers Cross Dimers 數 GC 例 primerFwd Primer 列 ”Sequence” Tab 列highlight 來 利 ” ForwardPrimer” 來 Fwd Primer 藍Rev Primer 列 ”Sequence” Tab 列highlight 來 利 ” Reverse Primer” 來 Rev Primerprimer/ probe set 利 Copy & Paste text save 來 來參 料 document 行 File → Save AsPrimers & Probes for Allelic DiscriminationAutomatically DesignPrimer Express 3.0File→ New→ “TaqMan MGB Allelic Discrimination TaqMan Allelic Discrimination”→ OK TaqMan MGB probe 更Tools → “Add DNA File” 列 ”Add” 列 ”Sequence” Tab Copy & Paste 列* Primer Express Software .dan, .txt, .ab1, .abi , 列 (若 列 database download 來 , 列 料)SNPSNP highlight Edit → Annotate → “SNP Target ” SNP 異 (variant)例 528 G/A SNP G A ”R” OK SNP rTools → Find Primers/Probes Primers/Probes pairsPrimer Express Candidate Primers & Probes pairs search 50 列 ”Primers / Probes” Tab ”Location”說 primers & probes 列 數”Sequence” Tab ”Primers / Probes” Tab Primers/Probes: Probe 1 綠 Probe 2 (2 Probe 列 綠 ) 藍 Forward Primer Reverse Primer (* 不 )”Primers / Probes” Tab Primers/Probe 列 來 2 primer/ probe design guideline MGB Probe ”Parameters” Tab ”C ” ” G ” 列 參數primer/ probe set 行 File → Save Asprimer/ probe set 利 Export → Order Info…50 Primers/Probes Export →Primers/Probes List… 兩 都 .txt ExcelManually DesignPrimer/Probe Primer/Probe Allelic Discrimination Document 列 (參 23 )1. Probe for Allele 1:”Sequence” Tab SNP highlight 來 Edit → Annotate → “SNP Target ” SNP 異 ( 參 24 ) Probe1 列highlight 來( 13~25 bases 度) 利 Edit Copy with Allele 1 (Ctrl+Shift+W) 列 Tools→ Primer Probe Test Tool document type ( “TaqMan MGB Allelic Discrimination TaqMan Allelic Discrimination”) Parameter ”Default” 利 Paste (Ctrl+V) 列 Probe1欄 Allele 1 variant base ( 例 ”g”) 列 Tm, %GC 度: probe 列不 G 列裡 C 數 G若Tm (65 to 67 ) Probe 1欄 不 列 Tm, %GC 度 Probe ( 參 primer/ probe design guideline) 若 ”Trim” 列 留 Probe 列SNPSNP Probe 列 3’ 2 base 不 兩 base2. Probe for Allele 2:”Sequence” Tab Probe2 列highlight 來( 13~25 bases 度) 利 Edit Copy with Allele 2 (Ctrl+Shift+M) 列 Tools→ Primer Probe Test Tool 利 Paste (Ctrl+V) 列 Probe2欄 Allele 2 variant base ( 例 ”a”) 列 Tm, %GC 度若Tm (65 to 67 ) Probe 1欄 不 列 Tm, %GC 度 Probe ( 參 primer/ probe design guideline) 若 ”Trim” 列 留 Probe 列 probe1 probe2 Tm 異不 1Primer :3. Forward”Sequence” Tab Primer 列highlight 來( 25 bases 度 切 Probe 列 ) 利 Edit Copy (Ctrl+C) 列 Tools → Primer Probe Test Tool 利 Paste (Ctrl+V) 列 Fwd Primer欄 列 Tm, %GC 度Forward Primer Tm 58-60 Tm 不 Fwd Primer 不 列 Tm, %GC 度 Primer ( 參 primer/ probe design guideline) 若 ”Trim” 列 留 列Primer :4. Reverse”Sequence” Tab Reverse 列highlight 來( 25 bases 度 切 Probe 列 ) 利 Edit →” Copy Complement ” 列 Tools → Primer Probe Test Tool Rev Primer欄Reverse Primer Tm 58-60 Tm 不 Rev Primer 不 列 Tm, %GC 度 Primer ( 參 primer/ probe design guideline) 若 ”Trim” 列 留 列primer/ probe set 利 Copy & Paste text save 來 來參 料 document 行 File → Save As: 0800251326e-mail TWSupport@。
实时荧光定量PCR(Quantitative Real-time PCR,QRT-PCR)的方法学建立QRT-PCR原理:在PCR反应体系中加入荧光基团,利用荧光信号积累实时监测整个PCR 进程,最后通过标准曲线对未知模板进行定量分析。
检测方法包括SYBR GreenⅠ法和TaqMan探针法,在基础研究中,应用比较广泛的为SYBR GreenⅠ法,因此,以下主要针对SYBR GreenⅠ法的方法学建立。
1、用液氮将组织研碎,按照50-100 mg组织加入1mL的Trizol® Reagent(若样品为细胞,则按照5-10x106个细胞加入1mL的Trizol® Reagent来裂解细胞),室温裂解5 min,使核蛋白复合物充分分离。
2、每1 mL的Trizol® Reagent加入200 μl氯仿,剧烈摇晃、混匀,室温静置5 min。
于4℃离心机12000 g离心15 min,离心后,混合物分为下层(红色酚氯仿)中层和上层(无色的水相层,约占总体积的50%),RNA存留于上层水相中。
3、按照每1 mL的Trizol® Reagent加入500 μl异丙醇,轻轻混匀,室温孵育10 min。
于4℃离心机12000 g离心10 min,RNA沉于管底,弃上清。
4、按照每1 mL的Trizol® Reagent加入500 μl 75%的乙醇洗涤RNA,于4℃离心机7500 g 离心10 min,用75%乙醇洗涤RNA两次。
5、去除管中75% 乙醇,将RNA自然晾干5 min。
PrimerExpressv3.0中⽂操作⼿册Primer Express v3.0 Primers and Probe Design For Real-Time PCR Primers/Probes Design GuidelineTaqMan Probe Primer Probe Primer 離 , PCR 50-150 bpG/C % 30-80 %列 4 G Tm : 68-70 (Quantification assay)65-67 (Allelic Discrimination assay)Tm : 58-60Probe 度:13~25 bases (TaqMan MGB probe) 13~30 bases (TaqMan probe) Primer 度: 20 bases (Optimal)連 6 A 列5’ 列不 G( FAM-dye 5’ 列不 G)C G strand probe b3’ 4 列裡 3 G(GGG-MGB-3’ or GGAG-MGB-3’) aprobe 2 CC di-nucleotides a3’ 列裡不 2 C+Ga: TaqMan MGB probeb: 參數Primers & Probes for QuantificationAutomatically DesignPrimer Express 3.0File→ New→ “TaqMan MGB Quantification TaqMan Quantification”→ OKTools → “Add DNA File” 列 ”Add” 列 ”Sequence” Tab Copy & Paste 列* Primer Express Software .dan, .txt, .ab1, .abi , 列” Double Strand “, double stranded DNA sequenceTools1. Exclude:不列利 ”Exclude Selected Bases” 列- 不列 “Exclude” ⾒2. Junction: 列 junction 利 ”Junction”- juction ( 2 bases) “Junction” ⾒來3. ”Parameters” Tab Primer/Probe Tm Primers/Probe”Sequence” Tab Tools → Find Primers/Probes Primers/Probe pairsPrimer Express Candidate Primers & Probe pairs search 50 列 ”Primers / Probes” Tab ”Location”說 primers & probes 列數”Sequence” Tab ”Primers / Probes” Tab Primers/Probe: Probe 藍 Forward Primer Reverse Primer (* 不 )”Primers / Probes” Tab Primers/Probe 列來 2 primer/ probe design guideline MGB Probe ”Parameters” Tab ”C ” ” G ” 列參數primer/ probe set ⾏ File → Save As primer/ probe set 利 Export → Order Info… 50 Primers/Probes Export →Primers/Probes List… 兩都 .txt ExcelManually DesignPrimer/Probe Primer/Probe Quantification Document 列 (參 3 )1. Probe :”Sequence” Tab Probe 列highlight 來( 25 bases 度度列 ) 利 Edit Copy (Ctrl+C) 列 Tools→ Primer Probe Test Tool document type ( “TaqMan MGB Quantification TaqMan Quantification”) Parameter ”Default” 利 Paste (Ctrl+V) 列 Probe 1欄列 Tm, %GC 度: probe 列不 G 列裡 C 數 G若Tm (68 to 70 ) Probe 1欄不列 Tm, %GC 度 Probe ( 參 primer/ probe design guideline) 若 ”Trim” 列留 Probe 列Probe 列 ”Sequence” Tab Probe 列highlight 來利 Edit →Annotate → ” Probe” probe 列來 probe 綠利 Tools → Find Primers/Probes Probe Forward / Reverse Primers 若 Primers ⾏Forward / Reverse Primers2. Forward Primer :”Sequence” Tab Primer 列highlight 來( 25 bases 度切 Probe 列 ) 利 Edit Copy (Ctrl+C) 列 Tools → Primer Probe Test Tool 利 Paste (Ctrl+V) 列 Fwd Primer欄列 Tm, %GC 度Forward Primer Tm 58-60 Tm 不 Fwd Primer 不列 Tm, %GC 度 Primer ( 參 primer/ probe design guideline) 若 ”Trim” 列留列Fwd Primer 列 ”Sequence” Tab 列highlight 來利 ” Forward Primer” 來 Fwd Primer 藍3. Reverse Primer”Sequence” Tab Reverse 列highlight 來( 25 bases 度切 Probe 列 ) 利 Edit →” Copy Complement ” 列 Tools → Primer Probe Test Tool Rev Primer欄Reverse Primer Tm 58-60 Tm 不 Rev Primer 不列 Tm, %GC 度 Primer ( 參 primer/ probe design guideline) 若 ”Trim” 列留列Rev Primer 列 ”Sequence” Tab 列highlight 來利 ” Reverse Primer” 來 Rev Primerprimer/ probe set 利 Copy & Paste text save 來來參料 document ⾏ File → Save AsSYBR Green I Primer for QuantificationAutomatically DesignPrimer Express 3.0File→ New→ “TaqMan MGB Quantification TaqMan Quantification”→ OKTools → “Add DNA File” 列 ”Add” 列 ”Sequence” Tab Copy & Paste 列* Primer Express Software .dan, .txt, .ab1, .abi , 列” Double Strand “, double stranded DNA sequenceTools1. Exclude:不列利 ”Exclude Selected Bases” 列- 不列 “Exclude” ⾒列 junction 利 ”Junction”2. Junction:- juction ( 2 bases) “Junction” ⾒來3. ”Parameters” Tab Primer Tm Primers”Sequence” Tab Tools → Find Primers/Probes Primers/Probe pairsPrimer Express Candidate Primers & Probe pairs search 50 列 ”Primers / Probes” Tab 若⾏SYBR Green primer 不 probe 列參 primer 列 ”Location”說 primers & probes 列數”Sequence” Tab ”Primers / Probes” Tab Primers/Probe: Probe 藍 Forward Primer Reverse Primer (* 不 )”Primers / Probes” Tab Primers/Probe 列來 2 primer/ probe design guideline* SYBR Green primer primer dimer- ”Primers / Probes” Tab primer set 來 Primer Secondary Structure Hairpin, Self Dimers Cross Dimers 數 GC 例primers set ⾏ File → Save Asprimers set 利 Export → Order Info (50)Primers/Probes Export →Primers/Probes List… 兩都 .txt ExcelManually DesignPrimer PrimerQuantification Document 列 (參 13 )1. Forward Primer :”Sequence” Tab Primer 列highlight 來( 25 bases 度度列 ) 利 Edit Copy (Ctrl+C) 列 Tools → Primer Probe Test Tool document type ( “TaqMan MGB Quantification TaqMan Quantification”) Parameter ”Default” 利 Paste (Ctrl+V) 列 Fwd Primer 欄列 Tm, %GC 度Forward Primer Tm 58-60 Tm 不 Fwd Primer 不列 Tm, %GC 度 Primer ( 參 primer/ probe design guideline) 若 ”Trim” 列留列。
引物的5′端可以修饰,而3′端不可修饰, 引物5′ 端修饰包括:加酶切位点、标记 生物素、荧光、地高辛等;引入蛋白质 结合DNA序列;引入点突变、插入突变、 缺失突变序列;引入启动子序列等。
12、在DNA测序和PCR中最好用5′末端稳 定(如GC含量较多),而3′末端不太稳定 (如AT含量较多)的引物
7、引物自身及引物之间不应存在互补序 列
引物自身不应存在互补序列,否则引物 自身会折叠成发夹结构(Hairpin)使引 物本身复性。这种二级结构会因空间位 阻而影响引物与模板的复性结合。
另外,这项技术还可以用来检测基因表达差异或不必构建cDNA 文库克隆cDNA。
在两步法RT-PCR 中,每一步都在最佳条件下进行。
实验步骤:Trizol法RNA提取步骤1、提取总RNA2、逆转录反应3、PCR反应以下实验步骤仅供参考:1 样品RNA的抽提①取冻存已裂解的细胞,室温放置5分钟使其完全溶解。
水相上层的体积大约是匀浆时加入的TRIZOL 试剂的60%。
加等体积异丙醇混合以沉淀其中的RNA,混匀后15到30℃孵育10分钟后,于4℃下12000rpm 离心10分钟。
三、利用PrimerPremier5.0进行PCR引物设计的步骤1. 打开PrimerPremier5.0软件,输入需要设计的基因序列。
2. 根据实验需求设置引物设计的参数,如引物长度、GC含量、退火温度等。
3. 软件将自动分析基因序列,并在可能的位置设计引物。
4. 软件将给出所有可能的引物组合,用户可以根据引物的质量、特异性等指标进行筛选。
5. 对筛选出的引物进行优化,如调整引物的长度、GC含量等,以提高PCR反应的效率和准确性。
6. 保存并导出设计的引物序列,用于后续的PCR实验。
四、注意事项1. 在进行引物设计时,应尽量选择特异性较高的区域进行设计,以避免非特异性扩增。
2. 引物的长度和GC含量应适中,以保证PCR反应的效率和准确性。
3. 退火温度是PCR反应中一个重要的参数,应根据引物的具体情况进行调整。
4. 在使用PrimerPremier5.0进行引物设计时,应遵循软件的操作指南,以保证设计的准确性和效率。
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● 制品说明 ● 试剂盒原理 ● 制品内容 ● 试剂盒外必备主要试剂和仪器 ● 保 存 ● 使用注意 ● 操作方法 ● 实验条件的选择 ● 附 录 ● 质量标准 ● 关联产品
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● 制品说明
本制品是采用 SYBR® Green I*嵌合荧光法进行 Real Time PCR 的专用试剂。 制品中含有 Real Time PCR 反应的最适浓度 SYBR® Green I,是一种 2×浓度的 Premix Type 试剂,进行实验时,PCR 反应液的 配制十分方便简单。 本制品中还添加了 Tli RNaseH(耐热性 RNaseH),以 cDNA 作为模板进行 PCR 反应时,可以最大限度抑 制由于 cDNA 中残存 mRNA 对 PCR 反应造成的阻害作用。 本制品 Buffer 经过改良, 使反应特异性比 SYBR® Premix Ex Taq(Tli RNaseH Plus) (Code No.RR420A) 更高。能抑制非特异性反应,可以在宽广的范围内进行更加准确的定量。本 Buffer 和 Hot Start 法用 DNA 聚合酶 TaKaRa Ex Taq HS 组合使用,可以进行重复性好、可信度高的 Real Time PCR 解析。 特长: 1. 适用于 Real Time PCR 反应,可以快速、准确地对目的基因进行检测、定量。 2. 在 2×浓度的 Premix 中,预先混有 SYBR® Green I,PCR 反应液配制时,只需加入模板、引 物、灭菌蒸馏水便可进行 Real Time PCR 反应,操作简单方便。 3. DNA 聚合酶使用了 TaKaRa Ex Taq HS,可以进行 Hot Start 法 PCR 反应,再与 Takara Bio 公司独自开发的 Buffer 系统相结合,具有高扩增效率,高扩增灵敏度之特点。 4. 在 2×浓度的 Premix 中, 预先添加了耐热性 RNaseH(Tli RNaseH), 可以最大限度抑制以 cDNA 作为模板进行 PCR 反应时,由于 cDNA 中残存 mRNA 对 PCR 反应造成的阻害作用。 *:Takara Bio 使用 SYBR® Green I 作为研究试剂已得到 Molecular Probes Inc.的许可。SYBR® 为 Molecular Probes Inc.的注册商标。
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实时定量PCR引物和探针设计操作步骤Primer Express软件Primer Express 是实时定量PCR引物和探针设计的专用软件。
遵守以下三个原则有助于快速建立定量PCR反应体系:1.所有扩增按照同样的原则设计 (Primer Express);2.所有PCR反应在ABI PRISM ?7000/7900上使用同样的热循环条件;3.所有反应使用相同的PCR试剂。
它们中有的已经在Primer Expre软件中设置成缺省值,有的则需要在选择引物和探针时由设计者加以运用。
如果是设计SYBRGreen 引物,也要选择TaqMan Primer and Probe design并遵守这些规则,但是只需要合成引物就可以了。
TaqMan 探针:1. 保持G-C含量在30-80%之间。
2. 避免同一碱基重复过多。
3. 5' end不能是G。
4. 尽量使探针中的Cs多于Gs。
5. 对于单探针反应,用Primer Express?软件计算出来的Tm值应当在68-70 °C 之间。
引物:1. 在探针确定以后再选择引物。
2. 引物要尽可能地接近探针,但是不要重叠。
3. 保持G-C含量在30-80%之间。
4. 避免同一碱基重复过多。
5. 用Primer Express?软件计算出来的Tm值应当在58-60 °C之间。
6. 3' end 的5个碱基中G and/or C碱基的总数不能超过2个。
实时TaqMan 引物和探针设计Begin by opening Primer Express and selecting "File", "New", and "TaqMan? Primer & Probe Design". The following screen will appear. You can close the TaqMan? Primer & Probe Data box as shown.输入或插入序列Import or paste a sequence into the window (Import shown). To paste a sequence from a Word or text file, first copy it to the clipboard. Be sure to only select the sequence (including numbers or annotations is OK); do not include extraneous information such as accession numbers etc. Next, select "Edit" and "Paste". The sequence will appear in the Sequence screen of Primer Express. Or, to Import a Sequence, click the "Import DNA File" button as shown. The software will then ask you to locate the sequence file. Select it from a folder, hard drive, disk, or desktop. Again, no annotations should be present in this sequence.A file is then imported after selecting the file location.保存输入的序列Select "File" and "Save" to give the sequence a name. This will be displayed in the File Name Box and will save the sequence in the Archive Folder.引物和探针设计参数Click the "Parameters" tab. This displays the Universal default parameters used to search for suitable TaqMan? primer & probe sets for real-time assays. It is strongly recommended that you do not adjust any of the parameters.引物和探针的排序及选择Primer Express is now ready to find Primers and Probes. Click the "Primers" tab, select "Options" and "Find Primers/Probes Now". The software will display the progress in the small window below the sequence.** Please disregard the "Optimal Primer Pairs Only" checkbox and the "Penalty" heading. By checking the Optimal Primer Pairs Only box, you will be severely limiting the range of your search, since the parameters it employs are not based on TaqMan? design guidelines. The Penalty score assigned to your Primer & Probe set is based on factors such as amplicon length. Since the default TaqMan? design parameters keep amplicons under 150 bp, this can be disregarded as well.Primer/probe sets will be listed when the search is complete. Scroll to the right to view the Probes. Click on the "Start" heading under probes to sort probes by sequence. This will group similar probes, simplifying the search.探针的选择Select a probe that is less than 30 bp in length and contains more C's than G's. The probes displayed are on the sense strand only. If the probes displayed do not have more C's than G's, then you will need to use the complement probe (as illustrated in this example). If you need to use the complement, make sure that the probe selected here does not have a C at the 3' end of the probe (otherwise, the complement will have a G at the 5' end ? whichis not allowed).The probe selected meets the first criteria above, but not the second (9 G's, 5 C's). Highlight this probe.Return to the sequence by clicking the "Sequence" tab.Lock in the probe sequence by clicking the Probe Button on the Tool Bar and highlight the probe sequence. The probe will turn green and be displayed in lower case when it is locked.引物选择Find compatible primers by returning to the "Primers" tab, selecting "Options" and "Find Primers & Probes Now". This will find new primer sets that will work with the probe you have selected. You can click on "Start" under Forward Primer to sort the displayed sequences.Search for a primer from the list displayed the meets the following criteria:1.No more than 2 G's and/or C's within the last 5 bases on the 3' end of the primer; and2.No runs of identical nucleotides, especially 4 or more G's.From the list of forward primers displayed, select a primer that has no more than 2 G's and/or C's within the last 5 bases on the 3' end of the primer. Highlight one of the primers that matches this criteria. If no forward primer matches this criteria then select a primer with 3 G's and/or C's. The example shown below matches the criteria and will serve as a suitable forward primer. Once you have selected the appropriate primer click on the "Sequence" tab to return to the Sequence window.Lock the forward primer by clicking the "Forward Primer" button on the toolbar, then highlighting the forward primer sequence. A blue arrow will be displayed under the forward primer showing that it is locked.Click on the "Primers" tab and perform a new search. Scroll to the Reverse Primers displayed and select a reverse primer following the same criteria for forward primer selection (G/C rule on the 3' end of primer).Return to the Sequence page and lock in on the Reverse Primer using the Reverse Primer Tool.This now displays the primers and probe you have selected. Return to the Primers tab and perform one final search to display your results.保存搜索结果Click on "Save List" at the bottom of the screen to save your selection in a tab delimitedformat. Click "Order" to generate an editable/printable text file of your sequences:互补探针的选择In the example above, you must use the complementary probe so as to insure that the probe has more C's than G's. Remember, the probe you use cannot have a G at the 5' end, thus the sense probe used for this search cannot have a C at the 3' end.In order to generate the probe complement, return to the Sequence screen. Highlight the probe sequence, select "Edit", and "Copy Complement". You will not see the complementary sequence at this point; it is copied to the clipboard:Return to the Order window and "Paste" the complement in this window, overwriting the probe displayed. You have the option of editing the primer/probe names, and adding the reporter/quencher dyes to the probe sequence.This document can now be saved and put into a Word document or attached to an e-mail message.在Results Archive中保存搜索结果Your search can also be saved in the Results Archive Folder. Click on the "Results" tab. The forward and reverse primers are displayed in their respective boxes, and the probe sequence is displayed in the "Cycle Params" box The probe sequence displayed is the original strand. To view/save the complementary strand, highlight the probe from the Sequence and select "Copy Complement". "Paste" the complement probe into the "Cycle Params". The complementary probe strand is now displayed. It is important to note that if you leave the Results page, the probe sequence will default back to the original. Each time you returnto the Results page you will need to re-paste the complementary probe strand. Note: The information displayed below the selected primer and probe sequences should be ignored when performing TaqMan Assays. The Universal TaqMan? Guidelines do not require you to perform optimizations, thus, the cycling/concentration, etc. information displayed here can be ignored. Save the Results by selecting "Save Results". A message will display showing the results were saved.打印结果 To print the Results, select "Open Results" from the "File" menu. The last (newest) results file will be the last one in the list (at the bottom of the list): Highlight and click "Open".This is the relevant information needed to order your primer/probe set. To print, click and drag, highlighting the information you want and selecting "Copy" from the "Edit" menu, placing it on the clipboard. This should be everything from the Sequence name through the TaqMan? probe annealing information.This is the relevant information needed to order your primer/probe set. To print, click and drag, highlighting the information you want and selecting "Copy" from the "Edit" menu, placing it on the clipboard. This should be everything from the Sequence name through the TaqMan? probe annealing information.You can then paste your sequence information in to a Word document; from here you can print a copy for your records.订购信息Be sure to include information on your needed synthesis scale and the corresponding part number, your reporter dye(s), your quencher (TAMRA), and your personal information (name, institution, address, phone fax etc.).。