



初三英语时态专项练习题(含答案)★清华大学★英语系测试:为中学英语量身定做.官方网站:清华大学英语教授50年研究成果A.werewatchingB.wouldwatchC.watchD.watched27()1MarywasdrawingahorseontheblackboardwhenI___in.A.havecomeB.cameC.amcominge()2Thelittleboy___whenIcameintotheroom.A.isdrawingB.drawsC.hasdrawnD.wasdrawing()3I___thefloorwhenmyfathercamein.A.wassweepingB.sweptC.sweepingD.amsweeping()4They___ameetingwhenIsawthem.A.hadB.havehadC.werehavingD.arehaving()5-What___whenIphonedyouthismorning?-I___myhomeworkandwasstartingtotakeabath.28A.isgoingtobeB.aregoingtohaveC.willhaveD.aregoingtobe()4Thereisgoingto___avolleyballmatchonourschoolplayground.Thematchisgoingto___atsixthisev ening.A.have;beB.be;haveC.be;beD.have;have29()1-Areyoubusythisafternoon?-No.I___towatchafootballmatch.A.amgoingB.willC.shallD.can()2Who___helphimtomovetheboxaway?A.areB.aregoing,C.aregoingtoD.is()3Where____buyacomputerforyourson?A.youareB.aregoingC.yougoD.areyougoingto3031()1Nextyearmylittlesister____tenyearsold.A.istobeB.isgoingtobeC.shallbeD.willbe()2Theyhavejustdecidedthatthey___thejob. A.havetakenB.willtakeC.wouldtakeD.aretaking()3Shesaysthatshe___toBeijingnextweek.A.hasgoneB.willgoC.goesD.go()4Ifhe___ateight,we___,too.A.leave;doB.leaves;willC.willleave;willD.isleaving;are ()5-Isthisthelastexamforthisterm?A.isB.wasC.willbeD.hasbeen()6You___lateforschoolagainifyou___early.A.shallbe;won'tgetupB.are;won'tgetup32()3___youliketohavedinnerwithustonight?A.WouldB.DoC.AreD.Will33()1-I'msorry,Iforgottopastthecardforyou.-Nevermind,I___postittomorrow.A.amgoingB.amgoingtoC.willgoD.go()2___you___ateacherwhenyougrowup?A.Will;beB.Are;goingtobeC.Are;/D.Will;goingtobe,34()1IthoughtClassOne___inthematch.esB.willcomeC.iscomingD.wouldcome35()3Thoughwepushedthecarhard,thecar___away.A.wouldn'tmoveB.movedC.wouldmoveD.doesn'tmove36()1______you___thenovelthatIlentyoulastweek?A.Did;finishB.Have;finishedC.Are;finishedD.Do;finish ()2He___inourschoolfor20yearsandhe___herein1977. A.hastaught;cameB.hastaught;hascomeC.taught;cameD.hasteached;hascame()3Theyarelate.Thefilm___forfiveminutes.A.hasbegunB.hasstartedC.hasbeenonD.began37()1 Anewschool___inmyhometownrecently.C.DoyouevergotoD.Haveyoueverbeento()4.I___thebookyet.A.haven'treadB.hadn'treadC.don'treadD.amnotreading ()5TheyleftforBeijinglastmonthandwe___themeversince.A.don'thearfromB.haven'theardfromC.won'thearfromD.didn'thearfrom()6Hesayshe___thebookseveraltimesalreadythisyear.A.hadreadB.hasreadC.willreadD.isreading38A.havelent;returnedB.haveborrowed;returnC.borrowed;havereturnedD.lent;havereturned ()2Youcan'tusethecomputer.It___.39A.makeB.ammakingC.havemadeD.wasmaking ()3Thelifeofthepeople___greatlyinthepastyears. A.haschangedB.havechangedC.changedD.arechanging()4Hergrandpa___forthreeyears.A.hasbeendeadB.hasdiedC.hadbeendeadD.died40()1I___heronlytwicesincelastyear.A.seeB.wasseeingC.haveseenD.saw()2Lucy___toShanghaionce.118It'saHaidiantopproblemA.wentB.hasgoneC.hasbeenD.hadbeen41()1--you___yourbreakfast?-Yes,Ihave.-When___you___it?-Twentyminutesago.A.Have;have;have;hadB.Did;have;did;haveC.Have;had;do;haveD.Have;had;did;have()2-___yourhomeworkyet?-Notyet,I___it.A.Haveyoudone;amdoingB.Didyoudo;didC.Didyoudo;amdoingD.Haveyoudone;did()3-Where___therecorder?Ican'tseeitanywhere.-I___itrightherehalfanhourago.Butnowitisgone.42C.hasbeenawayfromD.hadbeenawayfrom()3Howlong___aPartymember?A.haveyoubeenB.areyouC.haveyoubecomeD.didyoubecome43()1Myfatherisn'therenow.He___Shanghai.He___theretwice.A.hasgone;hasbeenB.hasgoneto;hasbeentoC.hasbeento;hasgoneD.hasgoneto;hasbeen()2-Hi!Bruce.Ihave'tseenyouforthreeweeks.-Hi!George.I___America.A.wentB.hasbeeninC.hasgoneD.hasgoneto()4-CouldIspeaktoMrsBlack,please?44()2____you____toknowaboutthenews?A.Do;mustB.Will;getC.Have;hadD.Do;have()3They___finishthejobbytomorrow.A.havegotB.havegottoC.gottoD.have45()1Beforewegottotherailwaystation,thetrain___already.A.wentoutB.hadgoneC.hasgoneD.hasarrived()2Thefilm___whenI___tothecinema.A.hasbegun;getB.hadbegun;gotC.hasbeenon;getD.hadbeenon;got()4-Let'shurry.ThePresidentiscoming.A.learnedB.havelearnedC.willlearnD.hadlearned参考答案:1.1-6BCACBD??2.1-3BBC3.1-3 CBB4.1-3BBD5.1-3BCB6.1-7 ADCAABB7.1-3 ACA8.1-3DBB9.1-6 CBCACA10.1-5BCBAA11.1-4 ABCB12.1-4 ADAB13.1-3BBB??14.1-3BCC15.1-3BAC16.1-3DAA17.1-5CBCAD18.1-2BB19.1-3BBC20.1-3BCB21.1-5 ABADA22.1-4 CCBC23.1-3 AAB24.1-3 CCB25.1-3 CAD26.1-5BCCCA27.1-5BDACA28.1-4 ABDC29.1-3 ACD30.1-3AAA31.1-6DBBBCC32.1-3DDA33.1-2 CB34.1-3BDC35.1-3DCA36.1-3BAC37.1-6BDDABB38.1-3 CDA39.1-4 ACAA40.1-5 CCDAA41.1-3DAB42.1-3 CCA43.1-5DCDBD44.1-3 CDB45.1-6BBBBCD CDB45.1-6BBBBCD★清华大学★英语系测试:为中小学生英语量身定做.官方网站:清华大学英语教授50年研究成果★清华大学★英语系测试:为中小学生英语量身定做.官方网站:清华大学英语教授50年研究成果新目标英语七年级上册作文范文:1.MyFriend(我的朋友)Ihaveagoodfriend.HernameisMay.Sheis12yearsold.HertelephonenumberisHerbirthdayisMarch 5th.SheisgoodatEnglishandChiese.Sheoftenplaysthepiano.Shelikesreadingbooksandlisteningtot hemusic.Herhobbiesarereadingandlisteningtomusic.Sheisanicegirl.Weoftenhelpeachother.Wea regoodfriends.2.假设你是李枚,下面的照片是你的全家福,请你写一篇文章介绍你的家庭。



中考英语时态专项强化训练1.——What do you do?——I’m an engineer. I _____ in a company in Wuhan. I like my job very much.A. workB. had workedC. will workD. worked2.—Is your father a doctor?—Yes, he is. He_____ _____ in Town Hospital.A. has workedB. had workedC. worksD. worked3.Every year many foreigners _________to China to learn Chinese.A. have comeB. comesC. cameD. come4.My mother will take me to the movie if she _ free this weekend.A. isB. will beC. wasD. would be5.The girls will have a trip if it ______fine.A. isB. wasC. will beD. has been6.——Where’s Susan, Mike?——She _________ in the kitchen.A. cooksB. cookedC. is cookingD. has cooked7.——Have you got a job offer?——Not yet. I ___________.A. waitedB. am waitingC. waitD. was waiting8.——Do you think John will help me move the piano?——You’d better not ask him. He __________ a composit ion.A. writeB. writesC. is writingD. wrote9.——Where’s the children, Mr Black?——Oh, they _________ their PE lesson on the playground.A. haveB. hadC. are havingD. have had10.——What’s your brother doing in his room now?——He ____________ a kite.A. makesB. madeC. is makingD. will make11. ---Where is Frank now?---He _______ his bike in the yard.A. fixes upB. fixing upC. is fixing upD. fixed12.——Mary, could you help me?——Wait a moment. I _________.A. read a bookB. did my homeworkC. was watching TVD. am cooking dinner13.——Listen,who _________ in the room?——Let’s go and see.A. is cryingB. cryingC. cryD. cries14.——Are you a baby-sister here?——No. I ____after the baby instead of Ms Green. She is away for shopping.A. lookB. am lookingC. have lookedD. looked15.——What’s the best food have you had in Beijing, Alex?——Roast duck! I _________to a famous restaurant to have it last week.A. have goneB. goC. will goD. went16.——Do you know how many gold medals the 23-year-old Michael Phelps _____at the 2008 Summer Olympic Games? ——Eight.A. winB. winsC. wonD. has won17.We were in Qingdao last week and __________ great fun there.A. will haveB. have hadC. hadD. have18.Yesterday,Tony’s family _________ a good time.A. hasB. haveC. had19.I’m sorry you’ve missed the train. It _______10 minutes ago.A. leftB. has leftC. had left20.——Mr. Green,___you___ Three Lanes and Alleys last Sunday?——No, but I’ll visit them next week.A. will; go toB. have; been toC. did; go toD. have; gone to21.——What did the teacher say just now?——He __________us not to play computer games all day.A. tellsB. toldC. has toldD. is told22.——Inventors have changed the way we live.——So they are famous for the great things they _________.A. doB. didC. are doingD. had done23.——Where’s the cake I made this morning?——We _______ it, mum. Can you make another one for us?A. ateB. eatC. will itD. were eating24.——Have you mended your shoes,Bob?——Yes,I_________ them twenty minutes agoA.have mended B.mend C.had mended D.mended 25.——The office was broken into last night.Someone thinks you did it.——But I___________ the whole night with my best friend,John.A.spend B.am spending C.spent D.had spent 26.——When _______________ for Hong Kong, do you know?——I’m not sure. When he __________, I’ll let you know.A. he leaves ;leavesB. will he leave; will leaveC. he leaves; will leaveD. will he leave; leaves27.——Where will they go next Sunday?——They ___________ to the Great Wall.A. will goB. goC. has goneD. went28.——Has he returned the library book yet?——Not yet. Don’t worry. He _________it soon.A. returnedB. has returnedC. will returnD. returns29.——Look at the noisy kids!——Haven’t you heard the saying “When the cat is away, the mice ______.”?A. playB. playedC. are playingD. will play30.He doesn’t tell me when he__. I’ll call you up as soon as he ____.A. will come, arrivesB. comes, arrivesC. will come, will arrive31.If it___ tomorrow, we____ travel outside.A. will rain; willB. rains; w on’tC. will rain; won’t32.——Jim, can you help me to wash the dishes?——Sorry, Dad. I____________ to the shop.A. goB. wentC. am goingD. have been33.--- _____ the latest Time magazine ____yet?-----Sorry, it’s late. Maybe tomorrow.A. Will; arriveB. Has; arrivedC. Do; arriveD. Did; arrive34.Susan isn’t here now. She ___ to England. She will come back next month.A. will goB. has goneC. goesD. went35.——How long ___Korean singer Jang Nara _________China?——Four years. She can speak and sing in Chinese.A. does; go toB./; was inC. has; been toD. has; been in36.——Would you like to see the film with me?——I’m sorry I ________ it twice.A. seeB. am seeingC. will seeD. have seen37.Lucy___________ her dog and now she is walking it.A. will findB. is findingC. has foundD. finds38.——Hello! Can I speak to Alice?——Sorry she isn’t here right now. She________ to the shop.A. goesB. will goC. has goneD. was going39.She__________ that same song so many times. I’m getting sick of it!A. singsB. sangC. will singD. has sung40.——_______you __________your dictionary?——No, so I have to buy a new one today.A. Did; findB. Have; foundC. Are; findingD. Had; found41. I _________to Cape Town, so I know nothing about it.A. don’t travelB. won’t travelC. haven’t traveledD. hadn’t traveled42.——______you ______the film Harry Potter 5?——Not yet. I’ll see it this Sunday.A. Did; seeB. Are; seeingC. Have; seenD. Do; see43.I won’t forget my teacher because she___ so kind to me since I came to this school.A. has beenB. will beC. hasD. is44.——May I speak to Tom?——Sorry, he is not at home. He _________ to Shanghai.A. has beenB. has goneC. goes45.In the past few years there _____ great changes in my hometown.A. have beenB. wereC. had beenD. are46. Henry speaks Chinese very well. He _____ in China since 2002.A. staysB. stayedC. is stayingD. has stayed47.——Chen Jie, the workers___________ our new library already.——Really? I’ll go there and borrow some books.A. decoratedB. are decoratingC. have decoratedD. were decorated48.——It’s raining! When did it sta rt?——I don’t know exactly. In fact, it __________all this afternoon.A. lastsB. has lastedC. lastedD. will last49.——Are you going to see the film with us?——No, thanks. I ________ it.A. sawB. have seenC. seeD. was seeing50.——They say there's a new restaurant nearby.——Yes,and it_________ for no more than a week.A.has been open B.opens C.is opening D.is opened51.——Kitty,will you go to see the film Cold Mountain this evening?——No,I won't. I__________ it already.A.saw B.have seen C.see D.will see52.——How long _____ the film KING KONG______?——For just several minutes.A.did,begin B. has,begun C.has, been on53.—I didn’t see you when I came here last night. Where were you?——I _________ my project at home.A. designedB. have designedC. would designD. was designing54.My mother ____________ dinner when I came back.A. cooksB. has cookedC. is cookingD. was cooking55.——I called you yesterday evening, but there was no answer.——Oh.I'm sorry. I_____________ dinner at my friend’s home.A. hadB. was havingC. have had56.What__________ when your mother called you up?A.are you doing B. did you do C.you were doing D. were you doing 57.I called you at half past nine this morning, but there was no answer.——Oh, sorry. I __________with my cousin in the supermarket.A. shopB. was shoppingC. shoppedD. will shop58.I knocked into a tree when I went to the railway station for my friend. ——I suppose you ___________too fast.A. driveB. are drivingC. droveD. were driving59.When I went to say good-bye to Anna, she ______ the piano.A. is playingB. playsC. was playingD. played60.His parents wanted to know what he __________ at that time.A. is doingB. was doingC. has doneD. will go61.——Dick gave me a note while I _________in the library.——I guess he made it to say “sorry” to youA. am readingB. was readingC. readsD. will read62.——You were out when I dropped by your house.——Oh, I _________for a friend from England at the airport.A. was waitingB. had waitedC. am waitingD. have waitedst night I _____ the homepage for my class when my friend call me.A. designedB. has designedC. was designingD. would design64.——What did the teacher say just now?——Sorry. I didn’t catch it. I __________________something else.A. thinkB. will thinkC. was thinkingD. had thought65.Mary___________ the piano well. She is often asked to play at the concert.A. playB. playsC. playingD. played66.He’ll send us a message as soon as he ________ in Sichuan.A. is arrivingB. will arriveC. arrivedD. arrives67.Don’t turn off the radio. I _______ to the n ews.A. listenB. have listenedC. listenedD. am listening68.——Have you seen Mr. Smith?——Yes. Look, he ________ his bike over there.A. cleansB. cleanedC. is cleaningD. has cleaned69.Don’t turn on the TV. Grandma ____________ now.A. is sleepingB. will sleepC. sleptD. sleeps70.——What are you doing, Cathy?——I’m __________my cat. I can’t find it.A. looking forB. looking atC. looking upD. looking after71.He went into his room, _______ the light and began to work.A. has turned onB. will turn onC. turns onD. turned on72.——What did you do after school yesterday?——I _________basketball with my friends.A. playB. playedC. will playD. am playing73.---Hi, Kate. You look tired. What’s the matter?---I ______well last night.A. didn’t sleepB. don’t sleepC. haven’t sleptD. won’t sleep74.I ____ to the bookshop as soon as school is over this fternoon.A. will goB. have goneC. goD. went75.I _______the CDs to you if I have time tomorrow.A. will returnB. returnedC. have returnedD. return76.Frank ______ a film if he’s free next Saturday.A. seeB. sawC. has seenD. will see77.I hear that he will be back ______ two weeks’ ti me.A. atB. inC. afterD. for78. I ___ on the computer when Jim came to see me yesterday evening. A.draw B.drew C. was drawing D. am drawing79.I_____ my homework while my parents_____ TV last night. A.did;have watched B. was doing; were watchingC.had done;were watching D. would do; were watching80. They ________ about “Supper Voice Girl”. L et’s join them.A. talkB. are talkingC. have talkedD. talked答案:1-5 ACDAA6-10CBCCC11-15 CDABD16-20 CCCAC21-25 BBADC26-30 DACDA31-35 BCBBD36-40 DCCDB41-45 CCABA46-50 DCBBA51-55 BCDDB56-60 DBDCB61-65 BACCB66-70 DCCAA71-75 DBAAA 76-80 DBCBB。



(完整版)初中英语动词时态专项练习(带答案)英语动词时态专项练习满分:100分你的得分⼀ .⽤所给词的适当形式填空:(30分)1. Listen to the little girl. She(recite) a poem.2. your sister(study) in this school two years ago?3. I(not go ) to the city next week.4. They(attend) a concert at this time yesterday.5. You needn ' t(come) here so early.6. Do you often go(climb) mountains?7. They(leave) here tomorrow.8. I spend two hours(do) my homework every day.9. While we(wait) for the bus, a girl(run) up to us.10. If it(not rain) tomorrow, we will go to the zoo.11. I already(see) the film. I(see) it last week.12. They(not make) a model ship when I saw him.13. I believe that those mountains(coverw ith trees in a few years ' tim14. There(be) a talk on science in our school next Monday.15. My mother told us that Taiwan(be) part of China.16. When he comes back, I(tell) you at once.17. He needs(go) to see a doctor.18. ---What are you doing?---1(write) and he(watch) TV19. He turned off the light and then(leave).20. The boy was made(stand) there for an hour by his father.21. The teacher came right away as soon as he(hear) the noise.22. As I(walk) in the park, it(begin) to rain.23. While mother(put) Cathy to bed, the door bell(ring).24. He(borrow) this story book for two weeks.25. you(find) your science book yet?26. --- What you(do) at that time?---We(watch) TV27. The best time(go) to Yunnan is in spring.28. Can you tell me if it(snow) tomorrow?29. ---Where' s Li Ming ?---He(go) to the teacher ' s office. 30. You ' d better(not watch) too much TV ⼆.单项选择:(50分)1. The mother asked the boy down the ladder, but he went on instead. A. come; climbing B. to come; to climb C. to come; climbingD. coming; climbing2. Look! The boy with his mother in the pool.A. is swimingB. is swimmingC. are swimmingD. are swiming 3. --- Don' t forget to ask him to write to me.---I won ' t. As soon as h , I ' ll ask him to write to you. A. will come B. cameC. comesD. is coming4. The police found that the house and a lot of things.A. has broken into, has been stolenB. had broken into, had been stolenC. has been broken into, stolenD. had been broken into, stolen 5. I wish I you yesterday. A. seen B. did see C. had seen D. were to see 6. The Greens China for five years. A. has been in B. have been in C. went to D. has gone to 7. I saw him into the small store just now. A. went B. going C. to go 8. He turned off the light and then. A. leavesB. has leftC. will leave9. We the work by six yesterday evening. A. finished B. would finish C. had finished 10. --- How was your weekend on the farm?---Great! We with the farmers.A. enjoy ourselvesB. went fishingC. will work 11. By the end of next July, this building. A. will be finished B. will have finishedC. will have been finished 12. The teacher asked the students to close the windows the wind from thepapers away.A. to stop; blowingB. stopping; blowingC. to stop; blowD. stopped; blow 13. ---you ever to the US?D. has gone D. leftD. had been finishedD. make friendsD. had been finished---Yes, twice.A. Have, goneB. Have, been C, Do, go D. were, going14. --- What' s Tordoing in the classroom? ---He something on the blackboard.A. drawsB. drawC. is drawingD. are drawing.15. Does Mr. Know-all know keys?A. to makeB. how to makeC. how makeD. making16. She you to come to my birthday party.A. hopesB. wishesC. wantD. lets17. --- Jimmy is leaving for a holiday.---Really? Where he?A. has; goneB. will; goC. did; goD. would; go18. While a young man her, she her work .A. watched ??- wadoingB. was watching didC. watched didD. was watching ??- wdoing19. If it tomorrow, I will go by car.A. rainB. will rainC. rainsD. would rain20. We are always ready others.A. to helpingB. to helpC. helpD. helping21. --- Liu Mei can ' t come tonight.---Why? But she me she would come.A. tellsB. toldC. is toldD. had told22. -- Do you know Lydia very well?---Yes, She and I friends since we were very young.A. have madeB. have becomeC. have beenD. have turned23. The teacher told us that light much faster than sound.A. travelsB. traveledC. wasD. will be24. Don' t make so much noise. We to the music.A. are listeningB. listenC. listenedD. have listened25. --Hello, this is Mr. Green speaking. Can I speak to Mr. Black? --Sorry. He the Bainiao Park.A. has been toB. has gone toC. went toD. will go to26. The clothes very soft.A. are feltD. feels27. When Jack arrived, he learned Mary for almost an hour.A. had goneB. had set offC. had leftD. had been away28. There a talk on science in our school next Monday.A. will giveB. will beC. is going to giveD. is29. Her hope the 2008 Olympic Games.A. to take part inB. is to take part inC. taking part inD. will take part in30. --- Are you free this afternoon?---No. I ' ll have an English composition this afternoon.A. to writeB. wroteC. to be writingD. to be written31. My grandpa died.A. at the age of my 2B. for 2 yearsC. when I was 2.D. my age was 6.32. The boy was made there for an hour by his father.A. standingB. standC. to standD. stands33. Our geography teacher told us yesterday that the earth around the sun.C. has movedD. moves34. Nobody how to run this machines.A . know B. have known C. knows D. is knowing35. --- What did Mr. Jones do before he moved here? ---He a city bus for over twenty-five years.A. is drivingB. droveC. has drivenD. drives36. I the boy with no tears in his eyes.A. noticed ??- cryedB. noticed ??- criedC. noticed -yinrgD. noticed ??- cryed37. ---your brother a letter to?---My father.A. Who??- wroteB. What ? wroteC. Who did ---writeD. What did ??- write38. He some cooking at that time, so me.A. did ??- heardB. did ??-didn't h仓aC. was doing ??- heardD. was doing ??-didn't hear39. ---"you angry then?"---"They too much noise. ”A. Are ??-were makingB. Were ??-were makingC. Are madeD. Were ??- made40. We for Tom at ten last Sunday. He often kept us.A. were waiting ??- waitingB. were waiting ??- waitC. waited ??- waitingD. waited ??- wait41. Mother me a new coat yesterday, I it on. It fits me well.A. has made ??-have triedB. made? ? have triedC. has made - - - triedD. made - - - tried42. She that she her best to help them the next term.A. says ??-will doB. said ??-will doC. said ??-would doD. says ??-would do43. I often hear her about the boy.A. talkingB. talkC. to talkD. talked44. I the way. I here for quite many years.A. knew ??- have livedB. knew ??- liveC. know ??- have livedD. know ??- live45. - - Oh, Mrs. King, your sweater looks nice. Is it wool ? ---Yes, and it 's Inner Mongolia.A. made of, made byB. made of, made inC. made by, made forD. made by, made from46. you the film before ? Where you it ?A. Have ??- seen ??- did ??- seeB. Did ---see??-di?? watchC. Have - seen??- have ??- seenD. Did ---see??-have - seen47. The meeting for ten minutes when I got there yesterday.A. has begunB.had begunC. has been onD. had been on48. Mr. Smith short stories, but he a TV play these days.A. is writing -is writingB. is writing ??- writesC. writes ??- is writingD. writes ??- writes49. He raised his voice to make everybody in the room him clearly.A. hearB. to hearC. hearingD. heard50. Mr. LuXun died in 1936. He a lot of famous novels.A. wroteB. was writingC. has writtenD. would write三.句型变换,对划线部分提问:(20分)1. The big tree blew down in the stormlast night.2. They are planting treeson the hill.3. We have been to the Great Waseveral times.4. Athena brushes her teethwice a day.5. Tom's father is a businessman.6. The strawberriesin the basket are mine.7. I was latebecause I met the accident.8. It will be sunny tomorrow.10. There area lot of chairs in the classroom.11. The skirt on the chair ispurple .12. There ismuch mutton in the fridge.13. It s ten kilometers away from my home to school.14. Helen will finish the task in ten days.15. The river is about120 kilometers long.16. It took him an hour to clean his bedroom.17. There arefive kites in the sky.18. My father is fine.20. My mother usually gets to Englandby plane.21. I'm looking for my notebook.22. You can askhim questions.23. My grandfather is ninety-one years old .24. It was September the ninth yesterday.mb25. It's Saturday today.26. They are going to have suppeat half past six答案:⼀、1. is reciting2. Did - study 或Were,studying3. won't go 或am not going4. were attending5. have come6. climbing7. are leaving 或will leave8. doing 9. were waiting 10. doesnt rain 11. have,seen 12.weren't making13. will be covered 14. will be 15. is 16. will tell 17. to go 18. ’ m writing 19. left 20. to stand 21. heard 22. was walking ? began 23. was putting - - - rang 24. has kept 25.Have ?found 26. were…doing, were watching 27. to go28. will snow 或is going to snow 29. has gone 30. not watch1. CBCDC 6. BBDCB 11. CADCB 16.BBBCB 21. BCAAB 26. CDBBA31. CCDCB 36. CCDBA 41. BCBCB 46. ADCAA1. When did the big tree blew down in the storm?2. Where are they planting trees?3. How many times have you been to the Great Wall?4. How often does Athena brush her teeth?5. What s Toms father?6. Which strawberries are yours?7. Why were you late?8. What will the weather be like tomorrow?How is the weather tomorrow?9. Whose father works in a big factory?10. What are there in the classroom?11. What color is the skirt on the chair?12. How much mutton is there in the fridge?13. How far is it from my home to school?14. How soon will Helen finish the task?15. How long is the river?16. How long did it take him to clean his bedroom?17. How many kites are there in the sky?18. How is your father?19. Who takes him to the zoo on weekends?20. How does your mother usually get to England?21. What are you looking for?22. Who can I ask questions?23. How old is your grandfather?24. What was the date yesterday?25. What day is it today?26. When are they going to have supper?。

中考英语时态大全 练习(含答案)

中考英语时态大全 练习(含答案)
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五、对主语的数判断有误 例: Li Ming with me are (be) in Beijing. 答案: is 解析:表面一看是“我和李明两个人在北京”,但 with 在此做伴随状语,不能做主语,故
用 is. 另外,宾语从句中,从句部分若是表示客观真理,不管主句是何时态,从句都要用一般现
5 / 33
二、用动词的正确时态填空 1)I________(talk).You________(listen)tO me now. 2)Look,the boy__________(run)fast. 3)----What are you doing? ----I_________(do) my homework. 4)----_______the students_______(read) English. ----Yes,they are. 5)Tom_______(not study)English.He is studying Chinese. 6)----Who_______(sing)a song? ----Li Ying is. 7)The girl_______(not eat)bananas now. 8)----Where____they____(stand)? ----They are standing over there. 9)Look! The boy over there_______(ply) a model plane. 10)----What is Meimei doing now? ----She______(watch)TV with her parents 11)He____(study) English very hard. 12)We often____(buy)books and things like that in the shop. 13)Polly____(not eat) a banana now.



英语综合时态练习一.各种时态下的动词形式1.一般现在时:2.一般过去时:3.一般将来时:4.现在进行时:5.过去进行时:6.现在完成时:7.过去完成时:8.过去将来时:二.单选1 .My sister _____ the Youth League last year. She _____ a Youth League member for about a year now.A.joined…has becomeB. joined…has beenC. has joined…has beenD. did join…had been2. I’ll talk to him when he ______.A. comeB. will comeC. comesD. came3. They _____ supper when we _____ into the room.A. are having…wentB. were having…goC. were having…wentD. are having…go4. We’ll go climbing if it _____ tomorrow.A. won’t rainB. did rainC. isn’t rainD. doesn’t rain5. I don’t know if it _____ tomorrow.A. will rainB. rainsC. rainedD. is rain6. Most people ____ TV.A. enjoy to watchB. enjoy watchC. enjoy watchingD. enjoys watching7. Father ____ his cap and went out.A. put onB. puts onC. had putD. will put on8. How long _____ your uncle ____ in the army ?A. has…joinedB. has…beenC. does…joinD. had…joined9. Peter _____ the work in a week.A. have finishedB. finishesC. is finishingD. will finish10. The students _____ the History Museum if it _____ fine tomorrow.A. will visit….isB. will visit…will beC. would visit …wasD. would visit…would be11. Joan ____ me whether I _____ the book before.A. asked…had readB. asked…shall readC. asked…would readD. asked…has read12._____ she _____ her lessons at seven yesterday evening ?A. Was…going overB. Is…go overC. Has…gone overD. Will…go over13. He can’t go to the cinema with me because he ____ a meeting at the moment.A. was havingB. would haveC. is havingD. had14. Both of the two dictionaries ____ very useful.A. areB. isC. wasD. am15. He _____ to me since last month.A. didn’t writeB. hadn’t writtenC. hasn’t writtenD. won’t write16. Xu Ping ____ to Japan only once.A. has goneB. had goneC. had beenD. has been17. Nobody ____ the answer.A. have knownB. knewC. didn’t knowD. are knowing18.______ you ever ____ to Nanjing ?A. Have…goneB. Have…beenC. Do…goD. Will …go19. He ____ he ____ something wrong before.A. says…wasB. say….have doneC. said…had doneD. said…would do20. He ____ me he ____ an interesting book.A. tell…would borrowB. told …will borrowC. tell…will borrowD. told …had borrowed21. Thomas Edison ____ already ____ a chemistry lab for himself by the time he ____ ten.A. has…built…wasB. had…built…wasC. would…build…wasD. was…building…is22. At the age of eleven, my grandfather _____ to work in a factory.A. beganB. has begunC. will beginD. begins23. One day while I ____ along the street, I ____ someone calling.A. walked…was hearingB. was walking…had heardC. was walking…heard24. Neither I nor he _____.A. can swims wellB. are swimming wellC. swims wellD. have swum well25. ____ you ____ where your sister has gone ?A. Did …knowB. Will…knowC. Are…knowD. Do …know26. Betty ____ morning exercises yesterday.A. not didB. don't doC. didn’t doD. won’t do27. The door of her room _____ every day.A. cleansB. are cleanedC. cleanedD. is cleaned28. No rubbish ____ for three weeks.A. collectedB. is collectedC. has collectedD. has been collected29. Another railway bridge ____ there now.A. is buildingB. is being builtC. is builtD. has been built30. ____ this film ____ last week ?A. Did…showB. Has…been shownC. Was…shownD. Was…be shown31. He told me that the composition ____ by him.A. was not writtenB. not was writtenC. is not writtenD. not is written32._____ the play ____ again next week?A. Will…put onB. Is…put onC. Will be…put onD. Will…be put on33. She ____ to a hospital at once.A. must sendB. must be sentC. must to be sentD. had to send34. Mike usually ____ up at six in the morning.A. getB. getsC. gotD. will get35. The sun _____ us light and heat.A. giveB. givesC. will giveD. often give36.Tom looked sad and cried , “ I ____ terrible right now!”A. am feelingB. feelsC. will feelD. have felt37.At that time , things _____ hard for the working people.A. isB. areC. wasD. were38. Long long ago, there ____ a farmer in a small village.A. areB. wereC. isD. was39. He is going to be a doctor when he _____.A. grow upB. grows upC. will grow upD. is going to grow up40. I’ll tell him all about it as soon as he ____.A. come backB. comes backC. will come backD. is going come back41. My little sister ____ six next month.A. will beB. shall beC. can beD. is going to42. Work hard, and you ____ catch up with the others.A. can beB. willC. shallD. are going to43. Where is Jenny ? She ____ in the next room.A. do some readingB. does some readingC. is doing some readingD. will do some reading44. Look! Tom ____ in the river.A. go swimmingB. goes swimmingC. going to swimmingD. is swimming45. His sister __ ___ cakes. That’s why her hands are all covered with flour (面粉).A. makesB. madeC. will makeD. is making46. Listen carefully ! Can you hear what the professor ____ ?A. talks aboutB. talked aboutC. is talking aboutD. will talk about47. What ____ you ____at this time yesterday ?A. do…doB. are…doingC. were…doingD. would…do48. When I got there, the Browns ____ at the lunch table.A. is sitingB. are sittingC. was sitingD. were sitting49. It suddenly began to rain while I ______ the bus.A. waitB. waitedC. was waiting forD. were waiting for50. The train will arrive _____.A. after an hourB. in an hourC. an hour laterD. for an hour51. How many English films ____ since last year ?A. do you seeB. did you seeC. have you seenD. had you seen52. Mr Smith works in Beijing. He ____ since 1978.A. has come thereB. has came thereC. has been thereD. has gone there53. Her grandma ____ for five years.A. diesB. has diedC. was deadD. has been dead54. Have you ____ heard the story about Edison ?A. everB. neverC. evenD. once55. The day after tomorrow ____ my birthday.A. will beB. should beC. may beD. is going to be56. The workers said that they would all leave if John _____.A. stayB. stayedC. staysD. was going to stay57.I’ve worked in the factory ____.A. since three yearsB. before three yearsC. since three years agoD. for three years ago58. We ____ about you just now.A. are talkingB. were talkingC. talkD. have talked59. I have just had my lunch. I _____ it at home.A. have hadB. had hadC. hadD. have60. He asked me whether I ____ the play before.A. have seenB. had seenC. sawD. was seeing61. He went to bed after he ____ his work.A. didB. doesC. has doneD. have done62. Your mother _____ you at the gate.A. waits forB. wait forC. is waiting forD. waiting for63. The train ____ here for ten minutes .A. has stoppedB. has comeC. has gotD. has been64. I’m looking for my watch. I ____ it a moment ago.A. loseB. lostC. have lostD. was lost65. When he sees me, he always ____ to me.A. smileB. is smilingC. smiledD. smiles66. By this time tomorrow, I ____ the book.A. will finish to readB. will have finished readingC. will finish readingD. will have finished to read67. Is this the first time you _____ Beijing ?A. visitB. visitedC. have visitedD. have been visiting68. I _____ to school, only to find out that it was a holiday.A. hurryB. had hurriedC. have hurriedD. hurried69. I ____ along the street when I caught sight of an old friend of mine.A. wentB. had goneC. was goingD. would go70. Can you imagine how the game _____?A. wonB. had wonC. was wonD. wins71. John was tired out. He ____ all day.A. was workingB. had been workedC. workedD. had been working72. "I’m afraid you can’t sit here." "Sorry, I ______ know."A. don’tB. can’tC. won’tD. didn’t73. He told me that he ______ to see us the next day.A. comesB. cameC. will comeD. would come74. The teacher told us that the sun ______ bigger than the earth.A. isB. wasC. has beenD. will be答案:1-5 BCCDA6-10 CABDA11-15 AACAC16-20 DBBCD21-25 AACCD26-30 CCDBC31-35 ADBBB36-40 ADDBB41-45 ABCDD46-50 CCDCB51-55 CCDAA56-60 BCBCB61-65 ACDBD66-70 BCDCC71-74 DDDA。

中考英语备考 时态综合 练习题(含答案)

中考英语备考  时态综合 练习题(含答案)

2020中考英语备考时态综合练习题一.历年真题精选(一)单项选择1. Sarah______ many places of interest in Beijing already A. visited B. has visited C. will visit D. visits2.--- What did you do for your father on Father’s Day? ---I______ a book for my father.A. buyB. will buyC. have boughtD. bought3. Her grandpa______ for many years. Now he is in good health.A. exercisesB. has exercisedC. exercisedD. was exercising4.---Tom,can you help me lay out the fruits now? ---Sorry, I can’t. I_____ English on the InternetA. have learned B learned C. am learning D. learn5.--- Why were you in such a hurry just now? ---Oh, my mum______ for me at the school gateA. waitedB. will waitC. was waitingD. has waited6.--- Our teacher with us often_____ games after class. ---Your teacher is so nice!A. playB. playedC. is playingD. plays7. He_______ a member of the school basketball team since two years ago.A. joinedB. has become C, has joined D. has been8.-- - May I speak to Mr. Black? ---Sorry, he_____ Hong Kong. But he_____ back in a few daysA. has been in: will comeB. has been in: cameC. has gone to: cameD. has gone to; will come9. Tom is not here. He_____ in the health club.A. is exercisingB. was exercisingC. exercisesD. exercised10. Luckily,I arrived home before it___________ A. rains B. is raining C rained D. will rain11.--- Excuse me,could you tell me the way to the Haitang Mountains? ---Sure . Go down this road and turn left.You_____ the mountains near the village. A see B. saw C. have seen D will see12.---What’re you doing here? ---My daughter_____ back. I'm waiting for her.A. hasn’t comeB. wasn't comingC. didn't comeD. won't come13. We hope to manage our own lives because we______ up. A. grew B. have grown C. grow D. were growing14.---Hello,may I speak to Tom? ---Hold on, please, He______ a shower.A. takes B, is taking C, was taking D, took15.I think if Julia helps with my English, I______ my English a lot.A. will improve B, improve C, have improver D. improve16.---I’ m afraid the meeting has begun. ---Don't worry. It_____ until the bell______.A. will begin; ringsB. doesn't begin: will ringC. won't begin: will ring D, won't begin; rings17. I_____ in the supermarket when the rain came suddenly yesterday.A. am shoppingB. shoppedC. was shoppingD. have shopped18. Our geography teacher told us that the earth ______ the sun.A. went aroundB. goes aroundC. is going aroundD. was going around19.I think it is true that Jill______ to work today because she is on a tripA. has comeB. didn't comeC. is coming D will not come20.As the sun_______, the birds began to sing A. has risen B. will rise C. is rising D. was rising21. John and I_____ to visit his grandparents last Sunday afternoonA. goB. wentC. will goD. have gone22. With the development of science and technology, robot cooks_____ in our families in the futureA. appearB. appearedC. will appearD. are appearing23. New media, like Wechat, ______ the ways of communication nowadays.A. are changingB. will changeC. changedD. were changing24. ---Did you hear the strange noise next door around 10o'clock last night? ---No, I_____ my favorite TV programmein my bedroom. A. watch B. watched C was watching D. am watching25. Be quiet! A bird______ something on the window A. ate B. eats C is eating D has eaten26. I've just returned from my trip to London. I_____ many interesting places there.A. visitB. will visitC. am visitingD. visited27. ---Look at my new smart phone ---Wow, it's so cool! When and where_____ you_____ it.A. do: buyB. have; boughtC. did; buyD. have: had28. The recent rain storms in southern China______ the local people much troubleA. were causing B will cause C. have caused D cause29. Even if you learn something well, you_____ it unless you use it.A. forgetB. forgotC. have forgottenD. will forget30. My parents and my sister______ dumplings when I got home yesterday evening.A. are makingB. madeC. have made D were making31. Simon looks worried because he______ a writing competition and now he's waiting for the resultA enters B. entered C. will enter D. is entering(二)翻译句子32.我的祖父母已经结婚50年了。



中考英语专项练习-时态和语态(含答案)Name: ___________ Grade: ___________第一节单项选择从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。

1.The task will be finished in an hour。

Then we can go home and have a good rest.2.—Tim played the guitar very well in the school talent show.I think so。

He practices playing it every day.3.—I can’t find Ted for three days。

Where is he?He has gone to Beijing for a meeting.4.—Let's discuss the plan。

shall we?Not now。

I am going to an interview.5.Let’s go for a walk。

shall we?6.—Where were you last Saturday?I was in the Capital Museum.7.—May I speak to the headmaster?He is having a meeting now。

Can I take a message?8.I XXX Mr。

Smith since he moved to Shanghai.9.Today。

XXX.10.My grandpa is sleeping。

Could you please turn down the。

11.They XXX.12.She has been away from her hometown for many years。

Hardly anyone knows her.13.With summer holiday coming。



英语时态语态练习题(附答案)1.He stepped into the office,_____down and began to fill in the forms.A.sittingB.to sitC.satD.having it2.She said she would telephone but we _____from her so far.A.haven't heardB.didn't hearC.hadn't heardD.won't hear3.When I got to the cinema,thefilm____for ten minutes.A.has begunB.had begunC.had been onD.was4.I'll go with you as soon as I____my homework./A.will finish B.finish C.am finishingD.finished5.If it_____tomorrow,Iwon't go to the cinema./A.will rain B.rains C.is raining D.rained6.She is going to be a nurse when she_____up./A.is going to grow B.growsC.growingD.grew7.下列四句是“这本书我已经买了三个月了。

”的英译文,哪一种不对?/A.I have had this book for three months./B.I have bought this book for three months./C.I bought thisbook three months ago.D.It is three months since I bought this book.8.——Come in,Peter,I want to show you something.——Oh,how nice of you!I_____you_____to bring me a gift./A.neverthink;are goingB.neverthought;weregoing/C.didn'tthink;were going D.had'tthought;were going9.When I was at college I_____three foreign languages,butI_____all except for a few words ofeach./A.spoke;had forgotten B.spoke;haveforgottenC.hadspoken;had forgottenD.hadspoken;haveforgotten10.The police found that the house_____and a lot of things____./A.has broken into;has been stolen B.hadbroken into;had been stolenC.has been broken into;stolenD.had been broken into;stolen11.The volleyball macth will be put off if it____./A.will rain B.rainsC.rained D.is raining12.Mary_____a dress when she cut her finger./A.made B.is making C.was making D.makes13.Thestudents_____busily when Miss Brown went to get a book she_____in theoffice./A.hadwriten;leftB.werewriting;has left C.hadwritten;had left D.werewriting;had leftHave you moved into the new house?——14.——No yet,the rooms_____,/A.are being painted B.arepaintingC.are painted D.are being painting15.——We haven't heard from Jane for a long time.——What do you suppose____to her?/A.was happening B.to happen C.has happened D.having happened16.——Do you know our town at all?——No,this is the first time I _____here./A.wasB.have been C.came D.am coming17.——We could have walked ot the station.It was so near.——Yes,Ataxi_____at all necessary./A.wasn'tB.hadn't been C.wouldn't be D.won't be18.If city noises_____fromincreasing,people_____shout to be heard even at the dinner table 20 years fromnow./A.are not kept;will have to B.are not kept;have toC.do not keep;will have to D.do not keep;have to19.Tom_____into the house when no one_____./A.slipped;was lookingB.hadslipped;lookedC.slipped;hadlooked D.wasslippping;looked20.The last time I_____Janeshe____cotton in the fields./A.hadseen;was pickingB.saw;pickingC.hadseen;pickedD.saw;was picking21.We were all surprised when he made it clear that he_____office soon./A.leavesB.woulds leaveC.leftD.had left22.In some parts of the world,tea_____with milk and sugar./A.is serving B.is servedC.servesD.served23.The pen I____I ____is on my desk,right under my nose./A.think;lostB.thought;had lostC.think;had lostD.thought;have lost24.——How long____each other before they____married?——For about a year./A.have they known;getB.did they know;were going to getC.do they know;are goingto get D.had they known;got25.Mydictioary_____.I have looked for it everywhere but still____it./A.haslost;don't findB.ismissing;don'tfindC.haslost;haven't found D.is missing;haven't found26.——Can I join the club,Dad?——You can when you____a bit older./A.getB.will get C.are getting D.will have got27.——I'm sorry to keep you waiting.A.have beenB.had beenC.wasD.will be/Oh,not at all.I____here only a few minutes.——.28.——Do you like the material?——Yes,it_____very soft./A.is feeling B.feltC.feels D.is felt29.I don't really work here.I____nutil the new secretary arrives./A.just help out B.have just helped outC.am just helping outD.is completed30.I need one more stamp before my collection_____./A.has completed pletesC.has been completedD.is completed31.——Your phone number again?I____quite catch it.——It's 9568442./A.didn'tB.couldn'tC.don'tD.can't32.——_____the sports meet might be put off.——Yes,it all depends on the weather./A.I've been told B.I've told C.I'm told D.I told 33.Asshe____thenewspaper,Granny____asleep./A.read;was fallingB.wasreading;fellC.wasreading;wasfalling D.read;fell34.You don't need to describe her,I____hersevral times./A.had met B.have met C.metD.meet35.I don't think Jim saw me;he____into space./A.just stared B.wasjst staring C.has just stared D.had juststared36.——____my glasses?——____Yes,I saw them on your bed a minute ago./A.Do you see B.Had you seen C.Would you see D.haveyou seen37.Helen____her keys in the office so she had to wait until herhusband____home./A.hasleft;comesB.left;had come C.hadleft;cameD.hadleft;would come38.I first met Lisa three years ago.She ____at a radio shop at the time./A.has worked B.was working C.hasbeen working D.has worked39.——Who is Jerry Cooper?——_____?I saw you shaking hands with him at the meeting./A.Don't you meet him yet B.Hadn't you meethim yetC.Didn't' you meet him yet D.Haven't you met him yet40.——Alice,why didn't you come yesterday?A.hadB.wouldC.was going toD.did/I____,but I had an unexpected visitor.——.41.The Chinese Communist Partty_____in Shanghai in 1921./A.was found B.foundC.was foundedD.founded42.Greatchanges______in my home town since liberation./A.have been taken placeB.tookplaceC.havetaken place D.were taken place43.The water will be further polluted unless some measures_____./A.will be taken B.are takenC.were takenD.had been taken44.He'll be an astronaut by the time he_____thirty./A.is B.had been C.will be D.is going to be45.The____look on his face suggested that he____that./A.surprising;hadn't expectedB.surprised;hadn'texpectedC.surprising;would expectD.surprised;shouldn't expect【试题解析】1.选C。



九年级英语时态复习练习题及答案一、一般现在时1、 We often _______ (play) in the playground答案:play解析:often 是一般现在时的标志词,主语 we 是复数,动词用原形。

2、 He _______ (get) up at six o'clock every day答案:gets解析:every day 是一般现在时的标志词,主语he 是第三人称单数,动词 get 要加 s 变成 gets。

3、 The earth _______ (move) around the sun答案:moves解析:客观真理用一般现在时,主语 the earth 是第三人称单数,动词 move 要加 s 变成 moves。

二、一般过去时1、 I _______ (go) to the zoo yesterday答案:went解析:yesterday 是一般过去时的标志词,go 的过去式是 went。

2、 She _______ (be) happy last week答案:was解析:last week 是一般过去时的标志词,主语 she 是第三人称单数,be 动词用 was。

3、 They _______ (not do) their homework last night答案:didn't do解析:last night 是一般过去时的标志词,否定句要用助动词didn't,后面接动词原形 do。

三、一般将来时1、 We _______ (have) a party next week答案:will have / are going to have解析:next week 是一般将来时的标志词,可以用 will +动词原形或者 be going to +动词原形的结构。

2、 He _______ (come) back tomorrow答案:will come / is going to come解析:tomorrow 是一般将来时的标志词,同理可用 will +动词原形或者 be going to +动词原形。



(考试时间:90分钟,满分:100分)一、选择题(每题2分,共30分)1. He _______ to the party last night because he was not feeling well.A. didn't goB. doesn't goC. doesn't wentD. didn't went2. By the time you arrive, the movie _______.A. will finishB. will have finishedC. will be finishingD. finishes3. _______ you ever _______ to Japan?A. Did / goB. Have / goneC. Do / goD. Were / going4. I _______ for the bus when it _______ raining.A. wait / startsB. waited / startedC. am waiting / startedD. was waiting / started5. _______ you like some more coffee?A. CouldB. WouldC. ShouldD. Might6. She _______ her homework when her friend _______.A. was doing / calledB. did / has calledC. does / callsD. is doing / calls7. _______ you _______ the book yet?A. Did / readB. Have / readC. Do / readD. Are / reading8. They _______ in the park when it _______.A. play / is rainingB. played / rainedC. are playing / rainsD. were playing / started to rain9. I _______ her for two years before we got married.A. knowB. knewC. have knownD. had known10. _______ you like _______ to the concert with me?A. Do / to goB. Would / goingC. Are / goingD. Will / go二、判断题(每题1分,共20分)1. The past perfect tense is used to describe an action that happened before another past action. (True/False)2. The simple present tense can be used to talk about scheduled future events. (True/False)3. The present perfect continuous tense is used to describe an action that started in the past and is still continuing in the present. (True/False)4. The past continuous tense is used to describe an action that was happening at a specific time in the past. (True/False)6. The simple past tense is used to describe an action that happened and is now finished. (True/False)7. The present continuous tense is used to describe an action that is happening now. (True/False)8. The past perfect continuous tense is used to describe an action that was ongoing before another past action. (True/False)9. The future simple tense is used to talk about spontaneous future decisions. (True/False)10. The present perfect tense is used to describe an action that happened at an unspecified time before now. (True/False)三、填空题(每空1分,共10分)1. I _______ (to eat) dinner when the phone _______ (to ring).2. By next week, she _______ (to finish) her project.3. They _______ (to travel) to London last summer.4. _______ you _______ (to see) the new movie yet?5. He _______ (to study) English for five years.四、简答题(每题10分,共10分)1. Explain the difference between the simple past and the past continuous tense.2. When do we use the present perfect tense?五、综合题(1和2两题7分,3和4两题8分,共30分)1. Read the following conversation and fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verb in brackets.A: _______ you _______ (to see) Tom recently?B: Yes, I _______ (to see) him last week. He _______ (to tell) me about his new job.2. Complete the following sentences using the correct form of the verb in brackets.1. I _______ (to go) to the gym after work.2. She _______ (to have) a meeting at 10 am tomorrow.3. They _______ (to travel) to Paris next month.3. Write a short paragraph (about 5070 words) using at least three different tenses. Topic: "My Typical Day"4. Read the passage and answer the questions.Yesterday, Sarah and her8. 改错题(每题2分,共10分)1. I has finished my homework.2. She didn't went to the party.3. He was watching TV when I called him.4. They have arrived at the airport.5. I didn't saw him yesterday.9. 完形填空题(每题2分,共10分)Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Snow White. She lived in a beautiful castle with her stepmother, the evil queen. The queen was very jealous of Snow White's beauty, so she (1) _______ (to hire) a huntsman to kill her. However, when the huntsman saw Snow White, he couldn't bring himself to harm her. Instead, he (2) _______ (to warn) her and let her escape into the forest.In the forest, Snow White (3) _______ (to find) a small cottage. She (4) _______ (to be) tired and hungry, so she (5)_______ (to go) inside and (6) _______ (to eat) some food. After that, she (7) _______ (to fall) asleep.Meanwhile, the queen (8) _______ (to use) her magicmirror to find out where Snow White (9) _______ (to be). When she (10) _______ (to discover) that Snow White was still alive, she (11) _______ (to make) a poisoned apple that would put Snow White into a deep sleep.The queen (12) _______ (to disguise) herself as an old woman and (13) _______ (to go) to the cottage where Snow White (14) _______ (to live). She (15) _______ (to convince) Snow White to bite the poisoned apple, and soon Snow White (16) _______ (to fall) into a deep sleep.Fortunately, a prince (17) _______ (to pass) the cottage and (18) _______ (to see) Snow White. He (19) _______ (to kiss) her, and she (20) _______ (to wake) up. They (21)_______ (to get) married and (22) _______ (to live) happily ever after.10. 阅读理解题(每题3分,共15分)Read the following passage and answer the questions.Questions:1. What is the Eiffel Tower?2. Where is the Eiffel Tower located?3. Who designed the Eiffel Tower?4. How tall is the Eiffel Tower?5. Why is the Eiffel Tower famous?11. 写作题(每题10分,共10分)Write a short essay (about 100120 words) on the topic "My Favorite Holiday". Include reasons why it is your favorite holiday and describe how you usually celebrate it.12. 翻译题(每题5分,共10分)1. They have been studying English for five years.2. I didn't understand the question, so I asked the teacher for help.13. 听力题(每题2分,共10分)Listen to the recording and answer the questions.1. What did the man do yesterday?2. Where will they go for their vacation?3. Why did she miss the meeting?4. When will the train arrive?5. How long has he been working here?14. 语法填空题(每题2分,共10分)Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verb in brackets.1. If I (to have) enough money, I (to buy) a new car.2. By the time you arrive, the movie (to finish).3. They (to watch) TV when the phone (to ring).4. He (to be) tired because he (to work) all day.5. I (to meet) her two years ago.15. 口语表达题(每题5分,共10分)1. Describe your favorite book and explain why you like it.2. Talk about a memorable experience you had while traveling.。





1.Jack (work) in the lab when the power cut occurred.答案:was working 谓语动词--时态-过去进行时2.I (read) half of the English novel, and I’ll try to finish it at the weekend. 答案:have read 谓语动词--时态-现在完成时3.The students have been working hard on their lessons and their efforts (reward) with success in the end.答案:will be rewarded 谓语动词--语态-一般将来时4. The book has been translated into thirty languages since it (come) on the market in 1973. 答案:came 谓语动词--时态--一般过去时5. This is the first time we (see) a film in the cinema together as a family.答案:have seen 谓语动词--时态-现在完成时6.It was raining lightly when I (arrive) in Yangshuo just before dawn.答案:arrived 谓语动词--时态--一般过去时7. More efforts, as reported, (make) in the years ahead to accelerate the supply-side structural reform. 答案:will be made 谓语动词--语态-一般将来时8. I ________ (drive) down to London when I suddenly found that I was on the wrong road. 答案:was driving 谓语动词--时态-过去进行时9. Susan had quit her well-paid job and (work) as a volunteer in the neighborhood when I visited her last year. 答案:was working 谓语动词--时态-过去进行时10. A rescue worker risked his life saving two tourists who (trap) in the mountains for two days. 答案:had been trapped 谓语动词--语态-过去完成时11. Since 2011, the country (grow) more corn than rice.答案:have grown 谓语动词--时态-现在完成时st year, every employee in our company________(offer)a physical examination free of charge. 答案:was offered 谓语动词--语态-一般过去时13.Upon arriving home, Lily found that her husband (prepare) a beautiful candlelight dinner. 答案:had prepared 谓语动词--时态-过去完成时14. I (walk) toward the door to go outside when suddenly Jim opened it unexpectedly.答案:was walking 谓语动词--时态-过去进行时15. The Palace Museum has put on many attractions since it ________ (rebuild) in 2017.答案:was rebuilt 谓语动词--语态-一般过去时16.Rent usually ________ (go) up in the summer, when college graduates are moving out of their dormitories and seeking for new places to move in.答案:goes 谓语动词--时态-一般现在时17. Over the last few decades, economic globalization ________ (contribute) greatly to global growth. 答案:have contributed 谓语动词--时态-现在完成时18. When I came back from my 10-day holiday, I found the fish tank was broken and the fish ________ (die). 答案:had died 谓语动词--时态-过去完成时19. — How can I apply for an online course?— Just fill out this form and we ________ (see) what we can do for you.答案:will see 谓语动词--时态-一般将来时20. Shakespeare’s play Hamlet ________ (make) into at least ten different films over the past years. 答案:have been made 谓语动词--语态-现在完成时21. The pianist ________ (develop) a love for music when he was a little boy.答案:developed 谓语动词--时态--一般过去时22.I know little about the accident because not much ________ (say) about it up to now.答案:has been said 谓语动词--语态-现在完成时23. The church tower which ________ (restore) will be open to tourists soon. The work is almost finished. 答案:is being restored 谓语动词--语态-现在进行时24. — Are the repairs finished yet?— Yes, they ________ (complete) when I came back home.答案:had been completed 谓语动词--语态-过去完成时25. I didn’t get in touch with David yesterday, since he ________ (chair) a meeting when I called.答案:was chairing 谓语动词--时态-过去进行时26.—Were you surprised by the ending of the film?—No, I _______ (read) the book, so I already knew the story.答案:had read 谓语动词--时态-过去完成时27.This coastal area (name) a national wildlife reserve last year.答案:was named 谓语动词--语态-一般过去时28.I walked slowly through the market, where people ________ (sell) all kinds of fruits and vegetables. I studied the prices carefully and bought what I needed.答案:were selling 谓语动词--时态-过去进行时29. Up to now, the program ________ (save) thousands of children who would otherwise have died. 答案:have saved 谓语动词--时态-现在完成时30. It took me a long time before I was able to fully appreciate what they ________ (do) for me. 答案:had done 谓语动词--时态-过去完成时31.Leaving the less important things until tomorrow (be) often acceptable. 答案:is 谓语动词--时态-一般现在时32. When fat and salt (remove) from food, the food tastes as if it is missing something. 答案:are removed谓语动词--语态-一般现在时33. Progress (be) so far very good and we are sure that the work will be finished on time. 答案:has been谓语动词--时态-现在完成时34. If their marketing plans succeed,they (increase) their sales by 20 percent. 答案:will increase 谓语动词--时态--一般将来时35. The moment I got home, I found I (leave) my jacket on the playground. 答案:had left 谓语动词--时态-过去完成时36.Judy is going to marry the sailor she (meet) in Rome last year.答案:met 谓语动词--时态--一般过去时37. Teenagers (damage) their health because they play computer games too much. 答案:are damaging谓语动词--时态--现在进行时38. So far this year we (see) a fall in house prices by between 5 and 10 percent. 答案:has seen谓语动词--时态-现在完成时39. I know a little bit about Italy as my wife and I (go) there several years ago.答案:went 谓语动词--时态--一般过去时40.Cathy didn’t go to the cinema with us last night, for she (do) her homework.答案:was doing 谓语动词--时态-过去进行时41. The doctors ______ (refuse) to operate on Sam because his parents had not given permission.答案:refused谓语动词--时态--一般过去时42. John says he’s 80 years old, but nobody (believe) him.答案:believes 谓语动词--时态-一般现在时43.I found the lecture hard to follow because it _______ (start) when I arrived.答案:had started 谓语动词--时态-过去完成时44. —Hi, let’s go skating.—Sorry, I’m busy right now. I _______ (fill) in an application f orm for a new job.答案:am filling谓语动词--时态--现在进行时44.When you are home, give a call to let me know you _________ (arrive) safely.答案:have arrived 谓语动词--时态-现在完成时46.—Did you have difficulty finding Ann’s house?—Not really. She ___________ (give) us clear directions and we were able to find it easily.答案:had given谓语动词--时态-过去完成时47. —Hi, I’m Peter. Are you new here? I haven’t seen you around.—Hello, Peter. I’m Bob. I just ___________ (start) on Monday.答案:started 谓语动词--时态--一般过去时48.Having a glass of water first in the morning helps rid your body of poisonous substances that ____________ (store) overnight.答案:have been stored谓语动词--语态-现在完成时49.The first time I saw Tod, he ______________ (talk) to some students at the English corner.答案:was talking谓语动词--时态-过去进行时50.Life teaches us not to regret over yesterday, for it ___________ (pass) and is beyond our control.答案:has passed 谓语动词--时态-现在完成时参考答案1. was working2. have read3. will be rewarded4. came5. have seen6. arrived7. will be made8. was driving9. was working 10.had been trapped11. has grown 12. was offered 13. had prepared 14. was walking 15. was rebuilt 16. goes 17. has contributed 18. had died 19. will see 20. has been made21. developed 22. has been said 23. is being restored 24.had been completed 25. was chairing 26. had read 27. was named 28. were selling 29. has saved 30. had done31. is 32. are removed 33. has been 34. will increase 35. had left36. met 37. are damaging 38. have seen 39. went 40. was doing41. refused 42. believes 43. had started 44. am filling 45. have arrived46. had given 47. started 48. have been stored 49. was talking 50. has passed。



一、选择题1.I have bought a Chinese – English dictionary. When and where_____ you _____ it? A.have, bought B.did buy C.will, buy D.do , buy B解析:B【解析】【分析】【详解】句意:——我已经买了一本英汉字典。



2.Parents always hope their children a happy and healthy life.A.to live B.can live C.living D.should live B解析:B【解析】【详解】句意:父母总是希望他们的孩子能过得健康快乐。




3.The woman made her husband_______ outside the gate yesterday afternoon.A.wait B.waiting C.to wait D.waited A解析:A【解析】【详解】句意:昨天下午那个女人让她的丈夫在门外等待。


wait动词原形;waiting动名词或现在分词形式;to wait动词不定式;waited过去分词。

make是使役动词,后接不带to的不定式作宾语补足语,make sb. do sth.让某人做某事,故选A。

4.The teacher's smile made me ________ better.A.feel B.to feel C.feeling D.felt A解析:A【解析】【详解】句意:老师的微笑使我感觉好多了。



2020年全国中考英语真题时态考点解析和试题汇编2020年全国中考英语真题分类汇编动词时态真题解析1. 【2020 ·北京市】If you take this train, you _________ in Shanghai in five hours.A. arriveB. will arriveC. arrivedD. have arrived【答案】B【解析】句意:如果你坐这趟火车,你将在五小时内到达上海。


arrive一般现在时;will arrive一般将来时;arrived一般过去时;have arrived现在完成时。

本题是以if引导的条件状语从句,时态上要符合“主将从现”,所以空格处应用一般将来时will do,故选B。

2. 【2020 ·北京市】I ___________ on the computer when Frank called me last night.A. workB. will workC. was workingD. am working【答案】C【解析】句意:弗兰克昨晚打电话给我时,我正在用电脑工作。


work工作,动词原形;will work一般将来时;was working过去进行时;am working现在进行时。

根据题干中“when Frank called me last night”可知此处表示当某件事情发生的时候,另一件事情正在进行,when引导的从句用一般过去时,主句用过去进行时。


3. 【2020 ·北京市】We ________ each other since I came to Beijing, but we send emails very often.A. don't seeB. didn't seeC. won't seeD. haven't seen【答案】D【解析】句意:自从我来北京,我们就没见过面,但我们经常发电子邮件。



中考英语时态专项练习班级考号姓名总分【真题再现】一、1.I scared of dogs ever since i dog hurt me when I was five years olD.(浙江杭州)A.will beB.wasC.have beenD.would be2.My grandparents for over 60 years and they love each other very much.(江苏宿迁)A.have been marriedC.were marriedB.got marriedD.have got married3.Please wait.She to you in a few minutes.A.TalkB.talkedC.have talkedD.will talk(重庆)4.-Cathy, can you answer the door? I the room.-I'm coming,Mum. (安徽)A.cleanB.cleanedC.have cleanedD.am cleaning5.-When shall we begin our meeting?-We'll begin it when Helen . (重庆)esB.cameC.will comee6.Stop smoking, Joe! You yourself if you keep on doing it like that! (重庆)A.will killB.have killedC.killD.killed7.Hurry up! Mark and Carl us. (北京)A.expectB.are expectingC.have expectedD.will expect8.-I went to visit you yesterday evening,but you weren’t in.Where were you then?-Oh,I my pet dog in the park.I_this dog for three days and it’s very cute.(四川凉山)A.was walking;have hadB.walked; boughtC.was walking; have boughtD.walked; have had9.-When will Uncle Sam come to see us?-He'll visit us this weekenD.He me that by e mail. (江苏南京)A.toldB.is toldC.will tellD.was going to tell10.Neither the headmaster nor the teachers take a vacation next week.(内蒙古呼和浩特)A.were going toB.is going toC.was going toD.are going to11.In the past few years, great changes in Lianyungang. (江苏连云港)A.take placeB.took placeC.have taken placeD.have been taken place12.-Look at the sign!It says“No Smoking”.-Oh, sorry. it. (山东滨州)A.don't seeB.haven't seenC.wasn't seenD.didn't see13.-Tom, you ever_that new film?-Yes, I it a week ago. (四川广安)A.have; seen; sawB.have; seen; seeC.do; see; seeD.had; seen; saw14.-Our classmates went to a concert yesterday afternoon.-What a pity! I my homework. (山东泰安)A.had doneB.was doingC.am doingD.would do15.I the book Little Women,but I'll let you read it first. (四川成都)A.haven't readB.don't readC.won't read二、根据句意,用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。



2020 年中考英语总复习基础语法专题复习讲义目录:1.专题七动词的种类2.专题八动词的时态3.专题九被动语态专题七动词的种类学前自测(发现考点)( )1. Lucy and her friend will at the airport in half an hour. They are going to Taiwan.A. playB. comeC. leaveD. meet( )2. —May I play computer games now, Mum?—No, you __ . You haven't finished your homework yet.A. don'tB. needn'tC. can'tD. may not( )3. —Shall we take a bus to the library?—It ’ s not far. I think we __t_ake a bus. Let ’ s walk there.A. mustn'tB. couldn'tC. can'tD. needn't( )4. —How much did this dictionary ___ you, Sally? —I got it for 90 yuan.A. useB. costC. takeD. spend( )5. It is very hot here. Why not your coat?A. to take offB. put offC. take offD. puton( )6. The hotel is not far, so you take a bus.A. may notB. needn'tC. can'tD.mustn't( )7. The price of vegetables ___ so quickly these days.A. risesB.affordC.improvesD.raise( )8. My computer doesn t work. There be something wrong with it, but I'm not sure.A. couldB. mustC. mayD. need( )9. Hello! I'm very glad to see you. When you here?A. are; arrivingB. did; arriveC. have; arrivedD. will;arrive ( )10. —Ann, are you hurrying out?—I go now or I'll be late for the meeting.A. mustB. canC. needn'tD. don't have to常考考点知识清单(研习考点) 考点一行为动词/实义动词行为动词/实义动词可分为及物动词和不及物动词,可接宾语的是及物动词,不可以接宾语的是不及物动词。






※on Sundays,on Monday afternoon,every day,in the morning,every year等时间状语。

※once a year, twice a month, three times a week之类的表示频率的词组。

如:He gets up at five o’clock every day. He often plays football.②★表示客观真理、事实、人的技能或现在的状态时句子里一般不用时间状语。

如:The earth turns round the sun.(地球绕着太阳转)Light travels faster than sound.(光传播比声音快)③★表示十分确定会发生(如安排好的事情)或按照时间表进行的(将要发生的)事情,用一般现在可以表达将来,句子中可以有将来时间。

如:The train for Haikou leaves at 8:00 in the morning.(开往汉口的列车上午8点开车)④★在时间状语从句中(以when, after, before, while, until, as soon as等引导)和条件状语从句中(以if,unless引导),用一般现在时代替一般将来时,句子可以有将来时间。

如:Please ring me up as soon as you arrive in Germany.(你一到德国就给我打电话) / If it rains tomorrow, we will have to stay at home.(如果明天下雨我们就只好呆在家)⑤★一般现在时用于倒装句中可以表示正在发生的动作,动词以come, go为主。



1. Sales of CDs have greatly increased since the early 1990s, when people ________ to enjoy the advantages of this new technology.A. beginB. beganC. have begunD. had begun2. Turn on the television or open a magazine and you ________ advertisements showing happy families.A. will often seeB. often seeC. are often seeingD. have often seen3. —I hear Jane has gone to the Holy Island for her holiday.—Oh, how nice! Do you know when she ________?A. was leavingB. had leftC. has leftD. left4. —What were you doing when Tony phoned you?—I had just finished my work and________ to take a shower.A. had startedB. startedC. have startedD. was starting5. I ________ you not to move my dictionary —now I can ’t find it.A. askedB. askC. was askingD. had asked6. —Has Sam finished his homework today?—I have no idea. He ________ it this morning.A. didB. has doneC. was doingD. had done7. —What’s that terrible noise?—The neighbors ________ for a party.A. have preparedB. are preparingC. prepareD. will prepare8. Now that she is out of a job, Lucy ________ going back to school, but she hasn ’t decidedA. had consideredB. has been consideringC. consideredD. is going to consider9. The teacher, with 6 girls and 8 boys of her class, ________ visiting a museum when the earthquake struck.A. wasB. wereC. had beenD. would be10. The discussion ________ alive when an interesting topic was brought in.A. was comingB. had comeC. has comeD. came11. Because the shop ________ , all the T-shirts are sold at half price.A. has closed downB. closed downC. is closing downD. had closed down12. Let ’s keep to the point or we ________ any decisions.A. will never reachB. have never reachedC. never reachD. never reached13. My mind wasn ’t on what he was saying so I ’m afraid I ________ half of it.A. was missingB. had missedC. will missD. missed14. It is said in the book that Thomas Edison (1847 —1931) ________ the world-leading inventor for sixty years.A. would beB. has beenC. had beenD. was15. —You were out when I dropped in at your house. —Oh, I ________ for a friend from England at the airport.A. was waitingB. had waitedC. am waitingD. has waited16. She has set a new record, that is, the sales of her latest book ________ 50 million.A. have reachedB. has reachedC. are reachingD. had reached17. He kept looking at her, wondering whether he ________ her somewhere.A. sawB. has seenC. seesD. had seen18. The crazy fans ________ patiently for two hours and they would wait till the movie star arrived 。


8.— Could you tell me ________? I must find him.
— Sorry. I have no idea. But he was here just now.
A.where Tom wasB.where Tom has gone
C.where can I find TomD.where Tom has been
2.—I ________ you at seven and you didn’t pick up.
—I was taking a shower at that time.
C.am callingD.have called
句意:——我七点钟打电话给你,你没接。——那时我正在洗澡。考查动词时态辨析题。and连接并列结构,at seven在七点钟,是过去的时间,需用一般过去时,可排除ACD三项。根据句意语境,可知选B。
A.had B.will have C.were having D.are having
7.—Why are you walking so quickly, Edward?
—There_____ a talent show in ten minutes.
A.will haveB.will be
C.is going to haveD.are going to be



中考英语动词时态专练06(附答案)用所给单词的正确形式填空1.You can hardly imagine what great difficulty we had ____(encourage) him to tell the truth. 2.The more you study, the more questions you’ll think of ________(ask).3.This is the second time he ________(get) full marks in English.4.No decision ________(make) about the future sports meeting until we meet again.5.--Has Tommy finished his homework yet?--I have no ideas. He ________ (do) it this morning.6.It is beyond doubt that it was the CPC(共产党) that ________(lead) us to New China. 7.Though there are a few new words in the article, it _______(read) well.8.Last week, he promised he ________(come) but he hasn’t appeared yet.9.Mike ____________ (learn) Chinese on the weekend.10.I like ____________ (read) books every morning.11.She is two years ____________ (old) than me.12.I ____________ (go) fishing yesterday.13.I can see many ____________ (flower) in the park.14.The Lis has_______ to their new flat in Water Bay. (move)15.The brochure is on one of the_______on the left. (shelf)16.They are from_______and they can speak English very well. (British)17.I’d like to know his_______and favourite subjects. (national)18.We have some________ friends and we always have parties together. (Canada) 19.Thank you for_______letter and photo. (you)20.The policeman found that the dog helped him cross the cave_______. (safe)21.Why did they make the house so_______? There was rubbish everywhere. ( tidy) 22.If the weather permits,we __________(plant)trees tomorrow.23.When we are tired,we should stop _________(have)a rest.24.My mother always wants me _________(do)my schoolwork before supper.25.My big brother spends plenty of time _________(enjoy)Western music every day. 26.Why don't you ___________(water)the flowers first?27.Mary isn't happy because she __________(fail)her Chinese exam last week.28.I didn't answer you because I was __________(consider)whether I should go with you.29.My teacher is strict with us to get us into the habit of __________(make)notes in class. 30.My parents are considering ________ (buy)a big house.31.You must stop __________(talk)and listen to me carefully.32.Please think twice before you make these______ (decide).33.There are some______ (nation) and local newspapers in this library.34.I wonder whether my mother has______ (deal) with our old clothes or not. 35.People think______ (high) of Tan Dun’s music - Music without boundaries. 36.Chinese parents are______ (strict) with their children than American parents.37.I was too ________ (embarrass) to admit that I was wrong.38.He was fined $100 for ________ (care) driving. And he promised not to do like that. 39.We are ________ (care) to avoid the midday sun because it is harmful to our skin. 40.He thanked them ________ (polite) when they left him for a new place.41.He ________ (comment) that the two books were very easy to understand.42.My son’s room is always ________ (mess) and he rarely clean and clear it once a week. 43.Shut up. It is none of your ________ (busy). This is a private conversation.44.I really regretted ________ (leave) school so young. And now I will study hard to make up for the lost.45.We regret ________ (inform) you that your application has been refused.46.He was ________ (ashamed) to admit his mistake and he was determined to do better. 47.I don’t think there is any ________ (visible) fish in the world.48.Watch ________ (close), you’ll find something different between them.49.We went to a beautiful lake and spent a(n) ________ (forget) day.50.Whales are one of the biggest creatures ________ (live).51.________ (fortunate), he didn’t pass the exam.52.They rushed out of the classroom ________ (excited).53.It’s a ________ (please) to talk to you.54.Could you tell me your ________ (depart) time?55.I don't have a dictionary,but my friend Alan ________(do).56.The rulers are very good. I like ________(they).57.I think tennis is ________(interest).58.I love sports,but I ________(not play)them.59.My brother ________(have)two basketballs and three baseballs.60.May I introduce Mike, a good friend of ____________ (I ) to you?.61.Timmy is active. He has many hobbies from___________ (collect) stamps tooutdoor-activities .62.You must learn the words ______(mark) in bright purple by heart. They are very useful. 63.The weather report says the heavy rain _____________(last) for another two days. 64.This book is quite good. A lot of ______________ (value) advice can be found in it. 65.As one of the excellent ______(compose), Tan Dun has written many good pieces of music.66.There were five ______________ (win) names on the medal.67._________ (courage) these students to work harder, and they will be sure to win the competition.68.Tommy promised ______________(not be) late for class next time.69.As a leader of the _______________ (work) Union, he is quite helpful.70.The sun gives us warmth by ______(heat) the earth.71.He ______(throw) the ball to me, and I caught it.72.Mom decided ______(divide) the watermelon into ten pieces.73.It's not true that God ______(create) the world.74.The population of the city has ______(rise) to five million.75.The world’s best Go player Ke Jie ______(lose)all the three games to Google’s Alpha Go last month.76.Cheer up! A mistake today stops you from ______(make)it again tomorrow. 77.—Will the president attend the meeting?—Well, that ______(depend). He may not have the time.78.How about going to the cinema tomorrow? We ______(not be)there for a while. 79.—You seemed busy when I walked past. Have you got a minute now, sir?—Sure. I ______(write)a report. It’s done. So, what’s up?80.We shall work harder together to build a stronger, better China — a country that our children and grandchildren are proud ______(call)home.81.They decided ________(go)for a ride in the forest.82.Once upon a time, an old man ________(live)on the island.83.She ________(stay)at home yesterday.84.The boy ________(try)his best to learn English well last year.85.________ Tom _________(go)to school by bike this morning?86.The story is so ________(interest) that everyone is ________(interest) in it. 87.We hope _____(go) to the park around two.88.You need more time _______(think).89.Each of _________(we) _________(want) to go shopping.90.I need more time ______________(finish) my homework.91.He hopes _________(be) a teacher.92.I have no ___________(interest) in __________(interest) books.93.My mother ________ (be) a teacher a year ago. She is now a housewife (家庭主妇). 94.Daniel ________ (stand) up and said hello to his teacher.95.It’s sunny. Let’s go ________ (camp), shall we?96.Why ________ (be) they so sad in the photo? What happened to them? 97.Simon ________ (leave) home two hours ago.98.Did you __________ (watch) I Am a Singer last Friday night?99.She was busy, so she ________ (not go) cycling with us.100.—Where did you sleep last night?——We ________ (sleep) in the tent. 101.The ball ________ (hit) the wall and fell to the ground.102.Sandy and Maria ________ (be not) at the park yesterday.103.On Sunday my mother often goes __________(shop)for something. 104.We know Spring Festival __________(finish)at Lantern Festival. 105.Look!Some workers __________(decorate)a tall building.106.It's ten o'clock. All the students __________(have)a maths class.107.─Where is your mother?─She __________(cook)in the kitchen.108.I can __________(dance)and ______(sing).109.Tony often __________(help)his mother with the housework.110.Bob,go and see who __________(play)in the room.111.─Where __________ your uncl e __________(work)?─He __________(work)in a shop.112.Look!The boy __________(run)on the playground.─He often __________(run)in the afternoon.113.The moonlight _________(shine)into my room through the window last night. 114.Many colourful balloons flew away to the _________(sky).115.Immediately on his beginning to speak, everyone was _________(silence). 116.Tony and his parents _________(remain)three weeks in Paris.117.Although he’s _________(near)80, he is still very active.118.After two hours, heavy fog _________(clear). Kids ran out to play again. 119.When I _____ (run) in the park, I heard some footsteps, and I knew that someone ____ (follow) me.120.—You look tired. _____ you _____ (sleep) well last night?—Well, no. I was thinking about my report. I still _______ (not finish) it now.121.I _____ (drive) to my sister’s this afternoon to look after her cat, for she ______ (fly) to Paris on business. She sent me a picture of herself in Paris just now.122.—Why didn’t you clean the window this morning?—Sorry. I was going to clean it but I ____ (get) a phone call from Bob. We _____ (chat) for almost two hours.123.I’ve heard that Jenny is studying in California, but I don’t know when she ____ (be) back next time. After all, we ______ (not write) to each other for quite some time. 124.Give her the money when you ______ (meet) her at the party this evening. She ______ (use) the money to do something useful, I’m sure.125.While the students were talking loudly, the teacher ______ (enter) the classroom quietly. They didn’t even hear the teacher ______ (close) the door.126.I’m sorry Tom can’t speak to you now. He ______ (have) an important meeting. 127.Those deaf ______(dance) have much difficulty in learning to dance because they can’t hear the music.128.When I got home last night, my parents ______(discuss) where to go for summer holiday.129.Because of the waste poured into the water, it is now ______(possible) to see those beautiful cranes here.130.The aim of Readers is to share thoughts and feelings by ______(read) wonderful words. 131.—I can’t find my dog “Bell”. Have you ever seen it ______(somewhere)?—Sorry, I haven’t.132.I __________ (not finish) the work yet.133.__________ you __________ (know) him since then?134.We ___________ (be) there many times during the past three years.135.She __________ (not read) the book before.136.My sister __________ (walk) to school everyday last year.137.Her mother __________ (go) to Shanghai. She __________ (leave) this morning. 138.He __________ (live) in his hometown since he __________ (leave) here.—When ________ he ________ (leave) here?—He ________ (leave) here three years ago. 139.His mother __________ (be) in the party for ages.—When __________ she __________ (join) the Party?—She __________ (join) the Party in 1996.140.The pictures_________ (put) up on the school website next week.141._________ computers_________ (use) more than books in the future?142.We are told that a new car factory_______ (build) here next year.143.You_____ (show) around our school tomorrow afternoon. Now, please have a good rest. 144.Can you tell me by whom the talk_______ (give) tomorrow?145.She is ________ (walk) along the river with her friends.146.We have lunch after _______ (visit) the Palace Museum.147.If you want ______ (go) to the station, you’d better walk there. It’s very close from here. 148._______ (turn) left, and you can find the Bank of China.149.Your school is a little far from home, and the best way__ (go) to work for you is by bike. 150.Can you finish ____________ (draw) a horse in 5 minutes?151.It takes Mary 20 minutes _________ (cross) the river.152.I_______(finish)today’s homework already. What about you?153.I won’t go to the movies tonight, because I______(lose)my ticket.154.His brother_____(like)reading very much. He ____(read)the story of the Snow White. 155.He_______(live)here since 1992.156.Miss Wu________(teach) in this school for fifteen years.157.The weather______(be)hot so far this summer.158.Kitty______(make)some friends since she_______(come)to China last year.159.I won't go to the concert tonight because I______(lose)my ticket.160.Someone________(clean) the classroom. Look! How clean it now!161.The train________(leave),hasn’t it?162.Are these your ________(key) under the table?163.I like my new _______. I put a lot of books and pens in it and take it to school every day.164.I lost my dictionary. I want to _________/faind/ it.165.I have a big __________ /’bukkeis/ in my room.166.Tom’s room is not tidy at all. His schoolthings are e_____, under the bed, on the chair…167.There is a tape p________ on my desk. I often listen to music on it.168.I love ice cream, _________ I don’t eat it.169.Jeffery always _________(ask) a lot of questions in English class.170._________(be) you a student from Hubin Middle School?171.The red socks are not Kate’s. Those blue ones over there are __________.172.We carefully __________ the first report with the second one. (compare) 173.There are__________ colors of T-shirts for us to choose in the shop. (variety) 174.The bridge is so old that it is in __________of falling down. (dangerous)175.The soft blanket will provide us additional __________. (warm)176.There are many different kinds of___________ things in the rainforest. (lifeless) 177.The government offers complete __________against fire and theft. (protect)178.I'm really___________ for everything you've done for me. (gratefully)179.The children tried ______ (go) to school by themselves.180.Lingling’s father went to Be ijing on business a few days ______ (early).181.I ______ (read) a novel last night when I heard the knocks at the door.182.Soon his leg began ______ (hurt) after Tom had an accident.183.Mr Bethune hurried ______ (operate) on the injured soldiers though he had already worked for a long time.184.Miss Lee ______(teach)us English since she came here three years ago.185.It is impossible ______(get)his help.186.I have enough time ______(play)with my daughter.187.No one ______(know)who the boy is.188.It seems ______(possible)for Spring Festival Gala to satisfy all 1. 3 billion Chinese. 189.Thank you for ________(ask) me ________(come) to the party.190.He left the room without ________(say ) a word.191.Jim ________(invite) me to have dinner with him yesterday.192.I'm looking forward to ________(visit) the famous writer soon.193.Please reply in ________(write) to this invitation by Friday.194.When Mary_______(help)her mother do the washing up,she________(break)a dish. 195.We________(sleep)when a fire_________(break)out in our building.196.At the picnic,some of the students______(fish)while others_______(play)badminton. 197.When the robber___________(see)the policemen,he___________(run)away. 198.While I___________(lie)on the beach,somebody___________(shout)‘Shark!’' 199.A bird___________(fly)into the room when I___________(open)the window. 200.My brother_______(not help)me at all while I__________(tidy)up our flat yesterday. 201.The telephone________ (ring) while I________ (do) some English grammar exercises. 202.Why didn’t you check your homework _________ (careful)?203.My brother is very young, so he can’t look after ________ (him).204.We had some ________ (sandwich) for breakfast two hours ago.205.When the monkeys saw these visitors, they stopped ____ (play) and came near together. 206.Jim ________ (leave) his hometown because he found a job in the city.207.I ________ (have) a cold yesterday, and I ________ (feel) bad now.208.My father ________ (call) my grandparents every day. They ________ (chat) on the phone for ten minutes an hour ago.209.—Don’t play football in this park, please!—Sorry. We ________ (not play) ball games here next time. We ________ (start) playing here only five minutes ago.210.I ________ (write) a letter to Jim last week. I hope he ________ (reply) soon. 211.Who ________ (carry) the box for you just now?212.―What do you think of my idea?―Sorry, what did you say? I _______ (think) about something else.213.Newton was sitting under an apple tree when an apple _______ (fall) onto his head. 214.My car _______ (break) down on the way, so I had to call 122 for help.215.Mum _______ (mop) the floor when I got home yesterday.216.If he _______ (not follow) traffic rules, he will be fined(罚款).217.He fell _______ (sleep) when he was watching TV.218.I lost my umbrella in the strong wind and _______ (near) fell over.219.He talked more ________ (loud) after the teacher left the classroom. How noisy! 220.People ran quickly in all _______ (direct) after the earthquake started221.Try to find your way out when you are _______ (trap) in the fire.222.In some cities in the _____ (north) part of China, the air pollution is very serious. 223.His friends in Australia say that they now have hot days, with temperatures in the___(thirty).224.-- Jimmy seems to feel bad about his speech.-- He needs to cheer_____ (him) up. Poor speech is not the end of the world.225.I used to _______ (have) dinner at restaurants last year, but now I am used to having supper at home.226.______ (luck), my sister got 60 points and passed the driving test.227.March 5 of this year was the 120th anniversary(周年纪念日) of the birth of Zhou Enlai. We love him. He spent all his time _____ (work) for his country and his people. 228.Besides the two funny ______ (act) in the film, the story itself is very interesting. 229.My cat enjoys ___________ (lie) on my knees on sunny afternoons.230.—Lily, ___________(not be)late for the meeting next time. —Sorry, Sir. 231.Don’t shout. Your sister__________ (sleep).232.He is always the first___________ (get) to school.233.His funny jokes made us all__________ (laugh).234.My father hopes you ___________ (come) to my home this evening.235.Nowadays, people pay more and more attention to food _______. (safe)236.When autumn comes, the _______ on the tree begin to turn yellow and fall down. (leaf) 237.It is reported that the man _________ 5,000 dollars from the store last night. (steal) 238.In western country, it is considered ________ to ask people how much they earn(赚得). (polite)239.After having dinner, Mike continued _________ his homework. (do) 240.Watching the baby grow up______________(healthy), the man felt so proud. 241.There are many robots__________(make) in Japan in the exhibition.242.The operation was moving along _________(smooth).243.Look out! The car is _________________ (complete) out of control.244.I’m ___________sorry for keeping you waiting so long. (terrible)245.—Who ________(cook) meals in your family tomorrow evening? —My father is. 246.Antibiotics (抗生素) were one of the greatest ________ (discover) of the 20th century. 247.As the baby’s mother, I can’t risk ____________(leave) him alone, even for a short time.248.Don’t worry. All the problems ___________(deal) with by the government very soon. 249.Are your parents in ___________( agree) that you can deal with it by yourself? 250.How much _________(be)the blue sweater?251.The black shorts _________(be)only 50 yuan.252.These socks are only two _________(dollar)for one pair.253.The _________(woman)over there are Tom’s and Jim’s mothers.254.The skirt _________(look)nice on me.255.I believe there _________ (be) more animals on earth in the future.256.The children are trying _________ (help) the animals.257.I'm thirsty. Could you please give me something _________ (drink)?258.Today the pandas have enough food _________ (eat) in the nature reserves. 259.There might be 35,000 Asian elephants _________ (leave) in the world.260.Is there a hospital________ (near )here?261.Elephants are very s_________. They can draw pictures.262.Look! He is _________ (play) basketball. Let’s go and join him.263.He must _________ (do) homework every day.264.What are you doing? I’m w________ TV.265.I felt ________ (bore) at the cinema, because the movie was too ________.(bore) 266.There _________ ( be) more children in people’s homes in 10 years.267.There will be _________ (many) people than last year.268.Gina always plays a part in _________ (save) the animals.269.---What will you do tomorrow afternoon? ---I _________ (play) basketball with Jim. 270.He was surprised by all the _________ (pollute) on the beach.271.The dictionary will tell us the _________ (mean) of these words.272.It ________ (seem) that it’s going to rain.273.People all over the world love ________ (peaceful).274.Look! He is ________(use ) his uncle’s computer.275.— Where is your room, Miss Wang?—I live on the ____________(one) floor, and Lily’s room is on the ground floor. 276.My mother often gets ready ______________(cook) dinner at 5:00 p.m.. 277.Jim __________(not be) late for school.278.Does it take you forty minutes ________________(clean) the classroom every day?279.My sister Candy ____________ (real) likes reading. She can learn a lot from the books. 280.I think the shoes are those _______________ (hero). Please look after them well. 281.I hope you ____________(come) to my birthday party this Friday.282.Can you think of a way to make the baby _________________(not cry)?283.We have a good time _______________(fly) kites in March.284.One of my friends _______________(do) well in swimming.285.School________(start)at 8 o'clock in the morning.286.My mother has too much ________(work)to do.287.I need to go to ________(school)now.288.—What time ________(do)your sister do her homework?—At seven o'clock. 289.Let's ________(talk)about our school day.290.Daming ________(go)to bed before 9:00 in the evening.291.It is interesting ________(watch)TV with our family.292.This chair really makes me ____(comfortable). I think I need another one.293.—If you like the book, you may ____ (keep) it. I have read it many times.—Oh, that’s really kind of you. Thank you very much.294.May is a perfect time to have an outing. Every time of the year, ____ (thousand) of people will have a self-driving travel.295.Because of the ____(library) soft chairs, more and more students in this school like to go there to read.296.— Tom, hurry up! The traffic will be busy soon and we may be late for dinner.—Wait a minute, mum. I ____(tidy) my bookshelf, and I’ll b e ready in a minute. 297.Chen Jie likes ________(sings/ singing).298.My sister ________(play/ plays) the piano every day.299.What ________(is/ are) your hobbies?300.________(Do/ Does) your mother go to work by car?301.Sarah is going to ________(make/ makes) salad this weekend.302.That’s all for ______ meeting. Thank you! (today)303.We should brush our ______ after each meal. (tooth)304.His red and grey tie ______ his clothes well. (match)305.The slim girl visits her grandparents in the countryside _____ (two) a week. 306.The fashion designer is thinking about ______ (lie) on the sofa to have a rest.307.Who ______ (teach) you English last term?308.______ you ______ (do) your homework last night?309.______ there ______ (be) a film tonight?310.Jane ______ (not come) to school because she was ill.311.What ______ she ______ (say) just now?312.The CD can help you know ________(wide) the knowledge of geography. 313.These ________(leaf)turn yellow in autumn.314.Alice has lived in China for many years and she's been used to using________(chopstick).315.The factory ________(produce)two thousand lamps every week.316.Dandong is ________(know)for its rice and seafood.317.I didn’ t go to bed until I finished _______ (watch)the TV show.318.Could you _______ (pass)the salt to her ?319._______ (not throw)the rubbish everywhere.320.The boy hates_______(talk)to others when he has problems .321.The baby will cry as soon as it _______(meet)strangers.322.Nancy and I _______(sweep)the stains after school that afternoon.323.Jack had no money with him, so I _______(lend)some to him.324.People usually use _______ kettles to boil water at home. (electricity)325.We can’t use the lightning to get electricity. It is too _______ . (frighten)326.All students like the ________ school life very much. (enjoy)327.It is not ________ that thousands of visitors come to visit the Disneyland in Shanghai every day. (surprise)328.Alice is a model student and she never ________ any time. (waste) 329.Children prefer ________ juice to hot drinks in summer. (ice)330.I would like to have _______ homework than before. (little)331.Our monitor ________ a wonderful Children’s Day party for us last week.(organize)参考答案1.encouraging 2.to ask 3.has got 4.will be made5.was doing 6.led 7.reads 8.would come【解析】1.句意:你很难想象我们费了多大的劲才鼓励他说出真相。

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时态专题单选题1.I ______ the streets in our neighborhood this time yesterday when you called me. A. was cleaning B. have cleaned C. am cleaning D. would clean2.___you called me ,I_____ through a newspaper.A. While / lookedB. When / was lookingC. When /lookedD. While /was looking 3.He always ________ English with his friends.A. studyB. studysC. studiesD. is studying4.Look at the ________! It’s _________ heavily now.A. rain, rainB. raining, rainingC. raining, rainyD. rain, raining5.The Second Youth Olympic Games in Nanjing on the sixteenth of August, 2014.A. will holdB. will be heldC. was heldD. is holding6.By the end of the last match, they _________ two goals.A. kickedB. had kickedC. have kickedD. were kicking7.Great changes __________ in China in the past few years.A. were taken placeB. took placeC. have been taken placeD. have taken place8.My sister has learnt English _________.A. for twelve years agoB. since she was fourC. twelve years agoD. at the age of four9.Great changes ________ in China since the People’s Republic of China _________ in 1949.A. have taken place; was foundedB. has taken place; was foundedC. have been taken place; foundedD. took place; founded10.By the end of last year, they _______ 2,000 English words.A. learnedB. have learnedC. had learnedD. learns11.—I think the man over there must be Bob.-- It _______ be him. He has ______ to Australia.A. can’t, goneB. can’t, beenC. may not, beenD. mustn’t, gone12.—Do you know who took the students to the old people’s home, Tony?—Well, Mr. Smith _______.A. tookB. doesC. didD. do13.I don’t know when he_____________; when he__________, I’ll tell you.A. come; will comeB. will come; comesC. comes; will comeD. will come; comes 14.- I'd like you to tell me something about Shennongjia.-I'm sorry, but neither Jack nor I ________ there.A. have beenB. had beenC. have goneD. has gone15.—Do you know the girl_______ with our English teacher often?— Yes, her name is Helen.A. whom to talkB. who talksC. who is talkingD. whom talks16.—_____ you _____ your homework yet?—Yes, I _____ it ten minutes ago.A. Did ; do; finishedB. Have; done; have finishedC. Have; done; finishedD. Will; do; finish17.She has _____ this car for nearly ten years.A.buyB.boughtC.haveD.had18.—What has happened in your hometown?— Great changes _____ in my hometown recently.A.have been taken placeB.have taken placeC.have been happenedD.was happened19.— Tom, is your brother a member of the Swimming Club?—Yes. He _________ it for five years.A.has joinedB. has been inC. joinedD. has joined in20.—Where are Maria and Kangkang?—They _____ England.A.have been toB.are awayC.have gone toD.had been in1.A【解析】句意:昨天这个时候当你给我打电话的时候,我正在街上打扫卫生。

根据this time yesterday可知,表示昨天这个时间正在进行的动作,应该用过去进行时。

过去进行时的谓语动词应该是:was/were doing。










根据时间状语on the sixteenth of August, 2014表示未来的时间,所以句子应该用一般将来时,故排除C、D;句子的主语The Second Youth Olympic Games与hold 之间是被动关系。


6.B【解析】由By the end of the last match 可知本句应用过去完成时。

7.D【解析】由in the past few years 可知要用现在完成时,且take place 没有被动语态。


由谓语动词has learnt可知,应用表示一段时间的时间状语,A项表达错误;C、D两项用于一般过去时,所以答案选择B。

9.A【解析】“take place”无被动语态,由since引导的从句可知主句要用现在完成时,所以选A。


即表示发生在过去某一时间(By the end of last year)之前的动作。


此处can’t表示推测语气,意为“不可能”;“have/has gone to+地点”意为“去了某地”,表示不在说话人这儿;“have/has been to +地点”表示“去过某地”,现在已经回来了;mustn’t 意为“严禁,不许”,may表示不确定的推测语气。









第一空when引导宾语从句,意思是“我不知道他什么时候会来”所以用will come表将来;第二空when引导时间状语从句,符合“主将丛现”原则。




have been 去过某地(去了又回来了),have gone去了某地(要么在路上,要么到了,反正不在说话的地方),故选A。


结合语境可知上文中先行词the girl为定语从句的逻辑主语,故引导词用who。




第二空用一般过去时,因为时间是ten minutes ago.句意:你完成作业了吗?--是,我10分钟前做完的。





happen 为常用词。


take place 为正式用语。


另外:happen 与take place 通常都没有被动语态。
