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abdomen anatomical retainer of the intestines

abdominal related to the abdomen

abduct to move (a limb) away from the midline of the body

abducted gait walking with the legs spread away from the midline


abductor abducting

ablatio mammae, mastectomy surgical removal of female breast

above elbow (A.E.) prosthesis prosthesis for transhumeral amputation

above the knee (A.K.) prosthesis prosthesis for transfemoral amputation - (AK)

abutment counter piece, counter flare, neck

acceleration getting continuously faster

acceleration phase sub-phase in the swing phase of gait


pelvis, receiving the hip joint


acetabulum concave

acetone chemical thinner for laquers and paints

Achilles tendon tendon at distal end of calf muscle

acrylic resin thermoplastic resin on acrylic basis

acute rapid onset or short duration of a condition

adapter device coupling two different ends

adduct to move (a limb) toward the midline of the body

adductor adducting muscle

adductor roll medial-proximally located roll oft soft tissue (TF-prosthetics) adhesion contact socket contact socket, type of suction socket

adiposity being too large in abdominal and other circumferences, fat ADL's aids for daily living

adolescent juvenile - phase between childhood and adulthood


adolescent young

adult “grown up” - beyond adolescence

aetiology reason or factor causing a disease

AFO ankle-foot-orthosis

agonist muscle being active and result-oriented (opposite:antagaonist) aids for daily living (ADL) tools and devices etc.- modified for the disabled

air splint orthoses containing an air chamber to customize fit

AK (prosthesis) prosthesis after transfemoral amputation

AK-socket above knee (transfemoral) socket

alignment assembling O&P components referring to a reference system allergy reaction of the immune system against “foreign” matter

alloy a mix of metals, changing the specific characteristics aluminum a light metal

ambulate / ambulation reciprocal walking

ambulator a walking frame, supporting a patient's ambulation amputation surgical removal of a body part

amputation surgery surgical act of removing a body segment (extremity) analgesia absence of, or insensitivity to pain sensation

analyse, analysis detailed research on components of a whole

anamnesis background of a disease

anatomical landmarks (bony) prominences, points of importance in O&P

anatomy descriptive or functional explanation of the body properties angularity in the shape of an angle

angulus sub-pubicus angle of the pubic ramus, important in IC-sockets


ankle tibio-tarsal

ankle block connector between prosthetic foot and shin

ankle joint (talus joint) joint connecting foot and shank

ankle-foot orthosis (AFO) orthosis with functional impact on ankle and foot

ankylosing to unite or stiffen by ankylosis

ankylosis immobility, posttraumatic fusion of a joint

antagonist muscle opposing agonist action, often controlling

anterior in front of, the foremost

anteversion to bring (a limb) forward, opposite of retroversion anthropometry taking measurements of the human body

anti… against

anvil block of iron, surface used in forging metal

A-P or a-p antero-posterior, from front to back

apex top or summit, the highest point, the peak

appliance an instrument, O&P: a prosthesis or orthosis, technical aid application making work or connecting to…

learning a profession

apprentice somebody

apprentice student learning a profession or craft in a structured approach apprentice student learning a profession or craft in a structured approach apprenticeship (course) training course for vocational education

appropriate best (compromise-) solution for a given problem Appropriate Technology technology appropriate (e.g. for the Third World)

arch support shell shell-like custom molded medical shoe insert

arteries blood vessels transporting oxygenated blood to the periphery arthritis acute or chronic joint inflammation

arthrodesis blocking a joint through surgical procedure

arthroplasty reconstruction of a joint through surgical procedure arthrosis, osteoarthritis joint disease - degenerating cartilage and joint surface


articulation Articulatio,

aseptic not caused by bacterial infection

ASIS / A.S.I.S anterior superior iliac spine

assessment evaluation, obtaining information (about a condition) athetosis condition of slow withering movements

athletic arch support custom molded medical shoe insert for the athlete

atrophy shrinkage, wastage of biological tissue

autonomic nervous system independent nerve tissue, not under voluntary control
