

常用骨科专业英语词汇常用骨科专业英语词汇,记下来可以读英文文献了1、概论INTRODUCTIONfracture n.骨折pathological fracture 病理骨折fatigue fracture 疲劳骨折open fracture 开放骨折close fracture 闭合骨折comminuted fracture粉碎性骨折compressed fracture 压缩骨折shock n.休克deformity n.畸形tenderness n.压痛swelling n.肿胀ecchymosis n.瘀斑obstacle n.功能障碍bonefascial compartment syndrome 骨筋膜室综合征infection n.感染spinal cord injury 脊髓损伤surrounding nerve 周围神经fat embolism 脂肪栓塞bedsore n.褥疮arthroclisis n.关节僵硬ischemic necrosis 缺血性坏死ischemic contraction 缺血性挛缩traumatic arthritis 创伤性关节炎hematoma n.血肿callus n.骨痂heal n.愈合synovitis n.滑膜炎ligament n.韧带tendon n.肌腱pyogenic osteomyelitis 化脓性骨髓炎reduction n.复位bone traction 骨牵引osteoporosis n.骨质疏松2、上肢骨骨折概论FRACTURE OF UPPER EXTREMITIESshoulder pains 颈肩痛clavicle n.锁骨humerus n.肱骨rotation n.旋转supracondyle n.髁上blister n.水疱pulsate n.搏动thrombus n.血栓cancellous n.松质骨epiphysis n.骨骺injury n.损伤joint n.关节stability n.稳定ulna n.尺骨radius n.桡骨metacarpal bone 掌骨bone graft 植骨hemostasis 止血periosteum n.骨膜tension n.张力adhesion n.粘连skin grafting 植皮arthrodesis n.关节融合extrusion n.挤压gangrene n.坏疽pallor n.苍白、灰白amputation n.截肢plaster n.石膏paralysis n.瘫痪bandage n.绷带3、手外伤HAND TRAUMAavulsion n.撕脱dislocation n.脱位stiff adj.僵硬4、下肢骨折与关节损伤FRACTURE OFLOWER EXTREMITIES AND ARTICULAR INJURYfemur n.股骨adduction n.内收separate v.分离cartilage n.软骨synovialis n.滑膜spinal column 脊柱5、脊柱及骨盆骨折FRACTURE OF VERTEBRAL COLUMN AND PELVIScolumn n.椎体cervical column 颈椎lumber vertebra 腰椎sacrum n.骶椎sense n.感觉movement n.运动reflect v.反射pelvis n.骨盆stenosed column 椎管狭窄6、关节脱位ARTICULAR DISLOCATIONcongenital dislocation 先天性脱位pathological dislocation 病理性脱位osteoarthritis n.骨关节炎total hip replacement 全髋置换术7、运动系统慢性损伤CHRONIC STRAIN OF MOVEMENT SYSTEMstrain n.劳损cystis n.滑囊stenosed tenosynovitis 狭窄性腱鞘炎ganglion n.腱鞘囊肿degenerative adj.退行性变multiply v.增生abnormal sense 感觉异常8、骨与关节化脓感染OSTEOARTICULAR PURULENT LNFECTIONchannel n.窦道drill hole 钻孔drainage n.引流9、骨与关节结核OSTEOARTICULAR TUBERCULOSISbone tuberculosis 骨结核spinal cord compression 脊髓压迫10、骨肿瘤BONE TUMORbone tumor 骨肿瘤osteochondroma n.骨软骨瘤osteosarcoma n.骨肉瘤chemotherapy n.化疗synoviosarcoma n.滑膜肉瘤1、中轴骨Axial Bonesbone n.骨vertebrae n.椎骨cervical vertebrae 颈椎thoracic vertebrae 胸椎lumbar vertebrae 腰椎sacrum n.骶骨coccyx 尾骨atlas n.寰椎axis n.枢椎*sternum n.胸骨sternal angle 胸骨角sternal manubrium 胸骨柄xiphoid process 剑突rib n.肋thoracic cage 胸廓2、颅SKULLskull n.颅frontal bone 额骨parietal bone 顶骨occipital bone 枕骨temporal bone 颞骨sphenoid bone 蝶骨ethmoid bone 筛骨mandible n.下颌骨hyoid bone 舌骨vomer n.犁骨maxilla n.上颌骨palatine bone 腭骨nasal bone 鼻骨lacrimal bone 泪骨inferior nasal concha 下鼻甲zygomatic bone 颧骨coronal suture冠状缝sagital suture 矢状缝lambdoid suture 人字缝orbit n.眶cranial fontanelle 颅囟3、附肢骨TARSAL BONES ANDEXTREMITAL BONESclavicle n.锁骨scapula n.肩胛骨humerus n.肱骨radius n.桡骨ulna n.尺骨carpal bone 腕骨metacarpal bone 掌骨phalanges n.指骨,趾骨hip bone 髋骨ilium n.髂骨ischium n.坐骨pubis n.耻骨femur n.股骨patella n.髌骨tibia n.胫骨fibula n.腓骨tarsal bone 跗骨metatarsal bone 跖骨4、关节学ARTHROLOGYarticulation n.关节ligament n.韧带flexion n.屈extension n.伸adduction n.收medial rotation 旋内lateral rotation 旋外pronation n旋前.supination n.旋后circumduction n.环转vertebral column脊柱thoracic cage 胸廓intervertebral disc 椎间盘temporal-mandibular joint 颞下颌关节shoulder joint 肩关节elbow joint 肘关节radiocarpal joint 桡腕关节pelvis n.骨盆hip joint 髋关节knee joint 膝关节ankle joint 踝关节5、肌肉系统MUSCULATURE(1)肌学系统INTRODUCTION OF MUSCULATUREmuscle n.肌肉muscle belly 肌腹tendon n.肌腱aponeurosis n.腱膜fascia n.筋膜tendinous sheath 腱鞘(2)躯干肌TRUNK MUSCLEStrapezius n.斜方肌latissimus dorsi 背阔肌erector spinae 竖脊肌sternocleidomastoid adj.胸锁乳突的scalenus n.斜角肌pectoralis major 胸大肌intercostales n.肋间肌diaphragm n.膈(肌)inguinal canal 腹股沟管sheath of rectus abdominis 腹直肌鞘(3)头肌 HEAD MUSCLESorbicularis oculi 眼轮匝肌masseter n.咬肌temporalis n.颞肌deltoid n.三角肌biceps brachii 肱二头肌triceps brachii 肱三头肌axillary fossa 腋窝(4)附肢肌 MUSCLES ATTACHED TOEXTREMITTESgluteus maximus 臀大肌piriformis n.梨状肌sartorius n.缝匠肌quadriceps femoris 股四头肌triceps surae 小腿三头肌femoral triangle 股三角popliteal fossa 腘窝。
常用骨科医学专业英语词汇骨科 ORTHOPEDICS1、概论 INTRODUCTION*fracture n.骨折pathological fracture 病理骨折fatigue fracture 疲劳骨折*open fracture 开放骨折close fracture 闭合骨折*comminuted fracture粉碎性骨折compressed fracture 压缩骨折shock n.休克*deformity n.畸形tenderness n.压痛swelling n.肿胀ecchymosis n.瘀斑obstacle n.功能障碍*bonefascial compartment syndrome 骨筋膜室综合征infection n.感染spinal cord injury 脊髓损伤surrounding nerve 周围神经*fat embolism 脂肪栓塞bedsore n.褥疮arthroclisis n.关节僵硬ischemic necrosis 缺血性坏死ischemic contraction 缺血性挛缩*traumatic arthritis 创伤性关节炎hematoma n.血肿*callus n.骨痂heal n.愈合*synovitis n.滑膜炎*ligament n.韧带*tendon n.肌腱* pyogenic osteomyelitis 化脓性骨髓炎*reduction n.复位*bone traction 骨牵引*osteoporosis n.骨质疏松2、上肢骨折FRACTURE OF UPPER EXTREMITIES clavicle n.锁骨*humerus n.肱骨*rotation n.旋转supracondyle n.髁上blister n.水疱pulsate n.搏动thrombus n.血栓*cancellous n.松质骨*epiphysis n.骨骺*injury n.损伤*joint n.关节stability n.稳定ulna n.尺骨radius n.桡骨metacarpal bone 掌骨bone graft 植骨hemostasis 止血*periosteum n.骨膜tension n.张力adhesion n.粘连*skin grafting 植皮*arthrodesis n.关节融合extrusion n.挤压gangrene n.坏疽pallor n.苍白、灰白*amputation n.截肢plaster n.石膏paralysis n.瘫痪bandage n.绷带2、手外伤 HAND TRAUMAavulsion n.撕脱*dislocation n.脱位stiff adj.僵硬3、下肢骨折与关节损伤 FRACTURE OF LOWER EXTREMITIES AND ARTICULAR INJURYfemur n.股骨adduction n.内收separate v.分离cartilage n.软骨*synovialis n.滑膜*spinal column 脊柱5、脊柱及骨盆骨折 FRACTURE OF VERTEBRAL COLUMN AND PELVIS column n.椎体cervical column 颈椎*lumber vertebra 腰椎sacrum n.骶椎sense n.感觉movement n.运动reflect v.反射*pelvis n.骨盆6、关节脱位 ARTICULAR DISLOCATIONcongenital dislocation 先天性脱位pathological dislocation 病理性脱位*osteoarthritis n.骨关节炎*total hip replacement 全髋置换术7、运动系统慢性损伤 CHRONIC STRAIN OF MOVEMENT SYSTEM strain n.劳损*cystis n.滑囊*stenosed tenosynovitis 狭窄性腱鞘炎*ganglion n.腱鞘囊肿degenerative adj.退行性变multiply v.增生abnormal sense 感觉异常8、腰腿痛和颈肩痛LUMBAGO AND SHOULDER PAINSstenosed column 椎管狭窄9、骨与关节化脓感染OSTEOARTICULAR PURULENT LNFECTION channel n.窦道drill hole 钻孔*drainage n.引流10、骨与关节结核 OSTEOARTICULAR TUBERCULOSISbone tuberculosis 骨结核spinal cord compression 脊髓压迫11、骨肿瘤BONE TUMORbone tumor 骨肿瘤*osteochondroma n.骨软骨瘤*osteosarcoma n.骨肉瘤chemotherapy n.化疗*synoviosarcoma n.滑膜肉瘤医学英语分科常用词汇人体解剖学 HUMAN ANATOMY之运动系统 LOCOMOTOR SYSTEM 1、中轴骨 AXIAL BONES*bone n.骨*vertebrae n.椎骨*cervical vertebrae 颈椎*thoracic vertebrae 胸椎lumbar vertebrae 腰椎*sacrum n.骶骨coccyx 尾骨atlas n.寰椎axis n.枢椎*sternum n.胸骨sternal angle 胸骨角sternal manubrium 胸骨柄xiphoid process 剑突*rib n.肋*thoracic cage 胸廓2、颅SKULL*skull n.颅*frontal bone 额骨*parietal bone 顶骨*occipital bone 枕骨*temporal bone 颞骨*sphenoid bone 蝶骨*ethmoid bone 筛骨*mandible n.下颌骨hyoid bone 舌骨vomer n.犁骨*maxilla n.上颌骨palatine bone 腭骨nasal bone 鼻骨lacrimal bone 泪骨inferior nasal concha 下鼻甲zygomatic bone 颧骨*coronal suture冠状缝*sagital suture 矢状缝*lambdoid suture 人字缝orbit n.眶cranial fontanelle 颅囟2、附肢骨TARSAL BONES AND EXTREMITAL BONES *clavicle n.锁骨*scapula n.肩胛骨*humerus n.肱骨*radius n.桡骨*ulna n.尺骨carpal bone 腕骨metacarpal bone 掌骨phalanges n.指骨,趾骨*hip bone 髋骨*ilium n.髂骨*ischium n.坐骨*pubis n.耻骨*femur n.股骨patella n.髌骨*tibia n.胫骨*fibula n.腓骨tarsal bone 跗骨metatarsal bone 跖骨4、关节学 ARTHROLOGY*articulation n.关节*ligament n.韧带*flexion n.屈*extension n.伸*adduction n.收*medial rotation 旋内*lateral rotation 旋外pronation n旋前.supination n.旋后circumduction n.环转*vertebral column脊柱*thoracic cage 胸廓*intervertebral disc 椎间盘*temporal-mandibular joint 颞下颌关节*shoulder joint 肩关节*elbow joint 肘关节*radiocarpal joint 桡腕关节*pelvis n.骨盆*hip joint 髋关节*knee joint 膝关节*ankle joint 踝关节5、肌肉系统 MUSCULATURE(1)肌学系统INTRODUCTION OF MUSCULATURE *muscle n.肌肉muscle belly 肌腹tendon n.肌腱aponeurosis n.腱膜*fascia n.筋膜*tendinous sheath 腱鞘(2)躯干肌TRUNK MUSCLEStrapezius n.斜方肌latissimus dorsi 背阔肌erector spinae 竖脊肌*sternocleidomastoid adj.胸锁乳突的*scalenus n.斜角肌pectoralis major 胸大肌intercostales n.肋间肌*diaphragm n.膈(肌)*inguinal canal 腹股沟管*sheath of rectus abdominis 腹直肌鞘(3)头肌 HEAD MUSCLESorbicularis oculi 眼轮匝肌masseter n.咬肌*temporalis n.颞肌*deltoid n.三角肌*biceps brachii 肱二头肌*triceps brachii 肱三头肌*axillary fossa 腋窝(4)附肢肌 MUSCLES ATTACHED TO EXTREMITTES *gluteus maximus 臀大肌piriformis n.梨状肌*sartorius n.缝匠肌*quadriceps femoris 股四头肌triceps surae 小腿三头肌*femoral triangle 股三角popliteal fossa 腘窝医学英语分科常用词汇诊断学——骨关节系统OSTEOARTICULAR SYSTEM*Codman’striangle 骨膜三角,科德曼三角H-shaped vertebra,butterfly vertebra 蝴蝶椎Rugger-Jersay vertebra 夹心椎体Scheuermann’s disease 绍尔曼病Schmorl’s nodule 施莫尔结节Shenton’s line 沈通氏线apophysis n. 骺状突*arthrography n.关节造影basilar impression,basilarinvagination 颅底凹陷block vertebra 融合椎bone island 骨岛bursography n.泪囊造影compacta n.骨密度cortical porosity 皮质骨疏松症craniolacunia,luckenschadel n.颅骨陷窝*empty sella 空蝶鞍endosteal proliferation 骨内膜增生*epiphysis n.骨骺Intratrabecular resorption 骨小梁内吸收ivory vertebra 象牙椎marrow-packing disease 骨髓充填疾病massive osteolysis 大片骨溶解melopheostosis n.蜡油骨症ossification n.骨化osteopathia striata 纹骨症*osteopenia n.骨质减少osteopetrosis n.石骨症osteopoikilosis n.斑骨症pars interarticularis 椎弓峡部periosteal reaction 骨膜反应physis n.骨生长端*pseudofracture, Looser zone n.假骨折spina ventosa 骨气鼓spongiosa 骨疏松woven bone 编织骨*zone of provisional calcification 临时钙化带。

假肢与矫形器专业词汇(英语)abdomen anatomical retainer of the intestinesabdominal related to the abdomenabduct to move (a limb) away from the midline of the bodyabducted gait walking with the legs spread away from the midlinemuscleabductor abductingablatio mammae, mastectomy surgical removal of female breastabove elbow (A.E.) prosthesis prosthesis for transhumeral amputationabove the knee (A.K.) prosthesis prosthesis for transfemoral amputation - (AK)abutment counter piece, counter flare, neckacceleration getting continuously fasteracceleration phase sub-phase in the swing phase of gaitinpelvis, receiving the hip jointsocketacetabulum concaveacetone chemical thinner for laquers and paintsAchilles tendon tendon at distal end of calf muscleacrylic resin thermoplastic resin on acrylic basisacute rapid onset or short duration of a conditionadapter device coupling two different endsadduct to move (a limb) toward the midline of the bodyadductor adducting muscleadductor roll medial-proximally located roll oft soft tissue (TF-prosthetics) adhesion contact socket contact socket, type of suction socketadiposity being too large in abdominal and other circumferences, fat ADL's aids for daily livingadolescent juvenile - phase between childhood and adulthoodadultadolescent youngadult “grown up” - beyond adolescenceaetiology reason or factor causing a diseaseAFO ankle-foot-orthosisagonist muscle being active and result-oriented (opposite:antagaonist) aids for daily living (ADL) tools and devices etc.- modified for the disabledair splint orthoses containing an air chamber to customize fitAK (prosthesis) prosthesis after transfemoral amputationAK-socket above knee (transfemoral) socketalignment assembling O&P components referring to a reference system allergy reaction of the immune system against “foreign” matteralloy a mix of metals, changing the specific characteristics aluminum a light metalambulate / ambulation reciprocal walkingambulator a walking frame, supporting a patient's ambulation amputation surgical removal of a body partamputation surgery surgical act of removing a body segment (extremity) analgesia absence of, or insensitivity to pain sensationanalyse, analysis detailed research on components of a wholeanamnesis background of a diseaseanatomical landmarks (bony) prominences, points of importance in O&Panatomy descriptive or functional explanation of the body properties angularity in the shape of an angleangulus sub-pubicus angle of the pubic ramus, important in IC-socketsjointankle tibio-tarsalankle block connector between prosthetic foot and shinankle joint (talus joint) joint connecting foot and shankankle-foot orthosis (AFO) orthosis with functional impact on ankle and footankylosing to unite or stiffen by ankylosisankylosis immobility, posttraumatic fusion of a jointantagonist muscle opposing agonist action, often controllinganterior in front of, the foremostanteversion to bring (a limb) forward, opposite of retroversion anthropometry taking measurements of the human bodyanti… againstanvil block of iron, surface used in forging metalA-P or a-p antero-posterior, from front to backapex top or summit, the highest point, the peakappliance an instrument, O&P: a prosthesis or orthosis, technical aid application making work or connecting to…learning a professionapprentice somebodyapprentice student learning a profession or craft in a structured approach apprentice student learning a profession or craft in a structured approach apprenticeship (course) training course for vocational educationappropriate best (compromise-) solution for a given problem Appropriate Technology technology appropriate (e.g. for the Third World)arch support shell shell-like custom molded medical shoe insertarteries blood vessels transporting oxygenated blood to the periphery arthritis acute or chronic joint inflammationarthrodesis blocking a joint through surgical procedurearthroplasty reconstruction of a joint through surgical procedure arthrosis, osteoarthritis joint disease - degenerating cartilage and joint surfaceGelenkarticulation Articulatio,aseptic not caused by bacterial infectionASIS / A.S.I.S anterior superior iliac spineassessment evaluation, obtaining information (about a condition) athetosis condition of slow withering movementsathletic arch support custom molded medical shoe insert for the athleteatrophy shrinkage, wastage of biological tissueautonomic nervous system independent nerve tissue, not under voluntary controlaxial rotator joint for socket rotation around the vertical axisback posterior component of the trunkbalance condition of keeping the body stabilized in a desired positionball bearing bearing cage containing rollers, making/keeping axes rotatable ball joint (universal joint) tri-axial jointband, strap, cuff suspension aid (small corset)bandages elastic wrapping, light brace, adhesive wrapping etc.bandaging act of applying bandages, tapingbands m-l connection between orthotic side bars (calf band etc.)bars, side-bars uprights, vertical struts in an orthosisbearing, ball bearing bearing cage containing rollers, making/keeping axes rotatable bed sore pressure/shear related skin trauma of bed-bound individuals below elbow amputation (BE-) forearmamputation (below the elbow joint, transradial, transulnar) below elbow, lower arm arm below the elbow jointbelt suspension component, also light abdominal bandagebench workstation,worktablebench alignment static alignment of prosthetic/orthotic componentsbending providing a shape or contour to sidebars, bands etc.bending iron set of two contouring tools for metal bar bendingbending moment the force or torque bending an objectbending, contouring providing a shape or contour to sidebars, bands etc.BE-prosthesis prosthesis after amputation below the elbow jointbevel to brake an edgebig toe halluxbilateral twosided, double..., relating to “both sides”bio-engineering science of engineering related to living structuresbio-feedback internal autoresponse to a biological eventbiological age the "natural age" - dependent on how a person presentsbiology science related to living structuresbio-mechanics science combining biology and mechanicsbipivotal joint joint with two axesBi-scapular abduction bringing both shoulders forward simultaneously (prosthetic control motion)BK below the kneeBK-prosthesis prosthesis after amputation below the kneeBK-socket below the knee socketblister forming vacuum molding plastic sheet material in a frameblock heels wide basis heelsbody the total appearance of a biological beingbody jacket US-American term for symmetrical spinal orthosesbody powered operated by human power (as opposed to outside energy) bolts machine screw and similarbonding agent connective glue, cement etc.bone single part of the skeletal systembone loss syndrome reduction of bony massbone spur a protrusion of bone or fragment of bonebonification, calcification change into bony tissuebony bridge surgical bony fusion between e.g. tibia and fibulabony landmark anatomically protruding bony surfaces (as the fibula head) bony lock (ischial containment) m-l tight locking design in ischial containment sockets bordering providing a smooth trim line or brimbordering, trimming providing a well-rounded trim line or smooth brimBoston Brace spinal orthosis developed in Boston, USA (scoliosis, kyphosis treatment)bouncy mechanism flexion device for limited flexion in prosthetic kneesbow leg genu varum, o-shaped legs, enlarged distance between knees brace, splint, caliper supportive device, old-fashioned for “orthosis”brain, cerebrum main switch board of the central nervous systembrazing heat supported metal solderingbrazing tool, soldering iron tool for heat supported metal solderingbrim proximal socket area, casting tool / templatebrooch / hook hooks holding a lace, closure of shoes etc.buffing creating a shiny surface finishbuild-up (of a material) location of added plaster in modifications of plaster castsburn heat related injurybursa anatomic padding cavity containing liquidby-law (USA: bill) lawCAD CAM Computer Aided Design, Computer Aided Manufacture cadence rhythm of walkingcalcaneus heelbonecalculation doing mathematical operationscalf band m-l connection between side bars (KAFO)calf corset enclosure of calf and shin (in an orthosis)calf muscle, triceps surae plantar flexor of the foot, muscle in the lower legcaliper measuring tool, precision instrumentcaliper, brace, splint old fashioned term for joint stabilizing lower limb orthoses Canadian Hip Disarticulation Pr. external shell prosthesis for hip disarticulationscane walkingstickcap band finishing element of trim lines, brims of corsetscarbon fiber structural reinforcement in plastic compositescardanic two axes, aligned in 90 degrees toward each othercardio-vascular related to heart and blood circulationcarve shaping by taking material off (chipping off, sanding off)cast positive (plaster or similar) moldcast modification functional changing of the shape of a castcast removal removal of plaster bandage from a poured plaster castcast taking act of taking a plaster- or similar impressioncasters freely moving front wheels at a wheel chaircasting and measurement taking getting 3-dimensional body impressions and measurements casting procedures technique of getting 3-dimensional body impressions caudal direction, toward distal end of the vertebral column (tail)c-clamp clamping tool (woodwork)CDH congenital dislocation of the hipcell (biological and technical) smallest living unit; hollow technical unitcellular made up from cellscelluloid one of the first plastic materials availablecement, glue bonding agentcenter of gravity (COG) mathematic-physical mass concentration in one point center of mass calculated concentration of mass (in bio-mechanics) center of mass (COM) mathematic-physical mass concentration in one point centrode graph for the path of the instantaneous centers of rotation cerebral related to the cerebrum, braincerebral palsy loss of neural muscle control by congenital brain damage cerebral paresis dysfunction of muscle tissue related to cerebral trauma cerebro vascular accident vascular bloodclotting in a part of the brainbraincerebrum thecerebrum / cerebral brain / related to the braincervical related to the neckcervical collar (cervical brace) orthosis for the neck (after whiplash syndrome)cervical spine most proximal segment of the spinal columnchairback brace posterior semi-shell trunk orthosischamfer to thin out the edges of a materialCharcot joint rapid progressive degeneration of a joint (foot)check-, or diagnostic socket transparent or translucent socket for diagnosis of fit chiropedist (Canada) medical doctor specialized in foot careChopart amputation tarsal (partial) foot amputation at the Chopart joint line Chopart joint tarsal joint line of several bones in the footchronic long term (disease; opposite of acute)circumduction semi-circular (mowing) forward swing of a leg circumference the measurment around a physical bodyclam shell design longitudinally split socket or shellclosure mechanism used to closeclub foot, talipes varus pes equino varus, a congenital (or acquired) foot deformity CNC Computer Numeric Controlled design and manufacturing CO cervical orthosis, orthosis for neck immobilizationCO - CP - CPO Certified ... Orthotist..Prosthetist..Prosthetist/Orthotist coating surface cover (as plasticising metal surfaces)coccyx Anatomy: the “tailbone”coefficient of friction number determining forces between sliding surfacescollar cervical orthosis, orthosis for neck immobilization collateral ligaments ligaments bridging the side of jointscompatible fitting to each othercompliance measure of willingness to follow a therapeutic ordercomponents single parts of a whole, construction parts, pre-fab partscomposite reinforced plastic component, matrix and fillercompound result of a chemical binding processcompression panty hose orthotic garment to treat varicosisconcave inwardly shaped, hollow (opposite of convex)condyle massive rounded end of bone, basis for forming a joint surfacewithborncongenital beingconstant friction continuous application of a braking forcecontact cushion distal contact padding in prosthetic socketcontact measuring measuring while touching the object measuredcontact pad contact cushion (prosthetics)continuous passive motion (CPM) keeping a joint mobile through passive motion in motorized device contour (the) the outer perimeter of a bodycontour (to) creating a shape by forming, bendingcontour drawing draft of the outer perimeter of a bodycontracture condition of motion limitation in jointsconvex outwardly shaped, bulged (opposite of concave)cork bark of a tree, natural cellular leight weight materialcoronal plane frontal planecorrection, rectification modification (of shapes, designs etc.) in order to improvecorrosion deterioration of materials by chemical influence (as oxdation)corset therapeutic circular enclosement of body segmentscorset, fabric corset lumbar brace made from textile materialcountersinking taking the edge off a drilled hole, creating circular concavitycoupler a connective devicecoxitis/coxarthritis inflammation of the hip jointCPM, continuous passive motion keeping a joint mobile through passive motion in motorized device CPO Certified Prosthetist / Orthotistcraft & trade European (German) vocational structuring systemcranial relating to the headcrossline filing using a handheld file in a 90 degrees offset directioncruciates, cruciate ligaments crossed ligaments at the knee centerCRW Community based Rehabilitation Worker (WHO Geneva)CT, computer tomography a method to take X-rays in "slices"Orthosis CTLSO Cervico-Thoraco-Lumbo-SacralOrthosisCTO Cervico-Thoracocuff, band, strap suspension aid (small corset)cup, connection cup socket connector in prostheticscure (med.) medical therapeutic measurecure (techn.) to set, hardencushion, pad upholstering device, providing soft surfacecustom made made to measurements as a single unitdeceleration to become continuously slowerdeceleration phase sub-phase in the swing phase of human gaitdecree, directive, regulation text in the lawbooks or regulation with law-like characterdeficiency lack of necessary function or ability by physical impairmentdeflector plate a leaf spring design in prosthetic feet, energy return devicedeformity malformation of form, may be influencing functiondegeneration biological wear and tearDelrin a plastic material, used as a flexible, energy returning keeldensity foaming hard foam block on a socket as a connector to componentsdeposit (biological or pathological) storage mechanism, sedimentdermatitis skin disease, infection of the skinderotating orthosis (scoliosis) orthosis for derotation - one of the priciples of scoliosis treatment design construction, functional lay-out and planningdexterity, manual skill skill of creating by hand, craftsman skilldiabetes mellitus carbohydrate metabolism disorder (frequent amputation reason) diabetic gangrene death of tissue caused by diabetesdiagnosis searching and finding a cause and details of diseasediaphysis shaft of a long bonedimension seize as measureddimensional stability keeping the dimensionsdiplegia paralysis, affecting both sides of the bodydirect socket technique manufacture of a prosthetic socket directly on the amputee's limb directive information or order on how to …..directive, regulation, decree text in the lawbooks or regulation with law-like characterdisability handicap, functional loss of abilitydisabled person a person with a disability, handicapdisabled, handicapped handicapped, having a functional loss of ability"amputation"directly through a joint linedisarticulation thedisc, intervertebral disc intervertebral cartilaginous cushioning elementdislocation joint injury resulting in complete discontiuity of joint surfaces dislocation overstretching or rupture of ligaments, also in combination with fracture doff US-colloquial: do - off = take offdoffing a prosthesis taking off a prosthesiscontrollingdominant leading,don US-colloquial: do - on = put ondonning a prosthesis putting on a prosthesisdonning aid aid to don a prosthesis as pull sock, stockinette, silk tie etc.dorsal related to the dorsum = back, posteriorly locateddorsiflexion lifting the forefoot, correct would be “dorsal extension”, lift of footdraft first drawing of a new ideadrawer effect a-p instability of the knee caused by slack cruciatesdrill (to) to machine a holeDS(L)T Direct Socket (Lamination) TechniqueDUCHENNE's disease severe progressive form of muscular dystrophyDUCHENNE's sign trunk bends lateral toward stance leg during stance phaseDUPUYTREN’sche Kontraktur fibrosis, flexion contracture of fingers into palmstiffnessdurometer hardness,duroplastic resin synthetic resin, not thermoplastic after initial curingdystrophy pathologic loss of muscle massCommunityEC Europeanedema, oedema swelling, high concentration of fluids in the soft tissueelastic capable of recovering form and shape after deformation elastic anklet ankle foot orthosiselastic bandage, ACE-bandage stretchable, expandable bandageelastic knee sleeve knee supporting soft orthosis, tt-prosthetic suspensionelbow splint old-fashioned term for: elbow orthosiselectrical stimulation neuromuscular stimulation by electric impulses electromyography recording of electrical activity of a muscleembedding enclosing, encapsulating, (German: socket retainer function) embossing manual shaping of sheet metal by special hammerEMG recording of electrical activity of a muscleendo-skeletal pylon type prosthetic components covered by external cover energy consumption use of energy in physical activitiesenergy expenditure spending of energy in physical activitiesenergy return energy output, achieved by spring-like design in O&PorthosisEO elbowepicondylitis stress related inflammation of the elbow, (tennis)epiphysis dist./prox. End of a bone, zone of longitudinal growth equilibrium keeping of balanceequinovalgus combined drop foot and valgus deformityequinovarus combined drop foot and varus deformityeversion rotation of hand or foot around long axis of the limbeversion turning foot outward and up (opposite of inversion)EWHO elbow wrist hand orthosisexamination, assessment evaluation, obtaining information (about a condition)exo-skeletal prosthetics: external structural components (opposite: modular) extension straightening motion of a jointextension assist strap or other means assisting joint extensionextension moment force (torque) causing extension (straightening) of joints extension stop bumper or other means of extension limitationextensor muscle causing extensionexternal related to the outside (opposite: internal)external fixation outside orthotic fixation (of a fracture or a surgical result) extremity upper or lower extremities: arms or legsfabric corset textile orthosis for the abdomen or trunkfabrication the procedure of mechanically creating a devicefatality mortality, death ratefatigue (material) time-dependent alteration of typical material propertiesfatigue (muscles) time-dependent slow down of muscle actionFederal Trade Association German professional trade associationfeedback return of informationfelt material made up from compressed, interwoven hair or fiber female the woman species in a creature (opposite: male)femoral channel dorso-lateral convex channel in a prosthetic socketfemoral condyles the distal ends (close to the knee joint) of the femurfemur the thigh boneFES functional electrical stimulationfibre glass (fiber glass) glass reinforcement component in compositesfibula calfbone, the lesser of two bones in the calffibular head the proximal thicker portion of the fibulafit compatibility between patient and device in function/comfortflab abundance of soft tissueflaccid paralysis, paresis non-spastic paralysis, loss of voluntary muscle innervationflare even anatomical surface (as the tibial flare)flat evenflat foot foot deformity, loss of medial-longitudinal arch heightflatfoot, talipes planus foot deformity, loss of any medial-longitudinal arch heightflexion joint motion, buckling or bending a jointflexion assist device assisting (joint) flexionflexion moment force (torque) causing flexionflexor muscle creating a flexion motionfloor reaction orthosis orthosis utilizing floor reaction forces for patient stabilizationFO (either) finger orthosis (or) foot orthosisfoam a cellular resin (polyurethane foam hard or soft)foaming act of manual creation of a prosthetic foam connectorchildfoetus unbornfollow-up continuous control and maintenance, aftertreatmentfoot cradel anatomically adapted plantar foot supportfoot deformity misalignment (functional misshape) of the footfoot flat stance phase: sole of the foot getting in complete ground contact foot slap stance phase: uncontrolled quick foot flat motionforce cause or reason for acceleration, deceleration, movementforging non-chipping iron shaping process under the influence of heat fracture traumatic breaking of a boneframe the outer supportive, stiffening elementframe socket the outer supportive, stiff element as a retainer for a flexible socket freehand drawing, draft manual first draft or drawingcounter-acting sliding movement, "rubbing"friction forcefrontal plane, coronal plane reference plane as seen from the frontfulcrum center of a single axis joint, center of rotationfully synthetical man-made (material)functional component i.e. joints etc. (as opposed to structural components)functional level degree of function a disabled patient still achievesfunctional needs component need to satisfy specific needsfundamental of basic importanceambulationgait walking,gait analysis research of gait patterns and time-related specificsgait deviation pathological changes in normal walking patternsgait pattern physiological or pathological walking characteristicsgait trainer somebody teaching how to walkgait training lessons in learning how to walkgalvanization surface protection of metalsgangrene local death of soft tissue due to lack of blood supply gastrocnemii, “gastrocs” double-headed calf musclegauge measuring instrument (measures width / thickness)gear train joint joint components, forcing each other trough toggled connection gel man-made or natural material, consistency similar to gelantine genu kneegenu recurvatum hyper-extended knee joint (frequently seen in poliomyelitis) genu valgum/knock knee knock knees, knees frequently touching each other medially genu varum/bowleg bow legs, knee distance too large (opposite of genu valgum) geometric locking locking systematic of polycentric knee jointsgeometrical stance control locking systematic for the provision of stance stabilitygeriatric elderly, old, aged,glue, cement bonding agentgoniometer instrument (tool) for measuring anglesgrease fat, as lubricant or tissuegrid particle size indication in abrassive materialsgrind surface modification by abrasion, sanding etc.ground reaction force force directed from the ground toward the body Haemo.., haema... related to the bloodhallux, halluces big toeHalo brace cranial/cervical orthoses, ring fixed at proximal cranium hamstrings popliteal tendons, insertion of flexor muscleshand splint old fashioned for hand orthosishard and soft foaming technique of using hard and soft PU-foams in combinationhd extra sturdy version of…..disarticulationHD hipHDPE HighPolyethyleneDensityHD-socket pelvic socket of the hip disarticulation prosthesisheavy metals a specific group of metals (heavy in weight)heel clamp prosthesis a partial foot prosthesis, suspension by a posterior "clamp" heel cup foot orthosis, Berkely cupheel off / heel rise moment in stance phase when the heel risesheel spur bony protrusion at the distal-medial aspect of the calcaneus heel strike moment in stance phase when the heel touches the ground heel wedge heel bumper in foot or length compensation, absorbs shockHelfet’s heel cup foot orthosis, similar Berkely cupremoving the distal half of the bodysurgery,hemicorporectomy amputationhemipelvectomy amputation surgery removing one half of the pelvis hemipelvectomy-prosthesis artificial leg after hemipelvectomyhemiplegia paralysis of one half side of the bodyheredetary congenital by transmission from parent to offspringhernia subcutaneous protrusion of intestinshindfoot posterior 1/3 of the foot (heel and tarsus)hinge simple joint, single axiship dysplasia pathological development of hip socket leading to dislocation hip hiking exaggerated movement (lifting) of the hip joint in gaithip joint, articulatio coxae proximal joint of the leg, leg-pelvis jointhip positioning orthoses a brace controlling functional alignment of the hip jointhip socket concave component of the hip jointhip spica cast applied to pelvis and legHKAFO Hip-Knee-Ankle-Foot-OrthosisHO (either) Hand Orthosis (or) Hip Orthosis (!!)hobby-handicraft hobbyists work also meaning: non-professional resulthook and eyelet closure closure of textile fabric corsetshook and pile closure Closure material with interlocking surfaces (e.g. Velcro)hook and pile, Velcro self-adhesive strap materialhorizontal plane reference plane as seen from the tophosiery, medical hosiery medical compression hosiery (phlebology)humerus bone in the upper armhybrid something having properties of at least two different resources hydraulic joint control cylinder/piston device controlling prosthetic joint motion hyper… more of somethinghyperextension over-stretching (of a joint)hyperextension orthosis a spinal brace serving for reclination of the thoracic spinegrowthhyperplasia increasedhyper-reflexia pathologically exaggerated reflexeshypertonia elevated blood pressurehypertonicity increased muscle tone or muscle tensionhypertrophy growth of tissue by enlargement of cellshypo… less of somethinghypoplasia biological structure significantly diminished in sizehypotonia low blood pressurehypotonicity loss of muscle tone (or tension)ContainmentIC IschialICRC International Committee of the Red CrossICRC Ischial and ramus containmentIC-socket ischial containment socketidiopathic scoliosis adolescent scoliosis without a known causeilium, os ilium the medial or lateral "wing-shaped" bone in the pelvis。

常用骨科专业英语词汇常用骨科专业英语词汇,记下来可以读英文文献了1、概论INTRODUCTIONfracture n.骨折pathological fracture 病理骨折fatigue fracture 疲劳骨折open fracture 开放骨折close fracture 闭合骨折comminuted fracture粉碎性骨折compressed fracture 压缩骨折shock n.休克deformity n.畸形tenderness n.压痛swelling n.肿胀ecchymosis n.瘀斑obstacle n.功能障碍bonefascial compartment syndrome 骨筋膜室综合征infection n.感染spinal cord injury 脊髓损伤surrounding nerve 周围神经fat embolism 脂肪栓塞bedsore n.褥疮arthroclisis n.关节僵硬ischemic necrosis 缺血性坏死ischemic contraction 缺血性挛缩traumatic arthritis 创伤性关节炎hematoma n.血肿callus n.骨痂heal n.愈合synovitis n.滑膜炎ligament n.韧带tendon n.肌腱pyogenic osteomyelitis 化脓性骨髓炎reduction n.复位bone traction 骨牵引osteoporosis n.骨质疏松2、上肢骨骨折概论FRACTURE OF UPPER EXTREMITIESshoulder pains 颈肩痛clavicle n.锁骨humerus n.肱骨rotation n.旋转supracondyle n.髁上blister n.水疱pulsate n.搏动thrombus n.血栓cancellous n.松质骨epiphysis n.骨骺injury n.损伤joint n.关节stability n.稳定ulna n.尺骨radius n.桡骨metacarpal bone 掌骨bone graft 植骨hemostasis 止血periosteum n.骨膜tension n.张力adhesion n.粘连skin grafting 植皮arthrodesis n.关节融合extrusion n.挤压gangrene n.坏疽pallor n.苍白、灰白amputation n.截肢plaster n.石膏paralysis n.瘫痪bandage n.绷带3、手外伤HAND TRAUMAavulsion n.撕脱dislocation n.脱位stiff adj.僵硬4、下肢骨折与关节损伤FRACTURE OFLOWER EXTREMITIES AND ARTICULAR INJURYfemur n.股骨adduction n.内收separate v.分离cartilage n.软骨synovialis n.滑膜spinal column 脊柱5、脊柱及骨盆骨折FRACTURE OF VERTEBRAL COLUMN AND PELVIScolumn n.椎体cervical column 颈椎lumber vertebra 腰椎sacrum n.骶椎sense n.感觉movement n.运动reflect v.反射pelvis n.骨盆stenosed column 椎管狭窄6、关节脱位ARTICULAR DISLOCATIONcongenital dislocation 先天性脱位pathological dislocation 病理性脱位osteoarthritis n.骨关节炎total hip replacement 全髋置换术7、运动系统慢性损伤CHRONIC STRAIN OF MOVEMENT SYSTEMstrain n.劳损cystis n.滑囊stenosed tenosynovitis 狭窄性腱鞘炎ganglion n.腱鞘囊肿degenerative adj.退行性变multiply v.增生abnormal sense 感觉异常8、骨与关节化脓感染OSTEOARTICULAR PURULENT LNFECTIONchannel n.窦道drill hole 钻孔drainage n.引流9、骨与关节结核OSTEOARTICULAR TUBERCULOSISbone tuberculosis 骨结核spinal cord compression 脊髓压迫10、骨肿瘤BONE TUMORbone tumor 骨肿瘤osteochondroma n.骨软骨瘤osteosarcoma n.骨肉瘤chemotherapy n.化疗synoviosarcoma n.滑膜肉瘤1、中轴骨Axial Bonesbone n.骨vertebrae n.椎骨cervical vertebrae 颈椎thoracic vertebrae 胸椎lumbar vertebrae 腰椎sacrum n.骶骨coccyx 尾骨atlas n.寰椎axis n.枢椎*sternum n.胸骨sternal angle 胸骨角sternal manubrium 胸骨柄xiphoid process 剑突rib n.肋thoracic cage 胸廓2、颅SKULLskull n.颅frontal bone 额骨parietal bone 顶骨occipital bone 枕骨temporal bone 颞骨sphenoid bone 蝶骨ethmoid bone 筛骨mandible n.下颌骨hyoid bone 舌骨vomer n.犁骨maxilla n.上颌骨palatine bone 腭骨nasal bone 鼻骨lacrimal bone 泪骨inferior nasal concha 下鼻甲zygomatic bone 颧骨coronal suture冠状缝sagital suture 矢状缝lambdoid suture 人字缝orbit n.眶cranial fontanelle 颅囟3、附肢骨TARSAL BONES ANDEXTREMITAL BONESclavicle n.锁骨scapula n.肩胛骨humerus n.肱骨radius n.桡骨ulna n.尺骨carpal bone 腕骨metacarpal bone 掌骨phalanges n.指骨,趾骨hip bone 髋骨ilium n.髂骨ischium n.坐骨pubis n.耻骨femur n.股骨patella n.髌骨tibia n.胫骨fibula n.腓骨tarsal bone 跗骨metatarsal bone 跖骨4、关节学ARTHROLOGYarticulation n.关节ligament n.韧带flexion n.屈extension n.伸adduction n.收medial rotation 旋内lateral rotation 旋外pronation n旋前.supination n.旋后circumduction n.环转vertebral column脊柱thoracic cage 胸廓intervertebral disc 椎间盘temporal-mandibular joint 颞下颌关节shoulder joint 肩关节elbow joint 肘关节radiocarpal joint 桡腕关节pelvis n.骨盆hip joint 髋关节knee joint 膝关节ankle joint 踝关节5、肌肉系统MUSCULATURE(1)肌学系统INTRODUCTION OF MUSCULATUREmuscle n.肌肉muscle belly 肌腹tendon n.肌腱aponeurosis n.腱膜fascia n.筋膜tendinous sheath 腱鞘(2)躯干肌TRUNK MUSCLEStrapezius n.斜方肌latissimus dorsi 背阔肌erector spinae 竖脊肌sternocleidomastoid adj.胸锁乳突的scalenus n.斜角肌pectoralis major 胸大肌intercostales n.肋间肌diaphragm n.膈(肌)inguinal canal 腹股沟管sheath of rectus abdominis 腹直肌鞘(3)头肌 HEAD MUSCLESorbicularis oculi 眼轮匝肌masseter n.咬肌temporalis n.颞肌deltoid n.三角肌biceps brachii 肱二头肌triceps brachii 肱三头肌axillary fossa 腋窝(4)附肢肌 MUSCLES ATTACHED TOEXTREMITTESgluteus maximus 臀大肌piriformis n.梨状肌sartorius n.缝匠肌quadriceps femoris 股四头肌triceps surae 小腿三头肌femoral triangle 股三角popliteal fossa 腘窝。

西医骨科术语英文翻译以下是常见的西医骨科术语英文翻译:1. 骨折:Fracture2. 脱位:Dislocation3. 韧带损伤:Ligament Injury4. 肌肉拉伤:Muscle Strain5. 椎间盘突出:Disc Herniation6. 关节炎:Arthritis7. 骨质疏松:Osteoporosis8. 脊柱侧弯:Scoliosis9. 骨髓炎:Osteomyelitis10. 骨肿瘤:Bone Tumors11. 骨折固定术:Fracture Fixation12. 截肢手术:Amputation Surgery13. 关节置换术:Joint Replacement Surgery14. 石膏固定:Plaster Casting15. 髓内钉固定:Intramedullary Nailing16. 钢板固定:Plate Fixation17. 关节镜手术:Arthroscopic Surgery18. 腰椎间盘突出摘除术:Lumbar Disk Herniation Excision19. 全髋关节置换术:Total Hip Arthroplasty20. 全膝关节置换术:Total Knee Arthroplasty21. 肩袖损伤修复术:Shoulder Cuff Repair22. 前交叉韧带重建术:Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction23. 跟腱断裂修复术:Achilles Tendon Rupture Repair24. 颈椎病前路减压融合术:Anterior Cervical Decompression and Fusion25. 股骨头坏死减压植骨术:Hip Arthrodesis for Ficat Stage III Osteonecrosis of the Femoral Head26. 脊柱融合术:Spinal Fusion Surgery27. 椎体成形术:Vertebroplasty28. 膝关节镜清理术:Knee Arthroscopy for Debridement29. 髋关节镜手术:Hip Arthroscopy30. 肩关节镜手术:Shoulder Arthroscopy31. 脊柱肿瘤切除术:Surgical Excision of Spinal Tumors32. 四肢骨折内固定取出术:Removal of Internal Fixation for Extremity Fractures33. 髋关节骨折切开复位内固定术:Open Reduction and Internal Fixation of Hip Fractures34. 膝关节韧带重建术:Reconstruction of Knee Ligaments35. 踝关节韧带重建术:Reconstruction of Ankle Ligaments36. 手部骨折复位术:Open Reduction of Hand Fractures37. 手部肌腱修复术:Hand Tendon Repair38. 腕管综合征手术:Wrist Canal Surgery for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome39. 颈椎病后路减压融合术:Posterior Cervical Decompression and Fusion40. 小儿骨科手术:Pediatric Orthopedic Surgery41. 运动损伤手术:Sports Injury Surgery42. 足部畸形矫正术:Foot Deformity Correction Surgery43. 脊柱侧弯矫形术:Scoliosis Correction Surgery44. 骨盆骨折切开复位内固定术:Open Reduction and Internal Fixation of Pelvic Fractures45. 四肢骨折闭合复位内固定术:Closed Reduction and Internal Fixation of Extremity Fractures46. 骨折延迟愈合或不愈合手术干预:Surgical Intervention for Delayed Union or Nonunion of Fractures47. 四肢骨肿瘤切除术及瘤段截除假体置换植骨融合术(半髋或全髋):Extremity Bone Tumor Resection and Limb Segmental resection with prosthesis replacement and bone fusion (Half hip or total hip)48. 股骨颈骨折闭合复位及空心钉内固定术(FN nail):Closed Reduction and Internal Fixation of Femoral Neck Fracture with Cannulated screws (FN nail)49. 股骨颈骨折人工髋关节置换术(BHA、THA):Artificial hip joint replacement for femoral neck fractures (BHA, THA)。

(完整)康复医学词汇Aabasia 步行不能abducted gait 外展步态ability 能力,技能,本领ability test 能力测验ablepsia 视觉缺失,盲ablution 擦浴,清洗法abnormal gat 异常步态above—clbow amputation 肘上截肢,上臂截肢above-elbow prothesis 肘上假肢above—elbow socket 肘上肢槽above-knee amputation 膝上截肢,大腿截肢above—knee prothesis 膝上假肢,大腿假肢above—knee sockt 膝上肢槽acceleration of the swing 脚部摆动加速期achievement test (训练)成就测验,成绩测验acid silicic spring therapy 硅酸泉疗法acouesthesia 听觉acouophone 助听器action potential 动作电位active-assistive exercise 主动—助力运动active ankle 动踝假脚active exercise 主动运动active range of motion 关节主动活动的可动度activity group therapy 集体工疗活动activity of daily living (ADL) 日常生活活动activity program 活动程序,活动计划activity restriction 活动限制acupuncture therapy 针灸疗法acute myocardial infarction (AMI)急性心肌梗塞adaptability 适应性adapted activity 适应性活动adapted device 适应性装置adaptive response 适应性反应adjustable wooden crutch 可调节长度的木制拐杖adjustment 调整,适应adjustment process 调整过程adjustment rehabilitation 调整性康复,适应性康复adult fitness program 成人健身程序aerobic training 有氧训练aero ionotherapy 空气离子疗法aerotherapy 空气疗法affect 情感after care 术后疗法after effect 后症affusion 冲洛agenesia 发育不全agnosia 认识不能,失认agraphia 书写不能,失写agrypnia 失眠aid 帮助,辅助器air bath 空气浴airoplane splint 飞机状夹板akinesia 运动不能,失运动能alalia 哑,失语alexia 失读症aligment 对线alimentation 营养法,饮食法aliolalia 言语障碍allomnesia 记忆障碍alternating two—point gait 交互式二点步态aluminum walker 铝制步行器ambulation training 步行训练amentia 精神发育不全ammotherapy 沙浴疗法amputation patient 截肢患者amusement 娱乐,消遣amyoplasia 肌发育不全amyosthenia 肌无力amyotaxia 肌运动失调,肌共济失调amyotonia 肌弛缓amyotrophy 肌萎缩anakusis 全聋analgesia 痛觉缺失analysis of force 力的分析analytic group therapy 集体心理分析疗法anandia 运动性失语anaphia 触觉缺失anarthria 言语讷吃,口吃aneneia 聋哑症anesthesia 感觉缺失angiitis 脉管炎,血管炎angina pectoris 心绞痛anima 心灵,灵魂ankle and knee motion 踝膝活动ankle—foot orthoses (AFO)小腿矫形器ankylosing spondylitis 关节强直性脊椎炎ankylosis 关节强硬anosmia 嗅觉丧失antalgic gait 共济失调步态anthropology 人类学anthropometer 人体测量器anticipation 预测(完整)康复医学词汇anxiety 焦虑aphemesthesia 听读不能aphemia 运动性失语aphonia 失声症,失音症aplasia 发育不全apoplexy 卒中,中风apparatus 仪器,器械appraisal 估价,鉴定,评价apprehensiveness 领悟力,理解力apraxia 失用症apselaphesia 触觉缺失architectural barriers 建筑障碍architecture 建筑,建筑学ardanesthesia 温觉缺失arhigosis 冷觉缺失arm-ergograph 臂测力计armpit walking stick 腋杖armrest 扶手,靠手arm swing 手臂摆动arteriosclerosis 动脉硬化arteriosclerotic heart disease 动脉硬化性心脏病arthritis 关节炎arthroclisis 关节强直arthrodynia 关节痛articulation 构音articulator 联接器, 架artificial ankle and foot 人工踝关节和假脚artificial ear 假耳artificial eye 假眼artificial hand 假手artificial leg 假腿,小腿假肢artificial limb 假肢,人工肢体artificial thigh 大腿假肢artificial tooth 假牙arts and crafts therapy 工艺疗法asomnia 失眠症assanation 环境卫生assessment 评估assistant therapist 助理治疗师(士)astasia 起立不能asthenia 无力,虚弱,衰弱asthenometer 肌无力测量计ataxia 运动失调,共济失调ataxic gait 共济失调步态atmiatrics 蒸气吸入疗法atonic neurogenic bladder 弛缓性神经源膀胱atrophy 萎缩attitude 姿势,态度audiclave 助听器audiometer 听力计audiometry 测听法audiovisual 视听的,声光感觉的audiovisual aids 直观教具,视听器audiphone 助听器audition 听力autochiria 自杀autopunition 自责auditognosis 听觉auditory and speech rehabilitation 语听康复automatic 自动装置autonomous neurogenic bladder 自主性神经源膀胱axial rotation 轴的转动Bbackache 背痛background 背景back-leg—chest dynamometer 背拉力计back pain 背痛backrest 靠背bail lock 保险锁balneotherapy 浴疗法balanced forearm orthosis 平衡前臂支具bandy—legged 膝向外曲的barrier 栅栏,屏障basic motion training 基本动作训练basic principle of rehabilitation medicine 康复医学基本原理bath treatment 沐浴疗法bearing 支撑bed activity 床上活动bed for traction 牵引治疗床bedding 床上用品bedfast 卧床不起的bedsore 褥疮behaviour 行为,行动,仪态behavioral engineering 行为工程behavioral science 行为科学behavioral therapy 行为疗法behind the ear hearing aid 耳背式助听器below—elbow amputation 肘下截肢,前臂截肢below-elbow prothesis 肘下假肢below—knee amputation 膝下截肢,小腿截肢below-knee prothesis 小腿假肢belt 束带(完整)康复医学词汇benefit 效益,救济金bicycle ergometer 自行车功率计bioelectric control 生物电控制bioelectric potentials 生物电位bioengineering 生物工程学biofeedback therapy 生物反馈疗法biofeedback training 生物反馈训练biokinetic chain 生物运动链biological effect 生物效应biomechanics 生物力学biomechanical principle 生物力学原理biomedicine 生物医学bioscience 生物科学biphasic wave 双相波bipolar electrode 表面电极bizarre repetitive discharge 奇异重复放电blindness 盲,视觉丧失blind guidance 导盲器body and limb segments 躯体节段body-mind problem 身心问题body rocking 身体摇晃不稳bog bath 泥浴bone—formation inducing stimulation 骨形成刺激器bonesetting 正骨法bottle blowing exercise 吹瓶操练bowleg 膝内翻,弓形腿box hearing aid 盒式助听器brace 支架,梏具brainpower 智力brake lever 刹车操纵杆branch 分科,分支,部门breakdown 崩溃,衰竭breath control for power drive wheelchair 呼吸控制操纵式轮椅breathing exercise 呼吸操练,呼吸运动breathing technique therapy 气功疗法bubble bath 气泡浴槽byssocausis 灸术Ccadence 步调calcium bicarbonate spring therapy 碳酸氢钙泉疗法calcium sulphate spring therapy 硫酸钙泉疗法calf strap 小腿护带cancer rehabilitation 癌症康复canal hearing aid 耳道式助听器candle blowing exercise 吹蜡烛操练capability 能力capacity 容量,能量carbon dioxide bath 二氧化碳浴carbon dioxide spring therapy 碳酸泉疗法cardiac and lung function 心肺功能cardiac functional capacity (CFC)心肺功能容量cardiac functional evaluation 心功能评价cardiac functional index 心功能指数cardiac rehabilitation 心脏康复cardiovascular system 心血管系统carpal lunnel syndrome 腕管综合征carpoptosis 腕下垂,手下垂cassette hearing aids 盒式助听器caseworker 社会福利工作者casters of wheelchair 轮椅前小轮cataphoresis 电透法CDM glasses of ultrasonic blind guidance CDM 型超声导盲眼镜center of gravity 重心cerebellar ataxic gait 小脑共济失调性步态cerebral palsy 大脑瘫痪cerebral vascular accident 脑血管意外chair handle 椅把chest strap 胸连接带Chinese Association of Rehabilitation Medicine 中国康复医学研究会Chinese Welfare Foundation for Disabled 中国残废人福利基金会Chorcoid gait 舞蹈样步态chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) 慢性阻塞性肺疾患cinematics 运动学cingule 扣带Circ olectric bed 电动轮转床clandication 跛行clawfoot 爪形足clawhand 爪形手climacterium 更年期climatotherapy 气候疗法clinical assessment 临床评价clinical rehabilitation 临床康复clinostatism 卧位clinotherapy 卧床疗养clonus 阵挛closed kinetic chain 封闭式运动链closet 抽水马桶(完整)康复医学词汇closure 锁扣clubfoot 畸形足clubhand 畸形手cochlea implant 电子耳蜗cognition 认知,认识cognitive training 智能训练collapsible wheelchair 可折叠轮椅commode 盥洗室洗脸台commode chair 上厕所专用轮椅commonweal 公共福利communitation 言语交往,交谈communication disorder 言语交往障碍communication skill 言语交往技能community-based rehabilitation 基层康复,社区康复community mental health 社区精神卫生,基层精神卫生community rehabilitation 基层康复,社区康复compassion 同情心compensated glutens medius limp 代偿性臀中肌跛行compensation 代偿,补偿complication 并发症computer 电子计算机computer control system 计算机控制系统computer run system 计算机运行系统conation 意志concept 概念conduct 行为,举动conduct disorder 行为障碍conduction delay 传导迟滞conduction latency 传导潜伏期conduction velocity 传导速率conference 会议,讨论会confidence 信心,自信congenital 先天性的congenital disability 先天性残疾congenital myotonia gait 先天性肌强直步态conscientious 认真的consciousness 意识consenescence 衰老constructional apraxia 构成失用症contraction of muscles 肌肉收缩contracture 挛缩contrast bath 冷热交替浴convalescence 恢复期,康复期coordination 协调copracrasia 大便失禁correct kinematics 矫正运动corrective exercise 矫形体操corrective training 矫形训练corrector 矫正器cosmetic hand 装饰手cosmetic upper-extremity prosthesis 装饰性上肢假手cosmetology 整容学counselling 咨询,辅导counter balanced pully 抗平衡滑车counter balanced sling 抗平衡吊带coupler 衔接器courage 勇气course of rehabilitation medicine 康复医学课程co-worker 合作者,同事coxa valga 髋外翻coxa vara 髋内翻coxarthropathy 髋关节病Craig-Scott othosis 克雷格·斯科特支具cramp 痛性痉挛,夹子craunology 矿泉疗养学craunotherapy 矿泉疗法creativity 创造力cripple 跛者,残疾者crook 钩形物cross—bar hanger strap 横杆连接器吊带crossfoot 足内翻crutch 拐杖crutch—balancing exercise 手持拐杖平衡操练crutch gait 拐杖步态crutch handgrips 拐杖握柄crutch pads 拐杖衬垫cubitus valgus 肘外翻cubitus varus 肘内翻cultural factor 文化因素cushion of wheelchair 轮椅座垫cycle 周期cystoplegia 膀胱麻痹Ddamage 损伤day hospital 日间医院deaf aid 助听器deaf—mute 聋哑人deafness 聋death notation 死亡谱debility 衰弱(完整)康复医学词汇deceleration of the swing leg 脚部摆动减速期decubitus 卧位decubitus ulcer 褥疮defect 缺损defend 防御deficiency 缺乏,不足deficiency disease 营养缺乏症deformity 畸形degenerative joint disease 退行性关节疾患degenerative neurologic disease 退行性神经疾患degree of freedom 自由度dejection 沮丧dementia 痴呆demibain 坐浴demo-notation 人口谱denial 否认dental prosthesis 假牙dependency 依赖depression 抑郁design 计划,设计despair 绝望,丧失信心despond 沮丧detachable bath 侧壁启闭浴槽developmental disability 发育残疾diabetes mellitus 糖尿病diaphragmatic breathing exercise 横膈膜呼吸操练diathermy 透热法diet therapy 饮食疗法differentiation 鉴别disability 残疾disabled 残疾人disarticulation 关节断离术disaster 灾难,祸患discomfort 不舒服disease notation 疾病谱disposition 素质distal end pad 末端垫distortion 失真度distraction 注意力分散disturbance 障碍disuse atrophy 废用性萎缩disuse syndrome 废用综合征domestic treatment 家庭治疗Dorrance model 5XA hook 多兰斯5XA型锁钩dorsiflexor spring assist 背屈弹簧部件dorsiflexor weakness 背屈肌力软弱dotage 衰老double support phase 双脚支撑期driving ring 驱动环drunken gait 酩酊步态dumbness 哑dwelling 住房dynamic splint 动刀式夹板dynamic lung volume 动态肺容量dynamometer 握力计,拉力计dyphonia 发音障碍dysarthria 构音困难Eearly intervention 早干预ecology 生态学ecology of housing 住房生态学edification 启迪,开导effect of physical forces 体力影响ejector bath 喷流浴槽elbow component 肘组件elbow joint 肘关节electrical silence 静止电位electric equipment 电子器械electric field 电场electrical stimulation 电刺激electricity 电学electrobasograph 步态电图描记器electrocardiogram (EKG) 心电图electrocardiographic feedback therapy 心电反馈疗法electrodiagnosis 电诊断electroencephalogram (EEG) 脑电图electroencephalographic feedback therapy 脑电反馈疗法electromyogram (EMG) 肌电图electromyographic control 肌电控制electromyographic feedback therapy 肌电反馈疗法electro-myographic signal 肌电信号electronically contvolled traction unit for intermittent traction 电子控制的间歇牵引装置electronic self—help devices 电动自助装置elevating footrests 可抬式搁脚板elevation activity 登楼活动elevator 起落架elevator type bath 升降型浴槽elimination of blood stasis 化瘀emotion 情绪emotional 情绪创伤(完整)康复医学词汇employment agenoy 职业介绍所employment office 职业介绍所endoskeletal ptosthestics 内骨胳假肢endurance exercise 耐力运动energy consumption 能量消耗energy requirement 能量需要environmental adaptation 环境适应environmental control system for bedridden patient 卧床环境控制系统ergometer 测力计,功率计ergotherapy 运动疗法ethics 伦理学eugenetics 优生学euthenics 优境学evaluation process 评价过程exarticulation 关节切断术excessive fatigue 过度疲劳exercise program 操练程序exercise test 运动试验exercise therapy 医疗体育expectancy of life 预期寿命expiratory reserve volume 补吸气量exploring electrode 探测电极extension 牵伸术Ffair-lead control system 引导良好的控制系统family home 模拟家庭的康复活动室family rehabilitation training 家庭康复训练family treatment 家庭治疗faradic current stimulation 感应电流刺激faradization 感应电流疗法fasciculation potentials 束动电位feedback 反馈fertility 人口出生率festinating gait 慌张步态fibrillation potentials 颤动电位filters 滤波器finger driven flexor hinge hand orthosis 手指驱动屈肌铰链锁支具flaccid paralysis 弛缓性麻痹flexible 能屈的,柔韧的fiexible Dacron elbow hinges 柔韧易屈的涤纶肘铰链flexibility 柔韧性flexion 屈曲flexion moment 屈曲力矩flexor hinge hand splint 屈肌铰链手夹板flexor synerge 屈肌协同folding wheelchair 折叠式轮椅footdrop 足下垂footdrop corrector 足下垂矫正器foot flat 脚掌着地点footrest of wheelchair 轮椅搁脚板force arm 力臂forced expiratory vital capacity 用力肺活量forces plate 力板fracture 骨折frame of mind 心境frequency range 频率范围,波段frequency response 频率响应frequency response control 频率响应控制frequency response curve 频率响应曲线frequency response display set 频率响应显示设备friction-wrist unit 磨擦腕装置full weight-bearing 全负重functional disease 功能性疾病functional electrical stimulation (FES)功能性电刺激functional evaluation 功能评定functional exercise 功能操练functional grip cane 功能握柄手杖functional level 功能水平functional motion test 功能性活动试验functional position 功能位functional orthosis 功能性支具functional residual capacity 功能残气量functional training 功能训练functional unit 功能单位Ggain 增益gait 步态gait analysis 步态分析gait cycl 步态周期gait test 步态测定gait training 步态训练galvanic current stimulation of muscle 肌肉直流电刺激galvanization 直流电疗法gasket 垫圈,衬圈gastrocnemiussolous gait 腓肠比目鱼肌软弱步态general purpose 通用的genetic disease 遗传病geriatric rehabilitation medicine 老年康复医(完整)康复医学词汇学geriatrics 老年医学glutaeus maximus gait 臀大肌步态glutaeus medius gait 臀中肌步态goniometer 量角器ground electrode 接地电极greatest functional efficiency 最大功能效率guidance 指导gymnasia 健身房gymnastics 体操Hhabilitation 康复(仅指先天残疾儿童) hallucination 幻觉hand brake 手制动hand control 手动控制hand-finger apraxia 手指失用症hand prosthesis 假手hand signal 手势信号handicap 残障,严重残疾hanger 吊架harness 背带health examination 健康检查hearing ability 听觉能力hearing aid 助听器hearing aid amplifier 助听放大器hearing and speech sciences 听力言语学科,语听学hearing and speech training 听力言语训练hearing disability 听力残疾heat treatment 热疗法heat value 热卡值heavy load training 重负荷训练heavy work 重力劳动heel off 脚跟离地点heel strap 足跟环形护带heel—strike 足跟着地high-level quadriplegia 高位截瘫helioaerotherapy 日光空气疗法heliotherapy 日光疗法hemipelvectomy prosthesis 半侧骨盆切除后假肢hemiplegia 偏瘫hemiplegic gait 瘫痪步态hemispiral ankle-foot orthosis 半螺旋式小腿矫形器hinge 铰链hinge cross strap 越过皮带的铰链hip disarticulation prosthesis 膝关节离断假肢hip—knee-ankle-foot orthosis (HKAFO) 髋大腿矫形器holder 支架,持器home and community environmental barriers 家庭和社区环境障碍home environment 家庭环境home follow care 家访保健,家访护理homemaking retraining 家务再训练homemaking room 出院前适应家务的活动室home rehabilitation planning 家庭康复计划home visit 家庭访问hook 钩状手hook hand 钩状手horticultural therapy 园艺疗法hospitalization 住院hot spring sanatorium 温泉疗养院housework 家务劳动Hoyer lift 霍耶起吊机(供截瘫者移位用) humanism 人道主义hydraulic knee unit 膝液压装置hydrotherapy 水疗法hydrotherapy device 水疗设备hydrotherapy room 水疗室hypertrophic arthritis 肥大性关节炎hypertrophic osteoarthropathy 肥大性骨关节病hypokinesia 运动不足症hypoplasia 发育不全hysteric gait 癔病性步态Iideational apraxia 观念性失用症ideokinetic apraxia 观念性动作失用症ideomotor apraxia 观念性动作失用症immersion bath 浸浴impairment 损害,缺损,残缺,缺陷inadaption 不适应in—between test 中间指数试验inclined gait 倾斜步态independance 独立性,自立性independent living 独立生活inductothermy 感应电热疗法inequality of leg length 腿长不等inferiority 自卑injury 损伤inoculation 预防接种inpatient department 住院部insomnia 失眠症inspiratory capacity 深吸气量(完整)康复医学词汇inspiratory reserve volume 补吸气量institutes of rehabilitation medicine 康复医学基本原理insufficiency 机能不全integration of traditional Chinese and Western medicine 中西医结合integrated circuit (IC)集成电路intellect 智力intelligence 智力intelligence quotient (IQ) 智力商数intellectual function 智能intellectural work 脑力劳动intensity-duration curve 强度-时间曲线interchangeable unit 可互换装置International Rchabilitation Center for the disabled (IRCD) 国际残疾人康复中心International Rehabilitation Medicine Association (IRMA)国际康复医学学会IRM spiral ankic foot orthosis IRM螺旋式踝足支具ischial weight-bearing devices 坐骨支重装置isokinetic exercise 等动力操练isokinetic exercise device 等动力操练器材isokinetic rate—liming device 等动力限速装置isometric exercise 等长性操练isotonic exetcise 等张性操练Jjargonaphasia 乱杂性失语症jerky movement 急跳运动job placement 工作安置jogging 慢跑jog stick 摇杆joint 铰链joy stick control 遥控台控制器judgement 判断力Kkey button 按钮kinematics 运动学kinemia 心搏量kinesiology 运动学knee-ankle-foot orthosis (KAFO) 大腿矫形器knee bending moment 屈膝力矩knee disarticulation prosthesis 膝关节离断假肢knee joint instability 膝关节稳定性knee-locking mechanism 膝制动机理knight taylor orthosis 蝶式胸腰椎矫形器knock knee 膝外翻knodylon Bettung munster (KBM)明特式髌韧带承重小腿假肢kunckle bender splint 关节曲折板Llabor protection 劳动保护lalopathy 言语障碍lameness 跛行language 语言large wheels 轮椅大轮laser therapy 激光疗法lawful 合法的,法定的learning ability 学习能力left—handed 左利的legal 法律的leg prosthesis 假腿legrest of wheelchair 轮椅搁小腿座架level of consciousness 意识程度lever 杠杆lever arm 杠杆臂lever law 杠杆定律lie face downwards 俯卧lie on the back 仰卧lie on the side 侧卧life expectancy 预期寿命,概率寿命light weight prosthesis 轻便假肢light weight wheelchair 轻便轮椅limitation of range of motion 关节活动范围受限living room in design of housing for disabled 专为残疾人设计的起居室load—assisting exercise 负荷—助力运动load—bearing knee joint with locking function 承重自锁膝关节load exercise 负荷运动load-resisting exercise 负荷—抗力运动locomoter disturbance 运动障碍long opponens splint 对指长夹板logical gating circuit 逻辑门电路long-handled spoon 长柄匙long leg brace 下肢长梏具look sight 视向Lofstrand crutchs 洛夫斯特兰德拐杖loss of weight 体重减轻loudness (言语)响亮度low level exercise test 低水平运动试验lower extremity orthosis 下肢支具(完整)康复医学词汇lumbar brace 腰梏具lumbrical bar 蚓状条杆Mmagnetic tape record 磁带记录器magnetic therapy 磁疗法make—up 结构,素质maladjustment 适应不良maldevelopment 发育不良malnutrition 营养不良malreduction 复位不良maneuver 手法、手指manipulation 推拿manipulation maneuver 推拿手法massage 按摩massotherapy 按摩疗法mat exercise 体操垫上训练maximal expiratory level 最大呼气水平maximal heart rates 最高心率maximal level of independence 最大限度自立maximal muscle contraction 最大肌肉收缩maximal oxygen obsorption 最大摄氧量maximal oxygen consumption 最大耗氧量maximal ventilatory volume 最大通气量maximum 最大量,极量mean life 平均寿命mechanical artificial hand 牵引式机械假手mechanism of hand 手部机械结构medical apparatus and instruments 医疗器械medical bio—engineering 医学生物工程学medical heritage of our motherland 祖国医学遗产medical physics 医学物理学medical rehabilitation 医学康复medical sociology 医学社会学megnetic field 电磁场melancholia 忧郁症melodic intonation therapy 发音调节法mental adjustment 精神适应mental deficiency 低能,智能不足mental disability 智力残疾mental handicapped 智力残障mental rehabilitation 精神康复metabolic equivalents (METS) 代谢当量microswitch 微动开关microthermic 超短波疗法mild disability 轻度残疾military rehabilitation 战伤康复mineral spring sanatorum 矿泉疗养院mineral water therapy 矿泉疗法miniature end plate potential (MEPP)微小终极电位minimal muscle contraction 最小肌肉收缩minute ventilation 每分通气量misuse syndrome 误用综合征mobile environmental controls 移动式环境控制器mobility 灵活性mobility level 能动度moderate disability 中度残疾modern science and technology 现代科学技术modification 矫正modified shoulder saddle harness 改良肩鞍背带monak 手摇功率计monophasic 单相monoplegia 单瘫motivation 动机、动力motor apraxia 运动性失用症motor—driven devices 电动机驱动装置motor—sensory perceptual test 运动-感觉感知测定motorized wheelchair 电动轮椅motorizer exoskeleton 矫形器motor therapy 运动疗法motor units 运动单位movable folding bed 可折活动病床mud-bath treatment 泥浴疗法multipurpose therapist 一专多能的康复医师(士) muscular trophoneurosis 神经性肌营养不良症muscle strength test 肌力测验,肌力检查music treatment 音乐疗法myalgia 肌痛myasthenia 肌无力myatonia 肌张力缺乏myodesis amputation 肌瓣固定截肢术myodystrophia 肌营养不良myoelectric controlled arm prosthesis 肌电控制假手myoelectric controlled signal 肌电控制信号myoplastic amputation 肌瓣成形截肢术myotonia 肌强直myotonic discharge 强直性放电Nnasal prosthesis 假鼻,鼻修复术negative phase 负相(完整)康复医学词汇nerve stimulation techniques 神经刺激技术neuralgia 神经痛neurasthenia 神经衰弱neurodevelopment treatment 神经发育疗法neurodophysiology 神经生理学neurologic deficit 神经缺陷neurological rehabilitation 神经科疾患康复neurosis 神经症normal gait 正常步态normal individual 正常个体nurse call 护士呼唤器nutritional state 营养状况nutritionist 营养师(士)nylon chest strap 尼龙胸带obisity 肥胖object test 对象测验,客观测验occupational analysis 职业分析occupational therapist 作业疗法师(士) occupational therapy 作业疗法ocular prosthesis 假眼,眼修复术off—on control circuit 开关控制电路omarthritis 肩关节炎pncology 肿瘤oncologic rehabilitation 肿瘤科康复one-arm drive for wheelchair 单臂驾驶型轮椅on-the-job training situation 模拟在职训练场地open kinetic chain 开放式运动链operant conditioning 操作条件反射operating procedurc 操作程序orientation 辨向力O—ring harness O型环背带orthopaedic shoes 矫形鞋orthopedics 矫形外科学orthopedist 矫形外科医师orthoses 矫形器,支具orthostatic hypotansion 矫形训练直立性低血压orthotast 正骨器orthoterion 牵引器,牵伸器orthotherapy 矫形疗法orthotic ankle joints 踝关节矫形器orthotic device 矫形装置orthotics 矫形学,矫形器修配学oscillating bed 摆床oscillograph 示波器osteopathy 整骨术osteoporosis 骨质疏松otaphone 助听器otorhinolaryngology 耳鼻喉科学overactivity 活期过度over—dependence 过度依赖overhead counterbalance sling 抗平衡三角巾overhead sling with balancer attachment 带平衡器附属装置的三角巾oxygen intake 摄氧量oxygen movemen t 有氧运动Ppage turners 翻书器painful pathologic gaits 痛性病理性步态palsy 麻痹,瘫痪panalarm 报警系统paraffin therapy 石蜡疗法paralysis agitans gait 震颤麻痹性步态paralysis 麻痹、瘫痪paralytic gait patterns 麻痹性步态型paraparetic gait 截瘫性步态paraplegia 截瘫parapodium 站立支架paresis 轻瘫passive splinting 被动夹板pateller-tendon—bearing prosthesis (PTB)环带式髌韧带承重小腿假肢patients walking pattern 病人步行型式patient-to-patient relationship 病人间关系patit pas gait 小步舞步态pediatric bracing 儿科梏具pediatric rehabilitation 儿科康复pedometer 计步器pelotherapy 泥疗pelvic movement 骨盆运动pelvic tilt 骨盆倾斜perceptual-motor dysfunction 感觉-运动功能障碍perceptual training 知觉训练period of double support 双支撑时期(步态) periomarthritis 肩周炎peripheral neuritis 周围神经炎peripheral vascular disease 周围血管疾病personality 人格personality change 人格改变phantom limb 幻肢phantom pain 幻肢痛phantom sensation 幻觉pharmacotherapy 药物疗法phoniatrics 语言治疗学(完整)康复医学词汇phonomyography 肌音图photocell-eye switch 移动眼球启动的光电池眼开关physical disability 躯体残疾physical enhancement program 增强体力训练计划physical examination 体格检查physical fitness 躯体健康physical fitness index 躯体健康指数physical force 体力physical medicine 物理医学physical reconstruction 躯体功能恢复physical rehabilitation 躯体康复physical therapist 理疗师physical therapy 物理疗法physical work 体力劳动physician 医师physiotherapy 物理疗法physiotherapy room 理疗室pinch gauge 指捏力计pivot hinge 枢轴式铰链plastic laminated thigh-knee—ankle orthosis 塑料迭叠式大腿—膝-踝支具plastic lower limb orthoses 塑料下肢支具plate form 平板plug—fit 装配plug mechanism 并塞机制pneumatic orthoses 充气支具pocket aid 袖珍助听器point of the gait cycle 步态周期的定点polarization 极化poliomyelitis 脊髓灰质炎polyarthritis 多关节炎polyethylene triceps pad 聚乙烯三头肌垫polyethylene Y-strap 聚乙烯Y皮带polyneuritis 多神经炎polyphasic wave 多相波popular notation 人口谱portable folding ramp 便携式折叠斜坡position 位置,位positive sharp wave 正相陡波postnatal disability 后天性残疾posture 姿势power-driven wheelchair 动力轮椅pre—amplifier 前置放大器predischarge exercise test 出院前运动试验preventive rehabilitation 预防性康复prevocational evaluation 出院前职业鉴定prevocational exploration 就业前功能探测primary disability 原发性残疾primary prevention 一级预防progressive assistive excrcise 渐进性助力运动progressive muscular atrophy 进行性肌萎缩progressive muscular dystrophy 进行性肌营养不良progressive resistance exercise 渐进性抗力运动projective test 心理投射测验prone cart 倾斜轮椅prone position 俯卧位proprioceptive facilitation 本体感觉促进法proportional—type control switches 比例型控制开关propulsion gait 前冲步态propulsive gait 前冲步态prosthesis 假体,假肢,修复术prosthesis tibiale supracondybenne (PTS)包膝式髌韧带承重小腿假肢prosthetic checkout and training 假肢检测和使用训练prosthetic prescription 假肢处方prosthetic sockets 假肢肢槽prosthetic specialist 假肢专业人员prosthetic suspension 假肢悬带prosthetics 假肢学,假体学protection 保护,防护protractor scale 分度规量表psychiatric rehabilitation 精神科康复psychiatrist 精神病科医师psychiatry 精神病学psychic trauma 精神创伤psychoanalysis 精神分析psychogenic 心因性psychological adjustment 心理适应psychological assesement 心理学评价psychological change 心理变化psychological counseling 心理咨询psychological examination 心理测验psychological problem 心理学问题psychological test in rehabilitation 康复心理检查psychological therapy 心理疗法psychosocial problem 心理社会问题psychosocial-vocational factors 心理社会-职业因素psychosomatic disorder 心身疾患PTV rubber 室温硫化橡皮管(完整)康复医学词汇public welfare 公共福利pulmonary function test 肺功能测定pursed lip breathing 吹笛样呼气法push—button control system 按钮操纵控制系统push-off 提腿push off phase 抬脚离地期put on weight 体重增加Qquadriceps femoris gait 股四头肌步态quadriceps femoris weakness 股四头肌软弱quadriplegia 四肢麻痹quick—change wrist unit 快速拆卸式腕装置Rrange of activity of daily living 日常生活活动范围range of motion (ROM)关节可动度range of motion exercise 增加关节可动度操练Raynaud's disease 雷诺病recent memory 近期记忆reconstruction 功能重建recreation treatment 文娱疗法recreational games 娱乐游戏recuperation 复原reduction 复位术reeducation 再教育reference electrode 参考电极refractory period 反拗期rehabilitation 康复,复健rehabilitation administration 康复管理rehabilitation day hospital 康复日间医院rehabilitation center 康复中心rehabilitation clinic 康复门诊部rehabilitation counseling 康复咨询,康复辅导rehabilitation counselor 康复辅导员,康复咨询人员rehabilitation department 康复科,康复部rehabilitation engineering 康复工程学rehabilitation engineering technical personnel 康复工程技术人员Rehabilitation International 国际康复协会rehabilitated medical institution 康复医疗机构rehabilitation medicine 康复医学rehabilitation medicine service 康复医学事业rehabilitation nursing 康复护理rehabilitation prescription 康复处方rehabilitation procedure 康复程序rehabilitation program 康复计划rehabllitation psychology 康复心理学rehabilitation science 康复学,康复科学rehabilitation sociology 康复社会学rehabilitation team 康复小组rehabilitation worker 康复工作者relaxation exercise 松弛操练replantation of ampulated limbs 断肢再植removable hook—on headrest 轮椅可拆卸悬挂式头靠reserve 储备residual capacity 残气量resistance arm 阻臂resistive exercise 抗力运动respiratory machenics 呼吸力学respiratory work 呼吸功rest home 休养所restoration 恢复reversed dynamic slings 翻转动力性吊带revet 钉rheobase 基本电位rheumatic arthritis 风湿性关节炎rheumatic heart disease 风湿性心脏病rheumatoid arthritis 类风湿性关节炎rheumatoid spondylitis 类风湿性脊椎炎rigidity 僵直rigid ankle 静踝假脚right handedness 右利手ring drop lock 扣环锁rocking bed 摇动床Rorschach test 墨迹测验routine examination 常规检查Ssafety strap 安全带sanatory rehabilitation 疗养康复sand-bath therapy 砂浴疗法schizophrenia 精神分裂症scissor gait 剪刀步态scoliosis exercise 脊柱侧凸操seat board 座垫板Seattle orthosis 西雅图支具secondary disability 继发性残疾secondary prevention 二级预防selective auditory 选择声频放大器selective auditory filtering amplifier 听觉滤波放大器(完整)康复医学词汇self—care activity 自理活动self-correction 自我调整self—destruction 自杀,自毁self—discipline 自我训练self-evaluation 自我评价self-help 自理,自助self—help device 自助装置self—mutilation 自残self-respect 自尊self—suspention 自体悬吊法semireclining wheelchair 半躺式轮椅semi—suction prosthesis 半吸力假肢sensational ataxic gait 感觉性共济失调步态sensory deficit 感觉缺陷serial hurnbuckle casts 松紧螺旋扣模具sexual problem 性问题sheltered workshop 庇护工场shoe orthosis 矫形鞋short leg brace 下肢短支架short oppones hand splint 对手短夹板short opponens splint 对指短夹板shoulder components 肩组件side—wrist hinges 腕旁铰链signal/noise ratio (S/N)声噪比single control cable 单钮控制索绳single control system 单钮控制系统single fiber electrode 单纤维电极single fiber electromyography 单纤维肌电图sinusoidal path 正弦路径slipping-clutch gait 起步困难步态social adaptation 社会适应social adjustment 社会适应social environment 社会环境social medicine 社会医学social welfare 社会福利social work 社会工作social worker 社会工作者socioeconomic factor 社会经济因素solid ankle cushion heel (SACH) 静踝假脚socket 接受腔sound—measuring device 测声仪sound spectrograph 语图仪spastic gait 痉挛性步态special diet room 营养室spectacle-type hearing aid 眼镜式助听器speech and hearing therapist 语听治疗师speech correction 语言矫正speech function test 言语功能检查speech reading 唇读术speech therapist 言语治疗师speech therapy 言语疗法speed of walking 步行速度spinal orthotics 脊柱矫形器spiral ankle-foot orthosis 螺旋式小腿矫形器spiral wrist orthosis 螺旋式腕矫形器splints 夹板,矫形支具sport wheelchair 比赛用轮椅spring-loaded joint 弹簧关节spring stop 弹簧掣子stability 稳定性stableness 稳定度stammering 口吃stance phase (步态)准备时相,支持相standard crutch gait 标准拐杖步态standard double-upright orthosis with stimp 标准型有镫双直撑支具standard knee-ankle orthosis 标准型大腿矫形器standard wheelchair 标准型轮椅standard wrist unit 标准型腕装置static prostitioning devices 静位器械stationary wheelchair 固定式轮椅steel sole plate 钢鞋底板step length 蹈步步幅steppage gait 跨阈步态steps—teller 记步器step—up hinge 加固铰链stiff—legged gait 腿僵硬步态stocking aid 穿袜器stretching exercise 牵张运动strict bed rest 绝对卧床stride length 跨步步幅stride width 跨步宽度structural pathologic gaits 结构病理性步态stuttering 口吃stump 残肢stump shrinkage 残肢皱缩stump toughen 残肢韧化stuttering gait 踌躇步态submaximum 亚极限量suction socket 吸力肢槽suggestion 暗示sun-bathing 日光浴sun therapy 日光疗法supine position 仰卧位support 支持,支持器supportive therapy 支持疗法。

常用骨科医学专业英语词汇骨科ORTHOPEDICS1、概论INTRODUCTION*fracture n.骨折pathological fracture病理骨折fatigue fracture疲劳骨折*open fracture开放骨折close fracture闭合骨折shock n.休克*deformity n.畸形tenderness n.压痛swelling n.肿胀ecchymosis n.瘀斑obstacle n.功能障碍infection n.感染spinal cord injury脊髓损伤surrounding nerve周围神经*fat embolism脂肪栓塞bedsore n.褥疮arthroclis n.关节僵硬ischemic necrosis缺血性坏死ischemic contraction缺血性挛缩*traumatic arthritis创伤性关节炎hematoma n.血肿*callus n.骨痂heal n.愈合*synovitis n.滑膜炎*ligament n.韧带*tendon n.肌腱* pyogenic osteomyelitis化脓性骨髓炎*reduction n.复位*bone traction骨牵引*osteoporosis n.骨质疏松2、上肢骨折FRACTURE OF UPPER EXTREMITIES clavicle n.锁骨*humerus n.肱骨*rotation n.旋转supracondyle n.髁上blister n.水疱pulsate n.搏动thrombus n.血栓*cancellous n.松质骨*epiphysis n.骨骺*injury n.损伤*joint n.关节stability n.稳定ulna n.尺骨radius n.桡骨metacarpal bone掌骨bone graft植骨hemostasis止血*periosteum n.骨膜tension n.xx adhesion n.粘连*skin grafting植皮*arthrodesis n.关节融合extrusion n.挤压gangrene n.坏疽pallor n.苍白、灰白*amputation n.截肢plaster n.石膏paralysis n.瘫痪bandage n.绷带2、手外伤HAND TRAUMAavulsion n.撕脱*dislocation n.脱位stiff adj.僵硬3、下肢骨折与关节损伤FRACTURE OF LOWER EXTREMITIES ANDARTICULAR INJURYfemur n.股骨adduction n.内收separate v.分离cartilage n.软骨*synovialis n.滑膜*spinal column脊柱5、脊柱及骨盆骨折FRACTURE OF VERTEBRAL COLUMN AND PELVIScolumn n.椎体cervical column颈椎*lumber vertebra腰椎sacrum n.骶椎sense n.感觉movement n.运动reflect v.反射*pelvis n.骨盆6、关节脱位ARTICULAR DISLOCATIONcongenital dislocation先天性脱位pathological dislocation病理性脱位*osteoarthritis n.骨关节炎*total hip replacement全髋置换术7、运动系统慢性损伤CHRONIC STRAIN OF MOVEMENT SYSTEMstrain n.劳损*cystis n.滑囊*stenosed tenosynovitis狭窄性腱鞘炎*ganglion n.腱鞘囊肿degenerative adj.退行性变multiply v.增生abnormal sense感觉异常8、腰腿痛和颈肩痛LUMBAGO AND SHOULDER PAINSstenosed column椎管狭窄9、骨与关节化脓感染OSTEOARTICULAR PURULENT LNFECTIONchannel n.xxdrill hole钻孔*drainage n.引流10、骨与关节结核OSTEOARTICULAR TUBERCULOSISbone tuberculosis骨结核11、骨肿瘤BONE TUMORbone tumor骨肿瘤*osteochondroma n.骨软骨瘤chemotherapy n.化疗医学英语分科常用词汇人体解剖学HUMAN ANATOMY 之运动系统LOCOMOTOR SYSTEM 1、中轴骨AXIAL BONES*bone n.骨*vertebrae n.椎骨*cervical vertebrae颈椎*thoracic vertebrae胸椎lumbar vertebrae腰椎*sacrum n.骶骨coccyx尾骨atlas n.寰椎axis n.枢椎*sternum n.胸骨sternal angle胸骨角sternal manubrium胸骨柄xiphoid process剑突*rib n.肋*thoracic cage胸廓2、颅SKULL*skull n.颅*frontal bone额骨*parietal bone顶骨*occipital bone枕骨*temporal bone颞骨*sphenoid bone蝶骨*ethmoid bone筛骨*mandible n.下颌骨hyoid bone舌骨vomer n.犁骨*maxilla n.上颌骨palatine bone腭骨nasal bone鼻骨lacrimal bone泪骨inferior nasal concha下鼻甲zygomatic bone颧骨*coronal suture冠状缝*sagital suture矢状缝*lambdoid suture人字缝orbit n.眶cranial fontanelle颅囟2、附肢骨TARSAL BONES AND EXTREMITAL BONES *clavicle n.锁骨*scapula n.肩胛骨*humerus n.肱骨*radius n.桡骨*ulna n.尺骨carpal bone腕骨metacarpal bone掌骨phalanges n.指骨,趾骨*hip bone髋骨*ilium n.髂骨*ischium n.坐骨*pubis n.耻骨*femur n.股骨patella n.髌骨*tibia n.胫骨tarsal bone跗骨metarsal bone跖骨4、关节学ARTHROLOGY*articulation n.关节*ligament n.韧带*flexion n.xx*extension n.伸*adduction n.收*medial rotation旋内*lateral rotation旋外pronation n旋前.supination n.旋后circumduction n.环转*vertebral column脊柱*thoracic cage胸廓*intervertebral disc椎间盘*temporal-mandibular joint颞下颌关节*shoulder joint肩关节*elbow joint肘关节*radiocarpal joint桡腕关节*hip joint髋关节*knee joint膝关节*ankle joint踝关节5、肌肉系统MUSCULATURE(1)肌学系统INTRODUCTION OF MUSCULATURE *muscle n.肌肉muscle belly肌腹tendon n.肌腱aponeurosis n.腱膜*fascia n.筋膜*tendinous sheath腱鞘(2)躯干肌TRUNK MUSCLEStrapezius n.斜方肌latissimus dorsi背阔肌erector spinae竖脊肌*sternocleidomastoid adj.胸锁乳突的*scalenus n.斜角肌pectoralis major胸大肌intercostales n.肋间肌*diaphragm n.膈(肌)*inguinal canal腹股沟管*sheath of rectus abdominis腹直肌鞘(3)头肌HEAD MUSCLESorbicularis oculi眼轮匝肌masseter n.咬肌*temporalis n.颞肌*deltoid n.三角肌*biceps brachii肱二头肌*triceps brachii肱三头肌*axillary fossa腋窝(4)附肢肌MUSCLES ATTACHED TO EXTREMITTES *gluteus maximus臀大肌piriformis n.梨状肌*sartorius n.缝匠肌*quadriceps femoris股四头肌triceps surae小腿三头肌*femoral triangle股三角popliteal fossa腘窝医学英语分科常用词汇诊断学——骨关节系统OSTEOARTICULAR SYSTEM*Codman’striangle 骨膜三角,科德曼三角H-shaped vertebra,butterfly vertebra蝴蝶椎Rugger-Jersay vertebra夹心椎体Scheuermann’s disease 绍尔曼病Schmorl’s nodule 施莫尔结节Shenton’s line 沈通氏线apophysis n.骺状突*arthrography n.关节造影basilar impression,basilarinvagination颅底凹陷block vertebra融合椎bone island骨岛bursography n.泪囊造影cortical porosity皮质骨疏松症craniolacunia,luckenschadel n.颅骨陷窝*empty sella空蝶鞍endosteal proliferation骨内膜增生*epiphysis n.骨骺Intrabecular resorption骨小梁内吸收ivory vertebraxx椎marrow-packing disease骨髓充填疾病massive osteolysis大片骨溶解melopheostosis n.蜡油骨症ossification n.骨化osteopathia striata纹骨症*osteopenia n.骨质减少osteopetrosis n.石骨症osteopoikilosis n.斑骨症pars interarticularis椎弓峡部periosteal reaction骨膜反应physis n.骨生长端*pseudofracture, Looser zone n.假骨折spina ventosa骨气鼓spongiosa骨疏松woven bone编织骨*zone of provisional calcification临时钙化带。

据统计, 80%的老年人存在不同程度的行走障碍,这是老年人最大的困扰,所以研究开发改善行走障碍的新技术也成为医学界的重点课题。

康复医学英语辞汇之阿布丰王创作Aactivity limitation 活动受限assessment 评价aquatic rehabilitation 水疗associated reaction 联合反应activity of daily living 日常生活活动能力agnosia 失认anomia 命名障碍alexia 阅读困难aphasia 失语arthritis 关节炎adhesive capsulitis 粘连性关节囊炎ankylosing spondylitis 强直性脊柱炎amputation 截肢Bbiofeedback 生物反馈brace 支架block 阻滞Ccomprehensive rehabilitation 综合性康复contextual factor 布景因素complementary and alternative medicine 代偿和取代医学技术contraction 收缩cognition 认知cerebral palsy 脑瘫cervical spondylosis 颈椎病Ddisablement 残疾dysarthria 构音障Eeducational rehabilitation 教育康复environmental factor 环境因素evaluation 评定extensor 伸肌electromyography 肌电图evoked potential 诱发电位Ffunctioning 功能functional neuromuscular 功能性神经肌肉电安慰flexor 屈肌Ggait aids 步态辅助器Hhandicap 残障hemiplegia 偏瘫herniation of lumber disc 腰椎间盘突出症Iimpairment 损伤isometric 等长isotonic 等张isokinetic 等速Kkinematics 运动学kinetics 动力学Mmedical rehabilitation 医学康复manipulation 手法治疗Massage 推拿manual muscle testing 手法肌力测试Nneglect 忽略neurodevelopment treatment 神经发育疗法Ooutcome 后果occupational therapy 作业治疗orthosis 矫型器osteoarthritis 骨关节炎osteoporosis 骨质疏松症Pparticipation restriction 介入限制personal factor 个人因素practicality 实用性physical therapy 物理治疗physical agents 物理因子prosthesis 假肢proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation 神经肌肉易化技术psychological and neuropsychological therapy 心理和神经心理学治疗pyrexia 失用paraplegia 截瘫Qquality of life 生活质量Rrheumatoid arthritis 类风湿关节炎rating of perceived exertion 主观用力水平rehabilitation 康复rehabilitation engineering 康复工程rehabilitation medicine 康复医学reliability 信度recreation and sport therapy 文娱体育治疗reflex 反射range of motion 关节活动度Ssocial rehabilitation 社会康复sensibility 敏感性speech therapy 言语治疗sprouting 神经发芽splint 夹板spasticity 痉挛stroke 脑卒中spinal cord injury 脊髓损伤Ttotal rehabilitation 全面康复therapeutic exercise 治疗性训练traction 牵引torque 力矩traumatic brain injury 脑外伤Vvocational rehabilitation 职业康复validity 效度voluntary movement 随意运动Wwheelchair 轮椅。
prosthesis 翻译

prosthesis 翻译基本解释●Prosthesis:假肢,义肢●/prɒsˈθiːsɪs/●n. 人工装置,用于替代缺失的身体部分变化形式●n. 复数形式:prostheses具体用法●名词:o意思: 人工装置,用于替代缺失的身体部分o同义词: artificial limb, artificial body part, replacement limb, prosthetic device, orthotic deviceo反义词: natural limb, real limb, biological limb, organic limb, innate limbo例句:●The athlete was able to compete in the race thanks to hisadvanced prosthesis, which allowed him to run almost as fastas his competitors. (这位运动员能够参加比赛,多亏了他先进的假肢,使他几乎可以和竞争对手一样快地奔跑。
)●After the accident, she was fitted with a prosthesis thatenabled her to walk again, restoring her independence and mobility. (事故后,她安装了一个假肢,使她能够再次行走,恢复了她的独立性和行动能力。
)●The development of lightweight materials has significantlyimproved the comfort and functionality of modern prostheses. (轻质材料的发展显著提高了现代假肢的舒适性和功能性。
)●Many veterans have benefited from the latest prosthetictechnology, which has greatly enhanced their quality of life.(许多退伍军人受益于最新的假肢技术,这极大地提高了他们的生活质量。

残疾人专用词汇1. 引言在社会发展的过程中,人们越来越重视残疾人的权益和需求。
2. 残疾人分类根据中国《残疾人保障法》,残疾人分为视力残疾、听力言语残疾、肢体残疾、智力残疾、精神残疾等五个类别。
2.1 视力残疾视力残疾是指眼睛或视觉系统功能受损,导致无法正常看清物体。
以下是与视力相关的专用词汇:•盲人(blind person):完全丧失视觉能力的人。
•视障(visually impaired):部分丧失视觉能力的人。
•视觉辅助设备(visual aids):帮助视障人士增强视觉能力的工具,如放大镜、望远镜等。
2.2 听力言语残疾听力言语残疾是指耳朵或听觉系统功能受损,导致无法正常听到声音或表达言语。
以下是与听力言语相关的专用词汇:•聋人(deaf person):完全丧失听觉能力的人。
•听障(hearing impaired):部分丧失听觉能力的人。
•助听器(hearing aid):帮助聋人恢复部分听觉能力的设备。
•口型阅读(lip reading):通过观察口形和嘴唇动作来理解他人说话内容的技巧。
2.3 肢体残疾肢体残疾是指四肢功能受损,导致行动不便或无法正常运动。
以下是与肢体相关的专用词汇:•残疾人士(disabled person):肢体或运动功能存在障碍的人。
•残疾人辅助器具(assistive devices for disabled):帮助残疾人士进行日常生活和工作的设备,如助行器、假肢等。
2.4 智力残疾智力残疾是指智力发育迟缓或受损,导致学习和理解能力低于正常水平。
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假肢与矫形器专业词汇(英语)abdomen anatomical retainer of the intestinesabdominal related to the abdomenabduct to move (a limb) away from the midline of the bodyabducted gait walking with the legs spread away from the midlinemuscleabductor abductingablatio mammae, mastectomy surgical removal of female breastabove elbow (A.E.) prosthesis prosthesis for transhumeral amputationabove the knee (A.K.) prosthesis prosthesis for transfemoral amputation - (AK)abutment counter piece, counter flare, neckacceleration getting continuously fasteracceleration phase sub-phase in the swing phase of gaitinpelvis, receiving the hip jointsocketacetabulum concaveacetone chemical thinner for laquers and paintsAchilles tendon tendon at distal end of calf muscleacrylic resin thermoplastic resin on acrylic basisacute rapid onset or short duration of a conditionadapter device coupling two different endsadduct to move (a limb) toward the midline of the bodyadductor adducting muscleadductor roll medial-proximally located roll oft soft tissue (TF-prosthetics) adhesion contact socket contact socket, type of suction socketadiposity being too large in abdominal and other circumferences, fat ADL's aids for daily livingadolescent juvenile - phase between childhood and adulthoodadultadolescent youngadult “grown up” - beyond adolescenceaetiology reason or factor causing a diseaseAFO ankle-foot-orthosisagonist muscle being active and result-oriented (opposite:antagaonist) aids for daily living (ADL) tools and devices etc.- modified for the disabledair splint orthoses containing an air chamber to customize fitAK (prosthesis) prosthesis after transfemoral amputationAK-socket above knee (transfemoral) socketalignment assembling O&P components referring to a reference system allergy reaction of the immune system against “foreign” matteralloy a mix of metals, changing the specific characteristics aluminum a light metalambulate / ambulation reciprocal walkingambulator a walking frame, supporting a patient's ambulation amputation surgical removal of a body partamputation surgery surgical act of removing a body segment (extremity) analgesia absence of, or insensitivity to pain sensationanalyse, analysis detailed research on components of a wholeanamnesis background of a diseaseanatomical landmarks (bony) prominences, points of importance in O&Panatomy descriptive or functional explanation of the body properties angularity in the shape of an angleangulus sub-pubicus angle of the pubic ramus, important in IC-socketsjointankle tibio-tarsalankle block connector between prosthetic foot and shinankle joint (talus joint) joint connecting foot and shankankle-foot orthosis (AFO) orthosis with functional impact on ankle and footankylosing to unite or stiffen by ankylosisankylosis immobility, posttraumatic fusion of a jointantagonist muscle opposing agonist action, often controllinganterior in front of, the foremostanteversion to bring (a limb) forward, opposite of retroversion anthropometry taking measurements of the human bodyanti… againstanvil block of iron, surface used in forging metalA-P or a-p antero-posterior, from front to backapex top or summit, the highest point, the peakappliance an instrument, O&P: a prosthesis or orthosis, technical aid application making work or connecting to…learning a professionapprentice somebodyapprentice student learning a profession or craft in a structured approach apprentice student learning a profession or craft in a structured approach apprenticeship (course) training course for vocational educationappropriate best (compromise-) solution for a given problem Appropriate Technology technology appropriate (e.g. for the Third World)arch support shell shell-like custom molded medical shoe insertarteries blood vessels transporting oxygenated blood to the periphery arthritis acute or chronic joint inflammationarthrodesis blocking a joint through surgical procedurearthroplasty reconstruction of a joint through surgical procedure arthrosis, osteoarthritis joint disease - degenerating cartilage and joint surfaceGelenkarticulation Articulatio,aseptic not caused by bacterial infectionASIS / A.S.I.S anterior superior iliac spineassessment evaluation, obtaining information (about a condition) athetosis condition of slow withering movementsathletic arch support custom molded medical shoe insert for the athleteatrophy shrinkage, wastage of biological tissueautonomic nervous system independent nerve tissue, not under voluntary controlaxial rotator joint for socket rotation around the vertical axisback posterior component of the trunkbalance condition of keeping the body stabilized in a desired positionball bearing bearing cage containing rollers, making/keeping axes rotatable ball joint (universal joint) tri-axial jointband, strap, cuff suspension aid (small corset)bandages elastic wrapping, light brace, adhesive wrapping etc.bandaging act of applying bandages, tapingbands m-l connection between orthotic side bars (calf band etc.)bars, side-bars uprights, vertical struts in an orthosisbearing, ball bearing bearing cage containing rollers, making/keeping axes rotatable bed sore pressure/shear related skin trauma of bed-bound individuals below elbow amputation (BE-) forearmamputation (below the elbow joint, transradial, transulnar) below elbow, lower arm arm below the elbow jointbelt suspension component, also light abdominal bandagebench workstation,worktablebench alignment static alignment of prosthetic/orthotic componentsbending providing a shape or contour to sidebars, bands etc.bending iron set of two contouring tools for metal bar bendingbending moment the force or torque bending an objectbending, contouring providing a shape or contour to sidebars, bands etc.BE-prosthesis prosthesis after amputation below the elbow jointbevel to brake an edgebig toe halluxbilateral twosided, double..., relating to “both sides”bio-engineering science of engineering related to living structuresbio-feedback internal autoresponse to a biological eventbiological age the "natural age" - dependent on how a person presentsbiology science related to living structuresbio-mechanics science combining biology and mechanicsbipivotal joint joint with two axesBi-scapular abduction bringing both shoulders forward simultaneously (prosthetic control motion)BK below the kneeBK-prosthesis prosthesis after amputation below the kneeBK-socket below the knee socketblister forming vacuum molding plastic sheet material in a frameblock heels wide basis heelsbody the total appearance of a biological beingbody jacket US-American term for symmetrical spinal orthosesbody powered operated by human power (as opposed to outside energy) bolts machine screw and similarbonding agent connective glue, cement etc.bone single part of the skeletal systembone loss syndrome reduction of bony massbone spur a protrusion of bone or fragment of bonebonification, calcification change into bony tissuebony bridge surgical bony fusion between e.g. tibia and fibulabony landmark anatomically protruding bony surfaces (as the fibula head) bony lock (ischial containment) m-l tight locking design in ischial containment sockets bordering providing a smooth trim line or brimbordering, trimming providing a well-rounded trim line or smooth brimBoston Brace spinal orthosis developed in Boston, USA (scoliosis, kyphosis treatment)bouncy mechanism flexion device for limited flexion in prosthetic kneesbow leg genu varum, o-shaped legs, enlarged distance between knees brace, splint, caliper supportive device, old-fashioned for “orthosis”brain, cerebrum main switch board of the central nervous systembrazing heat supported metal solderingbrazing tool, soldering iron tool for heat supported metal solderingbrim proximal socket area, casting tool / templatebrooch / hook hooks holding a lace, closure of shoes etc.buffing creating a shiny surface finishbuild-up (of a material) location of added plaster in modifications of plaster castsburn heat related injurybursa anatomic padding cavity containing liquidby-law (USA: bill) lawCAD CAM Computer Aided Design, Computer Aided Manufacture cadence rhythm of walkingcalcaneus heelbonecalculation doing mathematical operationscalf band m-l connection between side bars (KAFO)calf corset enclosure of calf and shin (in an orthosis)calf muscle, triceps surae plantar flexor of the foot, muscle in the lower legcaliper measuring tool, precision instrumentcaliper, brace, splint old fashioned term for joint stabilizing lower limb orthoses Canadian Hip Disarticulation Pr. external shell prosthesis for hip disarticulationscane walkingstickcap band finishing element of trim lines, brims of corsetscarbon fiber structural reinforcement in plastic compositescardanic two axes, aligned in 90 degrees toward each othercardio-vascular related to heart and blood circulationcarve shaping by taking material off (chipping off, sanding off)cast positive (plaster or similar) moldcast modification functional changing of the shape of a castcast removal removal of plaster bandage from a poured plaster castcast taking act of taking a plaster- or similar impressioncasters freely moving front wheels at a wheel chaircasting and measurement taking getting 3-dimensional body impressions and measurements casting procedures technique of getting 3-dimensional body impressions caudal direction, toward distal end of the vertebral column (tail)c-clamp clamping tool (woodwork)CDH congenital dislocation of the hipcell (biological and technical) smallest living unit; hollow technical unitcellular made up from cellscelluloid one of the first plastic materials availablecement, glue bonding agentcenter of gravity (COG) mathematic-physical mass concentration in one point center of mass calculated concentration of mass (in bio-mechanics) center of mass (COM) mathematic-physical mass concentration in one point centrode graph for the path of the instantaneous centers of rotation cerebral related to the cerebrum, braincerebral palsy loss of neural muscle control by congenital brain damage cerebral paresis dysfunction of muscle tissue related to cerebral trauma cerebro vascular accident vascular bloodclotting in a part of the brainbraincerebrum thecerebrum / cerebral brain / related to the braincervical related to the neckcervical collar (cervical brace) orthosis for the neck (after whiplash syndrome)cervical spine most proximal segment of the spinal columnchairback brace posterior semi-shell trunk orthosischamfer to thin out the edges of a materialCharcot joint rapid progressive degeneration of a joint (foot)check-, or diagnostic socket transparent or translucent socket for diagnosis of fit chiropedist (Canada) medical doctor specialized in foot careChopart amputation tarsal (partial) foot amputation at the Chopart joint line Chopart joint tarsal joint line of several bones in the footchronic long term (disease; opposite of acute)circumduction semi-circular (mowing) forward swing of a leg circumference the measurment around a physical bodyclam shell design longitudinally split socket or shellclosure mechanism used to closeclub foot, talipes varus pes equino varus, a congenital (or acquired) foot deformity CNC Computer Numeric Controlled design and manufacturing CO cervical orthosis, orthosis for neck immobilizationCO - CP - CPO Certified ... Orthotist..Prosthetist..Prosthetist/Orthotist coating surface cover (as plasticising metal surfaces)coccyx Anatomy: the “tailbone”coefficient of friction number determining forces between sliding surfacescollar cervical orthosis, orthosis for neck immobilization collateral ligaments ligaments bridging the side of jointscompatible fitting to each othercompliance measure of willingness to follow a therapeutic ordercomponents single parts of a whole, construction parts, pre-fab partscomposite reinforced plastic component, matrix and fillercompound result of a chemical binding processcompression panty hose orthotic garment to treat varicosisconcave inwardly shaped, hollow (opposite of convex)condyle massive rounded end of bone, basis for forming a joint surfacewithborncongenital beingconstant friction continuous application of a braking forcecontact cushion distal contact padding in prosthetic socketcontact measuring measuring while touching the object measuredcontact pad contact cushion (prosthetics)continuous passive motion (CPM) keeping a joint mobile through passive motion in motorized device contour (the) the outer perimeter of a bodycontour (to) creating a shape by forming, bendingcontour drawing draft of the outer perimeter of a bodycontracture condition of motion limitation in jointsconvex outwardly shaped, bulged (opposite of concave)cork bark of a tree, natural cellular leight weight materialcoronal plane frontal planecorrection, rectification modification (of shapes, designs etc.) in order to improvecorrosion deterioration of materials by chemical influence (as oxdation)corset therapeutic circular enclosement of body segmentscorset, fabric corset lumbar brace made from textile materialcountersinking taking the edge off a drilled hole, creating circular concavitycoupler a connective devicecoxitis/coxarthritis inflammation of the hip jointCPM, continuous passive motion keeping a joint mobile through passive motion in motorized device CPO Certified Prosthetist / Orthotistcraft & trade European (German) vocational structuring systemcranial relating to the headcrossline filing using a handheld file in a 90 degrees offset directioncruciates, cruciate ligaments crossed ligaments at the knee centerCRW Community based Rehabilitation Worker (WHO Geneva)CT, computer tomography a method to take X-rays in "slices"Orthosis CTLSO Cervico-Thoraco-Lumbo-SacralOrthosisCTO Cervico-Thoracocuff, band, strap suspension aid (small corset)cup, connection cup socket connector in prostheticscure (med.) medical therapeutic measurecure (techn.) to set, hardencushion, pad upholstering device, providing soft surfacecustom made made to measurements as a single unitdeceleration to become continuously slowerdeceleration phase sub-phase in the swing phase of human gaitdecree, directive, regulation text in the lawbooks or regulation with law-like characterdeficiency lack of necessary function or ability by physical impairmentdeflector plate a leaf spring design in prosthetic feet, energy return devicedeformity malformation of form, may be influencing functiondegeneration biological wear and tearDelrin a plastic material, used as a flexible, energy returning keeldensity foaming hard foam block on a socket as a connector to componentsdeposit (biological or pathological) storage mechanism, sedimentdermatitis skin disease, infection of the skinderotating orthosis (scoliosis) orthosis for derotation - one of the priciples of scoliosis treatment design construction, functional lay-out and planningdexterity, manual skill skill of creating by hand, craftsman skilldiabetes mellitus carbohydrate metabolism disorder (frequent amputation reason) diabetic gangrene death of tissue caused by diabetesdiagnosis searching and finding a cause and details of diseasediaphysis shaft of a long bonedimension seize as measureddimensional stability keeping the dimensionsdiplegia paralysis, affecting both sides of the bodydirect socket technique manufacture of a prosthetic socket directly on the amputee's limb directive information or order on how to …..directive, regulation, decree text in the lawbooks or regulation with law-like characterdisability handicap, functional loss of abilitydisabled person a person with a disability, handicapdisabled, handicapped handicapped, having a functional loss of ability"amputation"directly through a joint linedisarticulation thedisc, intervertebral disc intervertebral cartilaginous cushioning elementdislocation joint injury resulting in complete discontiuity of joint surfaces dislocation overstretching or rupture of ligaments, also in combination with fracture doff US-colloquial: do - off = take offdoffing a prosthesis taking off a prosthesiscontrollingdominant leading,don US-colloquial: do - on = put ondonning a prosthesis putting on a prosthesisdonning aid aid to don a prosthesis as pull sock, stockinette, silk tie etc.dorsal related to the dorsum = back, posteriorly locateddorsiflexion lifting the forefoot, correct would be “dorsal extension”, lift of footdraft first drawing of a new ideadrawer effect a-p instability of the knee caused by slack cruciatesdrill (to) to machine a holeDS(L)T Direct Socket (Lamination) TechniqueDUCHENNE's disease severe progressive form of muscular dystrophyDUCHENNE's sign trunk bends lateral toward stance leg during stance phaseDUPUYTREN’sche Kontraktur fibrosis, flexion contracture of fingers into palmstiffnessdurometer hardness,duroplastic resin synthetic resin, not thermoplastic after initial curingdystrophy pathologic loss of muscle massCommunityEC Europeanedema, oedema swelling, high concentration of fluids in the soft tissueelastic capable of recovering form and shape after deformation elastic anklet ankle foot orthosiselastic bandage, ACE-bandage stretchable, expandable bandageelastic knee sleeve knee supporting soft orthosis, tt-prosthetic suspensionelbow splint old-fashioned term for: elbow orthosiselectrical stimulation neuromuscular stimulation by electric impulses electromyography recording of electrical activity of a muscleembedding enclosing, encapsulating, (German: socket retainer function) embossing manual shaping of sheet metal by special hammerEMG recording of electrical activity of a muscleendo-skeletal pylon type prosthetic components covered by external cover energy consumption use of energy in physical activitiesenergy expenditure spending of energy in physical activitiesenergy return energy output, achieved by spring-like design in O&PorthosisEO elbowepicondylitis stress related inflammation of the elbow, (tennis)epiphysis dist./prox. End of a bone, zone of longitudinal growth equilibrium keeping of balanceequinovalgus combined drop foot and valgus deformityequinovarus combined drop foot and varus deformityeversion rotation of hand or foot around long axis of the limbeversion turning foot outward and up (opposite of inversion)EWHO elbow wrist hand orthosisexamination, assessment evaluation, obtaining information (about a condition)exo-skeletal prosthetics: external structural components (opposite: modular) extension straightening motion of a jointextension assist strap or other means assisting joint extensionextension moment force (torque) causing extension (straightening) of joints extension stop bumper or other means of extension limitationextensor muscle causing extensionexternal related to the outside (opposite: internal)external fixation outside orthotic fixation (of a fracture or a surgical result) extremity upper or lower extremities: arms or legsfabric corset textile orthosis for the abdomen or trunkfabrication the procedure of mechanically creating a devicefatality mortality, death ratefatigue (material) time-dependent alteration of typical material propertiesfatigue (muscles) time-dependent slow down of muscle actionFederal Trade Association German professional trade associationfeedback return of informationfelt material made up from compressed, interwoven hair or fiber female the woman species in a creature (opposite: male)femoral channel dorso-lateral convex channel in a prosthetic socketfemoral condyles the distal ends (close to the knee joint) of the femurfemur the thigh boneFES functional electrical stimulationfibre glass (fiber glass) glass reinforcement component in compositesfibula calfbone, the lesser of two bones in the calffibular head the proximal thicker portion of the fibulafit compatibility between patient and device in function/comfortflab abundance of soft tissueflaccid paralysis, paresis non-spastic paralysis, loss of voluntary muscle innervationflare even anatomical surface (as the tibial flare)flat evenflat foot foot deformity, loss of medial-longitudinal arch heightflatfoot, talipes planus foot deformity, loss of any medial-longitudinal arch heightflexion joint motion, buckling or bending a jointflexion assist device assisting (joint) flexionflexion moment force (torque) causing flexionflexor muscle creating a flexion motionfloor reaction orthosis orthosis utilizing floor reaction forces for patient stabilizationFO (either) finger orthosis (or) foot orthosisfoam a cellular resin (polyurethane foam hard or soft)foaming act of manual creation of a prosthetic foam connectorchildfoetus unbornfollow-up continuous control and maintenance, aftertreatmentfoot cradel anatomically adapted plantar foot supportfoot deformity misalignment (functional misshape) of the footfoot flat stance phase: sole of the foot getting in complete ground contact foot slap stance phase: uncontrolled quick foot flat motionforce cause or reason for acceleration, deceleration, movementforging non-chipping iron shaping process under the influence of heat fracture traumatic breaking of a boneframe the outer supportive, stiffening elementframe socket the outer supportive, stiff element as a retainer for a flexible socket freehand drawing, draft manual first draft or drawingcounter-acting sliding movement, "rubbing"friction forcefrontal plane, coronal plane reference plane as seen from the frontfulcrum center of a single axis joint, center of rotationfully synthetical man-made (material)functional component i.e. joints etc. (as opposed to structural components)functional level degree of function a disabled patient still achievesfunctional needs component need to satisfy specific needsfundamental of basic importanceambulationgait walking,gait analysis research of gait patterns and time-related specificsgait deviation pathological changes in normal walking patternsgait pattern physiological or pathological walking characteristicsgait trainer somebody teaching how to walkgait training lessons in learning how to walkgalvanization surface protection of metalsgangrene local death of soft tissue due to lack of blood supply gastrocnemii, “gastrocs” double-headed calf musclegauge measuring instrument (measures width / thickness)gear train joint joint components, forcing each other trough toggled connection gel man-made or natural material, consistency similar to gelantine genu kneegenu recurvatum hyper-extended knee joint (frequently seen in poliomyelitis) genu valgum/knock knee knock knees, knees frequently touching each other medially genu varum/bowleg bow legs, knee distance too large (opposite of genu valgum) geometric locking locking systematic of polycentric knee jointsgeometrical stance control locking systematic for the provision of stance stabilitygeriatric elderly, old, aged,glue, cement bonding agentgoniometer instrument (tool) for measuring anglesgrease fat, as lubricant or tissuegrid particle size indication in abrassive materialsgrind surface modification by abrasion, sanding etc.ground reaction force force directed from the ground toward the body Haemo.., haema... related to the bloodhallux, halluces big toeHalo brace cranial/cervical orthoses, ring fixed at proximal cranium hamstrings popliteal tendons, insertion of flexor muscleshand splint old fashioned for hand orthosishard and soft foaming technique of using hard and soft PU-foams in combinationhd extra sturdy version of…..disarticulationHD hipHDPE HighPolyethyleneDensityHD-socket pelvic socket of the hip disarticulation prosthesisheavy metals a specific group of metals (heavy in weight)heel clamp prosthesis a partial foot prosthesis, suspension by a posterior "clamp" heel cup foot orthosis, Berkely cupheel off / heel rise moment in stance phase when the heel risesheel spur bony protrusion at the distal-medial aspect of the calcaneus heel strike moment in stance phase when the heel touches the ground heel wedge heel bumper in foot or length compensation, absorbs shockHelfet’s heel cup foot orthosis, similar Berkely cupremoving the distal half of the bodysurgery,hemicorporectomy amputationhemipelvectomy amputation surgery removing one half of the pelvis hemipelvectomy-prosthesis artificial leg after hemipelvectomyhemiplegia paralysis of one half side of the bodyheredetary congenital by transmission from parent to offspringhernia subcutaneous protrusion of intestinshindfoot posterior 1/3 of the foot (heel and tarsus)hinge simple joint, single axiship dysplasia pathological development of hip socket leading to dislocation hip hiking exaggerated movement (lifting) of the hip joint in gaithip joint, articulatio coxae proximal joint of the leg, leg-pelvis jointhip positioning orthoses a brace controlling functional alignment of the hip jointhip socket concave component of the hip jointhip spica cast applied to pelvis and legHKAFO Hip-Knee-Ankle-Foot-OrthosisHO (either) Hand Orthosis (or) Hip Orthosis (!!)hobby-handicraft hobbyists work also meaning: non-professional resulthook and eyelet closure closure of textile fabric corsetshook and pile closure Closure material with interlocking surfaces (e.g. Velcro)hook and pile, Velcro self-adhesive strap materialhorizontal plane reference plane as seen from the tophosiery, medical hosiery medical compression hosiery (phlebology)humerus bone in the upper armhybrid something having properties of at least two different resources hydraulic joint control cylinder/piston device controlling prosthetic joint motion hyper… more of somethinghyperextension over-stretching (of a joint)hyperextension orthosis a spinal brace serving for reclination of the thoracic spinegrowthhyperplasia increasedhyper-reflexia pathologically exaggerated reflexeshypertonia elevated blood pressurehypertonicity increased muscle tone or muscle tensionhypertrophy growth of tissue by enlargement of cellshypo… less of somethinghypoplasia biological structure significantly diminished in sizehypotonia low blood pressurehypotonicity loss of muscle tone (or tension)ContainmentIC IschialICRC International Committee of the Red CrossICRC Ischial and ramus containmentIC-socket ischial containment socketidiopathic scoliosis adolescent scoliosis without a known causeilium, os ilium the medial or lateral "wing-shaped" bone in the pelvis。