电影猫狗大战作文英文英文:I remember the first time I watched the movie "Cats and Dogs: The Revenge of Kitty Galore". It was a hilarious and action-packed film that kept me on the edge of my seat the entire time. The movie is about the ongoing war between cats and dogs, who are secretly battling for control of the world. The plot revolves around a cat named Kitty Galore, who is on a mission to take down all dogs and rule the world.The film is filled with funny and memorable moments, such as when the dogs use high-tech gadgets to outsmart the cats, or when the cats come up with clever schemes tooutwit the dogs. One of my favorite scenes is when the dogs and cats join forces to take down Kitty Galore in an epic showdown.The movie also has a heartwarming message about theimportance of teamwork and friendship, as the dogs and cats learn to put aside their differences and work together to save the day. It's a great reminder that sometimes, we need to set aside our differences and come together for a common goal.Overall, "Cats and Dogs: The Revenge of Kitty Galore" is a fun and entertaining film that is perfect for the whole family. It's a great mix of action, comedy, and heartwarming moments that will leave you feeling good after watching it.中文:我记得第一次看电影《猫狗大战,凯蒂加洛的复仇》。
洛基提醒:英语学习已经进入互联网时代一、车名车名“兰博基尼(LAMBORGHINI)”-> 台湾翻译“林宝坚尼”车名“佳美(CAMRY)”-> 台湾翻译“金马力”车名“马自达(MAZDA)”-> 台湾翻译“万事得”二、电影《终结者》(Terminator) -> 台湾翻译:“魔鬼生化机器人”《终结者2审判日》(Terminator 2: Judgment Day) -> 台湾翻译:“魔鬼司令之拯救地球都要死”《终结者3机械战争》(Terminator 3:Rise of the Machines) -> 台湾翻译:“魔鬼司令之终极机器人大战”主演“阿诺.施瓦辛格”台湾翻译“阿诺德.舒华力辛帝加”。
好有魄力!阿诺.施瓦辛格的电影一定要冠上“魔鬼”,马特.达蒙的则是加上“心灵”,威尔.史密斯可能要当一辈子的“战警”,就像莎朗.斯通一生注定跟“第六感”扯上关系,布鲁斯.威利斯一定要非常“终极”,哈里森.福特一天到晚收到“追缉令”,想不出片名的就取名199x某某风云,或者用惊爆、激爆、风暴、生死恋、谁谁谁就在门外,谁谁谁在看着你……《Sliver》-> 台湾翻译:《银色猎物》《The Others》-> 台湾翻译:《神鬼第六感》《蛛丝马迹》(Along Came a Spider) -> 台湾翻译:《全面追缉令》《末世圣童》(Bless the Child) -> 台湾翻译:《灵异总动员》《惊魂眼》(The Gift) -> 台湾翻译:《灵异大逆转》。
还没有到万圣节吧?《护士贝蒂》(Nurse Betty) -> 台湾翻译:《真爱来找碴》《肖申克的救赎》(The Shawshank Redemption) -> 台湾翻译:《刺激1995》。
《指环王/魔戒3:王者归来》-> 台湾翻译:《重返王宫》。
猫狗大战英语总结引言猫狗大战(Cat vs Dog)是一部以猫和狗之间的斗争为主题的英语动画电影。
There's a secret war being waged in the homes and neighborhoods of Earth that the humans don't even know about; an eternal struggle between two great armies: the Cats and the Dogs. Mr. Tinkles, a ruthless cat, is plotting intensively to achieve world domination. His main target is Professor Brody, who is working on a medicine to rid people from dog hair allergies. Mr. Tinkles strives to get to the substance, analyze it and then have it turned into a means of rendering all humans of the world aggressively allergic to any kind of dog. If he success, cats would rule, as dogs would then be exterminated. As their foes, dog try tirelessly to stop them.Specifically, it's the story of a young pup whose job it is to guard the vaccine. a young beagle named Lou, adopted by the Brody family, tries hard to succeed as a secret agent, and in being a friend to the young Scotty Brody. Other dogs include a wise older dog who watches out for him, a large friendly dog, and a small dog who serves as an electronics expert.Finally, Lou defeats Tinkles and rescues Butch, but the claw of the excavator hits his head and a flocking tank, causing an explosion that destroys the factory. Butch manages to save Lou, but the latter is unresponsive. After a few hurtful moments ofsadness and sorrow, Lou suddenly awakens . Lou expects to be a normal canine and not a secret agent yet.At the end, Mr. Tinkles is sent to live with Sophie and her three sisters, who dress him in hilariously ridiculous girly outfits.。
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看电影学英语的好处作者:佚名文章来源:本站原创点击数:446 更新时间:2010-1-11 上午11:24:30电影学英语的可行性:原因有很多,一个是其可操作性和易操作性。
1. 双语字幕电影资源很容易获得。
2. 现在笔记本3000多就能买个双核的。
3. 相关操作相当的简单,很容易上手。
电影学英语的好处:从学习方法的本身来说看双语字幕学电影有如下好处1. 不枯燥,不易产生厌学情绪。
2. 记忆牢固,很难忘记,因为知识和情节和故事融合在一起,大部分词汇是相当的扎实的。
3. 英语学习的所有方面都可以涉及。
4. 英语电影和美剧里的台词是最直白,最实用,最贴近口语的语言大家都知道口语也分正式场合和日常交际,来个简单的例子。
儿童英语电影推荐:猫狗大战猫狗大战Cats & Dogs: The Revenge of Kitty Galore《猫狗大战》是由华纳兄弟公司出品,布拉德·佩顿执导,克里斯·奥唐纳、贝特·米德勒、杰克·麦克布瑞尔等主演的科幻、喜剧电影。
这次的敌人可不是上一部中的笨蛋,它可是原猫咪间谍组织Mousers Enforcing Our World's Safety(MEOWS)的顶级特工,名为Kitty Galore。
是的老板,我拿到卫星密码了Yes, boss, I have the satellite codes with me.我怎么可能会忘在车上,我哪有那么笨No, I didn't leave them in the truck. You think I'm stupid? 哪有,就在我手上啊No, they are with me.是我马上把它收好Ja, I'm inputting them right now.好的,我不会让你失望的帮我向你老婆问好Yeah, I'm working very hard. Say hello to your wife. 哦,你们离婚了啊?真抱歉,好的再见Oh, she left you. Oh, I'm sorry. Okay, bye.小狗狗Little puppy你怎么会在这里?What are you doing here?外头冷的要死耶It's so cold.快跟我进屋来取暖Come inside and warm up with Freidrich.快过来这里Come here. Yes.乖乖乖乖Hello. Hello.雷克斯Rex?我带了新朋友给你喔I found a new companion for you.快跟你的新朋友打招呼啊“喂, 你好”Say hi to your new friend. "Hello."我是新来的我们当好朋友吧"I'm your new friend. We are friends."雷克斯Rex!快住口!他只是只小狗狗Stop it! It's only a little puppy.你还越叫越凶Now you sound angry.快住口!他会吓到的Stop it! He can hear you!快闭嘴Close your mouth.不可以!雷克斯你怎么变这么不乖No! Rex! This is so illogical!雷克斯... 你到底怎么了?Rex! Rex, what's wrong with you?过来... 给我到外面去不可以Come. Come. Outside. No!你的教养都跑哪去了?坐下... 给我坐下!来者是客Where are your manners? Sit! Sit! Sit down! We have a guest.你给我在这里反省直到你变乖为止You will stay out here till you learn how to behave!噢,不会吧锁住了?Oh, no. Locked?怎么会呢?But how?喵呜~Meow.表明你的身分State your business.探员编号127 请求援助Agent 127 breaking radio silence.我发现了珍珠猫I have spotted Kitty Galore.重复一次我发现了珍珠猫I repeat, I have spotted Kitty Galore.片名:猫狗大战2 珍珠猫大反扑Cats and Dogs The Revenge of Kitty Galore 2010旧金山市加州我们都在电视上看过他们的广告...We've all seen his commercials......不过今天的卡利托看起来非常狂野已经是到了失控的地步...but today it appears Crazy Carlito really is off his rocker.他声称的他的薪水不如人但现在看来他的行为也是不如人He's claimed his prices are insane. Now it appears he is too.目前场面非常的紧张我们只能期待有人来解决这场闹剧The situation is tense as we wait for someone to come end this standoff. 尚恩过来这里Shane, get over here.迪格斯原地待着Diggs, stay.快告诉我目前的状况队长Give me the situation, captain.这可是最危险的非常案件We've got a first-class nutcase here.里头有四名人质Four hostages inside.全都是二手车推销员All used-car salesmen.对此我感到非常的棘手I've got mixed feelings about this one.那个怪人花样还真多手拿着引爆器That wacko so much as changes channels on that thing... ...墙壁上还布满了炸弹...and this whole lot explodes.看来有事情可做了Only one thing to do here.你是我的猎物你是口到擒来的猎物You are mine. You are so mine.没错的Yeah.我说到就做到I'll do it! - All I can...你们敢过来的话我就给你们一声“碰!”Come any closer and the last thing you'll hear is "boom"! 迪格斯不要Diggs. No.迪格斯Diggs!快离开那快走Get out of there! Get out!快走大家照他说的走吧Get out! - Guys, let's go!快离开那迪格斯Get out of there! Diggs!迪格斯快走啊Diggs, go, go!你们想看精彩的烟火我就放给你们看!You want fireworks, I'll show you fireworks!我只要按下这个按钮....All I have to do is push this button......就爆给你看!...and boom!噢耶Oh, yeah!迪格斯不要Diggs! No!炸弹要爆炸了全员往后撤退It's gonna blow! -Hold those people back!快找掩护重复一遍快找掩护Take cover! I repeat! Take cover!哇!哇!哇!暂停一下Hold on.你要让那个家伙加入我们?他刚炸了那家车行耶You wanna recruit that guy? He just blew up a car dealership!是家二手车行啦也是他想当个警察可能还差的远A used-car dealership. True, he may not be a great cop.但是他很有资质可以成为一位很优秀的探员But he has the potential to be a great agent.他很行出生入死都不在话下而且受过近战专业训练He's fearless, barks in the face of danger, and is trained in paw-to-paw combat. 加上讨厌别人命令他但重要的是他最恨...Plus the only thing he hates more than following orders......猫咪...is cats.恨猫就行了啊Well, hating cats is good.这正是我们所需要的这才能对抗珍珠猫And exactly what we need to take down Kitty Galore.算了我不认为你找的到会有哪个傻蛋会跟这种天才合作Fine. But I don't know who you'll find dumb enough to partner with him.别担心我已经有适合的人选了Easy. I'm barking right at him.就是你啦It's you我的妈啊...oh my god...- 停职?- 那只狗是个瘟神Suspended? - This dog is a disaster.我要重新送他回训练营我算算已经是第三次了吗?We've sent him to obedience school, what, three times now?他还是不肯听命令And he still won't listen.不要送他回去Don't put him back in the system.那边老是把他被关在笼子里他到现在从没有一个安稳的家He's been in and out of kennels his whole life. He's never had a home.我告诉你我会领养他I'll tell you what, I will adopt him.抱歉了尚恩他属于国家资产Sorry, Shane. He's state property.况且你家还有个刚诞生的小宝宝Besides, you have a new baby now.你不需要为自己添这种麻烦让他去吧尚恩You don't need this kind of trouble at home. Let him go, Shane.让他去吧Let him go.队长请不要逼我这样做Captain, please don't make me do this.干的真好啊迪格斯Nice one, Diggs.我很抱歉迪格斯I'm sorry, Diggs.我知道你很认真I know you tried.凡是你都会尽力只是有时候过了头You always try. Just sometimes a little too hard. 努力的当个好警犬Like this cop thing.有的时候你也可以放松一下Sometimes you just gotta play with others.不要太努力去当个好狗狗It's not always about being the top dog.迪格斯我很抱歉好兄弟Diggs, I'm sorry, buddy.我会想办法让你离开这里的I'll do everything I can to get you out of here.在那之前你要乖乖的Until then, you be a good boy.我爱你好兄弟I love you, buddy.这应该不算太糟对吧?This isn't so bad, right?地板你好啊铁笼你安啊How's it going, floor? What's up, cage?饭碗好久不见?Que pasa, bowl?你们大家有想我吗?不用太想因为我回来了Did you guys miss me? Because I'm back!又再次回到狗窝了Back in the kennel again.嘿... 这是怎样..Hey! What...? What the...?好的好的你吓到我了Okay, okay, this is creeping me out.喂, 你好有人在吗?Hello? Anyone home?喂, 你好Hello?你是谁?是谁把电梯装在那的?Who are you? When did they put an elevator in there?我是特别探员布奇要来告诉你一个好消息Name's Special Agent Butch, and against better judgment......你被选中加入一个特别单位...you're being recruited into an organization......你将协助我们来打击邪恶组织...to help fight the spread of radical felinism.好吧.. 是有人在跟我开玩笑吗?Okay, is somebody pulling my tail here?这不是玩笑迪格斯This isn't a joke, Diggs.- 你怎么知道我的名字的?How do you know my name?- 你没看到我从地板冒出来吗?- I just came up out of the floor.就当我不知道你的名字好了Let's assume I'm smart enough to know your name.告诉你当你还在跟同梯的互追尾巴时...While you and your cop buddies are here chasing your tails...已经有一个精英狗党组织正肩负着...there's an elite team of dogs charged with the noble responsibility...保护人类的崇高使命of protecting mankind.我们要招募你加入组织We want you to join that team.你的机会只有一次迪格斯. 我想你不会不答应的This is a one-time-only offer, Diggs. I suggest you say yes.听起来很诱人但我想光是这样讲讲怎么能让我就这样答应It's tempting, but I can't just say yes to every offer that comes through that floor. 孩子你大半辈子都关在这个鸟地方Kid, you already spent half your life locked up in this place.这可是能让你永远摆脱这里的好机会There's a good chance you'll spend the rest of your life here.不过选择权还是在你But the choice is yours.你可以留在这里抓抓蟑螂吃干饲料...You can stay here and fight roaches over your kibble...或是加入我们一起对抗猫党or you can come with me and fight cats.对抗猫党?你怎不早说Fight cats? Why didn't you say so?现在浪子不再徘徊了有只狗已经准备好要狩猎了Now, move over, Rover, this dog's ready to hunt!噢我的天啊Oh, my dog!准备好出发小心不要吓到哭了喔I just vacuumed the seats, so try not to shed.冲啊!Come on!哇呜,我们现在正高速前进对不对?Wow, we're going really fast, aren't we?好刺激啊!我真不敢相信实在太爽了!This is nice! This is enjoyable. I'm enjoying this.- 你还好吧大人物- 我很好!Sure you're okay, big shot? -Fine, good.不不好一点都不好No, not good. Not good.我快要吐了!Yeah, I'm gonna barf.我是探员3293. 我已经完成任务了This is Agent 3293. I've got the package.狗党司令部要注意菜鸟第一次搭总是会晕车Careful, now. New recruits sometimes get a little woozy after their first ride.你没事吧菜鸟Are you okay there, rookie?我没事的一点事儿都没有Yeah, I'm good. Totally fine.不知道为什么整个房间一直在转我先在这躺一下I'm just gonna lay down here till the room stops spinning.该走了超级狗狗好玩的才要开始而已Let's go, superdog. The fun's just beginning.我怎觉得你说的好玩的跟我想的不太一样I think we have different definitions of "fun."先等等Just wait.现在先给你心理准备孩子Now prepare yourself, kid.你即将面对一些别人都不曾经历过的事You're about to experience something no human and very few canines ever see. 你好啊布奇探员现在启动狗掌扫描Greetings, Agent Butch. Activate paw scan now.太棒了!Sweet!就简直就像是宠物界的拉斯维加斯This is like Petco meets Vegas."今日课程:工作上的烦恼"Today's seminar, "Harassment in the Workplace."如果不是个硬汉,请不要虐待她Doberman or not, do not pinch her.欢迎来到狗党总部我们所有的联络都会经过这里Welcome to Dog HQ, the nexus of our whole operation.麦奇你要不要一起吃午餐啊?不吃了我不喜欢你卡尔Mike, you wanna grab lunch? -I don't like you, Carl.我们都非常的单纯毛茸茸般的单纯不像人类那样复杂We're the thin, furry line between humans and total chaos.跟上我孩子Try and keep up, kid.大家快看我我是个滑板我是个滑板Hey, guys, watch. I'm skateboarding, I'm skateboarding!我们的干员正在进行24之7的训练...Our elite agents work and train 24/7...要来打击所有敌人刚刚才开始习惯to combat all enemies, foreign and domesticated.常有人说"狗是人类最忠实的朋友" 这句话对我们来说非常重要We take the saying "man's best friend" very seriously here.- 跟不跟?- 当然要啦All in? - Why not?- 嗨布奇- 嗨瘦皮Hey, Butch. - Hey, Slim.知道为什么我们要这么做吗?Why do we do all this?这是为了确保别让猫党骑到我们的头上来To make sure it never becomes a cat-eat-dog world out there.噢你好啊美人儿Oh, hello, ladies!我不喜欢你离开我但我喜欢看你与我远走Hate to see you go, love to watch you leave.把口水擦一擦快来我要帮你介绍一下Stop drooling already. Come on, I want to introduce you to someone. 你要帮我介绍小妞啊?拜托你了Could you introduce me to them, please?嘿等等我Hey, wait up.最火的狗要闪啦!Hot dog, coming through!DOG: 三二一箱神发射Three, two, one. Fire the catapult.正中红心Bull's-eye.嘿在这里你要留意你的脚步不要随便碰任何东西Hey, watch your paws in here. Don't touch anything.嘿最近好吗?伙伴Hey, how you doing, buddy?喵呜...这里有只猫快找掩护!It's some kind of cat! Get back!喵呜?啊!我忘了摘下来这是猫咪面具3000型Meow? Oh, I forgot. This is the Catamatron 3000.这能让你听懂猫话而且看起来就跟猫一模一样It trains you to think like the enemy. Literally.我觉得有人的真面目比猫脸还吓人Someone's been playing fetch with the ugly stick.这是皮克他是我们最棒的技术顾问This is Peek, tech specialist and head of Covert Ops.- 你好- 有何贵干?Hi. - What up, dog?皮克你那边现在有什么实际工作?So, Peek, you got anything that actually works?跟我来Follow me.布奇你的新装备是这个狗项圈7号通讯设备Butch, your collar is fitted with the Rawhide-7 communications package. 自动开锁捕捉网低功率雷射Lock pick, netting, helium-neon laser...抓钩还有能让你口气清新的芳香剂...grappling hook and liver-scented breath freshener.这些都是你的了And this is yours.真棒!这些能干嘛?Sweet! What's it do?我可以帮你把名字刻在上面Holds your name tag on your neck.布奇你看起变瘦了耶Butch, you've lost some weight.真抱歉我是迪格斯而且我帅的多了Sorry, my name's Diggs and I always look this good.山姆我在这啦Sam. I'm over here.抱歉老板希望能先见见你们Sorry. The boss wants to see you two pronto.把刘海剪一剪啦你这嬉皮士Get a haircut, you hippie.恭喜你了巴特卡普探员Congratulations, Agent Buttercup...恭喜你生了个儿子跟儿子跟女儿跟儿子跟女儿跟女儿...on the birth of your son, son, daughter, son, daughter, daughter...跟儿子跟女儿跟儿子...son, daughter, son.请坐绅士们Have a seat, gentlemen.不别在那不是要你坐在沙发No, off. Off the couch.- 给我离开那沙发- 抱歉抱歉Off the couch! - Sorry. Sorry.你们刚从外面回来满身脏You guys were outside, and you're dirty.因为我们是外派探员啊卢Because we're field agents, Lou.我们可没办法跟你一样穿着丑毛衣坐在办公室We can't all be desk jockeys like you, sitting around wearing ugly sweaters. 嘿我喜欢这件毛衣耶这可是我奶奶送我Hey, I like this sweater. It was a gift from my grandma.你可以还给她吗?Can you give it back?好吧你就是那个喜欢炸房子的狗吗?So you're the dog who likes to blow up buildings.对啦... 不过那是个意外Yeah, that was an accident.看来你闯的意外还不少嘛迪格斯You seem to have a lot of accidents, Diggs.你就帮帮忙少说点现在可以跟我说我来这到底要干嘛?Can we just cut to the chase already and get to why I'm here?当然可以在三个小时前我们拦截到一个讯号Of course. Three hours ago, we intercepted this transmission...由一个邪恶的坏蛋传到猫党...from a mysterious villain from the feline underworld.我相信这是传给全部的猫党同志的We believe this was meant for all cats.看着Take a look.你好啊我未来的喽啰们Greetings, my future feline followers.我是珍珠猫My name is Kitty Galore.恶... 长成这样也能叫猫吗?Is that even a cat?请容许我介绍我最爱的小东西小美味And may I present the most adorable creature in my life, little Scrumptious. - 问声好啊亲爱的- 救救我Say hello, darling. - Help me.狗的时代已经结束了不再会有"人类最好朋友"这种东西The age of the dog as man's so-called "best friend" is over!两天内我会散布一种声音只有那些口水流不停的狗能听到In two days, I will unleash a sound only those droolbag dogs can hear.这声音非常的吓人非常的恐怖...A sound so devastating, so terrifying...它将会引发狗狗们变得像发疯一样...it will drive all dogs completely insane.我把这声音命名为野性的呼唤!I call this sound the call of the Wild!一旦狗狗们失了常人类就会抛弃他们Once the dogs go woo-hoo, humans will be forced to get rid of them...而没狗狗保护的人类们将会是我的囊中物...and without their protection, I will enslave all mankind!小喵喵我到家了喔MAN: Kitty! I'm home!没有任何人可以阻止我统治这个世界珍珠猫参上Nothing will stop me from ruling the world. Kitty Galore out!那只猫的发型害我坐立难安That cat makes the hair on my butt stand up.珍珠猫是我们的头号通缉犯在榜单上称霸了一年之久Kitty has been number one on our "most wanted" list for a year.上礼拜他跟他的忠诚的同党小豹出现在德国Last week, she and her henchcat, Paws, resurfaced in Germany...还偷走了最高机密的卫星密码and stole top-secret satellite codes.消息来源还指出小豹还想干掉这只鸽子谢默斯Our sources also tell us Paws recently tried to eliminate this pigeon, Seamus. ~我相信我可以高飞~\n~I believe I can fly~~我相信天空就离我咫尺间~\n~I believe I can touch the sky~没看过鸟洗澡耶我要把这个传到网络上Can't a bird take a bath without it ending up on the Internet?虽然我不知道什么原因但谢默斯是我们追缉珍珠猫唯一的线索We don't know what the connection is, but Seamus is our only link to Kitty. 若我们能找到他就能找到珍珠猫还有我们只剩两天的时间We find him, he can lead us to her. We have less than two days to find Kitty... 要抢在他启动野性的呼唤之前before she activates her Call of the Wild.你的任务就是找到这只鸟并把他带回来Your mission: Fetch and retrieve that bird.太简单了只要给我点面包屑一个网子跟一把榔头Easy enough. Just give me some bread, a big net and a hammer.我们要的是活的We need him alive.好吧那榔头不要了Okay, scratch the hammer.你的任务就是抢在小豹之前找到谢默斯So you have your assignment. Find Seamus before the cats do.你让谢默斯跑掉了?You let Seamus get away?这可是花了很多功夫跟时间的It's just impossible to find good help these days.那些长翅膀的鼠辈可是有毁掉我整个计划的重要讯息That rat with wings has vital information that could destroy my entire plan. 我们不能让这种事发生对不对啊我的小美味We cannot let that happen, now, can we, little Scrumptious?小豹Paws!你还呆站那干嘛?What are you waiting for?我要你把那只谢默斯叼在嘴里带回来I want this pigeon Seamus in your mouth...然后给我摆在桌上就是现在...on my doorstep immediately.快去我叫你快去Out! I said out!快!快!快!快!Out! Out! Out!这个滑鼠怎么那么难用啦!噢!What's wrong with this stupid mouse? Oh!噢小美味Oh, Scrumptious.我差点就压扁你了看看你多么幸运啊Now, now, I barely crushed you. Think how lucky you are.你不用活在那可怕的地方能跟我住在这么棒的窝You could be living in that jungle instead of our new lair.难道这不是最棒的事情吗?Isn't this wonderful?真的很完美It's perfect.珍珠猫我回家了喔Kitty! I'm home!除了有他之外Almost perfect.喔珍珠猫你看看你以为那是真的鱼吗Oh, look! Kitty! You think those are real fishies, don't you?真是可爱That's adorable.有个好消息Great news.我们上了头条耶!We are headliners!真不敢相信两个月前当我遇到了你Would you believe it was only two months ago when I walked in here to find you...? 噢Oh.我知道你在想什么I see what you're thinking.一个新的开场对不对?A new opening, right?没错!真天才!你太有才了Of course! That's genius. Pure genius.现在来...Now we...你好兴奋对吧!每个魔术师都一定会有的!You are excited! Every magician needs one of these. Oh, yes.没错Oh, yes.噢珍珠猫Oh, Kitty.这是预定地点This is the rendezvous point.那只鸽子我们看着他飞进了那栋房子里The pigeon we're looking for flew into that building.记住卢跟你说的要听从我的指令Now, remember what Lou said: Follow my lead.如果我叫你摇尾你就不要给我摆头When I say "Wag your tail," you ask "How hard?" Got it?- 你肚子上绑的那包是啥?- 嘘!What's with the fanny pack? - Shh!我可不想跟你玩游戏啊小子我知道你会怕我We can stop playing games, boy. I know you don't want none of this.你不想现身躲起来啊因为你不想被我...You don't wanna come out. You hiding because you don't want the:看我表演孩子Now, watch this maneuver, kid.我把这招叫做"我丢你捡"I call it "Fetch a Stick."- 啥?- 快去快去快去捡Hm? - Come on. Come on. Go get it.冲啦Let's go.哈哈笨蛋Ha-ha. Sucker.我不知道为什么这栋大楼好像在呼唤我一样I don't know why, but this building appeals to me.当然了因为他长得跟消防栓一样BUTCH: Of course it does. It looks like a giant fire hydrant.没错你说的对Yep, that's it.如果你没看着我我可以尿的快一点This would go faster if you didn't watch me.拜托一下快点啦Come on, hurry up!等你尿完煮熟的鸽子都飞了By the time you're done, the bird will have flown.跟我的小朋友问好啊Say hello to my little friend.真安静好像有点太安静了It's quiet. A little too quiet.布奇翻垃圾时间到了!Butch, it's time to take out the trash!你在干什么?What are you doing?你想跑去哪啊小坏蛋Where do you think you're going, punk?嘿!嘿!嘿!温柔点注意你的尖牙Hey! Hey! Easy! Easy! Watch the teeth!冷静点!这只鸟是我们的线人他为我们工作Stand down! That bird's our informant. He works for us.线人?工作?我想不是这样喔Informant? Work? I do neither of these things.- 我什么时候答应要当线人了?- 你是谢默斯?And when's the last time you had a mint? - You Seamus?这是不能说的秘密喔你想知道吗?That is privileged information. Who wants to know?别搞笑了狗党总部派我们来保护你的现在快跟我们走Are you kidding me? Dog HQ sent us to protect you. Now, let's go. 好的只好这样吧Good. It's about...给我等一下Wait a second!我怎知道你不是猫党派来的?How do I know you don't work for the cats?"在午夜之中前进""The crow flies at midnight."什么?什么前进?他在说什么?What? What crow? What's he talking about?这就是暗号啦而且你要回答"老鹰..."That's the passphrase. And you answer with, "The eagle...""欠我五块钱""Owes me five bucks."- 嗯... 意思不太对- 不不等等我快想起来了Ugh. Close enough. - No, no, wait. Hang on, I'll get it.- 是不是跟企鹅有关?- 我刚刚提示你是老鹰!Was it a penguin? - I just told you it was an eagle!- 是跟芭蕾舞女演员有关啊- 真是够了"Is a ballerina." - All right, enough.为什么珍珠猫想要封你的嘴?Why does Kitty Galore have a price on your beak?我不知道我不认识他这原本是我表哥尼奇的事I don't know! I never met her! That was my cousin Nicky's business. 珍珠猫不会平白无故想干掉你除非你知道什么Kitty wouldn't be after you if you didn't know something.尼奇有时候会来我家找我但我不太记得Nicky just crashed at my pad sometimes. I don't know anything.因为我的脑袋只有葡萄这么大My brain is the size of a grape!还是葡萄干?反正不是葡萄就是葡萄干Or a raisin. A big raisin or a little grape.够了够了别再耍花招了Don't get your feathers all ruffled.You're completely safe, now that we're...快闪啊!一个杀手拿着卷起来的报纸Look out! Assassin with a rolled-up newspaper!那只是只小小猫啦谢默斯No sweat. It's just a little kitty cat.把那只鸟交出来Hand over the bird.呜呼女喵喵啊Ooh. A girl kitty cat.看来我有得玩了I'm gonna enjoy this.嘿!嘿!Hey, hey!这是...?What the...?- 呃这可是你自找的毛球- 迪格斯Oh, now it is on, furball! - Diggs!- 保护鸽子我来应付这只猫- 你保护鸽子这只猫是我的Protect the bird. I'll take the cat. - You protect the bird. That cat's all mine. 你们俩慢慢玩我要先溜了You can both have the cat. I'm out of here!我叫你看好那只鸟!I told you to watch the bird!后会有期女士们我要飞了See you, ladies. I gotta fly!你老是用你那一套这下可好了大人物You always do it your way, don't you, hotshot?最好是这样我怎么会知道有只会飞的猫这个是...You're right, I should have seen a flying cat coming. What the...?不会吧!你的包包居然可以变成喷射机?No way! Did your backpack just turn into a jet?迪格斯!没时间了我去找那只鸟Diggs! Hang tight! I'm going after that bird!不等等我啊Not without me!- 啊,不- 嘿!现在怎样Oh, no! - Hey! What the...?- 别这样我看不到路了- 前有看板前有看板Stop it! I can't see! - Billboard, billboard, billboard!玩这个不适合我这老骨头I'm too old for this poop!别追了我家里还有一打蛋等着我回家Wait! I have a dozen eggs waiting for me at home.我送你半打别再追我了You can have six of them.噢不Oh, no!你能像我这样做吗Follow me through this, cat!小心你说的话Careful what you wish for.我不是说让你真的跟着我我只是开玩笑I didn't mean follow me for real, I was playing.飞的像蝴蝶般优雅冲的像是...Float like a butterfly, sting like a pi... Ah!紧急呼救!紧急呼救!Mayday, mayday!我快抓到你了I've got you, bird.拜托戴西小姐这玩意不能再快点吗?Come on, Miss Daisy, can't this thing go any faster?这东西限乘一人好吗菜鸟This is only built for one, rookie!掩护我弟兄们Hide me, my brothers!你逃不出我的猫掌心的You're not gonna lose me that easy.- 你想干嘛- 这是你最后一次飞翔了!What you doing? - It's the end of the line, bird!- 我差点要追上她了- 没有我才是I'm almost on top of her! - No, I got her!嘿!你疯了吗?Hey! Are you crazy?嘿有松鼠Hey, a squirrel.奥老天这听起来不太好Oh, boy. This is not good.翅膀坏了你还能飞吗Can't fly too well with a broken wing, can you?好痛Ouch.噢我的翅膀看起来不太好Oh, my wing. Oh, that doesn't look right.发射捕捉网!Collar: Net!你弄伤了我最爱的翅膀准备上法院吧女士You busted my favorite wing. Get ready for a lawsuit, lady. Ha! 妈妈看我Mom, Mom, look at me.你玩的很厉害喔You're going really fast, kiddo.我们已经耗了一整晚了We've been at this all night.再问你最后一次珍珠猫在哪里?Now, for the last time, where's Kitty Galore?我不知道I don't know!不!不!No! No!看来你不太喜欢水啊?Don't like the water, huh?不要用水!我求你了Anything but water! I beg you.迪格斯这不是正常的逼供方式Diggs, that is not a valid interrogation technique.退开点布奇这才是真正的手段Back off, Butch. This is how we do things downtown.你以为扮"白脸黑脸"这样我就会招了吗?Think I'm gonna fall for your "good dog, bad dog" routine?- 有人!- 躲起来躲起来Human! - Hide. Hide. Hide.嘿狗狗耶Hey, doggies.噢恶心Ew. Ugh, yuck.老兄为什么狗老是爱把互闻屁股当作掩护Guys, question: Why is butt-sniffing always your fallback position? 嘿别想岔开话题试过这招你就知道它的厉害现在快说Hey, don't knock it till you've sniffed it. Now, talk!不不要再用水不要啦No, no more water! No more...- 探员47号- 项圈..Agent 47? - Tab?- 收到讯号- 听到请回答We're getting... - Can you hear me?你是否受伤?Have you been compromised?哇你是从哪弄来这个时髦的颈圈啊Aw, man. Where'd you get one of those fancy collars?探员?等等如果你不是珍珠猫的手下那你是谁?"Agent"? Wait. If you're not working for Kitty Galore, who are you? 我叫凯瑟琳我是个猫底Name's Catherine. I'm with MEOWS.猫底?发射激光Collar: Laser.等等等等什么是猫底?Wait! Hold on, hold on. What's MEOWS?猫咪保护世界安全之卧底猫咪情报员Mousers Enforcing Our World's Safety. Feline intelligence.猫咪情报员是吗!好啊快问快答8乘8是多少?Feline intelligence, huh? Okay, quick, what's eight times eight?- 64 - 哈哈错了Sixty-four. - Ha! Wrong!八先拿掉三然后去掉二It's eight, carry the three, move the two...我等等再告诉你答案I'm gonna have to get back to you.猫底是为了确保猫咪不会对狗造成危害所成立MEOWS protects the world's cats against the pooch peril.- 就是你浪子. - 有人That's you, Rover. - Human!快躲快躲Hide. Hide. Hide.你们狗狗就不能做点别的吗?Can't you doggies do anything else?噢为什么我们只有这一招Ugh. Why is this always our fallback position?所以你不是被珍珠猫叫来找这只鸟的吗?You weren't hired by Kitty Galore to find the bird?你又错了臭狗Wrong again, fleabag.我的任务是找到她并让她躺平My mission is to find her and take her down.听好珍珠猫本来的代号叫a.k.a. Ivana ClawyuSee, Kitty Galore, a.k.a. Ivana Clawyu...曾经是猫底最棒的探员直到一年前...was one of MEOWS' best agents until a year ago.不不要靠近我!No. Don't come any closer.他被派遣到一个化妆品工厂执行任务She was on assignment at a cosmetics factory...有只警卫狗把它逼退到除毛霜里...when a guard dog chased her into a vat of hair-removal cream.从此他光秃秃还被探员同事嘲笑排挤Hairless beyond recognition and humiliated by her fellow agents...所以她离开了猫底回到她原本的家...Ivana left MEOWS and returned to her home.这只怪物是什么?都把狗狗吓坏了快把那东西赶出去What is that hideous thing? It's freaking out the dog! Get that thing out! 快滚!Scram!但是今天是圣诞节But it's Christmas.我一定要报仇I'll make them pay.从此之后他浪迹天涯并且改名叫做珍珠猫After that, she went rogue, changed her name to Kitty Galore...展开了他的复仇计划直至今日...and has been bent on revenge ever since.。
电影猫狗大战作文英文Cat and Dog War is a hilarious movie that I recently watched. It is a comedy movie that depicts the rivalry between cats and dogs. The movie is full of funny scenes and witty dialogues that kept me laughing throughout.The movie starts with a secret organization of dogs called DOG, which is trying to take over the world by creating a serum that can make all humans allergic to dogs. On the other hand, cats are trying to stop DOG from taking over the world. The rivalry between cats and dogs is portrayed in a humorous way, and it is funny to see how they try to outsmart each other.One of the most memorable scenes in the movie is when the cats and dogs have a dance-off competition. The cats and dogs dance to popular songs, and it is hilarious to see how they try to outdo each other. The scene is full of energy and humor, and it is one of the highlights of the movie.Another scene that I found amusing was when a cat and a dog accidentally get switched, and they have to live each other's lives. The cat has to learn how to be a dog, and the dog has to learn how to be a cat. The scene is full of funny moments, and it is interesting to see how the cat and dog adapt to their new lives.Overall, Cat and Dog War is a must-watch movie for anyone who loves comedy and animals. The movie is full of funny moments and witty dialogues that will keep you entertained throughout. The rivalry between cats and dogsis portrayed in a humorous way, and it is interesting to see how they try to outsmart each other. If you want to have a good laugh, then this movie is definitely worth watching.。
猫狗大战作文400字英文回答:The feud between cats and dogs is a classic one, with each side having its own unique strengths and weaknesses. Cats are known for their agility, stealth, and hunting prowess, while dogs are renowned for their loyalty, companionship, and sheer physical power.In terms of size, dogs generally have the advantageover cats. The largest dog breeds can weigh over 200 pounds, while even the largest cat breeds typically weigh less than 20 pounds. This size difference gives dogs a significant advantage in terms of strength and power.However, cats have their own unique advantages thathelp them to survive in the wild. Their agility allows them to climb trees and other high places, where they can escape from predators. Their stealth allows them to sneak up on prey without being detected. And their hunting prowessallows them to catch and kill small animals, which they can then eat to sustain themselves.In terms of companionship, dogs are generally considered to be more social animals than cats. Dogs are typically more eager to please their owners and are more likely to crave attention and affection. Cats, on the other hand, are often more independent and aloof. They may not always be interested in interacting with people, and they may prefer to spend their time alone.Ultimately, the question of which animal is better, cats or dogs, is a matter of personal preference. There is no right or wrong answer, and each person will have their own reasons for preferring one animal over the other. Some people may prefer the companionship and loyalty of a dog, while others may prefer the independence and agility of a cat.中文回答:猫狗大战由来已久,双方都有自己独特的优缺点。
电影猫狗大战作文英语Title: The Epic Battle: Cats vs. Dogs。
In the timeless struggle between felines and canines, one movie reigns supreme as the ultimate portrayal of this rivalry: "Cats & Dogs". Directed by Lawrence Guterman and released in 2001, this action-packed comedy offers a delightful blend of espionage, humor, and heartwarming moments, all centered around the age-old conflict between cats and dogs.The film takes viewers into a world where cats and dogs are not just domestic pets but also secret agents engagedin a covert war for control over mankind. At the heart of the story is the Brody family, unaware that their adorable beagle puppy, Lou, is actually a highly trained operative for an organization of canine spies. When Professor Brody, a brilliant scientist, unknowingly develops a formula that could make all humans allergic to dogs, the stakes are raised, and the battle between cats and dogs escalates tonew heights.One of the most memorable aspects of "Cats & Dogs" isits imaginative portrayal of the secret world of animal espionage. From high-tech gadgets disguised as ordinary pet accessories to elaborate underground lairs hidden beneath suburban homes, the film creates a rich and immersive universe where cats and dogs engage in elaborate schemesand daring missions.The characters in "Cats & Dogs" are another highlightof the film. From the suave and sophisticated feline agent, Mr. Tinkles, to the loyal and courageous canine protagonist, Lou, each character is brought to life through acombination of clever writing and stellar voice performances. Audiences can't help but root for Lou as he embarks on a mission to protect the Brody family and foil the sinister plans of the villainous Mr. Tinkles.Beyond its entertaining premise and lovable characters, "Cats & Dogs" also delivers valuable lessons about friendship, loyalty, and the importance of teamwork.Despite their differences, Lou and his fellow canine agents must learn to work together to overcome the challenges they face, demonstrating that unity is essential when facing a common enemy.Moreover, the film explores themes of acceptance and understanding, reminding viewers that appearances can be deceiving and that prejudice based on stereotypes is often misguided. Through the character of Ivy, a Russian Blue cat who befriends Lou, "Cats & Dogs" teaches the importance of looking beyond superficial differences and finding common ground with others.In addition to its entertaining storyline and meaningful themes, "Cats & Dogs" boasts impressive visual effects that bring its fantastical world to life. From thrilling action sequences to adorable moments of animal antics, the film is a visual feast that appeals to audiences of all ages.Overall, "Cats & Dogs" is a delightful and entertaining film that celebrates the timeless rivalry between cats anddogs while also delivering important messages about friendship, teamwork, and acceptance. With its engaging story, lovable characters, and stunning visual effects,it's no wonder that this beloved movie continues to capture the hearts of viewers around the world.So, the next time you find yourself caught up in the age-old debate of cats versus dogs, remember the epicbattle portrayed in "Cats & Dogs" and marvel at the secret world of animal espionage where anything is possible.。
全文分为作者个人简介和正文两个部分:作者个人简介:Hello everyone, I am an author dedicated to creating and sharing high-quality document templates. In this era of information overload, accurate and efficient communication has become especially important. I firmly believe that good communication can build bridges between people, playing an indispensable role in academia, career, and daily life. Therefore, I decided to invest my knowledge and skills into creating valuable documents to help people find inspiration and direction when needed.正文:以猫的角度写一篇和狗吵架的英语作文全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1The Feline FeudIf there's one thing I can't stand, it's the neighbor's mutt always yapping and making a ruckus. Honestly, that mangy mongrel has been a thorn in my side since the day he moved innext door. With his constant barking, digging up my flower beds, and leaving little "surprises" all over my garden, Buster has made my life a living hell.It all started a few months ago when the Johnson family adopted that rambunctious canine from the shelter. From day one, Buster took an instant dislike to me. I remember casually grooming myself on the fence that separates our yards when I caught his beady little eyes glaring at me. Before I could let out a polite "meow", he started barking up a storm, hackles raised and drool flying everywhere. So much for making a good first impression.In the weeks that followed, Buster made it his personal mission to torment me at every possible opportunity. Whenever I dared to set my paws in the backyard for some fresh air, I'd have to endure his incessant yapping and growling. He'd run along the fence line, kicking up dirt and leaves in a feeble attempt to scare me off my own property. As if I'd let some flea-bitten cur push me around like that!Things really came to a head a couple weeks ago. I was minding my own business, lazily soaking up some sun on the patio, when I noticed Buster zeroing in on me, teeth bared menacingly. In a flash, he shot through the space between thefence boards and charged right at me! I leapt up just in time, back arched and fur on end as I let out a mighty hiss. We circled each other warily, with Buster snapping and growling while I swiped at him with my claws extended.Thankfully, Mrs. Johnson intervened before either of us could draw first blood. She dragged the snarling beast back through the fence, shouting reprimands that fell on his deaf ears.I could have handled him myself, of course, but I decided to take the high road and retreat back into the house. No sense risking injury over a bone-headed cur like that.Once inside, I tried to go about grooming and settling my ruffled fur, but I couldn't stop ruminating about that brazen attack. Who did Buster think he was, trespassing onto my territory and accosting me so brazenly? The sheer audacity of it! I paced back and forth, tail twitching with agitation as images of biting, scratching, and general canine carnage played through my mind.By the time my owners returned home from work that evening, I was a veritable powder keg of feline fury. I greeted them with a disgruntled meow and leveled them with my best withering glare. If looks could kill, they'd have been six feet under in a hot second. My human tried to soothe me with treatsand belly rubs, but I wasn't having any of it. Couldn't they see I was dealing with a very serious enemy threat here?That night, I plotted my revenge, whiling away the hours envisioning all the delightfully devious ways I could get back at that slobbering junkyard dog. Oh, the things I could do with a well-aimed swipe of my claws or a precisely placed hairball as a little "gift" for him to find. My favorite idea involved leading a coordinated counterattack with all the neighborhood cats, swarming poor Buster with our furred fury until he was howling for mercy. Just the thought of it made me chuckle with glee.I waited impatiently for my chance to strike in the following days, my eyes constantly peeled for any sign of that mangy mutt through the windows or in the backyard. Strangely though, Buster seemed to have gone into hiding since our altercation. Had the fight finally scared some sense into that pea-brained pup? Doubtful, but a cat could hope.Eventually, after brooding for nearly a week, I decided to put our bad blood behind us and extend a paw towards peace. After all, holding on to anger and resentment is terribly unbecoming for a cat of my pedigree. I am a civilized creature, evolved far beyond such petty territoriality. Buster's foolish provocations were hardly worth getting my fur in a twist over.With my head held high, I marched outside, prepared to take the high road. If that flea-bitten mongrel dared to show his miserable mug, I would--"WOOF! WOOF WOOF!"I nearly jumped out of my skin as Buster came tearing around the corner of the house, barking up a storm as he charged right for me again. So much for my noble attempt at a truce! With a screech of outrage, I bolted back towards the house, that foul beast nipping at my heels every step of the way.Well, so much for extending an olive branch. If Buster wanted a war, then a war he would get. This meant everything - my territory, my pride, my very way of life as a cat - was at stake. From here on out, there would be no mercy, no half-measures.That dog had just started a fight he's going to severely regret.Let the feline reign of terror begin.篇2Claws Out: A Tale of Feline FuryBy Whiskers McFluffingtonIt was a beautiful spring day, the kind that makes you want to lounge in the sunbeams and sharpen your claws on the new sofa. I had just settled into a glorious catnap when the infernal yapping began. Vile mongrel that he is, Barksley the dog started kicking up a racket that would wake the dead."Quiet down, you mangy mutt!" I hollered, batting at him with my paw. "A sophisticated feline like myself requires peace and tranquility for optimal napping conditions."Barksley stopped mid-bark, that flat-faced muzzle of his twisting into an offensive sneer. "Well excuse me, Your Royalness. Some of us actually like to enjoy the outdoors instead of shedding all over the furniture all day."My tail twitched with displeasure. How dare he insult my luscious coat? I spent hours grooming each day, unlike some uncivilized beasts I could mention. "The great outdoors? You mean thatPlace of Horrors infested with slobbering squirrels and filthy birds? I'll pass, thanks."Barksley cocked his head, his floppy ears flapping. "Aww, is the ickle kitty 'fwaid of the big bad outdoors? Don't worry, I'll protect you!" He batted his dopey tongue out at me in a crude imitation of laughter."Protect me?" I arched my back, my sleek fur standing on end as I prepared to launch myself at him. "From what, I pray? The terrifying dangers of squirrel life? The harsh litter box environment? Your idiocy knows no bounds.""Hey, watch it!" Barksley's stubby tail went rigid. "At least I'm not an overstuffed hay bale who gets her exercise by rolling off the couch now and then. We dogs are distinguished members of the working class, herding, guarding, rescuing--"I permitted myself a extremely loud, extremely disdainful snicker. "Working class? Is that what you call cleaning your unmentionables with that uncouth tongue of yours? How grotesquely bourgeois."The dumb dog's chews worked in silence for a long moment as his brain cells dripped out one by one, processing my rapier wit. At last, he regained the power of extremely basic speech: "I don't know what that means, but it sounds like you're just jealous that you're a glorified rodent throwing a tantrum while I'm a proud member of man's best friend.""Jealous?" My claws extended, gleaming in the sunlight. "Of an imbecilic, foul-smelling beast who can't even control his own bodily functions? Don't flatter yourself." I permitted myself a pause to give my next barb maximum impact. "I'm more evolvedthan you'll ever be. Worshipped by the Egyptians, admired by poets, creatures of incredible grace and poise..." I looked him up and down slowly. "Whereas you descended from common riffraff whose greatest achievement is a freakish ability to follow arbitrary commands for treats. You're not man's bestfriend--you're man's obedient servant."The barks exploded from Barksley in a deafening onslaught of sheer idiocy. I sat up primly, unmoved, and began grooming myself with casual elegance as he made a fascinating display of complete and utter lack of self-control. Eventually, blessedly, exhaustion overtook him and he lapsed into sulky silence, tongues lolling."Are you quite finished?" I inspected a claw with a disinterested air. "Good. Now if you don't mind--and I couldn't care less if you do--I'll be returning to my nap. Try not to drool too obscenely and disturb me further with your existence."I settled back into my chosen patch of sunlight, closed my eyes, and purred contentedly. Every day a victory in thenever-ending battle to maintain feline superiority over the lowly canine species. As I began to drift off into blissful slumber, I couldn't help but feel a bit sorry for the mutt. It's not his faulthe's woefully inferior in every way, after all. Though I suppose shedding does keep the staff employed...篇3Meow! Can you believe the audacity of that mangy mutt? I was just minding my own business, napping peacefully in a sunbeam, when that foul beast started yapping up a storm. The nerve! He really gets my fur in a twist.I am of course referring to Buster, the neighbor's disgraceful dog. Now, I try to be a well-mannered feline. I keep my claws nicely trimmed, I never have accidents outside the litter box, and I bathe regularly to keep my gorgeous coat shining. Buster on the other hand is a ruffian of the highest order!I'll never forget the first time I encountered that drooling cur.I was out patrolling my territory, as is my solemn duty as apex predator and guardian of this household. I had just marked the bushes to reinforce the boundaries when I spotted him slinking onto my turf. The absolute gall!I approached with the utmost poise and queried "Excuse me sir, but I don't believe we've been introduced. To whom do I owe the displeasure?" In the most polite manner of course. Us felines are renowned for our courtly etiquette after all.His response was to let loose a volley of unrestrained barking and baying that set my ears to ringing. So much for courtesy! I arched my back and stood my ground, staring him down regally. I will admit, I may have extended my claws just a tad in a subtle warning.Well, rather than taking the hint like a sensible creature, Buster decided to charge me! I was forced to defend myself by swiping him firmly across the muzzle. Just a light batting mind you, nothing too serious. But it clearly got the message across as he promptly turned tail and fled, whimpering like the cowardly pup he is.You'd think that would be the end of it, but the vexation had only begun. Ever since, Buster has made it his mission to torment me at every opportunity. If I so much as step one paw outside, he rushes the fence snarling and foaming like a deranged beast. His incessant barking haunts my waking hours!I try to maintain my regal dignity, pretending his juvenile antics don't faze me one bit. But really, it rattles me to my core having that slavering jowls constantly snapping at my flawless backside. A cat can only take so much harassment!The sad part is, Buster used to be rather sweet as a puppy. I remember he would clumsily chase birds and squirrels, providingme with ample amusement. We might even have become friends if not for his increasingly unhinged obsession with stalking me.Nowadays Buster seems to have naught to do but bide his time plotting new torments for yours truly. I've caught him digging feverishly under the fence, no doubt hatching anill-conceived plan to invade my domain. As if I'd ever allow such a transgression!Sometimes I think the humans should simply get rid of him for everyone's peace of mind. But despite his rampant犬疯tendencies, I know they dote on the rascal. It's baffling but I try not to question the peculiar behavior of the Homo sapiens I grace with my presence.If it were up to me, I'd put that mongrel firmly in his place once and for all. Perhaps I could chase him up a tree? Or maybe ambush him from the bushes for some well-deserved petting with my claws? Alas, I'm afraid such schemes might cause a neighborhood incident.For I am nothing if not a gentle soul. True, I take great pride in being a skilled hunter. Why, no greater joy exists than capturing a plump mouse or bird in my grasp. But even then, I always ensure to make the kill swiftly and cleanly. No need for undue cruelty, even toward prey.Buster on the other hand seems to delight in being as obnoxious and vexing as caninely possible. He basically embodies all the worst traits of his reckless, stupid breed. Chasing cars, digging up gardens, drooling all over the place - it's enough to make me wheeze up a hairball.If I were the one in charge around here, I'd ban mutts like him from polite society. Alas, my humans never did take my policy suggestions seriously enough. I simply can't fathom why they insist on coddling and coexisting with such uncouth beasts!Really, it's the humans who are to blame for the sad state of cross-species international affairs. If only theyapped proper respect for felines and kept mangy curs on tighter leashes, we wouldn't have these continual conflicts now would we? But no, they seem to actively encourage canine bedlam and chaos at every turn.Take today for instance. I had claimed the sunny patch on the patio as my own personal tanning bed. I was just slipping into a most delightful catnap, replete with visions of chasing avian quarries through endless fields of catnip and cream.Suddenly, I was roused by a horrendous din that set my heart pounding. There was Buster, slavering and snarling just outside the gate, working himself into a frothing frenzy as usual.I swear, one of these days he's going to burst a blood vessel with all that overexertion.Well, I couldn't very well tolerate such unrest in my kingdom now could I? I decided to teach the ruffian a lesson about properly respecting boundaries. First I met his barks with my most hair-raising, spine-tingling yowl. When that failed to give pawse, I proceeded to stalk right up to the gate, staring him down condescendingly.I'll admit, for a split second I thought I felt a tremor of fear as Buster started gnashing his teeth mere inches from my whiskers. But I stood my ground, puffing out my magnificent coat to appear twice my size. I would not be cowed by some drooling flea-bag on my own lands!Finally, the cowardly pup tired of our standoff and tried to strike me with his paw through the bars. That's when I decided to changed tack and go for the ultimate offense - I turned tail and entirely ignored him! We cats all know there is no greater insult or power play than utter disregard for one's adversaries.As you can see, I am the model of decorum and benevolence, pushed to the limits by that ruffian Buster's relentless torments. I ask you, how much can one cat be expected to endure? Myhumans insist on coexisting with that foul beast and I have no choice but to make the best of an insufferable situation.In conclusion, I implore all canines to make an effort toward coexisting peaceably with we of the feline master race. Perhaps if you took the time to groom and bathe regularly as we do, you would not be such universally loathed pariahs? I'm just saying, a little deodorizer and behavioral reform could go a long way in interspecies relations.Alas, knowing Buster and his kind, I highly doubt they will ever elevate themselves to our esteemed level of sophistication and self-respect. In that case, I have no choice but to continue defending my territory with my characteristic fortitude and grace. Bring it on Buster, this cat has claws and is not afraid to use them!。
猫狗大战观后感200字英文Here is an essay with more than 1,000 words on the topic "Reflections on the Cat and Dog War" in English. There are no additional titles or unnecessary punctuation in the body of the text.The battle between cats and dogs has been a subject of fascination and amusement for centuries. These two beloved household pets have long been portrayed as eternal rivals, engaged in a never-ending feud that captures the hearts and imaginations of people around the world. Recently, I had the opportunity to watch a documentary exploring the history and dynamics of this feline-canine conflict, and it provided me with a fresh perspective on this age-old rivalry.At its core, the cat and dog war is a testament to the incredible diversity and complexity of the animal kingdom. These two species have evolved vastly different characteristics and behaviors, each uniquely adapted to their respective ecological niches. Cats, with their agility, stealth, and independent nature, are often seen as aloof and mysterious, while dogs, with their loyalty, sociability, and boundless energy, are perceived as more affable and outgoing. It is these inherent differences that have fueled the longstanding tensionbetween the two, as they compete for resources, territory, and the affection of their human companions.One of the most fascinating aspects of the cat and dog war, as explored in the documentary, is the role that human perceptions and cultural biases have played in shaping our understanding of this rivalry. Throughout history, cats and dogs have been imbued with a wide range of symbolic meanings and associations, from the sacred cats of ancient Egypt to the loyal canine companions of medieval European nobility. These cultural narratives have, in turn, influenced our own attitudes and behaviors towards these animals, often leading to the perpetuation of stereotypes and misconceptions.For example, the documentary delved into the ways in which thecat's reputation for independence and aloofness has led to it being viewed as aloof, selfish, and even sinister in some cultures. Conversely, the dog's reputation for loyalty and obedience has led to it being seen as the more "virtuous" and "faithful" of the two. These perceptions, while not entirely unfounded, often fail to capture the full complexity and nuance of the animals' behaviors and personalities.The documentary also explored the ways in which the cat and dog war has been commodified and exploited for human entertainment and commercial gain. From the classic cartoon rivalries of Tom andJerry to the endless stream of viral videos featuring feline-canine antics, the conflict between these two species has become a lucrative source of popular culture and media content. While these representations can be amusing and engaging, they also risk oversimplifying and distorting the true nature of the relationship between cats and dogs.One of the most thought-provoking aspects of the documentary was its exploration of the potential for cooperation and coexistence between cats and dogs. Despite the persistent myths and stereotypes, the reality is that cats and dogs are often able to coexist peacefully, even forming surprisingly close bonds in some cases. The documentary highlighted a number of examples of cats and dogs living harmoniously together, playing, grooming, and even caring for one another. These examples serve as a powerful reminder that the conflict between these two species is not inevitable or inherent, but rather a product of the complex interplay between biology, culture, and human intervention.As I reflected on the insights and perspectives presented in the documentary, I was struck by the broader implications for our understanding of animal behavior and the importance of challenging our own preconceptions and biases. The cat and dog war, in many ways, serves as a microcosm of the larger challenge we face in navigating the diverse and often misunderstood world of non-human animals. By approaching these relationships with empathy, nuance, and an open mind, we can gain a richer and more nuanced understanding of the remarkable diversity and complexity of the natural world.Ultimately, the documentary on the cat and dog war left me with a greater appreciation for the incredible diversity and complexity of the animal kingdom. While the rivalry between these two species may be enduring, it is also a testament to the incredible adaptability and resilience of life on our planet. As we continue to grapple with the pressing environmental and ecological challenges of our time, it is crucial that we approach our understanding of the natural world with a spirit of curiosity, humility, and respect. Only by doing so can we hope to foster a more harmonious and sustainable future for all of Earth's inhabitants, both human and non-human alike.。
文档下载后可定制随意修改,请根据实际需要进行相应的调整和使用,谢谢!并且,本店铺为大家提供各种各样类型的实用资料,如教育随笔、日记赏析、句子摘抄、古诗大全、经典美文、话题作文、工作总结、词语解析、文案摘录、其他资料等等,如想了解不同资料格式和写法,敬请关注!Download tips: This document is carefully compiled by theeditor. I hope that after you download them,they can help yousolve practical problems. The document can be customized andmodified after downloading,please adjust and use it according toactual needs, thank you!In addition, our shop provides you with various types ofpractical materials,such as educational essays, diaryappreciation,sentence excerpts,ancient poems,classic articles,topic composition,work summary,word parsing,copyexcerpts,other materials and so on,want to know different data formats andwriting methods,please pay attention!The movie "Cats vs. Dogs" is an action-packed adventure filled with humor and excitement. From the very beginning, the audience is immersed in a world where cats and dogs are at war. The film opens with a thrilling chase scene, as a group of cats led by their fearless leader, Mr. Whiskers, tries to steal a secret formula from a high-security laboratory. The dogs, led by their brave and loyal commander, Sergeant Barkington, are hot on their tails. The chase is filled with suspense and comedy, as the cats use their agility and cunning to outsmart the dogs at every turn.As the movie progresses, we are introduced to a wide range of characters on both sides of the conflict. Each character has their own unique personality and quirks, adding to the overall charm of the film. From the clumsy but lovable dog, Spot, to the sly and mischievous cat, Mittens, the audience is constantly entertained by the interactions between the different animals. The dialogue iswitty and fast-paced, keeping the audience engaged and laughing throughout the movie.One of the highlights of the film is the epic battle scenes between the cats and dogs. These scenes are filled with high-flying stunts and impressive special effects. The choreography is flawless, and the action is non-stop. From rooftop chases to underwater showdowns, the cats and dogsgo head-to-head in a series of thrilling and visually stunning sequences.But amidst all the action and comedy, the movie also explores themes of friendship and loyalty. As the story unfolds, we see unlikely alliances form between cats and dogs who were once enemies. The characters learn to put aside their differences and work together for a common goal. This message of unity and acceptance is heartwarming and adds depth to the film.In conclusion, "Cats vs. Dogs" is a highly entertaining and enjoyable movie that will leave audiences of all ages laughing and cheering. With its fast-paced action,hilarious dialogue, and lovable characters, it is sure to become a favorite among both cat and dog lovers. So grab some popcorn, sit back, and get ready for a wild ride!。
猫和狗的矛盾作文500字开头英文回答:Cats and dogs have always been known to have a rivalry that goes back centuries. The differences between these two animals are what fuel their ongoing conflict. On one hand, cats are known for their independence and aloofness, while on the other hand, dogs are known for their loyalty and sociability. These opposing characteristics often lead to clashes between the two species.Cats are notorious for their independent nature. They are known to be aloof and prefer to be left alone. They are often seen lounging around the house, grooming themselves, or napping in their favorite spots. Cats are also known to be stealthy hunters, often bringing home their prey as a sign of their hunting prowess. This independent nature of cats can be seen in their refusal to be controlled or commanded by humans. They prefer to do things on their own terms and will only seek human attention when they feellike it.Dogs, on the other hand, are known for their loyaltyand sociability. They are often referred to as "man's best friend" because of their unwavering loyalty towards their owners. Dogs are highly social animals and thrive on human companionship. They are always eager to please their owners and will go to great lengths to make them happy. Dogs are known for their playful and energetic nature, always ready for a game of fetch or a long walk in the park. Unlike cats, dogs are more obedient and can be easily trained to follow commands.The clash between cats and dogs can be attributed to their fundamental differences in behavior and temperament. Cats, being independent creatures, often see dogs as athreat to their freedom and territory. They may hiss, scratch, or even run away when confronted by a dog. On the other hand, dogs, being social animals, may see cats as potential playmates and try to engage them in a friendly manner. However, cats may interpret this as an invasion of their personal space and respond aggressively.Cats and dogs may never fully understand each other's perspectives, but that doesn't mean they can't coexist peacefully. Many households have both cats and dogs living together harmoniously. It all comes down to proper introductions, training, and understanding of each animal's needs. For example, providing separate spaces for each pet and ensuring they have their own territory can help prevent conflicts. Additionally, training both cats and dogs to respect each other's boundaries can also contribute to a peaceful coexistence.In conclusion, the conflict between cats and dogs stems from their inherent differences in behavior and temperament. Cats value their independence and prefer to be left alone, while dogs thrive on human companionship and are known for their loyalty. Despite these differences, it is possiblefor cats and dogs to coexist peacefully with proper introductions, training, and understanding. By respecting each other's boundaries and providing separate spaces, both cats and dogs can live harmoniously under the same roof.中文回答:猫和狗一直以来都被认为是有着几个世纪之久的敌对关系。
猫狗大战作文英文回答:In the realm of animal interactions, the rivalry between cats and dogs stands as a timeless classic. This age-old conflict has captivated observers for centuries, with countless tales and anecdotes weaving a tapestry of both humor and fascination. From the legendary felineagility to the canine's unwavering loyalty, the battle between these two beloved species continues to ignite curiosity and spark debate.One of the most striking differences between cats and dogs lies in their hunting instincts. Cats are solitary predators, relying on stealth and cunning to capture their prey. Their sharp claws and keen sense of hearing allow them to stalk their targets with precision, while their retractable claws deliver a lethal blow. Dogs, on the other hand, are pack animals with a natural instinct for cooperation. They hunt in groups, using their keen sense ofsmell and powerful jaws to bring down their quarry.Another key distinction between these two species is their communication style. Cats communicate primarily through body language and scent marking. They use theirtails to convey emotions, from contentment to agitation,and their distinctive meows and purrs serve a range of communicative purposes. Dogs, in contrast, rely heavily on vocalizations. Their barks, growls, and whines express a wide spectrum of emotions, from excitement to fear, andthey often use gestures and facial expressions to supplement their vocal cues.The social behavior of cats and dogs also differs markedly. Cats are often described as independent and aloof, preferring solitary activities. They are territorial creatures, and they may display aggression towardsstrangers or animals they perceive as a threat. Dogs, onthe other hand, are typically more social and affectionate. They crave attention from humans and other animals, andthey are often eager to engage in play and companionship.However, despite their many differences, cats and dogs can sometimes coexist peacefully. With proper socialization and training, these two species can learn to tolerate or even appreciate each other's presence. However, it is important to recognize that their inherent instincts and behaviors may limit their ability to form close bonds.Whether they are engaged in friendly competition or cautious coexistence, the relationship between cats and dogs remains a captivating subject for observation and contemplation. Their unique characteristics and contrasting personalities provide a constant source of entertainment and intrigue, ensuring that the "cat vs. dog" debate will continue to spark conversations and inspire fascination for years to come.中文回答:猫和狗的争斗是动物界经久不衰的话题。
英语阅读:猫狗大战或许同学们会觉得猫狗很难做朋友吧,其实不一定噢!特工猫Kitty 野心勃勃,一直想要统治世界。
Maybe you think cats and dogs don’t get along(相处) well. Wrong! This summer, cats and dogs will work together! Kitty Galore is a cat. She is an agent(特工)of a cat spyorganization(间谍组织).She wants to take over(统治)the world. She has a plan(计划).She has to control humans(人类)and dogs first. One night, she dresses up as(乔装打扮成)a dog to steal aclassified document(保密文件)from the dogs. The dogs find out about Kitty’s plan. They decide to stop Kitty and save humans. At the same time, they get help from other cats. Dogs and cats become partners. They will work together to stop Kitty.Will they stop her in time? Find out in the new movie Cats&Dogs: the Revenge of Kitty Galore(《猫狗大战之猫怪的复仇》)this summer.【练习1】判断下面句子正确与否,正确的写"T",错误的写“F”。
译林版四年级英语下册阅读理解年级联考习题班级:__________ 姓名:__________1. 阅读对话,判断句子正误,用“正确”或“错误”表示。
Andy: Paul, Children’s Day is coming. Would you like to go to the cinema on Children’s Day?Paul: That’s a good idea. What film shall we see?Andy: How about Toy Story?Paul: What is it about?Andy: It''s an interesting story about some toys.Paul: OK. What time shall we see it?Andy: We have a party in the morning. Shall we see it at a quarter to three in the afternoon?Paul: OK.( )(1)Today is Children''s Day.( )(2)Andy and Paul will see a film.( )(3)The film is about some toys.( )(4)They have a party in the evening.( )(5)They will see the film at 3:15p.m.2. 读短文,填空完成句子。
Dogs are colour-blind (色盲的)Dogs are man''s good friend. Some dogs are big, and some dogs are small. Dogs are very clever, but they cannot see colours. They are colour-blind. In a dog''s eyes, everything is black, white and grey. How can a dog hunt (捕猎) for food then? Dogs can run very fast. They can hear and smell very well too. Many animals cannot see colours, Lions, tigers, cats, cows and sheep are all colour-blind. But monkeys can see colours. Many birds, fish and insects con see colours too.(1)In a dog''s eyes, everything is , and grey.(2)Dogs cannot see colours, but they can and very well.(3)Dogs, , , , and cannot see colours.(4) and many , , and insects can see colours.3. 阅读短文,选择正确答案。
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Since the history of mankind kept pets since the beginning of the world's cats and the dog who is sworn enemies, the struggle between them has never stopped. As a human-dominated, but also do not know, the crafty cat who is long overdue ambitious to attempt to occupy the Earth, which from generation to generation R & D a variety of technology and weapons, undercover in the human side waiting to launch a "coup", but for the dedicated each dog who always do everything possible to thwart the cat's crazy plan, I am afraid mankind has long been replaced by a cat. So cats are also depending on their dog for the thorn in the side, waiting to kill the other side of the home thoroughly and then quickly removed. One day, a human scientists successfully developed a specialized treatment canine allergy vaccines, it is conceivable that, if put into use this vaccine, which is for those who love dog people who suffer from allergies are no doubt good news, but the cat who ... ...哼哼fear of the world on their dogs too much impact on their plans to rule the Earth, so, at a guileful called "Doraemon" cat planning, the Cats have to decide at all costs , the destruction of the vaccine, and then scientists raised a puppy, "Lu" inadvertently learned that the careful preparation of the plot, then at the other dog a few different character help of a vaccine against the "destruction" and " Anti-destruction, "World War II broke out, and one time, minions flying, cat dog jumping, what the final outcome? Ask not know if cats have won, we can watch sitting in the cinema this