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A cappuccino is traditionally served in a porcelain cup, which has far better heatretention characteristics than glass or paper. The foam on top of the cappuccino acts as an insulator and helps retain the heat of the liquid, allowing it to stay hot longer. The foam may optionally have powder (commonly cocoa, cinnamon or nutmeg) sprinkled on top. 传统的卡布奇诺是由瓷杯子盛放,这种杯子比玻璃 杯或纸张能更好的保持热量。卡布奇诺顶部的泡沫 作为绝缘体,能够保持热量,让咖啡更长时间保持 温度。泡沫上也可选择洒上可可、肉桂或肉豆蔻粉 以增添滋味。
• Espresso是普通咖啡浓度的两倍,通常用新鲜磨碎的咖啡 豆放置高压机处理,以保存咖啡的浓郁香味,因此喝完小 小一杯已经够醒神了,若嫌不够,可以Double或者Triple . • 在意大利原文中,Espresso是迅速、快的意思,又有一个 说法,此单词来自法文“Extress”一词,取为“为您特制 ”的意思。 • 意大利特浓咖啡(Espresso)需要借助机器来调制,颇有 些“汲精敛露”的意味,因而一杯好的意大利特浓咖啡价 格不菲。 • 意大利咖啡机有足够的压力迫使热水穿过非常幼细并经过 挤压的咖啡粉末,吸取咖啡最为浓郁的口味,然后滴入下 面的杯中。
1207班 任中行
Kinds Of Coffee
Coffee is a wonderful substance, but it can sometimes be difficult to understand the precise differences between different varieties. Discover those distinctions here.
Hawaiian Kona
It's only grown on a few select slopes of the Hawaiian island, and it's one of the finest coffees in the world . Now, Kona isn't just any coffee grown in Hawaii, but specifically coffee from the slopes of Mauna Loa and Mount Hualalai on the Big Island. This west side of the island gets just the right combination of sunlight, warmth and rainfall to produce 夏威夷产的科纳(Kona)咖啡豆具有最完美的外表, abundant coffee 它的果实异常饱满,而且光泽鲜亮。咖啡的口味浓 crops. Some say 郁芳香,并带有肉桂香料的味道,酸度也较均衡适 the key is the 度。 夏威夷咖啡是美国50个州中所出产的唯一顶 volcanic soil. 级品种,美国本土自然是其最大的市场
Brazilian Coffee
• Brazilian coffee is exported all over the world. Brazil is the world's largest coffee producer. Most of the coffee from Brazil is Arabica coffee, which is what goes into most of the higher-end coffees found in coffee shops and on grocery shelves. 巴西咖啡泛指产于巴西的咖啡。巴西咖啡种类繁多,绝大多 数巴西咖啡未经清洗而且是晒干的,它们根据产地州名和运 输港进行分类。巴西咖啡的口感中带有较低的酸味,配合咖 啡的甘苦味,入口极为滑顺,而且又带有淡淡的青草芳香, 在清香略带苦味,甘滑顺口,余味能令人舒活畅快。
Kopi luwak
Passing through a civet's intestines the beans are then defecated, keeping their shape. After gathering, thorough washing, sun drying, light roasting and brewing, these beans yield an aromatic 经过麝香猫消化道的咖啡果实,被消化掉的只是 coffee with much less 果实外表的果肉,那坚硬无比的咖啡原豆随后被 它的消化系统原封不动地排出体外。经过收集, bitterness, widely noted as 清洗,晾晒,轻烘焙,酿造之后让咖啡的苦味少 the most expensive coffee in 了许多,反而增加了这种咖啡豆的芳香口感,由 此成为世界上最昂贵的咖啡而得到广泛关注。 the world.
A cappuccino is an Italian coffee drink prepared with espresso, hot milk, and steamed-milk foam. The name cappuccino comes from the Capuchin friars, possibly referring to the colour of their habits or to the aspect of their tonsured (white) heads, surrounded by a ring of brown hair. 卡布奇诺是由咖啡,热牛奶以及蒸汽 牛奶泡沫混合制作的意大利咖啡。 此时咖啡的颜色,就象卡布奇诺教会 的修士在深褐色的外衣上覆上一条头 巾一样,咖啡因此得名。
Latte 拿铁 ['lɑːteɪ; 'læteɪ] Cappuccino 卡布奇诺 Mocha 摩卡咖啡 Kopi Luwak 猫屎咖啡 Blue Mountain Coffee 牙买加蓝山咖啡
Brazilian Coffee 巴西咖啡 Espresso 意大利浓缩咖啡 Hawaiian Kona Coffee夏威夷科纳咖啡 Colombian coffee 哥伦比亚咖啡
Colombian Coffee
Colombian Coffee is a Protected designation of origin granted by the European Union (September 2007) that applies to the coffee produced in Colombia . The Colombian coffee has been recognized worldwide as having high quality and distinctive taste. The main importers of Colombian coffee are United States, Germany, Japan, The Netherlands and Switzerland. 哥伦比亚咖啡是一种由欧盟指定批准受 到原产地保护(2007年9月),只在哥 伦比亚地区种植生产的咖啡。哥伦比亚 咖啡是被全世界消费者公认为具有高质 量和独特品味的咖啡哥伦比亚咖啡的主 要进口国是美国,德国,日本,荷兰和 瑞士。
Kopi luwak
Kopi(印尼语,咖啡),Luwak 是印 尼人指一种俗称“麝香猫”的树栖野生动物
Kopi luwak , or civet coffee, is the world‘s most expensive and low-production coffee. It is made from the beans of coffee berries which have been eaten by the Asian Palm Civet (Paradoxurus hermaphroditus) and other related civets, then passed through its digestive tract 消化道. A civet eats the berries for their fleshy pulp. In its stomach, proteolytic enzymes seep into the beans, making shorter peptides and more free amino acids. 猫屎咖啡,或称为麝香咖啡,是世界上最昂 贵及产量最低的咖啡。猫屎咖啡采用被印尼 野生麝香猫 (Paradoxurus hermaphroditus) 吃掉后通过其消化道消化 过的新鲜咖啡浆果制成。在麝香猫的肚子里, 蛋白水解酶渗入到这些豆子,使咖啡豆含有 更多的短肽和游离氨基酸。
Jamaica Blue Mountain C百度文库ffee
Jamaica Blue Mountain Coffee is a classification of coffee grown in the Blue Mountains of Jamaica. The best lots of Blue Mountain coffee are noted for their mild flavour and lack of bitterness. Over the last several decades, this coffee has developed a reputation that has made it one of the most expensive and sought-after coffees in the world; over 80% of all Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee is exported to Japan. 牙买加蓝山咖啡是一种种植在牙买加蓝山上的咖啡。 蓝山咖啡的优势是它温和的口感和较少的苦味。 在 过去的几十年里,这种咖啡已经发展成为世界最昂 贵和炙手可热的咖啡之一;超过80%的牙买加蓝山 咖啡被出口到日本。
Café mocha
Café mocha is a variant of a caffè latte. Like a latte, it is typically one third espresso and two thirds steamed milk, but a portion of chocolate is added, typically in the form of sweet cocoa powder, although many varieties use chocolate syrup. Mochas can contain dark or milk chocolate. 摩卡咖啡是拿铁咖啡的变种。和拿铁 咖啡一样,它是典型的用三分之一浓 缩咖啡加三分之二的蒸牛奶混合而成, 但是摩卡还要补充一份巧克力。经典 的形式是加入甜蜜的可可粉,但也有 的品种的加入巧克力糖浆。摩卡咖啡 可以含有黑巧克力或牛奶巧克力。
Latte 拿铁咖啡
• 拿铁是最为国人熟悉的意式咖啡品种。它是在沉厚浓郁的 ESPRESSO(浓缩咖啡)中,加进等比例,甚至更多牛奶的 花式咖啡。有了牛奶的温润调味,让原本甘苦的咖啡变得 柔滑香甜、甘美浓郁。就连不习惯喝咖啡的人,也难敌拿 铁芳美的滋味。和卡布奇诺一样,拿铁因为含有多量的牛 奶而适合在早晨饮用。意大利人也喜欢拿它来暖胃,搭配 早餐用。