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I。听句子,选出句子中所包含的信息。(共5小题,每小题1分,计5分)( )1. A. leave B. live C. drive

()2。A。505 B。550 C。515

( )3。A。talk to B. think of C. lots of

( )4. A。The bus drive is sometimes easy。

B. I like the bus drive。

C. I think the bus drive is too boring.

()5。A。There is no school bus at my school。

B。I go to school in my father’s car every day.

C。I go to school by school bus every day.


()8. A。On foot. B。By bike. C. By bus。

( )9. A. 3 kilometers. B. 5 kilometers。

C。10 kilometers.

()10。A. 10 minutes。B。5 minutes。

C. 12 minutes。

III。听短文填空.(共5小题,每小题2分,计10 分)

Information Sheet

11。Liu Hao ___________ in a small village in China.

12. Liu Hao takes the _________ to school every day。

13. The river between his school and his village runs very _________。

14. Liu Hao wants to have a _________。

15. Liu Hao wants to _________ to school.

IV. 单项选择(共15小题,每小题1分,计15分)


()16。—Do you take a bus home after ______ school?

-No。I go home by ________ bike。

A. a; a

B. a;/

C. /; a D。/;/

( )17. My English teacher is good with us。She is like our mother _______ us.

A. for

B. at

C. to

D. with

()18。-_______ does your mother usually go to work, Tony?

—She takes the subway to work。

A。When B。How

C。What D. Where

( )19. It's good for people ________ after dinner.

A. walk B。walking

C。to walk D。walks

()20. Don’t be _______ of the dog. It is very friendly。

A。boring B. funny

C. afraid

D. busy

( )21. There are ______ students in his class. Fifty of them are boys and forty are girls。A。sixty B。seventy

C. eighty D。ninety

()22. She usually _______ to the library at 10:00 and _______ at 11:45 on Saturday。A。come; leave B. comes;leaves

C. come; leaves D。comes; leave

( )23. There is a river ______ Li Lin's village _______ his school。

A。either; or B. from;to

C。between; and D. between;to

()24。In our school, one ________ girl plays the piano very well.

A. thirteen years old

B. thirteen-years-old

C. thirteen-year—old

D. thirteen year old

( )25. John _______ his bike to the bus stop every morning。

A. takes B。drives

C。rides D。walks

( )26. —Excuse me. _____ is the bus station from here?

—About 15 kilometers.

A。How much B。How old

C。How far D。How long

( )27. —______ do you _______ the Chinese people?

—They are very nice.

A. What; like

B. How; think of

C. What; think of

D. How;think about

( )28。—How long does it take you to get there?


A. About twenty minutes

B. I get there late

C。I ride my bike

D. Only 20 kilometers

( )29. —Does Mary walk home?
