【维克多】维词课堂人教版B1U2.pptx2 (1)

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二、 根据汉语,用come up完成下列句子。 1. — Alvin, are you coming with us?
something has come up (出了点事). (2012 浙 — I’d love to, but __________________
is coming up soon 2. The final examination __________________ (很快就要到来).
一、根据句意写出画线部分的汉语释义。 找出 ___________ 1. We need to identify the best ways of attaining our goals. 表明……的身份 ___________ 2. The woman’s accent identified her as an American. 确认 ___________ 3. Passengers were asked to identify their own suitcases before they were put on the plane. 认出 ___________ 4. She was able to identify the thief who stole her bicycle.
二、将下列短语翻译成英语。 an identity / ID card 1. 身份证 _____________________ discover sb’s identity 2. 发现某人的身份 ______________________
protect sb’s identity 3. 保护某人的身份 ______________________
被提出;被提及 (arise):
The name of that star comes up a lot on TV. 那个明星的名字经常在电视上被提 到。
I’m afraid I can’t go — something’s come up. 恐怕我不能去了,出了点事情。 Danny, I heard your birthday is coming up. 丹尼,我听说你的生日快到了。
command (n ) 的词源义为“命令;控制”
对人或事下达 “命令” 命令 (基本义) 能让语言听从 “命令” 计算机上的各
指挥;控制 (尤指对语言的)
(计算机的) 指令
n [C] 命令 an order that should be obeyed: A soldier should obey commands. 士兵应服从 命令。 [U] 指挥;控制 the control of a group of people or a situation: The fire officer took command, ordering everyone to leave the building. 消防员开始 指挥,命令所有人都要离开大楼。 He has 500 men under his command. 他管着500人。
identity block 一词多义 come up
重 难 点 词
come up
你知道这句话的意思吗? The bamboo shoots are just beginning to come up.
上文中这句话的准确翻译是:竹笋刚开始破土发芽。其中 come up意为“长出地面;破土而出”,恰恰诠释了come up的基本义“上来”。
commander n [C] 司令官;指挥官;海军中校
一、根据汉语提示,完成下列句子。 1. So some have to lead, and some must follow. But who is to _________________ take command (指挥)? 2. He is the commander of the army. That means the whole under his command army is _____________________ (由他指挥). 3. Learning English needs patience and efforts; it is impossible have a good command to ________________________ ( 精通of ) a foreign language within a few months. 二、用括号内单词的适当形式填空。 to fire (fire). 1. He commanded the army ____________ (should) clean 2. The boy’s mother commanded that the boy _____________ (clean) his room.
上来;上升 (rise):
Come up! I’m upstairs! 上来!我在楼上! We watched the sun come up. 我们看着太阳升了起来。
come up to sb 靠近 / 走近某人
He came up to me and asked me the way to the station. 他走近我,问我去车站的路怎么走。
It’s time for us to get down to our studies.
came up to me 3. An old lady __________________ (走到我身边) and asked
me for money.
was just coming up 4. It was six o’clock, and the sun __________________ (刚刚升


A word is a microcosm of human consciousness. — Vygotsky
一词多义 英语释义
用法Fra Baidu bibliotek 搭配
一词多义 一词多义 熟词生义
expression recognize
一词多义 同族词 一词多义
[U] [常用单数] (尤指对语言的) 掌握;运用 能力 the knowledge of sth or ability to use sth, especially a language: I have such a good command of English that I am elected as assistant to my English teacher. 我英语 学得很好,因此被选为英语老师的助手。 2015 陕西书面表达
social identity 4. 社会认同 ____________________
如果你使用的是苹果电脑,那你知道经常要按到的 command键是什么意思吗?其实,它和Ctrl (control) 键一样,是控制键,主要用于快捷操作。如今, command这个词被广泛地应用于计算机语言当中。 除了这个现代的用法,它还有着悠久的历史渊源。 现在让我们一起来看看command的前世今生吧。
R2 n
[C] & [U] [缩写为ID] 身份: an identity card (ID card) 身份证 Only when your identity has been checked, will you be allowed in. 只有确认身份后才允许你进入。 [C] & [U] (区别人或群体的) 个性 / 特征: After years of performing, he felt that in some ways he had lost his identity. 多年演奏之后,他觉得自己在某些方面失 去了个性。 北师大② – 5 The college years are supposed to be a time for the development of adult identity. 大学阶段应该是培养成年人 个性特征的一段时间。 2016 北京改
表示精通语言用“have a good command of”表达
英语释 义帮助 理解
[C] (计算机的) 指令
对应名词释 v 义 和 指挥;命令: The judge commanded silence. 法官命令大家安静。 command sb to do sth: The captain commanded his men to fire. 上尉命令 他的士兵开火。 句型搭配 command + that ... (should) do sth: He commanded that the troops (should) cross the water. 他命令军队渡河。 低义频释义,与基本义联系 不紧密,需要单独记忆 获得;赢得: Large football clubs benefit financially from TV income and the top players can command very large salaries. 大型足球俱乐部从电视收入中获得利润, 顶尖的运动员也能得到高额的薪水。 2011 江西
1. 短语动词是英语学习中的重难点。和高频多义词一样,高频多义的 短语动词也可以通过基本义来帮助理解和记忆其他释义;
2. 帮助学生在阅读时,养成发现短语动词,并在下面画线,并结合上 下文依据其基本义猜测词义的习惯,不要一碰到不知道的释义就马上 查词典。 3. 学习短语动词一定要结合语境; 4. 结合英语释义和近义词进行学习,如 come up: 上来;上升 = rise 被提出;被提及 = arise
5. 短语动词的学习还可以从小品词 (particle), 如come up中的up入手;
一、写出下列句子中come up的汉语释义。 1. We saw several natives advancing towards our party, and 靠近 / 接近 one of them came up to us. __________ 2. The lava (岩浆) from the volcano then comes up to the 上升 surface. (2009 辽宁) __________ 3. I’m afraid I'll have to cancel our appointment — something’s 发生 come up. __________ 4. The question is sure to come up at the meeting. 被提及;被讨论 __________ 5. The murder comes up next month. 审理 __________
同族词 identify, identification, identified, identity
R2 vt
认出;识别 to recognize and correctly name sb / sth: He was too far away to be able to identify faces. 他离得太远,认不出那些面孔。 The aircraft were identified as American. 那些飞机被认出是美国的。 确认;找出 to find or discover sb / sth: Scientists have identified a link between diet and cancer. 科学家们已发现了饮食与癌症之间的关联。 To be effective, you need to identify your strengths and concentrate on them. 要想有效果,你需要明确自己的优势并专注在这些 方面。 2009 浙江
表明……的身份 to be a sign that shows who or what sb / sth is: His accent identified him as a Frenchman. 他的口音表明他是法国人。 identify sb / sth with sth 认为某人 / 某物等同于某物: You should not identify wealth with happiness. 你不应该把财富与幸福等同起来。 identify with sb / sth 认同某人 / 某物;与某人 / 某物 有同感: I didn’t enjoy the book because I could’t identify with any of the main characters. 我不喜欢这本书,因为我无法与其中任何一个主角 产生共鸣。