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(2)将白纸条展开,用刻度尺量出相邻两个孔之间的距离 l1
(4)将三次测量结果求平均值就是圆柱体的周长,即 l=l1+
[解析]圆柱体的周长是无法直接测量的,我们可以使用白纸 一周,并用大头针在重叠处扎一个小孔,测出相邻两个小孔 就是圆柱体的周长,这种测量长度的方法叫作“化曲为直” 小误差,实验采用多次测量求平均值的方法。
6.用方格法测树叶面积时,对小方格的要求是( A.大一点 B.越小越好 C.相对于树叶的面积较小就可百度文库D.大小随便
7.科学是一门以实验为基础的学科,实验中仪器的 不可少的。请按要求回答下列问题。
(1)小球的直径是__1_._2_0_c_m_。 (2)奶茶中的“珍珠”的体积一共为__2_4_0____cm3。
学校的实验桌上摆放着如下器材:三角板一套(两个 一把、大头针以及足够长的白纸条、圆柱体一个。老 这样的要求:从中任选器材设计一个测圆柱体周长的 差越小越好。写出实验器材及实验步骤。
[答案]器材:白纸条、大头针、刻度尺、圆柱体。 步骤: (1)用白纸条紧紧包住圆柱体一周多,在纸条的重叠处用大头
4.用量筒和水测小石块的体积时,先在量筒内注入 “适量”的标准是( )D A.看上去不多不少 B.能淹没固体,且固体放入后水不会溢出 C.水面约在量筒中间 D.能淹没固体,且固体放入后水面不超量程
5.量筒要做得细而高,而不做成粗而矮的形状,这 为( C ) A.实验时,细高的量筒便于操作 B.细高的量筒可以做出相对较大的底座,增加稳度 C.细高的量筒与粗矮的量筒相比,相应的刻度间隔 于准确地读数 D.粗矮的量筒中所盛液体较多,需用较厚的玻璃, 读数
[解析]该尺的分度值是1 mm,后加一个估计值。奶茶中的珍 总体积减去液体的体积。
8.对于不规则物体体积的测量,如小石块,则可利 量杯间接测量: 步骤: ①__在_量__筒_里__注__入_适__量_的__水__,_记__下_水__的__体_积__V_1 _____ ②__然_后__轻__轻_放__入_石__块__,_使__量_筒__里__的_水__完_全__浸__没_石__块_,__记_下__此__时 ____石_块__的__总_体__积_V_2________; ③___计_算__石__块_的__体_积__为__V2_-__V1______。
o study whether experiences during teen years would influence adult health. So they followed 171 teens, starting when the kids were just 13. They interviewed each one every year for five years,and also spoke to these teens’ closest friends,who provided additional information about the quality of their friendships.The same 171 people were interviewed again at ages 25, 26 and 27. This time, the questions surveyed each person’s overall health. When the researchers analyzed the data, they found a strong connection between a teen’s behavior and adult health. Teens who had close friends grew up to be the healthier adults. Whether teens held back their feelings or expressed them to close friends also influenced later health. Those who held back their feelings were more likely to be sick as adults. The connection held up even after the scientists accounted for other possible influences on health.Weight,family income and drug use were all examined. So were mental health issues,such as anxiety and depression. And in these people,such other factors did not explain adult health as well as teen friendships did. Getting along with the crowd may have benefits, says Allen, but there are also drawbacks. Teens who are more independent tend to do better at school and work. And peer pressure may lead some kids to engage in risky behavior, such as smoking, drinking or using drugs. Dealing with it is an ongoing challenge,Allen acknowledges. “Finding the right balance is the key. Teens shouldn’t lose heart for not finding this easy.”And, he adds,“Parents need to be understanding about the pressures teens face.”
3.用量筒量取溶液,仰视量筒内液体的凹液面最低 10 mL;倒出部分液体后,俯视凹液面的最低处,读 则实际倒出的溶液( B ) A.小于4 mL B.大于4 mL C.4 mL D.无法确定
[解析]仰视量筒内液体的凹液面最低处,读数为10 mL,液 大于10 mL;倒出部分液体后,俯视凹液面的最低处,读数 时液体实际体积小于6 mL。因此实际倒出的液体体积大于4
[范围:第1章 第4节 第3课 验:测量物体的长度和体
基础巩固 探究创新
1.下列测量锥体高度的方法正确的是( B )
2.下列是用量筒量取液体的一些操作,其中不正确 ) A.首先要选一个量程合适的量筒,放在水平的桌面 B.向量筒内倾倒液体,当液体接近刻度时,改用滴 滴加液体 C.当量筒放置在较低的桌面上,不便于观察读数时 起 D.读数时,视线与量筒内凹液面的最低点保持水平
(4)将三次测量结果求平均值就是圆柱体的周长,即 l=l1+
[解析]圆柱体的周长是无法直接测量的,我们可以使用白纸 一周,并用大头针在重叠处扎一个小孔,测出相邻两个小孔 就是圆柱体的周长,这种测量长度的方法叫作“化曲为直” 小误差,实验采用多次测量求平均值的方法。
6.用方格法测树叶面积时,对小方格的要求是( A.大一点 B.越小越好 C.相对于树叶的面积较小就可百度文库D.大小随便
7.科学是一门以实验为基础的学科,实验中仪器的 不可少的。请按要求回答下列问题。
(1)小球的直径是__1_._2_0_c_m_。 (2)奶茶中的“珍珠”的体积一共为__2_4_0____cm3。
学校的实验桌上摆放着如下器材:三角板一套(两个 一把、大头针以及足够长的白纸条、圆柱体一个。老 这样的要求:从中任选器材设计一个测圆柱体周长的 差越小越好。写出实验器材及实验步骤。
[答案]器材:白纸条、大头针、刻度尺、圆柱体。 步骤: (1)用白纸条紧紧包住圆柱体一周多,在纸条的重叠处用大头
4.用量筒和水测小石块的体积时,先在量筒内注入 “适量”的标准是( )D A.看上去不多不少 B.能淹没固体,且固体放入后水不会溢出 C.水面约在量筒中间 D.能淹没固体,且固体放入后水面不超量程
5.量筒要做得细而高,而不做成粗而矮的形状,这 为( C ) A.实验时,细高的量筒便于操作 B.细高的量筒可以做出相对较大的底座,增加稳度 C.细高的量筒与粗矮的量筒相比,相应的刻度间隔 于准确地读数 D.粗矮的量筒中所盛液体较多,需用较厚的玻璃, 读数
[解析]该尺的分度值是1 mm,后加一个估计值。奶茶中的珍 总体积减去液体的体积。
8.对于不规则物体体积的测量,如小石块,则可利 量杯间接测量: 步骤: ①__在_量__筒_里__注__入_适__量_的__水__,_记__下_水__的__体_积__V_1 _____ ②__然_后__轻__轻_放__入_石__块__,_使__量_筒__里__的_水__完_全__浸__没_石__块_,__记_下__此__时 ____石_块__的__总_体__积_V_2________; ③___计_算__石__块_的__体_积__为__V2_-__V1______。
o study whether experiences during teen years would influence adult health. So they followed 171 teens, starting when the kids were just 13. They interviewed each one every year for five years,and also spoke to these teens’ closest friends,who provided additional information about the quality of their friendships.The same 171 people were interviewed again at ages 25, 26 and 27. This time, the questions surveyed each person’s overall health. When the researchers analyzed the data, they found a strong connection between a teen’s behavior and adult health. Teens who had close friends grew up to be the healthier adults. Whether teens held back their feelings or expressed them to close friends also influenced later health. Those who held back their feelings were more likely to be sick as adults. The connection held up even after the scientists accounted for other possible influences on health.Weight,family income and drug use were all examined. So were mental health issues,such as anxiety and depression. And in these people,such other factors did not explain adult health as well as teen friendships did. Getting along with the crowd may have benefits, says Allen, but there are also drawbacks. Teens who are more independent tend to do better at school and work. And peer pressure may lead some kids to engage in risky behavior, such as smoking, drinking or using drugs. Dealing with it is an ongoing challenge,Allen acknowledges. “Finding the right balance is the key. Teens shouldn’t lose heart for not finding this easy.”And, he adds,“Parents need to be understanding about the pressures teens face.”
3.用量筒量取溶液,仰视量筒内液体的凹液面最低 10 mL;倒出部分液体后,俯视凹液面的最低处,读 则实际倒出的溶液( B ) A.小于4 mL B.大于4 mL C.4 mL D.无法确定
[解析]仰视量筒内液体的凹液面最低处,读数为10 mL,液 大于10 mL;倒出部分液体后,俯视凹液面的最低处,读数 时液体实际体积小于6 mL。因此实际倒出的液体体积大于4
[范围:第1章 第4节 第3课 验:测量物体的长度和体
基础巩固 探究创新
1.下列测量锥体高度的方法正确的是( B )
2.下列是用量筒量取液体的一些操作,其中不正确 ) A.首先要选一个量程合适的量筒,放在水平的桌面 B.向量筒内倾倒液体,当液体接近刻度时,改用滴 滴加液体 C.当量筒放置在较低的桌面上,不便于观察读数时 起 D.读数时,视线与量筒内凹液面的最低点保持水平