Unit 3 generation gap
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musicals 音乐剧
musicals generally include both
spoken dialogue and songs; and some forms of drama have incidental music or musical accompaniment underscoring the dialogue (melodrama and JapaneseNō, for example).
Western opera歌剧
Western opera is a dramatic art form,
which arose during the Renaissance in an attempt to revive the classical Greek drama tradition in which both music and theatre were combined. Being strongly intertwined with western classical music, the opera has undergone enormous changes in the past four centuries and it is an important form of theatre until this day.
Text Father Knows Better
1.comedy 2.satiric 讽刺的,挖苦的 satiric characteristics 讽刺特色 satiric narration 反讽叙事 反面意思: Father Does not Know it
Satyr play沙特剧
【沙特剧】:Satyr play,(古希腊)滑稽羊人剧
【羊人剧】:后人为了纪念酒神狄俄尼索斯,每 当葡萄丰收季节,希腊人都要举行化装歌舞会, 向酒神祈祷和庆祝。在唱酒神颂歌时,参加者披 上羊皮,戴上面具,人们围绕着“羊人”唱歌跳 舞,饮酒狂欢,这就是“酒神祭祀”,也是希腊 最初的戏剧雏形。后来由一名演员发展成多名演 员,加入了更多的情节对话,从而形成了古希腊 的“悲剧”模式。悲剧一词,原义为“山羊之 歌”。由歌咏队身披山羊而来,也就是我们所说 的“羊人剧”。“
Unit 3 generation gap
n. 代沟(两代人之间的隔阂)interval between generations
Unbridgeable Generation Gap 不可逾越代 沟
generation gap
Deepening generation gap 加深的代沟 Eliminate generation gap 消除代沟 Narrow generation gap
three genres of drama
Western drama originates in classical
Greece. The theatrical culture of the citystate of Athensproduced three genres of drama: tragedy, comedy, and the satyr play.
the separating ways
Sociologists have observed and studied
the ways in which generations separate themselves from one another, in the home and in social situations and areas (such as churches, clubs, senior centers, and youth centers).
cultural gap
Where this drastic racial demographic
difference occurs also holds to a continually growing cultural gap as well; baby boomers have had generally higher education, with a higher percentage of women in the labor force and more often occupying professional and managerial positions.
institutional age segregation
Sociologists now refer to "generation gap" as
"institutional age segregation. Sociologists have divided the lifespan intowenku.baidu.comthree different levels: childhood, midlife and retirement. Usually, when any of these age groups is engaged in its primary activity, the individual members are physically isolated from people of other generations, with little interaction across age barriers except at the nuclear family level.
designate a specifictype of play dates from the 19th century. Drama in this sense refers to a play that is neither a comedy nor a tragedy—for example, Zola's Thérèse Raquin (1873) or Chekhov's Ivanov (1887).
Two issues
These drastic culture and generation gaps
create issues of community preferences (chioce)as well as spending.
Text A Father Knows Better!
Drama The use of "drama" in the narrow sense to
demographic difference
There is a large demographic difference
between the Baby Boomers generation and earlier generations, where earlier generations are less racially and ethnically diverse than the Baby Boomers’ population.
generation gap
We often hear about the "generation gap"
that occurs between parents andchildren when it comes to music, morals, fashion and a host of other things. 我们总能听到父母和孩子之间存在“代 沟”,音乐、道德准则、时尚以及很多事 情上双方看法都不同。
镜框式舞台 镜框式舞台是指观众位于舞台的一侧,而舞台的其余侧面
被物体遮挡,以供演员和技术人员做准备工作。 舞台 伸展式舞台 伸展式舞台与镜框式舞台的区别在于,舞台的一部分向前 突出,伸向观众席,这一部分的三面都暴露给观众。 圆环形舞台 圆环形舞台是指观众位于舞台的四周。通常圆环形舞台位 于剧场的中央。观众可以近距离地欣赏表演。
A generation gap or generational gap, is
a difference of opinions between one generation and another regarding beliefs, politics, or values. In today's usage, "generation gap" often refers to a perceived gap between younger people and their parents and/or grandparents.[1]
Drama 戏剧
Drama is often combined
with music and dance: the drama in opera is generally sung throughout;
术。舞台剧按内容可以分为喜剧、悲剧和 正剧;按表现形式可以分为歌剧、舞剧、话 剧、哑剧、诗剧、偶发剧、木偶剧等
cultural generation gap
But this divide—what William Frey of
the Brookings Institution in Washington, DC,calls “the cul tural generation gap”—is very much wider in some states and cities. 华盛顿特区的布鲁金斯学会成员威廉•弗雷 伊把这种差异称作“文化代沟”,这种现 象在某些州和城市表现尤为突出。
sociological theory
The sociological theory of a generation
gap first came to light in the 1960s, when the younger generation (later known as Baby Boomers) seemed to go against everything their parents had previously believed in terms of music, values, governmental and political views.
In improvisation, the drama does not preexist the moment of performance; performers devise a dramatic script spontaneously before an audience.[
reading drama 配乐朗读
In certain periods of history (the
ancient Roman and modern Romantic) some dramas have been written to be read rather than performed.
伸缩舞台 主要用在歌舞厅,时装表演厅,饭店,夜总会,
会所等娱乐场所。为了扩大台面,增加娱乐气氛,舞台能 够从主舞台下伸出来,并抬平与主舞台一个平面,让表演 者有更大的表演空间,接近观众,达到各种特殊效果。不 用时,舞台能缩回到主舞台里面,增加舞台使用面积。 旋转舞台 现代歌舞剧演出时必备的舞台设备,能提高剧 种的演出效果。旋转舞台在现代迪斯科厅,歌舞厅和时装 表演厅中,逐步得到应用。为了配合强节奏的音乐的多变 的灯光,要求舞台能够旋转起来,让观众身临其境,在音 响灯光中参与到舞台旋转的自动化中来。 升降舞台 主要用在迪厅,歌舞厅的其它需要升降功能的 娱乐场所。为了满足表演者和演唱者的需要,希望娱乐场 所舞台能够慢慢升起,突出表演者和演唱者的动态效果, 提高档次,增加整体娱乐气氛。