
丽声拼读故事会中文翻译1-6辑1-1 《天下第一猫》我是天下第一猫。
我是不是天下第一猫?我是!我是!“砰!”我是不是天下第一猫?1-2 《萨姆的罐子》汤姆拿了一个罐子。
拍,拍,拍!敲,敲,敲!敲,敲,敲!汤姆拿了一个拖把!1-3 《小虫鲍勃》鲍勃是一只小虫。
1-4 《挖,挖,挖!》挖,挖,挖!蒂姆和他的小狗玩儿得很开心。
1-5 《扎克和兽医》“坐下,扎克。
1-6 《虫妈妈的包》虫妈妈有一个红色的包。
2-1 《奇怪的宠物》金有一只猫。
丽声拼读故事会第四级2 The Red Man and the Green Man 教学设计

Review letter combinations making long vowel sound.
Say the long-a sound.
Ask Ss to list words with the long-a sound.
Show Ss alternative spellings for thelong-asound.
《丽声拼读故事会》第四级2The Red Man and the Green Man
本册是《丽声拼读故事会》第四级2中的第1本,内文共16页,文本内容中大多数的单词都可以解码,核心拼读知识为ee(as inthree),ie(as intie),oe(as in toe),ai(as in train)。句子全部都是简单句,其中有部分直接引语和祈使句,每句长不超过15个词。本书讲述了住在交通灯里的小红人和小绿人跑出去度假,结果发现自己并不适应外边的世界的有趣故事。

丽声我的第一套自然拼读故事书教学设计《丽声我的第一套自然拼读故事书》(第四级)Lollypops教学设计外研社培训师鲍丹一、教学目标?熟练拼读 CVC单词。
?重点掌握ll的发音以及y 在词尾的发音。
?掌握核心单词flap, lollypop, jolly, shop和yum发音及词义。
三、教学用具?绘本?课件四、教学过程1.呈现故事中 Polly 的图片。
-Boys and girls, what animal is this?-It is a bird.-It ’ s-ao-jll-y bird. Jolly means happy?-Can you try to read out the name of the bird?2.呈现几幅鸟的动图。
-Can you try to read this word?-Can you show me ⋯?3.呈现第 4 页 ppt 图片并提问。
-What is the girl’ s name?-What is the girl holding?-Where can we get lollypops?4.呈现第 5、 6 页 ppt 图片并提问。
丽声我的第一套自然拼读故事书教学设计-The shop had lollypops.-What do we need to buy lollypops?5.呈现封面图片并提问。
-What do you want to know about the story?6.呈现第 8-11 页 ppt 图片并提问 ( 核心词汇遮挡 ) 。

辅音和5个短元音的练习(一)The Odd Pet (ch,sh,th)奇怪的宠物Kim has a cat。
Jim has a dog. But Viv has an odd pet。
It is a zog!Not a cat, not a dog, but a zog! The zog is fat。
It has ten red legs。
It can run and hop。
It can sit and beg. The zog has lots of eggs! The zog sits on the eggs。
It sits and sits。
Tap, tap, tap, tap , tap, tap! Lots of zogs!“Can I have a zog?” Kim asked。
“Yes,but not yet。
” “Can I have a zog?” Jim asked. “Yes, but not yet。
” Now Kim has a cat and a zog. Jim has a dog and a zog。
And Viv has ten zogs!(二)Miss!Miss! (ll,ss,ff,zz)老师!老师Buzz off, Bill! I will tell Miss Hill! Miss! Miss! Bill has got my hat。
Buzz off, Bill! Miss! Miss! Bill has got my pen. Buzz off, Bill! Miss!Miss! Bill has got the ball。
Buzz off, Bill! Miss! Miss! Bill has got my pot。
Buzz off, Bill! Miss! Miss! Bill is in a mess. Yes! The bell! Miss Hill gets on the bus。
丽声我的第一套自然拼读故事书第四级B2 Little Bug 教学设计

《丽声我的第一套自然拼读故事书》(第四级)Little Bug教学设计一、教学目标•掌握并认读视觉词he, ate, littleo•能够在老师的辅助下朗读故事并理解大意。
二.教学重点及难点•掌握并认读视觉词he, ate, little。
三、教学用具•绘本•课件•教具Step 3阅读全书1.共读绘本。
提问建议:-Where9s the little bug?-What did the little bug do?-How was the little bug?-What did the little bug eat?-Did he eat a lot?-What's the little bug's snack?-Where9s the little bug?-How was it?-Why did it run up a twig?-Where's the bug?-How was it?-What did it eat?-Who're the boy and the girl?-Where did they go to?-What would they want to do?-How do you know?-What would happen to the little bug?2.带着问题独立阅读。
提问建议:-What would happen to the little bug?- Who said 'Run, run, little bug'?-Did the little bug manage to run?-What did the little bug do?-Was he safe now?3. Sight words review: type and write(参考词语:he, on, little, ate, the, up, went, to)4.大声朗读绘本,针对有困难的学生教师可给予帮助。

丽声北极星自然拼读绘本第二级 Frog in the Fog 教学设计

4.在故事语境中理解词汇frog,fog,fox,hop,log,pot,rock,pond 的含义, 能感知、辨别、梳理字母o的发音,并能运用拼读规律拼读单词。
教学重点:1. 理解故事内容,借助图片简单讲述故事。
2. 字母o的发音,并运用发音规则拼读单词。
教学过程Step 1 Pre-reading (5 mins)Activity 1: Talk about the frog教师播青蛙的叫声,引出故事主要角色。
教师提问:1. Listen, what is it?2. What can frogs do?3. Where do frogs live?4. What else do you know about frogs?学生回答问题,师生交流。
Activity 2: 介绍评价机制结合本课谈论青蛙的话题,学生以组为单位,回答问题后向前移动一个荷叶,板书右侧呈现评价过程,移动荷叶数量最多的组获胜。
Step 2 While-reading (17 mins)Activity 3:图片环游故事P3-P51. 读封面,了解故事关键信息。
课件呈现绘本封面,教师引导学生观察图片中的事物:frog,leaves,trees,了解故事将围绕小青蛙展开,尝试拼读出题目Frog in the Fog. 鼓励学尝试用英语简单描述青蛙的外貌、动作,启发学生合理预测将会发生什么事情,激发学生带着兴趣阅读故事。

这句话强调了语言的重要性,它不仅塑造了我们的世界,还让我们与他人产 生了。通过学习单词,我们可以获得新的视角、新的理解以及新的自由。这告诉 学习者要不断拓展自己的词汇量,提高自己的阅读和理解能力。
“Reading is like a magic door, opening up a whole new world of adventure and discovery.”
《外研社丽声拼读故事会第四级2》是一本专为儿童英语学习者设计的拼读故 事书。通过深入剖析这本书的目录,我们可以了解到其独特的教学方法和设计理 念。
从目录的结构来看,这本书采用了清晰的分级设计。每个级别的故事会都有 其特定的目标和学习重点,这有助于学习者逐步提高英语阅读和拼写能力。第四 级2的目录包括了一系列与生活、冒险、想象和科学相关的话题,这些话题的多 样性旨在激发孩子们的学习兴趣,提高他们的阅读参与度。
“Language is the most powerful tool we have. It shapes our world and connects us with others. With every word we learn, we gain a new perspective, a new understanding, a new freedom.”
这句话将友谊比喻为花园,需要细心呵护和才能茁壮成长。这告诉学习者要 珍惜和维护自己的友谊,用心去经营和培养与他人的关系。
《外研社丽声拼读故事会第四级2》是一本寓教于乐的英语读物,它将英语学 习与故事情节紧密结合,让孩子们在阅读有趣的故事中,轻松掌握英语知识。

短元音学习:在第四级中,短元音的学习占据了重要的位置。短元音是英语发 音中的重要元素,掌握好短元音的发音,对于提高英语发音的准确性和流利度 至关重要。
长元音学习:除了短元音,长元音的学习也是本级别的重点。长元音的发音对 于理解单词的意思和句子的结构都起到关键作用。
辅音学习:除了元音,辅音的学习也是必不可少的。通过学习辅音,孩子们可 以更好地理解和使用英语的发音规则。
丽声我的第一套自然拼读故事书第四 级
01 思维导图
03 精彩摘录 05 目录分析
02 内容摘要 04 阅读感受 06 作者简介
故事 自然
《丽声我的第一套自然拼读故事书第四级》内容摘要 《丽声我的第一套自然拼读故事书第四级》是一本专为儿童学习英语自然拼读而设计的书籍,通 过有趣的故事和生动的插图,引导孩子们在轻松愉快的氛围中掌握英语单词的拼读规则。 这本书共有10个故事,每个故事都围绕一个主题,如家庭、动物、季节等,通过生动有趣的故事 情节,让孩子们在阅读故事的过程中学习自然拼读规则。同时,每个故事还配有精美的插图,帮 助孩子们更好地理解故事情节和单词的含义。 除了有趣的故事和精美的插图,这本书还提供了丰富的练习和活动,如单词拼写、语音听辨、阅 读理解等,帮助孩子们巩固所学知识,提高英语阅读能力。每个级别的内容难度适中,适合有一 定英语基础的儿童阅读,可以让孩子们在不断进步中感受到学习英语的乐趣。


辅音和5个短元音的练习(一) The Odd Pet (ch,sh,th)奇怪的宠物Kim has a cat. Jim has a dog. But Viv has an odd pet. It is a zog!Not a cat, not a dog, but a zog! The zog is fat. It has ten red legs. It can run and hop. It can sit and beg. The zog has lots of eggs! The zog sits on the eggs. It sits and sits. Tap, tap, tap, tap , tap, tap! Lots of zogs! “Can I have a zog?” Kim asked. “Yes,but not yet.” “Can I have a zog?” Jim asked. “Yes, but not yet.” Now Kim has a cat and a zog. Jim has a dog and a zog. And Viv has ten zogs!(二)Miss!Miss! (ll,ss,ff,zz)老师!老师Buzz off, Bill! I will tell Miss Hill! Miss! Miss! Bill has got my hat. Buzz off, Bill! Miss! Miss! Bill has got my pen. Buzz off, Bill! Miss! Miss! Bill has got the ball. Buzz off, Bill! Miss! Miss! Bill has got my pot. Buzz off, Bill! Miss! Miss! Bill is in a mess. Yes! The bell! Miss Hill gets on the bus. Miss Hill gets off the bus. Buzz off, Ross! Mum! Mum! Ross has got my doll!(三)This and That (ch,sh,th)这和那This is Mr Chan’s shop. Mr Chan sells pens, pads and maps. Tim is in Mr Chan’s shop. Can I have that pen? Yes, Tim. This is Miss Thin’s shop. Miss Thin sells eggs, nuts and carrots. Tim is in Miss Thin’s shop. Can I have some carrots? Yes, Tim. This is Mrs ship’s shop. Mrs ship sells jugs, shells and chess sets. Tim is in Mrs ship’s shop. Can I have this shell and that shell? Yes, Tim. This is Tim’s rabbit!(四)Fish and Chips(sh,ch,th) 鱼和薯条This is Ron Rabbit. Ron has a job in a fish and chip shop. This fish is too hot! Cut up this fish! Fill up this cup! When will my fish come? Which is my fish? This is too much fish! I’m fed up with this job! This fish is too fat! This chip is too thin! This salad is too wet! This bill is too much! This shop is shut!(五)Singing Dad (ng,ll,ff,sh,ch,th)爱唱歌的爸爸Dad is a singer. He sings all day long. Song, after song, after song, after song! He sings to the cat and he sings to the dog. He sings in the sunand he sings in the fog. He sings in the shops and he sings in the shed. He sings in the bus and he sings in his bed. He sings when he’s fishing. He sings when he jogs. He sings when he’s digging and chopping up logs. Mum tells Dad off. “I’m fed up with that song.” Mum never sings, but she hums all day long!(六)Doctor Duck(ng,ck,x,qu)鸭子医生Bob Bug was in his cot. “Get up, Bob,”said Dad. But Bob did not get up. “I am hot!”he said. “Bob is sick!” said Mum. “Quick! I will ring Doctor Duck.”“Mum is a fusspot,” said Dad. Mum Bug rang Doctor Duck. “Come quick!” she said. “Bob is sick!”“Quack,quack!” said Doctor Duck. He got his box of pills. “I will mix this pill up with some milk,” he said. “Sip this,” said Doctor Duck to Bob Bug. “Yuk,” said Bob, but he had a sip. “Quack,quack!” said Doctor Duck. “I will come back in six days.” When Doctor Duck came back, Bob was hopping and singing. But Dad Bug was in bed. “I am hot!I am sick!” he said. “Bad luck, Dad,” said Mum. “Dad is a fusspot!” said Bob.。

辅音和5个短元音的练习(一) The Odd Pet (ch,sh,th)奇怪的宠物Kim has a cat. Jim has a dog. But Viv has an odd pet. It is a zog!Not a cat, not a dog, but a zog! The zog is fat. It has ten red legs. It can run and hop. It can sit and beg. The zog has lots of eggs! The zog sits on the eggs. It sits and sits. Tap, tap, tap, tap , tap, tap! Lots of zogs! “Can I have a zog?” Kim asked. “Yes,but not yet.” “Can I have a zog?” Jim asked. “Yes, but not yet.” Now Kim has a cat and a zog. Jim has a dog and a zog. And Viv has ten zogs!(二)Miss!Miss! (ll,ss,ff,zz)老师!老师Buzz off, Bill! I will tell Miss Hill! Miss! Miss! Bill has got my hat. Buzz off, Bill! Miss! Miss! Bill has got my pen. Buzz off, Bill! Miss! Miss! Bill has got the ball. Buzz off, Bill! Miss! Miss! Bill has got my pot. Buzz off, Bill! Miss! Miss! Bill is in a mess. Yes! The bell! Miss Hill gets on the bus. Miss Hill gets off the bus. Buzz off, Ross! Mum! Mum! Ross has got my doll!(三)This and That (ch,sh,th)这和那This is Mr Chan’s shop. Mr Chan sells pens, pads and maps. Tim is in Mr Chan’s shop. Can I have that pen? Yes, Tim. This is Miss Thin’s shop. Miss Thin sells eggs, nuts and carrots. Tim is in Miss Thin’s shop. Can I have some carrots? Yes, Tim. This is Mrs ship’s shop. Mrs ship sells jugs, shells and chess sets. Tim is in Mrs ship’s shop. Can I have this shell and that shell? Yes, Tim. This is Tim’s rabbit!(四)Fish and Chips(sh,ch,th) 鱼和薯条This is Ron Rabbit. Ron has a job in a fish and chip shop. This fish is too hot! Cut up this fish! Fill up this cup! When will my fish come? Which is my fish? This is too much fish! I’m fed up with this job! Thisfish is too fat! This chip is too thin! This salad is too wet! This bill is too much! This shop is shut!(五)Singing Dad (ng,ll,ff,sh,ch,th)爱唱歌的爸爸Dad is a singer. He sings all day long. Song, after song, after song, after song! He sings to the cat and he sings to the dog. He sings in the sun and he sings in the fog. He sings in the shops and he sings in the shed. He sings in the bus and he sings in his bed. He sings when he’s fishing. He sings when he jogs. He sings when he’s digging and chopping up logs. Mum tells Dad off. “I’m fed up with that song.” Mum never sings, but she hums all day long!(六)Doctor Duck(ng,ck,x,qu)鸭子医生Bob Bug was in his cot. “Get up, Bob,” said Dad. But Bob did not get up. “I am hot!” he said. “Bob is sick!” said Mum. “Quick! I will ring Doctor Duck.”“Mum is a fusspot,”said Dad. Mum Bug rang Doctor Duck. “Come quick!”she said. “Bob is sick!”“Quack,quack!”said Doctor Duck. He got his box of pills. “I will mix this pill up with some milk,” he said. “Sip this,” said Doctor Duck to Bob Bug. “Yuk,” said Bob, but he had a sip. “Quack,quack!” said Doctor Duck. “I will come back in six days.” When Doctor Duck came back, Bob was hopping and singing. But Dad Bug was in bed. “I am hot! I am sick!” he said. “Bad luck, Dad,”said Mum. “Dad is a fusspot!” said Bob.。

辅音和5个短元音的练习(一) The Odd Pet (ch,sh,th)奇怪的宠物Kim has a cat. Jim has a dog. But Viv has an odd pet. It is a zog!Not a cat, not a dog, but a zog! The zog is fat. It has ten red legs. It can run and hop. It can sit and beg. The zog has lots of eggs! The zog sits on the eggs. It sits and sits. Tap, tap, tap, tap , tap, tap! Lots of zogs! “Can I have a zog?” Kim asked. “Yes,but not yet.” “Can I have a zog?” Jim asked. “Yes, but not yet.” Now Kim has a cat and a zog. Jim has a dog and a zog. And Viv has ten zogs!(二)Miss!Miss! (ll,ss,ff,zz)老师!老师Buzz off, Bill! I will tell Miss Hill! Miss! Miss! Bill has got my hat. Buzz off, Bill! Miss! Miss! Bill has got my pen. Buzz off, Bill! Miss! Miss! Bill has got the ball. Buzz off, Bill! Miss! Miss! Bill has got my pot. Buzz off, Bill! Miss! Miss! Bill is in a mess. Yes! The bell! Miss Hill gets on the bus. Miss Hill gets off the bus. Buzz off, Ross! Mum! Mum! Ross has got my doll!(三)This and That (ch,sh,th)这和那This is Mr Chan’s shop. Mr Chan sells pens, pads and maps. Tim is in Mr Chan’s shop. Can I have that pen? Yes, Tim. This is Miss Thin’s shop. Miss Thin sells eggs, nuts and carrots. Tim is in Miss Thin’s shop. Can I have some carrots? Yes, Tim. This is Mrs ship’s shop. Mrs ship sells jugs, shells and chess sets. Tim is in Mrs ship’s shop. Can I have this shell and that shell? Yes, Tim. This is Tim’s rabbit!(四)Fish and Chips(sh,ch,th) 鱼和薯条This is Ron Rabbit. Ron has a job in a fish and chip shop. This fish is too hot! Cut up this fish! Fill up this cup! When will my fish come? Which is my fish? This is too much fish! I’m fed up with this job! Thisfish is too fat! This chip is too thin! This salad is too wet! This bill is too much! This shop is shut!(五)Singing Dad (ng,ll,ff,sh,ch,th)爱唱歌的爸爸Dad is a singer. He sings all day long. Song, after song, after song, after song! He sings to the cat and he sings to the dog. He sings in the sun and he sings in the fog. He sings in the shops and he sings in the shed. He sings in the bus and he sings in his bed. He sings when he’s fishing. He sings when he jogs. He sings when he’s digging and chopping up logs. Mum tells Dad off. “I’m fed up with that song.” Mum never sings, but she hums all day long!(六)Doctor Duck(ng,ck,x,qu)鸭子医生Bob Bug was in his cot. “Get up, Bob,” said Dad. But Bob did not get up. “I am hot!” he said. “Bob is sick!” said Mum. “Quick! I will ring Doctor Duck.”“Mum is a fusspot,”said Dad. Mum Bug rang Doctor Duck. “Come quick!”she said. “Bob is sick!”“Quack,quack!”said Doctor Duck. He got his box of pills. “I will mix this pill up with some milk,” he said. “Sip this,” said Doctor Duck to Bob Bug. “Yuk,” said Bob, but he had a sip. “Quack,quack!” said Doctor Duck. “I will come back in six days.” When Doctor Duck came back, Bob was hopping and singing. But Dad Bug was in bed. “I am hot! I am sick!” he said. “Bad luck, Dad,”said Mum. “Dad is a fusspot!” said Bob.。
丽声北极星自然拼读绘本第二级 Eggs for Ben 课件

A cat is in the hen’s pen.
CAT! CAT! A cat, in the pen.
Eggs for Ben?
Eggs for Ben?
Yes! Yes! Eggs for Ben?
Listen and follow
Listen and follow
Ben gets a hen.
Ben gets a hen. Hen gets a pen. Eggs for Ben? Not yet. Hen gets a bed. Eggs for Ben? Not yet.
Think and retell
Ben gets the vet. Hen is well. Eggs for Ben? Not yet. A cat is in the hen’s pen. A cat, in the pen! Eggs for Ben? Yes, yes!
Ben gets the vet. Hen is well.
a broken egg
Ben gets the vet. Hen is well.
A broken egg, why?
Not yet. Eggs for Ben?
Read and circle
Why no eggs for Ben?
A cat is in the hen’s pen.
Listen and follow
A cat, in the pen.
Eggs for Ben?
Read and order
Ben gets a hen. Hen gets a pen. Eggs for Ben? Not yet. Hen gets a bed. Eggs for Ben? Not yet.

丽声拼读故事会英⽂1-6.doc 1-1 Top Cat I am top cat.Am I top cat?I am! I am!I am top cat.Am I top cat?I am! I am!Pop!Am I top cat?1-2 Sam's PotTom got a pot.Pam got a pot.Sam got a pot.Pat, pat, pat!Tap, tap, tap!Tap, tap, tap!Tom got a mop!1-3 Bob BugBob is a bug.Bob Bug has a mum.His mum is big.Bob has a dad.His dad is fit.Bob has a cup.It has a lid.Sip, sip, sip!Bob has a cot.His cot has a rug.Mum! Dad!A big bad rat!Bob bug has a hug.1-4 Dig, Dig, Dig!Dig, dig, dig!Tim and his dog had fun. Dig, dig, dig!Tim dug up a lot jof mud. Dig, dig, dig!His dog dug up a rag. Dig, dig, dig!Tim dug up a bus. Dig, dig, dig!A lid!Dig, dig, dig!A big tin!And in it...lots of bugs!1-5 Sam's PotSit, Zak, Sit!Zak did not sit. Zak ran. Sit, Zak. Sit!Zak ran and ran!Zak ran in the fog.A red van hit him.Jen and Zak went to the vet. Zak had a bad cut.He had to get a job.Will Zak get better?Yes.Zak did get better. wag...wag...wag1-6 Mum Bug's BagMum Bug has a red bag. The bag has a zip.Mum can fit a pen in her bag.Mum can fit a pen and a fan in her bag. Mum can fit a pen and a fanand a bun in her bag.Mum can fit a penand a fanand a bunand a pot of jam in her bag.Mum has a hole in her bag!The penand the fanand the bunand the jam get wet.Yak!Mum Bug gets a big bag.2-1 The Odd PetKim has a cat.Jim has a dog.But Viv has an odd pet.It is a zog! Not a cat, notThe zog is fat. It has tenIt can run and hop.It can sit and beg.The zog has lots of eggs! The zog sits on the eggs.It sits and sits.Tap, tap, tap!Tap, tap, tap!Lots of zogs!Can I have a zog?Yes, but not yet.Can I have a zog?Yes, but not yet.Now Kim has a cat and a zog Jim has a dog and a zog. And viv has ten zogs! 2-2 Miss MissBuzz off, Bill!I will tell Miss Hill!Miss! Miss! Bill has got my Buzz Off, Bill!Miss! Miss! Bill has got my Buzz Off, Bill!Miss! Miss! Bill has got my Buzz Off, Bill!Miss! Miss! Bill has got my Buzz Off, Bill!Miss! Miss! Bill is in a me Brrrrrrrrrrrr!Yes! The bell!Miss Hill gets on the bus.Miss Hill gets off the bus. Buzz off, Ross!Mum! Mum! Ross has got my d 2-3 This and ThatThis is Mr Chan's shop.Mr Chan sells pens, pads an Tim is in Mr Chan's shop.Can I have that pen?Yes, Tim.This is Miss Thin's shop.Miss Thin sells eggs, nutsTim is in Miss Thin's shop. Can I have some carrots? Yes, Tim.This is Mrs Ship's shop. Mrs Ship sells jugs, shells Tim is in Mrs Ship's shop. Can I have this shell and t Yes, Tim.This is Tim's rabbit!2-4 Fish andChipsThis is Ron Rabbit.Ron has a job in a fish and This fish is too hot!This fish is not hot!Cut up this fish!Fill up this cup!Whizz, whizz!Whizz, whizz!When will my fish come? Which is my fish?This is too much fish!Whizz, whizz!Whizz, whizz!I'm fed up with this job! This fish is too fat!This chip is too thin! This salad is too wet! This bill is too much! This shop is shut!2-5 Singing DadDad is a singer.He sings all day long. Song, after song,after song, after song! He sings to the catand he sings to the dog. He sings in the sunand he sings in the fog. He sings in the shops and he sings in the shed. He sings in the busand he sings in his bed.He sings when he's fishing. He sings when he jogs.He sings when he's digging and chopping up logs.Mum tells Dad off."I'm fed up with that song. Mum never sings...but she hums all day long! 2-6 Doctor DuckBob bug was in his cot. "Get up, Bob," said Dad. But Bob did not get up."I am hot!" he said."Bob is sick!" said Mum. "Quick! I will ring Doctor "Mum is a fusspot," said Da Mum Bug rang Doctor Duck. "Come quick!" she said, "Bo "Quack, quack!" said Doctor He got his box of pills."I will mix this pill up wi"Sip this," said Doctor Duc"Yuk," said Bob, but he had"Quack, quack!" said Doctor"I will come back in six daWhen Doctor Duck came back,Bob was hopping and singingBut Dad Bug was in bed."I am hot! I am sick!" he s"Bad luck, Dad," said Mum."Dad is a fusspot!" said Bo3-1 The Big MatchHere come the fans.Here come the six ducks.Here come the six foxes.The duck fans quack.Ducks! Ducks! Ducks!The fox fans sing.Foxes! Foxes! Foxes!The ref rings a bell. The match has begun! The foxes and ducks kick the ball. Rick Duck gets the ball in.Yes!Max Fox gets the ball in.Yes!The ducks get the ball.Max Fox kicks Rick Duck!The duck fans quack.Get him off!The ref rings his bell.Get off, Max!Rick Duck gets the ball in!Yes!The duck fans quack and sing.Up with Rick!The ducks win the match.3-2 The Shopping listYasmin and Dad went to the bank. Next, they went shopping.Yasmin held the shopping list. Yasmin and Dad went to a big shop. They got in the lift.A man got in with them.I like this pink belt.I like this golf ball.This is the best lamp.That cost a lot!Yasmin and Dad got back in the lift. The man got in with them. Yasmin and Dad went back home. Let's unpack the shopping.A vest!Milk!A pump!That's odd!3-3 Gran is crossThe twins go to visit Gran.Flick brings a pram.Fred brings his frog.Gran is on the steps.Hello, Gran.Gran has a blck cat.Hello, Spot.Gran gets the twins a snack.Flick spills her drink on the cloth.Gran is cross.Fred drops his sandwich in the pram. Gran is cross.But spot the cat is glad.The frog jumps in the jam.Fred grabs him.Smash!Gran is cross.The frog jumps and jumps.Spot runs and runs.The frog jumps on the clock.Gran is cross.Stop!At the end of the day the twins go home. Gran is glad.The twins are glad.But Spot is sad.3-4 The trunk and the skunkI am a mammoth.I have big, thick legs.I can stamp on things.Stamp, tramp, crash!I have long tusks.I can dig with them.And I have a long trunk.I can do lots of things with my trunk.I can pick things up.I can lift things.I can drink.I can slosh my mum and dad!Stop that!And I can smell things with my trunk.I can smell good things...Sniff, sniff! Bananas!And I can smell bad things...Sniff, sniff! A skunk!This skunk stinks!I will slosh him!Help!Slosh! That will get rid of the smell. Sniff, sniff...Oh no!The skunk still smells of skunk.3-5 The scrap rocketRon Rabbit is collecting things.Ron collects a tin, a tap,a pot and a lid.Ron collects a plug, a plank and a pump. Next, Ron collects a spring, a strap and lots of string.Clink clink!Bang bang!Prod prod!Twist twist!Crank crank!It's a rocket!Lift-off!This is a thrill!But then...Splash!It's not a rocket.It's a submarine!3-6 Splash and SquelchWe like to swing.We like to whizz and spin.We like to yell in tunnels.We like to splish, splash and splosh.We like to run in the sun and dig in the sand.We like to squelch in the mud and stamp on the twigs. We like to jump off a log and hit a stump with a stick. We like to hop like frogs and spring like squirrels. And when we get home...We like to flop.4-1 Queen Anneenas Feast.Queen Anneena had a feast.Fifteen queens came to the feast.Queen Jean had heaps of meat.Queen Nelly had heaps of jelly.But Queen Teeny Weeny did not eat."Have some peas and beans," said Queen Jean. "No," said Queen Teeny Weeny."Have some jelly and cream," said Queen Nelly. "No," said Queen Teeny Weeny."What do you want to eat then?" said Queen Anneena."One green leaf," said Queen Teeny Weeny.But was not a leaf to be seen!Queen Anneena sent King Kareem to the shop.He came back with one green leaf.Queen Anneena was happy to see Queen Teeny Weeny eat the leaf. "Do you want some tea and a sweet?" she said. "No," said Queen Teeny Weeny."I am going home to clean my teeth."4-2 Spike saysSpike is five.Spike says he can run for miles and miles.Spike says he has nine bikes.Spike says he can dive.He says he wins prizes for diving.Spike says he can drive.He says he wins prizes for driving.Spike says he can fight fires and feed wild lions.Spike says his mum is a spyand his dad rides a crocodile.Spike says he can fly.He says he eats a pie in the sky every night. Spike says that he never, ever tells a lie.4-3 The wrong kind of knightNasim was a knight.But he didn't like to ride and he didn't like to fight. Nasim liked to read and write, and he liked to knit. One night, there was a knock at the door."I need you to fight a dragon!" cried King Kareem. "But I'm the wrong kind of knight!" said Nasim."I don't like fighting!""Never mind!" cried the king."Hurry up!""The dragon is in my bed!" said the king.Nasim's knees were knocking.He lifted the blanked and saw...a tiny dragon.The dragon's knees were knocking too."I'm freezing," he said."Fight him!" cried the king."No. I'm the wrong kind of knight," said Nasim, and he began to knit.Nasim was very quick at knitting.He knitted a vest, some socks and some long knickers. The dragon was delighted."Thank you!" he said, and off he went."I think you were the right kind of knight!" said the king. 4-4 Moan moan moanMy goldfish never moans at me.She never says,"Don't climb that tree."She never tells me,"Don't throw stones."But Mum just moans and moans and moans. Don't dig holes.Don't pick that rose.Don't untie your sister's bows.Hang that coat up.Dry that bowl.Don't mix jam with soap and coal.Come on, slowcoach, hurry up.Eat that toast.Don't drop that cup.。
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(一) The Odd Pet (ch,sh,th)奇怪的宠物
Kim has a cat. Jim has a dog. But Viv has an odd pet. It is a zog!Not a cat, not a dog, but a zog! The zog is fat. It has ten red legs. It can run and hop. It can sit and beg. The zog has lots of eggs! The zog sits on the eggs. It sits and sits. Tap, tap, tap, tap , tap, tap! Lots of zogs! “Can I have a zog?” Kim asked. “Yes,but not yet.” “Can I have a zog?” Jim asked. “Yes, but not yet.” Now Kim has a cat and a zog. Jim has a dog and a zog. And Viv has ten zogs!
(二)Miss!Miss! (ll,ss,ff,zz)老师!老师
Buzz off, Bill! I will tell Miss Hill! Miss! Miss! Bill has got my hat. Buzz off, Bill! Miss! Miss! Bill has got my pen. Buzz off, Bill! Miss! Miss! Bill has got the ball. Buzz off, Bill! Miss! Miss! Bill has got my pot. Buzz off, Bill! Miss! Miss! Bill is in a mess. Yes! The bell! Miss Hill gets on the bus. Miss Hill gets off the bus. Buzz off, Ross! Mum! Mum! Ross has got my doll!
(三)This and That (ch,sh,th)这和那
This is Mr Chan’s shop. Mr Chan sells pens, pads and maps. Tim is in Mr Chan’s shop. Can I have that pen? Yes, Tim. This is Miss Thin’s shop. Miss Thin sells eggs, nuts and carrots. Tim is in Miss Thin’s shop. Can I have some carrots? Yes, Tim. This is Mrs ship’s shop. Mrs ship sells jugs, shells and chess sets. Tim is in Mrs ship’s shop. Can I have this shell and that shell? Yes, Tim. This is Tim’s rabbit!
(四)Fish and Chips(sh,ch,th) 鱼和薯条
This is Ron Rabbit. Ron has a job in a fish and chip shop. This fish is too hot! Cut up this fish! Fill up this cup! When will my fish come? Which is my fish? This is too much fish! I’m fed up with this job! This
fish is too fat! This chip is too thin! This salad is too wet! This bill is too much! This shop is shut!
(五)Singing Dad (ng,ll,ff,sh,ch,th)爱唱歌的爸爸Dad is a singer. He sings all day long. Song, after song, after song, after song! He sings to the cat and he sings to the dog. He sings in the sun and he sings in the fog. He sings in the shops and he sings in the shed. He sings in the bus and he sings in his bed. He sings when he’s fishing. He sings when he jogs. He sings when he’s digging and chopping up logs. Mum tells Dad off. “I’m fed up with that song.” Mum never sings, but she hums all day long!
(六)Doctor Duck(ng,ck,x,qu)鸭子医生
Bob Bug was in his cot. “Get up, Bob,” said Dad. But Bob did not get up. “I am hot!” he said. “Bob is sick!” said Mum. “Quick! I will ring Doctor Duck.”“Mum is a fusspot,”said Dad. Mum Bug rang Doctor Duck. “Come quick!”she said. “Bob is sick!”“Quack,quack!”said Doctor Duck. He got his box of pills. “I will mix this pill up with some milk,” he said. “Sip this,” said Doctor Duck to Bob Bug. “Yuk,” said Bob, but he had a sip. “Quack,quack!” said Doctor Duck. “I will come back in six days.” When Doctor Duck came back, Bob was hopping and singing. But Dad Bug was in bed. “I am hot! I am sick!” he said. “Bad luck, Dad,”said Mum. “Dad is a fusspot!” said Bob.。