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就诊患者,多由患者均处在非孕期、非哺乳期,患者中最大年龄为52岁,最小年龄为23岁,平均年龄为37.6岁,均有患病前性生活史,病程均超过1年,病情在近1年内复发次数均多于4次。检查肝功能、肾功能均未见明显异常。将100例患者随机分成两组,每组50例,两组患者在年龄、病程长短及病情轻重程度等方面比较差异无统计学意义(P >0.05),具可比性。所有患者均签署知情同意书,配合治疗。1.2方法

研究药物氟康唑均来自辉瑞有限公司,口服氟康唑胶囊剂量规格为150mg/粒,氟康唑注射液规格为200mg/100mL 。第一组50例患者:150mg/次,氟康唑胶囊,口服给药;第二





[摘要]目的探讨氟康唑不同的给药途径对疗效的影响。方法选取100例患者,随机分成两组,各50例,第一组50例患者分别给予口服氟康唑胶囊150mg ,单次给药;第二组50例患者分别给予氟康唑注射液150mg ,也是单次给药,在45~60min 内滴注完,观察患者用药后1周、下次月经干净后1周的临床症状和体征,血常规、尿常规、肝肾功能,留取标本并送真菌涂片及真菌培养,评估临床疗效。结果第一组用药后1周复查,痊愈的有42例,好转的有4例,无效的有4例,总有效率达92.00%,在下次月经干净后1周复查痊愈的有26例,好转的有5例,无效的有19例,总有效率为62.00%;第二组用药后1周复查发现,痊愈的有41例,好转的有4例,无效的有5例,总有效率达90.00%;在下次月经干净后1周复查痊愈的有27例,好转的有5例,无效的有18例,总有效率为64.00%。两组间总有效率的比较差异无统计学意义(P >0.05)。有10例患者出现头晕、胃肠不适等不良反应(第一组有4例,第二组有6例),但是都能够耐受,停药后症状均消失。结论对于长期复发的患者,氟康唑口服与静脉滴注的临床疗效没有

明显区别,同时临床发现氟康唑的使用是安全可靠的。[关键词]氟康唑;静脉滴注;口服;念珠菌性阴道炎[中图分类号]R978.15[文献标识码]C [文章编号]1673-7210(2012)07(c )-0152-02

Effect of different routes of administration of Fluconazole on treatment effi -cacy

HE Hong LUO Yuzhao YANG Jinqiong

Department of Pharmacy,the People's Hospital of Gaozhou City,Guangdong Province,Gaozhou 525200,China

[Abstract]Objective To investigate the effect of different route of administration of Fluconazole on treatment efficacy.Methods 100patients were randomly assigned to two groups of 50cases in each group.50patients in the first group were given oral administration of single dose of 150mg Fluconazole capsules,and 50patients in the second group were treated with injection of single dose of 150mg Fluconazole within 45-60minutes.Clinical symptoms and signs,blood,urine,liver and kidney function of the patients one week after medication and one week after the end of next menstruation of the pa -tients were observed.And the specimens were taken and sent for fungal smear and fungal culture to assess clinical efficacy.Results In the oral administration group,one week after treatment,there were 42cases of recovery,and 4cases of im -provement and 4cases of invalid treatment,with a total effective rate of 92.00%;and one week after the end of next men -struation,there were 26cases of recovery,5cases of improvement and 19cases of invalid treatment,with a total effective rate of 62.00%;in the infusion group,one week after treatment,there were 41cases of recovery,4cases of improvement and 5cases of invalid treatment,with a total effective rate of 90.00%;one week after the end of next menstruation,there were 27cases of recovery,5cases of improvement and 18cases of invalid treatment,with a total effective rate of 64.00%.The total effective rates were not significantly different between the two groups (P >0.05).There were a total of 10cases of patients with dizziness,gastrointestinal discomfort and other adverse reactions (4cases in the first group and 6cases in the second group),but the symptoms were tolerable and disappeared after discontinuation.Conclusion For patients with long-term recurrence,the clinical efficacies of Fluconazole oral and intravenous infusion are not significantly different and the clinical use of Fluconazole is safe and reliable.

[Key words]Fluconazole;Intravenous infusion;Oral administration;Candida vaginitis

