史上最强 葡萄酒品鉴评价术语 (中英双语版对照)

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Acetic: Tasting term indicating an undesirable vinegary smell.


Acidic: Used to describe wines whose total acid is so high that they taste tart or sour and have a sharp edge on the palate.


Acids:Essential component of all wines. Several different acids are found in grapes and wine. Grapes are one of the few fruits to contain tartaric acid, the major wine acid and the most important source of acidity in wine. Smaller amounts of malic acid, citric acid and lactic acid can also be found, as can acetic acid. See also 'volatile acidity'.

酸:所有酒中的基本成分。在葡萄和葡萄酒中能找到几种不同的酸。葡萄是少数含有酒石酸的水果的一种,(酒石酸是酒中主要的酸性物质,同时也是酒的酸度的最重要来源)。除醋酸外,还有少量的苹果酸,柠檬酸和乳酸。也可参考'volatile acidity挥发性酸'.

Acrid: Describes a harsh or bitter taste or pungent smell that is due to excess sulfur.


Aftertaste: Sensation left in the mouth after wine is swallowed. A long aftertaste is a sign of a complex, high-quality wine. See also 'length'.


Age-Worthy: Describes the small number of top wines that have sufficient flavor, acidity, alcohol and tannin to gain additional complexity with time in the bottle. Most popular wines are meant to be enjoyed shortly after release and will only diminish with age.

值得陈年的: 形容少数具有充足风味,酸度,酒精和单宁的顶尖葡萄酒可随着在瓶中的陈年时间而增加其复杂度。大多数流行葡萄酒在上市后短期内就可以饮用且随着年岁的增大而逐渐衰退。

Aggressive:Tasting term, usually indicating a wine with high or excessive acidity or tannin. Wines that are aggressive in their youth may improve with ageing.


Agreeable: Pleasant character of a well-balanced wine.


Alcoholic: Used to describe a wine that has too much alcohol for its body and weight, making it unbalanced. A wine with too much alcohol will taste uncharacteristically heavy or hot as a result. This quality is noticeable in aroma and aftertaste.



Appearance:Refers to a wine’s clarity, not color. Common descriptors refer to the reflective quality of the wine; brilliant, clear, dull or cloudy for those wines with visible suspended particulates.


Apple, appley: Tasting term used to indicate the lively fruity acidity of a young white. Bruised apple taste can indicate oxidation, in reds or whites.


Aroma: Tasting term used to indicate the smells of a wine, particularly those deriving from the grape and fermentation. See also 'bouquet'.


Aromatic: Tasting term used to indicate a wine with a positive, agreeable smell. Also, a class of grapes (e.g. the Muscat family) which are particularly fragrant.


Astringent: Tasting term used to indicate a sharp bitterness. Usually a fault, a wine may become less astringent with ageing.


Austere: Tasting term, usually indicating a lack of richness or sweetness.


Awkward: Describes a wine that has poor structure, is clumsy or is out of balance.


Backbone:Used to denote those wines that are full-bodied, well-structured and balanced by a desirable level of acidity.


Backward: Used to describe a young wine that is less developed than others of its type and class from the same vintage.


Balance: A wine is balanced when its elements are harmonious and no single element dominates. The "hard" components –acidity and tannin– balance the "soft" components –sweetness, fruit and
