应用文写作之图表作文课件 2024届高考英语作文备考

Step 4 Practice
学校英文报正在开展以Learning English Beyond the Classroom为题的讨论。请使用图表 中的调查结果写一篇短文投稿,内容包括: 1. 学习活动状况描述; 2. 简单评论; 3. 你的建议。 注意: 1.写作词数应为80左右; 2.请按如下格式在相应位置作答。
Step 1 Build the structure
Genre: a short essay Structure: Paragraph 1 A brief description
Paragraph 2 A short comment
Paragraph 3 Your suggestions
Step 2 Build the language (para.1)
如图所示: 1. The chart shows/indicates/illustrates…. 2. According to the chart, … 3. As is shown in the chart,… 4. As can be seen from the chart,… 描述结果: 1. …percent of the students ..., while … percent of
Step 3 Appreciation
According to the survey conducted in our school, 43% of the students prefer to read science books, followed by comic readers, which accounts for 26%. 18% of the students enjoy reading sports and music books while 13% of the students like to read classical books.

四,避免只使用一两个句式,要灵活运用诸如倒装句、 强调句、主从复合句、分词状语等.
六. 适当的联想与发挥。
I went to see a film this afternoon.
One the way to the cinema, I saw a case fall off a man’s bike. I was on my way to the cinema this afternoon when I happened to see a case fall off a man’s bike. I picked up the case.
Getting the case back from me, the man was so grateful to me that he insisted on offering me some money as a reward. But I refused him politely.
The driver took me the cinema.
13、He who seize the right moment, is the right man.谁把握机遇,谁就心想事成。2021/9/62021/9/62021/9/62021/9/69/6/2021 •14、谁要是自己还没有发展培养和教育好,他就不能发展培养和教育别人。2021年9月6日星期一2021/9/62021/9/62021/9/6 •15、一年之计,莫如树谷;十年之计,莫如树木;终身之计,莫如树人。2021年9月2021/9/62021/9/62021/9/69/6/2021 •16、教学的目的是培养学生自己学习,自己研究,用自己的头脑来想,用自己的眼睛看,用自己的手来做这种精神。2021/9/62021/9/6September 6, 2021 •17、儿童是中心,教育的措施便围绕他们而组织起来。2021/9/62021/9/62021/9/62021/9/6

1、背诵例句 2、润色文章
1、 These figures may reflect … 这些数据可能反映出了… 2、on one hand, on the other hand 一方面,另一方面… 3、The figures of the chart suggest that 图表中的数据表明…
3、到了最后一段,考生可以发表个人看法。 既然图表的数据反映了吃货的注意要点
2、来到中间段,考生需要分析这些数据。 它们反映了消费者就餐时的顾虑和喜好。消 费者最关注的因素是特色,那么考生就需要 解释为什么如此。考生不应该泛泛而谈,而 应指出具体的原因,比如人们在很多方面都 追求特色(个性),就餐时也是如此。至于服 务和环境,试想,谁不希望得到良好的服务 以及在友善的环境下消费呢?公务宴席就餐 者喜欢安静的环境,追求时尚的年轻食客喜 欢高大上的环境等。
The chart shows the result of a citywide survey on
factors that influence its residents' restaurant
The data shows that specialty, chosen by more than 1/3 of respondents, is what residents care most about now. Expectation on great service is also high (26.8%), as well as better environment(24.2%). In contrast, It seems that price, with the proportion dropping to a mere 8%, is no longer customers primary concern.

…. it is generally believed that the above mentioned reasons are commonly convincing. As far as I am concerned, I hold the point of view that ___. I am sure my opinion is both sound and well-grounded.
假设你是李华.你将代表学校参加国际中学 生论坛,就你所在城市的教育状况发表演讲。 请根据以下两幅图表,介绍你市高中学生构成情 况及毕业去向的选择,并针对两幅图表中的数 据所反映的情况发表你自己的看法。 注意:
1.文章开头和结尾已经给出; 2.词数100左右(不包括已给部分) 3. 参考词汇: 图表: chart 职业学校: vocational school 外来务工人员: non-local workers
Also with the economic development of our city, more foreigners are attracted to set up businesses here and they are happy to send their children to local schools to learn more about China and Chinese culture. In addition, we have more freedom to choose what we would like to do after graduation. Going to college is no longer the only choice for most of us as it was years ago.
…. it is generally believed that the above mentioned reasons are commonly convincing. As far as I am concerned, I hold the point of view that ___. I am sure my opinion is both sound and well-grounded.
假设你是李华.你将代表学校参加国际中学 生论坛,就你所在城市的教育状况发表演讲。 请根据以下两幅图表,介绍你市高中学生构成情 况及毕业去向的选择,并针对两幅图表中的数 据所反映的情况发表你自己的看法。 注意:
1.文章开头和结尾已经给出; 2.词数100左右(不包括已给部分) 3. 参考词汇: 图表: chart 职业学校: vocational school 外来务工人员: non-local workers
Also with the economic development of our city, more foreigners are attracted to set up businesses here and they are happy to send their children to local schools to learn more about China and Chinese culture. In addition, we have more freedom to choose what we would like to do after graduation. Going to college is no longer the only choice for most of us as it was years ago.
高三英语 写作专题指导 图表类作文公开课课件

(1)根据特定的语境准确使用英语语法,选用恰当的 词汇;
(2)使用一定的句型、词汇,清楚、连贯地传递信息 和表达思想。
Basic Writing:
Chart guidance
周末放假,全班同学们都是怎么度过的呢?你就此做 了一次问卷调查,请你将调查结果告诉你的班主任老
师,并给出两条以上合理的建议。 饼状图
of the Chinese language. However, others are in favor of the inclusion because it is
hard to say whether it will threaten the Chinese language. They believe the selection is
。 学校英文报“Happy Teens”专栏投稿
(2013江苏高考) 请根据你对以下两幅图的理解, 以"Actions Speak Louder than Words"为题,
。 用英语写一篇作文
• 参考词汇: banner (横幅) stump (树桩) • 你的作文应包括以下内容: • 1.简要描述两幅图的内容; • 2.概述你对两幅图中不同做法的理解; • 3.举例说明两幅图对你的启示。 • 注意: • 1.可参照图片适当发挥; • 2.作文词数150左右; • 3.作文中不得提及有关考生个人身份的任何 信息,如校名、人名等。
1. Facts 2. Reactions/measures 3. Your own opinions/
• Actions Speak Louder than Words
When we read newspapers, we often come across such English words as “AIDS” and
(2)使用一定的句型、词汇,清楚、连贯地传递信息 和表达思想。
Basic Writing:
Chart guidance
周末放假,全班同学们都是怎么度过的呢?你就此做 了一次问卷调查,请你将调查结果告诉你的班主任老
师,并给出两条以上合理的建议。 饼状图
of the Chinese language. However, others are in favor of the inclusion because it is
hard to say whether it will threaten the Chinese language. They believe the selection is
。 学校英文报“Happy Teens”专栏投稿
(2013江苏高考) 请根据你对以下两幅图的理解, 以"Actions Speak Louder than Words"为题,
。 用英语写一篇作文
• 参考词汇: banner (横幅) stump (树桩) • 你的作文应包括以下内容: • 1.简要描述两幅图的内容; • 2.概述你对两幅图中不同做法的理解; • 3.举例说明两幅图对你的启示。 • 注意: • 1.可参照图片适当发挥; • 2.作文词数150左右; • 3.作文中不得提及有关考生个人身份的任何 信息,如校名、人名等。
1. Facts 2. Reactions/measures 3. Your own opinions/
• Actions Speak Louder than Words
When we read newspapers, we often come across such English words as “AIDS” and

审题:(格式/人称/时态/要点/篇章结构) 篇章结构: ①summary: 对象、内容、时间
tense — 一般过去时
②facts : 描述抓关键;对比的写法 tense– 有明确过去时间状语 用过去时; 无明确年份,反映一种普遍现象或介绍情 况的 用现在时
③reasons:出现某种现象的原因 tense--- 一般现在时、一般过去时
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你出去了.”他提起其中一袋,“这一袋先给你,自己吃の不着急,明天进省城买.”镇里の小超市太小,新鲜菜不新鲜.初来乍到,不晓得雪什么时候停暂时没订菜,不过看情形今晚要订了.“不用了,谢谢易哥,我在网上订了些东西今天刚到准备出去拿.明天你叫我,我昨晚可能调错功能了没接 到电筒.”陆羽苦哈哈地笑着解释.哈哈,当然打不通,她昨晚回了一趟古代.约好明早の出发时间,向陆易挥挥手,陆羽继续赶路.“...还是你家安全...”她家安全,意味着婷玉家不安全.是什么让她产生这种想法?这句话让陆羽提心吊胆,生怕婷玉有危险,不到两天她又悄悄跑回古代打算沿 途盯梢,看看有没安全隐患.结果跑过头被逮住挨了她一顿削,麻溜地在今早滚回来了.狗很乖,猫没事,家里一切安好,只有婷玉吉凶未卜.更郁闷の是,不知道邻居有没在路边の树林安装监控,不敢施展异能の陆羽只好头痛地往村外走.这得走多久啊,有些绝望.休闲居,陆易提着大袋小袋回到 店の厨房.“你先回の怎么比我迟进门?”德力奇怪地问.他去停车,回来老半天不见人影.陆易把菜放在琉璃台,“刚碰到陆陆聊了几句,话说她怎么不买辆车?”“谁呀?谁买车?”柏少君叼着一块面包进来,“小薇她们来了说要订羊奶,最好现在就要,店里还有吗?”德力叫了起来,“肯 定没有啊!你跟她们说暂时不接受预订.”而后自言自语,“开玩笑,昌叔那几只羊营养不良产の奶不够我们喝,何况还要提供给客人.”外边の更加没有了.柏少君哦了声,正要出去却被陆易叫住.“少君,陆陆刚刚出去可能要买菜,你去帮帮忙,她没车,东西多了恐怕搬不回来.”本着家人の 朋友就是自己朋友,他不得不提醒一下.这个冬天连他们都差点撑不过去,别说她一个姑娘家了,连个菜窖都没有恐怕早就弹尽粮绝了吧?柏少君听得一愣一愣,哦了两声连忙跑了出去,经过餐厅の时候扔下一句话:“羊奶没了,我有事出去一趟,你们请自便.”话音落,人也不见了.“哎哎,” 和姐姐坐一桌の余薇叫他不住,恼了,坐那儿猛跺脚,“他什么意思?怎能扔下客人自己跑了呢?”这种服务态度若在外边早被投诉辞退了.余岚安慰她一句,“或许真有事.”“他一个闲人能有什么事?肯定是找那陆陆玩了吧?”余薇目光鄙夷,想起来の路上遇见の那个女生,“对了,是刚 才那女の吧?”“应该是,这村里除了她没别の女人.”休闲居里の客人她见过,而白姨每年过了元宵才回来,只有姓陆の面生.“嘁,”余薇神情不屑,“瞧她娇滴滴の模样の确招人怜惜,我总算见识到什么叫做一脸狐媚相!难怪被人耍了也不敢讨回公道,大概想借刀叩人吧?”哼,一副小女 人の孱弱体态给谁看?当然是撩起男人の侠义心肠,英雄气概替她出头咯.贱人就是矫情.余岚看着妹妹脸上浓浓の妒忌,不禁扶额.“小薇,你...喜欢他?”声音压得很低,以桌与桌の距离别人肯定听不见.余薇愣了一下,随即脸蛋涨得通红,羞恼交加.“啐,谁喜欢他了?一个高校没毕业の 外国loser?别逗了,姐,我眼光没那么差.”骄傲地抬抬精巧の小下巴.初次见面时,他就带着有色眼镜取笑她是崇洋媚外の华夏女孩来着.别以为她不知道国外の人怎么讽刺华夏女孩,虽然事实蛮丢脸,还轮不到他一个loser取笑.“你明白就好,别忘了我们の目の.”未到营业时间老板们还 没出来,余岚不露痕迹地打量几名住店客人の情绪及其他状态,“你听听,好像店里の新鲜肉和菜供应不上了.”“肯定の,”余薇平复一下情绪,凑过头来悄声说,“姓何の消息还算靠谱,他们の确有自己の渠道,可惜大雪封山进不来也是白搭.”“对了,姐,我有个省里の朋友打听到消息,好 像还有人落户云岭而且一个个都财大气粗.”如果属实,她们回来得正及时.余岚听罢也很开心,随即想起什么,神色微黯.云岭确实是一个风水宝地,这个风水指の是天然の山林景致.问题是每年の洪汛一到吓跑不少土豪与商机,希望今年能够例外...第77部分锦上添花,及不上雪中送炭.陆羽 走到一半路程终于忍不住想利用异能,谁知身后响起喇叭声.她回头看了一眼,原来是一辆灰蓝色家用休闲型の雪铁龙追着她叭叭叭.透过车窗,发现柏少君坐在驾驶位得意洋洋地冲着她笑.嗤,十足の小人得志.很快,两人来到梅林村收快递の专门点,一间便民小超市.报上自己の名字、收听 号和订单号,老板娘一边偷瞄老外帅哥一边带他俩去放置快件の隔间.里边の快件有些是游客の,有些是附近居民不在家暂时无法签收の,还有陆羽这种.那种正式の小货柜这里还没有.“哇,你东西买太多了吧?”柏少君傻眼.除了人类の日常用品,还有猫爬架、猫粮、猫砂和自动喂食器... 卧槽!待遇比四只汪好太多了.他不得不取笑她一句:“又说不养?”“我是不养,可来者是客,而且万一还有下次呢?”陆羽回得理直气壮.柏少君耸耸肩不再死追猛打,开始动手搬货,“你干嘛不买辆车?以前你是怎么过の?”“以前买得少,实在是多我可以叫车送进去.”这点小事搞不 定还隐什么居?出了风水那档子事,陆羽不太待见何玲更不想去借她の车,宁可雇一辆牛板车给自己拉回去得了.还她,今天有人做司机.陆羽订の猫爬架不是很大,搁车厢里完全放得下.两人正搬着,忽听不远处有人在问路:“你好,大姐,请问云岭村怎么走?”陆羽和柏少君动作 放缓,同时望去.一辆半新旧の马自达停在路口,一个下巴冒出青茬约莫二十七八岁の大叔探头出来.仿佛察觉有人在看自己,他の眼神落到这边来,见是两个年轻男女便笑着挥挥手,笑容很有亲和力.陆羽迟疑了下,走前几步不敢肯定地唤了一声,“卓...先生?”对方一愣,反应过来后用力一 拍车门,目光肯定还有一丝丝赞赏.“对,就是我.陆小姐,幸会幸会.”有些江湖豪气不拘小节の样子.严寒の天气,陆羽站在原地冒了一些汗,心境十分矛盾,未来の林师兄介绍の这位大叔真の靠谱吗?她会不会盲目了些?两辆车一前一后进村,卓文鼎先生开着自己の小破车跟在后边.顺利回 到云岭村,帮忙将东西搬进陆宅后,柏少君很有眼色地回休闲居了.“卓先生想喝咖啡还是茶?我这儿有龙井、普洱、香片和铁观音.”卓文鼎:“...龙井,谢谢.”他当事人开茶行の?正常人喝正常茶,古茶留着自己用.给客人倒了茶,没有茶点,陆羽径自回书房取出相关资料,在两人の沙发 旁架起一部相机进行现场录影.卓文鼎笑了笑,倒也没反对.“这是我房产の买卖合同,买家是我大哥大嫂.现在他们反咬一口说我骗了家里の钱,还跑到我原单位大吵大闹严重影响我の声誉.”将详细情况说了一遍.卓文鼎拿起合同仔细翻阅,过了一会儿才说:“这合同没问题,凭这他们奈何 不了你,你打算起诉他们什么?”“随便,你自己找个由头.”陆羽很光棍地说,他不是想客人所想么?考验他の时候到了,“在我兄嫂眼里这份合同不能说明什么,有机会你教教他们.”律师の作用是镇楼,陆羽缓了一下,“另外,我要跟我哥分遗产.”这才是重头戏,卓文鼎扬眉,兴致来了.陆 羽把事情经过详细说了一遍,最后,“...事情就是这样,你有把握吗?”“当然,这事基本上没难度.”卓文鼎从公文包里取出两份合同,“如果你确定の话,麻烦和我签一份合同与委托书.”并给她解释了合同内容与她给他の权限.陆羽犹豫了下,最终拿笔签了名.“呃,陆小姐,容我多嘴问一 句,”瞅她一眼貌似不介意,卓文鼎一边收拾文件一边若无其事地说,“为什么令尊令堂给你房子办了过户,却不给你哥办?你有没想过二老の用意或者顾虑?”陆羽语气冷淡道:“当然想过,他们知道我哥未来一定跟我抢,而我不会.”听了这句话,卓文鼎态度揶揄,冲她笑而不语.“我明白 你の意思.”对方の用意,陆羽了然于心,“谁不想亲人团结和睦?其实我不贪那点东西,是他们夫妻贪婪.白纸黑字写得清清楚楚却没当回事,天天想着占我便宜.”“我要他们从这时死了这条心,给他们放点血尝尝什么叫做自讨苦吃.”陆羽瞅他一眼,“听说卓大状什么都吃就是不吃亏,你 の车马费和酬劳,还有我家猫猫狗狗一年の口粮,全指望你了.”与明白人说话就是轻松,卓文鼎笑哈哈地点点头,“了解,了解.”扫一眼屋里屋外或躺或趴の大小一群猫狗,一年の口粮绝对能剜对方身上一块肉.“对了,陆小姐是怎么找到我の?”这个问题有些困扰他.接到她直呼其名の电 筒,他当场打了个突.外边名头响亮の事务所大把,比他有名の律师数不胜数,她为嘛点名找他?大老远の,若非生意青黄不接,这么一桩小生意用不着他出马.可事务所里除了一名小助理,别人都跑了,包括合伙人,混得忒惨.“坐班车时听过你事务所の名字,不小心记住了,等需要の时候再上 网一查.”不言而喻.“哦,原来是这样.”他恍然大悟状,心里半信半疑.“我家简陋,就不留你吃饭了.”正事谈完,陆羽不想做他の解语花,开始逐客.“不必客气,我也得回去准备准备.”怎么说也是一个二十好几在职场混过几年の老油条,岂能不懂主人家の意思?忙起身告辞.经过庭院の 时候,他环顾四周,忍不住赞叹:“这是一个好地方,难怪你年纪轻轻肯搬来乡下住.对了,这房子是你の还是...”“租の,两年两万块钱.”“嗯,挺划算.”他由衷羡慕,等以后自己也来农村租一栋养老.“还行吧,希望这里不必麻烦你.”卓文鼎开怀大笑毫无顾忌,奇怪の是,那种吊儿郎当の 气质并不讨人嫌,反而有种亲和力.第78部分“小心开车,过桥の时候要留心,河里の水位原本没辣么高の,到了峡谷山坳也记得停一停看有没山洪经过.”陆羽提醒说.回来の时候她发现松溪の水位涨了,融开の冰块已经碰到桥底.不下雨就这样了,下起雨来还不知是什么情况,唉,恐怕得存些 粮食以防万一.车上の卓文鼎默默收回刚才の赞美,向她摆摆手,车子退到路边吱地驶上一条湿滑の村路绝尘而去...晚上,柏少君过来找她订菜,帮她固定猫爬架,然后开心地撸起猫来.尤其是那几只小奶猫,毛爪粉嫩,眼睛水灵灵の一脸懵懂地打量眼前の新世界,特别可爱.连陆羽都忍不住陪 它们玩了一会儿才上楼工作.g城,周五の晚上天气不太冷.“哈哈哈...”电筒里传来一串快意の笑声.“姐,你怎么了?”陈丽雅正在家里看杂志看电视,然后接到姐姐陈悦然の电筒听她笑得摸不着头脑.“哈哈哈,雅雅,给你讲个笑话,姓陆の嫂子找我要她の地址,说她骗了家里の钱要揪掉 她の头发,哈哈哈...”陈丽雅不太懂姐姐の笑点,声音软糯道:“哦,可这有什

1997 1999 2001 2003 2005
other 57%
Food drink 18% Housing 25%
other 46%
Food drink 22%
Housing 32%
A Percentage of Average Family Expense in 2000
B Percentage of Average Family Expense in2005
words, phrases or sentences .
2007, Guangdong 上周,我们以“谁是你的偶像”为题,在2600名学 生中进行了一次调查(survey)。以下是调查数据: 偶像(idol) 伟 人 父 母 影视明星 体育明星 没有偶像 女生 18% 25% 50% 6% 1% 男生 18% 11% 14% 48% 9%
Basic Writing
Describing Graphs
We will learn in this class how to : 1.get information from a certain kind of graph. 2. use the related vocabularies and sentence structures. 3. describe a graph accordingly.
Task two: Learn to Write
Work in groups to work out the writing exercise in the following blanks.
How to begin your passage 如图所知/示,…… _______________________________________

夜,并不安静,稀稀拉拉的雨声,伴着这一阵阵急促的敲门声,让人不得安宁。88真人 我疑惑着,该不该去开门? 我试着与外面的人沟通,可是人家根本不说话,只是一个劲急促地拍门。 仗着有丈夫在身边,我犹豫着打开了房门。 门打开的那一瞬间,两个三、五岁的孩子就窜了进来。一个中年妇女怀中抱着一个较小的孩子,正低声哇哇地哭着。那两个大约三五岁的孩子却一下跑到了我的床上。 我还没来得及反应这是什么情况,他们己经在我的大床上躺了下来。 这叽叽喳喳的吵闹声,吵醒了睡在地上的丈夫。他生气地看着眼前发生的这一切:“这些人怎么不讲道理?这旅馆怎么能让这些陌生的人进来?你们为什么不住在自己的房间里?” 一连串的疑问加上愤怒,让丈夫起了将她们赶出去的念头。 说实在的,我也是带着满肚子的疑惑。旅游了很多次,这种情况还是头一回不到服务员,他或许已经下班了,或者说已经睡觉了。 我很想将这一群孩子往外赶。那个中年妇女央求道:“我们的房间没有空调,很热。孩子又不舒服,所以想在你的房间吹一下空调。” 你的房间没有空调关我什么事?我为什么要允许你们在我的房间吹空调。我烦躁地想要再一次将她们赶出去,对于一个睡眠不好的人来说,被人无端吵醒是一件多么恼人的事。

• old hundred sex
• the general public
• ordinary people
• people from all walks of life
four happy meatballs X
meatballs √
Possible version
Walk round to the other side of the hill. There you will see a lake. We’ll have our picnic in the small woods by the lake. I’m sure you’ll have no trouble finding us. Do come!
Walk round to the other side of the hill. There you will see a lake. We’ll have our picnic in the small woods by the lake. I’m sure you’ll have no trouble finding us. Do come!
Thank you for you letter asking about the rebuilt
6. 绕/爬过小山
6. to the other side of hill
7. 我们在(湖畔)小树林里 7. in small woods, by lake
Expand the key points have a picnic, in People’s Park We will have our picnic in the People’s Park. We are going to the People’s park for a picnic. We are going to the People’s park, where we will have a picnic.

第二步:观察图表中数据的增减总趋势, 阐明原因
Grain, the main food of most people in China, is now playing a less important role and the amount of fruit and vegetables in the average people’s diet has also dropped by 1.5 percent from 2001 to 2005. The amount
Personally I think, students are now freed from heavy burden but their spare time is not well arranged .They are expected to spend more time on what they learn instead of hanging out. More time should be spent not only on green field but also in the libraries to build up themselves physically and mentally .Besides, more interest groups should be established for students to broaden their horizons and sharpen their brains so that they can become more creative eventually .All these will contribute a lot to a well-informed and highly qualified teenager
第二步:观察图表中数据的增减总趋势, 阐明原因
Grain, the main food of most people in China, is now playing a less important role and the amount of fruit and vegetables in the average people’s diet has also dropped by 1.5 percent from 2001 to 2005. The amount
Personally I think, students are now freed from heavy burden but their spare time is not well arranged .They are expected to spend more time on what they learn instead of hanging out. More time should be spent not only on green field but also in the libraries to build up themselves physically and mentally .Besides, more interest groups should be established for students to broaden their horizons and sharpen their brains so that they can become more creative eventually .All these will contribute a lot to a well-informed and highly qualified teenager
江苏省高三英语 写作专题指导 图表类作文公开课课件

... accounts for % of the total ...
上网占总业余爱好的36%。 Surfing the Internet accounts for 36% . of the total hobbies . 扩展润色句子 第二受学生欢迎的活动是上网,占总业余 爱好的36%。 The second popular activity for the students. is surfing the Internet, which accounts for 36% of the total hobbies.
chart) 7%同学聚会或活
2% 去探望亲友
12%自主学习 或完成作业
41%上网聊天 或玩游戏
。 学校英文报“Happy Teens”专栏投稿
(2013江苏高考) 请根据你对以下两幅图的理解, 以"Actions Speak Louder than Words"为题,
。 用英语写一篇作文
• 参考词汇: banner (横幅) stump (树桩) • 你的作文应包括以下内容: • 1.简要描述两幅图的内容; • 2.概述你对两幅图中不同做法的理解; • 3.举例说明两幅图对你的启示。 • 注意: • 1.可参照图片适当发挥; • 2.作文词数150左右; • 3.作文中不得提及有关考生个人身份的任何 信息,如校名、人名等。
How to end a passage

一:写作步骤:1 图文转换(中文/英文) 2 用英文短语和句式 3用连词连句成文 4检查全文:时态,拼写与人称. 二 : 常用短语,句式
Homework : writing practice
• • • • •
受某英文报的委托,你 最近对高中生的英语阅读 兴趣做了一次调查。请根 据以下信息,用英语为该 报写一篇100词左右的短 文。短文的标题及首句已 为你写好。 调查内容:在新闻、故事、 科普、学习方法四种英文 文章中,学生最喜欢哪一 种 调查范围:湖北省的10所 中学 调查对象:高中生 调查人数:1200 调查方式:访谈 调查结果:(见右图)
2002 上海春季
80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 1999年 2001 2006
根据所给图表,简要描述某城市近年每百人中手机用户增长情况,并试分析其增 长原因。
• 第一层次的核心是“图文转换”,即将图 表的主要内容和信息用语言叙述出来。 • 第二层次是在简单要求的基础上对图表进 行解读,写出图表实际要表达的内涵意义。 • 第三层次要求在前两个层次的基础上对图 表的含义进行引申与议论,有的要求给出 结论,有的要求写出你自己的观点等等。
There are several reasons for the increase of the number of people having mobile phones. First, the technology of making mobile phones is changing rapidly. Secondly, people’s income had been increasing quickly. Thirdly, mobile phone are useful in people’s life. They can communicate with others very conveniently.

steadily. There was a/an + adj.+noun
There was a steady fall in the consumption of chocolate.
There are two basic general trends: downward and upward.
2. It is apparent from the figures / statistics that ______.
3. The graph provides information about______.
1. The number increased / rose suddenly (dramatically / rapidly / substantially / considerably / sharply ) from… to…
Noticeable trend 明显趋势 Pronounced / significant / obvious 明显的 Significant /great / considerable changes
较大变化 Rank 列为,排列,等级 Distribute 分布,区别 Unequally 不相等地
Average 平均
Represent / display / reveal 展示,表现, 显示
Overall / general 总体上讲
In the case of 在… 的情况下
In terms of / in respect of / regarding 在… 方面
1. The graph shows (reveals, illustrates, demonstrates, depicts, describes, indicates)______.
There was a steady fall in the consumption of chocolate.
There are two basic general trends: downward and upward.
2. It is apparent from the figures / statistics that ______.
3. The graph provides information about______.
1. The number increased / rose suddenly (dramatically / rapidly / substantially / considerably / sharply ) from… to…
Noticeable trend 明显趋势 Pronounced / significant / obvious 明显的 Significant /great / considerable changes
较大变化 Rank 列为,排列,等级 Distribute 分布,区别 Unequally 不相等地
Average 平均
Represent / display / reveal 展示,表现, 显示
Overall / general 总体上讲
In the case of 在… 的情况下
In terms of / in respect of / regarding 在… 方面
1. The graph shows (reveals, illustrates, demonstrates, depicts, describes, indicates)______.
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milk 13% 14% 14.5% 14.5% 15%
meat 25% 25%
Fruit& vegetable
total 100% 100%
26% 18.5% 100%
26.5% 18% 100%
27.5% 17.5% 100%
Task one: Read and analyze the sample writing of Your test paper. Find out how the writer organized the passage and interpreted the information from the graph. You can underline those excellent words, phrases or sentences .
写作内容: 请根据以上两幅图表,用英语介绍调查的情况, 包括以下内容(讲话的开头和结尾已为你写好): 调查的内容,调查的结果。
写作要求: 只能用5个句子(不包括已给出的部分)表达全部 的内容。
参考词汇: 图表:chart 职业学院:vocational college 外 来务工人员:migrant workers
Task three: Write in class
(1)在校学生结构图 (2)中学学生毕组成业结构生图 去向示意图
8% 1%
(Hale Waihona Puke )本地居民子女 外来务工人员子女 外籍人员子女
60 50 40 30 20 10 0
职业学院 出国留学 就业
_C_o_m__p_a_r_ed__w__it_h_l_a_s_t_y_e_a_r_,our cost of this year dramatically increased by 11%.
--The percentage of … is larger / smaller than that of…
--30% of the students think (hold / share the view) that ...
--There are 40% of students who find/insist that ...
--It is believed by 20% that ...
观察下列图表,根据图示描述该市住房产权变化;说 明这些变化对个人和社会产生的影响;
100 80 60 40 20
State-owned private
请你根据下表提供的信息描述近5年人们饮食的变 化,并说明变化的原因.
2001 2002 2003 2004 2005
grain 43% 42% 41% 41% 40%
b: Number of film goers
20 10
1995 1997 1999 2001 2003 2005
other 57%
Food drink 18%
Housing 25%
other 46%
Food drink 22%
Housing 32%
Percentage of Average Percentage of Average Family Expense in 2000 Family Expense in2005
Chart 1 shows us the diversity of the student body in our school. Of the total, the local students take up ninety-one percent, while eight percent are the children of migrant workers, and one percent foreign students.
That’s all. Thank you.
A. 电影观众人数呈逐年下降趋势;
B. 电视观众人数越来越多(原因:方便、经济、选择范围);
C. 然而还是有人喜欢看电影(原因:气氛、娱乐)。
参考词汇: decrease v. 下降 atmosphere n. 氛围
3. How to end a passage
简而言之,毫无疑问人们未来的饮食会有巨大的 变化。
In a word ,__th_e_r_e_i_s__ no doubt that _th_e_r_e_w__il_l_b_e__ great changes in people’s diets in the future.
Task two: Learn to Write
Work in groups to work out the writing exercise.
1、How to begin your passage 如图所知/所示 :
(1) According to the table / chart/ graph, we can see/conclude that …
Ladies and gentlemen, I’m Li Hua. Today, I’m honored to share
with you the survey in our school. …
That’s all. Thank you.
Ladies and gentlemen,
I’m Li Hua. Today, I’m honored to share with you the result of the survey in our school.
2. How to interpret the related Brinafionrsmtoarmtioing: 增加(v.) : increase… 减少(v.) : reduce… 稳定(v.) : stay…. 变化(adj, adv.) : greatly…
表示增加的动词 :
increase / raise / rise / go up / jump / grow up
1995 1997 1999 2001 2003 2005
参考范文: 1 From the table, we can see that film is giving
way to TV in our city. 2For example, in 1995, there were less than 10 thousand TV watchers, more than 80 thousand film goers, while in 2005, we had about 1 million TV watchers but only about 10 thousand film goers. 3The number of film goers is decreasing and that of TV watchers is increasing. 4Televisions are quite common nowadays and so more and more people turn to TV because it is convenient and cheap and watchers have a wide range of programs for them to choose from. 5At the same time, there are still some people who prefer films because they like the atmosphere in the cinema as well as the entertainment
T__h__e_p__e_r_c_e_n__t_a_g_e__o_f__t_h_e__s_t_u_d__e_n_t_s__w_h__o__t_a_k_e__p__a_r_t_t_i_m__e__j_o_b__s_i_n__h_o__li_d__a_y_s___ (假期做兼职的学生的百分
比)is slightly larger than that of the past.
Basic Writing Describing Graphs
We will learn in this class how to : 1.get information from a certain kind of graph. 2. use the related vocabularies and sentence structures. 3. describe a graph accordingly.
Warming up
Let’s see some common charts and graphs
变化的短文。 a
Number of People (in thousands)
a: Number of TV watchers
decrease / go down / drop / fall /
decline / reduce
remain stable go on steadily stay the same
表示变化 的形容词、副词: